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Dec. 10, 2024
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SB 2 Committee Minutes and Testimony

Allowing consumption of beer, wine or other alcoholic liquor on the Kansas state fairgrounds; increasing the number of temporary permits an applicant may receive from four to 12 permits per year; limiting what cities, counties or townships may charge for a temporary permit to not more than $25 per day; crediting a portion of moneys collected from the liquor drink tax and the liquor enforcement tax to the state fair capital improvements fund; requiring that licensed farm wineries be issued a cereal malt beverage retailer license if the statutory requirements for such retailer license are satisfied; authorizing retail liquor stores to sell and deliver alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages to a caterer, public venue, club or drinking establishment located in any adjacent county any county with a comer located within two miles measured along the adjacent county boundary; Increasing the percentage of alcohol by volume allowed to not more than 16% for domestic table wine and the domestic fortified wine threshold to more than 16% alcohol by volume.

House Committee on Federal and State Affairs