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Minutes for HB2280 - Committee on Public Health and Welfare

Short Title

Updating statutes relating to the powers, duties and functions of the state board of pharmacy.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 29, 2021

Chairperson Hilderbrand called attention to HB2280 for final action.

He explained that an amendment was being offered and asked Jenna Moyer, Staff Revisor, to explain the amendment. (Attachment 3) Chairperson Hilderbrand offered the amendment, with a second by Senator Erickson.  On a voice vote of aye, the amendment was adopted. Senator Pettey voted no and asked that her vote be recorded.

Senator Steffen moved to amend HB2280 by substituting a new bill and inserting the contents of SB211 and the substitute bill be passed. Senator Thompson seconded the motion. On a voice vote the motion carried. Division was called. The motion passed on a voice vote of 5-3.  Senator O'Shea, Senator Holscher and Senator Pettey voted no and asked that their vote be recorded.

Senator Thompson moved to pass Senate Substitute for HB2280 as amended, with a second from Senator Erickson. On a voice vote of aye HB2280 was passed favorably, as amended.  Senator Pettey and Senator Holscher voted no and asked that their votes be recorded.