House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Assessment and Taxation
- Commerce
- Confirmation Oversight
- Corrections and Public Safety Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Education
- Executive Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Federal and State Affairs
- Financial Institutions
- Financial Institutions and Insurance
- General Government Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Governmental Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Higher Education Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Human Services Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Insurance
- Interstate Cooperation
- Judiciary
- Labor Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Legislative Subcommittee, Ways and Means
- Local Government
- Organization, Calendar and Rules
- Public Health and Welfare
- Redistricting
- Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbine Lighting
- Transparency and Ethics
- Transportation
- Utilities
- Ways and Means
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