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Minutes for HB2373 - Committee on Health and Human Services

Short Title

Requiring the Kansas department for aging and disability services to establish and implement a mobile crisis services program for individuals with intellectual or developmental disability.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 23, 2021

Scott Abbott provided the committee with an overview of HB2373.

Lori Feldcamp, President and CEO, Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc., provided testimony in support of HB2373, noting that there exists a significant gap for behavioral health support needs for someone with I/DD and what is available in the community. These individuals would be living in a state hospital 20 years ago. Today there is a struggle to ensure individuals do not cause significant harm to themselves or others. When significant behavior escalations occur, many times the only option is to call law enforcement to intervene, Crisis services are not available for this population. Ms. Feldcamp provided stories regarding two individuals that have had crisis situations in their lives. Ms. Feldcamp concluded that a long term solution is needed to effectively support individuals with complex needs and staff providing support. A crisis support program with adequate funding, staffing and training is needed to respond at a moments notice to deescalate situations and provide an alternative to incarceration or hospital placement (Attachment 7).

Colin McKenney, CEO, Starkey, Inc., provided testimony in support of HB2373. His organization does not have the pleasure to choose the individuals they provide services to as some organizations in the state do. Services can not be discontinued when someone's support needs are beyond the organization's capabilities. This creates a disproportionate use of limited resources. Staffing issues are always a concern. This creates a situation where people with less critical support needs are more likely to receive less support staff. The creation of a mobile crisis services program would provide significant support to individuals who need to access mental health support when they more desperately need it. HB2373 is the first step to better meet the needs of individuals who pose a risk of harm to themselves or others (Attachment 8).

Kendra Krier, Director of Regional Services, OCCK, provided testimony in support of HB2373. OCCK provides services designed to help people live independently. 43% of the individuals served by OCCK have intellectual disabilities as well as mental health disabilities. Ms. Krier provided a update to a story she provided the committee regarding a man that is provided services by OCCK. An additional story of an individual was also given. OCCK has worked hard to be a leader in rural areas to meet community needs. The organization is boots-on-the-ground running to support  people and collaborate to layer the support with community partners during crisis situations (Attachment 9).

Written only testimony was provided from:

Nick Wood, Associate Director, InterHab (Attachment 10)

Michelle Ponce, Associate Director, Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas (Attachment 11)

Shelly May, Deputy Director, Johnson County Developmental Support (Attachment 12) (Attachment 13)

The hearing was closed.