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2021 Statute

Section Number


Brands, Marks and Labels, generally, this index

License number plates. Motor Vehicles, this index

Trademarks and Trade Names, generally, this index


Generally, 65-1920 et seq.

Board of cosmetology,

Cease and desist orders, 65-1929

Fines, 65-1929

Rules and regulations, 65-1925

Cease and desist orders, 65-1929

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1927, 65-1929

Customers, protective devices, 65-1921

Definitions, 65-1920

Exposure time, limitations, 65-1921

Eye protection, 65-1921

Warnings, 65-1921

Fees, 65-1926

Fines, 65-1926, 65-1929

Health and environment, secretary of, sanitation, 74-2706

Injunctions, 65-1925, 65-1929

Inspections, 65-1925


Cancellation, 65-1926

Display, 65-1926

Expiration, 65-1926

Fees, 65-1926

Probation, 65-1926

Requirements, 65-1926

Revocation, 65-1926

Suspension, 65-1925, 65-1926

Operators, training, 65-1921

Phototherapy device, defined, 65-1920

Promotional material, certain claims prohibited, 65-1923

Protective eyewear, 65-1921

Radiation, warnings, 65-1921

Regulation of, 65-1920 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 65-1925, 74-2706

Sanitation rules and regulations, validity, 74-2706

Sanitation standards, 65-1925

Tanning device, defined, 65-1920

Temperature, tanning device, 65-1921

Timers, standards, 65-1921

Violations, 65-1925

Warning signs,

Dimensions, 65-1922

Posting, 65-1922

Warnings, 65-1921, 65-1922


Alvin Sykes cold case DNA task force, 21-6901

Elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary teams, 75-782

Emergency safety intervention task force, 72-6157

Kansas senior care task force, 39-7,163

Legislative task force on dyslexia, 72-8193

Transportation vision task force, 68-185

Veterinary prescriptions monitoring program task force, 65-1694


Generally, 65-1940 et seq.

Address, place of business, 65-1944

Body piercing, licensure, 65-1941 et seq.

Case history files, 65-1946, 65-1953

Civil fines, 65-1954

Cosmetic tattoo artist, licensure, 65-1941 et seq.

Cosmetology, board of, 65-1943, 65-1945, 65-1948, 65-1949, 65-1950, 65-1951, 65-1954

Cosmetology fee fund, 65-1954

Costs, investigations and hearings, 65-1954

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1941, 65-1942, 65-1953

Definitions, 65-1940

Education standards, 65-1949

Equipment, 65-1946

Infection control, 65-1949

Inspections, 65-1949


Application for, 65-1943

Censure, 65-1947

Condition, 65-1947

Continuing education, 65-1945

Expiration, 65-1945, 65-1950

Fees, 65-1943, 65-1945, 65-1950, 65-1951

Issuance, 65-1944, 65-1947

Limit, 65-1947

Probation, 65-1947

Prohibitions, 65-1941, 65-1942

Renewal, 65-1945, 65-1947

Requirements, 65-1943, 65-1949, 65-1950

Revocation, 65-1947

Suspension, 65-1947

Minors, 65-1953

Posting license, 65-1944

Prohibitions, 65-1941, 65-1942

Rules and regulations, 65-1943, 65-1945, 65-1949, 65-1950, 74-2706

Safety techniques, 65-1949

Sanitation, 65-1949, 74-2706

Health and environment, secretary of, 74-2706

Rules and regulations, validity, 74-2706

Standards, 65-1946

Standards, 65-1946

Sterilization, techniques, 65-1946, 65-1949

Tattoo artists, licensure, 65-1941 et seq.

Training standards, 65-1949


Alcoholic beverages. Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index

Cigarette Tax, generally, this index

Compensating Tax, generally, this index

Estate Taxes, generally, this index

Excise Taxes, generally, this index

Gasoline. Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index

Income Tax, generally, this index

Intangibles Tax Act, generally, this index

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index

Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index

Sales Tax, generally, this index

Municipalities, this index

Severance Tax, generally, this index

Tax Appeals, State Board of, generally, this index

Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Tax Collections, generally, this index

Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Tax Exemptions, generally, this index

Tax Foreclosure, generally, this index

Tax Lid, generally, this index

Tax Liens, generally, this index

Tax Redemption, generally, this index

Tax Returns, generally, this index

Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Tax Sales, generally, this index

Tax Sheltered Annuities, generally, this index

Tax Warrants, generally, this index

Taxation, generally, this index

Taxing Districts, generally, this index

Tobacco Products Tax, generally, this index


State board of tax appeals,

Increases, tax levies, authorizing, 74-2439

Filings required, 12-1744a

Industial revenue bonds, 12-1744a et seq.

No-fund warrants, authority for issuance,

Federal aid, 12-1664

Temporary notes, approval, federal aid, 12-1664


Abatement of property taxes, 79-1702

Cities of the second class, 14-1060

Actions by or against, 74-2433

Administration, 74-2433b


Appeals from county board, 79-1609

Appeals to board, 74-2437 et seq.

Cancellation or refund of taxes, 79-1702

Filing fee, 74-2438a

Hearings on, 74-2438

Interest on assessed tax, 74-2438

Orders, judicial review, 74-2426

Publication, 74-2433

Reconsideration of orders, 74-2426

Reports to legislature, 74-2433

Appointment, 74-2433

Appraisal courses required, 74-2433

Appropriations for, 74-2433d

BOTA filing fee fund, 74-2438a

Cancellation, tax penalties and interest incurred prior to 1910, 79-2416d

Chief hearing officer,

Appointment, 74-2433

Duties, 74-2433f, 74-2433g

Civil service employees, 74-2435

Compensation, 74-2434

County appraisers, suspensions or terminations, hearing, 19-431

Creation, 74-2433

Established as independent agency and administrative law court, 74-2433a

Decisions of the state board, time, 74-2426

Employees, 74-2435

Equalization appeal, 79-1609

Errors and irregularities in taxation, correction, 74-2439

Escaped personal property, appeal of grievances, 79-1427a

Escaped public utility property, appeal, 79-5a15

Executive director,

Appointment, 74-2433

Duties, 74-2433, 74-2438a

Expenditures, 74-2433c

Income tax abatement, 79-3233g

Increases, tax levies, authorizing, 74-2439

Industrial revenue bonds, 12-1744a et seq.

Interest on tax assessed, appeals, when accrued, 74-2438

Member pro tempore, 74-2433

No-fund warrants, authority for issuance, 79-2938, 79-2939

Federal aid, 12-1664

Orders of court,

Administrative procedure act applicable, 74-2426

Reconsideration, 74-2426

Powers and duties, 74-2437 et seq.

Proceedings before the state board, 742433

Presiding officer, exemption, 77-514

Protesting payment of taxes, 79-2005

Publication, important decisions, 74-2433

Qualifications, 74-2433

Records, 74-2433d, 74-2436

Refunds of protested taxes, 74-2439

Removal from office, 74-2433

Rules and regulations, 74-2437

Seal, 74-2436

Secretary, 74-2435

Service by electronic means, 74-2426

Small claims and expedited hearings division, 74-2433f, 74-2433g

Tax levies, increase, authorization of, 79-1964a

Tax payment protests, hearings, 79-2005

Temporary note, approval, federal aid, 12-1664

Terms of office, 74-2433

Vacancies, 74-2433

Vouchers approval by chairperson, 74-2433c


Generally, 19-425 et seq., 79-1412a, 79-1455 et seq.

Advisory committees, 79-1412a

Appeals of valuation or classification, taxpayer, 79-1448, 79-1496

Appointment, 19-430, 19-432


Deviation, when, 79-1456

Districts, 19-428

Guides, 79-1456

Map, preparation, 79-1459

Record, preparation, 79-1459, 79-1469

Transmission of rolls to county clerk, 79-1466, 79-1467

Units, defined, 79-1455

Appraising property, 79-1412a

Assessment rolls,

Amendment, 79-1460

Blank rolls furnished, 19-225

Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Assessor, office abolished, 19-426

Audit of accounts,

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Bank records and books, power to examine, 79-1424

Budget, 19-436

Submission to commissioners, 79-1471

Cemeteries, information to secretary of state, 17-1312a

Classification of property, 79-1459

Compensation and salaries, 19-434

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Cost of office, annual determination, 19-436

County clerks, divestment of powers, 19-426

Crimes and penalties, 79-1426, 79-1473, 79-2919

Deputy appraisers, 19-425, 79-1411b, 79-1471

Oaths and official bonds, 19-2604

Unlawful acts, 19-1418, 19-1426

District appraiser, 19-428

Duties, 19-425, 79-1411b, 79-1412a, 79-1459, 79-1460

Appraisal, 79-1459

Classification of property, 79-1459

Delinquent taxes, sale or removal of property, 79-320

Employees, 19-425, 79-1411b, 79-1412a

Equalization, aid county board, 79-1412a

Failure to file statement, 79-1461

Procedures, guidelines and policies, 79-1456

Supervision, 79-1401

Escaped personal property, duties, 79-1427a, 79-1475

Escaped public utility property, duties, 79-5a15

Expenses, 19-435

Fair market value in money, 79-503a

Fines and penalties. See, Crimes and penalties, ante

Forms, availability, 79-1457

Furniture and supplies, 19-225

Listing and assessment of property, 79-1412a

Market study analysis publication, 79-1460a

Meetings, attendance at, 79-1471, 79-1472

Neglect of duty, 79-1473, 79-2919

Oath of office, 19-433

Office space, 19-425

Powers and duties, 19-425, 79-1412a

Property valuation director, assist appraisers, 75-5105a

Qualifications, 19-430, 19-432

Reappraisal of property, 79-1413a

Reappraisal of real property, statewide, 79-1476 et seq.

Reclassification of certain property, prohibited, 79-223

Records, 75-5105a, 79-1412a

Exempt property, 79-1458

Inspection by public, 19-2601

Successor in office, 19-2607

Registered mass appraiser,

Qualifications, 19-430

Removal from list of persons eligible, 19-432

Removal from office, 19-431, 19-2609, 79-1404

Resignation, 19-2606

Salary, 19-434

School, attendance, 19-432, 79-1411b

School districts, boundaries, certification, 72-533

Severance tax, returns and reports, access to information, 75-5133

Standards for performance of appraisals, 79-505, 79-506

State fair, stored property, listing, 2-202a

Supplies, 19-225

Suspension from office, 19-431

Tax exemptions, authority, 79-213

Term of office, 19-430

Termination of officer, 19-431

Training courses, 19-432, 79-1411b

Travel expenses, 19-435

Vacancy in office, 19-430

Valuation, changes, notice to taxpayer, 79-1412a, 79-1460

Valuation guide changes, 79-1412a

Violation of laws and regulations, 79-1405

Notice to county attorney, 79-1463

Weeds, duties, 2-1316


See, Tax Rolls, generally, this index


See, also, Improvements, generally, this index; Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index; Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Abstracts of assessments, compilation and tabulation, 79-1410, 79-1604

Additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Administration of laws, counties responsibility, 79-1411a

Advisory committee on procedures and methods, 79-1412a

Aggregate tax levy limitations. See subhead Limitation on tax levies under Taxation, this index

Agricultural land, use value, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 12, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Agricultural machinery and equipment, 79-304

Amount expressed in dollars, 79-2963

Animals, 79-304

Annexation of territory by taxing district, 79-1807

Apartment ownership act, 58-3122

Appeals, 79-1606

Appeals from county board, 79-1609

Classification or valuation, 79-1448, 79-1496

Apportionment after division of land, 79-425a

Appraisal or reappraisal,

Appraisal cards, 79-1459, 79-1469

Compliance determined annually, 79-1445

List of counties published, 79-1445

Fair market value in money, 79-411, 79-501, 79-1439, 79-1455

Maps, preparation, 79-1459

Reappraisal, 79-1413a

Statewide reappraisal, 79-1476 et seq.

Units, defined, 79-1455

Variance permitted, 79-1426

Arbitration of property valuation disputes, 79-1494

Assessment districts, 79-1411b

Auditing of personal property tax returns, contingent fee basis prohibited, 79-2022

Bank records and books, power to examine, 79-1424

Banking business, 79-304

Intangibles, exception, 79-1113

Boats, report of, 79-338, 79-339

Boundary changes, taxing districts, 79-1807

Bridges, 79-304

Brokers, 79-304

Buildings and land, 79-412

Cattle. Animals, ante

Cemetery managed or connected by funeral home or mortuary, 79-207

Certification of, 79-1412a, 79-1801

Changes, 79-1404a

Changes in assessment,

Cities of second class, 14-409

Notice, 79-1412a

Changes in value, duties of county appraiser, 79-1460

Classification of property, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Appeals by taxpayer, 79-1448

Changes, 79-1448, 79-1460, 79-1465

Duties of appraiser, 79-1459

Clerical errors in assessment, refund or credit, 79-1701a

Communication towers, 79-430

Complex industrial property, 79-5b01 et seq.

Consolidation of taxing districts, 12-320, 12-322, 79-1807

Correction of irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Costs, plat, consolidated cities, 12-329

County appraisers. Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

County assessor. Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

County roads, 68-5,100

Countywide reappraisals. Appraisal or reappraisal, ante

Crimes, punishments and penalties

Boats, failure to report to appraiser, 79-339

Fines and penalties,

Cancellation by state board of tax appeals, 79-5a14, 79-1422, 79-2416d

Officers and employees, violation of laws or regulations, 79-1426, 79-2919

County clerk, tax rolls, 79-1605, 79-1803

Refusal to give evidence, 79-1462

Taxpayers, late filing or failure to file, 79-1422

Waiver by board of county commissioners, 79-1427b

Wyandotte county amnesty program, 79-2023

Mobile homes, failure to report to appraiser, 79-337

Officers and employees, violation of laws or regulations, 79-1405, 79-1426, 79-1966

Rendition preparers, 79-1420


False statements, refusal to give evidence, 79-1408

Fraudulent listing or evasion, 79-1420

Oil and gas properties, 79-333

Removal of building from real estate, 79-319a


Military service, deployment, 79-1612

Description of property, 79-408

Survey of lot or tract, 79-409

Districts, 79-1411b

Eminent domain, 26-209


Appeals to state board of tax appeals, 79-1609

Fund, 79-1608

State board of, 79-1409

Errors, correction, 79-1701a

Personal property, 79-1705

Escaped personal property, discovery, listing and appraisal, 79-1427a, 79-1427c, 79-1475

Escaped public utility property, discovery, listing and appraisal, 79-5a15

Failure to list property, 79-1422, 79-1461

Failure to list property, 79-5a14

Fair market value in money, 79-411, 79-501, 79-503a, 79-1439, 79-1455

Defined, 79-503a

Justifiable value construed as, 79-1450

Public utilities, 79-5a03, 79-5a05

Variance permitted, 79-1426, 79-1439

Fire districts, 19-3610

Townships, 80-1514b

Forms, 59-703, 75-5105a, 79-1457

Funeral homes, 79-207

Grantor and grantee agreement, 79-1805

Guides, preparation by director of property valuation, 75-5105a

Housing, municipal, payments in lieu of taxes, 17-2349

Improvements, 12-6a17

Service assessments, 12-6a17

Valuation, 79-412

Injunction, illegal levy, 60-907

Inspection of property, 79-501

Investment companies, 79-310a

Irregularities, correction of, 79-1701 et seq.

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Jointly owned land, 79-426

Justifiable value, construed as fair market value in money, 79-1450

Late filing of annual statement, additional valuation, 79-5a14, 79-1422

Libraries, 12-1220

Limitation of actions,

General improvement assessment, setting aside, 12-6a11

Lighting systems, 14-536

Sewers and sewer systems, 12-618

Limitation on tax levies. Taxation, this index

Listing of property, 79-306, 79-1411b

Failure to list, 79-5a14, 79-1422, 79-1426

Personal property, 79-301 et seq., 79-1412a

Real property, 58-2240, 79-401 et seq., 79-408, 79-1412a

Situs, information, 79-308

Time for listing, 79-306, 79-309

Main sewer or drain, 12-619

Manuals, preparation by property valuation, 75-5105a

Maps, 75-5105a

Preparation and delivery by county clerk, 79-1468

Mausoleum managed or connected by funeral home or mortuary, 79-207

Merchants, 79-304

Military service,

Deployment, property tax deferral, 79-1612

Mobile homes, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 8-143, 79-335 et seq.

Forms, 79-335, 79-336

Listing for property taxation, 79-335 et seq.

Valuation and listing on rolls, 79-335, 79-340

Money and other evidences of debt. Intangibles Tax Act, generally, this index

Mortuary, 79-207

Motor carriers, Taxation, generally, this index

Motor vehicles, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-306d, 79-1604, 79-5101 et seq.

Nonresidents, 79-304

Contractors, 79-1008 et seq.


Amount expressed in dollars, 79-2963

Assessed value, 79-1412a

Officers and employees, neglect of duties,

Crimes, punishments and penalties, generally, ante

Oil and gas,

Pipelines, 79-5a01 et seq., 79-1404

Property, 79-329 et seq.


Crimes, punishments and penalties, generally, ante

Plat of subdivisions, 79-405 et seq.

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1203

Prior law, act of 1876, 79-2911

Property valuation director,

Guides or manuals, preparation, 75-5105a

Ratio study, 79-1485 et seq.

Review of changes in valuation, 79-1404a

Public utilities, 79-422, 79-5a01 et seq.

Appraisal of property, 79-5a01 et seq.

Fair market value of property, 79-5a03, 79-5a04

Penalties, 79-5a09

Valuation appeals, 79-5a05

Railroads, 79-5a01 et seq., 79-1404

Bridges, 79-322

Rates of assessment, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1, 79-1439

Ratio study of appraised valuations to sale prices, real estate, 79-1485 et seq.

Director of property valuation, duties, 75-5105a

Reappraisal of property,

Appraisal or reappraisal, ante

Statewide reappraisal of real property, post

Reassessment, 14-409

Records, 75-5105a

Refunds, erroneous assessments, 79-1701a

Refunds of property tax, single-family residence, 79-4530

Reports, property valuation director, 79-1404


Preparation and certification, 79-1412a

Real estate, 58-2240, 79-408

Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Transmission to county clerk, 79-1466, 79-1467

Rural water supply districts, maintenance and operation assessments, 82a-610

Settlement authority, secretary of revenue, 75-5161

Sewage disposal systems, cities of third class, assessment of counties and schools, 15-1127

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Sidewalks, this index

Single-family residential property tax refunds, when, 79-4530

Special assessments, 12-601 et seq., 12-6a01 et seq.

Apportionment, 19-315, 79-427

Apportionment between city and district, 12-6a07

Cemeteries, 12-1414

Cemetery districts, 15-1015, 15-1017

Cities of first class,

Apportionment, 79-427

Boulevards, reimprovements, 13-1042

Contesting or enjoining levy, 13-906

Drainage, 13-1013

Limitation of actions, 13-1333

Major traffic street improvements, 13-10,115

Parking stations, 13-1375 et seq.

Relevy, void or irregular assessments, 13-905

Tax levies in lieu of bond issues, 79-1950a

Cities of second class,

Apportionment, 79-427

Lighting systems, 14-534, 14-536

Watercourse improvements, 14-701a, 14-701b

Cities of third class,

Apportionment, 79-427

Assessment of counties and schools, 15-1127

Bridge improvements and repairs, 15-731

Cemetery districts, 15-1015, 15-1017

Lights and lighting, 14-534, 14-536, 15-711, 15-712

Relevy, 15-710

Combined waterworks and sewage disposal system, 12-861

Correction of errors and irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Delinquent payment, purchase by city at tax sale, 79-2804i

Disclosure, 12-6,123

Drainage Districts, this index

Drains and drainage, 12-617 et seq., 12-6a01 et seq., 13-1013

Dust storms and soil erosion, 2-2008

Eminent domain, 26-514

Costs, 26-209

Exemption, municipal housing projects, 17-2349

Exemptions, 12-692

Fund, municipalities and taxing subdivisions, 79-1808

General improvement and assessment law, 12-6a01 et seq.

Apportionment of cost between city and district, 12-6a07

Exempt property, 12-6a07

Improvement Districts, this index

Improvements, bonds, 10-114

Installments, 12-667

Levees and Flood Control, this index

Lights and lighting, 14-534

Nuisances, abatement, 13-436

Ordinance, filing with register of deeds, 12-153

Parking lots and facilities, 13-1375 et seq.

Reassessment and relevy, cities of first class, 13-1344

Resolution, filing with register of deeds, 12-153

Roads and Highways, this index

Rural water supply districts, 82a-606

Bond payments, 82a-609

Service assessments, 12-6a17

Services, failure of property owner to perform, 12-1673, 12-1674

Sewage disposal systems, assessment of counties and schools, 15-1127

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Sidewalk construction and repair, 13-1324

Sidewalks, this index

State, 12-3501 et seq.

Assessment plans, 12-3507

Constitutional exemption, 12-3501

Court action prohibited, 12-3510

Department budgets, 12-3509

Liability, determination of, 12-3506

Local government payment, 12-3511

Notice to secretary, 12-3504

Payment, 12-3508

Protest and negotiation, 12-3508

Representation of the state, 12-3505

Townships, 12-3513

Storm sewers and drains, exemptions, 12-692

Street improvements, 12-602

Streets, widening, exemptions, 12-692

Streets and Alleys, this index

Tax levy for, municipalities, taxing subdivisions, 79-1808


Cemetery districts, 15-1015, 15-1017

Sidewalks, 68-131

Trees and shrubbery, disease or pest infection, 12-3204

Urban areas, work property owner failed to perform, 12-1673, 12-1674

Voided, 19-2773a

Watershed Districts, this index

Weeds, cutting, 12-1617f

Collection, 12-1,115

State assessed property,

Annual report, 74-2441a

Distribution, 74-2441b

Car companies, 79-906 et seq.

Motor carriers, 79-6a01 et seq.

State fair grounds, property stored, 2-202a

State property tax levies. Taxation, this index

Statements. Listing of property, ante

Statewide reappraisal of real property, 79-1476 et seq.

Application of reappraised values, when, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Appraisal districts, 79-1476

Changes in assessment of property classes prohibited, 79-1481

Completion date, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Compliance with state guidelines by appraisers, 79-1479

Computer system, development, 79-1477

Advisory committee, 79-1477

Contracts with private appraisal firms, 79-1478

Costs, 79-1478

County and district appraisers, duties, 79-1476, 79-1476a, 79-1479

County clerk, duties, 79-1480

Director of property valuation, duties, 79-1476 et seq.

Assumption of reappraisal duties, when, 79-1479

Determination of guideline compliance, 79-1479

Division of property valuation, duties, 79-1478

Guidelines and timetables, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Maintenance of property value listings, 79-1480

Notice of completion to governor and state board of tax appeals, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Plans for updating appraisals, 79-1479

Progress reports by appraisers, 79-1479

Rules and regulations, 79-1483

Secretary of revenue, duties, 79-1477, 79-1478, 79-1483

State board of tax appeals, duties, 79-1476, 79-1476a, 79-1479, 79-1481

Tax levy, 79-1482

Valuations, methodologies, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Stock of regulated investment company, 79-310a

Students, colleges and universities, 79-304

Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Time for listing and valuation, 79-306, 79-309


Fire districts, 80-1513

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1203

Special assessments, ante

Training for assessors. Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Transient dealers' merchandise, 79-1434

Transit, property in, 79-201f, 79-304

Uniform assessments, 79-1439; Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Assessment forms and records, 75-5105a

Unlawful acts,

Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Urban renewal, 17-4748

Valuation, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 1, 79-301 et seq., 79-401 et seq.

Agricultural land, use value, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 12, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Appeals, 79-1448, 79-1606, 79-1610, 79-1496

Appraisal or reappraisal, ante

Assessment, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 2; 79-1439

Changes, 79-1448, 79-1460, 79-1465, 79-1470, 79-1803

Classification of property, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 1

Complex industrial property, 79-5b01 et seq.

Corrections, 79-1701 et seq.

Director of property valuation, duties, 75-5105a


Property not included in assessed valuation, 79-5a27

Fair market value in money, ante

Justifiable value construed, 79-1450

Public utility property, 79-5a04

Real estate sales validation questionnaires, 79-1437c et seq.

Reappraisal. Appraisal or reappraisal by county, ante

Watercraft, 79-306e, 79-5501

Variance permitted, 79-1426, 79-1439

View of property, 79-501

Violation of laws and regulations,

Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Watercourse improvements, 14-701a

Watercraft, reports of, 79-338, 79-339

Watercraft, valuation, 79-306e, 79-5501


Tax Appraisers, generally, this index


Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Tax Sales, generally, this index


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, 19-515, 79-1801 et seq., 79-2001 et seq.

Actions for debt, 79-2015

Alcoholic beverage sales, 79-4101

Annexation of territory, counties, 18-211, 18-212

Automated tax systems, 75-5147

Aviation fuel, sale and compensating use tax proceeds, report, 75-5152

Bad check, tax receipt cancellation, 19-518

Boundary changes, taxing districts, 79-1807

Bridge, boundary waters, 79-2009

Certification of levies, 79-1801

Collection of taxes,

Compensating Tax, this index

Motor Fuel Tax, this index

Penalty, delinquent taxes, nonresident taxpayers, 75-5148

Sales Tax, this index

Collector of taxes, 19-515, 79-1411a

Computation of sums to be levied, 79-1803

Consolidation of taxing districts, 12-320, 79-1807

Contingency fee, contracts for, certain counties, 79-2018, 79-2019

Contractors, nonresident, 79-1008 et seq.

Contracts for assistance in certain counties, 79-2018, 79-2019

Correction of clerical errors and irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Delinquent taxes, 79-2101 et seq.

Cancellation of, Kuhlman Diecasting property, 79-2025

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Counties over 300,000, enforcement of lien, 79-2810

Nonresident and nondomiciliary taxpayers. See subhead Delinquent taxes under Taxation, this index

Taxation, this index

Eminent domain,

Costs, 26-209

Liability for tax, 79-1805

Estimates, county purposes, 79-1802

Excise taxes,

Responsibility for collection, 79-2971

Use of confidential information, 75-5133

Executors and administrators, sale of land, 79-419

Fees for collection, 19-517

Certain counties, 79-2018, 79-2019

Forms, 79-1401

Income tax, 79-3235

Installment pay plans, state tax liabilities, 75-5146


Exemption, additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Unpaid taxes, 79-2004, 79-2004a

Intoxicating liquor sales, 79-4101, 79-4103

Sale by clubs, 79-41a02, 79-41a03

Irrigation districts, 42-718

Judicial sale proceeds, 79-419

Jurisdiction, 79-2015

Levies, certified annually, 79-1801

Limitation of actions, protesting payment, 79-2005

Mineral interests, 79-2014

Notice of taxes, 79-2001

Partitioned lands, 79-419

Payment of, 79-1801, 79-2204, 79-2004a


Delinquent taxes, nonresident taxpayers, 75-5148

Exemption, additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Personal property taxes, 79-2101

Abandoned or repossessed, liability, 79-2026

Certain counties, 79-2017

Personal property taxes, delinquent, 79-2101

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Protesting payment, 79-2005

Receipts, 79-2002

Reciprocity, 79-2016

Records, separate accounts, 19-623

Refund of protested taxes, 79-2005

Disorganization of taxing district, 79-2005b

Retail liquor sales, 79-4101 et seq.

Royalty interests, 79-2014

Sales of property. Tax Sales, generally, this index

Sales or compensating tax, 79-3617

Aviation fuel, proceeds, report, 75-5152

Sewers and sewer systems, 12-618

State ad valorem property tax levies, 79-2201

Statement, state taxes collected, 79-2201

Statements, 79-2001

Taxpayer identification information, exchange agreements, secretaries of labor and revenue, 75-5133a


Payment, 79-2004, 79-2004a

Tax due, 79-1804

Trustee selling land, 79-419

Unpaid taxes, entry, 79-2001

Unredeemed sales entry, 79-2001

Warrants used for payment, 79-2003

Weeds, costs, control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320, 2-1332


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index; Tax Sales, generally, this index; Tax Foreclosure, generally, this index

Acknowledgment, foreclosure sale, 79-2804

Covenants running with the land, subject to, 79-2804

Easements, subject to, 79-2804

Evidence, regularity of prior proceedings, 79-2804

Execution, foreclosure proceedings, 79-2804

Failure to pass title, impairment of lien, 79-2604

Foreclosure. Tax Foreclosure, generally, this index

Form of deed, 79-2804

Invalid or void, 79-2804c, 79-2804d

Irrigation district directors, 42-711

Limitation of actions, 58-2269

Mortgage foreclosure, waiver of right, 58-2328

Order to sheriff, 79-2804

Prior law, 79-2809

Prior to September 1, 1939, 79-2416

Prior to September 1, 1941, 79-2416a et seq.

Recording, 79-2804

Sales by foreclosure. Tax Sales, generally, this index

School lands, 79-2804a

Validation, 58-2262, 58-2269

Years 1909 and 1910, 79-2305

Void, 79-2804c, 79-2804d


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201 et seq.

Abatement of taxes, property acquired by state or subdivision, 79-1702

Adult care homes, 79-201b

Agricultural products, peddling, 12-1617


Amateur-built, 79-220

Antique, 79-220

Business, 79-201k

Airports, 79-201q, 79-201r, 79-201s, 79-263

Pratt airport authority, 27-319

Salina airport authority, 27-319

Alumni associations, 79-201

Animals, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Aquaculture machinery and equipment, 79-201j

Aquaculture products, peddling, 12-1617

Banks and banking, 79-1113

Bed and breakfast homes, 79-201c

Benevolent purposes, property used for, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201

Biofuel storage and blending equipment, 79-232

Biomass-to-energy plant property, 79-229

Bonds, 79-1407

Colleges and universities, revenue bonds, 76-6a22

Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252

Housing project bonds, security for repayment, 17-2351

Irrigation districts, 42-388b

Rural water districts, 82a-625

Student union and other buildings, 76-6a22

Student union building, nonprofit corporations, 76-6a10

Turnpike property or bond, 68-2013

Business machinery and equipment, 79-223

Tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2978

Telecommunications and railroad, 79-224

Tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2979

Carbon dioxide capture, sequestration or utilization property, 79-233

Cemeteries, 79-201c, 79-207

Change from exempt usage, statement required, 79-214

Charitable purposes, property used for, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201

Christmas tree machinery and equipment, 79-201j

Churches, 79-201

Cities, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201a

Economic development, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Claim of exemption required, 79-210, 79-213, 79-213a

Clothing, 79-201c

Coal gasification power plant equipment, 79-225

Coal or coke gasification nitrogen fertilizer plant property, 79-228

Colleges and Universities, this index

Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment, 79-223, 79-261, 79-2978

Telecommunications and railroad, 79-224

Communication towers, 79-254

Community housing development organizations, 79-201z

Community service organizations, humanitarian services, 79-201

Compensating tax, 79-3704

Constitutional provisions, Kan. Const. Art. 11, §§ 1, 13

Convents, 79-201

Corporate agricultural facilities exemption prohibited, 79-250

Correction of clerical errors and irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Counties, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201a

Economic development, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

County bonds, 79-1407

County fairs, 79-201a

Dams and reservoirs, 82a-405 et seq.

Easements, 82a-409

Delivery of exempt property rolls to director of property valuation, 79-1467b

Dormitories, 79-201a

Dormitory personal property, 79-201a

Economic development incentives,

Evaluations, legislative post audit, 46-1137

Public information database, 74-50,226, 74-50,227

Economic development, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

High performance incentives, 74-50,131 et seq.

Limitations and conditions, 79-251

Economic development corporations, 79-221

Education, higher education loans, revenue bonds, 74-32,252

Educational purposes, property used for, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201

Electric generation facilities, 79-256, 79-257, 79-258

Electric transmission lines, 79-259

Express highways and freeways, 68-2309

Farm machinery and equipment, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201j

Purpose, 79-201i

Farm products, peddling, 12-1617

Farm storage and drying equipment, 79-201d

Federal income tax rebate, 79-32,117e

Fire engines, 79-201a

Fire extinguishing equipment, 79-201a

Fraternal benefit societies, reserve or emergency funds, 79-201

Freeport Act, 79-201f

Grain, 79-201n

Graveyards, 79-201c

Greenhouses, 79-201j

Groundwater management districts, 79-201a

Hand tools of construction industry, 79-201o

Hand tools of mechanics, 79-219

Hay storage structures, 79-201d

Homestead, 79-201x

Hospitals, 79-201b

Household goods and personal effects, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-201c


Community housing development organizations, 79-201z

Disabilities, persons with, 79-201z

Elderly persons, 79-201b, 79-201z

Low income cooperative, 79-201b

Mentally ill or individuals with intellectual or other disablilities, 79-201b

Temporary, single-parent families, life training skills program, 79-201b

Humanitarian services, community service organizations, 79-201

Improvement district bonds, property constructed or purchased with proceeds, 79-201a

Industrial revenue bonds, 79-201a, 79-262

Insurance companies, 40-2810

Intangible personal property, 79-3109c

Interest, student union building bonds, 76-6a10

Intoxicating liquors,

Sales tax, 41-501

Inventories, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1, 79-201m, 79-201p

Irrigation district bonds, 42-388b

Kansas, university of, strategic technology acquisition and commercialization incubator, 79-235

Kansas armory board, property, 79-201a

Kansas City, Missouri waterworks systems, 79-201a, 79-205

Kansas state university foundation, 79-201a

Kansas turnpike authority, 79-201a

Landfill gas and production property, 79-201

Lands contiguous to dams or reservoirs, 79-201g

Land part of a public levee, 79-201a

Libraries, 79-201

Literary purposes, property used for, 79-201

Livestock, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Machinery and equipment, 79-201w

Materials and supplies, 79-201w

Mausoleums, 79-207

Merchants and manufacturers inventories, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1, 79-201m

Military forces, excise taxes, 48-201

Mined land, 79-201e

Mines and mining, tax exemptions, 79-201e

Money, notes and other evidence of debt, 79-3109c

Moneys and credits, 79-3109c

Religious, literary, scientific or benevolent institutions, 79-201

Universities, colleges, academies and other public schools, 79-201

Motor vehicle inventories, 79-201p

Motor vehicles,

Bed, body or box, attached, farming or ranching organization, 79-201j

Donated to charitable organization, 79-201u

Municipal, 12-145

Municipal bonds, 79-1407

Municipal Housing Law, 79-201a

Municipalities, 79-201a

National banking associations, 79-1113

New automobile manufacturing property, 79-260

Not-for-profit entities, buildings on state educational institutions, 79-222

Nuclear generation facility property, 79-230

Oil leases, 79-201t

Park and resources authority, property, 79-201a

Parsonages, 79-201

Payments in lieu of taxes, 12-147, 12-148

Pensions and benefits,

Court reporters, 74-49,105

Highway patrol, 74-4978g

Judges, 20-2618

Kansas public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Policemen and firemen, 12-111a, 12-5005, 13-14a10, 14-10a10

Personal property, 60-2306

All other, low purchase price, 79-234

Fairs, expositions, trade shows or conventions, property for display or sale at, 79-215

Interstate commerce, property moving in, 79-201f

Investments, 79-309

Transit, property in, 79-201f

Warehouse or storage areas, property consigned to, 79-201f

Pickup truck shells, 79-201c

Pipeline property, oil and gas, 79-227

Political subdivisions of state, 79-201a

Private children's homes, 79-201b

Property consigned to warehouses or storage areas, 79-201f

Property with purchase price of $750 or less, 79-234

Psychiatric hospitals, 79-201b

Public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Public utility inventories,

Property moving in interstate commerce, exception, 79-201c

Public worship, places of, 79-201

Records maintained by appraiser, 79-1458

Records of conveyances, 58-2239

Recreational rail trail state parks, 79-201a

Redevelopment authority, 79-264

Refinery equipment, 79-226

Religious meeting places, 79-201

Renewable energy resources or technologies, 79-201

Request for exemption, form and content, 79-213

Assessed valuation, inclusion of property during determination, 79-213d

Research and development, for profit company, postsecondary educational institution, 79-201a

Residential property, 79-201x

Retirement and pensions,

Court reporters, 74-49,105

Highway patrol, 74-4978g

Judges, 20-2618

Kansas public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Policemen and firemen, 12-111a, 12-5005, 13-14a10, 14-10a10

Right of way, dams or reservoirs, 82a-409

Rules and regulations, claims, filing of, 79-210

Rural water districts, 79-201a

Bonds, 82a-625

Sailboards, 79-201c

School bonds, 79-1407

School levy, residential property, 79-201x

Schoolhouses, 79-201

Schools and school districts, 79-201

Interlocal cooperatives, 79-201

Scientific purposes, property used for, 79-201

Secured debts, 79-3121 et seq.

Shawnee Mission park district, 19-2859

Silage, 79-201d

Solar energy systems, 79-201h

State bonds, 79-1407

State educational institution,

Buildings operated by not-for-profit entity, 79-222

State property, 79-201a

State real estate, leased, ad valorem taxation, exemption, 75-3686

Strategic technology acquisition and commercialization incubator, university of Kansas, 79-235

Student union buildings,

Nonprofit corporations, 76-6a10

Universities and colleges, 79-201a

Vocational-technical schools, 79-201a

Telecommunications and railroad machinery and equipment, 79-224, 79-2979

Textbooks, 79-201

Townships, 79-201a

Turnpike property or bonds, 68-2013

United States property, 79-201a

University of Kansas hospital authority, 76-3313

Urban Renewal Law, 79-201a

Veterans organizations, 79-201

Waste heat utilization system property, 79-231

Water supply works, machinery and fixtures, 79-201a

Waterworks plant, Kansas City, Missouri, 79-205

Wearing apparel, 79-201c


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index; Tax Deeds, generally, this index; Tax Sales, generally, this index

Generally, 79-2801 et seq.

Action to enforce lien, counties over 300,000, 79-2810

Affidavits, receivership, 79-2802a

Apportionment, sale proceeds, 79-2805

City administered, 79-2801

Commencing proceedings, 79-2801

County counselor, duties, 19-247, 19-248

Deeds. Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Description of property, 79-2801

Interest of parties, decree stating, 79-2802

Joinder of issues, 79-2803

Joinder of parties, 79-2802

Judgment, 79-2803

Opening, vacating or modifying, 79-2804b

Lease of land bid in by county, 79-2706 et seq.

Limitation of actions, vacating or setting aside, 79-2804b

Mineral interest severed from fee, 79-2801

Mortgagee paying taxes, 79-2901

Parties, 79-2801

Joinder, 79-2802

Pleadings, 79-2801

Vacating or setting aside proceedings, 79-2804b

Prayer for relief, 79-2801

Prior law, 79-2809, 79-2908

Real estate bid off by county, 79-2319

Receivership, 79-2802a

Reciprocity, 79-2910a

Records, county acquired property, 79-2804f

Redemption period, 79-2401a

Refunds, invalid or void proceedings, 79-2804c, 79-2804d

Sale by county of lands acquired, 79-2804f

Sale to persons entitled to redeem, 79-2804g, 79-2804h

Sales. Tax Sales, generally, this index

School lands, 79-2804a

Service of process, 79-2801

Stay of proceedings, 79-2416b

Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Trial, 79-2803

Unknown parties and persons, 79-2801

Void proceedings, 79-2804c, 79-2804d


Redevelopment. Municipalities, this index


Bonded debt limit, 79-5039

Cities and counties, 79-2925c

Exemptions, 79-2925c

Sunset, 79-5038


See also, Taxation, generally, this index

Abandoned personal property, extinguishment, 79-2026

Credit reporting, obsolete information, 50-704

Discharge by tax sale, 79-2803

Effective date, 79-1804

Enforcement, counties over 300,000, 79-2810

Federal tax liens, 79-2613 et seq.

Fees, register of deeds, filing of notices and releases, 28-115

Filing, register of deeds, fees, 28-115

Floating liens, 79-2601 et seq.

Gas, 84-9-319

Impairment, tax deed failing to pass title, 79-2604

Income tax, 79-3235

Lands in controversy, payment of taxes, 79-2902

Liquefied petroleum motor fuel taxes, interest and penalties, 79-34,100

Mortgagee paying taxes, 79-2901

Motor carrier taxes, 79-6a11

Motor fuel tax law, 79-3413

Oil, 84-9-319

Personal property taxes, 79-2101

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Prior law, 79-2809

Priorities and preferences, 79-2111, 79-2112

Judgment lien, 79-2803

Property bid off by county, 79-2319

Property transferred before taxes paid, 79-2020

Register of deeds, fees, 28-115

Sale of property before taxes paid, 79-2109

Sales on compensating tax, 79-3617

Sales tax, 79-3612, 79-3617

Time of attachment, 79-1804


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, 79-2401a et seq.

Certificate of redemption, 79-2403, 79-2803

Extension of time, 79-2601 et seq.

Income tax, 79-3235

Jointly owned land, 79-426

Money used in payment, 79-2403

Mortgagee, 79-2901

Partial redemption, 79-2401a

Temporary remission of penalties, 79-2415 et seq.

Prior law, 79-2809

Prior to tax sale, 79-2803

Records of sales, contents of list of property, 79-2317

Sales or compensating tax, 79-3617


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, 79-401 et seq.

Disclosure of information therein, 17-1514, 75-5133, 79-1119, 79-3234

Electronic filings, rules and regulations, 75-443

Excise taxes, confidential, exceptions, 75-5133

Fines and penalties, 79-1426

Forms, 79-1401

Income tax. See subhead Returns under Income Tax, this index

Intoxicating liquor sales, 79-4101, 79-4103

Personal property taxation, 79-301 et seq.

Retail liquor sales, 79-4101 et seq.

Sales tax, 79-3607


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index


County clerk forwarding to property valuation director, 79-1604, 79-1605

Land entered after January 1, 79-414

Motor vehicles included, 79-1604


Lands not entered, 79-414

Statement to director of accounts and reports, 79-2203

Amount of taxes entered upon rolls, 79-1803

Apportionment, special assessments, 79-427

Blank rolls provided, 19-225

Buildings, improvements and land, 79-412

Certification to county clerk, 79-1412a

Certified tax levies, 79-1801

Excessive levies, entry by clerk unlawful, 79-1965

Correction of clerical errors, 79-1701 et seq.

County sold lands acquired on tax sale, 79-2804f

County tax sale purchase property, elimination, 79-2804


County appraiser to county clerk, 79-1466, 79-1467

County treasurer, 79-1803

Director of property valuation, 79-1467b

Tax appraisers, 79-408

Description of property, 79-408

Eminent domain property, 26-209

Owner or occupant furnishing, 79-408

Equalized values, 79-1409

Excessive levies, entry by clerk unlawful, 79-1965

Exempt property, delivery to director of property valuation, 79-1467b

Forms, furnished by commissioners, 19-225

Improvement districts,

Special assessments, 19-2769

Land and improvements, 79-412

Mobile homes, 79-335

Motor vehicles, supplementary assessments, 79-1604

Partitioned lands, 79-419


Failure to prepare abstract, 79-1605

Retention by county clerk, 79-1803


County appraisers, 79-1412a

County clerk, 79-408

Real estate, 58-2240, 79-408

Removal of property from, county tax sale purchase, 79-2804

Special assessments, apportionment, 79-427

Weeds, costs of control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320, 2-1332


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, 79-2101 et seq., 79-2301 et seq., 79-2801 et seq.

Advertisements. Notice, post

Auctioneer, employment, 79-2804

Bids and bidding, 79-2804

Certificate of sale,

Lien period, 79-2601 et seq.

Loss, 79-2912

Prior to September 1, 1939, 79-2416

Prior to September 1, 1941, 79-2416a et seq.

Charges, 19-312, 19-313

Cities, purchase by, 79-2804i

Correction of clerical errors, 79-1701 et seq.

Costs, 79-2302

Counties, bid, 79-2319, 79-2804


County treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Proceeds of sale less than amount owing, 79-2808

Date of sale, 79-2804

Deeds. Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Description of property, tax roll, 79-2315, 79-2316

Distribution of proceeds, 79-2803

Apportionment, 79-2805

Uncollected tax, 79-2914, 79-2915


Election of, 60-2312

Homestead, 60-2301

Personal property, 60-2306

Fines and penalties, sale after injunction dissolved, 79-2323

Injunctions, 79-2322 et seq.

Irrigation district directors, purchases, 42-711

Lease of lands bid in by county, 79-2706 et seq.

Limitation of actions, 79-2804b

Repealed statutes, 79-2910

Motor fuel tax law, 79-3413

Names, records, 79-2317

Notice, 79-2302 et seq., 79-2804

Filing with county clerk, 79-2318

Omitted property, subsequent sale, 79-2322

Order of sale, 79-2804

Partition for sale, 79-2801

Place of sale, 79-2804

Pleadings, vacating or setting aside proceedings, 79-2804b

Prior laws, completion of proceedings, 79-2908

Prior to September 1, 1939, 79-2416

Prior to September 1, 1941, 79-2416a et seq.

Priorities and preferences, 79-2111, 79-2112

Procedures, 79-2804

Property subject to sale, 79-2301

Lists, 79-2302, 79-2302a, 79-2303

Publishing of list, 79-2303

Purchase by person owning property having delinquent tax prohibited, 79-2812

Purchase by persons entitled to redeem, 79-2804g, 79-2804h

Reciprocity, 79-2910a


County acquired property, 79-2804f

Sales, 79-2317

Redemption period, 79-2401a

Tax Redemption, generally, this index

Refunds, invalid or void proceedings, 79-2804c, 79-2804d

Return of sheriff, 79-2804

Sale by county of lands acquired, 79-2804f

Sale to persons entitled to redeem, 79-2804g, 79-2804h

Sales or compensating tax collection, 79-3617

School lands, timber and minerals, 72-1512

Stay of proceedings, 79-2416b

Temporary remission of penalties, 79-2415 et seq.

Time, 79-2306

Unit sales, 79-2803a

Order and conduct of sale, 79-2803b


Colleges and Universities, generally, this index

Community colleges, 72-2243

Municipal universities, 13-13a18

Schools and school districts, 72-2243

State board of education, rules and regulations, 76-11a03


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Alias tax warrants, 79-2104

Delinquent personal property taxes, 79-2101

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Fees, county treasurers, 28-104

Fire department, Elk township, Osage county, 80-1912

Income tax, 79-3235

Motor carrier taxes, 79-6a11

Motor vehicle fees in default, 8-143a

Sales or compensating tax, 79-3610

Collection, 79-3617

Statement to director of accounts and reports, 79-2203

Township fire departments,

Elk township, Osage county, 80-1912


See, also, Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1


Cities of first class, 79-1704

Correction of irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Excise taxes, certain, 75-5154

Mineral interest, 79-2014

Motor carriers, 79-6a13

Property acquired by state or subdivision, 79-1702

Property assessed in more than one county, 79-1702

Royalties, 79-2014

Accounts and accounting, charges against county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Administration of laws, counties charged with primary responsibility, 79-1411a

Adult care homes, 12-4906

Adult education fund,

Community colleges, 71-617

Schools and school districts, 74-32,259

Advisory committees, 79-1412a

Aggregate tax levy limitations. Limitation on tax levies, post

Agricultural activities, county aid, 19-1561 et seq.

Agricultural Extension Councils, generally, this index

Agricultural land, use value, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 12, 79-1476, 79-1476a

Agricultural products, peddling, 12-1617


Airports and Landing Fields, this index

Allen county, 3-316

Alcoholic liquor. Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index

Ambulance, fund for purchase, 12-110b

Amnesty, 79-2977, 79-2983

Amount expressed in dollars, 79-2963

Annexation of territory, 79-1807

County tax levy to pay debts, 18-211

Municipalities, 12-503a, 12-503b

Apartment ownership act, 58-3122

Appeals, 60-2102

Classification or valuation, 79-1448, 79-1496

State board of tax appeals, 79-1609


Counties, 19-212

Equalized valuations, 79-1409

Appraisal at fair market value in money. See subhead Appraisal or reappraisal under Tax Assessments, this index

Aquaculture products, peddling, 12-1617

Armories, 48-305

Funds for equipment and maintenance by municipalities, 48-309

Assessment rolls. Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Assessments. Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Assignments, 19-623

Auction, sale of new goods, cities, 58-1024

Audits, information, other states, state and federal taxing officials, post auditor, 74-2424

Automated tax systems, 75-5147

Balances in certain funds, transfer, 10-117a, 79-2958

Bank failure, levy to replace county funds lost, 19-2635 et seq.

Banking business, 79-1107 et seq.

Allocation and apportionment of income, 79-1128 et seq.

Application of tax, 79-1116

Cessation of business, 79-1133

Combined reports required, 79-1135

Consolidated returns required, 79-1135

Credits against tax,

Interest rate deduction for agricultural loans, 79-1126, 79-1126a

Kansas venture capital, 74-8205, 74-8207

Renovations making facilities accessible to handicapped, 79-1117

Deductions, 79-1109

Estimated tax, 79-1127

Expense deduction, 79-32,117

Intangible property, exemptions, 79-1113

Net income defined, 79-1109

Payment of tax, when, 79-1110

Rates imposed, 79-1107

Recapture tax on refunds, 79-1120 et seq.

Refunds, 79-1112

Returns and reports, confidentiality, unlawful acts, 79-1119

Rules and regulations, privilege tax, 79-1111

Beer. Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index

Bill of rights and privileges, taxpayers, 79-3268

Closing letters, 79-3268d, 79-3268h

Correspondence requirements of department of revenue, 79-3268a, 79-3268e

Designation of representative, 79-3268b, 79-3268f

Waiver of penalty by secretary, 79-3268c, 79-3268g

Bingo games,

Rates, 75-5176


Cargo or passenger, 79-5a01 et seq.

Compensating use tax, 12-198

Generally, 79-5501

Report by dock owner to assessor, 79-338, 79-339

Bonds, security for payment, master bond, 74-2444

Boundary changes, 79-1807

Bridges, 79-322, 79-2009

Roads and Highways, this index

Buildings and grounds, municipal, 12-1737

Buildings and improvements, 79-412

Bus system, 12-803b

Businesses shut down or restricted,

State of disaster emergency, property tax reimbursement, 79-1614

Cancellation, 79-1702

Cities of first class, 79-1704

Correction of irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

County purchasing property, 79-2805

Mineral interest on unpaid taxes, 79-2014

Royalty interest, unpaid taxes, 79-2014

Capital outlay fund, county health, 65-204

Cash-basis law, municipalities, 10-1101 et seq.

Cemeteries, municipal, 12-1401a et seq.

Cities of second class, 12-1405, 14-1052

Cities of third class, 12-1405

Cities or townships, 12-1405, 12-1407

County levies, 19-3103, 19-3105 et seq.

Townships, 12-1403, 12-1405

Acquisition of land, 12-1403

Cemetery districts, 17-1330, 17-1333

Exclusion of territory, outstanding indebtedness, 15-1019

Tax levies after annexation, 17-1365

Townships, tax levies for certain, 80-938

Cereal malt beverages. Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Certification of levies, 79-1801, 79-2930

Excessive levies, duties of county clerk, 79-1965

Charges against county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Charitable organizations, classification for assessment rate purposes, 79-1439a

Charities, this index

Child care centers, cities and counties, 12-4801 et seq.

Children's homes. Juvenile detention homes and other facilities, post

Children's treatment center, building needs, 76-6b05

Cigarettes. Cigarette Tax, generally, this index

Cities, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1, Art. 12, § 5

Abatement of nuisances, costs, 12-1617e

Buildings, 12-1737

Child care centers, 12-4801

Economic development, exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Employee benefits, 12-16,102

General fund, 12-101a

Home rule, Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5; 12-137 et seq.

Law enforcement, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq.

Libraries, 12-1220

Parks, 12-1303

Payment in lieu of taxes to school districts, 12-185, 12-186

Refuse collection, financing, 12-2104

Service programs, 12-1680

Sewer systems,

Bonds, 12-631r, 12-631s, 12-631x

Payment, 12-631r, 12-631s, 12-631x

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq.

Transient guest tax, 12-1696 et seq.

Transit systems, 12-803b

Cities of first class, 13-905, 13-906

Abatement, cancellation or compromise of tax, 79-1704

Airports and landing fields, 3-114

Auction of new goods, 58-1024

Bonds, tax levy in lieu of bond issues, 79-1950a

Bridges or viaducts, 13-1024b

Cities of 10,000 to 55,000, tax levy in lieu of bond issues, 79-1950a

Cities of 65,000 to 135,000, tax levy in lieu of bond issues, 79-1950a

Cities over 200,000, special improvement fund, reimbursement, 79-1950b

Drainage districts, urban areas, 13-10,132

Drainage outlets, joint construction with counties, 12-631q

Historical collections, 12-1661

Hospitals, 13-14b12

Industrial development, 12-1617h

Manager form of government, tax levy in lieu of bond issues, 79-1950a

Mayor-council form of government, tax levy in lieu of bond issues, 79-1950a

Military memorial building, 73-437

Parking facilities, 13-1379

Parks, 13-1348

Retirement and pensions, 13-14,100, 13-14,107

Fire department, 13-14a02

Police department, 13-14a02

Transit systems, 13-3108

Cities of second class,

Abatement of nuisances, costs, 12-1617e

Airports and landing fields, 3-113a

Auction of new goods, 58-1024

Bonds for sewer systems, 14-516 et seq.

Cemeteries, 12-1405, 17-1344

Cemetery fund, 14-1007b

Cemetery transferred from private association, 14-1052

Firefighter's retirement system, 14-10a02

Historical collections, 12-1661

Homes for aged, 12-4906

Hospital maintenance, 14-640d

Industrial development, 12-1617h

Levees and flood control, 14-713

Lighting systems, 14-535

Parks, 14-538

Policemen's retirement system, 14-10a02

Real property owned by, 14-1060

Reassessment and relevy, 14-409

Sewer systems, payment, 14-516 et seq.

Water supply to adjacent territory, 14-706

Watercourse improvements, 14-701a

Cities of third class,

Auction of new goods, 58-1024

Cemeteries, 12-1405, 17-1344

Commission government, levy not affected, 15-1701

Community building districts, 15-11b10 et seq.

Historical collections, 12-1661

Homes for aged, 12-4906

Improvements, 15-408

Industrial development, 12-1617h

Lighting systems, 14-535

No-fund warrants, 15-113

Reversion to township status, levy to pay debts, 15-111

Street maintenance and repair, 15-733

Streets, lighting, 15-712

City license or stamp tax, motor vehicles, 12-143 et seq.

Civic activities, county aid, 19-1561 et seq.

Civil defense, counties, 19-236a

Claims allowed, 79-2010

Classification of property, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Complex industrial property, 79-5b01 et seq.

Industrial revenue bond property, 79-262

Machinery and equipment, 79-261, 79-1439c

Motor vehicles, 79-5101 et seq.

Bed, body or box, attached, 79-1439e

Not-for-profit organizations, 79-1439a

Recoupment of tax, when, 79-1439b

Wireless communication towers, broadcast towers, antenna and relay sites, 79-1439d

Collection. Tax Collections, generally, this index

Colleges and Universities, generally, this index

Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment, definition, 79-507

Community colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index

Compensating Tax, generally, this index

Compensation and salaries, counties of 175,000 to 250,000, 28-716

Compromise of taxes, cities of first class, 79-1704

Computation of sums levied, 79-1803

Conservation districts, county levy, 2-1907b

Conservator, liability for failure to list or pay taxes, 79-2905

Consolidation or merger,

Cities, 12-320

Taxing districts, 79-1807

Constitutional provisions, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1 et seq.

Contractors, nonresident, 79-1008 et seq.

Contracts for payment in lieu of taxes,

Apportionment of revenue, 12-148

Budgeting revenues, 12-149

Provisions, 12-148

Taxing subdivisions, 12-147, 12-148

Corporate stock, regulated investment companies, 79-310a

Corporations. See subhead Franchise taxes under Corporations, this index

Correction of irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Correctional institutions, state, tax levy, 76-6b09

Counties, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 19-101a, 19-117

Airports, Johnson county, 3-307

Alcoholism, special county alcohol and drug programs, 65-4060

Appraisers, appointment, 19-430

Building fund, transfer of balance, 19-2675

Buildings, 19-15,116

Child care centers, 12-4801

Coliseums, 19-15,142

County roads, 68-5,100

Drug abuse, special county alcohol and drug programs, 65-4060

Economic development,

Exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Programs, levies, 19-4102

Employee benefits, 12-16,102

General authority, 79-1945, 79-1946

Golf courses, 19-27,156

Group insurance for officials and employees, 19-212d

Handicapped persons, services for, 19-2697

Health fund, 65-204

Capital outlay fund, 65-204

Home rule, 19-101a, 19-117

Homes, 19-2106 et seq., 39-349, 39-714

Johnson county education research triangle authority, 19-5001 et seq.

Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority, 12-2535

Law enforcement, 12-11a01, 12-11a02

Libraries, 12-1220

Urban areas, 12-1257

Limitations and procedures, 19-117

Mental health centers, 19-4004, 19-4011

Mental health clinics, 65-215

Parks, museums and recreation grounds, 19-2801 et seq.

Separate assessment districts, 79-1411b

Service programs, 12-1680

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq.

Transient guest tax, 12-1696 et seq.

Counties over 300,000,

Additional court rooms and facilities for probate and juvenile matters, 19-15,123

Coliseums, 19-15,142

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1692 et seq.

Transient guest tax, 12-1692 et seq.

County acquired property, 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

County auditors, estimates, 19-612

County order for payment, endorsements, 19-510

County warrants, payment, 19-509

Courthouses, this index

Credit card payment, 79-2973

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Boats, failure to report to appraiser, 79-339

Equalization of taxes, 79-1426

Fines and penalties,

Cancellation by state board of tax appeals, 79-5a14, 79-1422, 79-2416d

Crimes and punishments, ante

Exemption, additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Interest, post

Officers and employees, violation of laws or regulations, 79-1426, 79-2919

County clerk, tax rolls, 79-1605, 79-1803

Taxpayers, late filing or failure to file, 79-5a14, 79-1422

Mobile homes, failure to report to appraiser, 79-337

Officers and employees, violation of laws or regulations, 79-1405, 79-1426, 79-1966


False statements or refusal to give evidence, 79-1408

Fraudulent listing or evasion, 79-1420

Oil and gas properties, 79-333

Removal of building from real estate, 79-319a

Dams and Reservoirs, this index

Deeds. Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Delinquencies, tax levies, 79-2930

Delinquent taxes,

Abatement, service fee, 75-5162

Actions for debt, 79-2015

Allowance in tax levies to compensate for, 79-2930

Annexation of territory, counties, 18-212

Charges against county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Claims allowed, 79-2010 et seq.

Collection, 79-2017, 79-2101

Excise taxes, confidential information, use, 75-5133

Nonresident and nondomiciliary taxpayers,

Agencies of other states, reciprocal agreements, 75-5144

Debt collection agencies, 75-5140, 75-5141, 75-5142, 75-5143, 75-5145

Penalty, additional, 75-5148

Counties, 19-116

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Enforcement of lien, counties over 300,000, 79-2810

Credits, 79-2012

Credits to county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Disposition of taxes, penalties, interest and fees, 75-5162

Enforcement of liens, counties over 300,000, 79-2810

Fines and penalties, generally, post

Foreclosure. Tax Foreclosure, generally, this index

Injunctions, 79-2108

Interest, 79-2968

Liens. Tax Liens, generally, this index

Motor Fuel Tax, this index

Partial payment of property tax authorized, 79-2024

Payment plans, service fee, 75-5162

Penalties and interest, 79-2004, 79-2004a, 79-2968

Personal property taxes, collection, 79-2101

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Publication of list or statement, 19-229, 19-547, 19-548

Removal of buildings from real estate, 79-319a

Removal of taxpayer, 79-2103

Sale of property. Tax Sales, generally, this index

Warrants, 79-2017, 79-2103, 79-2104

Tax Warrants, generally, this index

Description of property, correction of errors and irregularities, 79-1701 et seq.

Development Credit Corporations, generally, this index

Discharge of, recovery by civil action, 79-1703

Disorganization of taxing district, 79-1807

Downtown redevelopment. See subhead, Central business district area redevelopment, under Municipalities, this index

Drainage Districts, this index

Drainage outlets, joint construction, 12-631q

Drought-relief machinery and equipment, counties, 19-3004

Drycleaners, 65-34,150, 65-34,151, 65-34,152

Dust storms and soil erosion, 2-2007

Economic development incentives,

Evaluations, legislative post audit, 46-1137

Public information database, 74-50,226, 74-50,227

Economic development. Industrial development, post

Educational institutions, permanent levy for buildings, Kan. Const. Art. 6,§ 6; 76-6b01

Educational purposes, acquisition of property, Kan. Const. Art. 11,§ 1; 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

El Dorado, eminent domain property, 26-211

Election expenses, 25-2201a

Counties having election commissioner, 19-3435, 19-3435a

County payments, 25-120

Electronic cigarettes,

Rates, 79-3399

Payment, procedure, 79-3399

Electronic filings, rules and regulations, 75-443

Electronic funds transfers, 75-5151

Elevator business, 79-1006

Elk township, fire department purposes, 80-1912, 80-1913

Emergency expenditures, counties, 19-236

Emergency medical services, municipalities, 65-6113

Eminent domain proceedings, 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

Enforcement of laws, 79-1404

Equalization of property taxes, 79-1604 et seq.

Appointment of hearing officers or panels, 79-1611

Hearing officers and panels, duties, 79-1606

Equalization of taxes,

Abstract of tax assessment rolls forwarded to director of property valuation, 79-1604, 79-1605

Appeal form, 79-1606

Appeals to state board of tax appeals, 79-1609

Conferences, 79-1404

Counties charged with primary responsibility, 79-1411a

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Forfeiture of office, 79-1426

Forms, records, 79-1606

Hearing docket, 79-1606

Hearing on complaint, 79-1606

Irrigation districts, 42-717

Notice, 79-1606, 79-1610

Records, 79-1606

Special assessment equalization fund, 79-1608

State board, 79-1409

Errors, 79-1701 et seq.

Estates. Estate Taxes, generally, this index

Evasions by taxpayer, 79-1420

Excise Taxes, generally, this index

Exclusion of territory, 12-505, 79-1807

Executions, payment of taxes, 60-2414

Exempt property rolls, delivery to director of property valuation, 79-1467b

Exemptions. Tax Exemptions, generally, this index

Express Companies, this index

Extension councils, 2-610

Buildings for office facilities, 2-620

Fair market value in money. Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Fairs and Expositions, this index

False lists, 79-1420

Farm machinery, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Farm products, peddling, 12-1617

Federal aid, refunding temporary notes and no-fund warrants, 12-1665, 12-1666, 12-1667

Federal taxing officials, furnishing information, 74-2424

Fees, statement of tax, 19-517

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fire Districts, this index

Fire-fighting equipment, fund for purchase, 12-110b

Fire protection,

Joint operation of fire department, 80-1503

Municipality providing fire fighting services, 80-1503

Townships, 13-1278

Unincorporated villages and towns, 19-2716 et seq.

Firefighters, this index

Firefighter's pension fund, cities of second class, 14-10a02

Flood control works, cities, 12-646a

Floods, levies for damaged property, 13-10,141 et seq.

Foreclosure. Tax Foreclosure, generally, this index

Foreign states, exchange of information, 74-2424


Preparation, printing, dissemination, fees for, 75-5132

Property valuation department, 75-5105a

4-H clubs, county aid, 19-1561 et seq.

Franchise tax, 79-5401

Fraudulent lists, 79-1420

Freeport law, 79-201f

Garbage and trash collection and disposal, 12-2104

Townships, 80-2201 et seq.

Gasoline. Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index

General improvements, municipal tax levies, 79-4001

Geological survey, contributions by counties, tax levies, 76-326a

Grain elevators, 79-1006

Gross earnings, intangible property, 12-1,103a et seq.

Handicapped persons, services for, county levies, 19-2698

Health board, joint board, 65-208

Mental health clinic, 65-212

Health building, 65-204

Health fund, 65-204

Historical collections, 12-1661

Museums, 12-1684, 12-1688

Records, documents and articles, 12-1661, 19-2651

Home rule cities, Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5; 12-137, 12-138, 12-138c

Homes for aged, 19-2106 et seq.

Cities of second class, 12-4906

Cities of third class, 12-4906

Counties, 19-2106a

Counties between 30,000 and 40,000, 19-2117

Counties under 10,000, 19-2106e

Homestead destroyed by natural disaster, abatement, 79-1613

Homestead property tax refund act, 79-4501 et seq.

Appeals, procedure, 79-4531

Hospitals, this index

Improvement Districts, this index


Municipal tax levies, 79-4001

Special improvement fund, 12-6a13

Valuation of, 79-412

Income Tax, generally, this index

Increases in levies, 74-2439

Election, 79-1964

Tax appeals, state board of, authorized by, 79-1964a, 79-1964b

Industrial development, 12-1617h, 12-1617i

Bonds, levies, 12-3805

Counties, 19-4102


Agreements for exchange of, identify taxpayers, secretary of labor, 75-5133a

Director of property valuation, 74-2424

Furnishing to other states and federal taxing officials, 74-2424

Lottery, executive director, 74-2424

Post auditor, access to, 74-2424

Publications, sale of, 75-5132

Racing commission, 74-2424

Inheritance. Estate Taxes, generally, this index

Injunction, illegal levy, 60-907

Installment pay plans, state tax liabilities, 75-5146


Companies, 40-2801 et seq., 79-304

Insurance, this index

Tax credit, Kansas venture capital, 74-8205, 74-8207

Intangibles Tax Act, generally, this index

Intellectually disabled, facilities for people with intellectual disability, 19-4004


Accrual tolled, 79-2970

Appealed assessments, accrual, when, 74-2438

Delinquent and unpaid taxes, 79-2968

Exemption, additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Insurance companies, 40-2805, 40-2806

Motor carriers, 79-6a04, 79-6a11

Motor vehicles, 79-5114

Property taxes, 79-2004, 79-2004a, 79-2017, 79-2108, 79-2968

Mortgaged real estate, 79-2901, 79-2902

Real estate sold on foreclosure, 79-2401a, 79-2804c

Rate of interest, 79-2968

Interest coupons, municipal bonds, using for payment of taxes, 10-124

Internal revenue department, exchange of information, 74-2424

Interrogatories for taxpayers, 79-1408

Interstate commerce, 79-201f

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Investigations, 79-1403

Irregularities, correction, 74-2439, 79-1701

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Jails, this index

Johnson county, water supply and distribution districts, 19-3505a

Judgments and decrees, counties levy to pay, 19-108

Judicial sales, payment from proceeds, 79-419

Jurisdiction, evasions by taxpayer, 79-1420

Juvenile detention homes and other facilities,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 38-537

Counties over 20,000, 38-504

Counties over 120,000, 38-523

Counties with cities of 53,000 or over, 38-507

Counties with cities of 70,000 or over, 38-513

Johnson county, 38-555

Sedgwick county, 38-554

Two or more counties, 38-533, 38-546

Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority, county tax levy, 12-2535

Labor and industry, nonprofit corporations for promotion, 17-1722

Land-classification maps, 75-5105a

Law enforcement,

Cities, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq.

Counties, 12-11a01, 12-11a02

Law enforcement agency in certain counties, 19-4420, 19-4421, 19-4442, 19-4443, 19-4443a

Levees and Flood Control, this index


Amount expressed in dollars, 79-2963

Amount of tax determined, 79-1803

Certification of, 79-1801, 79-2930

Counties, 19-101a, 19-117, 19-241, 19-243

Authorization, 19-212

Limitation on tax levies, post

Motor vehicles excluded, 79-5102

Permanent tax for institutions, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6, Art. 7,§ 6

Revenue neutral rate, 79-2988

Taxpayer notification costs fund, 79-2989

Validity, effect of irregular budget procedure, 79-2933

Liability for tax, 79-1804, 79-1805

Electronic funds transfers, 75-5151

Libraries, this index

Licenses and Permits, generally, this index


Tax Liens, generally, this index

Time attached, 79-1804

Lights and lighting, street,

Cities of second class, 14-535

Cities of third class, 14-535, 15-712

Limitation of actions, protesting payment, 79-2005

Limitation on tax levies, 79-1945 et seq.

Cities, Kansas Const., Art. 12, § 5

Effect of law, 79-1970

Election for increase, 79-1964

Excessive levies, 79-1965

Increase in,

Authorized by state board of tax appeals, 79-1964a, 79-1964b

Election for, 79-1964

Levies in excess of limitation, 79-1965

Suspended, 79-5040

School district capital outlay levy, exception, 72-53,114

Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax. Motor Fuel Tax, this index

Listing and assessment of property. Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Livestock, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Exhibitions, county aid, 19-1561 et seq.

Local ad valorem tax reduction fund, 79-2959 et seq.

Machinery or equipment, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Emergency equipment, 12-110a

Manufacturers, 79-304

Inventories, 79-201m, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Maps, 75-5105a

Marijuana and controlled substances, 79-5201 et seq.

Assessment, 79-5205

Collection, methods and procedure, 79-5212

Conference, informal, 79-5205

Revenue, disposition, 79-5211

Marketplace facilitator, 79-5601 et seq.

Master bond, securing payment of taxes, 74-2444

Mental health centers, county, 19-4004, 19-4011

Mental health clinics, counties, 65-215

Mental institutions, buildings, 76-6b04, 76-6b05

Merchants, 79-304

Inventories, 79-201m, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Merger or consolidation,

Cities, 12-320

Taxing districts, 79-1807

Metropolitan transit authority, levies, 12-2808, 12-2814

Military reservations, housing projects, 27-102b, 27-102c

Mineral interest, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

Mines, 79-304

Mined land, exemption, 79-201e

Misdemeanors. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Missouri river boundary line agreement, 82a-525

Mobile homes, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 8-143, 79-335 et seq., 79-340

Money and evidence of debt, 12-1,103a et seq.

Intangibles Tax Act, generally, this index

Situs, 79-304

Monuments and memorials, veterans, 73-402 et seq.

Mortgages, this index

Motor carriers, 8-136, 8-173 et seq., 79-6a01 et seq.

Annual levy, 79-6a04

Protest payment, 79-6a10

Rules and regulations, 79-6a12

Situs, 79-6a04

Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index

Motor vehicle tires. Tires, post

Motor vehicles, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1; 79-306d, 79-5101 et seq.

Compensating use tax, 12-199

Computation of tax, 79-5105, 79-5107

Definitions, 79-5101

Delinquent taxes, 79-5114, 79-5116

Donated vehicles, tax cancelled, 79-5116a

Exemptions, 79-5102, 79-5107

Minimum tax, 79-5105

Municipal taxes, 12-143 et seq.

Pickups, 79-5105a

Proof of taxation, 8-173, 8-175, 8-176

Replacement vehicle, 79-5107

Report of taxes and valuation, 79-1806

Time for payment of tax, 79-5102, 79-5107

Unlawful acts, 79-5114a

Multistate Tax Compact, 79-4301 et seq.

Advisory committee abolished, 79-4306a

Application of, 79-4302

Arbitration, 79-4301, Art. IX

Commission, 79-4301, Art. VI

Committees, 79-4301

Finance, 79-4301

Membership, 79-4302 et seq.

Organization and management, 79-4301

Construction of, 79-4301, Art. XII

Definitions, 79-4301, Art. II

Effect on other laws and jurisdiction, 79-4301, Art. XI

Entry into force, 79-4301, Art. X

Forms, 79-4301, Art. VII

Income tax laws,

Application to, 79-4302

Elements, 79-4301, Art. III

Interstate audits, 79-4301, Art. VIII; 79-4307

Purpose, 79-4301, Art. I

Sales and use tax laws,

Elements, 79-4301, Art. V

Exemption certificates, 79-4301

Tax credit, 79-4301

Uniform regulations, 79-4301, Art. VII

Withdrawal, 79-4301, Art. XI

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipally acquired property, 79-1804

Museum, community historical, levies, 12-1684, 12-1688

National banking associations. Banking business, ante

Neglect of duties by officers, penalties, 79-2919

Nonresidents, 79-304

Contractors, 79-1008 et seq.

Delinquent taxes, ante


Amount expressed in dollars, 79-2963

Appeals, 74-2438

Object of tax, 12-138c, 12-1778

Officers and employees, neglect of duties, penalties, 79-2919

Oil and gas,

Pipelines, 79-5a01 et seq., 79-1404

Property, 79-329 et seq.

Property tax refund, FERC ordered, 55-1624

Old-age and survivors insurance for public employees, employer contributions, 40-2305

Overpayment, 79-1701a

Parking stations, 12-2202


Cities, 12-1303

Cities of second class, 14-538

Payment in lieu of taxes, 12-147, 12-148

City payment to school districts, 12-185, 12-186

Industrial development, 12-1742

Municipal housing, 17-2349

Payment of taxes,

Agent, 79-2904

Attorney, 79-2904

Conservator, 79-2905

Credit cards, 79-2973

Excess of collections to state treasury, 79-2204

Executors and administrators, 79-2903

Lands in judicial controversy, 79-2902

Overpayment by county to state, 79-2913

Partial payment or payment plan, property tax, 79-2024

Priorities and preferences, 79-2111, 79-2112

Protesting, 79-2005, 79-2005b

Time for, 79-2004, 79-2004a

Motor vehicles, 79-5102, 79-5106, 79-5107

Warrants, 79-2003


Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Interest, ante

Permanent levy, certain state institutions, Kan. Const. Art. 6 § 6, Art. 7, § 6; 76-6b01, 76-6b02, 76-6b04, 76-6b05

Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index

Plat of subdivisions, 79-405 et seq.

Platted lands, vacated, 58-2614

Policemen's pension fund, cities of second class, 14-10a02

Prior law, act of 1876, 79-2911

Probate Proceedings, this index

Professional employer organizations, 79-3269

Property assessed in more than one county, 79-1702

Property subject to taxation, names of owners, county clerk furnishing list, 58-2240

Property tax levy limitations suspended, 79-5040

School district capital outlay levy, exception, 72-53,114

Proportioned tax, partitioned lands, 79-419

Protesting payment, 74-2439, 79-2005, 79-2005b


Loans to, taxes paid under protest, 79-2005

Loans to counties and taxing subdivisions by pooled money investment board, 79-2005

Public utilities, 79-422, 79-5a01 et seq.

Escaped property, discovery, listing and appraisal, 79-5a15

Public utility revenue bonds, payment, 10-1207

Publications, forms, sale of, 75-5132

Railroad car companies, 79-906 et seq.

Railroads, 79-5a01 et seq.

Bridges, 79-322

Settlement of tax claims, 79-1703

Ratio studies of real estate sales, 79-1485 et seq.

Real estate, appraisal and assessment. Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 1; Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Reappraisal of property. Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Reappraisal of real property, statewide, 79-1476 et seq.

Receipts for payment of taxes, 19-510a, 79-2002

Cancellation, 19-518

Credit against delinquent taxes, 79-2012

Reciprocity, actions to recover taxes, 79-2910a

Records, 74-2436, 75-5105a

Access, reappraisal of property, 79-1413a

Accounts, records of, 19-623

Change of county boundaries, 18-207

Equalization of taxes, 79-1606

Excise taxes, confidential, exceptions, 75-5133

Exempt property, 79-1458

Recreational facilities for military forces, 73-1102

Recreational vehicles, 79-5118 et seq.

Amount of tax, 79-5120

Computation of tax, 79-5120, 79-5121

Credits and refunds, 79-5121

Date of payment of tax, 79-5119

Definition, 79-5118

Disposition of revenue, 79-5123

Exemption from property tax, 79-5119

Forms and information to counties, 79-5122

Interest on delinquent tax, 79-5124

Levy of tax, 79-5120

Rules and regulations, 79-5125

Redemption from taxes. Tax Redemption, generally, this index

Refunds, 19-623, 79-1702, 79-2005

Additional assessments, deposit pending final determination, 75-5153

Correction of irregularities, 79-1701 et seq., 79-1702

Property assessed in more than one county, 79-1702

Disorganization of taxing district, 79-2005, 79-2005b

Erroneous assessments, 79-1701a

Foreclosure proceedings invalid or void, 79-2804d

Hearing and deciding applications, 74-2439

Protested taxes, 79-2005

Statement to director of accounts and reports, 79-2203

Refusal to supply lists, 79-1420

Refuse collection and disposal, 12-2104

Release of, recovery by civil action, 79-1703

Religious purposes, acquisition of property, 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

Remission of taxes, 79-2415 et seq.

Removal of property before taxes paid, 79-319 et seq.

Republican River Compact, 82a-518

Retirement and pensions,

Cities of first class, 13-14,100, 13-14,107

Fire department, 13-14a02

Police department, 13-14a02

Cities of second class,

Firemen's retirement system, 14-10a02

Policemen's retirement system, 14-10a02

Exemption from taxation,

Court reporters, 74-49,105

Highway patrol, 74-4978g

Judges, 20-2618

Kansas public employees retirement system, 74-4923

Policemen and firemen, 12-111a, 12-5005, 13-14a10, 14-10a10

Returns. Tax Returns, generally, this index

Revenue neutral rate, 79-2988

Taxpayer notification costs fund, 79-2989

Rivers and streams,

Adjoining landowners causing obstruction, 82a-308

County cleaning and maintaining, 82a-308

Roads and Highways, this index

Rolls. Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Real estate assessment, 79-408

Preparation and certification, 79-1412a

Rules and regulations, publications, sales of, 75-5132

Rural water districts, power to levy taxes, 82a-615

Sale of property. Tax Sales, generally, this index

Sales tax,

Local. See subhead Sales tax under Municipalities, this index

State. Sales Tax, generally, this index

Savings and loan associations, 79-1106 et seq.

Allocation and apportionment of income, 79-1128 et seq.

Application of tax, 79-1116

Cessation of business, 79-1133

Combined reports required, 79-1135

Consolidated returns required, 79-1135

Credits against tax,

Kansas venture capital, 74-8205, 74-8207

Renovations making facilities accessible to handicapped, 79-1117

Deductions, 79-1109

Estimated tax, 79-1127

Net income defined, 79-1109

Rates, 79-1108

Recapture tax on refunds, 79-1120 et seq.

Refunds, 79-1112

Returns and reports, confidentiality, unlawful acts, 79-1119

Rules and regulations, privilege tax, 79-1111

School district finance,

Ancillary school facilities weighting, 72-5158

Capital outlay,

Neighborhood revitalization act, excluded from, 12-17,115

Payments in lieu of taxes, excluded from, 12-1742

Tax increment financing, excluded from, 12-1770a

Tax exemptions, inapplicable, 72-53,127

Cost-of-living weighting, 72-5159

Declining enrollment weighting, 72-5160

Local option budget, 72-5147

Residential property, exemption, 79-201x

Statewide property tax, 72-5142

School Taxes, generally, this index

Scientific purposes, acquisition of property, 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

Secured debts, 79-3121 et seq.

Secured transactions, expenses incurred, 84-9-207

Service charges in lieu of taxes, 12-147, 12-148

Service programs, cities and counties, 12-1680

Settlement authority, tax assessments, secretary of revenue, 75-5161

Severance Tax, this index

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Shawnee Mission park district. See subhead Park and recreation district under Johnson County, this index

Sinking fund, application of levy limitations, 79-1963

Situs, 79-201f, 79-304, 79-1006

Merchants and manufacturers, 79-1006

Social welfare, 39-710

Special fuels taxes. Motor Fuel Tax, this index

Special improvement fund, 12-6a13

Sports authority, urban area counties, 19-28,111

State acquired property, 79-1804

Liability for tax, 79-1805

State assessed property. Tax Assessments, this index

State division of, 75-5102 et seq.

State geological survey, 76-326

State of disaster, property tax reimbursement, 79-1614

State property tax levies, 76-6b01 et seq., 79-2918, 79-2976

Accounting procedures, 76-6b11

Correctional institutions, 76-6b09

County certification and levy of taxes, 79-2201 et seq.

Educational institutions, 76-6b01

Juvenile justice commissioner, institutions under, 76-6b04

Social and rehabilitation institutions, 76-6b04

State general fund, 79-2976

Statements of taxes, 19-516 et seq.

Mailing, 79-2001

Situs of property stated, 79-308

Transmittal to director of property valuation, 79-1806

Storm drainage districts, urban area counties, 19-27,129 et seq.

Street lighting, unincorporated towns and villages, 19-2716 et seq.

Street maintenance and repair, cities of third class, 15-733

Street-railway system, 12-803b

Surface and mineral rights, 79-420, 79-421

Surplus property and public authority act, 27-322

Swimming pools, 15-914 et seq.

Tax appeals, state board of, authorizing increase, 79-1964a, 79-1964b

Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Tax exempt property, payments in lieu of taxes, 12-147, 12-148

Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Taxable property, 79-101, 79-102

Telegraphs and Telephones, this index

Public utilities, tax, 79-5a01 et seq.


Due date, 79-1804

Lien attached, 79-1804

Partial payment or payment plan, property tax, 79-2024

Payment due, 79-2004, 79-2004a

Motor vehicles, 79-5102, 79-5106, 79-5107

Tires, retail sale, 65-3424d

Tobacco Products Tax, generally, this index

Tort claims, costs of municipalities, 75-6110

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1692 et seq.

Any city or county, 12-1696 et seq.


Annexation by city, 12-503a

Buildings, 80-104

Repair and maintenance, 80-115

Cemeteries, 12-1405, 17-1344, 80-932

Acquisition of land, 12-1403

Election expenses, 80-1806

Employee benefits, 12-16,102

Fire department, 80-1903

Fire department buildings and facilities, 80-1918a

Fire protection,

Jointly with city of third class, 80-1537

Tax levy, 13-1278

Firefighters, this index

Garbage and refuse collection and disposal, 80-2201 et seq.

General authority, 79-1962

Halls, repair and maintenance, 80-115

Indebtedness on disorganization, 80-1103

Joint halls, certain townships and cities of third class, 80-1417

Judgments, payment, 80-119

Land purchase, 80-104

Libraries, 12-1220

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1203

Recreational facilities, 80-939

Roads, 80-1413

Sheriff providing police protection, 19-807d

Solid waste disposal sites, townships in counties of 7,800 to 8,300, 80-2205

Transient dealers, 79-1434

Transient guest tax, 12-1692 et seq., 12-1696 et seq., 79-5301 et seq.

Accounting of expenditures, 12-16,113

Any city or county, 12-1696 et seq.

Administration of tax by secretary of revenue, 12-1698

Basis of tax, 12-1697

Disposition, 12-1698

Levy prohibited, when, 12-1699

Payment and collection, 12-1697, 12-1698

Records, 12-1698

Refund fund, 12-16,100

Requirements prior to levy, 12-1697

Collection, payment and disposition, 12-1693, 12-1694, 12-1697

Disposition, 12-1694

Election, 12-1693

Failure to pay, penalties, 12-1694b, 12-1698a

Marketplace facilitator, 79-5601 et seq.

Monthly reports, director of taxation, 12-1694, 12-1698

Refund fund, 12-1694a

Transit systems,

Cities, 12-803b

Cities of first class, 13-3108

Trash collection and disposal, 12-2104

Trees and shrubbery, 12-3204, 12-3206

Trust companies, 79-1106 et seq.

Allocation and apportionment of income, 79-1128 et seq.

Application of tax, 79-1116

Cessation of business, 79-1133

Credits against tax,

Renovations making facilities accessible to handicapped, 79-1117

Deductions, 79-1109

Net income defined, 79-1109

Rates, 79-1108

Recapture tax on refunds, 79-1120 et seq.

Refunds, 79-1112

Returns and reports, confidentiality, unlawful acts, 79-1119

Rules and regulations, privilege tax, 79-1111

Trusts for benefit of state or local political subdivisions, property subject to taxation, 58-2435

Uniform and equal, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 1

United States, this index

University of Kansas hospital authority, exemptions, 76-3313

Unlawful acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Unpaid taxes. Delinquent taxes, ante

Urban renewal, 17-4748

Valuation. Tax Assessments, this index

Veterans and soldiers homes, 76-6b04, 76-6b05

Violations of laws and regulations. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Warrants, 79-2017, 79-2101 et seq.

Payment of taxes, 79-2003

Removal of unsafe structures, 12-1755

Sale of property before tax paid, 79-2109

Tax Warrants, generally, this index

Use for payment, 10-807

Water districts,

Counties under 50,000, 19-3540

Counties under 100,000, 19-3538, 19-3541

Water lines, county parks, financing, 19-2653

Water Supply, this index

Waters and watercourses, cleaning and maintaining by county, 82a-308

Watercraft, 79-5501

Watershed Districts, this index

Weather modification programs, counties, 82a-1425

Weed control and eradication, 2-1318

Willfully, defined, 79-2971, 79-32,100c, 79-32,107, 79-3643

Wireless communication towers, broadcast towers and antenna and relay sites,

Classification for property tax purposes, 79-1439d

Write-off of accounts and taxes receivable by state agencies, 75-3728a et seq.

Youth centers, counties, 19-3903

Youth services bureaus, counties designated urban areas, 19-3905


Taxation, division of. Revenue, State Department of, this index


See, also, Taxation, generally, this index

Boundaries, change in,

Certain cities, 12-618

Effective date for tax purposes, 79-1807

Budget, generally, this index

Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Cities, generally, this index

Counties, generally, this index

County assessment district, 79-1411b

Emergency warrants, 74-2439

Expenditure of funds, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Federal Aid, generally, this index

Indebtedness, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Meetings, open to public, 75-4317 et seq.

Municipalities, generally, this index

Records, open public records act, 45-215 et seq.

Schools and school districts, generally, this index

Telecommunications services, state facilities, 75-4709

Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Townships, generally, this index

Water Districts, this index


Unified school districts, 72-1143


Accreditation for teacher certification, 72-2151

Accredited teachers' colleges, 72-2151 et seq.

Adult education programs, 74-32,261, 74-32,262

Alcohol and drug abuse, pupil assistance referrals, immunity from liability, 72-6271

Arbitration. Contracts, post

Area vocational-technical schools,

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Barber school or college, 65-1810

Bonuses, 72-2244

Braille, instruction, 72-3471 et seq.

Building-based education. Schools and School Districts, this index

Certificates and certification,

Braille, competence, 72-3474

Health certificates, 72-6266

Sanctions, child support proceedings, 74-146, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3404, 72-3422

Collective negotiations, 72-2218 et seq.

Colleges and Universities, this index

Community colleges,

Contracts, due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Compensation and salaries, when payment unlawful, 72-2159

Continuing contract law, definitions, 72-2215

Contracts, 72-2215 et seq.

Cancellation of licenses, 72-2155

Change by mutual consent, 72-2251

Constitutional right, abridgement, 72-2262

Kansas tort claims act, applicability, notice, 72-9938

Licenses and licensure,

Preparation program, not required, 72-2167

Notice to terminate, 72-2251

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Supplemental contracts, 72-2217

Suspension of license, 72-2216

Criminal convictions, effect on license, 72-2165

Due process, termination or nonrenewal of contracts, postsecondary teachers, 72-2252 et seq.

Agreements, due process not applicable, 72-2260

Appeal, district court, 72-2258

Application of act, 72-2260

Continuation of contracts, 72-2251

Change of terms, 72-2251

Contractual rights, 72-2259

Definition, teacher, 72-2252

Final decision, 72-2258

Hearing, 72-2253

Burden of proof, 72-2257

Costs, 72-2255

Evidence, rules of, admissibility, 72-2257

Procedural requirements, 72-2254

Testimony, 72-2255

Affidavits, depositions, interrogatories, 72-2256

Recording and transcribing, 72-2255

Time, 72-2254

Witnesses, fees and expenses, 72-2255

Hearing officers,

Compensation and expenses, 72-2255

Powers, duties, 72-2257, 72-2258

Qualifications, 72-2253

Selection, 72-2253

Notice, 72-2251, 72-2253

Severability of act, 72-2261

State school for the blind. Blind Persons, this index

State school for the deaf. Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index

Witnesses, fees and expenses, 72-2255

Education professional development act, 72-2544, et seq.

Employee assistance programs, 72-2571

Employment, noncertificated personnel, 72-3115

Employment incentive or retention bonuses, 72-2244

Equal access act, 72-2240

Evaluation of personnel, 72-2407 et seq.

Examination. See Certificates and certification, ante

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3404, 72-3422

Exchange programs, 72-9933

Eye protective devices required, 72-6281

Health care benefits, state program, 75-6506

Health certification, 72-6266

Inservice training, staff development, 72-3115

Kansas state school for the blind, compensation, 76-11a16

Kansas state school for the deaf, compensation, 76-11a17

Kansas tort claims act, applicability, notice, 72-9938

Licenses and licensure,

Cancellation, 72-2155

Criminal convictions, effect on certification, 72-2165

Duplication, 72-2156


Exemptions, 72-2164

Frequency of taking, 72-2163

Passing score, 72-2163

Prescription, administration, validation, 72-2162

Fees, 72-2156

Issuance, 72-2157

Restrictions, criminal convictions, 72-2165

Preparation program, not required, 72-2167

Renewal, 72-2156, 72-2157

Restrictions, criminal convictions, 72-2165

Student teachers, 72-2160

Suspension, violation of contract, 72-2216

Mentor teacher programs,

Administration, 72-2563

Definitions, 72-2561

Establishment, maintenance, 72-2562

Reports, 72-2562

Rules and regulations, 72-2563

State grants, 72-2562, 72-2563

Technical advice and assistance, 72-2564

Military reservations, 72-1208

Municipal universities, 13-13a12

Noncertificated personnel, employment, 72-3115

Notice, terminate contract, 72-2251

Practices commission. Commission, professional teaching practices, ante

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Administrative employees, exempted, 72-2218, 72-2239

Agreements, savings clause, 72-2239

Boards of education,

Final action, 72-2233, 72-2238

Recognition of professional organization, negotiation, 72-2228

Rights and duties, 72-2228

Costs, 72-2234

Definitions, 72-2218

Determination of appropriate unit, 72-2225

Elections, 72-2222, 72-2223, 72-2224

Employees organization, 72-2220, 72-2221

Fact-finding board, 72-2233

Request to appoint, 72-2232

Federal mediation and conciliation service, 72-2232

Final action, 72-2233, 72-2238

Impasse, 72-2231

Continuation of negotiation, 72-2231

Failure to resolve, 72-2232

Final meeting required, 72-2233

Issues, final position, 72-2232, 72-2233

Mediation, 72-2232

Nonrecognition disputes, 72-2222

Petition for investigation, 72-2222

Dismissal, 72-2223

Election, 72-2223, 72-2224

Open meetings law, 72-2228

Prohibited practices, 72-2235, 72-2236

Hearings and judicial review, 72-2236

Secretary of labor, 72-2237

Strikes, not authorized, 72-2228

Professional practices commission, 72-2310, 72-2311

Expenses, 72-2319

Meetings, 72-2317

Officers, 72-2317

Procedure, 72-2317

Removal of members, 72-2316

Standards application, 72-2318

Terms of members, 72-2315

Professional services act, 72-2308 et seq.

Professional teaching practices commission, abolished, 72-2320

Professional teaching standards advisory board, abolished, 72-2320

Professional teaching standards certification incentive program, 72-2166

Qualifications, 72-5154

Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel, generally, this index

Licensure, 72-2155

Qualifications of educational personnel, interstate agreement on, 72-8265 et seq.

Reporting contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118


Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

School Retirement System, generally this index

Teachers' Retirement System, this index

Retirement accounts, 72-2244

Retirement benefits, purchase of additional for out-of-state or overseas employment, 74-4936a

Retirement incentive programs,

Budget, expenditures, 72-2292

Establishment, 72-2291

Rights, limitation, 72-2293

Retirement system, transfer of control to public employees retirement system, 74-4932 et seq.

Safety and security, schools, 72-6141 et seq.

Scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq.

Administration, 74-32,106

Agreement, 74-32,103, 74-32,106

Amount, 74-32,102

Definitions, 74-32,101

Duration, 74-32,102

Establishment, 74-32,102

Fund, 74-32,107

Mathematics and science teachers service scholarship program, ante

Obligation, 74-32,103, 74-32,106

Failure to satisfy, 74-32,103, 74-32,104

Postponement, 74-32,105

Satisfaction, 74-32,105

Qualifications, 74-32,102

Repayment, 74-32,103, 74-32,104

Rules and regulations, 74-32,106

School administrator professional standards advisory board, abolished, 72-2320

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Shared services, interdistrict agreements, 72-13,102

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3404, 72-3422

Special licenses, 72-5154

State aid, special education, reimbursement, 72-3422

Juvenile correctional facilities, exception, 72-3422

Student teachers, licensure, 72-2160

Suicide awareness and prevention programming, 72-6284


Income tax, credit,

Businesses, employment of teachers, 79-32,215

Teacher education competitive grant program, 74-32,107b et seq.

Expenditure of moneys, 74-32,107c

Reports to the legislature, 74-32,107d

Teaching and school administration professional standards advisory board, 72-2309, 72-2311

Duties and responsibilities, 72-2312

Expenses, 72-2319

Meetings, 72-2317

Officers, 72-2317

Procedure, 72-2317

Removal of members, 72-2316

Standards, application, 72-2318

Terms of members, 72-2315

Travel expenses, special education, 72-3422

Unified school districts, 72-1138

Vision screening, basic, 72-6242

Vision testing, pupils, 72-6241


See, also, Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index; School Retirement System, generally, this index

Generally, 72-2661 et seq., 72-2695 et seq.

Cities between 170,000 and 250,000, certain school districts,

Actuary, employment and duties, 72-2686

Age for retirement, 72-2674

Amount of benefits, 72-2674, 72-2675, 72-2676

Annuity payments, 72-2672, 72-2674, 72-2676

Options, 72-2675

Beneficiaries, 72-2678

Bonds, investments, 72-2673, 72-2696

Conditions for retirement, 72-2674, 72-2676

Death of teacher, 72-2678

Deferred annuities, 72-2678

Definitions, 72-2670

Disability annuities, 72-2676

Disbursements, 72-2673, 72-2680, 72-2688

Discharge or resignation of employee, 72-2678

Exemptions, 72-2681

Forfeiture, rights to refunds to deferred annuities, 72-2678

Handicapped persons, 72-2676

Heirs, payment to, 72-2678

Installment payment of benefits, 72-2674, 72-2675, 72-2676

Investments, 72-2673

Limitation on claims, 72-2678

Medical examinations, disability annuity, 72-2676

Mentally ill persons, 72-2676

Military service credit, 72-2679

Options, annuity payments, 72-2675

Refunds, 72-2678

Resignation voluntarily, refund, 72-2678

Service credit, 72-2674, 72-2676

Social security eligibility, payments, 72-2672

State obligation, remaining, 72-2629

State school retirement fund, monthly annuity payments, 72-2672

Surplus, 72-2673

Termination of disability annuity, 72-2676

Transfer of employment to another school, 72-2678

Withdrawal of employee, 72-2678

Cities of first class, 72-2661 et seq.

Assessments, 72-2661

Bonds, investments, 72-2662

Conditions for retirement, 72-2663

Definitions, 72-2666

Disability or incapacity, 72-2664

Disbursements, 72-2667

Exemptions, 72-2668

Heirs, payments to, 72-2665

Investments, 72-2662

Supplemental retirement fund, 72-26,127 et seq.

Refunds, 72-2665

Reinstatement as teacher, 72-2664

Rules and regulations, 72-2669

Surplus, 72-2662

Tax levies, 72-2661

Teachers' retirement fund, 72-2662

Waiver of benefits, 72-2668

Withdrawal from retirement system, 72-2665

Cities of first class, 80,000 to 120,000,

Assessments, 72-2687

Bonds, investments, 72-2688

Conditions for retirement, 72-2689

Disability benefits, 72-2690

Disbursements, 72-2688, 72-2692

Employee, definition, 72-2693

Investments, 72-2688

Payment to heirs, 72-2691

Refunds, 72-2691

Retirement fund, disbursement and investment, 72-2688

Supplemental retirement system, 72-26,123 et seq.

Surplus, 72-2688

Tax levies, 72-2687

Cities of first class over 225,000, supplemental retirement systems, 72-26,114

Investment of funds, 72-26,114

Cities of first class under 120,000,

Assessments, 72-2695, 72-26,105

Bonds, investments, 72-2696, 72-26,106

Conditions for retirement, 72-2697, 72-26,107

Definitions, 72-26,100, 72-26,110, 72-26,115

Disability benefits, 72-2698, 72-26,108

Disbursements, 72-2696, 72-26,106

Exemptions, 72-26,102, 72-26,112

Investments, 72-2696, 72-26,106, 72-26,118

Payment to heirs, 72-2699, 72-26,109

Refunds, 72-2699, 72-26,109

Retirement fund for teachers and employees, 72-2696

State school retirement system, 72-26,116

Supplemental retirement system, 72-26,117 et seq.

Supplemental retirement fund,

Credits, 72-26,118

Establishment, 72-26,118

Investments, 72-26,118, 72-26,127 et seq.

Supplemental retirement systems, 72-26,123 et seq.

Surplus, 72-2696, 72-26,106

Tax levies, 72-2695, 72-26,105, 72-26,119, 72-26,120

Refund of contribution made prior to 1941, 72-26,130

Supplemental retirement systems,

Certain cities, 72-26,114 et seq.

Fund, investment, 72-26,127

Teachers' retirement fund, certain cities, 72-2662

Unified school district No. 500, 72-2671, 72-2682


Architect, 74-7003

Exemptions, 74-7031, 74-7035

Qualifications for licensure, 74-7019

Architecture, 74-7003

Architects, generally, this index

Board, state board of technical professions, 74-7004

Administrative procedures. Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Appointment, 74-7004

Civil enforcement, 74-7030

Compensation and expenses, 74-7008

Compulsory process authority, 74-7027

Disciplinary authority, 74-7026, 74-7027, 74-7028

Election of officers, 74-7007

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013

Executive director, 74-7008

Expenditures, 74-7009

Fees, 74-7009

Administration, 74-7013

Meetings, 74-7007

Membership, 74-7004

Oath, 74-7007

Organization, 74-7007

Personnel, 74-7008

Qualifications, 74-7005

Quorum, 74-7007

Records required, 74-7016

Register of applications, 74-7016

Removal from office, 74-7006

Review and enforcement of actions. Administrative Procedure, this index

Rules and regulations, 74-7007, 74-7013

Inactive and emeritus status, 74-7013

Surveying, minimum standards, boundaries, 74-7013

Seal, 74-7007

Terms, 74-7006

Vacancies, 74-7004, 74-7006

Business entities, 74-7036


Intern engineer, 74-7021

Intern surveyor, 74-7022

Certificate of authorization, 74-7001, 74-7036

Cancellation, reinstatement, 74-7025

Fees, 74-7009, 74-7025, 74-7026, 74-7036

Lost or destroyed, reissue, 74-7025

Renewal, fees, 74-7025, 74-7036

Revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026

Appeals, 74-7028

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Construction design professional, 44-508

Immunity, safety-related job site injuries, 44-501

Coordinate system of 1983, Kansas, 58-20a01 et seq.

Corporations, 74-7036

Certificate of authorization, required, 74-7001

Crimes and penalties, 74-7001, 74-7029

Definitions, 74-7003, 74-7031

Disciplinary actions,

Appeal. See, Review and enforcement of actions, Administrative Procedure, this index

Compulsory process authority, 74-7027

Enforcement, board authority, 74-7030

Grounds, 74-7026

Procedure. Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Engineering, 74-7003

Engineers, generally, this index

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017

Contents, 74-7023

Exemptions, 74-7022, 74-7024

Place, 74-7023

Reexamination, 74-7018

Required, 74-7017

Time, 74-7023

Exemptions, 74-7031 et seq.

Fee fund, 74-7009

Fees, 74-7009

License, 74-7018, 74-7024, 74-7025

Geologists, this index

Hearings, procedure. Administrative Procedure, generally this index


Engineer certificate, 74-7021

Surveyor certificate, 74-7022

Land surveyor, 74-7003

Landscape architect, 74-7003

Exemptions, 74-7031, 74-7032, 74-7035

Qualifications for licensure, 74-7020

Landscape architecture, 74-7003

Landscape Architects, generally, this index

License, 74-7003

Application, fee, 74-7018

Architect, qualifications, 74-7019

Continuing education, 74-7025

Denial, 74-7028

Examinations, 74-7009, 74-7013, 74-7017

Fees, 74-7009, 74-7025, 74-7026

Geologists, this index

Hearings, suspension or revocation, 74-7026

Landscape architect, qualifications, 74-7020

Loss or destruction, reissue, 74-7025

Professional engineer, qualifications, 74-7021

Professional surveyors, qualifications, 74-7022

Reciprocity, 74-7024

Reinstatement after failure to renew, 74-7025

Renewal, fees, 74-7025

Required, 74-7017

Sanctions, child support proceedings, contempt, 74-146, 74-147

Suspension or revocation, reinstatement, 74-7026

Appeal, 74-7028

Peer review, 74-7047

Penalties, violations, 74-7001, 74-7029, 74-7039

Practice of, unlawful without license, 74-7001

Professional engineer, 74-7003

Exemptions, 74-7033, 74-7035

Intern engineer, certificate, 74-7021

Qualifications for licensure, 74-7021

Professional geologists, 74-7003, 74-7041a

Professional geology, 74-7003

Professional surveying, 74-7003

Exemptions, 74-7022, 74-7034, 74-7035

Intern surveyor, certificate, 74-7022

Surveyors, generally, this index

Qualifications for licensure, 74-7022

State board of engineering examiners. Engineering, ante

Professional surveyor, 74-7003

Public officials, technical submissions, 74-7038

Rights and privileges saved, 74-7040

Roster, 74-7010

Seal of licensees, 74-7023

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Technical submissions, public officials, 74-7038

Violations, penalties, 74-7001, 74-7029, 74-7039


Private Schools, generally, this index

Readers for blind students, 76-157 et seq.


Centers of excellence, generally, 74-8103 et seq.

Economic development. See Commerce and Housing, State Department of, generally, this index

Kansas state university, polytechnic campus, generally, 76-205 et seq.

Kansas technology innovation and internship program,

Administration, 74-32,430

Definitions, 74-32,429

Establishment, 74-32,430

Grants, 74-32,430

Rules and regulations, 74-32,430

Research and development enhancement act, 76-777 et seq.

School districts, technology education programs, 72-3710

Security clearances, state positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Swine technology center, 76-487 et seq.


Advertising, restrictions on, 9-2308

Authorized functions, 9-2312

Board of directors, 9-2306

Capital requirements, 9-2305

Contracts for technical assistance, 9-2322

Custodial services, 9-2313

Definitions, 9-2301

Excluded fiduciary, 9-2315

Fees and assessments, 9-2303

Fiduciary financial institutions oversight, joint committee on, 46-4001

Financing, 9-23111


Definition, 9-2321

Review, 9-2321

Income tax credit,

Charitable distributions, 79-32,283

Interest rate, no maximum, 9-2323

Name of institution, 9-2308

Office space, 9-2309

Organization, 9-2302

Out-of-state residents, services to, 9-2312

Pilot program, 9-2325

Powers, 9-2310

Privacy protections, 9-2320

Records, 9-2309

Report to commissioner, 9-2307

Report to legislature, 9-2325

Required distribution amount, 6-2311

Rules and regulations, adoption of, 9-2322

Safety and soundness 9-2307

State banking code, applicability of, 9-2304

Tax classification, 9-2327

Technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act, 9-2301 et seq.

Technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions development and expansion fund, 9-2324

Trust advisor, 9-2314

Appointment, 9-2316

Entity as trust advisor, 9-2317

Indemnification, exceptions, 9-2318

Presumed fiduciary, 9-2316

Trust interest, not void by common law rule, 9-2326

Trustee compensation, 9-2319


See, also, Commerce and Housing, State Department of, this index; Kansas, Inc., this index; Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, this index; Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, this index

Abolished, 74-8123



Statewide expansion planning task force, creation of, 66-1286

Duties, 66-1286

Membership, 66-1286

Reports to the legislature, 66-1286

Call location information, wireless telecommunications carrier, 22-4615

Cramming, 50-6,103

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq.

Joint committee on information technology, 46-2101 et seq.

Kelsey Smith act, call location information, 22-4615

Security clearances, state positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Service, defined, 79-3602

Slamming, 50-6,103

Transfer of wireless telephone number, 66-2020

Wireless infrastructure provider, public right-of-way, 12-2001

Wireless services provider, public right-of-way, 12-2001

Wireless telecommunications carrier, call location information, 22-4615


Public Utilities, this index


See, also, Telegraph, Telephone and Transmission Lines, this index.

See subhead Information systems and communications, division of, under Administration, State Department of, this index

Generally, 75-4709 et seq.

Defined, 17-1902

Sales tax, 79-3603

Siting of wireless telecommunications infrastructure, 66-2019

Public lands and public right-of-way, 66-2019


Coroner's permit for cremation, 65-2426a

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Harassment by telecommunication device, 21-6206

Electronic filings, certain state agencies, rules and regulations, 75-443

Evidence, 60-467

Filing by telefacsimile communications,

Business documents with secretary of state, 17-7914

Garnishment, service of process, 60-303

Voting by facsimile, 25-1216


Severability, 17-1922

Telecommunications service provider,

Authority, 17-1902

Definitions, 17-1902

Indemnity, 17-1902

Prohibitions, 17-1902

Public right-of-way, 17-1902

Repair and restoration costs, 17-1902

Severability, 17-1922


See, also, Corporations, generally, this index; Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index; Public Utilities, generally, this index; subhead Information systems and communications, division of, under Administration, State Department of, this index

Bonds, 66-125 et seq.


Telephone service, 66-194

Wires along or across streets, 66-184

Cooperatives, 17-1504, 17-1505

Jurisdiction and control of corporation commission, 66-104

County seats, failure to maintain station, 17-1911

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Crimes and punishments, this index

Fines and penalties,

County seats, failure to maintain telegraph stations, 17-1911

News service discriminating in sale of news, 50-206

Telephone service, 66-195

Wires along or across streets, 66-185

Definitions, 66-104

Dividends, 66-1214

Drainage districts, special assessments, 24-620

Drugs and medicines, prescriptions, 65-1637


Crimes and Punishments, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index

Election contributions, campaign finance act, 25-1709, 25-1710

Emergency telephone service. Telephone service, post

Eminent domain, 17-618, 17-1903

Evidences of indebtedness, 66-125 et seq.

Harassment by telephone, Criminal Code, 21-6206


Telephone service, 66-194

Wires along or across streets, 66-184

Labor and Employment, generally, this index

Land grants, 66-410

Mergers and consolidations, 17-1909

Mutual corporation or association, jurisdiction and control, 66-104

Mutual telephone companies, dissolution, 17-1516 et seq.

News service facilities, discrimination in sale of news, 50-201 et seq.

Nonprofit corporation or association, jurisdiction and control, 66-104

Obscene language, 21-6206

Warning in directory, 21-6206

Party line, refusal to yield, Criminal Code, 21-6323

Poles and wires, 17-1901 et seq., 66-183 et seq.

Location and regulation, 17-1906

Powers of corporations, 17-619

Public utility as meaning, 66-104

Radio common carriers, interconnection with telephone facility, 66-1,145

Reports, 66-122, 66-123

Right of way, 17-1903

Rights, powers and liabilities, 17-1902, 17-1905

Sales tax, exempt sales, 79-3606

State highway system, location of lines, 68-415

State supervision, 44-603

Tampering with or diverting services, civil action, 66-1601 et seq.

Tapping wires, 17-1908


Director of property valuation, 79-1404

Property taxable, 79-102

Telecommunications public utility. Public Utilities, this index

Telecommunications services, 75-4709 et seq.

Telegraph stations,

Cities over 50,000, 17-1912, 17-1913

County seats, 17-1910

Telemarketing sales and solicitations, 50-670 et seq.

Telephone service,

Operator access required, 66-1,196

Utilities, jurisdiction of corporation commission, 66-104a

Transmission lines, 17-1901 et seq.

Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760

Wire service facilities, discrimination in sale of news, 50-201 et seq.


Consumer protection, 50-670 et seq.


Cable television,

Franchises, 12-2006 et seq.

Delinquent fee, 12-2008

Landlords, service to tenants, duties, 58-2553

Theft of services, 21-5801

Franchises, cable television, 12-2006 et seq.

Hutchinson community college, 71-1510

Insurance, regulations, 40-2404

Legal notice, publication, 64-110 et seq.

Mobile radio equipment, 13-1024c

Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative act, public service announcements, 73-1224

Public broadcasting services, 75-4912 et seq.

Bonds, capital equipment matching grants, 75-4912

Commission, abolished, 75-4926


Annual report to legislature, 75-4924

Audits, annual, 75-4924


Bylaws, 75-4923

Composition, 75-4923

Established, 75-4923

Goals, 75-4924

Open meetings and records, 75-4923

Powers and duties, 75-4924

Records and property, abolished commission, 75-4926

Definitions, 75-4914

Grants to stations,

Appropriations, 75-4915, 75-4925

Basic grants, 75-4917

Basic service grants, 75-4917

Certifications by stations, 75-4915, 75-4922

Cooperative projects, 75-4919

Equipment purchases, 75-4920, 75-4924

Grant pools, 75-4916

Incentive grants, 75-4918

Limitations, 75-4921

Rural service grants, 75-4916

Noninterference with programming, 75-4924, 75-4925

State grants and financial assistance, purposes, 75-4912

Radio stations, amateur, motor vehicle licenses, rules and regulations, 8-163

Sales tax, cable or community antennae, 79-3603

Silver alert plan, Kansas, 75-754


Property tax, personal,

Credit, 79-2980, 79-2981


Generally, 10-123

Federal aid, 12-1664, 12-1665, 12-1667, 12-1668

Interest, payment by city at large, 10-114a

Investment of proceeds, 10-131

Municipal improvements, pending bond issues, 10-123

School district funds, 72-1168

Temporary cash deficit, 72-1168


Landlord and Tenant, generally, this index

Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, generally, this index


Actions for possession of real property, 60-1001

Airport facilities, 3-120, 3-404

Devise of property, 58-501

Executions, redemption, 60-2414

Parking facilities, eminent domain, 13-1376

Public utilities, agreements, 16-116

Rents and profits, actions, 58-2522

Repairs and improvements, contribution, 58-2521

Roads and highways, benefit districts, petitions, 68-701


Insurance company, prior to action on policy, attorney fees, 40-256, 40-908

Sales, this index


Accrual of cause of action under laws of, 60-217



Furtherance of, 21-5423

Terrorism, 21-5421

Weapons of mass destruction, illegal use of, 21-5422


Evidence, generally, this index

Witnesses, generally, this index


Generally, 47-607


Generally, 72-1416, 72-3344 et seq.

Blind students attending colleges, readers, 76-157 et seq.

Damages, responsibility, 72-3350

Distribution, 72-3344

Fees, rental plan, 72-3346

Free books, 72-3344, 72-3345

Funds, 72-3344

Rental plan purchases, 72-3347 et seq.

Indigent persons, 72-3345

Municipal universities, 13-13a12

No-fund warrants, rental plan purchases, 72-3347

Nonpublic school pupils, 72-3356, 72-3357

Rental plan, 72-3346 et seq.

Bonds for purchases, 72-3348

Fees, 72-3346

Fines, 72-3349

Funds, 72-3347 et seq.

Revenue for purchase, 72-3347

Revolving fund, 72-3349

Tax levies, 72-3347

Warrants, purchases, 72-3347

Revolving fund, 72-3344, 72-3349, 72-3355

Sales tax, exempt sales, 79-3606

Tax exemptions, 79-201

Tax levies, rental plan, 72-3347

Unified school districts, 72-1138

Warrants, rental plan purchases, 72-3347


Motion picture, bidding, 51-201 et seq.

Sales tax, 79-3602

Rate of tax, 79-3603

Unlawful recording, 51-301, 51-302


Crimes and Punishments, this index


Insurance, generally, this index


Action for injury to goods, 84-2-722

Documents, prima facie evidence, 84-1-307

Inspection of goods, 84-2-515

Party distinct from, 84-1-201


Joinder, actions by maker of contracts, 60-217


Interpleader, 60-222

Judgment, 60-254


Musk, control treatment required, 2-1331

Seeds, generally, this index

Weeds, generally, this index


Boundaries, 18-197

County buildings,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189

Exchange of certain lands by board of regents with Hi-Plains health care association, 76-457, 76-458


Crimes and Punishments, this index


Contract for sale, 84-2-107

Salvage, 70-101 et seq.

School lands,

Protection, 72-1508

Tax sales, 72-1512

Secured transactions, attachment of interest, 84-9-204

Security interest, timber to cut, 84-9-203


Bank Deposits and Collections, this index

Civil procedure,

Computation of time, 60-206

Commencement of time period, 60-206

Tax sales, 72-1512

Commencement of time period, 60-206

Computation of time, 60-206

Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index

Commercial Paper, this index

Limitation of Actions, generally, this index

Sales, this index

Salvage, claim and proof of ownership, 70-103

Taking action, 84-1-205

Trust companies, closing one day a week, 9-1122

Warehouse receipts, presenting claims and instituting actions, 84-7-204


Defined, banks and banking, 9-701


Crimes and punishments, 21-5834

Disposal. See subhead Tire Disposal under Waste, this index

Motor Carriers, this index

Motor Vehicles, this index

Taxation, retail sale, 65-3424d et seq.

Tire manufacturers, authorizing bonds, certain, 74-8942 et seq.

Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index


Documents of Title, generally, this index

Insurance, 40-1102

Motor Vehicles, generally, this index

Ordinances, 12-3004

Reservation, security interests, consignment or lease, 84-1-201

Sales, this index

Secured transactions, title to collateral, 84-9-202

Unaccepted delivery order, title of goods based on, 84-7-503


Abstracts, generally, this index

Adverse Possession, generally, this index

Agricultural hall of fame site, 2-2701

Apartment ownership act, 58-3101 et seq.

Cemetery lots, reinvestment of title, 12-1428 et seq., 12-1440, 17-1330, 17-1335a

Chain of title, state land office preserving, 75-2801

Churches. See Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Cities, eminent domain, 26-204

Common law, 58-502, 58-503, 58-505

Condominium ownership, 58-3101 et seq.

Deeds and Conveyances, generally, this index

Doctrine of worthier title, abolished, 58-506

Eminent domain,

Cities, 26-201, 26-204

School districts, 72-3216, 72-1144

Vesting, 26-507

Employment security law, property acquired with federal funds, 44-727

Heirs, use of term in conveyances, 58-2202

Judgments and decrees, transfer, 58-2242a

Land patent, 58-2101

Lost or destroyed court files and records, constructive notice, 60-2505

Marketable record title act. Deeds and Conveyances, this index

Missouri river boundary line agreement, 82a-523

Municipal universities, 13-13a21

Park land, 58-2247

Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502

Rule in Wild's case, 58-505

Stock, situs of ownership, 17-6419

Township cemeteries, chapels, 80-917

Townsites, 58-2601 et seq.

Veterans' curators, purchase of real estate, 73-522

Words of inheritance, 58-2202

Worthier title, doctrine abolished, 58-506


Children and minors,

Cigarettes, post

Litigation settlement agreement proceeds, post.

Cigarette or tobacco infractions, criminal code,

Appeals, 22-3609a

Defined, 21-5102

Expungement, 21-6614

Fines, 21-6611

Indictment, 22-2303

Packages, 79-3333

Pleas, 22-3210

Presence at trial, 22-3405

Sales, 79-3333

Trial to the court, 22-3404

Cigarette Tax, this index


Children and minors,

Purchased by, 79-3321

Sale to, 79-3321

Unlawful acts, 79-3322

Counterfeit, seizure, penalties, 79-3335

Fire safety standard and firefighter protection act, generally, 31-601 et seq.

Authorization to enforce act, 31-608

Cigarette fire safety standard and firefighter protection act fund, 31-609

Cigarette package inspection, 31-605

Cigarette package markings, 31-605

Cigarette testing standards, 31-603

City and county preemption, 31-612

Definitions, 31-602

Federal preemption, 31-613

Fire safety standard and firefighter protection act enforcement fund, 31-604

Inspection by the director of taxation, 31-607

Manufacturer written certification of compliance, 31-604

Penalties for selling non-certified cigarettes, 31-606

Rules and regulations to implement and enforce, authorization, 31-611

Sales outside the U.S. exempt, 31-610


List, 79-3334


Requirements, 79-3333


Internet, telephone or mail order transactions, 79-3333

Sales, licensure, 79-3301 et seq.

Sales tax, municipalities, 12-142

School buildings, use prohibited, 72-6285

Common nuisance, 22-3901

Kansas indoor clean air act, 21-6109 et seq.

Litigation settlement agreement proceeds, 38-2101 et seq.

Investment and management of funds, 38-2104, 38-2105

Use of funds, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103

Manufacturer directory, tobacco products, 50-6a04

Preconceptual and perinatal effects of use,

Public awareness campaign, 65-1,160

Roll-your-own tobacco products, 50-6a04

Requirements, 79-3333


Unlawful Trade Practices, 50-6,104

School buildings, use prohibited, 72-6285

Settlement of claims against cigarette manufacturers, 50-6a01 et seq.

Appeal bond limitation, 50-6a05

Contraband cigarettes, 50-6a13

Definitions, 50-6a02, 50-6a07

Disclosure of information, confidentiality, 50-6a11

Effect of invalidity of amendment to, 50-6a03, 50-6a06

Enforcement, 50-6a18, 50-6a19

Escrow fund, 50-6a03

Injunction, 50-6a15

Manufactures, non-participating, 50-6a08, 50-6a09

Penalties, 50-6a14, 50-6a16, 50-6a17

Purpose, 50-6a01

Roll-your-own tobacco products, 50-6a04

Rules and regulations, 50-6a20

Tobacco product manufacturer directory, 50-6a04

Wholesale dealer and distributor licensure, 50-6a04


Day care homes, 65-530

Public place, 21-4009 et seq.

Smokeless tobacco, requirements, 79-3333

Tobacco Products Tax, this index

Unlawful sale, distribution, transport, import

Criminal penalties, 50-6a16


Abatement, 75-5154

Cigarette Tax, generally, this index

Civil penalties, 79-3391

Credits, 79-3379

Disposition of proceeds, 79-3387


License required, 79-3373, 79-3374

Fees, 79-3374, 79-3375

Invoices, preservation, 79-3377


Distributors, 79-3373, 79-3374, 79-3375

Fees, 79-3374

Payment of tax, 79-3378

Procedure for violations, 79-3393

Records, preservation, 79-3377

Refunds, 79-3379

Returns, 79-3378

Revenue credited to general fund, 79-3387

Sales tax applicable to tobacco products, 79-3388

Tax rate, 79-3371


Generally, 68-2001 et seq.

Turnpikes. Roads and Highways, this index


Manufacturer's tax, 79-1007


Kansas neurological institute, leasing of lands, 76-17c07

Kansas state university, sale of real estate to city, 76-437a

Library, 12-1220 et seq.

Bonds, 12-1259

Topeka and Shawnee county library district, 12-1260 et seq.

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2801 et seq.

Planning commission, state zoning area changes, 75-3620

State buildings and grounds, acceptance, 801 Harrison St., 75-2110

Topeka and Shawnee county library district, 12-1260 et seq.

Topeka/Shawnee county riverfront authority act, 12-5601 et seq.

Definitions, 12-5602

Topeka/Shawnee county riverfront authority,

Acquisition of property, 12-5606

Agreements, 12-5607

Creation of, 12-5603


Damage reserve fund, 12-5616

Investment of, 12-5609

Monetary transactions, 12-5612

Special funds, creation of, 12-5617

Governing board, 12-5611

Grants, 12-5608

Insurance, 12-5610

Leases, 12-5607


General manager, 12-5613

Secretary, 12-5612

Treasurer, 12-5612

Planning and design, 12-5605

Power to sue, 12-5604

Reports, 12-5615

Tort claims act, applicability of, 12-5618

Water diversion works, Kansas river, easement, 82a-215

Winter veterans hospital, acquisition by state, 76-17d01

Zoning, state zoning area, 75-3619 et seq.

Zoning appeals, board of state zoning area changes, 75-3620


Correctional Institutions, this index


See, also, Mentally Ill Persons, generally, this index

Administration, 76-12a06

Admission, 76-12a07

Records, 76-1202

Cemetery, 75-37,124

Cemetery memorial, 75-37,124

Closure, certain state institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Easement, sale to highway commission for highway purposes, 76-1242

Educational service agreements, community colleges, municipal universities, 75-3099

Employees of, 76-12a05

Fee fund, deposits and expenditures, 76-1201b

Kansas soldiers' home, transfer of patients, 76-1936

Kansas veterans' home, transfer of patients to, 76-1958

Land. Real estate, post

Medical reports, 76-12a10

Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq.

Physician, 76-12a03

Real estate,

Deed, custody of, 75-3307

Lease of, 75-3307

Sale of, 75-3315

Use of proceeds, 75-3316

Title, 75-3307, 75-3314

Topeka state hospital property, post

Receipt and expenditure of funds, 76-12a09

Records, 76-1202

Right of way, grant for public road across grounds, 76-1236

Sale of real estate to highway commission, 76-1241

Staff personnel, 76-12a04

Superintendent, 76-12a02

Acting superintendents, 76-12a02

Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq.

Fees, disposition, 76-12a15

Salary, 76-12a02

Taxation, buildings, 76-6b04, 76-6b05

The Pines, building known as, razing, 76-1240

Topeka state hospital property,

Advisory committee, 75-37,123

See, also, Administration, State Department of, this index

Transfer, custody and control, 75-37,123

Trust fund, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq.


Drills and procedures, schools, 31-133

State buildings or equipment, authorization of expenditures, 75-3713


See, also, Claims, generally, this index

Generally, 75-6101 et seq.

Application of act, 75-6101

Exceptions, 75-6104, 75-6115

Fusion center participating entities, 48-3710

Settlement of claims under other statutes, 75-6118

University of Kansas hospital authority, 76-3315

Attorney fees, award, payment, 75-6116

Attorney general, claims against state or employees,

Compromise and settlement, 75-6106, 75-6116

Payment, tort claims fund, 75-6117

Civil actions by prisoners, prerequisite administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Civil rights cases, 75-6116

Claims, 12-105b

Defense of officer or employee,

Expenses, payment from tort claims fund, 75-6117

Definitions, 75-6102


Charitable health care providers, when, 75-6120

Civil rights cases, 75-6116

Employees of nonprofit contractors providing training to inmates, 75-6102

Indemnification of employee, when, 75-6109

Indigent health care clinic employees, 75-6102

Judgement, 75-6107, 75-6116


Compromise and settlement, 75-6106, 75-6116

Exceptions, 75-6104, 75-6105

Members of a regional medical emergency response team, 48-915

Recovery of costs from employee, when, 75-6109

Reimbursement of defense costs, 75-6108, 75-6116

State, certified disaster service volunteers, 75-5548

Exemption from act prohibited, 75-6101

Fund, tort claims, 75-6117

Governmental immunity, constitutional rights not waived, 75-6116

Health care provider claims,

Act inapplicable to certain, 75-6115

Indemnification of employee, when, 75-6109

Insurance, purchase by governmental entities, 75-6111


Bar to further action, 75-6107

Payment by municipalities, 75-6112, 75-6113

Payment from tort claims fund, 75-6117

Liability of governmental entity, 75-6103 et seq.

Attorney fees, award, payment, 75-6116

Compromise and settlement, 75-6106, 75-6116

Payment, 75-6113, 75-6117, 75-6118

Exceptions from liability, 75-6104

Members of governing body, 75-6119

Exemption from act prohibited, 75-6101

Indemnification of employee, when, 75-6109

Interest prior to judgment, 75-6105

Limitation of amount, 75-6105

Punitive or exemplary damages not allowed, 75-6105, 75-6109

Medical advisory board, discretionary function, 8-255b

Minimum maintenance roads, 68-5,102


Governing body, members liability, 75-6119

Presentment of claims, 12-105b

Payment of costs by governmental entity,

Civil rights cases, 75-6116

Insurance, purchase authorized, 75-6111

Judgments, municipalities, 75-6112, 75-6113

Municipalities, 75-6110 et seq.

General obligation bonds, no-fund warrants or temporary notes, 75-6113

Judgments, 75-6112, 75-6113

Special expense fund, 75-6110

State of Kansas, claims against, 75-6111, 75-6116

Procedure, code of procedure applicable, 75-6103

Roads, minimum maintenance, 68-5,102

School districts, tax levy, 72-1141, 72-1179

State or employees, claims against,

Compromise and settlement, 75-6106, 75-6116

Payment, 75-6106, 75-6117

Procedure, 75-6106

Settlement under other statutes, effect, 75-6118

Tort claims fund, 75-6117


See, also, Negligence, generally, this index; Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Attorney-client privilege, exceptions, 60-426

Automobile Injury Reparations Act. Motor Vehicle Insurance, this index

Children and minors, parental liability, 38-120

Community service work, offenders performing, 60-3614

Evidence of disposition to commit torts, 60-455

Governmental liability, 75-6101 et seq.

Health care providers, actions against. Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Homeowners organizations, nonprofit, volunteers, 60-3611

Interspousal tort, consolidation, 23-2718

Effect of divorce or separate maintenance, 23-2718

Landowner's liability to persons on premises for recreation, 58-3201 et seq.

Liability for injury, settlement or release, limitations, 60-2801

Livestock producer liability, actions arising out of consumption of meat product, 65-6a57, 65-6a58

Marital privilege, 60-428

Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Nonprofit organizations, volunteers, 60-3601

Patients, settlement or release of liability for injury, limitations, 60-2801, 60-2802

Physician-patient privilege, 60-427

Right to work, action for violation of, Kan. Const. Art. 15, § 12; 44-831

Settlement or release of liability, limitations, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Survival of actions, 60-1801

Transparency in lawsuits protection act, 60-5201


Homeowners organizations, nonprofit, 60-3611

Nonprofit organizations, 60-3601

Workers compensation,

Injuries under act, nonliability except thereunder, 44-501

Subrogation of employer's rights against third parties, 44-504


Abuse, generally, this index

Children and minors. See subhead Abuse and neglect under Children in Need of Care, this index


See, Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, Department of, generally, this index; Travel and Tourism, generally, this index


Common expenses,

Contribution, 58-3709

Defined, 58-3702

Conveyances, 58-3711

Covenants and conditions, 58-3705

Declaration, 58-3702

Amendments, 58-3708

Compliance with, 58-3705

Contents, 58-3706

Effect of recording, 58-3703

Recordation, 58-3707

Foreclosure, 58-3710

Insurance, 58-3712

Legal description, recordation, 58-3707

Liability, 58-3709

Liens, 58-3710

Scope of act, 58-3703

Townhouse units, 58-3702

Real property, 58-3704

Townhouses unaffected by act, 58-3713


Joint law enforcement departments, 12-11a07

Tax levy, 12-11a07, 12-11a08


See, also, Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Generally, 10-101 et seq.

Attestation, 10-105

Bridge bonds, 10-201 et seq.

Claim against township property, 10-1008

Development finance authority, issuance by, 74-8901 et seq.

Disorganization of township, 80-1114

Duplicates, issuance, 10-701 et seq.


Buildings, 80-113

Fire department buildings and equipment, 80-1909

Fire districts, 80-1514b

Equipment for buildings, 80-113

Execution of bonds, 10-105

Fire department buildings and equipment, 80-1909, 80-1910

Fire districts, 80-1513 et seq.

Garbage and refuse collection and disposal purposes, 80-2204

Insurance companies, investments, 40-2a02, 40-2b02


Cemeteries, taxes for payment, 80-903

Maximum rate, 10-1009

Parks, payment, 80-903

Joint township halls, 80-108

Lakes, restoration, 80-937

Libraries, 12-1221

Liens, taxable property, fire department purposes, 80-1910

Limitation on indebtedness, 10-202

Cemeteries and parks, 80-902

Joint township halls, 80-108

Lost bonds, duplicates, 10-704

Protest petition, repair of condemned hall, 80-114

Public purpose buildings and grounds, 80-104

Public utilities, bonds for construction, 10-1201 et seq.

Repair of buildings, 80-113

Condemned hall, 80-114

Revenue bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index

Secured Debts Act, 79-3121 et seq.

Securities Law, exemptions, 17-12a201

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Taxation, boundary change, 10-1002, 10-1003, 10-1004

Township halls, counties of 10,000 to 13,000, 80-1408, 80-1409

Veterans' curators, investments, 73-512

Water Supply, this index


Accounts and accounting, book record, 19-311

Appointments, 19-212

Appraisers, 79-1404, 79-1405

Auditing board, 80-302

Bonds, person appointed to fill vacancy, 80-201

Clerks, 80-501 et seq.

Appointment by county commissioners, 25-1606

Auditing board, 80-302, 80-304

Cemeteries, records, 12-1419

Compensation and salaries,

Counties of 80,000 to 170,000, water system, 80-1407

Duties, 80-501

Oath of office, 80-202

Official acts, criminal code, 21-6003

Qualifications, 80-202

Records, 80-501

Public inspection, 45-215 et seq., 80-503

Roads and highways, commissioners, 68-101, 68-523 et seq.

Vacancies in office, 25-1606

Nonresidents, 80-202

Water system supervision, compensation, 80-1407

Compensation and salaries, 80-302, 80-1407

Absentee officer in military service, 73-218

Appointee for person in military service, 73-216

Counties of 80,000 to 170,000, water system, 80-1407

Expenses, 80-207

Highway commissioners, 68-132, 68-525

Increase, abstention from voting, 80-208

Sidewalk inspectors, 68-132

Counties over 100,000, transfer of duties to election commissioner, 19-3422, 19-3434

Discharge for bankruptcy unlawful, 75-4316

Elections, this index

Emergency interim executive and judicial succession act, 48-1201 et seq.

Emergency location of government, enemy attack, 48-1401 et seq.

Employment conditions and grievances, 75-4321 et seq.

Fire department board members, 80-1901 et seq.

Furnishing fire protection services to other townships, 80-1538

Fire district board members, townships over 17,500, 80-1525

Highway commissioner, compensation, 68-132, 68-525

Judgment liens, 60-2203a

Military service, 73-213 et seq.

Motor vehicles, operation of unmarked vehicles, 8-306

Oaths, 80-202

Person appointed to fill vacancy, 80-201

Organizations, employee labor, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329

Annual report, 75-4337

Business agents, registration of, 75-4336

Qualifications, 80-202

Records or papers,

Destruction, 80-506

Open public records, 45-215 et seq.

Preservation, 45-401 et seq.

Removal from office, operation of unmarked vehicles, 8-306


Compensation of officers, 80-410

Director of property valuation, 79-1404

Financial, publication, 80-410

Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq.

Sand and gravel, enforcement of law, 70a-107

School lands, notice, 72-1538

Secretary of labor, statistics, 44-638

Sewer system board members, 80-2001

Statistics, secretary of labor, 44-638

Terms of office, 25-313

Expiration, disorganization of township, 80-1101a

Person appointed to fill vacancy, 80-201

Treasurers, 80-401 et seq.

Appointment by county commissioners, vacancies, 25-1606

Auditing board, 80-302

Bonds, 80-203

Cemetery fund, counties of less than 3,100, 80-1406c

Compensation and salaries,

Counties of 80,000 to 170,000, water system, 80-1407

Deposit of funds, 80-404

Duties, 80-401

Fines and penalties, statement of account, 80-408

Publication, 80-411

Oath of office, 80-202

Prairie dog extermination fund, 80-1206

Qualifications, 80-202

Records, public inspection, 45-215 et seq., 80-503

Reports, financial, 80-410

Roads and highways, commissioners, 68-101, 68-523 et seq.

Statement of account, 80-405

Vacancies in office, 25-1606

Nonresidents, 80-202

Water system supervision, compensation, 80-1407

Trustees, 80-301 et seq.

Appointment by county commissioners, vacancies, 25-1606

Auditing board, 80-302

Correction of errors, 80-304

Board of highway commissioners, members, 68-101, 68-523 et seq.

Burial, civil war veterans, 73-301 et seq.

Cemeteries, 12-1401 et seq.

Compensation and salaries,

Counties of 80,000 to 170,000, water system, 80-1407

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1204

Road overseer or patrolman, 68-531

Drains and drainage, powers and duties, 24-201 et seq.

Fines and penalties,

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1208

Statements of bills allowed, 80-408

Fire protection benefit districts, board of directors, 80-1507

Highway commissioners, board of, 68-101, 68-523 et seq.

Oath of office, 80-202

Oaths and affirmations, administering, 80-301

Powers and duties, 80-301

Property, 80-301, 80-305

Prosecution, road law violations, 80-306

Qualifications, 80-202

Records, road districts, 80-301


Annual report, 80-304

Cemetery and park conditions, 80-913

Prairie dog extermination expense, 80-1203

Recording, 80-502

Road districts, 80-301

Road funds, duties, 80-301

Road overseers, 68-530

Roads and highways, commissioners, 68-101, 68-523 et seq.

School lands, notice, 72-1538

Statement of bills allowed, 80-406

Successor, receipt for property, 80-305

Survey cornerstones and monuments, protection, 19-1430

Tax levy, 80-301


Compensation and salaries, increase, abstention, 80-208


See, also, Warrants for Payment of Money, generally, this index

Generally, 10-801 et seq.

Cash-basis law, 10-1112 et seq.

Charges against county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Destruction, issuance of duplicates, 10-706

Discounts, 19-514

Disorganization, indebtedness, 80-1103

Duplicates, issuance, 10-701 et seq.

Emergency warrants,

Political subdivision adjoining United States military reservation, 79-2941, 79-2942

Endorsements, county treasurer, 79-2907

Interest rates, limitation prescribed, 10-1009

Judgments, payments, 80-118, 80-119

Libraries, no fund warrants, 80-808

Lost warrants, issuance of duplicates, 10-706

No-fund warrants. Warrants for Payment of Money, this index

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1205

Taxes, payment with, 79-2003

Vouchers, prairie dog extermination, 80-1205


See, also, Municipalities, generally, this index

Generally, 80-101 et seq.

Accounts and accounting, 80-401 et seq.

Actions, 80-101

Auditing board, 80-304

Agents, appointment, 80-101

Ambulance services, emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq.

Annexation by city,

Eligibility for licenses and permits after, 80-1405a

Services within area, 12-503a

Taxation, 12-503a

Annexation of territory,

Division of money, 80-102

Annexation of township fire station land by city, 80-1911a

Rights of township, 80-1911a

Area, 19-217

Attorneys, appointment, 80-101

Audits and auditing, 80-302

Adjustment and settlement of account, 80-402

Approval of account, 80-405

Correction of errors, 80-304

Resolution, destruction of records, 80-506

Bank deposits, 80-404

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Boards and commissions,

Urban areas, 80-1418

Weeds, control and eradication 2-1313a et seq.

Bonds. Township Bonds, generally, this index

Boundaries, 19-212, 19-309

Alteration, 19-230

Budget, generally, this index

Buildings, 80-104 et seq.

Fire department, tax levies, certain, 80-1918a

Repair and maintenance, 80-112, 80-115

Cash-basis law, 10-1101 et seq.

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Cemetery Districts, generally, this index

Cemetery lots, revestment of title, 12-1440

Census, authority to conduct or contract for, 11-202

Cities, dormant, 12-1613

Cities of first and second class not part, 80-1404

Cities of third class as part, 15-104


Allowance, uniform procedure, 12-105a, 12-105b

Payment, 80-302

Uniform procedure, 12-105a, 12-105b

Commercial property, rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Consolidation, 80-1117

Fire districts, 12-3910 et seq.

Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq., 80-1109

Application of laws, 80-1102a

Construction sites, agricultural vehicles, 8-142

Contracts, 80-101

Contracts with other municipalities, 12-2908

Fire equipment, purchase, fire districts, 80-1555

Fire protection, 80-1905

Townships in counties with cities of 60,000 to 200,000, 80-1902 et seq.

Garbage and refuse collection and disposal, 80-2202

Joint exercise of powers, 80-2203, 80-2204

Joint township halls, 80-1417

Municipality furnishing fire fighting services, 80-1502

Nonresident contractors, appointment of process agents, 16-113

Road equipment and machinery, approval of county engineer, 68-526

Sheriff, police protection, 19-807d

Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3515

Counties under 3,100, cemetery fund, 80-1406c

County road unit system, transfer of funds, 80-1406c

Dams, tax levy, 80-1429

Deeds and conveyances, 80-109 et seq.

Deposit of funds, 80-404

Destruction of paid warrants, 80-506

Development finance authority act, Kansas, 74-8918

Disorganization, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1117, 80-1118


Townships having no residents, 80-1117

Bonded debt, application of law, 80-1102a

Books and papers, disposal, 80-1104

Consolidation of townships, 80-1109, 80-1117, 80-1118

Counties under 3,000, 80-1105

Effective date, 80-1101a, 80-1102a

Elections, 80-1116

Funds, disposal, 80-1104

Indebtedness, 80-1103

Transfer of records, 80-1102a

Disorganization of certain townships,

Procedure, 80-1110 et seq.

Townships with more than 200 residents,

Attachment of territory, 80-1110 et seq.

Townships within county unit road systems,

Attachment of territory, 80-1110 et seq.

Drains and drainage, 24-201 et seq.

Petition to district court, 24-701 et seq.


Rights of way by state agencies, 75-2130 et seq.

State lands, 75-2131, 75-2132

Elections, this index

Emergency interim executive and judicial succession act, 48-1201 et seq.

Emergency location of government, enemy attack, 48-1401 et seq.

Emergency medical service, 80-1557

Eminent Domain, this index

Employees. Township Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Equipment reserve fund, 80-122

Expenditures, cash-basis law, 10-1101 et seq.

Federal Aid, this index

Federal funds, urban renewal, 17-4762

Financial affairs, settlement, 19-508

Fines and penalties,

Sidewalks, removal or injury, 68-134

Statement of account, 80-408, 80-409

Fire department building as hall, repair, 80-115

Fire departments, 80-1920

Annexation of fire station land by city, 80-1911a

Certain counties, 80-1919 et seq.

Certain counties over 175,000, tax levy, 80-1918a

Fire hydrants, installation and maintenance, 80-1501, 80-1904, 80-1917, 80-1921

Townships in counties with cities of 60,000 to 200,000, 80-1902 et seq.

Fire departments in certain counties,

Application of act, 80-1919

Benefit districts in adjacent land, 80-1922

Contract for fire-fighting services, 80-1923

Tax levy, 80-1924


Petition, 80-1919

Township board, 80-1919

Equipment and facilities, 80-1920

No-fund warrants, 80-1920

Tax levy, 80-1920

Operation and maintenance, 80-1921

No-fund warrants, 80-1921

Tax levy, 80-1921

Fire Districts, this index

Fire protection,

Contracts with fire district in certain townships, 80-1556

Counties of 125,000 to 165,000, 19-2717

Fire district reserve fund, 80-1558, 80-1559

Tax levy, 13-1278

Firefighters, this index

Flood control, tax levy, 80-1429

Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146


County treasurer, quarterly statements, 19-520, 19-521

Employee benefits contribution fund, 12-16,102

Garbage and trash fund, 80-2201

Investment of idle funds, 80-404

Transfer of surplus moneys in general fund to specified fund, 80-1406b

Garbage and refuse collection and disposal,

Bond issues, 80-2204

Contracts, 80-2202

Counties between 55,000 and 100,000, 80-2204

Eminent domain, 80-2201, 80-2204

Garbage and trash fund, 80-2201

Gifts, 80-2204

Land fill procedure, 80-2202

Lease of land for disposal dumps, 80-2201

Machinery and equipment, 80-2202, 80-2204

Population of township, 80-2201

Taxation, 80-2201 et seq.

Garnishment, consent for proceedings against, 60-723

General fund,

Dissolution of drainage districts, transfer of funds, 24-499

Transfer of surplus moneys, 80-1406b

Gophers, extermination, 80-1201

Grants or loans from the state, 12-16,108 et seq.

Gross earnings tax, 12-1,101 et seq.


Condemned by fire marshal, repair, 80-114

Counties of 4,500 to 5,500, joint ownership, 80-1417

Counties of 10,000 to 13,000, bonds, 80-1408, 80-1409

Disposal, 80-112

Joint hall, cities of third class, counties of 4,500 to 5,500, 80-1417

Repair and maintenance, 80-115

Health care benefits program, employees, 75-6501 et seq.

Hospitals, 80-2501 et seq.

Definitions, 80-2501

Districts. Hospitals, this index

Housing, rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120


Cash-basis law, 10-1101 et seq.

Industrial districts,

Impairment of township powers, 19-3818

Inclusion of township-owned land, 19-3802

Insurance, liability, 75-6111

Intangible property, gross earnings tax, 12-1,101 et seq.

Johnson county,

Shawnee and Mission townships, law enforcement, 19-2644 et seq.

Urban areas, 80-1418

Joint buildings,

Township halls, 80-1417

Joint township hall, 80-107, 80-108

Judgments, payment by certain townships, 80-118, 80-119


Bonds for restoration, 80-937

Leases, 80-933

Land, acceptance as gift, donation or devise, 80-104

Law enforcement,

Joint with certain cities, 12-11a06 et seq.

Sheriff, 19-807d


Garbage and refuse collection and disposal purposes, 80-2201

Lakes or parks, 80-933

Lecompton township, acquisition of land, 80-121

Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Libraries, 12-1218 et seq.

Library districts, joinder with city of third class, 12-1236 et seq.

Licenses and permits,

Effect of change in population or valuation, 80-1405a

Lines, boundaries of counties, 18-201

Loans or grants from the state, 12-16,108 et seq.

Lots and blocks, development, 58-2602 et seq.

Maps and plats, 12-401 et seq., 19-230

Moles, extermination, 80-1201

Money, division of township, 80-102

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Names, 19-212, 19-309

Change of name, 60-1401, 60-1403

Neighborhood revitalization act, 12-17,114 et seq.

New townships, 19-217

Plat and record, 19-230

No-fund warrants, fire districts, 80-1514b

Notice, organizing or setting off township, 19-217

Noxious weeds, control and eradication, 2-1313a et. seq.

Officers. Township Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Oil and gas leases, 55-211a

Parks, this index

Personal property, conveyance, 80-109

Police protection,

Joint department with certain cities, 12-11a06 et seq.

Sheriff, 19-807d


Licenses and permits, effect upon eligibility, 80-1405a

New townships, 19-217

Powers and duties, transfer to county, 80-120

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1201, 80-1202

Costs, assessment, 80-1202

Premiums, surety bonds, payment, 78-111

Prison-made goods, purchases, 75-5273 et seq.


Care and management, 80-301

Custody, 80-305

Real and Personal,

Buy, sell and convey, 80-101

Property tax levy general authority, 79-1962

Public utilities, 10-1201 et seq.


Contracts, ante

Cooperative purchase agreements, 75-3739

Quarantine, diseases, 65-126

Real estate,

Acquisition, 80-104

Cemetery districts, 15-1014, 15-1015

Conveyance, 80-109 et seq.

Records and recordation, 80-501

Cemeteries, 80-912

Destruction, 80-505, 80-506

Open public records act, 45-215 et seq.

Preservation, government records preservation act, 45-401 et seq.

Public inspection, 80-503

Recreational facilities, 80-939

Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Reorganization, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1117, 80-1118

Counties under 3,000, 80-1105

Reports, financial, 80-410

Compensation of officers, 80-410

Rescue service, 80-1546, 80-1557, 80-1903

Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Road construction and maintenance materials, transporting, 8-142

Road districts, division, 80-301

Road fund, transfer of surplus funds, sewer districts, 80-2021

Road improvements, elections, validated, 80-1413a, 80-1413b, 80-1413c

Road maintenance or construction sites, agricultural vehicles, 8-143

Road maintenance or improvement,

Payments by the state, 12-3513

Roads and Highways, this index

Sales tax, allocation of revenue to townships, 12-195a

Savings and loan association deposits, 80-404

School buildings, 80-104, 80-112

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Shawnee county, township road improvement elections validated, 80-1413a, 80-1413b, 80-1413c

Shawnee township, urban area, 80-1418

Sheriff, police protection, 19-807d

Sidewalks, 68-131 et seq.

Solid waste disposal sites, certain townships, 80-2205

Street lighting, counties of 125,000 to 165,000, 19-2717

Surety bond premium payments, 78-111

Surveys. County Surveyors, generally, this index

Tax exemption, 79-201a

Taxation, this index

Tecumseh, acquisition of cemetery property, 80-942

Telecommunications services, state facilities, 75-4709

Telecommunications services from state, 75-4709

Telephone poles and lines, location and regulation, 17-1906

Topeka Township, acquisition of cemetery property, 80-943

Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Transfer of money or property for public purpose, 80-1430

Transfer of powers and duties to county, procedure, 80-120

Unincorporated towns, street lighting and fire protection, taxing districts, 19-2716 et seq.

Duties of board, 19-2717, 19-2718

Urban areas, 80-1418

Urban renewal, administering federal funds, 17-4762

Utilities, contracts for purchase of gas, water or electricity, 12-825j

Veterans, monuments and memorials, 73-411 et seq.

Warrants. Township Warrants, generally, this index

Warrants for Payment of Money, generally, this index

Water department buildings as hall, repair, 80-115

Water pollution act, 12-3101 et seq.

Water Supply, this index

Water systems,

Counties of 80,000 to 170,000, compensation of officers, 80-1407

Joint acquisition and maintenance,

Bonds, revenue, pledge of, 12-2709

Kansas development finance authority act, 74-8918

Waters and watercourses, obstructions, 82a-301 et seq.

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1313a et seq.


Generally, 58-2601 et seq.


Hazardous articles, 65-2701 et seq.


Agricultural Machinery and Equipment, generally, this index

Movable tracks, special permits, 8-1742


Generally, 2-1601 et seq.


Dealings in futures, 2-1602

Market, 2-1603, 2-1604

Defined, 2-1601

Membership, 2-1604


Area vocational schools. Vocational Education, this index


Corporation commission, disclosure of, 66-1220a

Disclosure of, corporation commission, 66-1220a

Food, drugs and cosmetics, 65-657

Misappropriation. Uniform Trade Secrets Act, post

Nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1614

Privileges and immunities, 60-432

Storage tanks, this index

Uniform trade secrets act, 60-3320 et seq.

Attorney fees, 60-3323

Damages, 60-3322

Definitions, 60-3320

Exceptional circumstances, 60-3321

Injunctions, 60-3321

Limitations, action, 60-3325

Malicious prosecution, 60-3323

Misappropriation, 60-3321 et seq.

Penalties, 60-3322, 60-3323

Protection of secrets, 60-3321, 60-3324, 60-3325

Time limits, action, 60-3325


Generally, 81-201 et seq.

Assignment, 81-208

Barbers, 65-1820a

Cancellation, 81-210

Classification of goods and services, 81-211

Common law remedies, 81-217

Damages, 81-212

Definitions, 81-202

Dilution, 81-214

Drugs and medicines, 65-1626

Fees, 81-218

Fertilizers, 2-1210

Food, drugs and cosmetics, 65-657

Fraud, 81-212

Infringement, 81-213

Injunction, 81-214

Lender name, violations, 81-301

Liability, 81-212, 81-213

Records, 81-209

Registration, 81-203

Application, 81-204

Assignment, 81-208

Cancellation, 81-210

Certificate, 81-206

Damages, 81-212

Duration, 81-207

Filing, 81-205

Forum for action, 81-216

Fraud, 81-212

Record, public examination, 81-209

Refusal, 81-205

Renewal, 81-207

Service on nonresidents, 81-216

Remedies, 81-215, 81-217

Seeds and plant parts, 2-1416 et seq.


Generally, 21-2801 et seq.


Generally, 8-1401 et seq.


Alcohol tests, 8-1001 et seq.

Application of law, 8-1601

Arrest power limitation, 8-2109

Damage to highway, 8-1913

Damage to vehicles or property, 8-1604 et seq.

Drivers' licenses,

Exhibit, 8-1604

Restrictions, 8-254, 8-292

Revocation, 8-254

Drug tests, 8-1001 et seq.

Duty of driver or occupant,

Damage to unattended vehicle or property, 8-1605

Information to be given, 8-1604

Insurance policy, exhibition, 8-1604

Reports, 8-249, 8-1601 et seq.

Stop and render aid, 8-254, 8-1602

Educational program, 75-5740

Failure to stop,

Restrictions on license, 8-254

Revocation of license, 8-254

Hit and run, 8-254, 8-1602

Information to be given, 8-1604

Injured persons, aid, 8-254, 8-1604

Insurance policy information, exhibit, 8-1604

Intersections, failure to yield right-of-way, 8-1528

Investigations, 8-1611

Leaving scene, 8-254, 8-1602

Liability of owner, accidents of minors, 8-222

Minors, 8-222

Negligence, burden of proof, 8-1564

Nonresidents, process against, 8-401 et seq.

Police officer, authority, 8-2109

Records, 8-249

Reports, 8-249, 8-1604, 8-1607, 8-1612

Death, 8-1610

Failure to file, 8-1609

False, 8-1608

Forms, 8-1612

Forwarding to division when required, 8-1607

Highway patrol, duties, 74-2118

Law enforcement officers, 8-1611

Local regulations, 8-2002

Owner to make, 8-1607

Tabulation by department, 8-1613

Unattended property, 8-1605

Right-of-way, failure to yield, 8-1528

Scene of accident, authority of police officer, 8-2109

Stopping at scene, 8-254, 8-1602

Unattended vehicle, 8-1605

Warning devices, 8-1745

Accomplices and accessories, 8-2101

Agricultural vehicles, implement of husbandry, defined, 8-1427

Alcohol and drugs,

Drivers' licenses, 8-237

Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, post

Evidence, 8-1005

Open container, transportation, 8-1599

Pedestrian under influence, 8-1543

Preliminary screening, 8-1012

Presentence evaluation, 8-1008

Tests, 8-1001 et seq.

All-terrain vehicles, 8-1402a

Nonhighway vehicles, 8-198

Operation of, 8-15,100

Alleys, 8-1402

Emerging from, 8-1555

Angle parking, 8-1572

Animal-drawn vehicles, lights, 8-1718

Animals or animal-drawn vehicles, 8-1504


Convictions or forfeitures, 8-2115

Final disposition, 8-2115

Notice of disposition, 8-253

Appearance bonds, 8-2107, 12-4301 et seq.

Forfeiture, 8-2107, 8-2115

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219 et seq.

Appearance in court, when, 8-2104, 8-2118

Application of law, 8-1601

Arrest procedures, 8-2111

Operation of vehicles upon highways, 8-1501

Arrests, 8-2104, 8-2111, 22-2408

Bond certificate, 8-2107

Immediate hearings, 8-2104

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219 et seq.

Overweight vehicles, 8-1910

Parking, standing or stopping violation,

Failure to appear, 8-2113

Prosecution, presumption of ownership, 8-2114

Prohibited, when, 8-2109

Traffic infraction limitation, 8-2109

Arterial street, defined, 8-1403

Assemblages, local regulation, 8-2002

Attempts to commit crime, 8-2101

Authorized emergency vehicles, 8-1506

Authorized utility or telecommunications vehicle,

Approaching stationary vehicle, 8-15,114

Duty to drive with due regard, 8-15,114

Overtaking and passing, 8-15,114

Overtaking and passing,

Authorized utility or telecommunications vehicle, 8-15,114

Axles, 8-1908, 8-1909

Backing motor vehicle, limitations, 8-1574

Barricades, highway undergoing repairs or improvements, 68-2101 et seq.

Beer. Alcohol and drugs, ante

Bicycles, 8-1405, 8-1586, 8-1587, 8-1592

Brakes, 8-1592

Carrying articles, 8-1591

Clinging to vehicles, 8-1589

Inspection, local regulation, 8-2002

Local regulation, 8-2002

Parking, state colleges and universities, 74-3209 et seq.

Registration, local regulation, 8-2002

Riding, 8-1588, 8-1590

Blind persons, 8-1542

Blocked traffic, slow speed, duty of driver, 8-1561

Bond. Appearance bonds, ante

Brakes, 8-1734

Compression release engine braking system, 8-1761

Drawbar, towed vehicle, 8-1907

Heavy vehicles, 8-1909


Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Signs or signals, pedestrians, 8-1544

Speed, 8-1563

Stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Unattended vehicles, removal, 8-1570

Buildings, emerging from, 8-1555

Bus, defined, 8-1406

Business district, defined, 8-1407

Canes, blind persons, 8-1542

Cans on highways, 8-1583

Canyons, driving in, 8-1579

Caravan, distance between vehicles, 8-1523

Cash bond, 8-2107

Causeway, unattended vehicles, removal, 8-1570

Cereal malt beverages. Alcohol and drugs, ante

Chains on tires, 8-1742

Child passenger safety, 8-1344 et seq.

Penalties, 8-1345

Child traffic offenders, 8-2117

Children, precautions of driver, 8-1535

Church buses, 8-1730a

Signals, 8-1556a

Warning devices, 8-1730a

Citation, traffic violation, 8-2106, 8-2119

Accident, authority of officer, 8-2109

Failure to obey, 8-2110

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219 et seq.

Parked, standing or stopped vehicle, 8-2112

Police officer's choice, 8-2104, 8-2106

Clinging to vehicles, 8-1589

Coasting prohibited, 8-1580

Coercing another to commit offense, 8-2101

Colleges and universities, state, 74-3209 et seq.

Commission, defined, 8-1409

Compression release engine braking system, 8-1761

Construction of highway, application of law, 8-1505

Construction of law, 8-2203

Controlled-access facilities, 68-1901 et seq.

Erection and maintenance of signs, 8-1525

Restrictions on use, 8-1525

Controlled-access highway, 8-1410

Local regulation, 8-2002

Stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Conviction of offense,

Abstract of record, 8-2115

Expungement, 21-6614

Nonresident, 8-251

Records, 8-249

Suspension of license, 8-253

Cotton modules, operation on highways, 8-1916

County parks, relieving congestion, 19-2898

County vehicles, application to, 8-2103

Crosswalk, 8-1411

Driving into, restrictions, 8-1584

Local restrictions, 8-2006

Stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Unmarked, 8-2007

Use by pedestrians, 8-1536


Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Speed limit, 8-1557

U-turns, 8-1546

Day care program buses, 8-1556a, 8-1729, 8-1730a

Decreasing speed, signals, 8-1548, 8-1549, 8-1550

Defiles, driving in, 8-1579

Definitions, 8-1401 et seq.

Detour signs, 68-2103 et seq.

Disabled vehicles, stopping, 8-1569

Distance between vehicles, 8-1523

Diversion of criminal proceedings. Municipal Courts, this index. See, also, Criminal Procedure, this index

Divided highways, 8-1524

Defined, 8-1414

Stacking materials prohibited, 8-1524

Stopping, limitations thereon, 8-1524

Turns, when prohibited, 8-1524

Dogs, guide, 8-1542

Doors of vehicle, opening and closing, 8-1577

Double parking, 8-1571

Drag racing, 8-1565

Drawbars, towing, 8-1907

Defined, 8-1414a

Driveaway-towaway operations, defined, 8-1415

Driver, defined, 8-1416

Driver's license, 8-1417, 8-1430

Deposit in lieu of appearance bond, 8-2107

Motor Vehicles, this index


Emerging from, 8-1555

Parking or standing, 8-1571

Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs, 8-1567, 8-1567a

Alcohol and drugs, ante

Commercial drivers, 8-2,144, 8-2,145

Court appearance mandatory, 8-2104

Diversion, 12-4412 et seq., 22-2906 et seq.

Conviction, considered as, 8-285, 8-1567

When allowed, 8-1009

Drivers' licenses, 8-237

Drivers' safety programs, fund, 75-5660

Equipment, blood or breath testing, fund, 75-5660

Evidence, 8-1005, 8-1006

Habitual violator, 8-285

Hearing, 8-1020

Impoundment of motor vehicle, 8-1021, 8-1022

Liability, absolute, 21-5203

Manslaughter, involuntary, 21-5405

Ordinances of cities, 8-1567

Plea bargaining prohibited, 8-1567

Preliminary screening, 8-1012

Presentence evaluation, 8-1008, 8-1567

Professional licenses,

Limitation on consequences of first violation, 74-149

Restitution, 8-1019

Tests, 8-1001 et seq., 8-1023

Costs, 8-1023

Immunity, 8-1024

Victim impact statement, 8-1019

Driving without authority, 8-264

Court appearance mandatory, 8-2104


Drugs. Alcohol and drugs, ante

Pedestrians under influence, 8-1543

Drunkards and drunkenness, drivers' licenses, 8-237

Electric personal assistive mobility device, 8-1491

Electric-assisted bicycle, 8-1489, 8-1592b

Electric-assisted scooters,

Defined, 8-1498

Operation of, 8-15,113

Electronic citations, 8-2119

Elevated structures, stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Eluding police officer, 8-254, 8-1568

Emergency vehicles, 8-1404

Application, 8-1506

Duty of other drivers, 8-1530

Pedestrians, right-of-way, 8-1541

Right-of-way, 8-1530

Unlawful passing of, 8-1520a

Weight, 8-1920

Entering roadway, right-of-way, 8-1529

Escort vehicle company, registration, 8-1921

Excavations, stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Explosives, 8-1419

Transporting, 8-1746

Expungement, 12-4516, 21-6614

Farm tractor, defined, 8-1420

Felony, vehicle used, report, 8-2115

Fines and penalties, 8-2116, 8-2118, 21-6611

Doubling of fines in road construction zones, 8-2118

Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs, 8-1567

Habitual oversize, 8-1901

Overweight, 8-1901, 8-1910

Payment by mail, when, 8-2106, 8-2118

Reckless driving, 8-1566

Reports, 8-1609

Speed, generally, post

Traffic infraction, schedule of fines, 8-2118

Unsafe vehicle, 8-1701

Fire apparatus,

Following prohibited, 8-1581

Right-of-way, 80-1518, 80-1906

Fire extinguishers, transporting explosives, 8-1746

Fire hose, crossing, 8-1582

Fire hydrants, parking or standing, 8-1571

Fire stations, parking or standing, 8-1571

Firemen, obedience, 8-1503

Flagmen, railroad crossing, 8-1551

Fleeing from police officer, 8-254, 8-1568

Following too closely, 8-1523

Foreign states, conviction, drivers' licenses, 8-252

Four-lane roadway, right side driving, 8-1514

Funeral procession, distance between vehicles, 8-1523

Garbage or refuse truck, back-up signal, 8-1738

Glass on highways, 8-1583

Golf cart,

Defined, 8-1495

Operation of, 8-15,108

Grade crossings, 8-1553, 8-1554, 8-1584

Dangerous, designation, 8-1552

Guide dogs, 8-1542

Habitual violators, 8-284 et seq.

Driver's license, denial, 8-284, 8-288

Penalties, 8-286, 8-287

Prosecution, 8-286

Hand and arm signals, 8-1550

Hay bales, width of load, 8-1902, 8-1911

Hazardous materials, transportation intrastate, 66-1,129b

Hazards, private property, removal by owner, 8-2011

Hearings, 8-2104

Heavy equipment, railroad crossings, 8-1554

Height and length of vehicles, 8-1904

Highway, defined, 8-1424

Highway construction or maintenance, 8-1505

Highway construction vehicles,

Unlawful passing of, 8-1520a

Highway patrol, obeying signals, 74-2110


Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Speed, 8-1557

U-turns, 8-1546

Historical property, management of state historical society, 76-2027

Hitchhiking, 8-1538

Horns, warning pedestrians, 8-1535

House trailer, defined, 8-1425

Illegal use of vehicle, owner permitting, 8-2102

Implement dealer, width of load, 8-1911, 8-1918

Implement of husbandry, defined, 8-1427

Improvement districts, Wabaunsee county, 8-1560a

Improvements, restricted use of roads, 68-2104

Incapacitated pedestrians, precautions, 8-1535

Inducing another to commit offense, 8-2101

Infraction, 8-2116, 21-5102

Fines, 21-6611

Interfering with driving mechanism, 8-1576

Interpretation of law, 8-2203

Intersection, 8-1428

Divided highways, 8-1524

Driving into, restrictions, 8-1524, 8-1584

Fire department vehicles, sounding sirens, 80-1518, 80-1906

Left turn, right-of-way, 8-1527

Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Parking, standing or stopping, 8-1571

Right-of-way, 8-1526, 8-1528

Speed, 8-1557

Stop intersections, 8-2008

Stop signs, 8-1528

Turning, 8-1545

Yield intersections, 8-2008

Yield signs, 8-1528

Interstate system, defined, 8-1428a

Intoxicating liquors. See, also, Alcohol and drugs, ante

Drivers' licenses, 8-237

Driving under influence of alcohol and drugs, ante

Transportation in open containers, 8-1599

Intrastate transportation,

Nonspecificated packagings, farmers, 66-1,129b

Jaywalking, 8-1534

Juvenile offenders, restriction or suspension of license, 8-2117

Keys removed from unattended vehicle, 8-1573

Lamps. See, Lights and lighting, post

Laned roadway, 8-1429, 8-1522

Leaving scene of accident, 8-1602

Habitual violator, 8-285

Left of center line, driving, 8-1514

Left side of roadway,

Driving upon, 8-1514, 8-1519

Overtaking and passing, 8-1516, 8-1518

Pedestrians, 8-1537

Left turn. See Turning, post

Length of vehicles, 8-1904

License. Driver's license, ante

License plates. Motor Vehicles, this index

Lights and lighting,

Additional lighting permitted, 8-1723

Alternate lighting equipment, 8-1727

Approval, 8-1702

Back-up lights, 8-1723

Beam indicator, 8-1724

Boat trailers, 8-1710

Candlepower restrictions, 8-1729

Certificate of approval, 8-1702

Church buses, 8-1730a

Courtesy lamps, 8-1723

Disapproval, 8-1702

Distance of visibility, 8-1703, 8-1704

Emergency vehicles, warning lamps, 8-1722

Farm tractors, 8-1717

Flashing lights, 8-1720, 8-1729

Fog lamps, 8-1719

Following another vehicle, 8-1725

Head lamps, 8-1705

Height from ground, 8-1704, 8-1705

Highway construction and maintenance vehicles, 8-1731

Highway undergoing repairs or improvements, 68-2101 et seq.

Identification lights, 8-1723

Misdemeanors, 8-1701


Multiple-beam lighting equipment, 8-1805

Reflectors, 8-1803

Tail lamps, 8-1802

Motor-driven cycles, 8-1806

Multiple-beam lights, 8-1724, 8-1725

Neon ground effect lighting, 8-1723

Nighttime, length of vehicle, 8-1904

Number of driving lamps, 8-1728

Obscured lights, 8-1714

Oncoming vehicles, multiple-beam lights, 8-1725

Parked vehicle, 8-1716

Police vehicles, warning lamps, 8-1722

Rear number plate, 8-1706

Red lights, post

Red reflectors, 8-1707

Reflectors, 8-1707

Color restrictions, 8-1729

Side cowl lights, 8-1723

Single-beam lights, 8-1726

Tail lamps, 8-1706

Time for display of lights, 8-1703

Traffic Signs and Signals, generally, this index

Transportation network vehicle devices, 8-1762

Trash vehicles, 8-1722

Turn signals, 8-1721

Littering, 8-15,102

Loads and loading,

Axle loads, 8-1908

Covering, 8-1906

Extension beyond front of vehicle, 8-1905

Limitations, 8-1901

Livestock hauling, 8-1906

Parking, 8-1571

Projecting loads, passenger vehicles, 8-1903

Red lights or flags, 8-1715

Redistribution or removal of weight, 8-1910

Relinquishment of federal control on load limits, 8-1908

Securing and covering, 8-1906

Spilling on highways, 8-1906

Stopping for weighing, 8-1910

Unloading excess weight, 8-1910

Weight of vehicle, 8-1909

Width, 8-1902

Local authorities, 8-1432

Regulation, limitations, 8-2002

Stop signs, yield signs and traffic-control devices, erection and maintenance, 8-2008

Local regulations, 8-2001, 8-2002, 8-2005

State highways, 8-2004

Townships, 8-2005

Low-speed vehicle, 8-1488

Equipment compliance, 8-1701

Slow-moving vehicle emblem, exception, 8-1717

Unlawful operation, 8-15,101


Driving under influence, 8-1005

Use of vehicle, report, 8-2115

Manual for uniform system, 8-2003

Micro utility truck,

Defined, 8-1494

Operation of, 8-15,106

Military forces, movement of troops and equipment, 48-252a

Mirrors, 8-1740

Misconduct of officers, removal, 8-2106

Misdemeanors. Fines and penalties, ante

Motive power, 8-1909

Motor-driven cycle, 8-1439

Speed limit, 8-1562

Motor Vehicles, generally, this index

Motorcade, distance between vehicles, 8-1523

Motorcycles, 8-1438

Brakes, 8-1807, 8-1808

Carrying articles, 8-1594

Equipment, approval by secretary of transportation, 8-1598

Eye-protective devices, 8-1598

Handle bars, 8-1597

Head gear, 8-1598

Multiple-beam lighting equipment, 8-1805

Operation of, 8-1594, 8-1595

Clinging to other vehicles prohibited, 8-1596

Laned roadway, 8-1595

Passengers, 8-1597, 8-1598

Riding on, 8-1594

Seat and foot rests, 8-1597

Stop, turn signal and side lamps, 8-1804

Traffic laws apply, 8-1593

Motorized bicycles, 8-1439a, 8-1592a

Motorized wheelchair, defined, 8-1439c

Moving vehicle into prohibited area, 8-1571

Moving violations, definitions, 8-249

Municipal courts, 12-4301 et seq.

Municipal vehicles, 8-2103

Nails on highways, 8-1583

Narrow roads, speed, 8-1557

National network of highways, 8-1487

Nondriver identification cards, 8-1324 et seq.

Anatomical gift, 8-1328

Appearance, 8-1328

Application, 8-1324

Cancellation, 8-1332

Change of address, 8-1331

Change of name, 8-1326

Division of vehicles, liability on false information, 8-1330

Duplicate card, 8-1326

Expiration, 8-1325

Fees, 8-1324, 8-1333

Loss, 8-1326

Organ and tissue registry, state, 8-1325

Registered offender, 8-1325a

Renewal, 8-1325

Unlawful acts, 8-1327

Vertical format, 8-1329

Nonresident, defined, 8-1440

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219 et seq.

Nonresident's operating privilege, defined, 8-1441

No-passing zones, 8-1520

Local regulations, 8-2002

Notice to appear in court, 8-2106

Electronic citation, 8-2119

Information for guilty plea, 8-2106

Speed violation, 8-1564

Obstructing driver's view, 8-1576

Obstructing traffic, vehicles, removal, 8-1570, 8-15,107

Obstruction, right side of roadway, 8-1514

One-way streets,

Local regulation, 8-2002

Parking on side of roadway, 8-1572

One-way traffic, 8-1521

Right side of roadway, 8-1514

Opening and closing vehicle doors, 8-1577

Ordinances, 8-2002

Driving under influence, 8-1567

Habitual violators, 8-285

Overhead crossings for pedestrians, right-of-way, 8-1534

Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Church buses, 8-1556a

Day care program buses, 8-1556a

Duty of other drivers, 8-1531

Emergency vehicles, 8-1520a

Highway construction vehicles, 8-1520a

Left side, 8-1516, 8-1518

Motor carriers, 8-1523

Motorcycles, 8-1595

No-passing zones, 8-1520

Prohibited zones, 8-1520

Right side of roadways, 8-1515, 8-1517

Right-of-way, 8-1531

School buses, 8-1556, 8-2118

Speed of passed vehicle, increasing, 8-1516

Three lanes, 8-1522

Upon right, 8-1517

Vehicle proceeding in same direction, 8-1514

Vehicles stopped for pedestrian, 8-1533

Waste collection vehicles, 8-15,112

Owner, defined, 8-1443

Park, defined, 8-1444

Parking, standing and stopping, 8-1571

Angle parking, 8-1572

Citation, failure to appear, notice, 8-2113

Definitions, 8-1444

Disabled vehicle, 8-1569

Distance from the curb, 8-1572

Keys removed from vehicle, 8-1573

Lights, 8-1703, 8-1716, 8-1728

Local regulations, 8-2002

One-way roadway, 8-1572

Outside municipality, 8-1569

Prohibiting or restricting, 8-1572

Persons with a disability, 8-1,124 et seq.

Regents, board of, regulation, 74-3209

Removal of vehicle, 8-1570

School districts, 72-6527

Starting parked vehicle, 8-1547

Unattended vehicles, 8-1573, 8-2112

Violation, 8-2112

Failure to appear, notice, 8-2113

Prosecution, presumption of ownership, 8-2114

Parks, local regulation of speed, 8-2002

Passenger car, defined, 8-1445

Passengers, interfering with driver, 8-1576

Passing. Overtaking and passing, ante

Pedestrians, 8-1533, 8-1535

Alcohol, under influence, 8-1543

Ambulance, right-of-way, 8-1541

Bridge signal, obedience required, 8-1544

Crossings, local regulation, 8-2002, 8-2006

Crosswalks, 8-1534

Definition, 8-1446

Diagonal crossing, 8-1534

Drugs, under influence, 8-1543

Emergency vehicles, right-of-way, 8-1541

Jaywalking, 8-1534

Overhead crossing, right-of-way, 8-1534

Railroad signals, obedience required, 8-1544

Right half of crosswalk, 8-1536

Right-of-way, 8-1533

Sidewalks, right-of-way, 8-1540

Solicitation upon roadway, 8-1537

Traffic-control signals, 8-1532

Tunnels, right-of-way, 8-1534

Walking into path of vehicle, 8-1533

Walking on roadway, 8-1537

Penalties. Fines and penalties, ante


Excess size and weight, 8-1911, 8-1919

Kansas turnpike authority, to and from, 8-1914

Special vehicle combination permits, 8-1911

Conditions, 8-1915

Person, defined, 8-1447

Persons with a disability, parking, 8-1,124 et seq.

Play streets, designation, regulation, 8-2002

Pneumatic tire, defined, 8-1448

Pole trailer, defined, 8-1449

Police officer, 8-1450

Fleeing from, 8-254, 8-1568

Misconduct of, removal, 8-2106

Obedience, 8-1503

Removal of vehicles, 8-1570

Political subdivisions vehicles, 8-2103

Prior law, reference to, effect, 8-2202

Private property,

Prohibiting use, 8-2012

Traffic hazards, removal, 8-2011

Private roads, 8-1451

Emerging from, 8-1555

Yield right-of-way, 8-1529

Processions, local regulations, 8-2002

Property, damaging by vehicle, 8-1348

Racing on highway, 8-1565

Railroad grade crossings,

Dangerous, 8-1552

Driving into, 8-1584

Flagmen, 8-1551

Hazardous, local regulation, 8-2002

Heavy equipment, notice to station agent, 8-1554

Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Signals, 8-1551

Stop signs, 8-1552

Stopping, 8-1551, 8-1554

Certain vehicles, 8-1553

Heavy equipment, 8-1554

Railroad sign or signal, 8-1453

Pedestrians, obedience required, 8-1544

Railroad tracks, stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Reckless driving, 8-1566

Emergency vehicles, 8-1506

Restrictions on license, 8-254

Revocation of license, 8-254

Record of conviction or adjudication, 8-253

Records, abstract of record, 8-2115

Red lights,

Marker lamps, 8-1710

Parked vehicles, 8-1716

Projecting loads, 8-1715

Rear of vehicle, 8-1710

Signal device, 8-1710

Tail lights, 8-1706

Red or blue lights,

Emergency vehicles, 8-1720, 8-1729

Visibility, 8-1720, 8-1729

Removal of stopped vehicles, 8-1570

Removal of vehicles obstructing highway, 8-15,107

Repair of roadway, restricted use of roads, 68-2104

Reports. Accidents, ante

Residence district, defined, 8-1456

Restrictions on use of highways, 8-1912

Riding on vehicles, prohibited, 8-1578a

Right hand roadway, divided highways, 8-1524

Right lane, driving in required, 8-1522

Right-of-way, 8-1458

Alleys, 8-1555

Driveways, 8-1555

Emergency vehicles, 8-1530

Fire department vehicles, 80-1518, 80-1906

Intersections, 8-1526, 8-1528

Jaywalking, 8-1534

Left turn, 8-1527

Movement of troops and equipment, military forces, 48-252a

Pedestrians, 8-1533

Emergency vehicles, 8-1541

Walking on roadway, 8-1537

Private road or driveway, 8-1529, 8-1555

Stop signs, 8-1528

Yield right-of-way signs, 8-1528, 8-1529

Right side of roadway,

Driving upon, 8-1515

Obstruction, 8-1514

Right turn. See Turning, post

Road construction zone,

Defined, 8-1458a

Doubling of fine signs, 8-2004

Right-of-way, 8-1531

Violation of regulations, 8-1531a

Roadway, defined, 8-1459

Rotary traffic islands, 8-1521

Safety belts in new passenger cars, 8-1343 et seq., 8-1749

Safety equipment,

Approval, 8-1702

Child passenger safety act, 8-1343 et seq.

Safety hitch, 8-1459a, 8-1907

Safety zones, 8-1460

Driving through, 8-1539

Stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

School buses, 8-1461

Compliance with, 72-6493

Lights and lighting, 8-1730

Marking, 8-1556

Overtaking and passing, 8-1556, 8-2118

Signals, 8-1556

Warning devices, 8-1730

School crossing guard, 8-1492

Appointment of, 8-15,104

Failure to obey, 8-15,103

School district boards, 72-6493

Schools and School Districts, this index

Seasonal limitation on movement of vehicles, 8-1911

Seat belts, 8-1749, 8-2501 et seq.

Child passenger safety act, 8-1343 et seq.

Second and subsequent offenses, 8-2116

Secretary, defined, 8-1409

Semitrailer, defined, 8-1464

Sidewalk, 8-1465

Driving upon prohibited, 8-1575

Emerging from alleys, buildings or drives, 8-1555

Pedestrians, right-of-way, 8-1540

Stopping or parking, 8-1571

Use, unlawful to walk in roadway, 8-1537

Signal lamps and signal devices, 8-1708


Audible back-up signal, 8-1738

Decreasing speed, 8-1548, 8-1549, 8-1550

Devices, use, 8-1549

Hand and arm, 8-1550

Lamps, use, 8-1549

Method of giving, 8-1549, 8-1550

Stopping, 8-1548, 8-1549, 8-1550

Turning, 8-1548, 8-1549, 8-1550

Use, prohibited, 8-1548

Signs. Traffic Signs and Signals, this index

Sirens, motor vehicles, 8-1738

Size of vehicle,

Arrest, 8-1910

Damage to highway, 8-1911

Excess weight, special permits, 8-1911

Special permit, 8-1911

Width, 8-1902

Sleds, attaching to vehicles, 8-1589

Slow traffic,

Designated lanes, 8-1522

Duty of driver, 8-1561

Minimum speed, 8-1561

Right side of roadway, 8-1514

Slow-moving vehicle, emblem, 8-1717, 8-1718

Slow-moving vehicle emblems, 8-1717

Snowmobiles, operation, limitations, 8-1585

Soliciting on roadway, 8-1538

Exemption, 8-1528

Solid rubber tire, defined, 8-1466

Special mobile equipment, defined, 8-1467

Specially constructed vehicle, defined, 8-1468

Speed, 8-1557

Alteration of speed limits, 8-1559

Alternate lighting equipment, 8-1727

Basic rule governing, 8-1557

Bridges, 8-1563

Elevated structures, 8-1563

Following too closely, 8-1523

Hazards, 8-1557

Increasing speed by overtaken vehicle, 8-1516

Lights, alternate lighting equipment, 8-1727

Local regulation, 8-2002

Maximum speed limits, 8-1558

Kansas turnpike authority, 8-1560b

Local authorities, 8-1558, 8-1560, 8-1560a

Motor vehicle liability insurance, 8-1560d

Road construction zones, 8-1559


Certain not moving violations, 8-1560c

Summons, 8-1564

Minimum speed, 8-1561

Local regulations, 8-2002

Motive power required, 8-1909

Motor-driven cycle, 8-1562

Overtaken vehicle, increasing speed, 8-1516

Parks, local regulation, 8-2002

Rural school zone speed limits, 8-1560e

Solid rubber tires, 8-1563

State highways, 68-406

Yield right-of-way, 8-1528

Spilling load on highway, 8-1906

Highway construction or maintenance, exception, 8-1906

Stand, defined, 8-1469

Standing, 8-1469

Local regulation, 8-2002

Outside municipality, 8-1569

Parking, standing and stopping, ante

Prohibiting or restricting, 8-1572

Removal of vehicle, 8-1570

Starting standing vehicle, 8-1547

State institutions under division of mental health and retardation services, 76-12a12 et seq.

State parks, sites or facility under management of state historical society, 76-2027

State vehicles, 8-2103

Stolen vehicle, removal from highway, 8-1570

Stop, 8-1471, 8-1472

Stop and signal lights, exceptions, 8-1708

Stop and turn signal lamps, 8-1708

Stop signs, 8-1528


Alleys, 8-1555

Buildings, 8-1555

Controlled-access highways, 8-1571

Disabled vehicle, 8-1569

Distance from curb, 8-1572

Driveways, 8-1555

Failure or refusal upon order of police officer, 8-254, 8-1568

Intersections, 8-1528

Outside municipality, 8-1569

Parking, standing and stopping, ante

Private roads, 8-1555

Prohibiting or restricting, 8-1572

Railroad crossings, 8-1551

Heavy equipment, 8-1554

Stop signs, 8-1552

Vehicles required to stop, 8-1553

Removal of vehicle, 8-1570

School bus stopped, 8-1556

Sidewalks, 8-1555

Signals, 8-1548, 8-1549, 8-1550

Starting stopped vehicle, 8-1547

Weighing vehicles, 8-1910

When prohibited, defined, 8-1472

Street, defined, 8-1473

Summons, speed limit violation, 8-1564

Suspension of a driver's license, defined, 8-1474

Tacks on highways, 8-1583

Texting while driving, 8-15,111

Three lanes for traffic, 8-1522

Right side of roadway, 8-1514

Through street or highway, 8-1475

Designation, 8-2008

Local regulation, 8-2002

Right-of-way, 8-1526

Ticket, traffic violation. See Citation, traffic violation, ante

Tire equipment, restrictions, 8-1742, 8-1742a

Studs, metallic or nonmetallic, 8-1742


Metal tire, defined, 8-1435

Pneumatic tire, defined, 8-1448

Solid rubber tire, defined, 8-1466

Tow bar, defined, 8-1475a

Towing, 8-1907

Toy vehicles, local regulation, 8-2002

Trackless trolley coach, defined, 8-1476

Traffic, defined, 8-1477

Traffic-control signal preemption device, unlawful possession or use, 21-6324

Traffic-control signal, defined, 8-1478

Traffic infraction, 21-5102

Equipment violations, misdemeanor listing, 8-1701

Fines, 21-6611

Traffic Signs and Signals, generally, this index

Traffic ticket or citation. See, Citation, traffic violation, ante


Defined, 8-1479

Reflectors, 8-1710

Transporter, defined, 8-1480

Travel trailer, defined, 8-1490

Truck, defined, 8-1481

Truck-camper, defined, 8-1482

Truck tractor, defined, 8-1483


Overtaking and passing, 8-1519

Pedestrians, right-of-way, 8-1534

Stopping, standing or parking, 8-1571

Unattended vehicles, removal, 8-1570

Turn signal lamps, 8-1708

Turning, 8-1545

Divided highways, 8-1524

Intersections, 8-1545

Left turns, 8-1508

Red signal, 8-1508

Right-of-way, 8-1527

Side of roadway for, 8-1522, 8-1527

Local authorities, traffic-control devices, 8-1545

Local regulation, 8-2002

Signal lights, 8-1721

Signals, 8-1548, 8-1549, 8-1550

U-turn, 8-1546

Turnpikes, 68-2004

Unattended motor vehicle,

Keys removed, 8-1573

Remote starter system, 8-1573

Removal, 8-1570

Striking, 8-1605

Uniformity of law, 8-2203

United States vehicles, 8-2103

Unlawful operation of vehicle, 8-2102

Unmarked crosswalks, 8-2007

Unsafe vehicles, 8-1701

Urban districts,

Defined, 8-1484

Speed, 8-1558


Approaching vehicle, 8-1546

Curve or hill, 8-1546

Divided highways, 8-1524

Vehicle, defined, 8-1485

Vehicular homicide, 21-5406

Driver's license, restriction or revocation, 8-254

Driving under influence, 8-1005

Habitual violator, 8-285

Viaduct, overtaking and passing, 8-1519


Detention or arrest, 22-2408

Habitual violators, 8-284 et seq.

Walking on roadway, 8-1537

Weather, speed limits, 8-1557

Weight of vehicle, 8-1901

Bridges, crosswalks or culverts, 8-1909

Civil penalty for overload, 8-1342

Damage to highway, 8-1911

Emergency vehicles, 8-1920

Excess weight, special permits, 8-1911

Gross weight, 8-143, 8-1909

Idle reduction technology, 8-1917

Interstate highways, 8-1909, 8-1909a

Penalties, civil, 8-1342

Redistribution of load, 8-1910

Removing portion of load, 8-1910

Scales, 8-1901, 8-1910

Special permit, 8-1911, 8-1919

Stopping for weighing, 8-1910

Tandem axles, 8-1909

Wheel loads, 8-1908

Width of vehicles, 8-1902

Winding roads, speed, 8-1557

Wire on highways, 8-1583

Work-site utility vehicle,

Defined, 8-1493

Operation of, 8-15,109

Written promise to appear in court, failure to obey, 8-2110

Yield right-of-way, 8-1528, 8-1529


Alteration, 8-1513

Accessible parking, 8-1,124 et seq.

Bonds for purchase, 13-1234c, 13-1234d

Certain cities of first class, 13-1234b

Conformity with requirements of law presumed, 8-1507

Crimes, tampering with, 21-5817

Defacing, 8-1513

Detours, 68-2103 et seq.

Diagonal crossing, pedestrians, 8-1534

Directional information, private property, 8-1512

Divided highway, 8-1524

Don't walk signal, 8-1509

Emergency vehicles, 8-1506, 8-1507

Enforcement, no signs in place, 8-1507

Flashing lights, 8-1510

Green arrow, 8-1508

Green lights, 8-1508

Highway patrol, obedience to signals given, 74-2110

Imitation, 8-1512

Improvements, duties and liabilities, 68-2101 et seq.

Injuring, 8-1513

Knocking down, 8-1513

Lane changing, devices prohibiting, 8-1522

Lane designation, 8-1522

Lane-direction control signals, 8-1511

Legibility of traffic control devices, 8-1507

Lights, flashing, 8-1510

Local regulation, 8-2005

Townships, 8-2005

Nuisance, prohibited signs, 8-1512

Obedience required, 8-1507

Official traffic-control devices, defined, 8-1442

Parking, standing and stopping, 8-1572

Pedestrians, 8-1509, 8-1532

Right-of-way, 8-1509

Placing of control devices, compliance with act presumed, 8-1507

Position of signs, 8-1507

Private property, directional information signs, 8-1512

Purchase, certain cities of first class, 13-1234b

Railroad crossings, 66-2,121, 68-414, 68-509

Stop signs, 8-1552

Red lights, 8-1508

Flashing, 8-1510

Removal, 8-1513

Repairs or improvements, 68-2101 et seq.

Resembling official signal, 8-1512

Right-of-way, pedestrians, 8-1509

Roads and highways, 68-118

Route identification, 68-422

Signal legend, 8-1508

Specifications for uniform system, 8-2003

Standing, 8-1571

State highways, 8-2004

Stop signs, 8-2008

Railroad grade crossings, 8-1552

Stopping, 8-1571

Tampering with, Criminal Code, 21-5817

Township roads, 68-526

Traffic-control signal preemption device, unlawful possession or use, 21-6324

Traffic-control signal, defined, traffic regulations, 8-1478

Turning, traffic-control devices, 8-1545

U-Turns, 8-1524

Unauthorized, 8-1512

Uniform system, 8-2003

Wait signal, 8-1509

Walk signal, 8-1509

Weight of vehicle, restrictions on use of highways, 8-1912

Weight restrictions on highways, 8-1912

Yellow lights, 8-1508

Flashing, 8-1510

Yield right-of-way signs, 8-2008


Defined, traffic regulations, 8-1479

Mobile Homes, generally, this index

Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Sales tax, isolated or occasional sale, 79-3603, 79-3604


Appeal and Review, this index


Sales tax, exempt sales, 79-3606


Defined, uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903

Investment Securities, this index


Generally, 59-3508 et seq.

Certificate of title, form, 59-3509

Change of designation, 59-3510

Conflicts of law, 59-3512

Joint owner, 59-3508

Language suggested, 59-3509

Nontestamentary transfer on death, 59-3512

Ownership on death of owner, 59-3508

Title, certificate of, 59-3508

Form, 59-3509

Vesting of ownership, 59-3511


Deferred compensation or pension plan, 59-3513

Employee compensation or benefit program, 59-3513

Employment contract,

Individual retirement plan, 59-3513

Insurance or annuity contract, 59-3513

Qualified state tuition program, 59-3513

Rights of creditors, 59-3513


Generally, 59-3501 et seq.

Change of designation, 59-3503

Conflicts of law, 59-3507


Form, 59-3502

Recording of, 59-3501

Joint owner, 59-3505

Language suggested, 59-3502

Lapse of transfer, 59-3504

Nontestamentary transfer on death, 59-3507

Ownership on death of owner, 59-3501

Revocation of designation, 59-3503

Vesting of ownership, 59-3504

Will, revocation by, prohibited, 59-3503


Generally, 17-49a01 et seq.

Definitions, 17-49a01

Effective date, 17-49a12

Nontestamentary transfer on death, 17-49a09

Protection of registering entity, 17-49a08

Registration in beneficiary form,

Conflicts of law, 17-49a03

Effect on ownership, 17-49a06

Language required, 17-49a05

Origination, 17-49a04

Ownership on death of owner, 17-49a07

Sole or joint tenancy ownership, 17-49a02

Terms and conditions, 17-49a10


Appropriations, generally, this index

Commercial Paper, this index

General Fund. State, this index

Investment Securities, this index

Sale, obligation of seller, 84-2-301


Generally, 12-1692 et seq., 12-16,113, 79-5301 et seq.

Marketplace facilitator, 79-5602, 79-5603


Flea markets,

Prohibited sales, 19-2243

License, 19-2231 et seq.

Application for, 19-2235

Bond, 19-2238

City ordinances, compliance with, 19-2242

Definitions, 19-2232

Enforcement of act, 19-2241

Exemptions, 19-2233

Fee, 19-2238

Filed with county clerk, 19-2235

Forms for licenses and applications, 19-2236

Lists of transient merchants and agents, 19-2237

Registered agent, 19-2235, 19-2237

Taxes due, 19-2235

Violation of act, penalty, 19-2234, 19-2240

Taxation of goods or merchandise, 79-1434


Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Bonds, 12-801 et seq.

Cities, 12-801 et seq.

Cities of first class, 13-3101 et seq.

Agreement with federal government, 13-3109

Bonds, 13-3111 et seq.

Definition, 13-3101

Election, notice, 13-3101

Eminent domain, 13-3107

Employees, 13-3103

Extension of service outside county, 13-3110

Leasing provisions, 13-3106

Operational costs, 13-3108

Powers to conduct system, 13-3104

Revenue bonds, 13-3110 et seq.

Tax exemption, 13-3114

Tax levies, 13-3108

Coordinated public transportation assistance, 75-5032 et seq.

Coordinated transit districts act, 75-5051 et seq.

Definitions, 75-5053


Administrator, eligibility, 75-5056

Establishment, 75-5054, 75-5056

Participation, required for grants, 75-5057

Responsibilities, 75-5054

Federal or state grants,

Allocation, 75-5056

Appeals, allocations, 75-5058

Eligibility, district establishment, 75-5057

Guidelines, implementation of act, 75-5055

Purpose, 75-5052

Secretary of transportation, duties, 75-5055, 75-5056

Statewide plan,

Aid allocations, 75-5056, 75-5057

Districts, established within, 75-5056

Exemption from motor carrier law, 66-1,109

Johnson and Wyandotte counties, transit buses, operation on right should of certain highways, 75-5091

Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, generally, this index

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2801 et seq.

Acquisition, lease or sale of property, 12-2805, 12-2806

Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Attorney, appointment, 12-2823

Bids and bidding, 12-2828, 12-2829

Board, 12-2816

Deposit and expenditure of funds, 12-2821

Investigations, 12-2837

Meetings, 12-2819

Officers and employees, 12-2818, 12-2820 et seq.

Qualifications, salary, expenses, 12-2815

Resignations, removals, vacancies, 12-2817

Bonds, 12-2808, 12-2810

Budget and fiscal year, 12-2830, 12-2831

Checks, signatures, 12-2821, 12-2822

Contracts, 12-2828

Definitions, 12-2802

Equipment, purchase, 12-2809

Federal grants and loans, 12-2811


Damage reserve fund, 12-2834

Deposit, 12-2821

Special funds, 12-2835

Insurance and indemnity contracts, 12-2813, 12-2834

Investment in bonds or certificates, 12-2810

Labor organizations, contracts, 12-2825

Limitation of actions, injuries, 12-2836

Mail, agreements for transportation, 12-2826

Maintenance and operation of facilities, 12-2827

Modernization of systems, 12-2832

Depreciation policy, 12-2833

Operating expenses, 12-2834

Powers, 12-2804

Rates and charges, 12-2826

Streets and alleys, right to use, 12-2807

Tax levies, 12-2808, 12-2814

Transportation, free to employees, firemen and policemen, 12-2826

Public utility, 66-104

Reimbursement for fuel taxes paid, 12-2840

State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Tax levies, 12-803b

Kansas City area transportation district and authority, 12-2535

Topeka, city of, 12-2801 et seq.

Transit buses, operation on right shoulder of certain highways, 75-5091

Transportation works for Kansas program, 68-2314b


Generally, 8-2701 et seq.

Agent for service of process, 8-2704

Alcohol or drugs, usage, 8-2711

Automobile insurers, exclusions, 8-2710

Definintions, 8-2702

Disclosures, mandatory, 8-2709, 8-2719

Electronic receipts, 8-2707

Employment requirements, 8-2712, 8-2720

Fares, 8-2705

Identification, 8-2706

Insurance coverage, mandatory, 8-2708

Non-discrimination policy, 8-2716

Payment, 8-2715

Personally identifiable information, nondisclosure, 8-2718

Prearranged rides, 8-2714

Records retention, 8-2717

Vehicle equipment requirements, 8-2713


Generally, 75-5001 et seq.

Administration. Transportation administration, division of, post

Administration of department and divisions, 75-5015

Advisory boards, commissions or committees,

Allowances and expenses of members, 75-5018

Duties, 75-5018

Agreements and compacts, 75-5013, 75-5023, 75-5090, 75-5113

Construction, 68-407

Kansas City area transportation district and authority, assistance to, 75-5013

Local units, 68-169

Maintenance, 68-407 et seq.

Oversize vehicles, 75-5039

Public projects,

Bid mistakes, procedures, 75-6901 et seq.

Retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909

Public projects, bid mistakes, procedures, 75-6901 et seq.

Rail service assistance and improvement programs, 75-5049

Transportation revolving fund, 75-5065, 75-5068

Turnpike authority, 68-2021a,

Agreements and contracts,

Bidding, electronic, 68-408a

Reverse auctioning, 68-408a

Appropriations and expenditures, 75-5024

Attorneys, 75-5016

Aviation, division of, 75-5010

Director of aviation, 75-5010, 75-5015

Public use general aviation airport development, 75-5061 et seq.

Transfer of powers from economic development department to secretary of transportation, 75-5011

Broadband infrastructure construction program, 75-5094

Communication system equipment, 75-5073 et seq.

Administration, 75-5076

Bonds, 75-5077

Communication system revolving fund, 75-5075

Transfers from state highway fund, 75-5077

Definitions, 75-5073


Communications system access, 75-5074

Equipment, 75-5074

Prices, 75-5074

Rules and regulations, 75-5076

Compacts and agreements. Agreements and compacts, ante

Connecting links, 68-406, 68-416

Contracts. Agreements and compacts, ante

Coordinated public transportation assistance, 75-5032 et seq.

Administrative expense limit, 75-5037

Financial aid, withholding, 75-5038

Fund, 75-5035

State plan, 75-5036

Creation of department, 75-5001, 75-5019

Discussion on motor fuel tax as funding, 75-5092

Report, 75-5092

Driver’s education scholarship grant program, 75-5096

Eisenhower legacy transportation program, 68-2314c

Elderly and disabled persons, public transportation assistance,

See, Coordinated public transportation assistance, ante

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Engineer, state transportation, 75-5005

Engineering and design, division of, 75-5008

Director of engineering and design, 75-5008

Chief administrative officer, 75-5015

Powers and duties, 75-5015

Engineering services, fees for, 68-402f

Engineering testing laboratories at Kansas state university, availability, 75-5021

Expenses of department prior to August 15, 1975, 75-5024

Federal funds, administration, 75-5023

Governmental operations and accountability law, department subject to, 75-5001

Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072

Handicapped persons, see Elderly and handicapped coordinated public transportation assistance act, ante

Highway fund, use, 68-416, 75-5077

Intermodal transportation projects, 75-5081 et seq.

Administration, 75-5083

Assistance to governmental units, 75-5086

Bonds, issuance authorized, 75-5085

Businesses within intermodal facility district, ineligible, certain tax benefits, 75-5088

Contracts, agreements, 75-5083, 75-5086

Definitions, 75-5082

Fees, technical assistance, 75-5086

Kansas intermodal transportation revolving fund, 75-5084

Payments from special city and county highway fund, 75-5087

Loans, credit enhancements, other assistance, 75-5086, 75-5087

Transfers, to and from rail service improvement fund, 75-5048

K-GOAL, 75-5001

Kansas City area transportation district and authority compact, assistance to, 75-5013

Kansas state university, engineering testing laboratories, 75-5021

Location of office, 75-5021

Mass transit systems. See, Transit Systems, generally, this index

Noise studies, abatement measures, 75-5070

Officers and employees, 75-5007 et seq.

Civil service laws, application of, 75-5014, 75-5014a

Organization and reorganization of department, effect on positions, 75-5014, 75-5014a

Personal tools or equipment, stolen, payment for, 75-5062

Retirement and pensions, retention of benefits, 75-5014, 75-5014a

Offices, 75-5021

Organization of department, 75-5015

Passenger rail service program, 75-5089

Guidelines, requirements, 75-5089

Loans or grants, 75-5089

Passenger rail service revolving fund, 75-5089

Pending actions and proceedings, 75-5019

Planning and development, division of, 75-5009

Director of planning and development, 75-5009, 75-5015

Planning for modes and systems of transportation, 75-5023

Powers and duties,

Transfer from corporation commission, 75-5078

Property and records, resolution of conflicts by governor, 75-5017

Public use general aviation airport development,

Fund, 75-5061

Grants, 75-5061

Secretary of transportation, duties, 75-5061

Rail service assistance and improvement programs, 75-5040 et seq.

Advisory committee, 75-5042

Functions and duties, 75-5045

Membership, term, 75-5043

Organization, meetings, expenses, 75-5044

Loan guarantees, 75-5046

Agreements, terms and conditions, 75-5046

Prior approval, finance council or legislative act, 75-5046

Qualified entity, defined, 75-5046

Requirements, limitations, 75-5046

Loans, grants, 75-5048

Qualified entity, defined, 75-5048

Rail service improvement fund, 75-5048

Terms and conditions, 75-5048, 75-5049

Passenger rail service program, 75-5089

Rail service assistance program loan guarantee fund, 75-5047

Rail service improvement fund, 75-5048

Rules and regulations, 75-5046, 75-5050

Secretary of transportation,

Powers and duties, 75-5046, 75-5047, 75-5048, 75-5049

Rules and regulations, 75-5046, 75-5050

Rail transportation plan, powers and duties of secretary, 75-5025 et seq.

Real property records, inventory system, report, 75-3516


Transfer from corporation commission, 75-5078

Relocation assistance, 58-3501 et seq.

Revolving fund. See, Transportation revolving fund, post

Road construction zone. Roads and Highways, this index

Rules and regulations, 75-5015

Director of highways, transfer to secretary, 75-5004

Driver's education scholarship grant program, 75-5096

Hazardous material, intrastate, 66-1,129b

Preservation of rules and regulations of highway commission, 75-5004

Transfer from corporation commission, 75-5078

Transportation revolving fund, 75-5065

Sale of property, Shawnee county, 75-2129a et seq.

Secretary of transportation,

Advertising control act,

Acceptance of federal funds, 68-2241

Agreements with United States, 68-2235

Condemnation, 68-2239

Duties, 68-2231 et seq.

Eminent domain, 68-2239

Licensing, 68-2236

Rules and regulations, 68-2245

Advisory boards, commissions or committees, 75-5018

Agreements and compacts, ante

Agricultural hall of fame, succession to right, title and interest, 2-2701

Airports and landing fields, 3-605, 3-606

Alternative delivery projects, 68-2332

Appointment, senate confirmation, effect, 75-5001

Appointments, 75-5001

Acting chief administrative officer, 75-4315a

Acting executive officer, 75-4315a

Acting secretary, 75-4315a

Attorneys, 75-5016

Chief attorney for department, 75-5016

Director of aviation, 75-5010

Director of engineering and design, 75-5008

Director of planning and development, 75-5009

Director of transportation administration, 75-5006

Director of transportation operations, 75-5007

State transportation engineer, 75-5005

Average daily vehicle miles traveled in county, computation, 79-3425c

Child passenger safety, education, 8-1347

Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703

Communication system equipment, 75-5073 et seq.

Compacts and agreements. Agreements and compacts, ante

Compensation, 75-5001

Connecting links, state highways, payments to cities for maintenance, 68-416

Contracts. Agreements and compacts, ante

Cooperation with Kansas turnpike authority, 75-5012

County engineers, approval of appointment, 68-501

Designation of highways in state system, 68-406

Driver’s education scholarship grant program, 75-5096

Report to legislature, 75-5096

Rules and regulations, 75-5096

Eminent domain, 68-413

Express highways and freeways,

Bonds, conditions and limitations, 68-2304

Investment of moneys, 68-2311

Powers and duties, 68-2303, 68-2304, 68-2306, 68-2311, 68-2312

Federal aid contracts, 68-401 et seq.

Approval of aid distribution, 68-402

Federal funds, 75-5023

Federal reservation, maintenance, 68-404a

Film services commission, ex officio membership, 74-9201

Film services commission, membership, 74-9201

Governmental operations and accountability law, office subject to, 75-5001

Information submitted to, 68-405


Acquisition of land, 68-2208

Certificate of compliance, 68-2205, 68-2213

Control, agreements, 68-2211


Transfer of duties of state salvage board to, 68-2212

Lighting of highways and bridges, approval, 68-164, 68-165

Loans or advances to counties for certain bridges, 68-1137 et seq.

Mass transit systems. See, Transit Systems, generally, this index

Noise studies, abatement measures, 75-5070

Office, location, 75-5021

Organization of department, 75-5015

Planning for modes and systems of transportation, 75-5023

Powers and duties, 68-404, 75-5015 et seq.

Aviation, 75-5011

Highway commission and director, powers and duties transferred, 75-5004

Listing, signs available for tourism or economic development, 75-5079

Payments, tools or equipment of employees stolen, 75-5062

Rail service continuation, 75-5025 et seq.

Specific powers, 75-5023

Transportation revolving fund, 75-5065

Public use general aviation development, 75-5061

Rail service assistance and improvement programs, ante

Rail transportation plan, 75-5025, 75-5026

Railroad rehabilitation loan guarantee fund, approval of expenditures from, 75-5029, 75-5030

Real property records, inventory system, report, 75-3516

Report to legislature, 68-2315

Resort, incentive plan, 32-874a

Rules and regulations, 75-5015, 75-5061

Child passenger restraining systems, 8-1344

Contractors, debarment and suspension of, 68-404

Intermodal transportation projects, 75-5083

Passenger rail service program, 75-5089

State rail transportation plan, 75-5027

Transit buses, operation on right shoulder of certain highways, 75-5091

Transportation revolving fund, 75-5065

Rural school zone speed limits, 8-1560e

School bus regulations,

Exemptions from law and regulations, approval, 8-2009a

Signs, erection of, duties, 68-422, 68-422a

State vanpool program review committee, member, 75-46a10

State-owned lands, construction and improvements, 68-171

Disposition of moneys, 68-173

Trails and parkways, duty, 68-1023

Toll project construction, requirements, 68-20,120


Contracts, 68-2021a,

Operation, 68-2017

Turnpike authority, director of, 68-2003

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1313a et seq.

Service and equipment, 75-5113

Signs, erection of, duties,

Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072

Listing, signs available for tourism or economic development, 75-5079

Short line rail improvement program, 75-5095

State highway fund,

Payments for stolen employee tools or equipment, 75-5062

Transfers from motor pools service fund, 75-4611

Transfers to broadband infrastructure construction grant fund, 75-5094

Transfers to coordinated public transportation assistance fund, 75-5035

Transfers to Kansas transportation revolving fund, 75-5065

Transfers to public use general aviation airport development fund, 75-5061

Transfers to rail service improvement fund, 75-5048

Transfers to short line rail improvement fund, 75-5095

Transfers to technology development fund, 75-5093

State transportation engineer. Engineer, state transportation, ante

Tools or equipment, stolen from employees, payment for, 75-5062

Traffic records enhancement fund, 75-5080

Transaction of business, rules and regulations, 75-5015

Transfer of powers and functions relating to aviation to secretary of transportation, 75-5011

Transit buses, operation on right shoulder of certain highways, 75-5091

Transportation administration, division of, 75-5006

Director of transportation administration, 75-5006, 75-5015

Personnel, delegation of powers and duties to, 75-5015

Transportation development district act. Municipalities, this index.

Transportation engineer. Engineer, state transportation, ante

Transportation operations, division of,

Director of transportation operations, 75-5007, 75-5015

Personnel, delegation of powers and duties to, 75-5015

Transportation plan, state, 75-5025 et seq.

Transportation revolving fund, 75-5063 et seq.

Administration, 75-5065

Authorized expenditures, 75-5066

Bonds, issuance authorized, 75-5067

Contracts, agreements, 75-5065, 75-5068

Definitions, 75-5064

Fees, technical assistance, 75-5068

Fund established, 75-5066

Loans, credit enhancements, other assistance, 75-5068, 75-5069

Redevelopment projects, 12-1774, 12-1775

Transfers from state highway fund, 75-5065

Transportation development district act, 12-17,149

Transportation technology development program, 75-5093

Transportation vision task force, 68-185

Transportation works for Kansas program, 68-2314b et seq.

Multimodal economic development program, 68-2314b


Furharvesting. Wildlife, this index


Garbage and Refuse, generally, this index

Waste, generally, this index


Trauma, statewide system, 75-5663 et seq.

See, also, Health and Environment, State Department of, this index


See, also, Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, Department of, this index

Council on, 32-1410 et seq.

Duties, 32-1411


Appointed, 32-1410

Legislators, 32-1410

Oversight, state tourism fund, 32-1413

Reports, 32-1411

State tourism fund, 32-1412

Administration of, 32-1412

Expenditures, approval of, 32-1412, 32-1413

Oversight, 32-1413

Tourism, division of, 32-1402, 32-1403

Tourism matching grant program, 32-1420 et seq.


Generally, 75-3201 et seq.

Abstracters' board of examiners, 74-3901, 74-3902

Advisory committee on assessment-ratio study, 74-3902, 75-3213

Advisory committees, secretary, for children and families, 75-5313

Animal diseases, executing orders of commissioner, 47-618

Animal health board, 47-1508, 74-4002

Army and air national guard, members, civil ceremonies, 48-225

Banking board, 74-3005

Barbering, Kansas board of, 74-1806

Bureau of investigation, 75-711

Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2238a

Community colleges, board of trustees, 71-201

Corporation commission, witnesses, 66-150

Cosmetology board, 74-2702

County attorney, 28-169

County Commissioners, this index

County demonstration farms, supervisor, 2-506

County Engineers, this index

County officers and employees, 28-169

Court of appeals judges, 75-3216

Out-of-state, 75-3216

Dental board, 74-1405

Developmental disabilities, state council on, 74-5501 et seq.

District court judges, out-of-state, 75-3216

Employees accompanying elected state officers, 75-3216

Employment security board of review, 44-709

Exemptions from limitations, 75-3203c

Certain state officers and employees, 75-3216

State educational institutions, research and development activities, 76-770

Finance council, 75-3212, 75-3213

Fire districts, townships, board members, 80-1514


Nonofficial travel, state-owned vehicle or aircraft, fees, 74-2105, 75-3226

Out-of-state, official, 75-3216

Healing arts board, 65-2823

High-cost cities, designations, 75-3207a

Highway patrol, 74-2114

Housing authority commissioners, 17-2341

Human rights commission, Kansas, members, 44-1003

Insurance companies, examination, examiners, training, 40-223f

Intergovernmental exchange of employees, 75-4405, 75-4407

Interstate cooperation commission, 46-408, 75-3213, 75-3216

Advisory committee, 46-407a

Secretary, 46-408

Judicial administrator, out-of-state, 75-3216

Judicial council, 75-3212, 75-3213

Jury, reports, 28-139

Law examiners, board of, 75-3216

Legislative coordinating council, 46-1209

Legislative research department, 46-1210, 46-1213, 46-1216

Legislature, 46-137a et seq., 75-3212 et seq.

Lieutenant governor, 75-3103

Lodging expenses, reimbursement, 75-3207a

Meal expenses, reimbursement, 75-3207a

Mental health and developmental disabilities, commissioner, 75-3303

Mileage, 28-147, 75-3201 et seq.

Exemptions, 75-3203c

Official travel, fixed by secretary of administration, 75-3203, 75-3203a

Military board members, 48-215

National guard members, tour of military duty, 48-225

Optometry board of examiners, 74-1503

Witnesses in proceedings, 74-1504

Pharmacy board, 74-1607

Presidential electors, 25-803

Public employees retirement system, trustees, 74-4906

Reimbursement by other governmental agency, no state reimbursement, 75-3227

Review board, employment security, 44-709

Revisor of Statutes, this index

School districts,

Mileage rate, 72-6489

Special education for exceptional children, 72-3408, 72-3422

Sheriffs, this index

State agencies, governing bodies, 75-3223

State boards, governing state agencies, 75-3223

State conservation commission, 2-1904

State educational institutions, research and development activities, 76-770

State fair board, 74-521, 74-522

State fire marshal, 75-3137

State library of Kansas board, 75-2546

State officers and employees, 75-3201, 75-3207a

Educational institutions, research and development activities, 76-770

Elective officers, out-of-state, 75-3216

Exemptions, 75-3216

Lodging expenses, 75-3207a

Meal expenses, 75-3207a

No state reimbursement if paid by other governmental entity, 75-3227

Out-of-state applicants, 75-3218

Out-of-state travel, prior approval, 75-3208

Presentment, 75-3201

Subsistence allowances, 75-3206 et seq.

State salvage board, 68-2212

Subsistence allowances, 75-3201, 75-3207, 75-3207a

State officers and employees, out-of-state applicants, 75-3218

Supreme court, out-of-state, 75-3216

Supreme court clerk, 75-3216

Teachers, exceptional children, special education, 72-3422

Turnpike authority, 68-2003

Uniform state laws, commissioners, representatives, 46-407a

University of Kansas, instructors, training firefighters, 76-327

Urban renewal agency commissioner, 17-4757

Viewers, roads and highways, 68-110

Water authority, Kansas, 74-2622

Wildlife damage control section, Kansas state university, 76-464

Witnesses, this index


Mobile Homes, generally, this index

Registration, fees, 8-143


Crimes and Punishments, this index


See specific offices


Generally, 75-4208 et seq.

Pooled Money Investment Board, generally, this index

Self-insurance reserve fund, administration, 12-3722

Acceptance of public, private or governmental funds, 12-3724

Investments, 12-3724

Transfer of funds, 12-3723


Appeals to court of appeals, 60-2102

Criminal offenders, transfer of, 22-3723

Documents of title, application, 84-7-103

Indian lands, protection of purchasers, 58-2249


Airport zoning regulations, nonconforming uses, 3-706, 3-707

Branches, refuse collection and disposal, 12-2101 et seq.

Cemeteries, cities of second class, 14-1007

Cities of first class, parks and parkways, 13-1348

Damages, eminent domain, 26-513

Eminent domain, damages, 26-513

Parks and parkways, cities of first class, 13-1348

Removal by counties, highways and grade crossings, 19-2612

State tree, 73-1001

Streets and alleys, 12-3201 et seq.

Timber and Lumber, generally, this index


Boundaries, 18-198


Actions, limitation of action, 60-513

Cemeteries, 14-1009, 15-1003

Criminal trespass, Criminal Code, 21-5808

Abandonment of motor vehicle, 8-1102

Duty of care, 58-821

Fairs and expositions, 2-140

Liability of landowner, lands used for recreation purposes, 58-3201 et seq.

Limitation of actions, 60-513

Real property, limitation of actions, 60-513

Remaindermen, actions, 58-2523

Reversions, actions, 58-2523

School lands, 72-1508


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index; Criminal Procedure, this index

Generally, 60-238, 60-239

Admissions, pretrial procedure, 60-216

Amendment of pleadings, pre-trial procedure, 60-216

Assignment of cases, 60-240

Calendars, 60-240

Amendment of pleadings prior to placing on, 60-215

Official court paper, 64-108, 64-109

Case management conference, 60-216

Change of venue. Venue, this index

Child in need of care cases, public access, 38-2247

Civil actions, judgments, rulings or decisions, time limit, 60-252a

Common questions, permissive joinder of parties, 60-220

Consolidations, 60-242

Continuance, 60-240

Death of party, 60-225

Detainers, mandatory disposition, 22-4303

Drainage districts, organization, 24-482

Evidence not raised by pleading, grant for objecting party to meet, 60-215

Incapacitated party, 60-225

Legislators involved, 46-126

Notice, detainers, mandatory disposition, 22-4303

Summary judgment proceeding, 60-256

Transfer of interest by party, 60-225

Cosmetic condemnation proceedings, 65-660

Costs, generally, this index

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Delay, motion for judgment on the pleadings, 60-212

Separate trials to prevent, 60-220

District courts, time limitation on ruling after trial, 60-252a

Drugs and medicine condemnation proceedings, 65-660

Expert witnesses, pretrial procedure, 60-216

Express consent, issues not raised by pleading, 60-215

Findings by court, 60-252

Food condemnation proceedings, 65-660

Harmless error, 60-261

Implied consent of parties, issues not raised by pleading, 60-215

Intervention, 60-224

Irrigation works, negligent construction, 42-3,106

Issues, 60-239

Not raised by pleading, 60-215

Pretrial procedure, 60-216

Joint hearing or trial, 60-242


Death of, 43-168

Disability or sickness, 43-168, 60-263

Judgment, contents, 60-258

Jury, this index

Juvenile offender cases, public access, 38-2353


Outside county, 60-612

Venue, generally, this index

Maps or plats, lost or destroyed, restoration, 12-418

Masters, 60-253

Mechanics' liens, 60-1106

Minors, exclusion of, 38-111

Motion for judgment as a matter of law, 60-250

Municipal courts, 12-4501 et seq.

New trial, 60-259

Affidavits, 60-259

Evidence, 60-259

General verdict inconsistent with answers to interrogatories, 60-249

Grounds, 60-259

Habeas corpus, prisoner in custody under sentence, 60-1507

Harmless error, 60-261

Judge, disability, 60-263

Mistakes, erroneous rulings or instructions of court, 60-259

Motion for,

Amendment, 60-259

Judgment as a matter of law, 60-250

Stay, 60-262

Time, 60-259

Order of court, 60-259

Passion or prejudice, verdicts, 60-259

Stay of motion, 60-262

Stay of proceedings to enforce judgment, pending motion, 60-262

Open court, 60-104

Pretrial procedure, 60-216

Ruling after trials, time limitation, 60-252a

Report, 60-252a

Supreme court rules, 60-252b

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Separate trials, 60-242

Counterclaims, 60-213

Cross-claims, 60-213

Joinder of parties, permissive, 60-220

Right to jury trial preserved, 60-242

Third-party claim, 60-214

Setting aside. Verdict, post

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index


Attendance, 60-245

Business records, 60-245a

Subsequent proceedings, judicial notice, 60-412

Summary judgment, 60-256

Testimony by juror, 60-443, 60-444

Time, trial, detainers, 22-4303

Venue, generally, this index


Admissibility to test verdict, 60-441

Contrary to evidence, new trial, 60-259

Correction, 60-248

Entry of judgment, 60-258

Erroneous admission or exclusion of evidence, 60-404, 60-405

Form, 60-248

Harmless error, 60-261

Itemized verdicts,

Personal injury actions, 60-249a, 60-19a01, 60-19a02

Wrongful death actions, 60-1903

Majority of jurors, 60-248

Oath of jurors, 60-247

Setting aside,

Erroneous admission or exclusion of evidence, 60-404, 60-405

Harmless error, 60-261

Special or general verdict, 60-249


Compacts, 46-2301 et seq.

Oversight act, 74-9801 et seq.

Administration, 74-9803

Attorney general, assistants, 74-8809

Background investigations, 74-9805

Citation, 74-9801


Interagency agreements,74-9807

Payment, disposition, 74-9808

Criminal records, disclosure, 74-9805

Definitions, 74-9802

Director of enforcement and compliance,

Appointment, 74-9804

Powers and duties, 74-9806

Enforcement agents,

Appointment, 74-9804

Powers and duties, 74-9806

Fingerprinting, 74-9805

Fund, 74-9808

State racing fund, transfers to, 74-8809

Interagency agreements, 74-9807

Kansas bureau of investigation, duties, 74-9806

Law enforcement, 74-8809, 74-9806

Minors, unlawful acts, 74-9809

Racing and gaming commission, 74-8803, 74-9803

Rules and regulations, 74-9805

State gaming agency, 74-9803

Compliance inspectors, 74-9804

Director of compliance, 74-9804

Duties, 74-9805

Employees, 74-9804

Law enforcement, 74-9806

Unlawful acts, 74-9809

Executive director, 74-9804

Unlawful acts, 74-9809

Interagency agreements, 74-9807

Powers, 74-9805


Unlawful acts, 74-9809

Unlawful acts, 74-9809


Motor carriers, demonstrating vehicles, 8-143g


See, also, Street Railways, generally, this index

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2801 et seq.


Code for care of children, 38-2202

Mandatory attendance, 72-3120

Reporting, 72-3121


Defined, traffic regulations, 8-1483

Temporary permit to use highways, 8-143i


Community colleges, driver training course fund, 71-1509

Defined, traffic regulations, 8-1481

Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Temporary permit to use highways, 8-143i


Trusts and Trustees, generally, this index


Corporations, issuance or ownership, 50-113

Metropolitan transit authority, equipment trust certificates, 12-2809


Trusts and Trustees, generally, this index


See, also, Banks and Banking, generally, this index

Generally, 9-2101 et seq.

Accounts and accounting,

Decedent's accounts, payment to successors, 59-1507b

Affiliated organizations, examination, 9-1702

Appeal, removal of officer or director, 9-1805

Articles of incorporation, 9-801

Commencement of corporate existence, filing date, 9-802


Closed or failed trust companies, pledge or sale to federal insurance corporations, 9-1304

Attachment, trust company in hands of state bank commissioner, 9-1910

Authorized transactions, 9-1204 et seq., 9-1715

Bank commissioner,

Activities authorized for national banks, 9-1715

Capital, 9-901a

Increase, 9-905

Reduction, 9-904

Certificate of authority, 9-806

Examination, 9-804

Forfeitures, 9-1709

Operating without, 9-801, 9-2011, 9-2016

Trust company to bank, 9-2101

Closed or failed trust companies, federal insurance corporations, transactions with, 9-1304

Closing one business day a week, 9-1122


Notification to county or district attorney, 9-2014

Powers, 9-1716

Special deputy bank commissioner, 9-1714

Collective investment funds, 9-1609

Company having control over a bank or trust company, defined, 9-1612

Consolidation. Liquidations, mergers and consolidations, post

Contracting for trust powers, 9-2107

Crimes, punishment and penalties, 9-2001 et seq.

Directors and employees, nonperformance of duty, 9-2001

Embezzlement, 9-2012

False reports, 9-2002

Gifts or fees, unlawfully receiving, 9-2013

Operating without certificate of authority, 9-2011, 9-2016

Perjury, 9-2004

Receiver, 9-2007

Dealings with companies having control of bank or trust company, 9-1611

Decedent's accounts, payment to successors, 59-1507b


Banking code, 9-701

Contracting for trust powers, 9-2107

Delinquent stockholders, 9-907

Deposits, credit unions, 17-2204

Development credit corporations, loan limitations, 17-2332

Directors, 9-1114

Criminals prohibited, 9-1717

Elections, 9-1114

Meetings, 9-1116

Oaths, 9-1114

Prohibition of participation of director, 9-1805

Removal, 9-1805

Vacancies, 9-1114


District court procedure, 9-1901

Dividend payments, priorities, 9-909

Escheat of property of liquidated institution, 9-1918

Examinations, 9-1116, 9-1701, 9-1702, 9-1703, 9-1708

Change of place of business, 9-814

Commissioner, confidential information, 9-1712

Expenses, 9-815

Incorporation, 9-801

Refusal by trust company, 9-1708

Fiduciaries, examination, 9-1702

Financial statements and reports, 9-1704 et seq.

Forfeiture, certificates of authority, 9-1709

Gifts and fees, unlawfully receiving, 9-2013

Guaranteed loans, 17-5001

Hearing, special deputy commissioner, 9-1714

Holidays, 9-1122

Impairment of capital, restoration, 9-906

Incorporation, 9-801 et seq., 9-2102

Change place of business, 9-814

Examination, 9-801

Expenses, 9-814

Information sharing and exchange program, 9-1712

Insolvency, 9-1902 et seq.

Insured loans, 17-5001

Investment companies, affiliated organizations, examination, 9-1702

Investments, 9-1102

College and university bond issues, 76-6a23

Collective investment funds, 9-1609

Express highway and freeway bonds, 68-2310

Municipal housing authority bonds, 17-2336

Nominees holding, 9-1607

Public employees retirement system, 74-4908

Turnpike bonds, 68-2014

Urban renewal bonds, 17-4752

Limited purpose trust companies, 9-2103

Liquidation, mergers and consolidations,

Authority to act as fiduciary, 9-1611

Closed or failed trust companies, transactions with federal insurance corporations, 9-1709

Dividend payments, priorities, 9-909

Trust authority, 9-1604

Voluntary liquidation, borrowing during proceedings, 9-1920

Metropolitan transit authority,

Equipment assigned to trust company, 12-2809

Investment in bonds or certificates, 12-2810

Municipal bonds, fiscal agent, 10-501, 10-503

Municipal housing authority bonds, investments, 17-2336

Names, 9-801

Nominees holding investments, 9-1607


Closing one day a week, 9-1122

Special deputy bank commissioner, 9-1714

Oaths and affirmations, bank examiners, powers, 9-1701

Officers and employees, 9-1115

Criminals prohibited, 9-1717

Directors, ante

Oath, 9-1114

Prohibition of participation of officer, 9-1805

Removal, 9-1805

Organization, 9-801, 9-804

Place of business, change of, 9-814

Powers and duties, 9-2103

Activities authorized for national banks, 9-1715

Contracting for trust powers, 9-2107

Receivers, 9-1709

Insolvent trust companies, 9-1903 et seq.

Assets, 9-1611

Borrow moneys, 9-1911

Examinations, 9-1903

Reports, 9-1130

Offenses, 9-2007

Refusal to be examined, 9-1708


Commissioner, confidential information, 9-1712

Investments held by nominees, 9-1607

Removal of officer or director, 9-1805

Reorganization, insolvent trust companies, 9-1903

Escheat of property held by commissioner, 9-1918

Reports, 9-1704 et seq.

Annual, 9-1704

Failure to file, 9-1708

Request for information, 9-1704

Special, 9-1704

Reproduction of records and papers, 9-1121

Revocation, certificate of authority, refusal to be examined, 9-1708

Rules and regulations,

Bank commissioner, 9-1713

Collective investment funds, 9-1609

Safe Deposit Boxes, generally, this index

Securities law, exemptions, 17-12a201, 17-12a202

Stock and stockholders,

Capital, 9-901a

Increase, 9-905

Reduction, 9-904

Delinquent stockholders, 9-907

Dissolution or liquidation, dividend payments, 9-909


Declaration, 9-911

Hearing, 9-1716

Preferred stock, 9-909

Stock dividends, 9-912

Undivided profits, 9-910

Impairment of capital, restoration, 9-906

Liability of stockholder, 9-2104

Par value, 9-902

Preferred stock, 9-908

Rights and immunities of holders, 9-909

Transfer of, 9-903

Stock in, banks owning, 9-1101

Taxation, 79-1106 et seq.

Allocation and apportionment of income, 79-1128 et seq.

Definitions, 79-1128

Payroll factor defined, 79-1132

Procedures in determining, 79-1129

Property factor defined, 79-1131

Receipts factor defined, 79-1130

Application of tax, 79-1116

Cessation of business, 79-1133

Credits against tax,

Renovations making facilities accessible to handicapped, 79-1117

Deductions, 79-1109

Net income, defined, 79-1109

Rates imposed, 79-1108

Recapture tax on refunds, 79-1120 et seq.

Refunds, 79-1112

Rules and regulations,

Privilege tax, 79-1111

Time, business hours, closing one day a week, 9-1122

Trust authority, liquidations, mergers and consolidations, 9-1604

Trust facility, establishment by out-of-state trust company prohibited, exceptions, 9-2111

Trust service office, 9-2108

Unclaimed property, 58-3934 et seq.

Undercapitalized, 9-1902a, 9-1905

Definitions, 9-1902, 9-1902a

Distribution of assets, 9-1906

Federal deposit insurance corporation, 9-1907

When, 9-1902a

Vaults, access, 9-1122


Abstracts of title, utilities or carriers, 58-2802

Affidavits, validity of claims, 58-2332 et seq.


Action to set aside, 58-2253

Defect, validation, 58-2252

Carriers, abstracts of title, 58-2802

Cemeteries, cities or townships, 12-1419

Creditors, validity of claims, 58-2332 et seq.


Action to set aside, 58-2253

Validation, 58-2252

Electric cooperatives, 17-4624

Recording, 17-4626


Electric utilities, 58-2334

Limitation of action, 58-2253

Railroads, 66-801 et seq.

Insurance, 40-1102

Limitation of actions, setting aside, 58-2253

Pipelines, execution and filing, 17-630, 17-631

Public utilities,

Abstracts of title, 58-2802

Execution and filing, 17-630, 17-631


Action to set aside, 58-2253

Defect, validation, 58-2252

Rural electrification act, indebtedness under, execution and filing, 17-630, 17-631

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Validation, 58-2332

Void, documents filed over thirty years ago, 58-2332 et seq.


Funds, generally, this index

State institutions, see specific bold subject headings


Secured Transactions, generally, this index


See, also, Business Trusts, this index

Generally, 58-2401 et seq.

Absentee, defined, 59-2701

Absentees' estates, 59-2701 et seq.

Appointment of trustee, 59-2702

Catastrophic event or disaster, 59-2704, 59-2705, 59-2708

Conservatorship law, application, 59-2703

Distribution of estate, 59-2705

Duties of trustee, 59-2703

Emergency, state of, 59-2704, 59-2705, 59-2708

Jurisdiction, 59-2701

Persons missing in action, 59-2705


Administration, 59-2705

Appointment of trustee, 59-2702

Powers of trustee, 59-2703

Presumption of death, 59-2704

Return of absentee after final settlement, 59-2705

Search for absentees, expenses, 59-2704

Setting aside orders, return of absentee after final settlement, 59-2705

Termination of trust estate, transfer of property, 59-2705

War emergency, state of, 59-2704, 59-2705, 59-2708

Accounts and accounting, 59-1703

Absentees' estates, 59-2703

Application of law, 59-1609, 59-1611

Beneficiary excusing trustee from duties or exempting trustee from liability, 59-1608

Change in trustee's duties, 59-1607

Death or disability of trustee, 59-1712

Distribution of trust property, 59-1604, 59-1606

Final accounting, 59-1603, 59-2253, 59-2255

Intermediate accounting, 59-1606, 59-2253

Intermediate hearings, 59-1602

Nontestamentary trusts, 59-1606

Resignation of trustee, 59-1709

Unborn or unascertained beneficiaries, representation, 59-2254

Actions and proceedings, 59-2207

Name of trustee of express trust, 60-217

Nonresident fiduciary, 59-1708

Venue, actions against trustees, 59-2207


Principal place, 58a-108

Agent for service of process, nonresident trustees, 59-1706

Agister's lien, 58-220


Municipal housing bonds, 17-2355

Aliens, interest, notice, 59-1705


Care of, 58a-408

Antitrust actions by attorney general, disposition of recoveries, 75-715

Appeal and review, 59-2401, 59-2401a

Appearance, failure to appear, 59-2404

District magistrate judges, appeals from, 59-2408

Determination of appeal, remanding case, 59-2409

Trial on appeal, 59-2408

Evidence, appeals from district magistrate judges, 59-2408

Failure to defend or appear, 59-2404

Juries, 59-2408

Matters transferred to district judge, 59-2402, 59-2402a, 59-2402b, 59-2402d

Venue, 59-2403

Appearance, failure to appear, appeals, 59-2404

Appointment of trustees,

Absentees' estates, 59-2702

Conserving trust property pending trustee's appointment, 59-2204

Notice, 59-1605

Petition, 59-2204

Appraisal of property, 59-1202

Attorney, beneficiary, 59-605

Attorney fees and costs, 58a-1004

Accounting, 59-1602

Attorney general,

Beneficiaries, qualified, 58a-110

Auctions and Auctioneers, generally, this index


Creditor as including, 84-1-201

Records, 58-2901

Banks and Banking, this index


Consent, release or ratification, 58a-1009

Qualified, 58a-110

Rights, 58a-502

Bona fide purchaser, no notice of trust, 58-2402

Bond of trustee, 59-1101 et seq.

Absentees' estates, 59-2703

Action on, 59-1102

Allowance for cost, 78-108

Amount of bond, 78-109

Approval, 59-1102

Cancellation, 59-1106, 59-1109

Increase or reduction in amount, 59-1106

Joint or separate bonds, two or more trustees, 59-1103

New bond, discharge of surety, 59-1107

Waived in trust agreement, 59-1104

When not required, 59-1105

Breach of trust, 58a-1001 et seq.

Damages, 58a-1002

Reliance on trust instrument, 58a-1006

Remedies, 58a-1001

Bribery. Crimes and Punishments, this index

Business Trusts, this index

Certification of trusts, 58a-1013

Charitable trusts,

Acts prohibited, 79-4605

Application of act, 79-4607

Application of cy-pres rule, 59-22a01

Authority of courts and attorney general, 79-4608

Distributions required, 79-4606

Charity and charitable organizations,

Beneficiaries, qualified, 58a-110

Cy Pres, 58a-413

Directors or trustees, 17-1701

Trust creation, 58a-405

Children and minors, transfers to, 38-1701 et seq.

Colleges and Universities, this index

Combination and division of trust, 58a-417

Commissions, accounting, 59-1602

Collective investment funds, banks and trust companies, 9-1609

Compensation of trustee, 59-1711, 59-1717

Compromise, indebtedness due trust, 59-1714

Conflict of interests, 59-1703

Conservators, nomination, 59-3054

Conserving property prior to trustee's appointment, 59-2204

Construction, rules, 58a-112

Consular representatives, alien's interest in trust, notice, 59-1705

Conveyances. Deeds and conveyances, post


Officers, acting as trustees, 59-1701, 59-1702

Receivers or trustees. Corporations, this index

Costs, 59-104

County parks and recreation centers, 19-2802

Court trustee. District Court Trustee, this index

Creation of trust, 58a-401 et seq., 58a-404 et seq., 58-2210, 58-2401

Care of animal, 58a-408

Induced by fraud, duress or undue influence, 58a-406

Methods, 58a-401

Noncharitable trust without ascertainable beneficiary, 58a-409

Oral trust, evidence, 58a-407

Other jurisdictions, 58a-403

Purposes, 58a-404

Charitable, 58a-405

Requirements, 58a-402

Creditor's claims,

Against deceased settlor, 58a-818

Beneficiaries, claims of creditors or assignees, 58a-501

Claims against settlor, 58a-505

Overdue distribution, 58a-506

Personal obligations of trustee, 58a-507

Spendthrift provision, 58a-502

Cy Pres rule, application, 58a-413, 59-22a01


Absence of breach, 58a-1003

Breach, 58a-1002

Embezzlement or conversion, trust property, 59-1704

Trustee's illegal acts or mismanagement of estate, 59-1703

Death or removal of trustee, 59-1603, 59-1712

Declaratory judgments, 60-1701 et seq.

Deeds and conveyances, 58-2210

Power to sell, 58-2418

Powers of married women, 58-2416

Record as notice, 58-2403

Resulting trust, 58-2406 et seq.

Defense, failure to defend, appeals, 59-2404

Definitions, absentee, 59-2701

Digital assets, revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4801 et seq.

Disability of trustees, 59-1712

Discharge of trustee, 59-1718, 59-2255

Disclaimer of interest in, 59-2291

Disclosure proceedings, 59-2216

Distribution of trust property,

Accounting, 59-1604, 59-1606

District court trustee, 20-375 et seq.

District Court Trustee, this index

Dormant cities, 12-1613

Drainage districts, dissolution, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-647 et seq.

Duties and powers of trustees, 58a-801 et seq.

Administration, 58a-801

Costs, 58a-805

Collecting trust property, 58a-812

Control and protection of trust property, 58a-809

Debts of deceased settlor, 58a-818

Delegation, 58a-807

Discretionary powers, 58a-814

Enforcement and defense of claims, 58a-811

General powers, 58a-815

Impartiality, 58a-803

Inform and report, 58a-813

Loyalty, 58a-802

Powers to direct, 58a-808

Prudent administration, 58a-804

Recording and identification of trust property, 58a-810

Skills, 58a-806

Educational purposes, no bonds, inventories and reports, 59-1105

Electronic records and signatures, 58a-1102

Embezzlement or conversion of trust property, 59-1704

Employees, personal property, 58-1101, 58-1102

Enforcement of charitable trusts, 58a-405

Event affecting administration or distribution, 58a-1007

Exculpation term, 58a-1008

Executions, contract waiving right of redemption, 60-2410

Expenses, accounting, 59-1602

Fees. Costs, ante

Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq.

Filing copy of instrument creating inter vivos trust, 59-1605

Final accounting, 59-1603, 59-2253, 59-2255

Fire districts, 19-3612a

Foreign citizens, interest in trust, notice, 59-1705


Accounts and accounting, 59-1602

Notice of hearing, 59-2210

Foundations, private, defined by internal revenue code,

Acts prohibited, 79-4605

Application of act, 79-4607

Authority of courts and attorney general, 79-4608

Distributions required, 79-4606

Fraud, resulting trust, 58-2407

Funds from sale of estate property, 76-350

Funeral contracts and plans, funds, 16-308

Governing law, 58a-107

Guardian ad litem, representation of unborn or unascertained beneficiaries, accounting proceedings, 59-2254

Guardians, nomination, 59-3054


Absentees' estates, appointment of trustee, 59-2702

Final accounts, 59-2253, 59-2255

Notice, 59-2208, 59-2223

Form of, 59-2210

Homicide, effect on capacity to take under, 59-513

Hospitals, this index

Incapacity to take under, 59-513

Indebtedness, absentees' estates, 59-2703

Insurable interest of trustee, 58a-113

Insurance agents or brokers, holding premiums, 40-247

Inter vivos trust, transfer of real property into, 58a-1107 et seq.

Interest as general partner, 58a-1011

Intermediate accounting, 59-1606

Intermediate hearings, 59-1602

Inventory of trust property, 59-1201 et seq.

Absentees' estates, 59-2703

Beneficiary excusing trustee from duties or exempting trustee from liability, 59-1608

Change in trustee's duties, 59-1607

Exceptions, 59-1105

Nontestamentary trustee, 59-1605

Testamentary trusts, 59-1601

Investment Securities, this index


Accounting, 59-1602

Insurance companies,

Banks, designated as trustees, 40-2a20, 40-2b20

Real estate investment, 40-2a18, 40-2b18

Trust companies designated as trustees, 40-2b20

Prudent investor act, 58-24a01 et seq.

Turnpike bonds, 68-2014

Urban renewal bonds, 17-4752

Joinder, beneficiaries in actions by trustee, necessity, 60-217

Joint township parks or cemeteries, 80-923

Judicial proceedings, 58a-201 et seq.

Court, role, 58a-201


Subject matter, 58a-203

Trustee and beneficiaries, 58a-202

Limitation of action, 58a-1005

Mediation or arbitration provisions, 58a-205

Statue of limitations, 58a-1005

Venue, 58a-204

Jurisdiction, 59-2203

Absentees' estates, 59-2701

Subject matter, 58a-203

Trustee and beneficiary, 58a-202

Kansas uniform prudent investor act, 58-24a01 et seq.

Leases, 59-1715

Liability of person dealing with trustee, 58a-1012

Liability of trustee, 59-1703

Absentees' estates, 59-2703

Discharge, 59-2256

Effect of resignation, 59-1710

Limitation of personal liability of trustee, 58a-1010

Losses, 59-1703

Mail and mailing, notice of hearing, 59-2209

Management of trust property, 59-1703

Marital deduction gifts, 58-820

Married women, powers, 58-2416

Meaning and effect, 58a-107

Mental health clinic, 65-213 et seq.

Metropolitan transit authority,

Bank or trust company holding equipment, 12-2809

Trust agreement, 12-2808

Minors, transfers to, 38-1701 et seq.

Mistakes, reformation of trust, 58a-415


Noncharitable irrevocable trust by consent, 58a-411

Proceedings, 58a-410

Tax objectives, achievement, 58a-416

Uneconomic trusts, 58a-414

Unforseen circumstances or inability to administer, 58a-412

Monopolies and unfair trade, creation of trust, penalty, 50-113

Mortgages, power to sell land, 58-2418

Municipal universities, 13-13a13


Trusts for benefit of state or local political subdivisions,

Costs of operation,

Provisions in written instrument, 58-2436

Reserve funds, 58-2436

Property subject to taxation, 58-2435

Requirements of trustees, 58-2434

Termination, 58-2438

Limitations, 58-2438

Trustees, agency of municipality, 58-2437

Personal liability, 58-2437

Discharge of liability, 58-2437

Nonjudicial settlement agreements, 58a-111

Nonresident trustees,

Appointment of agent for service of process, 59-1706

Powers, 59-1707


Absentees' estates, petition for appointment of trustee, 59-2702

Aliens, interest in trust, 59-1705

Appointment of trustee, 59-1605

Hearings, 59-2208, 59-2223

Notice of, 59-2210

Manner of giving, 59-2209

Methods and waiver, 58a-109

Nonresident trustees, service, 59-1706

Proof of service, 59-2211

Record of trust, 58-2403

Title of purchaser, 58-2402

Waiver, 59-2208, 59-2223


Accounts and accounting, 59-1602


Nontestamentary trusts, 59-1605

Testamentary trusts, 59-1601

Trustee, absentees' estates, 59-2703

Oral trusts, 58a-407

Organization as including trust, 84-1-201

Personal property, 58-1101, 58-1102

Petition, absentees' estates, appointment of trustee, 59-2702

Platting real estate, 59-1716

Power of attorney, 58-2419

Power of revocation, 58-2414

Powers, nonresident trustees, 59-1707

Powers of trustees, 58a-801 et seq.

Absentees' estates, 59-2703

Distribution upon termination, 58a-817

Specific powers, 58a-816

Trustees' Powers Act, generally, this index

Preparation by beneficiary, 59-605

Principal and income, uniform act, 58-9-101 et seq.

Process, 59-2207

Nonresident trustees, 59-1706

Professional corporation law, 17-2719

Protection of person dealing with trustee, 58a-1012

Prudent investor rule, uniform act, 58-24a01 et seq.

Publication, notice of hearing, 59-2209

Qualification of trustee, 59-1702

Real estate, trusts for benefit of state or political subdivisions, use, 58-2433


Inspection by beneficiaries, 59-1609

Notice of trust, 58-2403

Referees, appeals, 59-2408

Reference to written statements or lists, 58a-418

Reformation to correct mistakes, 58a-415

Reliance on trust instrument, 58a-1006

Removal of trustee, 59-1711

Absentees' estates, 59-2703

Reports, exceptions, 59-1105

Representation, 58a-301 et seq.,

Appointment of representative, 58a-305

Fiduciaries and parents, 58a-303

Generally, 58a-301

Holder of general testamentary power of appointment, 58a-302

Persons with substantially identical interest, 58a-304

Reservation, power of revocation, 58-2414

Resignation of trustee, 59-1710

Accounting, 59-1709

Resulting trust, 58-2406 et seq.

Revenue bonds, medical center, trust agreements, 76-816

Review. Appeal and review, ante

Revocable trusts, 58a-601 et seq.

Capacity of settlor, 58a-601

Distribution of trust property, 58a-604

Limitation on actions contesting validity, 58a-604

Powers of withdrawal, 58a-603

Revocation or amendment, 58a-602

Settlor's powers, 58a-603

Incapacitation of settlor, 58a-603

Revocation, powers, 58-2414


Liability of trustees, 59-1703

Real estate, taxes, payment, 79-419

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Scholarships, 59-1105

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Self-employed person, personal property, 58-1101, 58-1102

Service of process. Process, ante

Settlement agreements,

Nonjudicial, 58a-111

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

Spendthrift provisions, 58a-502

Split-interest trusts, defined by internal revenue code,

Acts prohibited, 79-4605

Application of act, 79-4607

Authority of courts and attorney general, 79-4608

Distributions required, 79-4606

State and political subdivisions, 58-2431

State institutions, persons under custody, trust funds, 76-172 et seq.

Statute of frauds, 33-101

Suicide, effect on capacity to take under, 59-513

Sunflower Foundation: Health Care for Kansas, open meetings law, 75-4320c

Supreme court, rules of court, 59-2501

Surcharging trustees, 59-2255

Tax objectives,

Modification of trust, 58a-415

Termination of trustee's authority, 59-1713

Termination of trusts, 58a-410 et seq.

Distribution by trustee, 58a-817

Noncharitable irrevocable trust by consent, 58a-411

Proceedings, 58a-410

Uneconomic trusts, 58a-414

Unforseen circumstances or inability to administer, 58a-412

Testamentary trusts,

Additions to, uniform act, 59-3101 et seq.

Bond of trustee, ante

Discharge of executor or administrator, 59-1505

Final accounting, 59-1603

Intermediate accounting, 59-1602

Management of trust property, 59-1703

Process, 59-2207

Receipt, 59-1505

Service of process, 59-2207


Accounting, 59-1602


Nontestamentary trust, 59-1605

Testamentary trust, 59-1601

Transfer, real property, 58a-1107

Transfers to minors, 38-1701 et seq.

Trust agreements, revenue bonds,

Kansas university medical center, 76-816

Natural gas acquisition systems, 12-882 et seq.

Trust code, uniform, 58a-101 et seq.

Common law of trusts, 58a-106

Creation, validity, modification and termination, 58a-401 et seq.

Creditor's claims, 58-501 et seq.

Cy Pres, 58a-413

Definitions, 58a-103

Duties and powers of trustees, 58a-801 et seq.

Judicial proceedings, 58a-201 et seq.

Knowledge of fact, 58a-104

Liability of trustees, 58a-1001 et seq.

Mandatory rules, 58a-105

Miscellaneous provisions, 58a-1101 et seq.

Application to existing relationships, 58a-1106

Uniformity of application and construction, 58a-1101

Notice, methods and waiver, 58a-109

Representation, 58a-301 et seq.

Revocable trusts, 58a-601 et seq.

Rights of persons dealing with trustee, 58a-1001 et seq.

Rules of construction, 58a-112

Scope, 58a-102

Spendthrift trusts, 58a-502 et seq.

Trustees, 58a-701 et seq.

Uniform prudent investor act, application, 58a-901

Trust funds,

State institutions, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq.

University of Kansas medical center, revenue bonds, 76-818

Trustee, defined,

Prudent investor act, uniform, 58-24a01 et seq.

Uniform Principal and Income Act, revised, 58-9-101 et seq.

Trustees, 58a-701 et seq.

Accepting or declining, 58a-701

Appointment of successor trustee, 58a-704

Bonds, 58a-702

Certification of trust, 58a-1013

Compensation, 58a-708

Cotrustees, 58a-703

Delivery of property by former trustee, 58a-707

Duties and powers, 58a-801 et seq.

Expenses, reimbursement, 58a-709


Beneficiary's consent, 58a-1009

Events affecting administration, 58a-1007

Exculpation term, 58a-1008

Limitation on personal liability, 58a-1010, 58a-1011

Removal, 58a-706

Resignation, 58a-705

Vacancy, 58a-704

Trustees' Powers Act, generally, this index

Trusts, inventory, oath, 59-1601

Unborn or unascertained beneficiaries, representation, accounting proceedings, 59-2254

Unclaimed property, 58-3934 et seq.

Uneconomic trusts, 58a-414

Uniform act for simplification of fiduciary security transfers, 17-4903 et seq.

Uniform fiduciary income and principal act, 58-9a-101 et seq.

Definitions, 58-9a-102, 58-9a-301

Disbursements, 58-9a-501 et seq.


Duties, 58-9a-201, 58-9a-404, 58-9a-416

Powers and authority, 58-9a-203, 58-9a-303

Judicial review, 58-9a-202

Receipts, generally, 58-9a-401 et seq.

Termination of income interest, 58-9a-601 et seq., 58-9a-701 et seq.

Unitrust, 58-9a-301 et seq.

Uniform Principal and Income Act, revised, 58-9-101 et seq.

Uniform prudent investor act, application, 58a-901

Uniform testamentary additions to trusts act, 59-3101 et seq.

Uniform trust code, Kansas, 58a-101 et seq.

Venue, 58a-204, 59-2203,

Absentees' estates, 59-2702

Actions against trustees, 59-2207

Appeals, 59-2403

Code, 58a-204

Veterans' monuments and memorials, 73-407

Void trusts,

Induced by fraud, duress or undue influence, 58a-406

Voidable transactions of trustee, 59-1703

Warehousemen, sale of perishable grain, 34-273

Waste, 59-1703

Wills. Testamentary trusts, ante


See, also, Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Disclosure, 16a-3-206


Admission to hospital, 65-116b

Failure to do required acts, 65-116e

Animal Diseases, this index

Commitment proceedings, 65-116e

County attorney, duties, 65-116d

Crimes and penalties, 65-116g

Definitions, 65-116a

Disorderly conduct, 65-116g

Drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672

Examination, order of suspect to submit, 65-116b

Examination orders, noncompliance, 65-116d, 65-116e

Expenses of care, 65-116i

Failure to do required acts, 65-116d, 65-116e

Foreign states, arbitration, legal residence and return of nonresident patients, 39-110

Health officer, defined, 65-116a

Home treatment, 65-116b

Hospitals. Tuberculosis Hospitals, generally, this index

Household, protection of members, 65-116c et seq.

Investigations, precautions to prevent spread, 65-116c

Nonresidents, return to place of legal residence, 39-110

Notice, failure to do required acts, 65-116d

Order for examination, 65-116b

Noncompliance, 65-116d, 65-116e

Preventing spread of infection, 65-116c et seq.

Sanatorium (Norton), name changed to Norton state hospital, 76-1502a

Schools, employees and others, certification, 72-6266

Secretary of health and environment,

Duties, 65-116j

Payments for care and treatment,

Limitations, 65-116k, 65-116l

Recovery of costs, 65-116m

Suspects, 65-116b

Treatment of choice, 65-116h


Admissions, 65-116b

Failure to do required acts, 65-116e

Commitment proceedings, 65-116e

Discharge, committed person, 65-116e

Expenses of care, 65-116i

Kansas medical facilities survey and construction act, 65-410 et seq.


Deeds, custody, 75-3307

Lease of, 75-3307

Nonresident patients, return to place of residence, 39-110

Recommitment, 65-116e

Residence requirements for admission, waiver, 39-111

Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index


Colleges and Universities, this index

Kansas state school for the deaf, 76-1006

Municipal universities, 13-13a09, 13-13a16

Payment of costs by state agencies, 75-5519

Schools and School Districts, this index

State guard, survivors of members, death benefits, 48-269

Tuition grants to private institutions. Colleges and Universities, this index


Cities, 12-694

State highway railroad grade crossing, 68-414


Roads and Highways, this index


Roads and Highways, this index


State reptile, 73-1901


Drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672

Health officer, duties, 65-202