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Jan. 24, 2025
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2021 Statute

Section Number

13-13a03 - Established municipal university; management and control; rights and powers.
13-13a04 - Board of regents; composition; appointment; qualifications; resignations; vacancies.
13-13a05 - Board members appointed by governing body of city; residence requirements; terms of office.
13-13a06 - Board members appointed by governor; terms of office.
13-13a08 - Oath of board of regents; service without compensation; organization; quorum.
13-13a09 - Rules and regulations by board of regents; tuition and charges.
13-13a11 - Management of university; authority of regents.
13-13a12 - Employment of president and other employees by regents; delegation of authority.
13-13a13 - Powers of regents to receive and hold property; endowments.
13-13a14 - Use of university property for other than university purposes; rules governing.
13-13a16 - Courses of study and degrees; regulation by regents; disposition of fees.
13-13a17 - Cooperation between governmental agencies and board of regents.
13-13a18 - Tax levy for support of university; pensions; retirement of bonds; tax sheltered annuities; sinking fund; limitations; tax levy additional to 13-13a23.
13-13a19 - Additional powers and authority; construction of act.
13-13a20 - Annual report of regents.
13-13a20a - Invalidity of part.
13-13a21 - Property to be held in name of university.
13-13a23 - Bond issues authorized; limitations; sinking fund; tax levies; accumulation of fund for buildings; permanent improvements or capitalized equipment; expenditures.
13-13a24 - Extension of taxing district; petition; election; eligible voters.
13-13a35 - Regulations and control of traffic and parking at Washburn university of Topeka; control under board of regents; issuance of permits and allocation of space; fees; removal and impounding of vehicles, when; lien.
13-13a36 - Same; rules and regulations; posting speed limits.
13-13a37 - Same; fees; use.
13-13a38 - Imposition of countywide sales tax.
13-13a39 - Same; additional sales subject to tax.
13-13a40 - Definitions.
13-13a41 - Grants; eligibility and amount; determination of FTE enrollment; limitation on use.
13-13a42 - Certification of credit hours; reports; forms; residence requirements; rules and regulations.
13-13a43 - Payment of grants; disposition and use of grant moneys.
13-13a44 - State board of regents member on Washburn board.
13-13a45 - Limitations on university while receiving grants.
13-13a46 - Eligibility for grants; current membership in north central association of colleges and universities required.
13-13a47 - Mission and goal statement, review; core indicators of quality performance, identification and approval; compliance effectiveness.
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