Senate Status:
2021 Statute
NAMES Change of name, 60-1401 et seq. Birth certificates, 23-2222, 23-2223, 65-2422a Drivers' licenses, 8-246, 8-248 Hearing, 60-1402 Marriage licenses, 23-2506 Municipalities, 60-1403 Notaries public, new official stamp required, 53-5a22 Cities, change of, 12-154 et seq., 60-1401, 60-1403 Cooperatives, 17-1501, 17-1515 Corporations, this index Dentists, limitations, 65-1435 Popular Name Laws, generally, this index Trademarks and Trade Names, generally, this index NARCOTICS Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS Form for annual statements of companies and associations, 40-225 Insurance regulatory information system, company participation, 40-225 Securities, regulation of proxies, state rules to conform, 40-272 NATIONAL BIO AND AGRO-DEFENSE FACILITY Bond financing, 74-8963 Conveyance of land, 76-4,113 Interagency working group, 48-3501 et seq. Kansas national bio and agro-defense facility interagency working group act, 48-3501 et seq. Expiration of act, 48-3504 Membership, 48-3502 Secretary of health and environment, 48-3503 Kansas state university, Conveyance of land, 76-4,113 National bio agro-defense facility fund, 74-99b34 Steering committee, 74-99b34 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS County records, film reproductions, standards, 19-250 Weights and Measures, this index NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMMISSIONERS ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS State representation, 46-407, 46-407a NATIONAL GUARD Generally, 48-201 et seq. Military Forces, generally, this index NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES Interlocal agreements with public agencies, 12-2904 Limitations, 12-2904 Law enforcement powers, 22-2401a Objects of cultural significance, wearing of, 60-5321 State language, 73-2804 Tribal regalia, wearing of, 60-5321 NATURAL GAS See, Oil and Gas, generally, this index Severance Tax, this index NATURAL RESOURCES Conservation districts, 2-1901 et seq. Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117 Industrial Revenue Bonds, this index Natural resources damages trust fund, 75-5672 Parks, generally, this index Storage tanks, generally, this index Water Office, Kansas, generally, this index Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index Wildlife, generally, this index Wildlife and Parks, Department of, generally, this index NATURALIZATION Aliens, this index NATUROPATHY Civil fines, unprofessional conduct, 65-7208 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-7208 Fees, 65-7208, 65-7209, 65-7210 Healing arts, state board of, Healing arts fee fund, 65-7210 Naturopathic doctor licensure act, 65-7201 et seq. Administration of act, 65-7203 Applicants for registration, Examination, 65-7205, 65-7206, 65-7207 Qualifications of, 65-7203, 65-7204, 65-7206 Waiver of certain requirements, 65-7206 Civil fines, unprofessional conduct, 65-7208 Continuing education, 65-7209 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-7208 Definitions, 65-7202 Disciplinary actions, 65-7208 Educational programs, criteria for, 65-7204 Fees, 65-7207, 65-7208, 65-7209 Healing arts, state board of, Administration of act, 65-7203 Disciplinary actions, 65-7208 Records, proceedings, 65-7203 Roster of registrants, 65-7203 Insurance reimbursement or indemnity not required, 65-7219 Licensure, Cancellation, 65-7209 Disciplinary actions, 65-7208, 65-7209 Expiration, 65-7209 Limitations on, 65-7208 Reinstatement, 65-7208, 65-7209 Renewal, 65-7209 Suspension, effect, 65-7209 Temporary licensure, 65-7206 Unprofessional conduct, 65-7208 NAVIGABLE WATERS See, also, Rivers and Streams, generally, this index; Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index Generally, 82a-201 et seq. Abandoned channel, Net amounts realized from sale, 82a-202 Acquisition of new channel, 82a-201 Alteration of channel by flood or avulsion, 82a-201, 82a-209 Secretary of state to procure title, 82a-202 Boats and Boating, generally, this index Bridges. Roads and Highways, this index Canals, generally, this index Dams and Reservoirs, this index Deeds and conveyances, new channels, 82a-202 Easements, Emergency management boat ramp, 82a-221 Streambank, 82a-220 Eminent domain, new channels, 82a-201, 82a-203 Proceeds from sale of abandoned channel, 82a-204, 82a-210 Purchase price of new channels, limitation, 82a-202, 82a-203 Reclaimed land, suit by state to recover land wrongfully reclaimed, 24-102 Streambank easements, 82a-220 NAVY Military Forces, generally, this index NEBRASKA Republican River Compact, 82a-518 NEEDY PERSONS Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index Indigent Persons, generally, this index NEGLIGENCE Accidents, emergency care at scene of, 65-2891 Accountants, certified public, 1-402, 1-403 Affirmative defenses, pleadings, 60-208 Bank deposits and collections, other banks, 84-4-202 Barbers, 65-1820a Blood, supplying of blood, liability, 65-3701 Burden of proof, 8-1564 Comparative negligence, Automobile injury reparations act, 40-3113a Basis for recovery, 60-258a Court, special findings, 60-258a Imputation of negligence, 60-258a Jury, special verdicts, 60-258a Proportioned liability, 60-258a Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1436 Drainage districts, repairs, negligence of landowner, 24-634 Emergency care or assistance at scene of accident, standard of care, 65-2891 Emergency management activities, 48-915 Emergency vehicles, 8-1506 Evidence, subsequent remedial conduct, 60-451 Landowners, recreational areas, liability limited, 58-3201 et seq. Liability insurance, admissibility of evidence, 60-454 Malpractice, this index Mortuary arts board members, 74-1701a Motor carriers, liability insurance, 66-1,128, 66-1314 Motor Vehicles, this index Municipalities, 75-6101 et seq. Nurses, licensure, 65-1120 Optometry examiners, 74-1501 Public office, forfeiture, 60-1205 Railroads, this index State officers and employees, 75-6101 et seq. Subsequent remedial conduct, 60-451 Survival of actions, 60-1801 Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index Workers compensation, defenses available, 44-545 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS See, also, Commercial Paper, generally, this index Attorney fees, 58-2312 Bearer instruments, bonds, negotiability, 52-1801 Bills of Lading, generally, this index Blank endorsement, bonds, negotiability, 52-1801 Bonds, Making nonnegotiable, 52-1801 State colleges and universities, 76-6a17 Carriers, 66-125 et seq. Checks, generally, this index Commercial Paper, generally, this index Consumer credit transactions, prohibited instruments, 16a-3-307 Corporations, 17-4903 et seq. Counterfeiting, generally, this index County Treasurers, this index Coupons attached to registered bond, 10-605 Documents of Title, generally, this index Drafts, generally, this index Evidence of Indebtedness, generally, this index Forgery, generally, this index Garnishment, 60-724 Holidays, 35-108 Housing bonds, municipalities, 17-2352 Insurance, 40-213 Interest, contract rate, 16-207 Irrigation district bonds, 42-714 Investment Securities, generally, this index Limitation of actions, 60-1105 Mechanics' liens, attaching to claim, 60-1102 Municipal bonds, 10-112 Municipal housing authority bonds, 17-2336 Notaries public, note protests of, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 Public utilities, 66-125 et seq. Revenue bonds, municipal operation, 10-1205 Rediscounting, 9-1107 Sewer bonds, cities of first class, 13-1029 Signatures, uniform facsimile of public official, 75-4001 et seq. Temporary notes, municipal, 10-123 Turnpike bonds, 68-2007 Uniform commercial code, 84-3-101 et seq. Accommodation, 84-3-419 Accord and satisfaction, 84-3-311 Alteration, 84-3-407 Negligence, 84-3-406 Breach, right to defend claims, notice, 84-3-119 Breach of duty, 84-3-307 Checks. Drafts, post Claims, 84-3-306 Conflict with other law, 84-3-102 Consideration, 84-3-303 Contradictory terms, 84-3-114 Conversion, 84-3-420 Damages, refusal to pay, wrongful, 84-3-411 Date, 84-3-113 Defenses, recoupment, 84-3-303 Definitions, 84-3-103, 84-3-104, 84-3-105 Demand, payable on, overdue, 84-3-304 Destroyed instruments, 84-3-309, 84-3-312 Discharge, 84-3-601 Accommodation party, 84-3-605 Accord and satisfaction, 84-3-311 Cancellation, 84-3-604 Endorser party, 84-3-605 Obligations, instruments taken on, effects, 84-3-310 Payment, 84-3-602 Tender, 84-3-603 Renunciation, 84-3-604 Dishonor, 84-3-502 Evidence, 84-3-505 Notice, 84-3-503 Evidence, 84-3-505 Excused, 84-3-504 Drafts, Acceptance, 84-3-409, 84-3-410 Acceptor, obligations, 84-3-413 Cashier's, teller's or certified, Destroyed, lost or stolen, 84-3-312 Drawer, obligations, 84-3-414 Endorser, obligations, 84-3-415 Issuer, obligations, 84-3-412 Obligations, Acceptor, 84-3-413 Drawer, 84-3-414 Endorser, 84-3-415 Issuer, 84-3-412 Payment, mistake, 84-3-418 Refusal to pay, wrongful, 84-3-411 Effect of other agreements, 84-3-117 Endorsement, 84-3-204 Fictitious payee, 84-3-404 Fraudulent, employer's responsibility, 84-3-405 Imposters, 84-3-404 Restrictive, 84-3-206 Special, blank or anomalous, 84-3-205 Enforcement, persons entitled, 84-3-301 Fictitious payee, endorsement, 84-3-404 Fiduciary, breach of duty, 84-3-307 Foreign money, instrument payable in, 84-3-107 Holder in due course, 84-3-302 Identification of person to whom payable, 84-3-110 Imposters, endorsement, 84-3-404 Incomplete instruments, 84-3-115 Indorsement. Endorsement, ante Interest, 84-3-112 Issuance, 84-3-105 Liability, joint and several, 84-3-116 Liability of drawee, unaccepted drafts, 84-3-408 Lost instruments, 84-3-309, 84-3-312 Mistake, payment, 84-3-418 Negligence, Alteration, 84-3-406 Signatures, forged, 84-3-406 Negotiation, 84-3-201 Rescission, 84-3-202 Overdue, 84-3-304 Payment, Bearer, 84-3-109 Definite time, 84-3-108 Demand, 84-3-108 Discharge, 84-3-602 Tender, 84-3-603 Identification of person to whom payable, 84-3-110 Mistake, 84-3-418 Order, 84-3-109 Place, 84-3-111 Presentment, 84-3-501 Refusal, wrongful, 84-3-411 Persons entitled to enforce, 84-3-301 Place of payment, 84-3-111 Presentment, 84-3-501 Excused, 84-3-504 Promise or order, Payment, Bearer, 84-3-109 Definite time, 84-3-108 Demand, 84-3-108 Order, 84-3-109 Unconditional, 84-3-106 Reacquisition, 84-3-207 Recoupment, defenses and claims, 84-3-303 Remedies, negotiation, rescission, 84-3-202 Representatives, signatures, 84-3-402 Right to defend claims, notice, 84-3-119 Signatures, Forged, negligence, 84-3-406 Liability on instrument, 84-3-401 Proof, burden of, 84-3-308 Representative, 84-3-402 Unauthorized, 84-3-403 Statute of limitations, 84-3-118 Stolen instruments, 84-3-309, 84-3-312 Terms, contradictory, 84-3-114 Transfer, rights, 84-3-203 Unaccepted drafts, liability of drawee, 84-3-408 Unauthorized signatures, 84-3-403 Unconditional promise or order, 84-3-106 Value, issue or transfer for, 84-3-303 Warranties, Presentment, 84-3-417 Transfer, 84-3-416 Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index Written instruments, holidays, 35-108 NEGOTIATION Arbitration and Award, this index Commercial Paper, this index Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index Dispute resolution, 5-501 et seq. Documents of Title, this index Employer-employee relations, 44-801 et seq. Engineering services for state projects, 75-5801 et seq. Land surveying services for state projects, 75-5801 et seq. Public employer-employee relations, 75-4321 et seq. Warehouse Receipts, this index NEMAHA COUNTY Boundaries, 18-166 NEOSHO COUNTY Boundaries, 18-167 Conveyance of certain lands by secretary of social and rehabilitation services to county for hospital purposes, 75-3353 County buildings, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187 District courts, 20-3109, 20-3110 Jury, court of service, 43-112b Roadway construction and improvement, Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189 Sheriff, duties, 19-812b Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq. NEPOTISM Corporation commission, 74-605 Park commission, cities of second class, 14-537 State officers and employees, 46-246a NESS COUNTY Boundaries, 18-168 NEUROLOGICAL INSTITUTE, KANSAS Generally, 76-17c01 et seq. Administration, 76-12a06 Admission, 76-12a07 People with intellectual disability, 76-12b01 et seq. Conveyance of property to Topeka association for retarded citizens, 76-17c05, 76-17c06, 76-17c08 Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23 Employees, 76-12a05 Establishment, 76-17c01 Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq. Fees, disposition, 76-17c01a Grants and gifts, 76-12a08 Lands, 75-3307 Medical reports of patients, fees, disposition, 76-12a10 Nonresident patients, return to place of residence, 39-110 Operation and management, 76-12a01 et seq. Outpatient treatment, charges, 76-170 Parking and operation of vehicles, regulation of, 76-12a12 et seq. People with intellectual disability. See subhead State institutions under People with intellectual disability, this index Physician, appointment and salary, 76-12a03 Purposes, 76-17c01 Real estate, lease of, 75-3307 Records of residents, privileged, exceptions, 76-12b11 Rehabilitation unit, taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Residence requirements for admission, waiver, 39-111 Security police officers, 76-12a16 Training, 76-12a17 Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq. Staff personnel, 76-12a04 Superintendent, 76-12a02 Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05 Transfer of certain patients to state security hospital, 76-1307 Treatment and training of people with intellectual disability, 76-17c01 Trust fund, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq. NEW GOODS AUCTION Auctions and Auctioneers, this index NEW MEXICO Oil and gas, interstate compact to conserve, 55-801 et seq. NEWSPAPERS Advertisements, generally, this index Animals, notice of strays, 47-230 City newspaper, official, 64-101 County newspaper, official, 64-101 Defined, Improvement and Assessment Law, 12-6a01 Discrimination, wire services, sale of news, 50-201 et seq. Exemption from motor carrier law, 66-1,109 Fees, legal notices, 28-137 Legal publications, 64-101 et seq. Failure to comply with requirements, 12-1,121 Fees, 28-137 Proof of publication, 28-137c Libel and Slander, generally, this index News services, sale of news without discrimination, 50-201 et seq. Official newspapers, Cities of second and third class, 12-1651 State, 75-434 Patent newspapers, 64-104, 64-105 Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative act, public service announcements, 73-1224 Political advertisement, charges, 25-4156 Publication rates, legal publications, 28-137 Publication, generally, this index Rates, public printing, 75-1018 Sales tax, paper and ink, ingredient or component part, 79-3602 State Historical Society, generally, this index State paper, 75-434 Student publications act, 72-7209 et seq. Wire services, sale of news without discrimination, 50-201 et seq. NEXT FRIEND Action for minor or incapacitated person, 60-217 NIGHT SCHOOLS Adult Education, generally, this index Proprietary schools. Schools and School Districts, this index NO-FAULT INSURANCE Generally, 40-3101 et seq. Automobile injury reparations act, see, Motor Vehicle Insurance, this index NO-FUND WARRANTS Warrants for Payment of Money, this index NOMINATIONS Elections, this index NONALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Beverages, generally, this index NONGAME SPECIES Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act. Fish and Game, this index NONNEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS Bills of Lading, generally, this index Commercial Paper, generally, this index Documents of Title, generally, this index Investment Securities, generally, this index Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index NONPROFIT OR NONSTOCK CORPORATIONS Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index Corporations, this index Electric Cooperatives, generally, this index Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146 Home Building and Owning Corporations, generally, this index Immunity from liability, volunteers, 60-3601, 60-3611 Industry, promotion, 17-1722, 17-1723 Insurance corporations, see, Insurance, generally, this index Religious organizations and societies, organization of nonprofit corporations to manage property, 17-1726 State employment service offices, contracts, 44-715 Volunteers, immunity from liability, 60-3601, 60-3611 Watershed districts, 24-1204 NONRESIDENTS See, also, Domicile and Residence, generally, this index Bids on state and municipal contracts, 75-3740a Community colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index Consent to service, pesticide law, 2-2447 Contractors, collection of taxes, 79-1014 Contracts, bidders, 75-3740a Deeds and conveyances, validation, 58-2263 Dependent persons, return to place of legal residence, 39-110 Drivers' licenses. Motor Vehicles, this index Funeral contracts and plans, personal service, 16-309 Guardian and Ward, this index Incapacitated and mentally ill persons, return to place of residence, 39-110 Inmates of state institutions, return to place of legal residence, 39-110 Johnson county park district, fees, 19-2873 Manufacturers, taxation, 79-1006 Merchants, taxation, 79-1006 Motor carriers, registration, 8-143 Motor Vehicles, this index Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219 et seq. Personal property taxation, place of listing, 79-304 Pesticide law, consent to service, 2-2447 Probate Proceedings, this index Process. See subhead Service of process under Process, this index Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons, this index Road and highway contractors, service of process, 68-410 Service of process, motor vehicle operation, 8-402 Social welfare assistance, eligibility requirements, 39-709 Social welfare recipients, return to place of residence, 39-110 State highways, contractors, service of process, 68-410 State institution patients, return to place of residence, 39-110 Taxation, merchants and manufacturers, 79-1006 Traffic regulations, definitions, 8-1440 Trusts and Trustees, this index Tuberculosis patients, return to place of residence, 39-110 NONSUIT Dismissal and Nonsuit, generally, this index NONSUPPORT Collection services, children and families, 39-753 et seq. Support, generally, this index NORTON CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Correctional Institutions, this index NORTON COUNTY Boundaries, 18-169 Debt limitation, 10-306 NORTON STATE HOSPITAL Establishment of institution, 76-1502 Fee fund, deposits and expenditures, 76-1502b Lease, 76-1519a Name, 76-1502a NOTARIES PUBLIC Generally, 53-5a01 et seq. Acknowledgments, 53-5a04, 53-5a05, 58-2211 Deeds and conveyances, 58-2211 Actions against notaries and sureties, 53-5a22 Advertising notarial services in foreign language, 53-5a25 Affirmations, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 Age, 53-5a22 Application, 53-5a22 Appointment, 53-5a22 Refusal, 53-5a24 Revocation, 53-5a24 Beneficial interest, prohibitions, 53-109 Bond, Cancellation, 53-115 Failure to complete, 75-403 Notice of claim, 53-120 Official bond, 53-5a22 Recovery by injured person, 53-5a22 Certificate of notarial act, 53-5a16, 53-5a17 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Citizenship, 53-5a22 Commercial paper, protests, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 Conflict of interests, 53-5a25 Copies, certification or attestation, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 County officers, fee book, 28-123 COVID-19 public health emergency, validity of acts, 53-512 Declarations, Natural death act, 65-28,103 Unsworn, 53-601 Deeds and conveyances, acknowledgment, 58-2211 Electronic records, 53-5a04, 53-5a21, 53-5a23 Federal authority, 53-5a13 Fees, Certificate of appointment, 53-5a22 County officers, 28-129 Filing application, record of appointment, 53-5a22 Information and services fee, 53-5a15 Notarization, County officers, payment to county general fund, 28-175, 28-315, 28-617 District court clerks, payment to county general fund, 28-175, 28-617 Filing and recording commission, bond, 53-5a22 Financial interest, prohibitions, 53-5a25 Fines and penalties, failure to attach date of expiration of appointment, 53-106 Foreign, 53-5a14 Forms, 53-5a17 Identification of individual, 53-5a07 Journal, 53-5a20 Military forces, 48-3102 Name change, new seal, 53-5a22 Natural death act, declaration, 65-28,103 Negotiable instruments, note protests of, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 Oath of office, 53-5a22 Oaths and affirmations, authority to administer, 53-5a04 Official stamp, 53-5a18, 53-5a19 Filing impression of, 53-5a18 New stamp, 53-5a22 Stamping device, 53-5a19 Personal appearance, 53-5a06, 53-5a15 Prohibited acts, 53-5a25 Qualifications, 53-5a22 Remotely located individuals, 53-5a15 Residence, 53-5a22 Resignation, 53-5a22 Revocation of appointment, 53-5a24 Signature, 53-5a22 Filing, 53-5a22 Printing or typing name under, 28-115 Signatures, Individual unable to sign, 53-5a09 Witness or attest, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 State officers, 53-5a22 Term of office, 53-5a22 Uniform law on notarial acts, revised, 53-5a01 et seq. Unsworn declarations, 53-601 Validity of notarial acts, 53-5a26 Verifications, 53-5a04, 53-5a05 Violations, 53-5a25 NOTES Commercial Paper, generally, this index Negotiable Instruments, generally, this index NOTICE Advertisements, generally, this index Bank deposits and collections, holding for acceptance or payment, 84-4-212 Certified mail, use authorized, notice, 77-203 Consumer transactions. Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index Crime victims, criminal proceedings, Kan. Const. Art. 15, § 15 Criminal Procedure, this index Definition, 84-1-202 Investment Securities, this index Legal advertisements, Publication, this index Radio and television broadcasts, 64-110 et seq. Marketable record title act, 58-3406 Process, generally, this index Publication, this index Registered mail, use of certified mail in lieu of, notice, 77-203 Sales, this index Tax levies expressed in dollars, 79-2963 Termination of storage, 84-7-206 Utilities, moving operations on highways, 17-1916 Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760 NOXIOUS WEEDS Generally, 2-1313a et seq. Weeds, generally, this index NUCLEAR DISASTER Emergency Preparedness. See subhead Nuclear Emergency under Emergency Management, this index Insurance companies, domestic, continuity of management, 40-259 et seq. NUCLEAR ENERGY Central interstate low-level radioactive waste compact, 65-34a01 et seq. Emergency. See subhead Nuclear Emergency under Emergency Management, this index Energy conservation, state corporation commission, 74-616 et seq. Low-level radioactive waste disposal, compact, 65-34a01 Nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1601 et seq. Agreements, Federal nuclear regulatory commission, 48-1624 Other states, 48-1615 Civil penalties, 48-1613 Definitions, 48-1603 Emergency orders, 48-1608 Impoundment of sources of radiation, 48-1610 Injunctions, 48-1611 Licenses, terms and conditions, 48-1620, 48-1621 Low-level radioactive waste disposal, regional compact, 48-1622, 65-34a01 Site decommissioning, 48-1623 Transfer of land used for disposal of by-product material, 48-1621 Unlawful acts, 48-1612, 48-1613 Nuclear generating facility security guard act, 66-2301 et seq. Nuclear generation facility property tax exemption, 79-230 Power generating facilities, Electric Generation Facilities, generally, this index Radiologic technologists practice act. Radiologic Technologists, this index NUCLEAR GENERATION FACILITY SITING ACT Appeals to supreme court, 66-1,164 Procedure, 66-1,165 Applicability of act, Electric generation facility, 66-1,159a Facility outside state, 66-1,169b Attorneys, appointment, fees, 66-1,161 Capacity forecasts, 66-1,169a Citation of act, 66-1,169c Definitions, 66-1,158 Electric generation facility, applicability of act, when, 66-1,159a Eminent domain, Permit for site preparation or construction, 66-1,159 Facilities outside state, 66-1,169b Notice, 66-1,160 Procedure, 66-1,162 Landowners, Appeals, 66-1,164 Attorneys, 66-1,161 Intervention, 66-1,161 Permits, site preparation or construction, 66-1,159 Appeals to supreme court, 66-1,164, 66-1,165 Application, 66-1,159 Documents, 66-1,159 Issuance, 66-1,162 Rehearing, 66-1,163 State corporation commission, 66-1,159 State corporation commission, Appeals to supreme court, 66-1,164, 66-1,165 Attorney, appointment, fees, 66-1,161 Orders, effective date, 66-1,168 Permit for site preparation or construction, 66-1,159, 66-1,162 Rehearings, 66-1,163 Rules and regulations, 66-1,159, 66-1,169a NUISANCES Abatement, Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115 Cities of first class, 13-436, 13-1417 College and university parking violations, 74-3210 Criminal procedure, 22-3901 et seq. Health boards, 65-159 Injunction to abate, 60-908 Irrigation works, 42-3,107 State institutions, slaughterhouses, within vicinity, 76-142, 76-143 State office buildings and grounds, parking, 75-4510 Traffic signs or signals, 8-1512 Abatement of action, death of party, 60-1802 Agricultural activity, immunity from nuisance lawsuits, 2-3201 et seq. Airport hazard, 3-702 Alcoholic liquors. See subhead Nuisances under Intoxicating Liquors, this index Cigarette tax, contraband goods, 79-3323 Cosmetics, 65-660 Criminal Procedure, this index Drugs and medicine, 65-660 Farming, immunity from nuisance lawsuits, 2-3201 et seq. Food, 65-660 Health nuisances, 65-159, 65-160 Insects and Plant Diseases, generally, this index Intoxicating Liquors, this index Junkyards, 68-2209 Lawsuits, immunity from, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq. Maintenance of a common nuisance, 22-3905 Motor fuel or liquid fuel carriers, 55-516 Perishable property, 65-660 Public nuisance, Criminal code, 21-6204 Refuse collection and disposal law, 12-2111 Sewers, requiring connection to county facilities, 19-2752h Slaughterhouses, vicinity of state institutions, 76-142, 76-143 Traffic signs, 8-1512 Urban renewal law, restricting or limiting power to declare, 17-4759 Water from irrigation on roads, 68-184 NUMBER PLATES License plates. Motor Vehicles, this index NURSERIES AND NURSERY STOCK Live plant dealers, 2-2120 et seq. Plant Pests, generally, this index NURSES See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index Abbreviations, 65-1114 Practical nurses, 65-1116 Professional nurses, 65-1115 Accidents, liability for emergency care, 65-2891 Address, change of, 65-1117 Advanced practice registered nurse, 65-1113 Board of nursing, member, 74-1106 Categories, 65-1130 Certificates of qualification, 65-1114, 65-1130 Applications and fees, 65-1131 Exempt license, 65-1131 Inactive license, 65-1131 Reinstatement of, 65-1132 Renewal, 65-1132 Educational and training programs, 65-1133 Scholarships, 74-32,131 et seq. Fees, 65-1131 Independent practice of midwifery, 65-1130 Prescriptions, Prescribing drugs authorized, when, procedures, 65-1130 Transmission of orders, 65-1130 Qualifications, 65-1130 Responsible physician, 65-1130 Rules and regulations, 65-1130 Scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq. Services subject to insurance coverage, 40-2250 Temporary permit, 65-1131 Training programs, 65-1133 Alcohol abuse, 65-1120 American Red Cross, generally, this index Anesthetists. Registered nurse anesthetists, post Appeal and review, 65-1121a Attendant care services, 65-1124, 65-6201 Auxiliary patient care services, 65-1124 Barber law, exemptions, 65-1816 Blind persons, reports, 39-739 Board of nursing, 74-1106 Advanced practice registered nurse, ante Advisory committee on intravenous fluid therapy, 65-1136 Appointment, 74-1106 Attorneys general, assistant, legal representation, 74-1111 Civil fines, 74-1110 Compensation and expenses, 74-1106 Contracts, authority to enter into, 74-1106 Duties and powers, 74-1106 Educational programs, fees authorized, 74-1109 Employees, 74-1106 Evaluating out-of-state schools, criteria, 65-1119 Evaluating schools of nurse anesthesia, 65-1152 Executive administrator, 74-1106 Grants, donations, bequests and gifts, receipt and disposition of, 74-1106 Investigation of charges, licensees, 65-1120 Legal representation, assistant attorneys general, 74-1111 Licensure requirements, Criminal history record check, 74-1112 Qualifications, 74-1106 Report to legislature, 65-1120a Rules and regulations, 65-1117, 65-1119, 65-1129, 65-1130, 65-1136, 65-1152, 65-1164, 74-1106 Schedule of fees, 65-1118 Surveys, 65-1119 Terms, 74-1106 Card, 65-1114 Charges against, administrative proceedings, 65-1120 Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, Definitions, 74-146 Notice of contempt, 74-147 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Confidential information, Treatment facility patients, 65-5601 et seq. Contempt, hearings, 74-1106 Continuing education, 65-1117 Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1114, 65-1120, 65-1122, 65-1162, 74-1110 Conviction of, notification of board, 65-1117 Failure to report abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1402, 39-1431 Definitions, 65-1113 Nurse licensure compact, 65-1166 Delegation of procedures, Intravenous fluid therapy administration, 65-1136 Nursing procedures, 65-1124 Unlicensed persons, 65-1165 Denial of license, 65-1120 Disabled persons, attendant care services, 65-6201 Disciplinary action, grounds for, 65-1120 DNR, do not resuscitate orders, 65-4941 et seq. Drug abuse, 65-1120 Drug offenses, 65-1120 Drugs and medicines, 65-1635 Education, 65-1115 Evaluating out-of-state schools, 65-1119 Evaluating schools of nurse anesthesia, 65-1152 Fees, continuing education provider, 65-1119 Fees for institutes, conferences and programs, 74-1109 Nursing programs, accreditation, 74-1106 Practical nurses, 65-1116 Military service member, 65-1116 Scholarship programs, Advanced practice registered nurse students, 74-32,131 et seq. Nurse educator service scholarship program act, 74-32,219 et seq. Nursing students, 74-3291 et seq. Washburn university, 13-13a45 Emergency assistance, 65-1124 Employment, termination prohibited, 65-443, 65-446 Evidence, hearings, 65-1120 Examination, 65-1113 et seq. Fees, Advanced practice registered nurse, 65-1131 Consultants' travel expenses, 65-1118a Consultation, 65-1118a Continuing education providers, 65-1118a, 65-1119 Disposition, 74-1106, 74-1108, 74-1109 Educational institutes, conferences and programs, 74-1109 License fees, 65-1118 Methods of payment, 65-1118 Renewal, 65-1117 Registered nurse anesthetists, post Schools and programs, approval, 65-1118a Fraud or deceit, 65-1120, 65-1122 Good samaritan, 65-1124 Gratuitous nursing, 65-1124 Handicapped persons, attendant care services, 65-6201 Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice, 65-2872 Health officers, employment, 65-202 Hearings, Charges, 65-1120 Suspension or revocation of license, 74-1106 Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924 Incompetency, 65-1120 Incrimination, 65-1120 In-home care, 65-6201 Injunctions, 65-1123 Interstate commission of nurse licensure compact administrators, 65-1166 Institutes, 74-1106 Intravenous fluid therapy, 65-1136 Investigation, charges, 65-1120 Letters, practical nurses, use, 65-1114 Liability, Emergency care at scene of accident, 65-2891 Instructions to emergency medical services personnel during emergency, 65-6124 Licenses and permits, 65-1113 et seq. Continuing education, 65-1117 Exempt license, 65-1115 Exemptions, 65-1124 Fees, 65-1118 Felony convictions, effect, 65-1120 Inactive license, 65-1117 Misdemeanor convictions, 65-1120 Multi-state license, 65-1117 Notification of change in name or address, 65-1117 Notification of conviction of crime, 65-1117 Nurse licensure compact, 65-1166 Nursing board members, qualifications, 74-1106 Nursing programs, 74-1106 Practical nurses, 65-1113 et seq. Qualifications, 65-1115, 65-1116 Reinstatement of, 65-1117,65-1120a Reports, failure to make, 65-4927 Revocation or suspension, 65-1120 Temporary permit, 65-1115, 65-1116 Malpractice reporting, 65-1127 Medical care facilities, selection, 65-431 Medication administration, State institutions for people with intellectual disability, 65-1124 Unlicensed persons, 65-1124 Mental incapacity, 65-1120 Name, change of, 65-1117 Nurse educator service scholarship program act, 74-32,219 et seq. Nurse licensure compact, 65-1166 Nursing Schools, generally, this index Oaths and affirmations, Hearings, 65-1120 Power of board to administer, 74-1106 Patients, orders not to resuscitate, 65-4941 et seq. Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915 Practical nurses, Board of nursing, member, 74-1106 Definitions, 65-1113 Exempt license, 65-1116 Intravenous fluid therapy administration, 65-1136 License, 65-1113 et seq. Qualifications, 65-1116 Reinstatement application, 65-1117 Renewal, 65-1116 Temporary, 65-1116 License fees, 65-1118 Register, 74-1106 Schools of nursing, 65-1119 Title, 65-1116 Practice of nursing, 65-1113 Procedures, Delegated to unlicensed person, supervision, 65-1165 Intravenous fluid therapy administration, 65-1136 Nursing, delegated by licensed nurse, 65-1124 Process, charges, 65-1120 Professional nurses, 65-1113 Board of nursing, member, 74-1106 Liability for emergency care, 65-2891 License. See Licenses and permits, ante Registered nurse anesthetists, post Schools of nursing, 65-1119 Title, 65-1115 Prohibited practices, 65-1114 Acts not prohibited, 65-1124 Qualifications, 65-1115 Reciprocity, temporary residence, 65-1124 Records, 74-1106 Refresher course, 65-1115, 65-1116 Register, 74-1106 Registered nurse anesthetists, Application, renewal or authorization, 65-1155 Authorization, Application for, 65-1154 Expiration of, 65-1155 Reinstatement, 65-1155 Renewal of, 65-1155 Temporary, 65-1153 Board of nursing, member, 74-1106 Certification as advanced practice registered nurse, 65-1154 Crimes and penalties, 65-1162 Definitions, 65-1151 Duties, 65-1158 Education, continuing, 65-1159 Examination of victims of sexual offenses, 65-448 Rules and regulations, 65-448 Exclusions, 65-1163 Qualifications, 65-1152, 65-1159 Schools of nurse anesthesia, evaluating, 65-1152 Registration, 65-1113 et seq. Registry, trauma system, 75-5663 et seq. Regulation of nursing, 65-1113 et seq. Reports, Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq. Continuing education provider, 65-1119 Diseases, contagious or infectious, 65-118 Risk management, 65-4923 et seq. Resuscitation of patient, orders not to, 65-4941 et seq. Rules and regulations, 74-1106 Scholarship programs, Advanced practice registered nurse student, 74-32,131 et seq. Nurse educator service scholarship program act, 74-32,219 et seq. Nursing students, 74-3291 et seq. School setting, procedures performed in, 65-1124 Schools. Nursing Schools, generally, this index Self-incrimination, 65-1120 Sign, 65-1114 Social security or identification number required, 74-148 Spiritual means, 65-1124 Student nurses, 65-1124 Subpoenas, 65-1120 Suicide, assisting, 60-4401 et seq. Supervision, Auxiliary patient care, 65-1124 Intravenous fluid therapy administration, 65-1136 Nursing procedures, delegated, 65-1124 Unlicensed persons, delegation of procedures to, 65-1165 Supervision of unlicensed person, 65-1124 Teacher nurses, 65-1124 Temporary permit, 65-1115, 65-1116 Temporary residence, 65-1124 Title, 65-1114, 65-1115, 65-1116 Trauma, statewide system, registry, 75-5663 et seq. Treatment facility patients, confidential information, 65-5601 et seq. United States government employment, 65-1124 Unlicensed persons, supervision of, 65-1165 Unprofessional conduct, 65-1120 Witnesses, 74-1106 NURSING, BOARD OF Generally, 74-1106 Nurses, generally, this index NURSING CARE County health department, 65-220 Funds and moneys, 65-223, 65-224 Personnel, 65-221 Collection, 65-225 Funds and moneys, Receipt authorized, 65-223, 65-224 Use, 65-223 Personnel, 65-221 NURSING HOMES Adult Care Homes, generally, this index NURSING SCHOOLS Approval of, 65-1119 Certification of school nurses, 72-255 Cities of first class, training schools and hospitals, 13-14b07 Cities of second class, Control, 14-644 Training school and hospital, 14-613, 14-641, 14-650, 14-684, 14-692, 14-697 Courses of study, 74-1106 Curricula, 65-1119 Defined, Hospital to include nursing schools, 65-425a Medical care facilities to include nursing schools, 65-425a Educational programs, 74-1106 Continuing education providers, approval of, 65-1119 Washburn university, 13-13a45 Hearings, 74-1106 Hospitals, cities of second class, 14-644 Licenses, 74-1106 Notice, standards failure, 65-1119 Records, 65-1119 Reports, survey, 65-1119 Scholarship programs, Advanced practice registered nurse service, 74-32,131 et seq. Agreement, terms and conditions, 74-32,134, 74-32,136 Amount, 74-32,133 Award of scholarships, 74-32,133 Citation of act, 74-32,131 Definitions, 74-32,132 Duration, 74-32,133 Establishment, 74-32,133 Fund, 74-32,138 Obligations, 74-32,134 Failure to satisfy, repayment, 74-32,135 Postponement, 74-32,136 Satisfaction, 74-32,136 Qualifications for, determination, 74-32,133 Nursing student, 74-3291 et seq. Agreements, terms and conditions, 74-3294, 74-3297 Application, 74-3294 Award of scholarships, 74-3293, 74-3294 Categories, 74-3293 Definitions, 74-3292 Duration, 74-3293 Duties, 74-3297 Expenses, allowances, 74-3299 Fund, 74-3298 Obligations, 74-3294, 74-3296, 74-3297 Failure to satisfy, repayment, 74-3295 Postponement, 74-3296 Qualifications for, determination, 74-3293 Review committee, 74-3299 Duties, 74-3293, 74-3297, 74-3299 Rules and regulations, 74-3295, 74-3297 Sponsors, 74-3292 Transfer of sponsorship, 74-3294 Schools of nursing, penalties, 65-1122 Standards, 74-1106 Training schools, cities of second class, extension of territorial limits, 14-693 et seq. Washburn university, 13-13a45 |