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2021 Statute

Section Number


State land, conveyance for public recreational purposes, 74-3319b



Claim filing, 58-3957

Claims of foreign states, 58-3958

Custody of property, 58-3953

Deposit of funds, 58-3956

Destruction of property, 58-3961

Dividends and interest, 58-3954

Election to decline property, 58-3960

Enforcement, 58-3965

Examination of records, 58-3963

Interstate cooperation, 58-3966

Liability of holder, 58-3953

Penalties, 58-3967

Public sale, 58-3955

Recovery agent compensation, 58-3968

Retention of records, 58-3964

Rules and regulations, 58-3971

Advertising requirements, 58-3951

Child support payments, disposition, 39-7,135

Civil enforcement of claim, 58-3959

Definitions, 58-3934

Delivery of abandoned property, 58-3952

Effect of new provisions, 58-3970

Escheat, generally, this index

Foreign transactions, 58-3969

Intangible property,

Application of act, 58-3975

Checks, drafts and notes,

Burden of proof, 58-3938

Safe deposit box, 58-3949

Stocks, 58-3943

Taking custody, generally, 58-3936

Investment of moneys, 75-2263, 75-4234

Limitation of actions, 58-3962

Motor vehicles, reports, 8-113a

Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index

Police department, cities first and second class, 13-14a02

Probate proceedings, disposition, 59-1508

Property presumed abandoned, 58-3935

Public agency cooperation, 58-3976

Publication requirements, 58-3951

Reporting requirement, 58-3950

Savings bonds, U.S.,

Escheat procedures, 58-3979

Actions against federal government, 58-3965

Procedures to claim bonds, 58-3980

Stored property. Self-Service Storage Act, 58-813 et seq.

Unclaimed mineral proceeds trust fund, 58-3977

Unclaimed property act,

Inapplicability, 58-3974

Severability, 58-3972

Uniform application, 58-3973

Unclaimed property claims fund, 58-3978


Enforcement, 84-2-302

Uniform consumer credit code, 16a-4-106, 16a-5-108


Generally, 44-701 et seq.

Employment Security, generally, this index


Generally, 8-601 et seq., 16-112, 50-148 et seq.

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, generally, this index


Anatomical gift act, revised, 65-3220 et seq.

Arbitration act, 5-423 et seq.

Athlete agents act, 44-1516 et seq.

Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-101 et seq.

Certification of questions of law act, 60-3201 et seq.

Child abduction prevention act, 23-3801 et seq.

Child-custody jurisdiction and enforcement act, 23-37,101 et seq.

Commercial code, 84-1-101 et seq.

Commissioners. National conference of commissioners, state representation, 46-407a

Conservation easement act, 58-3810 et seq.

Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Controlled substances, 65-4101 et seq.

Criminal extradition, 22-2701 et seq.

Death, uniform determination of, 77-204 et seq.

Detainers, mandatory disposition of, 22-4301 et seq.

Division of income for tax purposes act, 79-3271 et seq.

Documents of title, 84-7-101 et seq.

Domestic violence protection orders act, uniform interstate enforcement of, 60-31b01 et seq.

Electronic transactions act, 16-1601 et seq.

Enforcement of foreign judgments act, 60-3001 et seq.

Facsimile signature of public officials, 75-4001 et seq.

Fiduciary access to digital assets act, revised uniform, 58-4801 et seq.

Fiduciary income and principal act, 58-9a-101 et seq.

Fraudulent transfer act, 33-201 et seq.

Funds transfers, 84-4a-101 et seq.

Gifts to minors. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, 38-1701 et seq.

Highways, regulating traffic, 8-1401 et seq.

Insurers supervision, rehabilitation and liquidation act, 40-2605 et seq.

Interstate enforcement of domestic violence protection orders act, 60-31b01 et seq.

Interstate family support act, 23-36,101 et seq.

Investment securities, 84-8-101 et seq.

Leases, 84-2a-101 et seq.

Letters of credit, 84-5-101 et seq.

Limited partnership, 56-1a01 et seq.

Mandatory disposition of detainers act, 22-4301 et seq.

Mobile homes and recreational vehicles, standards, 75-1211 et seq.

Motor vehicle registration, 8-126 et seq.

National conference of commissioners, state representation, 46-407a

Contributions by interstate cooperation commission, 46-408

Negotiable instruments, 84-3-101 et seq.

Notarial acts, revised, 53-5a01 et seq.

Partnership, 56a-101 et seq.

Premarital agreement act, 23-2401 et seq.

Principal and income act, 58-9-101 et seq.

Protection orders act, domestic violence, uniform interstate enforcement of, 60-31b01 et seq.

Prudent investor act, 58-24a01 et seq.

Prudent management of institutional funds act, 58-3611 et seq.

Real property electronic recording act, 58-4401 et seq.

Relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies act, 58-3501 et seq.

Revised uniform anatomical gift act, 65-3220 et seq.

Revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4801 et seq.

Sales, 84-2-101 et seq.

Secured transactions, 84-9-101 et seq.

Securities, 17-12a101 et seq.

Simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903

Simultaneous death, 58-708 et seq.

Statutory rule against perpetuities, 59-3401 et seq.

Testamentary additions to trusts act, 59-3101 et seq.

Trade secrets act, 60-3320 et seq.

Transfer on death security registration act, 17-49a01 et seq.

Transfers to minors, 38-1701 et seq.

Trust code, 58a-101 et seq.

Unauthorized insurers act, 40-2701 et seq.

Unclaimed property act, 58-3934 et seq.

Vital statistics, 65-2401 et seq.


Attendance from without state, criminal prosecutions, 22-4201 et seq.

Rendition of prisoners as witnesses in criminal proceedings, 22-4207 et seq.


Capitol police, 75-4504

Correctional officers, state correctional institutions, 75-5247

Highway patrol, 74-2105, 74-2111

Military Forces, this index

Sheriffs, 19-822


Generally, 40-284 et seq.

Motor Vehicle Insurance, this index


Generally, 44-801 et seq.

Labor Organizations, generally, this index


Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index


Veterans' preference, servicemen in armed forces, 73-201


Advertising control act of 1972, implementation subject to federal funds, 68-2235, 68-2242

Agencies. United States Agencies, generally, this index

Agricultural products, labeling, grade and standard, 2-2301

Aircraft or pilots, application of law, 3-206

Airports and landing fields,

Cities over 100,000, cooperation, 3-124

Johnson county, contracts, 3-306

Arkansas river compact, 82a-520

Armories, generally, this index


Bonds and obligations, post

Federal deposit insurance, 9-1301 et seq.

Biological survey, contracts, university of Kansas, 76-338

Bonds and obligations,

Banks, setting aside as reserve, use of trust funds, 9-1603

Insurance companies, investments, 40-2a01, 40-2b01


Credit unions, 17-2204

Farm credit act, 17-2204a

Municipal bonds, 10-131

State school retirement system reserves, 72-2634

Veterans' curators, 73-512

Security, deposit of public moneys, 9-1402

Bridges or viaducts, joint construction, 13-1024b


Fort Scott, city of, 27-106

Leavenworth, city of, 27-108

Salina, city of, 27-109

Wichita, 27-111

Civil defense, interstate compact, 48-3201

Congress, generally, this index

Constitution of the United States, generally, this index


Drainage districts, 24-448

Sale of improvements on government land, 16-109

Secretary of agriculture, warehouses, 34-101b, 34-101c

State employment offices, 44-715

Water supply, 12-2716 et seq.

Winter veterans hospital, acquisition by state, 76-17d01

Correctional institutions of state, sale of prison-made goods to federal government, 75-5273 et seq.

Counties, purchasing abandoned post office building for office space, 19-15,107

Credit union, 17-2222, 17-2223

Drainage districts, superior jurisdiction, navigable waters, 24-407

Dust storms and soil erosion, cooperation, 2-2009

Economic poisons, 2-2204 et seq.

Elections, generally, this index

Electricity, municipally owned utilities, federal cooperation, 13-1261

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Farm credit act, bonds, investment, credit unions, 17-2204a

Federal Aid, generally, this index

Financial aid, rural water districts, 82a-619

Flags, generally, this index

Flood control, 12-635, 19-3301 et seq., 27-117, 68-151a et seq.

Funds, payments in lieu of taxes, 27-208

Government and institutions, courses of study, 72-3217

Guaranteed mortgage loans, 17-5001

Harbor lines along navigable streams, drainage districts, 24-470 et seq.

History of United States, courses of study, 72-3217

House of representatives. Congress, this index

Income tax law, adoption by reference, Kan. Const. Art. 11, ยง 11

Industrial districts, inclusion of federally owned land, 19-3802

Industrial hemp commercial plan, 2-3906

Industrial hemp research, 2-3902

Insured mortgage loans, 17-5001

Interlocal cooperation, 12-2901 et seq.

Investments. Bonds and obligations, ante

Johnson county airport, contracts, 3-306

Junkyards, control agreements, 68-2211

Jurisdiction, 27-101 et seq.

Kansas state university, acceptance of federal acts, 76-408, 76-434 et seq.

Land, acquisition in state, 27-101

Consent of legislature, 27-101

Land patents, 58-2101 et seq.


Flood control, payments, 27-117

Mineral leases, payments, 27-118

Migratory bird reservations, 27-115

Military Bases, Reservations and Areas, generally, this index

Military Forces, generally, this index

Mineral leases, payments, 27-118

Monopolies and unfair trade, acts done under federal law, 50-157

Motor carriers, exemption of vehicles from state regulation, operated by, 66-1,109

Motor vehicles, traffic regulations, application, 8-2103

Municipal airports and landing fields, cooperation, 3-124

National guard, use of federal equipment and supplies, 48-217

Negotiations for release of waters from projects, 82a-933

Nonprofit corporations, county park land, conveyance, 19-2855

Nuclear energy development and radiation control act,

Compatibility with standards and regulatory programs, 48-1601

Cooperation and inspection agreements, 48-1615, 48-1616

Officers and employees,

Interchange of, 75-4401 et seq.

Taxing officials, board of tax appeals, exchange of information, 74-2424

Oil and gas, interstate compact to conserve, 55-801 et seq.

Patents, trademarks, infringement, registration, 81-203

Pawnee Rock historic site, cede as satellite of Fort Larned national historic site, 76-2055

Pesticides, 2-2204

President of the United States, generally, this index

Prison-made goods, purchases from state correctional institutions, 75-5273 et seq.

Prisoners, keeping, expenses, 19-1930

Property, 27-101 et seq.

Acquisition of land, 27-101

Atchison, 27-112

Corporations, taxation, 27-102

Emporia, city of, 27-114

Fort Scott, city of, 27-106

Haskell institute and industrial school, 27-107

Indian schools, 27-113

Jurisdiction, 27-102

Leavenworth, city of, 27-108

Migratory bird reservations, 27-115

National military home, 27-110

Service of process, 27-102

Wichita, 27-111

Public Lands, generally, this index

Public moneys,

Defined, banks and banking, 9-701

Deposit, 9-1405 et seq.

Railroads, land grants, 66-410, 66-411

Receipts, payments in lieu of taxes, 27-204

Reclamation laws, irrigation districts, cooperation, 42-701

Refunds, payments in lieu of taxes, 27-205

Republican river compact, 82a-518

School funds, authority, 72-5537, 72-5538

Secrets, privileges and immunities, 60-433

Securities law, exemptions, 17-12a201

Senate. Congress, this index

Sewers and sewer systems, application of state law, 65-171x

Sewers or sewage facilities, acquisition, 12-631b, 12-3104

Soldiers' home, gift of land, 76-1902 et seq.


Documents of title, 84-7-103

Judicial notice, 60-409

Kansas state university, acceptance of federal acts, 76-408, 76-434 et seq.

Tax exemptions, 79-201a

Sales tax, 79-3606


Payments in lieu of taxes, 27-201 et seq.

Property acquired by, 79-1804

Republican river compact, 82a-518

Taylor grazing fund, distribution, 27-119

Telegraphs, land grants, 66-410, 66-411

Township water supply bonds, sale or pledge to federal government, 80-1602

Traffic regulations, government vehicles, 8-2103

Veterans' curators, 73-501 et seq.

Veterans' guardianship, 73-501 et seq.

Vice-President of the United States, generally, this index

Warehouse act, licensing, warehouses, 34-2,101

Water resources of state, powers, state water plan, 82a-942

Water supply,

Application of state law, 65-171x

Contracts, 12-817b, 12-2716 et seq.

Municipally owned waterworks, federal cooperation, 13-1261

Water supply bonds, townships, sale or pledge, 80-1603

Watershed development, cooperation, 24-901

Weed control and eradication, cooperation, 2-1315

Withholding of income tax, exemption from penalties, 79-32,106


Bureau of investigation, parimutuel racing act, Kansas, 74-8804

Correctional institutions of state, selling prison-made goods to federal agencies, 75-5276

Defined, soil conservation districts, 2-1903

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1423

Federal Aid, generally, this index

Guaranteed or insured loans, 17-5001

Interchange of governmental employees with, 75-4401 et seq.

Interstate rates, authority and duties of corporation commission, 66-143, 66-144

Mentally ill persons, order for care or treatment of veterans, 73-515a et seq.

Municipal airports, cooperation, joint ownership and operation by cities and counties, 3-125

Officers and employees, interchange with, 75-4401 et seq.

Recreational facilities, agreements with county or city, 12-691

Surplus property,

Federal surplus property program, 27-311 et seq.

See also, Surplus Property, generally, this index

Tax exemptions, sales tax, 79-3606

Veterans Administration, this index

Vital statistics, disclosure of records, 65-2422d

Water pollution,

Application of state law thereto, 65-171x


Kansas river, flood control works constructed, maintenance by drainage district, 24-132

Levees and flood control,

Constructed dikes or control works, 12-646a

Contracts, 12-635, 12-638

Levee damage at Lansing correctional institution, 76-2474


Public land surveys, use of triangulation stations, 58-2003


Congress, this index


Constitution of the United States, generally, this index


Certification of Questions of Law Act, generally, this index

Judgment liens, 60-2202

Pending actions, notice in other counties, 60-2203a

Reference and referees, appropriation of water, 82a-725


Conservation commission, appointment of member by secretary, 2-1904

Conveyance of land at Kansas state university to board of regents, conditions, 76-449

Cooperation with state board of agriculture, meat inspection, 65-6a19

Economic poisons,

Cooperation, 2-2211

Standards, 2-2205

Industrial hemp commercial plan, 2-3906

Insects and Plant Diseases, generally, this index


Standards, 2-2205


Board of trade, contract market, 2-1603

Cooperation of rural water districts, 82a-619

Seeds, cooperation, 2-1423


Air commerce regulations, violation, 3-203, 3-205

Aircraft pilot's certificate, 3-202


Airports and landing fields, leases and contracts, municipalities, 3-116

National defense operations depots, donation of lands, 3-403


Conveyance of certain lands in Saline county, to, 75-3346, 75-3347

State board of education, conveyance, lands in Saline and Ottawa counties, 72-281 et seq.

Vocational education, state board, cooperation, 76-12c06


Pawnee Rock historic site, cede as satellite of Fort Larned national historic site, 76-2055

State land office issuing deed of relinquishment, 75-2810

Taylor grazing fund, distribution, 27-119


Land patents, 58-2101 et seq.

Lists of lands granted to state, 75-2812

State land office relinquishing color of title, 75-2810


Druggists, possession, 65-1642

Drugs, pesticides, exception, 2-2202

Standards, 65-668


Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice, 65-2872

Podiatry law, application, 65-2008


Appeals to, counsel for indigents, 22-4505

Certiorari, petition for, counsel for indigents, 22-4505

Constitution of the United States, this index


Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-410 et seq.


Employment security, deposits, 44-712

Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction aid, 65-417

Public lands, sale proceeds deposited with governor, 75-109


Defined, veterans' curators, 73-501

Veterans, curators for, 73-501 et seq.


Colleges and Universities, generally, this index


Generally, 76-3301 et seq.

Abortions, prohibited, authority facilities, exception, 76-3308

Audits, 76-3305, 76-3312

Board of directors, 76-3304

Composition and organization, 76-3304

Conflicts of interest,

Contracts, participation prohibited, 76-3307

Disclosure statements, 76-3307

Employees, 76-3311

Executive sessions, 76-3306

Meetings, 76-3304, 76-3306

Quorum, 76-3304, 76-3306

Records and documents, public records, 76-3305

Reports, governor and legislature, 76-3311

Resolutions and orders, 76-3305

Terms of office, 76-3304

Bonds, 76-3312

Capital improvement projects,

Application of building codes, 76-3319

Exemption, certain procedures, 76-3319

Inspections, 76-3319

University of Kansas medical center property, 76-3308a

Collection services, negotiation, 76-3308

Construction of act, 76-3317

Contracts, 76-3308, 76-3309

Bonds, 76-3312

Sale or lease of hospital, prior authorization required, 76-3318

Service contracts, University of Kansas medical center, 76-3313

Definitions, 76-3303


Appointment, qualifications, 76-3311

Health care provider insurance availability, 76-3316

Health insurance plan, benefits, 76-3311

Representation rights of employee organizations, 76-3311


Annuity assistance, 76-3322

Optional plans, 76-3322

System membership continued, 76-3322

Tort claims act, applicability, 76-3315

Transfer from University of Kansas medical center, 76-3311

Vacation and leave balances, transfer, 76-3311

Established, 76-3304


Capital project procedures, 76-3319

Certain statutory requirements and procedures, 76-3321

Health care provider insurance availability act, applicability, 76-3316

Hospital assets,

Authority to convey or lease, 76-3309

Board of regents authority terminated, 76-3310

Sale or lease of hospital, prior authorization required, 76-3318

Transfers from hospital revenue fund, 76-3320

Indemnification of state, university of Kansas, 76-3309

Insurance, authority to procure, 76-3308

Investments, 76-3308

Joint ventures, 76-3308

Legislative findings, purpose, 76-3302

Powers, 76-3308, 76-3312, 76-3314


Appointment, 76-3304

Powers and duties, 76-3304

Public agency, public employer-employee relations law, 76-3311

Public employees retirement system, affiliation, transfers, 76-3322


Affiliation, public employees retirement system, 76-3322

Assistance, purchase of annuities, 76-3322

Employee memberships, continued, 76-3322

Optional plans, 76-3322

Severability of act, 76-3323

Substantial interests of directors, employees or agents,

Contracts, participation on behalf of authority prohibited, 76-3307

Disclosure statements, 76-3307

Tax exemptions, 76-3313

Tort claims act, applicability, 76-3315

Tort claims fund, transfers to, 75-6117

Transfer date, effect, 76-3308, 76-3309, 76-3310, 76-3311, 76-3320

University of Kansas medical center, service contracts, 76-3313


See specific profession


Evidence, used as, 60-243

Motion supporting,

Alter or amend judgment, 60-259

Continuance of action, 60-240

New trial, 60-259

Summary judgment, 60-256

Time of service, 60-206


Accompanying, 60-211

Change in name, 60-210

Proof of service, 60-312

Service of process,

Nonresident employed in state, 60-304

Publication, 60-307

Time, 60-206

Subpoenas duces tecum, custodian of records, 60-245a


Annexation of territory, city of Overland Park, 19-2657

City of Overland Park and Oxford township (Johnson county), 19-2656

Compensation and salaries. County Officers and Employees, this index

Counties, this index

Drainage districts, 13-10,128 et seq.

Greeley county, 12-364

Johnson county, 19-3524

Libraries, generally, this index

Municipalities, generally, this index

Roads and highways, approaches and connections, state highway system, 68-406

Sedgwick county, 19-2654

Sports authorities, 19-28,105 et seq.

Taxing districts, approval of budgets, tax levies and improvements by county commissioners, 12-1669, 12-1670

Zones and Zoning, this index


See, also, Housing, generally, this index

Generally, 17-4742 et seq.

Actions or proceedings, bonds, 17-4751

Agencies, 17-4757

Abolishment, 17-4756

Adverse or pecuniary interest, public officer or employee, 17-4758

Cooperation by public bodies, 17-4754

Exercise of urban renewal project powers, 17-4756

Bids, sale of real property, 17-4750

Bonds, 17-4751 et seq.

Business and commercial uses, 17-4750

Cities, 17-2337 et seq.

Contracts, 17-4748, 17-4750

Definitions, 17-4759, 17-4760

Dwellings. Structures, post

Eminent domain, 17-4743, 17-4747, 17-4748, 17-4749, 26-206a

Exemptions, execution levy and sale, 17-4753

Fair value of real property, 17-4750

Federal aid, 17-4747, 17-4748

Pledge to pay bonds, 17-4751

Township authorized to administer, 17-4762

Finding of necessity, 17-4746

Improvements, 17-4744, 17-4745

Injunctions, structures unfit for habitation, 17-4759

Instruments executed by municipality, presumptions, 17-4755

Leases, 17-4748, 17-4750

Liens, structures unfit for habitation, 17-4759

Minimum housing standards, municipalities, 17-4759a

Misconduct in office, adverse or pecuniary interest, public officers or employees, 17-4758

Mortgages, 17-4748, 17-4751

Municipal planning commission, plans submitted to, 17-4747

Municipalities, minimum standards for structures, 17-4759a

Nuisances, impairment or limitation of power to declare, 17-4759

Ordinances, 17-4744

Authorizing bond issue, 17-4751

Repair, closing or removal of structures, 17-4759

Petition, unsafe or insanitary dwellings, 17-4759

Plans, 17-4744, 17-4747, 17-4748

Powers, 17-4754

Powers exercised by municipalities, 17-4748, 17-4756

Presumptions, bonds, actions involving, 17-4751

Private enterprises, rehabilitation or redevelopment by, 17-4744, 17-4745

Project powers, defined, 17-4756

Property owner preference to purchase, 17-4750

Public utilities, facilities, location or relocation, 17-4756

Real estate,

Acquisition, 17-4747

Owner preference to purchase, 17-4750

Transfer, 17-4750

Recreational uses, contracts, 17-4750

Residential and nonresidential structures, 17-4759


Bonds, 17-4751

Preference to prior owner, 17-4750

Real property, 17-4750

Sidewalks, 17-4754

State aid, 17-4748

State lands, acquisition, 17-4749

Streets and alleys, 17-4754

Structures, 17-4759, 17-4759a

Repair or removal, 17-4759

Taxes, 17-4748

Township authorized to administer federal funds, 17-4762

Urban renewal agency,

Board of commissioners,

Appointment, mayor,

Governing body consent, limitations, 17-4757

Zoning, 17-4744


Customs and Usage, generally, this index


Generally, 79-3701 et seq.

Compensating Tax, generally, this index

Municipal, 12-198


Generally, 16-201 et seq.

Corporations, defense unavailable, 17-7105

Interest, this index

Secured transactions, 84-9-201


City utility low-interest loan program, 75-4297 et seq.

Kansas extraordinary utility costs loan deposit program, 75-4283 et seq.

Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index

Public Utilities, generally, this index