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Feb. 16, 2025
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2021 Statute

Section Number


Coordinating council, 74-7801 et seq.

Composition, 74-7801

Duties, 74-7802

Expenses, 74-7803

Meetings, 74-7801

Staff person, 74-7803

Vacancies, 74-7801

Income Tax, generally, this index


Hearing instruments, board of examiners, 74-5801 et seq.


Registration, exemption from, 8-128


Airports and landing fields,

Municipal airports and landing fields, safety zones, 3-113

Navigation easements, zoning purposes, 3-711

Children's receiving home, sewer and water lines and easements,

Sale to city of Atchison or instrumentality, 76-1722


Fee interest, acquisition of, 12-16,103

Release procedure, 12-16,104

Reservation by, 12-512a

Conservation easements, uniform act, 58-3810 et seq.

Application of, 58-3814

Conveyance, 58-3811

Creation, 58-3811

Definitions, 58-3810

Duration, 58-3811

Enforcement, 58-3812

Existing rights and easements unaffected, 58-3816

Judicial modification or termination, 58-3812

Validity, 58-3813

Dams or reservoirs, tax exemptions, 82a-409

Drainage Districts, this index

Drains and Drainage, this index

Electric cooperatives, 17-4627

Emergency management boat ramp, 82a-221

Institutions, 76-147

MacLennan Park, 75-121 et seq.

Municipal Housing Law, 17-2362

North Topeka, juvenile correctional complex, right of way, 76-2120, 76-2130

Oil and gas wells, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced, 55-1003

Pipelines, this index

Right of way, state lands, 75-2131, 75-2132

Roads and Highways, this index

Rural water districts, securing loans to finance project, 82a-619

Secretary of state, authority, 82a-212, 82a-213, 82a-214

Sewage treatment and disposal works, 12-630a

Sewer systems, 13-1029, 13-1030

Solar easements, procedure, 58-3801

Instrument creating, 58-3802

State agencies, 75-2130 et seq.

State boards and commissions, 76-147

State fair, 2-215

State lands, 75-2131, 75-2132

State parks. See Parks, generally, this index

Streambank easements, 82a-220

Tax deeds subject, 79-2804

Tax liens, priority, 79-2803

Topeka, water diversion works, 82a-215

Topeka state hospital, highway purposes, 76-1242

Urban Renewal Law, 17-4754

Vacation, 12-504 et seq., 58-2613 et seq.

Reservation by city, 12-512a

Water supply, 12-2702, 12-2703


Crimes and Punishments, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index


See, also, Industrial Development, generally, this index

Agritourism Promotion Act, generally, this index

Airports, state affordable airfare fund, administrative fee, 74-50,150

Angel invester tax credit act, 74-8131 et seq.

Bioscience Authority Act, generally, this index

Bonds, revenue, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Business improvement districts. Municipalities, this index

Capital formation, internal improvements, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Center for Entrepreneurship Act, 74-99c01 et seq.

Centers of excellence, generally, 74-8103 et seq.

Cities. See Industrial Development, generally, this index

Tax exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Commerce, State Department of, generally, this index

Commerce department-administered programs, application fees, 74-50,225

Community Strategic Planning Assistance Act, generally, this index

Counties, 12-1741b et seq., 19-4101 et seq.

Interlocal cooperation agreements, 19-4110

Tax exemptions, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Downtown Redevelopment Act, 12-17,121 et seq.

Economic opportunity office, 74-6901 et seq.

Emerging Industry Investment Act, 74-99b31 et seq.

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index

Extension councils, 2-610, 2-616

Film Services Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

High performance incentive fund, 74-50,131 et seq.

High performance incentives, 74-50,131 et seq.

Qualifications of firms under, 74-50,131

Taxable years in which applicable, 74-50,135a

IMPACT act, generally, 74-50,102 et seq.

Incentive programs,

Evaluations, legislative post audit, 46-1137

Public information database,

Administration of, 74-50,227

Definitions, 74-50,226

Industrial revenue bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Industrial training and retraining programs, 74-5065 et seq.

Interlocal cooperation, 12-2904

International meat and livestock program, 76-478, 76-479

Investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Job training, IMPACT act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Kansas, Inc., generally, this index

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Kansas economic opportunity initiatives fund, generally, 74-50,151

Kansas investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Kansas partnership fund, 74-5055

Legislative committees, 46-1601 et seq.

Local government infrastructure improvements, 74-5055 et seq.

Private activity bond allocation act, 74-5058 et seq.

Private activity bonds, administrative fee, 74-5060

Public policy, 74-5002

Qualified industrial manufacturer act, 74-50,120 et seq.

Annual reports, 74-50,123

Benefits, agreement, 74-50,122

Limitations, restrictions, 74-50,122

Violation, effect, 74-50,123

Definitions, 74-50,121

Special qualified industrial manufacturer fund, 74-50,122

Qualified manufacturer act, 19-4106 et seq.

Report to legislature, secretary of commerce, 74-50,228

Research and development enhancement act, 76-777 et seq.

Risk capital. Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, generally, this index

Seed Capital, Local Pools, generally, this index

Signs, available for tourism or economic development, listing, 75-5079

State tax credit equity funds, 74-8904

Swine technology center, 76-487 et seq.

Tax incentives,

Evaluations, legislative post audit, 46-1137

Public information database,

Administration of, 74-50,227

Definitions, 74-50,226

STAR bonds, administrative fee, 12-17,164

Technology. Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, generally, this index

Tire manufacturers, authorizing bonds, certain, 74-8942 et seq.

Trade Show Promotion, generally, this index

Training incentives,

High performance incentives, 74-50,131 et seq.

IMPACT act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Venture capital. Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, generally, this index

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.


See, Commerce, State Department of, generally, this index

Abolished, 74-5020


Generally, 74-6901 et seq.

Director, 74-6901, 74-6902, 74-6903

Establishment in Kansas department for children and families, 74-6901

Officers and employees, 74-6901 et seq.

Powers, duties, 74-6902, 74-6903

Technical assistance program, coordinator, 74-6903


See, also, Colleges and Universities, generally, this index; Schools and School Districts, generally, this index; State Board of Education, generally, this index; State Board of Regents, generally, this index; Teachers, generally, this index

Accidents, secretary of labor, 75-5740

Adult Education, generally, this index

Bilingual education. Schools and School Districts, this index

Broadband technology-based network, access

See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Cadet Corps, generally, this index

Colleges and Universities, generally, this index

Commission of the states. Compact for education, post

Community resource act, 74-5021 et seq.

Compact for education, 72-8261 et seq.

Education commission of the states, 72-8261 et seq.

Bylaws, filing, 72-8263

Compensation and expenses, how paid, 72-8264

Cooperation with federal government, 72-8261

Finance, 72-8261

Kansas members, 72-8262

Meetings, 72-8262

Constitutional provisions, Kan. Const. Art. 6


Licenses and permits, reciprocity, 65-1904b

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1426, 65-1455

Reciprocity, 65-1434

Healing arts, applicant for license, 65-2808, 65-2873, 65-2873a, 65-28,123

Continuing education, 65-2809

Higher education coordination act, 74-3201a et seq.

Interlocal cooperation, 12-2904

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Legislative task force on dyslexia, 72-8193

Nurses, 65-1115

Practical nurses, 65-1116

Military service member, 65-1116

Occupational therapists, 65-5406

Optometrists, 65-1505, 65-1509a


Foreign countries, devises or bequests to, 59-602

Sales tax, exemptions, 79-3606


Bond trustees, 59-1105

Inventories, reports and accounting, 59-1105, 59-1609

Wills, devises or bequests, foreign countries, 59-602

Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, 65-2906

Podiatrists, 65-2003, 65-2010

Qualifications of educational personnel, interstate agreement on, 72-8265 et seq.

Qualification of educational personnel. See Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel, generally, this index

Research, Johnson county education research triangle authority, 19-5001 et seq.

Respiratory therapists, 65-5506

Scholarships, generally, this index

Schools and School Districts, generally, this index

Special education. Schools and School Districts, this index

State Board of Education, this index

State board of regents, generally, this index

Teachers, generally, this index


State Board of Education, generally, this index


State Board of Education, generally, this index


Abolished, functions transferred to state board of regents, 74-3230 et seq.


Boundaries, 18-124

Ecomonic development, financing of, 12-187, 12-189, 12-192


Generally, 2-2501 et seq.

Definitions, 2-2501

Poultry and Poultry Products, this index


Generally, 68-1024


Forcible detainer. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Partition action, 60-1003

Petition, 60-1001

Venue, 60-601


Eminent domain, property stricken from tax rolls, 26-211


Aged Persons, generally, this index


Generally, 19-3424, 25-1434 et seq.

Answer, 25-1444

Appeals, 25-1450

Ballots, 25-2708

Counting and preservation, 25-2708

Inspection, 25-1447

Bond, cost of inspecting ballots or voting machines, 25-1447


Assessment, 25-1452

Inspection of ballots or voting machines, 25-1447

Counties over 100,000, 19-3424

Definitions, 25-1434

Eligibility to contest, 25-1435

General election of officer,

Certificate of election, revocation and reissuance, 25-1448


Answer, 25-1444

Designation of, 25-1437

Court-ordered election, 25-1448

Exceptions, 25-1435

Filing of contest,

When, 25-1439

Where, 25-1437

Legislative elections, procedure, 25-1442, 25-1451

Notice of contest, 25-1437

Filing, 25-1437, 25-1439

Service, 25-1439

Chief justice, legislative elections, 25-1442

Method, 25-1441

Grounds, 25-1436

Hearing, procedure, 25-1446

Intervenors, 25-1445

Nominations, 25-308

Primary elections, 25-308

Question submitted election,


Answer, 25-1444

Designation of, 25-1440

Dispositions, 25-1449

Filing of contest, 25-1438, 25-1439

Judges, selection, statewide questions, 25-1443

Notice of contest, 25-1438

Filing, 25-1438, 25-1439

Service, 25-1440

Method, 25-1441

Supreme court, statewide questions, 25-1443

Rules for canvassers, application, 25-3002

State board, primary elections, 25-308

Voting machines, inspection, 25-1447


Advance voting,

Applications, solicitation by mail, 25-1122

Mailing applications by nonresident to voter, 25-1122

Suppression, 25-2433

Transmitting ballots to polling place, 25-2437

Advertisements, unlawful posting of, 21-5820

Advertising, corrupt, 25-2407

Advisory elections, 25-2413

Assisting voter, unlawful acts, 25-1124


Altered postmark and advance voting ballots, 25-1128

Imitation ballots, printing and circulating, 25-2426

Marking to identify, 25-2427

Mutilation, 25-2902

Refusal to surrender, 25-2907

Removal from voting place, 25-2907

Transmitting advance voting ballots to polling place, 25-2437

Bribery, 25-2409, 25-2417, 25-2418

Bribery to induce signing of nomination papers, 25-2410

Campaign finance, 25-2407

Cities of second and third classes, unified school districts, community colleges and townships, 25-902, 25-905

State, counties, cities of first class and board of public utilities, 25-4156, 25-4171

Civil service, 75-2953, 75-2974

Computer voting system fraud, 25-4414

Corporations, contributions, 25-1709, 25-1710

Corrupt political advertising, 25-2407

County attorney, duties, 19-714

County seats, location or relocation, 19-1609, 19-1614, 19-1618, 19-1620, 19-1626

Definitions, 25-2408

Election official, 25-2436, 25-2438

Destruction of election papers, 25-2429

Destruction of election supplies, 25-2428

Disclosure of ballot content, unauthorized, 25-2422

Disorderly election conduct, 25-2413

Election administration, unlawful acceptance of moneys for, 25-2436

Election supplies,

Destroying or defacing, 25-2428

False or forged supplies, possession, 25-2414

Electioneering, 25-2430

Electronic or electromechanical voting system fraud, 25-4414

Excessive campaign contributions, 25-4170

False impersonation as party officer, 25-2424

False impersonation of a voter, 25-2431

False representation of an election official, 25-2438

False swearing to affidavit to obtain ballot, 25-2316a

Forfeiture of office or employment upon conviction, 25-2432

Forged poll books, tally lists or election returns, 25-2414

Forgery, 25-2412

Fraud, 25-2420, 25-2425, 25-4414, 25-4612

Fraudulent campaign finance reporting, 25-4151, 25-4168

Impersonation of voter, false, 25-2431

Intimidation of voters, 25-2415

Labor and employment, time off to vote, 25-418

Misconduct of an election officer, 25-2419

Nomination papers or letters of withdrawal, destruction, 25-2429

Optical scanning equipment fraud, 25-4612

Penalties, 25-2432

Perjury, 25-2411

Political advertisements and pictures, unlawful posting, 21-5820

Possessing false or forged election supplies, 25-2414


Local officers, 25-4321

State officers, 25-4309

Registration of voters,

Registration books, use for commercial purposes, 25-2320a

Voting allowed after registration book closed, false swearing to affidavit, 25-2316a

School elections, application of partisan election laws, 25-2009

Suppression, 25-2421

Tampering, 25-2423

Transparency in revenues underwriting act, 25-2436

Unauthorized voting disclosure, 25-2422

Voter registration suppression, 25-2421a

Fraud, 25-2425

Voting more than once, 25-2434

Voting without being qualified, 25-2416


Absent voters,

Advance voting, post

Transmission of ballots, to voter, 25-1123

Federal services, 25-1214 et seq.


Application for, 25-1216, 25-1217

Canvass of votes, 25-1221, 25-1222

Envelopes and instructions, 25-1219, 25-1220

Form and contents, 25-1218

Return of voted ballot, 25-1216, 25-1221

Transmission to voter, deadline for, 25-1220

Eligible voters, 25-1215

Registration, application for, 25-1216

Military services, Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 3, 25-1214 et seq.

Abstracts of election returns. Canvass of votes, post

Abstracts of votes. Canvass of votes, post

Address confidentiality program, voting procedures, 75-456

Advance notice,

Personal identification requirements, 25-2357

Advance voting, 25-1114 et seq.

Address confidentiality program, voting procedures, 75-456

Affirmation, 25-1122d

Applicant identification requirement, 25-1122d


Form, 25-1122d

Former precinct resident, 25-1122, 25-3701 et seq.

Copy to county election officer, 25-3706

Mailing by nonresident to voter, prohibited, 25-1122

Multiple applications, 25-1129

Permanent status, 25-1122d

Solicitation by mail, requirements, 25-1122

Assistance in voting, 25-1124

Ballots, 25-1120, 25-1121

Application for, 25-1122

Affirmation required, 25-1122d

Form, 25-1122d

Former precinct resident, 25-1122, 25-3701 et seq.

Copy to county election officer, 25-3706

Mailing by nonresident to voter, prohibited, 25-1122

Multiple applications, 25-1129

Solicitation by mail, requirements, 25-1122

Assistance voting,

Candidates prohibited, 25-1124

Return of, 25-1128

Signing, 25-1124

Canvass, 25-1135, 25-1138

Casting vote, 25-1124

Receipt of ballots, deadline for, 25-1132

Certification of vote, 25-1137

Challenged or objected to ballots, 25-1136

Correcting signature deficiencies, 25-1124

Counting ballots, 25-1135, 25-1138


Application for ballots, 25-1122

Receipt of ballots cast, 25-1132

Transmission of ballots to voter, 25-1122, 25-1123

Envelopes, requirements, 25-1120

Identification requirements, voter, 25-1122, 25-1122d

Instructions for voters, 25-1121

Language statements, 25-623

Liability, 25-623

Marking ballot, 25-1124

Improper marking, 25-1139

Not counted, 25-1139

Objected to ballots, 25-3008

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen, 25-1120

Primary election, party affiliation, 25-1123

Provisional ballots, 25-1122, 25-1136, 25-2908

Provisional replacement ballots, 25-1122f

Question submitted elections, 25-1130

Return of, 25-1128

Rules and regulations, 25-1131, 25-1122d

Transmission of ballots to voter, 25-1122, 25-1123

Identification review requirements of applicants, 25-1123

Transmitting ballots to polling place, 25-2437

Signing ballot, disabled person, 25-1124

Unlawful acts, 25-1124, 25-1128

Penalties, 25-1128

Verification of voter signature, 25-1124

Void ballots, 25-1136, 25-1139

Voting machine counties, 25-1122a et seq.

Canvass of votes, 25-1135, 25-1138

Certification of vote, 25-1137

Casting vote, 25-1124

Receipt of ballots, deadline for, 25-1132

Use of provisional ballot on election day, 25-2908

Challenges, 25-1136

Crimes and penalties, 25-1124, 25-1128

Definitions, 25-1114 et seq.

Disabled persons, 25-1122, 25-1122d, 25-1124

Election boards, 25-1122b, 25-1133

Ballots, delivery to, 25-1132, 25-1134

Original canvass and final tabulation, 25-1134

Eligible voters, 25-1119

Permanent advance voting status, 25-1122

Former precinct resident, 25-1122, 25-3701 et seq.

Handicapped persons, 25-1122, 25-1122d, 25-1124

Judges and clerks of election, not residents of voting area, 25-2804

Mail ballot election act, 25-435

Names of advance voters, list at voting place, 25-1126

Party affiliation lists, 25-3301

Permanent advance voting status, 25-1122, 25-1122d, 25-1124

Removal from list, 25-1122

Precinct committeemen and women, 25-1120

Provisional ballots, 25-1136

Question submitted elections, 25-1117, 25-1119, 25-1130

Removal from permanent advance voting list, 25-1122

Residence determination, 25-1125, 25-1129

Rules and regulations, 25-1131

Sick and disabled persons, 25-1122, 25-1122d, 25-1124

Unlawful acts. Crimes and penalties, ante

Voting machines, 25-1122a et seq.

Notice of voting times, 25-1122c


Corrupt political, 25-2407, 25-4156

Excessive charges, 25-4156

Local regulation of residential campaigning prohibited, 25-2712

Posting political advertising, 21-5820

Advisory elections, 25-2413


Challenging right to vote, 25-216

Destruction, 25-2709

Former precinct resident, ballots, 25-3702

Newly organized political parties, 25-117


Eighteen-year old voting rights, U.S. Const. Am. 26; Kan. Const. Art. 5,§ 1

Registration of voters, 25-2306

Registration books, 25-2305

Statutory construction, 25-2508

Aged persons,

Accessibility of voting places, 25-2710

Assistance in voting, 25-2909

Annexation of territory, effective date, 12-523, 19-3439

Application for registration,

Challenged voters, 25-409

Provisional ballot, 25-409

Arrest, freedom from, 25-107, Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 7

Assisting voters, 25-1124, 25-2909

Record of procedure, memorandum, 25-2911

Attorney General, this index

Ballot boxes, 25-2703, 25-2704, 25-2705

Control during election, 25-2810

Counting if less than 50 ballots, 25-2810

Precincts having less than 20 voters, 25-2701

Rules and regulations, number of boxes, 25-2704

Ballots, 25-205 et seq., 25-601 et seq., 25-2901 et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 4, § 1

Absent voters, ante

Assistance in voting, 25-1124, 25-2909

Record of, 25-2911

Canvass of votes, post

Challenging voters' right to vote, 25-409 et seq., 25-2908

Clipping numbers, 25-2905

Counties over 130,000, 19-3435

Constitutional amendments, marking, 25-605, 25-2904

Contest of election. Election Contests, generally, this index

Corrections, primary elections, 25-211

Counties over 100,000, 19-3424

Counting, 25-2906

Boxes with less than 50 ballots, 25-2810

Correction of errors, contested elections, 25-2708

"Objected to" ballots, signed memorandum, 25-2906

Precincts with less than 20 voters, 25-2701

Procedure, 25-2810

Unlawful ballots, 25-2906

County homes, 39-348

Defacing, 25-2902

Delivery to supervising judges,

Records and receipts, 25-2707

Time, 25-604

Delivery to voter, checking name and residence, 25-2908

First-time voter, 25-2908

Depositing in ballot boxes, 25-2905

Destruction, 25-2708

Disasters or emergencies,

Ballot distribution, 25-622

Distribution, 25-604

Disasters or emergencies, during, 25-622

Emergencies or disasters,

Ballot distribution, 25-622

Erasures, 25-2902

Errors, correction, 25-211, 25-604


Constitutional amendment resolution, printing, posting and distribution, 25-607

County payments, 25-119, 25-223

Failure to vote, notification of election board, 25-2907

Folding, 25-2905

Form and contents, 25-616 et seq.

Blank lines,

General elections, 25-612, 25-616, 25-617

Primary elections, 25-213, 25-213a

Constitutional amendments, 25-605

District judge selection method, 25-621

General elections,

County and township officers, 25-601, 25-611, 25-612, 25-618

Municipal officers, 25-618

National officers, 25-601, 25-610, 25-611, 25-612, 25-615, 25-616, 25-618

President and vice president, 25-612, 25-615, 25-616

State officers, 25-601, 25-610, 25-611, 25-612, 25-617

Municipal elections, 25-210

Names of candidates, post

Notice concerning defacing or wrongfully marking ballot, 25-2902

Offices to be elected, post

Primary elections,

County and township officers, 25-210, 25-211, 25-212, 25-213

Municipal officers, 25-212

National and state officers, 25-210, 25-211, 25-212, 25-213, 25-213a

Questions submitted, 25-605a, 25-620

Injunctions, 25-308

Inspection by candidates, 25-604

Invalidity of ballot or part, 25-3002

Language statements, 25-623

Liability, 25-623

Mail ballot election act, 25-431 et seq.

Mandamus proceedings, 25-308

Marking, 25-614, 25-2901 et seq.

Assistance, 25-1124, 25-2909

Falsely, felony, 25-2412

Record of, 25-2911

Constitutional amendments, 25-2904

Directions, 25-614

Questions submitted, 25-2904

Unlawful acts, 25-2902

Validity, 25-3002

Write-in candidates, 25-2903

Municipal elections, 25-21a03


General election, 25-610, 25-611

Primary ballots, 25-213

Secretary of state,

Rules and regulations, 25-213, 25-610

Mutilation, 25-2902, 25-3002

Names of candidates,

Arrangement on ballot,

General elections, 25-610, 25-611, 25-612, 25-614

Primary elections, 25-212, 25-213, 25-213a

Voting machines, 25-614

General elections, write-in votes in primary election required, 25-213

Prefixes and suffixes to names prohibited, 25-619

Printed on primary ballot of one party, written on ballot of another party prohibited, 25-213

Printed or written on ballot only once, exceptions,

General election, 25-613

Primary election, 25-213

New or additional ballots, limitation, 25-2902

Newly organized political party, affidavit, 25-117

Nominee to fill vacancy,

Certification, 25-309

Printing new ballot, 25-310

Public office, party candidacy, 25-3905, 25-3906

Number, 25-601, 25-604

Affixing to ballots, 25-2908

Clipping by judges, 25-2905

Opening, contested elections, 25-2708

Packaging, 25-604

Party nominations, 25-301

Political party affiliation, designation, 25-613

Polls, designation, 25-601

Preservation, contested elections, 25-2708

Presidential electors, 25-616

Printing and distribution, 25-210, 25-211, 25-601, 25-604

Presidential preference primary, 25-604

Primary elections, 25-211, 25-223

Vacancy after nomination, filling, 25-309, 25-310

Withdrawal from nomination, omission from ballot, 25-306b

Procedure for voting, 25-2901 et seq.

Provisional ballot, 25-409

Questions submitted,

Language, 25-605a, 25-620

Marking, 25-2904

Recount, 25-3107

Contest of elections, 25-1447

Removal from voting place, 25-2907

Replacement ballots,

Mail ballot election, 25-433

Torn, defaced or wrongfully marked ballots, 25-2902

Rules for canvassers, 25-3002

Sample ballot,

Distribution, 25-604

School elections, 25-2014a

Separate ballots, corresponding ballot boxes, 25-2704

Surrender of, failure to vote, 25-2907

Tearing, 25-2902


Disorganization and reorganization, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1118

Offices, 25-601, 25-611, 25-618

Primary elections, expenses, 25-223

Transmitting advance voting ballots to polling place, 25-2437

Vacancies, see Nominee to fill vacancy, this subhead

Validity, determination, 25-3002

Visually handicapped persons, assistance in voting, 25-2909

Voting machines, post

Voting places, designation, 25-601

Voting procedure, 25-2901 et seq.

Write-in votes, 25-612

Blank lines. Form and content, this subhead

Marking ballot, 25-2903

Primary elections, 25-210, 25-213

Banks, directors, 9-1114

Beer, election day sales, 41-712, 41-2704

Blind persons. Handicapped persons, post


County boards of canvassers. Canvass of votes, post

Election boards, post

Special election boards, see, Election boards, post

State board of canvassers. Canvass of votes, post

State election board, post

Bond elections, 10-120

Notice requirements, 10-120a

Books, preservation and destruction, 25-2708

Boundaries, ward and precinct, 19-3424, 19-3426, 19-3437, 19-3439, 25-2702, 25-2702a

Voting area, generally, post

Bridges. Roads and Highways, this index

Campaign finance,


Advertisements, when prohibited, 25-4189

Declaration of candidacy, fees, 25-4502

Definitions, 25-4189

Filing deadlines, 25-4502

Public service announcement, when prohibited, 25-4189

Use of candidates name, when prohibited, 25-4189

Political committees,

Members of legislature prohibited from establishing, when, 25-4153


Electronic filing with secretary of state, 2008, 25-4158a

Governmental Ethics Commission to provide forms, 25-4158a

Campaign finance, cities of second and third classes, unified school districts (under 35,000 pupils), community colleges and townships, 25-901 et seq.

Candidates, expense statements and reports, filing, 25-904, 25-905

Penalties, 25-902, 25-905

Political organizations,

Records and reports of receipts and expenditures, 25-901

Treasurer required, 25-901

State political party committees, account audited, filing, 25-901

Campaign finance, state, counties, unified school districts (35,000 or more pupils), cities of first class and board of public utilities, 25-4142 et seq.; See, also, Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Campaign finance, state, counties, unified school districts (35,000 or more pupils), cities of first class and board of public utilities, 25-4142 et seq.; See, also, Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Accounts required of treasurer, 25-4147

Advertising, 25-2407, 25-4156

Advocating nomination, election or defeat of candidate, expressly, 25-4143, 25-4150, 25-4156, 25-4175

Application of law, state and local elections, 25-4142

Banks, contributions, 25-1709

Candidate committees, 25-4143

Appointment, 25-4144

Limitations on contributions, 25-4153

Receipts and expenditures prohibited, when, 25-4146

Termination reports, 25-4157

Treasurer, 25-4144, 25-4146

Candidates, 25-4143

Limitations on contributions, 25-4153

Persons ineligible to become, 25-4181

Receipts and expenditures prohibited, 25-4146

Treasurer, 25-4144, 25-4146

Commission, governmental ethics, 25-4119d; See, also, Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Annual report and recommendations, 25-4119a

Appeals, 25-4185

Cease and desist orders, 25-4182

Compensation and expenses, 25-4119a

Complaints of violations, 25-4160 et seq.

State employees, protection and remedies, 25-4161

Consent decrees, 25-4184

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 25-4171

Executive director, 25-4119a

Hearings, 25-4161, 25-4163

Report to attorney general and county attorney, 25-4164

Reports upon finding of violations, 25-4166

Injunctions, 25-4183

Investigations, 25-4158, 25-4161

Mandamus, 25-4183

Meetings, 25-4119a


Appointment and terms, 25-4119a

Vacancies, 25-4119a, 25-4119d

Opinions, advisory, 25-4159, 25-4178

Records, 25-4165

Restraining orders, 25-4183

Staff, 25-4119a

Subpoenas, 25-4158, 25-4163


Candidate committees, this subhead

Party committees, this subhead

Complaints of violations, 25-4160 et seq.

Investigation, hearing or dismissal, 25-4161

Subpoenas, issuance, 25-4163

Withdrawal of, 25-4162

Constitutional amendments, 25-4180


Acceptance of less than $1,000, affidavit,

Candidates, 25-4173, 25-4174

Failure to file, penalties, 25-4177

Political and party committees, 25-4175, 25-4176

Allocation, 25-4149

Anonymous, 25-4154

Banks, 25-1709

Campaign funds of other candidates, acceptance prohibited, 25-4157a

Exceptions, 25-4157a

Cash contributions, 25-4153

Children under 18 years, 25-4153

Commingling with other funds prohibited, 25-4147

Constitutional amendments, 25-4180

Corporations, 25-1709

Excessive contributions, penalty, 25-4170

Legislators and candidates for legislature,

Contributions during sessions prohibited, 25-4153a

Political committees established by, prohibited, 25-4153b

Limitations on amounts, 25-4153

Lobbyists, prohibited January 1 to May 1, 25-4153a

Occupation of contributors, 25-4148a

Personal use of, prohibited, 25-4157a

Persons other than candidates and committees, 25-4150

Political committees,

Prohibited January 1 to May 1, 25-4153a

Requirements, 25-4147, 25-4148

Prohibited, when, 25-4146, 25-4154

Remit to treasurer, 25-4147

Reports, post

Residual funds at termination of campaign, use, 25-4157a

State officers and employees, 75-2953, 75-2974

Use for campaign for federal office prohibited, 25-4153

Contributors, 25-4143

Copying names of, 25-4154

In name of another prohibited, 25-4154

Limitations, 25-4153

Occupation of, 25-4148a

Political committees, requirements, 25-4147, 25-4148

Reports, 25-4150, 25-4172

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Advertising, 25-2407, 25-4156

Civil fines, 25-4152, 25-4181

Distribution in public buildings of materials expressly advocating nomination, election or defeat of candidate, 25-4169a

Excessive campaign contributions, 25-4170

Failure to file campaign finance report, 25-4151, 25-4152, 25-4167

Fraudulent campaign finance reporting, 25-4151, 25-4168

Notification of attorney general, 25-4161

Penalties, 25-4152, 25-4171, 25-4181

Person ineligible to become candidate, 25-4181

Public funds, equipment, supplies or personnel, use, 25-4169a

Debts and obligations, 25-4155

Definitions, 25-4143

Expenditures, 25-4143

Allocation, 25-4149

Less than $1,000, affidavit,

Candidates, 25-4173, 25-4174

Failure to file, penalties, 25-4177

Political and party committees, 25-4175, 25-4176

Personal use of funds prohibited, exceptions, 25-4157a

Persons other than candidates and committees, 25-4150

Prohibited, when, 25-4146

Use for campaign for federal office prohibited, 25-4153

Express advocacy of nomination, election or defeat of candidate, 25-4143, 25-4150, 25-4156, 25-4175

Forms for making reports and statements, secretary of state and county election officers to provide, 25-4158

Governor, responsibility, 25-4144

Hearings on violations, 25-4160, 25-4161, 25-4163

Report to attorney general and county attorney, 25-4164

Reports upon finding of violations, 25-4166

Investigations, 25-4158

Subpoena of witnesses, documents and records, 25-4158


Contributions from lobbyists and committees during legislative sessions prohibited, 25-4153a

Political committees established by, prohibited, 25-4153b

Lieutenant governor, responsibility, 25-4144

Loans, limitations, 25-4153

Local office, defined, 25-4143

Malicious prosecution, 25-4162

Newspapers and periodicals, charges, 25-4156

Offenses, see, Crimes and penalties, ante

Out-of-state organizations, reports, 25-4172

Party committees, 25-4143

Chairperson, 25-4145

Removal, filling vacancy, 25-4146

Receipts and expenditures prohibited, when, 25-4146

Statement of organization, 25-4145

Termination reports, 25-4157

Treasurer, 25-4145

Accounts required, 25-4147

Removal or resignation, filling vacancy, 25-4146

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Person, defined, 25-4143

Political committees, 25-4143

Chairperson, 25-4145, 25-4146

Contributions, name and description of affiliation required, 25-4147, 25-4148

Receipts and expenditures prohibited, 25-4146

Registration, fee, 25-4145

Statement of organization, 25-4145

Termination reports, 25-4157

Treasurer, 25-4145

Accounts required, 25-4147

Removal or resignation, filling vacancy, 25-4146

Public funds, equipment, supplies or personnel, use prohibited, 25-4169a

Receipt, defined, 25-4143

Records, preservation, 25-4151

Removal, ouster or impeachment of elected candidates, 25-4166


Appointment of treasurer or candidate committees, 25-4144, 25-4146

Candidate may sign in lieu of treasurer, 25-4148

Constitutional amendments, promoting or opposing, 25-4180

Contributions and expenditures by persons other than candidates and committees, 25-4150

Declaration of corrections signed by treasurer or candidate, 25-4151

Declaration of correctness, 25-4151

Delays, 25-4151, 25-4152

Exemption from requirements, when,

Candidates, 25-4173, 25-4174

Political and party committees, 25-4175, 25-4176

Failure to file, penalty, 25-4151, 25-4152, 25-4167

Filing of, 25-4148

Fraudulent reporting, penalty, 25-4168

Out-of-state organizations, 25-4172

Preservation of supporting records, 25-4151

Public inspection, copies, 25-4158

Required of treasurer, 25-4148

Termination, 25-4157 25-4151

State office, defined, 25-4143

State officers and employees, 75-2953, 75-2974

Statement of organization, 25-4145

Subpoenas of witnesses, documents and records, 25-4158, 25-4163

Termination reports, 25-4157

Testimonial event, 25-4143

Report requirements, 25-4148

Tickets, report of purchases, when, 25-4148

Treasurer, 25-4143

Accounts required, inspections, 25-4147


Candidate or candidate committee, 25-4144

Party or political committee, 25-4145

Debts and obligations, statement, 25-4155

Lobbyist ineligible, 25-4144

Receipts and expenditures prohibited, when, 25-4146, 25-4151, 25-4154

Records, preservation, 25-4151

Removal or resignation, filling vacancy, 25-4146

Removal required, when, 25-4146

Reports required, 25-4148, 25-4151

Substantiation of records, 25-4146

Termination reports, 25-4157

Vacancy, filling, 25-4146

Violations, see, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Attorney general, notification of, 25-4161

Complaints of, 25-4160 et seq.

Confidentiality of complaints, 25-4160

Failure to file affidavit of intent, 25-4177

Removal of elected candidates, 25-4166

Report to attorney general or county attorney, 25-4164

Campaign literature,

Regulation of residential door-to-door distribution prohibited, 25-2712

Campaign practices, statement, 25-4119g

Local regulation of residential door-to-door campaigning prohibited, 25-2712

Campaign regulation,

Residential door-to-door campaigning, regulation of, prohibited, 25-2712


Ballots, inspection of copies, 25-604

Campaign finance and expenses, see Campaign finance, ante

Campaign practices, fair, 25-4119g

Local regulation of residential door-to-door campaigning prohibited, 25-2712

Certificates of election, post

Certificates of nomination, post

Certification, secretary of state, 25-209, 25-311, 25-610, 25-612

Certified list, publication, 25-209, 25-3205

Conflicts of interest,

Ethics, Local Governmental, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Death of nominee, 25-306b

Declaration of candidacy, 25-205 et seq.

Fees, 25-206


Place, 25-208

Time, 25-205

Form, 25-206


Conviction and imprisonment for crime, 21-6613

Failure to pay fine or file report, 25-4181

Ethics, Local Governmental, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, this index


Deadlines, 25-205, 25-305, 25-4004

Declaration of candidacy, this subhead

Fees, 25-206, 25-21a01, 25-4119f

Petitions, nomination. See Petitions under subhead Nominations, post

Place of, 25-208

Governor. See subhead Election under Governor, this index

Lieutenant governor. See subhead Election under Lieutenant governor, this index

Lists of candidates, distribution by county election officer, 25-604

Municipal offices,

Declaration of candidacy, filing, 25-205


Arrangement on ballot, 25-601, 25-610, 25-611, 25-612, 25-615

Certification, time, 25-311

Prefixes and suffixes prohibited, 25-619

Printed once on ballot, exceptions, 25-213, 25-613

Publication of, 25-209

Rotation on ballot, 25-610

Nominations, post

Objections, 25-208a, 25-308

Party affiliation,

Certificates of nomination, 25-3110

Designation on ballot, 25-613

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen, qualifications, 25-3801

President of the United States. See subhead Election under President of the United States, this index

Presidential electors, 25-616

Residence, city designated on ballot, 25-613

Sheriffs, fingerprinting of and background check, 19-826

Solicitations, prohibitions, state governmental ethics, 46-236

Substantial interests,

Ethics, Local Governmental, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Unexpired terms, 25-613

Vacancies, 25-309, 25-310

Validity, 25-208a, 25-308

Withdrawal of candidacy, 25-306a, 25-306b

Write-ins, 25-612

Affidavit of write-in candidacy, 25-305

Governor. See subhead Election under Governor, this index

Lieutenant governor. See subhead Election under Lieutenant Governor, this index

Marking ballots, 25-2903

President of the United States. See subhead Election under President of the United States, this index

Primary elections, 25-210, 25-213

State officers elected on state-wide basis, affidavit of candidacy, 25-305

Canvass of votes, 25-3001 et seq., 25-3101 et seq., 25-3201 et seq.

Abstracts of election returns,

Certification, 25-3107, 25-3109

Preliminary abstracts, 25-3106, 25-3107

Preservation, permanent record, 25-3204

Tabulation, final canvass by state board, 25-3204

Transmittal, intermediate canvass, 25-3202

Special messenger, expenses, 25-3203

Abstracts of votes,

Copies, disposition, 25-2708

Destruction, 25-2709

Final canvass, county boards of canvassers, 25-3106

Intermediate canvass, 25-3106

Original canvass, 25-3006, 25-3007, 25-3008

Voting machines, forms, 25-3006

Advance voting ballots, 25-1135, 25-1137, 25-1138

Availability of ballots, books and records, 25-2708

Ballots, 25-601 et seq.

Validity, rules for determination, 25-3002

Books and records, inspection, 25-3106

Certification of returns by county board of canvassers, 25-3107, 25-3109

Constitutional amendments, 25-3206

County boards of canvassers, 25-3101 et seq.

Certification of final returns, 25-3107, 25-3109

County election officer, filling vacancies on board, 25-3102

Duties, 25-3107

Elections to be canvassed, enumeration, 25-3101

Final canvass, 25-3103 et seq.

Intermediate canvass, 25-3103 et seq.

Meetings, location, 25-3105

Records, inspection, 25-3107

Time of canvass, 25-3104

Vacancies, filling, 25-3102

County election officers,

Abstracts of election returns, preliminary inspection, 25-3106

Abstracts of votes, original canvass, forms, 25-3006

Attestation, certification by county boards of canvassers, 25-3107

Inspection of abstracts and records, 25-3106

Preliminary abstracts of election returns, 25-3106, 25-3107

Records, abstracts of election returns, 25-3109

Tabulation of vote totals, 25-3106

Tally sheets, original canvass, 25-3001

Transmittal of intermediate canvass abstracts, expenses, 25-3203

Voting machines, abstracts of votes, forms, 25-3006

County seats, location or relocation, 19-1606, 19-1608

Election clerks, comparison of tally sheets, 25-3001

Error, appearance of, procedure, 25-3107

Federal services, 25-1221

Final canvass, county boards of canvassers, 25-3103 et seq.

Abstracts of election returns, final, 25-3109

Abstracts of votes, preliminary inspection, 25-3106

Ballots, delivery, 25-3104, 25-3107

Books and records, delivery, 25-3104

Certification, preliminary abstracts, 25-3107

Election results, final determination, 25-3109

Original returns, delivery, 25-3104

Preliminary final abstracts of election returns, 25-3106, 25-3107

Questions, hearing and determination, 25-3107

Records, inspection and delivery, 25-3107

Tie votes, 25-3108

Time, 25-3104

Final canvass, state board of canvassers, 25-3201 et seq.

Abstracts of election returns, 25-3202, 25-3203, 25-3204

Certification of results, 25-3206

Duties of state board, 25-3206

Primary elections, 25-3205

Records, 25-3211

Intermediate canvass, county boards of canvassers, 25-3103 et seq.

Abstracts of election returns,

Special messenger, expenses, 25-3203

Transmittal to secretary of state, 25-3202

Abstracts of votes, preliminary inspection, 25-3106

Ballots, delivery, 25-3104, 25-3107

Books and records, delivery, 25-3104

Certification, preliminary abstracts of election returns, 25-3107

Elections canvassed, 25-3103

Original returns, delivery, 25-3104

Preliminary intermediate abstract of election returns, 25-3106, 25-3107

Questions, hearing and determination, 25-3107

Records, inspection and delivery, 25-3107

Time, 25-3104

Mail ballot election act, 25-433, 25-437

Observation of proceedings, authorized persons, 25-3005

Original canvass, 25-3001 et seq.

Abstracts of votes,

Certification of validity, 25-3006

Disposition, 25-3007, 25-3008

Ballot boxes, opening, 25-3001


Blank, 25-3001, 25-3003, 25-3007

Challenged, 25-3008

Disposition, 25-3007, 25-3008

Examination by authorized poll agent, 25-3004

Fastening together, 25-3003

Labeling, 25-3008

Objected to, 25-3003, 25-3007, 25-3008

Packaging, 25-3008

Special write-in board, 25-3008

Preservation, methods, 25-3003

Provisional ballots, 25-3008

Reading and announcing vote for each candidate, 25-3001

Removal from ballot boxes, 25-3001

Sealing, 25-3008

Separating, 25-3008

Spoiled, 25-3007, 25-3008

Stringing, 25-3003

Unused, 25-3007

Void, 25-3001, 25-3003, 25-3007, 25-3008

Election materials and supplies, disposition, 25-3007, 25-3008

Location, 25-3104

Party affiliation lists, disposition, 25-3008

Poll books, disposition, 25-3007, 25-3008

Procedure, 25-3001

Recount, county notification requirements, 25-3203

Registration books, disposition, 25-3008

Rules and regulations, abstracts of votes, 25-3006

Supervising judge,

Disposition of election materials, 25-3007

Packaging, packing and separating ballots, 25-3008

Tally marks, 25-3001

Tally sheets,

Comparison, reconciling differences, 25-3001

Disposition, 25-3007, 25-3008

Recording votes, 25-3001

Void ballots, 25-3001

Preservation, 25-3003

Voting machines,

Abstracts of votes, 25-3006

Opening counter compartment, 25-3006

Party affiliation lists, 25-3008

Poll books,

Errors, procedure for correction, 25-3107

Original canvass, 25-3007, 25-3008

Preliminary abstracts of election returns, 25-3106, 25-3107

Preliminary final abstract of election returns, defined, 25-3106

Preliminary intermediate abstract of election returns, defined, 25-3106

Presidential elections, new, former or relocated resident, 25-1808

Primary elections, 25-210, 25-3205

Application of general election laws, 25-3205

Final canvass, county boards of canvassers, 25-3109

Provisional ballots with application,

Disposition of, 25-3008

Question submitted elections, 25-3206

Final canvass, county boards of canvassers, 25-3109

Statewide questions, 25-3206

Recording vote on tally sheets, 25-3001

Records, 25-3211

Recount of ballots, 25-3107

Registration books, disposition after original canvass, 25-3008

Rules and regulations, abstracts of original canvass, 25-3006

Rules for canvassers, 25-3002

Special board for recount, 25-3107

Special election boards,

Advance voting ballots, 25-1132, 25-1134, 25-1135, 25-1138

Original canvass and final tabulation, when, 25-1134

Certification of votes, 25-1137

Election materials and supplies, disposition, 25-1137

Electronic and electromechanical voting systems, 25-1133

Establishment, time and place of meeting, 25-1133

Federal service absentee ballots, 25-1221, 25-1222

Fees, 25-1140

Nonelectromechanical voting systems counties, 25-1133

Nonoptical scanning systems counties, 25-1133

Nonvoting machine counties, 25-1133

Optical scanning systems, 25-1133

Powers, 25-1140

Voting machine counties, 25-1133

State board of canvassers, 25-3201 et seq.

Certification of results, 25-3211

Elections canvassed, 25-3205, 25-3206

Meetings, 25-3205, 25-3206

Members, 25-3201

Quorum, 25-3201

Tie votes, determination by lot, 25-3208, 25-3209

Supervising judge, 25-3005

Tabulation of vote totals, 25-3106

Tally sheets, original canvass, 25-3001, 25-3007, 25-3008

Tie votes, 25-3108, 25-3208

Final canvass, boards of county canvassers, 25-3108

Governor and lieutenant governor, 25-3209

Transmittal of intermediate canvass abstracts, 25-3202

Special messenger, expenses, 25-3203

Voting machines, 25-3006

Canvassing board, provisional ballot, duties, 25-2908

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Certificates of election,

Determination of results, state board of canvassers, 25-3206

Irregularities in procedure, 25-702, 25-716

Issuance, final canvass of votes, 25-3110, 25-3211

Plurality, 25-702

Publication of results, where, 25-3205, 25-3206

Rules and regulations, 25-3110

Vote required, 25-702

Challengers, primary elections, 25-216

Challenges, 25-409 et seq., 25-2908

Advance voting, 25-1136

Provisional ballots, 25-1136

Counties over 100,000, 19-3422

Election clerks, duties, 25-413

Mail ballot election act, 25-434

New, former or relocated resident, presidential elections, 25-1809, 25-1811

Chief state election official, 25-2504

Check of registration records of voters, 25-2354

Election administration, unlawful acceptance of moneys for, 25-2436

City elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index

Civic activities, county furnishing buildings and equipment, 19-1561 et seq.

Commencement of terms of office, 25-313

Commission, governmental ethics. See Campaign finance, state, counties, unified school districts (35,000 or more pupils), cities of the first class and boards of public utilities, ante

Commissioner of elections, 19-3419 et seq., 25-2504

Annexation ordinance, filing, 12-522, 19-3439

Assistant commissioner, 19-3420

Books and records, delivery to, 19-3436

Board of county commissioners, authority, 19-3420

Boundaries, wards and precincts, 19-3437, 19-3438, 19-3439

Clerks, 19-3420

Compensation, 19-3419a, 19-3420

Conduct of elections, 19-3434

Cooperation with municipal officials, 19-3434

Expenses, 19-3420

Grand juries, petition, 22-3001

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Offices, 19-1596, 19-3421

Payment of salaries and expenses, 19-3435

Tax levies, 19-3435a

Powers and duties, 19-3423 et seq.

Removal, 19-3419

Seal, 19-3423

Term of office, 19-3419

Vacancy in office, 19-3419

Committeemen and committeewomen. Political parties, post


Candidate committees, see, Campaign finance, ante

Party committees, see, Campaign finance, ante

Political parties, post

Community colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index

Compensation, election judges and clerks, 25-2811

Computer voting systems, 25-4401 et seq.

Abandonment, 25-4403, 25-4404

Acquisition, 25-4402, 25-4403, 25-4407

Approval, 25-4404, 25-4405, 25-4406

Ballots, 25-4409 et seq.

Bonds to finance, 25-4403

Changes required, 25-4403

Counting ballots, 25-4411 et seq.

Delivery at voting places, 25-4408

Electronic or electromechanical voting system, 25-4401

Fees, examination, 25-4405

Instructions, voters, 25-4410

Models, voting device, 25-4406, 25-4410

Number of units, 25-4407

Recounts, 25-4413

Repair, 25-4408

Requirements, 25-4403, 25-4406

Returns, election, 25-4412

Secretary of State,

Purchase, lease or rent for counties, help America vote act of 2002, 25-4407

Rules and regulations, 25-4415

Storage, 25-4408

Testing of systems, 25-4404

Use, 25-4402, 25-4403, 25-4404

Voting procedure, 25-4410

Write-in votes, 25-4406, 25-4409, 25-4412

Confirmation notices,

Destruction of, 25-2709

Confirmation responses,

Destruction of, 25-2709

Congress, this index

Constitutional amendments,

Ballots, 25-605

Marking, 25-2904

Contributions to campaign, 25-4180

Printing, posting and distribution of resolution, 25-606, 25-607

Publication, 64-103

Tie votes, 25-3208

Constitutional provisions, Kan. Const. Art. 4, §§ 1 to 3

Contests. Election Contests, generally, this index

Contributions. Campaign finance, ante


Party nominations, 25-202, 25-301, 25-302

Political parties, filling vacancies,

District offices, 25-312, 25-3902

Party candidacy, 25-3904, 25-3905, 25-3906

Elective offices, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

Party candidacies, 25-3904

After primary, 25-3905

Prior to primary, 25-3906

State board of education, 25-312, 25-3902a

Party candidacy, 25-3904a, 25-3905, 25-3906

Corporations, generally, this index

Counting boards, 25-2810

County Attorneys, this index

County boards of canvassers. Canvass of votes, ante

County Bonds, this index

County clerks,

Election. County Clerks, this index

Election officer. County election officers, post

County Commissioners, this index

County election officers, 19-3419 et seq., 25-2504

Absentee ballots, federal services,

List of applicants, 25-1217

Preparation of, 25-1218

Transmission of envelopes and instructions, 25-1220

Transmission to boards, 25-1221

Transmission to voter, 25-1220

Abstracts of voting, retention of copy, 25-2708

Advance voting, 25-1117


Deputy county election officers, 25-2303

Terms of office, 25-2314

Election clerks, 25-2801, 25-2803

Political affiliation, limitations, 25-2802

Recommendations of county chairmen, 25-2803

Vacancies, filling, 25-2805

Election judges, 25-2801, 25-2803

Political affiliation, limitations, 25-2802

Recommendations of county chairmen, 25-2803

Supervising judge, designation, 25-2803

Vacancies, filling, 25-2805

Pool of trained judges and clerks, 25-2804

Ballot boxes, 25-2703 et seq.

Control during election, 25-2810

Ballots, ante

Board of education members, oath, failure to file, 25-2024

Campaign finance, 25-901 et seq., 25-4142 et seq.

Canvass of votes, ante

Certificates of nomination. See subhead Nominations, post

Filing, 25-305

Preservation, 25-306

Public inspection, 25-306

Certification of candidate's name and residence, time, 25-311

Check of registration records of voters, 25-2354

City elections, see Municipal Elections, this index

Constitutional amendment, printing, posting and distribution of resolution, 25-606, 25-607

County boards of canvassers,

Filling vacancies, 25-3102

Meetings, 25-3105

Dead or deceased persons, report of, 65-2422d

Delivery and return of election supplies, records and receipts, 25-2707


Appointment, 25-2303

Supervision of election boards, 25-2810

Terms of office, 25-2314

Destruction of election records, 25-2709

Educational materials, sample ballots and lists, 25-604

Election administration, unlawful acceptance of moneys for, 25-2436

Election board, supervision, 25-2810

Election districts, inclusion of federal enclaves, 25-3401

Employees, time off to vote, 25-418


Campaign finance, cities of second and third classes, unified school districts, community colleges and townships, 25-901, 25-904

Campaign finance, state, counties, cities of first class and board of public utilities, 25-4144, 25-4145, 25-4146, 25-4148, 25-4150, 25-4157, 25-4173, 25-4175

Certificate, party candidacies, persons elected to fill vacancies, 25-3904, 25-3904a

Certificates of nomination and nomination petitions, 25-305

Nomination petitions and declarations of candidacy, 25-208

Forms, affidavits of federal employees and families, right to vote, 25-3401

Hours of voting, change, 25-106

Instructions to voters and election boards, 25-2706

Foreign language, when, 25-2706

Materials, preparation, furnishing to voters and election boards, 25-2706

Name on ballot prohibited, 25-601

Nomination petitions, filing, 25-305

Oath of judges and clerks, administering, 25-2807

Party affiliation lists and statements, 25-3301 et seq.

Petitions, signatures, determination of sufficiency, 25-3601

Pool of trained judges and clerks, establishment, 25-2804

Precinct boundaries, 19-3424, 19-3426, 19-3437, 19-3439, 25-2702, 25-2702a

Presidential elections, new, former or relocated resident, 25-1802 et seq.

Primary elections, post

Registration of voters, post

Rules and regulations, 25-2706

Secretary of state, approval, 25-2706

Sample ballots and lists of candidates, distribution, 25-604

School districts, certification of boundaries, 72-533

School elections, see Schools and School Districts, this index

School for election judges, 25-2806

Supervision of election boards, 25-2810

Allocation of staff resources, 25-2810

Supplies, delivery and return,

Records and receipts, 25-2707

Townships, division into precincts, 25-2702

Training requirements, 25-124

Vacancy on ballot, filling, 25-309

New ballot, 25-310

Voting booths, preservation for future use, 25-2703

Voting places, post

Ward and precinct boundaries, 19-3424, 19-3426, 19-3437, 19-3439, 25-2702, 25-2702a

Withdrawal from nomination for county and township offices, filing of request, 25-306b

County elections,

Ballots, primary election expenses, 25-223

Campaign expenses, 25-4142 et seq.

Death of nominee, 25-306b

Expenses, primary elections, 25-223

Filing, nomination petitions and certificates of nomination, 25-305

Hours of voting, 25-106

Tie votes, 25-3108

Time, 25-101

Urban area counties, charter government, 19-2680

Vacancies, term of office, 25-314

Withdrawal from nomination, time, 25-306b

County seats, location or relocation, 19-1601 et seq.

County Treasurers, this index

Court of Appeals Judges, this index

Courthouses, this index

Crimes. Election Offenses, generally, this index

Disqualification to vote or hold office, 21-6613, 22-3722; Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2

Date of election, prescribed,

General election, 25-101, 25-2502

City elections, 25-2107

School districts, 25-2010

Primary election, 25-203, 25-2502

City elections, 25-2108a

Municipalities' elections, 25-21a01

School districts, 25-2010

Declaration of candidacy. See, Candidates under this heading

Declination forms,

Destruction of, 25-2709

Definitions, 25-2501 et seq.

Chief state election official, 25-2504

County election officer, 25-2504

Election expenses, adoption by reference, 25-2205

Registration of voters, adoption by reference, 25-2303

Voter registration agency, 25-2303

Disabled persons,

Advanced voting, ante

Assistance in voting, 25-2909

Handicapped persons, post

District attorney, 22a-101, 25-101

District Court Judges, this index

District method, defined, 25-2102District offices,

Vacancies, filling, 25-312, 25-3902

Party candidacies, 25-3904

After primary, 25-3905

Prior to primary, 25-3906

Domicile and residence,

Candidate, designation on ballot, 25-613

Change, voting allowed, when, 25-2316c

Confirmation notice, 25-2316c

Determination, 25-407

Federal employees and families, right to vote, 25-3401 et seq.

Former precinct resident, 25-1802 et seq., 25-3701 et seq.

Legislature, this index

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen, 25-3801

Presidential elections, new, former or relocated resident, 25-1802 et seq.

Public officers and employees, voting purposes, 25-108

Registration, effect of change, 25-2316c

Drainage Districts, this index

Drunkenness, not physical disability, 25-2909

Elderly persons,

Accessibility of voting places, 25-2710

Assistance in voting, 25-2909

Election at large method, defined, 25-2102

Election boards, 25-2506, 25-2801 et seq.

Assisting voters, 25-2909

Record of assistance, 25-2911

Ballot boxes,

Control during election, 25-2810


"Objected to" ballots, 25-2906

Procedure, 25-2810

Unlawful ballots, 25-2906


Counting from boxes with less than 50 ballots, 25-2810

Disclosure of election results, 25-2810

Failure of voter to vote, notification, 25-2907

Folding, 25-2905

Canvass of votes. See subhead Original canvass under Canvass of votes, ante

Compensation, 25-2811

Control of voting places, 25-2810

Counting boards, 25-2810

Destruction of appointments and oaths, 25-2709

Division into receiving and counting board, 25-2810

Duties, 25-2908

Election clerks, post

Election judges, post

Election results,

Certification, 25-2810

Disclosure, when, 25-2810

Former precinct resident. Absent voters, ante

Instructions, 25-2706

Number of members determined, 25-2808

Oath, destruction of, 25-2709

Party affiliation of voters. Primary elections, post

Political affiliation of judges and clerks, limitation, 25-2802

Presidential elections, new, former or relocated resident, 25-1802 et seq.

Receiving boards, 25-2810

Special election boards, 25-1122b, 25-1133, 25-1221

Advance voting ballots,

Canvass of ballots, 25-1135, 25-1138

Certification of vote, 25-1137

Original canvass and final tabulation, when, 25-1134

Certification of votes, 25-1137

Counties without electromechanical voting systems, 25-1133

Counties without optical scanning systems, 25-1133

Counties without voting machines, 25-1133

Election materials and supplies, disposition, 25-1137

Establishment, time and place of meeting, 25-1133

Fees, 25-1140

Powers, 25-1140

Voting machines, 25-1122b, 25-1133

Travel expenses, supervising judge, 25-2811

Vacancy on ballot, filling, printing name of substitute nominee on new ballot, 25-310

Voting places, control and supervision, 25-2810

Election clerks,

Advance voting, 25-2804

Appointment, 25-2801, 25-2803, 25-2804

Area located in two counties, 25-2803

Political affiliation, limitations, 25-2802

Recommendations of county chairmen, 25-2803

Arrest, privilege, 25-107

Assisting voters, memorandum and record of procedure, 25-2911

Candidacy prohibited, 25-2804

Canvass of votes, ante

Challenged ballots, duties, 25-413

Comparison of tally sheets, 25-3001

Compensation, 25-2811

Fitness to serve, examination, 25-2807

Irrigation districts, 42-364

Oath, administering, 25-2807

Political affiliation, limitation, 25-2802

Powers and duties, 19-3423

Qualifications, 25-2804, 25-2807

Vacancies, filling, 25-2805

Voting places served, 25-2804

Election commissioner. Commissioner of elections, ante

Election court, availability of ballots, books and records, 25-2708

Election districts, inclusion of federal enclaves, 25-3401

Election judges,

Abstracts of votes. Canvass of votes, ante

Advance voting, 25-2804

Affidavits, former precinct resident, 25-3702

Appointment, 25-2801, 25-2803, 25-2804

Area located in two counties, 25-2803

Political affiliation, limitations, 25-2802

Recommendations of county chairmen, 25-2803

Arrest, privilege, 25-107


Clipping numbers, 25-2905

Delivery, 25-604

Depositing in ballot boxes, 25-2905

Candidacy prohibited, 25-2804

Challenged ballot, 25-409, 25-2908

Challenging right to vote, 25-414

Provisional ballot, 25-414

Compensation, 25-2811

Duties, 25-2908

Excused to vote, 25-2804

Improvement districts, 19-2757

Instructions, 25-2806

Irrigation districts, 42-364

Oath, administering, 25-2807

Performing duties of clerk, original canvass of votes, 25-3001

Political affiliation, limitation, 25-2802

Powers and duties, 19-3423

Provisional ballots, acceptance or rejection procedure, 25-414

Qualifications, 25-2804

Fitness to serve, examination, 25-2807

Registration books,

Delivery to voting places, 25-2318

Record of voting, 25-2319

Rejection of certain votes, 25-2908

Residence of voter, determination, 25-407

School for judges, 25-2806

Supervising judge, 25-2803

Delivery and return of election supplies, records and receipts, 25-2707

Disposition of election supplies and materials, original canvass, 25-3007

Supervision of election board, 25-2810

Traveling expenses, 25-2811

Vacancy on ballot, certification of substitute nominee, 25-310

Training, 25-2806

Vacancies, filling, 25-2805

Voting machines,

Voting places served, 25-2804

Election officers,

County election officers, ante

Election precincts. Voting area, post

Electors. See subhead Qualified voters, post

Electronic and electronmechanial voting systems act, 25-4416, 25-4401 et seq.

Employees, time off to vote, 25-418


Campaign finance, ante

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Expenses, 25-2201 et seq.

Abstracts of election returns, delivery to secretary of state, 25-3203

Appeal of statement, 25-2204

Apportionment, 25-2201 et seq.

Appeal, state election board, 25-2204

County election officer, duties, 25-2202

Rules and regulations, 25-2203

Campaign finance and expenses, see Campaign finance, ante

Cities of first class, 25-119

Cities of second class, 25-119

City elections, 25-2201

Community colleges, 25-2201

Constitutional amendment resolution, printing, posting and distribution, 25-607

Counties over 130,000, 19-3435, 19-3435a

County payments, 25-119, 25-2201, 25-2315

Reimbursement, 25-2201

Tax levies, 25-120, 25-2201a

Definitions, 25-2205

General elections, 25-2201

Intermediate canvass of election returns, delivery to secretary of state, 25-3203

Primary elections, 25-119, 25-223, 25-2201

County payments, 25-119

Tax levies, 25-120

Question submitted elections, 25-2201

Registration of voters, 25-2315

Division of motor vehicles, 25-2315

First and second class cities, 25-119

Payment, 25-2315

Voter registration agencies, 25-2315

Reimbursement of counties, 25-2201

Exception, 25-2201

Rules and regulations, state election board, 25-2203

School elections, 25-2201

State election board, 25-2202, 25-2203, 25-2204

Townships, 25-2201, 80-1806

County payments, 25-119 et seq.

Tax levies, 25-120

Disorganization and reorganization, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1118

Primary elections, 25-223

Extension councils, 2-611

Federal enclaves, inclusion in election districts, 25-3401

Federal services, persons in,

Absentee registration and voting, 25-1214 et seq.

Write-in absentee ballots, 25-1218

Registration, late, recently discharged persons, 25-2302d

Voting and registration by residents of federal enclaves, 25-3401 et seq.

Fees and charges,

Candidates, 25-206, 25-4119f

Refunds prohibited, 25-306d

Sample ballots and lists of candidates, 25-604

Files, delivery, counties over 100,000, 19-3436

Filing for office, see Candidates, ante

Financial statements and reports, 25-901 et seq., 25-4142 et seq.

Fire districts,

Consolidation, urban area counties, 80-1547 et seq.

Township bond issues, 80-1514b

Flag, display, 73-708

Foreign speaking persons,

Assistance in voting, 25-2909

Instructions in foreign language, 25-2706

Forfeiture of office or employment, election offenses, 25-2432

Former precinct resident, 25-1802 et seq.

Advance voting, notice to election officer, former county, 25-3706

Presidential elections, 25-1801

Voting at former voting place, 25-3701 et seq.

Affidavit, 25-3702

Challenged votes, 25-3703

Notice to election officer of former county, 25-3706

Record of vote, 25-3705, 25-3706


Abstracts of votes, original canvass, 25-3006

Affidavit, challenging right to vote, 25-216

Application for registration, 25-2309

Ballots, ante

Certification of party members, number, 25-3302

Former precinct resident, affidavit, 25-3702

Mail voter registration application, 25-2309

Notice, appointment of election judges and clerks, 25-2801

Oaths of election judges and clerks, 25-2807

Primary elections, 25-222

Franklin county, water supply and distribution district board, 19-3505

General elections,

Age, registration of voters, 25-2306

Ballots, 25-601 et seq.

Printing and distribution, 25-604

Campaign financing, Campaign Finance Act, ante

Certificates of election, ante

City elections. Municipal Elections, this index

Date prescribed, 25-101

Defined, 25-1115, 25-2102, 25-2502, 77-201

City elections, 25-2102

School elections, 25-2006

Vacancies in offices and elections, 25-3901

Expenses, 25-2201

Former precinct resident, right to vote, 25-3701 et seq.

Notice, 25-105

School districts. See subhead Elections under Schools and School Districts, this index

State officers, 25-101, 25-101a

Candidates, qualifications, 25-101a

County offices, 25-3108

Tie votes,

Governor and lieutenant governor, 25-3209, 25-3210, 25-3211

State and national offices, 25-3208

Township offices, 25-3108

Time, 25-2502

Governor, this index

Inauguration contributions, 25-4186, 25-4187

Handicapped persons,

Accessibility of voting places, 25-2710

Advance voting, 25-1122, 25-1122d, 25-1124

Assistance in voting, 25-2909

Advance voting, 25-1124

Help America Vote Act of 2002 Administrative Complaint Act, 25-21a04

Citation of act, 25-4701


Consolidation, 25-4707

Filing, 25-4704

Form of, 25-4705

Time limits, 25-4706

Definitions, 25-4703

Purpose, 25-4702

Record, official, maintained by secretary of state, 25-4708

Secretary of state, duties,

Conduct hearings, 25-4709

Appointment of arbitrator, 25-4715

Final determination, burden of proof, 25-4713

Hearing procedures, notice, 25-4710

Informal and prehearing conferences, 25-4711

Remedies, 25-4714

Rules and regulations, 25-4716

Subpoenas, 25-4712

Official record, 25-4708

Help Kansas vote act, 25-21a04

Hospitals, this index

Hours of voting, 25-106

Change in time, 25-106

Counties over 100,000, 19-3424

House of representatives. Legislature, this index

House of representatives, United States. Congress, this index

Illiterate persons,

Assistance in voting, 25-2909

Instructions in foreign language, 25-2706

Improvement Districts, this index

Incompatible offices, acceptance of, 25-123

Independent nominations. Nominations, post

Injunctions, certificates of nomination and nomination petitions, validity, 25-308


Certificates of nomination, 25-306

Instructions to election boards, 25-2706

Instructions to voters, 25-2706

Foreign language, when, 25-2706

Insurance commissioner, 25-101, 25-101a, 40-106

Intoxicated person, not physical disability, 25-2909

Irregularities, 25-702, 25-716

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Jails, this index

Johnson county, water supply and distribution district board, 19-3505 et seq.

Judges and justices,

District Court Judges, this index

Supreme Court Justices, this index

Kansas river, flood control works and improvements, 24-132

Labor Organizations, this index

Legislature, generally, this index

Levee districts, governing body, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1104

Libraries, this index

Lieutenant Governor, this index

Mail ballot election act, 25-431 et seq.

Advance voting, 25-435

Ballots, 25-431 et seq.

Canvass of votes, 25-433, 25-437

Challenge of voters, 25-434

Postage, payment of, 25-433

Procedure, 25-433

Registration of voters, 25-433

Removal of names from registration book,25-433

Rules and regulations, 25-433

Tax lid, cities and counties, 25-432, 25-433a

Time limitation, mailing and return of ballots, 25-433

Type of elections which may be conducted, 25-432

Mailing address, voters, 25-2309c

Notices, 25-2309c

Nonforwardable, 25-2309c

Materials and supplies, voters and election boards, 25-2706

Mental health clinics, counties, tax levies, 65-215

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2839

Miami county, water supply and distribution district board, 19-3505

Military services,

Absentee registration and ballot, federal services, 25-1214 et seq.

Registration, late, recently discharged persons, 25-2302d

Voting and registration by residents of federal enclaves, 25-3401 et seq.

Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-402 et seq.

Move of registrant, 25-2353

Provisional ballot, 25-2353

Update of registration record, 25-2353

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipal Clerks, this index

Municipal Elections, generally, this index

Municipal universities, election to extend taxing district, 13-13a24

National Change of Address Files, Registration books, post

National elections,

Application of 1968 act, 25-2601

Ballots, primary elections, expenses, 25-223

Canvass of votes, ante

Death of nominee, 25-306b


County payments, 25-119

Tax levies, 25-120

Primary elections, 25-223

Filing, nomination petitions and certificates of nomination, 25-305

Hours of voting, 25-106

Tie votes, 25-3208

Time, 25-101

Withdrawal from nomination, time, 25-306b

National office or officer,

Certification of candidate's name and residence, time 25-311

Declaration of candidacy, ante

New or former resident, voting. Presidential Electors, this index


Certificate of nomination, 25-301, 25-304, 25-305, 25-3110, 25-3205

Filing deadline, 25-305

Form and content, 25-3110

Invalid, 25-208a

Party nominations, 25-301, 25-304

Public inspection, 25-306c

Rules and regulations, 25-3110

Validity of, 25-308

Conventions, 25-202, 25-302

Counties over 100,000, 19-3424

Death of nominee, 25-306b

Declaration of candidacy. Candidates, ante

Filing, time deadline, 25-205, 25-305, 25-4004

General ballot, printing of names, 25-601

General elections, 25-202

Governor and lieutenant governor, jointly, 25-4003 et seq.

Independent nominations, 25-303 et seq.

Certificates of nomination, 25-303, 25-304

Presidential electors, 25-304

Requirements, 25-303, 25-304

Signatures on petitions, 25-303

Methods, 25-202

Certificate by convention or caucus, 25-305

Petition, 25-205, 25-213

Primary elections, 25-205

Name and residence of nominee, certification to county election officers, 25-309, 25-310, 25-311

Notification of county election officer, 25-309, 25-310, 25-311

Objections, 25-208a, 25-308

One nomination per person, 25-306

Party nominations, 25-301, 25-302


Copies to county election officer, 25-208a


Place, 25-208

Time deadline, 25-205, 25-305

Form and contents, 25-205, 25-303

Independent nominations, 25-303

Presidential electors, 25-304

Objections, 25-308

Party candidates, 25-205

Signatures required, 25-205, 25-303

Validity, 25-208a, 25-308

Primary elections, 25-205 et seq.

Objections, 25-208a, 25-308

Two or more, filing written acceptance, 25-306e


Party candidacies, 25-3904 et seq.

Printing name on new ballot, 25-309, 25-310

Refund of filing fee, 25-306d

Time, 25-306b

Validity of, 25-208a, 25-308

Withdrawal of name, 25-306a, 25-306b

Write-in candidates, 25-210, 25-213

Minimum vote required, 25-213

Nonpartisan selection of judges of the district court, adoption of method, 20-2901


General elections, 25-105

Mailed notice, 25-105, 25-2309c

Primary elections, 25-204, 25-209

Registration of voters, time, 25-2310

Oath of office, form, 54-106

Oaths and affirmations,

District offices, vacancies filled, certificate, 25-3902

Former precinct resident, ballot, affidavit, 25-3702

Registration of voters, 25-2307

State elective office, prior civil service resignation, 75-2953

Offenses. Election Offenses, this index

Offices, incompatible, acceptance, 25-123

Optical scanning voting systems, 25-4601 et seq.

Approval of system, 25-4604, 25-4613

Ballots, 25-4607, 25-4610

Canvass, 25-4611

Equipment, 25-4606, 25-4610

Certification, secretary of state, 25-4603

Financing, 25-4602

Rules and regulations, 25-4614

Use of system, 25-4602

Voting, 25-4608, 25-4609

Papers, destruction, 25-2429, 25-2708

Parks, generally, this index

Party affiliation of voters. Primary elections, post

Party candidacy, vacancies, filling, 25-3904 et seq.

Party certificates of nomination, defined, 25-301

Party committees,

Campaign finance act, ante

Political parties, post

Party nominations, defined, 25-301

Petitions, 25-3602

Circulator, 25-302a, 25-3602

Defined, 25-3608

Duties, 25-4005

Filing, 25-3602

Prior to circulation with county or district attorney, 25-3601

Time limitation prescribed, 25-3602

Form and contents, 25-3602

Legality determined by county or district attorney, 25-3601

Legally qualified voters, determination of, registration required, 25-3607

Nominations, ante


Number, determination of, 25-3602

Sufficiency, determination of, 25-3601

Rules and regulations, 25-3604

Withdrawal of, 25-3602

Statutes applicable, copies provided to persons requesting information, 25-3601

Sufficiency, determination of, 25-3601 et seq.

Validity of, challenge, 25-208a, 25-3601

Verification, 25-3602

Physically disabled persons. Handicapped persons, ante

Political activities, state officers and employees, 75-2953, 75-2974

Political organizations,

Campaign finance and expenses, see Campaign finance, ante

Designation on voter affiliation lists, 25-3307

Registration, fees, 25-4145

Registration of voters, post

Political parties,

Abstract of votes, disposition of copies, 25-2708

Affiliation of voters. See Party affiliation of voters under Primary elections, post


Designation of party affiliation, 25-613

Inspection, 25-604

Primary elections, 25-205, 25-210

Witnessing destruction, 25-2708

Campaign finance and expenses, see Campaign finance, ante


Vacancies, filling, 25-3904 et seq.

Secretary of state, notification, 25-3908

Certificates of nomination, 25-301, 25-304

Party affiliation designated, 25-3110

Committeemen and committeewomen, 25-3801

Advance voting for, 25-1120

County charter committee membership, 19-2682

Declaration of candidacy, 25-206, 25-208

Write-in candidates, 25-213

Committees, 25-3801 et seq.

Party committees, see, Campaign finance act, ante


Nominations, 25-202, 25-301, 25-302

Party candidacy, filling vacancies, 25-3904 et seq.

Secretary of state, notification, 25-3908

Vacancies in office, filling,

District offices, 25-3902

Elective office, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

State legislature, 25-312, 25-3903

County central committees,

Officers, term of office, 25-3807

County chairperson,

District convention, calling,

Filling vacancies,

Elective offices, 25-312, 25-3901, 25-3903a

Party candidacies, 25-3904, 25-3904a

Recommendations for election judges and clerks, time for making, 25-2803

District committee, congressional districts,

Officers, Term of office, 25-3807

Legislative members, filling vacancies, 25-3903

Party candidacies, 25-3904, 25-3905, 25-3906

Members. See Party affiliation of voters, generally, under subhead Primary elections, post

Name, 25-302a

Newly organized party,

Affidavit, 25-117

Name or designation, 25-302a

Official recognition, petition, 25-302a

Loss of recognition, 25-302b, 25-302c

Nominations, 25-202, 25-301, 25-302

Vacancy, party candidacy, 25-3904 et seq.

Officers of party, 25-3801 et seq.

County charter committee membership, 19-2682

Powers and duties, 25-3808

Terms of office, 25-3807

Vacancies, 25-3808

Organization and government, 25-3801 et seq.

Application of law, 25-3809

Party affiliation of election judges and clerks, limitations, 25-2802

Party affiliation of voters. Primary elections, post

Primary election ballots, 25-210

Prohibited political parties, 25-116

Recognition in state, 25-302a

Loss of recognition, 25-302b, 25-302c

Secretary, committees, 25-3801 et seq.

State board of education, filling vacancies, 25-3902a, 25-3903

State committee, officers, 25-3807

State officers and employees,

Political activities, 75-2953, 75-2974


Committees, 25-3801 et seq.


Committees, 25-3801 et seq.

Elective office, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

Public office,

Party candidacy, 25-3904 et seq.

Political signs, restrictions, 25-2711

Political year, beginning, 75-3001

Poll agent,

Canvass of elections, observation, 25-3005

Examination of ballots, original canvass, 25-3004

Who qualifies,

Badges, 25-3005a

Poll books,

Assistance to voters, entry of name, memorandum, 25-2911

Defined, 25-2507

Delivery and return, records and receipts, 25-2707

Destruction, 25-2709

Disposition after original canvass, 25-3007, 25-3008

Entry of voters receiving assistance, 25-2911

Recordation of names, former precinct resident, 25-3705

Signature of voter, when, 25-2908

Voter's number, affixing to ballots, 25-2908

Polls. Voting places, post


Constitutional amendment resolution, 25-606, 25-607

Instructions to voters and election boards, 25-2706

Foreign language, when, 25-2706

Precincts, 25-26a02 et seq.

Boundaries, 19-3424, 19-3426, 19-3437, 19-3439, 25-26a02 et seq., 25-2702, 25-2702a

Changes in, 25-26a02 et seq.

Committeemen and committeewomen. Political parties, ante

County election officers, duties, 25-26a02 et seq.

Maps, 25-26a04, 25-26a05

Voting area, post

President of the United States, this index

Presidential elections,

New, former and relocated residents, eligibility to vote, 25-1801 et seq.


Application for, 25-1802 et seq.

Canvass, 25-1808, 25-1811

Delivery to applicant, 25-1805

Voting, 25-1806

Primary elections, 25-202 et seq.

Application of law, 25-202, 25-214

Application of 1968 act, 25-2601

Ballots, ante

Campaign finance and expenses, see Campaign finance, ante

Campaign financing. Campaign Finance Act, ante

Canvass of votes, ante

Certification of candidates, 25-209

Challenging right to vote, 25-216

City elections. Municipal Elections, this index

County payments for expenses, 25-119

Date prescribed, 25-203, 25-2502

Defined, 25-1115, 25-2102, 25-2502

Employees, time off to vote, 25-418

Expenses, ante

Filing nomination petitions and declarations of candidacy, 25-208

Copies, 25-208a

Limitation, 25-202

Former precinct resident, right to vote, 25-3701 et seq.

Forms, 25-222

Hours of voting, 25-106

National and state offices on one ballot, 25-210, 25-213

Nominations, ante

Notice, 25-204, 25-209

Party affiliation of voters, 25-3301 et seq.

Advance voting, 25-1123

Certification to secretary of state, 25-3302

Change of party, 25-3304

Declaration, 25-3301 et seq.

Lists, 25-2507, 25-3302

County chairmen, party central committee, 25-3302

County election officer, 25-3302

Destruction of, 25-2709

Disposition after original canvass, 25-3008

Furnishing of, 25-3302

Preparation, county election officers, 25-3301

Preservation and updating, 25-3301

Removal or purging of names, 25-2316c, 25-3303, 25-3304

Mail ballot elections, 25-433

Rules and regulations, 25-3302

Party losing official recognition, 25-302c

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen, 25-3801

Rules and regulations, party affiliation lists, 25-3302

Statement, 25-3301

Party nominations, 25-302

Precinct committeeman and committeewoman, 25-215, 25-3801

Qualified voters, 25-215

Registration of voters, 25-215

School districts. See subhead Elections under Schools and School Districts, this index

State board of canvassers, 25-3205

Supplies, 25-223

Tie votes,

County offices, 25-3108

State and national offices, 25-3208

Township offices, 25-3108

Time, 25-203, 25-2502

Voter qualifications, 25-215

Voting machines, post

Write-in candidates, vote required, 25-213

Political signs,

Restrictions, 25-2711

Privileges of electors, 25-107; Kan. Const. Art. 5, § 7

Prosecution of election crimes, 25-2435

Provisional ballots, 25-409, 25-1122, 25-2908

Publication of election results, where, 25-3205, 25-3206

Qualified voters,

Address confidentiality program, voting procedures, 75-456

Age, statutory construction, 25-2508

Disqualification, Kan. Const., Art. 5 § 2

Conviction and imprisonment of crime, 21-6613

Eighteen years of age, 25-215, 25-2306; Kan. Const. Art. 5, § 1; U.S. Const. Am. 26

Eligibility to vote, 25-4502

Federal employees and families, 25-3401 et seq.

Former precinct resident, 25-3701 et seq.

Former resident, 25-1801 et seq.

Legally qualified, 25-215, 25-3607

New resident, 25-1801 et seq.

Presidential elections, new, former or relocated resident, 25-1801 et seq.

Primary elections, 25-215, 25-3301 et seq.

Proof of qualification, 25-2301 et seq.; Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 4

Registration of voter required, 25-2908

Primary elections, 25-215

Question submitted elections,

Advance voting, 25-1117, 25-1119, 25-1130

Application of 1968 act, 25-2601

Ballots, 25-605a, 25-620

Marking, 25-2904

Campaign expenses, 25-901 et seq.

Defined, advance voting, 25-1117

Expenses, 25-2201

Irregularities, 25-716

Petitions for, 25-3601 et seq.

Tie votes, 25-3108, 25-3208

Recall, generally, this index

Receipts, delivery and return of election supplies, rules and regulations, 25-2707

Receiving boards, 25-2810


Abstracts of election returns, 25-3204

Campaign finance and expenses, see Campaign finance, ante

Canvass of votes, 25-3211

Delivery, counties over 100,000, 19-3436

Delivery and return of election supplies, rules and regulations, 25-2707

Destruction, 25-2708, 25-2709

Preservation, 25-2708

Registration of voters, 25-2303

Supreme court nominating commission, 20-122, 20-123

Register of deeds, 19-1201, 25-101

Registration books,

Addresses compared to National Change of Address Files, 25-2354

Examination of, 25-2354

Mass mailings, when allowable, 25-2354

National Change of Address Files, 25-2354

Registration of voters,

Address concealed from public inspection, 25-2309

Address confidentiality program, voting procedures, 75-456

Affidavits, 25-2309

Application for registration, 25-2309, 25-2352

Driver's license application, part of, 25-2352

Mailing, envelopes, 25-2309a

Persons under 18, 25-2305, 25-2306

Assistance in obtaining birth certificate, 25-2358

Cancellation, former registration, 25-2309

Centralized voter registration database to be established by secretary of state, 25-2304

Certain voters registered in all Kansas elections, 25-2356


Authenticity of registration books, 25-2318

Number of registered voters, to secretary of state, 25-2311

Registration books, authenticity of, 25-2318

Change of party, 25-3304

Choice of law, 25-2309


Expenses, 25-2315

Opening and closing registration, 25-2311

City clerks in certain cities, appointment as deputy county election officer, 25-2303

Closing time, 25-2311

Confidentiality, 25-2309

Confirmation mailing, 25-2309

Counties over 100,000, 19-3422

County election officer, 25-2303

Appointment of deputies, 25-2303

Terms of office, 25-2314

Duties, 25-2303

Notice, registration information, 25-2310

Notification of failure to vote, 25-2316c

Oaths and affirmations, 25-2307

Opening and closing registration, 25-2311

Additional days and hours, 25-2312

Party affiliation,

Lists, removal of names, 25-2316c

Procedure for, notice, 25-3306

Places of registration, 25-2311

Additional places, 25-2313

Declaration of party affiliation, 25-3306

Opening and closing, 25-2312

Voter affiliation, 25-3306

Refusal to register, mandamus, 25-2322

Registration books, 25-2304

Preparation for voting places, 25-2318

Removal of names, 25-2316c

County seats, location or relocation, 19-1602, 19-1613 et seq.

Dates of registration, 25-2311

Additional days and hours, 25-2312

Notice, 25-2310

Death of voter, 25-2316c

Declaration of party affiliation, 25-3301, 25-3304, 25-3306

Change of affiliation, 25-3304

Definitions, adoption by reference, 25-2303

Denial of registration,

Mandamus, 25-2322

Department of revenue, liability, 25-2352

Deputy county election officer,

Oaths and affirmations, 25-2307

Terms of office, 25-2314

Destruction of registration lists, 25-2709

Disqualification for voting,

Conviction and imprisonment for crime, 21-6613, 22-3722; Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2

Division of motor vehicles,

Declaration of party affiliation, 25-3306

Divorce, change of name, effect on registration, 25-2316c

Duplicate registration, 25-2309

Duty to register, 25-2302

Employees, payment, 25-2315

Entry of names in registration books, 25-2318

Entry of voter's name prior to voting, 25-2908

Expenses, 25-119, 25-2315

Cities of first and second classes, 25-119

County payments, 25-119

Failure to register, confidential, 25-2352

Failure to sign voter registration application, 25-2352

Failure to vote, removal of name, 25-2316c

Federal services, persons in,

Absentee federal services, 25-1214 et seq.

Late registration, recently discharged persons, 25-2302d

Residents of federal enclaves, 25-3401 et seq.

Former precinct resident, 25-3701, Kan. Const. Art. 5, § 1

Residence, precinct change within state, 25-3701

Right to vote, 25-3701, Kan. Const. Art. 5, § 1

Time, 25-3701


Driver's license application, approval, 25-2352

Mailing, envelopes, 25-2309a


Citizenship, 25-2309

Identification, 25-2309

Requirements, 25-2908

Mailed voter registration applications, 25-2311

Mailing address, 25-2309, 25-2309c

Mandamus, compelling registration, 25-2322

Marriage, change of name, effect on registration, 25-2316c

Military personnel,

Absentee, federal services, 25-1214 et seq.

Late registration, recently discharged persons, 25-2302d

Residents of federal enclaves, 25-3401 et seq.

Motor vehicle driver's license application, part of, 25-2352


Change, effect on registration, 25-2316c

Registered voters, entry in registration books, 25-2318

Registration books, 25-2305


Opening and closing registration, 25-2311

Registration information, 25-2310

Notice of disposition, 25-2309

Notice of disposition of application, 25-2316c

Number of registered voters, certification to secretary of state, 25-2311

Oaths and affirmations, 25-2307

Opening registration, 25-2311

Additional days and hours, 25-2312

Party affiliation of voters, 25-3301 et seq.

Change of party, 25-3304

Primary elections, ante

Penalty for false voter registration application, 25-2352

Places of registration,

Additional places, 25-2313

Notice, 25-2310

Opening and closing, 25-2311, 25-2312

Statewide by secretary of state and deputy assistant secretaries, 25-2323

Poll books, defined, 25-2507

Postal address, 25-2309, 25-2309c

Presidential elections, new, former or relocated resident, 25-1802

Primary elections, 25-215

Provisional ballot, when, 25-2316c

Public assistance agency, effect, 25-2309

Public inspection, limitation, 25-2309


Age, 25-215, 25-2305, 25-2306

Disqualification for conviction and imprisonment for crime, 21-6613, 22-3722

Primary elections, 25-215

Qualified voter, ante

Records, 25-2303

Recordkeeping methods, financing expenses, 25-2315

Registration books, 25-2304

Record of voting, 25-2319

Registration books, 25-2304, 25-2305, 25-2507

Access to, 25-2320

Addresses of voters, 25-2305a

Authenticity, certification, 25-2318

Contents, 25-2305

Copies, 25-2320

Delivery to voting places, 25-2318

Disposition after original canvass, 25-3008

Examination of, 25-2320

Form, 25-2304, 25-2318

Illegal use, 25-2320a

Opening and closing, 25-2311

Party affiliation lists, use as, 25-3301

Preparation for voting places, 25-2318

Public inspection, 25-2320

Record of voting, 25-2319

Removal of names, void registration, 25-2316c

Rules and regulations, 25-2304

Signature of voter, when, 25-2908

Use for commercial purposes, penalty, 25-2320a

Rejection of registration,

Mandamus, 25-2322

Removal of names from registration books, 25-2316c

Mail ballot elections, 25-433


Checking before allowing vote, 25-2908

Exceptions, 25-2316c

Primary elections, 25-215


Address requirements, 25-2305a

Change, effect on registration, 25-2316c

Determination, 25-407

Former precinct resident, 25-3701 et seq.

Registration books, 25-2305

Right to vote, prima facie evidence, 25-2302

Rules and regulations, 25-2309

Notice of registration information, 25-2310

Opening and closing registration, 25-2311

Registration books, 25-2304

Secretary of state and deputy assistant secretaries, 25-2323

Time, 25-2311, 25-2312

Registration books, delivery to voting places, 25-2318

United States Citizenship, required, 25-2309

Validity, 25-2316c

Void registration, 25-2316c

Voter eligibility requirements, 25-2309

Voter registration agencies,

Declaration of party affiliation, 25-3306

Rejection of vote, 25-409, 25-2908


Campaign finance, ante

Legislature, list of members elected, 25-3210

Residence. Domicile and residence, ante

Results, publication, 25-3211


Abstracts of election returns. Canvass of votes, ante

Counties over 100,000, 19-3424

Secretary of state, custody, 75-410

Right to vote,

Disqualification for conviction and imprisonment of crime, 21-6613, 22-3722; Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2

Federal employees and families, 25-3401 et seq.

Former precinct resident, 25-3701 et seq.

Primary elections, 25-3301

Qualified voter, ante

Rules and regulations,

Absent voters, federal services, 25-1225

Abstracts of votes, original canvass, 25-3006

Advance voting, 25-1131

Ballot boxes, number, 25-2704

Ballot printing rates, 25-604

Certificates of nomination and election, 25-3110

Change in hours of voting, 25-106

City elections, opening and closing polls, change in time, 25-2111

County election officers, 25-2706

Mail ballot election act, 25-440

Motor vehicle driver's license-voter registration forms, 25-2352

National voter registration act, 25-2355

Notice, places and dates of registration, 25-2310

Opening and closing registration, 25-2311

Party affiliation lists, 25-3302

Petitions, sufficiency of signatures, 25-3604

Records and receipts, delivery of election supplies, 25-2707

Registration of votes, 25-2304

Residential door-to-door campaigning, regulation of, prohibited, 25-2712

Secretary of state, adoption of, 25-2355

Rural water districts, 82a-626, 82a-627

School Bonds, this index

Schools and School Districts, this index

Secretary of state,

Advanced notification,

Personal identification requirements, 25-2357


Duties, 25-623

Municipal elections,

Primary and general election procedures, 25-21a03

Spring to fall change,

Public information program, 25-21a02

Registered voter reports, 25-2361

Rules and regulations, 25-623, 25-2908


Congress, this index

Legislature, this index

Severability clause, 25-130, 25-2359

Shawnee Mission park district, 19-2875

Sheriffs, this index

Sick and disabled voters,

Handicapped persons, ante


Election clerks and judges, abstracts of votes, original canvass of votes, 25-3006

Election judges, memorandum on "objected to" ballots, 25-2906

Voters desiring to vote, poll book or registration book, 25-2908

Special elections,

Ballots, printing and distribution, 25-604

County park and recreation centers, 19-2801

Fairs and expositions, tax levies, 19-1561

Fire districts, townships, 80-1514b

Franchises, granting, 12-2001

Homes for the aged, 19-2106b

Notice, 25-105

Primary election laws inapplicable, 25-202

Townships, post

Water supply bond issues, 80-1602

State board of canvassers. Canvass of votes, ante

State Board of Education, this index

State election board, 25-2203

Apportionment of expenses,

Appeal from county election officer, 25-2204

Orders, 25-2204

Enforcement, mandamus, 25-2204

Rules and regulations, 25-2202, 25-2203

Citizenship hearings, 25-2309

Duties, 25-2203

Hearings, appealing apportionment of expenses, 25-2204

Mandamus action, enforcement of orders, 25-2204

Meetings, 25-2203

Membership, 25-2203

Orders, apportionment of expenses, 25-2204

Enforcement, mandamus, 25-2204

Rules and regulations, apportionment of expenses, 25-2202, 25-2203

State elections,

Ballots, primary elections, expenses, 25-223

Canvass of votes, ante


County payments, 25-119

Tax levies, 25-119

Primary elections, 25-223

Filing, nomination petitions and certificates of nomination, 25-305

Hours of voting, 25-106

Tie votes, 25-3208

Governor and lieutenant governor, 25-3209

Time, 25-101, 25-101a

State office or state officer,

Candidates, ante,

Write-ins, statewide basis,

Affidavit of candidacy, 25-305

Certification of candidate's name and residence, time, 25-311

Civil service, resignation from, 75-2953

Declaration of candidacy. See Candidates, ante

Nominations, ante

State officers and employees,

Political activities, 75-2953, 75-2974

Suffrage, Kan. Const. Art. 5

Federal employees and families, 25-3401 et seq.

Proof of right of, 25-2301

Qualified voter, ante

Registration of voters, ante

Right to vote, ante

Supplies, 25-2703, 25-2706

Delivery and return, records and receipts, 25-2707

Destruction, 25-2428, 25-2708

False or forged, 25-2414

Primary elections, 25-223

Supreme Court Justices, this index

Tally sheets,

Original canvass, 25-3001, 25-3007, 25-3008

Tax levy authority, 25-2201a

Terms of office,

Appointment or election to fill vacancies, 25-314

Commencement, 25-313

Municipalities, 25-21a01

Tie votes,

County and township elections, 25-3108

Final canvass, boards of county canvassers, 25-3108

Governor and lieutenant governor, 25-3209, 25-3210, 25-3211

State and national elections, 25-3208

Township Bonds, this index

Township elections,

Death of nominee, 25-306b

Hours of voting, 25-106

Withdrawal from nomination, time, 25-306b

Township officers, 25-1601

Nominations, ante

Term, 25-1601, 25-1602

Time, 25-1601

Vacancies, 25-1606

Write-in candidates, 25-210, 25-213

Townships, 25-1601 et seq.

Attachment to other townships, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1118

Ballots, ante

Campaign expenses, 25-901 et seq.

Consolidation, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1118

Disorganization, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1116, 80-1118

Federal enclaves, inclusion of territory, 25-3401

Filing, nomination petitions and certificates of nomination, 25-305

Hospitals, 80-2501 et seq.

Joint cemeteries, 80-906

Joint park, 80-906

Joint township halls, 80-107

Land purchase, 80-104 et seq.

Officers, 25-1601

Parks, 80-904, 80-906, 80-910

Precincts. See Voting areas, post

Recreational facilities, 80-939

Schoolhouses, 80-104 et seq.

Tax levy,

Expenses, 80-1806

Roads, 80-1413

Tie votes, 25-3108

Vacancies, 25-1606

Voting area, post

Transparency in revenues underwriting act, 25-2436

Treasurer, political parties, committees, 25-3801 et seq.

Treasurers. Campaign finance act, ante

Urban renewal bond issue, 17-4754


Candidacies, 25-3904 et seq.

Ballots, 25-309, 25-310

County attorneys, 25-3901, 25-3903a

County boards of canvassers, 25-3102

County commissioners, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

District court judges, 25-312, 25-312a, 25-3901 et seq.

District offices, 25-3901 et seq.

Election clerks, 25-2805

Election judges, 25-2805

Elective offices, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

Independent incumbent, 25-312

Legislature, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

Method of filling, 25-312

Party candidacies, 25-3904 et seq.

Political parties, committees, 25-3801 et seq.

Primary election laws inapplicable, 25-202

State board of education, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

Term of office, 25-314

U.S. house of representatives, 25-3501 et seq.; U.S. Const. Art. 1,§ 2, cl.4

U.S. senate, 25-318; U.S. Const., Art. 1, § 3, cl.2, Am. 17

Visually handicapped persons, assistance in voting, 25-2909

Vote required, 25-702

Voter affiliation. See, Party affiliation of voters under subhead Primary elections, ante

Voter identification requirements, 25-1122, 25-2908

Birth certificate, copy, 65-2418

Photographic identification, 25-2908

Persons exempt, 25-2908

Voter qualifications. See Qualified voter, ante

Voter registration agencies, 25-2303, 25-2309, 25-2311

Voting area, 25-2506

Boundaries, 19-3424, 19-3426, 19-3437, 19-3439, 25-26a02 et seq., 25-2702, 25-2702a

Federal enclaves, inclusion of territory, 25-3401

Johnson county, 19-3437

Precincts having less than 20 voters, 25-2701

Townships, 19-212, 25-2702

Undivided, 25-2702a

Voting booths,

Accessibility, 25-2710

Occupying, rules governing, 25-2901

Voting places, 25-2701

Accessibility, standards, 25-2710

Area, 25-2506

Served, 25-2701

Ballot boxes, ante


Notice requirements, 25-2701

City located in two counties, 25-2701

Control and supervision, 25-2810

Counties over 100,000, 19-3424

County election officers, ante

Designation, ballots, 25-601

Equipment, 25-2703

Flag, display, 73-708

Hours of voting, 25-106

Locations, 25-2701

Notice, 25-209

Notice regarding defacing or wrongfully marking ballot, 25-2902

Opening and closing, time, 25-106

Party affiliation lists, 25-3301

School buildings, 25-2703a

Supervision and control, 25-2810

Supplies, 25-2703

Voting area, ante

Voting booths, 25-2703

Voting procedure, 25-2901 et seq., 25-4502


Boundaries of wards and precincts, 19-3424, 19-3426, 19-3437, 19-3439, 25-26a02 et seq., 25-2702, 25-2702a

Cities of first class, 80-1404

Cities of second class, 14-103, 14-207, 80-1404

Inclusion of federal enclaves, 25-3401

Water district boards, Franklin, Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties, 19-3505, 19-3507

Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3518

Water supply bonds, townships, 80-1608

Watershed Districts, this index

Withdrawal of candidacy, 25-306, 25-306a, 25-306b

Write-in candidates. Candidates, ante

Write-in votes. Ballots, ante

Wyandotte county, water supply and distribution district board, 19-3505 et seq.


Generally, 17-4601 et seq.

Acknowledgments, taking of, 17-4628

Annual report, 17-4634

Articles of incorporation, 17-4607

Amendment, 17-4615

Consolidation or merger, 17-4619

Filing, 17-4622

Board of trustees, 17-4612

Disposition of property, 17-4624

Bylaws, 17-4608, 17-4612

Change of location of principal office, 17-4616

Corporation code applies, 17-4635

Corporation commission, jurisdiction, 17-4630, 17-4631, 66-104b, 66-104d

Exemptions, 66-104d

Schedules of rates and charges, 66-104d

Definitions, 17-4603

Dissolution, 17-4621

Districts, 17-4613

Easements, 17-4627


Disposition of property, 17-4624

Officers, 17-4614

Eminent domain, 17-4604

Exemptions, Uniform securities act, 17-4632

Fee, annual report, 17-4634

Filing annual report, 17-4634

Incorporation, 17-4606

Articles of incorporation, ante

Indebtedness, 17-4624

Liability of members, 17-4625

Liens and encumbrances, 17-4624, 17-4626

Meetings, 17-4610

Members, 17-4609

Merger and consolidation, 17-4617, 17-4618, 17-4619

Approval, 17-4631

Names, 17-4605

Officers and employees, 17-4614

Pledges, 17-4624

Powers, 17-4604

Purposes, 17-4602

Rates and charges, schedules of, 66-104d

Refunds to members, 17-4623

Renewable energy electric generation cooperative act, 17-4651 et seq.

Annual report, 17-4677

Articles of incorporation, 17-4656

Amendment, 17-4663

Filing of, 17-4664

Board of directors, 17-4661

Bylaws, 17-4657

Charges by other providers, 17-4679

Corporation code applies, 17-4682

Costs of distribution and transmission, 17-4678

Debts of cooperative, 17-4671

Definitions, 17-4652

Dissolution, 17-4668

Distribution and transmission costs, payment, 17-4678

Fee, annual report, 17-4677

Interconnection agreements, 17-4680

Meetings, 17-4659

Notice, waiver, 17-4660

Voting, 17-4659

Members, 17-4658

Merger or consolidation, 17-4666, 17-4667, 17-4675

Name, 17-4655

Officers, 17-4662

Removal, 17-4662

Terms, 17-4662

Organization of, 17-4653

Incorporators, 17-4658

Powers, 17-4654

Principal office, 17-4665

Property, 17-4670, 17-4672

Acknowledgments, 17-4674

Disposition of, 17-4670

Easements, actions concerning, 17-4673

Instruments concerning, recordation, 17-4672

Leases, actions concerning, 17-4673


Distribution of, 17-4669

Securities act, exemption from, 17-4676

Severability, 17-4681

Standby charges, 17-4679

State corporation commission, 17-4675

Roads and highways, lighting contracts, 68-162

Securities, 17-4632

Severability, 17-4633

Transmission costs, 66-1247

Voting, 17-4610, 17-4613

Waiver, notice of meeting, 17-4611


See, Public Utilities, this index

Air quality, 65-3021 et seq.

Coal-fired facilities, purchase of Kansas coal, 66-1280

Corporation commission. State corporation commission, post

Interconnection facilities, 66-1243

Net metering and easy connection act, 66-1263 et seq.

Nuclear power generating facility, 66-128l

Criminal trespass on nuclear generating facility, 66-2303


Financing plan, 66-128m, 66-128n, 66-128o

Funding, 66-128p

Definitions, 66-128l

Depreciation, book depreciation remaining life allowed, 66-128r

Environmental impact, 65-3021 et seq.

Nuclear emergency. Emergency Management, this index

Nuclear generating facility security guard act, 66-2301 et seq.

Predetermination of rate-making procedures, 66-128q

Recovery of prudent expenditures, procedures, 66-128q

Property tax exemption, 79-257, 79-258

Prudence, 66-128a et seq.

Rate-making treatment, 66-1239, 66-1245

Renewable electric cogeneration facility,

Tax credit, 79-32,246

Tax deduction, 79-32,249

Renewable energy standards act, 66-1256 et seq.

Reports, 66-128f

Revenue bonds,

Biomass-to-energy plants, 74-8949b

Hydroelectric power generation facilities, 74-8939

Integrated coal gasification power plants, 74-8947

Pollution control devices, certain electric generation facilities, 74-8940, 74-8941

Renewable electric cogeneration facilities, 74-8949c

Waste heat utilization systems, 74-8949d

Valuation of property, 66-128, 66-128a et seq.


See subhead Electric public utilities under Public Utilities, this index; Electric Generation Facilities, generally, this index; Electric Transmission Lines, generally, this index


Wires, crossing above tracks, 66-183 et seq.


Appeal of commission orders, 66-1,181

Applicability of act, 66-1,182

Bonds, 74-8946

Marketing, 66-1241

Cities, jurisdiction exemption, 66-1,182

Corporation commission,

Application for siting permit, 66-1,178

Evidentiary hearings, 66-1,178

Issuance of permit, 66-1,180

Orders, 66-1,178

Public hearings, conduct, 66-1,178, 66-1,180

Notice of time and place, 66-1,179

Costs, recovery of, 66-1237, 66-1242, 66-1247

Counties, jurisdiction exemption, 66-1,182

Definitions, 66-1,177, 66-1240

Depreciation, 66-1242

Electric utility,

Appeal of commission decision, 66-1,181

Application for siting permit, 66-1,178

Restoration of land, 66-1,183

Environmental studies, exemptions from, 66-1,182

Independent system operators, 66-1244

Property tax exemption, 79-259

Rate-making treatment, 66-1239

Restoration of land, 66-1,183


Urban electric transmission lines, 66-1,183a

Siting permits, 66-1,178

Application, 66-1,178

Conditions, 66-1,180

Duties of corporation commission, 66-1,178

Evidentiary hearings, 66-1,178

Issuance, 66-1,180

Notice of time and place for hearing, 66-1,179

Orders, 66-1,178

Proceedings of hearing, 66-1,180

Public hearing, 66-1,178


Codes, standards and regulations, 12-1527

Licensure, 12-1525 et seq., 74-139

Certificate of competency, 12-1526


See, also, subhead Electric public utilities, under Public Utilities, this index; Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index

Coal-fired facilities, purchase of Kansas coal, 66-1280

Complaints, wires along or across streets, 66-184

Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq.

Corporation commission, supervision and control, 66-101 et seq.

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Dams. Power plant dams, post

Deeds and conveyances, foreclosure, 58-2334

Dividends, 66-1214

Electric Cooperatives, generally, this index

Electric Generation Facilities, generally, this index

Energy conservation, state corporation commission, 74-616 et seq.

Energy conservation measures,

Liability, 66-1248

Limitations, 66-1248

Recovery of costs, 66-1248

Fines and penalties, wires along or across streets, 66-185

Foreclosure, mortgages and trust deeds, 58-2334

Franchises for sale, 12-2001 et seq.

Indebtedness incurred under federal act,

Execution and filing of mortgages and deeds of trust, 17-630, 17-631

Industrial districts, contracts, 19-3808

Interurban Railroads, generally, this index

Investigations, wires along or across streets, 66-184


Accuracy, 66-119

Mortgage foreclosure, 58-2334

Municipal Energy Agencies, generally, this index

Net metering and easy connection act, 66-1263 et seq.

Officers, employees and agents, free or reduced rates, 66-109

Parallel generation services, 66-1,184

Interconnection agreements, 66-1238

Renewable generators, 66-1,184

Schools, 66-1,184

Poles and wires, 17-1907, 17-1908, 66-183 et seq.

Extension, 12-821

Power plant dams,

Eminent domain, 82a-102

Erecting over land of another, 82a-101

Forfeiture of rights, 82a-116

Private suppliers, availability, 13-1236 et seq.

Public Utilities, generally, this index

Rates and charges, 66-101b et seq.

Corporation commission approval, 12-808a

Free or reduced rates, 66-109

Review, 66-118a et seq.

Utility property valuation, 66-128, 66-128a et seq.

Renewable energy standards act, 66-1256 et seq.

Reports, 66-122, 66-123

Roads and highways, location of facilities on state highway system, 68-415

Rules and regulations, examinations and testing of service, 66-119

Sale by city outside corporate limits, 12-806, 12-808, 12-808a, 12-808b

School fund, penalties for wire violations, 66-185

State supervision, 44-603

Street Railways, generally, this index

Streets, stringing wires along or across, 66-183 et seq.

Tampering with or diverting electric services, civil action, 66-1601 et seq.


Public utility property, 79-422

Tax assessments, property valuation director, 79-1404

Trust deeds, foreclosure, 58-2334

Watershed development, 24-901 et seq.


See Cosmetologists, this index


Civil procedure,

Commencement of action, petition, 60-203

Filing of papers, 60-205, 60-271

Service by electronic means, 60-205

Filing by electronic means,

Civil procedure, pleadings, 60-203, 60-205

Documents, 60-271

Garnishment, service of process, 60-303


See, Records and Recordation, generally, this index


See, also, Signatures, generally, this index

Generally, 16-1601 et seq.

Admissibility of electronic record, 16-1613

Automated transactions, 16-1614

Construction of act, 16-1606

Definitions, 16-1602

Digital signatures, 16-1605

Electronic contracts, 16-1607

Electronic records, 16-1605, 16-1608, 16-1609

Admissibility of, 16-1613

Changes, 16-1608

Legal effect, 16-1607, 16-1608

Retention of, 16-1612

Time of receipt, 16-1615

Time of sending, 16-1615

Transferability of, 16-1616

Electronic signatures, 16-1605, 16-1609, 45-406

Admissibility of, 16-1613

Legal effect, 16-1607

Electronic transaction,

Provision of information, 16-1608

Errors, effect of, 16-1610

Mistake, 16-1610

Notarization, acknowledgment or verification, 16-1611

Reciprocity, 16-1619

Registered certification authority,

Duties, 16-1617

Lapsed registration, 16-1617

Penalties, 16-1617

Registration of, 16-1617

Rules and regulations, 16-1605, 16-1618

Scope of act, 16-1603

Application to, 16-1604, 16-1605

Severability, 16-1620

Signatures, 16-1605

Securities, 17-12a105

State agencies, digital signatures, 16-1605

Transferable record,

Defined, 16-1616

Enforcement of transfer, 16-1616

Holder of, 16-1616


Schools and School Districts, generally, this index


Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index

Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index


Boundaries, 18-110a, 18-125

Cave Springs townsite, vacation, 19-2633b

Deeds and conveyances, validation, 58-2258


Fire department, Osage county, 80-1912, 80-1913


Boundaries, 18-126

Early childhood development center, inc., lease of land at Fort Hays state university, 76-519

Fairground expansion, acquisition of land, 2-131f

Hays, city of, public park, lease of land, 76-2007d et seq.


Correctional Institutions, generally, this index


Boundaries, 18-127

Conveyance of public lands,

Corrections, secretary of, convey and exchange land in Ellsworth county with city of Ellsworth, 75-52,141, 75-52,142


Generally, 76-14a01 et seq.

Leasing property to Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, 76-14a02

Rules and regulations, 76-14a01

Sale of property, 76-14a03


Generally, 65-1701 et seq.

Funeral Directors and Embalmers, this index


Cosmetics, 65-660 et seq.

Drugs and medicines, 65-660 et seq.

Food, 65-660 et seq.


Banks and banking, 9-2012

County treasurers, 79-2202

Federal home loan bank funds, 17-10a02

Motor vehicles and motor carriers, 8-140

State contracts for unauthorized expenditures, 75-3024, 75-3025, 75-3026

State Officers and Employees, this index


Adjutant General,

Powers, duties and functions, 65-5725, 65-5726, 65-5727, 65-5728

Property, property rights, records and unexpended appropriations, resolution, 65-5730

Rules and regulations, orders and directives effective, 65-5726, 65-5728

Banks and Banking, this index

Commission on emergency planning and response, 65-5721, 65-5723

Chairperson, 65-5721

Compensation, 65-5721

Local planning districts, 65-5728

Powers, duties and functions, 65-5728

Rules and regulations, orders and directives, 65-5728

Members, 65-5721

Powers and duties, 65-5722, 65-5723, 65-5724, 65-5728, 65-5729

Terms, 65-5721

Transferred powers, duties and functions, 65-5724, 65-5729

Control and operation of certain industries, 44-620

County business restoration assistance program, 75-3713e

Courts, 20-172

COVID-19 public health emergency,

Adult care facilities, immunity, 60-5506

Adult care homes, operations, 39-982, 48-966

Aging and disability services, Kansas department for, 39-982

Business immunity, civil liability, 60-5504

COVID-19 contact tracing privacy act, 48-961

COVID-19 response and reopening for business liability protection act, 60-5501 et seq.

Definitions, 60-5502

Limitation of act, 60-5507

Retroactivity of act, 60-5508

Healthcare provider immunity, civil liability, 60-5503

Healthcare providers, temporary emergency license, 48-965

Hospitals, operations, 48-964, 48-966

Immunity from civil liability,

Business, 60-5505

Healthcare provider, 60-5505

Qualified products, 60-5505

Local health officers, sharing information with first responders, 48-962

Notarial acts, validity, 53-512

Nurses, supervision, 48-966

Pharmacy, practice of, 48-966

Physician assistants, supervision, 48-966

Physicians and surgeons, temporary emergency license, 48-965

Proclamation of disaster emergency, extension, 48-924b

Telemedicine, practice of, 48-963

Defined, National Guard Mutual Assistance Compact, 48-1701 Art. III

Disaster service volunteers, certified, state employee leave, 75-5548

Division of emergency managment,

Certain real property, authorized to accept, 48-960

Emergency care by non-health care providers, 65-2891b

Emergency mutual aid act, Kansas intrastate,

Ability to opt out, 48-950

All political subdivisions part of system, 48-950

Benefits for personnel injured or killed, 48-956

Definitions, 48-949

Guidelines, development, 48-955

Liability for willful misconduct, gross negligence or bad faith, 48-957

Obligation to provide assistance, 48-953

Participating political subdivision, 48-948 et seq.

Responsibilities, 48-951

Recognition of license, certificate or permit, 48-954

Requests for assistance, 48-952

Severability, 48-958

Emergency planning and community right-to-know, 65-5701 et seq.

Adjutant general, duties, 65-5705, 65-5706, 65-5708

Attorney general, 65-5708

Chemicals, reportable, 65-5704

Commission, 65-5703

Fees, 65-5704, 65-5705, 65-5708

Rules and regulations schedule, 65-5704

Health care professionals, action to obtain information, 65-5708

Inspections, 65-5711

Interagency agreements, 65-5706

List of reportable chemicals, 65-5704

Lists of chemicals, submission, 65-5707

Material safety data sheets, 65-5707

Rules and regulations, 65-5704, 65-5705

Secretary of health and environment, 65-5704, 65-5706, 65-5708

Violations, 65-5708, 65-5709

Energy resources, proclamation, 74-619

Fire districts, townships over 17,500, 80-1534

Fund, state emergency, 75-3712 et seq.

Funds of fraternal benefit societies, tax exemptions, 79-201

Hazardous materials, civil damages relating to discharge thereof, 65-3472

Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice, 65-2872

Legal actions and proceedings,

Rights preserved, 65-5731

Levees and flood control, labor of citizens, 24-811

Liability for emergency care, 65-2891

Major disasters, limitations on uses of state emergency funds, 75-3713

Medical services. Emergency Medical Services, this index

Militia, calling out, 48-238, 48-241

Municipal reciprocal assistance policies, 12-16,117

Municipal Warrants, this index

Municipalities, this index

Natural resources damages trust fund, 75-5672

No-fund warrants, issuance, 79-2939

Nursing assistance, 65-1124

Ordinances, cities of first class, 12-3001

Physicians and surgeons,

Exemption from licensing requirements, 65-2803

Preparedness. Emergency Management, this index

Public crisis or emergency, emergency fund, uses, 75-3713

Public utilities, 66-1284

Disaster or emergency-related work, 48-924, 48-932

Regional search and rescue teams, 75-1518

Emergency response fund, 75-1519

Search and rescue advisory committee, 75-1518

Secretary of health and environment,

Commission on emergency planning and response,

Powers and duties of secretary transferred to the adjutant general, 65-5725

Conflict over unexpended appropriation, resolution of, 65-5730

Conflicts over disposition to adjutant general, resolution, 65-5730

Disposition of property, records, all property rights transferred, 65-5730

State emergency fund, 75-3712 et seq

Approval by finance council, 75-3713b

State interoperability advisory committee, 65-5733

Supreme court, 20-172

Vehicles. Emergency Vehicles, this index


Generally, 48-1301 et seq.


Accident insurance, volunteer workers, 48-922

Act, 48-904 et seq.

Construction of, 48-923

Title, 48-920

Adjutant general, duties, 48-907

Nuclear safety, 48-943, 48-944

Business or commercial activity, closure or cessation, 48-925a

City disaster agencies, 48-929

Civil service, 48-919

Committees, appointment, 48-907

Communication systems, 48-937

Community college or technical college, COVID-19 operations, 48-925d

Compensation for loss of property, 48-933

Contracts, lease or loan of state property, 48-914

Counties, public health orders, 48-925

County disaster agencies, 48-929

Damages, 48-915

Declaration of local disaster emergency, 48-932

Definitions, 48-904

Nuclear emergency, 48-941

Disaster service volunteers, certified, state employee leave, 75-5548

Division of emergency management, 48-905a

Administrative head, 48-907

Declaration of state of emergency,

Exemptions for drivers of utility service vehicles, 48-945

Duties, 48-928

Local and interjurisdictional disaster plans, 48-931

State resources management plan, 48-927

Duty of individuals, 48-933

Emergency planning and community right-to-know. Emergencies, this index

Enforcement of laws and ordinances, 48-934

Federal aid, 48-916

Federal grants, 48-938

Fees, witnesses, investigations, 48-912

Financial grants, 48-938


Nuclear safety, 48-942

State emergency, 48-938


Duties, 48-924, 48-925

Powers, limitations, 48-925a, 48-925c, 48-925d

Successors, 48-1204, 75-125

Grants, 48-916

Immunity, private property owners, 48-936

Immunity of state from liability, 48-915

Incident management system, 48-904

Insurance, volunteer workers, 48-922

Interjurisdictional disaster agencies, 48-929, 48-930

Interstate compact, 48-3201

Interstate mutual aid organizations, 48-930

Investigations, 48-912

Law enforcement officers, duties, 48-934

Lease or loan of state property, 48-914

Legislative coordinating council, duties, 48-924, 48-925

Legislature, duties, 48-924

Lieutenant governor, duties, 48-924

Loans, 48-916

Local agencies, lease or loan of state property, 48-914

Local disaster emergency, 48-932

Military personnel, duties, 48-934

Militia, calling out, 48-241, 48-242

Mobile support units, 48-911

National guard,

Calling out, 48-241, 48-242

Commanding officer, duties, 48-240

Negligence, liability, 48-915

Nuclear emergency, 48-940 et seq.

Administration, 48-944

Definitions, 48-941

Expenses, payment of, 48-942

Fees, 48-942

Fund, 48-942

Rules and regulations, 48-943

Officers and employees, 48-919

Qualifications, 48-917

State personnel, employment by local agencies, 48-914

Transfer of state personnel, 48-914

Traveling and other expenses, 48-919

Ordinances, 48-935

Penalties, 48-939

Personal injuries, liability, 48-915

Plan, state disaster emergency, 48-926

Proclamation of disaster emergency, 48-924


2007 severe weather-related disaster, 48-924a

COVID-19 public health emergency, 48-924b

Property damage, liability, 48-915

Property tax reimbursement, business shut down or restricted, 79-1614

Regional emergency management system, 48-904

Reports, governor, 48-907

Resources management plan, 48-927

Rules and regulations, 48-907, 48-926

Violations, 48-939

School district board of education, COVID-19 operations, 48-925c

School districts, relief programs, 72-9937

Seizure of firearms prohibited, 48-959

State disaster emergency plan, 48-926

State emergency, local disaster, 48-932

State emergency fund, 48-938

Subpoenas, investigations and surveys, 48-912

Surveys, 48-912

Transfer of state personnel, 48-914

Traveling expenses,

Employees, 48-919

Witnesses, investigations, 48-912

Violations of act, 48-939

Volunteer workers, personal injuries or property damage, 48-915

Witnesses, investigations and surveys, 48-912


See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index

Generally, 65-6101 et seq.

Advanced emergency medical technician,

Authorized activities, 65-6120

Certificates, 65-6129

Liability, 65-6124

Ambulance service,

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Permit to operate, 65-6127

Regulation, 65-6111

Ambulance service taxing district, 65-6118

Authorized activities of applicants for certificates, 65-6129

Automated defibrillators,

Acquisition of, notice, 65-6149a

External, use of, 65-6149a

Liability, 65-6149a

Placement in state facilities, 65-6149a

Qualified person to use, defined, 65-6149a

Board. Emergency medical services board, post

Bureau of emergency medical services, abolished, 65-6101

Certificates, 65-6129, 74-139

Applicant for, authorized activities, 65-6129

Criminal history background checks, 65-6129

Denial, revocation or suspension, grounds for, 65-6133

Fees, post

Graduated sanctions, 65-6129

Inactive, 65-6129d

Limitation or modification, 65-6133

Reciprocity, training requirements, 65-6129

Renewal, 65-6129

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq.

See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index

Communications system,

Continuation of, 65-6115

Contracts, 65-6139

Establishment by board, 65-6138

Establishment by municipality, 65-6114

Equipment, 65-6139, 65-6140

Grants, money or property, 65-6140

Property, acquisition of, 65-6140

Confidential information, emergency medical services data collection system, 65-6153 et seq.

Contracts, authority of board, 65-6111

Council, abolished, 65-6101

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, failure to report, 39-1402, 39-1431

Operation without permit, 65-6125

Unlawful representation, 65-6150

Violations of law and regulations, 65-6137

Data collection system, 65-6153 et seq.

Defibrillators. Automated defibrillators, ante

Definitions, 65-6112

Directive not to resuscitate, 65-4941 et seq.

DNR, do not resuscitate directives, 65-4941 et seq.

Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled emergency medical service providers, 75-4364

Emergency care at scene of accident, liability, 65-2891

Emergency medical responder,

Authorized activities, 65-6144

Transition course, first responder, 65-6144

Emergency medical service provider, volunteer,

Discharge of employee, 44-131

Emergency medical service providers. Providers, post

Emergency medical services board, 65-6102

Administrator, 65-6103

Ambulance services, regulation of, 65-6110

Budget submission, 65-6111

Certification, entities distributing DNR identifiers, 65-4946

Contracts, 65-6111, 65-6139

Criminal history background checks, 65-6129

Data collection system, 65-6153 et seq.

DNR identifiers, entities which may distribute, 65-4946

Examination, 65-6111

Fees, 65-6111

Funding to support board, levy on fire insurance business, 75-1508, 75-1514

Hearings, 65-6111

Inspections, 65-6130

Medical advisory council, appointment, 65-6111

Medical director designation, alternative procedure, 65-6126

Moneys for emergency medical services, allocation and expenditures, 65-6111

Officers and employees, 65-6103, 65-6106

Powers and duties, 65-6111

Property and records transferred to, 65-6108

Rules and regulations, post

Subpoenas, 65-6130

Training programs, approval by, 65-6105, 65-6111

Emergency medical services operating fund, 65-6151

Emergency medical technician,

Authorized activities, 65-6121

Inactive certification, 65-6129d

Emergency opioid antagonists, 65-16,127

Equipment, standards, 65-6117

Establishment of, 65-6113

Examinations, approval of methods of, 65-6111

Exclusions for regulatory act, 65-6145

Exemptions from regulation, 65-6136

Ground transportation, supplemental medicaid reimbursement, 65-6159, 65-6160

Facilities, standards, 65-6117

Fees, 65-6111, 65-6127, 65-6128, 65-6129, 65-6129b

Fines, 65-6111

First responders, certificate, 74-139

Funding requests, approval by board, 65-6111


Emergency medical services operating fund, 65-6129, 65-6151

EMS revolving fund, 65-6157

Hardship declaration, cities or counties, 65-6136



Denial, revocation or suspension of, 65-6133

Limitation or modification, 65-6133


Denial, revocation or suspension of, 65-6132

Limitation or modification, 65-6132

Temporary limitations or restrictions, 65-6134

Regulatory matters, 65-6111

Infectious diseases,

Disclosure of information, 65-6004

Testing, 65-6008, 65-6009

Inspections, 65-6130


Certification of, 65-6111, 65-6129b, 74-139

Education, continuing, 65-6129b

Examination, 65-6129b

Inactive certification, 65-6129d

Instruction of, 65-6111

Liability, 65-6124

Unlawful acts, 65-6150

Intensive care technicians' certificates, 74-139


Good Samaritan act, 65-2891

Limitations on, generally, 65-6124

Medical director,

Designation, 65-6126

Liability, 65-6124

Medical technician-intermediate,

Certification, applications and fees, 74-139


Communications system, 65-6114, 65-6115

Effect of hardship declaration, 65-6136

Equipment of service, standards, 65-6117

Establishment of emergency medical service, 65-6113

Facilities of service, standards, 65-6117

Governing board, powers, 65-6116

Operation of service, standards, 65-6117

Qualifications and training of personnel, standards, 65-6117

Regulation of ambulance services, 65-6131

Regulation of emergency medical service providers, 65-6145

Standards for service, 65-6117

Tax levy, 65-6113, 65-6115

Nurses, liability for instructions during emergency, 65-6124

Operation of service, standards, 65-6117

Order not to resuscitate, 65-4941 et seq.

Out-of-state requirements, 65-6136


Authorized activities, 65-6119

Peer support counseling session communication privilege, 60-473

Permits, 65-6125, 74-139

Applications, 65-6127

Change of ownership of ambulance service, 65-6127

Denial, 65-6128, 65-6132

Fees, 65-6127

Limitation or modification, 65-6132

Reapplication, 65-6128

Renewal, 65-6128

Suspension or revocation, 65-6132

Temporary limitation or restriction, 65-6134


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), disclosure of information to, 65-6004

Qualifications and training, 65-6117

Records, 65-6130

Training, 65-6117, 65-6129

Physicians and surgeons,

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), disclosure of information, 65-6004

Exemption from licensing requirements, 65-2803

HIV infection,

Disclosure of information, 65-6004

Liability for instructions during emergency, 65-6124


Certification of, 65-6129, 65-6133, 74-139

Military service member, 65-6129

Education, continuing, 65-6129, 65-6129a

Inactive certification, 65-6129d


Good Samaritan act, 65-2891

Limitations on, generally, 65-6124

Municipalities, regulations, 65-6145

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Records of employment, 65-6130

Training, 65-6129, 65-6129a

Training programs, 65-6111

Unlawful acts, 65-6150

Reciprocity, 65-6129


Maintenance of, 65-6130

Registry, trauma system, 75-5663 et seq.

Resuscitation, directive not to, 65-4941 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 65-4948, 65-6104, 65-6110, 65-6111, 65-6113, 65-6127, 65-6128, 65-6129, 65-6153

Temporary variance, 65-6111

Service requirements, 65-6135

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Staffing requirements, 65-6135

Standards, 65-6117

State plan, delivery of services, 65-6111

Subpoenas, 65-6111, 65-6130

Tax levy, 65-6113, 65-6115, 65-6118

Training programs, approval by board, 65-6111

Training requirements, reciprocity, 65-6129

Trauma, statewide system, registry, 75-5663 et seq.

Unlawful acts, 65-6125, 65-6137


Ambulances, generally, this index

Bells, 8-1738

Defined, traffic regulations, 8-1404

Designation as, 8-2010

Flashing lights, 8-1720, 8-1729

Negligence, 8-1506

Pedestrians yield right-of-way, 8-1541

Right-of-way, 8-1530

Safe driving, 8-1530

Signals, exemption from traffic regulations, 8-1506

Sirens, 8-1738

Speed, 8-1506

Traffic regulations, application, 8-1506

Whistles, 8-1738

Wreckers, tow trucks or car carriers, 8-2010c


Generally, 74-99b31 et seq.

Base year taxation, established, 74-99b34

Bioscience development and investment fund,

Audits, 74-99b34

Deposits, 74-99b34

Distribution, 74-99b34

Center of innovation for biomaterials in orthopaedic research – Wichita state university fund, 74-99b34

Citation of act, 74-99b31

Definitions, 74-99b33

National bio agro-defense facility fund, 74-99b34

Purpose, 74-99b32

Report, tax credits and exemptions, cost effectiveness, 74-99b35


Generally, 17-618, 26-101, 26-501 et seq.

Abandonment of condemnation, 26-507

Abutting property, damages, 26-513

Access, damages, 26-513

Agricultural crops, 26-513

Agricultural hall of fame, 2-2701

Airports and Landing Fields, this index

Appeal and review, 26-504

Cemeteries, 14-1007a

Compensation awarded, 26-511

Docketing, 26-508

Jury trial, 26-509

Attorney fees, 26-509

Notice of appeal, 26-508

Perfection of appeal,

Appeal, from award, 26-508


Appeal from award, 26-508

Appointment, 26-504

Ex parte meetings, 26-505

Expenses, 26-505

Fair market value, 26-513

Fees, 26-505

Instructions of court, 26-505

Oath of office, 26-505

Officers of the court, 26-505

Report, 26-505

View of land, 26-506

Assessments, 26-209, 26-514


Dispute among parties, determination by court, 26-517

Division, dispute among parties, 26-517

Payment of, 26-510

Board of regents, state, lands for medical center, 76-343

Boards and commissions, powers, 76-147

Acquisition of land and interests, 76-147

Canal corporations, 42-120

Castle Rock, Gove county, historical property, 76-2020

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Cities, 26-201 et seq.

Assessment of costs, 26-209

Authorization, ordinance, 26-201

Award, payment to district court clerk, 26-204

Benefit district, ordinance, 26-201

Boards and commissions, 26-210

El Dorado, stricken from tax rolls, 26-211

Fee simple title, 26-201, 26-204

Land outside city, 26-208

Ordinance, 26-201

Park commissioners, 26-210

Resolution, declaration of necessity and authorization of survey, 26-201

Survey, 26-201

Utilities, beyond corporate limits, 12-808a

Watercourses, changing, 12-694

Cities of first class, 12-631q, 13-1023

Civic center, county, 19-15,139

Colleges and universities, 76-6a14

Community colleges, 71-201

Compensation awarded, 26-513

Deficiency on appeal, 26-511

Interest, 26-511

Just compensation, U.S. Const. Am. 5, 26-501a

Measure, 26-513

Controlled access facilities, 68-1903

Corporations and partnerships, exercise, 17-618


Civic centers, 19-15,139

Cowley county, limitations on right of, 26-601

Parks, museums and recreation grounds, 19-2801 et seq.

County park districts. Parks, this index

Crops, growing, 26-513

Dams and reservoirs, 17-618

Power plant dams, 82a-102

Defect in proceeding, 26-503

Definitions, 26-501

Dispute among parties, amount of award or judgment, 26-517

Docketing appeal, 26-508

Drainage Districts, this index

Drains, damages, 26-513

Drains and Drainage, this index

Duties of condemning authority, 26-518

El Dorado, property condemned by, abatement of taxes, 26-211

Electric cooperatives, 17-4604

Entry upon land, surveys, 26-512

Evidence, 26-506

Expenses, appraisers, 26-505

Fairs and expositions, 2-135, 19-1561

Fees, appraisers, 26-505

Fences, damages, 26-513

Findings, 26-504

Fire districts, townships, 80-1514a, 80-1541

Forms, notice of hearing, 26-506

4-H Club purposes, 19-1561

Franklin county, water supply and distribution districts, 19-3502, 19-3511, 19-3517

Homes for aged, 19-2109

Cities of third class, 12-4908

Hospitals, this index

Housing, municipalities, 17-2345, 17-2361

Improvement districts, 19-2765

Industrial districts, 19-3808

Instructions to appraisers, 26-505

Interurban railways, 66-911

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Johnson county, water supply and distribution districts, 19-3502, 19-3511, 19-3517

Johnson county airport, 3-305

Johnson county park district, 19-2868

Judgment, 26-517

Jury, 26-509

Just compensation, U.S. Const. Am. 5; 26-513

Levees and Flood Control, this index

Light, damages, 26-513

Mail, notice of proceeding, 26-503

Manufactory or mills, 42-318

Master, trial, 26-509

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2805, 12-2806

Miami county, water supply and distribution districts, 19-3502, 19-3511, 19-3517

Mined-land, acquisition if abandoned, 49-433

Missouri, waterworks plants, 79-205

Monument rocks and sphinx, Gove county, historical property, 76-2020

Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-409

Municipal buildings and grounds, 12-1736

Municipal universities, 13-13a13

Natural bridge, Barber county, historical property, 76-2020

Navigable waters, acquisition of new channels, 82a-201

Nonconforming use, damages, 26-513


Appeal, from award, 26-508

Hearing, 26-506

Proceeding, 26-503

Oil and gas, underground storage, 55-1203, 55-1204, 55-1205

Oil and gas wells, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced, 55-1003

Parking Lots and Facilities, this index

Parks, this index

Parks and recreation centers, joint centers, 19-2841, 19-2843

Partial taking, 26-513

Partnerships, 26-101

Holding certificate of convenience, 17-618

Payment, 26-510

Pending actions, 26-515

Personal property,

Removal thereof, 26-507

Petitions, 26-502

Copy mailed, 26-503

Verified, 26-501

Pony express station near Hanover in Washington county, 76-2017

Port authorities, 12-3406

Power plant dams, 82a-102

Private roads, damages, 26-513

Procedure, 26-501 et seq.

Severability clause, 26-519

Public use limitation, 26-501a

Exception, 26-501b

Public utilities, underground storage of natural gas, 55-1203, 55-1205

Railroads, this index

Real property,

Duty of condemning authority, 26-518

Refuse collection and disposal, 12-2123

Regents, board of, powers, 76-147

Relocation Assistance, generally, this index

Republican River Compact, 82a-518

Review. Appeal and review, ante

Roads and Highways, this index

Rock City, Ottawa county, historical property, 76-2020

Rural water districts, 82a-619

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,172

Santa Fe office building, condemnation proceedings authorized, 75-3648

School districts, 72-3216, 72-1144

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Shawnee Mission, historical property, 76-2010

Shawnee Mission park district, 19-2867

Shrubbery, damages, 26-513

Sidewalks, 12-1804

State agencies, powers, 76-147

State boards and commissions, powers, 76-147

State institutions, procedure, 76-147

Stone quarries, 26-401, 26-402

Street railways, 66-911

Streets and Alleys, this index

Suburban railways, 66-911

Tax increment financing, 12-1773


Effect on, 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

Telegraphs and telephones, 17-618, 17-1903

Title to property,

Cities, 26-201, 26-204

Vesting, 26-507


Chapel site, 80-919

Garbage and refuse collection and disposal, 80-2201 et seq.

Sewers, construction of facilities inside municipal limits, 80-2009

Trees, damages, 26-513

Trial by jury, 26-509

Trial de novo, damages, 26-508

Unified school districts, 72-3216, 72-1144

United States, 27-101

Emporia, city of, 27-114

University of Kansas, Maccochaque school property, Kansas City, 76-336

Unsafe or dangerous structures, 12-1750 et seq.

Urban renewal, 17-4743, 17-4747, 17-4749, 26-206a

Ventilation, damages, 26-513

Venue, 60-601

Action concerning appropriation, 60-614

View, damages, 26-513

Water districts, counties under 100,000, 19-3542

Water Supply, this index

Waters and Watercourses, this index

Wharves, docks and piers, 12-672

Wildlife, parks and tourism, secretary of, 32-840

Wind generators or turbines, 66-104

Wyandotte county, water supply and distribution districts, 19-3502, 19-3511, 19-3517


Officers and Employees, generally, this index


See, Labor and Employment, generally, this index

Child labor, 38-601 et seq. See, also, Child Labor, generally, this index

Child support information, new employees, 75-5743

Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Discrimination, 44-1001 et seq.

IMPACT act, 74-50,102

Investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Kansas employment first initiative act, 44-1136 et seq.

Kansas employment first oversight commission, 44-1138

Labor, department of, 75-5701 et seq.

See, also, Labor, State Department of, generally, this index

Neighborhood improvement and youth employment act, 44-1401 et seq.

New hires information, state directory, 75-5742

Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Older Kansans employment program, 75-5741

Professional employer organization registration act, 44-1701 et seq.

Promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,210 et seq.

Veteran preference, private employment, 73-231

Workers compensation, 44-501 et seq.


Generally, 44-401 et seq.

Action on licensee bonds, 44-404

Advertisements, 44-408

Bonds, 44-403

Complaints, 44-409

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 44-410

Definitions, 44-401

Discrimination, 44-1001 et seq.

Fees, 44-407, 44-411

Inspection of records, 44-406

Kansas state employment service, 44-715

Labor, department of, 75-5701 et seq.

Licenses, 44-402, 74-139

Hearings, complaints, 44-405

Revocation, 44-405

Posting of law and information, discrimination, 44-1012

Prosecutions, 44-409

Receipt, registration fee, 44-407

Refund, registration fee, 44-407

Register of applicants, 44-406

Registration fee, 44-407

Secretary of labor,

Employment registers available, 44-406

Fees, disposition, 44-411

Rules and regulations, 44-412

State employment service, 44-715


Generally, 44-701 et seq.

Administration expenses, 44-712

Special employment security fund, 44-716a

Administration fund, 44-716

Administration of law, 44-714

Secretary of labor, 75-5701 et seq.

Agent, representing claimant, 44-718

Alcohol and drug testing, disqualification, 44-706

Appeal and review, 44-709

Disqualification, 44-706

Rate of contributions, 44-710b

Assessments, 44-717

Attorney general, 44-720

Deeds and conveyances, approval, 44-727


Employment security division, nonresident contractors, tax collection duties, 79-1010

Fees, 44-718

Representing secretary of labor, 44-720


Claims, state agencies, 75-3798

Records, 44-714

Availability of administrative rulings, 44-759

Back pay, receipt, disqualification for benefit, 44-706

Bankruptcy, priority of contributions, 44-717

Base period wage credits, part-time employment, 44-710

Benefits, 44-704

Disqualification for use of controlled substance, 44-706

False statement, 44-706

Limitations, 44-704

Reductions, when, 44-704

New benefit year, eligibility, 44-704

 Shared work or short-term compensation program, 44-757

Substance abuse treatment program completion, 44-706

Benefit account, 44-712

Benefit cost rate, 44-710d

Appeal and review, 44-710b

Benefit liability, 44-710

Account, charging of, 44-710

Appeal and review, 44-710b

Appeal rights, waiver of, 44-710

Employers held harmless for fraud, 44-710, 44-710b

Notice of, 44-710

Reconsideration of, 44-710

Benefits, 44-704

Assignment, 44-718

Attachment, 44-718

Benefit account, fund, 44-712

Deductions, 44-718

Disqualification for, 44-706

Exceptions, 44-706

Eligibility, 44-704b, 44-705

Erroneously paid,

Action to recover, 44-719

Interest, paid or abated, 44-719

Exemption from process, 44-718, 60-2313

Extended, 44-704a

Cessation of, 44-704b

Income tax withholding, 44-718

Limitations, 44-704

Reductions, when, 44-704

New benefit year, eligibility, 44-704

Shared work or short-term compensation program, 44-757

Support obligations, deduction, 44-718

Board of review, 44-709

Appointment, qualifications, 44-709

Compensation, 44-709

Expansion of, 44-709

Claims for benefits, 44-709

Appeals, 44-709

Determination of, 44-709

Employer information, 44-709

Identity verification, 44-777

Notice of tax consequences, withholding, 4-773

Subsequent actions, 44-709

Classification, employers, 44-710a

Clearing account, 44-712

Computation date defined, 44-710a

Confidential information, 44-714

Contributing employer, refunds, 44-717


Benefit cost rate, 44-710d

Bond, nonresident contractors, 79-1010

Cash deposit or bond, 44-717

Collection, 44-717

Nonresident contractors, 79-1010

Contractor liability for subcontractor, 44-717

Corporate officers and stockholders, liability, 44-717

Deductions from employee's wages to pay employer's contributions, 44-718

Electronic filing, 44-717

Employment security fund, 44-712

Employment service account, political subdivision contracts, 44-715

Failure to make, 44-719

Injunction, nonresident contractors, 79-1010

Governmental entities, 44-710d

Lessor employing units, 44-758

Owner-operator and licensed motor carrier, 44-765

Payments in lieu of, 44-710

State income tax, deductions, 44-725

Penalty for misclassifying employee as independent contractor, 44-766

Period of liability, 44-711

Political subdivisions, 44-710d

Rates, 44-710, 44-710a

Appeal and review, 44-710b

Political subdivisions, 44-710d

Reciprocal arrangements, 44-714

Voluntary contributions, 44-710a

Controlled substance use testing, disqualification, 44-706

County attorney, prosecutions, 44-720

Coverage, election and termination, 44-711

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 44-714, 44-716a, 44-717, 44-719

Assistant attorney general, duties, 44-719

Employee's rights, 44-718

Prosecutions, 44-719, 44-720

Definitions, 44-703

Educational service agency, 44-706

Employment, 44-703

Hazardous working conditions, 44-706

Health care provider, 44-706

Part-time employment, 44-710

Short-term compensation program, 44-757

Support obligations, 44-718

Delegation of authority, 44-714


Employment security administration fund, 44-716

Employment security fund, 44-712

Displaced Homemakers, this index

Disqualification for benefit, 44-706

Employer reports, 44-705

Identity theft victims, investigation, 44-706

Notice to claimants, 44-705

Refusal of suitable work, 44-705

District attorney, prosecution, 44-720

Domestic violence survivors, 44-760 et seq.

Drug and alcohol testing, disqualification, 44-706

Elective coverage, 44-711

Eligibility, 44-705

Identity verification, 44-777


Account, charging of, 44-710

Employers held harmless for fraud, 44-710

Base period, 44-710


Appeal rights, waiver of, 44-710

Information, submission of, 44-710

Classification, 44-710a

Common paymaster, 44-710i

Contributions, 44-710

Information identifying, exchange of, agreement with secretary of revenue, 75-5133a

Lessor employing units, 44-758

Negative accounts, 44-710a

New employers, 44-710a

Nonresident contractors, 79-1010

Rate groups, contributions, 44-710a


Defined, 44-703

Exclusions, 44-703

Independent contractor relationship,

Owner-operator and a licensed motor carrier, 44-765

Employment office,

Federal agencies, cooperation, 44-715

State operations, 44-715

Employment security administration fund, 44-712

Employment service financing, 44-715

Merit awards, costs, 44-713

Employment security fund, 44-712

Annual report by secretary, 44-776

Expenses, administration, 44-712

Federal coronavirus relief funds, 75-5745

Payment of benefits, 44-721

Refund of contributions, 44-717

State account, federal trust fund, solvency report, 44-710a

Transfers, 44-710

Website, trust fund computations and data, 44-774

Employment Security Insurance Act for domestic violence survivors, 44-760 et seq.

Definitions, 44-761

Prohibitions, 44-763

Secretary of labor,

Duties, 44-762

Employment security interest assessment fund, 44-710a

Employment service, 44-715

Account, 44-715

Agreements, political subdivisions, 44-715

Examiners, 44-709

Experience factor, 44-710a

Extended benefits, 44-704a, 44-704b

False statements or representations, 44-719

Federal act, concurrent operation, 44-723

Federal aid,

Employment security administration fund, 44-716

State employment service, 44-715

Title to real property acquired, 44-727

Federal Employment Tax Act, effect, 44-710

Federal government,

Benefits erroneously paid,

Action to recover, 44-719

Interest, paid or abated, 44-719

Cessation of pandemic-related federal benefit programs, 44-710b

Cooperation, 44-714, 44-715

Public employment offices, 44-715

Railroad retirement board, 44-715

Federal purchase agreements, property acquired with federal funds, 44-727


Claiming benefits, 44-718

Claims processing and auditing, state agencies, 75-3798

Employment security law, proceedings, 44-718

Limitation, claimant, 44-718

Financing, employment service, 44-715

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Foreign states, benefits erroneously paid,

Action to recover, 44-719

Interest, paid or abated, 44-719

Fraud, 44-719

Disqualification for benefits, 44-706

Identity theft victims, investigation, 44-706

Identity verification, 44-777


Employment security administration fund, 44-716

Employment security fund, 44-712

Employment security interest assessment fund, 44-710a

Interest, 44-710a

Interest assessment, 44-710a, 44-717

Special employment security fund, 44-716a

State account, federal trust fund, solvency report, 44-710a

State agency unemployment claims audit fund, 75-3798

Garnishment, benefits, 44-718

Governmental employers, 44-710d

Group accounts, 44-710

Hearing, 44-709

Income tax, contributions and payments in lieu of contributions, deductions, 44-725

Injunction, contributions of nonresident contractors, 79-1010

In-service training, 44-713a

Inspection of records, 44-719


Benefits erroneously paid, 44-719

Abatement, 44-719

Employment security fund, 44-712

Past-due contributions, 44-717

Refunds, 44-717

Special employment security fund, 44-716a, 44-717

Internal Revenue Code,

Effect, 44-710

Employer, determination, 44-710a

Judgment, contributions, penalties, interest, 44-717

Labor, secretary of, 75-5701 et seq.

Misclassification of employee as independent contractor, 44-766 et seq.

Factors to be considered, 44-768

Information sharing with department of revenue, procedure 44-767

Penalties, 44-768

Report, 44-769

Labor, State Department of, generally, this index

Labor disputes, disqualification for benefits, 44-706

Lessor employing units, 44-758

Liens, 44-717

Benefits, 44-718

Contributions and interest, 44-717

Interest assessment, 44-717

Merit awards, employment security law administration, 44-713

Misclassification of employee as independent contractor, 44-766 et seq.

Factors to be considered, 44-768

Information sharing with department of revenue, procedure 44-767

Penalties, 44-768

Report, 44-769

Misconduct, work-connected, disqualification for benefit, 44-706

My reemployment plan, 44-775


Benefit claimants, 44-775

Secretary of labor and secretary of commerce, 44-775

Establishment of, 44-775

Reports, 44-775

Nonprofit organizations, contracts, employment offices, 44-715

Nonresident contractors, 79-1010


Claimant's employment, 44-704

Claimant's tax consequences and withholding information, 44-773

Contributions, 44-710, 44-717

Employer to employees, 44-709

Employer's account, charging of, 44-710

Examiner's or special examiner's decision, 44-709

Officers and employees, 44-714

State employment service, 44-715

Paymaster, common, 44-710i


Benefits, 44-704

Contributions, 44-710

In lieu of contributions,

Appeal and review, 44-710b

State income tax, deduction, 44-725

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Pension offset, disqualification, 44-706

Political subdivisions,

Contracts, employment offices, 44-715

Counties, coverage of district court personnel, 44-710f

Election, mode of payment, 44-710d

Payment of insurance, 44-710e

Tax levies, payment of insurance, 44-710e

Pooled money investment board, loans from, 44-712

Public employment offices, 44-715

Railroad retirement board, employment security administration fund, 44-716

Rated governmental employer, 44-710d

Rates, contribution, 44-710, 44-710a

Discount, 44-710a

Real property acquired with federal funds, 44-727

Reciprocal arrangements, 44-714

Records, 44-714

Inspection, 44-719

Liens, contributions, 44-717

Referees, 44-709

Refund, contributions or interest, 44-717

Reimbursement, administration fund, 44-716

Reimbursing employer, 44-710

Refund, 44-717

Repayment of benefits, violations of law, 44-719

Reports, 44-714

Employers, 44-710a, 44-770

Employment security fund, annual report, 44-776

Failure to make, 44-717, 44-719

Lessor employing units, 44-758

New hires information, state directory, 75-5742

Reimbursement of administration fund, 44-716

State account, federal trust fund, solvency report, 44-710a

Review. Appeal and review, ante

Rules and regulations, 44-714

Claims for benefits, 44-709

Contributions, 44-710

Savings clause, 44-722

Secretary of labor, 75-5701 et seq.

Abatement of penalties, 44-717

Agreements, exchange of taxpayer identification, secretary of revenue, 75-5133a

Availability, 44-709

Board of review, executive secretary, 44-709

Collection of benefits erroneously paid, 44-719

Contributing employers, 44-710a

Employment security administration fund, 44-716

Employment security fund, report to legislature, 44-776

Employment security fund, transfers, 44-710

In-service training, 44-713a

Notice of claimant's employment, 44-704

Notices to employees, requirements, 44-709

Powers and duties, 44-714

Real property deeds and conveyances, federal aid, 44-727

Records, access, 44-709

Remedies, 44-717

Representation in court, 44-720

Review of improper payments information, 44-710b

Rules and regulations, 44-714, 44-757

State employment service, 44-715

Unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council,

Duties, 44-771

Reports and notifications, 44-771

Strategic staffing plan, 44-771

Website, points of contact, 44-771

Membership, 44-771

New employment security information technology system,

Duties, 44-772

Implementation of program integrity elements, 44-772

Memorandum of understanding, 44-772

Reports, 44-772

Rules and regulations, 44-772

Website, trust fund, computations and data, 44-774

Seizure and sale of property, past-due payments, 44-717

 Shared work or short-term compensation program, 44-757

Eligibility and benefits, 44-705, 44-757

Promotional campaign and actions by secretary, 44-757

Social Security Act,

Concurrent operation, 44-723

Effect, 44-710

Reimbursement of employment security administration fund, 44-716

Special examiner, 44-709

State advisory council, 44-714

State agencies, 75-3798

State public policy, 44-702

Substance abuse treatment program, 44-706

Successor classifications, 44-710a

Tax levies, payment of insurance, 44-710e

Termination of coverage, 44-711

Time, computation and extension, 44-709, 44-710

Title to real property acquired by federal funds, 44-727

Training, in-service, 44-713a

Unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council,

Dissolution, 44-771

Duties, 44-771, 75-5745

Audit of department of labor, 44-771

Determination of improper payment amounts, report, 44-771

Examination and recommendations, unemployment compensation system, new system, 44-771

Reports, 44-771

Membership, 44-771

New employment security information technology system, 75-5746

Components, features and benefits as speified, consutation with secretary of laor, 44-772

Implementation deadline and extension, 44-772

Legislative intent, 44-772

Rules and regulations, 44-772

Specified program intergrity elements required, 44-772

Continuing  implementation of new elements, 44-772

Use of specified cross-check programs, 44-772

Organization, 44-771

Status reports by secretary of labor, 44-772

Unemployment trust fund, federal, 44-712

Discontinuance, 44-712

Unemployment trust fund account, 44-712

United States secretary of the treasury, deposits, 44-712

Voluntarily quit, disqualification for benefit, 44-706

Wagner-Peyser Act, effect, 44-710


Benefits, exemption from judicial process, 44-718

Collection, benefits erroneously paid, 44-719

Employee's rights, 44-718


Employment security administration fund, 44-716

Special employment security fund, 44-716a

Weekly benefit amount, 44-704

Write-off of certain receivables, reinstatement, 75-3728b


United States property, 27-114


Colleges and Universities, this index


Liens and Encumbrances, generally, this index


Nongame and endangered species. Wildlife, this index


Bank Deposits and Collections, this index

Bonds, negotiability, 52-1801

Commercial Paper, this index

Documents of Title, this index

Indorsement, this index

Investment Securities, this index

Warehouse Receipts, this index


Cemeteries, 12-1408 et seq.

Colleges and Universities, generally, this index

Funds, generally, this index

Municipal universities, 13-13a13


Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Biomass-to-energy plants, financing, 74-8949b

Coal-fired facilities, purchase of Kansas coal, 66-1280

Compressed air energy storage act, 66-1272 et seq.

Conservation contractors, 75-37,125

Conservation measures, financing, 75-37,125

Electric transmission authority, Kansas, abolished, 74-99d15

Energy development act, Kansas, 79-32,216 et seq.

Energy office, Kansas,

Abolished, 74-622

Corporation Commission, generally, this index

Energy resources. Corporation Commission, generally, this index

Kansas energy choice act, 66-1288

Municipal Energy Agencies, generally, this index

Net metering and easy connection act, 66-1263 et seq.

Renewable electric cogeneration facilities, financing, 74-8949c

Renewable electric generators, financing, certain community colleges, 74-8949e

Renewable energy standards act, 66-1256 et seq.

State energy conservation,

Capital improvement projects, standards for, 75-1259

Improvements for, financing, 75-37,111 et seq.

Waste heat utilization systems, electric generation facilities, financing, 74-8949d


See, also, Technical Professions, this index

Board of technical professions, state, 74-7001 et seq.

Oaths and affirmations, 74-7007

Rules and regulations, 74-7007, 74-7013

Seal, 74-7007

Business entities, 74-7036

Certificate of authorization, 74-139, 74-7001, 74-7036

Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025

Fees, 74-7009

Renewal, fees, 74-7025

Revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026, 74-7028

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Corporation commission, employment, 74-605, 74-614

Corporations, 74-7036

Certificate of authorization, required, 74-7001

Counties, employment, 19-1420

County Engineers, generally, this index

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 74-7001

Definitions, technical profession, 74-7003

Drainage Districts, this index

Drains and drainage, 24-417

Engineering services, state, 75-5801 et seq.

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Definitions, 75-5802

Investigations, 75-718

List of qualified firms, for projects, 75-5803, 75-5804

Negotiating committee,

Contracts with selected firms, 75-5807

Failure to negotiate contracts with selected firm, 75-5807

List of qualified firms for projects, 75-5804

Selection of firms, 75-5806

Negotiation, publication notice, 75-430a

Projects, written description, no alteration without approval, 75-5805

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017

Exemptions, 74-7035

Fees, 74-7009

Renewal of license, 74-7009

Immunity from liability in certain circumstances, 60-4201

Improvement districts, 19-2765

Reports, 19-2767, 19-2774

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Industrial districts,

Employment, 19-3808

Reports, 19-3815

Intern engineer, certificate, 74-7021

Johnson county park district, 19-2868

Land Surveyors, generally, this index

Levees and flood control, improvements, report, 12-636 et seq.

License, 74-139

Application, 74-7018

Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025

Continuing education, 74-7013, 74-7025

Denial, 74-7028

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017

Fees, 74-7009, 74-7025, 74-7026

Loss or destruction, reissue, 74-7025

Reciprocity, 74-7024

Renewal, 74-7025

Suspension or revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026

Appeal, 74-7028

Unlawful practice, 74-7001

Metropolitan transit authority, chief engineer, 12-2823

Municipal Engineer, generally, this index

Oaths and affirmations, 74-7007

Rights and privileges saved, 74-7040

Roster, 74-7010


Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

State engineering services, 75-5801 et seq.

State services, contracts for, 75-1250 et seq.

Technical professions fee fund, 74-7009

Township sewer systems, employment, 80-2004

Turnpikes, employment, 68-2004, 68-2018

Water districts,

Employment, 19-3539

Preliminary surveys and cost estimates, 19-3537


Acquisition of property, 12-1773

Bonds, issuance, 12-1770 et seq.

Enlargement, 12-1771

Enterprise zone act,

Annual reports, 74-50,118

Citation of act, 74-50,113

Definitions, 74-50,114

Nonmetropolitan regional business program,

Establishment, 74-50,116

Nonmetropolitan regions,

Annual report, 74-50,118

Criteria for establishment, 74-50,116

Quarterly list, 74-50,117

Rules and regulations, 74-50,115, 74-50,119

Sales tax exemptions, 74-50,115

Income tax credit, 79-32,154


Abolished, 74-515a

Employees, 74-515b


Access, inspection purposes, 65-674

Search warrants, 65-674

Agricultural hall of fame, 2-2701

Appropriation of water, chief engineer, water resources division, 82a-706b

Discovery, failure to permit, 60-237

Druggists, Pharmacy Law, 65-1629

Drugs and cosmetics, inspections, 65-657

Drugs and medicine, inspection purposes, 65-674

Fire protection, inspections, investigations, 31-137, 31-139, 31-144, 31-148

Food inspection, 65-657, 65-674

Motor Fuel Tax Law, investigations, 79-3420

Pharmacy Law, 65-1629

Railroads, route selection, 66-501

Searches and Seizures, generally, this index

Secretary of health and environment, 65-103

Secretary of labor, inspections, 44-636

Secretary of transportation, authority, 68-404

State fire marshal or deputy, 31-137, 31-139, 31-144, 31-148

Turnpikes, surveys for construction, 68-2005

Urban renewal, powers of municipality, 17-4748

Weeds, entry to control and eradicate, 2-1331


Air Quality, generally, this index

Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117

Environmental audit reports, 60-3332 et seq.

Environmental coordination, water projects, 82a-325 et seq.

Environmental use control, 65-1,221 et seq.

Health and Environment, State Department of, generally, this index

Natural resources damages trust fund, 75-5672

Storage Tanks, this index

Waste, this index

Water Pollution, generally, this index


Tax appeals, state board of, acting as state board of equalization, 74-2439


Machinery and Equipment, generally, this index


See, also, Carriers, generally, this index

Bonds, 66-125 et seq.

Reports, 66-122, 66-123


Investments, insurance companies, 40-2a06, 40-2b08


Ethics, state governmental, 46-290


Actions, definition, 84-1-201

Actions and Proceedings, generally, this index

Eminent domain, trial by master, 26-509

Executions, powers of court, 60-2415

Joinder of claims and remedies, 60-218

Law governing procedure, 60-201


Eminent domain, trial, 26-509

Pretrial procedure, references of issues to, 60-216

Trial by, 60-253

Supplementary, 84-1-103

Turnpikes, remedies of bondholders, 68-2012


Insurance, generally, this index


District court clerk, office and duties, 20-3109


Dust Storms, generally, this index

Soil Conservation Districts, generally, this index

Streambank easements, 82a-220


Aiding escape from custody, criminal code, 21-5912

Criminals, rewards, 75-113, 75-113a

Custody, escape from, criminal code, 21-5911

Detainers, mandatory disposition, 22-4304

Rewards, crimes, criminals, 75-113, 75-113a

Sheriff's liability, civil process, 19-1914, 19-1915


Aliens, conveyances, 58-2238

Escheat proceeds suspense fund, 59-901

Homestead property tax refund claims, 79-4503

Intestates without heirs, 59-514

Administration of estate, 59-901

Attorney general, duties, 59-905

Claims against estate, 59-903, 59-904

Closing estate, 59-901

County attorney, duties, 59-905

Disposition of proceeds, 59-902

Interest, subsequent establishment of claims, 59-903

Liability of secretary of revenue, 59-904

Time, claims against estate, 59-903, 59-904

Mortgages, waiver of right, 58-2328

Proceeds, property sales, Self-Service Storage Act, 58-816


Agreements, certain requirements, 75-5128


Amnesty, 79-2977

Appeals, orders of state board of tax appeals, 74-2426

Application of act,

Kansas estate tax act, effective January 1, 2007, 79-15,254

Kansas estate tax act and Kansas estate tax apportionment act, repealed January 1, 2007, 79-15,146

Apportionment of liability, 79-15,126

Descent and Distribution, generally, this index


Apportionment, 79-15,126

Limitation on,

Kansas estate tax act, effective January 1, 2007, 79-15,254

Kansas estate tax act and Kansas estate tax apportionment act, repealed January 1, 2007, 79-15,146


Bank as conservator, 9-1601

Descent and Distribution, generally, this index

Doctrine of worthier title, application of law, 58-506

Indefinite failure of issue, application of law, 58-504

Inheritance. Estate Taxes, generally, this index

Joint tenancy, warehouse receipts, 84-7-202

Life Estates, generally, this index

Nonresidents, administration, 59-804 et seq.

Organization includes an estate, 84-1-201

Payment on death accounts, 9-1215, 17-2263, 17-2264

Remainders and Remaindermen, generally, this index

Residents, letters testamentary and of administration, 59-706

Rule in Shelley's case, application of law, 58-502

Rule in Wild's case, application of law, 58-505

Simplified Estates Act, 59-3201 et seq.

Statute of Frauds, 33-105

Taxation. Estate Taxes, this index

Termination of life and joint tenancy estates, 59-2286

Uniform fiduciary income and principal act, Trusts and trustees, this index


Rents, 58-2518


Application, 58-502


Affirmative defense, pleadings, 60-208

Appropriation of water, 82a-705

Bonds, officers and fiduciaries, corporate power denial, 78-105

Carriers, person or corporation bringing suit against, 66-178

Public utilities, person or corporation bringing suit against, 66-178

Railroads, car company tax, 79-918

Supplementary, 84-1-103


See specific bold subject headings


Candidates, substantial interest, 75-4301a

Statement, 75-4302a

Commission, governmental ethics,

Campaign finance, cities of second and third classes, unified school districts (under 35,000 pupils), community colleges and townships. Elections, this index

Conflict of interests. Substantial interests, post

Contracts, prohibitions, 75-4304

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 21-6001 et seq.

Definitions, 75-4301a

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Officers and employees,

Abstaining from action, 75-4304, 75-4305

Substantial interests, 75-4301a

Contracts, prohibited acts, 75-4304

Statement, 75-4302a, 75-4305

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Prohibited acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Rules and regulations, 75-4303a

Substantial interests, 75-4302a

Statements, substantial interests, 75-4302a, 75-4305

Substantial interests, 75-4301a

Contracts, prohibitions, 75-4304

Statement of, 75-4302a, 75-4305


Generally, 46-215 et seq.

Agreements. Contracts, post


Order of commission, 46-292

Violations of act, 46-243

Appointments to state offices, restrictions, 46-234

Associated person, 46-227

Conduct, threats, promises, 46-242

Lobbying restrictions, improper influence, 46-273

Bidders for state contracts, substantial interests disclosure, 75-3739

Boards, councils and commissions,

Gifts and favors, acceptance or solicitation prohibited, 46-237a

Substantial interests, statements, 46-247

Exemption, certain members, 74-138

Campaign finance. Elections, this index

Campaign practices, fair, 25-4119g

Candidate, 46-221

Gifts, favors and services,

Acceptance of, prohibited, 46-237

Lobbying restrictions, 46-271

Solicitation prohibited, 46-236

Property, sale or lease, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

Services, furnishing, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

Substantial interests, statements, 46-247

Disclosures, 46-248

Examination and copying, availability for public, 46-252

Procedure, 46-252

Failure to file, 46-251

Filing, times and place, 46-248

Requirements, 46-247

Violations of act,

Actions, commencement and final determination, 46-244

Censure, forfeiture of office, 46-243

Cease and desist orders, 46-289

Censure, violations, 46-243, 46-263

Civil penalties, 46-237a, 46-280, 46-288

Commission, governmental ethics,

Campaign finance, state, counties, unified school districts (35,000 or more pupils), cities of first class and board of public utilities. Elections, this index

Confidentiality, 46-259

Fees, civil penalties, 46-280

Investigations, 46-256

Opinions, 46-254

Orders, appeal from, 46-292

Prosecutor, release of information to, 46-259

Public records, 46-259

Records, documents, 46-259

Rules and regulations, 46-253

Compensation, state officers and employees, 46-216, 46-235, 46-240

Complaints, 46-255 et seq.

Confidentiality, 46-256, 46-259

Copies, transmittal, 46-255

Dismissal, 46-256

Evidence, 46-257, 46-258

Filing with commission, 46-255

Hearings, 46-256, 46-257, 46-258

Actions, 46-263

Contempt, 46-257

Depositions, 46-257

Disposition, 46-262

Findings of fact, statement, 46-262

Notice, 46-256

Open to public, 46-258

Transcript, 46-257

Witnesses, 46-257

Investigation, 46-256, 46-260

Malicious prosecution, 46-261

Probable cause, determination of, 46-256

State employees, protection and remedies, 46-256

Subpoenas, 46-257

Time, 46-255

Withdrawal, 46-261

Conflict of interests. Substantial interests, post

Consultants, statements of substantial interests, 46-247

Contempt, 46-257

Contingent fees for lobbying, prohibited, 46-267

Contracts, 46-231

Disclosure statements, 46-239

Lobbying, requirements, enforceability, 46-267

Prohibited acts, 46-233

Restrictions, 46-233, 46-239

State officers, employees, 46-233

Technology licensing agreements, 46-294

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 21-6001 et seq.

Advertising to influence legislative action, 46-287

Attorney general, notification, 46-256, 46-259

Cease and desist orders, 46-289

Censure or forfeiture of office, 46-243, 46-244, 46-263

Civil fines and penalties, 25-4186, 46-237a, 46-280, 46-288

Confidentiality, violations, 46-259

Consent decree, 46-291

Disclosure statements, failure to file, 46-239

Failure to register or file report, 46-280

Gubernatorial inauguration contributions, 25-4186

Injunction, restitution, mandamus or other equitable relief, 46-290

Intent required, 46-277


False information, giving, 46-275

Unlawful, 46-274

Misdemeanors, 46-239, 46-251, 46-259, 46-274, 46-275, 46-276

Censure, forfeiture of office, 46-243, 46-263

State officers and employees, 46-286

Substantial interests, failure to file true statement, 46-251

Unlawful acts, 46-232 et seq.

Definitions, 46-215 et seq.

Business, 46-230

Consultant, 46-284

Designee, 46-282

Economic opportunity, 46-217

Legislative matter, 46-219

Major policy making position, 46-283

Preceding calendar year, 46-218

Special interest, 46-228

Depositions, 46-257

Disclosure statements, 46-239

Substantial interests, post

Evidence, 46-257, 46-258, 46-261


Contingent, lobbying, prohibited, 46-267

Referral, lobbying, 46-267

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Forfeiture of office, violations, 46-243, 46-263

Gifts and favors, 46-236, 46-237, 46-269

Acceptance of, prohibited, 46-237, 46-237a

Candidates for state office, 46-237

Entertainments or activities, sporting, other, 46-237, 46-237a

Foreign nations, 46-237

Giving prohibited, 46-237

Honoraria, 46-237, 46-237a

Hospitality, 46-237, 46-269, 46-271

Judicial branch, 46-237

Legislators, travel and subsistence, 46-237

Lobbyists, 46-269, 46-271

Meals, 46-237, 46-237a

Shotgun, gift to state, title transfer, 75-139

Solicitation of, prohibited, 46-236, 46-237, 46-237a

State agencies, 46-237

State officers and employees, 46-237, 46-237a

State officers-elect, 46-237

Travel or related expenses, 46-237, 46-237a

Governmental ethics commission. See Commission, governmental ethics, ante


Inauguration contributions, 25-4186, 25-4187

Spouse, gifts or favors, 46-237a

Hearings, 46-256, 46-257, 46-258

Honoraria, 46-237, 46-237a

Hospitality, 46-237, 46-237a, 46-269, 46-271

Impeachment, violations, 46-243, 46-263

Information, confidential, disclosure or use of, 46-241

Injunctions, 46-290

Intent, required for violation, 46-277

Investigations, 46-260

Subpoenas, 46-260

Judicial branch, 46-237

Economic opportunity, gifts, services,

Lobbying restrictions, 46-271

Legislative action, advertising to influence, 46-287

Legislator, 46-220

Compensation, restrictions, 46-235, 46-240

Confidential information, disclosure or use of, 46-241

Contracts, 46-233, 46-239

Disclosure statements, 46-239

Economic opportunity, gifts, services,

Acceptance of, prohibited, 46-237

Expenses for attending meeting of national legislative organization permitted, 46-237

Lobbying restrictions, 46-271

Solicitation prohibited, 46-236

Legislative action, enactment, challenging constitutionality, prohibited, when, 46-233

Property, sale or lease, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

Representation cases, 46-239, 46-242

Compensation, restrictions, 46-240

Conduct, threats, promises, 46-242

Lobbying restrictions, improper influence, 46-273

Services, furnishing, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

Solicitation of economic opportunity, gifts, services, prohibition, 46-236

State office, appointment to, restrictions, 46-234

State officer-elect,

Acceptance of economic opportunity, gifts and services prohibited, 46-237

Solicitation of gifts, favors and services prohibited, 46-236

Substantial interests, statements, 46-247

Amendments, 46-250

Disclosures, 46-248

Examination and copying, availability for public, 46-252

Failure to file, 46-251

Penalty, 46-280

Filing, times and place, 46-248

Forms, 46-249, 46-250

Requirements, 46-247

Travel expenses to national legislative organization meeting, acceptance, 46-237

Violations of act,

Actions, commencement and final determination, 46-244

Censure, forfeiture of office, 46-243, 46-263

Legislators, report by state agency, 46-239

Lieutenant governor, gifts or favors, 46-237a

Listing, lobbyists, 46-266

Lobbying, 46-225

Contingent fees, prohibition, 46-267

Contracts, requirements, enforceability, 46-267

False lobbying information, 46-275

Gifts, contributions, 46-271

Lobbyists, 46-222, 46-265, 46-266

Listing of, 46-266

Registration, 46-265, 46-280

Fees, 46-265

Multiple lobbyists, report, 46-269

Name tags, 46-270


Civil penalties, ante

Crimes and penalties, ante

Prohibited acts, 46-232, 46-266, 46-271, 46-272, 46-273

Property, purchase or lease, restrictions, 46-272

Records, accounts, documents, required to be maintained, 46-269

Referral fees, prohibited, 46-267

Reports, 46-265, 46-268, 46-269, 46-280

Failure to file, penalty, 46-280

Multiple lobbyists, 46-269

Termination statement, 46-265

Representation cases, improper influence, 46-273

Restrictions, 46-271

School districts, 72-9935

Services, furnishing, restrictions, 46-272

State officers, employees, 46-232

Unlawful lobbying, 46-274

Malicious prosecution, 46-261

Mandamus, 46-290

Name tags, lobbyists, 46-270

Nepotism, 46-246a

Oaths and affirmations, 46-257

Open meetings, public policy, 75-4317

Opinions, commission, 46-254

Prohibited acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Property, sale or lease, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272


Failure to file, civil penalty, 46-280

Lobbyists, filing, 46-268

Contents, 46-269

Multiple lobbyists, 46-269

Representation cases, 46-226, 46-242

Acceptance of, participation in, 46-239

Restrictions, 46-242

Compensation, restrictions, 46-240

Conduct, threats, promises, 46-242

Disclosure statement required, 46-239

Lobbying restrictions, improper influence, 46-273

Termination, 46-239

Restitution, 46-290

Restraining order, 46-290

Rules and regulations, 46-224

Commission, 46-253

Secretary of state,

Commission, findings, 46-254

Disclosure statements, filing and transmittal, 46-239


Listings of, 46-266

Name tags, 46-270

Registration, 46-265

Reports, 46-268, 46-269

Substantial interests, statements,

Filing, 46-248

Lists of persons designated by heads of agencies, 46-285

Public examination, copying, 46-252

Substantial interests, post

Services, furnishing, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

State agency, 46-224

Representation cases, improper influence, 46-242, 46-273

State officer elect, 46-221

Economic opportunity, gifts and services,

Acceptance prohibited, 46-237

Solicitation prohibited, 46-236

State officer or employee, 46-221

Appointments, restrictions, 46-234

Closure of certain state institutions, restriction exception, 46-233

Compensation, restrictions, 46-235, 46-240

Conduct detrimental to state service, 46-237a

Confidential information, disclosure or use of, 46-241

Contracts, 46-233, 46-294

Disclosure statements, 46-239

Exemption, certain officers, 74-138

Economic opportunity, gifts, services,

Acceptance of, prohibited, 46-237, 46-237a

Lobbying restrictions, 46-271

Solicitation prohibited, 46-236, 46-237a

Lobbying, prohibited, 46-232

Nepotism, 46-246a

Prohibited acts, 46-237a, 46-286

Property, sale or lease, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

Representation cases, 46-239

Compensation, restrictions, 46-240

Conduct, threats, promises, 46-242

Lobbying restrictions, improper influence, 46-273

Restrictions, 46-242

Services, furnishing, restrictions, 46-238

Lobbying restrictions, 46-272

State office, civil appointments, restrictions, 46-234

Violations of act. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Subpoenas, 46-257, 46-260

Substantial interests, 46-229, 46-233

Boards, councils and commissions, members, 46-247

Exemption, certain members, 74-138

University of Kansas hospital authority, 76-3307

Consultants, private, 46-247

Disclosure, bidders for state contracts, 75-3739

General counsels for state agencies, 46-247

Interstate compacts and bodies, executive officers, 46-247, 46-280

Penalty, failure to file, 46-280

Statements, 46-247, 46-249

Amendments, 46-250

Disclosures, 46-248, 76-3307

Examination and copying, availability for public, 46-252

Procedure, 46-252

Executive branch, elected individuals and candidates, 46-247

Exemption, certain officials, 74-138

Faculty members of state educational institutions, 46-247

Filing, 46-248, 46-248a, 46-251, 46-280

Failure to file, penalty, 46-251, 46-280

Persons required to file, 46-247

Time and place, 46-248

Forms, 46-249, 46-250

Legislators, candidates, 46-247

Persons required to file, 46-247, 46-285, 76-3307

Termination statements, representation cases, 46-239

Violations of act. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Workers compensation, representation cases, 46-240


See Ejectment, generally, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Generally, 60-243, 60-401 et seq.

Admission against interest, partial payment by insuror, 40-275

Admission of evidence, 60-404

Alcohol in blood or breath, 8-1005, 8-1006

Blood alcohol test, 8-1001

Extrinsic policies, 60-441 et seq.

Journalist privileged disclosure, in camera inspection, 60-483

Limitations, 60-406

Medical malpractice actions, 60-3307

Modus operandi, 60-455

Product liability actions, 60-3307

Recorded statements, child victims, 22-3434, 38-2249, 38-2359

Records, certain photographs, reprints and transcripts, 75-3507

Videotaped statements, child victims, 22-3434

Agreements of settlement or release, 60-2801

Alcohol in blood or breath, 8-1005, 8-1006

Ancient documents, authentication, 60-464

Annulment of marriage, 23-2714

Arbitration, matters disclosed in, 60-452a

Arrest to preserve evidence, 8-2111, 22-2401

Asbestos, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

Attachment, motion to dissolve, burden of proof, 60-712

Attorneys, comment on evidence, 60-439

Authentication, 60-464

Copies of records, 60-465

State archivist, 45-406


Compliance review documents, 9-1137

Prohibition of participation of officer or director, 9-1805

Removal of officer or director, 9-1805

Reproduction of records and papers, 9-1121

Best evidence, documentary originals, 60-467

Birth certificates, 65-2416

Bonds, housing bonds, municipalities, 17-2352

Books and papers, generally, this index

Books of account, corporations, 17-6514

Bridges, safe speed, 8-1563

Burden of proof,

Adverse possession, 60-1003

Attachment, motion to dissolve, 60-712

Definitions, 60-401, 84-1-201

Driving under influence of alcohol, 8-1005

Garnishment, 60-735, 60-738

Judges, preliminary inquiry, 60-408

Lack of good faith, 84-1-309

Nonconformance of goods, 84-2-607

Warehousemen, nondelivery, 34-250

Business and public records, photographic copies, 60-469

Business records, subpoena of, 60-245a


Uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4202

Certified copies, 60-465

Historical society, secretary, 75-2705

Secretary of state's office, 75-409

Character and Reputation, generally, this index

Claims, offer to discount, 60-453

Compensating tax, property sold for use in state, 79-3703a

Compromise and settlement, 60-452

Matters disclosed in mediation, 60-452a

Confidential or Privileged Information, generally, this index

Conservatorship, validity of mortgages or leases, 59-2322

Consular invoice, 84-1-307

Conviction of crime, disposition to commit wrong, 60-455

Coroners, records, 22a-235

Corporations, this index

County Surveyors, this index

Court records, reproductions, 60-465a

Credibility of witnesses, extrinsic evidence, 60-420

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index

Custom and usage,

Admissibility, 84-1-303

Hearsay, 60-460

Opinion evidence, 60-450

Proof of specific behavior, 60-449

Dairy products, unfair trade practices, 50-507


Default judgment, 60-255

Death, uniform simultaneous death act, 58-708 et seq.

Death certificate, 65-2416

Deeds and Conveyances, this index

Definitions, 60-401

Depositions, generally, this index

Deputization, interstate cooperation for return of parole violators, 22-4105

Discount of claim, offer, 60-453

Discovery, generally, this index

Discrimination, proceedings, 44-1004

Diversion agreements, criminal cases, 22-2910

Divorce, 23-2714

Driving under influence of alcohol, 8-1005, 8-1006

Druggists, board's records, 74-1611

Duplicate, 60-467

Eavesdropping, 22-2516, 22-2517

Environmental audits, privileges and immunities, 60-3332 et seq.

Exceptions, formal exceptions unnecessary, 60-246

Exclusion of evidence, 60-405

Harmless error, 60-261

Motion to alter or amend judgment, 60-259

Record, 60-243

Undisputed matter, 60-403

Execution sale, legality, 60-2416

Expert testimony, 60-456 et seq.

Extrinsic evidence, credibility of witnesses, 60-420

Finding of fact, defined, 60-401

Fingerprint records, 21-2503

Fires, investigations, 31-137, 31-138

Forensic examination, 22-2902a, 22-3437, 22a-246

Form of evidence, 60-243

Funeral directors and embalmers,

Licenses and permits, suspension or revocation proceedings, 65-1751

Records, 65-1719

Garnishment, burden of proof, 60-735, 60-738

Good samaritan, 60-452

Grand jury communications, 60-435

Guardian, defined, 60-401


Opinion evidence, 60-450

Proof of specific behavior, 60-449

Handwriting, 60-464

Harmless error, 60-261

Healing arts, proficiency in basic sciences, 65-2873

Hearsay, 60-459 et seq.

Admissibility, 60-460, 60-461

Multiple hearsay, 60-463

Credibility of declarant, 60-462

Definitions, 60-459

Recorded statements, child victims, 38-2358, 38-2359

Videotaped statements, child victims, 22-3434

Housing authority contracts, 17-2340

Humanitarian acts, 60-452

Improvement districts, records, 19-2757

Inconsistent statement, discrediting declarant, 60-462

Indebtedness. See, Evidence of Indebtedness, generally, this index

Indictment and information, 60-441

Testimony by juror, 60-444

Informers, identity, 60-436

Instructions to jury. Trial, this index

Interception of wire, oral and electronic communications, status of intercepted communications, 22-2516, 22-2517

Interests in property, records affecting, 60-466

Interrogatories, generally, this index

Intoxicating liquor, driving under influence of alcohol, 8-1005, 8-1006

Irrigation and irrigation districts, unlawful diversion, 42-397

Judge, 60-401

Comment on evidence, exercise of privilege, 60-439

Testimony by, 60-442

Judgment as a matter of law, 60-250

Judicial Notice, generally, this index


Request for information after retirement, 60-248

Testifying as witness, 60-444

Jury testifying as witness, 60-443

Kansas Statutes Annotated, 77-137

Knowledge, other crimes or civil wrongs, 60-455

Land patents, copies, 58-2102, 58-2103


Conservatorship, 59-2322

Record of notice, 58-2236

Liability insurance, 60-454

Limited admissibility, 60-406

Market price, sales act, 84-2-723

Marriage records, 23-2512, 23-2518

Mediation, matters disclosed in, 60-452a

Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Medical records,

Actual records, use, 76-357

Used for instructional purposes, inadmissible, 76-355

Medical research studies, 65-177

Microfilms, county records, 19-252

Mistakes, other crimes or civil wrongs, 60-455

Mortgages, 58-2229 et seq.

Motions, hearing, 60-243

Motions to suppress, 22-3215, 22-3216

Motive, other crimes or civil wrongs, 60-455

Motor fuel tax, presumptions, 79-3494

Municipal courts, 12-4504

Musical composition agreements, certified copies, 57-207

Negligence, subsequent remedial conduct, 60-451

New trial, verdict, report or decision contrary to, 60-259

Newly discovered,

Motion to alter or amend judgment, 60-259

New trial, 60-259

Nurses, hearing on charges, 65-1120

Objections and exceptions, 60-404

Exclusion of evidence, 60-243

Issues not raised by pleading, 60-215

Necessity of formal exceptions, 60-246

Offer of proof, 60-405

Official information, privilege, 60-434

Oil and gas, eminent domain damages, underground storage of natural gas, 55-1205

Open court, 60-243

Open public meetings, burden of proof, enforcement, 75-4320a

Opinion evidence, 60-446, 60-450, 60-456 et seq.

Opportunity, other crimes or civil wrongs, 60-455

Parol and extrinsic evidence,

Contract for sale, 84-2-202

Credibility of witnesses, 60-420

Sale or return, 84-2-326

Patents to land, copies, 58-2102, 58-2103

Pharmacy board records, 74-1611

Photographic copies,

Proving content of business and public records, 12-123, 60-469

School records, 72-1632

Stolen property, admissibility, 60-472

Pleading, amendments, conformity to, 60-215

Power of attorney, 58-2229 et seq.

Preliminary inquiry by judge, 60-408

Preservation of evidence, 8-2111, 22-2401

Presumptions, 60-413 et seq.

Budget act, validity, 79-2937

Burden of establishing nonexistence of fact, 60-414

Burden of proof relaxed, 60-416

Collecting banks, agencies status, 84-4-201

Colleges and universities, validity of bond issues, 76-6a25

Conservatorship, validity of mortgages or leases, 59-2322

Definition, 60-413

Driving under influence of alcohol, 8-1005

Hawkers and peddlers, valid county license, 19-2207

Housing authority contracts, actions involving, 17-2340

Housing bonds, municipalities, 17-2352

Inconsistent presumptions, 60-415

Liquefied petroleum gas containers, unlawful use, 55-1104

Motor fuel tax, use of, 79-3494

Privileges and immunities, exercising privilege, 60-439

Threats, motor vehicle fair trade law, 8-604

Uniform commercial code, 84-1-206

Urban renewal bonds, actions or proceedings involving, 17-4751

Prevailing price, sales act, 84-2-724

Prima facie evidence,

Bills of lading, 84-1-307

Consular invoice, 84-1-307

Driving under influence of alcohol, 8-1005

Third-party document, 84-1-307

Privileges and Immunities, generally, this index

Probate Proceedings, this index

Process, service, 60-312

Product liability actions, 60-3307

Public employees retirement system, 74-4904

Public records, 60-464

Rape, previous conduct, 21-5502

Recorded statements, child victims, admissibility of, 38-2249, 38-2358, 38-2359

Records and documents, 60-244

Authentication, 60-464, 60-465

Corporations, 17-6514

Image recognition and information storage systems, state agencies, 75-3519

Lost or destroyed county records, 64-106, 64-107

Original required, exceptions, 60-467

State archivist, 45-406

Records and Recordation, generally, this index

Sales, this index

Sales tax investigations and hearings, 79-3611

Scope of rules, 60-402

Scrap metal dealer records, admissibility, 22-2902d

Secretary of labor, 44-635

Secured transactions,

Assignment, 84-9-318

Subordinate security interest, 84-9-504

Securities, this index

Self-authenticating, 60-465

Separate maintenance, 23-2714

Service of process, proving, 60-312

Settlement or release of liability, statements not admissible, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Sex offenses,

Act or offense of sexual misconduct, 60-455

Modus operandi, 60-455

Previous conduct, 21-5502

Sex offenses, previous conduct, 21-5502

Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

Social welfare payments, recovery,

Fraud, 39-720

Ineligible recipient, 39-719c

State fire marshal, hearings, 31-141

Statutes, this index


Business records, 60-245a

Witnesses, 60-245

Summary judgment, affidavit, 60-256

Surprise evidence, discretion of court, 60-445


County Surveyors, this index

Municipal engineers, 19-1414

Teaching devices solely for instruction, criminal cases, 76-358

Telefacsimile communication, best evidence, 60-467

Transcript as evidence, 20-910a

Trust companies,

Prohibition of participation of officer or director, 9-1805

Removal of officer or director, 9-1805

Unconscionable contract or clause, 84-2-302

Unemployment compensation, record, 44-714

Unfair trade practices, dairy products, 50-507

Uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4202

Urban renewal,

Bonds, actions or proceedings involving, 17-4751

Municipal instruments, 17-4755

Verdict, testing, 60-441

Videotaped statements, child victims, admissibility of, 22-3434

Vital statistics, delayed birth certificates, 65-2419 et seq.

Voice, 60-464

Witnesses, generally, this index

Workers Compensation, this index


Attestation, 60-468

Authentication, 60-464

Defined, 60-401


Carriers, 66-125 et seq.

Irrigation districts, 42-709

Municipal universities, 13-13a18

Public utilities, 66-125 et seq.


Foreclosure of security interest, civil procedure, 60-1006

Master, 60-253

Motions, time for service, 60-206

Place of conduct, 60-104

Replevin, 60-1005


Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq.

Early childhood development center, inc., lease of land at Fort Hays state university, 76-519

Special education, exceptional children. Schools and School Districts, this index


Abatement, 75-5154

Cereal malt beverage tax,

Cities prohibited from levying, 12-142

Cigarettes, 79-3301 et seq.

Cities prohibited from levying, 12-142

Collection, responsibility for, liability, 79-2971

Compensating tax, 79-3701 et seq.

Military forces, goods sold to members, 48-201

Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index

Motor vehicle rentals, 79-5117

Motor vehicle tires, 65-3424d

Municipalities, limitations and procedures, 12-137

Payment date same as postmark date, 79-2969

Retail liquor sales, 79-4101 et seq.

Returns and reports,

Confidential, exceptions, 75-5133

Electronic filing, 75-5151a

Sales tax, 79-3601 et seq.

Severance Tax, this index

Taxation, generally, this index

Tires. Motor vehicle tires, ante


Sales, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Generally, 60-2401 et seq.

Advertisements, notice of time and place of sale,

Printers' fees advances, 60-2411

Real property, 60-2410

Arbitration and award, 5-209

Failure to perform, 5-210

Assignment, right of redemption, real property, 60-2414

Attorney's lien on collected or paid judgment, 7-109

Auction of new goods, 58-1023

Bond, 60-2408

Property claimed by third persons, 60-2407

Certificate, sale or deed, 60-2410, 60-2415

Cities, 12-151, 60-2413

Contracts waiving right of redemption, 60-2410

Contribution, joint obligors, 60-2413

Corporations, this index

Counties, 19-108, 60-2413

Court of appeals judgments, 20-108

Creditors redeeming real property, 60-2414

Damages, injury or waste, sale of real property, 60-2414

Deeds and Conveyances, this index

Definitions, 60-2401

Delivery of property, 60-2417

Dormant judgment, 60-2403, 60-2404

Employment Security Law, benefits, 44-718

Enforcing judgment, 60-1001

Equity powers of court, 60-2415

Exemptions, 60-2301 et seq., 60-2313

Cemetery lots, 17-1302

City property, 12-151, 60-2314

County property, 19-108, 60-2314

Election of, 60-2312

Family postsecondary education savings account, 60-2308

Head of family, 60-2304

Homestead, designation, 60-2302

Housing projects, 17-2356


Bankruptcy, limitation, 40-414

Fraternal benefit societies, 40-748

Interests of beneficiaries, 40-414

Kansas postsecondary education savings account,75-646

Pensions, benefits and annuities, 60-2308

Cities of first class, 13-14,102

Court reporters, 74-49,105

Highway patrol, 74-4978g

Policemen and firemen, 12-111a, 12-5005, 14-10a10

Exception, domestic relations orders, 12-111a

Public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Personal property as wages, 60-2307

State property, 60-723, 60-2314

Support, court ordered, 60-2308

Urban renewal property, 17-4753

Failure to redeem, 60-2414

Foreclosure of security interest, civil procedure, 60-1006

Garnishment, 60-731

General execution, notice, 60-2420

Grain in warehouse, 34-264

Habeas corpus, warrant in aid of writ, 60-1506

Hearings in aid of execution, 60-2419

Holder of legal title, right of redemption, 60-2414


Designation, 60-2302

Exemption, 59-401

Income tax warrants, 79-3235

Procedures, 79-3235a, 79-3235b

Injunctions, 60-2414

Injury after sale of real property, damages, 60-2414

Interest, reversal of judgment after sale of land, 60-2410

Irrigation works, costs, 42-3,108

Issuance, 60-2401

Joint obligors, contributions between, 60-2413

Judgment liens, 60-2202, 60-2418

Judicial sales. Sale on execution, post

Levy, 60-2401

Property claimed by third persons, 60-2407

Lien creditor, redemption by lien creditor, 60-2414

Lien or security interest,

Sales subject to, 60-2406

Life insurance, interests of beneficiaries, exemption, 40-414, 40-414a

Limitations, third-party plaintiff, 60-214

Mortgage contract, waiver, right of redemption, 60-2410

Mortgages, redemption by mortgagee, 60-2414

Motor fuel tax, delinquent taxes, 79-3412

Multiple executions, 60-2402

New goods, auctions, 58-1023

Notice, sale, 60-2409, 60-2410

Oil and gas leaseholds, redemption, 60-2414

Orders of court,

Redemption of real property, 60-2414

Sale, sheriff, endorsement, 60-2602

Parcels, redemption of land sold in, 60-2414

Partition costs and fees, 60-1003

Personal property taxes, 79-2101

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Procedure, satisfying other court's judgment, 60-2418

Proceedings in aid of execution, 60-2419

Dormant judgment, 60-2403

Public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Publication, notice of sale, 60-2409 et seq.

Receipt, redemption of real property, 60-2414

Receivers, appointment to protect property, 60-2414


Contracts waiving right, 60-2410

Real property, 60-2414

Sale subject to, 60-2410

Reimbursement, redemption of real property, 60-2414

Release, judgment of record, 60-2403

Replevin, order, 60-1005

Resale, personal property, 60-2409

Restitution, reversal of judgment after sale of land, 60-2410

Returns, 60-2401

Sale, 60-2415

Reversal of judgment after sale of land, 60-2410


Dormant judgment, 60-2404

Other court judgments, 60-2418

Sale on execution,

Certificate of sale, 60-2415

Evidence of legality, 60-2416

Forthcoming bond, 60-2408

Irrigation works, 42-3,102

Liens or encumbrances, 60-2406

Notice, 60-2409

Real property, 60-2410

Redemption of real property, 60-2414

Restriction on purchasers, 60-2412

Second sale, 60-2414

Security interest, foreclosure, 60-1007

Proceeds, application, 60-1009

Return, confirmation of sale, 60-1008

Sales or compensating tax, 79-3617

School employees' retirement fund, cities between 170,000 and 250,000, 72-2683

School retirement system benefits, 72-2643

Secretary for children and families, issuance, 60-2401

Security interest, foreclosure,

Civil procedure, 60-1006

Sale on execution, ante

Sheriff's deed,

Evidence of legality, 60-2416

Order for, 60-2415

Social welfare payments, 39-717

Special cases, 60-2417

Special execution,

Deed or certificate, 60-2410

Redemption, 60-2414

State property, exemption, 60-723, 60-2413

Statute of frauds, 33-102

Statute of limitations, 60-504

Stay of proceedings to enforce judgment, 60-262

Successor in interest, rights and remedies, 60-2405

Support enforcement proceeding, dormant judgment, 60-2403

Supreme court judgments, 20-108

Tax fines and costs, 79-1420

Taxes, real property sold, payment, 60-2414

Tenancy in common, redemption, 60-2414

Terms, redemption of real property, 60-2414

Third-party practice, 60-214

Time, 60-262

Transfer, right of redemption of real property, 60-2414

Trusts, waiver of right of redemption, 60-2410

Unemployment compensation benefits, 44-718

Urban renewal property, exemption, 17-4753


Contracts waiving right of redemption, 60-2410

Period of redemption, 60-2414

Warehouse receipt, transfer of nonnegotiable receipt, 34-282

Waste after sale, damages, 60-2414

Wills, this index

Workers compensation,

Failure to pay compensation when due, 44-512a

Payments, 44-514


Abolished, 75-1202c

Sale of property, Shawnee county, 75-2129f et seq.

Transfer of certain powers to architectural services division, 75-1202c


Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 1, § 6

Agriculture, department of, 74-581 et seq.

Aging and disability services, Kansas department for, 39-1901 et seq.

Children and families, Kansas department for, 39-1901 et seq., 75-3084 et seq.

Commerce, department of, 74-5002a

Crippled children's commission, abolishment, transfer of powers to secretary of health and environment, 75-5637 et seq.

Economic development, department of, 74-5002a et seq.

Education, board of regents, functions of state education commission transferred to, 74-3230 et seq.

Education commission, state, functions transferred to board of regents, 74-3230 et seq.

Governor's committee on criminal administration, abolished, 74-6209

Health and environment, state department of, 75-3084 et seq.,75-5601 et seq.

Food safety functions, transfer to department of agriculture, 74-581 et seq.

Health care finance, division of, established under health and environment, state department of, 65-1,252 et seq.

Housing, division of, established under Kansas Development Finance authority, 74-8950 et seq.

Human resources, department of, 75-5701 et seq.

Kansas health policy authority, transferred to health care finance, division of, under health and environment, state department of, 65-1,252 et seq.

Labor, department of, 75-5701 et seq.

Podiatry board of examiners, transferred to healing arts board, 74-2805 et seq.

Printing of, 45-318

Social and rehabilitation services, department of, 75-5301 et seq.

Wildlife, parks and tourism, department of, 32-801 et seq.


Listing property for taxation, 79-301 et seq.

Mortgages, assignment and release, 58-2306

Probate Proceedings, this index


Attachment, this index

Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index

Executions, this index

Garnishment, this index

Homestead, this index

Retirement and Pensions, this index

Securities, this index

Tax Exemptions, this index


Pleading, 60-210


Order, application, 19-724


Fire exits, 31-133


Community colleges, boards of trustees, 71-201

Inspection of goods, liabilities, 84-2-513

Legislators. Legislature, this index

Official hospitality, state agencies, limits, procedures, 75-3731a

Presenting bank,

Lien on goods following dishonor, 84-4-504

Right to reimbursement for following instructions after dishonor, 84-4-503

Rejected goods,

Buyer's security interest, 84-2-711

Care and sale, 84-2-603

Sales, this index

State officers and employees, 75-3201 et seq.

Travel Expenses, generally, this index


Crimes and Punishments, this index

Fire protection, state fire marshal, 31-133 et seq.

Regulations, sale, storage, 31-133


Generally, 74-5069 et seq.

Administration, 74-5071

Agreements, 74-5071, 74-5072

Application fees, 74-5072

Definitions, 74-5070

Fund, export loan guarantee, 74-5072, 74-5074

Review committee, 74-5072, 74-5073

Rules and regulations, 74-5071

Trade Show Promotion, generally, this index


See, also, Carriers, generally, this index

Appeal and review, order or decision, 66-118a et seq.

Bonds, 66-125 et seq.

Evidences of indebtedness, 66-125 et seq.

Fines and penalties, telephone service, 66-195

Funeral directors and embalmers, dead bodies, transportation, 65-1712

Liens, 58-208 et seq.

Rates and charges, review, 66-118a et seq.

Reports, 66-122, 66-123

State supervision, 44-603

Tax assessments, property valuation director, 79-1404


Sales, this index


Crime Victims, generally, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index


Contracts for sale, limitations, 84-2-725

Statute of limitations, contracts for sale, action on, 84-2-725


Generally, 2-608 et seq.

Accounts, approval, 2-615

Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Agents, 2-615, 2-616

Compensation, 2-608, 2-615

Pesticide Law, emergency examinations, 2-2442

Unclassified state service, 75-2935

Appropriations, 2-610

Board, 2-609 et seq.

Bond, treasurer, 2-611, 2-613

Budget, 2-610

Buildings for office facilities, tax levies, 2-620

Community and resource development, instruction, 2-608, 2-616

Compensation and salaries,

Agents, 2-608, 2-615

County extension council, 2-611

County treasurers, duties, 2-613

Deposits of moneys, 2-612

Districts, 2-615, 2-616, 2-623 et seq.

Duties and purpose, 2-616

Election of members, 2-611

Expenditures, approval, 2-615

Extension districts, 2-623 et seq.

Educational extension programs, 2-625

Governing body, 2-624

Secretary, duties, 2-626

Treasurer, duties, 2-627

Program development committee, 2-625

Withdrawal from district, 2-628

Federal aid, 2-608, 2-609

Fees, 2-616

Kansas state university, 2-608 et seq.

Meetings, 2-611

Members, 2-609, 2-610, 2-611

Multicounty extension governing board, 2-615, 2-616

Officers, 2-609, 2-610

Payments, 2-612, 2-613

Programs and services, 2-608, 2-611, 2-616

Records, 2-614


Receipts and disbursements, 2-612

Work and activities, 2-614

Secretary, duties, 2-614

Seed testing service, 2-616

Soil testing, fees, 2-616

State aid, 2-608, 2-609

Tax levies, 2-610

Buildings for office facilities, 2-620

Term of office, 2-611

Testing, service fees, 2-616

Treasurers, powers and duties, 2-612


Crimes and Punishments, this index


County jail, compensation for custody, 19-1917

Criminal Procedure, this index

Interstate Corrections Compact, 76-3002

Parolees, 22-4104 et seq.

Records, requisitions, 75-105


Records, 75-105

Signature, 75-106


Anatomical Gift Act, Revised Uniform, 65-3220 et seq.

Babies, treatment, 65-153b, 65-153d

Contact lens prescription release act, patient's, 65-4965 et seq.

Enucleation by,

Certified embalmer, 65-1728

Other persons, 65-1728

Examinations, physicians' assistants, limitations, 65-2887

Newly born infant, treatment, 65-153b

Patient's contact lens prescription release act, 65-4965 et seq.

Protective devices, tanning facilities, 65-1921

Protective devices required for students and teachers, 72-6281

Pupils, vision testing, 72-6241 et seq., 72-6267

Tanning facilities, protective devices, 65-1922

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