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2021 Statute

Section Number


Banner Creek, reservoir project, financing of, 12-187, 12-189

Boundaries, 18-143

Public infrastructure, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq.


Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq.

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq.


Generally, 19-1901 seq.

Abandoned jails, sale or other disposition, 19-1927 et seq.

Actions by prisoners, prerequisite administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Adjoining county, keeping prisoners, 19-1916

Architects, 19-1594

Autopsies on inmates, 22a-233

Bibles, 19-1906

Bids and bidding, counties over 175,000, 19-1594


Counties between 37,000 and 41,000, 19-1931

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572d

Counties over 50,000, 19-1585 et seq.

Counties over 175,000, 19-1594, 19-1595

Counties under 5,000, 19-1580

Courthouse, jail and memorial building, 19-1577, 19-1579, 19-1580

Validation, 19-1562

Building fund, 19-15,116

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572c

Counties of 10,000 to 15,000, 19-2675

Calendar, 19-1904, 19-1905

Chase county, 19-1933, 19-1934

Children and minors, 19-1919

Children in need of care, 38-2276

Juvenile offenders, 38-2332

Juveniles in the custody of the department of corrections, 38-2366

Separate facilities, 19-1919

City prisoners,

Death of prisoner in custody, 19-1935

Keeping, 19-1930

Civil actions by prisoners, prerequisite administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Combination, courthouses, memorial building and jail, counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Compensation and salaries, cook and assistant, counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-222

Contracts for construction, 19-1924

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572d

Counties over 50,000, 19-1586

Counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Counties under 5,000, 19-1580

Contracts with cities, keeping county prisoners, 19-1929

Cooks, counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-222

Correctional Institutions, generally, this index

Counties between 37,000 and 41,000, 19-1931, 19-1932

Counties over 175,000, repairs and improvements, 19-1594

County prisoners, death of prisoner in custody, 19-1935

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Custody of jail and prisoners, 19-811

Death of prisoner in custody, 19-1935

Delivery of property to new sheriff, 19-814


Combination courthouse, jail and memorial building, 19-1577

Counties between 37,000 and 41,000, 19-1931

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572c

Counties over 50,000, 19-1585, 19-1587

Counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Counties under 5,000, 19-1580

Validation, 19-1562

Emergency housing agreements, state correctional institutions, 75-5206

Employment of prisoners, 22-4603

Escape, generally, this index

Establishment and location, 19-1901

Expenses, keeping prisoners,

Adjoining counties, 19-1916

City jails, county prisoners, 19-1929

Civil process, 19-1909

Counties, 19-1930

Criminal process, 19-1910

Federal and city prisoners, 19-1930

Fugitives from other states, 19-1917

Health care services, payment to providers, 22-4612

Prohibition of release to avoid payment, 22-4613

Reimbursement, 19-1910

Sedgwick county, tax levy, 19-1930

Facilities for inmates of other states, prohibition, 75-52,133

Federal aid, counties over 50,000, 19-1588

Federal prisoners, keeping, 19-1930

Feeding prisoners, 19-1903

Contracts for feeding prisoners,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-706

Sheriff prohibited from, 28-222, 28-706

Fuel, 19-1903

Fugitives from other states, expenses for keeping, 19-1917

Health care expenses of persons in custody, payment, 22-4612

Prohibition of release to avoid payment, 22-4613

Historical societies, conveyance of abandoned jail and site, 19-1927, 19-1928

Housing agreements, temporary, state correctional institutions, 75-5206

Improvements. Contracts for construction, ante

Inmates, autopsies, 22a-233

Intoxicating liquors, prisoners, 19-1907, 19-1908


Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-706

Execution of sentence, authority, 22-3427

Juvenile prisoners, 19-1919

Juveniles. Children and minors, ante

Kansas parole board, access to inmates, 22-3719

Keepers, county clerk, 19-804a

Liability of sheriffs or deputies, 19-811

Location, cities other than county seat, 19-1923

Memorial buildings or courthouses, combination, 19-1577, 19-1578

Ministers, access, 19-1906

Minors, 19-1919


Contracts to keep county prisoners, 19-1929

Joint use, 19-1923

No-fund warrants, counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102 et seq., 19-15,116

Offender registration act,

Duty and procedure to register,

Change of offender's address, 22-4904

Residency restrictions for offenders, prohibition, 22-4913


Duties, 22-4904

Parole board and representatives, 22-3719


Victims, notice, 22-3436

Prisoner as witness, 22-3416

Process, keeping, 19-1911 et seq.


Facilities for inmates of other states, 75-52,133

Public building commission, transfer of property, 12-1764a

Recommitment, escape on civil process, liability of sheriff, 19-1915

Records, 19-1904, 19-1905

Process, 19-1911 et seq.

Repairs, 19-104

Sale, 19-1925

Abandoned jails, 19-1927 et seq.

Old jails, 19-1924

School attendance, not required, 72-9936

Sedgwick county, expenses of keeping prisoners, 19-1930

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Separation, sexes, 19-1903

Shawnee county, transfer from building commission, bonds, 19-15,144

State aid, counties over 50,000, 19-1588

Tax levies, continuance of, 19-15,124 et seq.


Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102 et seq.

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572c

Treatment of prisoners, 19-1919

Visits, 19-1919


Boundaries, 18-144

Shawnee county, 18-144a

County buildings,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

County codes and resolutions, enforcement of, 19-101d

Kansas police and firemen's retirement system,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189

Sale of land to state, 75-52,119 et seq.

State of Kansas, disclaimer of interest in certain land located in, 74-4536


Generally, 21-5110


Boundaries, 18-145


Generally, 76-2002a et seq.

Custody and management of museum, 76-2002d

Equipment and facilities, delivery to city of Osawatomie, 76-2002c

Lease, 76-2002a

Operation and maintenance, 76-2002b

State historical society, duties, 76-2002a et seq.


Airport commission, 3-307a et seq.

Airports and landing fields, 3-302 et seq.

Boundaries, 18-146

County codes and resolutions, enforcement of, 19-101d

Culture District Compact, 12-2536 et seq.

DeSoto/Johnson County riverfront authority act, 12-5801 et seq.

Easement, water district no. 1, 19-3521b

Energy, easement for water district no. 1, 19-3521b

Fire districts, 19-3613 et seq.

Indian land, conveyances, 58-2249

Johnson county education research triangle authority, 19-5001 et seq.

Board of directors, 19-5004

Citation of act, 19-5001

Creation of, 19-5002, 19-5003

Imposition or levy of tax, 19-5003

Interest earnings, 19-5003

Powers and limitations, 19-5004

Voter recall of, 19-5003

Kansas and Missouri Metropolitan Culture District Compact, 12-2536 et seq.

Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq.

Kansas state school for deaf, location, 76-1001 et seq.

Law enforcement officers, jurisdiction, 22-2401a

Libraries, generally, this index

Mental health or intellectual disability facilities, governing board, 19-4002b

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq.

Overland Park,

Annexation, 19-2657

Urban area, 19-2656

Oxford township, urban area, 19-2656

Park and recreation district, 19-2859 et seq.

Admission charge, 19-2873

Agents, 19-2868

Attorneys, 19-2868

Bids, advertisements, 19-2881

Board, 19-2863 et seq.

Boat rentals, 19-2873

Bonds, 19-2862, 19-2868

Elections, 19-2874, 19-2875

Revenue bonds, 19-2862a et seq.

Supervisory personnel, 19-2869


Additional territory, 19-2871, 19-2871a, 19-2871b

Petition, 19-2861

Budget, 19-2876

Compensation and salaries, 19-2868


Deposits in general fund, 19-2876

Leases, 19-2873

Contracts, 19-2862, 19-2881

Recreation areas surrounding federal reservoirs, 19-2881a

Use of school lands, 19-2868

Crimes and penalties, 19-2873

Deeds and conveyances, 19-2868

Elections, 19-2875

Eminent domain, 19-2867, 19-2868

Engineers, 19-2868

Federal reservoirs, contracts with federal agencies for recreational areas, 19-2881a

Fees, 19-2873

Financing, 19-2868

Fishing, control, 19-2873

General fund, 19-2876

Gifts, 19-2868, 19-2876

Historical property, 76-2008 et seq.

Improvements, 19-2868, 19-2872

Investment of idle funds, 19-2876a

Land acquisition fund, 19-2873b

Landscape architects, 19-2868

Leases, 19-2862

Concessions, 19-2873

Materials, purchase of, 19-2881

Moneys, deposit of, 19-2870

Notice, 19-2861

Officers and employees, 19-2868

Personal property, sale or salvage, 19-2868

Police, 19-2868

Powers, 19-2862, 19-2868

Real property, 19-2867, 19-2868

Recreation fund anticipation notes, 19-2876b

Rules and regulations, 19-2873

Seal, 19-2868

Supervisory personnel, 19-2868, 19-2869

Surveyors, 19-2868

Taxation, 19-2862, 19-2868, 19-2876

Additional territory, 19-2871

Bonds and income, exempt, 19-2862i

District enlargement to include county, 19-2871

Election, additional tax levy, 19-2876c

Exemption, 19-2859

Recreational areas surrounding federal reservoirs, 19-2881a, 19-2881b

Public safety projects, financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189, 12-192

Purchasing officer, 19-260a, 19-260b

Redevelopment districts within federal enclave, 19-4901 et seq.

Sales tax, apportionment formula, 12-192

Levies for fire protection services, 12-192

Schools and School Districts, this index

Shawnee and Mission townships, law enforcement, 19-2644 et seq.

Shawnee Mission park district. Park and recreation district, ante

State-owned lands, sale, board of regents, 76-169

Transit system buses, operation on right shoulder of certain highways, 75-5091

Urban area, 80-1418

Designation, 19-2654, 19-2656

Water, easement for water district no. 1, 19-3521b

Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3501 et seq.

Board, powers, 19-3509

Enlargement, 19-3504

Establishment, 19-3502, 19-3503

Powers, 19-3502

Water district board, 19-3505

Wholesale water supply act, 19-3522 et seq.

Governing board, 19-3528 et seq.

Incorporation, 19-3525, 19-3526

Powers of governing board, 19-3531

Purposes, 19-3523

Youth residential facilities, public, 38-555

Zones and Zoning, this index


Actions and Proceedings, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index

Parties, this index


Apartment ownership act, 58-3124

Contracts, 16-101 et seq.

Corporations, this index

Directors of corporations. Corporations, this index

Minors, motor vehicles, 8-222

Roads and highways, damages, 8-1913

Service of process, proceeding only against defendants served, 60-310

Venue, 60-603, 60-608


Generally, 46-2101, 46-2102

State information technology projects,

Budget estimates, review, 75-7210


Changes or cost overruns, 75-7211

Data processing acquisitions, university of Kansas medical center, 76-3,100

Progress, 75-7211

Strategic plans, review, 75-7210


Compensation, 46-3301

Membership, 46-3301

Powers and duties, 46-3301


Correctional institutions, public-private partnerships for construction projects, 75-52,168

Generally, 46-1701, 46-1702


Change orders or changes in plan, 75-1264

Changes to fee guidelines, project architect, engineer or land surveyor, 75-1253

Construction defects recovery fund, 75-3785

Correctional industries fund capital improvements, 75-5282

Endowment association capital improvement projects, 76-756, 76-757

Energy conservation improvement projects, 75-37,112

Hospital authority capital improvement projects, 76-3308a

Leases, office space, state agencies, 75-3765b

Medical center capital improvement projects, 76-760

Progress on state projects, 75-1264

State agency office space assignments, 75-3651, 75-3765

State-owned or leased office or storage space, 75-3651, 75-3765


Credit unions, shares, 17-2213

Death of one party, 58-501, 59-2286

Grant or devise of property, 58-501

Homicide, effect on capacity to take under, 59-513

Incapacity to take under, 59-513

Irrigation districts, qualified owners, 42-701

Public utilities, agreements, 16-116

Rents and profits, actions, 58-2522

Repairs and improvements, contribution, 58-2521

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

Suicide, effect on capacity to take under, 59-513

Termination of estates, 59-2286

Warehouse receipts, 84-7-202


Courts, this index

Legislature, this index


Arbitration and award, oaths, administration, 5-206

Fees, 5-213

Attempting to influence, criminal code, 21-5905

Change of judge, district courts, 20-311d

Contempt not applicable, 20-311e

Limitations, 20-311f

Comment on evidence, exercise of privilege, 60-439

Court of Appeals Judges, generally, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Death, jury trial, 43-168

Deeds and conveyances, acknowledgment, 58-2211

Depositions, commission to take, 60-228


Generally, 60-263

Jury trial, 43-168

Disqualification, 20-311

District judges. District Court Judges, this index

District magistrate judges. District Court Judges, this index

Election judges. Elections, this index

Emergency interim executive and judicial succession act, 48-1201 et seq.

Endorsement, pleadings and other papers, filing date, 60-205

Judge advocate general. Military Forces, this index

Judicial branch education fund,

Jury trial, death or disability, 43-168

Marriage, generally, this index

Masters, reference to, 60-253

Military duty, exemption, 48-102

Monopolies and unfair trade, investigations, 50-153

Municipal Courts, this index

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Oaths and affirmations, authority to administer, 54-101 et seq.

Personal information, criminal code, 21-5905

Pro tem judges, 20-310a

Retirement and pensions,

Court of Appeals Judges, this index

District Court Judges, this index

Supreme Court Justices, this index

Search warrants. Searches and Seizures, this index

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Sickness, jury trial, 43-168

Supreme Court Justices, generally, this index

Temporary judges, 20-310b


Dockets, this index


Generally, 60-2202, 60-2418

Attorneys, claim, 7-109

Carriers, action for assessment of expenses, 66-1504

Divorce decree, lien in favor of minor children, 60-2204

Assignment of rights to secretary for children and families, 60-2204

Executions, 60-2418

Filing, 60-2202, 60-2418

Governmental employees, 60-2202, 60-2203a

Income tax, 79-3235

Minor children, release of certain liens, 60-2204

Assignment of rights to secretary for children and families, 60-2204

Municipal property, 12-151

Personal property tax, 79-2101

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Public utilities, action for assessment of expenses, 66-1504

Real estate, 60-2202, 60-2418

Sales or compensating tax, 79-3617

State, 75-417


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index; Criminal Procedure, this index; Default Judgments, this index

Acquiescence in, payment of costs, right to appeal, 60-2004

Adjudication on merits, dismissal of actions, 60-241

Administrative agencies, review and enforcement of actions. See, Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Affidavit, renewal, 60-2403

Alteration, motion, 60-259


Additional findings by court, 60-252

Motion, 60-259

Stay of execution pending disposition, 60-262

Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Arbitration and award, 5-209

Attachment, demands not due, 60-702

Attorneys, claim of lien, 7-109

Authentication, 60-465

Bankruptcy, recording, 58-2901

Bonds, municipal bonds, cancellation, 10-1005

Carriers, this index

Cemetery districts, quiet title actions, 17-1335e

Cities, payment, 75-6107, 75-6112, 75-6113

Clerical mistakes, correction, 60-260

Confession of judgment, consumer transactions, 16a-3-306

Contents, judgment, 60-258

Cooperative marketing associations, dissolution, 17-1631

Costs, court. Costs, generally, this index

Counterclaims, 60-254

Separate judgments, 60-213


Appeals or stays, security or bond, 19-108

Levy to pay, 19-108

Payment, 75-6107, 75-6112, 75-6113

Recovering unauthorized fees or costs, 19-232

Transcript upon change of boundaries, 18-207

Credit reporting, obsolete information, 50-704

Cross-claims, separate judgments, 60-213

Declaratory judgments, 60-1701 et seq.

Declaratory Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index

Deeds and conveyances, recording, 58-2242a

Default Judgments, generally, this index

Deficiency judgments, consumer credit transactions, 16a-5-103

Defined, 60-254

Demand for, 60-254

Destruction, restoration, 60-2501 et seq.

Discharge, relief from, 60-260

Dismissal of actions, adjudication on merits, 60-241

Divorce or Annulment, this index

Dormant judgments, 60-2403, 60-2404

Revivor, 60-2404, 60-2418

Taxation, 79-2017, 79-2101

Eminent domain, deficiency, 26-511

Enforcement of, nonparties, 60-264

Entry of judgment, 60-104, 60-258

Motion for new trial, time, 60-259

Multiple claims, final judgment, 60-254

Excusable neglect, relief from, 60-260

Executions, generally, this index

Fees, filing, entering and releasing, 28-170

Fertilizers, basis, 2-1205

Final judgment, relief from judgment, 60-254

Findings by court, 60-252

Food, drug and cosmetic law, 65-675

Foreclosure of security interest, 60-1006

Foreign judgments,

Authentication, 60-465

Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, generally, this index

Pleadings, 60-209

Uniform act, 60-3001 et seq.

Authentication, 60-465

Filing and status of foreign judgments, 60-3002 et seq.

Fraud, relief from, 60-260

Garnishment, generally, this index

Habeas corpus, 60-1505

Prisoner in custody under sentence, 60-1507

Harmless error, 60-261

Inadvertence, relief from, 60-260

Independent action for relief, 60-260

Injunctions, this index

Insurance, this index

Interest, 16-204

Contract rate, 16-205

Interlocutory judgment,

Stay of proceedings, 60-262

Joinder of parties, permissive, 60-220

Landlord and tenant, attornment, 58-2514

Legislative personnel involved, 46-127a

Levees and flood control, improvements, 12-643

Liens. Judgment Liens, generally, this index

Lost or destroyed, restoration, 60-2501 et seq.

Mandamus, 60-802

Maps or plats, lost or destroyed, restoration, 12-418

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2834

Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-405

Mistake, relief from, 60-260

Modification, motion, 60-259

Stay of execution pending disposition, 60-262

Motion for judgment on the pleadings, 60-212

Multiple claims, 60-254, 60-262

Municipal courts, 12-4402


Judgments against, 16-204

Payment, 75-6107, 75-6112, 75-6113

Newly discovered evidence, relief from, 60-260

Nonparty, enforcement of order, 60-264

Offer of judgment, 60-2002

Service, 60-205

Opening judgment, motion for new trial, 60-259

Partial findings, judgment, 60-252

Partition of property, 60-1003


Governmental entities, 75-6107, 75-6112 et seq.

Health care providers, 60-2609

Townships, 80-118, 80-119

Pleadings, 60-209

Judgment on, motion, 60-212

Probate Proceedings, this index

Procedure for relief from, 60-260

Public Utilities, this index

Purchase money mortgage, preference, 58-2305

Quo warranto, 60-1204

Railroads, this index

Real property actions, 60-601

Receiverships, stay of proceedings, 60-262

Records and recording, contents, 60-258

Release of claims, notice, 60-2203a

Release of judgment, filing, 60-2803

Release of liens in favor of minor children, 60-2204

Relief from, 60-260

Entered on service by publication, 60-309

Renewal affidavit, 60-2403


After sale of land on execution, 60-2410

Prior judgment, relief from, 60-260

Revivor, dormant judgment, 60-2404, 60-2418


Filing, 60-2803

Health care providers, 60-2609

Relief from operation of judgment, 60-260

Schools and school districts,

Judgments against, 72-1141

Payment, 75-6107, 75-6112, 75-6113

Secured transactions,

Default, 84-9-501

Security interest, foreclosure, civil procedure, 60-1006

Service of judgment, form, 60-258

Service of offer, 60-205

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

State of Kansas, judgments against, 16-204, 60-5004, 75-6107, 75-6117

Statute of frauds, 33-102

Stay of proceedings to enforce, 60-262

Summary judgments, 60-256

Supersedeas bonds, judgment against surety, 60-2103

Supreme Court, this index

Surprise, relief from, 60-260


Delinquent personal property taxes, 79-2101

Certain counties, 79-2017

Counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Sales or compensating tax, 79-3617

Third-party practice, 60-214


Proceedings to enforce time, 60-262

Relief from judgment, 60-260

Townships, payment, 75-6107, 75-6112, 75-6113, 80-118, 80-119

Transfer of title to property, 58-2242a

Tribal courts, recognition of, 60-3020

Vacating or setting aside, 60-260

Erroneous admission of evidence, 60-404, 60-405

Void judgments, relief from, 60-260

Water, appropriation, distribution, 82a-719


Administrator, 20-318, 20-321

Dispute resolution director, 5-503

Judicial chief information technology officer,

Appointment and duties, 75-7206, 75-7210

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

Local citizen review boards, receive reports from, 38-1808

Permanent families account in the family and children investment fund, 38-1808

Training, 20-318a


Generally, 20-2201 et seq.

Chairperson, 20-2202

Compensation and salaries, 20-2206, 75-3212, 75-3213

Duties, 20-2203

Employment of retired justices and judges, 20-3208

Judicial council fund, 20-2208

Judicial study advisory committee, 20-152, 20-153, 20-154

Meetings, 20-2202

Membership, 20-2201

Publications, fees, 20-2207

Publications fee fund, 20-2207

Reports, 20-2204

Supreme court justice, member, 20-2201

Terms of office, 20-2201

Vacancies in office, 20-2201


See, also, District Courts, generally, this index; District Court Judges, generally, this index; table, preceding, 4-101

Generally, 4-202 et seq.; Kan. Const. Art. 3, §§6, 18

Apportionment, 4-202 et seq.

Cases pending, effect on, 20-328, 20-333b

Judges, selection, new districts, 20-2916

Change in districts. Apportionment, ante

Consolidation of actions, 60-242

Number determined, counties, 4-202 et seq.

Separate trials, 60-242


Generally, 60-409 et seq.

Appeal and review, 60-412

Facts subject to judicial notice, 60-409

Instructions to jury, 60-411

Legislative personnel, 46-127

Propriety, 60-410

Soil conservation districts, seal, 2-1908


Judicial Council, this index


Administrative Procedure, generally, this index


See, also, Executions, generally, this index

Auction of new goods, 68-1023

Caustic or corrosive substances, 65-645

Default judgments, 60-309

Limitation of actions, 60-504, 60-505

Motor fuel or liquid fuel carriers, violation of law, 55-516

Oil and gas leases or pipelines, enforcement of liens, 55-210

Partition, 60-1003

Secured Transactions, this index

Taxes, payment from proceeds, 79-419


Supreme court and judicial council, 20-152


Community colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index


Junk dealers, regulation, 50-619 et seq.

Junkyard and salvage control act, 68-2201 et seq.

Motor vehicles, certificate of title, 8-135


Roads and Highways, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index; Criminal Procedure, this index; Trial, generally, this index

Generally, 60-238, 60-239

Absence, unexcused, 43-165

Admonition of court, 60-248

Advisory jury, 60-239

Alternate jurors, 60-248

Array, challenges, 60-247

Challenges, 60-247, 60-248

Citizenship, disqualifying information, 43-174

Clerks, counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-706

Commissioners, 43-157

Records, access to, 43-162

Comparative negligence, special verdicts, 60-258a

Computers, use, 43-163

Conduct on submission of case, 60-248

Contact with jurors, 22-3440

Corrupt conduct by juror, criminal code, 21-5905

Costs, generally, this index

County inhabitants, competency, 19-107

Crimes, punishments and penalties, seeking jury service, 43-127

Criminal Procedure, this index

Death, sickness or disability of judge, 43-168

Declaratory judgments,

Demand, 60-257

Default judgment, damages, 60-255

Deliberation, 22-3440, 60-248

Demand for jury trial, 60-238, 60-239, 60-257

Disability, death or sickness of judge, 43-168

Discharge, 60-248

Drawing, 43-107

Drivers' licenses, suspension or revocation, 8-259

Eminent domain, 26-509

Exclusion from service,

By court, 43-159

Taxpayers, action against municipality, 43-160

Exemption from service,

National guard members, 48-211

Saturday observed as Sabbath, 69-101

State guard member, 48-512

Expenses, mileage, 75-3203

Fees, 43-171

Certified bill, 28-142

Payment, 28-150

Findings by court, 60-252

General verdict and interrogatories, 60-249

Grand jury. Criminal Procedure, this index

Impaneling. Drawing, ante

Influence of evidence, 60-441

Information, requests after retirement, 60-248

Instructions to jury, 60-251

Assigning error, 60-251

Discussion of deliberations or verdict, 60-272

Itemized verdict, 60-249a, 60-1903, 60-19a01, 60-19a02

Judicial notice, 60-411

Limited admissibility of evidence, 60-406

New trial, erroneous instructions, 60-259

Objections to, 60-251

Privileges and immunities, exercising privilege, 60-439

Separation of jurors, 60-248

Special or general verdict, 60-249

Wrongful death action, 60-1903

Judge, death, disability or sickness, 43-168


Alternate jurors, 60-248

Corrupt conduct by, criminal code, 21-5905

Discussion of deliberations or verdict, 60-272

Examination, 60-247

Interpreters appointed for deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired and non-English speaking persons, 75-4355a

Jury list, 43-157, 43-162, 43-166

Less than unanimous verdict, civil, 60-248

Master's report, 60-253

Misconduct, new trial, 60-259

Montgomery county, court of service, 43-112a

Neosho county, court of service, 43-112b

Number, stipulation, 60-248

Oaths, 60-247


Additional jurors, 43-167

Challenges, 60-247

Selection, procedure, 43-164

Summoning, 43-166

Parties examining, 60-247

Peremptory challenges, 60-247

Polling, 60-248

Procedure, 60-238, 60-239, 60-248


Elector, 43-156

Examination of jurors, 60-247

Questions, requiring answer, 43-161

Real property, right to reimbursement, 60-1004

Records, attendance of jurors, 28-138

Right to serve, 43-156

Employers liability, 43-173

Right to trial by, 60-238

Rules governing jury service, 43-165

Seeking jury service, 43-127


Additional jurors, 43-167

Alternate jurors, 60-248

Computers, use, 43-163

Procedure, 43-164

Wheel, 43-163

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Separate trials, right to jury trial preserved, 60-242

Separation, admonition, 60-248


Elector, qualification as, 43-156

Exclusion from, 43-158

By court, 43-159

Taxpayers, action against municipality, 43-160

Fees, 43-171

Lists, 43-162

Public policy, declaration, 43-155

Qualification as elector, 43-156

Questions, requiring answer, 43-161

Right, 43-156

Rules governing, 43-165

Selection of panel, procedure, 43-164

Summoning jurors, 43-170

Summoning panel, 43-166

Special verdict, 60-249

Stipulation, number of jurors, 60-248

Submission of case, 60-248

Summoning of jurors, 43-170

Taxpayers, exclusion, action against municipality, 43-160

Testimony as witness, 60-443, 60-444

Travel expenses, 28-139

Trial procedure. Procedure, ante

Verdict, 60-248

View, property or place, 60-248

Waiver of jury trial, 60-238

Waiver of omitted issues, 60-249

Water, appropriation, appeals, 82a-724

Wheel, 43-157, 43-163


Fees prohibited, 28-125

Testifying as witnesses, 60-443, 60-444


Acts of justice declared legal, 80-605

Office abolished, 80-605


Abuse, generally, this index

Child Care Facilities, this index

Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, this index

Child Labor, this index

Children and Minors, generally, this index

Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Early Childhood Developmental Services, generally, this index

Felon. Juvenile Offenders, this index

Interstate compact for juveniles, 38-1008

Interstate compact on placement of children, 38-1201 et seq.

Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index


Control and management, 76-2101

Drainage district right-of-way, 76-2120, 76-2130

Drug screening program, employees, 75-4362

Easements, North Topeka drainage district, 76-2120, 76-2130

Educational services, 76-3203

Established, separate institution, 76-3205

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Fee fund, 76-2101a

Government and operation, 76-3203

Grooming code, 76-3203

Juvenile correctional facility at Topeka, renamed, 76-2101

Juvenile deaths in state facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Kansas juvenile correctional complex fee fund, 76-3205

Land, control and use, 76-2125, 76-2128

Management and control, 76-3205

Name, 76-2101

Passes, furloughs, 76-3203

Property tax, state levy, 76-6b04

Real estate,

Acquisition, 76-2124, 76-2127

Control and use, 76-2125, 76-2128

Conveyance to humane society, 76-2135

Sale to railroad, 76-2131 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 76-3203

Security plan, 76-3203

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.


Appointment and compensation, 76-3201

Attorney, 76-3202

Deputy superintendent, 76-3202

Employees, 76-3202

Grooming code, 76-3203

Physicians, 76-3202

Uniforms, 76-3203

Trust funds, persons, under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Uniforms, 76-3203

Work assignments, 76-2112


Control and management, 76-2101b

Drug screening program, employees, 75-4362

Educational services, 76-3203

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Fee fund, 76-2101a

Government and operation, 76-3203

Juvenile deaths in state facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Name, 76-2101b

Passes, furloughs, 76-3203

Property tax, state levy, 76-6b04

Rules and regulations, 76-3203

Security plan, 76-3203

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.


Appointment and compensation, 76-3201

Employees, 76-3202

Grooming code, 76-3203

Physicians, 76-3202

Uniforms, 76-3203

Trust funds, persons, under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Work assignments, 76-2112


Drug screening program, employees, 75-4362

Educational services, 76-3203

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Government and operation, 76-3203

Juvenile deaths in state facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Land, lease or conveyance, 76-2221

Passes, furloughs, 76-3203

Property tax, state levy, 76-6b04

Rules and regulations, 76-3203

Security plan, 76-3203

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.


Appointment and compensation, 76-3201

Employees, 76-3202

Grooming code, 76-3203

Physicians, 76-3202

Uniforms, 76-3203

Trust funds, persons, under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Work assignments, 76-2112


Control and management, 76-3204


Appointment and compensation, 76-3201

Employees, 76-3202

Physicians, 76-3202

Drug screening program, employees, 75-4362

Educational services, 76-3203

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Government and operation, 76-3203

Grooming code, 76-3203

Juvenile deaths in state facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Name, 76-3204

Passes, furloughs, 76-3203

Property tax, state levy, 76-6b04

Rules and regulations, 76-3203

Security plan, 76-3203

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Trust funds, persons, under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Uniforms, 76-3203

Work assignments, 76-2112



Employees, 76-3202

Physicians, 76-3202

Drug screening program, employees, 75-4362

Educational services, 76-3203

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Government and operation, 76-3203

Grooming code, 76-3203

Juvenile deaths in state facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Passes, furloughs, 76-3203

Rules and regulations, 76-3203

Security plan, 76-3203

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Trust funds, persons, under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Uniforms, 76-3203


Juvenile Correctional Complex, Kansas, this index

Renamed, 76-2101


Generally, 75-7001 et seq.

Actions and proceedings, nonabatement, 75-7005

Advisory group on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, Kansas, 75-7007

Juvenile programs, study effectiveness, reduction of biases, annual reports, 75-7007

Bonds, payment of debt service on, 76-6b05

Commissioner of juvenile justice,

Appointment, 75-7001

Assigning offenders to facilities, 75-7024

Atchison juvenile correctional facility, control and management, 76-2101b

Attorneys, unclassified positions, 75-7054

Chief attorney, unclassified position, 75-2935, 75-7054

Community advisory committees, graduated sanctions, prevention system biases, 75-7056

Contracts, 75-7023, 75-7024, 75-7051

Performance audits, 75-7024

Custody of juvenile offenders, 75-7024

Deputy and assistant commissioners, 75-7054


Establishing, 75-7024

Required functions, 75-7024

Good time credits, awarding of, 38-2370


Counties, juvenile community correctional services, 75-7038 et seq.

Juvenile justice program grants, two-year funding cycle, 75-7024

Juvenile correctional complex, Kansas, control and management, 76-2101

Juvenile correctional facilities, control and management, 75-7001, 75-7023 et seq.

Juvenile intake and assessment system, 75-7023

Juvenile justice information system, 75-7024

Kansas juvenile correctional complex, control and management, 76-3205

Larned juvenile correctional facility, control and management, 76-3204

Personal secretary for authority, 75-7054

Powers, duties and functions, 75-7001, 75-7002, 75-7023 et seq.

Rehabilitation of juveniles, 75-7001

Reports and recommendations, 75-7001

Special investigators, 38-2386

Transfer from department for children and families, 75-7002

Program effects, reduction of system biases, advisory commission review, 75-7007

Public information officer, unclassified position, 75-2935, 75-7054

Regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities, 75-7025

Reports and recommendations, 75-7024

Residential care facilities at state institutions, children and youth, 75-7028

Rules and regulations, 75-7023 et seq.

Special assistant, unclassified position, 75-2935

Special investigators, 38-2386

Staff assistants and employees, appointment, 75-7001, 75-7025

State institution, supplementary facilities at, 75-7027, 75-7028

Supplemental youth care facilities, 75-7026

Topeka juvenile correctional facility, control and management, 76-2101

Community programs and services, 75-7056

Advice, surveys, assistance, 75-7001, 75-7041

Community advisory committees, graduated sanctions, prevention, system biases, 75-7056

Community planning teams, 75-7034 et seq.

Comprehensive plan provisions, 75-7043, 75-7048

Contracts, state juvenile correctional services, 75-7047

Grants to counties, 75-7038 et seq.

Purposes, 75-7038

Recommendations, district court administrative judges, 75-7052

Confidentiality of information, 75-7023

Contracts, 75-7023, 75-7024, 75-7051

Inspector general, 75-7024

Performance audits, 75-7024

Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801

Counties, juvenile community correctional services, 75-7034 et seq.

Criminal actions, nonabatement, 75-7005

Custody of juvenile offenders, 38-2365, 75-7024

Deaths of juveniles in state facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Divisions, 75-7024

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3402 et seq.

Graduated sanctions and prevention programs, 75-7056


Counties, juvenile community correctional services, 75-7038 et seq.

Juvenile justice program grants, two-year funding cycle, 75-7024

Purposes, 75-7038

Information system, juvenile justice, 75-7024

Inspector general, 75-7024

Juvenile community correctional services,

Community graduated sanctions and prevention, 75-7056

Community planning teams, 75-7034 et seq.

Contracts, state juvenile correctional services, 75-7047, 75-7051


Powers, 75-7042

Required participation, 75-7052

Grants to counties, 75-7038 et seq.

Recommendations, district court administrative judges, 75-7052

Transfer from department of corrections, 75-7034 et seq.

Juvenile correctional facilities,

Deaths of juveniles, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Government and operation, 76-3203

Inmates, infectious disease tests, 65-6015 et seq.

Jurisdiction, 76-3203

Law enforcement powers of staff, 38-2386

Placement of juvenile offenders, 38-2373

Regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities, 75-7025

Rules and regulations, 76-3203

State institutions, supplementary facilities at, 75-7027

Supplemental youth care facilities, 75-7026

Trust funds, inmates, 76-172 et seq.

Juvenile corrections advisory boards, 75-7044 et seq.

Comprehensive plans, 75-7043, 75-7046

Open meetings and records, 75-7045

Recommendations, plan services and system biases, 75-7046

Juvenile corrections officers, qualifications, 75-7055

Juvenile intake and assessment system, 75-7023

Conditions of release, 75-7023

Confidentiality of information, 75-7023

Contract, office of judicial administration, 75-7023

Information collected, uses, 75-7023

Juvenile justice field services, judicial districts, 75-7024

Juvenile justice programs for judicial districts, 75-7034 et seq.

Recommendations, district court administrative judges, 75-7052

Juvenile justice system, recommendations, 75-7024

Juvenile offender powers, duties and functions, successor to, 75-7002

Officers and employees,

Juvenile corrections officers,

Certification, training, 38-2385

Infectious disease tests, offenders, 65-6015 et seq.

Qualifications, 75-7055

Officers and employees, classified or unclassified positions, 75-7054

Open meetings and records,

Juvenile corrections advisory boards, 75-7045

Personal secretary, 75-7054

Placement of juvenile offenders in facilities, 75-7024

Property tax, state levy, 76-6b04

Real estate of correctional facilities, See specific Juvenile Correctional Facility, this index

Regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities, 75-7025

Reports, 75-7001

Revenue bonds, debt service, 76-6b05

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Supplemental youth facilities, 75-7026, 75-7027, 75-7028

Transfers related to juvenile offenders, from department for children and families,

Appropriations, 75-7006

Conflicts, resolution by governor, 75-7004

Liability for accrued compensation, 75-7006

Officers and employees, 75-7003

Orders, directives, 75-7002

Powers, duties and functions, 75-7002

Property and records, 75-7004, 75-7005

References in contracts, statutes, 75-7002

Rules and regulations, 75-7002

Title, real estate concerning juvenile offenders, 75-7002

Trust funds, persons, under custody of institutions under, 76-172 et seq.


Generally, 38-2301 et seq.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6005

Adjudication, 38-2356

Alternative means, 38-2389

Disposition. Placement, post

Jury trial, 38-2357

Placement, post

Advisory group on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, Kansas, 75-7007

Advocate, court appointed special, 38-2307

Aftercare services, 38-2374

Aftercare term, 38-2369


Application of code, 38-2302

Jurisdiction, termination of, 38-2304

Presumption, 38-2304

AIDS. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, 65-6005

Alcohol and drug evaluation, 38-2361

Alibi, defense, notice of, 38-2329


Costs, 38-2384

Effect, 38-2383

Juvenile, 38-2380

Orders pending, 38-2383

Procedure, 38-2382

Prosecution, 38-2381

Temporary orders, 38-2383

Application of code to existing cases, 38-2387

Arrest. See subhead Taking into custody under subhead Custody, post

Assignment to juvenile correctional facilities, 75-7024


Fees, 38-2314, 38-2344, 38-2384

Right to, 38-2306, 38-2344

Audio-video communications, hearings, 38-2343, 38-2344

CASA, 38-2307

Case length limits, 38-2391

Citizen review boards, local, 38-1808, 38-2308

Commissioner of juvenile justice. Juvenile Justice Authority, this index

Community based boarding homes and services, 39-1301 et seq.

Agreements by commissioner of juvenile justice, 39-1303


Expenditures, 39-1307

Community based program, 38-2361

Community corrections officer, juvenile, custody of juvenile, 38-2330

Community integration program, 38-23,100

Competency for hearing, 38-2348, 38-2349, 38-2350


Contents, 38-2328

Filing of, 38-2327

County or district attorney, duty of, 38-2327

Time limits, 38-2303

Service of, 38-2336 et seq.

Conditional release, 38-2363, 38-2374

Violation of, 38-2375

Corrections, custody of, 38-2366

Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801


Attorney fees, 38-2306

Care of offender, 38-2315

Proceedings, 28-170, 28-170a, 38-2314, 38-2344, 38-2384

Counsel. Attorney, ante

Counseling, 38-2361

County or district attorney. Prosecuting Attorney, post

Court orders, enforcement, 38-2363

Court services officers, custody of juvenile, 38-2330

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501



Specimens, biological, 21-2511

Arrest. Taking into custody, this subhead

Commissioner of juvenile justice, 75-7024

Conditions of release, 75-7023

Confession, 38-2333

Department of corrections, 38-2366

Detention, 38-2343

Facility, 38-2330, 38-2331, 38-2343

Fund, 79-4803

Jail, prohibition, 38-2332

Earned time calculations, 38-2397


Public building commission, 12-1765

Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index

Placement, post

Right against self-incrimination, 38-2333

Special investigators, 38-2386

Taking into custody, 38-2330, 38-2342

Specimens, biological, 21-2511

Warrant, 38-2336

Temporary custody, 38-2343

Definitions, 38-2302

Detention. Custody, ante

Discharge, 38-2304

Conditions of release, 75-7023

Juvenile correctional facility, 38-2374, 38-2376, 38-2377

Notice, 38-2374, 38-2376, 38-2377, 38-2379

Planning for, education, 38-2378

Disposition. Placement, post

District attorney. County or district attorney, Prosecuting attorney, post

Diversion, immediate intervention programs, 38-2346

Docket fee, 28-170, 28-170a, 38-2314

Driver's license, sanctions, 38-2361

Drug evaluation, 38-2361


Evaluation, 38-2360

Services, provision of,

Exception, 72-9936

Grants of state moneys, 72-1173

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Evaluation prior to placement, 75-7024


Hearsay, statement of child victims, 38-2358, 38-2359, 60-460

Privileges, 38-2311

Proof, degree of, 38-2355

Recorded statements, admissibility, 38-2358, 38-2359

Rules, 38-2354

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Expungement of records, 38-2312

Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, 38-2364

Designation of proceeding, 38-2347


Educational services, 72-1173

Fund, juvenile detention facilities, 79-4803

Fee, supervision, 20-167

Educational services, 72-1173

Exception to provision of, 72-9936

Health services, 38-2316

Fines, 38-2361

Fingerprints, 38-2313

Foster parents, reports, placement, 38-2365

Goals of code, 38-2301

Good time credits, 38-2370, 38-2372

Grants-in-aid, 39-1307

Health services, 38-2316

Evaluation, 38-2360


Departure sentence, 38-2371

Proceedings, post

Hepatitis B,

Tests, 38-2317

HIV infection, 65-6005

Tests, 38-2317

Homes and facilities. See subhead Detention homes and other facilities under Children and Minors, this index

Immediate intervention programs, 38-2346, 38-2393, 38-2395

Funding, 75-52,163

Infectious disease test, 38-2317

Information system, 38-2325, 38-2326, 75-7024

Intake and assessment process,

Records, disclosure of, 38-2310


Detention in. Children and Minors, this index

Jurisdiction and venue, 38-2304, 38-2305

Jury trial, 38-2357

Juvenile correctional facilities,

Correctional industries participation, 75-5275

Good time credits, 38-2370, 38-2372

Juvenile correctional complex, Kansas, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Atchison, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Beloit, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Larned, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Osawatomie, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Topeka, this index

Law enforcement powers of staff, 38-2386

Placement in, 38-2369, 38-2373, 38-2390

Regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities, 75-7025

Release, 38-2374

Residential care facilities for children, 75-7028

State institutions, supplementary facilities at, 75-7027, 75-7028

Supplemental youth care facilities, 75-7026

Youth residential centers, 38-2390

Juvenile corrections advisory boards, duties, 75-7044a

Juvenile corrections officers,

Certification, training, 38-2385

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Training, 38-2394

Juvenile delinquency prevention trust fund

Health services, 38-2316

Juvenile intake and assessment system, 75-7023

Conditions of release, 75-7023

Confidentiality of information obtained, 75-7023

Juvenile Justice Authority, generally, this index

Juvenile justice information system, 75-7024

Juvenile justice oversight committee, 75-52,161

Law enforcement,

Confession, 38-2333

Custody of juvenile, 38-2330

Notice of release, 38-2374, 38-2376, 38-2377, 38-2379

Records, post

Right against self-incrimination, 38-2333

Liquor violations. See subhead Children and minors under Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Local citizen review board, 38-1808, 38-1813

Mediation, 38-2361

Medical services, 38-2316

Evaluation, 38-2360

Mental disease or defect, defense, notice of, 38-2329

Mental illness, 38-2316

Evaluation, 38-2360

Motions, 38-2328

Nolo contendere, 38-2344, 38-2345

Notice of hearings, 38-2338, 38-2340

Orders, precedence of, 38-2304

Parental custody, removal from, 38-23,101


Alcohol and drug evaluation, 38-2362

Appearance at proceedings, 38-2351

Contempt, 38-2351, 38-2363

Counseling, 38-2362

Determination of, 38-2318

Enforcement of court orders, 38-2363

Home, placement preference, 38-2365

Liability for assistance, 38-2324

Mediation, 38-2362

Orders, evidence-based programs, 38-2362

Termination of rights, 38-2365

Permanency plan, 38-2365

Petition. Complaint, ante

Photographs, 38-2313

Placement, 38-2361, 75-5206

Aftercare term, 38-2369

Commissioner of juvenile justice, 75-7024

Commitment of incompetent, 38-2349

Corrections, secretary of, 75-5206

Costs, payment, 38-2315

Custody of juvenile offenders, 75-7024

Custody of the department of corrections, 38-2366

Discharge, ante

Evaluation, reception and diagnosis, 75-7024

Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, 38-2364

Foster parents, reports, 38-2365

Home, parental preference, 38-2365

Interlocal agreements, costs, payment, 38-2315

Investigation, 38-2360


Detention in. Children and Minors, this index

Prohibition, 38-2332

Juvenile correctional facility, 38-2369, 38-2373

Release, 38-2377

Conditional, 38-2374

Final, 38-2376

Juvenile justice authority, 38-2365

Juvenile correctional facility, 38-2373

Matrix, 38-2369

Modification, 38-2367

Parent, liability, 38-2324

Permanency plan, 38-2365

Reintegration plan, 38-2396

Reports, periodic, 38-2365

Support rights, assignment, 38-2323

Temporary, 38-2343

Violation, 38-2368

Pleas. Proceedings, post

Pretrial hearing, 38-2344

Privileges, 38-2311

Probation, 38-2361

Earned discharge, 38-2398

Violation, 38-2368, 38-2392

Arrest, 38-2330

Probation officers, appointment, 20-346a


Adjudication, ante

Alibi defense, notice of, 38-2329

Appeals, ante

Competency for hearing, 38-2348, 38-2349, 38-2350

Complaint, ante

Crime victims, right to be present, 74-7335

Criminal prosecution, 38-2347


Alibi, notice of, 38-2329

Mental disease or defect, notice of, 38-2329

Detention hearing, counsel, 38-2343

Disposition. Adjudication, ante

Evidence, ante

Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, 38-2347, 38-2364

First appearance, 38-2344


Adjudication, ante

Adult, prosecution as, authorization, 38-2347

Audio-video communications, 38-2343, 38-2344

Competency, 38-2348, 38-2349, 38-2350

Criminal prosecution, authorization, 38-2347

Detention, 38-2343

Dispositional. Adjudication, ante

Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, 38-2347

Modification, 38-2367

Pretrial, 38-2344

Public access, 38-2353

Time of, 38-2352

Immediate intervention programs, 38-2346

Juvenile justice authority, establishment, nonabatement, 75-7005

Material witnesses, 22-2805

Mental disease or defect, defense, notice of, 38-2329

Motions, 38-2328

Nolo contendere, 38-2345

Pleas, 38-2344

Pretrial hearing, 38-2344

Process, service of, post

Proof, degree of, 38-2355

Public access, 38-2353

Records, 38-2309

Rules of evidence, 38-2354

Subpoenas, 38-2341

Witness fees, 38-2341

Process, service of, 38-2337

Method, 38-2338

Notice of hearing, 38-2338, 38-2340

Proof of service, 38-2339

Summons, 38-2336, 38-2338, 38-2339

Proof, degree of, 38-2355

Prosecuting attorney,

Notice of discharge, 38-2374, 38-2376, 38-2377, 38-2379

Petition, filing of, 38-2327

Psychological evaluation, 38-2360

Recorded statement, child victim, 38-2358, 38-2359


Court records, 38-2309

Disclosure of, 38-2309, 38-2310, 38-2311, 38-2313

Expungement of, 38-2312

Fingerprints, 38-2313

Information system, 38-2325, 38-2326

Law enforcement, 38-2310

Medical, 38-2311

Official file, 38-2309

Penalty for intentional disclosure, 38-2311

Photographs, 38-2313

Preservation, 38-2309

Social file, 38-2309

Regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities, 75-7025


Conditions of, intake and assessment, 75-7023

Discharge, ante

Pretrial, 38-2330, 38-2343

Restitution, 38-2361

School district,

Notice of release, 38-2374, 38-2376, 38-2377, 38-2379

Plans for release, 38-2378

Sentencing, 38-2356, 38-2361, 38-2369

Aftercare term, 38-2369

Assessment tool, 38-2360

Computation of, 38-2372

Departure sentence, 38-2371

Extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, 38-2364

Jury trial, 38-2357

Modification of, 38-2367

Placement, ante

Service of process. Process, service of, ante

Sex offenses,

HIV infection, tests, 38-2317

Parental rights, termination, 38-2269

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Statute of limitations, 38-2303

Stay of proceedings, parentage determination, 38-2318

Subpoenas, 38-2341

Summons. Process, service of, ante

Supervision fee, 20-167

Supplemental youth facilities, 75-7026, 75-7027, 75-7028


Amount, 38-2319

Assignment to commissioner, juvenile offenders, 38-2323

Enforcement, 38-2321, 38-2322

Guidelines, 38-2319

Income withholding, 38-2321

Journal entry, 38-2320

Incompetent juvenile, 38-2348

Order, 38-2319, 38-2362

Journal entry, 38-2320

Modification, 38-2321, 38-2367, 38-2368

Parent, liability, 38-2324

Parentage, determination of, 38-2318

Petition, 38-2328

Stay of proceedings, 38-2318

Temporary custody. Custody, ante

Traffic offenses, 8-2117

Treatment, 38-2316

Evaluation, 38-2360

Trial. See subhead Hearings under Proceedings, ante

Trust funds, persons, under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Venue, 38-2305


Hearing, presence at, 38-2353

Infectious disease test, request offender to take, 38-2317

Notice of discharge, 38-2374, 38-2376, 38-2379

Victims, rights, 74-7335

Warrant, 38-2336, 38-2342

Wildlife and parks violations, 32-1040

Witness fees. Proceedings, ante