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Bill Reports

2021 Laws Report

Bills Approved By Governor

SB13 - Bill by Senators Tyson, Alley, Baumgardner, Erickson, Fagg, Hilderbrand, Kerschen, Longbine, Peck, Steffen, Thompson, Warren
Establishing notice and public hearing requirements prior to approval by a governing body to exceed its revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes and discontinuing the city and county tax lid, prohibiting valuation increase of real property solely as the result of normal repair, replacement or maintenance of existing structure, establishing a payment plan for the payment of delinquent or nondelinquent property taxes and establishing the taxpayer notification costs fund.
SB14 - Bill by Judiciary
Extending certain provisions of the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas and providing certain relief related to health, welfare, property and economic security during this public health emergency.
SB15 - Bill by Financial Institutions
Enacting the Kansas economic recovery loan deposit program, updating field of membership requirements of credit unions and allowing privilege tax deductions on agricultural real estate loans and single family residence loans.
SB16 - Bill by Legislative Post Audit Committee
Removing the requirement that certain entities submit certain reports to the division of post audit.
SB21 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation
Approving election for sales tax authority for Cherokee county.
SB26 - Bill by Transportation
House Substitute for SB 26 by Committee on Transportation - Updating motor carrier laws and the regulation of motor carriers by the state corporation commission.
SB27 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Amending the Kansas storage tank act to extend the sunsets of certain funds and to increase certain liability and reimbursement amounts.
SB33 - Bill by Transportation
Providing for display show licenses under the vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing act.
SB36 - Bill by Transportation
Requiring the Kansas highway patrol to make multiple vehicle checks within a set time period for certain salvage vehicle pools and allowing salvage vehicle pools and dealers to apply for ownership documents for vehicles that are disclaimed by insurance companies, prohibiting the towing vehicles outside the state of Kansas without prior consent, requiring an interstate search of registered owners and lienholders prior to sale of vehicles less than 15 years old and requiring publication in the newspaper seven days prior to sale of vehicles and property at auction.
SB37 - Bill by Insurance
Updating producer licensing statutes pertaining to appointment, examinations, fees, licensing, renewal dates, continuing education, suspension, revocation and denial of licensure and reinstatement.
SB38 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Establishing the Kansas pesticide waste disposal program and implementing the provisions of 2011 executive reorganization order No. 40 relating to the Kansas department of agriculture's division of conservation.
SB39 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Changing Kansas department of agriculture division of animal health license, permit and registration renewal deadlines and allowing the animal health commissioner to recover the actual cost of official calfhood vaccination tags.
SB40 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Prescribing powers, duties and functions of the board of education of each school district, the governing body of each community college and the governing body of each technical college related to the COVID-19 health emergency, adding the vice president of the senate to the legislative coordinating council, modifying the procedure for the declaration and extension of a state of disaster emergency under the Kansas emergency management act, prohibiting certain actions by the governor related to the COVID-19 health emergency and revoking all executive orders related to such emergency on March 31, 2021, establishing judicial review for certain executive orders issued during a state of disaster emergency and certain actions taken by a local unit of government during a state of local disaster emergency, authorizing the legislature or the legislative coordinating council to revoke certain orders issued by the secretary of health and environment and limiting powers granted to local health officers related to certain orders.
SB47 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation
Enacting the Kansas taxpayer protection act requiring the signature and tax identification number of paid tax return preparers on income tax returns and authorizing actions to enjoin paid tax return preparers from engaging in certain conduct, exempting compensation attributable as a result of identity fraud, extending the dates when corporate returns are required to be filed, providing conformity with the federal return due date for returns other than corporate returns, providing a temporary withholding option for certain teleworking employees, establishing the Eisenhower foundation contribution credit and the friends of cedar crest association contribution credit, extending the time period and expanding eligibility for the single city port authority credit, extending the time period for eligibility in the loan repayment program and income tax credit related to rural opportunity zones and defining rural opportunity zone on the basis of population.
SB52 - Bill by Ways and Means
Creating the Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act.
SB60 - Bill by Insurance
Creating the crime of sexual extortion and requiring an offender to register under the Kansas offender registration act, prohibiting a court from requiring psychiatric or psychological examinations of an alleged victim of any crime, increasing criminal penalties for fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer when operating a stolen vehicle, committing certain driving violations or causing a collision involving another driver, defining proximate result for purposes of determining when a crime is committed partly within this state, removing the spousal exception from the crime of sexual battery and making fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer evidence of intent to commit theft of a vehicle.
SB63 - Bill by K-12 Education Budget
House Substitute for SB 63 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Enacting the back to school act to require school districts to provide a full-time, in person attendance option for all students beginning March 31, 2021, for school year 2020-2021.
SB64 - Bill by Education
Amending the private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution act to clarify the state board of regents' authority and provide additional student protections and institutional accountability.
SB65 - Bill by Commerce
Enhancing the high performance incentive program by decoupling the KIT and KIR workforce training programs and by providing for the transferability of the tax credit.
SB66 - Bill by Commerce
Amending the angel investor tax credit with respect to the definition of qualified securities, tax credit limitations and amounts, investor requirements and extending the date that credits may be allowed, and also amending the tax credit for expenses incurred to make a residence accessible to persons with a disability by increasing the credit.
SB67 - Bill by Transportation
Permitting funeral escorts to direct traffic for funeral processions and requiring drivers to yield the right-of-way and move over for authorized utility or telecommunication vehicles.
SB77 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare
Enacting the audiology and speech-language pathology interstate compact.
SB78 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions
House Substitute for SB 78 by Committee on Insurance and Pensions - Updating the national insurance commissioners credit for insurance reinsurance model law, codifying the national insurance commissioners credit for reinsurance model regulation and updating certain terms and definitions relating to the insurance holding company act, service contracts and surplus lines insurance. Eliminating certain requirements relating to the annual submittal of certain documents by out-of-state risk retention groups, extending the time frame to submit certain documents by professional employer organizations, abolishing the utilization review advisory committee and replacing it with URAC.
SB86 - Bill by Joint Pensions, Investments and Benefits
Establishing the Kansas extraordinary utility costs loan deposit program and the Kansas economic recovery loan deposit program and amending the city utility low-interest loan program by providing for electronic repayment of loans, cash basis exception, payment frequency, loan security and an ending date for making loans.
SB88 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Rural Development
House Substitute for SB 88 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Development - Establishing the city utility low-interest loan program, allowing cities to apply to the state treasurer for loans from state unencumbered funds for extraordinary electric or natural gas costs incurred during the extreme winter weather event of February 2021.
SB89 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Exempting the transport of agricultural forage commodities from secured load requirements.
SB90 - Bill by Commerce
Amending the Kansas rural housing incentive district act to permit bond funding for vertical residential renovation of older buildings in central business districts and by changing the definitions of an eligible city or county.
SB95 - Bill by Transportation
Exempting motor vehicle odometer reading recording requirements when such recording requirements are exempted by federal law and expanding the definitions of all-terrain vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles.
SB99 - Bill by Transportation
House Substitute for SB 99 by Committee on Transportation - Increasing the bond amount required for a vehicle dealer license and providing for display show licenses under the vehicle dealers and manufacturers licensing act.
SB103 - Bill by Judiciary
Amending the Kansas power of attorney act regarding the form of a power of attorney and the duties of third parties relying and acting on a power of attorney.
SB106 - Bill by Judiciary
Enacting the revised uniform law on notarial acts and repealing the uniform law on notarial acts.
SB107 - Bill by Judiciary
Enacting the uniform fiduciary income and principal act (UFIPA).
SB118 - Bill by Local Government
Providing for the dissolution of special districts and the assumption of responsibilities by a city or county.
SB122 - Bill by Judiciary
Modifying certain rules of evidence in the code of civil procedure related to authentication of records and documents.
SB124 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
House Substitute for SB 124 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Expanding STAR bonds by adding rural redevelopment projects and major business facilities, prohibiting public officials from employment with a developer, providing for public notice of hearings on city or county websites, posting of certain documents and links on websites, disclosure of names of developer, disclosure of state, federal and local tax incentives within a STAR bond district, changing certain project financing, investment and sales provisions, adding visitor tracking plan requirements and additional feasibility study requirements with oversight by the secretary, requiring approval by the secretary for real estate transfers, requiring district contiguity and extending the sunset date.
SB127 - Bill by Transportation
Modifying the eligibility requirements for restricted driving privileges, increasing the age for eligibility to renew drivers' licenses online to 65, allowing drivers' license renewal notices to be sent electronically, authorizing a waiver of traffic fines for manifest hardship situations and excluding the additional 90-day wait period for driver's license suspension for certain offenses.
SB142 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Amending certain department of wildlife, parks and tourism statutes by requiring coast guard-approved personal flotation devices as prescribed by the secretary of wildlife, parks and tourism in rules and regulations and updating the reference to the guidelines of the American fisheries society in the commercialization of wildlife statute.
SB143 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Updating definitions and increasing maximum functional unit license and storage fees relating to grain and public warehouse laws.
SB170 - Bill by Ways and Means
Enacting the psychology interjurisdictional compact to provide for interjurisdictional authorization to practice telepsychology and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology and enacting the physical therapy licensure compact and authorizing criminal history record checks in the physical therapy practice act.
SB172 - Bill by Utilities
Creating the crimes of trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility and criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility and eliminating the crime of tampering with a pipeline.
SB178 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance
Providing for trust company charter conversions.
SB238 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare
Substitute for SB 238 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Requiring emergency medical services operators be overseen by medical directors or physicians; clarifying duties and functions of the state board of pharmacy; providing for confidentiality of investigations, inspections and audits; establishing fees on out-of-state facilities; defining telepharmacy and requiring the adoption of rules and regulations related thereto.
SB283 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Continuing the governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas by extending the expanded use of telemedicine, the authority of the board of healing arts to grant certain temporary emergency licenses, the suspension of certain requirements related to medical care facilities and immunity from civil liability for certain healthcare providers and certain persons conducting business in this state for COVID-19 claims until March 31, 2022.
HB2008 - Bill by Representatives Victors, Haswood
Providing for the attorney general to coordinate training for law enforcement agencies on missing and murdered indigenous people.
HB2014 - Bill by Representative Williams
Permitting military surplus vehicles to register with the division of vehicles for road use.
HB2021 - Bill by Representatives Proctor, Croft, Ellis, French, T. Johnson, Neelly
Authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of a state veterans home and expanding educational benefits of tuition and fees waiver for spouses and dependents of public safety officers and personnel who are injured or disabled while performing service-related duties.
HB2022 - Bill by Representative Waymaster
Updating the state corporation commission's authority to regulate and determine responsibility for abandoned oil and gas wells and abolishing the well plugging assurance fund and transferring all assets and liabilities to the abandoned oil and gas well fund.
HB2026 - Bill by Joint Corrections and Juvenile Justice Oversight
Creating a drug abuse treatment program for people on diversion and allowing county and district attorneys to enter into agreements with chief judges and community corrections for supervision, clarifying jurisdiction and supervision of offenders in a certified drug abuse treatment program, authorizing the Kansas sentencing commission to change risk assessment cut-off levels for participation in the certified drug abuse treatment program, modifying the criminal penalties for tampering with electronic monitoring equipment and increasing the criminal penalties for riot and incitement to riot in a correctional facility.
HB2049 - Bill by Judiciary
Substitute for HB 2049 by Committee on Judiciary - Prohibiting a public agency from charging a fee for records requested for an audit by the legislative division of post audit.
HB2050 - Bill by Legislative Post Audit Committee
Removing the requirement that certain entities submit certain documents to the division of post audit.
HB2063 - Bill by Joint Pensions, Investments and Benefits
Providing certain KP&F tier II spousal and children's benefits for death resulting from a service-connected disability and enacting the Michael Wells memorial act.
HB2064 - Bill by Joint Pensions, Investments and Benefits
Creating the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide postsecondary educational scholarships for certain two-year associate degree programs, career and technical education certificates and other stand-alone programs.
HB2066 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Substitute for HB 2066 by Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development - Expanding the military spouse and service members expedited licensure law to all applicants who have established or intend to establish residency in Kansas.
HB2070 - Bill by Taxation
Allowing certain private not-for-profit postsecondary educational institutions to recoup credit card fees by permitting a surcharge for credit card transactions in the same manner as municipal universities, community colleges, technical colleges and vocational educational schools.
HB2071 - Bill by Representatives Lynn, Arnberger, Croft, Esau, Finch, Hawkins, Helmer, Hoheisel, Landwehr, Long, Owens, Resman, Ryckman, Samsel, Tarwater, Thomas, Toplikar, Waggoner, Wasinger, Williams, Woodard
Increasing the criminal penalties for stalking a minor.
HB2072 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance
Senate Substitute for HB 2072 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Providing for the Kansas corporation commission to authorize the securitization of certain public utility generating facilities, qualified extraordinary costs and issuance of securitized utility tariff bonds.
HB2074 - Bill by Financial Institutions and Insurance
Senate Substitute for HB 2074 by Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance - Enacting the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institution act, providing requirements, fiduciary powers, duties, functions and limitations for such financial institutions and the administration thereof by the state bank commissioner, creating an income and privilege tax credit for certain qualified distributions from technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions and the joint committee on fiduciary financial institutions oversight.
HB2077 - Bill by Corrections and Juvenile Justice
Extending the Kansas closed case task force, providing for staff assistance and renaming the task force the Alvin Sykes cold case DNA task force, extending the Kansas criminal justice reform commission, limiting the commission's scope of study and adding a public defender, and authorizing the crime victims compensation board to waive application time restrictions for certain victims to receive compensation for mental health counseling and adding certain children to the definition of victim.
HB2078 - Bill by Judiciary
Suspending statutory speedy trial rights until May 1, 2023, in all criminal cases, providing guidelines for prioritizing trials and requiring the office of judicial administration to prepare and submit a report to the legislature in 2022 and 2023.
HB2079 - Bill by Judiciary
Transferring duties concerning address confidentiality program (safe at home) and the registration of charitable organizations from the secretary of state to the attorney general, enacting the Kansas fights addiction act to establish a grant program for the purpose of preventing, reducing, treating and mitigating the effects of substance abuse and addiction and requiring posting of a human trafficking awareness notice approved by the attorney general in certain businesses and public places.
HB2085 - Bill by Education
Creating the students' right to know act to provide information on postsecondary education options.
HB2101 - Bill by Appropriations
Extending transfers from the expanded lottery act revenues fund to the university engineering initiative.
HB2102 - Bill by Agriculture and Natural Resources
Senate Substitute for HB 2102 by Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - Updating egg repackaging requirements for retailers.
HB2104 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation
Senate Substitute for HB 2104 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Extending certain budget due dates for schools and notice and hearing requirements when exceeding the revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes, changing time to request full and complete opinion from the state board tax appeals, requiring the state board of tax appeals to serve orders and notices by electronic means if requested by the party, prohibiting valuation increases of certain property in appeals, requiring appraisal directives to require compliance with uniform standards of professional appraisal practice, providing for notice and opportunity to be heard prior to removal from county appraiser eligibility list, providing notification when person no longer holds office of county appraiser, placing the burden of proof on the county appraiser in certain valuation and classification appeal hearings before the district court, requiring appraisal courses for appraisers to be courses approved by the Kansas real estate appraisal board, extending the time a state board of tax appeals member may continue to serve after such member's term expires and authorizing appointment of a member pro tempore under certain conditions.
HB2112 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Permitting online advertisement and sales of abandoned property by self-storage rental unit operators; providing for the designation by occupants of an alternate contact and limiting claims for loss or damage of stored property to the property value limit provided in the rental agreement.
HB2114 - Bill by Children and Seniors
Establishing the senior care task force, a definition of financial exploitation and Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team coordinator and teams, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
HB2121 - Bill by Corrections and Juvenile Justice
Increasing the criminal penalty for mistreatment of a dependent adult or elder person when the victim is a resident of an adult care home, adding definitions related to defendants who abscond from supervision in the criminal procedure code and for parole and clarifying that bond agents seeking discharge as a surety are required to return the person released on bond to the court in the county where the complaint subject to the bond was filed, requiring the department of corrections to develop guidance to be used by parole officers when responding to violations of parole and postrelease supervision and that incentivize compliant behavior, and authorizing court services officers and community corrections officers to provide a certification of identification to offenders for use to obtain a new driver's license.
HB2124 - Bill by Education
Clarifying the authority of healing arts school clinics to provide healing arts services.
HB2126 - Bill by Judiciary
Providing immunity from civil liability for COVID-19 claims for certain covered facilities, including adult care homes, community mental health centers, crisis intervention centers, community service providers and community developmental disability organizations.
HB2134 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions
Making appropriations for the Kansas state department of education for FY 2021, FY 2022 and FY 2023; requiring a Kansas foster care children annual academic report card; authorizing limited remote learning; providing the criteria for identification of students eligible to receive at-risk programs and services; requiring boards of education to allocate sufficient school district moneys to improve student academic performance; authorizing school districts to pay tuition and fees for concurrent and dual enrollment programs; expanding student eligibility under the tax credit for low income students scholarship program; extending the high-density at-risk weighting; providing ACT college entrance exams and workkeys assessments to certain nonpublic school students.
HB2137 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Making amendments regarding licensure to sell alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages, authorizing transfers of bulk alcoholic liquor by certain licensees and authorizing the sale of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages on specified days and times and subject to certain conditions by licensees under the Kansas liquor control act and the club and drinking establishment act.
HB2143 - Bill by Taxation
Extending the date that the sales tax exemption for certain cash rebates on sales or leases of new motor vehicles for sales tax purposes would apply, increasing the sales tax collection thresholds for payment by retailers, modifying the exemption for construction materials for certain educational institutions, defining nonprofit integrated community care organizations and providing a sales tax exemption therefor and providing a sales tax exemption for friends of hospice of Jefferson county.
HB2145 - Bill by Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
Exempting the retail sale of electricity by public utilities for electric vehicle charging stations from the jurisdiction of the state corporation commission.
HB2155 - Bill by Agriculture
Providing for department of health and environment response operations for water and soil pollutant release, discharge or escape.
HB2158 - Bill by Health and Human Services
Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight, providing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents, requiring visual observation of an alleged victim of child abuse or neglect as part of an investigation, exempting the caregiver of a child in state out-of-home placement from the child care assistance 20-hour-per-week work requirement, permitting the secretary for children and families to license certain family foster homes where a former foster care youth with certain juvenile adjudications resides making permanent provisions for the advisory committee on trauma and the statewide trauma system regional council to conduct closed meetings and keep privileged records regarding trauma cases.
HB2162 - Bill by Elections
Amending and repealing reapportionment census data laws to conform with 2019 amendments to the Kansas constitution and to remove certain obsolete provisions.
HB2165 - Bill by Transportation
Providing for all vehicles more than 35 years old to qualify as an antique vehicle.
HB2167 - Bill by Transportation
Permitting concrete mixer trucks and requiring dump trucks to display license plates on the front of vehicles.
HB2172 - Bill by Water
Modifying water usage calculations and fees for multi-year flex accounts and permitting alternative base average water use calculations and prorated terms.
HB2178 - Bill by Local Government
Vacating certain blocks in the original town plat set aside for a college and a park in the city of Americus and vesting fee simple title in the city.
HB2187 - Bill by Taxation
Enacting the first-time home buyer savings account act.
HB2196 - Bill by Commerce
Senate Substitute for Substitute HB 2196 by Committee on Commerce - Changing provisions of the employment security law including creation of the unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council, development of a new unemployment insurance information technology system, provision of tax information to claimants, publication of trust fund data, the maximum benefit period, the charging of employer accounts for benefits paid, employer contribution rate determination and schedules, crediting of employer accounts for fraudulent or erroneous payments, transfer of federal COVID-19 moneys to the unemployment insurance trust fund, emergency expansion of the employment security board of review, providing for the my reemployment plan program and workforce training program availability to claimants, changes to the shared work compensation program and other unemployment trust fund provisions.
HB2201 - Bill by Transportation
Senate Substitute for HB 2201 by Committee on Transportation - Decreasing the Eisenhower legacy transportation program alternate delivery project threshold, authorizing the usage of federal stimulus funds and KDOT bonding authority.
HB2203 - Bill by Appropriations
Establishing the asbestos remediation fund for fees collected as part of the Kansas asbestos control program.
HB2208 - Bill by Public Health and Welfare
Senate Substitute for HB 2208 by Committee on Public Health and Welfare - Establishing certification and funding for certified community behavioral health clinics, enacting the rural emergency hospital act to provide for the licensure of rural emergency hospitals, authorizing telemedicine waivers for out-of-state healthcare providers, reducing certain requirements for licensure by the behavioral sciences regulatory board and expanding out-of-state temporary permits to practice behavioral sciences professions.
HB2214 - Bill by Representative Concannon
Authorizing the secretary of administration on behalf of the department of corrections to convey land in Mitchell county to the city of Beloit.
HB2218 - Bill by Representative Bergquist
Updating the membership and responsibilities of the Kansas state employees health care commission and requiring the commission to make certain reports and recommendations to the legislature.
HB2224 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Expanding the definition of "infectious disease" in certain statutes related to crimes in which bodily fluids may have been transmitted from one person to another.
HB2227 - Bill by Judiciary
Allowing the chief justice to suspend certain time limitations during a state of local disaster emergency, suspend certain verification requirements and authorize use of electronic audio-visual communication to expeditiously resolve cases, and extending the chief justice's authority to suspend time limitations during a disaster emergency until June 30, 2022.
HB2238 - Bill by Representative Collins
Eliminating the dollar limitation for acceptance of gifts by donors to school districts or cities, or both, for library purposes.
HB2243 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions
Adjusting the frequency of the KPERS actuarial experience study, providing a moratorium on KPERS death and long-term disability employer contributions, allowing the extension of certain DROP periods and conforming certain KPERS provisions with the federal CARES act.
HB2244 - Bill by Agriculture
Establishing requirements for the effective disposal of industrial hemp and requiring industrial hemp processors to register with the state fire marshal.
HB2245 - Bill by Transportation
Permitting the division of vehicles to collect emergency contact information for registration purposes and permitting law enforcement agencies to use such information in the case of an emergency.
HB2247 - Bill by Transportation
Designating a portion of K-67 highway as the COII Trenton J Brinkman memorial highway, designating bridges on U.S. highway 54 as the Max Zimmerman memorial bridge and the Jack Taylor memorial bridge, designating a bridge on U.S. highway 77 as the PFC Loren H Larson bridge, designating a bridge on U.S. highway 166 as the Tyler A Juden memorial bridge, designating a portion of U.S. highway 69 as the Senator Dennis Wilson memorial highway, designating a portion of K-7 as the Senator Bud Burke memorial highway and designating a portion of U.S. highway 77 as the CPL Allen E Oatney and SP4 Gene A Myers memorial highway.
HB2254 - Bill by Health and Human Services
Increasing the monetary cap on irrevocable prearranged funeral agreements to $10,000.
HB2270 - Bill by Transportation and Public Safety Budget
Modifying the distribution of the levy on fire insurance business premiums to the state fire marshal fee fund, the emergency medical services operating fund and the fire service training program fund.
HB2295 - Bill by Transportation
Exempting municipal motor grader vehicle operators from Kansas uniform commercial drivers' license act requirements.
HB2298 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Changing requirements for service of process on nonresident drivers and clarifying service of process on certain business entities.
HB2313 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation
Senate Substitute for HB 2313 by Committee on Assessment and Taxation - Providing for reimbursement of property taxes for certain business shutdowns or restrictions, allowing Kansas national guard and reservist members who are in good standing to receive a property tax exemption for up to two motor vehicles, authorizing continuation of the statewide levy for schools and the exemption of a portion of residential property from such levy, authorizing appointment by the governor of a member pro tempore when a vacancy on the state board of tax appeals exists and directing post audit study of the impact of non-profit and governmental entities competing against for-profit businesses.
HB2321 - Bill by Representatives Finney, Ellis
Requiring electric public utilities to notify cities prior to construction of urban electric transmission lines.
HB2367 - Bill by Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications
Authorizing the state corporation commission to regulate certain transmission line wire stringing activities.
HB2379 - Bill by Insurance and Pensions
Enacting the peer-to-peer vehicle sharing act to provide insurance, liability, recordkeeping and consumer protection requirements for peer-to-peer vehicle sharing.
HB2390 - Bill by Judiciary
Making permanent certain exceptions to the disclosure of public records under the open records act, creating exemptions in the open records act for cyber security assessments, plans and vulnerabilities, prohibiting the filing of certain liens or claims against real or personal property and providing for criminal penalties and authorizing local correctional or detention officers and administrative hearing officers to have identifying information restricted from public access on public websites that identify home addresses or home ownership.
HB2391 - Bill by Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Changing the secretary of state's business filings provisions, including instituting biennial business report filings, authorizing the secretary of state to contract with private entities for printing and binding services, changing publication and price requirements for publications of the secretary of state and repealing certain obsolete statutes including blanket music license filing provisions.
HB2397 - Bill by Ways and Means
Senate Substitute for Substitute for HB 2397 by Committee on Ways and Means - Reconciling conflicting amendments to certain statutes.
HB2401 - Bill by Appropriations
Authorizing the secretary of corrections to enter agreements for public-private partnerships for projects for new or renovated buildings at correctional institutions for education, skills-building and spiritual needs programs; establishing a nonprofit corporation to receive gifts, donations, grants and other moneys and engage in fundraising projects for funding such projects for education, skills-building and spiritual needs programs.
HB2405 - Bill by Appropriations
Authorizing the issuance of $500,000,000 of pension obligation bonds to finance a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of KPERS.
HB2408 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Authorizing the state historical society to convey certain real property to the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska.

Bills Becoming Law Without Governors Signature

SB24 - Bill by Utilities
Prohibiting municipalities from imposing restrictions on customer's use of energy based upon source of energy.

Bills Vetoed By Governor; Veto Overridden

SB50 - Bill by Assessment and Taxation
Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales, compensating use and transient guest taxes and prepaid wireless 911 fees, removing clickthrough nexus provisions, providing for addition and subtraction modifications for the treatment of global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, FDIC premiums and business meals, expanding the expense deduction for income taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount, providing the ability to elect to itemize for individuals, providing an exemption of unemployment compensation income attributable as a result of identity fraud, removing the line for reporting compensating use tax from individual tax returns, extending the dates when corporate tax returns are required to be filed, increasing the Kansas standard deduction and providing for an extension of the corporate net operating loss carryforward period.
HB2058 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Providing reciprocity for licenses to carry concealed handguns and creating a new class of concealed carry license for individuals 18 to 20 years of age, and creating the Kansas protection of firearm rights act to restore the right to possess a firearm upon expungement of certain convictions.
HB2166 - Bill by Transportation
Substitute for HB 2166 by Committee on Transportation - Providing for the Braden's hope for childhood cancer, proud educator, delta sigma theta, Gadsden flag, love, Chloe foundation and alpha kappa alpha distinctive license plates and providing distinctive license plates for current and veteran members of the United States army, navy, marine corps, air force, coast guard and space force, modifying the requirements to begin production on distinctive license plates, requiring reporting by sponsoring organizations of distinctive license plates, allowing certain license plates issued by the division of vehicles to be personalized license plates and establishing a fee on firefighter distinctive license plates.
HB2183 - Bill by Federal and State Affairs
Senate Substitute for HB 2183 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs - Creating the transparency in revenues underwriting elections act; prohibiting the receipt and expenditure of private moneys by election officials; directing the secretary of state to publish certain registered voter totals; relating to advance voting ballots by requiring signed statements for delivery of such ballots on behalf of a voter; limiting the number of such ballots that can be delivered; prohibiting the altering or backdating of the mailing date on such ballots; requiring a matching signature on such ballots; removing the secretary of state's authority to provide additional time for receipt of such ballots; prohibiting candidates for office from engaging in certain conduct related to advance voting ballots; creating the crime of false representation of an election official; and, expanding the crime of electioneering.
HB2332 - Bill by Representative Toplikar
Prohibiting the modification of election laws other than by legislative process, requiring county election officials to maintain residential and mailing addresses for registered voters, requiring identification of the sender on third party solicitations to registered voters to file an application for an advance voting ballot and prohibiting such solicitations by nonresidents of this state, expanding the crime of election tampering and providing for the appointment of elected officials when vacancy is due to military service.