House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
Bill Reports
2022 Laws Report
Bills Approved By Governor
SB2 - Bill by Senator McGinn |
Allowing consumption of beer, wine or other alcoholic liquor on the Kansas state fairgrounds; increasing the number of temporary permits an applicant may receive from four to 12 permits per year; limiting what cities, counties or townships may charge for a temporary permit to not more than $25 per day; crediting a portion of moneys collected from the liquor drink tax and the liquor enforcement tax to the state fair capital improvements fund; requiring that licensed farm wineries be issued a cereal malt beverage retailer license if the statutory requirements for such retailer license are satisfied; authorizing retail liquor stores to sell and deliver alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages to a caterer, public venue, club or drinking establishment located in any adjacent county any county with a comer located within two miles measured along the adjacent county boundary; Increasing the percentage of alcohol by volume allowed to not more than 16% for domestic table wine and the domestic fortified wine threshold to more than 16% alcohol by volume. |
SB19 - Bill by Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications |
House Substitute for SB 19 by Committee on Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications - Implementing the 988 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline in Kansas. |
SB28 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions |
House Substitute for SB 28 by Committee on Insurance and Pensions - Enacting the pharmacy benefits manager licensure act and requiring licensure rather than registration of such entities. |
SB62 - Bill by Education |
Amending the standards for school-administered vision screenings for students, establishing the Kansas children's vision health and school readiness commission and relating to the powers and duties of the Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing with regard to registration of interpreters, communication access services guidelines and adoption of rules and regulations. |
SB84 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
House Substitute for Substitute for SB 84 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas expanded lottery act and historical horse race machines under the Kansas parimutuel racing act. |
SB91 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development |
House Substitute for SB 91 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs. |
SB101 - Bill by Transportation |
House Substitute for SB 101 by Committee on Transportation - Approving the operation and use of electric-assisted bicycles and regulating the use thereof. |
SB141 - Bill by Judiciary |
Enacting the Kansas uniform directed trust act. |
SB150 - Bill by Judiciary |
Defining and prohibiting certain deceptive lawsuit advertising practices and restricting the use or disclosure of protected health information to solicit individuals for legal services. |
SB200 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Expanding the pharmacist scope of practice to include initiation of therapy for certain conditions, updating provisions of the prescription monitoring program act relating to program data, storage and access and increasing the membership of the advisory committee. |
SB215 - Bill by Education |
Transferring the authority for postsecondary driver's education programs and driver training schools to the department of revenue and authorizing the board of education of a school district to contract with transportation network companies to provide certain transportation services. |
SB261 - Bill by Agriculture |
Substitute for SB 261 by Committee on Agriculture -- Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on the labels of meat analogs when such labels do not include proper qualifying language to indicate that such products do not contain meat. |
SB300 - Bill by Judiciary |
Substitute for SB 300 by Committee on Judiciary - Amending the Kansas racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act to add a person who has engaged in identity theft or identity fraud to the definition of "covered person" and add identity theft and identity fraud to the definition of "racketeering activity." |
SB313 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Providing for the use and regulation of autonomous motor vehicles and establishing the autonomous vehicle advisory committee. |
SB330 - Bill by Senators Longbine, Alley, Baumgardner, Billinger, Bowers, Claeys, Corson, Dietrich, Doll, Erickson, Fagg, Faust-Goudeau, Francisco, Gossage, Haley, Hawk, Hilderbrand, Holland, Holscher, Kerschen, Kloos, Masterson, McGinn, Olson, O'Shea, Peck, Petersen, Pettey, Pittman, Ryckman, Steffen, Straub, Suellentrop, Sykes, Thompson, Tyson, Ware, Warren, Wilborn |
Authorizing the construction of a memorial honoring Kansas gold star families. |
SB335 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Exempting certain business entities that provide health insurance in the state but are not subject to the jurisdiction of the commissioner of insurance from payment of the annual premium tax. |
SB336 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Updating certain investment limitation requirements to provide increased options for Kansas domiciled life insurance companies investing in equity interests and preferred stock. |
SB337 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Converting the conditional charter issued for the pilot program under the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act to a full fiduciary financial institution charter. |
SB343 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Providing considerations for in family law, adoption, foster care, guardianship and child in need of care proceedings for parents or prospective parents who are blind and updating the term "hearing impaired" to "hard of hearing" in statutes related to persons with hearing loss. |
SB346 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources |
Allowing for the on-farm retail sale of milk and milk products, authorizing the secretary of agriculture to declare an imminent health hazard, extending certain milk and dairy license fees and establishing certain standards for milk. |
SB347 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development |
House Substitute for SB 347 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Enacting the attracting powerful economic expansion act to provide for tax and other incentives to attract projects in specified industries, or for national corporate headquarters, that involve a capital investment of at least $1,000,000,000, providing for a reduction in the Kansas corporate income rate triggered by the first agreement under the act, limiting the number of agreements and requiring state finance council approval of agreements. |
SB348 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Exempting the practice of threading from the practice of cosmetology. |
SB358 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources |
Amending the public water supply project loan program's definition of "project" to remove the definition's current exclusion of projects that are related to the diversion or transportation of water acquired through a water transfer. |
SB366 - Bill by Judiciary |
Creating a mechanism to seek relief from the Kansas offender registration act requirements for drug offenders, allowing expungement of offenses when such relief is granted and requiring registration as a sex offender for certain violations of the crimes of breach of privacy, internet trading in child pornography and aggravated internet trading in child pornography. |
SB367 - Bill by Judiciary |
Requiring officers to file copies of receipts with the court when property is seized under a search warrant and providing requirements and procedures for destruction or disposition of dangerous drugs and return or disposition of weapons. |
SB392 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Terminating the transfer of remaining unencumbered moneys in the securities act fee fund exceeding $50,000 to the state general fund. |
SB400 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Substitute for SB 400 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Updating certain requirements and conditions relating to the creation, modification and termination of trusts in the Kansas uniform trust code and updating the definition of resident trust for tax purposes. |
SB405 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Authorizing the state historical society to convey certain real property to the Shawnee Tribe. |
SB408 - Bill by Judiciary |
Increasing the criminal penalties for multiple thefts of mail; specifying that the crime of burglary includes, without authority, entering into or remaining within any locked or secured portion of any dwelling, building or other structure, with intent to commit another crime therein; providing guidance to determine how offenders under the supervision of two or more supervision agencies can have supervision consolidated into one agency; requiring an offender who raises error in such offender's criminal history calculation for the first time on appeal to show prejudicial error and authorizing the court to correct an illegal sentence while a direct appeal is pending; and transferring the responsibility to certify drug abuse treatment providers that participate in the certified drug abuse treatment program from the department of corrections to the Kansas sentencing commission. |
SB417 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources |
Establishing minimum and maximum permit renewal fees for certain solid waste disposal areas and processing facilities. |
SB419 - Bill by Judiciary |
Allowing certain employees from the department of corrections to attend the Kansas law enforcement training center and including special agents of the department of corrections in the definition of law enforcement officer under the Kansas law enforcement training act. |
SB421 - Bill by Ways and Means |
Transferring a total of $1,125,000,000 from the state general fund to the Kansas public employees retirement fund during FY 2022 and FY 2023, allowing the state finance council to stop such FY 2023 transfers and eliminating certain level-dollar KPERS employer contribution payments. |
SB434 - Bill by Judiciary |
Creating exemptions in the open records act for records that contain captured license plate data or that pertain to the location of an automated license plate recognition system. |
SB440 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Establishing when an occupational therapist may treat a patient without referral from a physician and requiring occupational therapists to maintain professional liability insurance. |
SB446 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Allowing restricted driver's license holders beginning at age 15 to drive to and from religious activities held by any religious organization and providing for the electronic renewal of nondriver's identification card. |
SB448 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Adopting the national association of insurance commissioner's amendments to the unfair trade practices act excluding commercial property and casualty insurance producers, brokers and insurers from prohibitions on giving rebates as an inducement to sales. |
SB450 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance |
Sub for SB 450 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance: Eliminating the crediting to the Kansas public employees retirement fund of 80% of the proceeds from the sale of surplus real estate, authorizing state educational institutions to sell and convey real property given to such state educational institutions as an endowment, bequest or gift and authorizing the state board of regents to adopt policies relating to such sale and conveyance. |
SB451 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources |
Requiring an individual to maintain enrollment on a tribal membership roll to receive a free permanent hunting license. |
SB453 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Requiring unlicensed employees in adult care homes to complete certain training requirements, reinstating the social worker applicant option for board-approved postgraduate supervised experience, allowing master's and clinical level licensees to take the baccalaureate addiction counselor test and requiring the behavioral sciences regulatory board to accept a master of social work degree from Fort Hays state university as from an accredited college or university. |
SB479 - Bill by Senators Bowers, Alley, Baumgardner, Billinger, Claeys, Corson, Dietrich, Doll, Erickson, Fagg, Faust-Goudeau, Francisco, Gossage, Haley, Hawk, Hilderbrand, Holland, Holscher, Kerschen, Kloos, Longbine, Masterson, McGinn, Olson, O'Shea, Petersen, Pettey, Pittman, Pyle, Ryckman, Straub, Suellentrop, Sykes, Thompson, Tyson, Ware, Warren, Wilborn |
Authorizing a permanent memorial commemorating the Kansas suffragist movement to be placed in the state capitol and establishing the Kansas suffragist memorial fund. |
SB483 - Bill by Judiciary |
Increasing criminal penalties for theft and criminal damage to property involving remote service units such as automated cash dispensing machines and automated teller machines. |
SB506 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Providing for the north central Kansas down syndrome society distinctive license plate. |
SB563 - Bill by Redistricting |
Substitute for SB 563 by Committee on Redistricting - Proposing state senatorial redistricting plan liberty three, state representative redistricting plan free state 3F and state board of education redistricting plan apple seven. |
HB2005 - Bill by Representative Highland |
Excluding hot water supply boilers that have a nominal water capacity not exceeding 120 gallons from the provisions of the boiler safety act; creating the elevator safety act to require safety standards, permit requirements, and insurance coverage for elevator contractors; requiring inspections of elevators and licensure for persons installing, repairing and inspecting elevators; creating an elevator safety advisory board; establishing duties for the state fire marshal. |
HB2075 - Bill by Judiciary |
Allowing venue for an adoption when the state is the agency to be where the state agency or its subcontracting agency has an office. |
HB2087 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Limiting the review of certain rules and regulations by the director of the budget and requiring review of rules and regulations every five years. |
HB2106 - Bill by Taxation |
Decreasing the state rate for sales and use taxes for sales of food and food ingredients and providing for the levying of taxes by cities and counties and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit. |
HB2109 - Bill by Judiciary |
Prohibiting the disclosure of personal information about a person's affiliation with an entity that is exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c) of the federal internal revenue code and continuing in existence certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act. |
HB2110 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions |
Requiring insurance coverage for PANS and PANDAS by the state health care benefits program and requiring the state employee health care commission to submit an impact report on such coverage to the legislature. |
HB2136 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions |
Establishing the COVID-19 retail storefront property tax relief act to provide partial refunds to certain businesses impacted by COVID-19-related shutdowns and restrictions, discontinuing the first 15 days of the month sales and compensating use tax remittance requirements for certain retailers, providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Atchison county and delaying implementation of the exclusion of separately stated delivery charges from sales or selling price. |
HB2138 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Providing for the use of electronic poll books in elections and the approval of such books by the secretary of state, requiring all voting systems for elections to use individual voter-verified paper ballots with a distinctive watermark, requiring the secretary of state and local election officers to develop an affidavit to be signed by election workers regarding handling of completed ballots, requiring audits of any federal, statewide or state legislative race that is within 1% of the total votes cast and requiring randomized audits of elections procedures used in four counties in even-numbered years, requiring a county election officer to send a confirmation of address when there is no election-related activity for any four calendar year period and exempting poll workers from certain election crimes. |
HB2228 - Bill by Judiciary |
Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy regarding submission of sexual assault evidence kits and allowing evidence collection at child advocacy centers or other facilities. |
HB2231 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development |
Amending the definition of the crime of conducting a pyramid promotional scheme, providing for an exemption and defining key terms. |
HB2237 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Rural Development |
Enacting the Kansas affordable housing tax credit act, the Kansas housing investor tax credit act, the historic Kansas act, the Kansas rural home loan guarantee act, authorizing certain residential real property appraisals in rural counties to be performed without completing the sales comparison approach to value, allowing the use of bond proceeds under the Kansas rural housing incentive district act for residential vertical development and renovation of certain buildings within economically distressed urban areas and expanding eligibility for the child day care services assistance tax credit and providing a credit for employer payments to an organization providing access to employees for child day care services. |
HB2239 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation |
Providing tax credits for graduates of aerospace and aviation-related educational programs and employers of program graduates, school and classroom supplies purchased by teachers, contributions to community colleges and technical colleges, qualified railroad track maintenance expenditures of short line railroads and associated rail siding owners or lessees and expanding eligibility, amount and transferability of the research and development tax credit, providing homestead property tax refunds from the income tax refund fund to certain persons based on the increase in property tax over the base year property tax amount, providing for an additional personal income tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans, establishing the salt parity act to allow pass-through entities to elect to pay state income tax at the entity level, establishing a checkoff for contributions to the Kansas historic site fund, establishing a revenue neutral rate complaint process for tax levies, authorizing the county clerk to limit the amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied in certain circumstances, establishing a deadline for budgets to be filed with the director of accounts and reports, requiring roll call votes and publication of information to exceed the revenue neutral rate, classifying certain agritourism activities and zoos as land devoted to agricultural use, classifying land devoted to agriculture that is subject to the federal grassland conservation reserve program as grassland, establishing a property tax exemption for antique utility trailers, allowing for the proration of value when certain personal property is acquired or sold prior to September 1 of any tax year, providing for the exemption of inventory and work-in-progress machinery and equipment for telecommunications machinery and equipment, increasing the extent of exemption for residential property from the statewide school levy, providing for abatement or credit of property tax for buildings and improvements destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster, providing a sales tax exemption for certain fencing and for reconstructing, repairing or replacing certain fencing damaged or destroyed by a wildfire, flood, tornado or other natural disaster, excluding separately stated delivery charges from sales or selling price, removing the expiration on manufacturer cash rebates on motor vehicles, providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Wilson county, requiring disclosure of distribution of revenues on countywide retailers' sales tax ballot proposals, validating the election held to approve a retailers' sales tax levy by the city of Latham, extending the time period for eligibility in the loan repayment program and the income tax credit for rural opportunity zones, enacting the Gage park improvement authority act and providing for the creation of the Gage park improvement authority and an election for the imposition of a countywide sales tax sales tax within the boundaries of Shawnee county. |
HB2279 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Senate substitute for HB 2279 by committee on public health and welfare - Amending the advanced practice registered nurse authorized scope of practice to permit the prescribing of drugs without a supervising physician. |
HB2299 - Bill by Judiciary |
Requiring retention of fingerprints by the Kansas bureau of investigation for participation in the federal rap back program; imposing restrictions on surveillance by certain employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks on private property; expanding the jurisdiction and powers of law enforcement officers to include situations when an activity is observed leading the officer to reasonably suspect a person is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime and reasonably believe that a person is in imminent danger of death or bodily injury without immediate action; allowing a search warrant to be executed within 240 hours from the time of issuance; and directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies. |
HB2329 - Bill by Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications |
Updating the entities who are subject to the pipeline safety program of the state corporation commission. |
HB2361 - Bill by Judiciary |
Senate Substitute for HB 2361 by Committee on Judiciary - Removing the requirement that all district court judges in Douglas county serve on the board of trustees of the law library, authorizing the supreme court to adopt rules establishing specialty court programs, creating the specialty court funding advisory committee and the specialty court resources fund, authorizing courts to order defendants to participate in specialty court programs and allowing expungement of certain convictions when defendants complete the requirements of such programs. |
HB2377 - Bill by Judiciary |
Revising laws relating to operating an aircraft under the influence, including prescribing criminal and administrative penalties and providing for testing of blood, breath, urine or other bodily substances, and preliminary screening tests of breath or oral fluid; authorizing reinstatement of a driver's license for certain persons with an ignition interlock device restriction; requiring persons with an ignition interlock device restriction to complete the ignition interlock device program before driving privileges are fully reinstated; providing for reduced ignition interlock device program costs for certain persons; providing that the highway patrol has oversight of state certification of ignition interlock manufacturers and their service providers; modifying the criminal penalties for driving a commercial motor vehicle under the influence and driving under the influence; increasing the period of disqualification for certain offenses committed by a person with commercial driving privileges; and prohibiting prosecuting attorneys from concealing certain traffic violations from the CDLIS driver report. |
HB2386 - Bill by Health and Human Services |
Establishing requirements for the payment and reimbursement of dental services by a dental benefit plan. |
HB2456 - Bill by Representatives Corbet, Awerkamp, Barker, Croft, Ellis, Highland, Houser, Mason, Seiwert, Tarwater |
Establishing the Kansas kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license. |
HB2458 - Bill by Transportation |
Senate Substitute for HB 2458 by Committee on Transportation - Limiting the liability of optometrists and ophthalmologists who report information to the division of vehicles relating to a person's vision. |
HB2462 - Bill by Representative Victors |
Removing the standing committee membership requirements for members of the joint committee on state-tribal relations. |
HB2466 - Bill by Education |
Substitute for HB 2466 by Committee on Education - Establishing the promoting advancement in computing knowledge act to increase the availability of computer science education in Kansas schools and the career technical education credentialing and student transitioning to employment success pilot program; also exempting national assessment providers from the student online personal protection act. |
HB2476 - Bill by Representatives T. Johnson, Ellis, French, Neelly |
Providing for the silver star medal, bronze star medal, city of Hutchinson and daughters of the American revolution distinctive license plates and four distinctive license plates for the Kansas department of wildlife and parks; authorizing the printing of the international symbol of access for disabled veteran distinctive license plates and parking privileges for certain physically disabled veterans; allowing veteran distinctive license plate applicants to provide a DD214 form, DD form 2 (Retired) or a Kansas veteran driver's license as proof of veteran status. |
HB2477 - Bill by Judiciary |
Renewing certain provisions of law authorizing expanded practice by certain healthcare professionals and suspending certain licensure and other requirements for adult care homes. |
HB2478 - Bill by Representative Rhiley |
Designating a portion of United States highway 166 as the SGT Evan S Parker memorial highway, a portion of U.S. highway 56 as the PFC Shane Austin memorial highway, a portion of United States highway 69 as the Senator Tom R Van Sickle memorial highway, a certain bridge on K-126 as the Dennis Crain memorial bridge, a portion of United States highway 69 as the AMM2c Walter Scott Brown memorial highway and bridges on K-66 highway as veterans memorial bridge. |
HB2481 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions |
Authorizing KP&F participating service credit purchase for certain in-state nonfederal governmental employment. |
HB2489 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Rural Development |
Amending provisions of the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act relating to out-of-state financial institutions, banks and trust companies conducting fidfin transactions, fees and assessments, examinations, disclosures to consumers and requiring such institutions to be mandatory reporters for purposes of elder abuse. |
HB2490 - Bill by Children and Seniors |
Authorizing the state treasurer to determine account owners and designated beneficiaries for an ABLE savings account, adding who may open such an account and requiring compliance with the federal internal revenue code. |
HB2492 - Bill by Ways and Means |
Senate Substitute for HB 2492 by Committee on Ways and Means - Reconciling multiple amendments to certain statutes. |
HB2495 - Bill by Judiciary |
Senate Substitute for HB 2495 by Committee on Judiciary - Requiring retention of fingerprints by the Kansas bureau of investigation for participation in the federal rap back program; imposing restrictions on surveillance by certain employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks on private property; expanding the jurisdiction and powers of law enforcement officers to include situations when an activity is observed leading the officer to reasonably suspect a person is committing, has committed or is about to commit a crime and reasonably believe that a person is in imminent danger of death or bodily injury without immediate action; allowing a search warrant to be executed within 240 hours from the time of issuance; and directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies. |
HB2508 - Bill by Judiciary |
Modifying the definition of possession in the Kansas criminal code, modifying the elements of and making changes to the criminal penalties of abuse of a child, requiring a forfeiture of an appearance bond to be set aside in certain circumstances, permitting testimony to be presented using a two-way electronic audio-video communication device during a preliminary hearing, making changes to the process for evaluating and treating people who are undergoing evaluation for competency to stand trial and allowing mobile competency evaluations. |
HB2537 - Bill by Judiciary |
Requiring the insurance department to hold a hearing in cases involving an order under the Kansas administrative procedure act. |
HB2540 - Bill by Representatives Dodson, Alcala, Amyx, Anderson, Baker, Blex, Burroughs, Byers, Carlin, Carlson, Clark, Clayton, Clifford, Collins, Croft, Curtis, Ellis, Eplee, Estes, Featherston, Finney, French, Gartner, Hawkins, Highberger, Highland, Hoffman, Hoheisel, Howe, Hoye, S. Johnson, T. Johnson, Kelly, Kuether, Long, Meyer, Miller, Minnix, Moser, Murphy, Neighbor, Osman, Ousley, Patton, Poskin, Probst, Proctor, Resman, Rhiley, Ruiz, L., Ruiz, S., Sawyer, Schmidt, Schreiber, Seiwert, Smith, C., Stogsdill, Sutton, Tarwater, Thomas, Turner, Victors, Wasinger, Weigel, Williams, Winn, Wolfe Moore, Woodard |
Updating schedules I, II, IV and V of the uniform controlled substances act and excluding FDA-approved drug products from the definition of marijuana. |
HB2541 - Bill by Appropriations |
Crediting docket fees to the state general fund instead of the judicial branch docket fee fund; crediting marriage license fees and drivers' license reinstatement fees to the state general fund instead of the judicial branch nonjudicial salary adjustment fund. |
HB2547 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions |
Authorizing technology-enabled fiduciary financial institution insurance companies within the captive insurance act and providing for the requirements and operations thereof. |
HB2559 - Bill by Agriculture |
Creating the Kansas cotton boll weevil program and requiring the program to levy an assessment upon Kansas produced cotton and monitor and mitigate the risk of boll weevils; concerning the Kansas seed law and the commercial industrial hemp act; relating to labeling; seeds treated with certain substances; definitions; labeling; unlawful actions; certain registrations; inspections; live plant dealers; and testing services. |
HB2560 - Bill by Agriculture |
Extending certain penalties, fees and maximum amounts of fees and the expiration dates of certain programs of the Kansas department of agriculture. |
HB2564 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions |
Updating the version of risk-based capital instructions in effect. |
HB2567 - Bill by Ways and Means |
Senate Substitute for HB 2567 by Committee on Ways and Means - Making appropriations for the Kansas state department of education for FY 22, FY 23 and FY 24; enacting the every child can read act; authorizing course credits to be earned outside the classroom; making members of the Kansas state high school activities association mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect; requiring school districts to consider certain assessments when budgeting for the following school year; authorizing part-time school district enrollment; establishing open enrollment requirements for school districts; amending the initial age of eligibility for the tax credit for low income students scholarship program; making changes to the virtual school act and authorizing additional virtual school state aid; removing federal impact aid from the determination of local foundation aid; amending the capital improvement state aid formula; requiring the state department of education to report on student achievement outcomes; amending the Kansas promise scholarship act; establishing requirements for certain nonacademic surveys and questionnaires; increasing educational benefits for relatives of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, military personnel and prisoners of war; and authorizing additional education programs under the Jonson county education research triangle authority act. |
HB2568 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Rural Development |
Amending the Kansas mortgage business act by providing for mortgage business work at remote locations, license and registration renewal or reinstatement procedures, surety bond requirements and evidence of solvency and net worth and requiring notice when adding or closing branch offices. |
HB2574 - Bill by Judiciary |
Establishing a time limitation for awarding compensation for mental health counseling and increasing certain compensation award amounts by the crime victims compensation board. |
HB2591 - Bill by Appropriations |
Repealing the state general fund and conservation fee fund transfers to the abandoned oil and gas well fund. |
HB2594 - Bill by Transportation |
Exempting certain modifications on antique vehicles from vehicle identification number offense seizures and dispositions. |
HB2595 - Bill by Transportation |
Making certain antique vehicle titling procedures applicable to vehicles having a model year 60 years old or older. |
HB2605 - Bill by Agriculture |
Increasing the rural population requirement maximum for the veterinary training program for rural Kansas and creating a food animal percentage requirement that may be fulfilled in lieu thereof. |
HB2607 - Bill by Corrections and Juvenile Justice |
Clarifying the time limitations for habeas corpus claims, requiring earlier notice of anticipated release from custody of a person who may be a sexually violent predator to the attorney general and a multidisciplinary team and specifying where such person will be detained during civil commitment proceedings. |
HB2608 - Bill by Judiciary |
Removing provisions authorizing criminal restitution to be enforced as a civil judgment and authorizing judicial districts to contract for collection services for criminal restitution. |
HB2644 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Designating the Sandhill plum as the official state fruit. |
HB2703 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development |
Changing law relating to employment including employment security law provisions regarding the employment security fund status and employer contribution rates and the definition of employment to conform with federal law, making revisions to the department of labor’s my reemployment plan program and enacting the Kansas targeted employment act to facilitate employment of persons with developmental disabilities through a tax credit incentive for employers. |
HB2712 - Bill by Appropriations |
Establishing the Kansas commission for the United States semiquincentennial. |
HB2717 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Prohibiting any municipality from preventing the enforcement of federal immigration laws, requiring municipal law enforcement agencies to provide written notice to each law enforcement officer of the officer's duty to cooperate with state and federal agencies in the enforcement of immigration laws and requiring any municipal identification card to state on its face that it is not valid for state identification. |
Bills Becoming Law Without Governors Signature
Bills Vetoed By Governor; Veto Overridden
SB199 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Providing for short-term, limited-duration health plans. |
SB493 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Prohibiting cities and counties from regulating plastic and other containers designed for the consumption, transportation or protection of merchandise, food or beverages. |
HB2252 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs |
Prohibiting the modification of election laws by agreement except as approved by the legislative coordinating council. |
HB2387 - Bill by Judiciary |
Prohibiting the issuance of a request for proposal or entering into a new contract for the administration and provision of benefits under the medical assistance program and removing the authority of the governor to prohibit attending or conducting certain religious services and worship services. |
HB2448 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare |
Senate Substitute for HB 2448 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Requiring able-bodied adults without dependents to complete an employment and training program in order to receive food assistance. |