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Bill Reports

2022 Bills Vetoed By The Governor Full Report

SB34 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Substitute for SB 34 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Prohibiting governmental entities and public officials from taking certain actions related to a contagious or infectious disease, limiting powers of the governor and other governmental entities under the Kansas emergency management act to require face masks, requiring judicial review of certain emergency actions to occur without unreasonable delay and limiting powers of the secretary of health and environment related to enforcement of quarantine and student inoculation requirements.
SB58 - Bill by Judiciary
Establishing the parents' bill of rights for parents of students attending elementary or secondary school in this state.
SB160 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Enacting the fairness in women's sports act to require that student athletic teams only include members who are of the same biological sex unless designated as coed.
SB161 - Bill by Commerce
Providing for the use of personal package delivery devices on sidewalks and crosswalks, exempting such devices from motor vehicle regulation and limiting additional municipal regulation.
SB199 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare
Providing for short-term, limited-duration health plans.
SB286 - Bill by Judiciary
House Substitute for Substitute for SB 286 - Continuing the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas by extending the expanded use of telemedicine, the suspension of certain requirements related to medical care facilities and immunity from civil liability for certain healthcare providers, certain persons conducting business in this state and covered facilities for COVID-19 claims until January 20, 2023, creating the crime of interference with the conduct of a hospital and increasing the criminal penalties for battery of a healthcare provider.
SB355 - Bill by Redistricting
Substitute for SB 355 by Committee on Redistricting - Proposing congressional redistricting map ad astra two.
SB493 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Prohibiting cities and counties from regulating plastic and other containers designed for the consumption, transportation or protection of merchandise, food or beverages.
HB2252 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Prohibiting the modification of election laws by agreement except as approved by the legislative coordinating council.
HB2387 - Bill by Judiciary
Prohibiting the issuance of a request for proposal or entering into a new contract for the administration and provision of benefits under the medical assistance program and removing the authority of the governor to prohibit attending or conducting certain religious services and worship services.
HB2448 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare
Senate Substitute for HB 2448 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Requiring able-bodied adults without dependents to complete an employment and training program in order to receive food assistance.

NOTE: Bills with line item vetoes are not included on this report but can be found on the Laws report.