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2021 Statute

Section Number


Generally, 65-771 et seq.

Advertising, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Compact, dairy interstate, 74-577

Cooperative Marketing Associations, generally, this index

Credit, furnishing to retail dealer, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-787, 65-788, 65-790

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-207

Unfair trade practices, 50-504

Dairy commission, 47-2301 et seq.

Assessment, 47-2304

Collections, 47-2305

Definitions, 47-2301

Disbursements, 47-2305

Meetings, 47-2302

Members, 47-2302

Organization, 47-2302

Powers and duties, 47-2303

Refunds, 47-2304

Terms, 47-2302

Violations, 47-2306

Dairy interstate compact, 74-577


Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-206

Unfair trade practices, 50-505

Definitions, 65-771

Unfair trade practices, 50-508

Discounts, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-201 et seq.

Fees, 65-781

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Immunity from nuisance lawsuits, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq.

Immunity from prosecution, unfair trade practices, 50-507

Imported, labeling, 65-6a47 et seq.


Unfair trade practices, 50-505


Imported, 65-6a47 et seq.

Leases, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Licenses and permits, 65-778, 65-780, 74-139

Temporary suspension, 65-780a

Loans to retail dealers, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, 2-3201 et seq.

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Permits. Licenses and permits, ante

Public markets, livestock regulations, 47-1001 et seq.

Rebates, unfair trade practices, 50-503

Sales tax, exemptions, 79-3606

Secretary of agriculture,

Cease and desist orders, 65-786

Powers, 65-772, 65-773, 65-774, 65-775

State institutions, registration and inspection, 76-412 et seq.

Unfair trade practices, 50-501 et seq.

Warehouse receipts, 82-201 et seq.


Limitation of actions, 60-524


See, also, Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Abstract record, 58-2802

Accidents, emergency medical care, 65-2891

Agricultural Products, this index

Alienation of affections, 60-428

Anhydrous ammonia owners, immunity, 60-4601

Animal Diseases, generally, this index

Animals, this index

Assignment, breach of sales contract, 84-2-210

Assisted suicide, 60-4405

Athletic officials, immunity, 60-3606, 60-3607

Attachment, liability as grounds, 60-701

Automobile injury reparations. Motor Vehicle Insurance, generally, this index

Bank Deposits and Collections, this index

Bills of Lading, this index

Blood, supplying of human for injection or transfusion, liability, 65-3701

Breach of sales contract, assignment, 84-2-210

Breach of warranty, 84-2-316

Child pornography victims, 60-5001

Children and minors, malicious destruction of property, parental liability, 38-120

Childhood sexual abuse, 60-523

Commercial sexual exploitation victims, 60-5003

Commission salespersons. Labor and Employment, generally, this index

Community service work, offenders performing, immunity from liability, 60-3614

Comparative negligence, 60-258a

Compromise offer, evidence, 60-452

Consequential damages, 84-1-305

Conversion, warehouse receipts, 84-7-204

Cooperative marketing associations, liquidated damages, 17-1616

Credit reporting, fair credit reporting act, 50-715, 50-716, 50-723

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Dalkon shield victims, limitation of action, 60-524

Death, this index

Deeds and conveyances, return of instrument, 58-2257

Default judgment, hearing or reference, 60-255

Discrimination hearings, 44-1042

Documents of Title, this index

Drains and Drainage, this index

Duplicate documents of title, 84-7-402

Eavesdropping, unlawful, 22-2518

Employer's liability, workers compensation, exclusive remedy, 44-501

Firearm or ammunition manufacturers, immunity, 60-4501

Governmental liability, 75-6101 et seq.

Health care providers, judgments against, payment, 60-2609

Homeowners organizations, volunteers, immunity, 60-3611

Hospital lien, patients, 65-406 et seq.

Human trafficking victims, 60-5003

Husband and wife, alienation of affections, marital privilege, 60-428


Athletic officials, 60-3606, 60-3607

Community service work, offenders performing, 60-3614

Homeowners organizations, nonprofit, 60-3611

Nonprofit organizations, 60-3601

Incidental damages, sales act, 84-2-710

Innkeeper's liability, guests' property, 36-402, 36-403

Interception of wire, oral or electronic communications, unlawful, 22-2518

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Landlord and tenant, purchaser of crops, 58-2526

Leases, oil, gas or mineral, failure to execute release after forfeiture, 55-202

Letters of Credit, this index

Levees and Flood Control, this index

Libel and slander, mitigating circumstances, 60-209


Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-103

Bills of lading, 84-7-309

Governmental entities, 75-6105

Sales act, 84-2-718, 84-2-719

Limitations. Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Mandamus, 60-802

Marketable record title act, prohibited claims, 58-3410

Medical assistance, emergency care at scene of accidents, 65-2891

Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Medical staffs and review committees, liability, 65-442

Mental anguish, conditions precedent in recovery for motor vehicle injury, 40-3117

Misdescription of goods, consignee, 84-7-301

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-161

Pooling agreements, agricultural products, 50-137


Failure to enter satisfaction, 58-2309a

Failure to return to owner, 58-2257

Motor Vehicle Insurance, generally, this index

Motor Vehicles, this index

Municipalities, this index

Non-economic loss, limitations on recovery in motor vehicle injury, 40-3130

Non-pecuniary loss, conditions precedent to recovery for motor vehicle injury, 40-3117

Nonprofit organizations, volunteers, immunity, 60-3601

Nonreceipt of goods, consignee, 84-7-301

Oil and Gas, this index

Pain and suffering, conditions precedent to recovery for motor vehicle injury, 40-3117

Penal damages, 84-1-305

Petition, exemplary or punitive, 60-209

Physician-patient privilege, 60-427

Pleadings, 60-209

Probate Proceedings, this index

Punitive, 60-3701, 60-3702, 60-3703

Filing amended pleading, 60-3703

Maximum amount recoverable, 60-3702

Quo warranto, 60-1203

Railroads, this index

Rents and profits, loss of, 60-1001

Replevin, bond, 60-1005

Right to work, action for violation of, Kan. Const. Art. 15, ยง 12; 44-831

Rivers and streams, cleaning and maintenance by counties, 82a-308

Roads and Highways, this index

Sales, this index

Schoolbooks, responsibility of pupils, 72-3350

Secured transactions, secured party, 84-9-507

Security interest, foreclosure, civil procedure, 60-1006

Special damages, 84-1-305

Pleadings, amended petition, 60-209

Streets and alleys,

Barricades, warning signs and lights, destruction or removal, 68-2106

Cities of third class, improvements, 15-427

Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Torts, conditions precedent to recovery for motor vehicle injury, 40-3117

Treble damages, public utilities, violation of regulations, 66-176

Trees, adjoining streets and alleys, 12-3207

Utilities, failure to adjust lines for moving operations, 17-1917

Warehouse Receipts, this index

Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index

Waters and Watercourses, this index

Workers compensation, exclusive remedy for employers' liability, 44-501b, 44-510d, 44-510e

Wrongful death. Death, generally, this index


See, also, Lakes and Ponds, this index; Waters and Watercourses, this index

Appropriation of water. Waters and Watercourses, this index

Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Boats and Boating, generally, this index

Bonds, Kansas water office, 74-2609, 82a-1360 et seq.

Cedar Bluff reservoir,

Water flow measurement device, 82a-739

Certification of completion, 82a-407

Check dams, rural water districts, 82a-619

Cities, 12-694

Construction and maintenance, 12-1616a et seq.

Collection and storage of waters, 82a-405 et seq.

Construction and maintenance, 82a-301 et seq.

Tax exemptions, 79-201g, 82a-405 et seq.

Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq.

Contracts, generally, this index

Corporations, powers, 17-619

County commissioners, approval of plans, 68-1502 et seq.

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Donation of lands, easements or rights of way, tax exemptions, 79-201g, 82a-409

Drainage districts, construction by, 24-407, 24-418 et seq.

Drains and Drainage, generally, this index

Drought emergencies, access to dams for collection and storage of waters, 82a-408

Dry water course or stream, collection and storage of surface water, 82a-405 et seq.

Eminent domain, 17-618

Power plant dams, 82a-102

Environmental coordination act, water projects, 82a-325 et seq.

Flood gates, navigable rivers, 68-1502

Forfeiture of rights, 82a-116

Horsethief reservoir benefit district act, 82a-2201 et seq.

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index

Irrigation corporations, 17-625

Irrigation purposes, navigable rivers, 68-1501 et seq.

Johnson county park district, contracts with federal agencies for recreational areas, 19-2881a, 19-2881b

Kanopolis reservoir, lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2301 et seq.

Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index

Limitation of actions, 82a-114

Municipalities, 12-694

Navigable rivers, 68-1501 et seq.

Approval of plans of prior project, 68-1503

Cost of inspection and approval of plans, 68-1504

Plans and specifications, 68-1502 et seq.

Secretary of transportation, approval of plans, 68-1502 et seq.

Oil and gas wells, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced, 55-1003 et seq.

Permit or consent to construct, 82a-301 et seq.

Application to chief engineer, 82a-301

Conditions, 82a-303

Plans and specifications,

Construction in accordance with, 82a-406

Navigable rivers, 68-1502 et seq.

Plans by chief engineer, approval, 82a-406

Pollution. Water Pollution, generally, this index

Power plant dams, navigable rivers, 68-1501 et seq.

Regulation of construction and maintenance by chief engineer, 82a-301 et seq.

Application for permit, 82a-302

Conditions of consent or permit, 82a-303

Fees, 82a-302, 82a-303b

Filing of maps and plans, 82a-302

Inspections, 82a-303b

Orders of chief engineer, 82a-303c

Rules and regulations, 82a-303a

Unlawful acts, 82a-303, 82a-305a

Unsafe dams, procedure, 82a-303b

Removal by county commissioners, 82a-307

Republican River Compact, storage reservoir, 82a-518

Roads and Highways, this index

Soil Conservation Districts, generally, this index

Storage act. Waters and Watercourses, this index

Tax exemptions, 79-201g

Time and procedure, 82a-407


Nonresident contractors, 79-1008 et seq.

Public utility property, 79-422

Townships in counties of 6,300 to 6,500, tax levy, 80-1429

Water office, Kansas, revenue bonds, 74-2609, 82a-1360 et seq.

Water Plan, generally, this index

Water plan storage act, 82a-1301 et seq.

Water structures fund, 82a-328

Water Supply, this index

Waterworks, 12-809


Committees, joint committee on information technology, 46-2101 et seq.

Computer crimes, 21-5839

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

Information systems and communications, division of, 75-4701 et seq. See, also, subhead Information systems and communications, division of, under Administration, State Department of, this index

Information technology, joint committee on, 46-2101 et seq.

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

Powers and duties, 75-7203

Telecommunications services policies, 75-7203

Information technology projects, state, 75-7201 et seq.

Interlocal agreements by public agencies, 12-2904

Legislative information system, 46-1501 et seq.

Security clearances, state positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

State agencies, 75-4701 et seq.

Information technology projects, 75-7201 et seq.

Lease back of purchased equipment, 75-4707

Office of information technology services, 75-4719

Standards and policies, 75-4703, 75-7203

Information technology executive council, 75-7203

Office of information technology services, 75-4703

State board of education, computerized information search services, 72-271, 72-272

University of Kansas medical center, data processing acquisition reports, 76-3,100


Change of name to Geary county, 18-131a et seq.


Child Care Facilities, generally this index


Generally, 39-1001 et seq.

Children with intellectual or other disabilities, 39-1001 et seq.

Defined, 39-1006

Early childhood development center, inc., lease of land at Fort Hays state university, 76-519

Eligible community organizations, 39-1007

Funds, secretary for children and families designated to accept and disburse, 39-1002, 39-1003

Standards, 39-1003

Grants-in-aid, 39-1005, 39-1008

Approval or rejection by secretary of SRS, 39-1008

Supplement to local funds, 39-1005

Immunization of children, 72-6262

Income tax credit, 79-32,190

School districts, authorization to provide, 72-1421

Secretary for children and families,

Funds, acceptance and disbursements, 39-1002

Standards, compliance, 39-1003


Anatomical gift act, revised uniform, 65-3220 et seq.

Burial, 65-903

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index

Coroner, duties, 22a-215, 65-901 et seq.

Cremation, 65-1760 et seq.

Coroner's permit, 65-2426a

Crematory operator, 65-1769 et seq.

Unclaimed remains, disposal of, 65-1732

Unidentified human remains, 75-712g

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Disease, notification of, 65-2438

Bodies, 22a-215

Fetal remains, 65-67a10

Embalming, rules and regulations, 65-1712

Exhumation, order, application, 19-724

Funeral Directors and Embalmers, generally, this index

Gifts, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, 65-3220 et seq.

Identification of, 75-712b et seq.

Notice, coroner or deputy, 22a-231

Relatives, this index

Transportation of,

Infectious or contagious disease, notice, 65-2438

Permit, 65-2427, 65-2428a

Rules and regulations, 65-1712

Unclaimed body, inmate, 65-904

Unmarked burial sites preservation act, 75-2741 et seq.

State Historical Society, generally, this index

Use for medical or surgical science, 65-903


See, also, Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Audiologists. Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists, this index

Building fund, permanent tax levy, handicapping hearing loss, 76-6b04

Commission for deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5391 et seq.

Centers, service for, 75-5393

Composition, organization, 75-5392

Contracts, 75-5395

Duties, 75-5391

Executive director, employees, 75-5393

Expenses of members, official travel, 75-5392

Fees, fixing, disposition, 75-5393, 75-5397a

Interpreters, certification and regulation, 75-5393

Language assessment program, 75-5397e

Advisory committee on language assessment program, 75-5397e

Reports, 75-5397e

Meetings, 75-5392

Motor vehicle operator symbol, 75-5397d

Receipt of gifts and grants, 75-5396

Services, 75-5391, 75-5393

State agencies, political subdivisions, cooperation from, 75-5394

Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Dogs, trained for assistance, 39-1107

Assistance dogs,

Definition, 39-1113

Procedures for verification to accompany disabled person, 39-1111


Interference with, 39-1103

Liabilities, 39-1109

Rights, 39-1109


Kansas state school for the deaf, generally, post

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.


Authorized, 75-5397a

Fund, 75-5397a

Hotels and lodging establishments, smoke detectors, 36-517

Dogs, 39-1107

Interpreter services,

Fees, disposition, 75-5393, 75-5397a

Interpreters appointed, 75-4351 et seq.

Regulation and certification of interpreters, 75-5393

Interpreters appointed in certain proceedings, 75-4351 et seq.; See also, Interpreters, generally, this index

Kansas state school for the deaf,

Admission of students, 76-1001b

Buildings, annual tax levy, 76-6b01

Change of name to, 76-1001

Chief executive officers, 76-1002

Control and supervision, 76-1001a

Employees, 76-1002a, 76-1002b

Compensation, 76-1002a, 76-1002b

Cottage parents, 76-1002b

Fees and charges, students, 76-1006

Fire protection, 76-125

Gifts and bequests, 72-261

Maintenance of students, 76-1006

Residence requirements for admission, 39-111

Rules and regulations, 76-1001a, 76-1001b

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Superintendent, 76-1002

Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05


Compensation, 76-11a17

Due process, termination or nonrenewal of contracts, 76-11a04 et seq.

Appeal, district court, 76-11a11

Continuation of contracts, 76-11a05

Decision by hearing officer, review, 76-11a11

Definitions, 76-11a04

Hearing, 76-11a06 et seq.

Hearing officers, 76-11a06 et seq.

Notice, 76-11a05, 76-11a06

Witnesses, fees and expenses, 76-11a08

Training program, 76-1013

Trust fund, students, 76-172 et seq.

Tuition, 76-1006

Motor vehicle operator symbol, 75-5397d

Services for,

Commission, provided by, 75-5391

Commission for deaf and hard of hearing, provided by, 75-5393, 75-5397a

Sign language instruction, fee, 75-5393, 75-5397a

State agencies other than commission, providing, 75-5397

Sign language, American, 72-3251 et seq.

Smoke detectors, hotels and lodging establishments, 36-517

Speech-language pathologists. Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index


Abatement of actions or proceedings. Abatement, this index

Anatomical Gift Act, Revised Uniform, 65-3220 et seq.

Attorney, continued representation of party, 60-225

Bank and savings deposits, 84-4-405


Civil defense forces, 48-3201

Military Forces, this index

Retirement and Pensions, this index

Bodies. Dead Bodies, this index

Certificate of. See Vital Statistics, this index

Child deaths, reports of, 38-2223

Children, 22a-241 et seq.

Review board, 22a-243 et seq.

Conservators and Conservatorships, this index

Coroner's permit, for cremation, 65-2426a

Correctional institutions, death of inmate, disposition of money and property, 75-5257

Counterclaims and crossclaims, effect, 60-213

County clerk, 19-303


Coroner's permit, 65-2426a

Crematory operator, 65-1769 et seq.

Unclaimed remains, disposal of, 65-1732

Damages for. Wrongful death, post

Dead Bodies, this index

Deeds and conveyances, acknowledgments, 58-2214 et seq.


Uniform determination of death act, 77-204, 77-205

Uniform vital statistics act, 65-2401

Determination of, standards, 77-205

DNR, do not resuscitate orders, 65-4941 et seq.

Estate taxes, generally, this index

Executors and administrators, action, 60-217

Funeral contracts and plans. Funerals, this index

Infant mortality, study of causes, 65-153

Lessee, safety deposit box, 9-1504, 9-1505

Life-sustaining procedures, withholding or withdrawal, 65-28,101 et seq.

Attending physician, 65-28,107

Declaration, 65-28,103, 65-28,108

Desires of qualified patient supersede, 65-28,106

Immunity for certain persons, 65-28,106

Refusal to comply with, 65-28,107

Revocation, 65-28,104

Definitions, 65-28,102

Effect, 65-28,108

Mercy killing not condoned, 65-28,109

Notice to attending physician, 65-28,103

Pregnancy, effect of, 65-28,103

Presumptions, 65-28,106

Qualified patient, desires supersede declaration, 65-28,106

Terminal condition, certification and confirmation, 65-28,105

Transfer of patient, 65-28,107

Unlawful acts, 65-28,107

Limitation of actions, 60-513

Living will. Life-sustaining procedures, withholding or withdrawal, ante

Maternal death study, 65-177

Medical research studies, 65-177 et seq.

Mortal wound causing, jurisdiction, 22-2611

Mortgagee, discharge of mortgage, 58-2306

Natural death act, 65-28,101 et seq.


Coroner or deputy, 22a-231, 22a-242

Unclaimed remains, disposal of, 65-1732

Partners, conveyances of certain lots and blocks, bond, 58-2609

Payment on death accounts,

Banks, 9-1215

Credit unions, 17-2263, 17-2264

Persons under disability, real property actions pending, 60-508

Presumption of death, absentees, 59-2704

Public officers, continuance of action by or against successor, 60-225

Registration, 65-102

Reports of, child deaths, 38-2223

Reports of deceased persons to governmental agencies, 65-2422d

Resuscitation, orders not to, 65-4941 et seq.

Right to die. Life-sustaining procedures, withholding or withdrawal, ante

Safe deposit box lessee, 9-1504, 9-1505

Savings deposit, 84-4-405

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 58-665

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

Definitions, 58-708

Effective date, 58-717

Evidence of death, 58-712

Exceptions, nonapplicability of act, 58-713

Protection of payors and other third parties, 58-714

Survival requirements, 58-709, 58-710, 58-711

Statement of fact of death, service, 60-225

Substitution of parties, 60-225

Time of death, 77-205

Uniform determination of death act, 77-204 et seq.

Workers Compensation, this index

Wrongful death,

Attorney fees, 60-1905

Cause of action, 60-1901

Costs, 60-1903

Damages, 60-1903, 60-1904, 60-1905

Itemized verdict, 60-1903

Jury instructions, 60-1903

Plaintiff, 60-1902


Generally, 21-6617 et seq.

Sentencing. See subhead Capital punishment under subhead Sentencing under Crimes and Punishments, this index


Bonds, generally, this index

Issuance by banks, limitations, 9-1101a


Indebtedness, generally, this index


See, also, Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Assignment for Benefit of Creditors, generally, this index

Attachment, generally, this index

Bankruptcy, generally, this index

Consumer Loans, generally, this index

Definition, 84-1-201

Executions, redemption of real property, 60-2414

Interest, contract rate, 16-207

Judgment creditor, foreign, 60-3003

Loan Brokers, generally, this index

Release of persons jointly or severally liable, 16-105

Sale on approval, sale or return, 84-2-326

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Seller of goods, rights, 84-2-402

Setoff, state program, collection, amounts owed certain entities, 75-6201 et seq.

See also, Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Statute of Frauds, generally, this index

Truth-in-Lending, generally, this index

Unsecured creditors, rights against buyer, 84-2-402


Boundaries, 18-120

State land, conveyance to city of Oberlin, recreation purposes, 74-3319a

Transfer of property to Oberlin, Kansas, Fish and Game Commission, 74-3322


Fraud, generally, this index


Consumer protection act, 50-626


Generally, 79-32,101 et seq.

Income Tax, this index


Generally, 60-257, 60-1701 et seq.

Breach of contract, 60-1705

Construction of contract, 60-1704

Consumer protection,

Attorney general, actions by, 50-632

Private actions, 50-634

Costs, 60-1711

Discretion of the court, 60-1708

Further relief, 60-1703

Issue of fact, 60-1710

Jurisdiction, 60-1701

Legal relations declared, 60-1706

Parties, 60-1712

Review of orders, 60-1709

Rights declared, 60-1706

Summary judgment, 60-256


Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index


Payrolls, this index


Generally, 58-2201 et seq.

Absolute conveyance, mortgage, 58-2302

Abstracters, access, 58-2804

Acknowledgments, 58-2205, 58-2209

Certificate, 58-2216, 58-2217

City or county clerks, 19-321, 58-2211

Clerks of courts, 58-2211

Death of grantor, 58-2214


Notice of record, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Ten-year record, 58-2237

Out-of-state, 58-2228

Unacknowledged deed, 58-2214 et seq.

Validation, 58-2234, 58-2237

Within state, 58-2211

Actions, return of instrument, 58-2257

Adverse possession claim, 58-2208

Aliens, twenty-five year title, 58-2238

Apartment Ownership Act, 58-3101 et seq.

Attachment, 60-701

Attornment of tenant, 58-2513

Bankruptcy proceeding, recording, 58-2901

Blocks and lots, development, 58-2602 et seq.

Board of regents. See Colleges and Universities, this index

Bond for deed,

State-owned lands, custody, 76-137

Business trusts, 17-2037

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Cemetery Districts, this index

Certificates of acknowledgments, 58-2216, 58-2217

Evidence, 58-2232

False statement, 58-2218

Certification, 58-2209

Children and Minors, this index

Cities of Second Class, this index

Colleges and Universities, generally, this index

Condominium ownership, 58-3101 et seq.

Conservators and Conservatorships, this index

Contract to sell realty,

Fiduciaries, 59-1715

Homestead, 60-2303

Incapacitated persons, 59-1715

Probate proceedings, fiduciary's compliance with terms, 59-1715

Specific performance,

Venue, 60-601

Trustees, 59-1715

Venue, 60-601


Evidence, 58-2230

Fees, 28-115

Corporations, this index

Counties, this index

County clerks, recording, 58-2239

Courts, acknowledgment, 58-2211

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

False statement in certificate, 58-2218

Curative acts. Validation, post

Damages, failure to return to owner, 58-2257

Death, grantor, 58-2214 et seq.

Declaratory judgments, 60-1701

Deeds of trust. Trust Deeds, generally, this index


Notice of record, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Ten-year record, 58-2237

Drainage districts, 24-407, 24-454

Easements, right-of-way upon state lands, 75-2130 et seq.

Electric utilities, foreclosure, 58-2334

Errors, recording, 58-2221

Evidence, 58-2229 et seq.

Copies, 58-2230

Record, 58-2206

Execution of instrument, 58-2205

Execution sale, 60-2410

End of redemption period, 60-2414

Order to sheriff to make, 60-2415

Failure of issue, 58-504

Failure to return to owner, 58-2257

Fee simple, 58-502, 58-503

Fees, recording, 28-115

Fiduciary security transfers, Uniform Act, 17-4903 et seq.

Filing, 58-2221

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Foreign states, acknowledgments, 58-2228


Quitclaim deeds, 58-2204

Warranty deed, 58-2203

Fund, register of deeds technology, 28-115a

General index, 19-1205

Heirs, use of term, 58-2202

Historical Property, generally, this index


Contract for conveyance, 60-2303

Joint consent of husband and wife, 60-2301

Housing projects, federal government, 17-2358

Husband and wife, 23-2602

Incapacitated persons, 59-1715

Incompetency, effect on certain deeds, 58-2263

Indefinite failure of issue, 58-504

Indian land, 58-2249

Infancy, effect on certain deeds, 58-2263

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Joint tenancy designated, 58-501

Judgments and decrees, recording, 58-2242a

Landlord and tenant, attornment, 58-2513

Life estates, 58-503

Limitation of actions, 58-2263, 60-511

Tax foreclosure, 58-2262

Lost instruments,

Copies, 58-2230

Evidence, 58-2206, 58-2231 et seq.

Lots and blocks, development, 58-2602 et seq.

Maps and plats, 12-401 et seq.

Marketable Record Title Act, 58-3401 et seq.

Application of act, 58-3408


Notice or possession required to preserve claim of interest, 58-3406

Prohibited claims, effect of filing, 58-3410

Definitions, 58-3402

Extension of period for determining root of title, 58-3412

Fee, recording notice of claim of interest in land, 58-3407

Filing notice of claim to slander title, effect, 58-3410

Interests not barred or extinguished, 58-3408

Marketable record title, 58-3404, 58-3405

Notice, preserving claim, 58-3406

Prohibited claim, effect, 58-3410

Notice index, 58-3407

Possession, preserving claim, 58-3406

Rights and interests, validity, 58-3404

Root of title, extension of period for determining, 58-3412

Unbroken chain of title, defined, 58-3403

Validity of certain rights and interests, 58-3404

Married persons, 23-2602

Microphotographed copies, 58-2224

Mineral rights,

Instruments conveying, 58-2273

Mother Hubbard or cover all clauses, 58-2273

Mortgage, deed as, 58-2302

Municipalities, this index

Navigable waters, channels, 82a-202 et seq.

Nonresidence, effect on certain deeds, 58-2263

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.


Actual notice, unrecorded instruments, 58-2223

Recording, 58-2222

Records, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Oil, gas and other mineral rights, certain lands in Riley county, 76-455, 76-456

Oil and gas leases or pipelines, foreclosure of liens, 55-210

Owner of instrument, return, 58-2256

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Photographic copies, 58-2224

Possession of property, 58-2201

Powers created, 58-2210

Prior acts, 58-2233

Probate Proceedings, this index

Public Lands, this index

Quitclaim deeds,

Forms, 58-2204

State, 75-2811

Railroads, foreclosure sale, 66-801

Real estate sales validation questionnaires, 79-1437c et seq.

Records and recordation, 58-2205, 58-2221 et seq.

County clerks, 58-2239

Defects, notice, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Errors, 58-2221

Evidence, 58-2206, 58-2231 et seq.

Fees, 28-115

Filing, 58-2221

Index, 58-2221

Instrument of defeasance, 58-2302

Judgments and decrees, 58-2242a

Lists of lands, federal grant, 75-2812

Notice, 58-2222, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Patent, railroad, 58-2248

Photographic copies, 58-2224

Recorder, information required, 58-2221

Unrecorded instruments, 58-2223

Validation of prior instrument, 58-2206, 58-2237

Register of Deeds, generally, this index

Register of deeds technology fund, 28-115a

Royalty rights,

Instruments conveying, 58-2273

Mother Hubbard or cover all clauses, 58-2273

Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502

Rule in Wild's case, 58-505

Sale of land, 58-2418

Sale practices. Land Sales Practices, generally, this index

Sales validation questionnaires, 79-1437c

Secretary of State, this index

Seized of property, 58-2201

Sewers or sewage facilities, 12-631b

Sheriffs, this index

Signature of grantor, 58-2209

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

State Land Office, generally, this index

State lands. See subhead Deeds under Public Lands, this index

Statute of frauds, 33-102, 33-105

Subsequent purchasers, notice of recording, 58-2222

Tax Deeds, generally, this index

Tax exempt land, records, 58-2239

Tax foreclosure, validation, 58-2262, 58-2269

Tenancy in common, 58-501

Title, transfer of. Certificate of value, transfer of title, ante

Title insurance policies, state lands, custody, 75-3516

Townhouses, Townhouse Ownership Act, 58-3711 et seq.

Townsites, 58-2601 et seq.

Bond of surviving partner, 58-2609

Transcripts, evidence, 58-2232

Transfer of record, 58-2239

Trust Deeds, generally, this index

Trusts and Trustees, this index

Unacknowledged deeds, 58-2214 et seq.

Unrecorded instruments, 58-2223


Certain deeds executed by guardians,

Recorded prior to March 2, 1888, 58-2255

Recorded prior to April 1, 1919, 58-2255a

Certain defective and irregular deeds recorded prior to January 1, 1944, 58-2263

Elk county, 58-2258

Prior writings, 58-2206

Sales validation questionnaires, 79-1437c et seq.

Tax foreclosure actions, 58-2261, 58-2262

Ten-year record, 58-2237

Veterans' curators, title in pensioner, 73-522

Warranty deed, 58-2203

Transfer of real property into inter vivos trust, 58a-1107

Witnesses, 58-2216, 58-2219

Words of inheritance, 58-2202


Wildlife, this index


Motor vehicle identifying numbers, 8-113

Sale or exchange, 8-116

Railroad sign or signal, 8-1513

Traffic-control device, 8-1513


Libel and Slander, generally, this index


Appearance, third-party claimant, subject of action, 60-222

Charges in consumer credit transactions, 16a-3-402


Garnishee, judgment determining liability, 60-721

Housing bonds, conveyance to federal government, 17-2358

Interest, higher interest as penalty, 16-205

Safety deposit lessee, entry and sale of box contents, 9-1506

Secured Transactions, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index; Judgments and Decrees, this index

Generally, 60-254, 60-255, 60-309

Damages, 60-255

Discovery, failure of party to attend or serve answers, 60-237

Investigations, hearing or reference, 60-255

Judicial sales, 60-309

Long-Arm Law, 60-308

Maps or plats, restoration, 12-417

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-139

Opening default judgment, 60-309

Secured transactions, 84-9-501

Service of process,

Outside state, time, 60-308

Publication, prerequisites, 60-307


Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index

Parties, generally, this index

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index


Municipal airports and landing fields, 3-116


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Affirmative defenses,

Pleadings, 60-208

Service of process, numerous defendants, 60-205

Waiver, pleadings, 60-208

Alternative statements, pleadings, 60-208

Commercial Paper, this index

Consolidation, 60-212

Contracts, this index


Usury, 17-7105

Want of legal organization, 17-7104

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Failure to state claim, 60-212

Fiduciaries, 60-217

Intervention, 60-224

Minors, Higher Education Student Loan Guarantee Act, 74-32,246 et seq.

Mistake, designation as counterclaim, 60-208

Motions, 60-212

Omissions, 60-212

Pleadings, 60-208, 60-212

Preliminary hearings, 60-212

Secured transactions,

Agreements, 84-9-403

Assignee, defenses against, 84-9-404

Separate statement, pleadings, 60-208

Substitution of parties, 60-225

Third-party practice, 60-214

Time for presentment, 60-212

Unsolicited goods or services, action for return of, 50-617

Venue, motion, improper venue, 60-212

Waiver, 60-212

Written instrument, pleadings, 60-209


State Officers and Employees, this index


Words and Phrases, generally, this index


Delivery of goods, bailee, 84-7-403

Sales, excuse, 84-2-311, 84-2-615, 84-2-616


Bailee, duty to deliver goods, 84-7-403

Definition, 84-1-201

Delay, bailee, 84-7-403

Documents of Title, this index

Investment Securities, this index

Sales, this index

Warehouse Receipts, this index

Written waiver or renunciation of claim or right after breach, 84-1-306


Documents of Title, generally, this index


Generally, 40-19a01 et seq.


See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index

Abbreviations, 65-1422, 65-1446

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, reporting, 39-1430 et seq.

Accidents, emergency care at scene of, 65-2891

Address, change of practice location, 65-1432

Advertisements, 65-1435, 65-1437, 65-1439

Age, 65-1455


Certificate to administer, 65-2899

Hygienists administration of, 65-1456

Nurse administration of, 65-1423

Qualifications for administration of, 65-1444

Sedation permits, 65-1444

Use, 65-1444

Appliances, use, 65-1444

Armed services, 65-1423

Board, 74-1404 et seq.

Appointment and term of office, 74-1404

Assisting prosecuting officers, 65-1442

Association and organizations, affiliation, 74-1405

Compensation and expenses, 74-1405

Complaints received,

Confidentiality, 65-1467

Exceptions, 65-1467

Examinations, licenses, 65-1436, 74-1405

Executive director, 74-1405

Fees, 65-1447

Inspections, dental laboratories, 74-1405

Legislature, report to, increasing number of trainees, 74-1408

Meetings, 74-1405

Officers, 74-1405

Offices, 74-1405

Powers and duties, 74-1406

Qualifications, 74-1404

Rules and regulations, 65-1426, 65-1431, 65-1437, 65-1444, 65-1447, 65-1456, 65-1466, 74-1406

Schools and colleges, approval of, 65-1426

Seal, 74-1405

Secretary, 74-1405

Sedation permits, 65-1444

Service of process, 74-1405

Subpoenas, 65-1452

Vacancies, 74-1404

Call lists, dental hygienists, 65-1458

Character and reputation, 65-1455

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Citizens, 65-1455

Clinics, indigent health care, 65-1456


Confidentiality of proceedings, 65-1467

Exceptions, 65-1467

Corporations, 65-1425

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 39-1431, 65-1427, 65-1431, 65-1435, 65-1436, 65-1438, 65-1439, 65-1441, 65-1442, 65-1455, 65-1460

Definitions, 65-1423, 65-1424, 65-1456

Dental franchisor, 65-1424

Dentally underserved, 65-1456

Practicing dentistry, 65-1422

Proprietor, 65-1424

Unlicensed proprietor, 65-1424

Dentally underserved, 65-1456, 65-1472

Dental office administrative service agreements, 65-1470

Dental operations or services, nonlicensed persons, 65-1423Dental services agreements, 65-1471

Dentures, identification, 65-1465

Depositions, 65-1453

Diploma, sale, 65-1441

Disabled, 65-1424, 65-1431

Sale or closure of dental practice, 65-1424

Diseases, confidentiality of information, 65-118

Donated dental services program, Kansas department for children and families, 75-5371

Education, 65-1455

Continuing education requirements, 65-1431

Employment of dentists,

Corporations, 65-1425

Estate or agent, 65-1424

Indigent persons, services for, 65-1466

State institution, 65-1425

Examinations, 65-1428, 65-1429, 65-1436

Examinees, exemption, 65-1423

Examinors, exemption, 65-1423

Fees, 65-1447

Mental, 65-1436

Physical, 65-1436


Board, 65-1447

Dental hygienists, 65-1455

Disposition, 74-1405

Interns, 65-1459

License, 65-1431, 65-1447

Prepaid service plans, 40-4201 et seq.

Sedation permit, 65-1447

Subsequent examinations, failure to pass, 65-1429

Waiver, retired or disabled licensee, 65-1431

War time fee remittance rules, 65-1448

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice, 65-2872


Administration of anesthesia,

Requirements, 65-1456

Extended care, 65-1456, 65-1456a

Legislature, report to, increasing number of trainees, 74-1408

Licenses, 65-1457

Suspension or revocation, 65-1456, 65-1458

Permitted duties, 65-1456

Dentally underserved, 65-1456

Practice locations, 65-1456

Supervision of practice, 65-1456

Illegal practice, 65-1425

Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Indigent persons, dental services for, 65-1456, 65-1466, 65-1472

Injunctions, 65-1451

Unlawful advertising, 65-1439


Covered services, 40-2,185, 40-2,186

Nonprofit dental service corporations, 40-19a01 et seq.

Prepaid service plans, 40-4201 et seq.

Reimbursement for services, 40-2,100

Insurance, professional liability, 65-1468

Interns, 65-1459

Liability for emergency care, 65-2891

Licenses and permits, 65-1421 et seq., 65-1472, 74-139, 74-1406

Alteration, 65-1441

Applications, 65-1426

Cancellation, 65-1431

Dental hygienists, 65-1455 et seq.

Reciprocity, 65-1455

Display, 65-1430

Duplicates, 65-1433

Emergency adjudication, 65-1449

Examination, 65-1428, 65-1429, 65-1436

Excepted act, 65-1423

Exemption from registration under controlled substances act, 65-4116

Extended care permits, 65-1456, 65-1456a

Fees, 65-1447

Renewal, 65-1431

Specialists, 65-1427

Form, 65-1428

Hearings, 65-1436

Interns, 65-1459

Probation, period of, 65-1436

Prohibited acts, 65-1436

Record book, 74-1407

Reinstatement, 65-1431a

Renewal, 65-1431

Certificate, display, 65-1430

Reports, failure to make, 65-4927

Restrictions, 65-1436

Sale, 65-1441

Sedation permits, 65-1444

Special volunteer dental license, 65-1472

Suspension or revocation, 65-1424, 65-1435, 65-1436, 74-1406

Dental hygienists, 65-1456, 65-1458

Emergency procedure, 65-1449

Grounds for, 65-1436

Hearings, 65-1436, 65-1456, 65-1458

Interns, 65-1459

Notice, 65-1449, 65-1456, 65-1458

Reinstatement, 65-1431a

Temporary suspension or limitation, 65-1449

Unlawful advertising, 65-1439

Unlicensed person, 65-1438

Limitation of practice, 65-1427, 65-1472

Malpractice reporting, immunity, 65-1462

Military service, 65-1423

Mobile dental facility, registration, 65-1469


Advertising, 65-1435

Display, 65-1425, 65-1430

Nitrous oxide,

Assistant, requirements, 65-1444

Course instruction, 65-1444

Monitoring of, 65-1444

Nonlicensed persons, performance of dental services prohibited, 65-1423

Nonprofit dental service corporations, 40-19a01 et seq.

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Permits. Licenses and permits, ante

Portable dental operation, registration, 65-1469

Practicing dentistry, defined, 65-1422

Prepaid service plans. Insurance, this index

Prescriptions, 65-1438, 65-1444

Filling, 65-1423, 65-1445

Professional liability insurance, 65-1468

Prohibited acts, 65-1436

Prophylactic lists, dental hygienists, 65-1458

Prosthesis, identification, 65-1465

Public health service, 65-1423

Public schools, dental inspection, 72-6251 et seq.

Qualifications, 65-1426

Specialists, 65-1427

Special volunteer dental license, 65-1472

Radiograms, 65-1423

Reciprocity, 65-1434

Fees, 65-1447

Records, 74-1405

Licenses, 74-1407

Registration, 65-1421 et seq.

Fees, 65-1447

Mobile dental facility, 65-1469

Portable dental operation, 65-1469

Reporting contagious or infectious diseases, confidentiality of information, 65-118

Reports, 65-1431, 74-1405

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1431

Risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

Retired persons,

Education, continuing, waiver, 65-1431

Fees, 65-1431

Special volunteer dental license, 65-1472

Rules and regulations, 65-1424, 65-1426, 65-1431, 65-1437, 65-1447, 65-1455, 65-1456, 74-1406

Satellite offices, 65-1435

Schools, dental hygienists extended care, 65-1456

Schools and colleges, approval, 65-1426, 65-1455, 74-1406

Sedation permits, 65-1444

Self-incrimination, 65-1454

Service plans, prepaid. Insurance, this index

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Solicitation, 65-1423

Specialty, 65-1423, 65-1427

Stains, removal, 65-1456

State institutions, 65-1425

Inmates, dental treatment, 76-162

Students, dental, 65-1423

Suicide, assisting, 60-4401 et seq.

Surgery, 65-1444

United States employees, 65-1423

Veterans administration, 65-1423

Witnesses, 65-1452, 65-1454

X-ray, use, 65-1423


Bank Deposits and Collections, this index


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Generally, 60-226 et seq.

Action to perpetuate testimony, 60-227

Admissibility, reciprocity, 60-227

Answer, failure to answer, 60-237

Application, order compelling answer, 60-237


Interrogatories, 60-233

Oral examination, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Attendance, compelling,

Oral examination, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Attorney fees,

Failure of party to answer, 60-237

Failure to attend, expenses, 60-230

Authorization, issuance of subpoenas, 60-245

Barber shop business regulation, 65-1824

Barbers, investigations, 65-1826

Certification, 60-230

Deposition by written questions, 60-231

Commissioners to take depositions, 60-228

Compelling answer, 60-237

Competency of witness, objections allowed, 60-232

Confidential or privileged information, 60-226

Contempt, 60-237


Charges, 60-230

Transcript or recording, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Corporation commission, power to take depositions, 66-150


Interrogatories, 60-233

Named as deponent, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Costs, fees and mileage of witnesses, 60-2003

Counsel, inability to obtain, 60-230

Criminal Procedure, this index


Deponents, 60-226, 60-231

Perpetuation of testimony, 60-227

Cross questions, 60-231

Delivery, copy of notice and written questions, 60-231

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1453

Discovery, failure to make, 60-237

Disqualification from taking, 60-228

Documents and things produced for inspection, 60-230

Employment Security Law, 44-714

Errors, effect, 60-232


Failure to answer, 60-237

Oral examination, 60-226


Failure to answer, 60-237

Failure to attend or serve subpoena, 60-230

Expert witnesses, use of interrogatories, 60-226


Payment to expert witnesses, 60-226

Witnesses, taxation of costs, 60-2003

Filing, 60-230, 60-231

Foreign countries, 60-228

Foreign states, 60-228, 60-228a

Reciprocity, 60-227

Forfeiture proceeedings, 60-4119

Governmental agency,

Interrogatories, 60-233

Oral examination, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Governmental ethics commission, 46-257

Hearsay evidence, 60-460

Interrogatories to parties, 60-233

Perpetuation of testimony, 60-227

Use on expert witnesses, 60-226

Irregularities, effect, 60-232

Legislators, 46-128

Mailing, deposition by written questions, 60-231

Mental examination of person, 60-235

Mileage of witnesses, taxation as costs, 60-2003


Alter or amend judgment, 60-259

Protective order, 60-226

Suppression, 60-230

Terminate or limit examination, 60-230

Time for taking, enlargement or shortening, 60-230

Use of depositions, 60-226

Municipal courts, 12-4411

Names, written questions, 60-231

Nonresidents, attendance for examination, 60-245

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.


Examinations, contents, 60-230

Service, written questions, 60-231

Stipulations as to taking, 60-229

Taking service, proof, subpoena, authorization, 60-245

Written questions, 60-231

Objections, 60-226

Errors and irregularities, 60-232

Inspection and copying of materials, 60-245

Oral examination, 60-230

Scope of examination, 60-226


Subpoena, issuance, 60-245

Written questions, duties, 60-231

Optometry board, ordering taking, 74-1504

Oral examination, 60-226

Oral examination, 60-226, 60-230

Failure to answer, 60-237


Compelling answer, 60-237

Interrogatories, 60-233

Refusal to obey, 60-237

Termination or limiting examination, 60-230


Interrogatories, 60-233

Oral examination, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Perpetuation of testimony, 60-227

Persons before whom taken, 60-228

Stipulations, 60-229

Persons permitted to be present, 60-230

Physical examination of person, 60-235

Place of taking,

Notice, 60-230

Stipulations, 60-229

Prisoners, 60-230, 60-231

Examination, 60-245

Procedure, modification, exception, 60-229

Production of documents and tangible things, 60-230

Property valuation proceedings, 79-1404

Protection, parties and deponents, orders, 60-231

Protective orders, 60-226

Questions, 60-231

Objections, waiver, 60-232


Oral examination, 60-230

Written questions, 60-231

Relevancy of evidence, objections, 60-232

Reporters, stenographic charges, taxation of costs, 60-2003

Resident of state, attendance for examination, 60-245


Failure for improper certification, 60-226

Failure to attend or serve answers, 60-237

Scope of discovery, 60-226


Notice, petition to perpetuate testimony, 60-227

Written questions, 60-231

Signature, 60-226

Stipulations, taking, 60-229

Subpoena, 60-245

Duces tecum, 60-230

Foreign, interstate, 60-228a

Summary judgment, affidavit supplemented or opposed by, 60-256

Compelling attendance of witnesses, 60-230

Taking, law governing, 60-226 et seq.

Tax appeals, state board of, proceedings, 74-2437b

Testimony by witness, 60-227, 60-230

Time of taking, 60-230

Stipulations, 60-229

Written questions, 60-231

Transcription of testimony, 60-230

Uniform interstate depositions and discovery act, 60-228a

Use, 60-232

Waiver, errors and irregularities, 60-232

Witnesses, 60-230

Workers Compensation, this index

Writing, stipulations as to taking, 60-229

Written questions, 60-231

Objections, 60-232


See, also, Bank Deposits and Collections, this index; State Depositories, this index

Banks, 9-1401 et seq.

Bonds of depositories, 9-1402

Credit unions 17-2204

Custody receipts, 9-1405

Depositories, 24-115

Development credit corporations, 17-2334

Franchise guarantees, municipal, 12-2001

Funeral contracts and plans, funds, 16-301 et seq.

Municipal Housing Law, funds, 17-2345

Municipally owned utilities, 12-822

Discontinued service, 12-822

Public funds, 9-1401 et seq., 75-4201 et seq.

Banks and Banking, this index

Bonds of depository, 9-1403, 9-1405, 9-1406, 9-1407

Defined, 9-701

Definitions, 9-1408

Deposit, 9-1401 et seq.

Security, 9-1402, 9-1403

Townships, 80-404

Safe Deposit Boxes, this index


Buyer's right to return on breach, 84-2-718

Restitution on buyer's breach, 84-2-718

Savings and loan associations, 9-1401 et seq.

Savings banks, 9-1401

State moneys. State Depositories, generally, this index

Student loan reserve fund, 74-32,248

Townships, 80-404

Unclaimed deposits, 58-3934 et seq.

Water supply and distribution districts, Franklin, Johnson, Miami and Wyandotte counties, 19-3516


Generally, 60-223a

Class actions. Actions and Proceedings, this index


Moving on highways, roads, 17-1914 et seq.


Generally, 59-501 et seq.

Absentees' estates, 59-2701 et seq.

Adopted children, 59-501, 59-507

Adoptive parents, 59-507

Advancements, 59-510, 59-2248

After-born children, 59-501

Interest in estate, notice, 59-1705

Allowances to spouse and minor children, 59-403, 59-502, 59-2235

Appeal and review. Probate Proceedings, this index

Apportionment of property, small estates, 59-2288

Appraisal and appraisement. Probate Proceedings, this index

Blood relationship, computing degrees, 59-509

Collateral heirs, 59-508

County attorney,

Intestate without heirs, duties, 59-905

Notice, administration of estate, 59-1508

Decree, 59-2249, 59-2251

Opening, 59-2252

Definitions, 59-501, 77-201

Determination of,

Decree, 59-2249, 59-2251

Opening, 59-2252

Definitions, 59-102

Joint proceedings, 59-2282

When, 59-2250

Disclaimer to succession, 59-2291 et seq.

Doctrine of worthier title abolished, 58-506

Election to take under will. Probate Proceedings, this index

Escheat, generally, this index

Estate Taxes, generally, this index

Expenses of administration, 59-502

Family allowances, 59-403, 59-502

Feloniously killing decedent, 59-513

Funeral expenses, 59-502

Grandchildren, 59-506

Grandparents, 59-508

Hearing, 59-2249, 59-2251


Determination of, 59-501 et seq.

Intestate without heirs, post

Homestead exemption, 59-401, 59-402

Homicide, 59-513

Illegitimate children, 59-501

Indebtedness of decedent, payment, 59-502

Intestate without heirs, 59-901 et seq.

Administration, 59-901

Attorney general, duties, 59-905

Claimants to estates, 59-903, 59-904

County attorney, duties, 59-905

Disposition of proceeds, 59-902

Interest, subsequent establishment of claims, 59-903

Liability of secretary of revenue, 59-904

Inventory. Probate Proceedings, this index

Issue, 59-506

Joinder of proceedings, two estates, 59-2281 et seq.

Joint tenancy, 59-2286

Judgments and decrees, determination of descent, 59-2251

Opening, 59-2252

Killing decedent, 59-513

Limitation, 59-509

Motor vehicles, family allowances, 59-403

Parents, 59-507

Posthumous children, 59-501

Probate Proceedings, generally, this index

Procedure, 59-2249, 59-2250, 59-2251, 59-2282

Reopening estate, 59-1501 et seq.

Separation, joint proceedings, 59-2283

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

Suicide, effect on estates and property of both by one who kills spouse, 59-513

Surviving spouse, 59-504 et seq.

Allowances, 59-403, 59-502

Taxes. Estate Taxes, generally, this index

Unknown heirs, notice, 60-307

Venue. Probate Proceedings, this index


Bills of lading, misdescription of goods, 84-7-301


Inconsistent specifications, 84-2-317

Warranty of conformance, 84-2-313

Secured transactions,

Proceeds, 84-9-203


Crimes and Punishments, this index


Abandonment of a child, criminal code, 21-5605

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Foundlings, 65-2411

Privilege against testimony, 60-423, 60-428

Support, generally, this index


DeSoto/Johnson County riverfront authority,

Civil liability,

Statute of limitations, 12-5818

DeSoto/Johnson County riverfront authority act, 12-5801 et seq.

Appointment, staff, 12-5812, 12-5813

Definitions, 12-5802

Governing body, appointment, 12-5811

Investment of funds, 12-5809

Powers of, 12-5805, 12-5806, 12-5807, 12-5808

Purchase of insurance, 12-5810

Purpose of, 12-5803


Lost or destroyed property. Property, this index


Agreement on detainers, 22-4401 et seq.

Central administrator, 22-4407

Contents, 22-4401

Cooperation of subdivisions and agencies, 22-4403

Delivery of inmate when required by agreement, 22-4406

Enforcement, 22-4403

Escape from custody, penalty, 22-4405

Habitual act, application, 22-4404

Transmittal of act to other authorities, 22-4408

Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act, 22-4301 et seq.


Continuing education, 75-7b07


Certification of trainers, 75-7b21

Firearm permit badge, 75-7b17

Permits, 75-7b17

Training, 75-7b17, 75-7b21

Licenses, 74-139, 75-7b02 et seq.

Denial, grounds, 75-7b04

Examination, interview, 75-7b20

Exemptions, 75-7b03

Form, display, 75-7b06

Period of licensure, 75-7b07

Qualifications, 75-7b04

References, 75-7b04

Requirements, 75-7b04, 75-7b11, 75-7b20

Private detectives and agencies, 75-7b01 et seq.

Advertisements, 75-7b10

Bond, insurance or cash deposit, 75-7b11, 75-7b12

Confidential or privileged information, 75-7b08

Crimes and penalties, 75-7b15

Definitions, 75-7b01

Fee fund, 75-7b23

Fees, 75-7b17, 75-7b21, 75-7b22

Firearms, permits, 75-7b17

Fees, 75-7b17, 75-7b22

Firearm permit badge, 75-7b17

Investigations of, attorney general, 75-7b15

Licenses, 74-139, 75-7b02 et seq.

Application form, 75-7b06

Attorney general, authority, 75-7b18, 75-7b20

Bond, insurance or cash deposit, 75-7b11, 75-7b12

Censure, limit, suspend or revoke, 75-7b13

Procedure. See, Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Cities prohibited, 75-7b18

Continuing education, 75-7b07

Duplicate, 75-7b22

Fees, 75-7b05, 75-7b22

Nonassignable, 75-7b07

Period of licensure, 75-7b07

Renewal, 75-7b07

Requirements, 75-7b07

Records, 75-7b15

Regulation of, 75-7b18

Rules and regulations, 75-7b18, 75-7b22

Subpoenas, 75-7b15


Mentally Ill Persons, generally, this index

Mistreatment of a confined person, criminal code, 21-5416

Restraint, criminal, criminal code, 21-5411

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index


Repairs and improvements to highways, 68-2103 et seq.

Streets, repairs or improvements, 68-2103 et seq.


Generally, 17-2328 et seq.

Bank commissioner, supervision, 17-2335

Capital stock, 17-2330

Creation, 17-2328

Deposits, 17-2334

Directors, 17-2331

Examination, 17-2335

Limitation of loans, 17-2332

Membership, 17-2332

Powers, 17-2329

Privileges and immunities, 17-2328

Purposes, 17-2329

Reports, 17-2335

Surplus, 17-2333

Taxation, 17-2335


See, also, Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Attendant care services, 65-6201

Audiologists. Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Autism, commission on, 75-138

Children. Schools and School Districts, this index

Community service provider,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Confidential information, treatment facility patients, 65-5601 et seq.

Developmental disabilities, state council on, 74-5501 et seq.

Chairperson, commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703

Establishment, 74-5501

Developmental disabilities reform act, 39-1801 et seq.

Administration of, 39-1804

Citation of act, 39-1801

Community developmental disability organization, powers and duties, 39-1805

Community service provider, compliance with program, 39-1808

Contracting, system for, 39-1806

Definitions, 39-1803

Entitlement not created, 39-1809

Evaluation of results, procedures for, 39-1804

Funding, 39-1804, 39-1806, 39-1808, 39-1809

Maximization of federal funding, 39-1811

Plan of implementation, 39-1804

Policy of state, 39-1802

Quality assurance system, 39-1806

Reports, 39-1804

Secretary for aging and disability services,

Plan of implementation, 39-1804

Powers and duties, 39-1804, 39-1806

Report to legislature, 39-1811

Rules and regulations, 39-1810

Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Health maintenance activities, 65-6201

Home and community based waiver program service provider assessments, 75-7436

In-home care, 65-6201

Independent living agency,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Mental health center,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Mistreatment of a dependent adult, 21-5417

Protection and advocacy agency, developmental disabilities,

Records, defined, access to, confidentiality, 74-5515

Reform act. Developmental disabilities reform act, ante

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Special education, exceptional children. Schools and School Districts, this index

Special fund for developmentally disabled, 75-5344

Speech-Language pathologists. Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Transition planning services, 75-5399 et seq.

Treatment facility patients, confidential information, 65-5601 et seq.


Confidentiality of information, 65-1,116

Penalty for disclosure, 65-1,116

Health data and information, 65-1,114 et seq.

Insulin, sales tax, 79-3606

Rules and regulations, 65-1,119

Treatment of choice, 65-1,118


Boundaries, 18-121

County buildings,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187

Deeds and conveyances, validation, 58-2259

Flint Hills advisory council, 32-847


Generally, 65-5901 et seq.

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Crimes and penalties, 65-5903

Definitions, 65-5902

Disciplinary action, grounds, 65-5911

Education, 65-5904, 65-5906, 65-5909

Examination, 65-5904, 65-5906

Waiver of, 65-5908, 65-5910

Experience requirements, 65-5904, 65-5906

Fees, 65-5906, 65-5908, 65-5909, 65-5913

Sponsorship, 65-5913

Injunctions, 65-5903

Licensure, 65-5906, 65-5910, 65-5911

Exemptions from, 65-5912

Lapsed license, reinstatement of, 65-5909


Lapsed license, 65-5909

Revoked license, 65-5911

Renewal of license, 65-5909

Temporary license, 65-5907

Rules and regulations, 65-5904, 65-5909, 65-5913

Secretary of health and environment,

Courses of study, approval, 65-5904, 65-5905

Rules and regulations, ante

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Sponsor, 65-5902

Continuing education, 65-5902

Unlawful acts, 65-5903

Waiver of requirements, 65-5908, 65-5910


Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index

Tax levies, maintenance and repair, cities, 12-646a


See, also, Carriers, generally, this index; Public Utilities, generally, this index; Railroads, generally, this index

Bonds, 66-125 et seq.

Companies, public utility as meaning, 66-104

Officers, employees and agents, free or reduced rates, 66-109

Rates and charges, free or reduced rates, 66-109

Reports, 66-122, 66-123

Sales tax, rate of tax, 79-3603


Health officer, duties, 65-202


Generally, 74-6701 et seq.

Actions and proceedings, continued, rights preserved, 75-146

Budgeting, purchasing, management, 74-6701

Duties, 74-6706

Fees, 74-6708

Fund, 74-6708

Gifts, grants, donations, 74-6708


Appointive, 74-6702

Expenses, 74-6705

Terms, vacancies, 74-6704

Ex officio, 74-6703

Officers, 74-6705

Orders, directives, rules and regulations, continued, 75-143

Personnel, 74-6707

References, statutes, other documents, 75-143

Reports to governor and legislature, 74-6706

Transferred to office of governor, 75-141 et seq.

Conflicts, resolutions, 75-145

Funds and liabilities, 75-144

Officers and employees, 75-147

Powers, duties and functions, 75-142, 75-143

Records, other property, 75-145


See, also, Handicapped Persons, this index; Incapacitated Persons, this index; Developmentally Disabled, this index; Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Access to public buildings, 58-1301 et seq.

Assistive devices accounts, 65-7101 et seq.

Administration of, 65-7105

Contributions to,

Matching moneys, 65-7103

Tax credit, 65-7107

Death, transfer of account, 65-7106

Definitions, 65-7102

Eligibility, 65-7104

Matching moneys, 65-7103

Forfeiture of, 65-7106

Programs, establishment, 65-7103

Qualifications, 65-7104

Rules and regulations, 65-7103

Transfer of, 65-7106

Attendant care services, 65-6201

Audiologists. Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Benefits, disability. Military Forces, this index

Blind persons, generally, this index


Access to persons with disability, 31-150, 58-1301 et seq.

Child care facilities, operation of, 65-516

Children with special health care needs, Children and Minors, this index

Civil Service, generally, this index

Community nursing care, 65-220 et seq.

Community service provider,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index

Developmental disabilities, state council on, 74-5501 et seq.

Establishment, 74-5501

Funds, administration, 74-550

Meetings, 74-5503

Powers and duties, 74-5502

Reports, 74-5503

State plan for developmental disabilities, 74-5505

Studies and recommendations, 74-5502

Subsistence and travel allowances, 74-5504

Developmentally Disabled, generally, this index

Devices, assistive. Assistive devices accounts, ante

Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Discrimination, employment, public accommodations or housing, 44-1001 et seq.

Dogs trained for service, 39-1108

Assistance dogs, verification procedures, 39-1111

Professional therapy dogs, 39-1110, 39-1111


Interference with, 39-1103

Liability, 39-1109

Rights, 39-1109

Donated dental services program, needy persons, 75-5371

Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq.

Early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq.

Elections. See subhead Handicapped persons under Elections, this index

Employment of, tax credit, 79-32,273

Equipment, assistive. Assistive devices accounts, ante

Handicapped Persons, generally, this index

Health maintenance activities, 65-6201

Homestead property tax refunds, 79-4501 et seq.

Incapacitated Persons, generally, this index

Independent living agency,

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Individuals with a Disability, generally, this index

Infants and toddlers, early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq.

In-home care, 65-6201

Insurance, unfair discrimination prohibited, 40-2,109

Kansas employment first oversight commission, 44-1138

Kansas Guardianship Program, generally, this index

Legal disability, defined, 77-201

Medically Indigent and Homeless, Commission on Access to Services for, generally, this index

Mental health center,

Certified community behavioral health clinics, 39-2019

Employee applicant,

Background check, 65-6205

Immunity, civil actions, 65-6205

Physical handicap, defined, discrimination, 44-1002

Physical therapists or physical therapist assistants, 65-2912

Power of Attorney, generally, this index

Protection and advocacy agency, developmental disabilities,

Records, defined, access to, confidentiality, 74-5515

Public assistance payments, representative to manage, 59-2801

Public buildings, standards,

Access to persons with disability, 31-150, 58-1301 et seq.

Schools, 31-150

Purchase of products and services provided by, 75-3317 et seq.

School districts, 75-3315 et seq.

State, 75-3315 et seq.

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Service of process, 60-304

Speech-language pathologists. Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, generally, this index

Tax refunds, homestead, 79-4501 et seq.

Transportation assistance, public, 75-5032 et seq., 75-5051 et seq.

Veterans, this index

Vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c01 et seq.

Voting at elections. See subhead Handicapped persons under Elections, this index

Workers compensation,

Rehabilitation, 44-510g

Workers' compensation fund, facilitate employment, 44-566 et seq.


Emergencies, generally, this index

Emergency Management, generally, this index


Claim or right after breach by waiver or renunciation, 84-1-306

Commercial Paper, this index

Interpleader, original defendant, 60-222

Mortgages, 58-2306, 58-2308


Interest in certain land in Jefferson county, by state, 74-4536

Probate proceedings, disclaimer to succession, 59-2291


Conflict of Interests, generally, this index

Consumer transactions, 16a-3-201 et seq.

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Governmental ethics commission. See subhead, Commission, governmental ethics, under Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Medical records used solely as teaching device, privileged status, 76-359

Public records, 45-215 et seq.


Compensating tax, allowance, 79-3702

Drugs, 65-1650

Prescription-only drugs, 65-1650

Purchase of instruments, 84-1-201


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Generally, 60-226, 60-234

Admissions, 60-236

Adult care home risk management program, 39-935

Appropriate court, order compelling discovery, 60-237

Contempt for failure to obey order, 60-237

Journalist privilege, exception, 60-481

Criminal Procedure, this index

Disclosure of expert testimony,

Time limitations, 60-226

Documents, 60-270

Electronically stored information,

Case management conference, 60-216

Limitations on scope of discovery, 60-226

Production, 60-234, 60-237

Subpoenas, 60-245

Environmental audit reports, 60-3332 et seq.

Evasive answer, 60-237

Examination, of person, 60-235

Expenses, 60-226

Failure to make, 60-237

Filing with court, 60-205

Financial institution compliance review documents, 9-1137

Foreign states, originating in, 60-228a

Forfeiture proceedings, 60-4119

Incomplete answer, 60-237

Insurance agreements, 60-226

Interrogatories, filing with court, 60-205

Journalist privilege, generally, 60-480 et seq.

Costs of proceedings, 60-484

Disclosure required, when, 60-482, 60-483

Hearing, right to, 60-483

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-139 et seq.

Motor vehicle insurance, 40-3114

Obesity, claims arising out of, 60-4801

Order compelling, motion, 60-237

Peer review proceedings, health care providers, 65-4915

Pesticide application damage, 2-2457a

Procedure, 60-234

Protective orders, 60-226

Scope, 60-234

Service of papers, 60-205

Stipulations, 60-229

Summary judgment proceeding, 60-256

Teaching devices not subject to proceedings, when, 76-355

Time limitations,

Expert testimony, 60-226

Trial preparation materials, 60-226

Uniform interstate depositions and discovery act, 60-228a

Weight gain, claims arising out of, 60-4801


Generally, 44-1001 et seq.

Accommodations or modifications for disability,

Employment, refusal to make, 44-1009

Housing, refusal to make or permit, 44-1016

Accomplices and accessories, 44-1009

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), information concerning, 65-6002

Adaptive design, covered multifamily residential real property, 44-1016

Advertisements, 44-1009

Advisory agencies, 44-1004, 74-6501 et seq.

Age discrimination in employment act, 44-1111 et seq.

Appeals, 44-1011

Attorney general, duties, 44-1011


Employment by commission, 44-1003

Representation, 44-1005

Briefs, 44-1005

Cease and desist orders, 44-1005

Civil penalties, 44-1019

Coercion, 44-1009

Commission, human rights commission, Kansas, post

Common carriers, 66-1,216 et seq.

Complaints, 44-1004, 44-1005, 44-1115

Contracts, public buildings or works,

Mandatory provisions, 44-1030

Exemptions, 44-1031

Reports, 44-1031

Review, compliance, 44-1032

Rules and regulations, 44-1034

Cooperative marketing associations, 17-1633, 17-1634

County attorney, duties, 44-1011

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 44-1013, 44-1019, 44-1027

Age discrimination in employment act, 44-1113, 44-1117

Criminal enforcement of subpoenas, orders, 44-1020

Employment records, destroying, 44-1041

Housing practices, 44-1027

Military personnel, discrimination against, 44-1127

Perjury, 44-1039

Dairy products, price discrimination, 50-501 et seq.

Definitions, 44-1002, 44-1006, 44-1015, 44-1112, 44-1125

Covered multifamily residential real property, 44-1016

Housing for older persons, 44-1018

Member of the military, 44-1125

Real estate related transaction, 44-1016

Unlawful employment practices, 44-1009

Director, Kansas human rights commission, 44-1003

Disability, employment practices, 44-1006

Disability, unlawful practices,

Covered multifamily residential real property, adaptive design, 44-1016

Employment practices, 44-1009, 44-1030

Housing practices, 44-1016, 44-1017, 44-1026, 44-1027

Public accommodations, denial, 44-1009

Diseases, information concerning cases of AIDS or HIV infection, 65-6002

Electric public utilities, rates and charges, 66-101 et seq.

Employment, 44-1001 et seq.

Age discrimination in employment act, 44-1111 et seq.

AIDS or HIV infection, information concerning, 65-6002

Disability, 44-1006

Military personnel, 44-1125 et seq.

Unlawful practices,

Disability, 44-1009

Military personnel, 44-1126

Enforcement of commission orders, 44-1011

Familial status, unlawful practices,

Employment practices, 44-1009

Housing practices, 44-1016, 44-1026, 44-1027

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Hearings, 44-1004, 44-1005, 44-1019, 44-1020

Housing practices, 44-1020

Criminal enforcement of subpoenas, orders, 44-1020

Expenses, 44-1020

Judicial relief, 44-1020

Perjury, 44-1039

Pro tem hearing examiners, 44-1003

Height restrictions, 44-1110

Hispanic and Latino American affairs commission, 74-6501 et seq.

Housing practices,

Accommodations, refusal to make, 44-1016

Action for alleged discriminatory practice, 44-1021

Applicability, 44-1018

Attorney general, action by, 44-1022

City ordinances, effect on, 44-1024

Civil enforcement, 44-1021

Hearing, in lieu of, 44-1019

Civil penalties, 44-1019

Complaints, 44-1019

County or district attorneys, action by, 44-1022

Design and construction, covered multifamily residential real property, 44-1016

Expedition of case, 44-1023

Hearings, 44-1019, 44-1020

Investigations by commission, 44-1019

Judicial review of commission action, 44-1021

Local agencies, cooperation with, by commission, 44-1025

Military personnel, 44-1125 et seq.

Modifications, refusal to permit certain, 44-1016

Notice, 44-1019

Real estate related transaction, making available, 44-1017

Remedial orders, 44-1005, 44-1019

Military personnel, 44-1127

Sale or rental, 44-1016

Unlawful acts, 44-1016, 44-1017, 44-1026, 44-1027

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), information concerning, 65-6002

Human relations commission, local, enforcement of orders, 12-16,106, 12-16,107

Human rights commission, Kansas 44-1003

Appeal and review, 44-1011

Appointment, 44-1003

Civil penalties, 44-1019

Enforcement of orders, 44-1011

Former name, 44-1003

Hearing commissioners, 44-1005

Hearing examiners, 44-1003, 44-1005

Investigations, without complaint, procedure, 44-1005

Judicial review, 44-1011

Powers and duties, 44-1004

Pro tem hearing examiners, 44-1003

Probable cause determinations, 44-1005

Exemption from judicial review act, 44-1044

Reconsideration of orders, decisions, petition for, 44-1010, 44-1115

Remedial orders, 44-1019

Subpoenas, 44-1005, 44-1019

Incompetent personnel, 44-1006

Insurance, motor vehicle, 40-295

Interference with commission or representatives, 44-1013

Investigations, 44-1004, 44-1005

Labor and employment, union activity of employee, 44-808

Labor disputes, certain industries, unlawful, 44-615

Labor organizations,

Application for employment, 44-1009

Application of law, 44-801

Discharge of employees, 44-1009

Posting of law and information, 44-1012

Rights of employee, 44-809

Medical care facilities, healing arts practitioner, 65-431

Metropolitan transit authority,

Contracts with labor organizations, 12-2825

Officers and employees, 12-2824

Military personnel, discrimination against, 44-1125 et seq.

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-149

Motor vehicle insurance, 40-295

News services, sale of news, 50-201 et seq.


Appeals, 44-1011

Hearings, 44-1005

Posting of law and information by employers, etc. 44-1012

Oaths and affirmations, perjury, 44-1039

Oil, pools, 55-603, 55-604

Posting of law and information, 44-1012

Prices, dairy products, 50-501 et seq.

Prison-made goods, prices, 75-5280

Public buildings. Contracts, public buildings or works, ante

Public utilities,

Common carriers, 66-1,216 et seq.

Electric public utilities, rates and charges, 66-101 et seq.

Miscellaneous public utilities, 66-1,232 et seq.

Natural gas utilities, 66-1,202 et seq.

Telecommunications public utilities, 66-1,189 et seq.

Remedial orders, 44-1019

Military personnel, 44-1127

Reports, 44-1004, 44-1005

Restrictive covenants,

Requirement for removal, 44-1017a

Rules and regulations, 44-1004, 44-1121

Sex, wages, 44-1205

Specific performance, orders of Kansas human rights commission, 44-1011

State employees, racial identification, 44-1035

Transcript of proceedings, 44-1005, 44-1011

Unfair trade, 50-149

Unqualified personnel, 44-1006

Warehousemen, 34-233

Wire services, sale of news, 50-201 et seq.

Witnesses, 44-1004, 44-1005


See, also, specific bold subject headings

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6001 et seq.

Confidentiality of reports, 65-6002, 65-6003

Crimes and penalties, 65-6005

Definitions, 65-6001, 65-6015

Disclosure of information, 65-6004, 65-6016, 65-6017

Educational material, 65-6006

Investigation of cases, 65-6003

Laboratory confirmation, 65-6004

Laboratory test results, 65-6002

Local boards of health, agreements with, 65-6003

Physicians and surgeons, information disclosure, 65-6004, 65-6016, 65-6017

Reporting cases of, 65-6002

Rules and regulations, 65-6003

Test sites, establishment and maintenance, 65-6007

Tests, court-ordered, 65-6015 et seq.

Unlawful acts, 65-6005

Animal Diseases, generally, this index

Asbestosis, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.


Breast cancer, physician's duties, 65-2836

Out-patient center, 76-6a40 et seq.

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a01 et seq.

Communicable, 21-5424

Concealment, 65-129

Confidentiality of reports, 65-102b, 65-118


Designation as, 65-128

Transportation of dead bodies, notification, 65-2438

Control, cities of second and third class, 65-301, 65-302

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-127, 65-129, 65-129d

Day care programs, immunization of children, 72-6262

Dead bodies, transportation of, 65-2438


Infectious or contagious, 65-116a

Juvenile correctional facility staff, 65-6001


Health officer, duties, 65-202

Immunization of pupils, 72-6263

Disinfection, enforcing regulations, 65-119

Early childhood, disease prevention, 65-153

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 65-655 et seq.

Funeral services, 65-123

Galactosemia, testing and reporting, 65-180 et seq.

Genetic diseases, testing, 65-180 et seq.

Health and Environment, State Department of, generally, this index

Health officer, duties, 65-202, 72-6263

Hemophilia, assistance program, 65-1,131 et seq.

Hepatitis B,

Disclosure of information, 38-2317

Prenatal serological test, 65-153f

Tests, 65-6015 et seq.

HIV infection,

Anonymous testing, 65-6007

Crimes and penalties, 65-6005

Disclosure of information, 38-2317, 65-6004

Laboratory confirmation, 65-6004

Screening for pregnant women and newborn children, 65-6018

Sex offenses, juvenile offenders, tests, 38-2317

Test sites, establishment and maintenance, 65-6007

Tests, court-ordered, 38-2317

Unlawful acts, 65-6005

Hypothyroidism, testing and reporting, 65-180 et seq.

Immunization of pupils, 72-6262, 72-6263

Preschool, day care programs, 72-6262

Infancy, disease prevention, 65-153

Infantile paralysis, drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672


Blood, withdrawal of, 65-6010

Confidentiality of information, 65-6010

Dead bodies, transportation of, notification, 65-2438

Disclosure of information, 65-6004, 65-6016, 65-6017

Mandatory testing, 65-6009

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Physician and surgeons,

Information disclosure, 65-6016, 65-6017

Tests, inmates, 65-6015 et seq.

Unlawful acts, 65-6010

Investigations, health officers, 65-202


Discharge of employee under order of, 65-129d

Enforcement of regulations, 65-119

Hearings, 65-129c

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Rules and regulations, 65-128, 65-129

Kidney failure, chronic, treatment of, 65-1660

Laetrile Law. Laetrile, this index

Maple syrup urine disease, 65-180

Noninfectious, information confidential, 65-102b

Occupational Diseases, generally, this index

Phenylketonuria, testing and reporting, 65-180 et seq.

Poliomyelitis, drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672

Preschools, immunization of children, 72-6262

Public gatherings, control, 65-119

Pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.


Breaking, 65-129

Cities of second class, 14-307

City, 65-126

County, 65-126

Discharge of employee under order, 65-129d

Enforcement of regulations, 65-119

Evading, 65-129

Funeral services, 65-123

Hearings, 65-129c

Orders, 65-129b, 65-129c, 65-129d

Rules and regulations, 65-128, 65-129

Township, 65-126

Reports, 65-102b, 65-118

Schools, 65-122, 72-6261 et seq.

Sickle cell anemia,

Assistance and information, 65-1,105b

Education, boards of, duties, 65-1,105 et seq.

Establishment of statewide program, 65-1,105

Financial assistance, 65-1,105, 65-1,105a

Secretary of health and environment, duties, 65-1,105 et seq.

Test information, confidential, 65-1,106

Silicosis, silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

State assistance, 65-180

Supervision over cases, 65-119

Syphilis, prenatal serological test, 65-153f

Township, 65-126

Tuberculosis, 65-116a et seq.

Evaluation requirements, 65-129e

Prevention and control, 65-129f

Venereal diseases,

Baby eye treatment, 65-153b, 65-153d

Drugs and medicine, false advertisements, 65-672

Persons under 18, examination and treatment, 65-2892

Prenatal serological test, 65-153f


Bank Deposits and Collections, this index

Sales, this index


Generally, 60-241

Adjudication upon merits, 60-241

Appeal, 60-2103

Class actions, 60-223

Derivative actions, 60-223a

Conditions, 60-241

Corporations, derivative actions, 60-223a

Costs, previously dismissed action, 60-241

Death of party, 60-225

Depositions, failure of party to attend or serve answers, 60-237

Detainers, mandatory disposition, 22-4303

Discrimination complaint, 44-1005

Filing, notice, 60-241

Jurisdiction, lack of, 60-241

Lack of prosecution, 60-241

Misjoinder of parties, 60-221

Nonjoinder of required party, determination by court, 60-219

Notice, filing, 60-241

Obesity, claims arising out of, 60-4801

Representative actions, 60-223

Derivative actions, 60-223a

Stipulations, 60-241

Third-party claim, 60-214

Unincorporated associations, 60-223a, 60-223b

Voluntary, 60-241

Weight gain, claims arising out of, 60-4801


Crimes and Punishments, this index


See, also, County Attorneys, this index

Generally, 22a-101 et seq.

Assistant district attorneys, appointment, 22a-106

Bond, 22a-101, 22a-108

Cemetery corporations, prosecutions, 17-1312a

Checks, giving a worthless check,

Administrative handling fee, 21-5821

Chemicals, agricultural, 2-2206, 2-3307

Civil penalties, disposition of, 75-4320

Compensation and salaries, 22a-105

Consumer protection act, 50-633

County attorney, 22a-107

Abolition of office, 22a-101

County hospital, duties, 22a-104

County law enforcement department, assistance, 19-4430

Crime Victims, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Cruelty to animals, prosecutions, 21-6412

Deputy district attorneys, appointment, 22a-106

Diversion of criminal prosecutions, 22-2906 et seq.

Factors considered, 22-2908

Prohibited, when, 22-2908

Domestic violence,

Policies, adopted, 22-2309

Duties, 22a-104

Law practice limited to official duties, 22a-106

Wildlife, parks and tourism violations, 32-1053

Election, 22a-101, 22a-108, 25-101

Campaign finance act. Elections, generally, this index

Employment agencies, prosecutions, 44-409

Employment security, criminal actions, 44-720

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Exhumation of bodies, application, 19-724

Expenses, travel and subsistence, 22a-105

Fees, collection and disposition,

Counties designated urban areas, 28-1006, 28-1008

Fee books, 28-1007

Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Food, drug and cosmetic act, duties, 65-685

Funeral directors and embalmers, permission to embalm, 65-1707

Grand juries, petition, 22-3001

Habeas corpus, motion attacking criminal sentence, 60-1507

Hazardous waste, enforcement, 65-3441, 65-3450

Healing arts, prosecuting violations, 65-2866

Honey, unlawful labeling, duties, 65-685

Hospital, county, duties, 22a-104

Inquisitions, 22-3101

Law enforcement department, assistance, 19-4430

Law libraries, 20-3127

Liquid fuel carriers, enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517

Motor fuel carriers, enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517

Nomination, eligibility for, 22a-102

Notary fees, counties over 300,000, 28-617

Oath, 22a-101, 22a-108

Office space, 22a-106

Open meeting law, civil penalties, disposition, 75-4320, 75-4320f

Open public records act, civil penalties, 45-230, 45-253

Optometry violations, duty to prosecute, 65-1513

Pesticide law, enforcement, 2-2462

Polygraph exam, certain victims, prohibition, 22-4614

Qualifications, 22a-102

Redistricting, effect, 22a-103

Reno County, 22a-109

Residence change, effect, 22a-103

Salary, 22a-105

Schools, compulsory attendance, 72-3121

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Special counsel, 22a-106

Stalking, policies, adopted, 22-2310

Term, 22a-101

Training, fee fund, 28-170, 28-170a

Travel expenses, 22a-105

Vacancies, 22a-103, 25-3901, 25-3903a

Warehouse prosecutions, 34-111

Workers compensation, employer statement of insurance not filed, enjoining business continuation, 74-711


See, also, Clerks of Court, generally, this index

Acknowledgments, 20-3105

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), distribution of educational material to applicants for marriage license, 65-6006

Appearance docket, 60-2601a

Appointment, 20-343

Arbitration and award,

Complaint, disobedience, 5-205

Process for witnesses, 5-204

Assistants. Deputies and assistants, post

Attachment, issuance of order, 60-703

Bar docket,

Filing of, county auditor, 19-631

Law library funds, 20-3127

Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, 20-169

Compensation and salaries,

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 20-3133

Fines, penalties and forfeitures, disposition, 20-350, 20-368

Criminal identification procedures, 21-2504, 21-2505

Dead or deceased persons, report of, 65-2422d

Deputies and assistants, 20-343

Law library, duties, 20-3127

Oath of office, 20-3104

Prohibited conduct, 20-3133

Qualifications, 20-343


Bar docket, ante

Dockets, this index

Duties, 20-343, 20-3102, 60-2601

Cases appealed from municipal court, 12-4516, 21-6614, 22-2410

Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, 20-169

Wildlife, parks and tourism violations, 32-1054

Eminent domain,

Appeal from award, 26-508

Appraisers' report, 26-505

Employment security, warrants, duties and procedures, 44-717

Expungement of convictions, 21-6614

Cases appealed from municipal court, 12-4516, 21-6614, 22-2410

Fees, 28-170 et seq.

Civil cases, 28-170, 60-2001

Collection of, contracting agents, 20-169

Criminal cases, 28-170a, 28-172a

Payment, 28-150

Demand, 28-153


Docket fees, 28-170a

Fees for services, 28-170, 28-175

Hospital lien on personal injury damages recoverable by patient, filing, 65-409

Supreme court filing fee authorized, hospital lien, 65-409

Traffic cases, 28-172a

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Garnishment, answer form, authority to amend, 60-725

Grand juries, petition, 22-3001

Identification of criminals, 21-2504

Journal, 60-2601a

Judgment docket, 60-2601a

Law libraries, 20-3126 et seq.

Fees, 20-3129

Lost field chart, map or plat of city or town, 12-415

Montgomery county, offices and duties, 20-3107

Mortgage foreclosure, release, 58-2314

Neosho county, offices and duties, 20-3109

Oaths and affirmations, 20-3105

Parenting plans,

Distribution of forms and information, 23-3214

Partitioned land, certification to county clerk for tax purposes, 79-419

Pending actions, notice in other counties, 60-2203a

Practice of law prohibited, 20-3133

Prohibited conduct, 20-3133

Qualifications, 20-343

Records, 20-3102

Jurors and witnesses, attendance and fees, 28-138

Signature, facsimile, 20-365

Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Signature, facsimile, 20-365

Venue, change of, duties, 22-2616, 22-2617


See, also, specific counties; Judges, generally, this index

Abolition of judge positions, 20-353, 20-354

Certain cases, 20-333

Acknowledgment, deeds and conveyances, 58-2211

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), distribution of educational material to applicants for marriage license, 65-6006

Additional judges, 20-353, 20-355

Expenses, 20-356

Report of, 60-465a

Appeal and Review, generally, this index


County attorney, temporary, 19-715

Failure to act, 75-117

Vacancy, filling, 25-312a

Assignment, 20-319

Assignment of cases, 20-329 et seq.

Associate district judges,

Abolition of positions, 20-364

Elections, post

Cases, assignment of, 20-319, 20-329 et seq.

Change of judge,

Contempt not applicable, 20-311e

Limitations, 20-311f

Procedure and grounds, 20-311d

Chief judge,

Budget, election to be responsible for, 20-384

Community corrections participation, recommendations, 75-52,110

Compensation and salaries, 75-3120g

Election, 20-329

Investment of moneys, 20-350

Juvenile community corrections participation, recommendations, 75-7052

Nonjudicial personnel, appointment of, 20-345, 20-384

Powers, 20-329, 20-384

Records of court, certification of reproductions for evidentiary purposes, 60-465a

Classes of, 20-301a

Compensation and salaries, 75-3120g, 75-3120l

Conferences, 20-139

Counsel for indigent defendants, 22-4501 et seq.

County law libraries, trustees, 20-3127

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal Procedure, this index


Time limitation on ruling after trial, 60-252a

Disability, active judge, 20-2609

Disqualification, 20-311

District, 4-202 et seq.

District judges,

Additional or new positions, 20-353, 20-355

Associate district judges replaced, 20-364

Expenses of, 20-356

First district, 20-354a

County homes, sale of property, appointment of appraisers, 39-344, 39-368

Elections, post

Nonpartisan selection, post

Parole, sentence of district magistrate judge, 21-6616

Powers, 20-301a, 20-302

Multiple judge districts, 20-330

Qualifications, 20-331, 20-334, 20-337

Residency, 20-331, 20-334, 20-2909

District magistrate judges,

Abolition of positions, 20-353, 20-354

First district, 20-354a

Appeals from, 20-302b, 60-2103, 60-2103a

Compensation and salaries, 75-3120j, 75-3120k, 75-3120l

Elections, post

Establishment of positions, 20-338

Examination, 20-337

Expenses, 20-341

Jurisdiction, 20-302b

Manual, 20-337

Nonlawyers, certification, 20-337

Nonpartisan selection, post

Powers, 20-301a, 20-302b

Qualifications, 20-331, 20-334

Examination, 20-337

Residency, 20-331, 20-334

Retirement and pensions,

Benefits, 20-2610

Health care benefits, 20-2622

Internal revenue code, applicability, 20-2623

KPERS, applicability, 20-2624

Membership date, 20-2610

Military service credit, purchase of, 20-2623

Retirement system, 20-341, 20-2620

Search warrants, 22-2503

Divisions, specialized, 20-438

Elections, 25-101

See, also, Elections, generally, this index

District magistrate judges, 20-336

New districts, method, 20-2916

Nonpartisan selection, post

Primary election laws inapplicable, 25-202

Retention in office, 25-113

Term, 20-327

Vacancies in office, 25-312, 25-312a, 25-3901 et seq.

Void ballots, votes for other offices, 25-113

Elimination of judge positions, 20-353, 20-354

Emergency interim executive and judicial succession act, 48-1201 et seq.


Budget estimates, 75-3717

Conferences of judges, 20-139


Books, 28-1007

Marriage, 20-360

Grand juries, petition, 22-3001

Insurance, life, 74-4927d, 74-4927f

Jails, copies of calendar, 19-1905

Judgments, time limitation on ruling after trial, 60-252a


District judges, 20-302

District magistrate judges, 20-302b

Juvenile community corrections participation, recommendations, 75-7052

Law libraries, trustees, 20-3127

Marriage, generally, this index

Medical malpractice screening panels, 65-4901 et seq.

Chief judge's duties, 65-4901, 65-4902

New positions, 20-353, 20-355

Expenses, 20-356

Nonpartisan selection, 20-2901 et seq.

Additional judges and divisions, 20-2913

Certification to commission chairman, 20-355

Adoption of method, election, 20-2901

Appointment of successor judge, 20-2911, 20-2912

Ballots, 20-2901

Nominating commission, lawyer members, 20-2904, 20-2917

Declaration of candidacy, 20-2908

District magistrate judges, vacancies, 20-2914, 20-2915


Adoption of method, 20-2901

Nominating commission, lawyer members, 20-2904, 20-2917

Rejection of, method, 20-2913

Retentions in office,

Appointees, 20-2912

Incumbents, 20-2908

New districts, method, 20-2916

Nominating commission,

Abolition, 20-2913

Chairperson, 20-2903

Compensation and expenses, 20-138, 20-2907

Establishment, 20-2903

Lawyer members, election, 20-2904, 20-2917

Meetings, 20-2907

Members, selection, 20-2904, 20-2905

Nominations, 20-2909, 20-2910

Nonlawyer members, appointment, 20-2905

Open meetings law, application, 20-2907

Open records act, applicability, 20-2907

Political activities, restrictions on, 20-2906

Term of office, 20-2906

Vacancies in office, 20-2906

Nominations, 20-2909, 20-2910

Residency of nominees, 20-2909

Succession in office 20-2908

Temporary assignment of judge, 20-2913

Term of office, 20-2912

Vacancies in office, 20-2909, 20-2914

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Official court paper, designation, 64-108, 64-109

Other offices, election to, restrictions, 25-113

Powers, 20-301a

District judges, 20-302

District magistrate judges, 20-302b

Multiple district judge districts, 20-330

Pro tem judges, 20-310a

Qualifications, 20-331, 20-334

County, 20-301b

Receivers, appointment, 60-1301


Evidentiary purposes, 45-414

Incomplete, 19-2607

Reproduction, 45-414, 60-465a


County auditors, 19-623

Ruling after trial, 60-252b

Residence requirements, 20-301b, 20-331, 20-334

Retired judges,

Appointment of successor, 20-2614

Designation and assignment to duties, 20-2616

District magistrate judges, 20-341, 20-2620

Temporary appointment, 20-310b

Retirement and pensions, 20-2601 et seq.

Age for retirement, 20-2608

Annuities. Benefits, this subhead

Assigned judicial duties agreement credit, purchase of, 20-2627


Amount, 20-2610, 20-2611, 20-2621

Eligibility, credit for service, other systems, 74-4988

Exemption from process and taxes, 20-2618

Increase, retirant dividend payments, 74-49,109 et seq.

Payment options, 20-2610a

Post-retirement increases, 74-4943 et seq.

Termination, 20-2612


Employee, 20-2603

Employer, 20-2605

Refund, 20-2606, 20-2607

Death benefit,

Insured death benefit, 74-4927f

Lump-sum benefit, retirants, 74-4989

Assignment, 20-2618

Optional plan, eligibility, 74-4927d

Definitions, 20-2601

Disability, 20-2609

Early retirement, 20-2608

Employment after retirement, 20-2622

Services for commission on judicial performance, 20-3208

Health care benefits, 20-2622

Services for commission on judicial performance, 20-3208

Insurance, life,

Insured death benefit, 74-4927f

Optional plan, eligibility, 74-4927d

Internal revenue code, applicability, 20-2623


Applicability, 20-2624

Transfer to, 20-2601a, 20-2601b, 20-2601c

Military service credit, purchase of, 20-2625

Pensions. Benefits, this subhead

Qualified domestic relations order, 20-2618

Retirant dividend payments, 74-49,109 et seq.

Service credit,

Repurchase of forfeited credit, 74-4919l, 74-4963, 74-4963a

Service under other systems, 74-4988

Transfer to KPERS, 20-2601a, 20-2601b, 20-2601c

Vista service, purchase of, 20-2626

Rules, 20-342, 60-267

Rulings, time limitation on ruling after trial, 60-252a

Selection, nonpartisan. Nonpartisan selection, ante

Sentencing commission, Kansas

Membership, 74-9102

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Temporary judges, 20-310b

Terms of office, Kan. Const. Art. 3, ยงยง 6, 12; 20-327, 20-2912

Travel expenses, out-of-state, 75-3216

Trials, time limitation on rendering judgment, 60-252a

Unfinished business, completion by successor in office, 19-2607

Vacancies, Kan. Const. Art. 3, ยง 6; 25-312, 25-312a, 25-3901 et seq.

Election to fill, 25-101, 25-312a

Nonpartisan selection, 20-2909 et seq.


Generally, 20-375 et seq.

Appointment, 20-377

Budget, 20-380

Compensation, 20-380

Duties, 20-378

Exemption of obligee or obligor from trustee's collection responsibility, 20-383

Expenditures, 20-381, 20-382

Expenses of operation, 20-380

Fees, 20-380

Fund, expenditures, 20-380, 20-381

Office, supplies and equipment, 20-380

Powers, 20-379

Qualifications, 20-377


Collection, 20-375 et seq.

Contracts for, 20-379

Rules of district court, 20-383


See, also, Courts, generally, this index

Generally, 20-301 et seq.

Administrative agencies, review and enforcement of actions. See, Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Administrative judges. District Court Judges, this index

Adult care homes,

Fines and penalties, 39-947, 39-948

Receivers and receivership, 39-955

Final accounting, 39-962

Powers and duties of receiver, 39-959

Priority of application for, 39-958

Removal, 39-962

Supervision, 39-962

Termination, 39-963

Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Appeals from, 60-2101

District magistrate judges, 60-2103, 60-2103a

Appeals from municipal courts, 12-4601, 12-4602


County auditors, 19-601

Counties between 80,000 and 300,000, 19-620

Counties over 300,000, 19-630

Apportionment. Judicial Districts, this index

Appropriate court, agreement on detainers, 22-4402

Arbitration and award, noncompliance, 5-208, 5-209

Assignment of cases, 20-319, 20-329

Official court paper, 64-108


Appointment, protective services for certain persons, 39-1439


County actions, 19-232

Health care providers, actions against, 7-121b

Audit, 20-349

Bailiffs, appointment, 20-345

Budget, 20-158

County expenses, 20-349

Election by chief judge to be responsible for judicial district budget, 20-384

Calendars, official court paper, 64-108

Cases, assignment of, 20-319, 20-329

Official court paper, 64-108

Chief judge. District Court Judges, this index

Civil procedure, rules of, 60-265

Clerk. District Court Clerks, generally, this index

Coal, rock or limestone mines, surveys, orders, 49-101, 49-103

Community Corrections, generally, this index

Complaint, criminal procedure, 22-3201

Consumer protection act, Kansas. Consumer Protection, this index

Contempt, generally, this index

Costs, generally, this index

Counterclaims, original action, 60-213

Courts, 60-2001 et seq.

Counties, expenses, 20-348, 20-358, 20-359

County auditors, appointments, 19-601, 19-620

Court of appeals, appeals, 60-2102

Court Reporters, generally, this index


Counties over 300,000, 19-15,123, 20-626

Urban area counties, 19-15,121, 19-15,122

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Criminal jurisdiction, 20-301

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219, 8-1222

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal Procedure, this index

Cross-claims, original action, 60-213

Death sentence, convicts found to be insane, 22-4006

Defendants acquitted because of lack of mental state, discharge hearings, 22-3428

Districts. Judicial Districts, generally, this index

Diversion of criminal prosecutions, 22-2906 et seq.


Judges' powers, 20-330

Specialized divisions, 20-438

Docket fees. See subhead Fees under Dockets, this index

Dockets, generally, this index

Employees. Personnel, post

Employment security, warrants, filing, 44-717

Escrow moneys, investment of, 20-350

Execution, appellate court judgments, 20-108

Exhumation of bodies, 19-724


County commissioners, 20-348

New judges, 20-356

Expungement of convictions, 21-6614


County actions, 19-232

District Court Clerks, this index

Docket fees, ante

Juvenile offenders, supervision 20-167

Findings, dismissal of actions, 60-241

Fines, penalties and forfeitures, 20-368

Disposition, 20-350

Habeas corpus, jurisdiction, 60-1501

Health care records, abandonment of, 65-28,128

Homes for children, social welfare, 39-713c

Human rights commission, Kansas,

Civil actions, discrimination, 44-1022

Enforcement of orders, 44-1011

Indictment or information, criminal procedure, 22-3201

Inquisitions, criminal procedure, 22-3101 et seq.

Interpreters, appointment and compensation, 60-243

Investment of moneys, 20-350

Irrigation rotation agreement, annulment, 42-345

Judges. District Court Judges, generally, this index

Judgments. See Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index

Judicial Districts, this index

Jurisdiction, 20-301, 60-266

Appellate jurisdiction, 60-2101

Child-custody jurisdiction and enforcement act, 23-37,101 et seq.

Corporations, this index

County home rule resolutions, violations, 19-101d et seq.

Criminal actions, 22-2601 et seq.

Drugs, controlled substances act, 65-4132

Judicial review of hearings,

Setoff, state program, collection amounts owed certain entities, 75-6207

Juvenile cases, 38-2203

Juvenile offender cases, 38-2304

Lack of, dismissal of actions, 60-241

Meat and poultry inspection act, 65-6a38

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-110

Motor vehicle dealers and manufacturers, 8-2410, 8-2411, 8-2413

Open public meetings, enforcement proceedings, 75-4320a

Protection from abuse act, 60-3103

Juries, generally, this index

Juvenile intake and assessment programs, administrative orders, 75-7023

Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Labor organization business agent, suspension or revocation of license, 44-810

Legal publications, 64-108, 64-109

Lis pendens, 60-2201

Location, 20-347

Medical malpractice screening panels, 65-4901 et seq.

Moneys, disposition and investment of, 20-350, 20-2801

Monopolies and unfair trade,

Jurisdiction, 50-110

Montgomery county, 20-3107, 20-3108

Neosho county, 20-3109, 20-3110

Nonjudicial personnel. Personnel, post

Notice of appeal, 60-2103

Officers and employees. Personnel, post

Oil and gas,

Judicial review of decisions of corporation commission, 55-606

Leases, liens, filing statements, 55-209

Oil field equipment, transporter, filing lien statement, 55-214

Open public meetings, enforcement proceedings, 75-4320a

Parole board, 20-2301 et seq.

Patient records, abandonment of, 65-28,128

Pending actions,

Lis pendens, 60-2201

Notice in other counties, 60-2203a


Appointment, 20-345, 20-384

Benefits, 20-358, 20-359

Classification system, 20-162

County expenses, 20-358, 20-359

Election by chief judge to be responsible for judicial district budget and personnel, 20-384

Health care coverage, 20-358, 75-4101, 75-6501 et seq.

Pay plan, 20-361

Process servers, transfer, 20-363

Retirement system, public employees, 74-4910

Probate Proceedings, generally, this index

Probation officers, 20-346a

Appointment, 20-345

Probationer, transfer of supervision over, 21-6610

Procedure, law governing, 60-201

Process, nonresidents, motor vehicle operation, 8-402

Process servers, transfer, 20-363

Public access,

Child in need of care cases, 38-2247

Juvenile offender cases, 38-2353

Minors, exclusion of, 38-111

Receivers and receiverships,

Adult care homes, ante

Appointment, 60-1301


Attestation by clerk, facsimile, 20-365

Child in need of care cases, disclosure, 38-2211

Copies, 20-159, 20-357

Electronic access to, 20-371

Juvenile offender cases, disclosure of, 38-2309

Preservation or disposition, 20-159, 20-357, 45-411

Reproductions, use as evidence, 60-465a

Release programs, 22-2814 et seq.

Retirement system, public employees, 74-4910

Rules, 20-342, 60-267

Diversion of criminal prosecutions, 22-2912

Rules of civil procedure, applicability, 60-265

Seals, 20-303

Instruments validated, 20-304a

Security, 20-366

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

State hospitals, leave or discharge hearings, persons acquitted because of lack of mental state, 22-3428

Stationery letterheads, approval by judges, 19-212c

Statute books, digests and reports, 20-209, 77-138

Strays, adverse claimants, 47-232

Supervised release programs, 22-2814 et seq.

Time limits for decisions, 20-3301

Traffic violations, hearings, 8-2104

Transcripts, evidence, use as, 20-910a


Calendars, 60-240

Trial, generally, this index

Trustee. District Court Trustee, generally, this index

Unclaimed property, 58-3934 et seq.

United States district courts. United States Courts, this index


Change of, 60-609

Criminal actions, 22-2601 et seq.

Workers compensation,

Action for past due compensation, 44-512a

Supreme court, appeals, 44-566


See specific bold subject headings


Criminal proceedings, 22-2906 et seq.

Factors considered, 22-2908

Prohibited, when, 22-2908

Immediate intervention programs. Juvenile Offenders, this index

Municipal agreements, 12-4412 et seq.


Banks and Banking, this index

Corporations, this index

Credit Unions, this index

Insurance, this index

Public utilities, 66-1214

Savings and Loan Associations, this index


Generally, 39-785 et seq.


See, also, Separate Maintenance, generally, this index; Support, generally, this index

Generally, 23-2701 et seq.

Agreement, settlement, 23-2712

Alimony. Maintenance, post

Annulment, denial of, 23-2706

Answer, 23-2705

Attorney fees. Expenses of case, post

Bill of particulars, 23-2704

Child custody. Custody of children, post

Child exchange and visitation center, 23-3208, 23-3221, 23-3302

Child support, 23-3001 et seq.

Foreign decree, 23-2713

Guidelines, supreme court, 20-165

Misconduct of spouse, effect, 23-2717

Retirement benefits (KPERS) subject to decrees, 20-2618, 74-4923

Temporary orders, 23-2707

Workers compensation benefits, 44-514

Child visitation. Visitation rights, post

Costs. Expenses of case, post


Family, 23-3510

Marriage, 23-2710

Counterclaim, 23-2705

Custody of children, legal, 23-3201 et seq.

Abuse, protection from,

Custody order, 60-3103

Case management, 23-3507, 23-3508, 23-3509

Effect of failure to notify, 23-3215

Factors considered, 23-2303

Foreign decree, 23-2713

Interview of child, 23-3209

Investigation, 23-3210

Jurisdiction. Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, this index

Jurisdiction of court, 23-37,101 et seq.

Mediation, 23-3501 et seq.

Military deployment, 23-3217

Motion to modify, nature of, 23-3220

Docket fee, 28-179

Obligation to notify other parent of certain events, 23-3215

Post-decree motions, 23-3219

Priority of custody orders, 23-3403

Residency change, notice, 23-3222

Temporary orders, 23-2707

Temporary parenting plan, minimum provisions, 23-3212

Information to parents by court, 23-3214

Docket fees,

Post-decree motions, 28-179

Effective, when, 23-2713

Emergency case, 23-2708

Evidence, 23-2714

Expenses of case, 23-2715

Family counseling, 23-3510

Marriage counseling, 23-2710

Temporary orders, 23-2707

Visitation rights, enforcement of, 23-3208, 23-3302

Family counseling, 23-3510

Final, when, 23-2713

Foreign decree, 23-2713

Garnishment, temporary support orders, 23-2707

Grant of divorce or annulment, 23-2706

Grounds for annulment, 23-2702

Grounds for divorce, 23-2701

Health insurance coverage for children, 23-3003

Hearing, time for, 23-2708

Inheritance rights, revocation of, 59-105

Interlocutory orders,

Temporary parenting plan, 23-2707

Interspousal tort, 23-2718

Investigations, 23-2707

Child custody, 23-3210

Parenting time, 23-3210

Residency, 23-3210

Visitation rights, 23-3210

Legal custody, 23-3201 et seq.

Defined, 23-3211

Maintenance, 23-2902

Alimony, use of term, 23-2901

District court trustee, 20-375 et seq.

Enforcement of,

Foreign nations, 23-3601

Income withholding, 23-3101

Foreign decree, 23-2713

Incapacitated spouse, 23-2701

Mentally ill spouse, 23-2701

Misconduct of spouse, effect, 23-2717

Retirement benefits (KPERS) subject to decrees, 20-2618, 74-4923

Temporary orders, 23-2707

Workers compensation benefits, 44-514

Marriage counseling, 23-2710

Military residence, 23-2703

Name, restoration, 23-2716

Parenting time, 23-2303, 23-3501, 23-3401, 23-3507

Child exchange and visitation center, 23-3208, 23-3221, 23-3302

Family counseling, 23-3510

Interview of child, 23-3209

Investigations, 23-3210

Military deployment, 23-3217

Misconduct of spouse, effect, 23-2717

Post-decree motions

Motions to modify, docket fee, 28-179

Residency, 23-2303

Residency change, removal of child, notice, 23-3222

Right to, enforcement of, 23-3208

Permanent parenting plan, 23-3213

Defined, 23-3211

Information to parents by court, 23-3214

Petition, 23-2704

Filing, when, 23-2703

Pretrial conferences, 23-2709


Division of, 23-2802

Foreign decree, 23-2713

Marital property, 23-2601, 23-2801

Temporary orders, 23-2707

Protective orders, 23-2707

Qualified domestic relations orders,

KPERS retirement benefits subject to, 74-4923, 74-49,105

Refusal of divorce or annulment, 23-2706

Remarriage, 23-2713


Change, children, 23-3222

Requirements, 23-2703

Residency, 23-3201

Family counseling, 23-3510

Interview of child, 23-3209

Investigations, 23-3210

Misconduct of spouse, effect, 23-2717

Post-decree motions

Motion to modify, docket fee, 28-179

Restraining orders, 23-2707

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Service of process, 23-2704, 60-307, 60-308

Annulment, 23-2704

Support, generally, this index

Children. Child support, ante

Payments to central collection and disbursement unit, 23-3004

Payments to court, 23-3004

Payments to Kansas payment center, 23-3004, 39-7,135

Spouse. Maintenance, ante

Written agreement for direct payment, 23-3004

Temporary orders, 23-2707

Mediation, 23-2707

Temporary parenting plan, 23-3212

Defined, 23-3211

Information to parents by court, 23-3214

Termination of parental rights, custody of children, 23-3201 et seq.

Venue, 60-607

Visitation rights, 23-3301 et seq.

Case management, 23-3507, 23-3508, 23-3509

Child exchange and visitation center, 23-3208, 23-3221, 23-3302

Enforcement, 23-3401

Interview of child, 23-3209

Investigations, 23-3210

Mediation, 23-3501 et seq.

Misconduct of spouse, effect, 23-2717

Motion to modify, docket fee, 28-179

Vital statistics, 65-2422b

Registration, 65-2433

Wills, revocation, 59-610


Clerk of court, duties, 60-2601

Computer systems, 60-2601a

County board of equalization, 79-1606


Additional charge, judicial branch docket fee fund, 28-177, 28-178

Adoption, 59-104

Appeals, 20-3021

Authority to collect, 59-104

Child in need of care cases, 38-2215

Civil cases, 60-2001

Small claims, 61-2704

Appeals, 61-2709

Commitment proceedings, 59-104

Conservatorship, 59-104

Contracts for collection, 20-169

Criminal cases, 28-172a

Disposition, 20-362

Dispositive motions, 60-2008

Divorce, annulment, separate maintenance, post-decree motions, 28-179

Expungement, 22-2410

Juvenile offender, 38-2312

Foreign judgments, 60-3005

Governmental units, exempt, 60-2005

Guardianship, 59-104

Habeas corpus, 60-1501

Juvenile offender cases, 38-2314

Limited actions, 61-4001

Payment by credit card, 20-1a13

Probate proceedings, 59-104

Traffic cases, 28-172a

Trusteeship, 59-104

Waiver, 60-2001

Lost or destroyed entries, restoration, 60-2501 et seq.

Municipal courts, judge, 12-4106


Wharves, Docks and Piers, generally, this index


Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this index


Drafts, this index


See, also, Books and Papers, this index; Documents of Title, generally, this index; Records and Recordation, this index


Secured transactions, 84-9-102


Retention and disposal, 60-270

Discrimination proceedings, 44-1004

Electronic communications, 60-271

Electronic records and documents,

Dockets and journals, 60-2601a

Filings, rules and regulations, 75-443

Image recognition and information storage, state agencies,

Original records, 75-3519

Standards, 45-412

Environmental materials, public inspection, copies, fees, 65-102a

Foreign, public, Hague convention, certification, 53-401

Fraudulent execution of. Crimes and Punishments, this index

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

Lost or destroyed documents,

Bank deposits and collections, notice to transferor, 84-4-202

Barbers, license or permit, 65-1817

Bonds, 10-704

Contracts, evidence, 58-2206, 58-2231 et seq.

County records, 64-106, 64-107

Deeds, evidence, 58-2206, 58-2229 et seq.

Documents of title, 84-7-601

Title and rights, 84-7-502

Drivers' licenses, 8-246

Druggists, registrations and permits, 65-1644

Leases, evidence, 58-2236

Mortgages, evidence, 58-2229 et seq.

Motor vehicle number plates, certificates of title or registration receipts, 8-159

Motor vehicles, destruction of records, 74-2014

Powers of attorney, evidence, 58-2229 et seq.

Tax sale certificate, 79-2912

Turnpike bonds, 68-2007

Warehouse Receipts, this index

Warrants, 10-706

Original matters, 60-270

Paper size prescribed, 45-502


Generally, 84-7-101

Accident, title and rights, 84-7-502

Adequacy, 84-7-509

Adverse claims, 84-7-603

Applicability of treaty, statute, regulatory statute, 84-7-103

Attachment of goods, 84-7-602

Attorney fees, lost, stolen or destroyed documents, 84-7-601


Attorney fees, 84-7-601

Possession, tender of delivery, 84-2-503

Bank deposits and collections, security interest, collecting bank, 84-4-210

Banking channels, delivery, 84-2-308

Bills of Lading, generally, this index

Collecting bank, warranties, 84-7-508

Commercial code, application, 84-7-703

Compliance with commercial contract, 84-7-509

Conflicting claims, 84-7-603

Contract for lease, adequacy, 84-7-509

Contract for sale, 84-2-106

Adequacy, 84-7-509

Conversion, title and rights, 84-7-502

Creditors, title to goods, 84-7-504

Damage to goods, delivery, 84-7-403


Description of goods, reliance, 84-7-203

Duplicate documents, 84-7-402

Good faith delivery, 84-7-404

Defeat of documents, 84-7-205, 84-7-503

Defeat of title, 84-7-503

Definitions, 84-1-201, 84-7-102

Delay, delivery, 84-7-403

Delivery, 84-2-308

Document, title and rights, 84-7-504


Good faith, damages, 84-7-404

Stoppage, 84-7-504

Obligation, 84-7-403

Without indorsement, 84-7-506

Description of goods, reliance, 84-7-203

Destruction of documents, 84-7-601

Destruction of goods, delivery, 84-7-403

Diversion of goods,

Delivery, 84-7-403

Title, 84-7-504

Duly negotiate, definition, 84-7-501

Duplicates, 84-7-402

Duress, title and rights, 84-7-502

Electronic documents of title,

As substitute for tangible document, 84-7-105

Bearer, definition, 84-1-201

Control, 84-7-106

Definition, 84-1-201

Delivery, definition, 84-1-201

Duly negotiate, definition, 84-7-501

Holder, definition, 84-1-201

Negotiation, 84-7-501

Due negotiation, requisites, 84-7-501

Indorsement, 84-7-501

Tangible document as substitute, 84-7-105

Endorsement. Indorsement, post

Excuses for delivery of goods, 84-7-403

Financial asset, requisites to be, 84-8-103

Financing agency, rights secured, 84-2-506

Foreign, public, Hague convention, certification, 53-401

Fraud, title and rights, 84-7-502

Fungible goods, rights of holder, 84-7-502

Good faith delivery, damages, 84-7-404

Governing law, effective date, 84-7-704


Rights, 84-7-502

Secured transactions, priorities, 84-9-309

Indemnification, lost or destroyed documents, security of claimant, 84-7-601


Delivery without indorsement, 84-7-506

Liability, 84-7-505

Negotiations, 84-7-501

Right to compel indorsement, 84-7-506

Injunction, rights of purchaser, 84-7-602

Insurance, warehouse, lien for costs, 84-7-209

Interpleader, 84-7-603

Irregular document, 84-7-401

Issuer, obligations, 84-7-401

Larceny, 84-7-601

Title and rights, 84-7-502

Laws not repealed, 84-10-101

Legal interest before issuance of documents, 84-7-503

Lessees, title to goods, 84-7-504

Letters of credit, adequacy, 84-7-509


Bailee's lien, satisfaction, 84-7-403

Judicial process, 84-7-602

Loss of goods, delivery, 84-7-403

Lost instruments, 84-7-601

Title and rights, 84-7-502

Mail, warehouseman's lien, enforcement, 84-7-210

Misdescription of goods, damages, 84-7-203

Mistake, title and rights, 84-7-502

Negotiability, 84-7-104

Negotiation, 84-7-501

Absence of due negotiation, rights acquired, 84-7-504

Defeat of document by, 84-7-503

Due negotiation, requisites, 84-7-501

Rights acquired by due negotiation, 84-7-502

Warranties, 84-7-507

Nonnegotiable, title and rights, 84-7-104, 84-7-504

Nonreceipt of goods, damages, 84-7-203


Delivery, 84-7-403

Issuer, 84-7-401


Damages, 84-7-402

Liabilities of issuer, 84-7-402

Passing title to goods, 84-2-401

Prima facie evidence, 84-1-307

Reconsignment, delivery, 84-7-403

Regulatory statutes, application, 84-7-103

Release, delivery excused by, 84-7-403

Repeal, laws not repealed, 84-10-101

Right in goods defeated, 84-7-503

Rights of holder, 84-7-502

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Security interest, title to goods, 84-7-503

Statutes, application, 84-7-103

Stop delivery,

Exercise of right, 84-7-403

Seller, 84-7-504

Substitute documents,

Liabilities of issuer, 84-7-402

Requisites for issuance, 84-7-105

Tender of delivery, bailee in possession, 84-2-503

Transfer, warranties, 84-7-507

Treaties, application, 84-7-103

United States statutes, application, 84-7-103

Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index

Warranties, 84-7-507

Collecting bank, 84-7-508


See, also, Animals, generally, this index

Assistance dog, procedures for verification to accompany disabled person, 39-1111

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Fighting, criminal code, 21-6414

Guide dogs,

Liability, 39-1102

Traffic regulations, 8-1542

Use, 39-1102

Hearing assistance, accompanying persons, 39-1107

Injuring livestock, 47-646

Killing, wounding or worrying domestic animal, 47-645

Personal property, 79-1301

Professional therapy dog,

Procedures for verification to accompany disabled persons, 39-1110

Rights of qualified handler, 39-1110

Quarantine order, violation, 47-646a

Rabies. See subhead under Animal Diseases, generally, this index

Racing. Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index

Service, accompanying disabled person, 39-1108

Spayed or neutered, 47-1731


Abuse, generally, this index

Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Adoption, generally, this index

Case management, 23-3507, 23-3508, 23-3509

Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, generally, this index

Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index

Husband and Wife, generally, this index

Kansas family law code, 23-2101 et seq.

Marriage, generally, this index

Mediation, 23-3501 et seq.

Confidentiality and privilege, 23-3505

Parenting time, 23-3501, 23-3401, 23-3507

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Support, generally, this index


Aged persons, aid to, 39-709

Arbitration with other states concerning, 39-110

Blind person, aid to, 39-709

Business agents, labor organizations, 44-804

Certified public accountants, 1-302, 1-308

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a12

Cities of second class, commission government, appointive offices, 14-1502, 14-1504

Cities of third class, mayor and commissioners, 15-1401

City officers and employees, 25-108

Colleges and universities, residence of students, 48-3601, 76-729, 76-730

Defined, 77-201

Nursing homes, 39-923

Dental board, 74-1404

Dependent children, aid, 39-709

Dependent persons, 39-110

Disabled persons, aid to, 39-709

Divorce, 23-2703

Druggists, pharmacy board, 74-1604

Elections, this index

Housing authority commissioners, 17-2341

Incapacitated persons, arbitration with foreign states, 39-110

Insurance company directors, 40-305

Labor organization business agent, 44-804

Legislators, Kan. Const. Art. 2, ยง 4

Library board, 12-1222

Mentally ill or incapacitated persons, 39-110

Mortuary arts board, 74-1701a

Municipal officers and employees, 25-108

Nursing board, 74-1106

Optometry board of examiners, 74-1501

Pharmacy board, 74-1604

Precinct committeemen and committeewomen, political parties, 25-3801

Social welfare, 39-709

Soldiers' home, 76-1908

State institutions, admission requirements, 39-111

State officers and employees, 25-108


Hospital, cities of first class, 13-14b09

Veterans, monuments and memorials, 73-407

Tuberculosis patients, arbitration with other states, 39-110

Turnpike authority, 68-2003

Venue, generally, this index

Veterans' curators, 73-504

Veterans' home, 76-1951 et seq.


Boundaries, 18-122

Highland Presbyterian mission, preservation as historical property, 76-2014 et seq.


Crimes and punishments, 21-5110


Boundaries, 18-123

County buildings,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189

County codes and resolutions, enforcement of, 19-101d

Conservation, open space, cultural heritage, economic development, sales tax, 12-187, 12-189

Land in, sale authorized,

Board of regents, 76-348

University of Kansas, property in city of Lawrence, 76-3,104, 76-3,106

Lone Star Lake, conveyance of land forming part, 19-2695

Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq.


Checks, generally, this index

Closed or failed banks. Banks and Banking, this index

Delivery of documents, 84-2-514

Documentary drafts,

Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-501 et seq.

Dishonor, 84-4-501, 84-4-503

Goods, bank presenting, 84-4-503, 84-4-504

Letters of Credit, this index

Holidays and Saturdays, payment, 52-717

Money, transmission of, 9-508 et seq.

Purchases, rights of financing agency, 84-2-506


Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520

Collection and storage of water, plans showing, 82a-406

Republican River Compact, 82a-518


Generally, 24-101a et seq., 24-401 et seq.

Abandoned watercourse, sale of land, 24-454

Accounts and accounting,

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-711

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Settlement, 19-508

Actions and proceedings,

Appropriation of property within harbor lines, 24-474, 24-475

Railroads, requiring to elevate tracks, 24-437

Recovery of costs, hearing on objections to engineer's report, 24-616

Adjoining landowners,

Contracts for drainage, 24-468

Draining water into drainage system, 24-469

Agreements to allow drainage from land located outside district, 24-611a

Agriculture, state department of, division of water resources, application filed with, 24-418

Annexation of land, 24-611

Arrest, powers of overseers, 24-635

Articles of incorporation, renewal, extension and restoration, 24-654, 24-655

Assessments. Special assessments, post

Benefits assessments commission, valley of natural watercourse, 24-519 et seq.

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Board of supervisors powers, 24-639

Boards and commissions,

Consolidated district, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1104

Directors, post

Drain commissioner, 24-610, 24-626, 24-710 et seq.

Trustees, dissolution, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-647 et seq.

Bonds, 10-101 et seq., 24-408

Changing channel of natural watercourse, 24-421

Cities of first class, 24-492, 24-816 et seq.

Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1105 et seq.

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-486

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-701 et seq.

Elections, 24-425

Costs, 24-428

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-516

Harbor line property, 24-475

Installment payments, 24-430 et seq.

Issuance, 24-134

Limitations, 24-418

Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Registration, 10-601 et seq., 24-621

Resolutions, 24-622

Sale proceeds, 24-624

Sewer systems, 24-408a

Signing and execution, 10-105

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-618 et seq.

Transfer of territory, 24-131

Validating acts, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-643

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-517, 24-518

Bonds (officers and fiduciaries),

Depositories, 24-624

Drain commissioner, 24-610


Alteration or enlarging of, 19-270, 24-403a, 24-498, 24-502a, 24-601a, 24-658a

Swamps or overflowed lands, 24-603, 24-642

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-510 et seq.

Boundary watercourses, jurisdiction and control, 24-453

Sale of abandoned channel, 24-453

Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Channel of watercourse, changing, 24-625, 24-627

Cities of first class, 24-489 et seq.

Cities between 100,000 and 150,000, 13-10,128

Urban areas, 13-10,128 et seq.


Dissolution of districts, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-650, 24-651

Payment, 12-105a, 12-105b

Compensation and salaries,

Benefits assessment commission members, 24-519

Commissioners, drainage on petition to district court, 24-710

Dissolution of districts, 24-648

Election officials, 24-414

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-633

Consolidation, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1101 et seq.

Consolidation of districts, 24-137

Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq.

Construction of improvements, 24-418 et seq.

Contracts, 24-408, 24-415

Between districts, 24-449

Bids and bidding, 24-426, 24-610, 24-626

Bond of contractor, 24-426

Federal agencies, 24-448

Foreign municipalities, 24-111 et seq.

Landowner, drainage outside district, 24-468

Municipal corporations, 24-408

Railroads, 24-450 et seq.

Sewer systems, 24-408a

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-525

Corporations, 24-405

Joint districts, 24-664

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-639

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-504

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-481 et seq.

Counties between 90,000 and 135,000, completion of work, 24-117 et seq.

County engineer, duties, cities of first class, 24-493

County treasurer,

Compensation, 24-116

Duties, 24-415

Payment of funds, completion of work, 24-118

Creation or enlargement, approval, 19-270

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Damaging works or improvements, 24-456, 24-636, 24-715

Failure of officers to perform duties, 24-455

Failure to secure approval of improvements, 24-126

Interfering with possession of property, harbor lines, 24-473

Damages, obstructing or injuring property, 24-457

Damaging dike or other work, arrest, 24-635

Dams and reservoirs, construction or improvements, 24-403, 24-418 et seq.

Depositories, 24-115

Detachment of territory, 24-498

Directors, 24-409

Agents of state, property appropriated within harbor lines, 24-472

Compensation and expenses, 24-135

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-484

County commissioners, acting as, 24-499

County directors, 24-509

Election, 24-412, 24-412a, 24-414, 24-459

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-504 et seq.

Joint districts, 24-662, 24-665

Meetings, valley of natural watercourse, 24-510, 24-527

Nomination and election, 24-414, 24-508

Officers of board, valley of natural watercourse, 24-510

Organization of board, 24-415

Powers and duties, 24-407

Powers of county commissioners after completion of work by district, 24-119, 24-124

Qualifications, 24-409

Terms of office, 24-409, 24-412, 24-412a

Vacancies in office, 24-413, 24-527a

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-504 et seq.

Dissolution, 24-139, 24-499, 24-499a

Counties between 90,000 and 135,000, 24-119

Disposition of funds, 24-499a

Dissolution of portion, 24-668

Inoperative districts, 24-4,100

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-647 et seq.

Division of water resources, application filed with, 24-418

Drainage from land located outside district, agreements to allow, 24-611a

Easements, 24-125

Cities of first class, 24-490

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-486

Harbor line property, 24-476

Rights of way by state agencies, 75-2130 et seq.


Ballots, 24-508

Bonds, 24-420, 24-425

Canvass of returns, valley of natural watercourse, 24-509

Compensation, election officials, 24-414

Counties over 130,000, expenses, 19-3435

Directors, ante

Filing fee, 24-414

First election after organization, 24-406

Governing body of consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1104

Improvements, 24-418, 24-423

Joint districts,

Approval by municipalities, 24-660

Directors, 24-665a

Organization, 24-662

List of freeholders, valley of natural watercourse, 24-507

Notice, 24-414

Qualified voters, 24-410, 24-459

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-484

Counties over 150,000, 24-414

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-507

Return of powers to directors from county commissioners, 24-122

Special elections, 24-641a

Supervisors, 24-605

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-505, 24-506, 24-527

Emergency fund, 24-136

Emergency improvements, 24-496

Emergency no-fund warrants, 24-133

Eminent domain, 24-125, 24-467

Cities of first class, 24-490

Harbor lines, 24-470 et seq.

Railroad property, 24-438

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-212

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Engineers, 24-417

Benefit assessment commission members, 24-519

Chief engineer,

Approval of organization, 24-661

Dissolution of portion, duties, 24-668

Extension of territory, 24-667

Reports, 24-418, 24-419

Sewer system construction and maintenance, 24-408a

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-513 et seq.

Enlargement of district, 24-463

Excavations, regulation of, 24-132

Expenditure of funds, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.


Elections, 24-414

Proposed joint district not approved, 24-663

Extension of territory,

Approval of secretary of state and chief engineer, 24-667

Petition, 24-667

Swamps and overflowed lands, land outside district benefited, 24-611

Federal aid, cities of first class, 24-491

Fees, 24-616

Financial statements and reports, 24-415, 24-608

Finney County,

Annexation, 24-138

Election of directors, 24-412

Staggering of director terms, 24-139a

Flood control, contracts, 12-638

Eminent domain proceedings, authorization 12-638


Accounts and accounting, 24-415

Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1106

Payment to county treasurer, completion of work, 24-118

General fund, 24-495 et seq.

Election expenses, 24-414

Emergency improvements, 24-497

Gifts, 24-449

Harbor lines, 24-470 et seq.


Enlargement of district, 24-465, 24-466

Organization petition, 24-404

Swamps or overflowed lands, 24-603

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-502, 24-503

Special assessments, 24-424

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-524

Transfer of territory, 24-129, 24-130

Improvement district, incorporation as improvement district, 19-2786 et seq.

Improvements, authority of chief engineer, 24-126

Industrial districts, impairment of powers, 19-3818

Investment of idle funds, 12-1675 et seq.

Joinder, drainage on petition to district court, 24-703

Joint city-county systems, 12-6,102

Assessment, 12-6,103

Protest petition, election, 12-6,104

Joint districts, 24-601 et seq., 24-656 et seq.

Annual meeting, 24-665a

Extension of territory, approval, 24-667

Organization, 24-657

Circulation of counterpart of petition, 24-660

Directors, 24-662, 24-665a

Election, 24-662

Officers, 24-662

Petition, 24-658

Certification and approval, 24-661

Form, 24-659

Steering committee, 24-662, 24-663

Kansas river, 24-132

Lateral drains, outlet, 24-629


Bonds, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1107

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-713

Special assessments, 24-623

Limitation of actions, 24-434

Loans, 24-621

Mandamus, harbor line property, removal of personal property, 24-477

Materialmen's liens, drainage on petition to district court, 24-713


Notice, 24-416

Taxpayers, proposed improvements, 24-423

Missouri districts, consolidation with state districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1101 et seq.

Multi-county districts, 24-601 et seq.

Municipal lands, inclusion, 24-402

Names, 24-405, 24-483

Swamps or overflowed lands, 24-639

No-fund warrants, emergencies, 24-133

Nonresident owners, organization, 24-458, 24-602

North Topeka, juvenile correctional complex, right of way, 76-2120, 76-2130

Obstructing drains or watercourses, 24-635, 24-636, 24-715

Officers and employees,

Compensation and expenses, 24-135, 24-608, 24-635

Directors, ante

Dissolution, 24-648

Engineers, ante

Failure to perform duties, 24-455

Guards and laborers, 24-429

Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1110

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-633

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-522

Oil and gas proceeds, payment, 70a-116

Organization, 24-401

Boundaries, limitation, 24-403a, 24-502a, 24-601a, 24-658a

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-481, 24-482, 24-483

Hearing, 24-405

Joint districts, ante

Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1110

Nonresident owners, 24-458

Notice, hearing on petition, 24-404

Petition, 24-403, 24-661

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-502

Subdistricts, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-630

Swamp or overflowed lands, 24-601 et seq.

Validating acts, 24-641

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-501 et seq.

Outlet or discharge of two or more districts into stream, apportionment of expense, 24-628

Overseers, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-635

Pending proceedings, drainage on petition to district court, 24-704


Consolidation, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1102

Detachment of land, 24-498

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-701 et seq.

Enlargement of district, 24-463, 24-464

Organization, ante

Renewal, extension and restoration of articles of incorporation, 24-654

Repair work, 24-712

Transfer of territory, 24-128

Powers, 24-408, 24-429, 24-495 et seq.

Boundary watercourses, 24-453

Cities of first class, 24-489 et seq.

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-485, 24-486

Drain commissioner, 24-610

Joint districts, 24-664

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-612, 24-625, 24-639

Trustees, dissolution, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-648

Railroads, elevating tracks, 24-437

Reclaimed land from navigable waters, recovery by state, use, 24-103

Records, 24-415, 24-618

Consolidation, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1103

Hearings on objections to engineer's report, 24-615

Organization, 24-406

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-504

Repairs, 24-429


Dissolution of district, 24-653

Engineers, 24-418, 24-419

Swamps and overflowed lands, objections, 24-613 et seq.

Joint district formation, 24-661

Petition to district court, 24-702, 24-705

Sale of property,

Abandoned watercourse, 24-454

Dissolution of district, 24-652

Sand and gravel, sale, 82a-309, 82a-311

Seals, 24-415, 24-608


Construction and maintenance, 24-408, 24-408a

Outlets for municipalities, flood gates and pumping apparatus, 24-452

Sinking fund, valley of natural watercourse, 24-518

Special assessments, 24-422, 24-424, 24-523, 24-524

Special assessments,

Assessors, 24-422

Changing channel of natural watercourse, 24-421

Cities of first class, 24-816 et seq.

Contesting, 24-424, 24-638

Contracts between districts, 24-449

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-486

Deficits, additional assessments, 24-462

Installment payments, 24-430 et seq.

Irregularities, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-637

Liens, 24-623

Petition to district court, 24-707

Meetings of taxpayers, 24-423

Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1112

Negligence of landowner, repairs, 24-634

Notice and hearings, 24-424, 24-524

Railroads, 24-422

Relevy, 24-436

Streets, highways or railroads, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-620

Subdistricts, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-630

Supplemental assessments,

Correction of errors, 24-435

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-619

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-609 et seq.

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-519, 24-520, 24-523

Storm drainage districts, urban area counties, 19-27,129 et seq.


Compensation and expenses, 24-135, 24-608

Election, 24-605, 24-606a

Oath of office, 24-607

Organization of board, 24-608

Term of office, 24-605

Vacancies, 24-605

Surveys, 24-417, 24-419, 24-467

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-702

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-609

Land outside district benefited, 24-611

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-513 et seq.

Swamps and overflowed lands,

Extension of territory, land outside district benefited, 24-611

Overseers, 24-635

Perpetual succession, 24-640a

Special assessments, 24-609 et seq.

Surveys, 24-609

Taxation, 24-124, 24-408, 24-621

Bonds, 24-418, 24-420

Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1105 et seq.

Dissolution expenses, 24-649, 24-651

Emergency improvements, 24-497

Harbor line property, 24-475

Joint districts,

Disapproval of organizations, expenses, 24-663

Initial organization and administrative expenses, 24-665

Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1111

Railroad contracts, 24-450a

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-618

Validating acts, swamps and overflowed lands, 24-644

Territory, 24-402

Time, hearing on organization, 24-404

Title to property, dissolution of district, 24-652

Transfers of territory, 24-127 et seq., 24-140 et seq.

Treasurer, powers and duties, 24-415

Two or more counties, joint districts, 24-656 et seq.

Validating acts, counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-487

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-501 et seq.

Bonds, issuance, 24-516, 24-517

Sinking fund, 24-518

Directors, powers, 24-512

Elections, 24-506


Application of law, 24-632

Consolidated districts, Missouri lands ceded to Kansas, 24-1106

Dissolution of district, 24-649

Joint districts, initial organization and administrative expenses, 24-665

Transfer of territory, 24-131

Water supply, interference, 24-418

Watercourse boundaries,

Jurisdiction, 24-453

Sale of abandoned channel, 24-453

Watershed Districts, generally, this index

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1319


Generally, 12-617 et seq., 24-101a et seq.

Action against township, 24-213

Altering channels of watercourses, 24-421

Appeal and review, petition to district court, 24-702, 24-706

Assessments. Special assessments, post

Bonds, 10-101 et seq.

Cities of first class, 24-492

Urban areas, 13-10,133

Improvement, 12-624

Petition for establishment of system, 24-303

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-618 et seq.

Townships, 24-202

Transfer of territory, 24-131

Changing channel of natural watercourse, 24-421

Cities, 12-631r, 12-631s

Ponds, 12-1617e

Cities of first class, 13-1013, 13-1057b et seq., 24-489 et seq.

Bonds, 13-1017, 13-1057d

Cities over 160,000, 13-1055b

Contracts, 13-1017

Counties, joint construction of outlets, 12-631q

Districts, 13-1013

Eminent domain, joint construction of outlets with counties, 12-631q

Floodgates in sewers, 13-1056

Mains, 13-1055a

Railroads and street railways, regulation, 13-1904

Special assessments, 13-1013

Cities of second class, 14-516 et seq., 14-701a et seq.

Cities of third class, public improvements, 15-731

Construction, 12-618

Contracts, 24-408

Between drainage districts, 24-449

Bids and bidding, 24-313, 24-426

Federal agencies, 24-448

Foreign municipalities, 24-111 et seq.

Municipal corporations, 24-408

Railroads, 24-450 et seq.

Townships, 24-212

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-525


Contracts with cities for maintenance, 17-624

Special assessments, 46-156

Costs, 12-617 et seq.

Counties, 19-212, 24-301 et seq.

Joint construction of outlets, 12-631q

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-481 et seq.

Counties between 90,000 and 135,000, completion of work, 24-117 et seq.

County treasurer,

Compensation, 24-116

Payment of funds, completion of work, 24-118

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Failure to secure approval of improvements, 24-126

Obstructing or injuring, 24-206, 24-307, 24-715


Obstructions, 24-206, 24-307

Petition to district court, 24-708

Depositories, funds, 24-115

District court, drainage on petition, 24-701 et seq.

Drain commissioners, drainage on petition to district court, 24-701 et seq.

Easements, 24-125

Harbor line property, 24-479

Eminent domain, 12-622, 24-125, 24-467

Cities of first class, 24-490

County drainage of surface waters along highways, 24-108

Damages, 26-513

Establishment of system by county, 24-305

Railroad property, 24-438

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-612

Townships, 24-204

Engineers, 24-417

Excavations, regulation of, 24-132

Expenses, 12-617 et seq.

Fees, drainage on petition to district court, 24-710

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante


Payment to county treasurer, completion of work, 24-118

Use after completion of work, counties between 90,000 and 135,000, 24-124

General Improvement and Assessment Law, 12-6a01 et seq.

Harbor lines, 24-470 et seq.


Establishment of systems by counties, 24-305

Townships, 24-204

Transfer of territory, 24-129, 24-130

Interlocal cooperation, 12-2901 et seq.

Irrigation works, seepage waters, 42-353, 42-354

Joinder, drainage on petition to district court, 24-703

Joint districts, 24-601 et seq.

Kansas river, 24-132

Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index

Liens, petition to district court, 24-707, 24-713

Limitation of actions, township construction, 24-213

Main drains and sewers,

Construction across highways, vacant lots, 12-620

Extension beyond corporate limits, 12-622, 12-623, 12-624

Materialmen's lien, drainage on petition to district court, 24-713

Nonresident landowners, 24-458 et seq.


Establishment of system, 24-303

Townships, 24-202, 24-204

Transfer of territory, 24-129

Objections, petition to district court, 24-702, 24-705

Obstructing, 24-206, 24-307, 24-715

Obstructions in watercourses, removal, 24-418

Pending proceedings, drainage on petition to district court, 24-704


Drainage on petition to district court, 24-701 et seq.

Townships, 24-202

Transfer of territory, 24-128


Construction, 66-501

Elevating tracks, 24-437

Reclaimed land from navigable waters, use, 24-103

Records, drainage on petition to district court, 24-709

Repairs, 24-429

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-712

Reports, petition to district court, 24-702, 24-705

Roads and highways,

Advance acquisition, real property, 68-423a, 68-423b

County drainage of surface waters along highways, 24-108

Keeping drains open, 68-115

Sand bars, removal, 24-418

Service of process, foreign municipalities, contracts, 24-113, 24-114

Sewage disposal system, not drainage, 12-631i

Special assessments, 12-617 et seq., 24-313 et seq.

Cities of first class, 24-816 et seq.

Corporations, 24-215, 24-316

Counties between 85,000 and 130,000, 24-486

County drainage of surface waters along highways, 24-109

Deficits, additional assessments, 24-462

Disclosure, 12-6,123

Establishment of system by counties, 24-306

Installment payments, 12-618, 24-430 et seq.

Storm sewers and drains. Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-613 et seq.

Townships, 24-205, 24-212

Storm sewers and drains. Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Surveys, 24-419, 24-467

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-702

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-513 et seq.

Swamps, bottoms and lowlands, 24-301 et seq.

Tax assessments, 12-617 et seq.

Taxation, 24-124, 24-302

Completion of work in counties of 90,000 to 135,000, 24-121

County drainage of surface waters along highways, 24-108

Drainage on petition to district court, 24-707

Railroad contracts, 24-450a

Swamps and overflowed lands, 24-618

Township, injunction, 24-213

Taxing districts, 12-617, 12-618

Townships, 24-201 et seq.

Transfer of territory, 24-127 et seq., 24-140 et seq.

Valley of natural watercourse, 24-501 et seq.


Highway surface waters, 24-109

Transfer of territory, 24-131

Water office Kansas, duties, 74-2608

Watershed development, 24-901 et seq.

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1313a et seq.

Widening or deepening ditch, drain or watercourse, 24-216


Driver training schools. Generally, 8-273 et seq.; see also, Motor Vehicles, this index

Schools and School Districts, this index


Motor Vehicles, this index


Stopping or parking vehicles, 8-1571


Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index


Counties, emergency relief, 19-3001 et seq.

Dams for collection and storage of waters, access, 82a-408

Declaration of state of, 48-924

Guidelines and advice, 74-2608


Alcohol and Drug Abuse, generally, this index


Crisis intervention act. See Mentally Ill Persons, Care and treatment act for mentally ill persons, this index


Crimes, punishments and penalties, 21-5709, 21-5710, 21-5711

Forfeitures, 60-4101 et seq.

Simulated drugs. Drugs and Medicines, this index


See, also, Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index; Health Care Providers, generally, this index

Administration of certain drugs authorized, when, 65-16,129

Adult care homes, 65-1648

Adulteration, drugs and medicine, 65-1634

Advertising, regulation, 65-1650

Age, 65-1631

Alcoholism, 65-1627, 65-1631

Assistants, pharmacy technicians, 65-1663

Automated prescription drug dispensing systems, supervision, 65-1637d

Bioequivalency, 65-1637

Board of pharmacy, 74-1603 et seq.

Appointment, 74-1604

Attorney, 74-1606, 74-1607

Civil fines, 65-1657, 65-1658

Collaborative drug therapy management advisory committee, 65-1677

Compensation and expenses, 74-1607

Confidential records, 65-1627k

Consultation with bureau of investigation, 75-722

Controlled substances act,

Administration, 65-4102 et seq.

Emergency scheduling of analogs and new drugs, 65-4102

Enforcement, 65-4130

Pharmacy audit integrity act, 65-16,121 et seq.

Audit reports, 65-16,124, 65-16,125

Pharmacy benefits manager, 65-16,122

Procedural requirements, 65-16,123

Registration and dispensing, 65-4116 et seq.

Fees, 65-4115

Revocation or suspension, 65-4118 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 65-4120

Disciplinary proceedings, 65-1627a et seq.

Emergency proceedings, 65-1627

Executive secretary, 74-1606, 74-1609

Inspections, 65-4131

Interns, pharmacis, 65-1676

Kidney failure treatment, 65-1660

Licenses and permits, post

Meetings, 74-1608

Membership, 74-1603

Oaths, 74-1605, 74-1610

Office, location, 74-1603

Officers and employees, 74-1606

Orders, appeals from, 65-4120

Pharmacy continuous quality improvement program,

Administration, 65-1695

Protective orders, 65-1695

Rules and regulations, 65-1695, 65-16,127

Prescription monitoring program act,

Acceptance of gifts and grants, 65-1683

Consultation with advisory committee, 65-1691

Contracts, 65-1686

Fees, 65-1684

Fund, 65-1694a

Information database, 65-1685

Powers and duties, 65-1683, 65-1684, 65-1685, 65-1686, 65-1691

Precription monitoring program advisory committee, 65-1685

Report, 65-1691

Rules and regulations, 65-1683, 65-1692

Violations, 65-1627

Prescription-only drugs, advertising, 65-1650

Qualifications, 74-1604

Ratio, pharmacy technicians to pharmacists, 65-1663

Reports, 74-1608

Rules and regulations, 65-1630, 65-1631, 65-1632, 65-1637a, 65-1637e, 65-1643, 65-1645, 65-1646, 65-1648, 65-1655, 65-1656, 65-1657, 65-1660, 65-1663, 65-16,106, 65-16,127, 65-4102

Schools and colleges, approval, 65-1631

State pharmaceutical association, nomination of members, 74-1605

Statewide electronic logging system for sale of methamphetamine precursor act,


Collection and maintenance, 65-16,105

Provision of, 65-16,104

Implementation, 65-16,103

Powers and duties, 65-16,102, 65-16,103, 65-16,104, 65-16,105

Rules and regulations, 65-16,106

Waivers, 65-16,102

Technicians, ratio to pharmacists, 65-1663

Terms of office, 74-1603, 74-1604

Utilization of unused medications act,

Powers and duties, 65-1670, 65-1674

Rules and regulations, 65-1674

Vacancies, 74-1603

Wholesale distributor, supervision of, 65-1660

Book, prescription orders, 65-1642

Brand exchange, 65-1637

Change of address or email address, 65-1633

Civil fines, 65-1658

Cleanliness, 65-1642

Collaborative drug therapy management advisory committee, 65-1677

Compounding prescriptions, 65-1635

Confidential communications, 65-1654

Controlled substances. Drugs and Medicines, this index

Conviction of crime, 65-1627, 65-1638

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1634, 65-1641, 65-1643, 65-1646, 65-1657, 65-16,107

Civil fines, 65-1658

Conditions of disciplinary action, 67-1627l

Renewal of registration, 65-1632

Definitions, 65-1626

Disciplinary proceedings,

Conditions, 65-1627l

Dispensing prescriptions, 65-1635, 65-1656

Drug abusers, 65-1627, 65-1631

Drug room. Institutional drug room, post

Drug screen, licensee, 65-1627

Education, 65-1627, 65-1631

Electronic logging system for sale of methamphetamine precursor act. Statewide electronic logging system for sale of methamphetamine precursor act, ante

Electronic transfer of prescriptions, 65-1656

Emergency care at scene of accident, liability, 65-2891

Emergency opioid antagonists, 65-16,127

English, ability to communicate in, 65-1631

Entry on property, 65-1629

Epinephrine kits, 72-6283

Evidence, records, 74-1611

Examination, 65-1625 et seq.

Fee, 65-1631

Licensure, 74-1608

Experience, 65-1631

Family planning clinics, 65-1648

Federal drug supply chain security act, violations, 65-1627

Federally qualified health center, 65-1648


Criminal background check, 65-1696

Disposition, 74-1609

Duplicate licenses, registrations and permits, 65-1644

Evaluation fee, 65-1631

Examination fee, 65-1631, 65-1645

Fingerprints, 65-1696

Interns, 65-1676

Licenses, 65-1645

Pharmacy fee fund, 74-1609

Pharmacy student, 65-1643

Reciprocal licensure, 65-1631

Reinstatement application, 65-1643

Reinstatement of license, 65-1632

Renewal of registration, 65-1632, 65-1657

Files, prescription orders, 65-1642

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, violation, 65-1627

Fraud, licenses and permits, 65-1627

Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice of, 65-2872

Health boards, joint board membership, 65-205

Health departments, 65-1648

Home health agencies, 65-1659

Hospices, 65-1659

Hospitals, 65-1648

Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924

Inactive status registration, 65-1632

Incapacitated or incompetent, 65-1627

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Indigent health care clinic, 65-1648

Injunctions, 65-1647, 65-1657, 65-4132

Inspection and inspectors, 65-1629, 74-1607

Prescription book or file, 65-1642

Institutional drug room, 65-1626

Inspections, 65-1629

Practitioner, defined, 65-1637a

Recordkeeping, 65-1637a

Registration, 65-1643

Fees, 65-1645

Rules and regulations concerning, 65-1637a

Storage of drugs, 65-1637a

Supervision, 65-1637a

Interns, pharmacist, 65-1676

Liability, emergency care, 65-2891

Licenses and permits, 65-1625 et seq., 74-139

Appeal and review, 65-1628

Application for, 65-1631

Conditions, 65-1642

Continuing education, 65-1632

Criminal background check, 65-1696

Denial of, grounds for, 65-1627

Display, 65-1641, 65-1645

Duplicates, 65-1644

Exemption from registration under Controlled Substances Act, 65-4116

Fees, 65-1645

Fingerprints, 65-1696

Graduates of unapproved schools, fees, 65-1631

Grounds for disciplinary action, 65-1627

Hearings, 65-1627

Inactive status, 65-1632

Probationary status, grounds, 65-1627

Proceedings, 65-1627a et seq.

Nonresident pharmacy's failure to respond, civil fine, 65-1657

Reciprocal licensure, 65-1631

Records, 74-1609

Reinstatement, 65-1632

Renewal of, 65-1632

Surrender, voluntary, 65-1627

Suspension or revocation, 65-1627

Appeals, 65-1628

Unlawful display, 65-1641

Violations of laws, 65-1638, 65-1658

Malpractice reporting, immunity, 65-1652

Medication profile record system, 65-1642

Mental examination, licensee, 65-1627

Mid-level practitioner, 65-1626, 65-1627

Prescribing controlled substances, 65-4123

Minimum equipment, 65-1642

Mislabeling drugs and medicines, 65-1634

Nonresident pharmacies, registration, 65-1657

Nonresident pharmacy,

Failure to respond to board inquiry, civil fine, 65-1657

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Personnel, limitations, 65-1642

Pharmacy, practice of, 65-1626a

Pharmacy student or intern,

Vaccine, administration, 65-1635a

Pharmacy technicians, 65-1663

Physical examination, licensee, 65-1627

Poisons, sale of, 65-1638

Prescription book or file, 65-1642

Transferred from another pharmacy, 65-1656

Prescription monitoring program act, 65-1681 et seq.

Advisory committee, 65-1689

Charges and fees, 65-1684

Citation of act, 65-1681

Contractors, 65-1686

Unlawful acts, penalties, 65-1693

Database, 65-1685

Confidential, 65-1685

Exceptions to confidentiality, 65-1685

Maintenance of records, 65-1687

Definitions, 65-1682


Failure to submit information, penalties, 65-1693


Board of pharmacy, 65-1683, 65-1684, 65-1685, 65-1686

Civil, 65-1688

Dispensers, 65-1683

Fees, 65-1684


Database, 65-1685

Confidential, 65-1685

Exceptions to confidentiality, 65-1685

Maintenance of records, 65-1687

Electronic transmission of, 65-1683

Waiver, 65-1683

Failure to submit,

Penalties, 65-1693

Required, 65-1683

Liability, civil, 65-1688

Penalties, 65-1693

Report, 65-1691

Rules and regulations, 65-1683

Violations, 65-1627

Prescription monitoring program advisory committee,

Cooperation with other entities, 65-1690, 65-1691

Created, 65-1689

Membership, 65-1689

Terms, 65-1689

Prescription-only drugs, 65-1650

Prescription orders, 65-1637

Brand exchange, 65-1637

Compounding and filling, 65-1635, 65-1637, 65-1656

Confidentiality, 65-1654

Electronic transfers, 65-1656

Electronic transmission, 65-1642

Medication profile record, 65-1642

Refilling, 65-1637, 65-1656

Price posting, prescription-only drugs, 65-1650

Privileged communications, 65-1654

Professional incompetency, 65-1627

Protocols, home health agencies and hospices, 65-1659

Qualifications, 65-1631

Reciprocity, 65-1631

Records, 74-1609

Evidence, 74-1611

Medication profile record system, 65-1642

Prescription orders, 65-1642, 65-1656

Registers, evidence, 74-1611

Registrations and permits, 65-1643

Application, 65-1645, 65-1655

Duplicates, 65-1644

Fees, 65-1645

Manufacturers, 65-1643d

Nonresident pharmacies, 65-1657

Suspension or revocation, 65-1646

Reports, risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

Rules and regulations. Board of pharmacy, ante

Sale of drugs, 65-1636

Exceptions to act, 65-1636

Sale of drugs and poisons, 65-1638, 65-1640

Sanitation, 65-1642


Epinephrine kits, 72-6283

Schools and colleges, approval, 65-1631

State pharmaceutical association, nominations, 74-1605

Statewide electronic logging system for sale of methamphetamine precursor act, 65-16,101 et seq.

Board of pharmacy,


Collection and maintenance, 65-16,105

Provision of, 65-16,104

Implementation, 65-16,103

Powers and duties, 65-16,102, 65-16,103, 65-16,104, 65-16,105

Rules and regulations, 65-16,106

Waivers, 65-16,102

Citation, 65-16,108

Civil liability, 65-16,102

Confidentiality, 65-16,104

Exceptions, 65-16,104

Costs, 65-16,103

Crimes and penalties, 65-16,107

Definitions, 65-16,101

Funding of, 65-16,103

Lawful prescriptions, 65-16,102

Pharmacy duties, 65-16,102

Rules and regulations, 65-16,106

Violations of act, 65-16,107

Waivers, 65-16,102

Suicide, assisting, 60-4401 et seq.

Technical equipment, 65-1642

Technicians, pharmacy technicians, 65-1663

Telepharmacy, 65-16,130

Title, use, 65-636

Uniform controlled substances act, violation, 65-1627

Unprofessional conduct, 65-1626, 65-1627

Utensils, minimum equipment, 65-1642

Utilization of unused medications act. Drugs and Medicines, this index

Vaccine, administration, 65-1635a


See, also, Chemical Control Act, this index

Generally, 65-655 et seq.

Abuse, potential for,

Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109

Schedule IV, 65-4111

Schedule V, 65-4113

Abusers. See Drug Abuse, generally, this index

Administered by pharmacists, when, 65-16,129

Administering drugs, 65-1635

Adult care homes, emergency medication kit, 65-1648

Adulteration, 65-657, 65-660, 65-668

Responsibility, 65-1634


False, 65-657, 65-672

Prescription-only drugs, 65-1650

Aircraft, operating under the influence, 3-1002

Alcoholic liquor. Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index

Amphetamines, prescribing, 65-2837, 65-2837a

Amygdalin. Laetrile, generally, this index

Anabolic steroids. See subhead Steroids, anabolic under Controlled substances, post

Analogs, controlled substance. See subhead Analogs, controlled substance under Controlled substances, post

Auction sale, 65-1643

Automated dispensing system, registration, 65-1643, 65-1645

Bioequivalency, 65-1637

Biological products, 65-1626, 65-1637

Boating under influence of, 32-1125, 32-1130 et seq.

Brands, marks and labels,

Alteration of labels, 65-657

Approval, 65-1643

Counterfeiting, 65-657

Dimethyl sulfoxide, 65-679a

Misbranded, 65-657, 65-660, 65-669

Mislabeling, responsibility, 65-1634

Caustic or corrosive substances, 65-643 et seq.

CBD oil, 65-6235

Children, labeling use, 65-669

Children and minors, examination and treatment of minors for abuse, 65-2892a

Civil fines, pharmacy act licensees or registrants, 65-1658

Coloring, 65-668

Commercial feeds, tags or labels, 2-1002

Commitment. See subhead Treatment act under Drug Abuse, this index

Compounding, 65-1626, 65-1637e

Condemnation, 65-660 et seq.

Confidential information, 65-657

Consumer protection, 65-675

Controlled substances,

Abuses, determination, 65-4102

Actions, pending July 1, 1972, 65-4137

Administration, 65-4101 et seq.

Admissibility of field test of alleged controlled substance, preliminary hearing, 22-2902c

Analogs, controlled substance,

Scheduling, 65-4102

Appeal and review, 65-4120 et seq.

Board of pharmacy, 65-4102 et seq.

Administration, 65-4102

Appeals from orders of, 65-4120

Controlled substance analogs, 65-4102

Enforcement, 65-4130

Registration, 65-4116 et seq.

Fees, 65-4115

Rules and regulations, 65-4102, 65-4120, 65-4123, 65-4127c

Cannabinoids, 65-4105

Chemical components, regulation of, 65-7001 et seq.

Chemical Control Act, this index

Components, regulation of, 65-7001 et seq.

Crimes, punishments and penalties, post

Definitions, 65-4101 et seq.


Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109

Schedule IV, 65-4111


Limitations, 65-1643, 65-4123

Registration, 65-4116 et seq.

Schedule III, IV and V drugs, 65-1656

Distributors, registration, 65-4116 et seq.

Driving under influence of, post

Drug abuse treatment, 75-5375 et seq.

Drug Paraphernalia, this index

Drug rooms, medical care facilities, 65-4138

Effects of, preconceptual and perinatal,

Public awareness campaign, 65-1,160

Emergencies, prescriptions, 65-4123

Enforcement of law, 65-4130

Fees for registration and dispensing, 65-4115

Forfeiture, asset seizure and forfeiture act, Kansas standard, 60-4101 et seq.

Gratuitous distribution prohibited, schedules II, III, IV and V, 65-4123a

Guidelines for treatment of pain, 65-2838


Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109

Hospitals, possession and supplying, 65-4138

Information confidential, 65-4134

Ingredients, regulation of, 65-7001 et seq.

Injunction, violations of act, 65-4132

Inspections, 65-4131

Laboratories, approval of, 65-1,107, 65-1,108

Licensure. Registration, post

Manufacture of, chemical components, 65-7001 et seq.

Manufacturers, registration, 65-4116 et seq.


Excise tax abatement, 75-5154

Schedule I, 65-4105

Taxation, 79-5201 et seq.

Mid-level practitioner,

Exemption from registration, 65-4116, 65-4123

Murder in perpetration of certain offenses, 21-5402


Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109

Schedule V, 65-4113

Opium and opiates,

Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109


Appeal from orders of board, 65-4120

Show cause, board of pharmacy, 65-4119


Guidelines for treatment of, 65-2838

Pain patient's quality of care act, 65-4975 et seq.

Penalties. Crimes and penalties, post


Native American church, 65-4116

Schedule I, 65-4105

Precursor chemicals, regulation of, 65-7001 et seq.

Prescription orders, electronic transmission of, 65-16,128

Prescriptions, 65-2837a, 65-4117, 65-4123

Forwarding, 65-1656

Record retention, 65-4123

Proceedings pending July 1, 1972, 65-4137

Records and inventories by registrant, 65-4121


Order forms for distributions by, 65-4121, 65-4122

Records and inventories of, 65-4121

Registration, 65-4115 et seq.

Denial, 65-4119

Dispensers, 65-4116 et seq.

Distributors, 65-4116 et seq.

Exemptions, 65-4116

Refusal to renew, 65-4119

Requirements, 65-4116 et seq.

Termination of, 65-4116

Schedule I,

Designated prescription substances, 65-4117, 65-4123

Order forms for distributions between registrants, 65-4122

Schedule II,

Order forms for distributions between registrants, 65-4122


Emergency scheduling, 65-4102

Rescheduling, 65-4102

Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109

Schedule IV, 65-4111

Schedule V, 65-4113

Search warrant procedure, 65-4133

Steroids, anabolic,

Prescriptions, unprofessional conduct, 65-2837

Schedule III, 65-4109


Schedule I, 65-4105

Schedule II, 65-4107

Schedule III, 65-4109

Schedule IV, 65-4111

Schedule V, 65-4113

Tax stamp act, 79-5201 et seq.

Treatment of pain, guidelines for, 65-2838

Workers compensation, 44-501

Cooperation, federal food and drug administration, 65-678

Cosmetics, inspection purposes, 65-674

Counterfeiting, labels, 65-657

Crimes, punishments and penalties. See subhead Controlled substances under Crimes and Punishments, this index

Dangerous drugs,

Inquisitions in criminal cases, 22-3101 et seq.

Nuisances. Criminal Procedure, this index

Decomposed substance, 65-668

Deleterious substance, 65-668


Nitrous oxide use, 65-1444

Prescriptions, 65-1423, 65-1438, 65-1444, 65-1445

Depressants. Controlled substances, ante

Destruction, 65-660

Deterioration, 65-669

Dialysates, 65-1660

Dialysis drugs and devises,

Distribution, 65-1660

Dimethyl sulfoxide, labeling requirements, 65-679a

Directions, approval, 65-1643

Discounts, prescription-only drugs, 65-1650


Exceptions, unused medications act, 65-1636

Licensure and fees, 65-4115

Prescriptions, 65-1635

Registered wholesaler, 65-1635, 65-1660

Veterinarian prescriptions, 65-1635

Display, registrations and permits, 65-1645

Dissemination of information, 65-675

Dispensing limitations, 65-1636, 65-4123a

Dosage, 65-669

Driving under influence of, 8-1001 et seq., 8-1567

Drug abuse and prevention. See subhead Secretary for children and families under Children and Families, Kansas Department for, this index; Alcohol and Drug Abuse, generally, this index

Drug formulary, medicaid program, 39-7,116 et seq.

Advisory committee, drug formulary, 39-7,121a

Drug Paraphernalia, generally, this index

Druggists, generally, this index

Drugs of concern, prescription monitoring program act, 65-1681 et seq.

Durable medical equipment,


Fee, 65-1645

Revocation, suspension or probation, 65-1627

Embargo, 65-660 et seq.

Embargoed article, removal or disposal, 65-657

Emergencies, 65-4123

Emergency medication kit, 65-1648

Emergency opiod antagonists, 65-16,127

Entry on property, inspection purposes, 65-674

Epinephrine, schools, 65-1680, 72-6283

Emergency administration of, liability, 65-2872b

Examination of, 65-674

Extended care facilities, emergency medication kit, 65-1648

Factories, access for inspection, 65-674

False advertisement, 65-657, 65-672

False guaranty, 65-657

False labeling, 65-657, 65-669

False undertaking, 65-657

Family planning clinics, keeping and supplying, 65-1648

Federal food and drug administration, cooperation, 65-678

Federally qualified health center,

Keeping and supplying, 65-1648

Fees, 65-4115

Condemnation proceedings, 65-660

Registrations and permits, 65-1645

Filthy substance, 65-668

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Flea markets, restrictions, 19-2243

Flying under influence of, 3-1001 et seq.

Food, drug and cosmetic act, 65-655 et seq.

Forfeitures, 65-660, 65-4118

Asset seizure and forfeiture act, 60-4101 et seq.

Forgery, labels, 65-657

Generic name, 65-1637

Guaranty, false, 65-657

Hallucinogenics. Controlled substances, ante

Hazardous household articles, 65-2701

Health departments, keeping and supplying, 65-1648

Home health agencies, drug handling and storage, 65-1659

Hospices, drug handling and storage, 65-1659


Controlled substances, possession or supplying, 65-4138

Keeping and supplying, 65-1648

Indigent health care clinic,

Keeping and supplying, 65-1648

Information, 65-657

Injunctions, 65-658, 65-1647

Inspections, 65-674, 65-1629

Access, 65-674

Board of pharmacy, 65-1629

Controlled substances, 65-4131

Refusal to permit, 65-657


Prefilling syringes, certain persons prohibited from, 65-5116

Sales tax exemption, 79-3606

Insurance, use of narcotics by insured, 40-2203

Itinerant vendors, county licenses, 19-2201 et seq.

Judgments and decrees, 65-675

Jurisdiction, condemnation proceedings, demand, 65-660

Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq.

Labels. Brands, marks and labels, ante

Laetrile, 65-6b01 et seq.

License, itinerant vendors, 19-2201 et seq.


Registration, revocation, suspension or probation, 65-1627

Emergency proceedings, 65-1627

Marijuana. Controlled substances, ante


Industrial hemp,

Commercial industrial hemp act, 2-3901 et seq.

Medical care facility, keeping and supplying, 65-1648

Military forces, enforcement operations, 48-241

Misbranded, 65-660, 65-669

Multijurisdictional law enforcement agreements, 19-828

Narcotics. Controlled substances, ante

New drugs,

Approval for disposition, 65-669a

Drugs licensed under virus, serum and toxin act, 65-669a

Investigational use, 65-669a

Restrictions on disposition, 65-669a

Selling, offering or giving away, 65-669a

Notice, minor law violations, 65-662

Nuisance, 65-660

Opium and opiates. Controlled substances, ante

Optometrists, 65-1501, 65-1501a

Outsourcing facility, registration, 65-1643, 65-1645, 65-1655b


Guidelines for treatment of, 65-2838

Pain patient's quality of care act, 65-4975 et seq.

Paraphernalia. Drug Paraphernalia, this index

Pathological conditions, warnings, 65-669

Pedestrians, traffic regulations, 8-1543

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Perishable products, condemnation proceedings, 65-660 et seq.


Application of law, 2-2207

Exception, 2-2202

Peyote. Controlled substances, ante

Podiatrists, prescribing, 65-2002

Poisonous or deleterious substances, 65-668

Precautions, 65-669


Administering, 65-1635

Advertising, regulation, 65-1650

Automated prescription drug dispensing system, 65-1637d

Brand exchange, 65-1637

Compounding, 65-1635, 65-1637

Controlled substances, ante

Dentists, 65-1423, 65-1438, 65-1444, 65-1445

Discounts, 65-1650

Dispensing, 65-1635, 65-1656

Electronic transfer of, 65-1656

Filling and refilling, 65-4123

Forms, 65-1637

Fraudulent, 21-5708

Hospital compounding, 65-1648

Medical care facility compounding, 65-1648

Mid-level practitioner, 65-4123

Nonresident pharmacies, registration, 65-1657

Oral, 65-1637

Price posting, 65-1650

Pricing, 65-1637

Record retention, 65-4123

Refilling, 65-1637, 65-1656

Sales tax exemption, 79-3606

Steroids, anabolic, 65-2837

Telephonic, 65-1637

Transfer of, 65-1656

Transmission of prescription drug orders, 65-4123

Prevention of drug abuse, 75-5375 et seq.

Price posting, prescription-only drugs, 65-1650

Publication, judgments, decrees and orders, 65-675

Purity, 65-668


Responsibility, 65-1634

Standard, 65-668

Quantity, misbranded, 65-669

Registration and permits, 65-1643

Suspension or revocation, 65-1646

Removal, label, 65-657

Retail dealer, defined, permits, suspension, revocation or probation, 65-1627

Emergency proceedings, 65-1627

Rules and regulations,

Epinephrine kits, schools, 65-1680

Medicaid pharmaceutical reimbursement, 77-421

Permanent prior authorization, 77-421

Sales, lawful and unlawful, 65-650

Sales tax exemption, 79-3606


Distribution, 65-1643

Inspection purposes, 65-674, 65-1629

Office of laboratory services, 65-1629

Refusal to permit taking, 65-657

Sanitary conditions, preparation, 65-668


Epinephrine kits, 65-1680, 72-6283

Search warrants, controlled substances, 65-4133

Seizure and destruction, 65-660

Specimens, inspection purposes, 65-674

Steroids, anabolic. Controlled substances, ante

Stimulants. Controlled substances, ante

Strength, 65-668

Tax stamp act, 79-5201 et seq.

Testing for,

Boat operators, 32-1132 et seq.

Drivers, 8-1001 et seq.

Employment security law, 44-706

Pilots, 3-1004 et seq.

State employees, 75-4362

Workers compensation, 44-501

Third-party logistics provider, registration, 65-1643, 65-1645, 65-1655a

Toxicity, label, 65-669

Trade secrets, disclosure, 65-657

Undertaking, false, 65-657

Utilization of unused medications act, 65-1636, 65-1668 et seq.

Adult care homes,

Participation voluntary, 65-1672

Citation of act, 65-1668

Definitions, 65-1669

Donating entities,

Participation voluntary, 65-1672


Board of pharmacy, 65-1670, 65-1674

Qualifying center or clinic, 65-1670, 65-1672

Secretary of health and environment, 65-1675

Liability, 65-1673


Criteria for accepting or dispensing, 65-1671

Inapplicable to, 65-1668

Qualifying center or clinic,

Powers and duties, 65-1670, 65-1672

Rules and regulations, 65-1674

Veterinary teaching, hospital pharmacy, 65-1662

Definition, 65-1626

Fees, 65-1645

Registration, 65-1643

Warning label, 65-669

Weight, misbranded, 65-669

Wholesale distribution, registration required, 65-1643, 65-1655, 65-1660

Emergency proceedings for suspension or revocation, 65-1627

Wholesale distributor, registration, 65-1645, 65-1655

Denial of, 65-1655

Employees, qualifications, 65-1655

Qualifications for, 65-1655

Revocation, suspension or probation, 65-1627

Emergency proceedings, 65-1627

Workers compensation, 44-501


See, also, Alcoholism and Intoxication, generally, this index

Alcohol or other drug addiction treatment act, 65-4006 et seq.


Drycleaning solvent, fees.Taxes and fees, post

Environmental surcharge. Taxes and fees, post

Fees, drycleaning solvent. Taxes and fees, post


Expenditures, 65-34,146

Revenue sources, 65-34,146

Gross receipts tax. Taxes and fees, post

Liens, 58-222 et seq.

Pollution, remediation, 65-34,141 et seq.

Administrative penalty, 65-34,144

Administrative review, 65-34,153

Appeals, agency action, 65-34,153

Corrective action,

Access to facility, 65-34,148

Completion, criteria, 65-34,143

Expenditures, 65-34,143, 65-34,146, 65-34,147, 65-34,148

Liability, limits, 65-34,148, 65-34,149

Report to legislature, 65-34,154

Standards, 65-34,143

Crimes and penalties, 65-34,144

Definitions, 65-34,142

Director, division of environment,

Administrative actions, 65-34,144

Administrative penalty, 65-34,144

Drycleaning facilities,

Access to, 65-34,148

Registration, 65-34,145

Standards, 65-34,143

Drycleaning facility release trust fund, 65-34,146

Expenditures, 65-34,148

Criteria, 65-34,143

Liability, limits, 65-34,148, 65-34,149

Drycleaning release trust fund,


Criteria, 65-34,147

Drycleaning solvent, fees, 65-34,151, 65-34,152

Environmental surcharge, 65-34,150, 65-34,152

Fees, drycleaning solvent, 65-34,151, 65-34,152

Fund, 65-34,146

Expenditures, 65-34,148

Criteria, 65-34,143, 65-34,147

Liability, limits, 65-34,148, 65-34,149

Report to legislature, 65-34,154

Gross receipts tax, 65-34,150, 65-34,152

Health and environment,

Division of environment,

Director's decision, 65-34,153

Health and environment, secretary of,

Reports, 65-34,154

Review of actions, 65-34,153

Rules and regulations, 65-34,143

Inspections, 65-34,144

Judicial review, agency action, 65-34,153

Liability, limits, 65-34,148, 65-34,149

Owners, registration, 65-34,145

Records, 65-34,144

Registration, facilities, 65-34,145

Report to legislature, 65-34,154

Retrofitting, standards, 65-34,143

Review, agency action, 65-34,153

Standards, performance, 65-34,143

Taxes and fees, 65-34,150, 65-34,151, 65-34,152

Unlawful acts, 65-34,144

Voluntary clean-up, 65-34,161 et seq.


Fees, 65-34,145

Number, placing of, 65-34,145

Sales tax, 79-3603

Taxes and fees, pollution remediation, 65-34,150, 65-34,151, 65-34,152

Unlawful acts, 65-34,144

Working conditions, inspections, 44-636


Commercial Code, supplementary, 84-1-103

Discrimination, employment or public accommodations, 44-1009

Documents of title, title and rights, 84-7-502

Insurance, unfair trade practice, 40-2404

Labor organizations, rights of employee, 44-809

Traffic offenses, 8-2101

Witnesses, privilege waiver, 60-437


Generally, 2-2001 et seq.

County tax levies, 2-2007

Federal aid, 2-2009

Powers and duties,

Agriculture, state department of, 2-2003

County commissioners, 2-2004

Reports and surveys, 2-2003, 2-2005

Soil Conservation Districts, generally, this index

Soil-drifting fund, 2-2007, 2-2008

Special assessments, 2-2008

Taxation, 2-2007


Insanitary, determination, municipalities, 17-2344, 17-2345

Mobile Homes, generally, this index

Moving on highways, roads, 17-1914 et seq.

Sewer connections, 12-631

Unsafe, determination, municipalities, 17-2345

Urban Renewal, this index

Veterans' curators, authority to purchase, 73-522


Coal-tar hair dye, label, 65-670