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2021 Statute

Section Number


Generally, 60-1501 et seq.

Answer, 60-1504

Appeal and review, 60-2102

Motions attacking criminal sentence, 60-1507

Staying enforcement of judgment, 60-1505

Counsel for indigents, 22-4503, 22-4506

Electronic access to court records, no fee, 22-4506

County attorney, notice, 60-1507

Docket fee, 60-1501

Exclusiveness of remedy, prisoner under sentence, 60-1507

Extradition proceedings, 22-2726

Form of writ, 60-1503

Hearing, prisoner in custody under sentence, 60-1507

Infants, persons entitled to writ, 60-1501

Infectious diseases, 60-1505

Issuance of writ, 60-1503

Judgment, 60-1505

Prisoner under sentence, 60-1507

Jurisdiction, 60-1501

List of previous civil actions filed, 60-1502

Motion attacking criminal sentence, 60-1507

Notice, motion attacking criminal sentence, 60-1507

Petition, 60-1502

Prisoner in custody under sentence, 60-1507

Right to writ, 60-1501

Secretary of corrections, evidence at trial submitted to, 75-5219

Service of writ, 60-1503

Sexually violent predators, 60-1501

Successive motions, prisoner under sentence, 60-1507

Summary proceedings, 60-1505

Temporary orders, 60-1505

Time limitations, 60-1507, 60-1501

Inmates in custody of secretary of corrections, 60-1501

Vacating criminal sentence, 60-1507

Warrant in aid of writ, 60-1506


Cosmetologists, generally, this index


Agricultural, 2-2701

Sports, state of Kansas, 74-2906a et seq.


Boundaries, 18-138

Conveyances, irrigation purposes, 42-611

U.S.D. No. 494, land transfer, 72-1562


Weapons, this index


See, also, Disabled Persons, this index; Blind Persons, this index; Day Care Program, this index; Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Access to public buildings, 31-150, 58-1301 et seq.

Apartments, standards. Hotels, motels, apartments, standards, post

Assistance, social welfare, generally, 39-701 et seq.

Assistive devices accounts. Disabled Persons, this index

Attendant care services, 65-6201

Audiologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, this index

Blind Persons, generally, this index

Building standards,

Hotels, motels, apartments, standards, post

Public buildings, standards, post

Children and minors, 65-5a01 et seq.

Day care programs, 39-1001 et seq.

Children with Intellectual Disability, generally, this index


Decal, 8-1,180

Driver's license, 8-243

Identification card, 8-1,180, 8-1324

Placard, 8-1,180

Committee on State and Unified School Districts Purchases, generally, this index

Community service provider,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Counties, tax levy for services to, 19-2698

Deaf and hard of hearing,

Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index

Kansas commission for, 75-5391 et seq.

Motor vehicle operator, symbol, 75-5397d

Declaration of rights by legislature, 39-1101

Employment, 39-1105

Penalty for interference, 39-1103

Use of guide dogs, 39-1102

Developmentally Disabled, generally, this index

Devices, assistive. See subhead Assistive devices accounts under Disabled Persons, this index

Disability, defined, discrimination, 44-1002

Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Disabled Persons, generally, this index

Discrimination, employment, public accommodations or housing, 44-1001 et seq.

Dogs trained for service, 39-1108

Assistance dogs, 39-1111

Professional therapy dogs, 39-1110, 39-1111


Interference with, 39-1103

Liability, 39-1109

Rights, 39-1109

Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq.

Elections, this index


Development, 39-1208

Policy of state, 39-1105

Tax credit, 79-32,273

Equipment, assistive. See subhead Assistive devices accounts under Disabled Persons, this index

Equipment, surplus, state department of corrections, 39-1210

Guide dogs, liability, 39-1102

Health maintenance activities, 65-6201

Home and community based services programs, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a, 39-7,100b

Home maintenance, program for, 39-751, 39-752


Discrimination, 44-1015

Guide dogs, use of, 39-1102

Incapacitated Persons, generally, this index

Independent living agency,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Individuals with a Disability, generally, this index

In-home care, 65-6201

Insurance, unfair discrimination prohibited, 40-2,109

Interpreters appointed for deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired and non-English speaking persons, 75-4351 et seq.

Kansas Guardianship Program, generally, this index

Library services, readers, 75-2534, 75-2537

Medically Indigent and Homeless, Commission on Access to Services for, generally, this index

Mental health center,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Military forces. See subhead Disability benefits under Military Forces, this index

Motor Vehicles, this index

Organizations rendering aid, 39-1208

Parking, 8-1,124 et seq.

People with Intellectual Disability, generally, this index

Personal representative, aid payments, 59-2803

Products and services, purchase of,

School districts, 75-3317 et seq.

State, 39-1209, 75-3317 et seq.

Public assistance, representative to manage payments, 59-2801

Public buildings, standards,

Access to, 31-150, 58-1301 et seq.

Schools, 31-150

Representative to manage public payments, 59-2801

Rights, legislative declaration, 39-1101

Safety Day, recognition, 39-1104

Sale of products and services, 75-3317 et seq.

School buildings, accessibility, 31-150

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Social welfare, generally, 39-701 et seq.

Speech-language pathologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Tax credits, renovating facilities for accessibility, income tax, 79-32,176a, 79-32,177

Tax levies, counties, 19-2698

Transportation assistance, 75-5032 et seq.

Public, 75-5051 et seq.

Veterans. See subhead Disabled veterans under Veterans, this index

Vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c01 et seq.

Voting at elections. See subhead Handicapped persons under Elections, this index

White Cane Law, 39-1101 et seq.

Winfield State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Workers compensation,

Fund, facilitate employment, 44-566 et seq.

Rehabilitation, 44-510g


Attica hospital district No. 1, bonds, validation of election, 80-2549

Boundaries, 18-139


Boundaries, 18-140

Economic development initiatives,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189


Boundaries, 18-141

Landfill, sand or gravel pit, 19-2697


Concurrent jurisdiction of state, acceptance, 27-107a

Retrocession to state, 27-107a


Crimes and punishments, 19-2202, 19-2207

Exemptions, county licenses, 19-2204, 19-2205

Licenses, county licenses, 19-2201 et seq.

New Goods Public Auction Law, 58-1014 et seq.

Personal property taxation, 79-1434


Liens, baling, 58-218

Monopolies and unfair trade,

Conspiracy, 50-132

Defrauding shipper of net weight, 50-131

Warehouse control, 50-133

Property tax exemption, 79-201d

River lands of state, 70a-101 et seq.

Transport of hay and feedstuffs to drought areas, 66-1344


Early childhood development center, inc., lease of land at Fort Hays state university, 76-519

Public park, lease of land for, 76-2007d et seq.


See, also, Waste, this index

Generally, 65-3801 et seq.

Civil damages, immunity in certain circumstances, 65-3472

Definitions, 65-3801

Emergency involving discharge of, 65-3471, 65-3472

Exception to liability, 65-3472, 65-3804

Fines and penalties, 65-3804

Fixed glazed panels immediately adjacent to, 65-3801

Hazardous locations, 65-3801

Inspections, 44-636

Safety glazing materials, use, 65-3802

Household articles, 65-2701 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 65-2703

Labels, safety glazing material, 65-3802

Liability, exception to, 65-3804

Penalties, 65-3804

Safety glazing material, 65-3801

Exception to liability, 65-3804

Labeling, 65-3802

Penalty, 65-3803, 65-3804

Transportation of intrastate, 66-1,129b

Unlawful acts, 65-3803

Warehouse, disposition, 84-7-206

Working conditions, inspections, 44-636


Child Labor, this index

Labor and Employment, generally, this index


Waste, this index


Generally, 65-2801 et seq.

Abbreviations, 65-2873, 65-2885

Abortion, 65-6701 et seq.

Unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, reports, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq.

Advertisements, 65-2836, 65-2837

Affidavits, false documents, 65-2859

Age, practitioners, 65-2804

Alcoholism, effect on license, 65-2836

Amphetamines, prescribing ground for unprofessional conduct, 65-2837, 65-2837a

Anabolic steroids, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Anatomic pathology services, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Assisted suicides, 65-2836

Attorney general, prosecuting violations, 65-2866

Board of healing arts. State board, post

Business entities, hiring of licensees, 65-28,134

Cancer, breast, physician's duties, 65-2836

Certificate of standing, 65-2835

Certificates, false documents, 65-2859

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Chiropractors, generally, this index

Civil fine, 65-2863a

Medical care facilities, 65-28,121

Violation patient's contact lens prescription release act, 65-4968

Confidential information, 65-2837

Complaints and reports, 65-2898a

Controlled substances, 65-4134

Investigations, 65-2839a

Peer review proceedings, 65-4915

Contact lenses,

Contact lens advisory council, 65-4969

Contact lens prescription release act, patient's, 65-4965 et seq.

Fees, registration of persons dispensing, 65-4967

Registration, persons dispensing, 65-4967, 65-4968

Contagious or infectious diseases, reports, confidentiality of information, 65-118

Controlled substances, prescribing, 65-2837a

Coroners, exempt license, 65-2809

Corporate practice of medicine, 65-28,134

Costs of proceedings, 65-2846

County or district attorney, prosecuting violations, 65-2866

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-2836, 65-2837a, 65-2858, 65-2860, 65-2862, 65-2863a, 65-2867, 65-28,121, 65-28,126, 65-4968

Death certificate, 65-2886

Death with dignity, withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,101 et seq.

Definitions, 65-2802

Accredited medical school, 65-2874

Advertisement, 65-2837

False advertisement, 65-2837

Healing arts school, 65-2802

Health care entity, 65-2837

License, 65-2837

Licensee, 65-2837

Mid-level practitioner, 65-1626

Professional incompetency, 65-2837

Significant investment interest, 65-2837

Unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Dentists, certification to administer anesthetics, 65-2899

Disciplinary action, reporting incidents of, 65-2898

Disciplinary counsel, 65-2840a et seq.

Disciplinary proceedings, 65-2838 et seq., 65-4925

Discounts, 65-2837

Dishonorable conduct, 65-2836

Drug abuse, examination and treatment of minors, 65-2892a

Drug addiction, 65-2836

Drug screens, 65-2836, 65-2842

Drugs, dispensing,

Improper, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Standards for, 65-2865

Education, continuing, 65-2809, 65-28,124

Education, financial assistance,

Allopathic medicine, 76-825

Medical student loan act, 76-380 et seq.

Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq.

Residency bridging program, 76-387

Educational qualifications, 65-2873, 65-2873a

Emergency care at scene of accident, liability, 65-2891

Enforcement of law, 65-2864

Engaged in practice,

Chiropractic, 65-2871

Medicine and surgery, 65-2869

Osteopathy, 65-2870

Physical or mental illness, 65-2869

Psychological disorder, 65-2869

Examinations, 65-2842

Applications, 65-2824

Grades, 65-2828

Inspection, 65-2832

Lists of applicants, 65-2827

Preservation of results, 65-2832

Qualifications of applicant, 65-2804, 65-2873

Reexamination, 65-2828

Time and place, 65-2826

Exempt licensee, 65-2809

Experimental therapy, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

False documents, 65-2859

False impersonation, 65-2860

False swearing, 65-2861

Fee fund, 65-2855, 65-2911, 65-5413, 65-6910, 65-7210

Fees, 65-2852, 65-4967

Certificate of standing, 65-2835

Disposition, 65-2855

Examination fee, 65-2824

Fingerprinting and criminal history investigation, 65-28,129

Licenses, 65-2809, 65-2852

Reinstatement of license, 65-2852

Telemedicine waiver, 65-28,135

Verification of license, 65-2852

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Foreign medical graduate,

Examinations, 65-2873, 65-2895

Institutional license, 65-2852, 65-2895

Temporary permit, 65-2811

Forgery, 65-2859

Fraud, 65-2836

Unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Growth hormones, human, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Guarantees, 65-2837

Health boards. See, Health and Sanitation, this index

Health care records, abandonment of, 65-28,128

Health policy authority, Kansas, generally, this index

Health regulations, compliance, 65-2886

Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924

Incompetency, professional, defined, 65-2837

Injunctions, 65-2857, 65-2858, 65-4968


Examination papers, 65-2832

Insurance, indemnification for services, 40-2,101

Denial illegal, 40-2,101

Insurance, professional liability, 65-2809, 65-2836

Investigations, 65-2864

Access to criminal records, 65-2839a

Access to physical evidence, 65-2839a

Jurisdiction, disciplinary action, 65-2838

Licenses and permits, 65-2836, 65-2838, 65-2873, 74-139

Appeals, bond, 65-2850

Cancellation, 65-2809

Current licenses continued, 65-2881

Denial, 65-2836

Disabled licensee, 65-2836

Disciplinary actions, 65-2838, 65-4925

Closed sessions, 65-4925

Confidential, 65-4925

Disciplinary proceedings, 65-2840a et seq.

Drug screens, 65-2842

Emergency adjudicative proceedings, 65-2838

Evidence of right to practice, 65-2807

Examination, 65-2842, 65-2873, 65-2873a

Exempt license, 65-2809

Exemption from registration under Controlled Substances Act, 65-4116

Federally active license, 65-2809

Fees, 65-2852

Fellowship licenses, 65-2873a

Fingerprinting and criminal history investigation, 65-28,129

Foreign medical graduates, 65-2895

Form, 65-2806

Graduated sanctions, 65-28,130

Hearings, 65-2842

Inactive license, 65-2809

Institutional license, 65-2895

Investigations, access to physical evidence, 65-2839a

Issuance, 65-2831

Limitation, 65-2836, 65-2838, 65-2850

Limited permit, charitable health care provider, 65-28,125

Mental examination, 65-2842

Mentally impaired licensee, 65-2836

Non-disciplinary resolution, 65-2838a

Permanent license, 65-2804


Special, 65-2811a

Temporary, 65-2811

Physical examinations, 65-2842

Postgraduate permit, 65-2811

Proceedings, conduct of, 65-2851a

Qualification of applicants, 65-2804

Reinstatement of license, 65-2809, 65-2836, 65-2844

Renewal of licenses, 65-2809, 65-2881

Reports, failure to make, 65-4927

Required, 65-2803

Resident active license, 65-2873b

Revocation or suspension, 65-2836, 65-2838, 65-2851a, 65-4968

Appeals, bond, 65-2850

Stipulations, 65-2838

Subpoenas, 65-2839a

Temporary education license, 65-28,123

Temporary emergency license, 48-965

Visiting clinical professor license, 65-28,124

Visiting professor temporary license, 65-28,100

Life-sustaining procedures, withholding or withdrawal, 65-28,101 et seq.

Mailing or practice address, notice of change of, 65-28,126

Malpractice, reporting incidents of, 65-2898

Medical record maintenance trust fund, 65-28,132

Medicine, persons engaged in practice, 65-2869

Mental examination, licensees, 65-2836

Mid-level practitioner,

Definition, 65-1626, 65-2837a

Exemption from registration under the Controlled Substances Act, 65-4116, 65-4123

Naturopathic doctor registration act. Naturopathy, this index

Non-disciplinary resolution, 65-2838a

Noninfectious diseases, confidentiality of reports, 65-102b

Ophthalmic lenses, prescription, 65-1504b

Osteopathy, persons engaged in practice, 65-2870


Guidelines for treatment of, 65-2838

Pain patient's quality of care act, 65-4975 et seq.

Patient records,

Abandonment of, 65-28,128

Access to, 65-6824, 65-6836

Patient's contact lens prescription release act, 65-4965 et seq.


Declaration, natural death, 65-2837

Drugs, controlled substances, confidential information, 65-4134

Life-sustaining procedures, withholding or withdrawal, 65-28,101 et seq.

Pain patient's quality of care act, 65-4975 et seq.

Settlement or release of liability for injury, limitations, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Pending actions, 65-2880

Perjury, 65-2861

Physical examination, licensees, 65-2836

Physical Therapy, generally, this index

Physician assistants, generally, this index

Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this index

Podiatrists, generally, this index

Podiatry, state board of examiners,

Abolished, 74-2805 et seq.


False or assumed names, 65-2836

Business organization, 65-2877a

Healing arts school, 65-2877a

Medical records, 65-2837

Medicine and surgery, 65-28,127

Persons deemed engaged in,

Medicine and surgery, 65-2869

Osteopathy, 65-2870

Persons not engaged in practice, 65-2872, 65-2872b

Responsible licensee, 65-28,127

Unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Practice agreements, medical students. Education, financial assistance, generally, ante

Practice privileges, recommendations relating to, 65-28,121

Practitioners, reimbursement for services, 40-2,101, 65-2837

Psychologists, generally, this index

Quo warranto, 65-2857, 65-2858

Radiologic technologists practice act. Radiologic Technologists, this index


Endorsement licenses, 65-2833

License examination, 65-2808


Applicants for license examination, 65-2808

License types, 65-2807

Medical record maintenance trust fund, 65-28,132

Unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Records, health care, abandonment of, 65-28,128

Registry, trauma system, 75-5663 et seq.


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6002

Confidentiality, 65-2898a

Contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

Disciplinary action, incidents of, 65-2898

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 65-6002

Knowledge of violation of, 65-2836, 65-28,122

Licensees, 65-2886

Malpractice, incidents of, 65-2898

Noninfectious diseases, 65-102b

Practice privileges, recommendations, 65-28,121

Risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

Unlicensed practitioners, 65-2864

Responsible licensee, duties, 65-28,127

Review committee, 65-2836, 65-2840c

Rules and regulations. State board, post

Scholarships, students,

Education, financial assistance, generally, ante


Accredited schools, 65-2825, 65-2874

Chiropractic, 65-2876

Osteopathy, 65-2875

Settlement or release of liability for injury, limitations, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Sexual abuse and other improper sexual contact, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

State board, 65-2812 et seq.

Access to criminal records, 65-2839a

Advisory opinions, treatment of pain guidelines, 65-2838

Appeals, bond, 65-2850

Appointments, 65-2812 et seq.

Attorney, employment by, 65-2878

Budget needs, determination, 65-2852

Compensation and expenses, 65-2823

Employees, 65-2878, 65-2878a

Confidential information,

Complaints and reports, 65-2898a

Investigations and proceedings, 65-2839a, 65-2878a

Contractors, 65-2878

Dentists, certification to administer anesthetics, 65-2899

Disciplinary action, 65-2836, 65-2838, 65-2898

Disciplinary counsel, 65-2840a

Election of officers, 65-2818

Employees, 65-2878, 65-2878a

Examinations, preservation of results, 65-2832

Executive director, appointment and senate confirmation, 65-2878

Fees, establishment, 65-2852

Medical record maintenance trust fund, 65-28,132

Guidelines, use of controlled substances for treatment of pain, 65-2838

Health care records, abandonment of, duty of board, 65-28,127

Investigations, 65-2839a, 65-2878a

Obstruction, 65-2837

Mailing or practice address of licensee, notice of change of, 65-28,126

Malpractice, reporting to, 65-2898

Medical care facilities, fines, 65-28,121

Medical malpractice insurance, reports by insurers to board, 40-1126 et seq.

Contents, 40-1127

Disclosure, 40-1128

Information to be submitted to board, 40-3409

Liabilities, 40-1129

Meetings, 65-2819

Mileage, 65-2823

Naturopathic doctor registration act. Naturopathy, this index

Non-disciplinary resolution, 65-2838a

Oath of secretary, 65-2821

Occupational therapy practice act, 65-5401 et seq.

Office location, 65-2808

Pain, use of controlled substances for treatment of, 65-2838

Patient records, abandonment of, duty of board, 65-28,127

Physical Therapy, generally, this index

Physicians' assistants, ante

Powers and duties, 65-2818, 65-2878

Practice privileges, reporting to, 65-28,121

Proceedings, 65-2839a, 65-2851a

Costs, assessment, 65-2846

Qualifications, 65-2813

Removal from office, 65-2817

Reporting to,

Malpractice, incidents of, 65-2898

Practice privileges, recommendations, 65-28,121

Violations of, 65-2836, 65-28,122

Respiratory therapy practice act, 65-5501 et seq.

Review committees, 65-2840c

Rules and regulations, 65-2836

Authority to adopt, 65-2865

Continuing education, 65-2809

Delegation and supervision of services, 65-28,127

Disciplinary counsel, 65-2840a

Examinations, 65-2828

Inspection of results, 65-2832

Fees, 65-2852, 74-5353

License expiration, 65-2809

Medical record maintenance trust fund, 65-28,132

Naturopathic doctors, 65-7209

Occupational therapists, 65-5421

Physician assistants, 65-28a03, 65-28a13

Reinstatement of license, 65-2844

Schools of medicine, accredited, 65-2874

Violation of, 65-2836, 65-28a14

Subpoenas, 65-2839a

Telemedicine waiver, issuance of, 65-28,135

Verification of license, fee, 65-2852

Violation of 65-2836, reports to, 65-28,122

Sterilization of persons, participation in procedures not required, 65-446, 65-447

Stipulations, 65-2838

Students, financial assistance. Education, financial assistance, generally, ante

Suicide, assisting, 60-4401 et seq.

Supervising and directing,

Limitations, 65-28,127

Practice of healing arts, 65-28,127

Practice protocals, 65-28,127

Surgery, persons deemed engaged in practice, 65-2869

Terminal condition, withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,101 et seq.

Trauma, statewide system, registry, 75-5663 et seq.

Treatment of patient without consent, 65-2837

Unethical advertising, 65-2836

Unlawful practice, 65-2857, 65-2858

Unprofessional conduct, 65-2836, 65-2837

Failure to supervise, 65-2837

Life-sustaining procedures, 65-28,107

Vacancies, appointments, 65-2814

Vested rights, 65-2880

Visiting professor, 65-28,100

Temporary license, 65-28,100

Website information for licensees, 65-28,131

Witness fees and expenses, board proceedings, 65-2846


Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, investigating and reporting, 39-1401 et seq., 75-723

Adult Care Homes, generally, this index

Agreements, health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Air Quality, generally, this index

Air quality, 65-3001 et seq.

Carbon dioxide emission standards, 65-3031

Restrictions on state agency actions, 65-3031

Submission of state plan, 65-3031

Anesthetics, research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Appeal and review,

Delivery of water, order withholding, 65-163a

Health orders, water permits, 65-163

Polluting material disposition order, 65-164

Water permit denial, 65-163

Asbestos removal or encapsulation, 12-5401, 65-5302

Attorneys for department, 75-5611

Audiologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index


Educational literature on care, 65-153

Eye treatment, 65-153b, 65-153d

Mortality study, 65-153

Newborn infant hearing screening act, 65-1,157a

Barbers, sanitation standards, 65-172, 65-1,148

Birth defects information system, 65-1,241 et seq.

Annual report, 65-1,246

Confidentiality of records, 65-1,243

Definitions, 65-1,241

Establishment of information system, 65-1,241

Forms, 65-1,244

Implementation of information system, 65-1,241

Removal of information from system, 65-1,244

Rules and regulations, 65-1,245

Use of information system, 65-1,242

Blood tests,

Hepatitis B, prenatal serological, 65-153f

Syphilis, prenatal serological, 65-153f

Board of health, abolished, 75-5621

Breath testing procedures,

Penalties, 65-1,107 et seq.

Screening devices, 65-180

Cancer registry,

Confidential data, 65-1,171

Uses, 65-1,172

Data collection, 65-1,169

Data storage, 65-1,171

Definitions, 65-1,168

Health care provider immunity, 65-1,174

Nonconfidential data uses, 65-1,170

Panel, 65-1,173

Statistical data, 65-1,173

Cancer screenings, access to, 65-1,174a

Certificate of public advantage, health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Charitable health care providers,

Deemed state employees, tort claims, 75-6120

Defined, 75-6102

Services for medically indigent,

Agreements, eligibility criteria, 75-6120

Tort claims, 75-6120

Chief executive officer, acting, 75-4315a

Child hygiene, 65-153 et seq.

Children and families, department for,

Cooperation with, 65-1,251

Children and Minors, generally, this index

Children with special health care needs,

Early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq.

Civil service, officers and employees, 75-5610

Classification of stream segments, 82a-2001 et seq.

Committees, special sanitary service, 65-103

Community-based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Compressed air energy storage act, 66-1272 et seq.

Definitions, 66-1273

Memorandum of understanding, 66-1276

Rules and regulations, 66-1275

Concealment, diseases, 65-129

Confidential information,

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6002 et seq.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 65-6002

Infectious or contagious diseases, 65-119

Water pollution, 65-170g


Contaminated property redevelopment act, 65-34,177 et seq.

Sunflower army ammunition plant, 75-5671


Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Health data and information relating to diabetes, 65-1,115

Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction, 65-413

Cooperation act, health care providers, 65-4955 et seq.

Cosmetologists, sanitation standards, 65-1,148

County boards of health. Local boards of health, post

Creation, 75-5601

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Diseases, dangerous, 65-129

Environment, liability for damages to, 65-171u

Water, delivery of, order to withhold, 65-163a

Water pollution, 65-170, 65-170d, 65-171f

Water supply permits, 65-163

Damage to waters or soil,

Accidental release or discharge, 65-6203

Compensation, 65-6203

Database, health care, 65-6804

Health insurance, statistical plan, 40-2251, 40-2252

Database, health care. Health policy authority, Kansas, generally, this index

Dead human bodies, transportation of, 65-1712

Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index


Causes, investigation, 65-101

Infants, study of causes, 65-153

Registration, 65-102

Department of health, abolished, 75-5621


Human immunodeficiency virus,

Screening of newborn children, 65-6018

Screening of pregnant women, 65-6018

Diseases. See, also, Diseases, generally, this index

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6001 et seq.

Confidentiality of information, 65-119, 65-6002, 65-6003, 65-6004

Investigations, 65-101

Noninfectious diseases, confidentiality, 65-102b

Prevention of spread of, 65-101

Quarantine, enforcement of regulations, 65-119

District coroners fund, 22a-245

Drivers' safety programs, establish or maintain, fund, 75-5660

Driving under the influence equipment fund, use and administration, 75-5660

Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index

Early intervention services, infants and toddlers with disabilities, 75-5648 et seq.

Language assessment progam, 75-5397e

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Environment, division of, 75-5601, 75-5605

Administration of, 75-5605

Air quality, duties, 65-3003

Damages to environment, duties, 65-171u

Director, 75-5605

Delegation of authority to, 75-5619

Fines and penalties, water pollution control, 65-170d

Investigations, water pollution, 65-170

Office of laboratory services, drug testing program, 75-4362

Orders, appeal, 65-170d

Recommendations, water pollution, 65-170

Reports, water pollution, 65-170

Water authority, Kansas, ex officio member, 74-2622

Publication of regulatory policies, guidelines and standards, 75-5662

Environment, duties concerning damages to, 65-171u

Environmental contamination remediation, sunflower army ammunition plant, 75-5671

Environmental documents, public inspection, fees, 65-102a

Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Environmental stewardship fund, 65-34,175

Environmental use control,

Generally, 65-1,221 et seq.

Agency actions, review of, 65-1,234

Applications, 65-1,224

Categories of property, 65-1,226

Definitions, 65-1,222

Departmental oversight, 65-1,230

Enforcement, 65-1,225, 65-1,229

Environmental use control fund, 65-1,226, 65-1,231

Exclusions from law, 65-1,223

Funding requirements, 65-1,226

Liability, 65-1,227

Modification, 65-1,227

Oversight, departmental, 65-1,230

Prohibitions, 65-1,228

Property, categories of, 65-1,226

Publication of number of approved agreements, 65-1,233

Recording, 65-1,225

Requirements, 65-1,224

Restrictions, 65-1,228

Review of agency actions, 65-1,234

Rules and regulations, 65-1,232

Tracking system, 65-1,230

Epilepsy, Commission on, generally, this index

Eye treatment, newly born infants, 65-153b

Rules and regulations, 65-153d

Federal funds, authority to receive, 65-103a

Feedlots, duties, 47-1511


Animal waste, truck washing facility for, 65-166a

Biological or chemical analysis services, 75-5608

Disposal, 65-171e

Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4957

Laboratories, certification, 65-1,109a

Medication aides, continuing education, 65-1,121

Nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1606

Publication of regulatory policies, guidelines and standards, 75-5662

Trauma fund, 12-4117

Truck washing facility for animal waste, 65-166a

Water analysis, 65-157

Water pollution control permit system, 65-166a

Water supply analysis, 65-156

Filth, health nuisance, 65-159

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Food safety, regulation by department of agriculture, 74-581 et seq.

Food service and lodging,

Food service, regulation by department of agriculture, 74-581 et seq.

Reorganization, 74-5,104 et seq.

Food service and lodging board, powers, duties and functions transferred to secretary, 75-5626

Food Service and Lodging Establishments, generally, this index

Funds, 65-103a,

Grants from federal and other sources, 65-103a

Health care database fee fund, 65-6809

Galactosemia, testing, 65-180 et seq.

Genetic diseases,

State assistance, 65-180

Testing, 65-180 et seq.

Governmental operations accountability law, department subject to, 75-5601


Community-based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

Health care finance, division of,

Advisory committees, 75-7403

Health care data task forces, 65-6803

Quality care improvement panel, 75-7435

Business health partnership act, Kansas, 40-4701 et seq., 75-7405

Database, health care, 65-6801 et seq.

Developmental disabilities, home and community based services, waiver, 75-7436

Drug formulary, medicaid program, 75-7408

Drug utilization review program, 75-7408

Eligibility requirements for medical assistance, rules and regulations, 65-6233


Association assistance plan fund, 75-7433

Health care database fee fund, 65-6809

Medical assistance fee fund, 40-3236

Genetic diseases, state assistance, 65-180

Health care coverage for low-income children, 38-2001 et seq., 75-7408

Health care database, 65-6801 et seq.

Availability of data, 65-6806

Confidentiality, certain records, 65-6803, 65-6804

Entities to file data, 65-6805

Fees, 65-6804

Health care data, filing, 65-6805

Health care database fee fund, 65-6809

Penalties, violations, 65-6804

Policies and procedures, 65-6803

Task forces, appointing, 65-6803

Health indicators, 75-7405

Inspector general, office of, 75-7427

Life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of, 65-6233

Medicaid program,

Designated state agency, 39-708c, 39-972, 75-7409

Donor human breast milk, reimbursement, 39-7,121g

Electronic claims management system, 75-7408

Eligibility, expansion, 75-7430

Federal aid, 39-701, 39-710, 75-7408, 75-7409

Medicaid management information system, 75-7408

Smoking cessation programs, pregnant women, 75-7430

Medical assistance, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7410

Claims against recipient's estate, 39-709

Donor human breast milk, reimbursement, 39-7,121g

Managed care organizations, 39-709h, 39-709i

Medical assistance fee fund, 40-3236

Personal needs funds, when allowed, 39-972

Resources from inheritance, 39-709

State plans, 39-708c, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7410

Third party liability, recovery, assignment, 75-7426

Medical home delivery system, 75-7429

Pharmacy claims management system, electronic, 75-7408

Powers, duties and functions, 75-7405, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7413 et seq.

Advisory committees, 75-7403

Assistance, 39-702, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7410

Contracts, agreements, 39-708c, 65-6804, 75-7403, 75-7408, 75-7409

Federal, 39-708c, 75-7408, 75-7409

Health care data collection, 65-6804, 75-7408

Health care programs, certain, 75-7408

Medical assistance plans, certain, 39-708c, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7410

Coordinated health policy agenda, 75-7404, 75-7405

Dental coverage, pregnant medicaid beneficiaries, 75-7430

Health care database, 65-6801 et seq.

Data collection, 65-6801, 65-6804

Task forces, appointing, 65-6803

Health care finance reform options, reports, required policy analysis, 75-7424

Medicaid eligibility expansion, 75-7430

Medicaid reform options, 75-7423

Medical home delivery system, 75-7429

Personal needs allowance, certain nursing home residents, 39-972

Policies, 75-7403

Statewide community health records program, 75-7430

Transfer to authority, schedule, 75-7405

Purpose of authority, 75-7404

Records, statewide community health records program, 75-7430


Governor, health care data activity, 65-6807

Legislature, report and recommendations, 65-6807, 75-7405

Rules and regulations, 65-6804, 75-7403, 75-7435

Secretary of health and environment,

Advisory committees, 75-7403

Powers, duties and functions, 75-7405, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7413 et seq.

Assistance, 39-702, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7410

Contracts, agreements, 39-708c, 65-6804, 75-7403, 75-7408, 75-7409

Federal, 39-708c, 75-7408, 75-7409

Medical assistance plans, certain, 39-708c, 75-7408, 75-7409, 75-7410

Health care finance reform options, reports, required policy analysis, 75-7424

Medicaid reform options, 75-7423

Rules and regulations, 40-2252, 65-6804, 75-7403

Skilled nursing care facilities, quality improvement assessments, 75-7435

State children's health insurance program, 38-2001, et seq., 40-4706

State employee health care benefits program,

Administration, 75-7405

Coverages, 75-6501

Autism spectrum disorder, 75-6524

State medicaid agency, 39-708c, 75-7409

Personal needs allowance, certain nursing home residents, 39-972

Personal needs fund, residents, long-term care facilities, 39-972

Health, local boards. Local boards of health, post

Health and Sanitation, generally, this index

Health care personnel, credentialing, 65-5001 et seq.

Health Care Providers, generally, this index

Cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Health Facilities, generally, this index

Health information, access to, 65-6821 et seq.

Health information, protected, use and disclosure, 65-6825

Controlling law on confidentiality of protected health information, 65-6828

Immunity from liability, 65-6834

When required or permitted, 65-6829

Health information organizations, 65-6822 et seq.

Health information technology act, 65-6821 et seq.

Health insurance, statistical plan,

Rules and regulations, 40-2252

Health manpower planning, collection of information, 65-1,113

Health nuisance, 65-159

Health Officers, generally, this index

Health policy authority, Kansas, generally, this index

Health programs for pregnant women and children, consolidation, 65-1,159

Health supervision, 65-101

Hepatitis b, prenatal serological tests, 65-153f

Hog feeding facilities, advisory committee, 65-1,197

Home Health Agencies, generally, this index

Hospices, protection of title, 65-6202

Hospitals, generally, this index

Hygiene, children, 65-153 et seq.

Hypothyroidism, testing, 65-180 et seq.

Immunizations, influenza, promotion of, 65-1,251

Infant mortality study, 65-153

Infants, eye treatment, 65-153b, 65-153d


Health supervision, 65-101

Public water supply systems, 65-171t


Kansas Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-422

Sanitary supervision, 65-173

State children's institutions, 65-176

Water pollution, 65-170b

Inspector general, 75-7427

Definitions, 75-7427

Investigations, 75-7427

Office of, 75-7427

Powers and duties, 75-7427

Reports and records, 75-7427

Transfer, 75-770

Intergovernmental transfer program, 65-6160


Access to properties and facilities, water pollution, 65-170b

Director of the division of environment, water pollution, 65-170

Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction, 65-413

Reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1404

Internal investigation of caretakers, 39-1409

Water pollution, 65-164

Water pollution control, access to properties and facilities, 65-170b

Water supply permits, 65-163


Discharge of employee under order of, 65-129d

Hearings, 65-129c

Infectious or contagious diseases, rules and regulations, 65-128

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Penalties for leaving, 65-129

K-GOAL, 75-5601

Kansas national bio and agro defense facility interagency working group, 48-3502

Kidney failure. Diseases, this index


Approval of, 65-1,107

Office of laboratory services, post

Laetrile, 65-6b01 et seq.

Enforcement fee fund, 65-6b10

Inspections and tests, 65-6b06

Manufacturers, registration and fees, 65-6b06

Product pricing and physician charges, 65-6b09

Retailers, permits and fees, 65-6b09

Wholesalers, permits and fees, 65-6b07

Lead, this index

Local boards of health,

Abatement of health nuisance, 65-159

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), agreements, 65-6003

Community nursing care, 65-220 et seq.

Complaints to secretary, water pollution, 65-164

Contagious disease control, 65-119

Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Family planning center duties, 75-5675

Nuisance, abatement, 65-159

Pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessment, 72-6267

Local health departments,

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1456, 65-1466

Indigent persons, dental services for, 65-1466

State financial assistance, 65-241 et seq.

Long-term care partnership, 40-2134

Powers and duties, 40-2134

Managed care organizations,

Appeals, 39-709i

Prompt payment, 39-709f

Requirements, 39-709h

Supplemental medicaid reimbursement for ground emergency medical transportation services, 65-6159, 65-6160

Maps, certified copy accompanying water permit application, 65-163

Marriages, registration, 65-102

Maternal deaths, medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Maternity Centers, generally, this index

Medical assistance reimbursement, unclaimed property, 58-3957

Medical Care Facilities, generally, this index

Medical facilities survey and construction act, 65-411 et seq.

Medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Medically underserved areas, list, 76-375

Medication administration training program, 65-1124

Medication aides, certification, 65-1,120, 65-1,121

Mental health compact, 65-3101 et seq.

Mental health technicians' licensure act, 65-4201 et seq.

Mined-land conservation and reclamation act, 49-401 et seq.

Morbidity or mortality, medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Municipal boards of health. Local boards of health, ante

Municipal water supply project loan program, 65-163d et seq.

Municipal water treatment residues, 65-163

Natural resources damages trust fund, 75-5672

Newborn screening fund, 65-180

Newborn screening program, 65-180

Nuclear energy development and radiation control, 48-1601 et seq.

Agreements with nuclear regulatory commission, 48-1624

Civil penalties, 48-1613

Hearing and review, 48-1613

Fees, 48-1606

Hearings, notice and appeals from orders, 48-1608

Impoundment of sources of radiation, 48-1610

Licenses, terms and conditions, 48-1621, 48-1623

Radioactive waste, low-level disposal site, 48-1622

Rules and regulations, 48-1606

Nuisance, abatement, 65-159

Office of laboratory services,

Criminal hisotry record check, fingerprinting, 75-5609a

Duties and functions, 75-5608

Established, 75-5608

Fees, 75-5608

Galactosemia testing, 65-180 et seq.

Genetic disease testing, 65-180 et seq.

Hypothyroidism testing, 65-180 et seq.

Information, confidential or privileged, 65-153f


Certification, environmental analyses, 65-1,109a

Confidential information, 65-1,108a

Fines and penalties, 65-1,108

Rules and regulations, 65-1,107

Operating fund, 65-157, 65-1,109a, 75-5608, 75-5608a

Phenylketonuria testing, 65-180

Transfer of authority, 75-5609

Water analysis, 65-157

Officers. Health Officers, generally, this index

Officers and employees,

Appointment, 75-5610

Attorneys, 75-5611

Civil service, 75-5610

Health officers, certain, unclassified service, 75-5610a

Training for professionals, advanced, 65-197

Transfer upon reorganization, 75-5613

Oil and gas, 55-150 et seq.

Advisory committee, member, 55-153

Cleanup of pollution, jurisdiction, 74-623

Transfer of regulation to corporation commission, 74-623 et seq.

Online information on child care,

Rules and regulations, 65-534

Organization of department, 75-5619

Parent education programs, school district assistance, 72-4166

Paternity, voluntary acknowledgment of, 23-2203

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Perinatal death, medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Phenylketonuria, testing, 65-180 et seq.

Plans and specifications,

Certified copy submitted with water permit application, 65-163

Permits to discharge sewage, 65-166

Pollutant discharge,

Cleanup operations, 65-171v

Recovery of costs, 65-171v, 65-6203

Natural resources damages trust fund, 65-171v

Noncontributing subsequent land owner, liability, 65-6203


Air Quality, generally, this index

Dry Cleaners and Launderers, this index

Storage Tanks, generally, this index

Voluntary clean up. Pollution, this index

Water Pollution, generally, this index

Powers and duties, transfer of, 75-5618

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

Pregnancy reduction program for teenagers, 65-1,158

Prenatal and postnatal diagnosed conditions programs, 65-1,259

Printed materials,

Published and distributed, requirements, 65-6710


Access to, water pollution, 65-170b

Transfer of, 75-5617

Conflicts, 75-5617, 75-5618

Public health, division of, 75-5601, 75-5603

Administration, 75-5603

Babies, educational literature on care, 65-153

Bureau of family health, 75-3084 et seq.

Child hygiene, 65-153 et seq.

Director, 75-5603

Coordinating council for the blind, 74-4801

Duties, 75-5603, 75-5619

Qualifications, 75-5603

Vital statistics, duties, 65-102

Federal title X funds, expenditures of, 65-103b

Public information officer, 75-5611

Public water supply project loan program, 65-163d et seq.

Publication of environment regulatory policies, guidelines and standards, 75-5662

Pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessment, 72-6267


Consent to leave, 65-129

Discharge of employee under order of, 65-129d

Enforcement of regulations, 65-119

Hearings, 65-129c

Municipalities, 65-126

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Penalties, 65-129

Rules and regulations, 65-128, 65-129

Rabies, mammals exposed to, authority of law enforcement or local health officers, 75-5661

Radiation control operations fee fund, 48-1625

Radon certification law, 48-16a01 et seq.

Certification program, 48-16a03

Contract provisions, 48-16a10

Definitions, 48-16a02

Fees, 48-16a04

Penalties, 48-16a11

Radon measurement laboratory, 48-16a09

Radon measurement technician, 48-16a05, 48-16a07

Radon mitigation business, 48-16a08

Radon mitigation technician, 48-16a06

Record keeping requirements, 48-16a10

Rules and regulations, 48-16a02

Secretary, powers of, 48-16a02

Violations, 48-16a11

Receivers and receivership. Adult Care Homes, this index

Records and documents,

Access to, water pollution, 65-170b

Custody, 75-5623

Health information, access to, 65-6821 et seq.

Transfer of, 75-5617

Vital statistics, 65-2402

Refineries, expedited processing of permits, 65-1,247

Renal disease advisory committee, abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-137, 74-138

Renal disease program, 65-1,215


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq.

Director of the division of environment, water pollution, 65-170

Legislature, 65-1,122

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

Water pollution, disclosure of information, 65-170g

Research, medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Compressed air energy storage act, monitoring, 66-1275

Risk management program, 65-34,176

Rules and regulations,

Screening for HIV, pregnant women and newborn children, 65-6018

Rules and regulations. Secretary of health and environment, post

Sanatoria, medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Sanitary quality investigations, fees for support, 65-163

Sanitary supervision, inspections by secretary, 65-173


Barbers and cosmetologists, 65-1,148

Health and Sanitation, generally, this index

Inspections, 65-101

Tattooing, body piercing, tanning facilities, rules and regulations, 74-2706

Sanitation zones, areas surrounding water impoundments, 65-187 et seq.

Schools, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessment, 72-6267

Seal, 75-5624

Secretary of health and environment,

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), reporting cases to, 65-6001 et seq.

Advisory committee, 75-5616

Children and youth. Children and Minors, this index

Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4961

Hog feeding facilities, 65-1,197

Trauma, advisory committee on, 75-5664

Air quality, duties, 65-3001 et seq.

Alcohol or other drug treatment facilities, health standards, 65-4013

Appointment, subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-5301

Acting, secretary, 75-4315a


Assistants, appointment, 75-5611

Atmospheric mercury deposition monitoring network, 75-5673

Attorneys, appointment, 75-5611

Audiologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, this index

Bathhouses, sanitary supervision, 65-172

Bathrooms, sanitary supervision, 65-172

Catfish, imported, 65-6a53 et seq.

Charitable health care providers, 75-6120

Child Care Facilities, generally, this index

Notification of offender registration websites, 22-4904

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a05 et seq., 75-5643 et seq.

Classification of stream segments, 82a-2001 et seq.

Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703

Commission on emergency planning and response, ante

Compensation, 75-3152

Confirmation, 75-5601


Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction, 65-413

Information relating to diabetes, 65-1,115

Loan transactions, guarantees and eligibility, 65-7404

Primary care safety net clinic capital loan transaction, 65-7403

Statewide trauma system, plan, 75-5665

County sanitary codes, approval, 19-3704

COVID-19 contact tracing privacy act, 48-961

Criminal detection and identification, duties, 21-2502

Crippled children's commission, powers, duties and functions transferred to, 75-5637

Day care facilities. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index

Delegation of authority, 75-5619

Dietitians, this index


Infectious, contagious or communicable, designation, 65-128

Schools, pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Driving under the influence equipment fund, administration, 75-5660

Drugs, enforcement of Uniform Controlled Substances Act, 65-4130

Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council, member, 74-7801

Early intervention services, infants and toddlers with disabilities, 75-5648 et seq.

Educational material, services available to pregnant women, 65-1,161, 65-1,162

Eligibility for other positions, 75-3152

Embalming, rules and regulations, 65-1712

Emergency planning and community right-to-know, 65-5704. Emergencies, this index

Employees, appointment, 75-5610

Entry on property, 65-103

Executive officers, appointment of acting, 75-4315a

Facilities, access to, investigations, 65-170b

Family planning centers, establishment and maintenance, 75-5674, 75-5675

Fees, credentialing health care personnel, 65-5002

Fetal organs and tissue, transfer of, reports, 65-67a05

Film services commission, membership, 74-9201

Food service and lodging board, powers transferred, 75-5626

Food service and lodging establishments, 36-506 et seq.

Powers, duties and functions transferred to secretary of agriculture, 74-5,104

Forms, vital statistics, 65-102

Galactomsemia, duties, 65-180 et seq.

Genetic diseases,

State assistance, 65-180

Testing, 65-180 et seq.


Community-based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Rural hospital innovation grant, 65-491

Grants from federal and other sources, 65-103a

Groundwater Exploration and Protection Act, 82a-1201 et seq. See, also, Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index

Hazardous substances, duties, 65-3455

Hazardous waste, duties and functions, 65-3431 et seq.

Health care benefits, persons who were wrongfully convicted, 75-6501

Health care finance, division of

Civil and criminal actions, preserved, 65-1,257

Conflicts, transfers and abolition, resolution by governor, 65-1,256

Created, 65-1,252

Director, 65-1,252

Officers and employees, 65-1,252, 65-1,258

Powers, duties and functions, 65-1,253

Transfer from Kansas health policy authority, 65-1,254, 65-1,255

Health care personnel, credentialing, 65-5001 et seq.

Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Health Facilities, generally, this index

Health manpower planning, collection of information, 65-1,113

Health nuisance, abatement, 65-159

Health programs for pregnant women and children, consolidation, 65-1,159


Construction project application, 65-421

Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2305

Hemophilia, assistance program, 65-1,131 et seq.

HIV infection and AIDS,

Impact statement concerning K.S.A. 65-6001 et seq., 65-6011

HIV testing, sites for, 65-6007

Home Health Agencies, this index

Homes of children. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index

Hospices, protection of title, 65-6202


Civil fines, 65-28,121

Moratorium on construction, 65-450 et seq.

Hypothyroidism, duties, 65-180 et seq.

Implementation and processing of background information, 65-6204

Infectious diseases, 65-6015


Disclosure of, water pollution, 65-170g

Furnishing to, 39-1411, 65-164

Water supply permits, 65-163


Certain medical care facilities, 65-116j

Food processing plants, 65-688, 65-689

Kansas Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-422

Pharmacies, 65-1629, 65-1642

Retail food store, 65-688, 65-689

Sanitary supervision, 65-173

State institutions, 65-176

Inventory, medical facilities, 65-412

Survey and construction, 65-415


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq.

Access to properties and facilities, 65-170b

Fees for support, 65-163

Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction, 65-413

Water pollution, 65-164, 65-170

Water supply permits, 65-163


Discharge of employee under order of, 65-129d

Hearings, 65-129c

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Kansas bio and agro defense facility interagency working group act, 48-3501 et seq.

Laetrile, 65-6b06 et seq.

Lead, residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,201 et seq.


Food processing plants, 65-688, 65-689

Exception to, 65-689

Temporary suspension of, 65-690

Retail food store, 65-688, 65-689

Temporary suspension of, 65-690

Water well contractors, 82a-1206 et seq.

Liens, 39-960

Local health departments, state financial assistance, 65-241 et seq.

Maternity Centers, generally, this index

Mausoleums or burial vaults, approval of plans, 17-1324 et seq.

Medical care facilities,

Civil fines, 65-28,121

Moratorium on construction, 65-450 et seq.

Risk management, 65-4922

Medical reform options, 75-7423

Medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Medication administration training program, approval, 65-1124

Medication aides, certification, 65-1,121

Municipal water treatment residues, 65-163

Nuclear energy development and radiation control, 48-1601 et seq.

Powers and duties, 48-1606

Nuisance, abatement, 65-159

Online information on child care, 65-534

Order requiring pollution to cease, issuance, 65-164

Order to withhold delivery of water, 65-163a


Appeal, 65-170d

Wastewater management plan, appeal and review, 65-3312

Organization of department, 75-5619

Outreach services, 65-101

Perinatal effects of certain substances, educational program, 65-1,161


Animal waste, truck washing facility for, 65-166a

Discharge of sewage,

Application, 65-166

Compliance with requirements, 65-169

Expiration, 65-166a

Fees, 65-166a

Fines and penalties, 65-167, 65-169, 65-171u

Reissuance, 65-166a

Supply of water, 65-163

Swine facilities, 65-1,182

Truck washing facility for animal waste, 65-166a

Violations, liability for damages to environment, 65-171u

Policies of department, 75-5625

Pollutant discharges, duties, 65-171v

Powers, duties and functions 40-2134

Application of swine waste, 2-3318

Disease prevention, 65-1,122

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

Pregnant women, risk assessment profile, 65-1,163

Prenatal and postnatal diagnosed conditions program, 65-1,259

Protocols, classified stream segments, 82a-2005

Public information officer, 75-5611

Public water supply project loan program, 65-163d et seq.

Publication of environment regulatory policies, guidelines and standards, 75-5662


Cities, townships or counties, 65-126

Discharge of employee under order of, 65-129d

Hearings, 65-129c

Information, 65-119

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Penalties, 65-129

Radiation control, duties, 48-1601 et seq.

Radiation control operations fee fund,

Administration of, 48-1625

Expenditures, 48-1625

Funding, 48-1625

Radiation protection services, 48-1606

Fees, 48-1606

Radioactive waste, low level,

Commission, members, 65-34a02

Disposal site, negotiations, 48-1622

Radon certification law, 48-16a02

Recommendations to legislature,

Air, protection, 65-171h

Contaminations, 65-171h

Water supply, protection, 65-171h


Custody, 75-5623

Disclosure of, water pollution, 65-170g

Investigations, water supply, 65-170b

Vital statistics, 65-2402

Register, reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1411

Reinterment of bodies resting in unsanitary structures, 17-1326

Renal disease program, 65-1,215


Classification of streams, 82a-2006

Health care personnel, credentialing, 65-5005

Hospital and medical facilities survey construction, 65-413

Methodologies for measuring stream flow, 82a-2006

Persons receiving, 75-5620

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

State registrar of vital statistics, 65-2406

Termination of pregnancy, 65-445

Rules and regulations, 48-1606, 48-16a02, 65-487, 65-491, 65-3308, 65-3310, 65-3311, 65-3431, 65-3460, 65-34,105, 65-34,143, 65-4506, 65-4955 et seq., 65-5009, 65-5103, 65-5109, 65-5115, 65-5303, 65-5309, 65-6203, 75-5625

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6003

Areas surrounding water impoundments, 65-187, 65-189f

Asbestos, 65-5303, 65-5309

Audiologists. Speech-language pathologists and audiologists, post

Babies, eye treatment, 65-153d

Barbers, sanitation standards, 65-1,148

Breath testing, qualifications and standards, 65-1,107

Charitable health care providers, eligibility, 75-6120

Classified stream segments, 82a-2010

Community-based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Compressed air energy storage act, monitoring, 66-1275

Confidentiality of information regarding AIDS and HIV infection, 65-6003

Contagious diseases, enforcement, 65-119

Control of AIDS and HIV infection, 65-6003

Cosmetologists, sanitation standards, 65-1,148

Dead human bodies, transporting, 65-1712

Death from infectious or contagious diseases, restrictions on funerals, 65-123

Dietitians, 65-5904, 65-5909

Diseases, 65-128, 65-129

Early intervention, services, 75-5649

Embalming dead human bodies, 65-1712

Emergency planning and community right-to-know, 65-5704

Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Examinations, unlicensed adult care home personnel, 39-936

Eye treatment, babies, 65-153d


Food processing plants, 65-688

Retail food store, 65-688

Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2305

Funerals, death from infectious or contagious diseases, 65-123

Hazardous household articles, 65-2703

Hazardous waste, 65-3431, 65-3460

Health care personnel, credentialing, 65-5002 et seq.

Health insurance, statistical plan, 40-2251, 40-2252

Health supervision, 65-101

Hemophilia, assistance program, 65-1,134

HIV testing, sites for, 65-6007

Injunction for enforcement, 65-101

Laboratories, 65-1,107, 65-1,109a, 75-5608

Laetrile, 65-6b06, 65-6b07, 65-6b09

Life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of, 65-6233

Medical care facilities, risk management, 65-4922

Medication aides, continuing education, 65-1,121

Newly born infant, eye treatment, 65-153d

Nuclear energy development and radiation control, fees, 48-1606

Payments to certain medical care facilities, 65-116l, 65-116m

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

Primary care safety net clinic capital loan guarantee act, 65-7403

Professional employees, training, 65-197

Quarantine, 65-128, 65-129

Rabies, mammals exposed to, authority of law enforcement or local health officers, 75-5661

Renal disease program, 65-1,215

Restroom facilities, 65-1,111

Rural health network, 65-473

Sanitary supervision, 65-173

Sanitation, tattooing, body piercing, tanning facilities, 74-2706

Schools, pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessments, 72-6267

Sewage disposal, boats, 32-1154

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists, 65-6503, 65-6505, 65-6506

Staff secure facility, 65-535

Standards for care of tuberculosis patients, 65-116j

State assistance, genetic diseases, 65-180

Statewide trauma system, plan, 75-5665, 75-5669

Storage tanks, this index

Surface water register, revisions of, 82a-2005

Teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Testing protocols, 65-1,107

Training, professional employees, 65-197

Tuberculosis, evaluation requirements, 65-129e

Umbilical cord banks, 65-1,249

Violations, 65-170e

Tuberculosis infectee, 65-116g

Wastewater, 65-3308

Water pollution control, 65-3305

Fee schedule, 65-166a

Revolving fund, 65-3323

Water supply, analysis, 65-156, 65-4506, 65-4512

Fees, 65-156

Water supply systems, certification, 65-163

Salary, 75-5601

Sanitary codes, counties, 19-3704

Seal, 75-5624

Sewage discharge, water pollution, investigations, 65-164

Sewage disposal facilities, 12-3710

Grants to other political subdivisions, 12-3710

Issuance of bonds, 12-3710

Sewage disposal treatment fund, bonds, 12-3713

Sewers and sewer systems,

Adequacy of facilities, approval of report, 19-27a17

Approval of plans, 80-2004

Disposal works and pumping stations, 19-27a12

Investigation by secretary of health and environment, 80-2027, 80-2028

Resolutions, 12-3103

Unsanitary conditions, determination of, 19-27a03

Sickle cell anemia, 65-1,105 et seq.

Soil pollutant discharge, duties, 65-171v

Solid waste,

Grants advisory committee, 65-3426

Powers and duties, 65-3401 et seq.

Solid waste, powers and duties, 65-3401 et seq.

Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital, medical records of former patients, 76-1528

Speech-language pathologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, this index

State medical facilities plan, preparation, 65-419

State plan, medical facilities, 65-412

Stream segments, classification of, 82a-2001 et seq.

Swine waste, application, inspection, 2-3318

Tanning facilities, sanitation standards, 65-1925

Tattooing and body piercing, sanitation standards, 65-1946

Trade secrets, confidential information, 65-170g

Transfer of authority, 75-5604, 75-5606

Treatment products, reimbursed, 65-180

Treece community relocation, 49-511 et seq.

Grants, 49-513

Judicial review of determinations, 49-517


Prevention and control, 65-129f

Suspects, examinations, 65-116b

Umbilical cord donation information act, duties, 65-1,250

Utilization of unused medications act,

Duties, 65-1675

Vital statistics,

Fees, disposition, 65-2418

Records, 65-2402

Supervision, 65-102


Certification of operators of system, 65-4501 et seq.

Management plans, 65-3309, 65-3310

Rules and regulations, 65-3308

Water pollutant discharge, duties, 65-171v

Water pollution,

Control, 65-170b, 65-171b

Appeal of orders of director of division of environment, 65-170d

Projects, duties, 65-3303 et seq.

Regulations, 65-3305

Revolving fund, 65-3323

Investigations, 65-164

Orders, 65-170

Water program management fund, 65-167

Water resource planning functions transferred to Kansas water office, 74-2616

Water supply,

Advisory committee, 65-163

Analysis, 65-156 et seq.

Laboratories, certification of, 65-171l

Certification of operators of water supply systems, 65-4501 et seq.

Disposition of moneys, 65-4514

Employment of personnel, 65-4515

Fees, 65-4506, 65-4513

Powers and duties, 65-4502 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 65-4506, 65-4512

Certification of public systems, extension of systems, 65-163


Emergency plans, 65-171n

Notice required, when, 65-171o

Withholding delivery, 65-163a

Drinking water standards, 65-171m

Order to withhold, 65-163a

Permits, 65-163

Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760

Serological tests, prenatal, 65-153 et seq.

Sewers and Sewer Systems, generally, this index

Sickle cell anemia,

Establishment of statewide program of blood tests and counseling, 65-1,105

Financial assistance, 65-1,105, 65-1,105a

Testing program, 65-1,105, 65-1,106

Sickness, investigation of causes of, 65-101

Soil pollutant discharge, cleanup operations, 65-171v

Solid waste, 65-3401 et seq.

See also, Waste, this index

Employees, limits, 65-3427

Grants advisory committee, 65-3426

Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Spinal cord injury treatment program, 65-1,112

State board of health, abolished, 75-5621

State children's institutions, health and sanitation, 65-176

State medical facilities plan, 65-416, 65-419

Statistics. Vital Statistics, generally, this index

Storage tanks, this index

Stream segments, classification of, 82a-2001 et seq.

Substance abuse programs, 65-1,160 et seq.

Sunflower army ammunition plant, environmental remediation, 75-5671

Surface water,

Classification of stream segments, 82a-2001 et seq.

Kansas surface water register, publication, 82a-2005

Mixing zone, 65-1,176

Permits, 65-1,176

Standards, 65-1,175, 65-1,176

Stream segments, classification of, 82a-2001

Surface water quality standards, definitions, 65-1,175

Syphilis, prenatal serological tests, 65-153f et seq.

Tanning facilities, sanitation standards, 65-1925

Tattooing, body piercing, tanning facilities, rules and regulations, 74-2706

Teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Telephone system, toll free, 65-1,166

Trade secrets, confidential water pollution information, 65-170g

Training, professional employees, 65-197

Transfer of authority, 75-5602, 75-5612, 75-5621

Transfer of employees, 75-5613

Transfer of property, 75-5617

Transporting dead human bodies, rules and regulations, 65-1712

Trauma, statewide system, 75-5663 et seq.

Advisory committee, 75-5664

Appointment, qualifications, meetings, 75-5664

Reports to legislature, 75-5664

Confidentiality, registry information, 75-5666

Definitions, 75-5663

Disclosure statement for patients, 75-5667

Federal acts, certain, consistency with, 75-5669

Fees, 12-4117, 75-5670

Health care provider, right to choose not limited, 75-5668

Plan, 75-5665

Regional trauma councils, 75-5665

Registry, 75-5666

Secretary of health and environment,

Duties, 75-5665

Rules and regulations, 75-5665, 75-5669

Statewide trauma system plan, 75-5665

Trauma fund, 75-5670

Fees, 12-4117

Interest credited, 75-5670

Tuberculosis, generally, this index

Evaluation requirements, 65-129e

Prevention and control, 65-129f

Tuberculosis Hospitals, generally, this index

Tuberculosis patients, expenses for care, 65-116i

Umbilical cord banks, 65-1,249

Unclaimed property, medical assistance reimbursement, 58-3957

Venereal disease, prenatal serological test, 65-153f

Vital Statistics, generally, this index

Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, 23-2203

Waste, generally, this index

Waste tire disposal, 65-3424 et seq.

Water impoundments, areas surrounding, 65-184 et seq.

Definitions, 65-185

Enforcement of sanitation act,

Injunction, mandamus or quo warranto, 65-188

Injunction for violations, 65-188

Maps and plats, 65-189d et seq.

Sanitation plan, 65-189c et seq.

Secretary of health and environment, 65-187

Water office, Kansas, cooperation, 74-2610

Water Pollution, generally, this index

Water pollution violations, attorney general, 65-170e

Water resource planning functions transferred to Kansas water office, 74-2616

Water Supply, generally, this index

Waters and Watercourses, generally, this index


Promotion of influenza immunizations, 65-1,251

Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760

Woman's-right-to-know act,

Distribution of required information, 65-6710

Youth centers and reformatory, health and sanitation, 65-176


COVID-19 response and reopening for business liability protection act, 60-5501 et seq.

Hospitals and healthcare-related facilities,

Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation,

Consent for minors, 38-150

Rural emergency hospitals, 65-481 et seq.


Air Quality, generally, this index

Apprentices, working conditions, 44-639 et seq.

Boards. Health boards, post

Bread and flour enrichment, 65-2301 et seq.

Cities of first class, regulation, 13-436

Cities of second class,

Ordinances and regulations, 14-1307

Enforcement by mayor, 14-307

Community nursing care, 65-220 et seq.

Counties, 19-212

County health department,

Community nursing care, 65-220 et seq.

Family planning center duties, 75-5675

Schools, pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessments, 72-6267

County sanitary codes, approval, 19-3704

Database, health care, 65-6801 et seq.

Dead bodies,

Disposition after coroners' proceedings, 22a-215

Medical school use, 65-901 et seq.

Dialysis. See subhead Renal failure acute under Health and Environment, State Department of, this index

Disabled Persons, generally, this index

Diseases, generally, this index

Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index


Determination, cities of first class, 17-2344

Housing authority, 17-2345

Emergency expenses, counties, 19-236

Feeds, livestock and poultry, substances injurious, 2-1011

Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2301 et seq.

Food, generally, this index

Garbage and Refuse, generally, this index

Hazardous household articles, 65-2701 et seq.

Health and Environment, State Department of, generally, this index

Health boards,

Administrative district judge, joint board member, 65-205

Administrator, appointment, 65-201

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1456, 65-1466

Financial assistance, state, 65-241 et seq.

Health officer, schools, pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Insurance, 40-3401 et seq.

Joint boards, 65-205

Budget, 65-208

Counties of 300,000 or more, 65-205

Reports, 65-207

Schools, pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessments, 72-6267

Tax levy, 65-208

Mental health clinics, 65-212

Treasurer, 65-206

Withdrawal from, 65-209

Disposition of moneys, 65-210

Members, 65-201

Mental health board, establishment of joint board, 65-211

Mental health services, contracts for, 65-211, 65-212

Financing, 65-211, 65-212

Personnel, 65-202

Tax levies, 65-204

Plumbing regulations, 12-1505

Reports, 65-207

Service coordination, pregnant women, 65-1,164

Sewer connections, 12-631

State financial assistance, 65-241 et seq.

Health care database, 65-6801 et seq.

Health care plans, assistance programs,

Association assistance plan, 75-7433

Hearing aids, regulations, 74-5801 et seq.

Hospitals, generally, this index

Household articles, hazardous, 65-2701 et seq.

Housing projects, municipalities, 17-2350

Kansas indoor clean air act, 21-6109 et seq.

Lay caregivers, 65-431a

Mausoleums or burial vaults, approval of plans, 17-1324 et seq.

Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-410 et seq.

Medical schools,

Dead bodies, delivery, 22a-215, 65-901 et seq.

Mental health compact, 65-3101 et seq.

Mental Health Technicians' Licensure Act, 65-4201 et seq.

Minors, working conditions, 44-639 et seq.

Motor carriers, 66-1,129

Nuclear Energy Development and Radiation Control Act, 48-1601 et seq.

Obstetrical patients, 65-203

Ponds, draining, 12-1617e

Power of attorney, durable power of attorney for health care decisions, 58-625 et seq.

Public awareness program, effects of use of tobacco, alcohol and controlled substances, 65-1,160 et seq.

Reports, health boards, 65-207

Residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,201 et seq.

Restaurants, generally, this index

Sanitary codes, counties, 19-3701 et seq.

School inspections, 65-202

School personnel, certification, 72-6266

School pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessments, 72-6267

Schools, employees and others, certification, 72-6266

Sewers and Sewer Systems, generally, this index

Smoking in public places, prohibited, 21-4009 et seq.

State board of health, abolished, 75-5621

State department of health, abolished, 75-5621

Sterilization of persons, 65-446, 65-447

Structures, repair, closing or removal, 17-4759

Toys, hazardous articles, 65-2701 et seq.

Urban renewal, 17-4742 et seq.

Vital Statistics, generally, this index

Water Pollution, generally, this index

Working conditions, investigations, 44-636


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, findings of, 39-1404


Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Medical retainer agreements, 65-4978

Associations of health care providers, immunity from damage liability, 65-4909

Burns, second and third degree, reporting of treatment, 31-133

Cancer registry,

Immunity, 65-1,174

Cancer screenings, access to, 65-1,174a

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Choice of, not limited by trauma system, 75-5668

Cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Cooperative agreements, health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Credentialing health care personnel,

Applications, 65-5002

Criteria, 65-5006, 65-5007

Definitions, 65-5001

Fees, 65-5002

Reports to legislature, 65-5005

Review of credentialed personnel, 65-5008

Rules and regulations, 65-5002, 65-5003, 65-5005, 65-5009

Secretary of health and environment, duties, 65-5005, 65-5009

Technical committees,

Appointment and duties, 65-5003

Compensation, 65-5009

Database, health care, 65-6801 et seq.

Defined, 60-513d, 60-2609, 65-2891

Directive not to resuscitate patient, 65-4941 et seq.

Disciplinary proceedings,

Confidentiality, 65-4925

Closed sessions, 65-4925

Discount cards, health-related purchases, 50-1,100 et seq.

DNR, do not resuscitate orders, 65-4941 et seq.

Emergency care at accident, liability, 65-2891, 65-2891b

Emergency planning and community right-to-know, action to obtain information, 65-5708

Employee applicants,

Background checks, 39-1411, 39-1434

Good Samaritan Act, 65-2891

Health care database, 65-6801 et seq.

Health care records, abandonment of, 65-28,128

Health information technology act, 65-6821 et seq.

Health policy authority, Kansas, generally, this index

Immunization of minor children, 38-138, 38-139

Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924

Insurance companies, formation by associations of health care providers, 40-12a01 et seq.

Ionizing radiation, limitation on actions, 60-513b

Judgments, installment payments, 60-2609

Licenses and other credentials,

Temporary emergency license, 48-965

Limitation of actions, 60-513

Malpractice. Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Medical education and training, financial assistance, practice agreements. See Healing Arts, generally, this index

Medical malpractice insurance. Insurance, this index

Medical malpractice screening panels, compensation and expenses, 65-4907

Medical retainer agreement, 65-4978

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Orders not to resuscitate patient, 65-4941 et seq.

Pain patient's quality of care act, 65-4975 et seq.

Patient records,

Abandonment of, 65-28,128

Access to, 65-6824, 65-6836

Enforcement of, 65-6836

Patients, orders not to resuscitate, 65-4941 et seq.

Peer review, confidentiality of proceedings, 65-4915

Policy of state concerning, 65-4914

Privileges and immunities, professional societies, 65-4924, 65-4925

Public awareness program, effects of use of tobacco, alcohol and controlled substances, 65-1,160 et seq.

Registry, trauma system, 75-5663 et seq.

Reports, risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

Reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1411

Research protocols, informed consent, 65-4974

Resuscitation of patients, orders not to, 65-4941 et seq.

Risk management programs, status of entities conducting programs, 65-4929

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

State employees health care benefits program, contracts, 75-6504

Suicide, assisting, 60-4401 et seq.

Trauma, statewide system, registry, 75-5663 et seq.

Umbilical cord banks, 65-1,249

Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760


Buildings, tax levies, 65-204

Health policy authority, Kansas, generally, this index

Hospital authority. University of Kansas Hospital Authority, this index

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Tax levies, buildings, 65-204


Generally, 40-3201 et seq.

Agents, 40-239

Alcoholism, coverage, group policies, 40-2,105

Anticancer medication coverage required, 40-2,184

Orally administered, 40-2,184

Assessments on,

Adjustment of assessment, 65-6215

Administration of, 65-6219

Amount of assessment, 65-6213

Delayed payment schedules, 65-6214

Health care access improvement fund, 65-6217

Method of payment, 65-6215

Notice, 65-6215

Payment date, 65-6214

Penalties, 65-6214

Refund of assessments, when, 65-6216

Rules and regulations, 65-6220

Termination of, when, 65-6216

Audit, 40-225


Childbirth, minimum inpatient care, 40-2,160

Coverage at birth or adoption, 40-2,102

Coverage for children in the custody of the commissioner of juvenile justice, 40-2,161

Immunizations, coverage required, 40-2,102

Commissioner of insurance,

Sale of stock, permit authorizing, 40-204, 40-205

License to sell stock, 40-205a

Community colleges, contracts for services, 72-1891

Contracts, 40-19c03, 40-19c04

Deposit requirements, 40-3227

Drug abuse treatment, coverage, group policies, 40-2,105

Health Facilities, generally, this index

Health maintenance organization act, 40-3201 et seq.

Applications, filings, reports, treated as public documents, 40-3212

Certificate of authority, 40-3203

Application, 40-3203

Denial, hearing and review, 40-3207

Fee, 40-3213

Issuance, 40-3204

Operational organizations, 40-3217

Suspension or revocation,

Hearing, review, 40-3207

Unlawful acts, 40-3203

Certificates of coverage,

Contents, 40-3209

Grievance procedure, 40-3228

Citation of act, 40-3225

Continuity of treatment, 40-3230

Contracts, 40-3209, 40-3210

Contents, 40-3209

Extension of benefits, 40-3209

Definitions, 40-3202

Emergency medical services, duties and responsibilities, 40-3229

Enrollment, open period, 40-3223

Examination of organizations and providers, 40-3211

Federal law, effect on, 40-3219

Fees, 40-3213

Fidelity bond, 40-3225

Financial condition, commissioner's powers, 40-3234

Hearing, review, 40-3207

Insolvency, allocation of insureds, 40-3232

Insolvency plan, 40-3227

Investments, 40-3224

Liability of enrollee, 40-3209

Liquidation, 40-3233

Medical information, confidential, 40-3226

Net worth requirements, 40-3227


Fiduciary relationship, 40-3225

Liability of, 40-3221

Operational organizations, issuance of certificate, 40-3217

Penalties, 40-3216, 40-3222

Policies, forms, filing, regulation, 40-2215

Powers, 40-3208

Rates, filing, regulation, 40-2215, 40-3209

Reports, 40-3220

Rules and regulations, 40-3215

Termination, conversion contracts, 40-3209

Uncovered expenditure, 40-3231

Kansas turnpike authority, employees, contracts for services, 75-4101, 75-4101a

Mammogram coverage required, 40-2229, 40-2230

Mental conditions, coverage, group policies, 40-2,105

Merger, 40-309

Net worth requirements, 40-3227

Pap smear coverage required, 40-2229, 40-2230

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Reports, risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

Risk-based capital, 40-2d01 et seq.

Rural emergency hospital, benefits for services, 65-488

School districts, contracts for services, 72-1891

Small employer health benefit plans, 40-2209b et seq.

State employee health care benefits program, contracts for services, 75-6504, 75-6505

State officers and employees, contracts for services, 75-4101 et seq.


Agent, sale of stock, license, 40-205a

Permit authorizing sale, 40-204, 40-205

Substance use disorder treatment, coverage, group policies, 40-2,105


Accounts and accounting, 65-202

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6001 et seq.

Appointment, 65-201

Bond, official, 65-202

Compensation and salaries, 65-202

Contagious diseases, supervision over cases, 65-119

COVID-19 contact tracing privacy act, 48-961

COVID-19, sharing information with first responders, 48-962

Defined, infectious or contagious diseases, 65-116a

Fines and penalty, failure or neglect of duty, 65-202


Distribution, 65-202

Vital statistics, 65-102

Inspections, school buildings and grounds, 65-202

Investigations, diseases, 65-202

Isolation and quarantine procedure, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.


Election, 65-202

Qualification, 65-202

Nurse, employment, 65-202

Oath of office, 65-202

Officers and employees, Health and Environment, State Department of, this index

Orders, review, amendment or revocation by board of county commissioners, 65-201, 65-202

Personnel, 65-202

Tax levies, 65-204

Public gatherings, contagious diseases control, confidentiality of information, 65-119

Quarantine and isolation procedure, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Records, 65-202

Removal from office, 65-201, 65-202

Schools, pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Health assessments, 72-6267

Successors, turnover of office, 65-202

Vital statistics, forms, 65-202

Wastewater management committee, 65-3309

Water pollution, complaints to secretary of health and environment, 65-164


Healthcare finance, division of. Health and Environment, State Department of, this index


Hearing instruments, generally, this index


Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index

Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Hard of hearing. Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index


See, also, Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index; Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Audiologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, this index

Bill of sale, requirements, 74-5809

Board, 74-5801 et seq.

Administrative fine, 74-5826

Appointment, 74-5802

Certificate of registration or endorsement, 74-5814

Fees, 74-5810a, 74-5814

Notice of place of practice, 74-5815

Compensation and expenses, 74-5805

Examinations, 74-5812, 74-5813

Executive officer, 74-5805


Disposition, 74-5805

Establishment, 74-5810a

Licenses, 74-5807, 74-5814

Censure, 74-5826

Certificate of endorsement, fees, 74-5814

Change of supervisor, notice, 74-5815

Conditioned, grounds, 74-5818

Denial of, grounds, 74-5818

Display, 74-5808

Education requirement, annual, 74-5821

Equipment, annual calibration testing, 74-5814, 74-5816

Examinations, 74-5813

Exemptions from act, 74-5810

Fees, 74-5810a, 74-5814

Inactive, 74-5810a, 74-5825

Application for active license, 74-5825

Conversion fee, 74-5810a, 74-5825

Rules and regulations, 74-5825

Place of practice, change of, 74-5815

Qualification of applicants, 74-5811

Reinstatement, 74-5821

Renewals, 74-5816, 74-5821

Selling or dispensing, qualifications of applicant, 74-5811

Suspension or revocation, 74-5812, 74-5818 et seq., 74-5826

Grounds, 74-5818

Proceedings, 74-5820

Reinstatement, 74-5821

Temporary license, 74-5812

Term, 74-5814

Meetings, 74-5803

Officers, 74-5805

Powers and duties, 74-5806

Qualifications, 74-5802

Quorum, 74-5804

Records, 74-5804

Removal, 74-5802

Rules and regulations, 74-5806

Terms, 74-5802

Vacancies, 74-5802

Violations of act,

Administrative fine, 74-5826

Remedies, 74-5826

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Citation of act, 74-5823

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 74-5824

Unlawful acts, 74-5808, 74-5819

Violation of registration act, 74-5824

Deaf and hard of hearing, Kansas commission for the, 75-5391 et seq.

Definitions, 74-5807

Dogs, trained for hearing assistance, 39-1107

Education program, annual, attendance by licensee or certificate holder, 74-5821

Equipment, annual calibration testing, 74-5814, 74-5816

Exemption of certain persons from licensing act, 74-5810

Prohibited practices, 74-5819

Sale of or dispensing without license prohibited, 74-5808

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Speech-language pathologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index


Evidence, this index


Liability insurance, 66-1314

Motor carriers, exemption, 66-1,109

Registration fees, 8-143


See, also, Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index; Public Utilities, generally, this index

Generally, 12-801 et seq.

Bonds, 66-125 et seq.

Cities of first class, utility rates, 13-431

Community and utility promotion fund, 12-825g

Licensure by cities or counties, 12-1542 et seq.

Act inapplicable to technical professions, 12-1544

Certificate of competency, 12-1542

Codes, standards and regulations, 12-1543

Continuing education, 12-1542

Examinations, 12-1541, 12-1542, 12-1543

Fees, 12-1543

Inspections, 12-1543

Reciprocal agreements, 12-1543

Rules and regulations, 12-1542

Meters, accuracy, 66-119

Public utility as meaning, 66-104

Rates and charges, free or reduced rates, 66-109

Reports, 66-122, 66-123

Rules and regulations, testing of service, 66-119

Sale, 12-806, 12-808

Sales tax,

Exempt sales, 79-3606

Rate of tax, 79-3603

Taxation, public utility property, 79-422

Transmission or pipe lines, 12-821

Working conditions, investigations, 44-636


Diseases, this index


Economic Poisons, generally, this index

Pest Control, generally, this index


Schools and School Districts, this index


Schools and School Districts, generally, this index


Historical Property, this index


Transportation, State Department of, generally, this index


Funds, this index


Generally, 74-2105 et seq.

Accidents. Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Ammunition, 74-2111


Probationary period, 74-2114

Qualifications, 74-2113

Apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, enforcement duties, 8-1,120

Arms, 74-2111

Arrest, taking arrested person before court without delay, 74-2109

Assignments for duty, 74-2114

Assistant superintendent, 74-2113

Badges, 74-2105

Best practices and policies, availability, 74-2138

Bond, violation of uniform traffic act, 8-2107

Capitol police,

Capitol complex agencies, security liaison, 75-4514

Civil service, 74-2113


Payment for personal injury or property damage to persons, 46-922

Compensation and salaries, 74-2114

Assistant superintendent, 74-2113

Major, 74-2113

Superintendent, 74-2113

Conduct, rules, 74-2107

Contracts, obtaining federal funds, 74-2117

Creation, 74-2113

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Criminal records, members, 74-2113

Political activity, 74-2113

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq.

Defibrillators, guidelines for placement in state facilities, 65-6149a

Death benefit plan, optional eligibility, 74-4927e

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Dual office holding, 74-2113

Duty assignments, 74-2106

Elected or appointed office, when allowed to hold, 74-2113

Employees, 74-2115

Employment, accepting other employment while member, 74-2113

Enforcement of traffic and vehicle laws, 74-2105, 74-2108

Equipment, 74-2111

Expenses of members, 74-2114

Federal legislation, obtaining benefits, 74-2117

Function, 74-2105


Highway patrol state forfeiture fund, 60-4117

Moneys obtained under federal legislation, 74-2117

Motor vehicle fund, 74-2136

Gifts, member accepting, 74-2113

Governor, governor's family, transportation, security, 74-2105

Incompatible offices, 74-2113

Insignia, 74-2111


Copies of reports, forwarding, 74-2118

Intrastate motor carriers,

Enforcement actions, 8-1,123b

Life insurance, optional death benefit plan, eligibility, 74-4927e

Major, 74-2113

Military forces, commission, member holding, 74-2113

Military service, compensation and salaries, 74-2114

Missing and Unidentified Persons, this index

Motor carriers,

Default in fees, 8-143a

Fitness ratings, investigation, 66-1,142a

Inspection stations, 66-1302 et seq., 66-1318 et seq.

Motor vehicle fund, 74-2136

Moving expenses of members, 74-2114

Obedience by motorists, 74-2110

Officers, troopers, retirement or resignation, personal sidearm purchase, 75-6613

Officers and employees, defenses in certain civil action against, 75-4360

Officers of patrol, 74-2113


Elected or appointed, when allowed to hold, 74-2113

Payroll deduction, troopers association dues, 75-5501

Pedestrians, obedience, 74-2110

Police powers, 74-2108

Probationary period, 74-2114

Profiling. Racial and other profiling, post

Qualifications, 74-2113

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Complaints, 22-4610, 22-4611

Definitions, 22-4606

Discipline, 22-4610

Policies, 22-4610

Unlawful acts, 22-4609

Rank, 74-2113


Accident investigation, 8-1611

Forwarding copies, 74-2118

Retirement and pension system. Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Abolition of pension board, 74-4978f

Entry into police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4971 et seq.

Date of entry, 74-4971

Exemption of pension benefits from taxation, 74-4978g

Option to enter police and firemen's system, 74-4972 et seq.

Preservation of rights upon transfer, 74-4978g

Transfer of powers of pension board, 74-4978f

Credit of contributions, 74-4978f

Rewards, member accepting, 74-2113

Rules and regulations, 74-2107, 75-4514

Salary. Compensation and salaries, ante

Security duties, 74-2105

Silver alert plan, Kansas, 75-754

Stopping vehicles, 74-2110

Superintendent, 74-2105 et seq., 74-2113

Appointment, confirmation by senate, 74-2113

Assistant superintendent, 74-2113

Authorizing military personnel to direct traffic, 48-252b

Application, contents, 48-252c

Limitations, 48-252d

Capitol area security patrol, 74-2105, 74-2106

Rules and regulations, 74-2107

Civil service, unclassified, 74-2113

Compensation, 74-2113

Criminal justice coordinating council, membership, 74-9501

Criminal justice information system committee, member of, 74-5701

Duties, 74-2105

Employees, 74-2115

Federal legislation, obtaining benefits, 74-2117

Governor, governor's family, transportation, security, 74-2105

Holding office, pleasure of governor, 74-2114

Kansas commission on peace officers' standards and training,

Member, ex officio, 74-5606

Law enforcement officers memorial advisory committee, 75-2251

Law enforcement training commission, member, ex officio, 74-5606

Police powers, 74-2108

Prosecution in civil or criminal action, defense,

Duty of attorney general, 75-4360

Expense paid by state, 75-4360

Qualifications, 74-2113

Rank, 74-2113

Removal, 74-2114

Rules and regulations, 66-1302, 74-2107

Vehicles, sale of retired, 74-2124

Supplies, 74-2111

Topeka state hospital, sale of real estate for highway patrol purposes, 76-1241

Training center fund, 74-2134

Sources, 74-2012

Travel expenses, 74-2114

Troopers, qualifications, 74-2113

Turnpike facilities, contracts with turnpike authority, 68-2025 et seq.

Uniforms and badges, 74-2105, 74-2111

Capitol police, 75-4504

Vehicle identification numbers,

Rules and regulations, 74-2135

Verification, 8-116a

Vehicle inspections, spot, 8-1759

Vehicles of patrol, 74-2111

Highway patrol motor vehicle fund, 8-145

Sale of retired, 74-2124

Weapons, 74-2111


Roads and Highways, generally, this index


Generally, 74-6501 et seq.

Chairperson, 74-6503

Executive director, 74-6501a, 74-6507, 74-6508, 74-6509

Meeting requirements, 74-6505

Membership, appointment, 74-6502

Compensation and allowances, 74-6506

Terms, 74-6502

Official designation, 74-6501a

Powers and duties, 74-6504, 74-6508, 74-6509

Secretary, 74-6503


State Historical Society, generally, this index


Cities, 12-1658 et seq.


See, also, State Historical Society, this index

Generally, 76-2001 et seq.

Access, persons with a disability, 58-1301 et seq.

Acquisition, 75-2726

Administration and control, 75-2714

Secretary of state, 75-2714

State historical society, 75-2701, 75-2714

Fees, admittance, 75-2701

Alcoholic liquor, consumption on, 41-719

Board of review, state historic sites, 75-2719a, 75-2720

Brown vs. board of education national historic site, 27-120 et seq.

Castle Rock, Gove county, 76-2018 et seq.

Charles Curtis home, 76-2049

Damaging or injuring, 76-2027 et seq.

Eminent domain, 75-2714

Fort Hays military reservation, park purposes, 76-2006

Fort Larned national historic site, 27-120 et seq.

Pawnee Rock historic site as satellite, 76-2055

Fort Scott national historic site, 27-120 et seq.

General Frederick Funston memorial park, 76-2025, 76-2026

Grinter Place, 76-2030, 76-2031

Heritage trust fund, 75-2729

Highland Presbyterian Mission, 76-2014 et seq.

Advisory board of trustees, abolished, 76-2015

Historic preservation act, 75-2715 et seq.

State historical society designated as state agency, 75-2717

Historic preservation program. State Historical Society, this index

Historic sites,

Alcoholic liquor, consumption at, 41-719

Board of review, state, 75-2719a, 75-2720

Indian historical site, Rice county. Quiviran (Wichita) Indian historical site, ante

Insurance, casualty coverage, 75-2728

Isaac T. Goodnow home, 76-2034, 76-2035

John Brown memorial park, 76-2001

Kansas frontier-historical park, 76-2007

Lecompton constitutional hall, 76-2052

Marais des Cygnes massacre memorial park, 76-2021, 76-2022

Mine Creek historical park, 76-2040 et seq.

Monument rocks and sphynx, Gove county, 76-2018 et seq.

Natural bridge, Barber county, 76-2018 et seq.

Nicodemus national historic site, 27-120 et seq.

Old Indian mission in Morris county, 76-2023, 76-2024

Pawnee Rock historical site and park, 76-2005, 76-2005a, 76-2005b, 76-2055

Police officers, employment by state historical society, 76-2028

Pony express station, near Hanover in Washington county, 76-2017, 76-2017a

Preservation of, 75-2715 et seq.

See subhead Historic preservation program under State Historical Society, this index

Quiviran (Wichita) Indian historical site,

Acquisition by historical society authorized, 76-2047

Appraisal, 76-2047

Deed and title examination, 76-2047

Control and management, 76-2048

Declaration of historical interest, 76-2046

Rental by third parties, fees, 76-2056

Description, location, 76-2046

Riley county, conveyance of museum land to, authorized, 75-2727

Rock City, Ottawa county, 76-2018 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 75-2721

Secretary of state, authority, 75-2714

Shawnee mission, 76-2008 et seq.

Souders Historical Farm-museum, 76-2044

State historic sites board of review, 75-2719a

State historical society. See subhead Historic property under State Historical Society, this index

Supreme court chamber, 75-2243a

Tallgrass prairie national preserve, 27-120 et seq.

Traffic rules and regulations, 76-2027

Use by third parties, fees, guidelines, 76-2056

William Allen White House, 76-2057

William F. Cody home, 76-2032, 76-2033


Counties, preservation, tax levy, 19-2651

Historical journals and materials, state historical society, 75-2702


State Historical Society, generally, this index


Generally, 8-1602


Boundaries, 18-142

Santa Fe Trail Council of Boy Scouts, land leased to, 19-2696


See, also, Animals, generally, this index

Agisters' liens, 58-220

Cholera vaccines, approval, 47-653a et seq.

Confined feeding facilities, 65-171d, 65-1,178 et seq.

Contracts, purchasing, marketing or production, 16-1501 et seq.

Alternative dispute resolutions provisions, required, 16-1505

Termination of, 16-1502

Dead animals, disposal, 65-1,188

Definitions, 47-120

Domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq.

Feeding facilities, 65-171d, 65-1,178 et seq.

Feral swine, importation or possession, penalty, 47-1809

Hog cholera. Animal Diseases, this index

Hogpens, cities of first class, suppression, 13-436

Liens, feed, 58-207 et seq.


Contracts, 16-1501 et seq.

Pools, 16-1503

Meat inspection,

Labeling of carcass or products, unlawful acts, 65-6a29

Penalties, 65-6a40

Slaughter, unlawful acts, 65-6a27 et seq.

Production facilities, contractor requirements, 16-1504

Pseudorabies, 47-673

Public livestock markets, fees, 47-1011

Slaughter, products not for human food, 65-6a33

Storage and handling of food products, 65-6a32

Swine technology center, 76-487 et seq.


Bank Deposits and Collections, this index

Consumer Credit Code, this index

Secured Transactions, this index

Warehouse Receipts, this index


Generally, 66-1401 et seq.

Banks and Banking, generally, this index


Alcoholic liquor, sale of, 41-712, 41-2704

American Indian Day, 35-205

Arbor Day, 35-204

Bank transactions, 52-717

Banks and trust companies, 9-1122

Christmas Day, 35-107

Columbus Day, 35-107

Dwight D. Eisenhower day, 35-207

Family Day, 35-201

Flag Day, 73-705

Independence Day, 35-107

Labor Day, 35-107

Legal holiday, defined, computation of time, 60-206

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 35-107

Memorial Day, 35-107

Mothers' Day, 35-202

National day of the cowboy, 35-208

Native American Legislative Day at the Capitol, 35-205

New Year's Day, 35-107

Pearl Harbor Day, 35-206

Presidents' Day, 35-107

Pulaski, General, commemoration, 35-203

Schools observance, 72-9928

Thanksgiving Day, 35-107

Veterans' Day, 35-107


Homeowners organizations, generally, this index

Powers, duties and functions, 17-1108a


Extension councils, 2-608, 2-611, 2-616


Generally, 65-5101 et seq.

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, reporting, 39-1430 et seq.

Aides, 65-5115

Annual report, 65-5104

Attendant care services, persons providing, 65-5101, 65-5102, 65-5115

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Complaints, 65-5107

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 39-1431, 65-5114, 65-5116

Employee, 65-5117

Definitions, 65-5101

Drugs, handling and storage, 65-1659

Examinations, personnel, 65-5115

Fees, 65-5103, 65-5104, 65-5115

Injunctions, 65-5111

Inspection, 65-5104, 65-5105

Deficiencies, 65-5106

Exit interviews, 65-5106

Instruction, aides, 65-5115

Insulin syringes, certain persons prohibited from prefilling, 65-5116


Annual report, 65-5104

Application, 65-5103, 65-5104

Cancellation, 65-5104

Denial, 65-5105, 65-5108

Exemptions from, 65-5112

Fees, 65-5103, 65-5104

Hearings, 65-5107, 65-5108

Posting, 65-5104

Reciprocal agreements, 65-5104

Required, 65-5102

Revocation, 65-5104, 65-5105, 65-5108

Sale of agency, 65-5104

Supportive care services, 65-5102

Suspension, 65-5104, 65-5105, 65-5108

Temporary license, 65-5102

Temporary operating permit, 65-5104

Transfer or assignment prohibited, 65-5104

Operation of,

Employees, background check, 65-5117

Prohibited employees, 65-5117

When precluded, 65-5117


Access to background check information, 65-5117

Reports, 39-1431, 65-5104, 65-5106

Rules and regulations, 65-5103, 65-5104, 65-5109, 65-5115

Secretary for aging and disability services,

Criminal history and other records, access to, 65-5117

Secretary of health and environment,

Access to criminal history and other records, 65-5117

Implementation and processing of background information, 65-6204

Moneys received by, 65-5113

On-site survey, 65-5104

Reciprocal agreements, licenses, 65-5104

Rules and regulations, 65-5103, 65-5104, 65-5109, 65-5115


Home health, persons providing, 65-5101

Supportive care, persons providing, 65-5101

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Violations, 65-5111, 65-5114

Volunteers, 65-5117


Cities, Kan. Const. Art. 12, ยง 5

Cities of third class, 15-124

Counties, 19-101 et seq.

Ordinances, effect of repeal of statute under which ordinance passed, 12-3017

Taxation, limitations and procedures, 12-137 et seq.


Drug packaging and labeling, 65-669

Standards, 65-668


Removal of restrictive covenants violating civil rights, 44-1017a


Immunity from liability, 60-3611


Manufuctured Homes, generally, this index

Mobile Homes, generally, this index


Child Care Facilities, this index


Adult Care Homes, generally, this index

Adult Family Homes, generally, this index

Aged Persons, this index

County Homes, generally, this index


Appeals, setting apart, probate, 59-2401

Designation, 60-2302

Exemptions, Kan. Const., Art. 15, ยง 9, 60-2301 et seq.

Annexation of land,

Homestead rights extended, 12-521, 12-524a

Contract for conveyance, 60-2303

Distribution of decedent's estate, 59-401

Federal public land grant exceptions, 75-2812

Homestead property tax refund act,

Assignment of refund claims, 79-4521


Assistance by county clerk, 79-4510

Death, 79-4503

Ineligible, public funds for taxes, 79-4515

One per household, 79-4507


Amount, 79-4508

Application to other tax liability, 79-4506

Cost-of-living adjustment, 79-4508

Death of claimant, 79-4503

Denial of, 79-4516

Determination, 79-4508

Excessive, 79-4513

Failure to include certain income, 79-4513

Filing, county clerk to assist, 79-4510

Filing time, 79-4505

Claims filed after deadline, acceptance, 79-4517

Extension, 79-4517

Forms, 79-4510

Fraudulent, 79-4513

Information required, 79-4511

Maximum property tax credit, 79-4509

Minimum amount of, 79-4504

Payment, 79-4504

Penalties, 79-4513

Property valuation limit, 79-4522

Records, 79-4521

Representative filing claim, 79-4503

Right to file, 79-4503

Tables for determination, 79-4508

County clerk to assist claimant in filing claim, 79-4510

County treasurer to mail information with tax statement, 79-4510

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 79-4513

Definitions, 79-4502

Delinquent property taxes owed, 79-4523

Forms, instruction, 79-4510

Information required for claim, 79-4511

Maximum property tax credits, 79-4509

Payment methods, administration, 79-4521

Penalties, 79-4513

Property tax, maximum credit, 79-4509

Records, procedures, 79-4521

Rules and regulations, 79-4510

Tables, claims determined, 79-4508

Incapacitated persons, execution of mortgages and leases, 59-2314 et seq.

Distribution of proceeds, 59-2321

Joint consent to alienation, 60-2301

Leases, incapacitated persons, 59-2314 et seq.

Manufactured homes, 60-2301

Mobile home, 60-2301

Mortgages, incapacitated persons, 59-2314 et seq.

Oil and gas leases, incapacitated persons, 59-2314 et seq.

Partition, probate proceedings, 59-402

Setting aside, probate proceedings, 59-2235

Tax abatement, natural disaster, 79-1613

Tax refunds, homestead property, 79-4501 et seq.

Workers compensation, employer's failure to pay when due, 44-512a


Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index


County attorney, duties, 65-685

Imitation honey, unlawful labeling,

Penalty, 65-682


Penalty, unlawful labeling, 65-682


See, also, Animals, generally, this index

Agister's lien, 58-220

Brands and marks, 47-414 et seq.

Disposal of dead animals, 47-1201 et seq.

Domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq.

Humane slaughter, 47-1401 et seq.

Insurance, fire insurance, 40-901

Liens, feeding, 58-207

Meat inspection,

Labeling of carcass or products, unlawful acts, 65-6a29, 65-6a40

Slaughter, unlawful acts, 65-6a27 et seq., 65-6a40

Public livestock markets, 47-1001 et seq.

Feed, 47-1011


Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index

Township cemeteries and parks, 80-913

Refuse, defined, disposal of dead animals, 47-1214

Sales to satisfy liens, 58-209

Slaughter, products not for human food, 65-6a33

Storage and handling of food products, 65-6a32

Strays, taking up, 47-230

Transportation, records, 47-1101


Agricultural and horticultural corporations. Agricultural Corporations, generally, this index

Conservation easements. Easements, this index

Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index

Horticultural society, state, abolished, 2-801

Poisons, sales, 65-1640


Drugs, handling and storage, 65-1659

Holding out to public, 65-6202

Prohibited acts, 65-6202

Protection of title, 65-6202


See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index; Health Facilities, generally, this index; Medical Care Facilities, generally, this index; Maternity Centers, this index

Generally, 65-425 et seq.


Records, 65-445

Refusal to permit, 65-444, 65-445

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of patients, reporting, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430

Advisory council, indigent persons, 39-418

Agreements, health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Anatomical gift act, revised uniform, 65-3220 et seq.

Agreements or affiliations with procurement organizations, 65-3234

Referrals to procurement organizations, 65-3233

Anthony, city of, expenditures from general fund, 14-6,114

Assessments on,

Adjustment of assessment, 65-6211

Administration of, 65-6219

Amount of assessment, 65-6208

Definitions, 65-6207

Delayed payment schedules, 65-6210

Distribution of revenues, 65-6218

Exemptions, 65-6209

Health care access improvement fund, 65-6217

Health care access improvement panel, 65-6218

Method of payment, 65-6211

Notice, 65-6211

Payment date, 65-6210

Penalties, 65-6210

Refund of assessments, when, 65-6212

Rules and regulations, 65-6220

Termination of, when, 65-6212

Audits. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Beds, moratorium on increases in licensed bed capacity, 65-450 et seq.

Bids and bidding, cities of second class, 14-646


Cities of second class, post

Counties, post


Cities between 4,500 and 6,000, 14-6,101

Cities between 5,000 and 8,000, 14-669

Cities in counties between 20,000 and 25,000, 14-662, 14-633

Cities in counties not over 50,000, 14-678

Cities located in counties issuing maximum amount of bonds, 14-6,109

Cities under 3,000, 14-686, 14-698

Fiscal agent, payment, 10-501 et seq.

Broadband technology-based network, access

See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Budget, cities of second class, exemptions, 14-6,112

Child-care facility, 65-425a

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a08, 65-5a09

Chronic disease hospitals, 65-410

Cities of first class, 13-14b01 et seq.

Board of trustees, 13-14b02

Bonds, 13-14b01, 13-14b08, 13-14b15

Emergency warrants, 13-14b13

Eminent domain, 13-14b05

Employees, recruitment, retention, 13-14b11

Federal aid, 13-14b03

Investment in mutual insurance company, 13-14b11

Investment of funds, 13-14b14

Lease or rental, 13-14b02

Officers and employees,

Insurance, life, accident and health, professional liability, 13-14b11

Pension and deferred compensation plan, 13-14b11

Operation and control, 13-14b11

Reports, 13-14b11

Rules and regulations, 13-14b11

Special improvement fund, 13-14b12

Tax levies, 13-14b12


Appointment, term and vacancies, 13-14b09

Powers and duties, 13-14b11

Cities of second class, 14-601c et seq.

Administrator, 14-605, 14-644

Anthony, Kansas, expenditures from general fund, 14-6,114

Attachment of territory, 14-694


Cities between 4,500 and 6,000, 14-6,101 et seq.

Cities between 5,000 and 8,000, 14-633 et seq., 14-669 et seq.

Cities in counties between 14,000 and 18,000, 14-655, 14-656

Cities in counties between 20,000 and 25,000, 14-662 et seq.

Cities in counties not over 50,000, 14-678 et seq.

Cities located in counties issuing maximum amount of bonds, 14-6,108

Cities of 12,000 or more, 14-641, 14-654a

Cities under 3,000, 14-686, 14-698

Construction and equipment, addition to hospital, 14-674 et seq.


Additions to hospital, 14-677a

Cities between 5,000 and 8,000, 14-633

Cities in counties between 14,000 and 18,000, 14-655

Cities of 12,000 or over, 14-641, 14-654a

City sharing cost with other organization, 14-601c


Designation of boundaries outside city, 14-694

Extension of territorial limits, 14-693 et seq.

Buildings and facilities, control, 14-605, 14-644

Bylaws, rules and regulations, 14-605

Charitable organization and city sharing cost, 14-601c

Contracts for construction,

Money borrowed under federal act, 14-6,111

Exempt from budget law, 14-6,112

Districts, post


Cities between 4,500 and 6,000, 14-6,100

Extension of territorial limits for hospital purposes, 14-694

Trustees, 14-604, 14-699

Eminent domain, 14-607, 14-645, 14-682

Cities under 3,000, 14-690

Employees, recruitment and retention, 14-605, 14-644, 14-679, 14-687, 14-695

Extension of territorial limits, 14-695

Federal aid, 14-635

Addition to hospital, 14-677

Cities between 4,500 and 6,000, 14-6,105

Cities between 5,000 and 8,000, 14-635, 14-671

Cities in counties between 14,000 and 18,000, 14-661

Cities in counties between 20,000 and 25,000, 14-668

Cities in counties not over 50,000, 14-680

Cities of 12,000 and over, 14-641

Cities under 3,000, 14-688

Federal grants for construction, not appropriated,

Borrowing money, 14-6,111

Exempt from budget law, 14-6,112

Fees, 14-609, 14-614, 14-647, 14-651

Funds and moneys, 14-605, 14-644

Gifts, 14-611, 14-649, 14-6,100

Governing body, powers and duties, 14-644

Hospital districts, agreements with cities for operational costs, 14-6,110

Investment in mutual insurance company, 14-605

Lay caregivers

Leases and rental of property, 14-634, 14-644, 14-660, 14-679, 14-687

Cities between 4,500 and 6,000, 14-6,103

Cities between 5,000 and 8,000, 14-670

Cities in counties between 20,000 and 25,000, 14-667

Meetings, 14-605

Nurses' training school, 14-613, 14-644

Officers and employees,

Compensation, 14-605, 14-644

Insurance, life, accident and health, 14-605, 14-644, 14-679, 14-687, 14-695

Pension and deferred compensation plans, 14-605, 14-644, 14-679, 14-687, 14-695

Operation and control, 14-605, 14-644, 14-679, 14-687

Physicians, discrimination, 14-612

Records, 14-605

Religious organization and city sharing cost, 14-601c

Reports, 14-605

Rules and regulations, 14-618, 14-652

State aid, 14-641, 14-654a, 14-680, 14-688


Cities under 3,000, extension of territorial limits, 14-696, 14-698

Payment of operational costs to hospital district, 14-6,110

Territory, addition, 14-695

Trustees, 14-679, 14-687, 14-699, 14-6,103

Appointment and election, 14-658, 14-665

Extension of territorial limits, 14-695

Powers and duties, 14-605

Qualifications, 14-658, 14-665

War memorial, 14-641

Water supply, county hospitals, 14-714

Cities of second class under 3,000,

Improvement equipment, additions, 14-6,113

Cities of third class,

Districts, post

Claim, lien on personal injury damages recoverable by patients, 65-406 et seq.

Clinic, 65-425a


Primary care safety net clinic capital loan guarantee act, 65-7401 et seq.

Colleges and universities. See subhead University of Kansas under Colleges and Universities, this index

Construction, moratorium on, 65-450 et seq.

Construction fund, federal funds, 65-423


Allopathic medicine, postgraduate training programs, 76-825

Cities of second class, 14-661

Cooperative agreements, health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Counties, 19-4601 et seq., 80-2550 et seq.

Administrator, appointment, 19-4610

Ambulance or emergency medical service, 19-4611

Bids, 19-4614


Administrator, appointment of, 19-4610

Annual report, 19-4607

Compensation and expenses, 19-4608

Meetings, 19-4607

Oath of affirmation, 19-4607

Organization of, 19-4607

Powers and duties, 19-4610, 19-4611

Bylaws, 19-4610

Contracts, 19-4611

Eminent domain, 19-4613

Employee benefit plans, 19-4610

Investment authority, 19-4623

Rules and regulations, 19-4610

Sue, 19-4611

Tax levies, post

Selection, method, 19-4605

Term, 19-4605

Treasurer's bond, 19-4607

Bonds, 19-2106d, 19-4603, 19-4606, 19-4616 et seq.

General obligation, 19-4603, 19-4606

Debt limit, exemption from, 10-307, 19-4603

Security for deposit of public funds, 19-4623

Revenue bonds,

Covenants for payment, 19-4620

Debt limit, exemption from, 19-4618

Interest and sinking fund, 19-4617

Negotiability, 19-4619

Pledge of income or revenue for payment, 19-4617

Proceeds, deposit of, 19-4621

Purposes, 19-4616

Security for deposit of public funds, 19-4623

Tax exemption, 19-4622

Terms, 19-4619

City hospital and property transfer to county, procedure, 19-4604

Closing of hospital, 19-4625

County commissioners,

Bonds, ante

Closing or termination of hospital, 19-4625

Management of hospital, 19-4605

Tax levies, post

Definitions, 19-4601

District attorney, duties, 22a-104

Eminent domain, 19-4613

Employee pension and benefit plans, 19-4610

Employees, recruitment and retention, 19-4611

Establishment, procedure, 19-4603

Existing districts,

Exclusion or detachment of territory, 19-4603

Board, members, appointed or elected, 19-4605

Management and control, 19-4605

Funds, hospital, 39-416

Hospital site and buildings,

Bids, 19-4614

City hospital and property, transfer of, procedure, 19-4604

Contracts, 19-4611

Leases, 19-4611

Location in city, application of ordinances, 19-4615

Termination of operation, 19-4625

Title, 19-4624

Management of hospital, contracts for, 19-4611

Mental health clinics, 65-213 et seq.

Moneys, hospital,

Expenditure of, 19-4608

Fund, 39-416

Gifts and donations, 19-4608

Investment of, 19-4608

Joint enterprises, 19-4608

Transfer to certain nonprofit corporations, 19-4608

No-fund warrants, 19-4610

Tax levies, 19-4603, 19-4606, 19-4612

Counties, 175,000 to 250,000, 39-416

Termination of operation, 19-4625

COVID-19 operations, 48-964, 48-966

Critical access hospitals, 65-468 et seq.

Defined, 65-425, 65-468

Damages, personal injuries, lien on amount recovered by patient, 65-406 et seq.

Definitions, 65-425

Medical facilities, 65-424a

Districts, 80-2501 et seq., 80-2550 et seq.

Attica hospital district No. 1, validation of bond election, 80-2549

Cities and townships, 80-2501 et seq.

Attachment to,

Procedure, 80-2522

Territory of another hospital district, 80-2523


Compensation and expenses, 80-2510

Establishment, 80-2504

Meetings, 80-2509

Members, number, 80-2506

Oath or affirmation, 80-2509

Officers, 80-2509

Powers and duties, 80-2509, 80-2511, 80-2517, 80-2520

Report, annual, 80-2509

Rules and regulations, 80-2511

Selection, methods, 25-21a01, 80-2507, 80-2508

Terms, 80-2506

Vacancies, 80-2506


General obligation, limitations, 80-2513

Revenue bonds, 80-2525 et seq.

Indebtedness limitation, exempt from, 80-2527

Interest, tax exemptions, 80-2531

Investment in, 80-2532

Issuance, procedure, 80-2525

Payment of, 80-2526, 80-2529

Pledging, 80-2526

Terms, 80-2528

Construction, mortgage, 80-2520

Construction of hospital, 80-2514, 80-2515

Definitions, 80-2501

Disorganization, hospital, 80-2524

Electors, 80-2504, 80-2512

Eminent domain, procedures, 80-2533

Establishment, 80-2503

Existing hospitals, 80-2502, 80-2507

Moneys, hospital,

Expenditure, 80-2511

Gifts and donations, 80-2518

Investment, 80-2518

Transfer to nonprofit corporations, 80-2518

No-fund warrants, limitations, 80-2519

Property, hospital,

Conveyance, 80-2520, 80-2548

Leasing, 80-2517

Title, 80-2521

Transfer to district, 80-2505

Tax levy for operation, limitations, 80-2516

Territory included, existing districts, 80-2503

Transfer of hospital and property to district, 80-2505


Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 19-216b

Construction management, 19-216e

Criteria for use, 19-216d

Definitions, 19-216c

Design built projects, 19-216f

Counties, county attorney, powers and duties, 19-702, 19-703, 19-704

Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Donations of property for, 12-1615

Drugs, controlled substances, possession or supplying, 65-4138

Keeping and supplying, 65-1648

E.B. Allen, inpatient care and research prohibited by medical school, 76-378

Easements, rights of way by state agencies, 75-2130 et seq.


Cities of first class, bond issue, 13-14b01

Cities of second class, ante

Electric lighting and power, cities, contracts, 12-152

Emergency warrants, cities of first class, 13-14b13

Eminent domain, 17-618

Cities of first class, 13-14b05

Cities of second class, 14-607, 14-645, 14-682

Cities under 3,000, 14-690


Cities of first class, recruitment and retention, 13-14b11

Cities of second class, recruitment, 14-605, 14-644, 14-679, 14-687, 14-695

Insurance, life, accident and health, 12-1615

Pension and deferred compensation plans, 12-1615

Recruitment, 12-1615

Retention, 12-1615

Professional liability insurance, 12-1615

Termination prohibited, when, 65-443

Essential access community hospitals, (EACH), 65-468 et seq.

Federal aid,

Cities of first class, 13-14b03

Cities of second class, ante

Counties, ante

Critical access hospitals, 65-470

Survey and planning activities, 65-417

Federal funds,

Construction fund, 65-423

Construction projects, installment payment, 65-422

Deposit and use, 65-423

Federal grants for construction,

Failure of appropriation,

Borrowing money, cities second class, 14-6,111

Exempt from budget law, 14-6,112

Fees, cities of second class, 14-609, 14-614, 14-647, 14-651

Fire protection, 31-132 et seq.

General hospital, defined, 65-425

Gifts, 12-1615

Cities of second class, 14-611, 14-649, 14-672, 14-676, 14-680, 14-688, 14-6,100

Counties, ante

Grants for construction, federal,

Failure of appropriation,

Borrowing money, cities second class, 14-6,111

Exempt from budget law, 14-6,112

Health care facilities and services hospital district, 80-2550 et seq.

Bourbon county district No. 1, addition to home for aged, 80-2554

Cities and townships, continued existence, 80-2551

Supplement to general hospital district law, 80-2552, 80-2553

Linn county district No. 1, addition to home for aged, 80-2554

Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Health Facilities, generally, this index

Hearings, construction project application, 65-421


Cities of second class under 3,000, 14-6,113

Taxation, 12-183

Indigent Persons, this index

Industrial districts, 19-3808

Industrial Revenue Bonds, this index

Inspections, construction project, 65-422

Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Investment of idle funds, 12-1675 et seq.

Investments, cities of first class, 13-14b14

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Larned State Hospital, generally, this index

Larned State Security Hospital, generally, this index

Lay caregivers, 65-431a

Leases and rental of property,

Cities of first class, 13-14b02

Cities of second class, ante

Counties, ante

Memorial buildings for veterans, 73-452

Licenses. Medical Care Facilities, this index

Administrative procedure, 65-430

Liens, personal injury damages recovered by patients, 65-406 et seq.

Lighting and power, cities contracts for, 12-152

Limitation of actions, claim on personal injury damages recovered by patients, 65-408

Long-term care facilities, intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Long-term care facility, 65-425a

Long-term care units, administration of medication by unlicensed persons, 65-1124

Maternity Centers, generally, this index

Medical care attendance and treatment, consent by minor, 38-123b

Medical education and training, financial assistance, practice agreements. See Healing Arts, generally, this index

Medical Care Facilities, this index

Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-411 et seq.

Medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Medically underserved areas, 76-375

Medication, administration by unlicensed persons, 65-1124

Medication aides, continuing education, 65-1,121

Mentally Ill Persons, this index

Military Forces, generally, this index

Minors, consent to medical or surgical treatment or procedures, 38-123b

Moratorium on construction, 65-450 et seq.

Municipal bonds, cities of first class, 13-14b01

Mutual nonprofit hospital service corporations. Insurance, this index

Norton State Hospital, generally, this index

Norwich hospital district No. 1, 80-2555

Nurses, generally, this index

Nurses' training schools, cities of second class, control, 14-644

Nursing, school of, 65-425a

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Osawatomie State Hospital, generally, this index

Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Patients, settlement or release of liability for injury, limitations, 60-2801

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

People with Intellectual Disability, state institutions. See subhead State institutions under People with intellectual disability, this index

Personal injuries, lien on damages recovered by patients, 65-406 et seq.

Pharmacists, 65-1648

Railroads, reduced rates to inmates, 66-152

Records, abortions, 65-445

Recruitment of personnel, 12-1615

Registry, trauma system, 75-5663 et seq.

Reports, contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

Research protocols, informed consent, 65-4974

Retention of employees, 12-1615

Professional liability insurance, 12-1615

Risk management, 65-4921 et seq.

Report, failure to, 65-28,121

Rural emergency hospital, defined, 65-425

Rural emergency hospital act, 65-481 et seq.

Antitrust laws, exemption from, 65-486

Contracts for federal reimbursement, 65-485

Definitions, 65-483

Licensure, 65-484

Rules and regulations, 65-487

Rural hospital innovation grant program, 65-491

Sales tax, exemption on purchases, 79-3606

Certificates, 79-3606

Social workers, licensing, exemptions, 65-6309

Special hospital, defined, 65-425

State Hospitals, generally, this index

State university hospital, obstetrical patients, 65-203

Sterilization, medical criteria and procedures, 65-446, 65-447


Cities of first class, 13-14b12

Cities of second class, 14-640d, 14-696, 14-698, 14-6,110

Cities with previously established hospitals, 12-183

Counties, ante

County hospital fund, expenses of indigent persons, 39-416

Districts, ante

Exemptions, 79-201b

Telecommunications services, state facilities, 75-4709

Topeka State Hospital, generally, this index

Townships. Districts, ante

Trauma, statewide system, registry, 75-5663 et seq.

Trustees, 12-1615

Cities of first class, 13-14b02, 13-14b09

Cities of second class, 14-604 et seq., 14-658, 14-665, 14-679, 14-687, 14-695, 14-6,103, 14-6,111

Townships, ante

Umbilical cord banks, 65-1,249

University of Kansas Hospital Authority, this index

Winfield State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Winter veterans hospital, acquisition by state, 76-17d01


See, also, Food Service and Lodging Establishments, generally, this index

Access, persons with a disability, 58-1301 et seq.


Lien for charges, 36-201 et seq.

Limitation of liability, 36-402, 36-403

Defined, lodging inspection act, 36-501

Discrimination, generally, this index

Dogs, accompanying disabled persons, 39-1107, 39-1108

Professional therapy dogs, qualified handler, rights, 39-1110

Fire protection, 31-132 et seq.

Gas stove connections, 36-131 et seq.

Guests, 36-601 et seq.

Denial of accommodations, 36-602

Ejection, 36-604

Identification, 36-603

Minors, 36-602, 36-603

Hearing impaired persons, smoke detectors, 36-517

Innkeeper, rights, 36-601 et seq.

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Liens, 36-201 et seq.

Priority, lien for charges due, 36-202

Property of guests, limitation of liability, 36-401 et seq.

Restaurants, generally, this index

Rooms, sales tax, 79-3603

Sale, guests' property for charges due, 36-203 et seq.

Surplus proceeds, remittance to school equalization fund, 36-205

Sales tax, rate of tax, 79-3603

Smoke detectors, hearing impaired persons, 36-517

Transient guest tax, 12-1692 et seq.


Labor and Employment, this index

Motor carrier operators, 66-1,129


Congress, this index

Legislature, this index


Mobile Homes, generally, this index


Tax exemption, Kan. Const., Art. 11, ยง 1; 79-201c


Hazardous articles, 65-2701 et seq.

Sale, cleaning and washing purposes, 65-649


See, also, Local Residential Housing Finance Law, this index

Generally, 17-2337 et seq.

Accessibility standards, 58-1401 et seq.

Advisory board, 17-2360

Aid in planning, constructing or operating projects, state agencies, 17-2362

Apartment or condominium ownership, 58-3101 et seq.

Blind persons, use of guide dogs, 39-1102

Bonds, 17-2351 et seq.

Building laws and regulations, 17-2350

Cities of first class, 17-2336 et seq.

Colleges and Universities, generally, this index

Cooperation, municipalities and authorities, 17-2348

Definitions, 17-2339

Discrimination, 44-1001 et seq., 44-1015 et seq., 58-25,137

Dogs, accompanying disabled persons, 39-1107, 39-1108

Professional therapy dogs, qualified handler, rights, 39-1110

Dwellings, generally, this index

Economic opportunity office, 74-6901 et seq.

Eminent domain, 17-2345, 17-2361

Equity, bond obligee, 17-2354


Execution sale, 17-2356

Special assessments, 17-2349

Federal aid, 17-2357

Housing trust funds, 12-16,114

Incentive districts, rural, 12-5241 et seq.

Injunctions, bond obligee, 17-2354

Insanitary or unsafe dwellings,

Cities of first class, 17-2344

Municipalities, 17-2345

Inspections, limitations on, 12-16,138

Joint operation, municipalities or authorities, 17-2348

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Kansas housing incentive district act, 12-5241 et seq.

Kansas housing loan deposit program, 75-4276 et seq.

Leases, 17-2345 et seq.

Bond obligees, 17-2355

Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Mandamus, bond obligee, 17-2354

Manufactured Homes, generally, this index

Medically Indigent and Homeless, Commission on Access to Services for, generally, this index

Military reservations, taxation, 27-102b, 27-102c

Mortgages, bond obligees, 17-2355

Municipal housing,

Security deposits, 58-2550

Tax exemption, 79-201a

Nonprofit operation, 17-2346

Parks and playgrounds, 17-2362

Payments in lieu of taxes, 17-2349

Planning, state aid and cooperation, 17-2362

Planning laws and regulations, 17-2350

Preferences, tenant admissions, 17-2347

Receivers, remedy of bond obligees, 17-2355

Relocation Assistance, generally, this index

Remedies, bond obligees, 17-2353, 17-2354, 17-2355

Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Residential Housing Finance Law, 12-5219 et seq.

Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, generally, this index

Roads and highways, furnishing by state agencies, 17-2362

Rural housing incentive districts, 12-5241 et seq.

Sale of bonds, 17-2352

Sanitary codes, 17-2350

Counties, 19-3701 et seq.

Sidewalks, 17-2362

State aid, planning, construction or operation, 17-2362

State auditor, issuance of bonds, 17-2359

State program,

Division of housing, Kansas development finance authority,

Administration, 74-8957

Federal programs, administration, 74-8957

Director, 74-8957

Establishment, 74-8957

Powers and duties, 74-8957, 74-8958

Federal programs, administration, 74-8958

Kansas development finance authority, division of housing, official agency, 74-8958

Kansas housing loan deposit program, 75-4276 et seq.

State plan, 74-8957

Streets and alleys, 17-2362

Elderly persons housing, 79-201b

Security for bond repayment, 17-2351

Tax sales, purchase for low-income housing purposes, 79-2811

Tenant admissions, 17-2347

Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123

Transfers to federal government, 17-2358

Trust funds, municipalities, 12-16,114

Trust indentures, bond obligees, 17-2355

Urban Renewal, generally, this index

Water meters, 12-2723

Zoning laws and regulations, 17-2350


Generally, 17-2336 et seq.

Bonds, issuance, 17-2348

Commissioners, 17-2341, 17-2343

Contracting, 17-2348

Cooperation, 17-2348

Creation, 17-2340

Delegation of authority, 17-2340

Meetings, 17-2341

Powers, 17-2345

Quorum, 17-2341

Reports, 17-2363

Security deposits, 58-2550

Terms of office, commissioners, 17-2341

Vacancies in office, commissioners, 17-2341


Former county, 18-110b


Labor, State Department of, this index


Discrimination, this index


Wildlife, this index


See, also, Marriage, generally, this index; Marriage and Family Therapists, generally, this index

Abuse, generally, this index

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), disclosure of information, 65-6004

Actions and proceedings,

Individual capacities, 23-2603

Loss or impairment, services of spouse, 23-2605

Adoption, generally, this index

Artificial insemination, 23-2301 et seq.

Confidential communications, 60-428

Contracts, capacity to enter, 23-2602

Criminal conversation, marital privilege, 60-428

Death benefits. Military Forces, this index

Deeds and conveyances, individual property, 23-2602


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6004

HIV infection, 65-6004

Screening for in pregnant women, 65-6018

Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index

Earnings, sale property of wage earner, 23-2604

Foreign states, persons married out-of-state, 23-2606

HIV infections,

Disclosure of information, 65-6004

Screening for in pregnant women, 65-6018

Incapacitated persons, homestead, execution of mortgages and leases, 59-2314 et seq.

Joint tenancy, 58-501

Marriage and Family Therapists, generally, this index

Nonsupport of spouse, Criminal Code, 21-5606

Outpatient charges, liability, state hospital, 76-170

Parents, generally, this index

Powers of married woman, 58-2416

Premarital agreement act, uniform, 23-2401 et seq.

Privileges and immunities, 60-423, 60-428

Witnesses, 60-407

Property, 23-2601, 23-2801

Separate property, conveyance and contracts, 23-2602

Rights of persons married out-of-state, 23-2606

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Services of spouse, loss or impairment, 23-2605

Soldiers' home, admission of widow or widower, 76-1908

State hospitals, outpatient charges, 76-170

Support, generally, this index

Surviving spouse. Probate Proceedings, this index

Tenancy in common, grant or devise, 58-501

Therapists. Marriage and Family Therapists, generally, this index

Trade or business, individual operation, 23-2604

Uniform premarital agreement act, 23-2401 et seq.


State fair,

Easements, 2-215

Fire stations, 2-214


Correctional Institutions, this index


Misbranded, 65-669


Crimes and Punishments, this index


Phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism. Diseases, this index