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2021 Bills Vetoed By The Governor Full Report

SB29 - Bill by Insurance
Providing for short-term, limited-duration health plans.
SB50 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation
Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales, compensating use and transient guest taxes and prepaid wireless 911 fees, removing clickthrough nexus provisions, providing for addition and subtraction modifications for the treatment of global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, FDIC premiums and business meals, expanding the expense deduction for income taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount, providing the ability to elect to itemize for individuals, providing an exemption of unemployment compensation income attributable as a result of identity fraud, removing the line for reporting compensating use tax from individual tax returns, extending the dates when corporate tax returns are required to be filed, increasing the Kansas standard deduction and providing for an extension of the corporate net operating loss carryforward period.
SB55 - Bill by Education
Creating the fairness in women's sports act to require that female student athletic teams only include members who are biologically female.
SB273 - Bill by Judiciary
House Substitute for Substitute for SB 273 by Committee on Judiciary - Enacting the COVID-19 small business relief act to provide funds for impacted small businesses, create the COVID-19 small business relief fund of the legislative coordinating council and the COVID-19 small business relief claims board, require certain counties to establish and administer a county COVID-19 small business relief fund and certain cities to establish and administer a city COVID-19 small business relief fund, require a study by the legislative division of post audit and prohibit compensation for intangible losses related to the COVID-19 public health emergency under the Kansas emergency management act.
HB2039 - Bill by Representative Huebert
Requiring administration of a basic civics test as part of the course in United States history and government that is necessary for high school graduation and requiring students to take and pass a personal financial literacy course for high school graduation beginning in school year 2024-2025.
HB2058 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Providing reciprocity for licenses to carry concealed handguns and creating a new class of concealed carry license for individuals 18 to 20 years of age, and creating the Kansas protection of firearm rights act to restore the right to possess a firearm upon expungement of certain convictions.
HB2089 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Substitute for HB 2089 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Standardizing firearm safety education training programs in school districts.
HB2166 - Bill by Transportation
Substitute for HB 2166 by Committee on Transportation - Providing for the Braden's hope for childhood cancer, proud educator, delta sigma theta, Gadsden flag, love, Chloe foundation and alpha kappa alpha distinctive license plates and providing distinctive license plates for current and veteran members of the United States army, navy, marine corps, air force, coast guard and space force, modifying the requirements to begin production on distinctive license plates, requiring reporting by sponsoring organizations of distinctive license plates, allowing certain license plates issued by the division of vehicles to be personalized license plates and establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.
HB2183 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Senate Substitute for HB 2183 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the transparency in revenues underwriting elections act; prohibiting the receipt and expenditure of private moneys by election officials; directing the secretary of state to publish certain registered voter totals; relating to advance voting ballots by requiring signed statements for delivery of such ballots on behalf of a voter; limiting the number of such ballots that can be delivered; prohibiting the altering or backdating of the mailing date on such ballots; requiring a matching signature on such ballots; removing the secretary of state's authority to provide additional time for receipt of such ballots; prohibiting candidates for office from engaging in certain conduct related to advance voting ballots; creating the crime of false representation of an election official; and, expanding the crime of electioneering.
HB2332 - Bill by Representative Toplikar
Prohibiting the modification of election laws other than by legislative process, requiring county election officials to maintain residential and mailing addresses for registered voters, requiring identification of the sender on third party solicitations to registered voters to file an application for an advance voting ballot and prohibiting such solicitations by nonresidents of this state, expanding the crime of election tampering and providing for the appointment of elected officials when vacancy is due to military service.

NOTE: Bills with line item vetoes are not included on this report but can be found on the Laws report.