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2021 Statute

Section Number


Generally, 48-401 et seq.

Bearing arms, 48-203

Expenses, claims against state, 48-406

Oath, 48-404, 48-405


Authority of commissioned officer, 48-406

Issuance of commissions, 48-401, 48-404

Number and rank, 48-402


Kansas perpetual calendar, Ch. 64, Art. 11


Generally, 25-4142 et seq.

Elections, this index


Colleges and universities, 22-2401a, 76-726


Investments, insurance companies, 40-2a03, 40-2b03


Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520

Contractors, nonresident, taxes, 79-1008 et seq.

Drainage districts, 24-407

Eminent domain, 17-618

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index

Irrigation corporations, 17-625

Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index

Republican River Compact, 82a-518


Definition, sales act, 84-2-106

Sales, this index


Cancer registry. Health and Environment, State Department of, this index

Diseases, this index


Elections, this index


Blind persons, traffic regulations, 8-1542


Beverage containers with detachable tabs, unlawful, 21-6320

Roads and highways, throwing on, 8-1583


State institutions, 75-3728e et seq.


Elections, this index


Issuance by banks, limitation, 9-1101a


Criminal Procedure, this index


State Capitol, generally, this index


Generally, 75-2237 et seq.

Administration, State Department of, this index

Memorials, capitol grounds, guidelines, standards and procedures, 75-36,104 et seq.


Generally, 75-4503 et seq.

Arrested persons, disposition of, 75-4503

Capitol complex agencies, security liaison, 75-4514

Creation, 75-4503

Officers and employees, retained in service, 75-4503a

Police and fireman's retirement system, affiliation and membership, requirements, 74-4978j

Powers and duties of members, 75-4503

Prosecution of persons arrested by, 75-4509

State Capitol, this index

Supervision and management, 74-2105

Uniforms and badges, 75-4504


Taxation, 79-906 et seq.


Sales tax, 79-3603


Motor vehicles, distance between vehicles, 8-1523


See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Accountability, state plan of, 74-32,410

Accreditation, associations or organizations, 74-32,435

Administrators, contract nonrenewal procedures, 72-2281 et seq.

Admission of students, 72-3810, 72-3812

Application, 72-3812

Denial, review, 72-3812

Out-of-state students, 72-3815

Waiver of tuition, certain dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218

Adult education programs. Adult Education, generally, this index

Adult students, transportation, school bus use, 72-6498, 72-6499

Agreements, 72-3814, 72-3818

Postsecondary programs, transfer of, 71-1507

Area advisory council, 74-32,410

Area vocational schools,

Accreditation, associations, organizations, 74-32,435

Administrators, contract nonrenewal procedures, 72-2281 et seq.

Associations, organizations, 74-32,435

Administrators, contract nonrenewal procedures, 72-2281 et seq.

Due process, teachers and instructors, 72-2252 et seq.

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.


Revenue bonds, definitions, 76-6a13

School bonds, student housing, 72-5458 et seq.

Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117

Capital outlay aid, post

Community colleges,

Consolidation with schools. Community colleges, post

Scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq.

Due process, teachers, 72-2252 et seq.

Enrollment of dependents without tuition or fees, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218

Eye protective devices, 72-6281

Funds, investment, 12-1675 et seq.

Municipal universities, scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq.

Postsecondary students. See, also, Postsecondary students, post

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

School bonds, housing facilities, 72-5458 et seq.

State institutions under the board of regents,

Scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq.

Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117

Teachers, instructors,

Due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Workers compensation, 44-505e

Area vocational-technical schools,

Community colleges, consolidation with schools. Community colleges, post

Johnson county, 74-32,411

Merger or affiliation with postsecondary educational institution, 74-32,467

Operating fund, transfers from, 74-32,416

Scholarships, 74-3284 et seq.

Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq.

Associations, organizations, membership authorized, 74-32,435

Bonds, 72-5457, 72-53,117 et seq., 72-5458 et seq.

Broadband technology-based network, access,

See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index


Capital outlay,

State aid, 74-32,413 et seq.

Tax levy, bonds, 72-53,113 et seq.

Construction, reconstruction or renovation standards, 31-150

Fire protection inspection, 31-144

General obligation bonds, 72-5457

Pupil programs, sales, 72-1432

Revenue bonds, definitions, 76-6a13

Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117

Capital outlay aid, 74-32,413 et seq., 74-32,415

Career and educational opportunities, 72-9932

Career technical education incentive program, 72-3819

Child labor, student-learner, 38-603

Community colleges,

Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq.

Advisory boards, councils, 71-1703

Applicability of statutes, 71-1701

Approval, state boards, 71-1701

Authorization, 71-1701

Conflicts, resolution, 71-1702

Judicial, administrative, criminal actions, rights preserved, 71-1704

Operation, management and control, 71-1701

State educational institutions, counties with, 71-1701

Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq.

Located outside service area, 74-32,433

Construction programs, pupils, 72-1432

Contracts, school bus use, 72-6498

Contracts for research, 74-32,409

Data management system, 74-32,468

Definitions, 74-32,407, 72-3810, 74-32,417

Capital outlay aid, 74-32,413

Kansas training information program, 74-32,417

Division of vocational rehabilitation, department of social and rehabilitation services, functions, 76-12c01

Due process, teachers and instructors, 72-2252 et seq.

Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364

Enrollment of students, 72-3810

Waiver of tuition,

Certain military dependents, 73-1216 et seq.

Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364


Capital outlay aid, 74-32,413 et seq.

Eye protective devices, 72-6281

Federal act,

Acceptance of provisions, 74-32,405

Implementation, cooperation, 74-32,406

Fees, 72-3810, 72-3811, 72-3813, 76-731a

Certain persons without legal immigration status, 76-731a

Payment, methods of, 75-30,100


Certain military dependents, 73-1216 et seq.

Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public, safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364

Financial assistance,

National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq.

State guard members, 74-32,145 et seq.

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.


Allocation and distribution, 74-32,410

Capital outlay, 74-32,414

Disposition, 71-614


Non-tiered course credit hours, 74-32,468, 74-32,431, 74-32,432

Investment, 12-1675 et seq.

Earnings, disposition of, 12-1677

State aid for secondary school programs, plan for 72-295

Truck driver training fund, 8-267, 8-272

Gifts, grants, bequests, 72-3816, 74-32,414

Higher education coordination act, 74-3201a et seq.

IMPACT act, 74-50,102

Individual career plan of study, 72-294

Institutional improvement plans, 74-3202d

Investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Job training partnership act, participation, 74-32,412

Johnson county area vocational-technical school, 74-32,411

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Kansas technology and innovation internship program,

Administration, 74-32,430

Definitions, 74-32,429

Establishment, 74-32,430

Grants, 74-32,430

Rules and regulations, 74-32,430

Municipal universities, 13-13a16

Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq.

Located outside service area, 74-32,433

Out-of-state students, 72-3815

Parsons state hospital and training center, 76-1409

Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434

Personnel evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Postsecondary programs, transfer agreements, 71-1507

Postsecondary students,

Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq.

Quality performance, indicators, 74-32,468

Approval and review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d

New state funds, determination, 74-3202d

Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d

Reports, audits, inspections, 72-3817


Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,423 et seq.

Rules and regulations, 74-32,426

Ethnic minority scholarship program, 74-3284 et seq.

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434

State scholarship program, 74-32,233 et seq.

School buses,

Activities, 72-6498

Attendance at class, 72-6498, 72-6499

Service area, programs located outside of, 74-32,433

Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768

State board of education,

Career technical education incentive program, 72-3819

Individual career plan of study, 72-294

Performance-based incentive payments, 74-32,434

State aid for secondary school programs, plan for, 72-295

State board of regents,

Career technical education incentive program, 72-3819

Data management system, 74-32,468

Funds, allocation and distribution, 74-32,468

Quality performance, indicators, 74-32,468

Approval, review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d

New state funds, determination, 74-3202d

Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d

Rules and regulations, 74-32,418

Service area, approving programs located outside of, 74-32,433

State educational institutions,

Articulation agreements, 74-32,421, 74-32,422

Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq.

State plan,

Consumer and homemaking programs, 74-32,408

Contents, 74-32,408

Cooperative vocational education programs, 74-32,408

Curriculum development, 74-32,408

Exemplary programs of vocational education, 74-32,408

Federal act, compliance, 74-32,408

Offerings in private and nonpublic, nonprofit institutions, 74-32,408

Preparation, administration, 74-32,405

Research and training in vocational education, 74-32,408

Residential vocational education programs, 74-32,408

Rules and regulations, 74-32,408

Student housing, 72-5457, 72-53,113, 72-53,116, 72-53,117

Teachers and instructors,

Criminal convictions, effect on license, 72-2165

Due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Technical colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index

Training information program, Kansas, 74-32,417 et seq.

Advisory committee, 74-32,418

Reports, 74-32,418, 74-32,419

Rules and regulations, 74-32,418

Certain persons without legal immigration status, 76-731a

Out-of-state students, 72-3815

Payment, methods of, 75-30,100

Waiver of,

Certain dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218

Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Tuition, 72-3810, 72-3811, 72-3813, 76-731a

Workers compensation, 44-505e

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Eligibility, conditions and requirements, 74-32,151, 74-32,152

Financing, 74-32,160

Fund, 74-32,155


Forgiveness, 74-32,153

Obligations, 74-32,152, 74-32,158

Repayment, 74-32,154

Suspension of obligations, 74-32,157

Rules and regulations,

State board of regents, 74-32,159

State treasurer, 74-32,156


Common Carriers, generally, this index

Radio Common Carriers, generally, this index

Railroads, generally, this index

Motor Carriers, generally, this index


Generally, 60-216


Generally, 10-1101 et seq.

Definitions, 10-1101

Energy conservation measures, exemption from, 75-37,125

Exemptions, 10-1116 et seq., 75-37,125

School districts, 10-1116a

Indebtedness in excess of funds, 10-1113

Investment of municipal funds, 12-1671

Johnson county park district, 19-2876

Lease or installment purchase agreements, 10-1116a

School districts, leases and lease-purchases, inapplicability, 72-1149


Funds, this index


Title to goods, 84-2-403


Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq.

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq.


Animal Diseases, generally, this index

Animals, generally, this index

Domestic animal activity, assumption of risk, 60-4001 et seq.

Meat inspection,

Labeling of carcass or products, unlawful acts, 65-6a29

Penalties, 65-6a40

Slaughter, unlawful acts, 65-6a27 et seq.

Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq.

Public livestock markets, fees, 47-1011

Slaughter, products not for human food, 65-6a33

Storage and handling of food products, 65-6a32


Elections, party nomination of candidates, 25-301 et seq.


Generally, 65-643 et seq.


Banks and Banking, this index

Consumer Credit Code, this index

Cosmetologists, this index

Credit, this index

Dairies and Dairy Products, this index

Discrimination, this index

Elections, generally, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Governmental standards and conduct commission, 46-289

Insurance, this index

Land Sales Practices, this index

Licensure of psychologists, 74-5316a, 74-5367a

Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act. Mines and Minerals, this index

Securities, this index

Securities Commissioner, this index

State Fire Marshal, generally, this index

Tanning Facilities, this index

Workers Compensation, this index


See, also, Cemetery Districts, generally, this index

Generally, 12-1401 et seq., 17-1302 et seq.

Abandonment, 17-1328 et seq.

Cemetery districts, 15-1014, 15-1015

Cities of third class, 15-1014, 15-1015

Contracts by municipality for maintenance, 17-1368

Counties, care of, 19-3106, 19-3107

Definitions, 17-1366

Dissolution of cemetery corporation, 17-1367

Inclusion in adjoining cemetery district, 17-1330b

Lots, 12-1432

Private cemeteries,

Care and maintenance, 80-936

Title vested in township, 80-934, 80-935

Townships, 80-916, 80-934, 80-936

Transfer of assets to municipality, 17-1367

Use of proceeds from sale, 17-1329

Veterans' remains, removal, 73-306

Annual statement, 17-1312a

Application of act, 17-1312f

Attachment, exemption of lots, 17-1302

Audit, 17-1312a, 17-1312b

Fees, 75-442

Interference with or refusal to submit to, 17-1312c

Records confidential, 17-1312e

Bulk sales, 17-1322, 17-1323

Burial. See, Dead Bodies, generally, this index

Cemetery corporations, generally, 17-1301c

Cemetery Merchandise Contracts, this index

Charitable organizations, 17-1348, 17-1349

Cities of first class,

Improving streets outside city, 13-1011

Prevention of unintended uses, 12-1441

Cities of second class, 14-1007 et seq.

Bonds, 14-1053

Cemetery transferred from private association, operation, 14-1052

Conveyance of lots, regulation, 14-1008

Ordinances and regulations, enforcement, 14-307

Private associations, 14-1047 et seq.

Taxation, 14-1007b, 14-1052

Trespassing, 14-1009

Trust funds, authority to accept, 12-1438

Cities of third class, 15-1001 et seq.

Bond issue, 15-1012

Districts, 15-1013 et seq.

Donating to county, 19-3101 et seq.

Fines and penalties, 15-1003, 15-1009

Control of lands, 17-1310

Conveyance of lots, prerequisites, 17-1308 et seq.

Conveyance of property to Dodge City, 17-1371

Counties, 19-3101 et seq.

Abandoned cemeteries, 19-3106, 19-3107

Eminent domain, 19-3104

Prevention of unintended uses, 12-1441

Tax levies, 19-3103, 19-3105, 19-3106, 19-3107

County appraisers, duties, 17-1312a

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 17-1327

Cities of third class, 15-1003, 15-1009

Crypts or catacombs, sealing requirements, 17-1325 et seq.

Damages, 17-1305

Dead Bodies, generally, this index

Deeds and conveyances, 17-1302

Conveying cemetery to district, 15-1015

Prerequisites to conveyance of lots, 17-1308 et seq.

Reinvested title, 12-1436

Default, lot purchaser, 17-1302

Directors, 17-1307, 17-1316

Dissolution, 17-1313, 17-1367

Inoperative district, 12-1617d, 17-1350 et seq.

Districts. Cemetery Districts, generally, this index


Bond issues, 12-1415

Cities of second class, 14-1007a

Cities of third class, bonds, 15-1012

Debts, 12-1417

Officers, 17-1303

Townships, 80-904, 80-906, 80-910

Eminent domain, 17-1315

Cities of second class, 14-1007a

Municipalities, 12-1401

Township cemeteries, chapel site, 80-919

Family burying own dead, 65-1713b

Fines and penalties. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Cemetery corporation, forfeiture, 17-1312d


Permanent care fund, 17-1316, 17-1317, 17-1319 et seq.

Custodian, bond, 17-1321

Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1308 et seq.

Audit, 17-1312a et seq.

Failure to establish or maintain, 17-1312d

Misuse, penalties, 17-1311a

Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial gift fund, 75-37,124

General fund, oil and gas lease revenues, 55-211a

Indian burial sites, unmarked burial sites preservation, 75-2741 et seq.

Inoperative districts, dissolution, 12-1617d, 17-1350 et seq.

Investments, 12-1438

Joint cemeteries, townships, 80-905 et seq.

Lots, 17-1307 et seq.

Conveyance, 17-1302, 17-1309

Damages to, 17-1305

Deed, delivery on death of safety deposit box lessee, 9-1504

Exemption of lots, 17-1325 et seq.

Military monuments, 73-419

Owners as corporation members, 17-1303

Survey and plat, 17-1308

Title, reinvestment to city or township, 12-1428

Townships, 80-912


Plans and specifications, 17-1324 et seq.

Merchandise contracts, 16-320 et seq.

Merger, 17-1322, 17-1323

Monuments and memorials,

Cities of third class, 15-1002

Regulations, cities of second class, 14-1008

Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial, 75-37,124

Veterans, 73-301 et seq., 73-401 et seq.

Mortgages, permanent maintenance fund, 17-1311

Municipal cemeteries, 12-1401 et seq.

Abandonment, 12-1432

Dissolution, transfer of assets to, 17-1367

Maintenance contracts, 17-1368

Access roads, improvements, 12-1412

Board of directors, 12-1420 et seq.

Bonds, improvements, 12-1413

Deeds and conveyances, reinvested title, 12-1436

Elections, 12-1417

Endowment fund, 12-1408, 12-1409, 12-1410

Custodians, bond, 12-1411

Improvements, 12-1405, 12-1413

Land, purchase of, 12-1406, 12-1407

Lots, reinvestment of title in city, 12-1428 et seq., 12-1440

Maintenance contracts, abandoned cemeteries, 17-1368

Perpetual care contracts, act inapplicable, 12-1435


Acquisition by gift, 12-1419b, 12-1419c

Disposition for burial purposes, 12-1419a

Quieting title, 12-1431, 12-1433

Tax levy, 12-1405

Trust deeds, 12-1419

Trust funds, 12-1437 et seq.

National cemeteries, acquisition of property, 27-101

Oil and gas leases, 55-211a

Parks, cemetery lands for park purposes, 12-1310, 12-1311

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1301c

Accounting, attorney general order, 17-1319a

Deficiencies, secretary of state approval of plan to correct, 17-1319a

Not subject to legal process, 17-1311b

Permanent maintenance funds, 17-1308, 17-1311, 17-1312, 17-1312a et seq.

Audit, 17-1312a et seq.

Custody and uses, 17-1308 et seq.

Failure to establish or maintain, 17-1312d

Limitations on investment of, 17-1311, 17-1312

Misuse, penalties, 17-1311a

Trustees, 17-1312

Duties of, 17-1312

Trust instruments, 17-1311

When required, 17-1312

Plats, 17-1302

Prerequisite to conveyance, 17-1308

Private burying grounds, control, 17-1305

Property acquisition, 17-1349

Prosecutions, 17-1312a

Receiver, appointment, 17-1312c, 17-1312d


Confidential, 17-1312e

Trust documents, 17-1312g

Registration with secretary of state, 17-1312a, 74-139

Failure, penalty, 17-1312a

Reinterment, compelling, 17-1326

Religious Organizations and Societies, this index

Replatting, 17-1304, 17-1310, 17-1323

Religious organizations, 17-1302a


Abandoned land, 17-1328

Bulk sales, 17-1322

Certain excess lots not needed for cemetery purposes, 17-1375

District court approval, 17-1376

Lots, townships, 80-912

Secretary of state, duties, 17-1312a et seq.

Social welfare, cemetery expenses, 39-713d

Statement, annual, 17-1312a

Stock and stockholders, 17-1307, 17-1316

Surveys, 17-1302, 17-1308

Tax assessments, 79-207

Tax exemption, 79-207

Taxation, 17-1333 et seq.

Cities of second class, 14-1052

Counties, 19-3105 et seq.

Exemptions, 79-201, 79-201c

Improvements, 12-1414

Townships, 12-1403, 80-903, 80-932

Title to property, reinvestment, 12-1428 et seq., 17-1330, 17-1335a et seq.

Notice to nonresidents, 12-1429

Topeka state hospital cemetery, 75-37,124

Township cemeteries, 12-1401 et seq., 80-901 et seq.

Abandoned private cemeteries,

Care and maintenance, 80-916, 80-936

Title transfer, procedure, 80-934

Acquisition of cemetery by township,

Attica township, 80-941

Limitations, 80-915

Exception, 80-941

Acquisition of land, 12-1403

Bonds, 80-902 et seq., 80-911

Care and maintenance, taxation or fund, 80-932

Cemetery fund, counties under 3,100, 80-1406c

Chapel, 80-917 et seq.

Cities of second and third class, cooperation, 80-908

Counties of 43,000 to 48,000, acquisition of property of disorganized cemetery district, 80-940

Counties under 3,100, 80-1406c

Donation to counties, 19-3101 et seq.

Elections, 80-904, 80-906, 80-910

Funds provided by bond, use, 80-913

Joint cemeteries, 80-905 et seq., 80-923

Lots, cost, 80-912

Purchase, 80-901, 80-905

Existing cemeteries, 80-915

Lots, 80-912

Site for chapel, 80-919

Unsold school land, 80-914

Records, 80-912

Reinvestment of title to lots, 12-1428, 12-1436, 12-1440

Reports, 80-913

Reversion, title of lots, 12-1428

Sinking fund, 80-907

Supplemental law, 80-909

Tax levy, 12-1403, 12-1405, 80-903, 80-907, 80-932, 80-938

Chapel site, 80-919

Petition, 80-904, 80-906

Topeka township, acquisition of cemetery property, 80-943

Unlawful acts, 80-913

Trust funds, authority to accept, 12-1438

Trusts, inventory and accounting, 59-1609

Unclaimed dead bodies, 22a-215, 65-901 et seq.

Unmarked burial sites preservation act, 75-2741 et seq.

State Historical Society, generally, this index

Vaults, plans and specifications, 17-1324 et seq.


Burial, 73-301 et seq.

Cemetaries, establishment and maintenance, 73-1232

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1319


See, also, Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index

Generally, 15-1013 et seq., 17-1330 et seq.

Abandoned cemeteries, 17-1332

Tax levy to maintain, 17-1330

Annexation of territory, 15-1017, 17-1335i, 17-1356 et seq.

Annual meetings, 17-1333

Annual report, 17-1372

Application of laws, 17-1346

Authority of association, 17-1335

Board of directors, 15-1014, 15-1015, 15-1016a, 17-1344

Bond of officers, 17-1334

Compensation, 15-1014

Directors, 17-1331 et seq., 17-1337, 17-1364

Election, 17-1333a

Meetings, 17-1334

Bond of treasurer, 17-1344

Bonds, issuance, 17-1335

Cities of second and third class, 17-1342 et seq.

Claims, payment, 12-105a, 12-105b

Deannexation of cemetery district territory,

Hillsdale cemetery district, 12-1442

Deeds and conveyances, 17-1332, 17-1335h

City cemeteries, 17-1341

Dissolution of districts, 17-1354

Default, lot owner, 17-1330, 17-1335a et seq.

Description of property, 17-1335f

Disorganization, 17-1345, 17-1356 et seq., 80-940

Dissolution, 17-1350 et seq.


Petition, 17-1330

Resolution of county commissioners, 17-1373

Exclusion of territory, 15-1018, 15-1019

Fund to procure additional land, 15-1016a

Funds from sale of lots, use of, 15-1016a

Gifts, permanent maintenance fund, 17-1338


Idle funds, 12-1675 et seq.

Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1338

Land, acquisition of, 17-1374


Abandonment, 17-1335d

Reinvestment of title, 12-1428 et seq., 17-1330, 17-1335a et seq.

Unused lots, reversion, patriotic organizations, 17-1347

Machinery and equipment, purchase of, 17-1336a

Name, 17-1333

Officers and employees, 17-1344

Compensation, 15-1014

Organization, 17-1331

Permanent maintenance fund, 17-1338, 17-1339, 17-1301c

Perpetual care contracts, 17-1335g


Dissolution of districts, 17-1350, 17-1351

Establishment of district, 17-1330, 17-1343, 17-1345

Withdrawal of cemetery, 17-1330

Quieting title, 17-1335c et seq.

Records, 17-1335b

Reinterments, dissolution of cemeteries, 17-1352, 17-1353

Road improvements, 17-1336, 17-1336a

Tax levies, 15-1015, 17-1330, 17-1355

After annexation, 17-1365

Exclusion of territory, outstanding indebtedness, 15-1019

Republic county, No. 23, 17-1369

Sedgwick county, 17-1370

Sumner county, 17-1370

Township districts, certain, 80-938

Townships, 15-1013 et seq., 17-1342 et seq.

Tax levies, 17-1344

Treasurer, 17-1339

Annual report requirement, 17-1372

Trustees, 17-1344


Disbursement of funds, 17-1344

No-fund, 17-1374

Withdrawal of cemetery, 17-1330a


Generally, 16-320 et seq.

Accounting, action for,

Attorney general may initiate, 16-326

Cemetery maintenance and merchandise, 16-336

Contract terms and conditions, 16-332

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 16-323

Misuse of cemetery merchandise trust fund, 16-323

Exemptions, 16-333

Fee Fund, 16-336

Notice of intent to sell, filing of, 16-329

Trust funds, 16-321, 16-322

Audit of, 16-325

Refusal, 16-330

Confidentiality, 16-335

Deficiencies, plan to correct, 16-326

Deposit of funds, 16-321, 16-322

Distributable earnings, 16-321

Duties of trustee, 16-322

Fees, 16-321

Quarterly reports, 16-321

Not subject to legal process, 16-328

Redeposit of funds, 16-326, 16-327

Refusal to establish, 16-331

Trust instruments, 16-322


Generally, 11-201 et seq.

Population, generally, this index

Schools and School Districts, this index


Generally, 74-99c01 et seq.

Audit, subject to, 74-99c07

Board of directors, 74-99c03

Compensation, 74-99c03

Meetings, 74-99c03

Powers and duties, 74-99c03

Terms, 74-99c03

Center for entrepreneurship,

Audit, subject to, 74-99c09

Criteria for funds distribution, 74-99c09

Interest-bearing accounts, 74-99c09

Administration of, 74-99c09

Disbursements, 74-99c09

Tax credit, 74-99c09

Application for, 74-99c09

Authorized for contributions, 74-99c09

Limitations, 74-99c09

Citation of act, 74-99c01

Creation and operation, 74-99c03

Definitions, 74-99c02

Duties, 74-99c04

Funds, 74-99c05

Authority to receive donations, contributions and grants, 74-99c05

Awarding of funds by center to other organizations, 74-99c05

Officers and employees, not considered state employees, 74-99c08

Compensation, 74-99c08

Travel expenses, 74-99c08

Purpose, 74-99c04

Reporting, annual financial, 74-99c05, 74-99c07

Severability, 74-99c11


Intoxicating Liquors, this index


Health officer, duties, 65-202


Acknowledgments, deeds and conveyances, 58-2216, 58-2217, 58-2218

Animals, this index


Judgments, 60-465

Foreign, 60-3002

Records, 60-465

Sufficient evidence, 60-464

Birth certificates. Vital Statistics, this index


Indebtedness, certificates of, 66-125 et seq.

Public convenience and necessity, 66-131, 66-134

Checks, this index

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Convenience and necessity. See, Public convenience and necessity, post

Credit unions, organization certificates, 17-2201

Curators for veterans, minors and incapacitated persons, 73-505, 73-508

Dams for collection and storage of waters, completion, 82a-407

Death certificates. Vital Statistics, this index

Deposit, certificates of. See, Bank Deposits and Collections, this index

Elections, generally, this index


District court clerks, 28-170

Secretary of state, documents and papers, 75-409

Fertilizers, sample analysis, 2-1206

Fire extinguishers. Fire Protection, this index

Foreign corporations. Corporations, this index

Foreign judgments, 60-465, 60-3002, 60-3003

Indebtedness, certificates of,

Carriers, 66-125 et seq.

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2808

Public utilities, 66-125 et seq.

State general fund, 75-3725a

Interpreters, deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5393

Investment Companies, generally, this index

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Judgments, 60-465

Foreign, 60-3002

Licensing bodies, child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Lost or destroyed county records, 64-106, 64-107

Mail and Mailing, this index

Maps and plats, 12-328, 12-403

Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-406

Motor Carriers, this index

Motor Vehicles, this index

Municipal bonds, nonlitigation certificate, 10-108a, 10-108d

Natural gas, underground storage, 55-1204

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Participation, certificates of, financing arrangements for state agencies, 75-37,101

Pilots, 3-202, 3-204

Public convenience and necessity,

Carriers, 66-131, 66-134

Deadline for determination, 66-131

Electric utilities, foreclosure, 58-2334

Motor Carriers, this index

Municipally owned utilities, 12-824

Partnerships, eminent domain, 26-101

Public utilities, 66-131, 66-134

Water utility systems, Johnson and Wyandotte counties, 19-3518

Public utilities,

Indebtedness, certificates of, 66-125 et seq.

Public convenience and necessity, 66-131, 66-134

Questions of law, uniform act, 60-3201 et seq.

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

School retirement system, service record, 72-2627

Secretary of state, copies of papers and documents, 75-409

Seeds, this index

Social security number, 74-139

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

State Land Office, this index

Tax redemption, 79-2403

Title, certificate of,

Motor Carriers, this index

Motor Vehicles, this index

Secured transactions,

Filing requirements, 84-9-302

Trust certificates, issuance or ownership by corporations, 50-113

Vital Statistics, generally, this index

Water conditioning contractors, 12-3601 et seq.


Generally, 60-3201 et seq.


Checks, this index


Mail and Mailing, this index


Accountants, this index


Funds, generally, this index

Imprest Funds, generally, this index


District court, 20-3110

District court clerk, office and duties, 20-3109

Jury service, 43-112b

Tuberculosis hospital. Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index


Barbers, 65-1812

Credibility of witnesses, 60-422

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1426, 65-1455

Druggists, 65-1631

Funeral directors and embalmers, assistants, 65-1717

Optometrists, 65-1505


Rates and Charges, generally, this index


Generally, 75-5171 et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 3d

Administrator of charitable gaming, appointment, 75-5186

Annual report, 75-5188

Definitions, 75-5173


Charitable gaming refund fund, 75-5183

State charitable gaming regulation fund, 75-5182

Injunctions, 75-5180

Kansas charitable gaming act, 75-5171 et seq.

Administration of act, 75-5181

Purpose, 75-5172

Violations of act, penalties, 75-5185

License to operate games,

Exceptions from licensure, 75-5175

Fees, 75-5175

Disposition, 75-5182

Restrictions, 75-5175

Revocation, suspension, 75-5180

Motor vehicle raffle deemed sale, 75-5174

Operation and management of raffles, exceptions, 75-5179

Regulation, licensing and taxation of games, powers, 75-5174

Rules and regulations, 75-5181, 75-5188

Violations of law, penalties, 75-5185


Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 7, § 1; 17-1701 et seq., 17-1759 et seq.


Establishment, 17-1348, 17-1349

Property, disposition for burial purposes, 12-1419a

Charitable organizations,

Charitable organization and solicitations act, 17-1759 et seq.

Advertising, unlawful, 17-1771

Definitions, 17-1760

Exemptions from registration, 17-1762

Fund, 17-1777

Professional fund raiser, 17-1764

Professional solicitors, 17-1765, 17-1766

Reciprocal agreements, 17-1772

Records, 17-1778

Registration, 17-1761 et seq.

Fees, 17-1763

Service of process, 17-1767, 17-1770

Unlawful acts and practices, 17-1769, 17-1771

Venue of actions, 17-1775

Violations of act, 17-1767, 17-1773

Penalties, 17-1773, 17-1776

Remedies, 17-1768, 17-1773

Gift, devise or bequest to, 17-1738

Insurance, beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450

Merger or consolidation, 17-1738

Pregnancy maintenance initiative program, 65-1,159a

Charters, 17-1702

Corporations, 17-1701 et seq.

Incorporation, 17-1701

Powers and duties, 17-1701

Stockholder's liability, Kan. Const. Art 12, § 2

Taxation, post

Directors or trustees, 17-1701

Foreign countries, devises or bequests, 59-602

Insurance, beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450

Lakes, lease from townships, 80-933

Motor carriers, exemptions, 66-1,109

Persons with physical disabilities, assistance, 39-1208

Public utilities, varied rates, 66-109

Railroads, reduced rates, 66-152

Securities Law, exemptions, 17-12a201

Sunflower Foundation: Health Care for Kansas, open meetings law, 75-4320c


Exemption from property tax, Kan. Const., Art. 11, § 1; 79-201

Property acquired for charitable purpose, 79-1804, 79-1805

Trusts and trustees,

Bond trustee, 59-1105

Devises or bequests, 59-1609

Inventories and reports, 59-1105

Wills, devises or bequests, foreign countries, 59-602


Corporation commission, transfer of powers and duties, 74-601b


Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5


County home rule, 19-101b


Cooperative marketing associations, 17-1607, 17-1608

Corporations, this index

News services, forfeiture, 50-206

Urban area counties, 19-2680 et seq.

Wire services, forfeiture, 50-206


Boundaries, 18-109

County buildings, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

Jail, 19-1933, 19-1934

U.S.D. No. 284, land transfer, 72-1555, 72-1556


See, also, Mortgages, generally, this index


Diseased animals, 47-632a

Livestock markets, receiving or selling, 47-1005

Destruction of instruments, 58-320, 58-321

Fees, 28-115

Motor vehicles, 8-135

Oil field equipment, lien of transporter, priority, 55-214


Destruction of instrument, 58-320, 58-321

Return of instrument, 58-319

Register of deeds,

Destruction of instruments, 58-320, 58-321

Return of instrument, 58-319


Destruction of instrument, 58-320

Return of instrument, 58-319

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Transporter of oil field equipment, lien, priority, 55-214


Personal Property, generally, this index


Boundaries, 18-110, 18-110a


See, also, Negotiable Instruments, generally, this index; Commercial Paper, this index

Bad checks,

Attorney fees, 60-2610

Civil remedies, 60-2610, 60-2611

Small claims procedure, application, 61-2703

Criminal Code, 21-5821

Motor vehicle registration, 8-145a et seq.

Unlawful prosecution for, 21-5822

Cash-Basis Law, application, 10-1112 et seq.

Certified checks, 9-1119

Excess of amount on deposit, 9-2008

Time for presenting, 84-4-404

Combination warrant and check, public funds, 10-801

County clerks, countersignature, certain counties, 19-534

County Treasurers, this index

Destroyed, lost or stolen, 84-3-312

Insufficient funds,

Apportioned registration of fleet vehicles, 8-1,118

Motor vehicle registration, 8-145a, 8-145b

Penalty, 8-145c

Metropolitan transit authority, withdrawal of funds, 12-2821

Money, transmission of, 9-508 et seq.

Municipalities, canceled checks, destruction, 12-120

No-fund, motor vehicle registration, 8-145a, 8-145b

Penalty, 8-145c

Service charge, definition of, 60-2610

Warrants, combination warrant and check, public funds, 10-801

Worthless check, definition of, 60-2610


Dairies and Dairy Products, this index


Generally, 65-7001 et seq.

Administrative procedure, 65-7009

Application of, 65-7004

Bureau of investigation, duties, 65-7008

Chemical control fund, 65-7012

Civil remedies, 65-7010, 65-7011

Procedure and review, 65-7009

Contamination, clean up, 65-7013

Liability, 65-7011

Criminal penalties, 21-5709, 21-5710

Definitions, 65-7003

Distributors, reports, 65-7007

Exemptions, 65-7004, 65-7007

Forfeitures, 65-7014

Fund, 65-7012

Health and environment, secretary of,

Orders, procedure and review, 65-7009

Powers and duties, 65-7005, 65-7013

Illegal acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Inspections, 65-7013


Clean up costs, 65-7013

Government and agents, 65-7013

Prohibited acts. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante


Contamination, clean up, ante

Forfeiture, 65-7014

Inspection, 65-7013

Notice, potential harm, 65-7013

Purpose, 65-7002

Remediation. Contamination, clean up, ante


Informational program, 65-7008

Reports, 65-7007, 65-7008

Rules and regulations, 65-7005

Title, 65-7001

Violations. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante


Agricultural Chemicals, this index

Barber school or college, 65-1810

Chemigation safety. See Agricultural Chemicals, this index

Drugs and Medicines, generally, this index

Emergency planning and community right-to-know. Emergencies, this index

Fertilizers, generally, this index


Pesticide chemicals, 65-664

Preservatives, label, 65-665

Pest Control, generally, this index

Plant Pests, generally, this index

Waste, generally, this index

Weeds, this index


Ambulance services, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

Boundaries, 18-111

County buildings, financing of, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

Sale of certain land, secretary of revenue, 75-5131

Treece community relocation assistance, 49-511 et seq.

Definitions, 49-511

Grants, 49-513, 49-515

Judicial review of determinations, 49-517

Moving expenses, 49-514

Property, purchase of, 49-514

State public trust, 49-512

Funding, 49-516


Adulteration, 65-664


Boundaries, 18-112


Supreme Court Justices, this index


Police, this index


Abuse, generally, this index

Adoption, generally, this index

Child Care Facilities, this index

Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, this index

Child Labor, this index

Children and Minors, generally, this index

Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Children with Intellectual Disability, generally, this index

Day Care Program, generally, this index

Early Childhood Developmental Services, generally, this index

Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Parents, generally, this index

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Support, generally, this index

Youth Centers, generally, this index


Abuse, generally, this index

Children and Minors, this index

Children in Need of Care, this index


Generally, 38-112 et seq., 39-713c, 65-501 et seq.

Abuse, operation by abuser, 65-516

Accommodations, 65-508

Adults, 65-510

Boarding homes, community based services, 39-1301 et seq.

Boarding school, 65-503, 65-508

Changes or alterations, 65-513

Children and families, Kansas department for,

Approval, 65-504

Placements, 39-713c, 65-506

Children with intellectual or other disabilities, day care program,

Defined, 39-1006

Early childhood development center, Fort Hays state university, 76-519

Eligible community organizations, 39-1007

Funds, disbursement, 39-1002, 39-1003

Grants-in-aid, 39-1005, 39-1008

Immunizations, 72-6262

School districts, 72-1421

Secretary for children and families,

Funds, acceptance and disbursements, 39-1002

Standards, compliance, 39-1003

Tax credit, 79-32,190

Cities, 12-4801 et seq.

Closing for violations, 65-514, 65-515

Confidentiality of records, 65-525

Counties, 12-4801 et seq.

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 38-536 et seq.

Counties over 20,000, 38-501 et seq.

Counties over 120,000, 38-523

Counties over 300,000, 38-554

Counties with cities of 53,000 or over, 38-505 et seq.

Counties with cities of 70,000 or over, 38-511 et seq.

County attorneys, prosecuting violations 65-515

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-510, 65-514, 65-515, 65-516, 65-526, 65-530

Child care criminal background and fingerprinting fund, 65-516

Civil fines, 65-526

Criminal history record check, 65-516

Definitions, 65-503

Detention homes and other facilities, ante

Drop-in program, licensing requirements, 65-527

Equipment, 65-508

Fees, 65-505

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fingerprinting, 65-516

Fire safety, 31-132 et seq., 65-508

Food service program, 72-17,144, 72-17,146

Foster care home,

Foster parents,

Information on child, 38-134

Reports, 38-2261

Insurance for volunteers, family foster care, 75-5328a

Placement in, 75-3329, 75-3330

Funding, 38-115

Hospitals, 65-425a

Immunization, 65-508, 65-531

Inspections, 65-512, 65-525

Interviews, inspecting agents, 65-512

Investigations, 65-504

Johnson county, 38-555

Juvenile crisis intervention centers, 65-536

Lavatories, 65-508

Licenses and registration, 65-501, 65-504

Effect, 65-529

Exemptions, 65-501

Fees, 65-505

Limitation, modification or suspension, 65-523, 65-524

Revocation, suspension, denial, 65-523, 65-524

Notice of, 65-506

Temporary licenses, 65-504, 65-523, 65-524

Temporary permit, 65-501, 65-504, 65-523, 65-524

Online information dissemination system, 65-534

Operation, persons prohibited from, 65-516

Permit, temporary, 65-501, 65-504

Effect, 65-529

Suspension, 65-523, 65-524

Placement agency, 65-503

Plumbing, 65-508

Policy, 65-528

Prohibited patients, 65-510

Property, 38-116

Prosecutions, 65-515

Records, 65-507

Confidentiality, 65-525

Inspections, 65-512

Registration. Licenses and registration, ante

Resource and referral agency, 65-503

Rules and regulations, 65-508, 65-510

Safe sleep practices, 65-508

School-age program, licensing requirements, 65-527

School districts, 72-1421

Sewers and sewer systems, 65-508

Smoking, 65-530

Social welfare, placement by secretary, 39-713c

Staff secure facility, 65-535

Standards, 65-508, 65-516

State child care centers, 65-176

State policy, 65-528

Subpoenas, licensure hearings, 65-504

Supplies, 65-508

Tax credit, 79-32,190

Tax exemption, 79-201b

Two or more counties, 38-528 et seq., 38-541 et seq.

Unlicensed, 65-506

Waterworks, 65-508


Generally, 38-601 et seq., 44-639 et seq.

Children, defined, labor and industry, 44-637

Children under 14, 38-601, 38-614

Children under 16, 38-603, 38-614

Children under 18, 38-602, 38-614

Contracts, capacity, 38-104

Contracts, entertainers, 38-618, 38-619

Crimes and penalties, 38-612, 44-628, 44-640

Enforcement of laws, 44-634

Entertainers, 38-615 et seq.

Contracts, 38-618, 38-619

Earnings, 38-617, 38-620

Infants, requirements, 38-616

Motion picture sets, 38-622

Penalties, 38-616

Savings plan, 38-620, 38-621

Trust, 38-620, 38-621

Trustee powers and duties, 38-621

Exempt services, 38-614

Federal aid, 38-613

Hazardous occupations, 38-602

Hearings, secretary of labor, 44-645

Hours of labor, 38-603, 38-614

Posting notice, 38-605

Indenture, unlawfully placing or receiving child from foreign state, 38-315

Investigations, 44-645

Labor, department of, 75-5701 et seq.

Labor commissioner, rules and regulations, 38-602

Lottery, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8722

Minor, defined, labor and industry, 44-637

Orders, secretary of labor, 44-645

Review, 44-647

Parimutuel racing, wagering, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8839

Rules and regulations, state labor commissioner, 38-602

School food service preparation, 38-603

Secretary of labor, jurisdiction, 44-601b

Student-learner, 38-603

Wages and hours, 44-639 et seq.

Entertainers, 38-617

Hearings, 44-645

Investigations, 44-645

Standards, secretary of labor, 44-643

Work permits, 38-604, 38-606 et seq.

Contents, 38-607

Duties of inspectors, 38-611

Exception, secondary school children, 38-604

Revocation of permits, 38-610

Termination of employment, 38-609

Working conditions, 44-639 et seq.

Detrimental, unlawful, 44-640

Hearings, 44-645

Investigations, 44-645

Order, secretary of labor, 44-645

Standards, secretary of labor, 44-643


Appeals, 23-37,314

Appearance of party, 23-37,109, 23-37,210

Child-custody determination, initial, 23-37,201

Cooperation between courts, 23-37,112

Costs, 23-37,312, 23-37,317

Court communications, 23-37,112

Definitions, 23-37,102, 23-37,301

Depositions, 23-37,111


Effect of, 23-37,106

Enforcement of, 23-37,306

Registration of, 23-37,305

Enforcement, 23-37,301 et seq.

Evidence, testimony outside the state, 23-37,111

Expenses, 23-37,112, 23-37,208, 23-37,310, 23-37,312, 23-37,317

Fees, 23-37,312

Full faith and credit of order, 23-37,313

Hague convention, enforcement, 23-37,302

Hearing, 23-37,310

Immunity, limited, 23-37,109

Inconvenient forum, 23-37,207

Indian child, 23-37,104

Information to court, 23-37,209

Initial child-custody determination, 23-37,201

International application of act, 23-37,105

Joinder, 23-37,205


Continuing, exclusive, 23-37,202

Declining, when, 23-37,207, 23-37,208

Inconvenient forum, 23-37,207

Initial child-custody determination, 23-37,201

Personal, 23-37,109

Priority for child-custody proceedings, 23-37,107

Temporary emergency, 23-37,204

Law enforcement role, 23-37,316

Limited immunity, 23-37,109

Modification of determination, 23-37,203

Notice, 23-37,205

Persons outside the state, 23-37,108

Order, 23-37,310

Petition, 23-37,308

Preservation of records, 23-37,112

Priority for child-custody proceedings, 23-37,107

Proof of service, persons outside the state, 23-37,108

Prosecutors role, 23-37,315

Records, preservation of, 23-37,112

Registration of determination, 23-37,305

Service of petition and order, 23-37,309

Simultaneous proceedings, 23-37,206, 23-37,307

Temporary order, 23-37,204, 23-37,304

Temporary visitation, 23-37,304

Testimony, outside the state, 23-37,111

Warrant for physical custody of child, 23-37,311


See, also, Social and Rehabilitation Services, State Department of, generally, this index

Generally, 75-5301 et seq.

Abortion, annual report, 65-445

Abuse, definitions, 39-1430

Administrative proceedings,


Presiding officer, 77-551

Advisory committees, allowances and expenses, 75-5313

Aged persons,

Home maintenance program, 39-751, 39-752

Meals, 39-711a

Aging section,

Preservation of orders and directives, 75-5904

Rights saved in legal actions, 75-5907

Transfers to department on aging, 75-5904, 75-5905, 75-5915

Alcohol and drug abuse,

Alcoholism and intoxication treatment, funds, 41-1126, 41-2622

Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, post

Programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23

Appeals, 75-3306, 75-37,121

Assessments on hospitals and health maintenance organizations, administration of, 65-6219

Assignment of right to support, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756

Action on, 39-755


Disposition of, 39-717

Purchase, acquisition or possession, 39-717

Recoupment from decedent's estate, 16-304

Notice requirements, 16-304

Liability, limitation, 16-311

Attorneys, 39-756, 75-2935, 75-5310

Unclassified service, 75-2935

Background checks, employees,

Access to, 65-6205

Bidding exemption, service contracts, expert testimony, 75-5310a

Blind persons,

Division of services for, 39-708c

Industries for the blind workshop, Topeka, Kansas,

Civil service status of employees, 75-5345

Laid off or transferred employees,

Health care benefits, 75-4378

Laid off, defined, 75-4376

Purchase of adaptive equipment for, 75-4374


Disability benefit eligibility, 74-4927

Kansas City, sale or lease of, 75-3359 et seq.

Bonds, debt service, capital improvements, 76-6b05

Central unit for collection and disbursement of support payments, 39-7,135

Child welfare system task force, 38-151

Children and minors,

Abuse or neglect, reporting, program for, 38-2222

Investigation, attorney general, 75-723

Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq.

Assessment, victims of trafficking or exploitation, 38-2287

Assistance, liability of parents, 39-718b

Boarding homes, group, community based, 39-1301 et seq.

Agreements by secretary, 39-1303

Definition, 39-1305

Funds, gifts, appropriations, acceptance disbursement, 39-1302


Acceptance, disbursement, 39-1302

Agreements, 39-1307

Application for, 39-1307

Eligibility for, conditions, 39-1306

Purpose of, 39-1304

Custody of,

Adoption, 38-2270, 59-1202

Children in need of care, 38-2255, 38-2258, 38-2259, 38-2270, 38-2287

Change of placement, 38-2259

Trust accounts, 75-3354

Divorce liens in favor of children, assignment to secretary, 60-2204

Family foster care program, insurance for volunteers, 75-5328a

Foster care, post

Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq.

Juvenile delinquents and dependents, post

Juvenile intake and assessment system, contracts for services, 75-7023

Parent locator, post


Child in need of care cases, 38-2212

School records, 72-3439

School, nonattendance, responsibilities, 72-3121

Services to. Youth services, post

Special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Support, generally, this index

Victims of trafficking or exploitation, 38-2287

Wards' trust fund, 75-3354

Closure, certain state institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Commissioners, deputy commissioners, appointment, 75-5310

Committee on State and Unified School Districts Purchases, generally, this index

Complaints, 75-3306

Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801

Costs, treatment of patients in state hospitals, 59-2006b

Counties, powers and functions transferred from, 39-744 et seq.

County board of social welfare, transfer of duties, 39-744

County director, transfer of duties, 39-744

County homes, 39-714

Creation of department, 75-5301

Criminal actions, not abated by reorganization, 39-745

Crippled children's commission, transfer of powers, duties, authority, 75-5638 et seq.

Deaf and hard of hearing, Kansas commission for the, 75-5391 et seq. See, also, Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index

Definitions, 39-702

Dental treatment and services,

Donated dental services program, 75-5371

Patients and inmates of state institutions, 76-162

Department, renamed, 39-1902

Deputy secretary, appointment, 75-5310

Developmentally disabled persons,

Administration of funds, 74-5505

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Special fund, 75-5344

Transition planning services, 75-5399 et seq.

Background information, compilation, 75-53,100

Definitions, 75-5399

Local transition councils, 75-53,102

Provision of, 75-53,100

Director of mental health and retardation services. See Mental health and developmental disabilities, Commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities, post

Directors, management areas, appointment, 75-5310

Disability and behavioral health services section, transferred to Kansas department for aging and disability services, 39-1903

Disabled persons,

Home maintenance program, 39-751, 39-752

Division of assets, 39-785 et seq.

Provisions suspended, 39-791


Mental health and developmental disabilities, post

Services for the blind, division of, 39-708c

Social services, post

Vocational rehabilitation, post

Youth services, post

Drug abuse, Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, post

Drug abuse and prevention. Secretary for children and families, post

Drug abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23

Economic and employment services section, 75-3084 et seq.

Economic Opportunity Office, generally, this index

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Epilepsy, Commission on, generally, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Families in crisis, community resources, 38-2403, 38-2405

Family and children trust account in the family and children investment fund, 23-2510, 38-1808

Family foster care program, insurance for volunteers, 75-5328a

Family services and community intervention fund, 38-2281

Foster care,

Foster care student report card, 72-9944

Foster parents, information on child, 38-134

Placements in, 75-3329, 75-3330

Review boards, 38-1813

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Tuition waiver program, Kansas educational institutions, 74-32,161

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Foster grandparent program volunteers, insurance, 75-4101

Funding, transfer to Kansas department for aging and disability services, 39-1907

Funeral and cemetery expenses, 39-714

Gifts, acceptance, 75-3316

Governmental operations and accountability law, department subject to, 75-5301

Governmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Grandparents as caregivers act, 38-142 et seq.

Program administration, 38-144

Health Care Costs, Commission on, this index

Health programs for pregnant women and children, consolidation, 65-1,159

Hearing impaired, Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, 75-5391 et seq. See, also, Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index

Hearings, 75-3306, 75-37,121

Home and community based services programs, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a

Individuals in need of in-home care, definitions, 65-6201

Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, 75-5309a

Home maintenance program, 39-751, 39-752

Human trafficking,

Notice offering to help victims, 75-759

Reporting to law enforcement, 38-2289


Authority and supervision, 39-1904, 39-1905, 76-12a06, 76-12b01

Bonds, debt service, capital improvements, 76-6b05

Closed, mental health or intellectual disability, sale of real estate, disposition of proceeds, 75-6610

Closure of certain, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23

Pay plan, physicians, 75-2935c

Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05

Trust funds,

Persons under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Wards, 75-3354

Vehicles, parking and operation, 76-12a13

Interagency provision of services for children, adolescents and families act, 39-1701 et seq.

Regional interagency council, 39-1704

Investigations, 75-3306

Adult abuse, 39-1443

Programs and services, recommendation of, 38-2404

Reports of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1404, 39-1433

Caretaker internal investigations, 39-1409

Judicial proceedings, preservation during transition, 39-745

Officers and employees,

Duties, delegation, 75-5316a

Unclassified service, certain, 75-5310

Juvenile delinquents and dependents,

Children and minors, ante

Powers, duties and functions transferred, juvenile offenders, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001

Juvenile offenders,

Community based boarding homes and services,

Agreements by commissioner of juvenile justice, 39-1303

Funds, grants in aid, gifts, appropriations,

Acceptance, disbursements, 39-1302

Grants-in-aid, 39-1307

Juveniles, intake and assessment system, children in need of care, 75-7023

K-GOAL, application, 75-5301

Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq.

Appointment, 75-5383

Compensation, 75-5385

Duties, 75-5382

Meetings, 75-5386

Kansas tuberculosis hospital. Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index

Larned State Hospital, generally, this index

Leases of property of institutions,

Neurological institute lands, to city of Topeka, 76-17c07

Long-term care,

Comprehensive and coordinated system, 39-7,159

Programs, certain, transfer to secretary of aging, 75-5321a

Meals for aged persons, 39-711a

Medicaid fraud control act, 21-5925 et seq.

Medical assistance,

Conflict with federal law, 39-788

Eligibility, 39-787

Interspousal agreement, 39-787

Medical vendors' claims, fiscal year filing, 39-708a

Mental health and developmental disabilities,

Commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities, 75-5308e

Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703

Duties and authority, 75-3303, 75-5308d, 75-5308e, 75-5308f,

Institutions under supervision and authority of, 76-12a01 et seq.

County funds for purchase of intellectual disability services, 19-4007

Drug and alcohol abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23

Institutions under supervision and authority of, 76-12a01 et seq.

Kansas tuberculosis hospital. Southeast Kansas Tuberculosis Hospital, generally, this index

Larned State Hospital, generally, this index

Neurological Institute, Kansas, generally, this index

Norton State Hospital, generally, this index

Officers and employees, 75-5309

Osawatomie State Hospital, generally, this index

Outpatient mental health centers or clinics, assistance, 75-3303a

Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Powers, duties and functions transferred to, 39-1607, 75-5308d, 75-5308f,

Rainbow Mental Health Center, generally, this index

Special projects,

Acceptance of grants or gifts, contracts, 76-12a08

Real estate, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316

Staff personnel, 76-12a04

Topeka State Hospital, generally, this index

Transfer of persons admitted to institutions, 75-3328

Winfield State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Youth centers, control transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001

Mental health and retardation services,

Abolished, powers, duties and functions transferred, 75-5308d, 75-5308f

Mental health program, state responsibility, 75-3304a

Transitional planning services, 75-5399 et seq.

Neurological Institute, Kansas, generally, this index

New hires information, state directory, 75-5742

Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282

Norton State Hospital, generally, this index

Nursing facilities, intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Occupational center of central Kansas,

Conveyance to state, obligation released, 76-12c11

Land transfer, 76-12c10

Officers and employees, 39-708c, 39-746, 75-5309, 75-5331, 75-5338

Child abuse or neglect by, 38-2226

Classified service, 75-5309

Confidential and privileged information, 39-709b

Delegation of powers and duties, 75-5316a

Industries for the blind workshop, Topeka, Kansas, civil service status of employees, 75-5345

Medical services coordinator, unclassified service, 75-5309a

Organization of department, 75-5316a

Pay plans, certain, 75-2935c, 75-5309a

Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, unclassified service, 75-5309a

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Transfer, certain, juvenile justice authority, 75-7003

Unclassified service, certain, 75-2935, 75-5310

Organization of department, 75-5316a

Osawatomie State Hospital, generally, this index

Outreach services, 75-5321

Parent education programs, school district assistance, 72-4166

Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, 39-753 et seq.

Application, 39-756

Collections, 39-756, 39-757

Crimes, 39-759

Fee, 39-756

Offenses, 39-759

Parents' location, 39-756, 39-758

Paternity, determination, 39-756, 39-7,145

Rules and regulations, 39-753


Assignment, support rights, 39-754

Collections, disposition, 39-709

Duties, 39-753

Enforcement of support rights, 39-755

Limited power of attorney, 39-709, 39-756

Parents, location, 39-758

Rules and regulations, 39-753

Setoff of money owed, support rights, assignment, 39-754


Collection services, 39-756

Enforcement of support rights, 39-755

Enforcement services, contracts, 75-5365

Matching debtors with liability insurance claimants, 75-5366, 75-5367

Payments to secretary, when, 39-754

Rights, assignments, 39-754

Unlawful acts, 39-759

Parentage established, 39-755

Parents, liability for assistance to children, 39-718b

Parking and operation of vehicles, 76-12a12 et seq.

Parsons State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Paternity, determination. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante

Paternity, voluntary acknowledgment of, program, 23-2203

Payment center, Kansas, 39-7,135

People with intellectual disability. See subhead State institutions under People with Intellectual Disability, this index

Pilot project,

Psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611


Real estate of institutions, post

Sale of property, 75-3316

See, also, Secretary for children and families, Real estate, post

Protective services, abuse or neglect of certain persons, 39-1405 et seq.

Public information officer, 75-5310

Public policy, 39-701

Purpose of law, 39-701

Quality enhancement wage pass-through program, 39-971

Rainbow Mental Health Center, generally, this index

Rate of charge, treatment of patients in state hospitals, 59-2006b

Real estate of institutions, 75-3307, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316

Lease of, 75-3307

Records, 39-740

Child in need of care cases, 38-2212

Custody of, 75-5319

Register of reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1434

Recovery of assistance paid to ineligible recipients, 39-719b

Rehabilitation services,

Commissioner of rehabilitation services,

Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703

Officers and employees, appointment, 75-5309, 75-5331

Reorganization, transition,

Officers, employees, 39-746

Preservation, judicial, administrative, criminal actions, 39-745

Transfer of powers, duties and functions, 39-744


Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq.

Schools, nonattendance, 72-3121

Rules and regulations, 39-1902, 39-1905, 75-5321

Donated dental services program, 75-5371

Secretary of social and rehabilitation services, 75-3304

Social welfare, 75-3304

Secretary for children and families, 39-1902, 39-1905, 75-5301

Access to records, 39-1436

Acting secretary, appointment, 75-4315a

Administrative services, commissioner of, 75-5310

Admissions to institutions, 76-12a07, 76-12b02

Adult family homes, registration, 39-1501 et seq.

Advisory commission on drug abuse, powers, 75-5378

Advisory committee, creation and compensation, 75-5313


Charitable and benevolent organizations, 39-1208

Alcohol and other drug addiction treatment act, powers and duties, 65-4006 et seq.

Prevention and treatment plan established, 65-4011

Acceptance of persons for treatment, 65-4024

Program development, implementation and coordination, 65-4007

Rules and regulations, 65-4013, 65-4024c

Alcohol or other drug treatment facilities, 65-4013 et seq.

Admission of persons, 65-4024

Injunctions, 65-4023

Licensure and renewal, 65-4013, 65-4014

Fees, 65-4013

Remittance of fees, 65-4024b

Appeals, jurisdiction and procedure, 75-3306, 75-37,121

Appointment, director of economic opportunity, 74-6901

Appointment and confirmation, 75-5301

Assignment of right to support, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756

Action on, 39-755


Disposition of, 39-717

Assistants, 75-5310

Blind persons, readers for, 76-157 et seq.

Centralized payment system, 39-708c

Chief administrative officers, appointment of acting, 75-4315a

Chief attorney, 75-5310

Child Care Facilities, this index

Children and minors,

Absent parents, liability for assistance, 39-718b

Community based services, 39-1302 et seq.

Homes, placement, 39-713c

Schools, nonattendance, 72-3121

Children and youth advisory committee. See subhead Advisory committee, children and youth under Children and Minors, this index

Children's commission, transfer of powers, duties, 75-5638 et seq.

Closure, certain institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Commissioners, deputy commissioners, appointment, 75-5310

Committee on State and Unified School District Purchases, generally, this index

Complaints, 75-3306

Confidential and privileged information, 39-709b, 39-1436

County social welfare boards, successor to, 39-744

Criminal history record access, 75-53,105

Disclosure, penalties, 75-53,105

Custody of records, memorandum and writings, 75-5319

Delegation of powers and duties, 75-5316a

Deputy secretary, appointment, 75-5310

Developmental disabilities reform act, 39-1801 et seq.

Report to legislature, 39-1811

Directors, management areas, appointment, 75-5310

Disability concerns, commission on, ex officio member, 74-6703

Divorce decrees, liens in favor of children, assignment, 60-2204

Donated dental services program, 75-5371

Drug abuse and prevention, 75-5375 et seq. See, also, Alcohol and drug abuse, ante

Citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse, 75-5381 et seq.

Cooperation of other state agencies, 75-5376

Duties, 75-5375

Information and reports, 75-5375

Reports to governor and legislature, 75-5375

Rules and regulations, 75-5375

Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council, member, 74-7801

Employees, 39-708c, 39-708d

Execution, issuance, 60-2401

Executive officer, appointment of acting, 75-4315a

Expert testimony, service contracts, 75-5310a, 75-5952

Family and children trust account in the family and children investment fund, 38-1808


Disposition, 75-3320, 76-12a15

Outpatient services, 76-170

Fraudulently obtained assistance, recovery, 39-720

Funeral and cemetery expenses, recipient of assistance, 39-713d

General policies, adoption, 75-5321

Gifts, acceptance of, 75-3316

Governor, reports to, 39-708c

Grants-in-aid, purpose, 39-1205

Halfway houses,

Acceptance and disbursement of funds, 39-1202

Authority limited by funds available, 39-1204

Eligibility for program, 39-1207

Purpose of grants-in-aid, 39-1205

Health care providers, payment schedules, 39-708c

Health programs for pregnant women and children, consolidation, 65-1,159

Hearings, 75-3306, 75-37,121

Home and community based services programs, 39-784, 39-7,100, 39-7,100a

Home health services, fees, 39-784

Home maintenance program, 39-751

Supervisors, appointment, 39-752

Homemaker program, claims for damages caused by homemaker, 46-922

Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Investigations, 75-3306

Job skills program approval of, 44-706

Juvenile offenders, powers and duties transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7002

K-GOAL, application, 75-5301.

Larned state security hospital, duties, 76-1306

Leases of real estate of institutions, 75-3307

Neurological institute lands, to city of Topeka, 76-17c07

Limited power of attorney, assignment of support rights, 39-709, 39-756

Long-term care programs, certain, transfer to secretary for aging and disability services, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq.

Appropriations, resources, obligations, 75-5949

Officers and employees, 75-5945

Reports, 75-5940, 75-5945, 75-5954

State plan, consult with secretary for aging and disability services, 75-5945

Transition plan, consult with secretary for aging and disability services, 75-5948

Maternity Centers, this index

Meals for aged persons, 39-711a

Medical assistance,

Attorney fees, recovery of amounts paid, 39-719a

Certifying adult care home for participation, 39-782

Eligibility requirements, 39-709, 39-785 et seq.

Identification of other medical benefits paid, 39-719e

Life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of, 65-6233

Managed care system, 39-7,112

Notice to the state in probate proceedings, 59-2222

Pilot project, psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611

Recovery of amounts paid, 39-719a, 39-786

Statement in a petition of probate proceedings, 59-2247

Medical services, needy persons, payment, medical vendors' claims, 39-708a

Mental health program, responsibility, 75-3304a

Mental health reform act, 39-1601 et seq.

Moneys of institutions, receipt and expenditure, 76-12a08

New hires information, state directory 75-5742

Notice of system for reporting welfare abuse or fraud, 39-760

Nursing facilities, intergovernmental transfer program, 75-4265

Officers and employees,

Appointment, 75-5309

Transfer, certain, juvenile justice authority, 75-7003

Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante

Parking and operation of vehicles at state institutions, regulations, 76-12a12 et seq.

Parsons state hospital and training center, duties, 76-1409

Paternity, determinations. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante

Payment schedules, health care providers, 39-708c

People with intellectual disability,

State institutions, admission procedure, transfers among, 76-12b02, 76-12b07

Persons with physical disabilities,

Employment aid, 39-1208

Purchase of products, 39-1209

Pilot project, psychiatric and substance abuse services, 39-1611

Powers and duties, 39-708c, 39-708d, 76-12c03

Appointment, subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-5301

Juvenile offenders, transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7002

Transfer from county social welfare boards, 39-744

Powers and remedies,

Arrearages owed, 39-7,146

Administrative levy, 39-7,150

Execution, 39-7,152

Income withholding, 39-7,147, 39-7,148

Title IV-D services, 39-7,139 et seq.

Program for home maintenance, 39-751, 39-752

Protective services, abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, 39-1401 et seq., 39-1430 et seq., 39-1437 et seq.

Public information officer, 75-5310

Purchases by state and school district, 75-3320, 75-3322

Real estate,

Conveyance of certain land in Miami county,

City of Osawatomie, 75-3369, 75-3369a

Miami county mental health center, 75-3368

Ellis county oil and gas lease, 76-14a04

Juvenile offender related, transfer, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001

Miami county interlocal agency, conveyance to, 76-187

Rainbow mental health center, convey parcels to KUMC, 75-3371

Sell, convey certain land in Saline county, 75-3366, 75-3367

Sell, convey certain land in Stafford county, 75-3365, 75-3367

Topeka state hospital property, transfer of control, 75-37,123

Winfield state hospital and training center, conveyance, 75-3370


Blind persons, state board of health, 39-740

Custody of, 75-5319

Register of reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1434

Recovery of assistance paid to ineligible recipient, 39-719b

Rehabilitation facilities, 39-1206

Acceptance and disbursement of funds, 39-1202

Authority limited by funds available, 39-1204

Eligibility for program, 39-1207

Purpose of grants-in-aid, 39-1205

Reorganization, transition, ante

Report to Legislature, 39-709c

Reporting abuse, neglect of financial exploitation,

Toll-free telephone number, 39-1441

Rules and regulations, 39-708c, 39-709b, 39-717, 39-1613, 65-6220, 65-6233, 76-12c03, 76-12c07, 75-3304, 75-53,117

Adoption, 75-5321

Child care facilities, 65-508

Child vaccination requirements, aid to families with dependent children, 39-7,129

Community work experience program, 39-709

Disclosure of information, 39-709b

Eligibility requirements for assistance, 39-709

Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,117

Juvenile offenders, transferred, juvenile justice authority, 75-7001

Life insurance proceeds, collateral assignment of, 65-6233

Maternity centers, 65-508

Mental health centers assistance, basic services, 65-4434

Mental health treatment centers or clinics, state assistance, 75-3303a

Operation of institutions, 76-12a07

Parking and operation of vehicles at state institutions, 76-12a13

Past due child support, 39-7,158

Payments to certain medical care facilities, 65-116k

Prescription drugs, permanent prior authorization, 77-421

Rainbow mental health facility, admission to, 76-17a10

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Social welfare, 39-709g

Support enforcement services, 39-756

Vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c07

School districts, tuition payments, 72-1172

Schools, nonattendance, 72-3121

Seal, 75-5320

Security hospital at Larned, 76-1306

Transfers from, 76-1306

Transfers to, 76-1307

Services for children, adolescents and families act, 39-1701 et seq.

Social welfare, 75-3304

Social welfare fund, 39-710

Social workers, licensing, post

Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital, 76-1528, 76-1529

Special projects, 76-12a08

Acceptance of grants, 76-12a08

State case registry, 39-753

State plans, 39-708c

State security hospital, powers and duties, 76-1306

Subpoenas, 75-3306

Substance abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23

Support, generally, this index

Assignment of right to, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756

Action on, 39-755

Collection. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante

New hires information, state directory, 75-5742

Rights of children, divorce, assignment, 60-2204, 60-2310

Support enforcement services, contracts, 75-5365

Title IV-D services, 39-753

Actions and proceedings,

Administrative orders, 39-7,142

De novo review, 39-7,139

Genetic tests, 39-7,145

Subpoenas, 39-7,143, 39-7,144

Waiver of rights, 39-7,141

Administrative orders, 39-7,142, 39-7,143

Change of support payee, 39-7,151

Hearings, 39-7,149, 39-7,151

Income withholding order, 39-7,147

Hearing, 39-7,149

Modification, 39-7,148

Jurisdiction, 39-7,140

Redirecting support payments, 39-7,151

Transactions, custody, 75-5319

Tuition to school districts, payment, 72-1172

Vending facilities account, 75-3339a

Vocational rehabilitation,

Cooperative plan, 76-12c04

Powers and duties, 76-12c03

Vouchers, approval, 76-12c09

Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Funding, 74-32,160

Secretary of social and rehabilitation services, conveyance of real estate in Ellswort county, 75-3372a

Self-sufficiency trust fund, 75-5343

Senior care act, 75-5926 et seq.

Senior companion program volunteers, insurance, 75-4101

Social welfare, 39-701 et seq.

Social welfare fund, 39-710

Social workers, licensing, 65-6301 et seq.

Southeast Kansas tuberculosis hospital, maintenance and upkeep, 76-1528

Special education, exceptional children, 72-3403 et seq.

Special projects,

Acceptance of grants or gifts, contracts, 76-12a08

Real estate, 75-3314, 75-3315, 75-3316

State hospitals and training centers,

Closure of certain, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Computation of costs, treatment of patients, 59-2006b

Maximum rate of charge, 59-2006b

Support of patients, recovery of payments, 59-2006

State institutions,

Closed, mental health or intellectual disability, sale of real estate, disposition of proceeds, 75-6610

Closure of certain, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Exceptional children, special education, 72-3403 et seq.

Subpoenas, 75-3306

Substance abuse programs, 76-12a22, 76-12a23

Pregnant women, treatment priority, 65-1,165

Support, assignment of right to, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756, 39-756a

Action on, 39-755

Support, collection. Parent locator, support collection and paternity determination services, ante

Support, generally, this index

Support enforcement services, 39-709, 39-753 et seq.

Contracts, 75-5365

Task force, alleged offenders with disabilities, competency to stand trial, 22-3306

Taxation, buildings, 76-6b05

Theft, fraudulent obtaining of assistance, 39-720

Title IV-D services, 39-753, 39-758

Access to information, 39-7,136

Genetic testing, 39-7,145

Tobacco litigation settlement agreement proceeds, 38-2101 et seq.

Investment and management of funds, 38-2104, 38-2105

Use of funds, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103

Topeka State Hospital, generally, this index

Transfer of powers, duties, functions, 39-744, 75-7001, 75-7002

Transfers to department on aging,

Aging section, 75-5904

Long-term care programs and services, certain, exceptions, 75-5321a, 75-5945 et seq.

Transition. Reorganization, transition, ante

Vocational rehabilitation, division of,

Commissioner of rehabilitation services,

Advisory committee on employment of the handicapped, ex officio member, 74-6703

Officers and employees, rights preserved, 75-5331

Disabled persons, 76-12c01

Function, 76-12c01

Rehabilitation facilities, 39-1201 et seq.

Waivers, home and community based services programs, 39-7,100a

Wards' trust fund, 75-3354

Warrants, 39-710

Welfare abuse hotline, 39-760

Winfield State Hospital and Training Center, generally, this index

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Funding, 74-32,160

Youth care,

Children and minors, ante

Wards' trust fund, 75-3354

Youth Centers, generally, this index

Youth services,

Annual report to governor, 75-5326

Children and youth advisory committee. See subhead Advisory committee, children and youth under Children and Minors, this index



Criminal code, 21-5605

Murder in perpetration of abandonment of a child, 21-5402

Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282

Abduction of, uniform child abduction prevention act, 23-3801 et seq.


Counseling, 65-6704

Parental notice, 65-6705

Abuse. Physical or mental abuse, post

Abuse, generally, this index

Abused children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Accidents, emergency care at scene of, 65-2891

Actions and proceedings, 60-217

Child support, contempt, license sanctions, 74-146, 74-147

Custody of minor children. Divorce or Annulment, this index


Malicious destruction of property, 38-120

Workers compensation, exclusive remedy, 44-501, 44-510e

Limitation of actions, 60-508, 60-515

Adolescents, services for, 39-1701 et seq.

Adoption, generally, this index

Advisory committee on children and families, redesignated Kansas children's cabinet, 38-1901 et seq.

Approval of expenditures from family and children trust account, 38-1808

Age of majority, 38-101, 38-108, 38-109, 38-110

Aggravated endangering a child, criminal code, 21-5601

Aid to families with dependent children,

Eligibility requirements, 39-709

Personal representative to receive payments, 59-2801, 59-2803

Residence requirements, 39-709

Alcoholic beverages. See Children and minors under Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Furnishing to minor, 21-5607

Artificial insemination, 23-2301 et seq.

Assignment of support rights, 39-709, 39-754, 39-756

Action on, 39-755, 39-756a

Assistance, social welfare, 39-701 et seq.

Parental liability, 39-718b

Autism, commission on, 75-138

Automobile safety restraint, 8-1343 et seq.


Breastfeeding, 65-1,248

Educational literature on care, 65-153

Eye treatment, 65-153b, 65-153d

Galactosemia, hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria, 65-180 et seq.

Genetic diseases, 65-180 et seq.

Newborn infant hearing screening act, 65-1,157a

Bank deposits, 9-1204

Battered child. Physical or mental abuse, post

Beer, furnishing to minors, 21-5607

Birth defects information system, 65-1,241 et seq.

Blind Persons, generally, this index

Boarding homes, 65-501 et seq.

Children and families, department for, 39-1301 et seq.

Boats and boating, operation prohibitions, 32-1125

Breastfeeding infants, 65-1,248

Budget estimates and document, state, services to children and families, 75-3717, 75-3721

Bureau of child research, university of Kansas, 76-316 et seq.

Capacity, 38-101 et seq.

Care and treatment,

Child Care Facilities, generally, this index

Child care facility operated with hospital, 65-425a

Children in Need of Care, this index

Children with special health care needs, post

State hospitals, liability for support, 59-2006

Cereal malt beverages. See Beer, ante

Child abduction. Uniform child abduction prevention act, post

Child advocacy centers, 38-2227

Child welfare system task force, 38-151

Children and families, department for,

Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq.

Community based services, group boarding homes, 39-1301 et seq.

Child exchange and visitation center, 23-3208, 23-3302, 75-720

Child labor, 38-601 et seq. See, also, Child Labor, generally, this index

Children and youth service program, development of, 39-708c

Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Children with Intellectual Disability, generally, this index

Children with intellectual or other disabilities,

Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq.

Children with special health care needs, ante

Day care programs, 39-1001 et seq.

Children with sexual behavior problems, 38-2290

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a01 et seq.

Advisory commission, 75-5643

Agreements, shared costs, 65-5a13

Application, 65-5a12

Artificial appliances and supplies, 65-5a08, 65-5a09

Bequest fund, 75-5644

Charges, approval of, 65-5a08, 65-5a09

Claims, payment, 65-5a15

Condition, determination of, 65-5a12

Cooperation, state departments and agencies, 65-5a11

Diagnostic clinics, 65-5a10

Eligibility for care, 65-5a12, 65-5a13

Fees, 65-5a05

Parents' rights not limited, 65-5a16

Priorities for certain services, 65-5a14

Rules and regulations, 65-5a08, 65-5a14

Secretary of health and environment, duties, 65-5a08

Children's advocacy center fund and assessment fee, 20-370

Children's aid societies,

Custody of children, 38-306

Unlawfully placing or receiving child from another state, 38-315

Children's initiatives fund, 38-2102, 38-2103

Children's internet protection act, Kansas, 75-2589

Cigarettes, 79-3321, 79-3322

Tobacco, this index

Community based services, children and families, department for, 39-1301 et seq.

Community based teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Conservators. Conservators and Conservatorships, this index


Capacity, 38-101 et seq.

Insurance premiums, 40-237

Contributing to a child's misconduct or deprivation, criminal code, 21-5603

Control over care and upbringing by parents, 38-141

Corporation for Change, this index

Credit unions, shares, 17-2213

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Child care facilities, 65-516

Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index

Homes for children, 65-514

Incest, 21-5604

Indecent liberties with, 21-5506

Indecent solicitation of, 21-5508

Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Maternity centers, 65-516

Crippled and chronically ill children. Children with special health care needs, ante

Curators for veterans, minor, proposed pensioner, 73-505

Custody, legal,

Child Custody Jurisdiction Act, generally, this index

Children in Need of Care, this index

Divorce or Annulment, this index

Factors considered, 23-3203

Interference with, 21-5409

Parenting time, 23-3203

Separate Maintenance, this index

Temporary, 38-2403

Damages, malicious destruction of property, 38-120

Day care. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index

Deaf children. Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, generally, this index


Failure to report, criminal code, 21-5938

Juveniles, state juvenile correctional or contract facilities, investigation, report, 75-52,147

Notification of coroner and state review board, 22a-241 et seq.

Reports of, 38-2223

Review board, 22a-243 et seq.

Deeds and conveyances, validation, 58-2263

Default judgment, 60-255

Delinquents. Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Dependent children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Deprival of parental rights. See subhead Termination of parental rights under Children in Need of Care, this index

Deprived children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Descent and Distribution, generally, this index


Jail, detention in, post

Juvenile Correctional Complex, Kansas, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Atchison, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Beloit, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Larned, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Osawatomie, this index

Juvenile Offenders, this index

Detention homes and other facilities,

Community homes, 39-1301 et seq.

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 38-536 et seq.

Counties over 20,000, 38-501 et seq.

Counties over 120,000, 38-523 et seq.

Counties with cities of 53,000 or over, 38-505 et seq.

Counties with cities of 70,000 or over, 38-511 et seq.

Educational services, provision of, grants, 72-1173

Jail, detention in, post

Johnson county, 38-555

Sedgwick county, 38-554

State, placement, 39-713c

Two or more counties, 38-528 et seq., 38-541 et seq.

Developmentally disabled children,

See, subhead Special education under Schools and School Districts, this index

Community based services, group boarding homes, 39-1301 et seq.

Early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq.


Failure to report, criminal code, 21-5938


Pupils, tests and inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

State assistance, 65-180

Division of services to children and youth. Children and Families, Kansas Department for, this index

Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index

Drivers' licenses, 8-237, 8-239, 8-2,100, 8-2,101

Drugs and medicines,

Examination and treatment for abuse, 65-2892a

Labels, 65-669

Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq.


Child Labor, generally, this index

Neighborhood improvement and youth employment act, 44-1401

Definitions, 44-1403

Discrimination prohibited, 44-1406

Eligibility requirements for nonbusiness participants, 44-1407

Expiration of act, 44-1408

Individuals eligible, 44-1405

Purpose, 44-1402

Requirements and limitations, 44-1404

Rule and regulation authority, 44-1409

Endangering a child, criminal code, 21-5601

Endowment for youth fund, 38-2101, 38-2102, 38-2103

Exchange and visitation centers, 75-720

Executors and administrators of wills, 59-702

Eye treatment, newly born infants, 65-153b, 65-153d

Family and children investment fund, 38-1808

Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq.

Fort Hays state university, clinical facilities for exceptional children of school age, 76-513

Foster care home. Homes for children, post

Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq.

Foundlings, 65-2411

Galactosemia testing, 65-180 et seq.

Gifts to. Uniform transfers to minors act, post

Good Samaritan Act, application, 65-2891


Children in need of care. See subhead Relatives under Children in Need of Care, this index

Grandparents as caregivers act, 38-142 et seq.

Definitions, 38-143

Duties of secretary, 38-147

Eligibility requirements, 38-145

Persons other than grandparents, 38-146

Program administration, 38-144

Rules and regulations, 38-148

Support services, 38-147

Visitation rights, 23-3301 et seq.

Guardian Ad Litem, generally, this index

Guardian and Ward, this index

Habeas corpus, persons entitled to prosecute writ, 60-1501

Health assessment, admission to school, 72-6267

Health care coverage for low-income children, 38-2001 et seq.

Abortion, exclusion, 38-2003

Contracts, 38-2005

Eligibility for coverage, 38-2004

Funding, 38-2009

Health benefits coverage, defined, 38-2003

Kansas insurance coverage for children fund, 38-2009

Kansas state employees health care benefits program, pilot program, 75-6506a

Plan, development of, 38-2001

Report to standing committees,

Public health and welfare of senate, 38-2007

Children and families of house of representatives, 38-2007

Rules and regulations, 38-2002

Secretary for children and families, powers and duties, 38-2001

Health programs, consolidation, 65-1,159

Health tests, inoculations, 72-6261 et seq.

Hearing-impaired and high-risk infants, early identification. See subhead Children under Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, this index

HIV infection, screening for in newborn children, 65-6018

Homeless child, school residence, 72-3122

Homes for children. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index


Child care facilities operated in connection with, 65-425a

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a08

Host families, 38-2401 et seq.

Hygiene, duties of division of health, 65-153

Hypothyroidism testing, 65-180 et seq.

Immunization, 38-135 et seq.

Consent under, 38-140, 38-2217, 38-2316

Definitions, 38-135

Delegation of consent,

Parent, 38-136

Person other than parent, 38-137

Immunity of health care provider, 38-139

Information provided by health care provider, 38-138

Infantile paralysis,

Drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672

Health officer, duties, 65-202

Inoculations and health tests, school pupils, 72-6261 et seq.

Infants. See, Babies, ante

Infants and toddlers with disabilities, early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq.

Inoculations, admission to school, 72-6261 et seq.

Insurance contracts, 40-237

Insurance for low-income children. Health care coverage for low-income children, ante

Interagency provision of services for children, adolescents and families act, 39-1701 et seq.

Definitions, 39-1702

System of regional interagency councils, 39-1703

Convening of, 39-1703

Duties, 39-1703

Purpose, 39-1703

Rules and regulations, 39-1703

Internet protection act, Kansas, 75-2589

Interstate compact for juveniles, 38-1008

Interstate compact on placement of children, 38-1201 et seq.

Intoxicating liquors, this index

Furnishing to minor, 21-5607

Jail, detention in,

Children in need of care, 38-2276

Juvenile offenders, 38-2332

Juveniles in the custody of the department of corrections, 38-2366

Separate facilities, 19-1919

Joint committee on child welfare system oversight, 46-3901

Judgments and decrees, default judgment, 60-225

Juvenile correctional facilities. Juvenile Justice Authority, this index

Juvenile crisis intervention centers, 65-536

Juvenile justice authority, generally, this index

Juvenile offenders, generally, this index

Kansas children's cabinet, 38-1901 et seq., 38-2103

Kansas children's internet protection act, 75-2589

Kansas youth authority, generally, this index

Labor, 38-601 et seq. See, also, Child labor, generally, this index

Lead poison prevention, 65-1,200 et seq.

Liens, release of, 60-2204

Limitation of actions, 60-508, 60-515

Loans to, prohibited, pawnbrokers, 16-717

Lottery, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8722

Majority, age of, 38-101

Court conferral of rights of majority, 38-108 et seq.

Maple syrup urine disease, 65-180

Medical or surgical treatment or procedures,

Consent, 38-122, 38-123, 38-123b, 38-2201

Medical service, Children with special health care needs, ante

Minority, period of, 38-101

Miscreants. Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Missing children, report, 75-712c

Guardians, legal custodians, 75-712f

Information clearinghouse, 75-712d

Law enforcement agencies, 75-712c

Mortality, study of causes, 65-153

Motor Vehicles, this index

Motor vehicles, child safety restraints, 8-1343 et seq.

Neglect. Physical or mental abuse, post

Neglected children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282

Newborn screening, 65-180

Next friend, action by, 60-217, 60-1501

Nonsupport of child,

Contempt, license sanctions, 74-146, 74-147

Criminal code, 21-5606

Support, generally, this index

Outpatient charges, liability of parent, state hospitals, 76-170

Parent education programs, 72-4161 et seq.

Parenting time, 23-3401


Custody, interference with, 21-5409

Determination of, see subhead Parentage proceedings, under Parents, this index

Determination services, 39-753 et seq.


Assistance to children, 39-718b

Children's torts, 38-120

Services, commissioner of juvenile justice, 38-2324

Shoplifting, 60-3331

Location of, 39-753 et seq.

Parentage proceedings, see Parents, this index


Control over care and upbringing, 38-141

Relinquishment of, 38-112 et seq.

Termination of. Children in Need of Care, this index

Separate Maintenance, this index

Support, generally, this index

Parimutuel racing, wagering, advertising and promotion of, prohibition, 74-8839

Pensioners, proposed, curators for veterans, 73-505

Phenylketonuria testing, 65-180 et seq.

Physical or mental abuse,

Child care facilities, 65-516

Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Crimes and penalties, 21-5602, 21-5605

Limitations on actions, 60-523

Murder in perpetration of abuse of a child, 21-5402

Protection from abuse act, 60-3101 et seq.

Reporting, 75-723, 38-2222 et seq.


Agencies, use of, 39-713c

Children in Need of Care, this index

Foster care homes, 38-134, 75-3329

Interstate compact on placement of children, 38-1201 et seq.

Juvenile Offenders, this index

Private homes, 75-3329, 75-3330

Temporary care, 38-2403

Poisoning, residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,200 et seq.


Drugs and medicine, false advertisement, 65-672

Health officer, duties, 65-202

Pregnancy reduction program for teenagers, 65-1,158

Pregnant unmarried minor, medical care, 38-123

Prenatal tests, 65-153 et seq.

Preschool, immunization, 72-6262

Probate Proceedings, generally, this index

Property, malicious destruction, 38-120

Protection, order of court, 60-217

Protection from abuse orders, 60-3104

Protection from stalking, sexual assault or human trafficing orders, 60-31a04

Research protocols, informed consent, 65-4974

Residence, state institutions, waiver of requirements, 39-111

Residential childhood lead poisoning prevention act, 65-1,200 et seq.

Rights, protection from abuse and neglect, 38-141

Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502

Rule in Wild's case, 58-505

Runaways. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Safety in automobiles, system required, 8-1343

Sales, generally, this index

School, nonattendance, responsibilities, 72-3121

Services, interagency provision of, 39-1701 et seq.

Severance of parental rights. See subhead Termination of parental rights under Children in Need of Care, this index

Simultaneous death, uniform act, 58-708 et seq.

Social welfare services,

Assistance, liability of absent parents, 39-718b

Eligibility requirements, 39-709

Soldiers' home, admission of children, 76-1908

Special education. Schools and School Districts, this index

Sports, accidents, emergency care at scene of, 65-2891

State hospitals,

Liability for support payments, 59-2006

Outpatient charges, liability of parent, 76-170

Status offenders. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Support, generally, this index

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Tattooing, cosmetic tattooing and body piercing, consent required, 65-1953

Teenage pregnancy reduction program, 65-1,158

Temporary assistance for needy families, 39-709

Definitions, 39-702

Termination of parental rights. Children in Need of Care, this index

Tobacco, sale, purchase and possession, penalties, 79-3321, 79-3322

Tobacco litigation settlement agreement proceeds, 38-2101 et seq.

Torts, parental liability, 38-120

Torturing child under 18, 21-5602

Traffic offenders. Children in Need of Care, this index

Traffic offenses, prosecution and disposition, 8-2117

Traffic regulations,

Parents permitting violation, 8-1586

Precautions of driver, 8-1535

Safety system in automobiles, 8-1343

Transfers to. Uniform transfers to minors act, post

Truants. Children in Need of Care, this index

Trust accounts, 75-3354

Uniform Act for Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers, 17-4903 et seq.

Uniform child abduction prevention act, 23-3801 et seq.

Abduction prevention measures, 23-3804

Abduction prevention orders, 23-3808, 23-3810

Courts, communication and cooperation, 23-3803

Custody of child, 23-3809

Definitions, 23-3802

Electronic signatures, 23-3812

Jurisdiction, 23-3805

Orders, 23-3808, 23-3810

Petition, 23-3806

Risk of abduction, factors to determine, 23-3807

Warrants, 23-3809

Uniform child-custody jurisdiction and enforcement act, 23-37,101 et seq.

Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, 38-1701 et seq.

Application, 38-1703, 38-1722, 38-1724

Existing custodianships, 38-1723, 38-1726

Construction, 38-1723

Custodial property,

Control, 38-1710, 38-1713, 38-1714, 38-1715

Creation, 38-1710

Transfer, when, 38-1721


Accounting, 38-1720

Bond, 38-1716, 38-1719

Compensation, 38-1716

Control of property, 38-1710, 38-1713, 38-1714, 38-1715

Death, 38-1719

Designation, 38-1710, 38-1719

Duties, 38-1714

Expenses, 38-1716

Incapacity or ineligibility, 38-1719

Jurisdiction over, 38-1703

Liability, 38-1718, 38-1720

Limitations, 38-1711

Nomination of, 38-1704, 38-1706

Refusal, 38-1719

Powers, 38-1712, 38-1713

Property, control, 38-1710, 38-1713, 38-1714, 38-1715

Receipt for property, 38-1709

Records, 38-1713

Removal or resignation, 38-1719

Single custodianship, 38-1711

Successor, 38-1719

Termination, 38-1721

Transfer of property, when, 38-1721

Transfer to, 38-1705, 38-1706

Definitions, 38-1702

Fiduciary, transfer by, 38-1707

Irrevocable transfer, 38-1705, 38-1712

Jurisdiction, 38-1703


Death, 38-1721

Liability, 38-1718

Transfer to, when, 38-1721

Obligor, transfer by, 38-1708

Third parties, liability of, 38-1717, 38-1718

Transfer, 38-1710

Effect, 38-1712

Fiduciary, 38-1707

Irrevocability, 38-1705, 38-1712

Obligor, 38-1708

Validity, 38-1712, 38-1723

When, 38-1721

Will or trust, 38-1706

Unlawfully hosting minors consuming alcohol, 21-5608

Unmarried pregnant minor, consent for medical care, 38-123

Venereal diseases, persons under 18, treatment, liability, 65-2892

Visitation rights, 23-3208, 23-3301

Child exchange and visitation centers, 75-720

Divorce or Annulment, this index

Enforcement, 23-3401

Parentage proceedings. Parents, this index

Separate Maintenance, this index

Wards' trust fund, 75-3354

Wayward children. Children in Need of Care, generally, this index

Wills, revocation upon birth, 59-610

Youth camp or home,

Community-based services, 39-1301 et seq.

Lease of park property, 19-2643

Two or more counties, 38-541 et seq.

Youth residential facilities, 38-555

Youth services bureaus, 19-3904

Citizens' governing board, 19-3906 et seq.

Contracts with nonprofit corporations for services, 19-3904, 19-3912

Grants, 19-3911

Tax levy, 19-3905


Generally, 38-2201 et seq.

See, also, Children and Minors, this index; Juvenile Offenders, this index;

Abuse or neglect,

Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Crimes and penalties, 21-5602, 21-5605

Educational program, 38-2222

Investigations, 38-2226, 38-2229, 38-2230, 38-2290

Multidisciplinary team, 38-2228

Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282

Protection from Abuse Act, 60-3101 et seq.

Public information program, 38-2222

Reports of, 38-2222 et seq., 75-723

Employment, penalties for reporting prohibited, 38-2224

Failure to, penalty, 38-2223

Institutions operated by the department for aging and disability services, 38-2223

Liability, immunity from, 38-2223

Mandatory, 38-2223

Restraining order, 38-2242, 38-2243, 38-2255

Subpoena, 38-2229

Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Adjudication, 38-2251

Dispositional hearing, 38-2253

Dispositions, authorized, 38-2255


Rehearing, 38-2256

Placement, post


Consent to, 38-2268

Custody for, 38-2270

Advocate, court appointed special, 38-2206


Jurisdiction, termination of, 38-2203

Presumption, 38-2203

Aid to dependent children,

Eligibility, 39-709

Appeals, 38-2273, 38-2274, 38-2275

Application of code to existing cases, 38-2283

Attorney, 38-2205

Fees, 38-2205, 38-2215, 38-2275

Budget estimates and document, state, services to children and families, 75-3717, 75-3721

CASA, 38-2206

Case planning, 38-2253

Child advocacy centers, 38-2227

Child exchange and visitation centers, 75-720

Children and families services,

Abuse or neglect,

Children with sexual behavior problems, 38-2290

Duties, 38-2230

Investigations, 38-2226, 38-2229, 38-2230

Reporting, program of, 38-2222, 38-2223, 38-2225

Records, 38-2212

Citizen review board, 38-1813, 38-2207

Duties, 38-2208

Confidential records, 38-2209


Care of child, 38-2216

Proceedings, 28-170, 28-170a, 38-2205, 38-2215

Appeals, 38-2273 et seq.

Reimbursement to county or secretary, 38-2216

Counsel. Attorney, ante

County or district attorney, duties, 38-2214

Court services officers,

Custody of child, 38-2231

Court statistics, report, 20-319

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501


Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Costs, 38-2216

Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index

Placement, post

Protective custody, 38-2242

Taking into custody, 38-2230, 38-2231, 38-2232

Temporary custody, 38-2242, 38-2243

Deaths, reports of, 38-2223

Definitions, 38-2202

Deprival of parental rights. Termination of parental rights, post

Detention homes and facilities. Children and Minors, this index

Dispositions, authorized, 38-2255

District attorney. County or district attorney, ante

Diversion, informal supervision, 38-2244

Docket fee, 28-170, 28-170a, 38-2215


Evaluation of needs, 38-2219

High school diploma awarded, 38-2285

Kansas educational institutions, enrollment, tuition and fee waiver, 74-32,161

Schools, nonattendance, 38-2202, 72-3121

Reports, 72-3121

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Educational decisions, 38-2218

Evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219


Age, presumption, 38-2203

Child's placement preference, 38-2262

Discovery, 38-2245

Hearsay, statement of child, 60-460

Privileges, 38-2249

Proof, degree of, 38-2250

Recorded statements, admissibility, 38-2249

Rules, 38-2245, 38-2249

Stipulations, 38-2248

Exchange of information, 38-2210, 38-2212, 38-2213

Expenses. Costs, ante

Family services and community intervention fund, 38-2281

Fingerprints, 38-2221

Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq.

Foster parents,

Information on child, 38-134

Reports, 38-2261

Grandparents. Relatives, generally, post

Guardian ad litem, appointment of, 38-2205

Health services, 38-2217

Hearings. Proceedings, post

Home, parental,

Preference, 38-2201

Removal, findings, 38-2242, 38-2243, 38-2255

Homes for children. Child Care Facilities, generally, this index

Indian children, placement, 38-2203

Informal supervision, 38-2244

Information, exchange of, 38-2210

Interested party,

Determination of, 38-2241

Interstate compacts,

Juveniles, 38-1008

Placement of children, 38-1201 et seq.

Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index

Jurisdiction, continuing, 38-2273

Jurisdiction and venue, 38-2203, 38-2220

Juvenile correctional facilities. Juvenile Justice Authority, this index

Juvenile intake and assessment system, used for, 75-7023

Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Law enforcement,

Abuse or neglect, investigations, 38-2226, 38-2229, 38-2230

Application for physical custody, 38-2232

Custody of child, 38-2231

Duties of officer, 38-2230, 38-2232

Medical services, 38-2217, 38-2219, 65-5a01 et seq.

Evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219

Mental illness, 38-2217, 38-2219

Missing, reports, 75-712b et seq.

Motions, 38-2234

Multidisciplinary team, 38-2228

Neglect. Abuse or neglect, ante

Newborn infant protection act, 38-2282

Notice of hearing, child's grandparents, 38-2236

Orders, precedence of, 38-2284

Parent ally, 38-2247


Attorney for, 38-2205

Determination of, 38-2220

Access to information, 39-7,136

Genetic testing, 39-7,145

Evaluation of, 38-2219

Paternity, 38-2220


Relinquishment, 38-112 et seq.

Termination of parental rights, post

Unfitness, presumption of, 38-2271

Permanency planning,

Hearing, 38-2264

Notice of hearing, 38-2265

Placement outside the home, 38-2257

Provisions of, 38-2263

Permanent custodian,

Appointment of, 38-2272

Procedure, 38-2267

Request for, 38-2266

Unfitness of parents considerations, 38-2269

Voluntary, 38-2268


Contents, 38-2234

Filing of, 38-2230, 38-2233, 38-2234

County or district attorney, 38-2214, 38-2233

Photographs, 38-2221

Placement, 38-2255, 75-3329, 75-3330

Adoption, 38-2270

Change of, 38-2258, 38-2259

Child's preference, 38-2262

Costs, payment, 38-2216

Dispositional hearing, 38-2253

Foster parents,

Information on child, 38-134

Reports, 38-2261

Indian children, 38-2203

Jail, detention in. Children and Minors, this index

Order to direct child to remain, 38-2260

Parental preference, 38-2201

Permanency hearing, 38-2253

Permanency planning, 38-2257, 38-2263 et seq.

Permanent custodian, 38-2266, 38-2267, 38-2269

Qualified residential treatment program, 38-2291

Reintegration, 38-2255

Relatives, recommendations, 38-2252

Temporary, 38-2242, 38-2243

Terminated parental rights, 38-2270

Violation of by child, 38-2260

Privileges, 38-2249

Probation officers, appointment, 20-346a


Adjudication, 38-2251

Appeals, ante

Confidentiality, 38-2247

Continuances, 38-2246

Diversion of, 38-2244

Evidence, ante


Notification of, 38-2236, 38-2239, 38-2254, 38-2265, 38-2267

Order to direct child to remain in placement, violation of, 38-2260

Permanency, 38-2264

Permanent custodian, 38-2267

Public access, 38-2247

Temporary custody, 38-2243

Termination of parental rights, 38-2267

Informal supervision order, 38-2244

Parent ally, 38-2247

Petition, 38-2233, 38-2234

Placement, ante

Proof, degree of, 38-2250

Public access, 38-2247

Records, 38-2211

Rehearing, 38-2256

Stipulations, 38-2248

Subpoenas, 38-2240

Temporary custody hearing, 38-2243

Termination of parental rights, post


Disclosure of names, 38-2245

Fees, 38-2240

Process, service of, 38-2235 et seq.

Protective custody. Custody, ante

Psychological evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219

Recorded statement, child victim, 38-2249


Access to, 38-2212, 38-2213


Penalties, immunities, 38-2209

Disclosure of, 38-2211, 38-2212, 38-2213, 38-2219

Fingerprints, 38-2221

Law enforcement, 38-2213

Missing children, 75-712d

Official file, 38-2211

Photographs, 38-2221

Preservation, 38-2211

Social file, 38-2211

Records, school, 38-2218, 72-3439

Rehearing, 38-2256



Custody, substantial consideration, 38-2286

Interested parties, 38-2241

Notice of proceedings, 38-2236, 38-2267

Placement, recommendations, 38-2252


Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, reporting, 75-723

Information system, 75-712, 75-712c, 75-712d, 75-712f, 75-712g

Law enforcement, duties, 75-712c

Missing children, 75-712d

Residential care facilities, children and youth, 75-7028

Restraining orders, 38-2244

Runaway, 38-2232

Detention, 38-2231

Reporting and records, 38-2231

Clearinghouse, 75-712d

Law enforcement, duties, 75-712c

Sheltering, report of, 38-2231

Service of process, 38-2235 et seq.

Statistics, court, report, 20-319

Stipulations, 38-2248

Subpoenas, 38-2240

Summons. Process, service of, ante


See also, Support, generally, this index

Access to information, 39-7,136

Change of payee, 39-7,151

Enforcement, 38-2279, 38-2280

Guidelines, 38-2277

Income withholding, 38-2279

Journal entry, 38-2278

Order, 38-2255, 38-2277

Journal entry, 38-2278

Modification, 38-2256, 38-2279

Parentage, determination of, 38-2220

Petition, 38-2234

Redirecting payment, 39-7,151

Stay of proceedings, 38-2220

Title IV-D jurisdiction, 39-7,140

Administrative orders, 39-7,142

Arrearages owed, 39-7,146

Administrative levy, 39-7,150

Execution, 39-7,152

Income withholding, 39-7,147

Modification, 39-7,148

Subpoenas, 39-7,143, 39-7,144

Temporary assistance for needy families, 39-709

Definitions, 39-702

Temporary custody. Custody, ante

Termination of parental rights, 38-2266

Adoption of child, 38-2270

Convicted parents wishes disregarded, 38-2269

Felonious intercourse, 38-2269

Procedure, 38-2267

Standards for, 38-2269

Unfitness, presumption of, 38-2271

Unfitness considerations, 38-2269

Voluntary relinquishment, 38-2268

Traffic offenses, 8-2117

Transfer of case, 38-2204

Treatment, 38-2217

Evaluation, child or parent, 38-2219

Truancy, 72-3121

Detention, 38-2231

Mandatory attendance, 72-3120

Reporting, 72-3121

Return to school, 38-2232

Trust accounts, 75-3354

Venue, 38-2204, 38-2215

Victims of trafficking or exploitation, 38-2202, 38-2287, 38-2289

Visitation rights, 38-2255


See, also, Day Care Program, this index

Adoption assistance, 38-319 et seq., 38-335 et seq.

Community based services, group boarding homes, 39-1301 et seq.

Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Assistance, generally, this index

Day care programs, 39-1001 et seq.

Federal aid, state educational agency, powers, 72-5539

Fees and charges, outpatients, state hospitals and neurological institute, 76-170

Home for, lease of property belonging to state hospital, 76-1519a

Infants and toddlers, early intervention services, 75-5648 et seq.

Special education, exceptional children. Schools and School Districts, this index

State financial assistance. Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Assistance, generally, this index

State official policy, term of intellectual disability, 65-6234


Generally 65-5a01 et seq.

Advisory commission for children with special health care needs, 75-5643


Youth Center at Atchison, generally, this index


Construction of facilities, 76-17b05

Sale of real estate for use as children's treatment center, 76-17b06 et seq.


See, also, Health Care Providers, generally, this index; Podiatrists, generally, this index

Generally, 65-2001 et seq.


See, also, Healing Arts, generally, this index; Health Care Providers, generally, this index

Generally, 65-2801 et seq.

Barber Law, exemptions, 65-1816

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.


Highway designation, 68-1021


See, also, Diseases, generally, this index

Hog cholera. Animal Diseases, this index


Adoption protection act, 60-5322

Buses, 8-1730a

Overtaking and passing, 8-1556a

Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index


Generally, 79-3301 et seq.

Abatement, 75-5154

Amnesty, 79-2977

Application of act, exceptions, 79-3398, 79-33,100

Bond, surety, wholesale dealer, 79-3304, 79-3311

Cigars, sale in cigarette vending machines prohibited, 79-3321

Common carriers, 79-3312a

Compact, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, 79-2985

Compact, Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, 79-2984

Contraband goods, 79-3323, 79-3324a

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 79-3321, 79-3322

Prosecutions, 79-3326

Sentencing, conviction, 79-3336

Damaged cigarettes, 79-3312a

Definitions, 79-3301

Conviction, defined, 79-3336


Carriers, shortage of cigarettes, 79-3312a

Contraband goods, seizure, 79-3323

Redemption of stamps, 79-3312

Refunds, 79-3312

Tax stamps, design, 79-3311

Enforcement of law, 79-3326, 79-3328, 79-3397

Exemption, foreign cigarette sales, 79-3316

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fraud, 79-3321

Free sample packages of cigarettes, 79-3313

Fund, cigarette tax refund fund, 79-3311

Imported cigarettes, information required, 79-3395

Injunctions, 79-3309, 79-3321

Inspections, unlawful acts, 79-3321


Failure to produce, 79-3321

Manufacturer's salesman, 79-3304

Purchases of cigarettes, 79-3316

Licenses, 79-3304

Application for, 79-3303

Change in ownership or location of dealer establishment, 79-3303

Display of, 79-3303

Fees, generally, 79-3304

Issuance, 79-3306

Lost or destroyed, 79-3303

Penalties, 79-3322

Period of, 79-3306

Replacement of, 79-3303

Sale of cigarettes without, 79-3321

Suspension or revocation, 79-3309

Term, biennium, 79-3306

Vending machine, 79-3303

Mutilation of stamp, 79-3321

Nuisance, contraband goods, 79-3323

Ownership of business, change, 79-3303


Evidence, 79-3313

Procedures, 79-3310c

Penalties, 79-3396

Permits, penalties, 79-3322

Place of business, change, 79-3303

Possession of untaxed cigarettes, 79-3321

Purchases of cigarettes, evidence, 79-3316


License, 79-3304

Sale of unstamped cigarettes, 79-3313

Rate of tax imposed, 79-3310

Procedures, 79-3310c


Failure to keep and preserve, 79-3321

Failure to produce, 79-3321

Purchases of cigarettes, 79-3316

Wholesale dealers, 79-3304

Redemption of stamps, 79-3312

Refunds, 79-3312

Cigarette tax refund fund, 79-3311

Reports, cigarette sales, 79-3316

Rules and regulations, 79-3302, 79-3326

Sale in foreign state, transportation, 79-3311

Sale of cigarettes not bearing tax indicia, 79-3321

Sale of cigarettes without license, 79-3321

Sale of untaxed cigarettes, 79-3321

Sample packages of cigarettes, 79-3313

Distribution to minors, 79-3322

Seizure, contraband goods, 79-3323, 79-3324a

Self-service display,

Defined, 79-3301

Unlawful acts, 79-3321

Shortage in shipment of cigarettes, 79-3312a

Tax stamps,

Bond, surety, 79-3311

Discount, 79-3311

Evidence of payment required, 79-3313

Liability for tax, 79-3311a

Redemption, 79-3312

Requirements, 79-3333

Sale, 79-3311

Transporting for out-of-state sale, 79-3311

Vending machine, 79-3301

Change of location, 79-3303

Cigars, sale prohibited, 79-3321

Key, 79-3303

License, 79-3303, 79-3304, 79-3321

Location, change of, 79-3303

Permit, 79-3303, 79-3304

Suspension or revocation, 79-3309

Vending machine operator, defined, 79-3301

Wholesale dealer, 79-3301

Bond, 79-3304

Duties, 79-3304, 79-3311

License, 79-3304

Records, 79-3304


Tobacco, this index


Sale in cigarette vending machines prohibited, 79-3321

School buildings, use prohibited, 72-6285


See, also, Municipalities, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 12-101 et seq.

Abandoned property, rehabilitation of, 12-1750 et seq.

Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Air quality, powers and duties, 65-3010, 65-3016

Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Amusement rides, 44-1601 et seq.

Financial responsibility requirements, 40-4803

Local regulation of, 44-1612

Annexation of territory, 12-519 et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 12,§ 5

Municipalities, this index

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Board of public utilities, 13-1220 et seq.

Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929


Housing finance. Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Industrial Revenue Bonds, generally, this index

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Limitations on indebtedness, 10-308

Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Boxing and Wrestling, generally, this index

Building codes,

Adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Outside city limits, procedure, 12-751a

Buildings. Municipal Buildings and Grounds, generally, this index

Business machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2978

Capital improvement fund, 12-1,118

Cemeteries, 12-1401a et seq. See, also, Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index

Cemetery districts,

Hillsdale cemetery district, deannexation of district territory, 12-1442

Census, 11-201 et seq.

Central business district redevelopment. Municipalities, this index

Chief of police, 12-1,120

City-manager form of government,

Adoption, abandonment, 12-1039, 12-1041

City manager appointment,

Powers of governing body, manager, 12-1040

City utility low-interest loan program, 75-4297 et seq.

Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, 12-4119

Commercial property, rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq.

See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index

Consolidated street and highway fund, 12-1,119


Kansas City and Wyandotte county, 12-340 et seq.


Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Cities of First Class, this index

Cities of Second Class, this index

Cities of Third Class, this index

Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, 12-4119

Contracts, generally, this index


Consolidation of cities, 12-301 et seq.

Defined, 12-104

Ordinances, signature or veto, 12-3003

President of council, cities of second class, 14-308

Public utilities, contract with, 66-133

County and city revenue sharing fund, 79-2964 et seq.

Credit card, debit cards, acceptance,

Payment of taxes, utility fees, other exactions, 12-16,125

Crime victims, bill of rights act, policies, 74-7333

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Dangerous or unsafe structures, repair or removal, 12-1750 et seq.

Dangerous regulated animals. Animals, this index

Dissolution, 15-111, 15-111a

Downtown redevelopment act, 12-17,121 et seq.

Easements, acquisition of underlying fee interest, 12-16,103, 12-16,104

Economic development,

Revenue bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Tax exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Limitations and conditions, 79-251

Tax levy, 12-1617h


Mutual or reciprocal assistance policies, 12-16,117

Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Emergency telephone service, 12-5362 et seq.

Municipalities, this index

Enterprise zones, bonds, 12-1770 et seq.

Environmental contamination, cleanup,

Tax increment financing, 12-1771, 12-1771a

Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Equipment reserve fund, 12-1,117

False claims act, Kansas, 75-7501 et seq.

Firearms or ammunition, regulation of, 12-16,124

Buyback programs, use of tax proceeds, 12-16,124b

Concealed carry licenses issued to public employees, disclosure and record of, 75-7c23

Limitations on liability, 12-16,124a

Fireworks, regulation of, 31-134, 31-503


Nutrition labeling, distribution and production, regulation of, 12-16,136, 12-16,137

Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146

Form of government, 12-184, 12-184a, 12-184b

Foundations, municipally established,

Investment of fund, 12-1677d

Funds. Municipal Funds, generally, this index

Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072

Grants or loans from the state, 12-16,108 et seq.

Health care services, sales tax, 12-187

Historic theater,

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,163

Tax increment financing, 12-1770a, 12-1771, 12-1774

Home rule powers, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5


Housing incentive district act, 12-5241 et seq.

Inspections, limitations on, 12-16,138

Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123

Trust funds, 12-16,114

Water meters, 12-2723

Imitation firearms, 12-16,115

Improvement Districts, generally, this index


Community improvement district act, 12-6a26 et seq.

Delay in payment of special assessments, 12-6,110 et seq.

Additional extension for payment, 12-6,111

Bonds, 12-6,110

Collection of assessments, 12-6,112

Financial analysis, 12-6,111

Ordinance, requirements, 12-6,112

Payments during period of delay, how made, 12-6,114

Undeveloped area, defined, 12-6,113

General improvement and assessment law, 12-6a01 et seq.

Improvements, this index

Sewerage systems,

Aquisition of systems outside city, 12-6,121

Incorporation, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 15-115 et seq.

Improvement districts, inclusion, 19-2786d, 19-2786e


Assessed valuation, computation of, 10-308

Limitation, 10-308, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5

Industrial development,

Bonds, 12-1741 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Location of facilities, approval, 12-1741a, 12-1741b

School districts, notice, 12-1749c

Fund, 12-1617i

Tax levy, 12-1617h

Information technology executive council, representative member, 75-7202


Municipal group-funded pool act, 12-2616 et seq.

Risk management reserve fund, 12-2615

Intermodal transportation projects, state assistance, 75-5081 et seq.


Direct investments, 12-1677b

Investment policies, 12-1677b

Municipal investment pool fund, 12-1677a

Jails, generally, this index

Judicial review of actions. Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Kansas City, unified government, 12-340 et seq.

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Kansas housing incentive district act, 12-5241 et seq.

Knives and knife making components, regulation of, 12-16,134

Land bank, 12-5901 et seq.

Advisory committee, 12-5911

Board of trustees, 12-5902, 12-5904, 12-5905

Definitions, 12-5901

Procedure to establish, 12-5902

Transfer of property to bank, 12-5906

Administration of property, 12-5907

Property tax exemption, 12-5909

Sale of property, 12-5908

Special assessments, 12-5909

Libraries, generally, this index

Liquor license, retailer, nuisance convictions, reporting to the director of alcoholic beverage control, 21-6204

Loans or grants from the state, 12-16,108 et seq.

State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Mayor, when considered part of governing body, 12-104

Mayoral appointments,

Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128

McPherson, property no longer used by school district, 12-16,105

Motor vehicles, alternative-fueled, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Municipally Owned Utilities, this index

Neighborhood revitalization act, 12-17,114 et seq.

Newspaper, official, 64-101

Oil and gas, mineral development, 55-1610 et seq.

Paving materials,

Mining or manufacturing of by cities and counties, 12-16,122

Private parties,

Limitation on provision of by cities and counties, 12-16,121

Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq.

Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index

Plumbers, licensure, 12-1508 et seq.

Population, 11-201 et seq.

Private employers,

Regulation of prohibited, 12-16,130, 12-16,131, 12-16,132

Privatization of public services, 12-5501 et seq.

Municipalities, this index


Abandoned property, transferred to city, 12-16,118

Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719

Rehabilitation of abandoned property, 12-1750 et seq.

Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq.

Municipalities, this index

Public services, privatization of, 12-5501 et seq.


Cooperative purchase agreements, 75-3739


Open Public Records Act, 45-215 et seq.

Preservation, government records preservation act, 45-401 et seq.

Recreation Systems. Municipalities, this index

Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Revenue sharing fund, 79-2964 et seq.

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Full faith and credit tax increment bonds, 12-17,169

STAR bond project,

Administrative fee, 12-17,164

Employment by government official, prohibition of, 12-17,180

Establishment of, 12-17,164, 12-17,166

Information for ecomomic development database, 12-17,169

Real property,

Acquisition of, 12-17,172

Sale, transfer or lease to developer, 12-17,172

Rural redevelopment projects, alternative financing, 12-17,169

STAR bond project district,

Division of, 12-17,171

Establishment of, 12-17,165

Real property,

Addition or removal of, 12-17,171

Inclusion of, limitations on, 12-17,162

Transfer of ownership interest, 12-17,171

Scrap metal, regulation of, 50-6,109f

Self-supported municipal improvement district, 12-1795 et seq.

Acquisition of property, 12-17,104

Advisory board, 12-17,102

Appeal, 12-1797

Bonds, 12-17,103

Definitions, 12-1795

Dissolution of district, 12-1799

Establishment of district, 12-1796

Funds, 12-17,105

Protest petition, 12-1798

Special districts,

Assumption of powes and responsibilities, 12-3921 et seq.

Procedure, 12-3922, 12-3923

State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

State health care benefits program,

Charges to employer, 75-6508

Payroll deductions, disposition, 75-6506

Storage tanks, generally, this index

Storm drainage system, city-county, 12-6,102

Assessment, 12-6,103

Protest petition, election, 12-6,104

Street and highway fund, consolidated, 12-1,119

Streets and alleys, transfer of title, 12-16,116

Tax exemption, 79-201a

Tax foreclosure, 79-2801

Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq.

Taxes, Kan. Const. Art. 12, § 5

General fund, 12-101a

Gross earnings tax, 12-1,101 et seq.

Retailers' sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

Taxation, generally, this index

Telecommunications and railroad machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2979

Telecommunications services from state, 75-4709

Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123

Tort liability,

Municipal group-funded pool act, 12-2616 et seq.

Risk management reserve fund, 12-2615

Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Tourism areas,

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq.

Transient Merchant Licensing Act, 19-2231 et seq.

Transportation development district act, 12-17,140 et seq.

Bonds, 12-17,149

Creation, procedure, 12-17,141, 12-17,142

Hearing, 12-17,144

Notice, 12-17,144

Definitions, 12-17,141

Excise tax, limitation, 12-17,151

Financing of project, 12-17,143, 12-17,144, 12-147, 12-17,149

Fund, 12-17,148

Kansas transportation revolving fund, 12-17,149

Limitations on actions, 12-17,146

Mail ballot election, 12-17,151, 25-432

Sales tax, 12-17,145, 12-17,147a, 12-17,148

Secretary of revenue, 12-17,150

Special assessments, 12-17,143

Transportation revolving fund loan, 12-17,148, 12-17,149

Transportation projects, state assistance,

Intermodal transportation assistance revolving fund, 75-5081 et seq.

Transportation assistance, state revolving fund, 75-5063 et seq.

Utilities. Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index

Fees for use of right-of-way in annexed area, 12-2016

Privatization of, 12-5501 et seq.

Validating proceedings. See, Curative and Validating Acts, generally, this index

Veterans, disabled parking, 8-161

Wastewater management,

Committee, 65-3309

Plans, 65-3308 et seq.

Zones and Zoning, this index


Communications services,

Restrictions on regulation of, 12-2023


See, also, Municipalities, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 13-101 et seq.

Accidents, educational program, 75-5740

Accounts and accounting, 13-518

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Aged Persons, generally, this index

Homes for, 12-4901 et seq.

Agricultural products, 13-1238

Airports and Landing Fields, this index


Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq.

Equipment replacement fund, 12-110d

Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b

Annexation of territory. See, Municipalities this index

Armories, construction, financial assistance, 48-308

Art museum board, 13-460 et seq.

Attorneys. Municipal Attorneys, this index

Auction of new goods, license and regulation, 58-1024

Auditors. Municipal Auditors, this index

Audits and auditing. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Boards and commissions,

Art museum board, 13-460 et seq.

Planning commission, 13-1115

Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929

Bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index

Bridges. Roads and Highways, this index

Budget, generally, this index

Building commission, public, 12-1757 et seq.

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Central business district area redevelopment. Municipalities, this index

Cities included, 13-101

Cities of second class, change to first class, 13-1702

City courts. Municipal Courts, this index

Civil Service, this index

Claims. Municipalities, generally, this index

Clerks. Municipal Clerks, this index

Colleges. Municipal Universities, generally, this index

Commission form of government,

Commissioners, powers and duties, 13-1708

Waterworks department, 13-2401 et seq.

Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq.


Employment, ordinance, 13-527

Other municipalities, contracts with, 12-2901 et seq., 12-2908

Signature and approval of mayor, 13-506


Council-city manager government,

Meetings, 13-1410

Messages by mayor, 13-509

Special meetings called by mayor, 13-510

Mayor-council government, post

Modified mayor-council government, post

Courts. Municipal Courts, this index

Docks, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq.

Drainage districts, 24-489 et seq., 24-816 et seq.

Cities between 100,000 and 150,000, 13-10,128

Urban areas, 13-10,128 et seq.

Drains and Drainage, this index

Dwellings, insanitary and unsafe, 17-2345

Elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index

Electric plant. utilities, post

Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Eminent Domain, generally, this index

Employees. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Execution, exemption of city-owned property, 12-151

Federal aid, 12-1662 et seq.

Fire districts, inclusion, 19-3605

Fire-fighting equipment,

Bond issuance for purchase, 12-110c

Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b

Firefighters, this index

Flood control, 19-3307

Excavations, regulation, 19-3307

Floods, tax levy for repair of damaged property, 13-10,141 et seq.

Foreign trade zones, 12-825h

Establishment, 12-825h

Federal grants, 12-825h

Franchises, railroads, 13-1216, 13-1217

Funds. Municipal Funds, this index

Government form, adoption or abandonment, procedure, 12-184, 13-103

Grain elevator, terminal docks, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq.

Health and sanitation, 13-436

Historical collections, tax levy, 12-1661

Hospitals, this index

Housing authorities, 17-2340, 17-2341

Bonds, legal investments, 17-2336

Improvements, this index

Industrial development,

Bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Fund, 12-1617i

Tax levy, 12-1617h

Insanitary or unsafe dwellings, determination, 17-2344

Insurance, liability, 75-6111

Jails, generally, this index

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Law enforcement,

Tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq.

Training, 74-5601 et seq.

Law enforcement agencies,

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Complaints, 22-4610, 22-4611

Definitions, 22-4606

Discipline, 22-4610

Policies, 22-4610

Unlawful act, 22-4609

Leases, this index

Levees and Flood Control, this index

Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Libraries, this index

Marshals, this index

Master street plan, 13-1114b et seq.

Mayor-council government,

Abandonment, 12-184, 12-10a09

Adoption procedure, 12-184

Policy-making, 12-10a08

President as mayor pro tem, 13-513

Special meeting, 12-10a08

Mayoral appointments,

Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128, 13-527, 13-1347

Mayors, this index

Military memorial buildings, expenses and expenditures, 73-434 et seq.

Mobile radio equipment, 13-1024c

Modified mayor-council government, 12-10a01 et seq.

Council, 12-10a04, 12-10a05

Department heads, 12-10a07

Districts, division of city, 12-10a03

Election, governing body, 12-10a02

Mayor, 12-10a04, 12-10a05, 12-10a06

President, election, 12-10a02

Monuments and memorials, veterans, 73-417 et seq.

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipal Courts, this index

Municipal judge, appointment, 12-4105, 13-628a

Municipally Owned Utilities, this index

Museums, art museum board, 13-460


Abatement, 12-1617e, 13-436, 13-1417

Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115

Ordinances, 12-1617g

Officers. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Ordinances, generally, this index

Pardons, mayor granting, 13-515

Parking Lots and Facilities, this index

Parks, this index

Parkways and Boulevards, this index

Pawnbrokers, licenses, 16-707

Payment in lieu of taxes. See, Taxation, this index

Planning Commissions, generally, this index

Police, this index

Policemen's Retirement System, this index

Ponds, draining, 12-1617e

Population, 11-201 et seq., 13-101

Proclamations, 13-101

Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq.

Topeka, transfer of property, 12-1764

Public Utilities, this index

Township water system, transferred to, 13-1275 et seq.

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Community advisory boards, 22-4611b

Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a

Data collection, 22-4611a

Railroads, this index

Records, open public records, 45-215 et seq.

Recreation systems. Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, generally, this index

Reduction works, 13-1024a

Refuse resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq.

Municipal Officers and Employees, this index

River terminal facilities, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq.

Roads and Highways, this index

Streets and alleys, this index

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

School Buildings and Grounds, this index

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Sidewalks, this index

Sinking Funds, this index

Social security, 40-2301 et seq.; Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, generally, this index

Special improvement fund, cities over 200,000, reimbursement, 79-1950b

Stay, security, 13-1407

Storage facilities, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq.

Storm sewers and drains. Sewers and Sewer Systems, generally, this index

Streets and Alleys, this index

Swimming pools, revenue bonds, 13-1395 et seq.

Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq.

Taxation, this index

Teachers' Retirement System, this index

Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq.

Transit Systems, this index


Bond, 13-526a

Remitting moneys, 10-130

Municipal Treasurers, this index

United States,

Financial aid, water and light plants, 13-1261

Hospital funds, investment in bonds, 13-14b14

Utilities, revenue bonds, sale by first class cities, 13-1240

Universities. Municipal Universities, generally, this index


Contracts for purchase of gas, water or electricity, 12-825j

Municipally Owned Utilities, generally, this index

Rates and charges, 13-431

Township water system, transferred to, 13-1275 et seq.

Vending facilities, operation by blind persons, 75-3337 et seq.

Viaducts, this index

Water Supply, this index


Abatement of nuisance, 12-1617e, 12-1617f

Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115

Wharves, docks and piers, revenue bonds, 13-1238 et seq.

Zoning, master street plan, 13-1114b et seq.


See, also, Cities, generally, this index; Municipalities, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 14-101 et seq.

Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Aged Persons, generally, this index

Homes for, 12-4901

Airports and Landing Fields, this index


Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq.

Equipment replacement fund, 12-110d

Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b

Annexation of territory. See Municipalities, this index

Aqueducts, 12-694

Attorneys. Municipal Attorneys, this index

Auction of new goods, license and regulation, 58-1024

Auditorium, military memorial, 73-447, 73-448

Audits and auditing. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929

Bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index

Boundaries, 14-101

Precincts, 14-207

Wards, 14-103

Bridges, 14-440

Budget, generally, this index

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Central business district area redevelopment. Municipalities, this index

Change to city of first class, 13-1425, 13-1702

Change to city of third class, 14-901 et seq.

Cities included, 14-101

City courts. Municipal Courts, this index

Claims. Municipalities, generally, this index

Clerk. Municipal Clerks, this index

Commission form of government, 14-1101 et seq.

Abandonment of plan, 12-184, 14-1807

Adoption, 12-184, 14-1806

Appointive officers, 14-1501 et seq.

Ballots, primary ballots, 14-1208

Changing from commission, city of third class, 14-1103

City attorney, appointment, 14-1501

Commission-manager form of government, applicability, 14-1103

Commissioners, 14-1301 et seq.

Appointment of officers, 14-1501 et seq.

Bond, official, 14-1304

Election, 14-1204, 14-1806

Finance and revenue, 14-1307

Acting mayor, 14-1404

Holding other office, 14-1302

Mayor as chairman, 14-1401

Meetings, 14-1308, 14-1403

Powers and duties, 14-1102, 14-1306, 14-1307

Primary ballots, 14-1208

Relation to parks commission, 14-537

Streets and public utilities, 14-1307

Term of office, 14-1204

Vacancy, 14-1305

Departments, 14-1307

Disability of officer, 14-1504

Division into wards, 14-1103

Election for adoption of plan, 14-1806

Engineer, appointment, 14-1501

Fire chief, appointment, 14-1501

Fire department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 14-1307

Health department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 14-1307

Initiative, 14-1803 et seq.

Leases, camping or cabin sites, 14-2001

Marshal, appointment, 14-1501, 14-1502

Municipal judge, appointment, 14-1501, 14-1502

Parks, use of land for, 14-2001

Police department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 14-1307

Public parks, supervision by mayor, 14-1307

Public utilities, 14-1307

Qualifications, mayor and commissioner, 14-1301

Registration of voters, 14-1103

Removal from territory as creating vacancy, 14-1305, 14-1504

Residence, 14-1502

Resignation of officers, 14-1504

Salaries of officers, 14-1501

Terms of appointive officers, 14-1501

Treasurer, appointment, 14-1501

Vacancies in office, 14-1305, 14-1504

Commission-manager plan,

Park land acquisition fund, 14-2004

Compensation and salaries, 14-201

Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq.

Continuing as, resolution, 13-101

Contracts, 14-440

Other municipalities, contracts with, 12-2901 et seq., 12-2908

Corporations, eminent domain, 17-618


Mayor-council government, post

Modified mayor-council government, post

Municipal Council, this index

Courts. Municipal Courts, this index

Depots, regulations, 14-434

Disease control, 65-301, 65-302

Drains and Drainage, this index

Dwellings, insanitary and unsafe, 17-2345

Elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index

Electricity, 14-531 et seq.

Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Eminent Domain, generally, this index

Employees. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Engineer, 14-1501

Execution, exemption of city-owned property, 12-151

Fairs and expositions, county free fair, tax levy, 2-142, 2-143

Federal aid, 12-1662 et seq.

Fire districts, inclusion, 19-3605

Fire-fighting equipment,

Bond issuance for purchase, 12-110c

Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b

Firefighters, 14-1501

Flood control, 14-701a, 19-3307

Excavations, regulation of, 19-3307

Foreign trade zones, 12-825h

Gambling places, suppression, 21-922

Gas wells, 14-1041 et seq.

Governing body,

General powers, 14-409, 14-423, 14-423a, 14-434, 14-440

Government form, adoption or abandonment, procedure, 12-184

Health and sanitation, 14-1307

Hospitals, this index

Housing authority, 17-2339 et seq.

Improvements, this index

Industrial development,

Bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Community and utility promotion fund, use, 12-825g

Fund, 12-1617i

Tax levy, 12-1617h

Insurance, liability, 75-6111

Jails, generally, this index

Johnson county, Shawnee and Mission townships, police, 19-2646

Joint township cemeteries, 80-908

Joint township parks, 80-908

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Law enforcement,

Mayor, 14-307

Tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq.

Training, 74-5601 et seq.

Law enforcement agencies,

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Complaints, 22-4610, 22-4611

Definitions, 22-4606

Discipline, 22-4610

Policies, 22-4610

Unlawful act, 22-4609

Leases, this index

Levees and flood control, 14-713

Regulations, 14-434

Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Libraries, this index

Lights and Lighting, this index

Limitation of actions,

Assessment for watercourse improvements, 14-701b

Lighting systems, assessments, 14-536

Watercourse improvements, 14-701i

Maps and plats, 12-401 et seq.

Marshals, this index

Mayor-council government,

Abandonment, 12-184, 12-10a09

Council, 14-109

Bond, 14-205

Change to city of third class, 14-902

Election, 14-103, 14-201

Mayor, powers and duties, 14-301 et seq.

Meetings, 14-111

Number of members, 14-109

Oath of office, 14-205

Parks commission, membership, 14-537

President of council, 14-308

Qualifications, 14-109, 14-205

Term of office, 14-103, 14-201

Vacancies, 14-204, 14-205, 14-308

Policy-making, 12-10a08

Special meeting, 12-10a08

Mayoral appointments,

Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128, 14-201, 14-605

Mayors, this index

Memorial buildings, repair, 73-449

Modified mayor-council government, 12-10a01 et seq.

Action of council, 12-10a02

Council, 12-10a04, 12-10a05

Department heads, 12-10a07

Districts, division of city, 12-10a03

Election, governing body, 12-10a02

Mayor, 12-10a04, 12-10a05, 12-10a06

President, election, 12-10a02

Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-417 et seq.

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipal Courts, this index

Municipal judge, 12-4105, 12-4114 et seq., 14-201

Newspapers, official, 12-1651


Abatement, 12-1617e

Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115

Ordinances, 12-1617g

Officers. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Oil and gas leases, 12-1654, 12-1655

Ordinances, generally, this index

Parking Lots and Facilities, this index

Parks, this index

Pawnbrokers, licenses, 16-707

Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index

Planning Commissions, generally, this index

Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, generally, this index

Police, this index

Policemen's Retirement System, this index

Ponds, draining, 12-1617e

Population, 11-201 et seq., 14-101

Precincts, 14-207

Proclamation, 14-101

Commission form of government, 14-1103

Property jointly acquired by two cities,

Taxation for school purposes, 72-5216 et seq.

Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq.

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Community advisory boards, 22-4611b

Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a

Data collection, 22-4611a

Real property, delinquent taxes, 14-1060

Records, open public, 45-215 et seq.

Refuse, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq.

Roads and Highways, generally, this index

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Special assessments. Tax Assessments, this index

Streets and alleys, this index

Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq.

Taxation, this index

Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq.

Treasurers. Municipal Treasurers, generally, this index

Tunnels, 14-701a

Utilities. Municipally Owned Utilities, this index

Vending facilities, operation by blind persons, 75-3337 et seq.


Commission form of government, 14-1103

Division of city, 14-101, 14-103

Water Supply, this index

Waters and Watercourses, this index


Abatement of nuisances, 12-1617e, 12-1617f

Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115

Zoning. Zones and Zoning, generally, this index


See, also, Cities, generally this index; Municipalities, generally, this index

Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 15-101 et seq.

Accidents, educational program, 75-5740

Accounts and accounting,

City officers, 15-306

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Aged Persons, generally, this index

Homes for, 12-4901 et seq.

Airports and Landing Fields, this index


Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq.

Equipment replacement fund, 12-110d

Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b

Annexation of territory. See, Municipalities, this index

Attorneys, 15-209, 15-1601

Auction of new goods, license and regulation, 58-1024

Auditorium, municipal, leasing, 15-1123

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Boiler safety, delegation of authority to, 44-929

Bonds. Municipal Bonds, this index

Bridges, 15-731, 15-1407

Budget, generally, this index


Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Cemeteries owned or operated by city, 12-1401 et seq.

Districts, 17-1342 et seq.

Census, 11-201 et seq., 15-105

Central business district area redevelopment. Municipalities, this index

Cities of second class, change to third class, 14-901 et seq.

Claims. Municipalities, generally, this index

Clerks. Municipal Clerks, this index

Commission form of government, 15-1201, 15-1202

Abandonment procedure, 12-184

Adoption of act, 12-184, 15-1704

Ballots, elective offices, 15-1304

Clerk, appointment, 15-1601

Commissioners, 15-1401 et seq.

Bonds, 15-1404

Election, 15-1302, 15-1704

Governing body, 15-1406

Holding other offices, 15-1402

Meetings, 15-1409, 15-1503

Officers and employees, appointment, 15-1601 et seq.

Powers and duties, 15-1202

President, acting mayor, 15-1504

Qualifications, 15-1401

Term of office, 15-1302

Vacancies in office, 15-1405, 15-1604

Departments, 15-1407

Employees and assistants, 15-1601 et seq.

Fire chief, appointment, 15-1601

Fire department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 15-1407

Marshal, appointment, 15-1601, 15-1602

Municipal judge, appointment, 15-1601, 15-1602

Ordinances continued, 15-1701

Police department, mayor as ex officio commissioner, 15-1407

Treasurer, appointment, 15-1601

Vacancies in office, 15-1405, 15-1601, 15-1604

Commission-manager plan,

Changing to city of second class, 14-1103

Community buildings,

Districts, 15-11b01 et seq.

Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq.

Contracts with other municipalities, 12-2901 et seq., 12-2908

Corporations, eminent domain, 17-618


Mayor-council government, post

Modified mayor-council government, post

Municipal Council, this index

Courts. Municipal Courts, this index

Depots, regulation, 15-438

Disease control, 65-301, 65-302

Dissolution, 15-111, 15-111a

Dormant cities, 12-1614

Drains and drainage, public improvements, 15-731

Dwellings, insanitary and unsafe, 17-2345

Elections. Municipal Elections, generally, this index

Electricity, 14-531 et seq.

Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Eminent Domain, generally, this index

Employees. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Execution, exemption of city-owned property, 12-151

Fairs and expositions, county free fair, tax levy, 2-142, 2-143

Federal aid, 12-1662 et seq.

Fines and penalties, mayor remitting, 15-309

Fire districts, inclusion, 19-3605

Fire-fighting equipment,

Bond issuance for purchase, 12-110c

Tax levies for purchase, 12-110b

Firefighters, this index

Flood control, 19-3307

Flowage rights, waterworks system intake, 12-852

Foreign trade zones, 12-825h

Gambling places, suppression, 21-922

Gas wells, 15-1117 et seq.

Government form, adoption or abandonment, procedure, 12-184

Home rule powers, Kan. Const., Art. 12, § 5; 15-124

Hospitals, generally, this index

Housing authority, 17-2339 et seq.

Improvements, this index

Incorporation, 15-115 et seq., Kan. Const, Art. 12, § 5

Improvement districts, 19-2786d, 19-2786e

Industrial development,

Bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Fund, 12-1617i

Tax levy, 12-1617h

Insurance, liability, 75-6111

Investments, 15-809

Jails, generally, this index

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Law enforcement,

Joint with townships, certain, 12-11a06 et seq.

Tax levies, 12-110b, 12-11a03 et seq.

Training, 74-5601 et seq.

Law enforcement agencies,

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Complaints, 22-4610, 22-4611

Definitions, 22-4606

Discipline, 22-4610

Policies, 22-4610

Unlawful act, 22-4609

Leases, this index

Levees and flood control, 15-438, 19-3307

Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Lights and Lighting, this index

Loans, borrowing by city, 15-408

Maps and plats, 12-401 et seq.

Marshals, this index

Mayor-council government,

Abandonment, 12-184, 12-10a09


Election, 15-201

Improvements, loans, bonds, 15-408

Meetings, 15-106

Membership, 15-105

Messages and recommendations from mayor, 15-305

Operation as mayor-council city upon incorporation, 15-124

President, 15-310, 15-311

Term of office, 15-201

Vacancies in office, 15-201, 15-311

Policy-making, 12-10a08

Special meeting, 12-10a08

Mayoral appointments,

Governing body approval requirements, 12-16,128, 15-201, 15-204

Mayors, this index

Modified mayor-council government, 12-10a01 et seq.

Council, 12-10a04, 12-10a05

Department heads, 12-10a07

Districts, division of city, 12-10a03

Election, governing body, 12-10a02

Mayor, 12-10a04, 12-10a05, 12-10a06

President, election, 12-10a02

Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-417 et seq

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Municipal Attorneys, generally, this index

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipal Courts, this index

Municipal judges, 12-4105, 12-4114 et seq.

Municipally Owned Utilities, this index

Newspapers, official, 12-1651

No-fund warrants, issuance, 15-112


Abatement, 12-1617e

Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115

Ordinances, 12-1617g

Officers. Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Oil and gas leases, 12-1654

Ordinances, generally, this index

Pardons and reprieves, mayor's powers, 15-309

Parks, this index

Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index

Planning Commissions, generally, this index

Playgrounds, 15-911, 15-912, 15-913

Police, this index

Ponds, draining, 12-1617e

Population, 11-201 et seq.

Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq.

Public park property, sale to township library board, 12-1256

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Community advisory boards, 22-4611b

Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a

Data collection, 22-4611a

Records, open public, 45-215

Refuse, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421

Retaining classification as city of third class, 14-101

Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq.

Roads and highways, this index

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Streets and Alleys, this index

Swimming pools, cooperation in maintenance and operation, 15-914 et seq.

Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq.

Taxation, this index

Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Tourism and convention promotion, 12-1696 et seq.

Township, city remains part, 15-104

Treasurers. Municipal Treasurers, generally, this index

Waste, resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Water Supply, this index


Abatement of nuisance, 12-1617e, 12-1617f

Special assessments, collection of, 12-1,115

Zoning. Zones and Zoning, generally, this index


Business agents, labor organizations, 44-804

Courses of study, 72-3214, 72-3217

Discrimination in employment, public accommodations or housing, 44-1001 et seq.

Labor organization business agent, 44-804

Property rights, Kan. Const., Bill of Rights, § 7

Social welfare services, eligibility requirements, 39-709


Municipal Attorneys, generally, this index


Municipal Clerks, generally, this index


Municipal Courts, generally, this index


Municipal Elections, generally, this index


Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index


See, also, Sports Authority, Urban Area Counties, generally, this index

Counties, certain, 19-15,139 et seq.

Bonds, issuance, election, 19-15,140

Debt limitation, 19-15,141

Powers and duties of board, 19-15,140


Generally, 48-3301 et seq.


See, also, Emergency Management, generally, this index

Airports and landing fields, 3-124

Counties, 19-236a

Death benefits,

Civil defense forces, 48-3201

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 58-665

Emergency Interim Executive and Judicial Succession Act, 48-1201 et seq.

Emergency Interim Legislative Succession Act, 48-1301 et seq.

Emergency location of governments,

Political subdivisions, 48-1401 et seq.

State government, 48-1501 et seq.

Governmental operations, continuity, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 13

Governor, interstate compact, 48-3202

Interstate civil defense and disaster compact, 48-3201

State fire marshal, advice and assistance, 31-143


Courses of study, 72-3214, 72-3217


Generally, 60-101 et seq. In addition to heads listed below, see, also, other specific heads

Abatement of actions and proceedings. Abatement, generally, this index

Abuse, protection from. Abuse, this index

Actions and Proceedings, generally, this index

Admissions, generally, this index

Adverse Possession, generally, this index

Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Appearance, generally, this index

Attachment, generally, this index

Attorney fees. Attorneys, this index

Bonds, generally, this index

Bonds (Officers and Fiduciaries), generally, this index

Certification of questions of law, 60-3201 et seq.

Class Actions, generally, this index

Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index

Computation of time, 60-206

Conflict of Laws, generally, this index

Construction defects, generally, this index

Contracts, generally, this index

Costs, this index

Counterclaims. Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Cross-Claims, generally, this index

Damages, generally, this index

Death. Wrongful Death, generally, this index

Declaratory Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index

Default, generally, this index

Default Judgments, generally, this index

Defenses, generally, this index

Discovery, generally, this index

Dismissal and Nonsuit, this index

Divorce or Annulment, generally, this index

Dockets, generally, this index

Equity, generally, this index

Eviction. Ejectment, generally, this index

Evidence, generally, this index

Ex Parte Hearings, generally, this index

Executions, generally, this index

False Claims Act, Kansas, this index

Firearm or ammunition manufacturers, 60-4501

Foreclosure, generally, this index

Forensic examination, 22-3437

Garnishment, generally, this index

Habeas Corpus, generally, this index

Homestead, generally, this index

Immunity from liability for owners of anhydrous ammonia, 60-4601

Injunctions, generally, this index

Interlocutory Proceedings, generally, this index

Interpleader, generally, this index

Interrogatories, generally, this index

Joint and Several Liability, generally, this index

Judgment Liens, generally, this index

Judgments and Decrees, generally, this index

Judicial Notice, generally, this index

Judicial Sales, generally, this index

Juries, generally, this index

Liens and Encumbrances, generally, this index

Limitation of Actions, generally, this index

Limited actions. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index

Lis Pendens, 60-2201

Long-Arm Statute, generally, this index

Mandamus, generally, this index

Mechanics' Liens, generally, this index

Medical Malpractice, generally, this index

Motions, generally, this index

Negligence, generally, this index

Nuisance lawsuits, immunity from, agricultural activities, 2-3201 et seq.

Parties, generally, this index

Pending actions. Actions and Proceedings, this index

Personal Injuries, generally, this index

Physical Examinations, generally, this index

Pleadings, generally, this index

Pretrial Conference, generally, this index

Private right of action, 60-5201

Privileges and Immunities, generally, this index

Process, generally, this index

Product Liability, generally, this index

Quieting Title, generally, this index

Quo Warranto, generally, this index

Replevin, generally, this index

Rules of civil procedure, 60-201 et seq.

Self-Incrimination, generally, this index

Separate Maintenance, generally, this index

Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

Settlement. Compromise and Settlement, generally, this index

Silica and asbestos claims act, 60-4901 et seq.

Specific Performance, generally, this index

Statute of limitations. Limitation of Actions, generally, this index

Stay. Supersedeas or Stay, generally, this index

Stipulations, generally, this index

Subpoenas, generally, this index

Summary Judgment, generally, this index

Summary Proceedings, generally, this index

Supersedeas or Stay, generally, this index

Third-Party Practice, generally, this index

Time, generally, this index

Torts, generally, this index

Trade Secrets, generally, this index

Transparency in lawsuits protection act, 60-5201

Trial, generally, this index

Venue, generally, this index

Witnesses, generally, this index

Writs, generally, this index

Wrongful death. Death, this index


Generally, 61-2801 et seq.

Admission of facts and documents, 61-3101

Refusal, 61-3102

Affirmations in lieu of oath, 61-4102

Answer, 61-2904

Appeals, 61-3901 et seq.

Bond, 61-3905, 61-3907

Insufficiency, 61-3907

Dismissal, 61-3909

Execution on judgment, 61-3904

Forcible detainer, 61-3906

Magistrate judge, appeal from, 61-3902, 61-3903

Procedure, 61-3902

Stay of proceedings, 61-3905

Surety, judgment against, 61-3908

When, 61-3901

Appearance, 61-2904

Time, 61-3002

Application, 61-2802

Claims exceeding, 61-2911

Code of civil procedure, 61-2910, 61-2912


Exemptions from seizure and sale, 61-3603

Attachment and garnishment, 61-3501 et seq.

Attachment, 61-3501

Garnishment, Garnishment, post

Attorney fees,

Refusal to admit truth, 61-3102

Civil procedure, code of,

Application, 61-2910, 61-2912

Transfer to, 61-2911

Claims for relief,

Exceeding, 61-2911

Judgments, 61-3301, 61-3302

Commencement, 61-2902

Conference, pretrial, 61-3201

Construction, 61-2806

Contempt, 61-3515

Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3606, 61-3607, 61-3608

Costs, 61-4001 et seq.

Allowed, 61-4002

Court fees, 61-4001

Items allowed, 61-4002

Jury, 61-3202

Refusal to admit truth, 61-3102

Counterclaims, 61-2904, 61-2905

Default judgments, 61-3301

Depositions, 61-3105

Discovery, 61-3101

Interrogatories, 61-3103


Admission of, 61-3101

Production of, 61-3106

Dormant judgment, 61-3610


Answer, 61-3806


Appeal, 61-3808

Writ of restitution, 61-3808


Writs, 61-3808

Trial, 61-3807

Evictions, 61-3801 et seq.

Appearance, 61-3806

Answer, 61-3806

Time, 61-3805


Not bar to other actions, 61-3802

Notice to leave premises, 61-3803

Petition, 61-3804

Scope, 61-3801

Summons, 61-3805


Admission of facts and documents, 61-3101

Refusal, 61-3102

Depositions, 61-3105

Interrogatories, 61-3103

Subpoenas, 61-3104

Trial, 61-3202

Execution of judgments 61-3604

Execution on judgment, 61-3904


Refusal to admit truth, 61-3102

Files of court, lost or destroyed, 61-4101



Supreme court rules, 61-2803

Manner accepted, 61-2804

Forcible detainer, 61-3906

Foreclosure of security interest, 61-3702

Sale of property, 61-3703

Application of proceeds, 61-3705

Return of sale, 61-3704


Answer, 61-3508

Earnings, 61-3510

Failure, 61-3514

Other than earnings, 61-3509

Application of provisions, 61-3516

Bond, 61-3516

Earnings, 61-3507

Financial institutions holding funds, 61-3506

Judgment, 61-3516

Nature, 61-3502

Notice to judgment debtor, 61-3508


After judgment, 61-3504

Before judgment, 61-3503

Financial institutions, funds held by, 61-3506

Other than earnings, 61-3505


Earnings, 61-3507

Other than earnings, 61-3505



Other than earnings, 61-3512

Earnings withheld, 61-3513

Release of funds, 61-3512

Reply, 61-3511


Judgment, 61-3303

Interrogatories, 61-3103

Judgments, 61-3302

Claim for possession of specific personal property, 61-3701


Bench warrant, 61-3608

Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3606

Penalty, 61-3607

Default, 61-3301

Dormant, 61-3610


Executions or orders of sale, 61-3602

Exemptions from seizure and sale, 61-3603

Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3604

Contempt, 61-3606, 61-3607, 61-3608

Judgment debtor, order back, 61-3605

Service, 61-3609

Stay of proceedings, 61-3601

Execution, 61-3904

Foreclosure of security interest, 61-3702

Sale of property, 61-3703

Application of proceeds, 61-3705

Return of sale, 61-3704

Garnishment order, 61-3503, 61-3504

Interest, 61-3303

Modification, 61-3304


Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3604

Judgment debtor, order back, 61-3605

Replevin, 61-3701 et seq.

Substitution of judgment creditor, 61-3611

Surety, against, 61-3908

Jurisdiction, 61-2802

Beyond scope, 61-2911

Jury, 61-3202

Limitation of action, 61-2902

Modification of judgments, 61-3304

Motions, 61-2903

Depositions, 61-3105


Garnishment, 61-3508


Affirmation in lieu of, 61-4102


Designations, 61-2901


Failure, 61-3515

Pending actions, effect 61-4104


Content, 61-2903

Filing, 61-2902

Summons, issuance, 61-3001

Pleadings, 61-2903

Affirmative defenses, 61-2904

Answer, 61-2904

Counterclaims, 61-2905

Estoppel, 61-2905

Rules, application, 61-2908

Service, 61-2907

Pretrial hearing, 61-3201


Open, 61-2805, 61-3202

Postjudgment, set aside, 61-3302

Pretrial hearing, 61-3201

Trial, 61-3202


Methods, 61-3003

Petitions, 61-2907

Pleadings, 61-2907

Application of certain rules, 61-2908

Proof of service, 61-3005

Outside state, 61-3006

Service, 61-2902

Time, 61-3004

Production of documents, 61-3106

Real Property,

Eviction, 61-3801 et seq.


Judgments, 61-3301, 61-3302

Other, 61-4103

Replevin and foreclosure of secured interests, 61-3701 et seq.

Return of service, 61-3005

Security interests,

Foreclosure, 61-3702, 61-3703

Service, 61-2907, 61-3001 et seq.

Defined, 61-3004

Garnishment process, 61-3003, 61-3005

Hearing in aid of execution, 61-3609


Methods, 61-3003

Time, 61-3004

Proof, 61-3005

Outside state, 61-3006

Set aside of default judgments, 61-3301

Small claims procedure,

Action, commencement, 61-2704

Amount, jurisdiction, 61-2703

Appeals, 61-2709, 61-2710

Appearance by nonattorney, when, 61-2707

Application of code, 61-2702

Attorney fees, appellee, 61-2709

Attorneys, use, 61-2707, 61-2714, 75-6103

Claims exceeding jurisdiction, alternatives of court, 61-2706

Commencement of action, 61-2704

Costs, 61-2710

Claims exceeding jurisdiction, 61-2706

Court, powers, 61-2712

Definitions, 61-2703

Discovery methods, 61-2707

Dismissal, claims exceeding jurisdiction, 61-2706

Docket fee, 61-2704

Appeals, 61-2709

Forms, 61-2713

Judgment form, statement of debtor's assets, 61-2707

Jurisdiction, 61-2705

Claims exceeding, 61-2706

Limitation on filing claims, 61-2704

Defense raised by defendant, 61-2714

Judgment void, limit exceeded, 61-2707

Orders, 61-2707

Pleading, 61-2705

Amendment, claim exceeding jurisdiction, 61-2706

Powers of court, 61-2712

Process, service, 61-2704

Representation by attorney, 61-2714

Resident, venue in action against, 61-2708

Trial of actions, 61-2707

Venue, 61-2708

Stay of proceedings on appeal, 61-3905

Subpoenas, 61-3104

Substitution of judgment creditor, 61-3611


Issuance, 61-3001

Time to appear, 61-3002


Computation and extension, 61-2909

Transfer for hearing pursuant to code of civil procedure, 61-2911

Trial, 61-3202

Open, 61-3202

Open proceedings, 61-2805

Change, 61-3407

Corporations, 61-3403

Nonqualified, 61-3404

Improper venue, effect, 61-3409

Multiple parties, 61-3406

Nonresidents, 61-3404

Objection, 61-3408

Public utility, common carrier or transportation system, 61-3405

Residents, 61-3402


Depositions, 61-3105

Subpoenas, 61-3104


Commission, 44-1003

Denial of, criminal code, 21-6102

Discrimination, generally, this index

Discrimination in employment, public accommodations or housing, 44-1001 et seq.

Exercise of religion, 60-5301 et seq.

First amendment rights, 60-5320

Imprisoned persons, 21-6613

Voting, Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2

People with intellectual disability in state institutions, 76-12b09

Restoration, discharge of parolees, 22-3722

Tort claims, payment, 75-6116

Voting, qualification, Kan. Const., Art. 5, § 2


Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 2; 75-2925 et seq.

Academic degree requirements, 75-2975

Acting state officers, 75-118

Administration of act, 75-3746

Anniversary date, appointment, reclassifications, 75-2938a

Appeals from board, 75-2929h

Appeals to board, 75-2940, 75-2944, 75-2949, 75-3747

Drug screening results, availability, 75-4362

Hearing examiners, 75-2929b

Procedure, 75-2929d

Trainees, 75-2971


Academic degree requirements, 75-2975

Anniversary date, reclassifications, 75-2938a

Closure, certain state institutions, reemployment preference, 75-4370

Conditional, emergency or temporary, 75-2945

Laid-off employees, 75-2948

Limited term, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08

List of requisitions, vacant positions, 75-2942

Merit and fitness, 75-2943

Moving expenses, 75-3225

Persons certified eligible, 75-2939, 75-2942, 75-2943

Probationary, 75-2943

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Special project positions, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08

Temporary, 75-2942

Trainee or training positions, 75-2945, 75-2971

Without using certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945

Appropriations, 75-2960

Attorneys for state agencies, 75-2935

Barbering, Kansas board of,

Administrative officer, 74-1805a

Employees, 74-1806

Board, civil service, 75-2929a et seq.

Appeals to board, ante

Appointment, confirmation, 75-2929a

Compensation and expenses, 75-2929b

Hearings. Appeals to board, ante

Members, 75-2929a

Officers, 75-2929b

Organization, 75-2929b

Procedure, 75-2929d

Term of office, 75-2929a

Vacancies, 75-2929a

Bribery and corruption, 75-2953

Disciplinary action, grounds, 75-2949f

Eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940

Campaign contributions, making or soliciting, 75-2974

Certified lists, appointments, 75-2942

Character and reputation, candidate eligibility, 75-2939

Classified exempt service, abolished, 75-2935a

Classified service, 75-2935

Acting state officers, 75-118

Administration, merit basis, 75-2925

Appointments, 75-2938, 75-2942, 75-2943

Approval of compensation, 75-2938

Assignment of classes to ranges, 75-2938

Certified disaster service volunteer leave, rights and benefits retained, 75-5548

Classification of positions, 75-2938

Closure, certain institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Compensation program, philosophy statements, 75-5551

Converting positions to unclassified,

Colleges and universities, procedures, 76-715a

State treasurer, 75-623a

Counseling, 75-2949e

Discipline, procedure, 75-2949, 75-2949d et seq.

Dismissals, demotions and suspensions, 75-2949, 75-2949d et seq.

Eligible persons, list, 75-2943

Emergency appointments, 75-2942, 75-2945

Job descriptions, 75-2938

Layoffs, 75-2948

Limited term positions, 75-5733, 76-12a08

Longevity pay, 75-5541

Merit basis, 75-2935

Names and addresses, distribution for political purposes, 75-2974

Nondiscrimination, exception, 75-2925

Pay plan, 75-2938

Performance ratings, evaluations, 75-2943, 75-2949e

Periodic wage and salary surveys, 75-2938, 75-2938b

Political campaign contributions, making or soliciting, 75-2974

Position changed from unclassified service, 75-2972

Presiding officers, department of administration, 75-37,121

Probationary appointments, 75-2943

Promotions, 75-2938

Reclassification of positions, anniversary date, 75-2938a

Schedule of salaries and wages, 75-2938

Special project positions, 75-5733, 76-12a08

Temporary appointments, 75-2942, 75-2945

Titles, 75-2938

Trainees, 75-2945, 75-2971

Transfers, 75-2947

Unlawful uses of authority, 75-2953

Closure, certain state institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Commerce, state department of, 75-2935

Commission, powers and duties transferred, 75-2929c

Compliance with law, 75-2952

Comprehensive employment and training act (CETA) positions, 75-2972

Cooperation, other governmental agencies, 75-2956a

Counseling, prior to discipline, 75-2949e

County extension agents, unclassified, 75-2935

County personnel advisory board, 19-4301, 19-4302

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 75-2953, 75-2957

Conviction, 75-2958

Disciplinary action, grounds, 75-2949f

Eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940

Urban area counties, 19-4330, 19-4331, 19-4332

Definitions, 75-2926

Demotion of employee, 75-2944, 75-2949

Employee, rights of, 75-2944

Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f

Performance rating system, 75-2943

Probationary employees, 75-2944, 75-2946

Reinstatement, 75-2949

Disability, leave of absence, 75-2947

Disabled persons, eligibility for appointment, 75-2939, 75-2940

Disaster service volunteer act, 75-5546 et seq.



Civil service board, 75-2949

Whistleblower act, violations of, 75-2973

Appearance before appointing authority, 75-2949

Conduct detrimental to state service, 75-2949d, 75-2949f

Deficiencies in work performance, 75-2949d, 75-2949e

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f

Performance evaluation, 75-2949e

Procedures, 75-2949, 75-2949d, 75-2949e


Making campaign contributions, 75-2974

Use of appeal procedure, 75-2949

Suspension without pay, 75-2949

Whistleblower act, for communications under, 75-2973

Discrimination, 75-2941

Appeal procedures, use, 75-2949

Candidate eligibility, 75-2939

Dismissals, 75-2949

Forbidden, 75-2941

Nondiscrimination policy, 75-2925

Pool of eligible candidates, 75-2939

Dismissal of employee, 75-2949

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f

Performance rating system, 75-2943

Probationary appointments, 75-2946

Procedures, 75-2949

Promotional appointee, 75-2944

Disqualification, eligibility for appointment, 75-2940

Drug abuse,

Advisory commission on, 75-5378

Eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940

State drug screening program, 75-4362

Education, candidate eligibility, 75-2939

Election offenses, 75-2953

Elective state office, resignation prior to taking oath, 75-2953

Eligibility, assessment of merit and fitness, Kan. Const. Art. 15,§ 2, 75-2939

Assessment, minimum standards or requirements, 75-2939

Certification of candidates, 75-2939

Cooperation, other governmental agencies, 75-2956a

Disqualified candidates, exclusion, 75-2940

Drug screening, safety sensitive positions, 75-4362

Exceptions, 75-2935a

Lists, 75-2943, 75-3746

Positions filled without certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945

Promotions, transfers, 75-2944

Suspension of requirement, 75-2945

Times and places of, 75-2939

Veterans' preference, 75-2955

Emergency, positions filled, 75-2942

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Exemptions from law, 75-2935

Experience, 75-2939

Forfeiture of office, 75-2958

Fraud, eligibility for appointment, disqualification, 75-2940

Government overthrow, disqualification, 75-2940


Approval of classifications, ranges and compensation, 75-2938

Exercise of powers and functions, 75-3711

Pay plan, modification, approval, 75-2938

Handicapped persons. See also, Disabled Persons, this index

Health care employees, medical center, certain nursing positions, rights and benefits, 76-396

Intergovernmental cooperation, 75-2956a, 75-4401 et seq.

Investigations, 75-3746

Job descriptions, 75-2938

Juvenile justice authority, 76-3201, 76-3202

Layoffs, 75-2948

Closure of certain institutions, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Trainees, 75-2971

Leave of absence, 75-2947, 75-3746

Abuse, grounds for discipline, 75-2949e

Certified disaster service volunteers, 75-5548

Return to service, 75-2947, 75-2948

Whistleblower act, communications under, 75-2973

Leave sharing program, 75-5549

Longevity bonus payments, 75-5541

Lottery, employees, 74-8703, 74-8704

Medical center, health care employees,

Certain nursing positions, rights and benefits, 76-396

Unclassified service, 79-2935

Merit basis, classified service, 75-2925

Merit system, Kan. Const., Art 15, § 2

Moral turpitude, 75-2940

Moving expenses, guidelines, reports, 75-3225

National emergency, temporary appointments, 75-2942

New positions, establishing, 75-2943

Nursing, board of, employees, 74-1106

Overtime compensation, basis, 75-5537

Patient and inmate help, charitable, penal and correctional institutions, 75-2935

Pay plan, 75-2938

Adoption, modification, approval by governor, 75-2938

Classified service, 75-2938

Closure, certain state institutions, laid off direct care employees, 75-4375

Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, department of aging and disability services, 75-5309a

Salary and compensation, post

Unclassified physicians, aging and disability services institutions, 75-2935c

Performance ratings, system, 75-2943, 75-2949e

Personnel system, reciprocal agreements, 75-2956a

Pharmacy board employees, 74-1606

Physical condition, competitive examination, 75-2939

Physically disabled, 75-2939, 75-2940

Political activity, 75-2953, 75-2974

Preference, veterans, 75-2955

Priorities, layoffs, 75-2948, 75-4370

Probationary appointments, 75-2943, 75-2946

Demotions, 75-2944

Transfer, 75-2944

Procedures, 75-2949

Trainee and training programs, 75-2971

Promotions, 75-2944

Academic degree requirements, 75-2975

Dismissals, previous position restored, 75-2944

Performance rating system, 75-2943

Persons certified eligible, 75-2942

Trainees, 75-2971

Public employees retirement system, 74-4908

Purpose, Civil Service Act, 75-2925


Eligibility for appointment,

Assessment of merit and fitness, 75-2939

Disqualification, basis for, 75-2940

Highway patrol, 74-2113

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Reciprocal agreements, public agencies, bodies, 75-2956a

Recruitment, moving expenses, 75-3225

Reemployment pool,

Closure, certain state institutions, reemployment preference, 75-4370

Laid-off employees, 75-2948

Leave of absence, 75-2947, 75-2948

Priorities, factors, 75-2948

Reinstatement, demotion, 75-2949


Appointing authorities, 75-2950

Employment and compensation status, 75-2950

Performance evaluations, 75-2949e

Resignation, prior to taking oath, elective state office, 75-2953


Compensation for accumulated sick leave, 75-5517

Phased-retirement program, state educational institutions, 76-746

Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Sick leave, phased-retirement program, 76-746

Return to service,

Closure, certain state institutions, reemployment preference, 75-4370

Laid-off employees, 75-2948

Leave of absence, 75-2947, 75-2948

Rules and regulations, 75-2929g, 75-3746, 75-3747

Closure of state institutions, public employment relations, 75-4377

Layoffs, 75-2948

Leave, with and without pay, 75-2947, 75-3746

Performance ratings, guidelines, access, 75-2943

Probationary appointments, 75-2946

Right of demotion, 75-2944

Trainee and training programs, 75-2971

Veterans' preference, 75-2955

Salary and compensation,

Certified disaster service volunteers, on leave, 75-5548

Closure, certain institutions, laid off direct care employees, 75-4375

Compensation program, philosophy statements, 75-5551

Longevity bonus payments, 75-5541

Overtime compensation, basis, 75-5542

Pay plan, 75-2938

Performance ratings, increase or decrease, 75-2943

Wage surveys, cooperation, other governmental agencies, 75-2956a

Security clearances, positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Separation from service, improper activities, 75-2953

Sexual harassment, grounds for discipline, 75-2949f

Sheriff's office, certain counties, 19-4303 et seq.

Sick leave,

Compensation upon closure of certain institutions, 75-4371

Compensation upon retirement, 75-5517

Leave of absence, 75-2947

Leave payment reserve fund, 75-5542 et seq.

State department of education, status of former employees, 72-409

State employee leave sharing program, 75-5549

State pay plan, 75-2938

State registrar of vital statistics, 65-2405

Students enrolled in colleges and universities, 75-2935

Suspensions, dismissals and demotions, 75-2949

Appeals, 75-2949

Counseling, prior, 75-2949e

Grounds, 75-2949d, 75-2949e, 75-2949f

Probationary period, 75-2946

Reinstatement, 75-2949

Tax appeals, state board of, employees, 74-2435

Technical qualifications, 75-2939

Temporary appointments, 75-2945

National emergency, 75-2942

Tenure of office, Kan. Const., Art 15, § 2

Trainee and training programs, 75-2971

Appointments, without using certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945

Rules and regulations, 75-2971


Approval, 75-2947

Performance rating system, 75-2943

Vacancies, filling, 75-2944

Unclassified service, 75-2935, 75-2935a

Administrative law judges, division of workers compensation, 75-5708

Aging and disability services, Kansas department for,

Deputy secretary, commissioners, chief attorney, other positions, 75-5310

Deputy secretaries, commissioners, attorneys, other positions, 75-5910, 75-5945

Persons appointed to provide attendant care services, 75-5309a

Persons employed at industries for the blind workshop, certain, 75-5345

Agriculture, secretary of, 74-560, 75-3149

Bureau of investigation, director, associate director, deputy director and assistant directors, 75-711

CETA employees, 75-2972

Chief information technology architect, 75-7204

Children and families, Kansas department for

Deputy secretary, commissioners, chief attorney, other positions, 75-5310

Compensation, approval, 75-2935b

Conversion of classified positions, state treasurer, 75-623a

Corporation commission,

Conservation division, 74-606, 74-630

Executive director, 74-630

General counsel, 74-630

Transportation division, 74-615, 74-630

Utilities division, 74-614, 74-630

Executive chief information technology officer, 75-7205

Information resource manager, chief position for agency, 75-2935

Judicial chief information technology officer, 75-7206

Juvenile correctional facilities,

Physicians, 76-3202

Superintendents, directors, 76-3201

Legislative chief information technology officer, 75-7207

Limited term positions, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08

Newly hired positions, 75-2935

Pooled money investment board,

Director of investments, 75-4222

Investment officers and analysts, 75-4222

Securities commissioner, directors, 75-6301

Special project positions, 75-2935, 75-5733, 76-12a08

State long-term care ombudsman, 75-7304

State treasurer, designation of certain positions, 75-623a

Unlawful uses of authority, 75-2953

Vacant positions, 75-2935

Voluntary transfers, 75-2935

Urban area counties, 19-4303 et seq.


Eligibility lists, 75-2942

Notice of existence, 75-2943

Positions filled without competition, 75-2945

Promotions or transfers to fill, 75-2944

Without using certified pool of eligible candidates, 75-2945

Vacation leave, leave payment reserve fund, 75-5542

Veterans' preference, 73-201, 75-2955

Water office, employees, 74-2614

Whistleblower act, 75-2973


See, also, Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Adverse claims,

Documents of title, 84-7-603

Investment Securities, this index

Advertising Control Act of 1972, 68-2239

Bills of lading, provisions, 84-7-309

Commercial code, waiver, 84-1-306

Commercial Paper, this index

Consideration, 46-918

Counties, estimate of expenditures, 19-228

Joint committee on special claims against the state, 46-912 et seq.

Application required, 46-915

Filing of claim, 46-907, 46-913, 46-918

Investigation, 46-914

Liability, nonwaiver of immunity, 46-919

Procedure before committee, 46-914, 46-917

Quorum, 46-912

Recommendations, 46-915

Workers Compensation, guide for award, 46-915

Liability for injury, limitations on settlement or release, 60-2801, 60-2802

Motor fuel tax refunds, 79-3458

Multiple claims, judgment upon, 60-254

Municipalities, against, payment, 12-105b

Preferred claims, bank deposits and collections, 84-4-216

Publication, statement of claims, counties, 19-228

Sales, adjustment, 84-2-515

Schools and School Districts, this index

Setoff, correctional inmate restitution, 46-920

Settlement or release of liability, limitations, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

State, against, 46-923 et seq.

Acceptance and payment in different fiscal year, 46-923, 46-924, 46-925

Consideration of claims by joint committee, 46-907

Implied contract, claims based upon, 46-903

Inmates in correctional institutions, injury, property loss or damage, 46-920, 46-924, 46-925

Joint committee on special claims against the state, ante

Kansas highway patrol,

Payment for personal injury or property damage to persons, 46-922

Personal injury or property damage caused by negligence of state officers and employees, 46-922

Homemaker program, department for children and families, 46-922

University of Kansas medical center, 46-922

Report to legislature, 46-925

Setoff, correctional inmate restitution, 46-920

Setoff of amounts owed to state, 75-6201 et seq.

See, also, Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index

State officers and employees, injury, property loss or damage, 46-922, 46-924, 46-925

Submission of claims to joint committee, 46-907

Tools or equipment of employees, stolen, payment for, 75-5062

Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Warrants of state, canceled, 46-925

Tax exemption, 79-210

Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Warehouse receipts, provisions, 84-7-204


Boundaries, 18-113

Sale of certain lands by secretary of revenue, 75-5129


See, also, Actions and Proceedings, this index

Appeals, 60-223

Consumer Credit Code, 16a-6-113

Consumer protection, 50-634


Boundaries, 18-114

Roadway construction and improvement,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187


Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq.

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq.


Bank Deposits and Collections, this index


Marriage, generally, this index

Privileges and immunities,

Penitential privilege, 60-429

Witnesses, 60-407

Railroads, reduced rates, 66-152


See, also, District Court Clerks, this index; Municipal Courts, generally, this index

Acknowledgments, deeds and conveyances, 58-2211

Amercement, 60-2604

Attorneys, lien on judgment, 7-109

Cities of first class, municipal courts, 13-628a, 13-628d

Depositions, generally, this index

Dismissal of action by stipulation, 60-241

Habeas corpus, issuance of writ, 60-1503

Judgments and orders, entry, 60-258

Military duty, exemption, 48-102

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Oaths and affirmations, authority to administer, 54-101 et seq.

Reports, jurors and witnesses, attendance in criminal cases, 28-139

Service of process, leaving copy with, 60-205

Summons, 60-301, 60-302

Issuance, 60-301

Signature, 60-302

Time limitation on ruling after trial, rules, 60-252b

Veterans, accounting by curator, duties, 73-509

Water, appropriations, report of referees, 82a-725


Water office, Kansas, compilation of information, 74-2608

Weather Modification Act, 82a-1401 et seq.


Automobile injury reparations act. Motor Vehicle Insurance, this index

County mental health clinics, 65-211, 65-212

Children with special health care needs, 65-5a10

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1456

Fort Hays state university, exceptional children of school age, 76-513

Hospitals, defined to include clinics, 65-425a

Kansas medical facilities survey and construction act, 65-410 et seq.

Medical care facilities, defined to include clinics, 65-425a

Primary care safety net clinic capital loan guarantee act, 65-7401 etseq.

Probationers and parolees, 22-3712

Tuberculosis, examinations, 65-116b


Boundaries, 18-115

Conveyance of public lands,

Governor, certain, to C.A.R.E.S., Inc., 75-140

Fair board, 19-2699


Testing seed, 2-1415 et seq.


4-H Clubs, generally, this index

Fraternal Associations or Societies, generally, this index

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Sales Tax, this index


Mines and Minerals, this index

Severance Tax, generally, this index


Children in Need of Care, this index


Civil Procedure, Code of, this index

Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, generally, this index


Boundaries, 18-116


District court, 20-3108

Clerk, offices and duties, 20-3107


Consumer credit transactions, 16a-2-506, 16a-3-302, 16a-3-303

Secured Transactions, this index


Labor Disputes, this index


Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 6, §§ 1, 2, 3, 6; 76-711 et seq.

See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Academic degree,

Requirements, state civil service appointments, 75-2975

Administration, delegation of authority, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717

Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364

Dependents of prisoners of war, 73-1216 et seq.

Institutions outside state, programs not offered in Kansas, 76-721a

Optometry, 74-3270 et seq.

Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Requirements, 76-717b

Rules and regulations, 76-717

Agricultural research-extension centers, 76-465, 76-466, 76-467

Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719

Allopathic medicine, 76-825, 76-826

American sign language, 72-3251 et seq.

Area vocational schools,

Administrators, contract nonrenewal, 72-2281 et seq.

Scholarships, state, 74-32,233 et seq.

Career technical education, 74-32,423 et seq.

Vocational Education, this index

Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421

Barbers. See subhead Schools or colleges under Barbers, this index

Beneficiaries, life insurance, insurable interest, 40-450

Bequests. Endowments and bequests, post

Bids and bidding,

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Art or book collections, sale of duplicates, 76-116e

Oil, gas or mineral leases, state-owned lands, 76-165

Blind students, readers, 76-157 et seq.

Board of regents, 74-3201a et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 6, §§ 2, 3

See, also, State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Acquisition of lands or interests, 76-147, 76-213

Actions by or against,

Collection services, 76-713, 76-745

Representation by attorney general, 76-713

Advisory committees,

Students', 74-3229

Agricultural research-extension centers, 76-465, 76-466, 76-467

Appointment, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3; 74-3202a

Chancellor and presidents, 76-714

Articulation agreements, 74-32,421

Assessment-sales ratio study, duties, 79-1444

Building needs, annual report, 76-6b03

Capital improvements projects, prior approval,

Endowment association projects, 76-756, 76-757

Research foundations, 76-759

University of Kansas medical center property,

Hospital authority projects, 76-3308a

Medical center projects, private funds, 76-760

Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,423 et seq.

Chairperson, 74-3202a

Collection services, negotiating committee, 76-745

College level examination program, 74-32,302

Community colleges,

Chart of accounts, 71-211


Approval of agreements, 71-1303

Order establishing new district, 71-1305

Elections, change of method, approval, 71-1410

Performance indicators, 71-801

Quality performance indicators, 71-801

State aid, 71-601 et seq., 71-1801 et seq.

Loss of, 71-802, 71-1807

Off-campus instruction, approval, 71-609

Supervision, 71-801

Compensation and expenses, 74-3202a

Contracts, 76-712, 76-721, 76-721a

Core indicators, quality performance, 76-771

Data management system, 76-771

Defunct educational institutions, student records, 74-3262, 74-3263

Degree prospectus, 74-32,303

Degrees to be granted, 76-716

Delegation of administrative authority, 76-725

Dental hygienists, report to legislature, 74-1408

Duties, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 2; 74-3202c et seq.

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

State educational institutions, control and supervision, 76-712 et seq.

Chief executive officers, recruitment, 76-727

Closure, combination, merger, 76-712

Unclassified personnel, recruitment expenses, approval, 76-727


Authority to grant, 74-3264

Street right-of-way, Lawrence, 76-364

Education commission of the states, 72-8262, 72-8264

Employees of colleges and universities, approval, 76-715


Property management contract, 76-363

Sale of property, 76-361

Executive officer,

Duties, salary, 74-3203a

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

Negotiating committee, membership, 76-745

Recruitment, 76-727

Experimental school, Emporia state university, 76-606

Faculty of distinction program, Kansas partnership for, 76-773 et seq.

Fairmount towers, acquisition, 76-6a31, 76-6a32

Federal funds, 74-32,304, 76-723

Federal programs,

Administration, official state agency, 74-3232

Appointment of persons, 74-3236

Higher education student loan guarantee act, 74-3235

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a, 76-738, 76-742, 76-761, 76-817

Fellowships or scholarships, authority to grant, 76-719c

Administration, state program, 74-3234

Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq.

Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq.

Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq.

Ethnic minority fellowships, 74-32,112 et seq.

Ethnic minority scholarships, 74-3284 et seq.

Healing arts, students, 74-3265 et seq.

Teacher scholarships, 74-32,100 et seq.

Fire protection, providing, 76-125

Foreign institutions, post

Grants, state educational institutions,

Quality performance grants, 76-771

Hays, city of, lease of land for public park, 76-2007d et seq.

Healing arts, financial assistance to students,

Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq.

Historic preservation duties, contract delegation, 75-2724

Honorary degrees, approval, 76-716

Industrial training and retraining programs, cooperation and assistance, 74-5068

Information technology projects, 75-7201 et seq.

Insurance, post

Kansas academy of mathematics and science (KAMS),

Admittance to program, 72-3904, 72-3905

Definitions, 72-3903

Fees, 72-3904

Powers and duties, 72-3904

Sources of funding, 72-3906

Summer academies, 72-3904

Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq.

Kansas state university,

Livestock and artificial breeding research facilities, 76-4,104

Real estate,

Exchange of property with KSU foundation, 76-4,105

Livestock research facilities, renovation, 76-4,104

Pottawatomie county, sale or exchange of property, 76-4,111

Riley county, sale of certain real estate, 76-4,104

Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq.

Meetings, 74-3202b

Midwestern higher education commission, membership, 74-32,265

National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq.

Negotiating committee, collection services, 76-745

Official hospitality, limits, procedures, 75-3731a

Oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-164 et seq.

Optometry, admission agreements with students, 74-3270 et seq.

Orders, 76-712

Osteopathic medicine,

Students, financial aid, 74-3265 et seq.

Out-of-state institutions, 76-721a

Parking and traffic, 74-3209 et seq.

Ordinances, 74-3212

University of Kansas medical center facilities, 76-6a33 et seq.

Permanent university, fund, administration, 76-308

Transfer from state education commission, 74-3230 et seq.

Pilot investment program, idle funds of state educational institutions, 76-156b

Postsecondary technical education authority, 74-32,401, 74-32,403

Private grants, 76-724

Private institutions, post

Programs offered, determination, 76-716


Authority to grant easements, 74-3264

Certain rainbow mental health center parking conveyed to KUMC, 75-3371

Conveyance and exchange,

Kansas university endowment association, 76-3,103, 76-3,108

Property in Ellis county, 76-521

Conveyance to Sedgwick county, certain lots, 76-398

Dedication to public and city of Wichita, certain tracts, 76-3a25

Holding, 76-722

Management contract, estates of Edwina P. Trigg and J. L. Porter, 76-363

Sale and conveyance, property in city of Lawrence, Douglas county, 76-3,104, 76-3,106

Sale and conveyance, property in Riley and Nemaha counties, 76-4,106

Sale and conveyance, property in Scott county, 76-4,101

Sale of, 74-3254

Sedgwick county, conveyance to, 76-398

Transfer to investing agent, 74-3254


Generally, 75-3739 et seq.

Pilot project, 76-769

Qualifications, 74-3202a

Quorum, 74-3202b

Reciprocal agreements with institutions of other states, 74-3219, 74-3221, 74-32,194

Records, defunct educational institutions, 74-3262, 74-3263

Research and development enhancement act, 76-777 et seq.

Residence requirements, 74-3202a, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3

Right of privacy policies, 72-6311

Rules and regulations, 76-712

Community resource act, 74-5022a, 74-5024

Federal education acts, 74-32,304

Law enforcement, 76-726

National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,147

Postsecondary tiered technical education state aid act, 71-1810

Residence of students, 76-729, 76-730

Revenue bonds, medical center, 76-812

State education commission, 74-3240

Waivers, tuition and fees, persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195

Workforce development loan program program, 74-32,159

Sale of property,

Fort Hays state university. See subhead Real estate, under Fort Hays state university, post

Friedson estate, 76-180

Kansas state university. See subhead Real estate under Kansas state university, post

Mineral interests, Riley county, 76-455, 76-456

One-half or less interest in any devise, 74-3254

Porter estate, 76-361

Transfer to investing agent, 74-3254

Trigg estate, 76-361

University of Kansas, land in Maryland, 76-397

University of Kansas, land in Wichita, 76-395

Wichita state property, 76-3a23

Scholarship funds,

Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq.

Agreements, 76-363

Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,426

Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq.

Ethnic minority scholarships, 74-3284 et seq.

Honors program, 74-32,240 et seq.

Osteopathic medical students, 74-3265 et seq.

State program, administration, 74-32,237, 74-3234

Teacher scholarships, 74-32,100 et seq.

Sedgwick county, conveyance of property to, 76-398

State normal school fund, administration, 76-604

Student activity fees, 76-719, 76-731a

Student Loan Guaranty Act, 74-32,247 et seq.

Student loans,

Federal funds, 76-728

Federal loan guarantee act, 74-3235

National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744

Programs, approval, 76-728

Student records, defunct educational institutions, 74-3262, 74-3263

Students' advisory committee, 74-3229

Term of office, 74-3202a

Overlapping terms, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3

Traffic and parking regulation, 74-3209 et seq.

University of Kansas medical center facilities, 76-6a33 et seq.

Travel, out-of-state, prior approval, when, 75-3208

Travel expenses, 74-3202a

Treasurer, 74-3204a

Trust, termination of certain, 76-353

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6

Bond debt service fees, limitation, 76-742

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Fixed by regents, 76-719

Refunds of, 76-738

Tuition grant program, administration, 74-3233

Waivers, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18,

Reimbursements to educational institutions, 74-32,161

Reports to legislature, 74-32,161

Tuition waiver gifts, grants and reimbursements fund, 74-32,161

Waivers, persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195

Unclassified personnel,

Phased-retirement program, 76-746

Vacancies, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 3

Washburn university, duties, 13-13a40 et seq.

Withholding or set-off of amounts owed state by employees, 76-741

Work-study program 74-3274 et seq.

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.


Buildings, 76-6a13b. See, also, specific institutions

Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12

Fees and charges, use, 76-6a13f

Health education facilities, 76-6a13e

Health services, University of Kansas, 76-6a13c

Housing systems, state educational institutions, 76-765

Covenants and agreements, 76-6a19

Higher education loan programs, nonprofit corporations, 74-32,252

Income and revenues,

Disposition, 76-6a21

Pledged, 76-6a15

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Payment, 76-6a17

Recreational building at Kansas state university, 76-6a29, 76-6a30

Registration, 76-6a17


Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12

Revenue bonds,

Buildings, 76-6a13 et seq.

Housing systems, state educational institutions, 76-765

Medical center. University of Kansas, post

Revenues pledged, 76-6a15

Covenants and agreements, 76-6a15, 76-6a19

Disposition, 76-6a21

Priority of liens, 76-6a15

Sales, 76-6a17

Student unions,

Nonprofit corporations, tax exemption, 76-6a10

Renovation, KU, 76-6a37

Satellite facilities at university of Kansas, 76-6a29, 76-6a30

Book and art collections, trade or sale of duplicates, 76-116d, 76-116e

Broadband technology-based network, access,

See, subhead KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Buildings, Kan. Const., Art 6, § 6; 76-6b02

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 75-37,141 et seq.

Budget request, building needs at educational institutions, 76-6b03

Comprehensive rehabilitation and repair fund,

Transfers to, 76-6b12

Construction, 76-6a13a et seq.

Bids, 75-3740, 75-3741, 75-6901 et seq.

Contracts, retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909

Correction of mistakes, project bids, 75-6901 et seq.

Health education buildings and facilities, 76-6a13d et seq.

Health services building, 76-6a13e

Investigations, 75-718

Projects financed with non-state moneys, 76-7,125 et seq.

Research foundations, 76-759

State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq.

Construction standards, 31-150

Deferred maintenance. See, Maintenance, this subhead

Deferred maintenance support fund, transfers to, 76-719

Defined, bond issues, 76-6a13

Dormitories and student union buildings, post

Educational building fund,

Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12

Endowment associations, 76-756, 76-757

Energy conservation,

Capital improvement projects, standards for, 75-1259

Improvements for, financing, 75-37,111 et seq.

Federal aid, 76-6a12

Fire protection inspection, 31-144

Housing systems, 76-763

Infrastructure finance program, 76-7,116 et seq.

Inventory of buildings, 76-7,103

Obsolete buildings, 76-7,108

Kansas educational building fund, 76-6b02

Transfers, 76-758

Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq.


Infrastructure finance program, 76-7,116 et seq.

Administration of, 76-7,118


Contributions, tax credit, 79-32,261

Limitations, 76-791, 76-7,119, 76-7,120

Loan agreements, 76-7,120

Definitions, 76-7,117

Loan agreements, 76-7,120

Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq.

Reports, 76-7,118

Tax credits, 79-32,261

Long-term infrastructure maintenance program, 76-7,101 et seq.

Administration of, 76-7,103

Definitions, 76-7,102

Infrastructure maintenance fund, 76-7,104

Oversight of projects, 76-7,105

Reports, 76-7,103

Transfers of moneys, 76-7,106, 76-7,107

Privately-financed buildings, 76-790

Projects financed with non-state moneys, 76-7,125 et seq.

State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq.

Bids, 76-7,128

Building codes, fees, building permits,zoning requirements, 76-7,130

Change orders, 76-7,129

Construction management at-risk procurement processes, use of, 76-7,131

Construction manager, selection of, 76-7,132

Construction services, selection of, 76-7,132

Contracts, 76-7,128

Definitions, 76-7,126


Procurement committee, 76-7,131

Rules and regulations, 76-7,133

Statutory requirements, 76-7,127

Obsolete buildings, 76-7,108

Privately-financed buildings,

Maintenance costs, 76-790, 76-7,125 et seq.

State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125

Space utilization, 76-7,103

State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq.

Research foundations, 76-759

Revenue bonds,

Debt service, 76-6b02, 76-6b12

Definitions, 76-6a13

Tax credits, contributions, 79-32,261

Taxation, Kan. Const., Art 6, § 6; 76-6b01. See, also, specific bold subject headings

University of Kansas, post

Campus police, 22-2401a, 72-6146, 76-726

Kansas police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4986f

Campus transportation systems,

Fees and charges, 74-3213

Center for innovative school leadership, 76-767

Consultation with school districts, costs, 76-767

Director, 76-767

Member universities, 76-767

Reports to legislative committees, 76-767

Centers of excellence. Kansas technology enterprise corporation, generally, 74-8103 et seq.

Chancellor and presidents,

Appointment, 76-714

Compensation, 76-714

Easements, granting or conveying, 74-3264

Recruitment, 76-727

Reserve officers' training corps programs, selection committee, 74-3255

Residence, alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719

Supervision over state biological survey, 76-339

Title, 76-714

Traffic and parking regulation, 74-3209 et seq.

Collection services, negotiating committee, 76-745

Community colleges,

Accounting procedures,

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Accounts, chart of, 71-211

Accreditation, associations, organizations, 71-210

Administrative officers, 71-701

Licensure, certain prohibitions, 72-2161

Personnel evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Adult education, 74-32,253 et seq.

Adult education fund, 71-614, 71-617

Adult supplementary education fund, 71-614, 74-32,261

Advisory council, 71-701

Advice and recommendations on establishment, 71-1103

Alcoholic liquor consumption, 41-719

Annexation of territory, 71-1201, 79-1807

Approval withdrawal, by state, 71-802, 71-1807


Agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421

Transferable courses, identification of, 71-221

Associations, organizations, affiliation authorized, 71-210

Athletic associations, 71-210

Blind students, readers, 76-157 et seq.

Board of trustees, 71-701, 71-1403

Alcoholic liquor consumption, 41-719

Candidates, 71-1414

Composition, 71-1403


Teacher due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Transportation, 72-6498

Cowley county community college, additional member, 71-1403

Districts, 71-1405, 71-1407

Elections, post

Expenses, 71-201

Insurance, student, 71-1601, 71-1602

Land, acquisition of, 71-201

Meetings, 71-201

Member-districts, 71-1407

Member-positions, 71-1407

Personnel, evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Powers and duties, 71-201

Professional negotiations, 72-2218 et seq.

Property, acquisition and disposition, 71-201

Residence of members, 71-1407

Retirement incentive programs, employees, 71-212 et seq.

Right of privacy, 72-6311

Seven-member plan,

Adoption, implementation, 71-1403a

Candidates, 71-1414

Residence, 71-1407

Voting plans, 71-1420

Tax levies, capital outlay, 71-501

Terms of office, 71-1412

Bonds, 10-105, 71-201

Assumption or retention upon consolidation, 71-1307

Buildings, 76-6a13

Higher education loan programs, nonprofit corporations, 74-32,252

In lieu of capital outlay levy, 71-502

Registration, 10-107

Boundaries, change of, effective date for tax purposes, 79-1807

Broadband technology-based network, access,

See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Budgets, 71-611 et seq.

Authority, 71-612

Exceeding, penalties, 71-615

Tax levies, 71-204

Taxpayer and student transparency data, publication of, 71-222


Construction standards, 31-150

Fire protection inspection, 31-144

Campus, defined, 71-701

Campus police, 72-6146

Capital outlay fund, 71-501 et seq.

Bonds, 71-502

Establishment, sources, 71-501a

Fees, 71-301

Tax levy, 71-501, 71-507, 71-508

Tuition, 71-301 et seq.

Career Technical Education, this index

Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Claims, payment, 12-105a, 12-105b

Computerized information search services, 72-271, 72-272

Consolidation, 71-1301 et seq.

Bonded debt, assumption or retention, 71-1307

Boundaries, 71-1305

Contracts, 71-1302 et seq.

Definitions, 71-1309

Election, 71-1303 et seq.

Election of new board of trustees, 71-1306

Transfer of property and funds, 71-1308

Vocational education schools, 71-1701 et seq.

Advisory boards, councils, 71-1703

Applicability of statutes, 71-1701

Approval, state boards, 71-1701

Authorization, 71-1701

Conflicts, resolution, 71-1702

Judicial, administrative, criminal actions, rights preserved, 71-1704

Operation and control, not affected, 71-1701

State educational institutions, counties with, 71-1701

Contracts, 71-201

Consolidation, 71-1301 et seq.

Content, 71-1302

Kansas law, application, 71-201b

Mandatory provisions, 71-201c

Prohibited provisions, 71-201a, 71-201b

Teacher due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Transportation, 72-6498

Vocational education programs, transfer of, 71-1507


Transferable courses, identification of, 71-221Credit hour, 71-601 et seq.

State agency agreements, educational services, 75-3099

State aid, post, this subhead

COVID-19 operations, 48-925d

Curriculum limitation, state aid, 71-606

Deduction from payrolls, 72-2241, 72-2242

Definitions, 71-701

Defunct institutions, student records, 74-3262, 74-3263

Dependents, deceased persons, service during Vietnam conflict, 73-1218

Designation, official, 71-120

Driver training motor vehicles, 72-4005 et seq.

Driver's training course, 8-235c

Due process, teachers, 72-2252 et seq.

Educational service agreements, state agencies, 75-3099

Elections, 71-1401 et seq., 71-1419

Attachment of territory, 71-1201

Board of trustees, 71-1408

Change of method, 71-1409

Districts, 71-1405, 71-1407

Campaign expenses, 25-901 et seq.

Candidates, 71-1414, 71-1415

Canvass, 71-1419

Method of election question, 71-1411

Certificate of election, 71-1419

Certification of results, consolidation, 71-1305

Change of method, 71-1404, 71-1405, 71-1409

Approval by electors, 71-1411

Canvass, 71-1411

Determination, 71-1405, 71-1406

Petition, 71-1410

Report of, 71-1411

Conduct, with other elections, 71-1416

Consolidation, 71-1303 et seq.

County election officer, duties, 71-1411 et seq.

Cowley county community college, additional member, 71-1422

Date of elections, 71-1413

Definitions, 71-1402

Application of school election act, 25-2002

Election officers, 71-1413, 71-1418, 71-1419

Establishment, 71-1103, 71-1104, 71-1107

Expenses, 25-119, 25-2201

Filing, fees, time, 71-1414

Laws applicable, 71-1107, 71-1419


Defined, 71-1402

Specified, 71-1403

Nonpartisan, 71-1419

Notice, 71-1418

Plan of change, 71-1405, 71-1410

Plan of change of method, 71-1411

Primary, when required, 71-1415

Tax levies, capital outlay, 71-501

Voting plans, 71-1420

Write-in candidates, 71-1415

Eminent domain, 71-201

Employee benefits contribution fund. 12-16,102


Evaluation documents, 71-218

Evaluations, 71-215 et seq.

Personnel evaluation procedure, 71-216, 71-217

Establishment, 71-1103 et seq.

Expenditures, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Eye protective devices, certain courses, 72-6281

Faculty of distinction program, Kansas partnership for, 76-773 et seq.

Federal aid, 72-5537, 72-5538

Higher education loan program, 74-32,252

Fees, 71-301

Amounts charged, publication of, 71-222

Other charges, payment by credit card, 75-30,100

Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, instruction at, 71-205, 71-206

Full-time equivalent, 71-601


Adult education fund, 71-614, 71-617

Adult supplementary education fund, 74-32,261

Transfer from general fund, 71-614

Capital outlay fund, 71-501 et seq.

General fund,

Definitions, 71-611

Limitation on expenditures, 71-1809

Transfer authorizations, 71-614, 71-1809

Motorcycle driver safety fund, 8-267, 8-272, 71-614, 71-1508

Postsecondary technical education fund, 71-1808

Transfers from general fund, 71-1809

Transfer upon consolidation, 71-1308

Truck driver training course fund, 71-1509

Vocational education, 71-614

Workers compensation, 44-505e

Governing body. Board of trustees, this subhead

Grants, state, 71-601, 71-620

Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252

Hutchinson, public radio repeater station, 71-1510

Indebtedness, Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Institutional improvement plans, 74-3202d


Due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.


Contracts for benefit of students, 71-1601 et seq.

Group insurance, 72-1891, 72-1892

Health maintenance organizations, 72-1891

Self-insurer, 72-1891 et seq.

Interlocal agreements, 12-2910

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Law enforcement officers, 72-6146

Law enforcement training, 74-5601 et seq.

Lease-purchase, 71-201

Lease-purchase agreements, 10-1116c

Leases, 71-201

Minimum standards, 71-1102

Motor vehicles,

Driver training, 72-4005 et seq.

Registration of vehicles owned or leased by, 8-1,134

Motorcycle driver safety fund, 8-267, 8-272, 71-614, 71-1508

New community colleges, 71-1101, 71-1102

Moratorium on establishment, 71-1108

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Off-campus instruction,

Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, 71-205

Funds, use, 71-206


Approval, 71-609

State educational institutions, authorization, 71-609

Out-district tuition, conditions, 71-609

State aid, conditions, 71-609

Oil, gas, minerals, sale of, proceeds, 71-501a

Operating expenses,

Budget authority, 71-612

Definitions, 71-611

Transfers from general fund, 71-614, 71-1809

Operating grants, 71-620

Organization, 71-1101

Out-district state aid. State aid, this subhead

Payroll deductions, 72-2241, 72-2242

Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d

Performance indicators, 71-801

Personnel evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Planning, statewide, 74-3202c, 74-3205d

Powers and duties, 71-201

Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217

Private institutions, post

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Property, 71-201

Transfer upon consolidation, 71-1308

Valuation, 71-1102

Property valuation, state aid, 71-603

Publications required,

Scholarships, 71-222

Taxpayer and student transparency data, 71-222

Transferable courses, 71-221

Quality performance, indicators, 71-801

Approval, review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d

Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d

Quality performance grants, 71-620


Defunct institutions, 74-3263

Destruction, 72-1629

Establishment, filing, 71-1107

Regents, state board of,

Supervision, 71-801

Residence of students,

State aid determination, 71-406, 71-407

State determination, 71-406

Tuition and fees, certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Retirement accounts, 72-2243

Retirement benefits, 71-1502

Retirement incentive programs, 71-212 et seq.

Right of privacy policies, 72-6311

Scholarships, 71-203

Amounts disbursed, publication of, 71-222

Career technical education, 74-32,423 et seq.

Honors program, 74-32,240 et seq.

State, 74-32,233 et seq.

Security officers, 72-6146

Service area, acquisition of land, 71-201

Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768

Standards, 71-1102

State agencies, services agreements, 75-3099

State aid, 71-601 et seq., 71-1801 et seq.

Apportionment, 71-604

Curriculum limitation, 71-606

Distribution, 71-605

Educational services agreements, state agencies, inapplicability, 75-3099

Enrollment, certification, 71-603

Exception to payments, 71-609a

Grants, 71-620

Loss of entitlement to, 71-802, 71-1807

Nonresident students, considered residents, 71-407

Off-campus instruction, limitations, 71-609

Operating grants, 71-620

Payments, 71-604, 71-605

Property valuation, 71-603

Quality performance grants, 71-620

Residence of students, 71-407

State board,

Establishment of consolidated district, 71-1305

Licensure, certain employees, prohibition, 72-2161

State plan, 71-701

Student centers. Vocational Education, this index

Student records, defunct institutions, 74-3263

Student tuition, 71-701

Amounts charged, publication of, 71-222


Persons killed in action, Vietnam conflict, 73-1218

Prisoners of war, 73-1216, 73-1217

Out-district, ante


Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195

Supervision, board of regents, 71-801

Tax sheltered annuities, 72-2243

Taxation, 71-204

Adult education programs, 71-617

Capital outlay funds, 71-501

Employee benefits, 12-16,102

Tax rate and total revenue, publication of, 71-222


Evaluation, 72-2407 et seq.

Professional negotiation, 72-2218 et seq.

Technology innovation and internship program, 74-32,429, 74-32,430

Territory, 71-1102

Addition of, 71-1201


School buses,

Activities, 72-6498

Attendance at class, 72-6498, 72-6499

Vocational education courses, 72-6490

Truck driver training course fund, 71-1509

Truck driver training fund, 8-267, 8-272

Tuition, 71-301 et seq.

Out-district tuition, ante

Payment by credit card, 75-30,100

Student tuition, ante, this subhead

Tuition and fees, certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Vietnam conflict, dependents of deceased persons,

Enrollment without tuition or fees, 73-1218

Vocational Education, generally, this index

Voting plan. Elections, ante

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq.

Administration, 74-32,124

Advisory committee, 74-32,124

Amount of grant, 74-32,122

Application for grants, 74-32,125

Apportionment of grants, 74-32,124

Approval, 74-32,123, 74-32,124

Award of grants, 74-32,121

Base funding, allocation, 74-32,124

Certification, 74-32,123

Definitions, 74-32,120

Discontinued attendance, 74-32,123

Duration, limitation, 74-32,121

Evaluation, 74-32,124

Fund, 74-32,123

Payments, 74-32,123

Reports, 74-32,124, 74-32,125

Rules and regulations, 74-32,124, 74-32,125

State scholarships, financial resource, 74-32,239

Constitution of Kansas, Kan Const. Art. 6


Community colleges, ante

Federal research projects, direct and indirect cost reimbursements, 76-739, 76-740

Operation and function of institution, 76-721

Postgraduate training programs,

Allopathic medicine, 76-825

Reciprocal agreements with other state institutions, 74-3221

Research and development activities, bid exemptions, 76-770

Scholarships, osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq.

School bus use, 72-6498

Sponsored research projects, 76-751 et seq.


Filing with legislative research department, 75-3711b

Finance council approval required, certain, 75-3711b

Technology licensing agreements, 46-294

Coordination act, higher education, 74-3201a et seq.

Corporations, educational,

Private institutions, post

Courses of study,

Admissions of students in institutions outside Kansas, contracts, 76-721a

Training teachers, 72-2151 et seq.

Crimes and penalties, prosecutions, traffic and parking violations, 74-3215, 74-3216

Damages, oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-166

Data management system, state educational institutions, 76-771

Definitions, revenue bonds issue, 76-6a13

Defunct educational institutions, 74-3262


Determination of, 76-716

Honorary degrees, approval, 76-716

Delegation of authority, 76-725

Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq.

Amount, 74-3280

Applicant responsibilities, 74-3283

Award of scholarships, 74-3279, 74-3282

Definitions, 74-3278

Duration, 74-3279

Enrollment, certification, 74-3281

Evaluation of program, 74-3282

Fund, 74-3281

Payment, 74-3281

Reports to governor and legislature, 74-3282

Dormitories and student union buildings, 76-6a01

Bond issues, construction, definitions, 76-6a13

Construction by nonprofit corporations, 76-6a01

Emporia state university, generally, post

Fort Hays state university, generally, post

Kansas state university, generally, post

Leases, 76-6a02

Pittsburg state university, generally, post

Rentals and fees, 76-6a05

School dormitory fund, 76-6b08

University of Kansas, generally, post

Wichita state university, generally, post

Drainage district, submitting plans to state engineering school, 24-515

Driver's training course, license, 8-235c

Driveways, traffic regulation and control, 74-3209 et seq.


Granting or conveying, 74-3264

Street right-of-way, Lawrence, 76-364

Economic development, investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Education commission, abolished, 74-3230 et seq.

Education professional development act, 72-2544, et seq.

Educational building fund,

Appropriations, 76-6b02

Capital improvement projects,

Architectural fees, 75-1269

Engineering fees, 75-1269

Eminent domain, 76-6a14

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Classified employees, conversion to unclassified service, 76-715a

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715a

Emporia state university,

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b


Annual tax levy, 76-6b01

Construction, 76-6a01 et seq.

Student union, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b

Center for innovative school leadership, joint venture, 76-767

Contractual authority, 76-721

Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq.

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715

Endowments or bequests, 76-724

Investment, 76-156a, 76-718a

Experimental school, 76-606

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Gifts, 76-724

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.


Board of regents, generally, ante

Conveyance of certain, 76-616b, 76-616c, 76-616d, 76-616e, 76-616f, 76-616h, 76-616i, 76-616j

Library, public printing copy, 75-1023

Name changed to, 76-735

Normal school fund, 76-604

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

President, 76-714, 76-725

Prisoners of war, dependents of, 73-1216, 73-1217

Programs offered, determination, 76-716

Property, holding, 76-722

Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727

Site, selection of, 76-602

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-606, 76-719, 76-731a

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Refunds, 76-738

Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1218

Endowed professorship, Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq.

Endowment associations,

Capital improvements, 76-756, 76-757

Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq.

State colleges and universities, 76-156a

Endowments or bequests, 76-724

Investment, 76-156a, 76-410, 76-718a

Property management contracts, 76-363

Sale of property, 76-361

Energy conservation,

Capital improvement projects, standards for, 75-1259

Improvements for, financing, 75-37,111 et seq.

Enrollments. Admission of students, ante

Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq.

Administration, 74-32,118

Agreements, 74-32,115

Award and amount, 74-32,114

Citation, 74-32,112

Definitions, 74-32,113

Fund, 74-32,119

Legislative findings, declaration of purpose, 74-32,112

Legislative intent,

Declaration, 74-32,112

Review of, 74-32,118

Obligation of applicant, 74-32,115

Failure to satisfy, 74-32,116

Postponement, when, 74-32,117

Satisfaction, when, 74-32,117

Recommendations to legislature, 74-32,118

Rules and regulations, 74-32,118

Ethnic minority scholarship program, 74-3284 et seq.


Accreditation for training teachers, 72-2152

Extension specialist,

Duties, 76-464

Unclassified civil service, 75-2935

Eye protective devices, use, 72-6281


Due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq.

Phased-retirement program, 76-746

Recruitment, 76-727

Retirement plan, 74-4925 et seq.

Substantial interests, statements, 46-247

Faculty of distinction program, Kansas partnership for, 76-773 et seq.

Family Practice Residency Training Programs, 76-366 et seq.

Federal aid,

Buildings and equipment, 76-6a12

Community colleges, 72-5537, 72-5538

Student aid programs,

Termination proceedings of postsecondary institutions participation, 76-3110

University of Kansas, 76-327, 76-338

Federal funds, 76-723

Higher education loan program, 74-32,252

Fees and charges, Kan. Const., Art. 6, § 6; 72-3810, 76-719

Campus transportation systems, 74-3213

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Community colleges, 71-301

Parking facilities, 74-3213

Payment by credit card and other methods, 75-30,100

Refunds, 76-738

Residence of students, 48-3601, 76-729, 76-730

Vocational education, 72-3810

Waiver, graduate students, 76-719c

Fellowships and scholarships for graduate students, 76-719a, 76-719b, 76-719c

Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq.

Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq.

Kansas-Rhodes scholarship program, post

Osteopathic medical students, 74-3265 et seq.

Field houses, bond issues, 76-6a13

Finance of, permanent tax levy, Kan. Const., Art. 6, § 6; 76-6b01 et seq.

Financial assistance,

Allopathic medicine, 76-825

Career technical workforce grant, 74-32,423 et seq.

Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq.

Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq.

Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq.

Foster child educational assistance act, 75-53,111 et seq.

Definitions, 75-53,112

Eligibility for assistance, 75-53,113, 75-53,115, 75-53,120

Report to legislature, 75-53,118

Rules and regulations, 75-53,117

Tuition waivers, reimbursement of institution, 75-53,114

Higher education loan program, 74-32,252

Kansas postsecondary education savings program, 75-640 et seq.

See, also State Treasurer, this index

Low-income family postsecondary savings accounts incentive program, 75-650

See, also, State Treasurer, this index

Professional service scholarships,

Advanced registered nurse practitioner service scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq.

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Optometry students, 74-3270 et seq.

Osteopathic medical service, 74-3265 et seq.

Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq.

Teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq.

State guard members, 74-32,145 et seq.

State scholarship program, 74-32,233 et seq.

Students, school of medicine, 76-380 et seq.

Veterinary training program for rural Kansas, 76-4,112

Work-study program, 74-3274 et seq.

Financial benefits,

Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364

Prisoners of war, dependents of, 73-1216, 73-1217

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1216 et seq.

Fire protection, 31-132 et seq., 76-125

Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146

Conditions, limitations, 72-17,147

Foreign institutions,

Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institutions, post

Fort Hays state university,

Acceptance of land grant, 76-502

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b

Buildings, 76-6a01 et seq.

Health and recreational facility, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b

Center for innovative school leadership, joint venture, 76-767

Clinical facilities, exceptional children of school age, 76-513

Contractual authority, 76-721

Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq.

Dedication of moneys, 76-718

Early childhood development center, inc., lease of land authorized, 76-519

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715

Endowment foundation, 76-156a

Endowments or bequests, 76-724

Investment, 76-156a

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Funds, deposit in state treasury, 76-509

Gifts, 76-724

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Joint use of land and buildings with Fort Hays agricultural experiment station, 76-505

Leasing land, use of rent received, 76-504

Library, public printing, copy, 75-1023

Name changed to, 76-737

Oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-514 et seq.

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

President, 76-714, 76-725

Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217

Programs offered, determination, 76-716

Property, holding, 76-722

Real estate, 76-504, 76-505, 76-522, 76-523

Board of regents, generally, ante

Ellis county, property in, sale to city of Hays, 76-522, 76-523

Legal description, correction, 76-524

Exchange and conveyance of, 76-521

Exchange of land with city of Hays, 76-520

Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727

Report of receipts and expenditures of certain funds, 76-720

Sternberg museum, Kansas wildlife art series, 74-7901 et seq.

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Refunds of, 76-738

Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1218

Foundations and foundation subsidiaries,

Gifts of personal property to state universities, 76-718b

Funding for remedial courses, 76-7,151


Animal research facility debt service fund, 76-832

Community colleges, ante

Comprehensive rehabilitation and repair fund,

Transfers to, 76-6b12

Housing system operations fund, 76-762

Housing system repairs, equipment and improvement fund, 76-762

Housing system suspense fund, 76-762

Infrastructure maintenance fund, 76-7,104

Investment of, 76-718a

Kansas comprehensive grant fund, 74-32,123

Kansas educational building fund, 76-6b02, 76-758

Kansas university medical center development plan area account, 76-342

National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744

National direct student loan funds, 76-743

School dormitory fund, 76-6b08

Service clearing fund, 76-754, 76-755

Sponsored research overhead fund, 76-753

Student loan guarantee act, 74-32,246 et seq.

University of Kansas, permanent university fund, 76-308

Gifts, acceptance, expenditures, 76-724

Gifts of personal property to state universities,

Foundations and foundation subsidiaries, 76-718b

Goods and services, purchases of, 76-769

Graduate students,

Advanced registered nurse practitioner students, 74-32,131 et seq.

Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq.

Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq.

Fellowships and scholarships, grants, 76-719a et seq.

Medical school. See University of Kansas, post

Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq.

Grants, state educational institutions, 76-771

Haskell Indian college, tuition and fees at state colleges and universities, 76-731

Healing Arts. See subhead Accredited schools under Healing Arts, this index

High school graduate, admission requirements, 76-717b

Higher education coordination act, 74-3201a et seq.

Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252

Honors scholarships, Kansas, 74-32,240 et seq.

Hospital authority. University of Kansas Hospital Authority, this index

Hospitals. University of Kansas, post

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Meningitis vaccination, 76-761a

Immigration status, certain persons without legal, rates of tuition and fees, 76-731a

IMPACT act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Indians, tuition and fees at state universities and colleges, 76-731

Institutional improvement plans, 74-3202d



Kansas state university, 76-218, 76-491

University of Kansas, 76-391

Allopathic medicine, training program, medical center, 76-826

Clinical programs, liability insurance, 74-3245

Disability insurance, medical residents and students, 76-834

Dormitories and student union buildings, 76-6a07

Life insurance beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450

Purchase by state board of regents, 75-4101

Purchase by state educational institutions, exception, 75-4101

Regents educational communication center, vehicles and equipment, 76-489

Student group health and accident insurance coverage, board of regents, 75-4101

Student health facilities, 76-747

Student housing and union facilities, 76-6a07, 76-747, 76-764

Study abroad program, 76-749

University press of Kansas, book inventory, 76-394

Women's intercollegiate athletics, 76-750

Internships, postgraduate medical training programs,

Allopathic medicine, 76-825

Investment, idle funds of state educational institutions, pilot program, 76-156b

Junior colleges. Community colleges, generally, ante

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Kansas challenge to secondary school students act, 72-3220 et seq.

Kansas college of technology. Kansas state university—Salina, college of technology, ante

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq.

Kansas postsecondary education savings program, 75-640 et seq.

Kansas state college of Pittsburg. Pittsburg state university, post

Kansas state teachers college of Emporia. Emporia state university, ante

Kansas state university,

Acceptance of provisions of congressional law donating public lands, 76-408

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b

Agricultural extension service,

Wildlife damage control section, 76-459 et seq.

Agricultural extension work, acceptance of federal act, 76-435

Agricultural research-extension centers, 76-465, 76-466, 76-467

Agriculture, research and development, acceptance of federal act, 76-434, 76-435a

Agriculture, state department, cooperation, 74-504

Art objects collection donated to Deines cultural center, 76-490

Board of regents, generally, ante

Bluemont central college association,

Ceding real estate to state, 76-409

Transfer of library and apparatus, 76-407

Center of excellence, sustainable agriculture and alternative crops, 76-4,103

Coliseum, 76-6a36

Collections of specimens, 76-407

Community resource act, 74-5021 et seq.

Contractual authority, 76-721

Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq.

Dairy department, inspection of dairy herds at state institutions, 76-412 et seq.

Department of agriculture,

National poultry improvement plan, 2-907

Dodge City forestry station, reversion of title to Ford county, 76-433

Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01

Drainage district plans submitted to engineering school, 24-515

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715

Endowments or bequests, 76-416, 76-417, 76-724

Investment, 76-156a, 76-410, 76-718a

Experiment stations. Agricultural Experiment Stations, generally, this index

Extension councils, 2-608 et seq.

Extension systems and agriculture research programs,

County agents, unclassified civil service, 75-2935

Separate state agency, budget purposes, 75-3717d

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-731a

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Gifts, 76-724


Feeding facilities, studies, 65-1,195

Swine technology center, 76-487, 76-488

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Investment of funds. Endowments or bequests, ante

Kan-grow engineering fund, 76-7,141

Kansas forest service, 76-425a et seq. See, also, subhead, Kansas forest service under Forests and Forestry, this index

Land. See Real estate, post

Lespedeza, biology and control of sericea lespedeza, 76-4,102

Library, 76-407

Public printing, copy, 75-1023

Livestock feed lots, research studies and surveys, 47-1506

Location, 76-409

Meat and livestock program, international, 76-478, 76-479

Military training, 76-436

National bio and agro defense facility,

Conveyance of land, 76-4,113

National bio and agro-defense facility fund, 74-99b34

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

President, 76-725

Appointment, compensation, title, 76-714

Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217

Property, holding, 76-722

Real estate,

Chase County, sale of land in, 76-492, 76-492a

Chase county tract, conveyance, 76-4,100

Colorado land, sale of, 76-454

Conveyance of land to United States department of homeland security, 76-4,113

Dickinson county, sale of certain, 76-486

Endowment association, 76-472, 76-473

Exchange of land with, 76-451 et seq., 76-474 et seq., 76-477

Lease of land to or from, 76-443 et seq.

Sale of land to, 76-437c

Exchange of property with KSU foundation, 76-494

Kingman, Sedgwick and Reno counties, sale of property in, 76-4,109, 76-4,110

Morton county, sale of certain real estate, 76-437b

Nemaha county, sales of certain real estate, 76-4,106

Pottawatomie county, sale of certain, 76-486, 76-4,111

Public lands granted by congress, 76-418

Riley county, sale, conveyance or exchange of property in, 76-480, 76-495, 76-4,106, 76-4,107, 76-4,108, 76-4,110, 76-4,113, 76-4,114,76-4,115, 76-4,116, 76-4,117

Schwab estate, 76-446 et seq.

Scott county, sale of land in, 76-4,101

Topeka, city of, sale of real estate to, 76-437a

Washington county tract, conveyance, 76-4,100

Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727

Regents educational communication center, insurance for vehicles and equipment, 76-489

State agricultural university fund, 76-410a

State land office tract books, 75-2802

Student recreational building, construction, 76-6a29 et seq.

Student union and other buildings, 76-6a01 et seq.

Swine. Hogs, this subhead

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-738

Refunds, 76-738

Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Veterinary medical center, 76-751, 76-756

Budget, 75-3717c

Peer review committee, 76-493

Veterinary medical center, budget, 75-3717c

Veterinary medicine, dean of, assisting livestock commissioner, 47-610

Veterinary training program for rural Kansas, 76-4,112

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in, 73-1218

Water resources, division of, information and assistance, 74-510

Kansas state university—polytechnic campus,

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717

Aircraft, 76-217, 76-218, 76-219

Buildings, construction, 76-6a01 et seq.

Chief executive officer, 76-714, 76-727

Contracts, 76-721

Control by state board of regents, 76-213, 76-712 et seq.

Courses and curriculum, 76-213, 76-716

Degrees and certificates, 76-213

Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01 et seq.

Employees, 76-715, 76-727

Endowments, bequests, gifts, grants, 76-156a, 76-724

Investments, 76-156a

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Funds and moneys, 76-718, 76-720, 76-732 et seq.

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Kansas state university of agriculture and applied science, merger, 76-205

Lands and buildings, acquisition and disposition, 76-213, 76-220, 76-221, 76-222, 76-223

Name change, 76-205

Official designation, 76-205

Programs, determination of, 76-716

Property, holding, 76-722

Retailers' sales tax, use, 76-213

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a, 76-738

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Kansas technical institute. Kansas state university—Salina, college of technology, ante

Kansas university. University of Kansas, post

Law enforcement training center. University of Kansas, post

Leases of real property, 76-769


Cooperation and resource sharing, 75-2575 et seq.

Public printing, copy, 75-1023

Life insurance beneficiaries, insurable interest, 40-450


Parents of students, 74-32,252

Student loans, post

Lottery, advertising and promotion of, limititations, 74-8704

Machinery and equipment, federal aid, 76-6a12

Medical center. University of Kansas, post

Medical education,

Student aid programs, generally, post

University of Kansas, generally, post

Medical school. University of Kansas, post

Meningitis vaccination, 76-761a

Midwestern higher education compact,

Commission, Kansas membership, 74-32,265

Expiration date, conditional, 74-32,266

Text of compact, 74-32,264

Military service scholarship program, 74-32,227 et seq.

Applicant responsibilities, 74-32,230

Awards, 74-32,229

Definitions, 74-32,228

Fund, 74-32,232

Qualifications, 74-32,229

Rules and regulations, 74-32,231

Military training, 76-436

Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq.

Morrill Act, military training, 76-436

Municipal Universities, generally, this index

National guard educational assistance act, 74-32,146

Assistance amount, 74-32,148

Conditions for eligibility, 74-32,149

Definitions, 74-32,146

Repayment, 74-32,149

Negotiating committee, collection services, 76-745

Nurse educator service scholarship program act, 74-32,219 et seq.

Oaths, officers and employees, 75-4308 et seq.

Officers and employees, 76-715

Classified employees,

Conversion to unclassified service, 76-715a

Leave time, 76-715b

Compensation and salaries, 76-715

Agency payroll deduction plans, 75-5536

Biweekly pay plan, 75-5509

Deductions, 75-5501, 75-5531 et seq.

Withheld until oath filed, 75-4311

Withholding or setoff of amounts owed state, 76-741

Intergovernmental exchange of, 75-4401 et seq.

Oaths, 75-4308 et seq.

Phased-retirement program, 76-746

Recruitment, 76-727

Technology licensing agreements, 46-294

Travel out-of-state, prior approval, when, 75-3208

Unclassified service, 75-2935

Official hospitality, state agencies, 75-3731a

Oil, gas or mineral leases, 76-164 et seq.


Admission agreements with students, 74-3270 et seq.

Admission of students, institutions outside Kansas, contracts, 76-721a

Repayment fund, 74-3272a

Osteopathic medicine, students of, financial aid, 74-3265 et seq.

Scholarships, 74-3266

Service obligation, 74-3266

Out-of-state colleges and universities,

Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institutions, post

Out-of-state institutions. Foreign institutions, ante

Parents of students, loan program, 74-32,252

Parking and traffic, 74-3209 et seq., 76-6a33 et seq.

Patent depository library, 74-8116

Permanent university fund, 76-308

Perpetual funds, administration, 76-604

Personnel, generally, this index

Phased-retirement program, 76-746

Pittsburg state university,

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b

Buildings, construction, bonds, definitions, 76-6a13

Contractual authority, 76-721

Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715

Endowment or bequests, 76-724, 76-756

Investment, 76-156a

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Gifts, 76-724

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Library, public printing, copy, 75-1023

Name changed to, 76-736

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

President, 76-714, 76-725

Prisoners of war, dependents of, 73-1216, 73-1217

Programs offered, determination, 76-716

Property, holding, 76-722

Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Refunds of, 76-738

Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Vesting of property and rights, 76-736

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in action, 73-1218

Planning, statewide, 74-3202c, 74-3205d

Police officers, university, 22-2401a, 76-726

Kansas police and firemen's retirement system, 74-4986f et seq.

Postsecondary education savings program, Kansas, 75-640 et seq.

Postsecondary technical education authority. Technical colleges, post.

Poultry improvement association, cooperation, 2-907


Administration, 76-725

Appointment, compensation, title, 76-714

Residence, alcoholic liquor consumption, 41-719

Prisoners of war, dependents, 73-1216, 73-1217

Privacy, right of students, 72-6311

Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institutions, 74-32,162 et seq.

Academic degree,

Institutions qualified to award degree, standards, 74-32,165

Branch campus, 74-32,168

Certificates of approval, required, 74-32,167

Application, 74-32,168

Conditions, 74-32,172. 74-32,177

Appeal and hearing, 74-32,172

Judicial review, 74-32,173

Contents, 74-32,170

Nonrenewal, notice of, 74-32,170

Ownership, change in, 74-32,170a

Provisional certificate, 74-32,168

Refusal of issue, 74-32,171

Appeal and hearing, 74-32,171

Refusal to issue, 74-32,171

Judicial review, 74-32,173

Renewal, 74-32,170

Revocation, 74-32,172, 74-32,177

Appeal and hearing, 74-32,172

Judicial review, 74-32,173

Standards, 74-32,169

Surety bond, 74-32,175

Voluntary application, 74-32,164a

Closure requirements, 74-32,170

Court-appointed receiver, 74-32,170b

Definitions, 74-32,163

Exemptions from act, 74-32,164, 74-32,164a

Fees, 74-32,181

National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq.

Ownership, change in, 74-32,170a

Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution fee fund, 74-32,182

Prohibited acts, penalties, 74-32,177, 74-32,178

Reciprocity agreement, authorized, 74-32,194

Representative of institution, registration of, 74-32,174

Denial, 74-32,174

Renewal, 74-32,174

Revocation, 74-32,174

Rules and regulations, 74-32,165, 74-32,169


Career technical education, 74-32,423 et seq.

Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq.

Honors program, 74-32,240 et seq.

Nursing service, 74-3291 et seq.

State program, 74-32,233 et seq.

Teacher service, 74-32,100 et seq.

Statewide data collection system, 74-32,184

Tuition, promissory notes, 74-32,180

Violations of act,

Civil fine, 74-32,178, 74-32,178a

Contracts voided, 74-32,179

Injunction, 74-32,178

Refund of moneys, 74-32,179


Contracts, admission outside Kansas, 76-721a

Determination of, 76-716


Sale of, 74-3254

State surplus property program, 75-6601 et seq.

Transfer to investing agent, 74-3254

Public broadcasting, radio and television, grants, 75-4912 et seq.

Public institutions of higher learning, definition, Kan. Const. Art. 6,§ 2

Publications, extra copies of certain, 75-1023


Generally, 75-3739 et seq.

Goods and services, 76-769

Sales and use taxes, exemption, 76-784, 79-3606

Qualification of educational personnel. See Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational

Quality performance,


Approval and review, 74-3202c, 74-3202d

Compilation, coordination, 74-3205d

Performance agreements, compliance, 74-3202d

Quality performance grants, state educational institutions, 76-771

Readers for blind students, 76-157 et seq.

Real estate. See specific university

Reciprocal agreements, 74-32,194

Board of regents and foreign institutions, 74-3221

Reduced service program, faculty, 76-746

Refunding bonds, 76-6a18

Regents. Board of regents, ante

Religious student associations, religious exercise, 60-5311 et seq.

Cause of action, 60-5313

Definitions, 60-5311

Discrimination prohibited, 60-5312


Agreements with umbilical cord banks, 65-1,249

Johnson county education research triangle authority, 19-5001 et seq.

Research and development enhancement act, 76-777 et seq.

Aviation research facilities, 76-789

Board of regents, powers and duties, 76-780 et seq.

Definitions, 76-779, 76-786

Projects, 76-782

Bonds, 76-783

Contracts, 76-786, 76-787

Research foundations, capital improvement projects, 76-759

Research projects, 76-4,102, 76-739, 76-740, 76-751 et seq., 76-770

Residence of students, 76-729, 76-730

American Indians, 76-731

Reimbursement of non-resident tuition, 76-729

Retirement plan, 74-4925 et seq.

Contributions, employer, 74-4925e

Revenue bonds. Bonds, ante

Rules and regulations,

Residence of students,

Reimbursement of non-resident tuition, 76-729

Traffic and parking, 74-3209 et seq., 76-6a33 et seq.

Work-study program, 74-3276

Sales tax, exemptions, 79-3606


Administration, 74-3234

Community colleges, 71-203

Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120 et seq.

Distinguished scholarship program, 74-3278 et seq.

Ethnic minority scholarship program, 74-3284 et seq.

Honors program, Kansas, 74-32,240 et seq.

Kansas promise scholarship program, 74-32,271 et seq.

Agreement, 74-32,276

Appropriations, 74-32,274

Eligibility, 74-32,275

Eligible programs, 74-32,273

Fund, 74-32,277

Requirements, 74-32,275

Rules and regulations, 74-32,272

Scholarship amount, 74-32,274

Military service scholarship program, 74-32,227 et seq.

Professional service,

Advanced registered nurse practitioner service scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq.

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Optometry students, 74-3270 et seq.

Osteopathic medical service, 74-3265 et seq.

Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq.

Teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq.

Rhodes scholarship program, ante

State program, 74-32,233, et seq.

School dormitory fund, uses, 76-6b08

Secondary school students, Kansas challenge to, 72-3220 et seq.

Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768

Speed limits, 74-3211

Stadia, bonds, 76-6a13

State board of regents. Board of regents, ante

State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act, 76-7,125 et seq.

Bids, 76-7,128

Construction management at-risk procurement processes, use of, 76-7,131

Construction manager, selection of, 76-7,132

Construction services, selection of, 76-7,132

Procurement committee, 76-7,131

Contracts, 76-7,128

Bids, 76-7,128

Change orders, 76-7,129

Definitions, 76-7,126


Building codes, fees, building permits and zoning requirements, 76-7,130

Statutory requirements, 76-7,127

Procurement committee, 76-7,131

Rules and regulations, 76-7,133

State educational institutions,

Control and supervision, 76-711 et seq.

Funds, idle, pilot investment program, 76-156b

Historic preservation duties, contract delegation, 75-2724

Surplus property program, state, exemption, 75-6606

State historical society, loans or material, 75-2702

State library of Kansas board, members, 75-2546

Streets, right-of-way easement, Lawrence, 76-364

Streets and alleys, traffic regulation and control, 74-3209 et seq.

Student activity fees, use, 76-719, 76-731a

Student aid programs,

Comprehensive grant program, 74-32,120, et seq.

Ethnic minority fellowship program, 74-32,112 et seq.

Federal funds, expenditures, 76-723

Healing arts, students,

Allopathic medicine, 76-825

Osteopathic medicine, 74-3265 et seq.

Higher education loans, 74-32,252

Loan guarantee act, 74-32,246 et seq.

National guard educational assistance program 74-32,145 et seq.

Professional service scholarships,

Advanced registered nurse practitioner service scholarship program, 74-32,131 et seq.

Nursing service scholarship program, 74-3291 et seq.

Optometry students, 74-3270 et seq.

Osteopathic medical service, 74-3265 et seq.

Reserve officers' training corps programs, 74-3255 et seq.

Teacher service scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq.


Distinguished Kansas scholars, 74-3278 et seq.

Ethnic minority scholars, 74-3284 et seq.

State scholars, 74-32,233 et seq.

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Student loans, 74-32,246 et seq., 74-32,252

Federal funds, 76-728

National direct student loan audit dispute fund, 76-744

National direct student loan funds, 76-743

Obligation binding on minors, 74-32,251

Student Loan Guaranty Act, 74-32,247 et seq.

Student loan reserve fund, 74-32,247, 74-32,248

Student records, defunct educational institutions, 74-3263

Student union and other buildings, 76-6a01, 76-6a02

Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719

Tax exemptions, 79-201a

Students' advisory committee, 74-3229

Surplus property program, state, 75-6601 et seq.

Tax exemptions, 79-201

Alumni association property, 79-201

Bonds, 76-6a22

Buildings and bonds, construction of dormitories and student union buildings by nonprofit corporations, 76-6a10

Kansas state university foundation, 79-201a

Moneys and credits, 79-201

Sales tax, 79-3606


Community colleges, ante

Permanent tax for institutions of higher learning, Kan. Const., Art. 6,§ 6; 76-6b01

Wichita state university, 76-3a07

Teacher training, accreditation, 72-2151 et seq.

Eligible colleges and universities, 72-2153

Standards, maintenance, 72-2152


Due process, 72-2252 et seq.

Retirement plan, 74-4925 et seq.

Scholarship program, 74-32,100 et seq.

Technical colleges,

Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq.

Bonds, 74-32,452

Broadband technology-based network, access,

See, subhead, KAN-ED act under State Board of Regents, generally, this index

Career Technical Education, this index


Governed by Kansas law, 74-32,454

Indemnification or hold harmless provisions, 74-32,453

Mandatory provisions, exceptions, 74-32,455

Courses of instruction, 74-32,452

COVID-19 operations, 48-925d

Definitions, 74-32,407, 72-3810

Degrees, certificates, diplomas, 74-32,452

Designated names, 72-3815, 74-32,460, 74-32,461, 74-32,462, 74-32,464, 74-32,465

Change in designation, 74-32,457

Employees, transfer of, 74-32,466

Endowed professorship, 76-773 et seq.

Faculty, transfer of, 74-32,466

Faculty of distinction program, 76-773 et seq.

Flint Hills technical college, official designation, 74-32,460


General operating fund, 71-1808

Governance, 74-32,452

Governing board, powers, 74-32,452

Right of privacy policies, 72-6311

Transfer of faculty or employee, 74-32,466


Non-tiered course credit hours, 74-32,468, 74-32,431, 74-32,432

Institute of technology,

Articulation agreements, 74-32,420, 74-32,421 et seq.

Technology innovation and internship program, 74-32,429, 74-32,430

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Manhattan area technical college, official designation, 74-32,462

Motor vehicles,

Registration of vehicles owned or leased by, 8-1,134

National guard educational assistance program 74-32,145 et seq.

North Central Kansas technical college, official designation, 74-32,461

Northeast Kansas technical college,

Merger or affiliation with postsecondary educational institution, 74-32,467

Official designation, 74-32,463

Northwest Kansas technical college, official designation, 74-32,464

Postsecondary technical education authority, 74-32,401

Board of regents, duties, 74-32,403

Duties, 74-32,402

Executive director, 74-32,402

Vice-president of workforce development, 74-32,402

Privacy, right of students, 72-6311

Programs, generally, 72-3810 et seq.

Located outside service area, 74-32,433

Rules and regulations, 74-32,451

Salina area technical college, official designation, 74-32,465

Social security numbers, certain uses prohibited, 76-768

Statutory applicability, 74-32,456

Supervision, 74-32,451

Teaching staff, 74-32,452

Technology innovation and internship program, 74-32,429, 74-32,430

Tuition, fees and charges,

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Payment by credit card, other methods, 75-30,100

Waiver of tuition, certain dependents, 73-1217, 73-1218


Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195

Washburn institute of technology,

Defined, 74-32,407


Postsecondary technical education fund, 71-1808

Wichita state university campus of applied sciences and technology, official designation, 74-32,458

Workforce development loan program act 74-32,151 et seq.


Kansas state university—Salina, college of technology, ante

Traffic and parking, regulation, 74-3209 et seq., 76-6a33 et seq.

Training expenses, payment by state agencies, 75-5519

Training information program, Kansas, 74-32,417 et seq.

Transcript of high school record, 76-717b


School bus fees, 72-6499

Students, school district bus use, 72-6498, 72-6499

Travel and expense allowances, research and development activities, 76-770

Out-of-state, prior approval, when, 75-3208

Recruitment of personnel, 76-727

Trusts and trustees,

Board of trustees, termination of certain trusts, 76-353

Bond trustee, 59-1105

Holding and executing, board of regents, 76-722

Inventories and reports, 59-1105

Trust funds, Kansas university medical center, 76-818

Tuition, fees and charges, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Community colleges, ante

Dependents of certain Vietnam veterans, 73-1216, 73-1217, 73-1218

Emporia state university, 76-606

Fixed by regents, 76-719

Payment by credit card and other methods, 75-30,100

Reciprocal agreements, 74-3219

Refunds, 76-738

Residence of students, 76-729, 76-730

State agencies, payment, 75-5519

Veterans, 48-3601


Persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Persons who were wrongfully convicted, 74-32,195

Umbilical cord banks, research agreements with, 65-1,249

University engineering initiative act, 76-7,136 et seq.,

Annual report, 76-7,140

Board of Regents,

Powers, generally, 76-7,139

Capital improvement projects, 76-7,140

Definitions, 76-7,138

Engineering facilities, 76-7,140

Kan-grow engineering funds, 76-7,141

Purpose, 76-7,137

Sales and use tax exemption, 76-7,142

Secretary of Commerce,

Powers, generally, 76-7,139

Report, 76-7,139

University of Kansas,

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b

Aircraft, insurance, 76-391

Biological survey, state, 76-338, 76-339


Bonds, definitions, 76-6a13

Construction, investigations, 75-718

Contracts and leases, 76-6a13g, 76-6a13h

Fees and charges, use, 76-6a13f

Health education facilities, 76-6a13d et seq.

Health services building, 76-6a13c

Humanities building, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b

Plans, approval, 76-6a13h

Bureau of child research, 76-316 et seq.

Chancellor, 76-714

Administration, 76-725

Geological survey, ex officio director, 76-323

State biologist, appointment, 76-339

Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq.

Coroners, cooperation with, 21-2502

Deeds and conveyances, 76-333

Easements, street right of way, Lawrence, 76-364

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715

Endowment association,

Conveyance and exchange of property, 76-3,103, 76-3,108

Property, exchange with board of regents, 76-345, 76-390

Property management contract, 76-363

Sale of property, proceeds from, 76-395

Scholarship funds, 76-363

Endowments or bequests, 76-724

Investment, 76-156a, 76-718a

Federal aid,

State biological survey, 76-338

Training firefighters, 76-327

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a; Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 6

Fire service training commission, 76-327a

Duties, 76-327d

Fire service training program,

Fund, 75-1514, 76-327f

Support, 75-1508, 75-1514

Firefighters, training, 76-327 et seq.

Duties, 76-327e

Fund, 76-327c

Funds, permanent university fund, 76-308

Geological survey, state, 76-322 et seq.

Cooperation with Kansas water office, 74-2610

Geologist, state, 76-323

Hospital authority,

University of Kansas Hospital Authority, this index


Building fund, 76-328

Medical center, generally, post

Obstetrical patients, 65-203

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Insurance. Insurance, ante, this heading

Journalism department head, directing state information and publicity bureau, 76-319

Kan-grow engineering fund-KU, 76-7,141

Law enforcement officers, cooperation with, 21-2502

Law enforcement training center, 74-5602, 74-5603

Duties of chancellor, 74-5603

Leases, city of Lawrence, airport purposes, 76-329, 76-329a

Library, public printing, copy, 75-1023

Livestock feedlots, research studies and surveys, 47-1506

Medical center, 76-337

Acquisition and purchases,

Data processing hardware and software, 76-3,100

Goods and services, 76-399

Supplies and materials, 76-399

Affiliations, joint ventures, partnerships, 76-3,101

Allopathic medicine, 76-825, 76-826

Animal care and research facility, 76-828 et seq.

Animal research facility debt service fund, 76-832

Animal research facility project fund, 76-829

Loan to construct, equip, 76-829

Buildings and land, acquisition, 76-6a13 et seq., 76-6a40 et seq.

Cancer research and public information trust fund, 76-841

Capital improvement projects, 76-760

Hospital authority projects, 76-3308a

Private moneys, use of, 76-760

Claims for personal injury and property damage at hospital, 46-922

Construction contracts, investigations, 75-718

Contracts and leases,

Data processing hardware and software, 76-3,100

Health care providers, consortiums, 76-399

Medical networks, 76-3,101

Medical services, provision of, 76-3,101

Off-campus medical care facilities, 76-3,102

University of Kansas hospital authority, services 76-3313

Data processing hardware and software, acquisition, 76-3,100

Disability insurance, medical residents and students, 76-834

Fees, tuition, rents and charges, revenue bonds, 76-742, 76-817

Goods and services, acquisition, 76-399

Health care employees, unclassified service, 75-2935

Certain nursing positions, rights and benefits, 76-396

Health education buildings and facilities, 76-6a13d et seq.

Hospital revenue fund, 76-3,101

Instruction of students, nurses and others, records, maintenance, 76-354 et seq.

Library, construction authorized, 76-6a35

Medical networks, 76-3,101

Midwest stem cell therapy center, 76-835, 76-836, 76-837, 76-838, 76-839, 76-840

Advisory board, 76-838

Definitions, 76-840

Director, appointment and duties, 76-836

Fund, 76-837

Powers , duties and functions, 76-835

Prohibition of use of embryonic stem cells, 76-839

Mobile intensive care technicians. Emergency Medical Services, this index

Off-campus medical care facilities, operation, 76-3,102

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

Out-patient center, cancer-related services, 76-6a40 et seq.

Agreements with private organization, 76-6a41, 76-6a43

Authorization, 76-6a42

Definitions, 76-6a40

Land, acquisition of, 76-6a42

Revenue bonds, 76-6a42

Parking facility, 76-6a33, 76-6a38

Parking lots, certain, SRS, conveyed to KUMC, 75-3371

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4914 et seq.

Private practice foundation reserve fund, 40-3403

Revenue bonds, 76-810 et seq.

Library, construction of, 76-6a35

Storage facilities, acquisition of land and buildings, 76-6a44

Supplies and materials, acquisition 76-399

Teaching devices, disclosure of information, 76-359

Trust funds, 76-818

Medical records, use in discovery proceedings or evidence, 76-354 et seq.

Medical school,

Affiliated family practice residency training program, 76-366 et seq. See, also, Family Practice Residency Training Programs, this index

Clinical work, 76-315

Dead bodies, use, 65-901 et seq.

Disability insurance, medical residents and students, 76-834

Graduate medical education administration reserve fund, 40-3403

Graduate medical education programs of community hospitals,

Malpractice insurance, 40-3414

Instruction of students, nurses and others, records, maintenance, 76-354 et seq.

Medical school loan act,

Medically underserved areas, determination of, 76-381b

Priority of loan awards, 76-382

Retroactively awarded loans, 76-382

Retroactivity of loan payments, 76-386a

Medical student loan act, 76-380 et seq.

Definitions, 76-381

Failure to satisfy service obligation, 76-385

Loan agreements, 76-382, 76-383

Medical student loan program, 76-382

Postponement of service obligation, 76-386

Repayment, failure to satisfy agreement, 76-385

Satisfaction of service obligation, 76-383, 76-384, 76-385, 76-386

Service commitment area, 76-384

Physician faculty, malpractice insurance, 40-3402, 40-3403, 40-3414

Private practice foundation reserve fund, 40-3403

Residency bridging program, 76-387

Loan agreements, 76-387

Practice service agreement, 76-387

Service obligation, 76-387

Residency training program,

Health education centers not affected, 76-372

Insurance, medical malpractice, 40-3401 et seq.

Scholarship and loan agreements, satisfaction, 76-379

Teaching devices, disclosure of information, 76-359

Telemedicine communications systems, 76-389

Advisory committee, 76-389

Visiting professor temporary license, 65-28,100

Wichita branch,

Capital improvement project redesignated, 76-3a17 et seq.

Inpatient care and research prohibited at E.B. Allen hospital, 76-378

Museum of art, 76-365

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

Parking facilities, 76-6a33, 76-6a34, 76-6a39

Police officers, 76-726

Press, university,

Insurance, book inventory, 76-394

Publications account, restricted fees fund, money transfer, 76-393

Property, holding, 76-722

Rainbow mental health facility, purchase of facility by Kansas university endowment association or university of Kansas, 76-17a12

Real estate, 76-345, 76-346, 76-351, 76-352, 76-390

Board of regents, generally, ante

Conveyance and exchange, Kansas university endowment association, 76-3,103, 76-3,108

Douglas county, sale of property in, 76-3,105, 76-4,110

Lawrence, lease for airport purposes, 76-329, 76-329a

Maryland, sale of land in, 76-397

Purchase in Kansas City, Kansas, 76-336

Rainbow mental health center, certain parking conveyed to KUMC, 75-3371

Sale and conveyance, property in city of Lawrence, Douglas county, 76-3,104, 76-3,106

Wichita, sale of real estate in, 76-395

Records and reports, use for instruction, 76-354 et seq.

Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727


Receipts and expenditures, certain funds, 76-720

State biological survey, 76-338

State geological survey, 76-323

School of engineering,

Capital improvement program, 76-3,107

State biological survey, 76-338, 76-339

State biologist, zoology faculty, 76-339

State land office tract books, 75-2802

Student activity fees, 76-719, 76-731a

Student union buildings, 76-6a01, 76-6a29 et seq.

Renovation, 76-6a37

Traffic and parking, 74-3209

Parking facilities, ante, this subhead

Trusts, receiving and executing, 76-722

Tuition, fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a; Kan. Const. Art. 6,§ 6

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Refunds of, 76-738

Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in action, 73-1218

Water resources, division of, information and assistance, 74-510

University of Missouri-Kansas City school of dentistry, 76-721b

Use of social security numbers prohibited, certain, 76-768

Veterans, tuition, 48-3601

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in action, 73-1218

Vocational Education, generally, this index

Washburn University. Municipal Universities, generally, this index

Wichita state university,

Administration, 76-725

Admission of students, 76-717, 76-717b

Board of trustees, 76-3a16

Bonds, payment, 76-3a07

Bonds issued by university of Wichita, 76-3a11



Bond issues, 76-6a13

Dormitories and other buildings, 76-6a01

Health sciences building, this subhead

Power plant, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b

Science building, 76-6a13a, 76-6a13b

Campus of applied sciences and technology, 74-32,459

Affiliation and approval, 74-32,459

Governing body, 74-32,459

Official designation, 74-32,459

Center of innovation for biomaterials in orthopaedic research – Wichita state university fund, 74-99b34

Contractual authority, 76-721

Control by state board of regents, 76-712 et seq.

Definitions, 76-3a01

Employees, appointment, compensation, 76-715

Endowments or bequests, 76-724

Board of trustees, authority, 76-3a16

Investment, 76-156a

Establishment, 76-3a01

Fairmount towers, acquisition, 76-6a31, 76-6a32

Fees and charges, 76-719, 76-731a

Gifts, 76-724

Health sciences building, 76-3a17 et seq.

Housing systems, 76-761 et seq.

Kan-grow engineering fund-WSU, 76-7,141

Land, certain tracts, dedicated to public and city of Wichita, 76-3a25

Lease of property, local building commission, 76-3a16

Library, public printing, 75-1023

Name, change of, 76-3a01

Organizational safekeeping accounts, 76-732 et seq.

Parking facilities, 76-3a24

President, 76-714, 76-725

Programs offered, determination, 76-716

Real estate,

Exchange of land authorized, 76-3a26

Sale of certain, 76-3a23

Recruitment of personnel, expenses, 76-727

Retirement and pensions, KPERS, prior service credit, 74-4913

Sinking fund, 76-3a07

Student activity fees, 76-719, 76-731a

Tax levy, city of Wichita, 76-3a07

Trustees, board of, 76-3a16

Tuition, fees and charges, 73-1216, 73-1217, 76-719, 76-731a

Certain persons without lawful immigration status, 76-731a

Refunds, 76-738

Waiver, persons in custody of Kansas department for children and families at age 18, 74-32,161

Vietnam, dependents of persons killed in action, 73-1218

Work-study program 74-3274 et seq.

Administration, 74-3276

Definitions, 74-3275

Establishment and purpose, 74-3274

Operation and management, 74-3277

Rules and regulations, 74-3276

School districts, agreements, 74-3277a

Workforce development loan program act, 74-32,151 et seq.

Eligibility, conditions and requirements, 74-32,151, 74-32,152

Financing, 74-32,160

Fund, 74-32,155

Loan obligations, 74-32,152, 74-32,153, 74-32,154, 74-32,157, 74-32,158

Rules and regulations,

State board of regents, 74-32,159

State treasurer, 74-32,156


Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520

Republican River Compact, 82a-518


Drugs and medicines, color additives, 65-668

Food, 65-664, 65-665

Hair, barber school or college, 65-1810


Boundaries, 18-117


Business and Commerce, generally, this index

Qualified manufacturer act. Secretary of commerce, post.

Secretary of commerce,

Qualified manufacturer act, 19-4106 et seq.

Agreement terms and conditions, 19-4108

Failure to comply, 19-4108

Application requirements, 19-4108

Citation of act, 19-4106

Definitions, 19-4107

Eligibility requirements, 19-4108


Failure to comply, 19-4108, 19-4109

Prohibited acts, 19-4108

Reporting requirements, 19-4109

Special qualified manufacturer fund, 19-4108


See, also, Kansas, Inc., this index; Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, this index; Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, this index; Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, this index; Community Strategic Planning Assistance Act, this index

Generally, 74-5001a et seq.

Administration, 74-5002a

Advertising, promotional, 74-5033

Advisory boards, 74-5005

Agritourism promotion act, this index

Angel investor tax credit act, this index

Annual report, 74-5049

Economic development, post

Reports, economic development, post

Application of documentary references, 74-5002p

Applied research,

Committee, 74-8107

Matching grants, 74-8107

Apprenticeship council,

Establishment, organization, expenses, 44-661

Powers and duties, 44-662

Attorney, 74-5002a, 75-2935

Audits, 74-8111

Bioscience authority act, this index

Bioscience development financing act, this index

Bioscience research and development voucher program act, this index

Bioscience research matching funds act, this index

Bioscience tax investment incentive act, this index


Kansas partnership fund, 74-5055

Private activity bond allocation act, 74-5058 et seq.

Business and industry,

Assistance to businesses succeeding state agencies, 74-50,153

Doing business in Kansas,

Forms and information for, 74-5037 et seq.

New businesses, forms and information, 74-5037 et seq.

Business development, division of, 74-5007a, 74-5008a

Powers, duties and functions, 74-5007a, 74-5014, 74-5049

Center for entrepreneurship act, this index

Center for excellence, 74-8106

Funds and funding, 74-8106

Clearinghouse, technology transfer and technical referral services, 74-8110

Commercialized research, negotiations, 74-8104, 74-8106, 74-8107


Applied research, 74-8107

Centers of excellence, 74-8106

Investment, 74-8109

Community development, division of, 74-5008c

Community service provider proposals, review and approval, 79-32,198

Director, 74-5008c

Powers, duties, functions, 74-5009, 74-5014, 74-5049

Community Strategic Planning Assistance Act, generally, this index

Creation, 74-5002a

Creative arts industries commission, 74-5207 et seq.

Data bases, technical information, 74-8110

Definitions, 74-8103

Economic development,

Annual report on, 74-50,228, 74-8004, 74-8006

Centers of excellence, 74-8106

Expenditure of private funds, 74-8009a

Grants and loans by state agencies, 74-8015

State programs, 74-8111

Budget for research and evaluation, 74-8009a

Contracts, authority to enter into, 74-8009a

Funding for research and evaluation, 74-8009a, 74-8013

Grants and loans, reports on, 74-8015

Oversight of state activities, 74-8004, 74-8010

Private funds for research and evaluation, 74-8009a

Public information database, 74-50,226

Administration, information to be published, exceptions, 74-50,227

Excise tax returns and reports, use of, 75-5133, 79-3234

Reports to legislature, 74-50,227

Strategy, 74-8004

Economic development department,

Property, records, appropriations, transfers from, 74-5016

References to, 74-5002e

Economic development fund, 74-5005

Economic development incentive program application fees, 74-50,225

Economic development regional foundations, tax credits for contributions to certain, 74-50,154

Economic revitalization and reinvestment act, 74-50,136

Emerging industry investment act, this index

Employment, promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,210 et seq.

Agreements, 74-50,213

Annual review of qualified company, 74-50,215

Application for benefits, 74-50,213

Definitions, 74-50,211

Intent of act, 74-50,210

Qualifications for benefits, 74-50,212

Qualified company, duties, 74-50,214

Report, secretary of commerce, 74-50,216

Rules and regulations, 74-50,213, 74-50,214

Enterprise facilitation project,

Fund, 74-50,155

Rules and regulations, 74-50,155

Transfers to fund, 74-50,154

Enterprise zone act, Kansas,

Annual reports, 74-50,118

Citation of act, 74-50,113

Definitions, 74-50,114

Nonmetropolitan regional business program,

Establishment, 74-50,116

Nonmetropolitan regions,

Annual report, 74-50,118

Criteria for establishment, 74-50,116

Quarterly list, 74-50,117

Rules and regulations, 74-50,115, 74-50,119

Sales tax exemptions, 74-50,115

Existing industry development, division of,

Minority business, office of, 74-5011

Powers, duties, functions, 74-5014, 74-5049

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index


Applied research and development fund, 74-8106

Applied research matching grant fund, 74-8107

Basic research fund, 74-8106

Core funding, 74-8106

Disposition of moneys, 74-8114

Seed-capital fund, 74-8109

Technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions development and expansion fund, 9-2324

Technology transfer fund, 74-8106

Film Services Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Governmental operations accountability law, application, 74-5002a

Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072

Health care plans, assistance programs,

Association assistance plan, 75-7433

High performance fund, generally, 74-50,131 et seq.

High performance incentives,

Definitions, 74-50,131

Eligibility, 74-50,132

High performance incentive fund, 74-50,133

Qualifications of firm under 74-50,131

Taxable years in which applicable, 74-50,135a

Tax credits, 74-50,132

Taxable years effective, 74-50,135

Housing, division transferred to Kansas Development Finance Authority, 74-8950 et seq.

IMPACT act, generally, 74-50,102 et seq.

Individual development account program act, this index

Industrial development, division of, powers, duties, functions, 74-5014, 74-5049

Industrial liaison offices, 74-8110

Industrial revenue bonds, cost benefit analysis, 74-8016

Industrial training and retraining program, 74-5065 et seq.

Administration, 74-5066

Contracts with job training agencies, 74-5066, 74-5067

Definitions, 74-5065

Education, state board, cooperation, 74-5068


Allocation, distribution, 74-5066

Prohibited usage, 74-5066

Regents, state board, cooperation, 74-5068

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

Investments, 74-8109

Investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Job training, IMPACT act, 74-50,102 et seq.

K-GOAL, application, 74-5002a

Kansas bioscience authority, review of, 74-8004, 74-99b09

Kansas community services program act, 79-32,194 et seq.

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Kansas downtown redevelopment act, 12-17,121 et seq.

Kansas investments in major projects and comprehensive training (IMPACT) act, 74-50,102 et seq.

Kansas partnership fund, 74-5055

Kansas professional regulated sports act, this index

Kansas technology enterprise corporation, abolished, 74-8123

Powers and duties transferred to department of commerce, 74-8124

Kansas venture capital, inc., review of, 74-8004

Legal actions or proceedings, preservation, 74-5018

Loans, 74-8109

Local government infrastructure improvement loans, 74-5055 et seq.

Bonded debt, exemption, 74-5057

Project eligibility criteria, 74-5056

Repayment, sources, 74-5057

Tax levies, 74-5057

Meetings, 74-8109

Minority and women business development, office of, 74-5010a

Minority business, office of, 74-5011, 74-5012

My reemployment plan, 44-775

Work skills training or retraining, Kansas workforce, 44-775

Neighborhood improvement and youth employment act. Secretary of Commerce, post

New business and industry, forms and information, 74-5037 et seq.

Officers and employees, 74-5014, 74-5015

Employment, 74-5002a, 74-5014, 74-5015, 75-2935

Legal actions or proceedings, preservation, 74-5018

Minority and women business development, assistant director, 74-5010a

Secretary, 74-5002a

Unclassified service, 75-2935

Offices, location of, 74-5002a

Older Kansans employment program, 74-50,209, 75-5741

Organization, 74-5014

Patent depository library, 74-8116

Performance review, 74-5049

Powers, duties, functions,

Business innovation and research, 74-8104

Contracts for promotional advertising services, 74-5033

Economic development, 74-8004, 74-8010

Generally, 74-5005

Technology transfer, 74-8110

Transferred from commerce and housing, department of, 74-5002p

Transferred from economic development, department of, 74-5002b, 74-5002c

Transferred to secretary of commerce, 74-8124

Private activity bond allocation act, 74-5058 et seq.

Administrative fee, 74-5060

Applications, 74-5060, 74-5063

Expiration of allocation, 74-5060, 74-5063

Internal revenue code, compliance, 74-5060, 74-5063

Reports by governmental issuers, 74-5061

Review of allocations and use, 74-5062

State ceiling, 74-5060, 74-5063

Promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,210 et seq.

Purchasing laws of state, exemption, 74-8104

Qualified manufacturer act. Secretary of commerce, post.

Regional business development fund, creation of,

Administration of fund, 74-50,154

Reports, economic development, 74-50,228, 74-8004, 74-8006

Centers of excellence, 74-8106

Grants and loans by state agencies, 74-8015

Legislative recommendations, 74-8010

Monthly reports, 74-8009a

Private funds for, 74-8009a

Public information database, 74-50,227

STAR bond projects, 12-17,169

State programs, 74-8111

Rules and regulations, 32-1438, 74-5002d, 74-5002p, 74-5002r, 74-50,203

Enterprise facilitation projects, 74-50,155

Housing, tax credits, scoring matrix, 74-5002q

Secretary of commerce, 74-5002a, 74-5002e

Advertising service contracts, negotiation, 74-5033

Agritourism promotion act,

Report to legislature, 32-1438

Tax credits, certain costs of liability insurance, 32-1438

Airfare, affordable, fund, administrative fee, 74-50,150

Angel investor tax credit act,

Qualified Kansas business, annual review, 74-8136

Report to department of revenue, annual, 74-8136

Appointment and compensation, 74-5002a

Authorization to contract for data processing services, training, 74-5002y

Commission on disability concerns, ex officio member, 74-6703

Contract, debt service, tire manufacturer bonds, 74-8944

Development finance authority, member of, 74-8903

Disability concerns, commission on,

Transfer of, 75-141 et seq.

Enterprise facilitation projects, 74-50,155

Film services commission, ex officio membership, 74-9201

Film services commission, membership, 74-9201

Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072

Individual development account program act, 74-5005, 74-50,201 et seq.

Job skills program, approval of, 44-706

My reemployment plan, duties, 44-775

Reports, 44-775

Neighborhood improvement and youth employment act, 44-1401 et seq.

Eligibility, 44-1403, 44-1405

Grants for youth employment, 44-1402

Guidelines, 44-1409

Powers, duties, functions, 74-5002 et seq.

Qualified industrial manufacturer act, 74-50,120 et seq.

Qualified manufacturer act, 19-4106 et seq.

Agreement terms and conditions, 19-4108

Failure to comply, 19-4108

Application requirements, 19-4108

Citation of act, 19-4106

Definitions, 19-4107

Eligibility requirements, 19-4108


Failure to comply, 19-4108, 19-4109

Prohibited acts, 19-4108

Reporting requirements, 19-4109

Special qualified manufacturer fund, 19-4108

Reports, promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,216


Community involvement, 32-874b

Incentive plan, 32-874a

Report to the legislature, 32-874e

Requests for proposals, 32-874d

Site selection, limitations, 32-873

Rules and regulations, 74-5002d

IMPACT act, 74-50,104

Promoting employment across Kansas act, 74-50,213

See, also, Economic Development, this index

State affordable airfare fund, administrative fee, 74-50,150

Substance abuse treatment program completion, 44-706

Water authority, ex officio member, 74-2622

Security of documents, 74-8104

Seed Capital, Local Pools, generally, this index

Signs, tourism, economic development, listing of available, 75-5079

Small business innovation research bridge financing fund,

Established, 74-8108

Five year review, 74-8108a

Small business innovation research matching grant program, 74-8108

Sports hall of fame, loan, repayment, 74-2916

STAR bond projects,

Additional bond issuance, limitations, 12-17,168

Administrative fee, 12-17,164

Approval of, 12-17,164, 12-17,167

Certain bond issuance, limitations, 12-17,175

Reports to governor and legislature, 12-17,169

State agencies, grants and loans, reports on, 74-8015

Taxation, exemption, 74-8104

Technology transfer, 74-8106, 74-8110

Techology-based venture-capital fund,

Annual reporting requirements, 74-8317

Authorized, 74-8316

Conflicts of interest prohibited, 74-8318

Definitions, 74-8319

Restrictions on use, 74-8316

Threshold funding levels, establishment, 74-8111

Trade development, division of, 74-5047

Director, 74-5047

Powers, duties, functions, 74-5014, 74-5048, 74-5049

Trade or business secrets, security, 74-8104

Transfers related to workforce development from the department of human resources,

Appropriations, 74-5002u

Conflicts, resolution by governor, 74-5002v

Liability for accrued compensation, 74-5002u

Officers and employees, 74-5002x

Powers, duties and functions, 74-5002t

Property and records, 74-5002v

References in contract, statutes, 74-5002t

Rules and regulations, 74-5002t

Suits, actions or other proceedings, 74-5002w

Travel and tourism,

Signs for tourism, economic development, listing, 75-5079

Travel and tourism, council on, 74-9001 et seq.

Travel and tourism development, division of

Abolished; transferred, 32-813, 32-814

Appropriations, transferred, 32-815

Eisenhower centennial commission, duties

Transferred, 32-813

Powers, duties, functions

Transferred 32-813, 32-814

Travel and travel expenses, 74-8113

Workforce development, division of, 74-5002s

Monitoring unit, annual report, 74-5002s

Qualified older Kansans, strategic plan, report, 74-50,209


Generally, 84-1-101 et seq.

Bank Deposits and Collections, generally, this index

Bills of Lading, generally, this index

Documents of Title, generally, this index

Evidence, generally, this index

Funds Transfers, generally, this index

Investment Securities, generally, this index

Leases, generally, this index

Letters of Credit, generally, this index

Negotiable Instruments, generally, this index

Perfection, 58-244

Sales, generally, this index

Secured Transactions, generally, this index


Generally, 2-1001 et seq.

Adulteration, penalties, 2-1011

Stop sale orders, 2-1008

Advertising, false or misleading, penalties, 2-1011

Agisters' liens, 58-220

Brands, marks, labels and tags, 2-1001

Bags, containers or packages, 2-1002

Form of, 2-1013

Bulk lots,

Samples, 2-1009

Tags or labels, 2-1002

Condemnation, adulterated or misbranded, 2-1011

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 2-1009 et seq.

Definitions, 2-1001

Delivery statement, 2-1002

Enforcement, 2-1013

Feeding stuffs fee fund, 2-1012


Disposition and use of moneys, 2-1012

Inspection fee, 2-1004, 2-1004a

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law, limitation, 65-679

Guaranteed analysis, 2-1006

Ingredients, collective term or terms, 2-1013

Injunctions, 2-1011

Inspections and inspectors,

Buildings, mills, ships, warehouses, 2-1008

Fee, 2-1004

Sample analysis, 2-1010

Labels, 2-1014

License, 2-1014

Livestock feeds infested with weed seeds, 2-1328, 2-1329

Manufacturing, rules and regulations, 2-1013

Misbranding, penalties, 2-1011

Stop sale orders, 2-1008

Penalties. See Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Permits required, 74-139

Prosecuting attorney, duties, 2-1010

Records of sales, 2-1004

Registration, cancellation, 2-1006

Regulation by secretary of agriculture, 2-1013

Report, 2-1004

Sample analysis, 2-1009

Rules and regulations, 2-1013

Hearing and notice violations, 2-1010


Rules and regulations, 2-1013

Stop sale orders, 2-1008


Analysis, 2-1008, 2-1009

Criminal prosecutions, 2-1010

Seeds, warning label, 2-1417

Seizure of adulterated or misbranded, 2-1011

State treasurer, remittance of moneys, 2-1012

State warrants, fee fund, 2-1012

Tonnage report, 74-505c

Falsification, penalties, 2-1011

Warnings, tags or labels, 2-1002


Generally, 2-1201 et seq.

Fertilizers, generally, this index


Wildlife, generally, this index


Account, definition, 84-4-104

Bank deposits and collection, application, 84-4-102

Banking day, definition, 84-4-104

Banks and banking, 9-1101


Definition, 84-3-104

Payment by financing agency, 84-2-506

Presentment, six months after date, 84-4-404

Remitting bank, 84-4-211

Sales, generally, this index

Secured transactions, cash proceeds, 84-9-306

Tender under Sales Act, 84-2-511

Title to goods, delivery in exchange for check later dishonored, 84-2-403

Clearinghouse, definition, 84-4-104

Collecting bank, definition, 84-4-105

Customer, definition, 84-4-104

Depository bank, definition, 84-4-105


Letter of credit, Sales Act, 84-2-325

Notice of dishonor, post

Documentary draft, definition, 84-4-104

Documents of Title, generally, this index

Equity, action, definition, 84-1-201

Holder in due course,

Secured transactions,

Priorities, 84-9-309

Holidays, payment, 52-717


Contract rate, 16-207

Intermediary bank, definitions, 84-4-105

Investment Securities, generally, this index

Item, definition, 84-4-104

Letters of Credit, generally, this index

Midnight deadline, definition, 84-4-104

Negotiable Instruments, generally, this index

Payment, time, 84-4-404

Payor bank, definition, 84-4-105

Presentment, six months after date, 84-4-404

Saturday, payment, 52-717

Secured Transactions, generally, this index

Time, presentment, 84-4-404

Uniform Commercial Code, Negotiable Instruments, this index

Veterans, curators for, investments, 73-512

Warehouse Receipts, generally, this index


Attachment of lien if compensation paid in installments, 58-30a06

Broker precluded from receiving compensation, 58-30a12

Costs, 58-30a18

Definitions, 58-30a02

Enforcement of lien, 58-30a14

Failure to file to foreclose lien, 58-30a15

Foreclosure, 58-30a11

Leases, 58-30a07

Lien, 58-30a02, 58-30a03, 58-30a04, 58-30a05

Priority of liens, 58-30a14

Recording lien, 58-30a16

Subleases or assignment of leases, 58-30a09

When additional compensation is owed, 58-30a10

When lien attaches, 58-30a08

Who may demand satisfaction or release, 58-30a17


Proprietary schools. Schools and School Districts, this index


Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-208

Secured transactions, 84-9-315

Fraud, 84-9-205

Fungible collateral, 84-9-207

Warehouse, fungible goods, 84-7-207


See, also, specificbold subject headings

Boards and Commissions, generally, this index

Commission salespersons. Labor and Employment, generally, this index


Generally, Kan. Const. Art. 6, § 4

State Board of Education, this index


Insurance, this index


Abolition, 74-131 et seq.


Generally, 75-4101 et seq.

Bonds. See, State Officers and Employees, this index

Insurance. See, State Agencies, this index


See, also, Boards and Commissions, generally, this index; Councils, generally, this index

Advisory committee on children and families abolished, 38-1901

Advisory committees and task forces, governor, open meetings, 75-4318

African-American affairs, advisory committee on, 74-9901 et seq.

Alcohol and other drug abuse, Kansas citizens' committee on, 75-5381 et seq.

Assessment-sales ratio study, 79-1444

Board of regents, advisory committees,

Students', 74-3229

Children and families, Kansas department for, 75-5313

Collaborative drug therapy management advisory committee, 65-1677

Community corrections advisory committee, 75-5291

Community strategic planning grant committee, 74-5095

Confirmation oversight committee, 46-2601

Congressional district residency requirements, 75-4315c

Contract audit committee, 46-1120

Criminal justice information system committee, 74-5701

Deferred compensation, advisory committee. State Officers and Employees, this index

Department of transportation, 75-5018

Economic development,

County programs, 19-4104

State legislative, 46-1601 et seq.

Financial services negotiating committee, 75-3799

Food service and lodging standards, advisory committee. Food Service and Lodging Establishments, this index

Health and environment, 75-5616

Health care provider cooperation act, advisory committee, 65-4961

Health care providers, peer review, 65-4915

Health care stabilization fund oversight committee, 40-3403b

Industries advisory committee. Corrections, State Department of, this index

Interprofessional advisory committee, optometry, 74-1505

Interstate cooperation, 46-401 et seq.

Joint committee on child welfare system oversight, 46-3901

Kansas advisory council on intergovernmental relations. Intergovernmental relations, this index.

Kansas business health policy committee, 40-4702

Kansas children's cabinet, 38-1901 et seq., 38-2103

Kansas criminal justice codification, rehabilitation and restoration project committee,

Prison expansion, specialized facilities and training academy, plan for, 75-52,146

Kansas firefighters advisory committee, 75-36,103

Labor, secretary of, 75-5724

Land survey advisory committee, 58-2006 et seq.

Law enforcement officers memorial advisory committee, 75-2251

Legislature, this index

Meat and livestock program, international, advisory committee, 76-478

Milk advisory committee, abolished, 74-140

Optometry, interprofessional advisory committee, 74-1505


Advisory committee, abolished, 74-140

Review committee, 65-2016

Political parties, elections, 25-3801 et seq.

Vacancies, 25-3905, 25-3906

Primary care safety net clinic capital loan guarantee review committee, 65-7405

Public water supply systems, advisory committee, 65-163

Rail service assistance program advisory committee, 75-5042

Renal disease advisory committee. Health and Environment, State Department of, this index

Reports, 75-3044 et seq.

Residency requirements, congressional districts, 75-4315c

Review committees, healing arts, 65-2840c

Robert G. (Bob) Bethell joint Committee on home and community based services and KanCare oversight, 39-7,160

State and unified school districts' purchases, abolished, 74-131

State building construction, joint committee on. See Committees. Legislature, this index

State capitol murals committee. State Capitol, this index

State fire prevention code, 31-135

State use law committee, 75-3317, 75-3322c

Tax appraisers, 79-1412a

Topeka state hospital property advisory committee, 75-37,123

Tourist attraction evaluation committee, 32-1421

Trauma, advisory committee on, 75-5664

Uniform state laws, 46-407a et seq.

Vending facilities, 75-3343

Wastewater management, 65-3309


See, also, Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Generally, 66-301 et seq.

Abstracts of title, mortgages or trust deeds, 58-2802

Accidents, notice, 66-132

Accounts and accounting, 66-122, 66-123

Alteration or falsification, 66-137

Inspection and examination, 66-129


Act, omission or failure of, 66-138

Free or reduced rates or service, 66-109

Agricultural chemicals and pesticides, penalties, exemption, 2-2207

Animals, generally, this index

Appeal and review, 66-118a et seq.

Corporation commission orders, 66-1215

Forfeiture for violations, 66-176

Assessment, expenses of investigations or appraisals, 66-1502 et seq.

Attorney fees,

Collection, assessments of expenses, 66-1504

Violation of regulations, 66-176

Attorney general,

Action to recover penalties, 66-177

Forfeitures, 66-138

Bills of Lading, generally, this index

Bonds, 66-125 et seq.

Action by state to recover penalties, 66-139, 66-177

Fee, application for certificate authorizing issuance, 66-1a01

Stay or suspension of order pending review, 66-118h

Books and papers, production of, 66-114

Causes of action, joinder of, 66-179

Certificates of public convenience and necessity, 66-131

Transfer, 66-136

Cigarette Tax, this index

Compensation and salaries, report, 66-122

Competing carriers, dealing in securities, 66-127

Complaints, 66-154a

Assessment of costs, 66-106

Municipal franchise or ordinance, 66-133

Corporation commission,

Construction of law, 66-1,222

Jurisdiction, 66-1,216

Orders, 66-1,220, 66-1,221

Supervision and inspection, 66-1,223

Costs, state action to recover penalties, 66-177

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Evasion of law, 66-177

False swearing, proceedings before commission, 66-175

Falsification, accounts and records, 66-137

Rebates or drawbacks, 66-154

Securities, unlawful issuance, 66-126

Violation of regulations, 66-177

Dead bodies, transportation, 65-1703

Decrees. Judgments and decrees, post

Definitions, 66-1,215

Depreciation, report, 66-122

Dining Car Companies, generally, this index

Dividends, 66-1214

Duties and liabilities, 66-301 et seq.

Economic poisons, penalties, exemption, 2-2207

Equipment Companies, generally, this index

Evidences of indebtedness, 66-125 et seq.

Fee, application for certificate authorizing issuance, 66-1a01

Motor carriers, exemption, 66-125

Examiners, appointment to make investigations, 66-1511

Expenses and expenditures, assessment for investigations or appraisals, 66-1502 et seq.

Express Companies, generally, this index

Fines. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Forfeitures, 66-138, 66-176, 66-177


Municipal franchise, 66-133

Transfer, 66-136

Hearings, appraisal or investigation, 66-1502

Immunities, 66-154

Injunction to compel compliance with orders, 66-139

Inspection and inspectors,

Accounts and records, 66-129

Fire protection, 31-133, 31-148

Seeds, 2-1423

Interstate carriers, income tax, withholding, 79-3296

Interstate Commerce Commission, generally, this index

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Intrastate shipping,

Hazardous shipping requirements, 66-1,129b

Investigations, 66-154a

Assessment of expenses, 66-1502 et seq.

Referees, 66-1511

Judgments and decrees,

Failure to obey, 66-138

Review, commission order or decision, 66-118j, 66-118k

Licenses and permits, 66-131, 66-134, 74-139

Liens, 58-208 et seq.

Oil field equipment, 55-212 et seq.

Liquid fuels, fire protection, 31-133, 31-146

Local cartage carriers. Motor Carriers, this index

Mail and mailing, 66-118c, 66-1502 et seq.

Mortgages, abstracts of title, 58-2802

Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Motor Fuel Tax, generally, this index

Motor fuels, report of transportation, 79-3416

Municipalities, 66-104, 66-133

Municipally operated, 66-104, 66-104f

Neglect or refusal to perform duty, 66-138

Officers, employees and agents,

Act, omission or failure of, 66-138

Free or reduced rates or service, 66-109

Oil and Gas Pipelines, generally, this index

Oil field equipment, liens, 55-212 et seq.


Enforcement of compliance with, 66-139

Reconsideration, 66-118b et seq.

Vacation or setting aside, 66-118k

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Pending actions, review of orders or decisions, 66-118g, 66-118h

Perjury, proceedings before commission, 66-175

Permits, public utilities, 66-131

Personal injuries, 66-132

Pesticides, penalties, exemption, 2-2207

Prices paid by consumers, report, 66-122

Priorities and preferences, 66-154

Privileges and immunities, grant of, 66-154

Profit, gross and net profit, report, 66-122


Inspection and examination, 66-129

Valuation, 66-128 et seq.

Radio Common Carriers, this index

Railroads, generally, this index

Rates and charges, 66-1,217

Change of, 66-117

Complaints and investigations, 66-1,219, 66-1,220

Exempt from filing, 66-117e

Filing, schedules of, 66-1,218

Rates and charges, discrimination, 66-154a

Refund, 66-154b

Rebates, 66-154

Records and recordation,

Examination of referees appointed, 66-1511

Falsification, 66-137

Inspection and examination, 66-129

Permit to transact business, 66-134

Referees, appointment, 66-1511

Reports, 66-122, 66-123

Rules and regulations, 66-106 et seq.

Sales to satisfy liens, 58-208 et seq.

School Buses, generally, this index

Securities, 66-125 et seq.

Service of process, 60-305a

Stock, fee, application for certificate authorizing issuance, 66-1a01

Storage charges, 66-154a

Street Railways, generally, this index

Taxpayers, complaint, municipal franchise or ordinance, 66-133

Time, orders, effective date, 66-115

Trust deeds, abstract of title, 58-2802

Unclaimed funds, payment into state treasury, 66-118i

Valuation of property, 66-128 et seq.

Venue, 60-606

Change of venue, 66-118e

Review by district court, 66-118c

Verdict by jury, assessment of penalty, 66-177


Doctrine of worthier title abolished, 58-506

Grants and devises, 58-502 et seq.

Indefinite failure of issue, 58-504

Judicial notice, 60-409 et seq.

Life estates, 58-502, 58-503, 58-505

Occupational diseases, liability of employer, 44-5a07

Quo warranto, 60-1202

Remainders, 58-502, 58-503, 58-505

Revised statutes of 1923, 77-109

Rule in Shelley's case, 58-502

Rule in Wild's case, 58-505

Survival, common law actions, 60-1801


Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq.

Eavesdropping. Criminal Procedure, this index

Emergency communications system, emergency medical services, 65-6114, 65-6115


Unlawful use for distribution of controlled substances, 21-5707

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

Kansas whistleblower act, 75-2973

State. See subhead, Information systems and communications, division of, under Administration, State Department of, this index

Telecommunications services, 75-4709 et seq.

Television and Radio, generally, this index


Community resource act, 74-5021 et seq.

Extension council, instruction, 2-608, 2-616


Colleges and Universities, this index


Generally, 75-5290 et seq.

Community correctional conservation camps, 75-52,132

Community correctional services,

County participation, required, 75-52,110

Description, 75-5291

Powers of counties to provide, 75-5295

Purchase of services from counties, 75-52,107

Recommendations by chief judge of district court, 75-52,110

Community corrections advisory committee, 75-5291

Comprehensive plan for services, 75-5292, 75-5296

New program proposals, 75-52,102

Participation by corrections advisory board, 75-5299

Purchase of services from state, 75-52,100

Requirements, 75-52,102

Cooperative agreements between counties, 75-5292, 75-52,110

Corrections advisory board, 75-5297, 75-5298

Participation in formulation of plans, 75-5299

Rules on conduct of proceedings, 75-5298

Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801

Corrections master plan, 46-2802

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Drug abuse treatment, assessments, supervision, 75-52,144

Grants to counties, 75-5291

Amount, determination of amount, 75-52,111

Base year corrections expenditures, 75-52,103

Deductions, purchase of services from state, 75-52,100

Expenditures by counties, 75-5292, 75-52,103, 75-52,105

Expenditures for services required, 75-52,103

Expenses of corrections advisory boards, 75-5293

Qualification for, 75-52,110

Reductions, 75-52,103, 75-52,111

Criteria for, 75-52,111

Semiannual payments, 75-52,105

Suspension, 75-5296

Transfers to other counties, 75-52,103

Johnson County, 75-5291

Offenders, placement of, limitations, 75-5291

Officers or employees,

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Placement of offenders, limitations, 75-5291

Secretary of corrections,

Administration of act, 75-5294

Comprehensive plan, ante

Noncompliance with minimum operating standards, hearings, 75-5296

Rules and regulations, 75-5294, 75-5296, 75-52,103

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index


Improvement Districts, this index


Generally, 65-4411 et seq.

Centers, establishment of,

Approval by secretary for aging and disability services, 19-4001

Community mental health centers, loans or scholarships, 19-4016

Confidential or privileged communications, 65-5601 et seq.

County mental health centers, 19-4001 et seq.

Mental health centers assistance,

Application for, 65-4439

Computation of assistance, 65-4434

Definitions, 65-4432, 65-4435

Defunct center, use of moneys, 65-4436

Funds, payment of, 65-4434

Overpayment or underpayment of funds, 65-4437

Proration of, 65-4434

Funds, withdrawal of, 65-4440

Governing body, 65-4434

Grants, 65-4434, 65-4435, 65-4436

Local advisory committee, 65-4434

Local effort funding, 65-4435

Program duplication, effect, 65-4441

Reports, 65-4439

Rules and regulations, 65-4434, 65-4435, 65-4442

Services, basic level, 65-4434

Staff services, consultative, 65-4438

State participation, 65-4433

People with intellectual disability assistance, 65-4412 et seq.

Administration, 65-4415

Computation of assistance, 65-4413, 65-4414

Definitions, 65-4412

Duplication of programs, effect, 65-4415


Overpayment of, 65-4415

Proration of insufficient funds, 65-4413, 65-4414

Underpayment of, 65-4415

Grants, 65-4413

Minimum grant amounts, 65-4414

Payments, 65-4413

Rules and regulations, 65-4413

Staff service, consultative, 65-4415

State participation and financing, 65-4413


Nursing Care, this index


Generally, 74-5021 et seq.

Advisory council, 74-5027

Budget, submission, 74-5026

Contracts, 74-5025

Definitions, 74-5023

Grants-in-aid, 74-5024, 74-5026, 74-5027, 74-5028

Rules and regulations, 74-5022a, 74-5024

Technical assistance, 74-5024, 74-5025


Generally, 74-5092 et seq.

Administration, 74-5096

Agreements, 74-5097

Committee, 74-5095

Cooperation, 74-5099

Definitions, 74-5093

Economic development organizations,

Cooperation, 74-5099

Grants, 74-5096, 74-5097

Uses, 74-5098

Educational institutions, agreements, 74-5097

Eligibility, 74-5097

Evaluation of, 74-50,101

Grants, 74-5097

Termination date, 74-50,100

Uses, 74-5098

Neighborhood revitalization organizations, 74-5096, 74-5097, 74-5098

Purposes, 74-5094

Reports, 74-5097, 74-50,101

Termination of grants, 74-50,100

Use of grants, 74-5097, 74-5098


Pardons. Criminal Procedure, this index


Generally, Kan. Const., Art. 2, § 30

Adoption and medical assistance, interstate compact on, 38-335 et seq.

Agricultural grain marketing, interstate compact, 2-3101

Arkansas River Basin Compact, Kansas-Oklahoma, 82a-528

Arkansas River Compact, 82a-520

Audiology and speech-language pathology interstate compact, 65-6513

Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact, 65-34a01 et seq.

Civil defense and disaster, interstate compact, 48-3201

Conservation of oil and gas, interstate compact, 55-801 et seq.

Corrections, interstate compact, 76-3001 et seq.

Crime prevention and privacy, national, 22-5001

Dairy interstate compact, 74-577

Dealer licensing, interstate compact, 8-2429

Detainers, agreement on, 22-4401

Driver license compact, 8-1212 et seq.

Education, 72-8261 et seq. See, also, Education, this index

Educational opportunity for military children, interstate compact, 72-8268

Emergency management assistance, 48-9a01

Foreign trade zones, 12-825h

Great plains interstate fire compact, 31-801

Health care compact, 65-6230

Indian gaming compacts, 46-2301 et seq.

Interlocal Cooperation Law, 12-2901 et seq.

Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel, generally, this index

Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact, 48-3201

Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, 22-4110 et seq.

Interstate Compact for Juveniles, 38-1808

Interstate Compact for Recognition of Emergency Medical Personnel Licensure, 65-6158

Interstate Compact on Agricultural Grain Marketing, 2-3101

Interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children, 72-8268

Interstate Compact on Mental Health, 65-3101 et seq.

Interstate Compact on Placement of Children, 38-1201 et seq.

Interstate Correctional Compact, 76-3001

Interstate dealer licensing compact, 8-2429

Interstate Insurance Product Registration Compact, 40-5301 et seq.

Juveniles, interstate compact, 38-1008

Kansas City Area Transportation District and Authority Compact, 12-2524 et seq.

Kansas-Missouri compacts, 12-2514 et seq.

Boundary Compact, 82a-521

Culture District Compact, 12-2536 et seq.

Waterworks Compact, 79-205

Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue River Compact, 82a-529

Lottery, multistate, 74-8731 et seq.

Low-level radioactive waste compact, 65-34a01 et seq.

Mental health, interstate compact, 65-3101 et seq.

Midwest interstate passenger rail compact, 75-5090

Midwestern higher education compact, 74-32,264 et seq.

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2514 et seq.

Multistate Tax Compact. Taxation, generally, this index

National crime prevention and privacy compact, 22-5001

National Guard Mutual Assistance Compact. Military Forces, this index

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219 et seq.

Nurse licensure compact, 65-1166

Oil and gas conservation, 55-801 et seq.

Extension and amendment, 55-862 et seq.

Parole violators, interstate cooperation for return, 22-4104 et seq.

Pest Control Compact, interstate, 2-2135 et seq.

Placement of children, interstate compact, 38-1201 et seq.

Psychology interjurisdictional compact (PSYPACT),  74-5352, 74-5353

Physical therapy licensure compact, 65-2925

Qualifications of educational personnel, interstate agreement on, 72-8265 et seq.

Radioactive waste compact, low-level, 65-34a01 et seq.

Republican River Compact, 82a-518

Tax compact,

Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska, 79-2985

Kickapoo Tribe, 79-2986

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, 79-2984

Wildlife Violator Compact, 32-1061 et seq.


Negligence, this index


Generally, 79-3701 et seq.

Assumption by retailer, 79-3705b

Aviation fuel, tax proceeds, report, 75-5152

Banks claiming exemptions ineligible for award of state account, 75-4223

Boats, 12-198

Bond, 79-3707, 79-3713

Certificate of registration, sales contracts not enforceable in courts, 79-3631

City or county tax, 12-198

Collection of tax, 79-3705a, 79-3705c, 79-3709

Debt owed by retailer, 79-3705e

Marketplace facilitator, 79-5602, 79-5603, 79-5604

Procedure on payment refusal, 79-3617, 79-3709

Reciprocal agreement with other states, 79-3707

Crimes, punishments and penalties. Fines and penalties, post

Definitions, 79-3702

Delinquency, 79-3706

Abatement, service fee, 75-5162

Disposition of taxes, penalties, interest and fees, 75-5162

Payment plan service fee, 75-5162

Discount, 79-3702

Disposition of moneys, 79-3710

Enforcement of law, 79-3707

Enforcement of sales contracts, registration required, 79-3631

Evidence, property sold for use in state, 79-3703a

Exemptions, 79-3704

Engineering initiative facilities, 76-7,142

Fines and penalties, 79-3706, 79-3708

Foreign state retailer, 79-3705d

Waiver, 79-3706

Foreign state retailer, 79-3705d

Fraud, 79-3706

Imposition, 79-3703

Information, filing, 79-3712

Interest, 79-3706

Intermodal facility district, disposition of certain compensating tax revenue on utility sales, 79-3710

Liability for payment of tax, 79-3643

Marketplace facilitator, 79-5601 et seq.

Motor vehicles, 12-199

Registration, 8-153

Multistate Tax Compact. Taxation, generally, this index


Consumer or user, 79-3705a

Failure to make, 79-3708

Liability of individuals, 79-3643

Time, 79-3706

Property subject, 79-3703

Rate of tax, 79-3703

Article already subjected to tax, 79-3705

Reciprocal agreement for collection, 79-3707

Deductions for, 79-3707

Refund fund, limitation, 79-3710

Registration for collection, sales contracts not enforceable in courts, 79-3631

Registration prior to engaging in business, 79-3712

Returns, 79-3705a

Electronic filing, 75-5151a

Failure to make, 79-3708

Reporting, 79-3221o

Time, 79-3706

Rules and regulations, 79-3707

Settlement authority, tax assessments, secretary of revenue, 75-5161

Signatures, returns, 79-3706

Vessels, 12-198

Waiver, interest and penalties, 79-3706

Washburn University, 12-198


Abstracters' board of examiners, 74-3901

Accountancy, state board, 1-203

Adjutant general, 48-203

Advisory committee on assessment-sales ratio study, 75-3223

Animal health board, 74-4002

Animal health commissioner, 75-3141

Apprentices, 44-639 et seq.

Arbitrators, 5-213

Attorney general, 74-8809, 75-3110, 75-3111a

Back pay, actions, 44-623

Bank commissioner, 75-3135

Banking board, 74-3005

Blind students, readers, 76-158

Capitol area plaza authority, 75-2238a

Carriers, report, 66-122

Chief justice, supreme court, 75-3120f, 75-3120l

Children and families, Kansas department for, 75-5301, 75-5310

City officers and employees. See Cities of First Class, generally, this index; Cities of Second Class, generally, this index; Cities of Third Class, generally, this index; Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Civil Service, generally, this index

Coroners, this index

Corporation commission, 74-601

Cosmetology board, 74-2702

County Attorneys, this index

County Auditors, this index

County Clerks, this index

County Commissioners, this index

County Engineers, this index

County Officers and Employees, this index

County Surveyors, this index

County Treasurers, this index

Court of appeals, judges, 75-3120h, 75-3120l

Court reporters, supreme court reporter and assistants, 75-3123, 75-3124

Credit union council, 17-2235

Credit unions, 17-2209

Dental board, 74-1405

Director of alcoholic beverage control, 75-5117

Director of cooperative marketing association, 17-1611

Director of taxation, 75-5102

Director of vehicles, 75-5111

District Court Clerks, this index

District courts,

District judges, 75-3120g, 75-3120j, 75-3120l

District magistrate judges, 75-3120k, 75-3120l

District magistrate judges,

Supplemental salary or compensation, 75-3120k

Drainage Districts, this index

Election judges and clerks, 25-2811

Emergency medical services board, 65-6102

Employment Security, generally, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Executors and administrators, 59-1717


Out-of-state earnings, 60-2309

Personal property as wages, 60-2307

Extension councils, 2-611, 2-615

Fence viewers, 29-203

Fiduciaries, 59-1717

Finance council, 75-3212, 75-3213, 75-3710

Fire districts,

Townships, 80-1544

Board members, 80-1514

Employees and volunteers, 80-1516

Townships over 17,500, 80-1531

Fire marshal, 75-3136

Firefighters, this index

Franchises, 12-2001

Governor, 75-3101, 75-3111a

Guardian, 59-1717

Healing arts board, 65-2823, 65-2878

Health officers, 65-202, 65-204

Highway patrol, 74-2114

Superintendent, 74-2113

Historical collection, curator or supervisor, 12-1659, 12-1660

Hospital advisory council, indigent persons, 39-418

Hospital and medical facilities survey and construction, 65-413

Housing authority commissioners, 17-2341

Housing projects, limits upon income of occupants, 17-2347

Human rights commission, Kansas, 44-1003

Improvement districts,

Directors and assessors, 19-2764

Revenue derived from sewer charges, 19-2765a

Industrial districts, 19-3808, 19-3813

Inmates, correctional institutions, 75-5268

Insurance Agents, Solicitors or Brokers, this index

Insurance commissioner, 40-102, 75-3111a

Interpreters, court-appointed, 60-243

Interstate cooperation commission, 46-408, 75-3213

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Jails, cook, counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-222

Johnson county park board, 19-2863, 19-2868

Judicial council, 75-3212, 75-3213

Labor, department of,

Assistant secretaries, staff assistants, 75-5702

Attorneys, 75-5722

Secretary, 75-5701, 75-5734

Special investigators, 75-5702

Special projects, personnel, 75-5733

Labor organizations, annual reports, 44-806

Legislative coordinating council, 46-1209

Legislative research department, 46-1210, 46-1216

Legislature, this index

Levees and flood control, 24-812, 24-814

Library board members, 12-1222

Lieutenant governor, 75-3103, 75-3111a

Lottery commission, Kansas, 74-8709

Married persons, 23-2604

Masters, 60-253

Military Forces, this index

Minimum wages, 44-607, 44-608, 44-623

Minors, 44-639 et seq.

Mortuary arts, state board of, 74-1704, 74-1705

Municipal Courts, generally, this index

Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index

National guard. Military Forces, this index

Nursing board, 74-1106

Optometry board of examiners, 74-1503

Overpayment, actions to recover, 44-623

Payrolls, generally, this index

Pharmacy board, 74-1607

Physical therapy, state examining committee, 65-2905

Preference, insolvency of employer, 44-312

Presidential electors, 25-803

Printing, division of, employees, 75-1017

Public employee relations board, 75-4323

Public employees retirement system, 74-4906, 74-4908

Real estate commission, 74-4202

Records, employer, 44-623

Reduction, Kan. Const., Art. 1, § 15, Art. 15, § 7

Register of Deeds, this index

Revenue, department of, attorneys, 75-5121

Revisor of statutes, office of, 46-1211, 46-1216

Rural water districts, 82a-628

Rural water supply districts, 82a-610

Salvage board, 68-2212

School Officers and Employees, this index

School retirement system, 72-2632

Schools and School Districts, this index

Secretary of health and environment, 75-5601

Secretary of labor, 75-5701, 75-5734

Hearing examiners, 44-622

Secretary of revenue, 75-5101

Secretary of state, 75-3104, 75-3111a, 75-3216

Sewer district board members, townships, 80-2002

Sheriffs, this index

Soil conservation, districts, 2-1907

Standard wages, investigations, 44-607, 44-608, 44-623

State Agencies, generally, this index

State boards, commissions and agencies, members, 75-3223

State conservation commission, 2-1904

State employee leave sharing program, 75-5549

State fair, 2-205

State guard. Military Forces, this index

State library, employees, 75-2537

Board, state library of Kansas, 75-2546

State Officers and Employees, this index

State pay plan, 75-2938

State registrar of vital statistics, 65-2405

State treasurer, 75-3108, 75-3111a

Supreme court, 75-3120f, 75-3120l

Bailiffs, 75-3122

Clerk and employees, 75-3126

Law research clerks, 75-3122

Reporter, 75-3123, 75-3124

Secretaries, 75-3122

Tax appeals, state board of, 74-2434

Tax Appraisers, this index

Township Officers and Employees, generally, this index

Travel Expenses, generally, this index

Trustees, 59-1717

Turnpike authority members, 68-2003

Umpire, arbitration and award, 5-213

Uniform state laws, commissioners, representatives, 46-407a

Veterans, curators for, 73-511

Veterinarian, assisting livestock commissioner, 47-610


Deductions from 44-319, 44-319a

Water authority, Kansas 74-2622

Water district board, certain counties, 19-3505

Water office, Kansas,

Director, 74-2613

Employees, 74-2614

Water resources, division of, 74-506d

Watershed districts,

Directors, 24-1210

Judges and clerks of elections, 24-1207

Weed supervisors, 2-1316

Withholding until oath filed, 75-4308

Workers Compensation, generally, this index


Municipal Code, 12-4201, 12-4202

Electronic citation, 12-4215

Pleadings, generally, this index

Traffic citation as constituting, 8-2108


Arbitration and Award, generally, this index

Class actions, approval of court, 60-223

Derivative actions, 60-223a

Corporations, derivative actions, 60-223a

County line or township line roads, maintenance disputes, 68-527a


Matters disclosed in mediation, 60-452a

Offer to compromise, 60-452

Hospital patient, liens, 65-406

Joinder of remedies, 60-218

Medical malpractice actions, 40-3410

Penalties for violating pipeline regulations, 66-1,152

Release of liability, limitations, 60-2801

Exception to limitations, 60-2802

Retirement, stipulated compensation paid, 74-4990

Settlement with injured party, limitations, 60-2801

Exception to limitations, 60-2802

Structured settlements,

Structured settlement protection act, 40-461 et seq.

Unincorporated associations, 60-223a, 60-223b

Willingness to settle, statement of, 60-2802

Workers compensation,

Approval, 44-521

Negligent third party, 44-504


Data Processing, generally, this index

Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index

Information systems and communications, division of, 75-4701 et seq. See, also, subhead Information systems and communications, division of, under Administration, State Department of, this index

Security clearances, state positions with information technology access, 75-3707e


Data Processing, generally, this index

Electronic mail, spam, 50-6,107

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Reports by state agencies,

Publishing on internet, 74-5049, 74-50,151, 74-8004, 75-3048, 75-3739a

Submission on CD-ROM, electronically readable media, 74-5049, 74-50,151, 74-8004, 75-3048


Generally, 46-2101


Diseases, 65-129

Drivers' licenses, facts in applications, 8-260

Food adulteration, 65-664

Motor vehicle identity, 8-113

Person or property, attachment proceedings, 60-701


Johnson county park district, 19-2873, 19-2876


See, also, Eminent Domain, generally, this index


Maintenance or repair, 68-1103

Unsafe bridges, 68-1126

Caustic or corrosive substance, 65-645

Cosmetics, 65-660 et seq.

Culverts, unsafe, 68-1126

Drugs and medicines, 65-660 et seq.

Feeds, livestock and poultry, adulterated or misbranded, 2-1011

Food, 65-660 et seq.

Real property, duty of condemning authority, 26-518

Roads and Highways, this index


Contracts, investments, insurance companies, 40-2a06, 40-2b08

Secured Transactions, generally, this index


See, also, Apartment Ownership Act, generally, this index

Generally, 58-3101 et seq.


Consumer transactions, 16a-3-306


See, also, Privileges and Immunities, this index

Abortions, records, 65-445

Abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, reports, 39-1411, 39-1434

Accident reports, not confidential, 8-1611

Accountants, certified public, 1-501

Adult care homes, 39-934

Adult family homes, clients, 39-1504

Alcoholism and intoxication treatment records,

Exceptions, 65-5603

Appointments subject to confirmation, background investigations, 75-712

Arbitration, 60-452a

Audit reports, legislative division of post audit, 46-1128


Compliance review documents, 9-1137

Examination records, 9-1712

Barbers, records, 65-1831

Cemetery corporations, 17-1312e

Community mental health centers, patients, 65-5601 et seq.

Community service provider,

Access to information, 39-1411

Developmental disabilities, 65-5601 et seq.

Counselors, 65-5810

County board of health,

Contagious or infectious diseases, reports, 65-119

Credit unions, 17-2227

Database, health care, 65-6804

Dead bodies, notification of diseases, 65-2438

Death, medical research studies, 65-177

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-118, 65-1458

Detectives, private, 75-7b08

Developmentally disabled, treatment facility patient, 65-5601 et seq.

Diabetes, information relating to, 65-1,116

Digital images, motor vehicle images, 74-2012

Disclosure of information by teaching device, 76-359

Discrimination complaints, 44-1005


Reporting contagious or infectious, 65-118

Reporting noninfectious, 65-102b

Transportation of dead bodies, 65-2438

Dispute resolution act, 5-512

Public employer-employee relations, 75-4332

Drug abusers, treatment records, 65-5601

Exceptions, 65-5603

Drug screening program, state employees, results, 75-4362

Drugs, Controlled Substances Act, 65-4134

Emergency medical services data collection system, 65-6153 et seq.

Emergency planning and community right-to-know, 65-5704

Emergency services personnel, peer support counseling, 60-473

Employment Security Law, 44-714

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Expungement or diversion agreements, division of vehicles, 74-2012

Financial institutions privilege tax returns, 79-1119

Food, drugs and medicine, method or process, 65-657

Hazardous waste, trade secrets, 65-3447

Healing arts,

Betrayal, 65-2837

Complaints and reports, 65-2898a

Licensees, reports of contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

Peer review, 65-4915, 65-4922, 65-4925

Health care database, 65-6804

Health care providers,

Disciplinary proceeding, 65-4925

Closed sessions, 65-4925

Peer review proceedings, 65-4915, 65-4922, 65-4925

Closed sessions, 65-4915

Health manpower planning information, 65-1,113

Health officers,

Contagious or infectious diseases, reports, 65-119

Hepatitis b, prenatal serological test, 65-153f

Income tax returns, 21-6104

Insurance companies,

Financial examination reports, 40-222

Market examination reports, 40-222

Insurance holding companies, 40-3308

Joint boards of health,

Contagious or infectious diseases, reports, 65-119

Journalist privilege, 60-480 et seq.

Juvenile intake and assessment system, reports, information collected, 75-7023

Laboratories, 65-1,108a

Law enforcement personnel, peer support counseling, 60-473

Liquefied petroleum motor fuel tax records, 79-3499

Long-term care ombudsman, 75-7310

Long-term care service clients, department for aging and disability, 75-5945

Marriage and family therapists, 65-6410

Maternal death study, 65-177

Mediation, 23-3505, 60-452a

Public employer-employee relations, 75-4332

School districts, professional negotiation, 72-2232

Medical care facilities,

Licensing agency, 65-436

Peer review, 65-4922, 65-4925

Medical research studies, 65-177

Motor fuel tax investigations, 79-3420

Motor vehicles, records, 74-2012

National guard member, peer support counseling, 60-473

Nuclear Energy Development and Radiation Control Act, 48-1614

Nursing homes, 39-934

Optometrists, 65-1525

Photographs, division of vehicles, 74-2012

Physical or mental condition of persons, division of vehicles, 74-2012

Prenatal serological tests, 65-153f

Psychiatric hospitals, patients, 65-5601 et seq.

Public employees retirement system, 74-4909

Public records, 45-221

Reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of certain persons, 39-1411

Sales tax, 79-3614

School administrators, reports of contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

School districts, professional negotiation, 72-2232

Secretary of health and environment,

Contagious or infectious diseases, reports, 65-119

Secretary of labor, 44-635

Setoff, state program, collection of amounts owed certain entities, 75-6212

Social welfare, records, 39-709b

Social workers, reports of contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

State institutions for people with intellectual disability, 65-5601 et seq., 76-12b11

Syphilis, prenatal serological test, 65-153f

Tax information,

Agreements for exchange of, secretaries of labor and revenue, 75-5133a

Legislative post audit personnel, 46-1106

Teachers, reports of contagious or infectious diseases, 65-118

Trade secrets, 60-432

Hazardous waste, 65-3447

Trauma registry, 75-5666

Trust companies, examination records, 9-1712

Vehicles, division of, 74-2012

Venereal disease, prenatal serological test, 65-153f

Vital statistics, 65-2422d

Vocational education, 76-12c03

Welfare, records, 39-709b

Whistleblower act, communications by state employees, 75-2973

Witnesses, 60-423 et seq.


See, also, Adverse or Pecuniary Interest, generally, this index;

Ethics, Local Governmental, generally, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index


Bank deposits and collections, 84-1-301, 84-4-102

Bank liability, 84-4-102

Documents of title, 84-7-103

Electronic signature, 84-1-108

Investment securities, 84-1-301

Labor laws, 44-625

Leases, 84-2a-105

Limitation of actions, actions originating in foreign state, 60-516

Sales, 84-1-301

Secured transactions, 84-1-301, 84-9-103

Warehouse receipts, 34-296


See, also, Constitution of the United States, this index

Apportionment, 4-137 et seq.

Table, preceding, 4-101

Arkansas River Compact, consent, 82a-520

Compensation, laws changing, effective date, U.S. Const., Am. 27

Districts, 4-137 et seq.

Table, preceding, 4-101

House of representatives,

Constitution of the United States, this index

Districts, 4-137 et seq.

Table, preceding, 4-101

Election, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1; 25-101, 25-213, 25-601, 25-610, 25-611, 25-616

Congress to regulate, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Each house own judge, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Electors, qualification, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1, Am. 24

Time, place and manner, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Number of representatives, U.S. Const., Art. 1, § 2, Cl. 3; Art. 14,§ 2

Speaker, disability of president, duties, U.S. Const. Am. 25

Vacancies, 25-3501 et seq.

Judicial notice, resolutions, 60-409

Kansas City Area Transportation and Authority Compact, approval, 12-2526

Missouri river boundary line agreement, 82a-521

Ratification, pending litigation, 82a-524

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2517

Presidency, succession to, duties, U.S. Const. Am. 25

Republican River Compact, 82a-518

Residency requirements for appointments, 75-4315c

Resolutions, judicial notice, 60-409


Constitution of the United States, this index

Election, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1; 25-101, 25-213, 25-601, 25-610, 25-611, 25-616

Electors, qualification, U.S. Const. Am. 17, Am. 24

Time, place and manner, U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 3, cl.1; Art. 1,§ 4, cl.1; Am. 17

Vacancy in office, filling, 25-318

Vice president,

Confirmation of nomination, U.S. Const. Am. 25

Succession to presidency, U.S. Const. Am. 25


Commission, 2-1903 et seq.

Flood control projects, assistance, 82a-1701 et seq.

K-GOAL, application, 2-1904

Powers and duties transferred to department of agriculture, 74-5,126 et seq.

Water quality conservation programs, 82a-2007

Water right transition assistance program, 2-1930, 2-1931

Counties, drought relief, 19-3001 et seq.

Districts. Conservation Districts, this index

Easements, this index

Energy conservation contractor, 75-37,125

Energy conservation measures, financing, 75-37,125

Environmental assurance fee, 65-34,117

Federal Aid, this index

Fish and Game, generally, this index

Local lending program, 65-3330

Oil and Gas, this index

Soil conservation, 2-2001 et seq.

State conservation commission, 2-1903 et seq.

Flood control projects, assistance, 82a-1701 et seq.

Storage tanks, generally, this index

Water appropriation permittee plans and practices, 82a-733

Water districts, counties under 100,000, 19-3537 et seq.

Water office, Kansas, duties, 74-2608


Generally, 2-1901 et seq.

Accounts and accounting. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Appropriations, 2-1907b, 2-1907c

Grants, use of, 2-1915

Areas of state, division, 2-1904

Audit, accounts, 2-1904, 2-1907

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Bonds, officers and employees, 2-1907

Budget, 2-1907c

Colleges and universities, assignment of personnel to commission, 2-1904

Commission, state conservation, 2-1903 et seq.

Administrative officer, Kansas water authority, ex officio member, 74-2622

Water quality conservation programs, 82a-2007

Water right transition assistance program, 2-1930, 2-1931

Conflict of laws, 2-1918

Conservation commission. State conservation commission, post

Cost-share program, 2-1915, 2-1919

Counties, division into areas, 2-1904

County appropriation or tax levy, 2-1907b, 2-1907c

County attorney, legal services, 2-1907

Definitions, 2-1903

Dissolution of districts, 2-1916

Division of conservation, state department of agriculture,

Kansas water quality buffer initiative, 2-1915


Commission members, 2-1904

Governing body members, 2-1907

State conservation commission, 2-1904

Expenses, 2-1908

State conservation commission, 2-1904

Supervisors, 2-1907

Federal aid, 2-1908, 2-1915

Funds and moneys, 2-1907b, 2-1907c, 2-1920

Governing body, 2-1907

Governmental subdivisions, 2-1908, 2-1914

Grants, use of, 2-1915

Lakes. Multipurpose small lakes program act, 82a-1601 et seq.

Land-use practices, corrective methods, 2-1901 et seq.

Meetings, annual, 2-1907

Municipalities, advise and consult with district, 2-1907

Officers and employees, 2-1907

Powers and duties, 2-1904, 2-1907, 2-1908

Property, real and personal, 2-1908

Dissolution of district, 2-1916

Protection programs, 2-1915

Records and reports, 2-1904, 2-1907

Riparian and wetland protection programs, 2-1915

State agencies, assignments of personnel to committee, 2-1904

State aid, 2-1907c

State conservation commission, 2-1903 et seq.

Administrative officer, Kansas water authority, ex officio member, 74-2622

Kansas water quality buffer initiative, 2-1915

Surface-mining land conservation and reclamation act, administration, 49-601 et seq.



Administrators of public lands, 2-1914

Other districts, 2-1913

Powers and duties, 2-1908

Tax levy by counties, 2-1907b

Termination of affairs, 2-1916


See, also, Fiduciaries, generally, this index

Absentees' estates, 59-2706

Accounts and accounting, 59-3083, 59-3086

Accounting and settlement,

Fiduciary, duty of, 59-1703

Death or disability of conservator, 59-1712

Act for obtaining a guardian or conservator, 59-3050 et seq.

Actions and proceedings,

Parties, 60-217

Sale of real estate, 59-2305

Venue, 59-2207

Adjudged impaired in another state, 59-3061

Adult with an impairment, 59-3058

Aliens, interest, notice, 59-1705

Allowance and payment of claims, 59-3082

Allowance and settlement, 59-3086

Ancillary conservator, 59-3062, 59-3063, 59-3065

Temporary, 59-3073

Annual report, 59-3083, 59-3085

Appeal and review,

Appealable orders and decrees, 59-2401, 59-2401a

District magistrate judges, appeals from, 59-2408

Determination of appeal, remanding case, 59-2409

Trial on appeal, 59-2408

Evidence, appeals from district magistrate judges, 59-2408

Issues, 59-2408

Juries, 59-2408

Matters transferred to district judge, 59-2402, 59-2402a, 59-2402b

Venue, 59-2403

Appointment of conservator, 59-3054, 59-3067

Adult with an impairment, 59-3058

Conserving property prior to appointment, 59-2204

Corporations, 59-1701, 59-1702

Duties and powers, 59-3078

Final release, 59-3086

Hearings, post

Impairment, adult with, 59-3058

Letters of conservatorship, 59-3069

Notice, 59-3066

Oath and bond, 59-3057

Orders of court, post

Petition, 59-3058, 59-3059, 59-3060, 59-3061, 59-3062, 59-3063

Voluntary petition, 59-3056, 59-3057

Priority of nomination, 59-3068

Qualifications, 59-3068

Standby basis, 59-3074

Successor appointed, 59-3088

Temporary conservator, 59-3073

Venue, transfer of, 59-3072

Voluntary petition, 59-3056, 59-3057

Appraisal and appraisers,

Independent appraiser, when, 59-1202

Leases, 59-2307

Real estate sales, 59-2307

Supplementary appraisement, 59-1203


Appointment of, 59-3063, 59-3065


Attorney-client privilege, 60-426

Authentication of documents,

Adjudged impaired in another state, 59-3061

Ancillary conservator, 59-3062

Bank, officers, acting as, 9-1601

Bond of conservator,

Action on, 59-1102

Limitations, 60-511

Allowance for cost, 78-108

Approval, 59-1102

Forfeiture of, 59-3086, 59-3088, 59-3089

Small estates, 59-3055

Waiver of, probate proceedings, 59-1104

Bribery, commercial. Crimes and Punishments, this index

Children and minors, small estates, 59-3055

Claims, allowance and payment, 59-3082

Co-conservator, change in authority, 59-3087

Compensation of fiduciary, reduction or forfeiture, 59-1711

Computation of time, 59-3052

Confidentiality of records and reports, 59-3093

Confirmation, sales, leases or mortgages of real estate, 59-2309

Conflict of interest, conservator, 59-1703

Conservatee, restoration to capacity, procedure, 59-3090

Conservators for veterans. Curators for veterans, post

Conservatorship plan, 59-3079, 59-3085

Conserving property prior to conservator's appointment, 59-2204

Corporation, officers, acting as, 59-1701, 59-1702

Costs, 59-3094

Fees, post

Small estates, 59-2215

Taxation and security, 59-2214

Court review of accounting, report and plan, 59-3084

Curators for veterans, 73-502 et seq.

Accounts and accounting,

Discharge of conservator, 73-516

Investments, 73-509

Removal of curator on failure to account, 73-510

Actions, party in interest, 73-523

Age, 73-504, 73-505

Allowances of curator, 73-511

Appointment of, 73-502 et seq.

Probate code, statutes saved, 59-2601

Bond of curator, 73-508

Additional bond of curator, 73-508

Allowance of premiums for payment, 73-511

Compensation of curator, 73-511

Conflict of interest, investments, 73-512

Custody of pensioner, petition for appointment, 73-504

Definitions, 73-501

Dependent family, purchase of home, 73-522

Disbursements, accounting, 73-509

Discharge, number of, 73-516

Dwelling for pensioner, purchase, 73-522


Accounting by curator, 73-509

Notice to veterans' administration, 73-523

Real estate, purchase, 73-522

Third persons, use of funds for support, 73-513

Incapacitated persons, proposed pensioners, 73-504 et seq.

Investments by curators, 73-512

Accounting, 73-509

Securities approved for investment, 73-512

Mail, notices, 73-504, 73-523

Maintenance of third persons, use of funds, 73-513

Majority, attainment by pensioner, accounting by curator, 73-516

Minor, proposed pensioner, 73-505


Due, 73-504 et seq.

Investment of, 73-512

Received, failure to account, removal, 73-510

Notice, accounting by curator, 73-509

Partition, sale, bid by conservator, 73-522

Party in interest, 73-523

Pensioners, percentage limitations on compensation of curator, 73-511


Appointment of curators, 73-504 et seq.

Extraordinary services, additional compensation, 73-511

Notice, 73-507

Notice to veterans' administration, 73-523

Real estate, purchase, 73-522

Probate Code, statutes save, 59-2601

Production of documents and things, 73-509

Qualifications of curator, 73-508

Real estate purchases, court order, 73-522

Relatives, petition for appointment, contents, 73-504

Release, liens and encumbrances, investments, 73-512

Removal of curator, failure to account, 73-510

Successor, administrator of veterans' affairs, party in interest, 73-523

Support of third persons, use of funds, 73-513


Bond of curator, 73-508

Investments approved, 73-512

Third persons, application of estate for support and maintenance, 73-513


Accounting, 73-509

Notice to veterans' administration, 73-523

Trustee's sale, bid by curator, 73-522

United States veterans' bureau, 73-501 et seq.

Waiver, veterans' administration, notice of proceedings, 73-523


Conservator's illegal acts or mismanagement of estate, 59-1703

Embezzlement or conversion of conservatee's property, 59-1704

Taxes, liability, 79-2905

Death, resignation or removal of conservator, 59-1712

Death of conservatee, termination of conservatorship, 59-3092

Declaration, competency of pensioner, accounting by curator, 73-516

Deeds and conveyances, 59-1715, 59-2303, 59-2305, 59-2309 et seq.,

Appraisal, 59-2307

Hearings, 59-2304

Limitation of actions, 60-505

Default judgment, representation of conservatee, 60-255

Digital assets, revised uniform fiduciary access to digital assets act, 58-4801 et seq.

Disability of conservator, 59-1712

Duties, 59-1703, 59-3078

Failure to fulfill, 59-3089

Election to take under will, incompetency of surviving spouse, 59-2234

Embezzlement or conversion of conservatee's property, liability, 59-1704


Adult with an impairment, 59-3058, 59-3063, 59-3065

Minor with an impairment, 59-3060, 59-3063, 59-3065

Evidences of indebtedness, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Extended distribution plan for minor's estate, 59-3081

Failure to fulfill duties, 59-3089


Court costs, 59-104

Fiduciary security transfers, Uniform Act, 17-4903 et seq.

Final discharge, 59-3091

Final release, 59-3086, 59-3087

Final report, 59-3083

Foreclosure sale, bid by curator, 73-522

Foreign citizens, interest, notice, 59-1705

Forms, notice of hearings, 59-2210

Furniture, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202


Appointment of conservator,

Procedure, 59-3057

Homestead, execution of mortgages and leases, 59-2317

Leases, 59-2302, 59-2304

Mineral leases, homestead property, 59-2316

Notice, 59-2208, 59-2209, 59-2223, 59-3057

Form, 59-2210

Procedure, 59-3057

Sale, lease or mortgage of real estate, 59-2304

Homestead, execution of mortgages and leases, 59-2314 et seq.

Household goods, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Husband and wife, marital privilege, 60-428


Adjudged in another state, 59-3061, 59-3063, 59-3065

Adult with, 59-3058

Minor with, 59-3060

Indigent persons, costs, 59-2214

Initial inventory of estate, 59-3078

Instructional program, 59-3069

Insurance, consent, contracts, 40-237


Deferred payments, sale of real estate, 59-2305

Mortgages, 59-2305

Inventory of conservatee's property, 59-1201

Adviser to assist in valuation, 59-1207

Independent appraiser, 59-1202

Supplementary inventory, 59-1203

Time, 59-1201, 59-1605

Investment of funds, 58-24a15

Jurisdiction, 59-2203

Juror trial, 59-3067

Kansas Guardianship Program, generally, this index

Leases, 59-1715, 59-2302

Appraisal, 59-2307

Hearings, 59-2304

Homestead property, 59-2314 et seq.

Proceeds, 59-2207, 59-2321

Orders, 59-2305, 59-2310

Petition, 59-2303

Presumption of validity, 59-2322

Report and confirmation, 59-2309

Title, 59-2311

Letters of conservatorship, 59-3057, 59-3069

Revocation of, 59-3089

Liability of conservator, 59-1703

Losses, liability of conservator, 59-1703

Mail and mailing, notice of hearing, 59-2209

Management of conservatee's estate, 59-1703

Marital privilege, claiming, 60-428

Medical records, confidentiality of, 59-3093

Mineral leases, homestead property, 59-2314 et seq.

Minor, extended distribution plan for estate, 59-3081

Minor with an impairment, 59-3060


Hearings, 59-2304

Homestead property, 59-2314 et seq.

Inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Orders, 59-2305

Petition, 59-2303

Presumption of validity, 59-2322

Report and confirmation, 59-2309

Title, 59-2311

Nomination, 58-654, 59-3054

Notice, 59-3063, 59-3066

Oath and bond, 59-3069

Oil and gas leases,

Homestead property, 59-2314 et seq.

Orders of court,

Allowance and payment of claims, 59-3082

Deeds and conveyances, 59-2310

Discretionary preliminary orders, 59-3065

Evaluation, 59-3063, 59-3064

Full faith and credit, 59-3097

Leases, 59-2310

Mandatory preliminary orders, 59-3063, 59-3064

Preliminary, 59-3065

Parking stations, cities, establishment on conservatees' property, 13-1376

Patients, physician-patient privilege, 60-427

Personal property, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202


Appointment of conservator, ante

Conserving property prior to conservator's appointment, 59-2204

Homestead property, execution of mortgages and leases, 59-2315

Leases, 59-2302

Sale, lease, or mortgage of real estate, 59-2303

Plan, conservatorship, 59-3079

Adjudged impaired in another state, 59-3061

Adult with an impairment, 59-3058

Ancillary conservator, 59-3062

Minor, 59-3059

Minor with an impairment, 59-3060

Platting real estate, 59-1716

Poverty affidavit, costs, 59-2214

Power of Attorney, generally, this index

Powers, 59-3078

Probate proceedings, absentees' estates, 59-2706

Property, powers,

Real estate, post

Prudent investor act, 58-24a01 et seq.

Publication, notice of, hearing, 59-2209

Real estate,

Appraisal, 59-2307

Inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Platting, 59-1716

Sale, lease or mortgage, 59-2303

Confirmation by court, 59-2304

Liability of conservator, 59-1703

Limitation of actions, 60-505

Referees, appeals, 59-2408

Removal of conservators, 59-1711, 59-3088


Annual and final, 59-3083

Sales, leases or mortgages of real estate, 59-2309

Special, 59-3083

Resident agent, 59-3069

Resignation of conservator, 59-3088

Restoration to capacity, 59-3090

Sale, lease or mortgage of property,

Liability of conservator, 59-1703

Real estate, ante

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Service, 59-2207, 59-3066, 60-304

Settlement and allowance, 59-3086

Small estates, 59-3055

Special report, 59-3083

Stocks, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Successor appointed, 59-3088

Supervision. Court supervision, ante

Taxes, liability, 79-419, 79-2905

Termination of conservator, 59-3083

Termination of conservatorship, 59-3091, 59-3092

Title to property, purchaser, 59-2311

Trial, 59-3063, 59-3067

Referral for, 59-3071

Trusts, establishment thereof, 59-3080

Uniform Act for Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers, definitions, 17-4903

Uniform prudent investor act, 58-24a01 et seq.


Action against conservatee, 59-2207

Appeals, 59-2403

Transfer after appointment of conservator, 59-3072

Veterans. Curators for veterans, ante

Voidable transactions of trustee, 59-1703

Voluntary petition, 59-3056, 59-3057

Waste, 59-1703

Wearing apparel, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Witnesses, claiming marital privileges, 60-428

Workers compensation,

Incapacitated persons, exercise of rights, 44-509

Minors, payment of compensation, 44-513a


Generally, 73-501 et seq.

Conservators and Conservatorships, generally, this index


Generally, 16-107

Airports and landing fields, leases and agreements with United States agency, 3-116

Commercial Paper, this index

Failure of consideration, 16-108

Affirmative defense, pleadings, 60-208

Firm offers, 84-2-205

Sales contract, agreement modifying, 84-2-209

Statute of frauds, 33-101 et seq.

Waiver or relinquishment of claim or right, 84-1-306


Bills of lading, delivery of goods, 84-7-303

Consignee, defined,

Documents of title, 84-7-102


Carrier's lien effective against, 84-7-307


Documents of title, 84-7-102

Creditors, claims, 84-2-326

Reservation of title, security interest, 84-1-201

Secured Transactions, generally, this index


Merger or Consolidation, generally, this index


Generally, 60-242


Cooperative marketing associations, contracts fixing prices, 17-1634

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-132


Authority limited, county law enforcement agency, 19-4417, 19-4439


Abatement of actions or proceedings, territorial government, Sched.§ 1


Defense of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Nature and cause, Bill of Rights, § 10

Admission of Kansas into union. Act of Congress, preced. Const. of Kan.

Admission to union, proclamation, Sched. § 23

Advice of counsel, Bill of Rights, § 10

Aged and infirm persons, aid, state, Art. 7, § 4

Agriculture, assessment and taxation, land devoted to agricultural use, Art. 11, § 12

Aid and comfort to enemies of state, Bill of Rights, § 13

Alcoholic beverages, manufacture and sale, regulation or prohibition, Art. 15, § 10

Aliens, property rights, Bill of Rights, § 17

Amendment or revision of constitution, Art. 14

Concurrent resolution, Art. 14, § 1

Conventions. Constitutional Convention, post

Elections, Art. 14, § 2

Ballots, 25-605, 25-2904

Campaign expenses reports, 25-4180

Contributions reports, 25-4180

Printing, posting and distribution of resolution, 25-606, 25-607

Tie votes, 25-3208

Limitation of 5 amendments at same election, Art. 14, § 1

Promotion or opposition to, report of contributions and expenses, 25-4180

Publication, Art. 14, § 1; 64-103

Radio and television broadcasts, 64-112

Revision of article, Art. 14, § 1

Secretary of state, duties, 25-607

Title, submission of amendments by, Art. 14, § 1

Apportionment, legislature, Art. 10, § 1

Appropriations, Art. 2, § 24

Bills, veto of items by governor, Art. 2, § 14

Armed forces. Military forces, post

Assembly, rights of peaceable assembly and petition, Bill of Rights,§ 3

Attorney general, Art. 1, § 1

Compensation, Art. 1, § 15

Disability, Art. 1, § 11

Election, Art. 1, § 1

Impeachment, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Legislative apportionment, duties, Art. 10, § 1

Oath of office, Art. 15, § 14

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 1

Reports to governor, Art. 1, § 4

Term of office, Art. 1, § 1

Vacancy in office, filling, Art. 1, § 11


Advice of counsel, Bill of Rights, § 10

Supreme court justices, law practice, Art. 3, § 13

Supreme court nominating commission, membership, Art. 3, § 5

Bail, Bill of Rights, § 9

Banks and banking, organization and operation, Art. 13, § 1

Bearing arms, Bill of Rights, § 4

Benevolent institutions. State institutions, post

Bill of Rights,

Accusation, nature and cause, Bill of Rights, § 10

Advice of counsel, Bill of Rights, § 10

Aid and comfort to state's enemies, Bill of Rights, § 13

Armed forces, soldiers' quarters, Bill of Rights, § 14

Bail, Bill of Rights, § 9

Bearing arms, Bill of Rights, § 4

Confrontation of witnesses, Bill of Rights, § 10

Counsel for accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Cruel or unusual punishment, Bill of Rights, § 9

Debtors, imprisonment, Bill of Rights, § 16

Defense of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Double jeopardy, Bill of Rights, § 10

Due course of law, Bill of Rights, § 18

Equal protection of government, Bill of Rights, § 2

Equal rights, Bill of Rights, § 1

Forfeiture of estates, conviction of crime within state not to work, Bill of Rights, § 12

Fraud, imprisonment for debt, Bill of Rights, § 16

Freedom of speech and publication, Bill of Rights, § 11

Habeas corpus, Bill of Rights, § 8

Hereditary emoluments or privileges, Bill of Rights, § 19

Imprisonment for debt, Bill of Rights, § 16

Jeopardy, rights of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Jury trial, Bill of Rights, §§ 5, 10

Justice without delay, Bill of Rights, § 18

Libel, truth and justifiable ends, Bill of Rights, § 11

Military forces, Bill of Rights, § 4

Civil power, Bill of Rights, § 4

Peaceable assembly and petition, Bill of Rights, § 3

Political power, Bill of Rights, § 2

Powers retained by people, Bill of Rights, § 20

Presence of accused at trial, Bill of Rights, § 10

Press, liberty of, Bill of Rights, § 11

Privileges and immunities, Bill of Rights, § 2

Process, rights of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Property rights, Bill of Rights, § 17

Public trial, Bill of Rights, § 10

Redress of grievances, peaceable assembly and petition, Bill of Rights,§ 3

Religious liberty, Bill of Rights, § 7

Right to bear arms, Bill of Rights, § 4

Right to counsel, Bill of Rights, § 10

Search and seizure, Bill of Rights, § 15

Self-incrimination, Bill of Rights, § 10

Slavery, Bill of Rights, § 6

Soldiers, quartering in peace time, Bill of Rights, § 14

Speech, liberty of the press, Bill of Rights, § 11

Speedy trial, Bill of Rights, § 10

Standing armies, Bill of Rights, § 4

Treason, Bill of Rights, § 13

Trial, defense of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Trial by jury, Bill of Rights, § 5

Venue of prosecutions, Bill of Rights, § 10

Weapons, bearing arms, Bill of Rights, § 4

Bills and resolutions. Legislature, post

Bingo, regulation, licensing and taxation of games authorized, Art. 15,§ 3a

Blind persons, building funds for visually handicapped, Art. 7, § 6

Board of education. State board of education, post

Board of regents, Art. 6, §§ 2, 3

Appointment, Art. 6, § 3

Colleges and universities, post

Duties, Art. 6, § 2

Residence requirements, Art. 6, § 3

Terms, overlapping, Art. 6, § 3

Tuition, fees and charges, Art. 6, § 6

Vacancies, Art. 6, § 3

Boards of education, local, election, Art. 6, § 5


State highway system, Art. 11, § 9

Territorial government, official bonds, Sched. § 2

Borrowing money, state indebtedness, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8


Cities, Art. 12, § 5


First legislature, changes, Sched. § 24

Organization, Art. 9, § 1

State, Preamble

Breaches of peace, electors, privilege from arrest, Art. 5, § 7

Buildings, federal grants to state, Ord. § 3

Selection, Ord. § 8

Capital, location, Art. 15, § 8

Capital offenses, bail, Bill of Rights, § 9

Charitable corporations, liability of stockholders, Art. 12, § 2

Charitable institutions, Art. 12, § 2

Federal grants, Ord. § 4

Federal lands, Ord. §§ 4, 8

Tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1


Bingo games, regulation, licensing and taxation authorized, Art. 15,§ 3a

Tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1

Children and minors, elections, voter qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Cities, Art. 12, § 5

Boundaries, changes in, Art. 12, § 5

Consolidation, Art. 12, § 5

Dissolution, Art. 12, § 5

Economic development, property tax exemption for, Art. 11, § 13

Home rule powers, Art. 12, § 5

Incorporation, Art. 12, § 5

Powers, Art. 12, § 5

Taxes, Art. 12, § 5

Citizens and citizenship,

Property rights, Bill of Rights, § 17

Voter qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Persons 18 years of age or older, Art. 5, § 1

Civil defense, continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Civil rights, conviction of felony, qualification to vote, Art. 5,§ 2

Civil service, merit system, Art. 15, § 2

Colleges and universities,

Board of regents, Art. 6, § 2

Public lands, federal grants to state, Ord. §§ 2, 8

System of schools, Art. 6, § 2

Commander in chief, militia, Art. 8, § 4

Commissioned officers, militia, Art. 8, § 3

Commissioner of education, Art. 6, § 4

Appointment, Art. 6, § 4

Commissions (officers),

Issuance, Art. 1, § 9

Signature and countersignature, Art. 1, § 9

Compacts, legislative powers delegated, Art. 2, § 30

Compensation and salaries,

Members of legislature, Art. 2, § 3

Neglect of duty, reduction, Art. 15, § 7

State executive officers, Art. 1, § 15

Diminution during term, Art. 1, § 15

Confrontation of witnesses, Bill of Rights, § 10

Conservation, state internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Constitutional convention, Art. 14, § 2

Convening, Art. 14, § 2

Delegates, Art. 14, § 2

Elections, Art. 14, § 2

Officers and employees, Art. 14, § 2

Powers, Art. 14, § 2

Questions submitted, Art. 14, § 2

Wyandotte convention proceedings, sale of, 20-212

Continuity of government, emergencies, Art. 15, § 13


Actions and proceedings, corporate name, Art. 12, § 6

Banks, Art. 13, § 1

Charitable, Art. 12, § 2

Defined, Art. 12, § 6

Eminent domain, Art. 12, § 4

General or special laws, Art. 12, § 1

Liability of stockholders, Art. 12, § 2

Religious corporations, Art. 12, § 2

Tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Rights of way, Art. 12, § 4

Statutes conferring powers, Art. 12, § 1

Suits in corporate name, Art. 12, § 6

Correctional institutions,

Inmates, voting qualifications, exclusions, Art. 5, § 2


Boards and commission, county commissioners, election, Art. 4, § 2

Organization, Art. 9, § 1

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Economic development, property tax exemption for, Art. 11, § 13

Local legislation, conferral of powers, Art. 2, § 21

Organization, Art. 9, § 1

Tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Urban areas, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

County commissioners, election, Art. 4, § 2

County officers and employees, Art. 9, § 2

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Property qualifications, Bill of Rights, § 7

Recall election, Art. 4, § 3

Religious test, Bill of Rights, § 7

Removal, Art. 9, § 5

Selection of officers not otherwise provided, Art. 15, § 1

County seats, location and change, Art. 9, § 1

Courts, Art. 3

Court of justice, one, Art. 3, § 1

District courts, post

Inferior courts, Art. 3, § 1

Administrative authority, Art. 3, § 1

Judicial officers, extension of terms until successor qualified, Art. 3,§ 12

Judicial power of state, Art. 3, § 1

Records, territorial government, Sched. § 7

Seal, Art. 3, § 1

Supreme court, post

Crime victims' rights, Art. 15, § 15

Crimes and punishments,

Accusation, nature and cause, Bill of Rights, § 10

Advice of counsel, Bill of Rights, § 10

Bail, Bill of Rights, § 9

Confrontation of witnesses, Bill of Rights, § 10

Convictions not to work forfeiture of estate, Bill of Rights, § 12

Defense of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Double jeopardy, Bill of Rights, § 10

Electors, privileges and immunities, Art. 5, § 7

Forfeiture of estate, conviction not to work forfeiture, Bill of Rights,§ 12

Former jeopardy, Bill of Rights, § 10

Impartial jury, Bill of Rights, § 10

Impeachment, state officers, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Imprisonment for debt, Bill of Rights, § 16

Jury trial, Bill of Rights, § 5

Legislature, members, privileges, Art. 2, § 22

Libel, Bill of Rights, § 11

Slavery, Bill of Rights, § 6

State officers and employees, impeachments, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Treason, Bill of Rights, § 13

Trial, Bill of Rights, § 10

Victims' rights, Art. 15, § 15

Criminal libel, truth and publication for justifiable ends, Bill of Rights,§ 11

Cruel or unusual punishment, Bill of Rights, § 9

Damages, remedy by due course of law, Bill of Rights, § 18

Deaf persons, building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Debtors, imprisonment, Bill of Rights, § 16

Debts, state, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8

Deeds and conveyances, homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Defense of state, borrowing money, Art. 11, § 8

Disasters, continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13


Equal rights, Bill of Rights, § 1

Labor organization membership, Art. 15, § 12

Religious liberty, Bill of Rights, § 7

Women, property rights, Art. 15, § 6

District court clerks, legislature to provide for, Art. 3, § 6

District court judges,

Assignments by supreme court justices, Art. 3, § 6

Compensation, Art. 3, § 13

Discipline, suspension, removal, Art. 3, § 15

Election, Art. 3, § 6

Fees or perquisites, Art. 3, § 13

Holding other office, Art. 3, § 13

Judges pro tem, Art. 3, § 6

Nonpartisan selection of, Art. 3, § 6

Political activity prohibited, Art. 3, § 8

Practice of law prohibited, Art. 3, § 13

Qualifications, Art. 3, § 7

Removal, Art. 3, § 15

Retirement for incapacity, Art. 3, § 15

Selection, Art. 3, § 6

Supreme court, assignments, Art. 3, § 6

Terms, Art. 3, § 6

Extension until successor qualified, Art. 3, § 12

Vacancies, Art. 3, § 6

District courts,

Administrative authority over, Art. 3, § 1

Court of justice, division, Art. 3, § 1

Judges. District court judges, ante

Judicial districts, Art. 3, § 6

Jurisdiction, Art. 3, § 6

Place and time of holding, Art. 3, § 6

Seal, Art. 3, § 1

Domicile and residence. Residence, post

Double jeopardy, Bill of Rights, § 10

Due course of law, Bill of Rights, § 18

Economic development,

Internal improvements, capital formation, Art. 11, § 9

Property tax exemption, counties and cities, Art. 11, § 13

Education, Art. 6

Colleges and universities, ante

Schools and school districts, post

State board of education, post


Absent voters, nonresident ballots, Art. 5, § 1

Amendment or revision of constitution, Art. 14, § 1

Arrest, freedom from, electors, Art. 5, § 7

Attorney general, Art. 1, § 1

Ballots, Art. 4, § 1

Children and minors, voter qualification, Art. 5, § 1

Constitutional convention proposals, Art. 14, § 2

Constitutional ratification or rejection, Sched. §§ 9 to 23

County officers, Art. 4, § 2

Debts of state, Art. 11, § 7

District court judges, Art. 3, § 6

Domicile and residence, Art. 5, § 1

Executive officers, state, Art. 1, § 1

General elections, Art. 4, § 2

Governor, Art. 1, § 1

Homestead exemption, Sched. § 25

House of representatives, Art. 2, § 2

Indebtedness of state, Art. 11, § 7

Legislative members, qualified electors, Art. 2, § 4

Lieutenant governor, Art. 1, § 1

Militia officers, Art. 8, § 3

Mode of voting, Art. 4, § 1

Nonresidents, voting for presidential electors, Art. 5, § 1

President of United States, laws applicable, Art. 5, § 1

Presidential electors, voting for, Art. 5, § 1

Proof of right to vote, Art. 5, § 4

Qualifications of electors, Art. 5, § 1

Application of federal law, Art. 5, § 1

Religion or property, Bill of Rights, § 7

Rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Art. 5, § 1

Recall of officers, Art. 4, § 3

Religious corporations, trustees, Art. 12, § 3

Religious tests, Bill of Rights, § 7

Removal from office, recall election, Art. 4, § 3

Representatives, state, Art. 2, § 2

Residence of electors, Art. 5, § 1

Right to vote, proof, Art. 5, § 4

Secretary of state, Art. 1, § 1

Senators, state, Art. 2, § 2

State indebtedness, Art. 11, § 7

State officers and employees, Art. 2, § 18

Vacancies, filling, Art. 2, § 18

Supreme court justices, Art. 3, § 5

Territorial status, Sched. §§ 9 to 23

Time of general, Art. 4, § 2

Vice-president of the United States, election, laws applicable, Art. 5,§ 1

Voting areas, qualifications of electors, Art. 5, § 1

Voting devices, Art. 4, § 1

Voting rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Art. 5, § 1

Emergencies, continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Eminent domain, corporations, Art. 12, § 4

Emoluments or privileges, Bill of Rights, § 19

Enemy attack,

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Habeas corpus suspended, Bill of Rights, § 8

Equal protection, Bill of Rights, § 2

Equal rights, Bill of Rights, § 1

Escheat, conviction of crime not to work forfeiture of estate, Bill of Rights, § 12


Elections, proof of right to vote, Art. 5, § 4

Libel and slander, Bill of Rights, § 11

Treason, Bill of Rights, § 13

Executive department, Art. 1

Officers, Art. 1, § 1

Reorganization of state agencies, Art. 1, § 6

Executive reorganization orders, Art. 1, § 6


Homestead, Art. 15, § 9, Sched. § 25

Militia service, Art. 8, § 1

Felonies, convicted persons, qualifications to vote, Art. 5, § 2

Fines and penalties,

Cruel or unusual punishment, Bill of Rights, § 9

Excessive fines imposed, Bill of Rights, § 9

Forfeiture of estates, convictions for crimes, Bill of Rights, § 12

Forfeitures, territorial government, Sched. § 2

Imprisonment for debt, Bill of Rights, § 16

State officers, impeachment, Art. 2, § 28

Flood control, internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Foreign states, property rights of aliens, Bill of Rights, § 17


Estates, conviction of crimes, not to work forfeiture, Bill of Rights,§ 12

Territorial government, Sched. § 2

Fraud, imprisonment for debt, Bill of Rights, § 16

Freedom of speech and press, Bill of Rights, § 11


Bingo games, regulation, licensing and taxation authorized, Art. 15,§ 3a

Lotteries, Art. 15, § 3

State owned and operated, Art. 15, § 3c

Parimutuel wagering, regulation and taxation, Art. 15, § 3b

Gas, motor fuel taxes, Art. 11, § 10

Gay marriage, void, Art. 15, § 16

Governmental continuity, Art. 15, § 13

Governmental powers retained by people, Bill of Rights, § 20



Attorney general, Art. 1, § 11

District court judges, Art. 3, § 6

Secretary of state, Art. 1, § 11

Supreme court justices, Art. 3, § 5

Supreme court nominating commission, Art. 3, § 5

Bills, approval or veto, Art. 2, § 14

Commander in chief of militia, Art. 8, § 4

Commissions, official, Art. 1, § 9

Compensation, Art. 1, § 15

Death, succession to office, Art. 1, § 11

Disability, Art. 1, § 11

Election, Art. 1, § 1

Enforcement of laws, Art. 1, § 3

Executive reorganization orders, Art. 1, § 6

Great seal of Kansas, Art. 1, § 9

Laws, enforcement, Art. 1, § 3


Adjournment, Art. 1, § 5

Bills, approval or veto, Art. 2, § 14

Communications to, Art. 1, § 5

Duties for, Art. 1, § 5

Messages to, Art. 1, § 5

Special sessions, Art. 1, § 5

Lieutenant governor,

Compensation, Art. 1, § 15

Disability, Art. 1, § 11

Election with governor, Art. 1, § 1

Oath of office, Art. 15, § 14

Powers and duties, Art. 1, § 12

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 1

Reports to governor, Art. 1, § 4

Succession to governorship, Art. 1, § 11

Term, Art. 1, § 1

Vacancy in office, Art. 1, § 11

Militia, commander in chief, Art. 8, § 4

Oath of office, Art. 15, § 14

Pardons, Art. 1, § 7

Powers, Art. 1, § 3

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 1

Reorganization of state executive agencies, Art. 1, § 6

Reports by state executive officers, Art. 1, § 4

Succession to office, Art. 1, § 11

Supreme court justices, Art. 3, §§ 5, 15

Term of office, Art. 1, § 1

Successive, limitation, Art. 1, § 1

Vacancy in office, Art. 1, § 11

Veto of bills, Art. 2, § 14

Great seal of state, Art. 1, §§ 8, 9; Sched. § 5

Grievances, peaceable assembly and petition, Bill of Rights, § 3

Habeas corpus, Bill of Rights, § 8

Handicapped persons, building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Hereditary emoluments or privileges, Bill of Rights, § 19

Highways. Roads and highways, post

Home rule, cities, Art. 12, § 5

Homestead exemption, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Honors, hereditary privileges conferred by state, Bill of Rights,§ 19

House of representatives. Legislature, post

Household goods and personal effects, tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Husband and wife,

Homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Women's property rights, Art. 15, § 6

Immunities. Privileges and immunities, post

Impeachment, state officers, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Imprisonment for debt, Bill of Rights, § 16


Conservation, state, Art. 11, § 9

Flood control, Art. 11, § 9

Homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

State highway system, Art. 11, § 9

State indebtedness, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8

Incapacitated persons, benevolent institutions, support by state, Art. 7,§ 1

Income tax, Art. 11, § 2

Adoption of federal laws by reference, Art. 11, § 11

Indebtedness, state, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 9

Indians, school sections, federal grants to state, Ord. § 1

Inherent political power, Bill of Rights, § 2

Institutions. State institutions, post

Internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Interstate bodies, delegation of legislative powers to interstate bodies, Art. 2, § 30

Intoxicating liquors, manufacture and sale, regulation, Art. 15, § 10

Open saloon prohibited, Art. 15, § 10


Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Habeas corpus suspended, Bill of Rights, § 8

Involuntary servitude, slavery prohibited, Bill of Rights, § 6

Jeopardy, rights of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10


Courts, ante

District courts, ante

Supreme court, post

Jury trial, Bill of Rights, §§ 5, 10

Justice without delay, Bill of Rights, § 18

Juvenile delinquents and dependents, building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Labor and employment, right to work, union membership, Art. 15, § 12

Labor organizations, Art. 15, § 12

Leases, homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25


Adjournment, Art. 2, § 8

Power of governor, Art. 1, § 5

Appointment, officers, Art. 2, § 18

Appropriations, Art. 2, § 24

Statement of governor's objections, Art. 2, § 14

Arrest of members, Art. 2, § 22

Bills and resolutions,

Affirmative and negative votes, Art. 2, § 10

Amendment, Art. 2, § 16

Approval of bills, Art. 2, § 14

Consideration of hold-over bills by succeeding even-year session, Art. 2,§ 8

Corporate powers, Art. 12, § 1

Emergencies, requirements before passage, Art. 2, § 15

Enacting clause, bills, Art. 2, § 20

Failure of governor to return bill to legislature, Art. 2, § 14

Liberal construction clause, Art. 2, § 16

Objections of governor, Art. 2, § 14

Origination of bills, Art. 2, § 12

Overriding veto by governor, Art. 2, § 14

Passage of bills, Art. 2, § 13

Publication of acts, Art. 2, § 19

Restrictions on passing bills, Art. 2, § 15

Revival of law, Art. 2, § 16

Subject and title of bills, Art. 2, § 16

Veto of bills, Art. 2, § 14

Entry on journal of veto message, Art. 2, § 14

Bingo, regulation, licensing and taxation, authorized, Art. 15, § 3a

Board of regents, constitutional requirements, Art. 6, § 2

Clerks of district court, Art. 3, § 6

Compensation of members, Art. 2, § 3

Concurrent resolutions,

Affirmative and negative votes, entry in journal, Art. 2, § 10

Amendment of constitution, Art. 14, §§ 1, 13

Origination by either house, Art. 2, § 12

Ratification or proposal of amendments to U.S. Constitution, Art. 2,§ 13

Congressmen, eligibility, Art. 2, § 5

Constitution of the United States,

Amendments, ratification, Art. 2, § 13

Proposing amendments to, Art. 2, § 13

Constitutional amendments, Art. 14, § 1

Constitutional convention, Art. 14, § 2

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Convening of, Art. 2, § 8

Corporate powers, special acts, Art. 12, § 1

Counties, urban areas, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

County lines, Sched. § 24, Art 9, § 1

Crimes and punishments, privileges of members, Art. 2, § 22

Delegation of legislative powers,

Interstate bodies, to, Art. 2, § 30

Local legislation, Art. 2, § 21

Disqualification of members, Art. 2, § 5


Number of senators and representatives, Art. 2, § 2

Single member, Art. 2, § 2

Education amendment, Art. 6


Balloting, Art. 4, § 1

Exclusion of persons from voting, limitations, Art. 5, § 2

Proof of right to vote, legislation, Art. 5, § 4

Voting devices, Art. 4, § 1

Eligibility for office, Art. 2, § 5

Emergencies, requirements before bill passed, Art. 2, § 15


Adjournment, Art. 1, § 5

Communications from, Art. 1, § 5

Duties, Art. 1, § 5

Special session, Art. 1, § 5

House of representatives,

Adjournment, Art. 2, § 8

Arrest of members, Art. 2, § 22

Compensation of members, Art. 2, § 3

Election from single member districts, Art. 2, § 2

Expulsion or censure of members, Art. 2, § 8

Impeachments, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Journal, Art. 2, § 10

Veto messages, entry in, Art. 2, § 14

Judge of elections, Art. 2, § 8


Number of, Art. 2, § 2

Qualification of, Art. 2, §§ 4, 5, 8

Oath of office, Art. 15, § 14

Powers, Art. 2, § 1

Presiding officer, election, Art. 2, § 8

Privileges of members, Art. 2, § 22

Protest against acts or resolutions, entry in journal, Art. 2, § 10

Quorum, Art. 2, § 8

Rules of proceedings, Art. 2, § 8

Joint rules, Art. 2, § 8

Service of process, Art. 2, § 22

Speaker, presiding officer, Art. 2, § 8

Terms of members, Art. 2, § 2

Vacancies, Art. 2, § 9

Immunity, legislative, Art. 2, § 22

Impeachment, state officers, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Income tax, adoption of federal laws by reference, Art. 11, § 11

Instruction of representatives, peaceable assembly and petition, Bill of Rights, § 3

Interstate bodies, delegation of powers to, Art. 2, § 30

Intoxicating liquors, Art. 15, § 10

Journals, Art. 2, § 10

Governor's objections, Art. 2, § 14

Judge of elections, Art. 2, § 8

Judges pro tem, district courts, Art. 3, § 6

Local legislation, political subdivisions, Art. 2, § 21

Lottery, regulation, licensing and taxation, Art. 15, § 3c


Disqualification, Art. 2, § 5

Eligibility, Art. 2, § 5

Number of, Art. 2, § 2

Qualification, Art. 2, § 4

Oath of office, Art. 15, § 14


Election or appointment, Art. 2, § 18

Vacancies, filling, Art. 2, § 18

Organization, Art. 2, § 8

Parimutuel wagering, regulation, licensing and taxation, Art. 15,§ 3b

Powers, vesting, Art. 2, § 1

Privileges and immunities,

Members, Art. 2, § 22

Revocation or repeal, Bill of Rights, § 2

Process, privileges of members, Art. 2, § 22

Protests, journal entries, Art. 2, § 10

Qualifications of members, electors, Art. 2, § 4

Reapportionment of senatorial and representative districts, Art. 10,§ 1

Recall of elected officials, procedures, Art. 4, § 3

Residents, eligibility, Art. 2, § 4

Rules of proceedings, Art. 2, § 8


Adjournment, Art. 2, § 8

Arrest of members, Art. 2, § 22

Compensation of members, Art. 2, § 3

Election from single member districts, Art. 2, § 2

Expulsion or censure of members, Art. 2, § 8

Journal, Art. 2, § 10

Veto messages, entry in, Art. 2, § 14

Judge of elections, Art. 2, § 8


Number of, Art. 2, § 2

Qualification of, Art. 2, §§ 4, 5 8

Power, Art. 2, § 1

President of senate,

Election, Art. 2, § 8

Presiding officer, Art. 2, § 8

Privileges of members, Art. 2, § 22

Protest against acts or resolutions, Art. 2, § 10

Quorum, Art. 2, § 8

Rules of proceedings, Art. 2, § 8

Joint rules, Art. 2, § 8

Service of process, Art. 2, § 22

Terms of members, Art. 2, § 2

Vacancies, Art. 2, § 9


Annual, Art. 2, § 8

Special, Art. 1, § 5

Special laws, Art. 2, § 17

Special privileges or immunities, Bill of Rights, § 2

State building funds,

Appropriation and apportionment, Art. 7, § 6

Tax levies, Art. 7, § 6

State officers, election or appointment, powers of legislature, Art. 2,§ 18

Uniform operation of laws, Art. 2, § 17

United States officers, eligibility, Art. 2, § 5

Urban areas, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

Vacancies, Art. 2, § 9

Vesting of power, Art. 2, § 1

Veto of bills, Art. 2, § 14

Overriding of veto, Art. 2, § 14

Women's property rights, protection, Art. 15, § 6

Levees and flood control, state internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Liberty of press and speech, Bill of Rights, § 11

Liens and encumbrances, homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Lieutenant governor. Governor, ante

Liquors, intoxicating, Art. 15, § 10

Loans, state indebtedness, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8

Local public schools, Art. 6, § 5

Lotteries, Art. 15, § 3

Bingo, regulation, licensing and taxation, Art. 15, § 3a

State operated, Art. 15, § 3c

Marriage, Art. 15, § 16

Married women, property rights, Art. 15, § 6

Mentally ill persons, Art. 7, § 1

Building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Merit system, civil service, Art. 15, § 2

Military forces,

Civil control, Bill of Rights, § 4

Commander in chief, Art. 8, § 4

Militia, Art. 8

Quartering in homes, Bill of Rights, § 14

Soldiers' quarters, Bill of Rights, § 14

Militia, Art. 8

Mineral products, taxation, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Mines and minerals,

Classification, taxation, Art. 11, § 1

Homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Salt springs and mines, federal grants, Ord. § 5

Misdemeanors. Crimes and Punishments, ante

Money, taxation, classification, Art. 11, § 1


Homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Taxation, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Motor fuel taxes, highway purposes, Art. 11, § 10

Motor vehicles, special taxes for highways, Art. 11, § 10

Municipal universities, operation, supervision and control, Art. 6,§ 2


Cities, ante

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Economic development, property tax exemption, Art. 11, § 13

Labor organizations, agreements, Art. 15, § 12

Local legislation, conferral of powers, Art. 2, § 21

Tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Names, corporations, actions, Art. 12, § 6

Neglect of duty, officers, reduction of salaries, Art. 15, § 7

Newspapers, freedom of press and speech, Bill of Rights, § 11

Nonresidents, voter qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Oaths and affirmations,

Impeachment proceedings, senators, Art. 2, § 27

Searches and seizures, warrants, Bill of Rights, § 15

State officers, oath of office, Art. 15, § 14

Offenses. Crimes and punishments, ante

Officers and employees,

Civil service, Art. 15, § 2

Compensation and salaries, reduction for neglect of duty, Art. 15,§ 7

County officers and employees, Art. 9, § 2

Merit system, Art. 15, § 2

Militia, election or appointment, Art. 8, § 3

Neglect of duty, reduction of salaries, Art. 15, § 7

Recall election, public officials, Art. 4, § 3

Selection, Art. 15, § 1

State officers and employees, post

Township officers and employees, post

Oil and gas,

Homestead exemption leases, Art. 15, § 9

Motor fuel taxes, Art. 11, § 10

Old-age and survivor's insurance for employees, Art. 7, § 5

Open saloon, prohibition, Art. 15, § 10

Overthrow of government,

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Treason, Bill of Rights, § 13

Pardons and reprieves,

Governor, Art. 1, § 7

Regulations and restrictions, Art. 1, § 7

Parimutuel wagering, regulation, licensing and taxation, Art. 15,§ 3b

Peace time,

Quartering soldiers, Bill of Rights, § 14

Standing armies, Bill of Rights, § 4

Peaceable assembly and petition, Bill of Rights, § 3

Penalties. Fines and penalties, ante

Perpetual school fund, management, investment or appropriation, Art. 6,§ 7

Personal property,

Citizens and aliens, Bill of Rights, § 17

Tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Women's rights, Art. 15, § 6

Petroleum products,

Homestead exemption, oil and gas leases, Art. 15, § 9

Motor fuels, taxation, Art. 11, § 10

Physically handicapped persons. State institutions, post

Political power, Bill of Rights, § 2


Executive officers, Art. 1, § 1

Judicial powers, Art. 3, § 1

Military subordinated to civilian control, Bill of Rights, § 4

Retained by people, Bill of Rights, § 20

President of United States, voter qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Presidential electors, qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Privileges and immunities,

Electors, arrest, Art. 5, § 7

Emoluments or privileges conferred by state, Bill of Rights, § 19

Equal protection, Bill of Rights, § 2

Legislature, members, Art. 2, § 22

Liberty of speech and press, Bill of Rights, § 11

Voters, arrest, Art. 5, § 7

Process, rights of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Property rights, Bill of Rights, § 17

Women, Art. 15, § 6

Property taxation, Art. 11, § 1

Prosecutions, defense of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Public buildings, federal grants to state, Ord. § 3

Public improvements, state indebtedness, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8

Public institutions. State institutions, post

Public institutions and welfare, Art. 7

Public institutions of higher learning, definition, Art. 6, § 2

Public lands, federal grants to state, Ord. §§ 1 to 8

Public moneys, financial statements, publication, Art. 15, § 5

Punishment for crimes, Bill of Rights, § 9

Pursuit of happiness, Bill of Rights, § 1

Quartering soldiers, Bill of Rights, § 14

Railroad corporations, liability of stockholders, Art. 12, § 2

Ratification or rejection, Sched. §§ 9 to 23

Real estate,

Rights of citizens and aliens, Bill of Rights, § 17

Women's rights, Art. 15, § 6

Reapportionment, legislative districts, Art. 10, § 1

Recall of officers, elections, Art. 4, § 3

Redress grievances, Bill of Rights, § 3

Religious liberty, Bill of Rights, § 7

Religious organizations, no control of public education fund, Art. 6,§ 6

Religious organizations and societies,

Liability of stockholders, Art. 12, § 2

Tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Religious test, offices of public trust, Bill of Rights, § 7

Remedy by due course of law, Bill of Rights, § 18

Residence, voter qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Retarded persons, building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Revenue for current expenses, taxation, Art. 11, § 4

Revision of constitution, Art. 14

Amendment or revision of constitution, ante

Right to counsel, Bill of Rights, § 10

Right to work, labor organization membership, Art. 15, § 12

Rights enumerated, powers retained by people, Bill of Rights, § 20

Rights of crime victims, Art. 15, § 15

Rights of way, corporations, Art. 12, § 4

Rights of women, Art. 15, § 6

Roads and highways,

Bonds, state system, Art. 11, § 9

Internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Special taxes, Art. 11, § 10

Taxation, Art. 11, § 10

State highway system, Art. 11, § 9

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Saloons, prohibition, Art. 15, § 10

Salt springs and mines, federal grants, Ord. § 5

School, sections, Ord. §§ 6, 7

Schools and school districts, Art. 6, § 1

Colleges and universities, ante

County superintendent of public instruction,

Election after Jan. l, 1967 prohibited, Art. 6, § 7

Finance, Art. 6, § 6

Local public schools, elected boards, Art. 6, § 5

Religious sects, public educational funds, no control of, Art. 6, § 6

State superintendent of public instruction, election after Jan. 1, 1967 prohibited, Art. 6, § 7

Supervision of public schools, and educational interests, state board of education, Art. 6, § 2


Courts of record, Art. 3, § 1

Governor, territorial government, Sched. § 5

Great seal of Kansas. State seal, post

Searches and seizures, Bill of Rights, § 15

Secretary of state, Art. 1, § 1

Commissions, official, countersignature, Art. 1, § 9

Compensation, Art. 1, § 15

Constitutional amendments, duties, Art. 14, § 1

Disability, Art. 1, § 11

Election, Art. 1, § 1

Impeachment, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Oath of office, Art. 15, § 14

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 1

Reports to governor, Art. 1, § 4

Term of office, Art. 1, § 1

Vacancy in office, filling, Art. 1, § 11

Self-incrimination, right of accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Senate. Legislature, ante

Service of process. Process, ante

Sheriffs, election, Art. 4, § 2

Slavery prohibited, Bill of Rights, § 6

Special laws, urban areas, Art. 2, § 17

Special privileges or immunities, Bill of Rights, § 2

Speech, freedom of press, Bill of Rights, § 11

Speedy trial, Bill of Rights, § 10


Boundaries, Preamble

Capital, location, Art. 15, § 8

Change from territorial to state government, Sched. §§ 1 to 25

Conservation, Art. 11, § 9

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Debts, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8

Equal protection of law, Bill of Rights, § 2

Flood control, Art. 11, § 9

Internal improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Labor organizations, agreements, Art. 15, § 12

Succession, continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Tax exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Water resources development, Art. 11, § 9

State agencies, reorganization of executive branch agencies, Art. 1,§ 6

State aid, aged and infirm persons, Art. 7, § 4

State board of education, Art. 6

Commissioner of education, appointment, Art. 6, § 4

Duties, Art. 6, § 2

Election, Art. 6, § 3

Member districts, Art. 6, § 3

Membership, Art. 6, § 3

Terms, overlapping, Art. 6, § 3

Vacancies, Art. 6, § 3

State capital,

Location, Art. 15, § 8

Meetings of state legislature, Art. 2, § 8

Offices, territorial government, Sched. § 6

State debts, Art. 11, §§ 6 to 8

State highway system, improvements, Art. 11, § 9

State institutions,

Benevolent institutions, Art. 7, § 1

Federal lands, Ord. § 4

Liability of stockholders, Art. 12, § 2

Support by state, Art. 7, § 1

Tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1

Blind persons, building funds, Art. 7,§ 6

Charitable institutions, tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1

Handicapped persons, Art. 7, § 1

Incapacitated persons, Art. 7, § 1

Institutions of higher education, tax levies, Art. 6, § 6

Mentally or physically handicapped, Art. 7, § 1

Religious institutions, tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1

Scientific institutions, tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1

Tax exemptions, Art. 11, § 1

State lands, federal grants, Ord. §§ 1 to 8

State officers and employees,

Attorney general, ante

Civil service, Art. 15, § 2

Compensation, neglect of duty, reduction, Art. 15, § 7

Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Crimes and punishments, impeachment, Art. 2, § 28

Election or appointment, Art. 2, § 18

Recall, public officers, Art. 4, § 3

Executive officers, Art. 1

Compensation, Art. 1, § 15

Diminution during term, Art. 1, § 15

Election, Art. 1, § 1

Terms, Art. 1, § 1

Fines and penalties, impeachment, Art. 2, § 28

Governor, ante

Impeachment, Art. 2, §§ 27, 28

Lieutenant governor. Governor, ante

Merit system, Art. 15, § 2

Militia, Art. 8, § 3

Neglect of duty, reduction of salaries, Art. 15, § 7

Oaths of office, Art. 15, § 14

Property qualifications, Bill of Rights, § 7

Recall election, elected officials, Art. 4, § 3


Impeachment, Art. 2, § 28

Recall elections, Art. 4, § 3

Secretary of state, ante

Selection of officers, Art. 15, § 1

Terms of office, Art. 1, § 1

Territorial government, Sched. § 3

Bonds, official bonds, Sched. § 2

Vacancies, filling, powers of legislature, Art. 2, § 18

State seal, Art. 1, § 9; Sched. § 5

Commission, official, issuance, Art. 1, § 9

Custody, Art. 1, § 9

Great seal of Kansas, Art. 1, § 9

Secretary of state, commissions, official, countersignature, Art. 1,§ 9

State superintendent of public instruction, election prohibition after Jan. 1, 1967, Art. 6, § 7


Amendment or revival, Art. 2, § 16

Appropriations, Art. 2, § 24

Governor's objections, Art. 2, § 14

Approval of governor, Art. 2, § 14

Bills and resolutions, titles of bills, Art. 2, § 16

Consolidation of local government, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

Corporate powers conferred, Art. 12, § 1

County urban areas, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

Enacting clauses, Art. 2, § 20

Journal entries, governor's objections, Art. 2, § 14

Objections of governor, Art. 2, § 14

Publication of acts, Art. 2, § 19

Special laws, urban areas, Art. 2, § 17

Title and subject, Art. 2, § 16

Uniform operation of laws, Art. 2, § 17

Urban areas, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

Women's property rights, Art. 15, § 6

Succession, continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Suffrage, Art. 5, § 1 et seq. See, also, Elections, ante

Suits. Actions and proceedings, ante

Supreme court,

Administrative authority over all courts, Art. 3, § 1

Chief justice. Supreme court justices, post

Clerk, supreme court, Art. 3, § 4

Composition, Art. 3, § 2

Court of justice, division, Art. 3, § 1

Decisions, concurrence of majority, Art. 3, § 2

Election, Art. 3, § 5

Habeas corpus proceedings, Art. 3, § 3

Judicial officers, extension of terms until successor qualified, Art. 3,§ 12

Jurisdiction, Art. 3, § 3

Justices. Supreme court justices, post

Legislative apportionment, determination of validity of statute, Art. 10,§ 1

Mandamus proceedings, Art. 3, § 3

Nominating commission, Art. 3, § 5

Certification as to incapacity of justice, Art. 3, § 15

Composition, Art. 3, § 5

Concurrence required, Art. 3, § 5

Selection and qualifications, Art. 3, § 5

Terms of office, Art. 3, § 5

Powers, Art. 3, §§ 1 et seq.

Quo warranto proceedings, Art. 3, § 3

Reporter, supreme court, Art. 3, § 4

Seal, Art. 3, § 1

Terms of court, Art. 3, § 3

Supreme court clerk, Art. 3, § 4

Supreme court justices,

Appointments of, Art. 3, § 5

Election to succeed, Art. 3, § 5

Assignment of district court judges to other districts, Art. 3, § 6

Chief justice, Art. 3, § 2

Appointments, Art. 3, § 5

Declination or resignation, Art. 3, § 2

Incapacity, Art. 3, § 2

Compensation, Art. 3, § 13

Declaration of candidacy to succeed self,

Appointed member, Art. 3, § 5

Discipline, suspension, removal of judges, Art. 3, § 15

Fees or prerequisites, Art. 3, § 13

Hearings, Art. 3, § 2

Holding other office, Art. 3, § 13

Impeachment and conviction, removal, Art. 3, § 15

Judges of district court, assignments, Art. 3, § 6

Political activity prohibited, Art. 3, § 8

Practice of law prohibited, Art. 3, § 13

Qualifications, Art. 3, § 7

Removal from office, Art. 3, § 15

Retirement by incapacitation, Art. 3, § 15

Certification to governor, Art. 3, § 15

Selection, Art. 3, §§ 2, 5 et seq.

Terms of justices, Art. 3, § 2

Appointed members, Art. 3, § 5

Extension until successor qualified, Art. 3, § 12

Vacancies, Art. 3, § 5

Supreme court nominating commission, Art. 3, § 5

Supreme court, ante

Supreme court reporter, Art. 3, § 4

Sureties, bail, Bill of Rights, § 9

Tax exemptions,

Constitutional provisions, Art. 11, § 1

Economic development, counties and cities, Art. 11, § 13

Homestead exemption, Art. 15, § 9

Tax sales, homestead, Art. 15, § 9; Sched. § 25

Taxation, Art. 11, § 1

Ad valorem taxes, unavailable for unemployment compensation and old-age benefits, Art. 7, § 5

Agricultural lands, Art. 11, § 12

Assessment, Art. 11, § 1

Building fund for institutions, permanent levy,

Charitable and benevolent institutions, Art. 7, § 6

Educational institutions, Art. 6, § 6

Charitable and benevolent institutions,

Building fund, permanent levy, Art. 7, § 6

Exemption, Art. 11, § 1

Cities, home rule powers, Art. 12, § 5

Classification of property, Art. 11, § 1

Current expenses, raising revenue, Art. 11, § 4

Debts of state, Art. 11, § 6

Educational institutions, building fund, permanent levy, Art. 6, § 6

Employer and employee,

Old-age benefits, Art. 7, § 5

Unemployment compensation, Art. 7, § 5

Evidence of indebtedness, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Exemptions, Art. 11, §§ 1, 13

Economic development, cities and counties, Art. 11, § 13

Highway system, Art. 11, §§ 9, 10

Income taxes, Art. 11, §§ 2, 11

Intoxicating liquors, manufacture and sale, Art. 15, § 10

Levies, object of tax, statement, Art. 11, § 5

Mineral products, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Money, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Mortgages, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Motor fuels, Art. 11, § 10

Motor vehicles,

Classification, Art. 11, § 1

Highways, Art. 11, § 10

Municipalities, Art. 11, §§ 1, 13, Art. 12, § 5

Negotiable instruments, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Notes, classification, Art. 11, § 1

Personal property, Art. 11, § 1

Religious organizations and societies, Art. 11, § 1

Revenue for current expenses, Art. 11, § 4

Roads and highways, Art. 11, §§ 9, 10

State, Art. 11, § 1

State debts, Art. 11, § 6

System of taxation, Art. 11, § 1

Unemployment compensation, Art. 7, § 5

Uniform and equal rate, Art. 11, § 1

Vocational rehabilitation, building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Temporary seat of government, Art. 15, § 8

Terms of office, Art. 15, § 2

Executive officers, Art. 1, § 1

Territorial government,

Admission, act for, §§ 1 to 5

Change to state, Sched. §§ 1 to 25

Officers, Sched. § 3

Offices at capitol, Sched. § 6

Organic Act, §§ 19 to 37

Township officers and employees, Art. 9, § 2

Civil service, Art. 15, § 2

Compensation and salaries, neglect of duty, reduction, Art. 15, § 7

Merit system, Art. 15, § 2

Neglect of duty, salary reduction, Art. 15, § 7

Removal, Art. 9, § 5

Selection of officers, Art. 15, § 1


Election, time, Art. 4, § 2

Organization, Art. 9

Treason, Bill of Rights, § 13

Trial, defense of accused, Bill of Rights, §§ 10, 18

Trial by jury, Bill of Rights, § 5

Tuberculosis institutions, building funds, Art. 7, § 6


Fees and charges at state educational institutions, Art. 6, § 6

Public schools, prohibition, Art. 6, § 6

Unemployment compensation, Art. 7, § 5

Unions, Art. 15, § 12

United States officers and employees, state legislature, eligibility, Art. 2, § 5

Universities. Colleges and universities, ante

Unreasonable searches and seizures, Bill of Rights, § 15

Unusual or cruel punishment, Bill of Rights, § 9

Urban areas, special laws, Art. 2, § 17

Venue of prosecutions, Bill of Rights, § 10

Veto, bills, governor, Art. 2, § 14

Vice-president of United States, voter qualifications, Art. 5, § 1

Victims of crimes, rights of, Art. 15, § 15

Vocational rehabilitation, building funds, Art. 7, § 6

Voter qualifications, Bill of Rights, § 7

Wagering, lotteries, Art. 15, § 3


Continuity of government, Art. 15, § 13

Levying against state, treason, Bill of Rights, § 13

State indebtedness, Art. 11, § 8

Warrants, searches and seizures, Bill of Rights, § 15

Water resources development, state improvements, Art. 11, § 9

Weapons, bearing arms, Bill of Rights, § 4


Aged and infirm persons, aid, state participation, Art. 7, § 4

Public institutions and welfare, Art. 7


Compulsory process for accused, Bill of Rights, § 10

Religious belief, Bill of Rights, § 7

Women's rights, Art. 15, § 6

Worship, religious liberty, Bill of Rights, § 7

Zinc, homestead exemption, leases, Art. 15, § 9


Abolition of slavery, Am. 13

Accusation to be made known to accused, Am. 6


Compulsory process, Am. 6

Counsel, Am. 6

Impartial jury, Am. 6

Speedy trial, Am. 6


Common law, trial by jury, Am. 7

Judicial power of United States, cases to which power extends, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

Acts, Congress to prescribe manner of proving, Art. 4, § 1

Acts of states, Art. 4, § 1

Full faith to be given to, Art. 4, § 1

Admiralty, judicial power of United States extends to cases of, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

Admission of states, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

Adoption of Constitution,

Time of, Art. 7

Validating debts of confederation before, Art. 6, cl. 1

Advice and consent of Senate, when President must have, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2


President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Representative, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 2

Senator, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 3

Vice-President, Am. 12

Voting rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Am. 26

Aliens not eligible as President or Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Alliances, states, prohibition, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1


Appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Cases affecting, Supreme Court's original jurisdiction, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Judicial power of United States extends to cases affecting, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

President to receive, Art. 2, § 3

Amendments to Constitution, Art. 5

Appeals, re-examination after jury trial, restrictions, Am. 7


Ambassadors, officers of the United States, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Officers in militia reserved to states, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 16

Senate recess, president's power, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Vesting in President, courts, or department heads, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2


Capitation taxes, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4

Direct taxes, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3; Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4

Income tax, unnecessary, Am. 16

Representatives, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 14, § 2


Army appropriations, limitation of period to two years, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 12

Necessity before drawing money from treasury, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7

Arms, right to bear, infringement prohibited, Am. 2


Appropriations for army, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 12

Indictment unnecessary, Am. 5

Power of Congress to raise, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 12

President as Commander-in-Chief, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Rules for government and regulation, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 14

Arrest, representatives and senators, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Arsenals, purchase and power over sites, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Arts, Congress to promote progress of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8

Assemblages, abridgement of right prohibited, Am. 1


Congress prohibited from passing bill of, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 3

States, prohibition, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Treason, limitation to life of person attainted, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Attorneys, accused's right to assistance of, Am. 6

Authors, exclusive right to writings, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8

Bail, excessive, prohibited, Am. 8

Ballot, electors for President and Vice-President, Am. 12

Bankruptcy, Congress to establish uniform laws on, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 4


Passage over veto, Art. 1, § 7, cls. 2, 3

Presentation to President, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

President to return within ten days if disapproved, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

President to sign, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Revenue bills to originate in House, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 1

Two-thirds vote required to pass, if President returns, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Yea and nay vote on reconsideration on return, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Bills of attainder,

Passage by Congress prohibited, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 3

Passage by States prohibited, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Treason, limitation to life of person attained, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Bills of credit, states, prohibition, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Blood, attainder of treason not to work corruption of, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Boards and Commissions, President to fill vacancies in recess of Senate, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Borrowing money, on credit of United States, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 2

Bounties, debts incurred for, validity, Am. 14, § 4

Breach of peace, senator or representative may be arrested for, Art. 1,§ 6, cl. 1

Bribery, impeachment for, Art. 2, § 4

Capital crimes, indictment, necessity, Am. 5

Capitation tax, apportionment, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4

Captures, Congressional power to make rules, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11


Direct taxes apportioned according to, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4

Income tax levied without regard to, Am. 16


At time of adoption, eligible to President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Birth in United States, Am. 14, § 1

Claiming lands under different state grants, judicial power extended to, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1

Controversy with another state, judicial power of United States, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1; Am. 11

Defined, Am. 14, § 1

Different states, judicial power extended to controversy between, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

Due process of law, Am. 14, § 1

Equal protection of laws, Am. 14, § 1

Foreign states, controversies between, judicial power extended to, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

Natural born citizens only eligible as president, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Privileges and immunities, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 1

Abridgement prohibited by states, Am. 14, § 1


As electors, poll tax payment, Am. 24

Representative, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1

Senator, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 3

Suffrage, abridgement because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, prohibited, Am. 15, § 1

Voting rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Am. 26


Counterfeiting, power to punish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 6

Power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

States, prohibition, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Color, right to vote not be be abridged on account of, Am. 15, § 1

Commander-in-Chief of army, navy and militia, President to be, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 1


Port, preferences forbidden, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Power of Congress to regulate, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 3

Commercial regulations, port preferences forbidden, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Common defense, provisions for by Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Common law,

No fact tried by jury shall be reexamined except according to, Am. 7

Rules adhered to, Am. 7

Trial by jury, actions exceeding $20, Am. 7

Compact, states with each other or foreign powers, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3


Judges, Art. 3, § 1

Justices of Supreme Court, Art. 3, § 1

Members of Congress, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1; Am. 27

President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 6

Private property not to be taken for public use without, Am. 5

Compulsory process, accused for obtaining witnesses, Am. 6

Confederate states, debts, assumption prohibited, Am. 14, § 4

Confederation, debts contracted before adoption of Constitution valid, Art. 6, cl. 1

Confederations, states not to enter into, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Confrontation, accused persons by witnesses, Am. 6



From day to day, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Limitations upon, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 4

Power of less than quorum, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

President's power, Art. 2, § 3

Questions of, excepted from President's concurrence, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 3

Veto affected by, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Compensation, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1; Am. 27

Composition, Art. 1, § 1

Confirmation of nomination to Vice-President, Am. 25, § 2


Receiving gift, title, from foreign state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

State action,

Agreements with other states or foreign power, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Duties on imports or exports, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Ships of war, maintenance, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Tonnage duties, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Troops, maintenance, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

War, engagement in, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Constitutional amendments, proposing, Art. 5

Elections, voting rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Am. 26

Extra sessions, President's power, Art. 2, § 3

House of Representatives, post


Each House to keep, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3

Entries in, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Legislative power vested in, Art. 1, § 1


Attendance, compelling, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Discipline, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2


Each House own judge, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Power to regulate, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Eligibility for other offices, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Expulsion, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Oath to support constitution, Art. 6, cl. 3

Punishment for disorderly behavior, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Salaries, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Speeches, immunity from questioning, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1


Abolition of slavery, enforcement, Am. 13, § 2

Acting President, designation, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

Admission of states, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

Amendments to constitution, Art. 5

Army, government and regulation of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 14

Bankruptcy laws, establishment, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 4

Borrowing money, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 2

Captures, rules concerning, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Common defense, provision for, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Controlling state import and export duties, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Copyrights, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8

Counterfeiting, punishment, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 6

Criminal trials, venue, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3

Debts, payment, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

District of Columbia, exclusive legislation over, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Duties, levying, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Enforcing eighteenth amendment, Am. 18, § 1

Enforcing fifteenth amendment, Am. 15, § 2

Enforcing fourteenth amendment, Am. 14, § 5

Enforcing nineteenth amendment, Am. 19, § 2

Excises, levying, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Executing laws, calling militia, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Felonies on high seas, defining and punishing, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Foreign coins, regulating value, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Forts, magazines, sites for, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Full faith and credit clause, prescribing manner of proving state acts, records, Art. 4, § 1

General welfare, provision for, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Habeas corpus, suspension of writ, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 2

Impost, levying, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Incidental, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 18

Income tax, levy without apportionment, Am. 16

Inferior courts,

Creation, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 9

Establishment, Art. 3, § 1

Insurrections and invasions, calling militia, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Judge of elections, returns and qualifications of members, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Letters of marque and reprisal, granting, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Members, disciplining, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2


Calling forth, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Organizing, governing, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 16

Money, coining and regulating value of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Naturalization, uniform rule for, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 4

Navy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 13, 14

Offense against law of nations, defining and punishing, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Offenses on high seas, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Patents, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8

Piracy and felonies on high seas, defining and punishing, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Post offices, establishment, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 7

Post roads, establishment, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 7

Presidential electors, time of choosing and voting, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 3

Regulating commerce, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 3

Removing disability, Am. 14, § 3


Captures, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Land and naval forces, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 14

Respecting territories and other property of the United States, Art. 4,§ 3, cl. 2

Slave traffic, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 1

Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction, exceptions and regulations, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 2

Taxes, levy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Treason, punishment, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Vesting appointment of inferior officers in President, courts or department heads, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

War, declaration of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Weights and measures, fixing standard, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5


Assemblage, abridgement of right, Am. 1

Freedom of speech and press, abridgement, Am. 1

Petitions for redress of grievances, abridgement, Am. 1

Religion, laws regarding, Am. 1


Majority to constitute, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Selection of President and Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12


Establishment, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Government and regulations of land and naval forces, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 14

Senate, post

Sessions, frequency and time, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 2; Am. 20,§ 2

Succession to Presidency, duties, Am. 25

Vice-President, post

Votes, entry in journal, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3; Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2



Acceptance of emolument, office or title from foreign potentate, Art. 1,§ 9, cl. 8

Formation of state by junction of two or more states, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

New state to be formed or erected within jurisdiction of another state, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

State to engage in war unless actually invaded, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

State to enter into compact with another state or foreign power, Art. 1,§ 10, cl. 3

State to lay duty of tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

State to lay imposts or duties on imports, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Owner to quartering soldier in time of peace, Am. 3


To appointments, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Treaties, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

State legislature to Congress' exercise of authority over places purchased for erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, or dockyards, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

State not to be deprived of equal suffrage in Senate without, Art. 5


Appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Judicial power of United States extends to cases affecting, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

Supreme Court's original jurisdiction of cases affecting, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Contract impairment, states, prohibition, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1


Nine states sufficient to ratify Constitution, Art. 7

Proposing amendments, Art. 5

Conviction, impeachment, two-thirds vote of members present required, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Copyrights, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8

Corruption of blood, treason, limitation to life of person attainted, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Counsel, accused, Am. 6

Counterfeiting, power of Congress to punish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 6


Appointment of inferior officers, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Judges, post

Power to create, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 9


Given to acts, of each state, Art. 4, § 1

State not to emit bills of, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

United States, Congress can borrow money on, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 2


Extradition, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Felonies upon high seas, power of Congress to define and punish, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 10

Jeopardy, twice for same offense, Am. 5

Offenses against law of nations, Congressional power to define and punish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Removal of officers on conviction of certain crimes, Art. 2, § 4

Reprieves or pardons, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Criminal prosecutions,

Accused's rights, Am. 6

Attorney, accused's right to, Am. 6

Confronting with witnesses, Am. 6

Incrimination, compelling prohibited, Am. 5

Information of nature and cause of accusation, Am. 6

Jury trial, right to, Art. 3, § 2, cls. 2, 3; Am. 6

Place of trial, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3

Presentment of grand jury,

Except in cases of service in military or naval forces or militia, Am. 5

Necessary for answer, Am. 5

Process, obtaining witnesses for accused, Am. 6

Sentence and punishment,

Felonies on high seas, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Impeachment, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Offenses against law of nations, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Piracy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Speedy and public trial, Am. 6

Venue, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 6

Witnesses, accused's right to obtain, Am. 6

Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited, Am. 8


Duty of President to devolve on Vice-President in case of, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

President and Vice-President, Congress to provide for succession, Art. 2,§ 1, cl. 5

Succession to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, Am. 25


Contracted before adoption of Constitution validated, Art. 6, cl. 1

Contracted for pensions, validity, Am. 14, § 4

Legal tender, payment, limitation on states, Art. 1, § 10

Payment by Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Payment of those incurred by Confederate States prohibited, Am. 14,§ 4


Congress to provide for, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Right of accused to counsel, Am. 6

Delaware, one representative in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Direct taxes, apportionment, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3; Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4


President and Vice-President, provision in case of, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

Right of Congress to remove by vote of two-thirds of each House, Am. 14,§ 3

Discoveries, power of Congress to protect, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8

Disorderly behavior,

Each house may punish members for, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Expulsion and punishment of member of Congress, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2


Judgment on impeachment, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Office, engaging in rebellion after oath to support, Am. 14, § 3

Person holding office under United States not to be member of either House, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Senator or Representative not to hold office under United States created during his term, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

District of Columbia,

Exclusive legislation over, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Presidential and vice-presidential electors, Am. 23

Dock yards, power over sites, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Domestic tranquility, Constitution established to insure, Preamble

Domestic violence, states, protection by United States, Art. 4, § 4

Double jeopardy, Am. 5

Due process of law, Am. 5; Am. 14, § 1


Congress may levy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Exportations from any state, prohibition, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 5

State imports or exports, control by Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

State traffic, power of Congress to impose, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 1

Tonnage, State not to lay without consent of Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Uniformity required, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Vessels, state cannot require payment of, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Eighteenth amendment, repeal, Am. 21, § 1


Day same throughout United States, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 3

Denying right to vote, reducing representation in Congress, Am. 14,§ 2

District of Columbia, President and Vice-President, Am. 23

Each House to judge returns and qualifications of its members, Art. 1,§ 5, cl. 1

Eighteen-year old voting rights, Am. 26

President, Art. 2, § 1, Am. 12

Senators and Representatives, state may regulate, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12

Electors, qualifications, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1; Am. 14, § 3; Am. 17; Am. 24; Am. 26


Acceptance by office holder from foreign state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

President, other than salary prohibited, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 6


Adhering to, United States enemies, is treason, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 1

Of United States, giving aid or comfort to, disqualifies, Am. 14, § 3


Direct taxes apportioned according to, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4

Inhabitants every ten years, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Of rights not to deny others retained by people, Am. 9

Ratio of representation established until first, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Equal protection of the laws, denial prohibited, states, Am. 14, § 1

Equal suffrage, state not to be deprived of right in Senate, Art. 5

Equity, judicial powers, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1

To what cases judicial power shall not extend, Am. 11

Establishment, ratification by nine states, Art. 7

Ex post facto laws,

Congress prohibited from passing, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 3

States prohibited from passing, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1


Congress may levy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Uniformity required, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Executive departments,

Congress may vest appointment of inferior officers in heads, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 2

Oath to support Constitution required of executive and judicial officers, Art. 6, cl. 3

Officers, declaration of inability, Am. 25

President may require written opinion of officers in, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Executive power, vested in President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 1

Expenditures, statements of, to be published, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7


No tax or duty on exports from any state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 5

State duties, control by Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Extradition, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Fact and law, Supreme Court, appellate jurisdiction, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Faith, full faith and credit, public acts, of states, Art. 4, § 1


Extradition, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Members of Congress not to be privileged from arrest for, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

On high seas, power of Congress to define and punish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Fines, excessive, prohibited, Am. 8

Foreign coins, power of Congress to regulate value, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Foreign states or nations,

Congress to regulate commerce with, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 3

Controversy with state or citizens thereof,

Judicial power not extended to suits against state, Am. 11

Judicial power of United States, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1

Office holder accepting present, title, from, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

State not to enter into compact or agreement with foreign power, Art. 1,§ 10, cl. 3

Forfeitures, treason, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Form of government, republican guaranteed, Art. 4, § 4

Forts, purchase and power over sites, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Freedom of speech and press, abridgement prohibited, Am. 1

Fugitives from justice, extradition, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Full faith and credit clause, Art. 4, § 1

General welfare,

Provision for by Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Purpose of Constitution to promote, Preamble

Georgia, three representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Gold and silver, tender in payment of debts, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Government, United States to guarantee republican form, Art. 4, § 4

Governors, Senators, temporary appointments, Am. 17

Grand jury, indictments, necessary in capital and infamous crimes, Am. 5

Grievances, petition for redress, abridging right prohibited, Am. 1

Habeas corpus, suspension, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 2

Heads of departments, President may require written opinion, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 1

High crimes and misdemeanors, impeachment for, Art. 2, § 4

High seas, felonies upon, power of Congress to define and punish, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 10

House of Representatives,


Limitations upon, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 4

Power of less than quorum, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Composition, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1

Confirmation of Vice-President nominated by President, Am. 25, § 2

Congress to consist of Senate and House, Art. 1, § 1

Election, denying right to vote, reducing representation, Am. 14, § 2

Impeachment, power of, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 5


Entries in, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Required to keep, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3

Legislative power vested in, Art. 1, § 1


Age, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 2

Apportionment, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 14, § 2

Attendance, compelling, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Compelling attendance, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Congress may alter regulations as to choosing except as to place of choosing Senators, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Congress to remove disqualifications by two-thirds vote of each House, Am. 14, § 3

Disciplining, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Election, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1

Each house own judge, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Judge of elections, returns and qualifications of members, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Power of Congress to regulate, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Qualification of electors, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1; Am. 24

Time, place and manner, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1

Eligibility for other offices, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Expulsion, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Holding other office, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Number, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Oath of office, Art. 6, cl. 3

Person holding office of United States not to be, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Presidential electors, ineligibility to act as, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Privilege from arrest, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Punishment for disorderly behavior, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 2; Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2; Am. 14, § 3

Salaries, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Speeches, immunity from questioning, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Vacancies, how filled, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 4

Officers, choice, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 5


Impeachment, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 5

Judge of elections, returns and qualifications of members, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Members, disciplining, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

President, election, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12


Choosing President, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12

Majority to constitute, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Revenue bills must originate in, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 1

Rules, establishment, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2


Choice, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 5

Disability of the President, Am. 25

Votes, entry in journal, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3; Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Houses, right of people to be secure in, Am. 4

Imminent danger, affecting state's right to engage in war, Art. 1,§ 10, cl. 3


Abridgement by states prohibited, Am. 14, § 1

Citizens entitled to, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 1

Impairing obligation of contracts, states, prohibition, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1


Grounds, Art. 2, § 4

Judgment, extent and effect, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Jury trial not required, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3

Oath, of senators upon trial, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Persons subject to, Art. 2, § 4

Power vested in House of Representatives, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 5

President, Chief Justice to preside, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Trial by Senate, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Two-thirds vote necessary, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6


Congress to lay duties on, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Duties are to be uniform, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Slaves prior to 1808, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 1

State duties, control by Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2


Congress may levy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

State imports or exports, control by Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Uniformity required, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1


Congress to provide officer in case of inability of President or Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

President's duties to devolve on Vice-President in case of, Art. 2,§ 1, cl. 5

Income tax, apportionment unnecessary, Am. 16

Incrimination in criminal cases, compelling prohibited, Am. 5

Indian tribes, Congress to regulate commerce with, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 3

Indians not taxed excluded in representative enumeration, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 14, § 2

Indictment, information and complaints,

Necessity in capital and infamous crimes, Am. 5

Persons convicted on impeachment subject to, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Infamous crimes, indictments, necessity, Am. 5

Inferior courts,

Judicial power vested in, Art. 3, § 1

Power of Congress to establish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 9; Art. 3,§ 1

Inferior officers, Congress may vest power of appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Infringement of right to bear arms, prohibition, Am. 2

Inhabitant of state, qualification of senator, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 3


Calling militia, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Debts, validity, Am. 14, § 4

Participation in after oath to support Constitution, disability, Am. 14,§ 3

Interstate and foreign commerce, Congressional power to regulate, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 3

Intoxicating liquors,

Importation into certain states forbidden, Am. 21, § 2

Prohibition, Am. 18, § 1

Repeal of eighteenth amendment, Am. 21, § 1

Transportation, Am. 21, § 2


Calling militia, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Habeas corpus, suspension of writ, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 2

Right of state to engage in war affected by, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

States, protection by United States, Art. 4, § 4

Inventors, exclusive rights to discovery, power of Congress, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 8

Involuntary servitude prohibited, Am. 13, § 1

Jeopardy, same offense, Am. 5


Compensation, Art. 3, § 1

Duty to obey Constitution, Art. 6, cl. 2

Supreme Court, nomination and appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Term, Art. 3, § 1

Judicial officers, oath to support constitution, Art. 6, cl. 3

Judicial power,

Scope, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1; Am. 11

Vested in Supreme and inferior courts, Art. 3, § 1

Judicial proceedings, full faith and credit in other states, Art. 4,§ 1


Crime, fugitives to be removed to state having, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Original and appellate of Supreme Court, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Supreme Court,

Cases affecting ambassadors, and other public ministers, and consuls, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Cases where state is a party, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2


In criminal cases, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 6

Person to answer charge of crime only by action of, Am. 5

Right to trial by, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 6; Am. 7

Just compensation, property not to be taken for public use without, Am. 5


Chief, shall preside when President tried on impeachment, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Constitution to establish, Preamble

Fugitives to be delivered up, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Justices. Supreme Court, post

Keeping and bearing arms, right not to be infringed, Am. 2

King, office holder accepting present title, from, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

Labor due in one state not to be abrogated in another, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 3

Land and naval forces, Congress to make rules for government of, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 14

Land owned by United States, Congress to have power over, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Lands, claims, judicial power in controversies for, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1


Congress shall make necessary laws, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 18

Congress to provide,

Calling militia to execute, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Punishing offenses against law of nations, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Constitution, law and treaties to be supreme law of land, Art. 6, cl. 2

State judges to be bound by law of the land, Art. 6, cl. 2

Supreme Court to have appellate jurisdiction as to law and fact, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 2

Laws of United States,

Cases arising under, judicial power extends to, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1

President's duty regarding execution, Art. 2, § 3

Supremacy, Art. 6, cl. 2

Legal tender, states' powers restricted, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1


Congress to enforce,

Eighteenth amendment, Am. 18, § 2

Fifteenth amendment, Am. 15, § 2

Fourteenth amendment, Am. 14, § 5

Nineteenth amendment, Am. 19, § 2

Thirteenth amendment, Am. 13, § 2

Congress to exercise exclusive legislation,

Over forts, arsenals, dock yards, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Over seat of government, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 18

Legislative powers, vested in Congress, Art. 1, § 1

Legislatures of states,

Consent of, required by United States in purchasing, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17

Consent of, required in forming new states, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

May apply for or ratify amendments, Art. 5

May direct how electors shall be appointed, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Members of, to take oath to support Constitution, Art. 6, cl. 3

Letters of marque and reprisal,

Power of Congress to grant, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

States, prohibited from issuing, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1


Freedom of press, abridgment prohibited, Am. 1

No person to be deprived of,

By any state law, Am. 14, § 1

Without process of law, Am. 5

Life, liberty, and property,

Due process of law, Am. 5

State not to deprive any person of, Am. 14, § 1

Magazines, purchase and power over sites, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17


Each house to constitute a quorum, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Electors necessary to elect President or Vice-President, Am. 12

Members to choose Vice-President when Senate elects him, Am. 12

Not required to adjourn from day to day, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

States to choose President when House elects him, Am. 12

Maritime jurisdiction, judicial power of United States extends to cases of, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1

Marque and reprisal,

Congress may grant letters of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Issuance of letters by states prohibited, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Massachusetts, eight representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Measures, Congress to fix standards, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Meeting of Congress, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 2

Message of President, contents, Art. 2, § 3


Calling forth, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 15

Indictment unnecessary during actual service, Am. 5

Infringement of right to maintain prohibited, Am. 2

Organizing, governing, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 16

President, duties, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1, § 3

State powers over, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 16


Appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Judicial power of United States extends to cases affecting, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1

President to receive, Art. 2, § 3

Supreme Court's original jurisdiction of cases affecting, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Misdemeanors, civil officers to be removed on conviction for, Art. 2,§ 4


Appropriation, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7

Army not longer than two years, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 12

Coining and regulating, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Congress to borrow on credit for United States, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 2

Foreign coins, power of Congress to regulate value, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Statement of receipts and expenditures to be published, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7

Nations, congress to punish offenses against the law of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Natural born citizens, qualification of President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4


Citizenship in United States and states, Am. 14, § 1

Congress to establish uniform rule, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 4


Indictments unnecessary, Am. 5

Power of Congress to provide and maintain, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 13

President as Commander-in-Chief, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Rules for government and regulation, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 14

New Hampshire, three representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

New Jersey, four representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

New states, admission by Congress, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

New York, six representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Nobility, title of,

Acceptance by office holder from foreign state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

Not granted by United States, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

States prohibited from granting, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8


Officers by President, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

President to fill vacancies in recess of Senate, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

North Carolina, five representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3


President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 7

Supporting constitution, Art. 6, cl. 3

Warrant for search and seizure, necessity, Am. 4

Objections, President to return bill with, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Obligation of contracts, impairment by states prohibited, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Obligations incurred in aid of rebellion to be illegal and void, Am. 14,§ 4


Departmental, President may require opinion of head of each, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 1

Judges to hold during good behavior, Art. 3, § 1

Judgment in impeachment shall extend only to removal from, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Oath of President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 7

Persons holding under United States not to accept presents, Art. 1,§ 9, cl. 7

Persons holding under United States not to be electors, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Powers and duties of President to devolve on Vice-President in case of death, resignation or inability, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

President and Vice-President to hold for four years, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 1

President to fill offices becoming vacant in recess of Senate, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 3

Qualification of electors for President or Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Senators and representatives not to hold, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

When President removed from, how vacancy filled, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5


Accepting presents, title, from foreign state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

Appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Commissions by President, Art. 2, § 3

Impeachment, grounds, Art. 2, § 4

Oath to support, Art. 6, cl. 3

Qualifications, Am. 14, § 3

Religious test prohibited, Art. 6, cl. 3

States, qualifications, Am. 14, § 3

Overt act, no treason unless two witnesses testify to same, Art. 3,§ 3, cl. 1

Papers, when secure from search, Am. 4

Pardons, President may grant, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Patents, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 8


Members of Congress not privileged from arrest for breach of, Art. 1,§ 6, cl. 1

Soldiers not to be quartered in house without consent of owner in time of peace, Am. 3

State not to keep troops or ships of war in time of peace without consent of Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Peaceable assembly, right guaranteed, Am. 1

Pennsylvania, eight representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Pensions, debts incurred for, validity, Am. 14, § 4


Congress not to abridge right of assembly, Am. 1

Enumeration of rights not to deny or disparage others retained by, Am. 9

Reservation of powers not granted by Constitution, Am. 10

Right to keep and bear arms not to be infringed, Am. 2

Security against unreasonable searches and seizures, Am. 4

Persons, security from unreasonable searches and seizures, Am. 4

Petitions for redress of grievances, abridging right prohibited, Am. 1

Piracy, power of Congress to define and punish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Ports, preferences prohibited, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Post offices, power of Congress to establish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 7

Post roads, power of Congress to establish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 7

Powers, reservation to states or people, Am. 10

Presentment of grand jury, necessity in capital and infamous crimes, Am. 5

Presents, acceptance by office holder from foreign state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8



Congress may designate, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

On failure of President-elect to qualify, Am. 20, § 3

Vice-President as, Am. 25, §§ 3, 4

Age, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Ambassadors, reception, Art. 2, § 3

Appointments by, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2, 3

Bills, to be presented to, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 3

Bills to be returned within 10 days, Sundays excepted, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Chief Justice to preside at trial, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Commander-in-Chief of army, navy, and militia, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Compensation, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 6

Concurrent resolutions, if disapproved to be returned, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 3


Adjournment, Art. 2, § 3

Designation of officer to act on inability, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

Extra sessions, Art. 2, § 3

Information and recommendations, Art. 2, § 3

Power to provide for succession in case of death, Am. 20, § 4

Vesting appointment of inferior officers in, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Death, succession, Am. 25, § 1

Disability, Am. 25

Acting President, Am. 25

Congress, declaration of inability to discharge duties, Am. 25, § 4

Declaration of inability to discharge duties, Am. 25, §§ 3, 4

Duties of Vice-President, Am. 25, § 3


Appointment of electors, Art. 2, § 1, cls. 2, 3

Denial of right to vote for, reduction in representation, Am. 14, § 2

Electors not to vote for candidates for both President and Vice-President from their state, Am. 12

Limitation on terms, Am. 22, § 1

Method prescribed, Art. 2, § 1, cls. 2, 3; Am. 12

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Emoluments other than salary prohibited, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 6

Execution of laws, Art. 2, § 3

Executive power vested in, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 1

Impeachment, grounds, Art. 2, § 4

Information and recommendations to Congress, Art. 2, § 3

Laws, execution, Art. 2, § 3

Ministers, reception, Art. 2, § 3

Oath to defend, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 7

Officers of United States, commissioning, Art. 2, § 3

Pardoning power, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1


Adjournment of Congress, Art. 2, § 3

Extra sessions of Congress, Art. 2, § 3

Opinions from department heads, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Pardons and reprieves, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1

Recess appointments, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Treaties, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Vacancies, temporary appointments, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Pro tempore, how chosen, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 5

Qualifications, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Recess appointments, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Removal from office,

Successor, Am. 25, § 1

Vice-President to discharge duties, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5


Successor, Am. 25, § 1

Salary, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 6

Senate to choose president pro tempore when Vice-President becomes, Art. 1,§ 3, cl. 5

Succession to,

Death of President before beginning of term, Am. 20, § 3

Duties, Am. 25

Term, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 1; Am. 20, § 1

Limitation on terms, Am. 22, § 1

Vacancies in office, successor, Am. 25

Vacancy in office of Vice-President,

Nomination of successor, Am. 25, § 2

Veto, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

President of Senate, Vice-President to be, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 4

Presidential electors,

Certificate directed to president of the Senate, Am. 12

Congressmen and officers of the United States ineligible, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Day of vote, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 3

Disqualifications of persons engaging in insurrection or rebellion, Am. 14,§ 3

District of Columbia, Am. 23

Meetings in respective states, Am. 12

Not to vote for candidates for both President and Vice-President from their state, Am. 12

Number, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Separate ballot for President and Vice-President, Am. 12

Time of choosing and voting, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 3

Vote by ballot, Am. 12

Press, freedom of, abridgement prohibited, Am. 1

Prince, office holder accepting present, title, from, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

Prisoners, extradition, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Private property, taking for public use without compensation prohibited, Am. 5

Privileges and immunities,

Abridgement by state prohibited, Am. 14, § 1

Citizens entitled to, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 1

Members of Congress, privilege from arrest except for treason, felony and breach of the peace, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

No person can be put twice in jeopardy for same offense, Am. 5

Senators and Representatives not to be questioned for speech or debate, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Prize, Congress to make rules concerning, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Probable cause, warrants to be issued only on, Am. 4

Process of law,

Accused for obtaining witnesses, Am. 6

No depriving of life, without, Am. 5

Prohibited powers, reserved to states and people, Am. 10

Promote the general welfare, Constitution established to, Preamble

Property, state not to deprive any person of life, liberty or property, Am. 14, § 1

Property of United States, Congress' power over, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 2

Public acts, full faith and credit in other states, Art. 4, § 1

Public danger, no state to engage in war without consent except in, Art 1,§ 10, cl. 3

Public debt of United States, validity, Am. 14, § 4

Public ministers, president to receive, Art. 2, § 3

Public money,

Publication of receipts and expenditures, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7

Withdrawal from treasury, accounts, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7

Public officers and employees,


Ambassadors, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Consuls, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Ministers, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Officers of the United States by President, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Supreme court justices, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Commissions, President to issue commissions, Art. 2, § 3

Oath of office, Art. 6, cl. 3

Qualifications, Am. 14, § 3

Religious test prohibited, Art. 6, cl. 3

Titles, gifts, from foreign princes, consent of Congress required for acceptance, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

Public records, of states to have full credit, Art. 4, § 1

Public safety, suspension of habeas corpus, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 2

Public trial, accused in criminal prosecutions, Am. 6

Public trust, no religious test required for any office of, Art. 6, cl. 3

Public use, compensation for property taken for, Am. 5


Cruel and unusual prohibited, Am. 8

Felonies on high seas, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Offenses against law of nations, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Piracy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 10

Treason, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2


Electors, poll tax payment, Am. 24

Electors of representatives, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1

Electors of Senators, Am. 17

Members, each house shall be judge of, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Office, Art. 6, cl. 3

President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

Religious test prohibited, Art. 6, cl. 3

Representative, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 2

Senator, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 3

Vice-President, Am. 12

Quartering soldiers in houses, restrictions, Am. 3


House of Representatives, choosing President, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12

Majority in either house to constitute ordinarily, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Senate, choosing Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12

Race, right to vote not to be abridged on account of, Am. 15, § 1


Amendments, Art. 5

Nine states necessary for establishment, Art. 7


Basis of representation reduced on conditions stated, Am. 14, § 2

Representation apportioned among several states, Am. 14, § 2

Representation until first enumeration under Constitution, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3


Debts, validity, Am. 14, § 4

Habeas corpus, suspension of writ, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 2

Participation in after oath to support Constitution, disability, Am. 14,§ 3

Receipts and expenditures, statement of, to be published, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7

Recess appointments, President's powers, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Reconsideration of bills vetoed by President, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Records, full faith and credit in other states, Art. 4, § 1

Redress of grievances, abridging right to petition for prohibited, Am. 1

Re-examination after jury trial, restrictions, Am. 7

Regulating commerce, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 3

Religion, restrictions on laws, Am. 1

Religious test to office prohibited, Art. 6, cl. 3


Executive of state to issue writs of election to fill vacancies, Art. 1,§ 2, cl. 4

How apportioned among the several states, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 14,§ 2

No state without consent to be deprived of equal suffrage in Senate, Art. 5

Ratio until first enumeration under Constitution, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Reduced, when right to vote is denied, Am. 14, § 2

Representatives. House of Representatives, ante

Reprieves, President may grant, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 1


Congress may grant letters of, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

No state shall grant letters of, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Republican form of government guaranteed to states, Art. 4, § 4

Reserved powers retained by states or people, Am. 10

Reserved rights, enumeration in Constitution not to deny or disparage others, Am. 9


Congress may by law provide for officer in case of resignation of President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 4

President's duties to devolve on Vice-President in case of, Art. 2,§ 1, cl. 5


Joint, to be presented to President, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 3

Passage over veto, Art. 1, § 7, cls. 2, 3

Revenue bills, origin and amendments, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 1

Revenue regulations, port preferences forbidden, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Rhode Island, one representative in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Right of petition, Congress not to abridge right of people, Am. 1


Accused, Am. 6

Enumeration not to deny others retained by people, Am. 9

Rights reserved, rights not delegated to be reserved to the states or to the people, Am. 10


Captures, power of Congress, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

Congress to make respecting territory or other property of United States, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 2

Each House to determine rule of proceeding, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Government and regulation of land and naval forces, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 14

Salaries. Compensation, ante

Science, Congress may promote by granting exclusive rights, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 8

Searches and seizures, restrictions, Am. 4

Seat of government, Congress has exclusive legislation over, Art. 1,§ 8, cl. 17

Secrecy, Congress not to publish what may require, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3

Securities, counterfeiting, power to punish, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 6

Security, right of people to keep and bear arms not to be infringed, Am. 2

Seizures, right of people to be secure against, Am. 4



Limitations upon, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 4

Power of less than quorum, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Composition, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 1; Am. 17

Confirmation of nominee to Vice-President, Am. 25, § 2

Consent to appointments, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2


Judgment, extent and effect, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 7

Power to try, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6


Entries in, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Required to keep, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3

Legislative power vested in, Art. 1, § 1


Age, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 3

Attendance, compelling, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Choosing Senators, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 1; Am. 17

Compelling attendance, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Division of Senators into classes, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 2


Qualifications of electors, Am. 17; Am. 24

Time, place and manner, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 1; Art 1, § 4, cl. 1; Am. 17

Eligibility for other offices, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Expulsion, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Judge of election, return and qualifications of members, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Oath of office, Art. 6, cl. 3

Presidential electors, ineligibility to act as, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2

Privilege from arrest, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Punishment for disorderly behavior, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

Qualifications, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 3; Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2; Am. 14, § 3

Salaries, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Speeches, immunity from questioning, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1

Term, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 1; Am. 17

Vacancies, how filled, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 2; Am. 17

Votes, Am. 17

Officers, choice, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 5


Impeachment, trials, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Judge of elections, returns and qualifications of members, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Members disciplining, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

President Pro Tempore,

Choice, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 5

Disability of President, duties, Am. 25

President to convene on extraordinary occasions, Art. 2, § 3


Choosing Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12

Majority to constitute, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 1

Recess, temporary appointments, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 3

Revenue bill, amendments by, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 1

Rules, establishment, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

States not to be deprived of equal suffrage in without consent, Art. 5

Treaties, consent, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Vice-President, election, Art. 2, § 1; Am. 12


Each senator entitled to one, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 1; Am. 17

Entry in Journal, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 3; Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Vice-President to have none unless equally divided, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 4


Involuntary, prohibited in U.S., Am. 13, § 1

Previous condition not to abridge right to vote, Am. 15, § 1

Session, Congress to be in, every year, Art. 1, § 4, cl. 2

Rule for adjournment during, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 4

Sex, right of citizens to vote not denied or abridged on account of, Am. 19,§ 1

Ships of war, no state to keep, without consent of Congress, Art. 1,§ 10, cl. 3

Silver coin, tender in payment of debts, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Slavery prohibited, Am. 13, § 1


Escape, surrender, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 3

Limitation on congressional power, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 1

Payment for prohibited, Am. 14, § 4

Soldiers, quartering in houses, restrictions, Am. 3

South Carolina, five representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Speech, freedom of, abridgment prohibited, Am. 1

State legislature,

Convention for amending Constitution on application of legislatures of two-thirds of the states, Art. 5

Members to take oath to support Constitution, Art. 6, cl. 3

United States to protect states against invasion on application of, Art. 4,§ 4

State of the Union, President to give Congress information on, Art. 2,§ 3


Abridging privileges and immunities of citizens, Am. 14, § 1

Admission, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

Agreements with other states or foreign powers, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Alliances, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Assuming debts of confederacy, Am. 14, § 4

Bills of attainder, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Bills of credit, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Cases in which a party, Supreme Court's original jurisdiction, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 2

Citizens to be entitled to privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 1

Coining money, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Confederations, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Consolidation, restrictions, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

Controversies in which a party, judicial power of United States, Art. 3,§ 2, cl. 1; Am. 11

Domestic violence, protection by United States, Art. 4, § 4

Due process, depriving of life, liberty or property without, Am. 14,§ 1

Equal protection of the laws, denial, Am. 14, § 1

Ex post facto laws, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Executive authority to issue writs of election to fill vacancies in Senate, Am. 17

Exportations from, no tax or duty, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 5

Formation, conditions, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 1

Full faith and credit to public acts, of other states, Art. 4, § 1

Impairing obligations of contracts, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Import and export duties exceeding inspection costs prohibited, Art. 1,§ 10, cl. 2

Interstate commerce, Congress to regulate commerce among the several states, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 3

Invasion, protection by United States, Art. 4, § 4

Legal tender other than gold and silver, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Letters of marque and reprisal, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Members of legislature, oath of office, Art. 6, cl. 3


Denying right to vote, reducing representation in Congress, Am. 14,§ 2

Oath of office, Art. 6, cl. 3

Qualifications, Am. 14, § 3

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Port preferences forbidden, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6


Militia, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 16

Reserve powers, Am. 10

Privileges and immunities of citizens, abridgment, Am. 14, § 1

Ratification by nine states to establish Constitution, Art. 7

Ratification of amendments to Constitution, Art. 5

Representatives in Congress, reduction for disqualifying citizens from voting, Am. 14, § 2

Republican form of government guaranteed to, Art. 4, § 4

Senate, not be deprived of equal suffrage in without consent, Art. 5

Ships of war, maintenance during peace, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3


Abridging because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, Am. 15, § 1

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Titles of nobility, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Tonnage duties, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Treaties, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Troops, maintenance during peace, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Vacancy in representation to be filled by writ of election issued by executive authority, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 4

Vessels, entry, clearance and duty payments not required, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Vote by states on choice of President by House, Am. 12

Voting rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Am. 26

War, engagement in unless invaded or in danger, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Succession to the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, Am. 25


Abridgment because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude prohibited, Am. 15, § 1

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Right of citizens to vote not denied or abridged on account of sex, Am. 19,§ 1

State not to be deprived of without consent, Art. 5

Voting rights of persons 18 years of age or older, Am. 26


Against state, judicial power of United States not extended to, Am. 11

Right to trial by jury in, Am. 7

Sundays, excepted from ten days allowed President to return bill, Art. 1,§ 7, cl. 2

Supreme Court,

Appellate jurisdiction, regulation by Congress, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2

Congress authorized to constitute tribunals inferior to, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 9

Judicial power vested in, Art. 3, § 1

Jurisdiction, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 2


Appointment, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

Compensation, Art. 3, § 1

Holding office during good behavior, Art. 3, § 1

Supreme law of the land,

Judges in each state to be bound by, Art. 6, cl. 2

What constitutes, Art. 6, cl. 2

Surrender of escaping slaves, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 3


Apportionment of capitation and other direct taxes, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 4

Congress may levy, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Direct taxes, apportionment among states, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3

Exportations from any state, prohibition, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 5

Income tax, Am. 16

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Qualification of electors, poll or other tax, Am. 24

Slave traffic, power of Congress to impose, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 1

State duties on exports and imports, control by Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Uniformity, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Tender, no state to make anything but gold and silver, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Term of office,

President and Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 1; Am. 20,§ 1

Limitation on terms, Am. 22, § 1

Representative in Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 1; Am. 20, § 1

Senator, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 1

Senator or Representative not to be appointed to office created during term, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 2

Territories, Congress' power over, Art. 4, § 3, cl. 2

Testimony, two witnesses to convict of treason, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 1

Tie vote, Vice-President to have no vote unless Senate equally divided, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 4

Title of nobility,

Acceptance by office holder from foreign state, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

Not granted by United States, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 8

States, prohibitions, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Tonnage, no state to lay duty on without consent, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3


Attainder, limitation to life of person attainted, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Definition, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 1

Extradition, Art. 4, § 2, cl. 2

Impeachment for, Art. 2, § 4

Proof or confession required, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 1

Punishment, Power of Congress to declare, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 2

Senators and representatives subject to arrest for, Art. 1, § 6, cl. 1


State duties and imposts paid into, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 2

Withdrawing money, appropriations, necessity, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 7


Jurisdiction of cases arising under treaties, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 1

Power to make, Art. 2, § 2, cl. 2

States, treaty made by state as wholly void, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 1

Supremacy, Art. 6, cl. 2

Trial by jury,

Criminal cases, Art. 3, § 2, cl. 3; Am. 6

Right to, Am. 7

Suits at common law, Am. 7

Tribunals inferior to Supreme Court, power to create, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 9

Troops, maintenance without consent of Congress prohibited, Art. 1,§ 10, cl. 3

Trust or profit, no person holding any office under United States to be an elector for President and Vice-President, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 2


Bankruptcy laws, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 4

Duties, imposts and excises, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Naturalization rules, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 4

Taxes, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1

Unusual punishments prohibited, Am. 8

Venue, criminal prosecutions, Am. 6

Vessels, entry, clearance and duties, states not to exact, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 6

Veto, passage of bill over President's veto, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2


Acting President, disability of President, Am. 25, §§ 3, 4

Age, Am. 12

Confirmation of nominee by house, Am. 25, § 2

Discharging duties of President upon removal, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 5

District of Columbia, electors, Am. 23


Abridging right to vote for, reduction in representation, Am. 14, § 2

Electors not to vote for candidates for both President and Vice-President from their state, Am. 12

Method prescribed, Art. 2, § 1, cls. 2, 3; Am. 12

Impeachment, grounds, Art. 2, § 4

Poll tax, qualification of electors, Am. 24

President of Senate, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 4

Qualifications, Am. 12

Senate to choose president pro tempore in absence of, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 5

Succession to Presidency, Am. 25

Term, Art. 2, § 1, cl. 1; Am. 20, § 1

Vacancy in office,

Nomination of successor, Am. 25, § 2

Confirmation, Am. 25, § 2

Violence, United States to protect state against invasion and domestic violence, Art. 4, § 4

Virginia, ten representatives in first Congress, Art. 1, § 2, cl. 3


Concurrent resolution or vote to be presented to President, Art. 1,§ 7, cl. 3

Poll tax payment, qualification of electors, Am. 24

Right of citizens of United States not to be abridged, Am. 15, § 1

Right to, not denied or abridged on account of sex, Am. 19, § 1

Vote of two-thirds,

Amendments to Constitution proposed, Art. 5

Bill vetoed by President re-passed, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2

Congress may relieve disability incurred by participation in insurrection or rebellion, Am. 14, § 3

Conviction on impeachment, Art. 1, § 3, cl. 6

Each house may expel a member by, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 2

President to make treaties with advice and consent of Senate, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 2


Congress to declare, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 11

In time of,

How soldiers quartered in citizen's house, Am. 3

When jury presentment dispensed with, Am. 5

Levying against United States is treason, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 1

No state to make, without consent of Congress, Art. 1, § 10, cl. 3

Warrants, searches and seizures, requisities, Am. 4

Weights and measures, Congressional power to fix standard, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5

Welfare, Congress to provide for general welfare, Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1


Confronting accused, Am. 6

Incrimination in criminal cases, compelling prohibited, Am. 5

Number required to convict of treason, Art. 3, § 3, cl. 1

Obtaining in criminal cases, Am. 6

Women, right to vote, Am. 19, § 1

Writ of habeas corpus, not to be suspended, Art. 1, § 9, cl. 2

Writs of error, re-examination after jury trial, restrictions, Am. 7

Written opinions, President may require from executive departments, Art. 2,§ 2, cl. 1

Yeas and nays,

Either house, when must be entered on journal, Art. 1, § 5, cl. 4

When vote must be taken by, Art. 1, § 7, cl. 2


Constitution of Kansas, this index

Constitution of United States,

Amendments, proposing, U.S. Const., Art. V


Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1801 et seq.

Fairness in public construction contract act, 16-1901 et seq.


Generally, 60-4701 et seq.

Acceptance of offer, 60-4704

Application of law, 60-4703

Association actions, 60-4708, 60-4709

Construction contracts, indemnification provisions, 16-121

Contractor's right to offer repair, 60-4706

Definitions, 60-4701

Failure to respond, 60-4704

Filing of action, 60-4702

Initial notice of claim, 60-4704

Inspection proposal, 60-4704

Insurer, notice to, 60-4705

Notice, 60-4702, 60-4705, 60-4706, 60-4707

Penalties, 60-4708

Property manager actions, 60-4708

Rejection of offer, 60-4704

Settlement offer, 60-4704

Unlawful acts, 60-4708


Ambassadors and Consuls, generally, this index


Actions and proceedings,

Cease and desist order, 16a-6-108

Civil actions, 16a-6-113

Class actions, 16a-6-113

Contested cases, 16a-6-410

Declaratory judgments, rules and regulations, 16a-6-408

Enforcement orders, 16a-6-108

Injunction, 16a-6-108, 16a-6-110, 16a-6-111

Temporary restraining orders, 16a-6-112

Limitation of actions, 16a-3-404

Remedies and penalties, application of law, 16a-5-102

Rescission of obligation, 16a-3-404


Consumers remedies, 16a-5-201 et seq.

Limitation on creditors remedies, 16a-5-101 et seq.

Venue, 16a-6-116

Administration, 16a-6-101 et seq.

Application of law, 16a-6-102

Administrative interpretations, written, 16a-6-104


Cease and desist orders, 16a-6-108

Enforcement orders, 16a-6-108, 16a-6-110

Assurance of discontinuance, 16a-6-109

Fees, annual, 16a-6-201, 16a-6-203

Establishment, 16a-6-104

Funds and moneys, disposition, 16a-2-302

Insurance, administration and enforcement, 16a-4-111

Investigatory powers, 16a-6-106

Notification by persons engaging in business, 16a-6-202

Fees, annual, 16a-6-201, 16a-6-203

Establishment, 16a-6-104

Orders, 16a-6-108

Assurance of discontinuance, 16a-6-109

Judicial review, 16a-6-108

Powers and duties, 16a-6-104

Procedure, administrative, 16a-6-401 et seq.

Application of law, 16a-6-401

Reports, annual, 16a-6-104

Residential mortgage loan originators,

Registration, 16a-2-302, 16a-2-303a

Rules and regulations, 16a-6-104, 16a-6-403

Declaratory judgment, 16a-6-408

Filing and effective date, 16a-6-405

Notification by persons engaging in business, 16a-6-202

Petition for adoption, amendment or repeal, interested persons, 16a-6-407

Procedure, 16a-6-404

Publication, 16a-6-406

Rulings by administrator, 16a-6-409

Truth-in-lending, 16a-6-117

Rulings, 16a-6-409

Supervised financial organizations, jurisdiction over, 16a-6-105

Supervised lenders,

License, 16a-2-302, 16a-2-303

Records and reports, 16a-2-304

Venue, 16a-6-116

Advertising, 16a-3-208

Agreements and practices, application of law, 16a-3-102

Application and construction of act, 16a-1-102, 16a-1-103, 16a-1-104, 16a-1-108

Exemptions from act, 16a-1-202

Jurisdiction of transactions, 16a-1-201

Transactions made subject by agreement, 16a-1-109

Application to transactions made prior to act, 16a-9-101

Appraisals, real estate, 16a-3-207

Assignment of earnings, 16a-3-305

Assignment of rights, 16a-3-404

Assignee subject to defenses, 16a-3-404

Notice, 16a-3-203

Repurchase of obligation by seller or lessor, 16a-3-404

Assurance of discontinuance, 16a-6-109

Attorney fees, agreements for, 16a-2-507

Balloon payments, 16a-3-308


Consolidation and refinancing, 16a-4-110

Finance charges, post

Civil action, 16a-6-113

Class actions, 16a-6-113

Civil penalties, 16a-6-113

Disclosure, violation of, 16a-5-203

Claims, settlement of,

Agreement to forego rights, 16a-1-107

Settlement, 16a-1-107

Unconscionable, 16a-1-107

Waiver of rights, 16a-1-107


Advances by creditor for preservation of, 16a-2-506

Cross-collateral, 16a-3-302

Debts secured by, 16a-3-303

Possession, creditors right upon default, 16a-5-112


Costs, agreements for, 16a-2-507

Violence or criminal acts, 16a-5-107

Computation of time, 16a-3-209

Confession of judgment, 16a-3-306


Finance charges, 16a-2-505, 16a-3-302

Payment of debt secured by cross-collateral, 16a-3-303

Construction and application of act, 16a-1-102, 16a-1-103, 16a-1-104, 16a-1-108

Consumer Protection, generally, this index

Contested cases, 16a-6-410

Credit cards,

Claims or defenses of buyer or lessee, 16a-3-403

Home solicitation sales, 16a-3-403

Insurer subject to claims or defenses of buyer or lessee, 16a-3-403

Surcharge prohibited, 16a-2-403

Credit date of consumer payments, 16a-2-104

Credit insurance, 16a-4-101 et seq.

Administration and enforcement, 16a-4-111, 16a-4-112

Amount of insurance, 16a-4-202

Application of law, 16a-4-102

Certificate of insurance, 16a-4-105

Charges, 16a-4-104, 16a-4-112, 16a-4-203

Additional charges, 16a-2-501

Approval, 16a-4-203

Duplicate charges, 16a-4-110

Excess charges, 16a-4-104

Extortionate, 16a-5-107

Filing with commissioner of insurance, 16a-4-203

Liability insurance, 16a-4-303

Maximum charge, 16a-4-107, 16a-4-203

Property insurance, 16a-4-301

Refunds or credits, 16a-4-108

Schedules of premium rates and charges, 16a-4-112

Filing and approval, 16a-4-203

Collateral, preservation of, advances by creditor for payment, 16a-2-506

Credits, 16a-4-108

Definition, 16a-4-103

Enforcement and administration, 16a-4-111, 16a-4-112

Finance charges, post

Insurer, choice of, 16a-4-109

Liability insurance, 16a-4-303, 16a-4-304

Notice of option, 16a-4-109

Policies, 16a-4-105

Premiums, 16a-4-104, 16a-4-107, 16a-4-108, 16a-4-110

Approval and filing, 16a-4-203

Property insurance, 16a-4-301 et seq.

Purchase by consumer, 16a-4-109

Refunds, 16a-4-108, 16a-4-112

Term of insurance, 16a-4-201

Unconscionability, 16a-4-106

Credit services organizations. Credit, this index

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Civil penalties, 16a-5-203, 16a-6-113

Criminal penalties, 16a-5-301 et seq.

Setoff to obligation, 16a-5-202

Violation of act, 16a-5-201, 16a-5-301

Venue, 16a-6-116

Criminal acts to insure prompt payment, 16a-5-107

Debit cards,

Surcharge prohibited, 16a-2-403


Agreements, 16a-5-109

Cure by consumer, 16a-5-111

Notice, 16a-5-110

Notice to consumer, 16a-5-110

Possession of collateral, creditors rights, 16a-5-112

Default charges, limitation on, 16a-3-402

Deficiency judgments, 16a-5-103

Definitions, 16a-1-301, 16a-1-303, 16a-2-510, 16a-6-402

Delinquency charges, 16a-2-502

Disclosure, 16a-3-201 et seq.

Assignment of rights, 16a-3-203

Civil liability for violation, 16a-5-203

Leases, 16a-3-201

Notice on agreements requiring signature, 16a-3-202

Open end credit, change in terms, 16a-3-204

Payments, receipts or evidence of, 16a-3-205

Receipts for payments, 16a-3-205

Truth-in-lending, 16a-3-206

Earnings, assignment of, 16a-3-305

Effective date, 16a-9-101

Enforcement proceedings, 16a-6-108, 16a-6-110

Exemptions, 16a-1-202

Extortionate extension of credit, 16a-5-107

Fair Credit Reporting Act. Credit, this index


Annual registration, 16a-6-201, 16a-6-203

Establishment, 16a-6-104

Residential mortgage loan originators, establishment, 16a-6-104

Supervised lenders, establishment, 16a-6-104

Finance charges, 16a-2-201 et seq., 16a-2-501 et seq.

Additional charges, 16a-2-501

Application of law, 16a-2-102

Attorney fees, 16a-2-507

Collateral, preservation of, advances by creditor, 16a-2-506

Computation of, 16a-2-103

Consolidation, 16a-4-110

Consolidation of payments, 16a-2-505, 16a-3-302

Credit cards, loans, 16a-2-402

Delinquency charges, 16a-2-502

Excess charges, insurance, 16a-4-104, 16a-4-110

Fees, 16a-2-501

Insurance, 16a-4-104, 16a-4-107, 16a-4-108, 16a-4-110

Approval and filing, 16a-4-203

Limitations, 16a-1-108

Loans, 16a-2-401

Lender credit cards, 16a-2-402

Open end credit, 16a-2-402

Loans, consumer, 16a-2-501

Limitation or maximum, 16a-2-401

Lender credit cards, 16a-2-402

Minimum, 16a-2-401

Open end credit, 16a-2-402

Manufactured home, 16a-2-401

Multiple agreements, 16a-3-304

Open end credit,

Change in terms, 16a-3-204

Conversion to, 16a-2-508

Payday loans, 16a-2-404

Prepayment, 16a-2-201, 16a-2-401, 16a-2-509, 16a-2-510

Rebate upon prepayment, 16a-2-201

Refinancing charges, 16a-2-504, 16a-3-302, 16a-4-110

Refunds, 16a-5-202

Sales, closed end consumer credit, 16a-2-201, 16a-2-501

Open end credit, 16a-2-202


Consumer credit fee fund, 16a-2-302

Disposition of, 16a-2-302

Holder in due course,

Defenses and claims of buyer or lessee, 16a-3-404

Home solicitation sales, credit card, claims and defenses of buyer or lessee, 16a-3-403

Injunction, 16a-6-110

Temporary restraining orders, 16a-6-112

Unconscionable agreements or conduct, 16a-6-108, 16a-6-111

Insurance. Credit insurance, ante

Insurance laws, application, 40-214

Interest rates. Finance charges, ante

Investigations, administrator, 16a-6-106

Judgments and decrees,

Acceleration, charges, 16a-2-510

Confession of, 16a-3-306

Deficiency judgments, 16a-5-103

Judicial review, 16a-6-108, 16a-6-414


Consumer transactions, 16a-1-201

Exemptions from act, 16a-1-202

Land, security interest in, 16a-2-307, 16a-3-301


Assignee of lessor subject to defenses, 16a-3-404

Disclosure, requirements, 16a-3-201

Liability, limitation on, 16a-3-401

Negotiable instruments taken as evidence of obligation, 16a-3-307

Referral, 16a-3-309

Security interests, 16a-3-301

Liability of consumer,

Assignee of seller or lessor, 16a-3-404, 16a-3-405

Credit cards, defenses, 16a-3-403

Default charges, 16a-3-402

Holder in due course, 16a-3-404

Home solicitation sales, 16a-3-403

Limitation on, leases, 16a-3-401


Continuation of existing licenses, 16a-9-102

Fees, 16a-2-302

Establishment, 16a-6-104

Registration, residential mortgage loan originator, 16a-2-302

Supervised lenders, 16a-2-302

Prohibited acts, 16a-2-310

Registration, residential mortgage loan originator, 16a-2-302

Prohibited acts, 16a-2-310

Revocation or suspension, 16a-2-303a

Supervised lenders, 16a-2-302

Records and reports, 16a-2-304

Revocation or suspension, 16a-2-303

Limitation of actions, 16a-3-404


Advertising, 16a-3-208

Appraisals, real estate, 16a-3-207

Conduct of other business at same location, 16a-2-309

Consolidation, application of payments, 16a-3-405

Credit cards, finance charges, 16a-2-402

Defenses, lender subject to, 16a-3-405

Finance charges, ante

Land security interest in, 16a-2-307

Payday loans, 16a-2-404

Military borrower, restrictions, 16a-2-405

Payments regular schedule, 16a-2-308

Principal residence, security, prohibited conduct, 16a-3-308a

Residential mortgage loans,

Origination, 16a-2-301, 16a-2-302

Prohibited acts, 16a-2-310

Security interest in land, 16a-2-307

Supervised loans, 16a-2-301, 16a-2-302

Term of loan, maximum, 16a-2-308

Mortgages on principal residence, prohibited conduct, 16a-3-308a

Multiple agreements, 16a-3-304

Negotiable instruments, prohibited instruments, 16a-3-307

Notice, 16a-3-201 et seq.

Agreements requiring signature, 16a-3-202

Assignment of rights to payment, 16a-3-203

Contested cases, 16a-6-410

Default, 16a-5-110, 16a-5-111

Form of notice, 16a-3-202

High loan-to-value mortgages, 16a-3-207

Leases, 16a-3-201

Open end credit, change in terms, 16a-3-204

Payments, receipts or evidence of, 16a-3-205

Receipts for payments, 16a-3-205

Truth-in-lending, 16a-3-206

Notification, 16a-6-202

Application of law, 16a-6-201

Fees, 16a-6-201, 16a-6-203

Establishment, 16a-6-104


Application in debt secured by cross-collateral, 16a-3-303

Balloon, 16a-3-308

Credit date, 16a-2-104

Order of application, 16a-3-404, 16a-3-405

Receipts or evidence of, 16a-3-205

Penalties. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Prepayment by consumer, 16a-2-509

Preservation of collateral, duty of consumer, advances by creditor for payment, charges, 16a-2-506

Procedure, administrative, 16a-6-401 et seq.

Application of law, 16a-6-401

Purpose of act, 16a-1-102

Rates and charges. Finance charges, ante

Real estate, appraisals, 16a-3-207

Receipt of payment by assignor, 16a-3-203a

Receipts for payments made, 16a-3-205

Referral sales, 16a-3-309

Credit insurance, 16a-4-110

Refinancing charges. Finance charges, ante

Refunds, setoff to obligation, 16a-5-202

Registration with administrator,

Fees, annual, 16a-6-201, 16a-6-203

Establishment, 16a-6-104

Notification, 16a-6-202


Consumers remedies, 16a-5-201 et seq.

Limitations on creditors remedies, 16a-5-101 et seq.

Power of administrator does not affect, 16a-6-115

Venue, 16a-6-116

Repurchase of obligation by original seller or lessor, 16a-3-404

Rescission of obligation, parties and proceedings, 16a-3-404

Residential mortgage loan. Loans, ante

Rights of consumer, waiver, 16a-1-107

Rights of parties,

Consumers remedies, 16a-5-201 et seq.

Limitations on creditors remedies, 16a-5-101 et seq.

Violation of act as affecting, 16a-5-201

Rules and regulations,

Adoption by administrator, 16a-6-104, 16a-6-403

Filing and effective date, 16a-6-405

Procedure, 16a-6-404

Publication, 16a-6-406

Declaratory judgment, 16a-6-408

Loans, 16-207d

Petition for adoption, amendment or repeal, interested persons, 16a-6-407

Rulings by administrator, 16a-6-409


Assignee of seller subject to defenses, 16a-3-404

Consolidation, application of payments, 16a-3-404

Finance charges, 16a-1-108, 16a-2-201, 16a-2-501 et seq.

Closed end credit, 16a-2-201

Open end credit, 16a-2-202, 16a-2-508, 16a-3-204

Holder in due course, 16a-3-404

Home solicitation, claims and defenses of buyer or lessee, 16a-3-403

Negotiable instruments taken as evidence of obligation, 16a-3-307

Referral sales, 16a-3-309

Security interests, 16a-3-301

Cross-collateral, 16a-3-302

Security interests, 16a-2-307, 16a-3-301

Cross-collateral, 16a-3-302, 16a-3-303

Severability, 16a-1-105

Supervised financial organizations,

Administrator, jurisdiction of, 16a-6-105

Application of code, 16a-1-108

Supervised lender,

License, 16a-2-302

Fees, 16a-2-302

Establishment, 16a-6-104

Fingerprinting, when, 16a-6-104

Revocation or suspension, 16a-2-303

Loans authorized, 16a-2-301

Multiple agreements, 16a-3-304

Prohibited acts, 16a-2-310

Residential mortgage loan origination, 16a-2-301

Prohibited acts, 16a-2-310

Registration, 16a-2-302, 16a-2-303a

Fees, 16a-6-104

Supervised loan. Loans, ante

Truth in lending,

Disclosure, civil liability for violation, 16a-5-203

Disclosure requirements, 16a-3-206


Inducement by unconscionable conduct, 16a-5-108

Injunction, 16a-6-108, 16a-6-111

Insurance charges, 16a-4-106

Waiver of rights or benefits, 16a-1-107

Violations of act,

Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Effect on rights of parties, 16a-5-201

Venue, 16a-6-116

Violence for delay or failure of payment, 16a-5-107

Waiver, rights or benefits of consumer, 16a-1-107


See, also, Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Actions and proceedings, continued, rights preserved, 75-1317

Fair Credit Reporting Act, 50-701 et seq.

Enforcement, 50-721

Rules and regulations, adoption, 50-721

Office abolished, 75-1314

Orders, directives, rules and regulations, continued, 75-1315

References, statutes and other documents, 75-1315

Transfers, 75-1314 et seq.

Conflicts, resolution, 75-1316

Funds and liabilities, 75-1318

Officers and employees, 75-1319

Powers, duties and functions, 75-1314, 75-1315

Real property, 75-1315

Records, other property, 75-1316


Insurance laws, application, 40-214

Insurance Premium Finance Company Act, 40-2603

Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq.

Secured transactions, 84-9-201, 84-9-203


See, also, Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Assistive devices, 50-696 et seq.

Bail enforcement agents, 50-6,141

Consumer Protection Act, 50-623 et seq.

Agreement to forego rights, 50-625

Application of act, 50-635, 50-638

Assistive devices, 50-696 et seq.

Arbitration of disputes, 50-6,100

Attorney fees, 50-6,101

Costs, 50-6,101

Damages, 50-6,101

Definitions, 50-696

Disclosure prior to sale or lease, 50-699

Supplemental act, 50-6,102

Waiver of rights, prohibited, 50-6,101

Warranty, 50-697

Duties of consumer, 50-698

Duties of manufacturer, 50-698

Enforcement of lease prohibited, when, 50-699

Refund, 50-697

Repair of device, 50-697

Replacement, 50-697

Attorney general,

Coordination with other supervision, 50-633

Duties, 50-628

No-call list, 50-670a

Powers, 50-629, 50-631

Remedies, 50-632

Rule-making requirements, 50-630

Victims of identity theft, 50-6,139a

Cancellation, 50-623

Door-to-door sales, 50-640

Telephone solicitations, 50-672, 50-673

Civil penalties, 50-636

County attorney, assisting attorney general, 50-633

County or district attorney, remedies, 50-636

Cramming, 50-6,103

Credit cards,

Issuance without request, 16-841

Personal information, taking prohibited, 50-669a

Printing of credit card number, 50-669b

Requiring to cash check, 50-669

Telemarketing, unconscionable acts, 50-675

Damages, 50-632

Deceptive consumer sales practices, 50-626

After market motor vehicle parts, use of, 50-662, 50-663

Collection attempt, unsolicited goods or services, 50-617

Invention promotion services, 50-668

Motor vehicles,

Rental, 50-658

Required disclosures, 50-659

Petroleum products, 55-434

Declaratory judgment, 50-632, 50-634

Definitions, 50-624

Disaster, profiteering from, 50-6,106

Disclaimer of warranties, 50-639

District attorney, assisting attorney general, 50-633

District courts,

Jurisdiction and venue, 50-638

Powers, 50-631, 50-632

Door-to-door sales, 50-640

Elder or disabled persons as victims, 50-676 et seq.

Definitions, 50-676

Penalties, enhancement, 50-677, 50-679

Factors, 50-678

Supplemental act, 50-679a

Electronic mail, spam, 50-6,107

Expenses of action, 50-632

Express warranties, limited, 50-639

Gift cards, gift certificates, prohibited acts, 50-6,108

Health care purchases, discount cards, 50-1,100 et seq.

Implied warranties, exclusion, modification or limitation, 50-639

Injunctions, 50-632, 50-634

Invention promotion services, 50-666, 50-667, 50-668

Definitions, 50-666

Disclosures, 50-667

Investigatory powers of attorney general, 50-631

Jurisdiction, causes of action, 50-638

Limited express warranties, 50-639

Motor vehicles, sale, disclosure requirements, 50-659, 50-665

Patent infringement, 50-6,140

Penalties, civil, 50-636

Private remedies, 50-634

Purposes, 50-623

Receiver, powers, effect of appointment, 50-637

Remedies, 50-632

Rules and regulations, 50-630

Settlements, invalid, 50-625

Slamming, 50-6,103

Small claims procedure,

Limitation on filing claims, exceeding, violation of act, 61-2714

Spam, 50-6,107

Thermal insulation, standards, 50-644

Unconscionable consumer sales practices, 50-627, 50-670

Addition of telecommunications services, 50-6,103

Change of telecommunications provider, 50-6,103

Credit card use, taking personal information, 50-669a

Lease-purchase agreements, 50-690

Submission of check or draft without consumer's authorization, 50-6,105

Telephone solicitation, 50-675

Thermal insulation, standards, 50-644

Unsolicited consumer telephone calls, 50-670

Unconscionable settlements, 50-625

Unsolicited consumer telephone calls, 50-670

Unsolicited goods or services,

Deceptive consumer sales practices, 50-617

Receipt of, 50-617

Venue, 50-638

Violations of act, penalties, 50-636

Waiver of rights, 50-625

Warranties, disclaimer, breach, 50-639

Weights and measures, unlawful acts, 83-219

Continuing care contracts. Insurance, this index

Cosmetics, 65-675

Cramming, 50-6,103

Credit services organizations, regulation, 50-1116 et seq.

Dental services, prepaid plans, 40-4201 et seq.

Disabled persons as victims, 50-676 et seq.

Discount cards,

Annual notice, 50-1,101

Definitions, 50-1,100

Prohibited acts, 50-1,101

Registration of suppliers, 50-1,101

Supplemental to consumer protection act, 50-1,105

Supplier, resident agent, 50-1,103

Violations, 50-1,105

Drugs and medicine, 65-675

Elderly victims, 50-676 et seq.

Electronic mail, spam, 50-6,107

Fair Credit Reporting Act. Credit, this index

Food, 65-675

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Law, 65-675

Honey, generally, this index

Inspections for wood destroying insects, 50-6,113

Kansas roofing registration act, 50-6,121 et seq.

Attorney general, powers and duties, 50-6,124

Citation of act, 50-6,121

Complaints, 50-6,133

Definitions, 50-6,122

Discolsures, 50-6,135

Exemptions, 50-6,129

Fees, establishment of, 50-6,128

Investigations, 50-6,133

Penalties, 50-6,123, 50-6,138

Rules and regulations, 50-6,124


Application, contents of, 50-6,124, 50-6,126

Application processing time limit, 50-6,130

Information system, establishment of, 50-6,136

Nonresident registration requirements, 50-6,134

Registration reinstatement, 50-6,132

Registration renewal, 50-6,132

Registration requirements, 50-6,123

Roofing contractor duties, 50-6,127, 50-6,131

Roofing contractor registration fund, 50-6,128

Subpoenas, 50-6,133

Violations, 50-6,133

Lease-purchase agreements, 50-680 et seq.

Legal services, prepaid plans, 40-4201 et seq.

Loans. Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Military member, 50-676

Motor vehicles,

After market parts, 50-660 et seq.

Lemon law, 50-645, 50-646

Odometer fraud, civil remedies, 50-647 et seq.

Rental vehicles, collision damage waiver act, 50-654 et seq.

Sale, disclosure requirements, 50-659, 50-665

Musical performances. Truth in musical performance advertising act, ante

Notaries, advertisements, 53-5a25

Patent infringement, 50-6,140

Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq.

Prize winner notification, 50-692

Real estate, Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons, generally, this index

Sales. Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Scrap metal theft reduction act, 50-6,109 et seq.

Attorney general powers and duties, 50-6,109a, 50-6,109b

Civil actions, 50-6,109b, 50-6,109d

Civil penalties, 50-6,109c

Database, 50-6,109a

Dealer registration,

Criminal history records check, 50-6,112b

Fees, 50-6,112a

Information required, 50-6,112a

Person prohibited from, 50-6,112b

Suspension or revocation, 50-6,112c

Definitions, 50-6,109

Expiration, 50-6,112d

Jurisdiction and venue, 50-6,109e

Municipal regulations, limitaitons, 50-6,109f

Records, 50-6,110, 50-6,111

Unlawful acts, 50-6,110, 50-6,111

Security breach of computer data, personal information,

Enforcement, attorney general, insurance commissioner, 50-7a02

Investigation requirement, 50-7a02

Notice to individuals, commercial entities, consumer reporting agencies, 50-7a02

Slamming, 50-6,103

Solicitation, misleading, notice required, 50-626

Spam, 50-6,107

Surplus property, exclusion, modification or limitation of warranties, 50-639

Telemarketing sales and solicitations, 50-670 et seq.

No-call list, 50-670a

Truth in musical performance advertising act, 50-6,116 et seq.

Definitions, 50-6,117

Injunctions, 50-6,119

Unlawful acts, 50-6,118

Affirmative defense, 50-6,120

Civil penalties, 50-6,119

Exceptions, 50-6,118

Unsolicited credit cards, issuance prohibited, 16-841

Vehicle protection products, 50-6,114, 50-6,115

Condition of financing, 50-6,115

Definitions, 50-6,114

Incidental costs, 50-6,115

Not insurance, 50-6,114

Warranty, manufacturer, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, 75-1221


Anhydrous ammonia, unlawful acts, 2-1218

Beverage containers with detachable tabs, unlawful, 21-6320

Caustic or corrosive substance, 65-643 et seq.

Sale warranty, 84-2-314


Cosmetics, 65-670

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 65-655 et seq.

Water Pollution, generally, this index


Generally, 20-1201 et seq.

Appeals, 20-1205

Application of law, 20-1206

Arbitration and award, 5-205

Child support enforcement, 20-1204a

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions, 74-146, 74-147

Civil contempt, indirect, procedure, 20-1204a

Classes, 20-1201, 20-1202

Coroner's inquest, 22a-230

Corporations, district court, jurisdiction over elections, 17-6517

Criminal contempt, indirect, 20-1204a

Dentists and dental hygienists, hearing on charges, 65-1452

Depositions, 60-237

Direct contempt, summary proceedings, 20-1203

Discrimination proceedings, 44-1004

Drainage commissioners, 24-709

Drivers' licenses restriction, 20-1204a

Employment Security Law, disobedience to subpoena, 44-714

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Gag order, 20-1204a

Indirect contempt, procedure, 20-1204a

Injunction, 60-909

Inquisitions, criminal procedure, 22-3101

Journalist privilege, 60-481

Licensing bodies, child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Limits, change of judge, 20-311e

Mandamus, 60-803

Master's proceedings, failure to appear, 60-253

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-153

Motor vehicle dealer and sales hearings, 8-2411

Nursing board hearings, 74-1106

Oil and gas, enforcement of production and sale law, 55-605

Optometry board proceedings, 74-1504

Parole board, state, 22-3720

Partnership estates, surviving partner, 59-1003

Probate Proceedings, this index


Direct contempt, 20-1203

Indirect contempt, 20-1204a

Prosecution, attorney general, 20-1206

Secretary of labor, wage payment investigations, 44-322

Special prosecutor, 20-1206

Stay of execution, 20-1205

Subpoena, failure to obey, 60-245

Summary proceedings, affidavits in bad faith, 60-256

Warehousemen, hearings, 34-230a


See, also, Remainders and Remaindermen, generally, this index

Partition of property, 60-1003


Cigarette Tax Law, 79-3323, 79-3324a

Letters and other correspondence, inmates, state security hospital, 75-5209

Motor fuel or liquid fuel carriers, 55-516



Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-417

Nonresident contractors, taxes, 79-1008 et seq.

Construction defects, actions and proceedings, 60-4701 et seq.

Discrimination, 44-1030 et seq.

Energy conservation, 75-37,125

Highway and turnpike design defects, 68-419a

Joint contractors, limitation of actions, 60-520

Licensure by cities and counties, 12-1556, 12-1557, 12-1558

General contractors, buildings contractors, residential contractors,

Certificate of competency, 12-1557

Codes, standards and regulations, 12-1558

Examinations, 12-1556, 12-1557, 12-1558

Inspections, fees, 12-1558

Mechanics' Liens, generally, this index

Mined-Land Conservation and Reclamation Act, 49-417

Nonresident contractors,

Bond, 79-1010, 79-1014

Registration of contractors, 79-1009

Oil and gas pipelines or leases, liens, 55-207 et seq.

Overhead power line accident prevention act, 66-1709 et seq.

Residential, assignment of rights, 50-6,143

Sales tax, 79-3603

Exemption certificates, 79-3606

Streets and Alleys, this index

Subcontracts and Subcontractors, generally, this index

Taxation, 79-1008 et seq.


See, also, Agreements, generally, this index

Generally, 16-101 et seq.

Actions and proceedings,

Defenses, 16-108

Joint contracts, 16-104

Nonresident contractor, 79-1013

Adverse or Pecuniary Interest, generally, this index

Airports and Landing Fields, this index

Banks and banking, 9-1112

Benefit districts, fire protection, 80-1507, 80-1508

Benevolent associations or corporations, 17-1705

Bids and Bidding, generally, this index

Breach of contract,

Bonded warehouseman, 82-168

Firearm or ammunition manufacturers, 60-4501

School buses, 8-2009

C.I.F. or C. & F., price basis, 84-2-321

Cemetery districts,

Dissolution proceedings, 17-1352

Perpetual care contracts, 17-1335g

Cemetery merchandise contracts, 16-320 et seq.

Children and Minors, this index

Cities of First Class, this index

Cities of Second Class, this index

Cities of Third Class, this index

Collateral contracts, 84-2-701

Colleges and Universities, this index

Commission salespersons, payment of commissions, 44-341 et seq.

Community colleges,

Consolidation, 71-1301 et seq.

General authority, 71-201

Off-campus instruction, Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, 71-205

Community mental health centers, 19-4010 et seq.

Community Resource Act, 74-5025

Conditional Sales, generally, this index

Conflicts of interest,

Adverse or Pecuniary Interest, generally, this index

Ethics, Local Governmental, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, this index

Consideration, generally, this index, 74-4940

Construction contracts,

Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1801 et seq.

Fairness in public construction contract act, 16-1901 et seq.

Indemnification provisions, void, 16-121

Construction defects, actions and proceedings, 60-4701 et seq.

Continuing care contracts. Insurance, this index

Continuing contract law, 72-2215 et seq.

Cooperative agreements, vocational rehabilitation, 76-12c05

Cooperative Marketing Associations, this index

Corporations, this index

Correctional Institutions, this index

Counties, this index

Course of dealing, 84-1-303

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 16-114

Decedent's estate, liability, 16-102, 16-103

Defects, notice of record, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Defenses, 16-108


Sales act, 84-2-106

Uniform Commercial Code, 84-1-201

Warranty work reimbursement, 16-120

Dental service corporations, nonprofit, 40-19a01 et seq.

Dental services, 40-2,185, 40-2,186

Deterioration of goods, "no arrival, no sale" term, 84-2-324

Discrimination, 44-1030 et seq.

Drainage Districts, this index

Drains and Drainage, this index

Employment Security Law, waiver of employee's rights, 44-718

Enforcement, use of courts not allowed, sales tax, 79-3631

Equipment or service dealer agreements,

Indemnification provisions, void, 16-121

Ethics, Local Governmental, this index

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Evidence, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Executors and administrators, decedent's estate, liability, 16-102, 16-103

Fairness in private construction contract act, 16-1801 et seq.

Contract provisions, 16-1803

Definitions, 16-1802

Enforcement action or arbitration, 16-1806

Exceptions, 16-1807

Performance and payment bonds, 16-1909

Retainage, 16-1804

Rights and duties, 16-1801

Suspension of performance, 16-1805

Fairness in public construction contract act, 16-1901 et seq.

Contract provisions, 16-1903

Definitions, 16-1902

Enforcement action or arbitration, 16-1906

Exceptions, 16-1908

Retainage, 16-1904

Rights and duties, 16-1901

Suspension of performance, 16-1905

Unenforceable damage waivers, 16-1907

Farm equipment and parts, repurchase obligation of wholesaler, manufacturer or distributor, 16-1001 et seq.

Fire Districts, this index

Fire-fighting services, rural volunteer organizations, conditions, 80-1925

Fire protection, 80-1905 et seq.

Firefighters, this index

Foreign law, 60-5104, 60-5105

Franchise agreements,

Indemnification provisions, void, 16-121

Franchises, 12-2001 et seq.

Funerals, generally, this index

Futures contract, board of trade, 2-1602

Garbage and Refuse, this index

Health care provider cooperation act, 65-4955 et seq.

Hogs, purchasing, marketing or production, 16-1501 et seq.

Homes for the aged, 19-2108

Homestead, conveyance, 60-2303

Hospital and Medical Facilities Survey and Construction Act, 65-413

Housing, municipalities, 17-2345

Housing authorities, 17-2348

Presumptions in actions involving, 17-2340

Husband and wife, married persons, 23-2602

Improvement Districts, this index

Industrial districts, 19-3808, 19-3810

Injunction, unauthorized public contracts, 60-907

Insurance, generally, this index

Insurance companies,

Investments, 40-2a12, 40-2b09

Producer controlled insurers, 40-37a04

Interest, generally, this index

Inventions, assigning employee rights in, 44-130

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Jails, this index

Joint and several liability, 16-101 et seq.

Joint liability, service of process, proceeding only against defendants served, 60-310

Judgments, interest, 16-205

Lease-purchase agreements, personalty, 50-680 et seq.

Levees and Flood Control, this index

Libraries, 12-1225, 12-1230

Liens, waiver, 58-215

Life insurance companies, separate accounts, investment and handling, 40-436 et seq.

Limitation of actions,

Part payment or acknowledgment of liability, 60-520

Unwritten expressed or implied contracts, 60-512

Written agreements, contracts or promises, 60-511

Loan brokers, 50-1007

Lost instrument, evidence, 58-2206

Lower smoky hill water supply access program, 82a-2302

Marriage contracts, validity, 23-2607

Married persons, 23-2602

Mental health services, nonprofit corporations with county, 19-4007

Metropolitan transit authority,

Insurance or indemnity contracts, 12-2813

Sales, concessions or leases, 12-2828

Minors. Children and Minors, this index

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, generally, this index

Motor carrier transportation contracts,

Indemnification provisions, void, 16-121

Motor vehicles, rental, collision damage waiver notice, exclusions, 50-657

Municipal universities, 13-13a03, 13-13a13

Municipal utilities, purchase of water, gas or electricity, 12-825j

Municipalities, this index

Musical compositions,

Performing right, 57-201 et seq.

Royalties, 57-221 et seq.

Nonresident contractors,

Bond, 79-1014

Rules and regulations, 79-1014

State contracts, 75-3740a

Notice, record, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Obligation of good faith, 84-1-304

Parks, this index

Partnerships, joint and several liability, 16-104

Pawnbrokers, loans secured by pledged goods, 16-714


Medium of payment, 16-111

Warranty repair work, reimbursement, 16-120

Physician-patient privilege, 60-427

Port authorities, 12-3412, 12-3429

Disadvantaged business enterprises, 12-3412

Poultry and Poultry Products, this index.

Prison-made goods, 75-5281

Privileges and immunities, waiver, 60-437

Probate proceedings, continuation of decedent's business, 59-1402

Professional negotiation, 72-2226

Proprietary schools. Schools and School Districts, this index

Public improvement projects, 75-6901 et seq.

Public lands, sale of improvements, 16-109, 16-110

Public Utilities, this index

Railroads, this index

Real Estate, this index

Reciprocal contract, motor vehicles, director of vehicles, 74-4302

Records, evidence, 58-2206, 58-2231, 58-2235, 58-2236

Recreational areas,

Contracts between cities and federal and state agencies, 12-2720

Exemption from reimbursement limitations, 12-2722

Recreational facilities, city and county agreements with federal agencies, 12-691

Release, joint or several liability, 16-105

Release of liability, limitations,

Disavowal of written agreements, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Restraint of trade, 16-112

Roads and Highways, this index

Rural water districts, 82a-619

Sale by state of sewer and water lines,

City of Atchison or instrumentality, 76-1722

Sales, this index

Sand and gravel, exclusive privilege, 70a-102

School buses, 8-2009

Schools and School Districts, this index

Seals, 16-106

Service of process, agents, nonresident contractors, 16-113

Service outside state, 60-308

Settlement or release of liability for injury, limitations, 60-2801

Disavowal of written agreements, 60-2801

Exceptions, 60-2802

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Sheriffs, this index

Soil conservation districts, 2-1908

Solid waste, resource recovery facility, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Specific Performance, generally, this index

State Contracts, generally, this index

State Depositories, generally, this index

Statute of Frauds, generally, this index

Student teachers, 72-2160

Subcontracts and Subcontractors, generally, this index

Supplementary, 84-1-103

Surety bonds and insurance committee. State Committee on Surety Bonds and Insurance, generally, this index

Swine, purchasing, marketing or production, 16-1501 et seq.

Teachers, this index

Telegraph companies, exclusive right contracts, 17-1904

Townships, this index

Turnpike authority, 68-2021 et seq.

Motor fuel filling stations, 68-2009

Retail establishments, 68-2009

United States, this index

University of Kansas Hospital Authority, 76-3308

Urban renewal, 17-4750

Powers of municipality, 17-4748

Validation, prior contract, 58-2206

Variation, 84-1-302

Career technical education, research in, 74-32,409

Warranty repair work,

Reimbursement for, 16-120

Water office, Kansas, 74-2609

Water plan, water resources board and federal government, 82a-932 et seq.

Water Plan Storage Act. Waters and Watercourses, this index

Water resources board, 74-2609

Water Supply, this index

Weed control, federal agencies, 2-1315


Crimes and Punishments, this index

Drugs and Medicines, this index


County controller, 19-6a02 et seq.

State, 75-3727b


Constitutional convention, Kan. Const. Art. 14, § 2

Political parties. See Elections, this index


Attachment, 60-701

Bank deposits and collections, 84-4-203

Bills of Lading, this index

Documents of title, title and rights, 84-7-502

Embezzlement, generally, this index

Grain, withholding from storage denied, 34-234

Sales, merchant buyer, rejected goods, 84-2-603, 84-2-604

Secured transactions, possession after default, 84-9-505

Warehouse lien, enforcement, 84-7-210

Warehouse Receipts, this index

Warehousemen, 34-253

Water Districts, this index


Deeds and Conveyances, generally, this index


Generally, 17-1601 et seq.

Annual report, 17-1618

Articles of incorporation, 17-1607

Existing corporations, 17-1621

Filing fees, 17-1625

Assets, disposal, 17-1636

Bank as treasurer, 17-1612

Board of trade, membership and privileges, 2-1604

Bylaws, 17-1609

Certificate of membership, 17-1613

Charters, amendment, 17-1608

Conflict of laws, 17-1626

Conspiracy, contract fixing prices, 17-1634

Contracts, 17-1616, 17-1620

Resale prices, 17-1632 et seq.

Corporation code applicable, 17-1628

Definitions, 17-1602

Depository as treasurer, 17-1612

Directors, 17-1609, 17-1611

Meetings, 17-1630

Removal from office, 17-1614

Discrimination, prices, 17-1633

Disposition of property, 17-1636

Dissolution, 17-1631

Dividends, 17-1609

Subsidiaries, 17-1616


Amendment of charter, 17-1608

Delegates, 17-1611

Disposal of property, 17-1636

Increase of capital, 17-1629

Number of votes, 17-1613

Exemptions, existing laws, 17-1626

Existing corporations, 17-1621

Fees, 17-1625

Financial interest in other associations, 17-1617a

Fines and penalties, bylaw violations, 17-1609

Franchise fee, 17-1618

General corporation code applicable, 17-1628

Good will, disposal, 17-1636

Incorporation, 17-1603

Increase of capital, 17-1629

Injunction, breach of contract, 17-1616

Joint operation, 17-1620


Bylaws, 17-1609, 17-1610

Disposal of property, 17-1636

Members, 17-1606, 17-1609

Merger or consolidation, 17-1637, 17-1638

Payment to objecting member to merger, 17-1642

Pending actions, 17-1641

Service of process, 17-1638

Surviving association,

Bonds, 17-1640

Rights, 17-1639

When effective, 17-1639

Name, limitation on use of word cooperative, 17-1627

Nonmembers, services, 17-1604

Officers, 17-1609, 17-1611, 17-1612

Election, 17-1612

Removal from office, 17-1614

Payments to members, 17-1616

Powers and duties, 17-1605

Prior associations, 17-1603

Property, disposal, 17-1636

Purposes of association, 17-1601, 17-1604


Bylaws, 17-1609

Delegates, 17-1611

Receivers, appointment, 17-1631

Referendum, 17-1615

Reports, 17-1618

Resale prices, contracts, 17-1632 et seq.

Service of process, resident agent, 17-1630

Special meetings, 17-1610

Stock and stockholders,

Bylaws, 17-1609

Existing corporations, 17-1621

Increase of capital, 17-1629

Issuance of stock, 17-1606

Limitations, 17-1613

Meetings, 17-1630

Ownership, 17-1617a

Transfer of stock, 17-1613

Subsidiaries, 17-1603


Generally, 17-1501 et seq.

Annual report, 17-1513

Articles of incorporation, 17-1506 et seq.

Bylaws, 17-1512

Commencing business, 17-1509

Corporation code applies, 17-1520

Declaration, prior associations, 17-1514


Elections, 17-1510, 17-1511

Term of office, 17-1510

Elections, 17-1510, 17-1511

Electric Cooperatives, generally, this index

Execution, articles of incorporation, 17-1507

Fee, annual report, 17-1513

Fees, filing articles, 17-1508

Filing articles of incorporation, 17-1507

Incorporation, 17-1501


Stock ownership, 17-1502, 17-1511

Use of term cooperative, 17-1627

Mutual telephone companies, dissolution, 17-1516 et seq.

Name, 17-1501, 17-1515

Officers, 17-1510

Prior associations, 17-1514

Rights, privileges and powers, 17-1503

Rules and regulations, 17-1512

Stock and stockholders,

Commencing business, 17-1509

Distribution of profits, 17-1501

Issuance of stock, 17-1502

Limitation, 17-1502, 17-1511

Telegraphs and Telephones, this index


Generally, 58-20a01 et seq.

Definitions, 58-20a06

Description of land, 58-20a02, 58-20a04

Division into zones, 58-20a01

Land description, use in, 58-20a02, 58-20a04

Limitations, 58-20a07

Plane coordinate values, 58-20a03


Abolished, 74-6301


Abolished, 74-4801


Joint tenancy created, 58-501

Rents and profits, actions, 58-2522

Repairs and improvements, contribution, 58-2521


Musical compositions,

Performing rights, 57-201 et seq.

Royalties, 57-221 et seq.


See, also, Agricultural Products, generally, this index

Grain Commodity Commissions Act, generally, this index

Liens, husking lien, 58-203 et seq.


Anatomical gift act, revised uniform, 65-3220 et seq.

Cooperation with procurement organizations, 65-3241, 65-3242

Appointment, 22a-226

Arrests, 22a-230

Audit of accounts,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Autopsy, 22a-233


Disposition of, 22a-215

Medical schools, duties, 65-902a

Compensation and salaries, 22a-226 et seq.

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Deputies and clerks, 28-223

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Counties over 300,000, 28-620

Contempt, 22a-230

Cooperation of state departments and university of Kansas, 21-2502


Permit required, 65-2426a

Records prior to, 22a-246

Unidentified human remains, 75-712g

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Counties over 300,000, 28-619

Missing and unidentified person system, failure to make reports, 75-712b

Criminal investigation records, 22a-232


Bodies, disposition of, 22a-215, 75-712g


Modification of, 65-2422c

Signing, 65-2416

Children, 22a-241 et seq.

Investigation, jurisdiction, 22a-231, 22a-232

Jurisdiction of coroner to conduct investigation, 22a-231

Multiple jurisdictions, 22a-232

Medical schools, duties, 65-902a

Notice of, 22a-231, 22a-232, 22a-241 et seq.

Suspicious, 22a-231, 22a-241 et seq.

Deputy coroners, 22a-226

Compensation, 22a-228

Special deputy coroners, 22a-226

District coroners fund, 22a-245

Embalming, permission to, 65-1707

Evidence, 22a-246

Records, 22a-235

Exhumation of bodies, 22a-233

Fee books,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316

Fees, 22a-227, 22a-230, 28-125, 28-617

Autopsy, 22a-233

Identification, unidentified human remains, 75-712g

Inquest, when held, 22a-230

Jury, 22a-230

License, exempt under healing arts act, 65-2809

Notary fees, counties over 300,000, 28-617

Notice of death, 22a-231, 22a-232

Oaths and affirmations, 22a-226

Property necessary for investigation, possession, 22a-229

Qualifications, 22a-226

Records, 22a-233, 22a-235, 22a-246

Evidence, 22a-235

Reports, 22a-232, 22a-233, 75-712b

Salary, 22a-227

Sheriff, aid, 19-813

Subpoenas, 22a-230

Summons, 22a-230

Term of office, 22a-226

Tort claims act, applicability, 75-6115

Travel allowances and expenses, 22a-228

Vacancies in office, 22a-226

Verdict, 22a-230

Warrants for arrest 22a-230

Witnesses, 22a-230

Fees, 22a-236, 28-125


Generally, 66-101 et seq., 74-601 et seq.

Accidents, notice, 66-132

Accountants, employment, 74-605, 74-614

Accounts, inspection and examination, 66-129

Administrative proceedings, 77-545

Adverse or pecuniary interest, 74-605

Appeal and review, 66-118a et seq., 66-1302

Appointment, 74-601

Assessment of expenditures, 66-1502, 66-1503

Attachment, compel attendance of witness, 66-150

Attorney general, duties, 66-106

Attorneys, 74-605

Duties, 66-155

Motor carriers, application hearing, 66-1,117

Oil and gas, investigations and hearings, 55-605, 55-706

Auditors, 74-614

Audits, 66-106, 66-129

Authority, 66-101 et seq., 74-633

Carbon dioxide reduction act, 55-1636 et seq.

Certificate of public convenience and necessity,

Deadlines for determination, 66-131

Chairperson, 74-601

Water authority, Kansas, ex officio member, 74-2622

Citizens' utility ratepayer board, 66-1222 et seq.

Commercial information, disclosure, when, 66-1220a

Common carriers, 66-1,215 et seq.

Compensation and salaries, 74-601

Employees, expenditures, assessments, 66-1503

Compressed air energy storage act, 66-1272 et seq.

Compressed air energy storage fund, 66-1279

Definitions, 66-1273

Fees, 66-1274

Inspection of premises, 66-1278

Memorandum of understanding, 66-1276

Penalties, 66-1277

Permits, 66-1274

Rules and regulations, 66-1274

Storage requirements, 66-1274

Confidential information, nondisclosure, 66-1220a, 66-1236

Conflicts of interest, 74-605

Conservation division, 74-606

Director, 74-629, 74-630

Conservation fee fund, 55-143

Contempt, witnesses, 66-150

Contracts for professional services, 66-1513

Costs, taxation, 66-150

Creation, 74-601

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Energy allocation or use curtailment priorities, violation of, 74-621

Rates and schedules, failure to file, 66-150

Dam or reservoir affecting public water supply, changes or new construction, 24-407, 24-418

Depositions, power to take, 66-150

District court, attachment to compel attendance of witness, 66-150

Division directors, 74-629, 74-630

Dual office holding, 74-605

Economists, 74-614

Electric cooperatives, jurisdiction, 17-4630, 17-4631, 66-104b, 66-104d

Electric Generation Facilities, generally, this index

Electric public utilities, 66-101 et seq.

Electric Transmission Lines, generally, this index

Electric utilities,

Economic development rate schedules, procedure, 66-101j

Rates and charges,

Contract rates, requirements, 66-101i

Employees, 74-631

Energy conservation,

Energy conservation measures, 75-37,125

Facilities improvements program, develop participation, 75-37,129

Federal programs, 74-616

Improvement projects, cost of approval, 75-37,114

Renewable energy standards act, 66-1256 et seq.

State plan, 74-616

Energy efficiency standards, 66-1227, 66-1228

Energy grants management fund, 74-617

Energy resources emergencies,

Management plan, 74-616

Priorities for energy use, 74-620

Proclamation, 74-619

Unlawful acts, 74-621

Engineers, 74-614

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Examiners, appointment, 66-1511

Executive director, 74-629, 74-630

Expenditures, assessments, 66-1503

Expenses and expenditures, determination, when, 66-1503

Experts, employment, 74-605, 74-614


Collection, 66-1a01

Computation of expenditures, 66-1503

Oil and gas wells, credited to geological survey fund, 76-326b

Public utilities engaged in gas pipelines, inspection and supervision, 66-1,153 et seq.

Sheriff, execution of process, 66-150

Witnesses, 66-150

Forfeiture of office, 74-605

Franchise Law, jurisdiction, 12-2002

Gas pipeline safety, 66-1,157a et seq.

Gas safety and reliability policy act, 66-2201 et seq.

General counsel, 74-629, 74-630

Governmental operations accountability law, application, 74-601

GSRS rate schedule, 66-2204

Hazardous materials, transportation, 65-3431


Facility cost determination, initiation of proceedings, 66-128d

Procedure, 77-545

Referees to conduct, appointment of, 66-1511

Holding companies, 66-1401 et seq.

Interagency coordinator, conservation division, 74-606

Interstate Commerce Commission, generally, this index

Investigations, 66-106 et seq., 66-1501 et seq.

Appointment of referees, 66-1511

Electric public utilities, 66-101d

Interstate rates, 66-143

Public utilities, 66-128 et seq.

Safety, 66-143

Service, 66-143

Irrigation corporations, rates and charges, 17-628, 42-355, 42-356

Jurisdiction, 66-101 et seq.

Electric cooperatives, 17-4630, 66-104b, 66-104d

Municipal water utilities, 66-104e

Natural gas cooperative public utilities, 66-104g

Natural gas utilities, 66-104e

Nonprofit utilities, 66-104c

Oil and gas activities, exclusive, 74-623

Radio common carrier, 66-1,143 et seq.

Telecommunications utilities, 66-104a

K-GOAL, application, 74-601

KAN-ED act. State Board of Regents, this index

Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1801 et seq.

Levees and flood control, 12-636 et seq.

Members, 74-601

Meters, accuracy, 66-119

Miscellaneous public utility, 66-1,230 et seq.

Motor carriers, 66-1,105 et seq. See, also, Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Certificate of convenience and necessity, 66-1,114

Fitness ratings, investigation, 66-1,142a

License fees fund, creation, 66-1a01

Disposition of moneys, 66-1a01

Motor vehicle reciprocity contracts, 74-4302

Municipal energy agencies,

Filing of records, 12-888, 12-890

Jurisdiction, 12-8,111

Municipal franchises and ordinances, 66-133

Municipally owned utilities, 10-1203, 66-104f

Annual report, 66-104f

Approval of certain rates and charges, 12-808a

Facilities beyond limits, location filed, 12-808b

Jurisdiction, 66-104f

Rates and charges, 66-104f

Schedule filed, 12-808b

Technical service and advice, 12-825

National Energy Conservation Policy Act, jurisdiction to implement, 66-1,186

Natural Gas Policy Act, jurisdiction to implement, 66-1,185

Natural Gas Price Protection Act, 55-1401 et seq.

Natural gas public utility, 66-104f, 66-1,200 et seq.

Nepotism, 74-605

Net metering and easy connection act, 66-1263 et seq.

Contracts, 66-1269

Definitions, 66-1264

Facility standards, 66-1268

Generation of electricity,

Limit on, 66-1267

Payment for excess, 66-1266

Liability of utility, limitation on, 66-1268

Net metering, availability, 66-1265

Rules and regulations, 66-1269


Compliance with renewable energy standards act, 66-1271

Recovery of utility costs, 66-1270

Required acts, 66-1265

Nonprofit public utilities, not subject to commission, 66-104c

Nuclear power generating facility, 66-128 et seq.

Criminal trespass on nuclear generating facility, 66-2303

Nuclear generating facility security guard act, 66-2301 et seq.

Predetermination of rate-making principles, 66-128q

Recovery of prudent expenditures, procedures, 66-128q

Oaths and affirmations,

Administration, examiners and referees appointed by, 66-1511

Members, 74-605, 74-605a

Power to administer, 66-150

Officers and employees,

Investigations and hearings, 66-1511

Offices, 74-606

Oil and Gas, generally, this index

Oil and gas,

Rules and regulations, 55-152

Hydraulic fracturing, 55-152

Oil and Gas Pipelines, generally, this index


Appointment of examiners or referees, 66-1511

Common carriers, 66-1,220, 66-1,221

Copies, 66-151

Effective date, 66-115, 66-117, 66-118l

Electric public utilities, 66-101f

Miscellaneous public utilities, 66-1,235, 66-1,236

Natural gas public utility, 66-1,204, 66-1,205, 66-1,206

Oil and gas, continued in effect, transferred jurisdiction, 74-623

Review, 66-118a et seq.

Telecommunications public utilities, 66-1,191, 66-1,193

Organization of office, 74-629

Parallel generation services, 66-1,184

Interconnection agreements, 66-1238

Perjury, commission proceedings, 66-175

Petroleum engineer, conservation division, 74-606

Political parties, 74-601

Powers, 66-101 et seq.

Bank commissioner and charter board, transfer from, 74-601b

Energy resources, conservation, 74-616, 74-622

Motor carriers, 66-1,108a, 66-1,108b, 66-1,108c

Oil and gas activities, 74-623

Public service commission, transfer from, 74-601c, 74-602

Public utilities, 66-101h

Process, power to issue, 66-150

Professional services, contracts, 66-1513

Property, valuation, 66-128 et seq.

Public affairs and consumer protection, director, 74-629, 74-630

Public service regulation fund, 66-1a01

Public Utilities, generally, this index

Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act, jurisdiction to implement, 66-1,185

Qualifications of members, 74-605

Radio common carriers, interconnection system with telephone, approval, 66-1,145

Railroads, generally, this index

Rate analysts, 74-614

Rate hearings, secretary of administration, intervention in, 66-117a

Rate study, electric public utilities, 66-1287

Rate-review agency, central interstate low-level radioactive waste compact, 65-34a04

Rates and Charges, generally, this index

Rates of return on investments in projects utilizing renewable resources, 66-117

Reconsideration, 66-1511

Records, 74-607

Confidentiality, 66-1220a, 66-1236

Hearing or investigation by referee and examiners, 66-1511

Referees, appointment, 66-1511

Regional transmission organization,

Commission representative authority, 74-633

Relatives, employment, 74-605

Renewable energy electric generation cooperative act, 17-4675

Renewable energy standards act, 66-1256 et seq.

Definitions, 66-1257

Recovery of costs of compliance, 66-1259


Electric generating facility costs, 66-128f

Examiners and referees, appointed, 66-1511

Legislature, changes in public utility rates and charges, 66-117b

Retail electric rates,

Income tax changes, 66-1,239

Retail Electric Suppliers, generally, this index

Review. Appeal and review, ante

Rules and regulations, 66-106 et seq., 66-1a01

Assessments for expenses of investigations and appraisals, 66-1509

Carbon dioxide reduction act, 55-1637

Compressed air energy storage act, 66-1274

Copies, 66-151

Energy resources, allocation, use curtailment, 74-616, 74-620

Hazardous material transportation, 65-3431

Inspection of vehicles, 66-1313a

Kansas underground utility damage prevention act, 66-1815

Natural gas pipeline safety, conformance, 66-1,150

Net metering and easy connection act, 66-1269

Oil and gas regulation, from department of health and environment, 74-623 et seq.

Oil spills, notice, 55-186

Rates, charges, 66-115, 66-1,129

Regulating public and private motor carriers, enforcement by highway patrol, 74-2108

Rural gas service providers, 66-1,150

Trenchless excavation, 66-1809

Rural Kansas self-help gas act, 66-2101 et seq.

Seal, 74-607

Secretary, 74-605

Securities, generally, this index

Standard commercial units of products, 66-119

Study, electric public utilities retail rates, 66-1287

Subpoenas, power to issue, 66-150

Telecommunications public utilities, 66-1,187 et seq.

Telecommunications utilities, jurisdiction, 66-104a

Terms of office, 74-601

Trade secrets, disclosure prohibited, when, 66-1220a

Transit system, approval of extensions outside city, 13-3110

Transportation division, director, 74-615, 74-629, 74-630

Travel expenses, witnesses, 66-150

Underground utilities, damage prevention, 66-1801 et seq.

Utilities division,

Director, 74-629, 74-630

Professional employees, 74-614

Vacancies in office, 74-601

Valuation of property, 66-128 et seq.

Video competition, regulation of, 12-2023, 12-2026

VoIP services, regulation of, 66-2017

Water supply, plans and specifications, 12-2707

Witnesses, 66-150

False swearing, 66-175


Abolishment of, 38-1816

Transfers to the Kansas department for children and families,

Appropriations, 38-1822

Conflicts, resolution by governor, 38-1820

Legal proceedings, 38-1821

Officers and employees, 38-1819

Orders, directives, 38-1817

Property, 38-1817, 38-1820

Records, 38-1821

References in contracts, statutes, 38-1817

Title, real estate, 38-1817

Transfers to the judicial administrator of the courts,

Appropriations, 38-1822

Conflicts, resolution by governor, 38-1820

Legal proceedings, 38-1821

Officers and employees, 38-1819

Orders, directives, 38-1818

Property, 38-1818, 38-1820

Records, 38-1821

References in contracts, statutes, 38-1818

Title, real estate, 38-1818


Abstracters, 58-2801 et seq.

Abuse of power, quo warranto, 60-1202

Account books. Books of corporation, post


Certified public accountants, reports, reliance upon by director, 17-6301, 17-6422

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Actions and proceedings,

Abatement, death of receiver or trustee, 17-6909

Attorney fees, distribution of corporate assets, 17-6908

Class actions, derivative actions by stockholders, 60-223a

Code provisions, jurisdiction, 17-6011

Corporate instruments, jurisdiction, 17-6011

Defective corporate acts, validation, 17-6429

Defective organization as defense, 17-7104


Recovery of corporate debts paid, 17-7102

Ultra vires corporate act, 17-6104

Without meeting, consent, 17-6301

Employees, indemnification, 17-6305

Foreign corporations, post

Forfeiture of articles or authority to do business, 17-6812, 17-6813

Garnishment, situs of stock, 17-6419

Insolvent corporations, appointment and powers of receivers, 17-6901

Internal corporate claims, jurisdiction, 17-6015

Limitations, liability for stock not paid in full, 17-6412

Merger or consolidation, 17-6711, 17-6712

Nonuse of corporate powers, privileges or franchises, 17-6812

Officers, post

Pending, effect of code, 17-7403

Quo warranto proceedings, 17-6812, 17-6813

Receivers or trustees, post

Revocation of articles, 17-6812, 17-6813

Stockholders, post

Taken without meeting, notice or vote, 17-6518

Certification of consent, 17-6518

Ultra vires corporate act, effect, 17-6104

Usury, unavailable as defense, 17-7105

Want of legal organization as defense, 17-7104

Address. Registered office, post


Actions against, indemnification, 17-6305

Appointment and compensation, 17-6102

Corporate, 17-6302

Insuring, liability, 17-6305

Resident agent, post


Merger or consolidation,

Construed as part of articles, 17-6004

Corporate instruments or documents, post

Voting trusts, 17-6508

Agricultural Corporations, generally, this index

Airports and landing fields, lease or assignment,

Joint ownership and operation by cities and counties, 3-122

Municipal airports, 3-116

Animals, shipment into state, special permit, 47-607a

Annual report fees. Report fees, post

Annual reports. Reports, post


Close corporations, post

Reports, reliance upon by directors, 17-6301, 17-6422

Stock, value,

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Merger or consolidation, dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Architects, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Articles of incorporation, 17-6002

Acknowledgment, restated articles, 17-6605

Actions taken without meeting, notice or vote, when, 17-6518

Amendments, 17-6602, 17-6605

Agreement of merger or consolidation,

Construed as part of articles, 17-6004

Corporate instruments or documents, post

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Before receipt of payment for stock, 17-6601

Compromise or arrangement with stockholders or creditors, 17-6912

Construed as part of articles, 17-6004

Directors, change in numbers, 17-6301

Effect, liability of corporation, officers, directors or stockholders, 17-7103

Election to become close corporation, 17-7204

Restated articles, 17-6605

Bonds, debentures or obligations, rights of holders, 17-6511

Bylaws, conferral of power on directors, 17-6009

Certificate of extension, restoration, renewal or revival, 17-7001

Certification, evidentiary effect, 17-6005

Close corporations, post

Compromise or arrangement with creditors or stockholders, 17-6912

Defined, 17-6004, 17-7501

Directors, 17-6301

Election, procedure, 17-6501

Number, increase, new directorship, 17-6513

Resignation, filling vacancies, 17-6513

Vacancies, 17-6513

Dissolution, rights of preferred or special stockholders, 17-6401

Dividends, 17-6401, 17-6420

Effective date, restated articles, 17-6605

Execution, restated articles, 17-6605

Extension, 17-7002, 17-7003

Filing, 17-6001, 17-7908, 17-7910

Commencement of corporate existence, 17-6006

Effective date, 17-7911

Execution of filing, 17-7908

Failure or refusal, 17-7917

Restated articles, 17-6605

Telefacsimile, communication, 17-7914


Annual report, failure to file, 17-7510

Annual report fees, failure to pay, 17-7510

Effect, 17-6812, 17-6813

Failure to hold stockholders' meeting, 17-6501

Incorporators, duties, 17-6003, 17-7908, 17-7910

Liquidation, preferred or special stock, 17-6401


Stockholders, 17-6501

Waiver of notice, 17-6519

Merger or consolidation, post

Merger or pledge of assets, 17-6802

Nonstock corporations,

Amendment, 17-6601, 17-6602

Voting rights, proxies, 17-6505

Officers, multiple offices, 17-6302

Powers, 17-6101

Public benefit corporations, post

Recording, restated articles, 17-6605

Registered agent, 17-7925

Registered office, 17-7924

Reinstatement, 17-7002

Renewal, 17-7002, 17-7003

Restated articles, 17-6605

Evidentiary effect of certified copy, 17-6005


Effect, 17-6812, 17-6813


Restriction on transfer, 17-6426

Rights of holders, 17-6511


Authorized, additional shares, 17-6411

Consideration for issuance, determination of value, 17-6403

Dividends, 17-6401, 17-6420

Redemption, repurchase or retirement, 17-6401

Rights and restrictions, 17-6401

Rights or options to purchase, 17-6407

Transfer, restrictions, 17-6426

Treasury shares, disposition, consideration, 17-6403

Voting and voting rights, 17-6502

Alteration by amendment, vote required, 17-6602

Quorum, 17-6506

Assessments. Stock, post


Acquisition, 17-6102

Capital, determination of amount, 17-6404

Disposition, 17-6102, 17-6801


Dissolved corporations, 17-6807, 17-6810

Powers of district court, 17-6908

Dividends, declaration and payment, 17-6401

Employee's lien for wages, 17-6910

Foreign corporation, application to do business, 17-7931

Insolvent corporations,

Appointment and powers of receivers, 17-6901

Discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Inventory, receiver or trustee, 17-6904

Liens, wages of employees, 17-6910

Merger or consolidation, 17-6709

Mortgage of, 17-6102, 17-6802

Net assets, 17-6404

Transfer of portion to capital account, 17-6404

Pledge of, 17-6802

Redelivery, discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Sale, lease or exchange, 17-6102, 17-6801

Effect, liability of corporation, officers, directors or stockholders, 17-7103

Surplus, defined, 17-6404

Transfer, bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Wasting assets corporations, dividends, 17-6420


Airports, 3-116, 3-122

Mortgages, 58-2318

Assistant secretary. Officers, post

Attachment, situs of stock ownership, 17-6419

Attorney-client privilege, 60-426

Attorney general,

Duties, forfeiture of articles or authority to do business, notice, 17-7510

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Filing judgment or decree, 17-6813

Ultra vires corporate act, 17-6104

Attorneys, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Bank holding companies, 9-519 et seq.

Bank service corporations. Banks and Banking, this index

Banking power, 17-6106


Domestic corporations, 17-6106

Foreign corporations, 17-7305

Benevolent associations or corporations, 17-1701 et seq.

Board of directors. Directors, post

Bonded warehouseman, information on license application, 82-163

Bonds, debentures or obligations,

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Corporate power, 17-6102, 17-6103

Merger or consolidation, 17-6710

Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq.

Investments, insurance companies, 40-2a05, 40-2b05

Rights of holders, 17-6511

Securities, post

Stock, post

Usury, unavailable as defense, 17-7105

Bonds, fidelity or surety,

Officers, 17-6302

Stockholders, lost, stolen or destroyed stock certificates, 17-6417, 17-6418

Books of corporation,

Evidence, admissibility, 17-6514

Form of books and records, 17-6514

Inspection, 17-6510

Holders of bonds, debentures and obligations, 17-6511

Reliance upon by directors, 17-6301, 17-6422

Stock ledger, post

Stockholders' list, inspection, 17-6509, 17-6510

Bridges and dams, construction, 68-1501 et seq.

Business combinations with interested stockholders, 17-6427

Business of corporation, 17-6001

Abandonment, appointment of custodian or receiver, 17-6516

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7505

Articles of incorporation, 17-6002

Amendment, 17-6602

Bylaws, 17-6009

Close corporations, post

Continuation by custodian, 17-6516

Corporate powers, change, 17-6602

Deadlock, appointment of custodian or receiver, 17-6516

Defective corporate acts, ratification or validation, 17-6428, 17-6429

Foreign corporation,

Registration, 17-7931

Insolvency, appointment and powers of receivers, 17-6901

Management, 17-6301

Prior to first annual meeting, 17-6007

Ultra vires corporate act, effect, 17-6104

Winding up,

Continuation of corporation after dissolution, 17-6807

Notice to claimants, filing of claims, 17-6808a

Trustees or receivers, 17-6808

Business Trusts, generally, this index


Adoption, 17-6007, 17-6008, 17-6009

Corporate powers, 17-6102

Agents of corporation, 17-6302

Indemnification, 17-6305

Amendments, 17-6009

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Articles of incorporation, contents, 17-6002

Contents, 17-6009

Directors, 17-6301

Indemnification, 17-6305

Number, increase, new directorship, 17-6513

Vacancies, 17-6513

Emergency bylaws, 17-6010

Employees, indemnification, 17-6305

Inspection, 17-6510


Stockholders, 17-6501

Waiver of notice, 17-6519

Nonstock corporation,

Adoption, amendment and repeal, 17-6009

Governing body, election, 17-6505

Electronic transmission of ballots, 17-6505

Officers, 17-6302

Indemnification, 17-6305

Repeal, 17-6009

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Securities, restrictions on transfer, 17-6426

Stock, restrictions on transfer, 17-6426


Meetings, adjournment, 17-6512

Power to make, alter or repeal, 17-6009

Quorum, 17-6506

Canal corporations, 42-120


Amendment of articles, change in issued stock, 17-6602

Capital account, 17-6404

Determination of amount, 17-6404

Dividends, declaration and payment, 17-6420

Foreign corporation, application to do business, 17-7931


Declaration and payment of dividends, 17-6420

Purchase of corporation's own stock, 17-6410

Inadequate capitalization, liability of stockholders, 17-7101

Increase, 17-6404

Reduction, 17-6604

Treasury stock, 17-6410

Shareholder's equity, franchise taxes, 17-7501

Special purpose reserves, 17-6421

Surplus, post

Capital stock. Stock, post

Cemetery corporations. Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, generally, this index

Centers of excellence, generally, 74-8103 et seq.

Certificate of good standing,

Nonissuance, when, 17-7510

Certificates. Corporate instruments or documents, post

Certified public accountants, reports, reliance upon by directors, 17-6301, 17-6422

Charitable organizations. Charities, generally, this index


Construed as part of articles, 17-6004


Unlawful insurance charges on mortgages, 58-2268

Violation of monopoly and restraint of trade act, 50-103

Secretary of state, custody, 75-410

Chiropractors, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Claims. Creditors, post

Clinical marriage and family therapist, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Clinical professional counselor, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Clinical psychotherapist, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Close corporations, 17-7201 et seq., 17-7216


Prevention of loss of status, 17-7208

Transfer of securities, unauthorized restrictions, 17-7209

Articles of incorporation,


Dissolution, option of stockholders, 17-7215

Termination of status, 17-7205, 17-7206

Contents, 17-7202

Heading, 17-7203

Management of corporation, 17-7211

Operating as partnership, 17-7214


Management of corporation, 17-7211, 17-7214

Right to dissolution, 17-7212, 17-7215

Breach of necessary conditions and restrictions, loss of status, 17-7208

Business of corporation,

Management by stockholders, 17-7211

Operating as partnerships, 17-7214

Restriction of directors' powers, 17-7210

Bylaws, operating corporation as partnership, 17-7214

Certificate of correction preventing loss of status, 17-7208

Continuation, limitations, 17-7205

Corporate existence, duration, 17-7205

Custodian, 17-7212

Defined, 17-7202


Liability, management of corporation,

Restrictions by stockholders, 17-7211

Stockholders' agreement, 17-7210

Provisional director, 17-7212, 17-7213

Restriction of powers, 17-7210


Appointment of receiver, 17-7212

Option of stockholders, 17-7215

Election of existing corporation, 17-7204

Formation, 17-7203, 17-7204

Injunctions, invalid transfer of stock, 17-7208

Insolvency, appointment of receivers, 17-7212


Provisions in articles, 17-7211, 17-7214

Stockholders' agreement, 17-7210

Operating as partnership, 17-7214

Meetings, stockholders, election of directors, 17-7211

Name, 17-7203

Partnership, management of corporation by stockholders, 17-7214

Provisional director, 17-7212, 17-7213

Receivers or trustees, 17-7212

Securities, unauthorized restrictions on transfer, option, 17-7209


Involuntary termination, 17-7208

Limitations on continuation, 17-7205

Restoration, 17-7208

Voluntary termination, 17-7206


Appraisal, invalid restrictions on transfer, 17-7209

Certificate of stock,

Dissolution at option of stockholders, notation, 17-7215

Notation of qualification, restrictions, conditions, 17-7207

Public offering prohibited, 17-7202


Breach of restrictions, 17-7207, 17-7208

Invalid, 17-7207, 17-7208

Restrictions, 17-7202, 17-7209

Voting and voting rights, termination of status, amendment of articles, 17-7206



Management of corporation, 17-7210

Operating as partnership, 17-7214

Deadlock, 17-7212, 17-7213

Dissolution, 17-7215

Eligibility, presumption of notice, 17-7207

Jointly owned stock, 17-7202

Liability, 17-7210, 17-7211

Management of corporation, 17-7211

Operating as partnership, 17-7214

Number, 17-7202

Jointly owned stock, 17-7202

Qualifications, 17-7202

Termination of status,

Invalid transfer of stock, 17-7208

Voluntary, 17-7206

Code, 17-6001 et seq., 17-7404

Foreign corporations, 17-7302

Nonstock corporations, 17-6014

Public benefit corporations, 17-72a01 et seq.

Rights, duties and liabilities under prior laws, 17-7403

Commencing business, 17-6006

Dissolution prior to, 17-6803

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001

Stock subscriptions, 17-6415, 17-6416

Committees, directors, 17-6301

Compensation of officers and agents, 17-6102

Consolidation. Merger or consolidation, post

Contracts, 17-6102

Seals, 16-106

Transactions with officers or directors, 17-6304

Validation, 58-2206

Unqualified foreign corporation, 17-7307

Control, share acquisitions, 17-1286 et seq.

Conveyances. Deeds and conveyances, post

Cooperative corporations,

Corporation code applies, 17-1520

Cooperative marketing associations, corporation code applicable, 17-1628

Cooperatives, generally, this index

Corporate existence, 17-6006

Commencement of business, 17-6006

Dissolution, continuation of corporation for limited purposes, 17-6807


Close corporations, 17-7205

Foreign corporation, 17-7931

Status of corporation, 17-7003

Merger or consolidation, 17-6709

Proof, 17-6005

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001

Corporate instruments or documents, 17-6003, 17-7908

Agreement of merger or consolidation,

Domestic and foreign corporations, 17-6702, 17-6708

Domestic and foreign nonstock corporations, 17-6706

Domestic corporations, 17-6701

Domestic nonstock corporations, 17-6705

Domestic stock and nonstock corporations, 17-6707

Articles of incorporation, ante

Business entity standard treatment act, 17-7901 et seq.


Amendment of articles, 17-6601

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Change of address of registered office, 17-7927

Change of resident agent, 17-7927

Change of resident agent, filing fee, 17-7506

Consent, actions taken without meeting, notice or vote, 17-6518

Dissolution, 17-6803, 17-6804

Good standing, foreign corporations, 17-7931

Integration, restated articles of incorporation, 17-6605

Merger or consolidation, foreign corporations, 17-7302

Ownership and merger, parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Photographic or microphotographic copies, 58-2224

Registeration of foreign corporation,

Correction to, 17-7935

Resignation of resident agent, appointment of successor, 17-7928

Revocation of dissolution, 17-7001

Stock, rights, restrictions, preferences, 17-6401

Withdrawal by foreign corporation, 17-7936

Certified copies,

Evidentiary effect, 17-6005, 17-7938

Photographic or microphotographic copies, 58-2224

Change of address of registered office, 17-7926

Change of resident agent, 17-7926

Electronically recorded, 17-6003, 17-7910

Fees, filing or issuing, 17-7506

Filings with secretary of state, 17-7903, 17-7910

Attorneys-in-fact and power of attorney, 17-7916

Correction, certificate of, 17-7912

Effective date, 17-7911

Failure or refusal to execute, 17-7917

Jurisdiction to interpret, apply, enforce, 17-6011

Oath and affirmation, 17-6003, 17-7909

Photographic or microphotographic copies, 58-2224


Certification of revocation of dissolution, 17-7001

Photographic or microphotographic copies, 58-2224

Registration as foreign corporation, 17-7931

Corporate powers. Powers, post

Corporate seal. Seal, post

Corporation for Change, this index

Courts. District court, powers and jurisdictions, post

Credit Unions, generally, this index



Adjudication, appeal, 17-6906

Priority, employee's lien for wages, 17-6910

Proof, 17-6905

Compromise or arrangement and reorganization of corporation, 17-6912

Debts, post

Directors' liability, 17-7101

Unlawful stock dividend, purchase or redemption, 17-6424

Distribution of assets, 17-6908

Dissolved corporations, 17-6810

Insolvent corporations,

Application for appointment of receivers, 17-6901

Employee's lien for wages, 17-6910

Merger and consolidation, rights of creditors, 17-6709


Disputed validity of claims, 17-6906

Time for filing proof of claims, 17-6905

Officers' liability, 17-7101

Receivers or trustees,

Appointment, notice, 17-6903

Disputed claims, 17-6906

Distribution of assets, 17-6908

Proof of claims, 17-6905

Rights and remedies, 17-6905, 17-6906, 17-7101, 17-7103

Collection of balance due on partly paid shares of stock, 17-6412

Effect of corporate transactions, 17-7103

Crimes, punishments and penalties. Fines and penalties, post

Criminal Procedure, this index

Criminal responsibility, 21-5211


Close corporations, 17-7212

Deadlocked corporation, 17-6516

Dairy production facilities, authorization, 17-5907

Dams, permit to construct or change, 82a-301


Accounting, 17-6904


Against officers, directors or stockholders, 17-7101

Recovery of corporate debts paid, 17-7102

Compromise or arrangement with creditors or stockholders, 17-6912

Foreign corporation, application to do business, 17-7931

Insolvent corporations, receivers, 17-6901

Liability of officers, directors of stockholders, 17-7101

Merger or consolidation, 17-6709

Power to incur, 17-6102

Priority, employee's lien for wages, 17-6910

Stockholders' liability, 17-6002

Partly paid shares of stock, 17-6412

Deeds and conveyances, 17-6003

Return to owner, 58-2256

Validation, 58-2206

Definitions, 17-6303

Cemetery corporation, 17-1312f

Uniform Act for Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers, 17-4903

Dentists, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1425

Derivative actions by shareholders, 60-223a

Development Credit Corporations, generally, this index


Action without meeting, 17-6301


Defective corporate acts, ratification or validation, 17-6428, 17-6429

Limitation of actions, 60-513

Recovery of corporate debts paid, 17-7102

Ultra vires corporate act, 17-6104

Actions against,

Corporate debts, 17-7101

Indemnification, 17-6305

Unlawful stock dividend, purchase or redemption, 17-6424

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505

Appointment, bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Articles of incorporation,

Amendment, 17-6602

Extension, renewal or reinstatement, 17-7002

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Books of corporation, reliance upon,

Declaration and payment of dividends, 17-6422

Stock redemption, 17-6422

Bylaws, 17-6009, 17-6010


Decrease, treasury stock, 17-6410

Increase, 17-6404

Classes, bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Common directors, 17-6304

Contracts with corporation, 17-6304

Contribution, right of, 17-6424

Credit Unions, this index

Deadlock, 17-6516

Death, filling vacancy, 17-6513

Dissolution, post

District court, powers and jurisdiction,

Election, appointment, removal or resignation of officers or directors, 17-6515

Vacancies and newly created directorships, 17-6513

Dividends, Stock, post

Election, 17-6008, 17-6301, 17-6501

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504

Cumulative voting, 17-6504

Failure to elect, 17-6516

Failure to show stockholders' list, 17-6509

Incorporators' first meeting, 17-6008

Newly created directorships, 17-6513

Powers of district court, 17-6501, 17-6513, 17-6515, 17-6516, 17-6517

Prior to first annual meeting, 17-6007

Proxy expense reimbursement, 17-6013

Proxy solicitaion materials, 17-6012

Validity, contest, 17-6515

Voting of treasury stock, 17-6410

Financial interest in corporate transactions, 17-6304

Foreign corporations,

Registration as foreign corporation, 17-7931

Indemnification, 17-6305

Interested directors, corporate transactions, 17-6304


Contempt of court, elections, 17-6517

Contribution, right of, unlawful stock dividend, purchase of redemption, 17-6424

Corporate debts, 17-7101

Effect of corporate transactions, 17-7103

Employment security contributions, 44-717

Insurance, 17-6305

Limiting, 17-6002

Reliance upon books and records of corporation, 17-6301, 17-6422

Unlawful stock dividend, purchase or redemption, 17-6424

Loans from corporation, 17-6303

Meetings, post

Merger or consolidation, approval,

Domestic and foreign corporations as constituents, 17-6702

Domestic corporations as constituents, 17-6701

Domestic nonstock corporation as constituent, 17-6707

Foreign corporation as constituent, 17-6708

Merger of parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Nonprofit or nonstock, post

Number, 17-6301, 17-6513

Powers, 17-6101, 17-6301

Articles of incorporation, amendments, 17-6601

Bylaws, adoption, 17-6009

Calling special stockholders' meetings, 17-6501

Defective corporate acts, ratification, 17-6428

Establishing record date, stockholders' meetings, 17-6503

Qualifications, 17-6002, 17-6301

Quorum, 17-6301

Record date, establishment, 17-6503

Records of corporation, reliance upon,

Declaration and payment of dividends, 17-6422

Stock redemption, 17-6422

Reserve funds, 17-6421

Resignation, 17-6301, 17-6513


Amendment of articles, 17-6602

Dissolution, 17-6804

Increase in capital, 17-6404

Merger or consolidation, 17-6701 et seq.

Registered office, change of location, 17-7926

Resident agent, change of, 17-7926

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001

Sale, lease or exchange of corporate assets, 17-6801

Stock, increase or decrease, 17-6401

Restated articles of incorporation, adoption, 17-6605

Sale, lease or exchange of corporate assets, 17-6801

Service of process, contested election, 17-6515

Stock, post

Subrogation, right of, 17-6424

Term of office, 17-6301, 17-6513

Transactions with corporation, 17-6304

Vacancies, how filled, 17-6513

Voting, 17-6301

Dissolution, 17-6803, 17-6804, 17-6805

Actions, 17-6807

Pending, effect on, 17-6811

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Certificate of dissolution, 17-6803, 17-6804

Close corporations, 17-7212, 17-7215

Corporate power, 17-6102

Credit Unions, this index


Distribution of assets, 17-6810

Deadlock, two equal stockholders, 17-6804

Directors, 17-6803, 17-6804

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001

Unlawful stock dividend, purchase or redemption, 17-6424

Distribution of assets, 17-6810

District court, powers and jurisdiction, post

Effective date, 17-6804

Expenses, allowances and costs, 17-6810

Fees, payment as condition precedent, 17-6806

Forfeiture of articles, 17-6812, 17-6813

Liability, stockholders, 17-6811

Nonstock corporations, disposition of assets,17-6805

Notice to claimants, filing of claims, 17-6808a

Officers, failure to elect, 17-6302

Powers of dissolved corporations, 17-6807

Prior to issuing shares or commencing business, 17-6803

Revocation of articles, 17-6812, 17-6813

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001


Rights of stockholders, 17-6401

Surrender and cancellation, 17-6803


Approval, 17-6804

Consent in lieu of meeting, 17-6804

Deadlock, two equally divided interests, 17-6804

Distribution of assets, 17-6810

Liability, 17-6811

Trustees or receivers, 17-6812, 17-6901 et seq.

Appointment and powers, 17-6808, 17-6809

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Distribution of assets, 17-6810

Winding up affairs, 17-6807

District court, powers and jurisdiction,

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Clerk, duties, receivers or trustees, 17-6905 et seq.

Close corporations,

Custodians, appointment, 17-7212

Loss of status, 17-7208

Provisional director, appointment, 17-7212, 17-7213

Stock, invalid restrictions on transfer, 17-7209

Code provisions, jurisdiction, 17-6011

Contempt powers, elections, 17-6517

Corporate instruments, jurisdiction, 17-6011


Appraisal of dissenting stockholders' shares, 17-6712


Appointment of receiver or trustee,

Application for, insolvency, 17-6901

Notice, 17-6903

Claims, 17-6905, 17-6906

Compromise or arrangement, reorganization, 17-6912

Custodian, appointment, 17-6516

Close corporation, 17-7212

Deadlocked corporation, 17-6516

Defective corporate acts, validation, 17-6429


Appointment of trustees or receivers, 17-6808, 17-6809

Continuation of corporate status, 17-6807

Deadlock, corporation with only two equal stockholders, 17-6804

Judgment or decree, filing, 17-6813

Voluntary, revocation, 17-7001


Appointment of master, 17-6517

Contempt, 17-6517

Contest of validity, 17-6515

Directors, 17-6501, 17-6517

Failure to elect, 17-6516

Governing body, nonstock corporation, 17-6505, 17-6517

Foreign corporations, 17-7305

Filing decree or judgment, 17-6813

Indemnification, 17-6305


Appointment of receivers, 17-6901

Discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Internal corporate claims, 17-6015

Merger or consolidation, appraisal of stock, dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Order to hold annual meeting, 17-6501

Order to sell perishable property, proceeds, 17-6907

Receivers or trustees,

Appointment, 17-6902

Forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Compensation, costs and expenses, 17-6908

Compromise or arrangement with creditors or stockholders, 17-6912

Discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Notice, filing of creditors' claims, 17-6906

Reports, inventory, 17-6904

Taxation of costs, 17-6908


Appointment of receivers or trustees,

Application for, insolvency, 17-6901

Notice, 17-6903

Compromise or arrangement, reorganization, 17-6912

Dividends. Stock, post

Documents. Corporate instruments or documents, ante

Doing business, defined, foreign corporations, 17-7932

Domestic corporation, defined, 17-7501

Donations, corporate powers, 17-6102

Drains and drainage, special assessments, townships, 24-215

Educational organizations. Education, this index


Contributions, campaign finance act, 25-1709, 25-1710

Directors, ante

Officers, post

Electric Cooperatives, generally, this index

Electronic filings, rules and regulations, 75-443

Documents, 17-7910

Eminent domain, 17-618


Actions against, indemnification, 17-6305

Agents, ante

Defined, officers not included, 17-6910

Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 17-4903 et seq.

Indemnification, 17-6305

Insurance, liability, 17-6305

Lien for wages, 17-6910

Loans from corporation, 17-6303

Officers, post

Engineers, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Equipment Companies, generally, this index


Affidavit, notice of stockholders' meeting, 17-6512

Books of corporation, admissibility, 17-6514

Corporate instruments or documents, 17-6005

Records, admissibility, 17-6514

Stock ledger, 17-6509

Existence. Corporate existence, ante

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index

Express Companies, generally, this index

Facsimile seal, 17-6102

Facsimile signatures, stock certificates, 17-6408

Fees, 17-7506

Annual report fee, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505, 17-7507

Annual report fees, disposition, 75-446

Annual reports, applicable law, 75-447

Application and recording,

Professional corporations, 17-2709

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Corporate instruments or documents, filing or issuing, 17-7506

Dissolution, payment prior to, 17-6806

Domestic corporations, for profit, annual report fee, 17-7503

Foreign corporations, payment prior to merger or consolidation, 17-6709

Foreign corporations organized for profit, annual report fee, 17-7505

Franchise fee recovery fund, 75-445

Not for profit corporations, annual report fee, 17-7504

Professional corporation licensing, 17-2709, 17-2718

Certificate of license, 17-2709

Secretary of state, 17-6003, 17-7506, 17-7910

State general fund transfers, 75-445


Corporation or officers acting as, 59-1701, 59-1702

Liability, stock not paid in full, 17-6412

Voting rights, 17-6507

Fiduciary security transfers, Uniform Act, 17-4903 et seq.

Financial statements and reports. Reports, post

Fines and penalties,

Failure to file annual report or pay annual report fee, 17-7509

Resident agent, failure to designate successor, 17-7929

Formation, public benefit corporations, 17-72a01

Foreign corporations,

Actions and proceedings,

Attorney general, enforcement, 17-7937

Failure to obtain authority to do business, 17-7307

Nonqualified corporations, 17-7307

Venue, 60-604

Nonqualified corporations, 60-605

Withdrawal from state, 17-7936

Annual report, 17-7505

Application of laws governing domestic corporations, 17-7305

Articles of incorporation, 17-7302

Attachment, 60-701

Authority to do business, 17-7931, 17-7932

Application, 17-7931

Corrections to, 17-7935

Exempt corporations, 17-7932

Fees and penalties, doing business without authority, 17-7307

Taxes, 17-7307

Attorney general, enforcement, 17-7937

Certificate of secretary of state, 17-7931

Exempt corporations, 17-7932

Extension, renewal or reinstatement,

Status of corporation, 17-7003

Failure to obtain, 17-7307

Forfeiture, 17-7302

Failure to appoint successor resident agent, 17-7929

Failure to file annual report or pay annual report fee, 17-7510

Notice of, 17-7510

Surrender, withdrawal from state, 17-7936

Banking power denied, 17-7305

Business of corporation,

Registration with secretary of state, 17-7931

Certificate of good standing, 17-7505, 17-7931

Annual filing, 17-7302, 17-7505

Certificate of withdrawal, 17-7936

Corporate existence, duration, 17-7931

Defined, 17-7501

Dissolution, withdrawal from state, 17-7936

Doing business, defined, 17-7932

Doing business in Kansas, 74-5037 et seq.

Employment Security Law, service of process, 44-717

Fees, ante

Franchise taxes, post

Income Tax, generally, this index

Insurance, this index

Judicial control, 17-7305

Law governing, 17-7930

Manufacturers, taxation, 79-1006

Merchants, taxation, 79-1006

Merger or consolidation,

Domestic corporations as constituent, 17-6702

Domestic stock or nonstock corporation as constituent, 17-6708

Filing certification, 17-7302

Nonstock corporations, 17-6706

Parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Motor Vehicle Fair Trade Law, 8-606

Names, 17-7933, 17-7918

Nonqualified corporations, 17-7307

Penalties, 17-7305

Doing business without authority, 17-7307


Agent for service of process. Secretary of state, post

Service of process. Process, post

Receivers, notice of appointment, 60-1304

Registered office, 17-7924, 17-7934

Registration with secretary of state, 17-7931

Resident agent, post, 17-7925, 17-7934

Restrictions, 17-7305

Service of process. Process, post

Surety on bond, 78-102


Franchise taxes, post

Merchants, 79-1006

Withdrawal from state, procedure, 17-7936

Foreign countries, devises or bequests, 59-602

Foreign trade zones, 12-825h


Failure to file annual report or pay annual report fee, 17-7510

Failure to appoint successor resident agent, 17-7929

Notice of, 17-7510


Close corporations, 17-7203, 17-7204

Filings with secretary of state, 17-7903

Inadequate capitalization, liability of stockholders, 17-7101

Limited liability companies,

Filings with secretary of state, 17-7904

Merger or consolidation, post

Number of incorporators, 17-6001

Organization, definition, 84-1-201

Preincorporation stock subscriptions, 17-6415, 17-6416

Purposes, 17-6001

Validity of organization, assertion as defense, 17-7104

Foundations, private, defined by internal revenue code, 79-4601 et seq.

Franchise taxes,

Annual reports, applicable law, 75-447

Dissolution, payment as condition precedent, 17-6806

Imposition, 79-5401

Shareholder's equity, defined, 17-7501

Shareholder's equity attributable to Kansas, 17-7501

Tax period, 17-7501

Franchises, 12-2001 et seq.

Fraud, stock, 17-6402, 17-6407

Garnishment, situs of stock ownership, 17-6419

Geologists, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Gifts, power to receive, 17-6102

Good will, disposition of corporate assets, 17-6801

Health care providers, access to records of, 65-28,128

Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252

Holding company, 17-6701

Home building and owning corporations, 17-1108a

Homeowners organizations, nonprofit, volunteers, immunity from liability, 60-3611

Horticultural corporations. Agricultural Corporations, generally, this index

Immunities vested or accrued under prior laws, effect of code, 17-7403

Improvement districts, 19-2756

Income Tax, this index


Articles of incorporation, amendment, 17-6601

Bylaws, adoption by, 17-6009

Corporation as incorporator, 17-6102

Dissolution prior to issuing shares or commencing business, 17-6803

First meeting, 17-6007, 17-6008

Consent in lieu of meeting, 17-6008

Merger or consolidation, post

Names required in articles, 17-6002

Number, 17-6001

Powers and duties, 17-6008

Amendment of articles, 17-6601

Corporate instruments or documents, 17-6003, 17-7908

Prior to election of directors, 17-6007

Indebtedness. Debts, ante

Indemnification of directors, officers, employees and agents, 17-6305

Industrial districts, 19-3803


Compromise or arrangement with creditors or stockholders, reorganization, 17-6912

Invalid transfer of stock, close corporations, 17-7208

Ultra vires corporate act, 17-6104


Dissolution, generally, ante

Employee's lien for wages, 17-6910

Preference, wages of employees, 44-312

Receivers or trustees, post

Inspectors, meetings, 17-6521

Instruments. Corporate instruments or documents, ante

Insurance companies, investments, 40-2a05, 40-2a07, 40-2a08, 40-2a09, 40-2b05, 40-2b06, 40-2b07

Intangible Tax Act, regulated investment companies, exempt, 79-310a

Interlocking directors or officers, 17-6304

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Investment company, regulated,

Exempt from Intangibles Tax Act, 79-310a

Taxation of shares, 79-310a


Corporate power, 17-6102

Insurance companies, 40-2a05, 40-2a07, 40-2a08, 40-2a09, 40-2b05, 40-2b06

Asset-backed securities, 40-2a28

Kansas venture capital, 74-8203

Expiration, certain provisions, 74-8211

Public employees retirement fund, 74-4921

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index

Irrigation corporations, 17-625 et seq.

Kansas, Inc., generally, this index

Kansas venture capital, 74-8203, 74-8206, 74-8207, 74-8304

Expiration, certain provisions, 74-8211

Land surveyors, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.


Accrued under prior laws, effect of code, 17-7403

Application of code, 17-6101

Corporate debts paid by officers, directors, or stockholders, 17-7102

Criminal, 21-5211, 21-5212

Effect of corporate transactions, 17-7103

Individual, corporate crime, 21-5212

Merger or consolidation, 17-6709

Stockholders, dissolved corporations, 17-6811


Homeowners organizations, 60-3611

Nonprofit organizations, 60-3601


Foreign corporations, dealing in, 17-7932

Merger or consolidation, property of constituent companies, 17-6709

Sale of encumbered property, deterioration of value pending litigation, 17-6907

Wages of employees, 17-6910

Limitation of actions,

Officer or director, against, 60-513

Successor corporation asbestos-related liability fairness act, 50-1301 et seq.

Limited liability companies, 17-7662 et seq.

Annual report, 17-76,139

Annual report fee, 17-76,139

Applicability of act, 17-76,137, 17-76,140

Appraisal rights, contractual, 17-7682

Articles of organization, 17-7673

Amendments, 17-7673, 17-7674

Cancellation, 17-7675, 17-76,144

Correction, certificate of, 17-7675, 17-7912

Effective date, 17-7911


Failure or refusal, 17-7917

Execution by authorized persons, 17-7908

Filing, 17-7673

Reinstatement, 17-76,146

Restated, 17-7680

Assignee, member, 17-76,114

Assignment of interest, 17-76,112

Bankruptcy, 17-7689

Business permitted, 17-7668, 17-7669

Confidentiality of information, 17-7690

Consolidation, 17-7681

Construction of act, 17-76,134, 17-76,135

Contributions, 17-7699

Correction, certificate of, 17-7912

Creditor, judgment, rights of, 17-76,113

Defense of usury, 17-76,103

Definitions, 17-7663

Delegation of rights, 17-7698

Derivative action, 17-76,131, 17-76,132, 17-76,133

Dissolution, 17-76,116

Distribution of assets, 17-76,119

Involuntary, 17-76,117

Procedure preventing, 17-76,145

Revocation, 17-76,145

Winding up, 17-76,118, 17-76,145


Allocation of, 17-76,102

Dissolution, 17-76,119

In kind, 17-76,108

Interim, 17-76,104

Limitations, 17-76,110

Resignation of member, 17-76,107

Right to, 17-76,109

Division, 17-7685a

Electronically recorded documents, 17-7910

Execution, 17-7677, 17-7908

Agent, 17-7676a

Failure or refusal, 17-7917

Fees, 17-76,136

Filing, 17-7679, 17-7910

Filings with secretary of state, 17-7904

Foreign companies,

Activities not constituting doing business, 17-7932

Law governing, 17-7930

Liability, 17-76,128

Names, 17-7918

Reinstatement of authority to do business, 17-76,146

Registered office, 17-7924, 17-7934

Registration, 17-7931

Application, corrections to, 17-7935

Attorney general, enforcement, 17-7937

Cancellation of, 17-7936

Failure to, 17-76,126

Resident agent, 17-7925, 17-7934

Service of process, 17-76,129

Venue, 17-76,129

Franchise tax, 79-5401

Income tax,

Confidentiality, 17-76,139

Extension of time to file, 17-76,139

Indemnification, 17-7670

Information, access to and confidentiality of, 17-7690

Interest, assignment of, 17-76,112

Judgment creditor, rights of, 17-76,113


Member, 17-76,100

Third parties, 17-7688

Management, 17-7693


Breach of operating agreement, 17-7696

Classes of, 17-7695

Contested matters relating to, 17-7671

Contributions by, 17-7694

Delegation of rights, 17-7698

Designation of, 17-7692

Reliance on reports, 17-7697

Resignation of, 17-76,105

Voting of, 17-7695


Admission, 17-7686

Assignee, 17-76,114

Ceasing membership, 17-7689

Classes of, 17-7687

Contributions, 17-7699

Deceased or incompetent, 17-76,115

Delegation of rights, 17-7698

Liability, 17-76,100

Nature of interest, 17-76,111

Reliance on reports, 17-7697

Resignation of, 17-76,106

Voting, 17-7687

Merger, 17-7681

Name, 17-7918, 17-7920, 17-7933

Reservation of, 17-7923

Notice, 17-7679

Operating agreement,

Amendment of, 17-7687

Breach of, 17-7691, 17-7696

Classes of managers, 17-7695

Construction of, 17-76,134

Division, 17-7685a

Effective date, 17-7673, 17-7911

Enforcement, 17-7672

Execution by authorized persons, 17-7676a, 17-7908

Execution by judicial order, 17-7677

Interpretation, 17-7672

Liability for contribution, 17-76,100

Voting, 17-7695

Powers, 17-7668, 17-76,130, 17-76,137, 17-76,144

Profit and loss, allocation of, 17-76,101

Records, right to access, 17-7690

Registered office, 17-7924, 17-7927, 17-7934

Resident agent, 17-7925, 17-7927, 17-7934

Failure to appoint successor upon agent's resignation, 17-7929

Resignation, appointment of successor, 17-7928

Rights of members, 17-7690

Series, 17-76,143

Merger or consolidation, 17-76,143a

Reinstatement, 17-76,147

Service of process, 17-7667, 17-76,129, 17-7915, 60-304

Severability, 17-76,141

Statutory public benefit limited liability companies, 17-76,148 et seq.

Taxation, 17-76,138, 17-76,139

Telefacsimile filing, 17-7914

Third party, liability to, 17-7688

Usury, defense of, 17-76,103

Voting, 17-7671, 17-7687, 17-7695


Discontinuance, 17-6911

Dissolution, ante

Distribution of corporate assets, 17-6810, 17-6908

Employee's lien for wages, 17-6910

Receivers, 17-6901

Mandamus, 60-801 et seq.


Appointment by court to conduct elections, 17-6517

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913


Consent to action in lieu of meeting, 17-6008

Directors, 17-6301

Action without meeting, 17-6301

Consent to action without meeting, organization of corporation, 17-6008

Disposition of corporate assets, 17-6801

Minutes, 17-6302


Exceptions to requirements, 17-6520

Organizational meeting, 17-6008

Waiver, 17-6519

Organizational meeting, 17-6008

Quorum, contracts or transactions with directors, 17-6304

Incorporators, 17-6008


Appointment of, 17-6521

Powers and duties, 17-6521

Minutes, 17-6302


Electronic transmission, 17-6522

Limitations, 17-6523

Objections to, 17-6521

Exceptions to requirements, 17-6520

Shared address, 17-6523

Remote communications, 17-6501


Actions taken without meeting, notice or vote, 17-6518

Adjournment, 17-6512

Record date, 17-6503

Annual meeting, 17-6501, 17-6518

Amendment of articles, 17-6602

Articles of incorporation,

Amendment, 17-6602

Extension, renewal or reinstatement, 17-7002

Close corporations, election of directors, 17-7211

Court orders, 17-6501

Deadlock, 17-6516

Disposition of corporate assets, 17-6801

Dissolution, 17-6804

Consent in lieu of meeting, 17-6804

Voluntary, revocation, 17-7001

Meetings, location, 17-6501

Remote communication, 17-6501

Minutes, 17-6302

Notice, 17-6512

Exceptions to requirements, 17-6520

Waiver, 17-6519

Place of meeting, 17-6501

Record date, 17-6503

Special meetings, 17-6501, 17-6518

Stock ledger, post

Vacant and new directorships, 17-6513

Voting and voting rights. Stock, post

Waiver of notice, 17-6519

Merger or consolidation, 17-6701 et seq.


Pending, effect on, 17-6711

Value of shares of dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Agreement of merger or consolidation,

Construed as part of articles, 17-6004

Corporate instruments or documents, ante

Appraisal of stock for dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Banks or trust companies, 17-6709

Bonds of surviving or resulting corporation, 17-6710

Certificate of ownership and merger, parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Consolidated corporation,

Status, rights, liabilities, 17-6709


Cessation of separate existence, 17-6709

Domestic and foreign nonstock corporations, 17-6706

Domestic and foreign corporations, 17-6702

Domestic and foreign stock or nonstock corporations, 17-6708

Domestic nonstock corporations, 17-6705

Domestic stock and nonstock corporations, 17-6707

Domestic corporations, 17-6701

Parent and subsidiary corporations, 17-6703

Dissenting stockholders, payment for stock, 17-6712

District court, appraisal of stock, 17-6712

Fees, payment of, 17-6709

Foreign corporation as survivor or resultant,

Service of process, 17-6702, 17-6706, 17-6708

Foreign corporations, filing certification, 17-7302

Holding company, 17-6701

Indebtedness of surviving or resulting corporations, 17-6710

Liability of corporation, directors, officers or stockholders, 17-6709, 17-7103

Merged corporation,

Status, rights, liabilities, 17-6709

Nonstock corporations,

Preservation of charitable status, 17-6703, 17-6705, 17-6706, 17-6707, 17-6708

Notice, dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Powers of surviving or resulting corporation, 17-6710

Resulting corporation, status, rights, liabilities, 17-6709

Stock, 17-6701 et seq.

Stockholders, post

Surviving corporation, status, rights, liabilities, 17-6709

Termination prior to effectiveness,

Domestic and foreign corporate constituents, 17-6708

Domestic and foreign corporations, 17-6702

Domestic stock and nonstock corporations, 17-6707

Domestic corporations, 17-6701

Merger of parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Metropolitan transit authority, acquisition of properties and rights, 12-2805


Banking power denied, 17-6106, 17-7305

Foreign corporations, 17-7305

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, generally, this index

Mortgage of corporate property, 17-6802

Corporate power, 17-6102

Corporation surviving or resulting from merger or consolidation, 17-6710

Securities of other entities, 17-6103


Assignment, 58-2318

Conveyance of property, 17-6003

Foreign corporations, dealing in, 17-7932

Releases, 58-2318

Return of instrument to owner, 58-2256

Motor Carriers, generally, this index

Motor vehicles, transfer, 8-143

Municipal corporations. Municipalities, generally, this index

Municipal universities, use of property, 13-13a14

Mutual fire and tornado companies, membership, 40-1020

Names, 17-6002, 17-7918, 17-7919

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505

Articles of incorporation, certificate of extension, renewal or reinstatement, 17-7002


Amendment of articles, 17-6602

Merger of parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Reservation, 17-7923

Close corporations, 17-7203

Cooperative as part of name, 17-1515

Exclusive right to use, 17-7923

Foreign corporations, 17-7933

Reservation, 17-7923

Professional corporations, 17-2711

Reservation, 17-7923


Extension, renewal or reinstatement of articles or authority to do business, 17-7002

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001

Natural resources, engaged in exploiting, dividends, 17-6420

Negotiable instruments, fiduciary security transfers, Uniform Act, 17-4903 et seq.

Net assets, defined, 17-6404

News services, discriminating in sale of news, 50-201 et seq.

No par value stock. Stock, post

Nonqualified corporations, actions against, 60-605


Annual report, 17-7504, 75-447

Application of code, 17-6014, 17-72a01, 17-72a09

Articles of incorporation, 17-6002

Amendment, 17-6601, 17-6602

Assets, disposition, 17-6801

Corporation providing legal aid to indigent inmates, budget, 22-4514a

Disposition of corporate assets, 17-6801

Dissolution, 17-6805

Good will, disposition of corporate assets, 17-6801

Governing body,

Annual report, 17-7504

Dissolution, 17-6805

Election, 17-6505

Annual report, 17-7504

Powers of district court, 17-6517

Validity, contest, 17-6515

Extension, renewal or reinstatement of articles or authority to do business, 17-7002

Quorum, 17-6301

Higher education loan programs, 74-32,252

Immunity from liability, volunteers, 60-3601

Meetings, quorum, 17-6505


Annual report, 17-7504

Assets of corporation, disposition, 17-6801

Disposition of corporate assets, voting, 17-6801

Dissolution, 17-6805

Rights, powers of district court, 17-6517

Voting rights, 17-6505

Mental health services, contracts with county, 19-4007

Tax levies, 19-4011

Merger or consolidation, ante

Officers, post

Powers, disposition of assets, 17-6801

Property, disposition, 17-6801

Proxies, 17-6505

Quorum, 17-6505

Record date, 17-6505

Sale, lease or exchange of corporate assets, 17-6801

Service of process, contested elections, 17-6515

Telephone service, jurisdiction of corporation commission, 66-104

Trusts, bond, inventories and reports, 59-1105

Volunteers, immunity from liability, 60-3601

Voting rights of members, 17-6505


Corporate powers, 17-6106

Dealing in, foreign corporations, 17-7305


Actions taken without, consent, 17-6518

Amendment of articles, 17-6602


Adjudication of claims, 17-6906

Appointment of receiver or trustee, 17-6903

Receivers or trustees, filing of creditors' claims, 17-6906

Time for filing proof of claims, 17-6905

Dissolution, stockholders' meeting, 17-6804

Exceptions to requirements, 17-6520

Forfeitures, 17-7510

Members of nonstock corporation,

Meeting to approve merger, 17-6705

Merger or consolidation,

Dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Stockholders of subsidiary, merger with parent, 17-6703

Organizational meeting, 17-6008

Public sale of stock, 17-6414

Record date, stockholders, 17-6503

Resident agent, resignation, 17-7928

Resignation of corporate officers, 17-6302

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001


Calls for payment of installments, 17-6413

Failure to pay assessment, sale, 17-6414

Stockholders, 17-6503

Appointment of receiver or trustee, 17-6903

Meetings, 17-6512

Receivers or trustees,

Appointment, notice, 17-6903

Tax period, change, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505

Waiver, 17-6519

Organizational meeting, 17-6008

Occupational therapists, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Officers, 17-6302

Actions and proceedings,

Corporate debts, 17-7101

Defective corporate acts, ratification or validation, 17-6428, 17-6429

Indemnification, 17-6305

Limitation of actions, 60-513

Recovery of corporate debts paid, 17-7102

Ultra vires corporate act, 17-6104

Addresses, certificate of revocation of dissolution, 17-7001

Affidavit, stockholders' consent to dissolution, 17-6804

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505@

Appointment, 17-6102

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Assistant secretary,

Affidavit, notice of stockholders' meeting, 17-6512

Signature, stock certificate, 17-6408

Assistant treasurer, signature, stock certificates, 17-6408

Compensation, 17-6102

Contracts with corporation, 17-6304

Dental services, 65-1425

Directors, ante

Duties, stockholders' list, 17-6509

Election, 17-6008

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504

Powers of district court, 17-6517

Validity, contest, 17-6515

Employees, ante

Facsimile signatures, stock certificates, 17-6408

Fiduciary security transfers, Uniform Act, 17-4903 et seq.

Indemnification, 17-6305

Insurance, liability, 17-6305


Contempt of court, elections, 17-6517

Corporate debts, 17-7101

Effect of corporate transactions, 17-7103

Employment security contributions, 44-717

Loans from corporation, 17-6303

Names, certificate of revocation of dissolution, 17-7001

Powers, 17-6101

Defective corporate acts, ratification or validation, 17-6428, 17-6429

President, signature, stock certificates, 17-6408



Notice of stockholders' meeting, 17-6512

Stockholders' consent to dissolution, 17-6804

Signature, stock certificates, 17-6408

Service of process, contested elections, 17-6515


Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505

Stock certificate, 17-6408

Term of office, 17-6302

Transactions with corporation, 17-6304

Treasurer, signature, stock certificates, 17-6408

Vacancy, how filled, 17-6302

Vice-president, signature, stock certificates, 17-6408


Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505

Location, 17-6102, 17-7924

Registered office, post

Open accounts, corporate powers, 17-6106

Operating agreement,

Execution by judicial order, 17-7917

Options, 17-6407

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Classes and series of stock, 17-6401

Optometrists, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Organization. Formation, ante

Osteopaths, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Partnerships, corporate power, 17-6102

Pawnbroker regulation, 16-706 et seq.

Penalties. Fines and penalties, ante

Perpetual existence, 17-6102

Limiting, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Personal property,

Corporate powers, 17-6102

Receivers or trustees, 17-6902

Shares of stock deemed personalty, 17-6409

Title, vested in receivers or trustees, 17-6902

Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index

Pharmacists, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Physician assistants, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Physicians and surgeons, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Podiatrists, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Power plant dams, 82a-101

Powers, 17-6101, 17-6102

Abuse, revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Articles of incorporation, generally, ante

Assets, disposition, 17-6801

Banking power, restrictions, 17-6106, 17-7305

Bylaws, generally, ante

Committees of directors, 17-6301

Conveyance of real estate, 17-6003


Close corporations, 17-7212

Deadlocked corporation, 17-6516

Dissolution, generally, ante

Foreign corporations, 17-7932

Guaranty, 17-6103

Obligations of officers and employees, 17-6303

Indemnification of officers, directors, employees and agents, 17-6305

Insurance, liability, indemnification of officers, directors, employees and agents, 17-6305

Irrigation corporations, 17-626, 17-627

Lack of corporate capacity or power, effect, 17-6104

Lending money, 17-6106

Loans to officers, directors or employees, 17-6303

Merger or consolidation, generally, ante

Misuse, revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Perpetual existence, 17-6002

Limiting, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Reorganization, generally, post

Securities of other corporations, 17-6103

Sewer corporations, 17-623

Stock, generally, post

Sundry companies, 17-619

Trustees or receivers,

Dissolved corporations, 17-6808, 17-6809

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Insolvent corporations, 17-6901

Ultra vires act, effect, 17-6104

Preemptive rights, 17-6602

Preferences, statement required in articles, amendment, 17-6602

Preferred or special stock. Stock, post

President. Officers, generally, ante

Principal office or place of business, construed to mean registered office, 17-7924

Privileges, vested or accrued under prior laws, effect of code, 17-7403


Agent for service, 60-306

Resident agent, 60-306

Secretary of state, post

Service, 17-7915, 60-304

Foreign corporations, 17-7931

Doing business without authority, 17-7307

Foreign survivor or resultant of merger or consolidation, 17-6702, 17-6703, 17-6706

Professional corporations, 17-2706 et seq.

Annual report, 17-2718

Application of general corporation law, 17-2708

Articles of incorporation, 17-2709

Definitions, 17-2707

Dissolution, trustees, 17-2719

Election to function under general law, 17-2717

Fee, annual report, 17-2718

Fees, 17-2709

Forfeiture of rights, 17-2719

Franchise tax, 79-5401

Incorporators, 17-2709

Landscape architect services, 17-2720

Licensing board not restricted by, 17-2716

Name, 17-2711

Officers, 17-2713

Powers, 17-2710

Purposes, 17-2710

Regulating board,

Certificate of license, fee, 17-2709

Professions not affected, 17-2716

Relationships, rights and privileges not affected, 17-2715

Securities law inapplicable, 17-2712

Shares, 17-2712

Death or disqualification of shareholder, 17-2714

Trustees upon forfeitures, powers, 17-2719


Net profits as basis for dividends, 17-6420

Surplus, generally, post


Acquisition, 17-6102

Disposition, 17-6102, 17-6801

Dissolution, 17-6807

Dividends, payment, 17-6423

Foreign corporations, annual report, 17-7505

Insolvent corporation,

Discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Receivers, appointment and powers, 17-6901

Merger or consolidation, 17-6709, 17-6710

Mortgage of, 17-6102, 17-6802

Pledge of, 17-6802

Receivers or trustees, 17-6902


Deterioration of value pending litigation, 17-6907

Effect, liability of corporation, officers, directors or stockholders, 17-7103

Lease or exchange, 17-6801

Securities of other entities, 17-6103

Title vested with receiver or trustee,

Redelivery, discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Public benefit corporations, 17-72a01 et seq.

Application of code, 17-72a01, 17-72a08, 17-72a09

Articles of incorporation,

Amendments and mergers, 17-72a03

Contents, 17-72a02

Defined, 17-72a02

Directors, duties, 17-72a05

Formation, 17-72a01

Meetings, notice, 17-72a06

Public benefit statement, 17-72a06

Stock, 17-72a04


Appraisal rights, 17-72a03

Derivative actions, 17-72a07

Public benefit limited liability companies, statutory, 17-76,148 et seq.

Purposes of corporation. Business of corporation, ante

Qualifications, directors, 17-6301

Quo warranto proceedings, 60-1202

Restraining disposition of effects, 60-1204

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Filing judgment or decree, 17-6813

Quorum. Meetings, ante

Railroads, this index

Real estate,

Corporate powers, 17-6102

Insolvent corporations, receivers, 17-6901

Merger or consolidation, 17-6709, 17-6710

Mortgage of corporate property, ante

Mortgages, foreign corporations dealing in, 17-7932

Title vested with receiver or trustee, 17-6902

Receivers or trustees, 17-6812, 17-6901 et seq.

Actions and proceedings,

Abatement, 17-6909

Death, abatement of actions, 17-6909

Substitution of party plaintiff, 17-6909

Appointment, 17-6812, 17-6901

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812


Distribution, 17-6908

Redelivery, discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Assets, debts, inventory of, 17-6904

Compensation costs and expenses, 17-6908

Costs of proceeding, 17-6908

Insolvency, 17-6901

Discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Powers and duties, 17-6104

Dissolved corporations, 17-6808, 17-6809

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Order, filing, 17-6902


Title, 17-6902


Redelivery, discontinuance of liquidation, 17-6911

Sale, deterioration of value pending litigation, 17-6907

Qualifications, 17-6902

Reports, inventory of assets and debts, 17-6904

Record date, 17-6503


Articles of incorporation, ante

Corporate instruments or documents, ante

Records. Books of corporation, ante

Register of deeds,

Receiver or trustee, appointment, filing order, 17-6902

Recording, 17-6003

Corporate instruments or documents, ante

Registered agent, construed to mean resident agent, 17-7925

Registered office, 17-7924

Address, 17-7924

Change, resignation of resident agent, 17-7928

Change, bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Meetings of stockholders, 17-6501

Voting trust agreements, filing, 17-6508

Registrar of corporate stock, signature, stock certificates, 17-6408

Religious Organizations and Societies, generally, this index

Renewable energy electric generation cooperatives, see Electric Cooperatives, this index


Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Compromise or arrangement with creditors or stockholders, 17-6912

Articles of incorporation, 17-6002

Report fees,

Exempt corporations, 17-7512

Failure to pay,

Forfeiture of articles or authority to do business, 17-7510

Penalties, 17-7509, 17-7510

Payment with first annual report, 17-7507

Reports, annual,

Applicable law, 75-447

Corporations for profit,

Domestic, 17-7503

Foreign, 17-7505

Exempt corporations, 17-7512

Failure to file, 17-7509, 17-7510

Fees, 17-2718, 17-7507

Failure to pay, 17-7509

First report, 17-7507

Nonprofit corporations, 17-7504

Professional corporations, 17-2718

Verification, inspection of income tax return, 17-7511

Reserves for dividends and other purposes, 17-6421

Resident agent, 17-7925

Address, identical with registered office's address, 17-7925

Change, 17-7926, 17-7927

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Foreign corporation, 17-7934

Resignation, appointment of successor, 17-7928

Change of address of registered office, 17-7926

Change of address of resident office, 17-7927

Foreign corporation, 17-7925, 17-7934

Registration with secretary of state, 17-7931

Process, service, 60-306

Resignation, 17-7928

Appointment of successor, 17-7928

Failure to appoint successor, 17-7929

Service of process, 17-7915, 60-306

Restated articles of incorporation. Articles of incorporation, ante

Retained earnings, shareholder's equity, franchise taxes, 17-7501


Corporations surviving or resulting from merger or consolidation, 17-6709

Powers, generally, ante

Surrender, dissolution prior to issuing shares or commencing business, 17-6803

Vested or accrued under prior laws, effect of code, 17-7403

Risk capital. Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, generally, this index

Roads and Highways, this index

Savings and Loan Associations, generally, this index

School activities, 72-7114 et seq.

Seal, 17-6102

Contracts, 16-106

Directors, committees, 17-6301

Secretary of corporation. Officers, ante

Secretary of state,

Agent for service of process,

Effect of failure to appoint successor resident agent upon agent's resignation, 17-7929

Foreign corporations, 17-7931

Foreign survivor or resultant of merger or consolidation, 17-6702, 17-6703, 17-6706, 17-6708

Annual reports. Reports, ante

Certified copies. Corporate instruments or documents, ante

Electronic filings, rules and regulations, 75-443, 17-7914

Fees, 17-6003, 17-7506

Filings required,

Corporations, 17-7903

Limited liability companies, 17-7904

Franchise fees, collection, 17-6003

Inspection of corporation's income tax return, 17-7511

Records, foreign corporations, disposition, 17-7505

Verification of annual reports, 17-7511


Bonds, debentures or obligations, ante

Close corporations, unauthorized restrictions on transfer, 17-7209

Corporate ownership, 17-6103

Dealing in, 17-6106

Foreign corporations, 17-7932

Exempt transactions, 17-12a202

Merger or consolidation, 17-6710

Rights of holders, 17-6511

Sale. Securities, generally, this index

Stock, post

Transfer, restrictions, 17-6426

Voting power, provisions in articles, 17-6002

Seed Capital, Local Pools, generally, this index

Service of process. Process, ante

Sewer corporations, 17-623, 17-624

Shareholder's equity, defined, 17-7501

Shareholder's equity attributable to Kansas, defined, 17-7501

Simplification of fiduciary security transfers, definitions, 17-4903

Situs of ownership of stock, 17-6419

Sleeping Car Companies, generally, this index

Statutes of limitations,

Officer and director, against, 60-513

Stock not paid in full,

Collection of balance due, 17-6412

Forfeiture of stock and installment paid, 17-6414

Stock, 17-6401 et seq.

Actions and proceedings, ante

Appraisal. Appraisers, ante

Appraisal rights, 17-6712

Articles of incorporation, provisions required, 17-6002

Assessments, 17-6412, 17-6413, 17-6414

Assignment, partly paid shares, 17-6412

Attachment, 17-6419

Authorized by articles,

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7504, 17-7505

Increase or decrease, 17-6401

Amendment of articles, 17-6602

Effect, 17-7103

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Bonus plans, personal property trust, 58-1101

Calls for payment,

Failure to pay installment, 17-6414

Partly paid shares, 17-6406, 17-6413, 17-6414

Liability for unpaid balance, 17-6412

Cancellation, dissolution prior to issuing shares or commencing business, 17-6803

Capital, determination of amount, 17-6404

Certificate of directors' resolution as to rights, restrictions, preferences, 17-6401

Certificate of stock, 17-6401, 17-6408

Destroyed certificates, 17-6417, 17-6418

Facsimile signatures, 17-6408

Form, 17-6408

Fractional shares, 17-6405

Lost certificates, 17-6417, 17-6418

Management of corporation by stockholders, notation, 17-7211

Merger or consolidation, surviving or resulting corporation, 17-6710

New certificate,

Indemnity bond, 17-6417, 17-6418

Voting trust agreements, 17-6508

Partly paid shares, 17-6406

Restrictions on transfer, notation, 17-6426

Signatures, 17-6408

Stockholder's right, 17-6408

Stolen certificates, 17-6417, 17-6418


Dissenting stockholders, merger or consolidation, 17-6712

Dissolution prior to issuing shares or commencing business, 17-6803

Transfer, 17-6409, 17-6425

Voting trustees, 17-6508

Classes, 17-6401

Additional, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Close corporations, ante

Collateral security,

Partly paid shares, unpaid balance, 17-6412

Transfer, 17-6409

Conservatorship property, inventory and appraisement, 59-1201, 59-1202

Consideration for issuance, 17-6402, 17-6403

Amount allocable to capital, 17-6404

Partly paid shares, 17-6406

Demand for payment, 17-6413

Failure to pay installment, sale, 17-6414

Liability for unpaid balance, 17-6412

Rights and options, 17-6407

Value, 17-6403

Control share acquisition, 17-1286 et seq.

Conversion or exchange of shares,

Merger or consolidation,

Domestic and foreign corporations as constituents, 17-6708

Domestic and foreign stock corporations as constituents, 17-6702

Domestic stock and nonstock corporations as constituents, 17-6707

Domestic stock corporations as constituents, 17-6701

Parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Convertibility, 17-6401

Decedents, transfer to successors, 59-1507b

Designations, classes and series, 17-6401

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Determination of value, petition for, 17-6712

Development credit corporations, 17-2330


Rights of stockholders, 17-6401

Surrender and cancellation, 17-6803

Dividends, 17-6401, 17-6420

Cumulative, 17-6401

Cancellation of accrued dividends, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Declaration and payment, 17-6420, 17-6423

Record date, 17-6503

Unlawful act, liability, 17-6424

Dissenting stockholders, merger or consolidation, 17-6712

Fractional shares, 17-6405

Liability of directors, 17-6424

Noncumulative, 17-6401

Partly paid shares, 17-6406

Reserve funds, 17-6421


Disposition of corporate assets, 17-6801

Merger or consolidation, 17-6710

Failure to pay installment or call, 17-6414

Fiduciary security transfers, Uniform Act, 17-4903 et seq.

Forfeitures, 17-6414

Fractional shares, 17-6405

Merger or consolidation,

Domestic and foreign stock corporations as constituents, 17-6702

Domestic stock corporations as constituents, 17-6701

Garnishment, 17-6419

Insurance companies, investments, 40-2a05, 40-2a07, 40-2a09, 40-2b05, 40-2b06, 40-2b07

Investment company, ante


Public employees retirement fund, 74-4921

Issuance, 17-6401

Additional shares, 17-6411

Annual report, 17-7503, 17-7505

Joint ownership, voting rights, 17-6507

Ledger. Stock ledger, post

Loans on stock, 17-6303

No par value,

Change to par value, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Classes and series, 17-6401

Consideration for issuance, 17-6402

Amount allocable to capital, 17-6404

Value, 17-6403

Dividends, 17-6423

Options, 17-6407

Provisions in articles, amendment, 17-6602

Rights, 17-6407

Nonstock corporations, 17-6002

Options, 17-6407

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Classes and series of stock, 17-6401

Insurance companies, limitations, 40-2a08, 40-2b07

Par value,

Change to no par value, 17-6602

Classes and series, 17-6401

Consideration for issuance, 17-6402

Amount allocable to capital, 17-6404

Value, 17-6403

Dividends, 17-6423

Options, 17-6407

Provisions in articles, amendment, 17-6602

Rights, 17-6407

Partly paid shares, 17-6406, 17-6412, 17-6413, 17-6414

Bona fide purchases, 17-6412

Demand for payment, 17-6413

Failure to pay, 17-6414

Liability for unpaid balance, 17-6412

Payment of consideration, 17-6402, 17-6413

Failure to pay, sale, 17-6414

Payment of value, merger or consolidation, dissenting stockholders, 17-6712

Personal property, 17-6409

Pledge of,

Loans from corporation to officers, directors and employees, 17-6303

Voting rights of parties, 17-6507

Preemptive rights, articles of incorporation, amendment, 17-6602

Preferred or special, 17-6401

Banks, 9-908

Classes and series, 17-6401

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Redemption, 17-6410

Rights and options, 17-6407


Consideration, 17-6402

Demand for payment, 17-6413

Failure to pay, 17-6414

Value, 17-6403

Liability of directors, 17-6424

Rights and options, 17-6407

Treasury stock, 17-6410

Unlawful act, liability, 17-6424

Reclassification, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Redemption, 17-6401, 17-6410

Liability of directors, 17-6422, 17-6424

Unlawful act, liability, 17-6424

Retirement of, 17-6603


Cancellation, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Consideration, 17-6407

Fiduciaries and pledgors, 17-6507

Stockholders of record, date, 17-6503

Sale or disposition,

Failure to pay consideration, 17-6414

Securities Law. Securities, generally, this index

Scrip, fractional interests, 17-6405

Series of classes, 17-6401

Share, defined, stockholders objecting to merger or consolidation, 17-6712

Situs of ownership, 17-6419


Redemption, 17-6410

Rights and options, 17-6407

Subscriptions, 17-6415, 17-6416

Additional shares, 17-6411

Consideration, 17-6402

Formalities required, 17-6416

Period of irrevocability, 17-6415

Securities Law. Securities, generally, this index

Validity, 17-6416

Take-over bids, control share acquisitions, 17-1286 et seq.

Taxable property, 79-102

Taxation, post

Transfer, 17-6409, 17-6425

Collateral security, 17-6409

Partly paid shares, 17-6412, 17-6414

Record date, 17-6503

Registration, 17-6409

Restrictions, 17-6426

Shares deemed personal property, 17-6409

Voting trust agreements, 17-6508

Treasury stock, 17-6410

Disposition, consideration, 17-6403

Forfeiture of partly paid shares, 17-6414

Uncertificated shares, 17-6408

Reissuance, 17-6417

Voting and voting rights, 17-6502

Articles of incorporation, 17-6502

Amendment, 17-6602

Classes and series, 17-6401

Conferral on holders of bonds, debentures or obligations, 17-6511

Cumulative voting, election of directors, 17-6504

Dissenting stockholders, merger or consolidation, 17-6712

Dissolution, 17-6804

District court, determination of rights, 17-6517

Election to become close corporation, 17-7204

Evidence, 17-6509

Fiduciaries, 17-6507

Fractional shares, 17-6405

Joint owners, 17-6507

Pledgor and pledgee, 17-6507

Proxies, 17-6502

Annual meeting, failure to hold, 17-6501

Irrevocability, 17-6502

Voting trust agreements, 17-6508

Quorum, 17-6506

Record date, 17-6503

Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 17-7001

Sale, lease or exchange of corporate assets, 17-6801

Stock ledger as evidence, 17-6509

Stockholders of record, 17-6503

List, 17-6509

Stockholders' voting agreements, 17-6508

Submission of matters to stockholders, 17-6306

Treasury stock, 17-6410

Voting trusts, 17-6508

Warrants, fractional interests, 17-6405

Stock ledger,

Electronic network, 17-6505

Evidentiary status, 17-6509

Form, admissibility as evidence, 17-6514

Inspection, 17-6509, 17-6510

Voting trusts and agreements, 17-6508


Actions and proceedings,

Corporate debts, 17-7101

Defective corporate acts, ratification or validation, 17-6428, 17-6429

Derivative actions, 60-223a

Failure to pay consideration for stock, 17-6414

Issuance of new stock certificates, 17-6418

Lack of corporate capacity or power, 17-6104

Recovery of corporate debts paid, 17-7102

Articles of incorporation,

Amendment, 17-6602

Assets of corporation,

Disposition, 17-6801

Distribution by court, 17-6908

Bankruptcy proceedings, 17-6913

Bond, new stock certificate, 17-6417, 17-6418

Close corporations, ante

Compromise or arrangement and reorganization of corporation, 17-6912

Contracts with officers or directors, approval, 17-6304

Cumulative voting, 17-6504

Decedents, transfer to successors, 59-1507b

Defined, 17-6510

Merger or consolidation, nonstock corporation member included, 17-6712

Dissolution, ante

Fiduciaries, liability, stock not paid in full, 17-6412

Fractional shares or interests, 17-6405

Indemnification of officers, directors, employees and agents, approval, 17-6305

Insolvent corporations, application for appointment of receivers, 17-6901

Interested stockholders, business combinations, 17-6427


Corporate debts, 17-7101

Dissolved corporations, 17-6811

Effect of corporate transactions, 17-7103

Employment security contributions, 44-717

Inadequate capitalization, 17-7101

Stock not paid in full, 17-6412, 17-6413, 17-6414

Unlawful stock dividend, purchase or redemption, 17-6424

Voting trustees, 17-6508

List of, inspection, 17-6509, 17-6510

Meetings, ante

Merger or consolidation,


Domestic and foreign stock corporations as constituents, 17-6702

Domestic nonstock corporation as constituent, 17-6707

Domestic stock corporations as constituents, 17-6701

Foreign corporation as constituent, 17-6708

Merger of parent and subsidiary, 17-6703

Objection, payment for stock, 17-6712

No par value. Stock, ante


Exceptions to requirements, 17-6520

Waiver, 17-6519

Par value. Stock, ante

Powers, 17-6101

Bylaws, adoption, amendment or repeal, 17-6009

Defective corporate acts, ratification or validation, 17-6428, 17-6429

Stock, determination of value of consideration, 17-6403

Preemptive rights, 17-6602

Preferred or special stock. Stock, ante

Qualifications, 17-6002

Receivers or trustees,

Distribution of assets, 17-6908

Record date, 17-6503

Restated articles of incorporation, adoption, 17-6605

Rights, 17-6401, 17-6407

Change, amendment of articles, 17-6602

Conferral on holders of bonds, debentures and obligations, 17-6511


Books and records of corporation, 17-6510

Stock ledger, 17-6509, 17-6510

Voting trust agreements, 17-6508

Powers of district court, 17-6517

Stock, ante

Subscription agreements, 17-6411

Voting and voting rights. Stock, ante

Subscriptions. Stock, ante

Surplus, 17-6404

Capital, ante

Declaration and payment of dividends, 17-6420

Determination of amount of capital, 17-6404


Directors' liability, 17-6422

Payment, 17-6423

Shareholder's equity, franchise taxes, 17-7501

Special purpose reserves, 17-6421

Surveyors, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Swine production facilities, authorization procedure, 17-5908

Take-over bids, control share acquisitions, 17-1286 et seq.


Credit, Kansas venture capital, 74-8205, 74-8304, 74-8304a

Franchise taxes, ante

Income Tax, this index

Property taxation. Taxation, generally, this index

Shares of regulated investment company, 79-310a

Stock, 17-6409

United States property, 27-102

Trade Show Promotion, generally, this index

Trading stamps, 21-2801 et seq.

Transfer agent, signature, stock certificates, 17-6408

Treasurer. Officers, generally, ante

Treasury stock. Stock, ante

Trust certificates, issuance or ownership, 50-113

Trust Companies, generally, this index


Receivers or trustees, ante

Ultra vires corporate act,

Effect, 17-6104

Receivers, post

Uniform Act for Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers, 17-4903 et seq.

Usury, unavailable as defense, 17-7105

Venue, actions against, 60-604

Veterinarians, incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Vice-president. Officers, generally, ante


Immunity from liability,

Homeowners organizations, 60-3611

Nonprofit organizations, 60-3601

Voting and voting rights. Stock, ante

Voting trusts, 17-6508

Warehouses and warehousemen, information on application for bonded warehouseman's license, 82-163

Wasting assets corporation, declaration and payment of dividends, 17-6420

Waters and watercourses, obstructions, 82a-301

Wills, foreign corporations, devises or bequests, 59-602

Winding up,

Corporate power, 17-6102

Dissolved corporations,

Continuation of corporation, 17-6807

Supervision by district court, 17-6809, 17-6810

Revocation or forfeiture of articles, 17-6812

Filing judgment or decree, 17-6813

Wire services, discriminating in sale of news, 50-201 et seq.


United States Army Corps of Engineers, generally, this index


See, also, Community Corrections, generally, this index; Corrections, State Department of, generally, this index

Access to inmates, Kansas parole board and representatives, 22-3719

Accounts and accounting, 75-5251, 75-5254

Money and property of inmates, 75-5257

Trust funds, 76-172 et seq.

Reports by warden, 75-5251


Against inmates, 60-212

By inmates, prior administrative proceedings, 75-52,138

Adult authority. Parole Board, Kansas, generally, this index

Affidavit, reports by wardens, 75-5255

Agricultural land, disposition of lease proceeds, 75-5282


Answer for prisoner, 60-212

Appointment, 75-5250

Barber course, 65-1812

Benefit funds, 75-3728e

Bibles, furnishing to inmates, 75-5223

Building fund, 76-6b09, 79-4803

Buildings and grounds, use, jurisdiction of secretary, 75-52,125

Chief clerk, contracts, records, 75-5253

Cities, prohibition on facilities for inmates of other states, 75-52,133

Civil actions by inmates, exhaustion of administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Claims for medical vendors' care of inmates, not filed within fiscal year, payment, 75-52,126

Commitment order,

Defect not ground for false imprisonment, 75-5225

Community Corrections, this index

Compact, interstate, 76-3001 et seq.

Conservation camps, 75-52,127

Inmates, 75-5206

Labette county, establishment, bond financing approval, 75-52,132

Transfers to or from, 75-52,127

Consolidation or redesignation, 75-5205, 75-52,131, 75-52,131a, 75-52,137

Construction projects, public-private partnerships, 75-52,167 et seq.

Contract facility,

Acquisition by secretary, 75-5210

Agreements, temporary housing local offenders, 75-5206

Inmate housing opportunities, cities and counties, 75-52,128, 75-52,129

Placement of inmates, 75-5206

Contracts, 75-5206, 75-5253

Public-private partnerships for construction projects, 75-52,168, 75-52,170

Correctional and mental health facilities,

Loans for construction, 75-52,130

Refinancing, construction loans, 75-4262

Correctional industries. Industries, post

Correctional-vocational training center,

Consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131

Topeka correctional facility—east, ante

Trust fund, inmates, 76-172 et seq.

Correctional work facilities, establishment, 75-5210

Corrections, State Department of, generally, this index

Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801

Corrections master plan, 46-2802

Corrections officers,

Appointment, 75-5250

Assignment and reassignment, 75-5250

Defined, 75-5202

Infectious disease tests, inmates, 65-6015 et seq.

Inmate labor, unlawful use of, 75-5226

Moving expenses, 75-5250

Oath of office, 75-5247

Powers and duties, 75-5247a

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Training program, 75-5212

Uniforms, 75-5247

Corrections Ombudsman, generally, this index

Correspondence, inmates, 75-5209


Counselor, 75-5248

Transfer of offenders by sheriff, 75-5220

Counties, prohibition on facilities for inmates of other states, 75-52,133

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Custody of secretary, 75-52,116

Death sentences, executioner, 22-4001

Definitions, 75-5202

Personal property of escaped inmates, 75-52,135

Prison-Made Goods Act, 75-5274

Dental treatment for inmates, 76-162

Department of corrections. Corrections, State Department of, generally, this index

Depositions of prisoners, 60-230, 60-245

Detainers, 22-4301 et seq.

Diagnostic center. Topeka correctional facility—east, post


Appointment, 75-52,124

Records, conduct of inmates, 75-5259

Discharge of inmates, payment of money and property to, 75-5257

Discipline, rules and regulations, 75-5210

Disease, removal of inmates, 75-5224

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Educational or vocational training for inmates, 75-5211

Barber course, 65-1812

Employees of nonprofit contractors under tort claims act, 75-6120

El Dorado correctional facility, 75-52,130

El Dorado correctional work facility, consolidated with, 75-52,137

Transfer of property, employees, 75-52,137

Ellsworth correctional facility, 75-52,122 et seq.

Establishment, 75-52,122

Financing, acquisition and construction, 75-4262, 75-52,120

Management and control, 75-52,124

Use of facility, 75-52,123

Warden, appointment, 75-52,124

Employees. Officers and employees, post

Executions, 22-4001 et seq.

Fairs and expositions, labor and employment, 2-213

False imprisonment, defect of commitment order as ground for action, 75-5225

Female offenders. Women offenders, post

Financial statements and reports, 75-5254

Fire protection, 31-148, 76-125

Forbes correctional facility,

Consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131

Topeka correctional facility—west, post


Building fund, 76-6b09, 79-4803

Canteen, benefit and work therapy funds, 75-3728e

Correctional industries equipment replacement fund, 75-5282

Correctional industries fund, 75-5282

Inmate trust fund, 76-172 et seq.

Inmates, residents and patients, 75-5254, 75-5257

Garnishment, payments, inmate accounts, 60-727

Gifts of property, acceptance, 75-5205

Goods, wares and merchandise manufactured in, divested of interstate character, 75-5284

Graduated risk assessment, sex offenders, 75-52,149

Habeas Corpus, generally, this index

Half-way houses, establishment, 75-5210

Haskell institute and industrial school, 27-107

Highway markers, manufacture, 8-159

Hospital. Larned State Security Hospital, generally, this index

Housing of local offenders, temporary, 75-5206

Hutchinson correctional facility,

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, grant of right of way, 76-2325

County parks and recreation centers, 19-2823a et seq.

Employment of inmates, 75-5273 et seq.

Exchange, lease of real estate, 76-183

Hutchinson & Northern Railway Company, grant of right of way, 76-2326

Inmates, generally, post

Officers and employees. Corrections officers, ante

Prison-made goods, generally, post

Real estate, sale and lease of, 76-176 et seq.

Transfer of inmates,

Mentally ill inmates, observation, treatment, 75-5209, 76-1305

Placement in correctional facilities, 75-5206

Industrial reformatory, renamed, 75-52,131

Hutchinson correctional facility, ante


Establishment, 75-5273 et seq.

Prison-made goods, post


Autopsies, 22a-233

Benefit funds, 75-3728e

Bibles, furnishing of, 75-5223

Care or treatment, petition for, 75-5209

Chief physician, duties, 75-5249

Civil actions,

Docket fees, 60-2001

Exhaustion of administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Claims, setoff for restitution, 46-920

Claims for personal injury, property loss or damage, 46-920, 46-924, 46-925


Amounts withdrawn, 75-5211, 75-5268

Disbursements, certain obligations, 75-5268

Outside work, 75-52,116

Work release programs, 75-5268

Conduct of, reports, 75-5259

Correspondence and visitation, 75-5209, 75-5210

Custody of secretary, 75-5218

Death of,

Disposition of money and property, 75-5257, 75-52,135

Investigation by Kansas bureau of investigation, report, 75-52,147

Discipline of, 75-5252

Disease, removal of inmates, 75-5224

Education, secondary, program agreements, 75-5210a

Employment, 75-5211

Duties of warden, 75-5252

Private enterprises on leased correctional facilities, 75-5288

Reports by warden, 75-5251

Unlawful use of inmate labor, 75-5226

Withdrawals from compensation to inmates, certain cases, 75-5211


Aggravated escape, 75-5269

Personal property, abandoned, 75-52,135

Reward for capture, 75-5222

Warrant for arrest, 75-5222

Examination and study, 75-5229

Family visitations, 75-5260


Department of corrections - general fees fund, 75-52,139

Payments to crime victims fund, 75-52,139

Services provided, 75-52,139

Felons, 75-5206

Funds of, 75-5257, 76-172 et seq.

Furloughs, 75-5210

Garnishment, payments, 60-727


Duties of chief physician, 75-5249

Transfer upon recommendation of chief physician, 75-5249

Infectious disease tests, 65-6015 et seq.


Duties of wardens, 75-5252

Outside work,

Extending confinement limits, 75-52,116

Impact on private sector, 75-52,116

Limitations, 75-52,116

Prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq.

Unlawful use, 75-5226

Legal services corporations, budget, 22-4514a

Limitation of actions, 60-515

Medical facilities, transfers to, 75-5210

Mental health facilities, 75-52,130

Loans for construction, 75-52,130

Refinancing, construction loans, 75-4262

Minimum security classification, release from confinement, 75-5260

Mistreatment of confined persons, 21-5416

Moneys, 75-5254, 75-5257

Natural disaster, removal of inmates, 75-5224

Observation and diagnosis, report, 75-5209

Offenses committed by sex offenders in custody, report, 75-52,148

Parole, program agreements, preparation for, 75-5210a

Placement and transfer by secretary, 75-5206, 75-5220

Prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq.

Property crime restitution and compensation act payments, 75-5268

Public-private partnerships for construction projects, 75-52,167 et seq.

Bids, competitive, exemptions, 75-3739

Bonds, issuance of, 75-52,168

Budget for project, 75-52,169

Contracts, 75-52,168, 75-52,170

Duties of the secretary, 75-52,170

Joint committee on state building construction, consultation, 75-52,168

Nonprofit corporation, 75-52,169

Report, annual, to legislative committees, 75-52,168

Sovereign immunity of state, 75-52,171

Reception and diagnostic unit,

Transfer of inmates, by sheriff, 75-5220

Records, 75-5210, 75-5221

Rehabilitation and training, 75-5210, 75-5229


Allowances and public transportation, 75-5211

Inmate program agreements, 75-5210a

Minimum security classification, 75-5260

Work programs, 75-5267

Religious materials, 75-5223

Restitution, setoff of claims against state, 46-920

Reward for capture, 75-5222

Rules, regulations, and orders, availability, 75-5210, 75-5256

Segregation pending transfer, 75-5220

Sex offenders, identification, high-risk assessment, 75-52,149

State security hospital, care or treatment, 75-5209

Status transfer, 75-5210

Topeka correctional facility, 75-52,131

Transfer to other institutions, 75-5209

By sheriff, 75-5220

Mentally ill inmates, 76-1305

Recommendations of chief physician, 75-5249

State security hospital, 75-5209

Topeka correctional facility, 75-5209

Transfer to conservation camps, 75-52,127

Transportation contracts, 75-5233

Treatment, 75-5210

Trust funds, 76-172 et seq.

Garnishment orders, minimum amount of payment, 60-727

Women offenders, post

Work and educational release programs, 75-5267 et seq.

Compensation, 75-5211, 75-5268

Contract for facilities, 75-5210

Escape, aggravated, 75-5269

Inspection, 75-5251

State fire marshal, fire protection, 31-148

Interstate Corrections Compact, 76-3001 et seq.

Investigatory powers, secretary, 75-5251

Juvenile correctional facilities,

Juvenile Correctional Complex, Kansas, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Atchison, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Beloit, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Larned, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Osawatomie, this index

Juvenile felons, placement prohibited, 75-5206

Labor. Inmates, ante

Lansing correctional facility, 75-52,131

All faiths chapel building fund, investment, 76-2473

Consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131

County parks and recreation centers, 19-2823a et seq.

Inmates, ante

Lease of land, 76-176 et seq.

Officers and employees. Corrections officers, ante

Prison-made goods, generally, post

Request to corps of engineers to repair levee damage on Missouri river, 76-2474

Transfer of inmates,

Mentally ill inmates, observation, treatment, 75-5209, 76-1305

Placement in correctional facilities, 75-5206

Trust fund, inmates, 76-172 et seq.

Warden. Wardens, post

Larned State Security Hospital, generally, this index


Agricultural land, disposition of proceeds, 75-5282

Mineral interests, 75-52,136

Mandatory disposition of detainers act, 22-4301 et seq.

Manufactured goods imported in state, 75-5284

Manufacturing and other businesses, reports, 75-5255

Manufacturing prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq.

Medical vendors' claims, inmate care, not filed within fiscal year, payment, 75-52,126

Mental health facilities,

Loans for construction, 75-52,130

Refinancing, construction loans, 75-4262

Mentally ill prisoners. Larned State Security Hospital, generally, this index

Minimum security classification, release from confinement, 75-5260

Mistreatment of confined persons, 21-5416

Municipal corporations, selling prison-made goods to, 75-5273 et seq.

Natural disaster, removal of inmates, 75-5224

Norton correctional facility, consolidation, 75-52,131


Accounts and accounting, 75-5254

Corrections officers, 75-5247

Investigations, disciplinary proceedings, 75-5210

Witnesses, investigations, 75-5251

Officers and employees,

Appointment, 75-5246, 75-5250, 75-52,124

Attorneys, 75-5250

Civil service, 75-5250

Corrections officers, ante

Defense of certain civil actions, 75-4360

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Investigations, 75-5251

Moving expenses, 75-5250

Physicians, 75-5250

Student interns, 75-5250

Supervisory personnel, 75-5250

Transfer of certain, consolidation, El Dorado correctional work facility, 75-52,137

Unlawful use of inmate labor, 75-5226

Ombudsman of corrections. Corrections Ombudsman, this index

Order, maintenance of, rules and regulations, 75-5210

Parole, this index

Penal institution, defined, 22-4207

Penal Reform Act, purpose and construction, 75-5201

Penal systems, generally, 75-5201 et seq.

Penitentiary, consolidated, renamed, 75-52,131

Personal property of inmates, disposition, 75-5257, 75-52,135


Appointment, 75-5249, 75-5250

Chief physician, 75-5249

Prerelease centers,

Inmate program agreements, 75-5210a

Local advisory committees, abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-137, 74-138

Prison expansion, specialized facilities and training academy, plan for, 75-52,146

Prisoners. Inmates, ante

Prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq.

Buildings and facilities, 75-5281, 75-5282, 75-5288

Capital improvements, reports, presentations, 75-5282

Contracts, 75-5281, 75-5288

Correctional industries fund, 75-5282

Donations, agreements, 75-5288

Home building program, limitations, 75-5275a

Industries, establishment, 75-5275

Machinery and equipment, 75-5275

Materials, equipment or buildings, purchase or lease, 75-5281

Prices, 75-5280


Exceptions, 75-5277

Manufacture of products, 75-5275

Sale of articles, products and services, 75-5275

Purchase by public agencies, 75-5276

Exceptions, 75-5277

Violations of act, penalty, 75-5278

Work projects, 75-5275

Private entities, prohibition on facilities for inmates of other states, 75-52,133

Privatization of security operations, legislative authorization required, 75-52,165

Probation. See, subhead Sentencing under Crimes and Punishments, this index

Probation and parole board. Parole Board, Kansas, generally, this index

Probation and parole officers,

Officers. See, Parole, this index

Property of inmates, disposition, 75-5257, 75-52,135

Psychiatrists, certain institutions, 75-5248

Psychologists, certain institutions, 75-5248

Reception and diagnostic center,

Consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131

Topeka correctional facility—east, post


Conduct of inmates, 75-5259

Contracts, 75-5253

Criminal identification, bureau of investigations, attorney general division, exchange, 75-712

Inmates, personal history, 75-5221

Inspection, 75-5251

Trial evidence, use of, 75-5219

Redesignation or consolidation, 75-5205, 75-52,131, 75-52,131a, 75-52,137

Rehabilitation, purpose of act, 75-5201

Religious materials for inmates, 75-5223

Reports, 75-5251, 75-5255

Conduct of inmates, 75-5259

Inmate employment and discipline, wardens, 75-5251

Moneys received, wardens, 75-5254

Psychiatric evaluation, privilege, 75-5266

Reward, capture of escaped inmate, 75-5222

Risk assessment of sex offenders, 75-52,149

Road signs, manufacture, 8-159

Rules and regulations. Corrections, State Department of, this index

Sale of prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq.

Sale of property of inmates, 75-5257

School attendance, not required, 72-9936

Secretary of corrections. Corrections, State Department of, this index

Security hospital. Larned State Security Hospital, generally, this index

Security operations, privatization of, legislative authorization required, 75-52,165


Limitations on serving sentence in department of corrections facility, 22-3716

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Shawnee county, custody and care of certain state properties located within, use as correctional institutions, 75-52,125

Social counselor, certain institutions, 75-5248

State institutions, agreements for use of, 76-12a24

Stockton correctional facility, consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131

Student interns, 75-5250

Subpoena of prisoner, 60-245

Subpoenas, investigations, 75-5251

Supervisory personnel, assignment and reassignment, 75-5250

Surplus Property, this index

Tax levy for building fund, 76-6b09

Topeka correctional facility—east, 75-52,131

Consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131, 75-52,131a

Female inmates, medium or minimum classification, 75-52,134

Reception and diagnostic unit, transfer, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Transfer of inmates,

Limitation, 75-52,134

Observation or treatment at other state institutions, 75-5209

State security hospital, 76-1305

Transfer reception and diagnostic unit, procedures and benefits, 75-4370 et seq.

Topeka correctional facility—west,

Consolidation, redesignation, 75-52,131

Tort claims. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Traffic in contraband, criminal code, 21-5914

Traffic signs, manufacture, 8-159

Training and rehabilitation programs, inmates, 75-5210

Transactions, reports by warden, 75-5255



Costs, 75-5220

Institutions for observation and treatment, 75-5209

Limitations, female offenders, 75-52,134

Mentally ill inmates, state security hospital, 76-1305

Reception and diagnostic unit, 75-5220

Recommendation of chief physician, 75-5249

Transfers to or from conservation camps, 75-52,127

Trust fund, inmates, 76-172 et seq.

Uniforms, furnished to corrections officers, 75-5247


Appointment, 75-5246, 75-5250, 75-52,124

Assignment and reassignment, 75-5250

Contracts, approval, 75-5253

Defined, 75-5202

Deputy wardens, 75-5258

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Execution of sentence, authority, 22-3427

False imprisonment, defect in commitment order as ground for action, 75-5225

Financial statements and reports, 75-5254

Investigations, 75-5251

Moving expenses, 75-5250

Oaths, accounts of moneys, 75-5254

Officers and employees, appointment, 75-5250, 75-52,124

Orders, 75-5256

Powers and duties, 75-5247a, 75-5252

Redesignation of directors of correctional institutions, 75-5246

Reports, 75-5251, 75-5255, 75-5259

Vacancy in office, deputy warden authority, 75-5258

Winfield correctional institution,

Interagency use agreement, 75-3370

Property conveyance by secretary of social and rehabilitation services, 75-3370


Investigations, 75-5251

Prisoner, 22-3416

Subpoena, prisoners, 60-245

Women offenders,

Confined at Topeka correctional facility, 75-52,134

Examination and study, 75-5229

Rehabilitation program, 75-5229

Sentenced, custody of secretary, 75-5229

Transfer by sheriff, designated correctional institution, 75-5220

Work and educational release programs, 75-5267 et seq.

See, also, Inmates, ante

Work facilities, correctional, establishment, 75-5210


Correctional Institutions, this index


Corrections, State Department of, this index


See, also, Community Corrections, generally, this index; Correctional Institutions, generally, this index

Generally, 75-5201 et seq.

Attorney, 75-2935, 75-5205

Commitment order, defect in, 75-5225

Community corrections advisory committee, 75-5291

Conservation camps, 75-5206, 75-52,127, 75-52,132, 75-52,146

Contraband, opening parcels to determine, 75-5209


Approval of secretary, 75-5253

Contract facilities, 75-52,128, 75-52,129

Correctional services, purchase from community corrections, counties, 75-52,107

Expansion of facilities in cities and counties, 75-52,146

Federal and state agencies, authorized, 75-5205, 75-5210, 75-5267

Forensic psychologists, services, 75-52,151

Housing of inmates, in cities and counties, 75-52,128, 75-52,129, 75-52,146

Individuals, partnerships or corporations, 75-5205

Inmate rehabilitation programs, 75-5210

Physicians, services of chief, 75-5249

State institutions, use of, 76-12a24

Transportation of inmates, 75-5233

Work projects, 75-5275

Work release programs, 75-5267

Correctional officers,

Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364

Corrections and juvenile justice oversight, joint committee on, 46-2801

Corrections master plan, 46-2802

Corrections ombudsman board abolished, 74-140

Correspondence, inmates, 75-5209

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Definitions, 75-5202

Deputy secretary of corrections, 75-5204

Divisions, 75-5204

Drug abuse treatment programs, certification, 75-52,144

Drug screening program, safety sensitive positions, 75-4362

Employees. See Officers and employees, post

Established, 75-5203

Executive officers, acting, appointment, 75-4315a

False imprisonment, defect of commitment, 75-5225

Federal aid, receipt, expenditure, 75-5205


Community corrections supervision fund, 75-52,113

Correctional services special revenue fund, 75-52,150

Department of corrections - general fees fund, 75-52,139

Department of corrections forensic psychologist fund, 75-52,151

Department of corrections state forfeiture fund, Kansas, 60-4117

Evidence-based programs account of the state general fund, 75-52,164

Gifts for department or institutions, 75-5205

Governmental operations accountability law, application, 75-5203

Habeas corpus, evidence transmitted to secretary, 75-5219

Health care provider,

Peer review officer or committee, 65-4915

Industrial reformatory. Correctional Institutions, this index


Advisory committee, abolition, 74-131, 74-132, 74-137, 74-138

Prison-made goods act, 75-5273 et seq.


Administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Correctional Institutions, this index

Deaths in state correctional facilities, investigation, reports, 75-52,147

Institutions, consolidation of administration and operations, 75-5205

Investigatory powers, secretary, 75-5251

Juvenile community correctional services, transfer to juvenile justice authority, 75-7034 et seq.

Juvenile correctional facilities,

Juvenile Correctional Complex, Kansas, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Atchison, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Beloit, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Larned, this index

Juvenile Correctional Facility at Osawatomie, this index

Officers and employees,

Infectious diseases,testing, 65-6008

Juveniles, in the custody of the department, 38-2366

Juvenile offenders, data exchange, 75-52,162

K-GOAL, application, 75-5203

Medical vendors' claims, inmate care, not filed within fiscal year, payment, 75-52,126

Mental health facilities,

Loan for construction, 75-52,130

Refinancing, construction loans, 75-4262

Moneys, account and return of, 75-5254

Moving expenses, officers and employees, 75-5250

Oaths, administering of, 75-5210, 75-5251

Officers and employees, 75-2935, 75-5205

Assistant secretaries, 75-5204

Drug screening program, 75-4362

Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364

Hepatitis B tests, inmates, 65-6015 et seq.

Infectious disease,

Disclosure of information, 65-6004

Testing, 65-6008, 65-6009, 65-6015 et seq.

Moving expenses, 75-5250

Parole, post

Retirement and pensions, 74-4914a et seq.

Secretary, 75-5203

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Training, 38-2394

Ombudsman of corrections. Corrections Ombudsman, this index

Parole. See, Parole, this index

Parole Board, Kansas, this index

Prisoner review board, this index

Penal Reform Act, purpose and construction, 75-5201

Penal systems, generally, 75-5201 et seq.

Penitentiary. Correctional Institutions, this index

Personnel, retirement and pensions, 74-4914a et seq.

Prison expansion, specialized facilities and training academy, plan for, 75-52,146

Prison-made goods, 75-5273 et seq.; Correctional Institutions, this index

Prisoner review board, 75-52,152 et seq.


Reports, 75-5255

Transferral of, 75-52,131

Psychiatric evaluation reports, privilege, 75-5266

Reception and diagnostic center. Correctional Institutions, this index

Public information officer, 75-2935

Public-private partnerships for construction projects, 75-52,167 et seq.

Real estate,

Convey and exchange land in Ellsworth County, 75-52,141, 75-52,142

Convey land in Leavenworth county to fire district 1, 75-52,142a

Convey land in Reno county to city of Hutchinson, 75-52,145

Convey land in Shawnee county to city of Topeka, 76-184

Exchange, lease, certain land in Reno county, 76-183

Lease of land, 76-176 et seq.

Purchase, land in Jefferson County, 75-52,119 et seq.

Winfield state hospital and training center property, conveyance, interagency agreement, 75-3370


Contracts, 75-5253

Inmate behavior, 75-5210

Inspection, 75-5251

Parole officers, 75-5216

Transferral of school records, 72-3439

Trial evidence, use of, 75-5219

Regulations. Rules and regulations, post

Rehabilitation and training, inmates, 75-5201, 75-5210


Accounts and return of moneys, 75-5254

Psychiatric evaluation, privilege, 75-5266

Wardens to secretary, 75-5251, 75-5255

Retirement and pensions, 74-4914a et seq.

Death benefits, 74-4914e

Disability benefits, 74-4914e

Security officer, defined, 74-4911a

Rules and regulations,

Availability to inmates, 75-5210

Correspondence of inmates, 75-5209, 75-5210

Drug abuse treatment programs, certification, 75-52,144

Government and discipline of institutions, 75-5251

Oaths, designating who may administer, 75-5210

Publication, 75-5256

Training of corrections and parole officers, 75-5212

Treatment of inmates, 75-5210

Violations, procedures for dealing with, 75-5210

Wardens of correctional institutions, duties, 75-5252

Secretary of corrections, 75-5203, 75-52,158

Access to institutions, 75-5251

Accounts of moneys, directors, 75-5254

Advisors, appointment, expense allowances, 75-5205

Agreements, expanded or new facilities in cities and counties, 75-52,146

Appointment, 75-5203

Acting secretary, 75-4315a

Chief physician, 75-5249

Division heads, 75-5204

Parole officers, 75-5214

Qualifications, 75-5203

Subject to senate confirmation, effect, 75-5203

Wardens of institutions, 75-5250, 75-5246

Assignment and reassignment of personnel, 75-5250

Community correction grant program, 75-52,112

Community Corrections, this index

Conservation camps, authority, 75-52,127

Contract facilities, 75-5206, 75-5210

Contracts, ante

Corrections and parole officers,

Arrest of released inmate, 75-5217

Report to attorney general, 75-5212

Standards of training, 75-5212

Corrections master plan, duties, 46-2802

Crime victims, duties, 74-7338

Crime victims compensation fund, local property crime funds, payments, 75-5211

Criminal justice coordinating council, membership, 74-9501

Custody, persons sentenced to confinement, 21-6605

Dead bodies, unclaimed, 65-904

Death sentences, execution, 22-4001 et seq.

Delegation of powers, 76-3003

Deputy secretaries, 75-5204

Disease, removal of inmates, 75-5224

Divisions within department, 75-5204

Drug abuse treatment programs, providers, certification, 75-52,144

Employees, appointment of, 75-5205

Employment of inmates, 75-5211

Escape or death of inmate, notice to victim, 22-3727

Evaluation, reports, 75-52,112

Evidence at trial, 75-5219

Expenses, 75-5203

False imprisonment, defect in commitment order, 75-5225

Federal aid, receipt and expenditure, 75-5205

Gifts of property for department or institutions, 75-5205

Government and discipline of institutions, powers and duties, 75-5251

Graduated risk assessment of sex offenders, 75-52,149

Halfway houses, establishment, 75-5210

Highway markers and signs, manufacture, 8-156

Honor camps, 75-5210

Industries, establishment at correctional institutions, 75-5275


Facts surrounding commission of felonies, 22-3432

History of inmates, 75-5221


Actions by, administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Community parenting release, 22-3730

Compensation, amounts withdrawn from, disposition, 75-5211, 75-5268

Fees for services, crime victims deductions, 75-52,138

Functional incapacitation release, 22-3728

Labor of inmates,

Construction and repair of buildings, 75-5210

Outside work, 75-52,116

Program agreements, 75-5210a

Supervised furlough, 22-3726

Terminal medical condition release, 22-3729

Transfers to or from conservation camps, 75-52,127

Warrant, issuance, arrest of escapees, 75-5222

Interstate Corrections Compact, powers, 76-3003

Investigatory powers, management of institutions, 75-5251

Justice reinvestment working group, 75-52,160

K-GOAL, application, 75-5203

Law enforcement officers memorial advisory committee, 75-2251


Facilities to private enterprises, 75-5288, 75-5289

Oil, gas and other mineral interests, 75-52,136

Motor vehicle number plates, surplus equipment, sale or lease, 39-1210

Natural disaster, removal of inmates, 75-5224

Oaths, administering of, 75-5210, 75-5251

Officers and employees at correctional institutions,

Appointment, ante, this subhead

Assignment and reassignment, 75-5250

Oil, gas and other mineral interests, leases, 75-52,136

Powers and duties, 75-5205, 75-5251, 76-3003

Assignment and reassignment of supervisory personnel, 75-5250

Consolidation of operations, institutions, 75-5205

Intensive substance abuse treatment programs, placement, 75-5220

Investigatory, 75-5251

Parole board, provide personnel for, 22-3713

Placement of inmates, 75-5206, 75-5220

Placement of juvenile felons, 75-5206

Reorganization, institutions, 75-5205

Prison expansion, specialized facilities and training academy, plan for, 75-52,146

Prison-made goods,

Prices, determination of, 75-5280

Purchase by public entities, 75-5276, 75-5277

Purchase or lease, materials, equipment or buildings, 75-5275, 75-5281

Work projects, contracts, 75-5275

Programs, inmate rehabilitation, 75-5210

Proposal requirements, priority, funding, 75-52,112

Psychiatric evaluation reports, 75-5266

Qualifications, 75-5203

Real estate,

Conveyance of certain real estate in Reno county, 75-52,158

Purchase of certain real estate in Ellsworth county, 75-52,159

Real estate, purchase, 75-52,119 et seq.

Records and papers,

History of inmates, 75-5221

Inmate behavior, 75-5210

Release of inmate, notice to victim, 22-3727


Community corrections advisory committee, 75-5291

Offenses committed by sex offenders in custody, 75-52,148

Reward for capture of escaped inmate, 75-5222

Rules and regulations,

Community corrections act, 75-5294, 75-5296, 75-52,103

Correspondence of inmates, 75-5209, 75-5210

Drug abuse treatment programs, certification, 75-52,144

Ellsworth correctional facility, 75-52,124

Fees, inmate services, deductions, 75-52,139

Filing, 77-437

Inmate administrative remedies, 75-52,138

Notice and hearing, 77-421

Oaths, designating who may administer, 75-5210

Parole violator, confinement reduction, 75-5217

Prisoner review board, 75-52,153

Publication, 75-5256

Sentencing guidelines,

Good time credits, 21-6821

Program credits, 21-6821

Training, corrections and parole officers, 75-5212

Treatment of inmates, 75-5210

Wardens of correctional institutions, duties, 75-5252

Salary, 75-5203

Sale of articles, products and services, 75-5275

Sentencing commission, Kansas, membership, 74-9102

Subpoenas, power to issue, 75-5251

Sunset Law, 75-5203

Supervisory personnel of institutions, assignment and reassignment, 75-5250

Transfer of inmates of institution, 75-5209

Transfer of offenders,

Intensive substance abuse treatment programs, 75-5220

Reception and diagnostic unit, 75-5220

Transfer of persons confined, 21-6605

Vacancy in office, 75-5203

Volunteer or contract parole officers, 75-5214

Wardens' orders, disapproval by secretary, 75-5256

Warrant, parole violator, 75-5217

Witnesses, compelling attendance of, 75-5251

Women offenders, 75-5229

Work and educational release programs, 75-5267 et seq.

Compensation, 75-5211, 75-5268

Contract for facilities, 75-5210

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Subpoenas, power of secretary to issue, 75-5251

Transportation of inmates, contracts, 75-5233

Volunteers, parole services, 75-5214

Witnesses, compelling attendance of, secretary, 75-5251

Work projects with private individuals, 75-5275

Work release program. Secretary of corrections, ante

Youth residential facilities, 38-2399


Generally, 65-643 et seq.


Bribery and Corruption, generally, this index


Generally, 65-655 et seq.

Adulteration, 65-657

Bonds, 65-660

Advertisements, false, 65-657, 65-672

Blindness, dye product warning, 65-670

Bonds, adulterated or misbranded cosmetics, 65-660

Brands, misbranded, 65-671

Condemnation, 65-660 et seq.

Confidential information, 65-657

Consumer protection, 65-675

Contamination, 65-670

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-657

Distributor, misbranded, 65-671

Embargo, 65-660 et seq.

Entry on property, inspection purposes, 65-674

False advertisement, 65-672

False undertaking, 65-657

Federal food and drug administration, cooperation, 65-678

Guaranty, false, 65-657

Information disseminated to public, 65-675

Injunction, 65-658

Inspection, 65-674

Refusal to permit, 65-657

Judgments and decrees, 65-675

Jurisdiction, condemnation proceedings, 65-660

Labels, 65-657, 65-671

Minor law violations, 65-662

Misbranded, 65-671


Minor law violations, 65-662

Nuisance, 65-660

Poisonous or deleterious substance, 65-670


Inspection purposes, 65-674

Refusal to permit taking, 65-657

Simulating, labels, 65-657

Specimens, inspection purposes, 65-674

Trade secrets, disclosure, 65-657

Warehouse, access for inspection, 65-674


Coal-tar hair dye, 65-670

Minor law violations, 65-662

Weight, misbranded, 65-671


Generally, 65-1901 et seq.

Apprentice, 65-1901

Hours and continuity required, 65-1912

License, 65-1912

Qualifications, 65-1905

Barber Law, exemptions, 65-1816

Board, 74-2701 et seq.

Appointment and qualifications, 74-2701

Cease and desist order, 65-1902

Compensation and expenses, 74-2702

Duties, 74-2703

Employees, 74-2702

Executive director, 74-2701

Fines, assessment of, 65-1902

Fiscal year, 74-2705

Injunctions, 65-1909

Meetings, 74-2702, 74-2703

Oaths, 74-2701

Proceedings, 65-1908

Rules and regulations, 65-1903, 65-1905, 74-2702a

Seal, 74-2702

Tanning Facilities, this index

Terms of office, 74-2701

Travel expenses, 74-2702

Treasurer, 74-2701

Vacancies in office, 74-2701

Voting by administrative officer, 74-2702

Body piercing. Tattooing and Body Piercing, this index

Braiding, 65-1901, 65-1928

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Contracts, 74-1806

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-1902, 65-1908, 65-1909

Definitions, 65-1901

Education, continuing, 65-1903

Electrologists, 65-1901

Apprentice, 65-1912

Crimes and penalties, 65-1909

License, 65-1904

Prohibited acts, 65-1902

Reciprocity, 65-1904b

Schools and instructors, 65-1903

Employees, administration of law, 74-2702

Estheticians, 65-1901

Apprenticeship, 65-1912

Defined, 65-1901

Prohibited acts, 65-1902

Reciprocity, 65-1904b

Schools and instructors, 65-1903


Fees, disposition, 74-2704

Licensure, applicants for, 74-2703

Scope of, 65-1905

Executive director, compensation, 74-2702

Fees, 65-1903, 65-1904, 65-1904a, 65-1912, 74-2704

Fines. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fund, fee fund, 74-2704

Healing arts, persons not engaged in practice of, 65-2872

Home or residence, shop, 65-1904a

Inspection and inspectors, 65-1904a, 65-1907, 65-1908, 74-2702

Reinspection, clinics and salons, 65-1904a

Training, 65-1907

Instructor-in-training, 65-1901, 65-1903

Licenses and permits, 74-139

Applications, 65-1904

Censure of, 65-1908

Conditions, 65-1908

Continuing education requirements, 65-1903

Cosmetology technicians, continuation of license, 65-1902

Disciplinary actions, grounds, 65-1908

Display, 65-1906

Dual licensed salon and barber shop, 65-1907, 74-1806

Fees, disposition, 74-2704

Fines, 65-1908

Home or residence, 65-1904a

Inactive license, 65-1904

Instructor-in-training, 65-1903

Instructors, 65-1903, 65-1905

Continuation of license, 65-1903

Limiting, 65-1908

Penalties, 65-1909

Reciprocity, 65-1904b

Reinstatement, 65-1904

Remedies, 65-1908

Renewal, 65-1903, 65-1904, 65-1904a, 65-1904b, 65-1908

Revocation, 65-1908

Salon, clinic or school,

Reinspection report, display, 65-1906

Salon or clinic license, 65-1904a

Suspension, 65-1908

Violations, 65-1909


Examination, 74-2703

Manicurists, 65-1901

Apprentice, 65-1901

Prohibited acts, 65-1902

Qualifications, 65-1905

Schools and instructors, 65-1903

Nail technology,

Apprenticeship, 65-1912

Defined, 65-1901

Schools and instructors, 65-1903

Oaths, power of board to administer, 74-2702

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Place of practice, 65-1904a

Practice of cosmetology, 65-1903

Private home or residence, shop, 65-1904a

Qualifications, 65-1905

Reciprocity, 65-1904b

Records, 74-2702

Register, 74-2702

Registration, records, 74-2702

Rules and regulations, 65-1,148, 65-1903, 65-1905, 65-1908

Sanitation standards, 65-1,148, 65-1903, 65-1907, 65-1908, 65-1909

Displayed, 65-1906

Schools, 65-1903

Course of instruction, 65-1903

Credit hour conversion, 65-1903

Inspections, 65-1907

Instructors, 65-1903

Licenses, 65-1903

Part-time student instruction, 65-1903

Prohibited acts, 65-1902

Rules and regulations, 65-1903

Sanitation standards, 65-1,148, 65-1903

Senior status license, 65-1904

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Tanning Facilities, this index

Tattooing. Tattooing and Body Piercing, this index

Temporary permit, 65-1905

Tests, 65-1905


See, also, Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Generally, 60-2001 et seq.

Alternative dispute resolution fees, 60-2001, 60-2002, 60-2003

Appeal and Review, this index

Arbitration and award, 5-213

Assessment. Taxation of costs, post

Attachments, appraisers compensation, 60-706

Attorney Fees, generally, this index

Cities, costs, deposits or payment of docket fees, 60-2005

Clerk of court, duties, 60-2002

Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, fees for, 12-4119, 20-169

Conservatorship proceedings,

Small estates, 59-2215

Corporation commission, taxation, 66-150


Cost deposits, 60-2005

Examination of victims of sexual offenses, 65-448

Rules and regulations, 65-448

Home rule resolutions, violations, 19-101e

Unauthorized costs, recovery, 19-232

Courts, docket fees. See subhead Fees under Dockets, this index

Credit reporting. Fair Credit Reporting Act, 50-715, 50-716

Criminal Procedure, this index


Fees and mileage of witnesses 60-2003

Transcript of testimony by court stenographer, 60-230


Governmental entities and subdivisions exempt, 60-2005

Exceptions, 60-2005

Dismissal of actions, 60-241

DNA database fee, Kansas bureau of investigation, 75-724

Drainage districts, hearings on objections to engineer's report, 24-616

Examination of victims of sexual offenses, 65-448

Extradition proceedings, 22-2724


Collection of debts owed courts and restitution, fees for, 12-4119, 20-169

Witnesses, 60-2003

Foreclosure of security interest, civil procedure, 60-1006

Frivolous suits, assessment, 60-211

State agencies, 75-3079

Guardianship proceedings, taxation and security therefor, 59-2214

Healing arts board proceedings, 65-2846

Impeachment of public officers, 37-111

Irrigation and irrigation districts, 42-3,108

Items allowable, 60-2003

Journalist privilege, disclosure proceedings, 60-484

Judgment, payment of costs not acquiescence, 60-2004

Civil, 60-211

Criminal, 22-3802

Kansas bureau of investigation DNA database fee, 75-724

Marketable Record Title Act, prohibited claims, 58-3410

Mediation services, public employment, 75-4332

Mentally ill persons, committed to mental institutions, 22-3805

Motor vehicles,

Abandonment, 8-1102

Actions for negligent operation, 60-2006

Municipal Courts, generally this index

New trial, party obtaining verdict, report or decision by corruption, 60-259

Notice, publisher's charges, 60-2003

Offer of judgment, 60-2002

Oil and gas, hearings, 55-609, 55-711


Acquiescence in judgment, 60-2004

Effect on right to appeal, 60-2004

Postage fees, 60-2003

Pretrial conference, 60-216

Probate Proceedings, this index

Production of documentary evidence, 60-245

Real property actions, transcripts and filing of judgments, 60-601

Replevin bond, 60-1005

Salvage proceedings, 70-102

Security for costs,

Cities of first class, 13-1407

Governmental entities and subdivisions exempt from depositing, 60-2005

Exceptions, 60-2005

Security interest, foreclosure, civil procedure, 60-1006

Sexual offenses, examination of victims, 65-448

Rules and regulations, 65-448

Sheriff's fees and expenses, 60-2003

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

State exempt from costs deposits, 60-2005

Exceptions, 60-2005

Stray proceedings, 47-230

Tax appeals, state board of, judicial review of orders, 74-2426

Tax prosecutions, 79-1420

Tax sales, 79-2302

Taxation of costs, 60-2002

Arbitration and award, 5-213

Frivolous suits, 60-211

Transcripts, actions against certain state officials, 75-4360

Water mains, damage actions, 19-2622

Whistleblower act, state employee discipline, appeals, 75-2973

Wrongful death actions, 60-1903


Joint Tenants, generally, this index

Landlord and Tenant, generally, this index

Tenants in Common, generally, this index


Old Indian mission, preservation as historical property, 76-2023, 76-2024


See, also, Boards and Commissions, generally, this index; Committees, generally, this index

Congressional district residency requirements, 75-4315c

Contact lens advisory council, 65-4969

Council of State Governments, contributions, 46-408

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Developmental disabilities, state council on, 74-5501 et seq.

Early childhood developmental services, coordinating council on, 74-7801 et seq.

Employment security law, 44-714

Extension Councils, generally, this index

Flint Hills advisory council, 32-847

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

See, also, Information Technology, this index

Joint council on recreation. Recreation, this index

Kansas advisory council on intergovernmental relations. Intergovernmental relations, this index.

Kansas wildlife arts council, 74-7901 et seq.

Legislative Coordinating Council, generally, this index

Mo-Kan Metropolitan Development District and Agency Compact, 12-2523

Naturopathic advisory council, 65-7214

Occupational therapist council, 65-5404

Physical therapy advisory council, 65-2903, 65-2904, 65-2905

Radiologic technology council, 65-7310, 65-7311

Reports, 75-3044 et seq

Residency requirements, congressional districts, 75-4315c

Respiratory care council, 65-5504

Special education, state advisory council for, 72-3408

State interoperability advisory committee, 65-5733

State noxious weed advisory committee,

Approval of noxious weed declarations, 2-1313a, 2-1314

Approval of repeated emergency declaration of weed as noxious, 2-1314c

Report to secretary of agriculture, 2-1314d

Technical college, area advisory council, 74-32,410

Travel and tourism, council on, 32-1410 et seq.

Voluntary oversight council, adult care home client assessment, 39-968


See, also, Behavioral Sciences, generally, this index

Addiction counselors,

Advisory committee, 65-6605

Continuing education, 74-7507

Examination, 74-7507


Provisional licensure, 65-6621

List, 74-7507

Professional conduct, 74-7507

Registration, 74-7507

Rules and regulations, 74-7507

Clinical professional counselors. Professional counselors, generally, post

Drug abuse counselors. Alcohol and other drug abuse counselors, ante

Incorporation, 17-2706 et seq.

Professional counselors, 65-5801 et seq.

Behavioral sciences regulatory board,

Colleges and universities, approval, 65-5804a

Fees, 65-5808

Licensure, 65-5804a, 65-5806

Rules and regulations, 65-5804a, 65-5806, 65-5808, 65-5809

Confidential communications, 65-5810

Continuing education, 65-5806, 74-7507

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 65-5803

Definitions, 65-5802

Disciplinary actions, grounds for, 65-5809

Disclosures, mandatory, 65-5817

Education, 65-5804a

Disclosure of, 65-5817

Examination, 65-5804a, 74-7507

Fees, 65-5806, 65-5808

Licensure, 65-5803, 65-5806

Condition on, 65-5809

Criteria, 65-5804a

Denial, 65-5809

Fees, 65-5808

Limitation, 65-5809

Nonapplicable activities, 65-5812

Prohibited acts, 65-5812

Provisional licensure, 65-5819

Reciprocity, 65-5807

Temporary permits, 65-5807a

Reinstatement of license, 65-5806

Renewal of license, 65-5806

Revocation or suspension, 65-5809

Temporary license, 65-5804a

Waiver of requirements, 65-5807

Licensure act,

Savings clause, 65-5816

Mental disorders, authority to diagnose and treat, 65-5812

Out-of-state licensees, 65-5807a

Cease and desist order, 65-5807a

Fees, 65-5807a

Fines, 65-5807a

Temporary permits, 65-5807a

Professional conduct, 74-7507

Qualifications, 65-5804a

Rules and regulations, 65-5804a, 65-5806, 65-5808, 65-5809, 74-7507

Unprofessional conduct, 65-5809

Waiver of requirements, 65-5807

Professional counselors licensure act,

Construction of act, 65-5812


Setoff and Counterclaim, generally, this index


See, also, Forgery, generally, this index

Eggs, inspection fee stamp, 2-2503

Food, drug and cosmetic labels, 65-657

Lottery, State, generally, this index


See, also, specific counties by name

Accidents, education program, 75-5740

Accounts and accounting, 19-212

Discounts, 19-514

Actions and proceedings, 19-101, 19-105, 60-602

Costs, exempt from depositing, 60-2005

Delinquent taxes, 19-116

Funds lost by bank failure, recovery, 19-2635 et seq.

Unclaimed dead bodies, burial expense, 65-902b

Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Administrator, 19-3a02

Aged persons, homes for, 19-2106 et seq.

Air quality, powers and duties, 65-3010, 65-3016

Airports and Landing Fields, this index

Alcoholic liquor control enforcement fund, apportionment and distribution, 19-2694

Alcoholism and intoxication treatment,

Tax levy for special county alcohol and drug programs, 65-4060

Allowances unauthorized, recovery, 19-232

Alternative-fueled vehicles, state loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Ambulance services,

Emergency medical services, 65-6101 et seq.

Equipment, purchase and repair, 12-110a

Taxing district, tax levy, 65-6118

Amusement rides, 44-1601 et seq.

Financial responsiblity requirements, 40-4803

Local regulation of, 44-1612

Appraisers. Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Architects, employment, 19-1420

Arts program or projects, levy, 19-26,100

Assessors. Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Association of, 19-2689, 19-2690

Attachment, exception from bond requirement, 60-703

Attorney. County Attorneys, this index

Auditors. County Auditors, generally, this index

Audits. Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Bank failure, loss of county deposits, 19-2636, 19-2637

Benefit districts, creation or enlargement, 19-270

Bids and bidding,

Bids for projects, mistakes, procedures, 75-6901 et seq.

Bridges, 19-216a

Construction contracts, 19-214 et seq.

Exceptions, 19-216a

Retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909

Mineral leases, 19-111

Offices other than at county seat, 19-1586

Social welfare building, 19-1597

Voting machines, storage and servicing facilities, 19-1597


County Bonds, generally, this index

Housing finance. Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Industrial Revenue Bonds, this index

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Books and papers. See subhead Records, post

Boundaries, 18-101 et seq.

Change, 18-201 et seq., 18-208, 18-209

Boxing matches, regulation. See Boxing and Wrestling, generally, this index

Bridges. Roads and Highways, this index

Budget, generally, this index

Building codes,

Adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Buildings, 19-104

Acquisition of sites, urban areas, 19-15,120 et seq.

Barn and welfare office, sale, 19-1576a

Civic activities, 19-1561 et seq.

County road and highway department shop, 19-1576b

County seats, 19-1601 et seq.

Courthouses, generally, this index

Financing, sales tax, 12-187 et seq.

4-H clubs, 19-1561 et seq.

Fund, continuing tax levies, 19-15,124 et seq.

Health buildings, 65-204

Jails, generally, this index

Lease, memorial buildings, 73-407

Memorial buildings, 19-1577, 19-1578

Public buildings, 19-15,114 et seq.

Definitions, 19-15,114

Financing, 19-15,116

Gifts, 19-15,116

Improvements, 19-15,115

Joint with other municipalities, 19-15,115

Law enforcement centers, Geary county, 19-15,143

Lease, terms and conditions, 19-15,117

No-fund warrants, 19-15,116

Sale, terms, use of money, 19-15,118

Tax levies, 19-15,116

Continuing building fund, 19-15,124 et seq.

Repairs and improvements, 19-212, 19-1594, 19-1595

Social welfare purposes, 19-1596

United States post office building, purchasing for office space, 19-15,107

Voting machines, storage and servicing facilities, 19-1596 et seq.

Business machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2978

Camps, youth camps, lease of park property, 19-2643

Capital improvement fund, multi-year, 19-120

Cash-Basis Law, 10-1101 et seq.

Cemeteries and Cemetery Companies, this index

Charter government, urban area counties, 19-2680 et seq.

Cigarette tax, apportionment and distribution, 19-2694

Citizens commission on local government, counties, 170,000 to 200,000, 19-2670 et seq.

Civic activities, furnishing buildings and equipment, 19-1561 et seq.

Civic centers, 19-15,139 et seq.

Civil defense, 19-236a

Civil service,

Sheriff's office, 19-4303 et seq.

Urban area counties, 19-4303 et seq.

Claims, 19-114, 19-115, 19-208

Affidavits, fees, 28-103


Publication, 19-228

Uniform procedure, 12-105a, 12-105b

Appeals, 19-608

Destruction of obsolete papers, 45-404

Disallowance, action after, 19-615

Limitation of actions, 19-308

Payment, 19-613

Uniform procedure, 12-105a, 12-105b

Records, 19-306

Statement, 19-228

Clerks. County Clerks, generally, this index

Codes, adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Coliseums, counties over 300,000, 19-15,142

Concessions fund, 19-2691, 19-2693

Events fund, 19-2691, 19-2693

Recreation facilities fund, 19-2692a

Tax levies, 19-15,142

Commercial property, rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Commissioners. County Commissioners, generally this index

Communication system access and equipment, leasing, 75-5073 et seq.

See subhead Communication System Equipment under Transportation, State Department of, this index

Community colleges. Colleges and Universities, this index

Community Corrections, this index

Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation Assistance, generally, this index

Community mental health centers. See subhead Mental health centers, community, post

Community Strategic Planning Assistance Act, generally, this index

Compensation and salaries. County Officers and Employees, this index

Conservation districts, 2-1901 et seq.

Appropriation or tax levy, 2-1907b, 2-1907c

Consolidation of operations, 12-3901 et seq.

Contracts, 19-101

Alternative project delivery building construction procurement act, 19-216b et seq.

Construction management, 19-216e

Criteria for use, 19-216d

Definitions, 19-216c

Design built projects, 19-216f

Bids and bidding, ante

Community mental health centers, 19-4010 et seq.

Construction contracts, 19-214 et seq.

Contracts with other municipalities, 12-2908

Correctional services, purchase from community corrections, counties, 75-52,107

County home, buildings, 19-2108

Feeding prisoners, counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-706

Improvements, retention of moneys, satisfactory completion, 75-6909

Intellectually disabled, services, 19-4007

Intergovernmental cooperation, 12-2901 et seq., 12-3901 et seq.

Joint operation of fire department, 80-1501

Law enforcement contracts, 12-2909

Mental health services, 19-4007

Nonresident contractors, appointment of process agents, 16-113

Parks, this index

Resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Roads and bridges, 19-212

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Street lights, 19-2721 et seq.

Controller. County Controller, generally, this index

Convention and tourism committee, 12-16,101

Contracts and programs, 12-16,101

Cooperation, 12-2901 et seq., 12-3901 et seq.

Coroners, generally, this index

Correctional institutions,

Prohibition, facilities for inmates of other states, 75-52,133

Selling prison-made goods to, 75-5273 et seq.


Criminal cases, payment, 22-3801

Examination of victims of sexual offenses, 65-448

Unauthorized, recovery, 19-232

County and city revenue sharing fund, 79-2964 et seq.

County Attorneys, generally, this index

County codes and resolutions, enforcement of,

Certain counties, 19-101d, 19-4701 et seq.

Appeals, 19-4737

Appearance, bond, orders to appear, 19-4718

Arraignment, 19-4719, 19-4720

Complaint, 19-4709, 19-4710, 19-4731

Contempt, bench warrant, appearance bond, 19-4739

Continuances, 19-4724

Costs, assessments, 19-4707

County counselor duties, 19-4706

Criminal procedure code applicability, 19-4723

Definitions, 19-4708

Discovery, 19-4725

Electronic citations, 19-4715a

Fines and penalties, 19-4716, 19-4735

Forms, 19-4738

Joinder, 19-4732

Judges, 19-4705

Judgment, 19-4733, 19-4734, 19-4736

Jurisdiction, 19-4704

Notice to appear, 19-4711, 19-4712, 19-4713, 19-4715a

Pleas, 19-4721, 19-4722, 19-4727

Procedure, 19-4703

Rules of evidence, 19-4730

Trials, 19-4728, 19-4729

Witnesses, expenses, 19-4726

County Homes, generally, this index

County Seats, generally, this index

County service taxing districts,

Creation, dissolution, 19-121

Court. District Court, post

Courthouses, generally, this index

Crime Victims, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq.

Dangerous regulated animals. Animals, this index

Death of prisoner in custody, 19-1935


Cash-basis law, 10-1101 et seq.

County Bonds, generally, this index

Limitation on, 10-306, 10-307

Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Deeds and conveyances, 19-101

Tax foreclosure, validation, 58-2262, 58-2269

Wildlife, parks and tourism, department of, 19-2803b

Deposits, loss by bank failure, 19-2636, 19-2637

Disaster agency, establishment, 48-929

Disaster emergency, public health orders, 48-925

Discounts, accounts, 19-514

District Attorneys, generally, this index

District court trustees, payment of expenditures, 20-381

District courts,

Budget, 20-349

Enforcement of court resolutions, 19-101d et seq.

Expenses, 20-348

Personnel, benefits, 20-358, 20-359

Records, electronic access to, 20-371

Security, 20-366

Downtown redevelopment act, 12-17,121 et seq.

Drainage Districts, generally, this index

Drains and Drainage, generally, this index

Drivers' licenses, regulations, 8-235

Drought relief, 19-3001 et seq.

Drug abuse,

Tax levy for special county alcohol and drug programs, 65-4060

Easements, streambank, 82a-220

Easements upon state lands, 75-2130 et seq.

Economic development, 19-4104 et seq.

Advisory committee, creation, 19-4104

Bonds, industrial revenue, 12-1741b et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Election, 19-4102

Funds, use, 19-4103

Interlocal cooperation agreements, 19-4110

Joint undertaking, two or more counties, 19-4105

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Tax exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Limitations and conditions, 79-251

Taxation, 19-4102

Property tax exemption, Kan. Const. Art. 11, § 13

Elections, generally, this index

Electrical wiring codes, adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Emergencies, mutual or reciprocal assistance policies, 12-16,117

Emergency expenses, 19-236

Emergency Interim Executive and Judicial Succession Act, 48-1201 et seq.

Emergency location of government, enemy attack, 48-1401 et seq.

Emergency Medical Services, generally, this index

Emergency telephone service, 12-5362 et seq.

Eminent Domain, generally, this index

Employees. County Officers and Employees, generally, this index


County Engineers, generally, this index

Employment of, 19-1420

Environmental protection grant program, 75-5657

Equipment reserve fund, 19-119

Excavations, abandonment, safety measures, 19-2504 et seq.

Executions, 19-108

Expenses and expenditures, 19-212

Burial of veterans, 73-301 et seq.

Cash-basis law, 10-1101 et seq.

Estimate of expenditures, 19-228

Grave markers for veterans, 73-432

Printing expenses, 19-229

Sheriff, travel expense, advancement, 19-269

Summary and balance, 19-228

Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index

False claims act, Kansas, 75-7501 et seq.

Federal Aid, generally, this index

Fees, 28-101 et seq.

Hawkers and peddlers, licenses, 19-2201, 19-2205

Unauthorized, recovery, 19-232

Veterans' military service records, 73-209 et seq.

Financial statements, 19-227

Fines and penalties,

Actions for recovery, 60-602

Home rule resolutions, violations, 19-101d et seq.

Unauthorized fees or costs, 19-232

Fire department, joint operation with municipality, 80-1501

Fire districts, 19-3601 et seq.; See, also, Fire Districts, generally, this index

Fire protection equipment, purchase and repair, 12-110a

Firearms or ammunition, regulation of, 12-16,124

Buyback programs, use of tax proceeds, 12-16,124b

Concealed carry licenses issued to public employees, disclosure and record of, 75-7c23

Limitations on liability, 12-16,124a

Firefighters, generally, this index

Fireworks, regulation of, 31-503

Fiscal agent, transmission of money to, 19-531 et seq.

Flood control, see, Levees and Flood Control, this index

Food, nutrition labeling, distribution and production, regulation of, 12-16,136, 12-16,137

Food service programs, contracts with school districts, 72-17,146

Foreign trade zones, 12-825h

Forfeitures, actions for recovery, 60-602

Foundations, municipally established,

Investment of funds, 12-1677d

4-H clubs, furnishing buildings and equipment, 19-1561

Funds. County Funds, generally, this index

Garages, implement houses or material yards, sale proceeds of abandoned jails, 19-1928a

Garbage. Garbage and Refuse, this index

Garnishment, consent for proceedings against, 60-723

Gas piping codes, adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Geary county, jail, law enforcement center, bonds, 19-15,116, 19-15,143

General fund. County Funds, generally, this index

Geological survey, contributions by counties, tax levies, 76-326a


Community mental health services, 19-4008

Historical property, 19-2650

Hospitals, 12-1615

Lakes and recreational grounds, 19-2803c, 19-2803d

Parks, this index

Youth centers, 19-3902

Golf courses, certain counties, 19-27,156

Governors of Kansas hometown heritage act, 75-5071, 75-5072

Grants or loans from the state, 12-16,108 et seq.

Gross earnings tax, 12-1,101 et seq.

Hawkers and peddlers, licenses, 19-2201 et seq.

Health and sanitation, 19-212

Emergency expenses, 19-236

Health building, 65-204

Health care services,

Court employees on county payroll, 20-358, 75-4101

State health care benefits program, 75-6506, 75-6508

Health codes, adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Health department, community nursing care, 65-220 et seq.

Health Officers, generally, this index

Highways. Roads and Highways, this index

Historic theater,

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,163

Historical records, collection and preservation, 19-2647 et seq.

Home rule powers, 19-101 et seq.

Charter government, urban area counties, 19-2680 et seq.

Enforcement, 19-101d et seq.

Limitations, 19-101a

Resolutions, home rule, post

Hospitals, this index

Hours of business, county offices, 19-2601


Authority, 17-2339 et seq.

Financing. Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Housing incentive district act, 12-5241 et seq.

Inspections, limitations on, 12-16,138

Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Tax Sales, 79-2811

Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123

Trust funds, 12-16,114

Imitation firearms, 12-16,115

Improvement districts, 19-2753


Community improvement district act, 12-6a26 et seq.

Sedgwick county, 19-27,181

Indebtedness. See Debt, ante

Industrial districts, 19-3801 et seq.

Impairment of county powers, 19-3818

Industrial revenue bonds, 12-1741b et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Location of facilities, approval, 12-1741a, 12-1741b

School districts, notice, 12-1749c

Information technology executive council, representative member, 75-7202

Injunction, nuisance, 60-908

Insurance, 19-212

County treasurers, 19-502a

Group, officers and employees, 19-212d

Health, court employees on county payroll, 20-358, 75-4101

Liability, 75-6111

Municipal group-funded pool act, 12-2616 et seq.

Payment of claims, 40-3901 et seq.

Risk management reserve fund, 12-2615

Intangible property, tax on gross earnings, 12-1,101 et seq.

Intellectual disability services, tax levies, 19-4011

Transfer of proceeds to state agency for purchase of services, 19-4007

Interlocal cooperation, 12-2901 et seq., 12-3901 et seq.

Intermodal transportation projects, state assistance, 75-5081 et seq.

Inventory, county personal property, 19-2687, 19-2688


College and university bond issues, 76-6a23

Direct investments, 12-1677b

Idle funds, 12-1675 et seq.

Earnings, disposition of, 12-1677

Investment policies, 12-1677b

Municipal investment pool fund, 12-1677a

Itinerant vendors, licenses, 19-2201 et seq.

Jails, generally, this index

Job classification and merit system ratings, certain counties, 19-4301

Judgments and decrees,

Appeals or stays, security or bond, 19-108

Levy to pay, 19-108

Recovering unauthorized fees or costs, 19-232

Judicial Districts, generally, this index

Judicial review of actions. Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Juvenile community correctional services, grants, powers, 75-7038 et seq.

See, also, Juvenile Justice Authority, this index

Knives and knife making components, regulation of, 12-16,134

Labette county army ammunition plant, 19-4904

Land bank, 19-26,103 et seq.

Advisory committees, 19-26,113

Board of trustees,

Powers and duties, 19-26,105, 19-26,106, 19-26,107

Establishment, board of trustees, 19-26,104

Property tax exemption, 19-26,111

Sale of property, 19-26,112

Special assessments, 19-26,111

Transfer of property to bank, 19-26,109, 19-26,110

Law enforcement, 19-101d et seq.Contracts with cities, 12-2909

Equipment, purchase and repair, 12-110a


Lyon county,

Bonds, 10-307

Sales tax, 12-187

Riley county, bonds, 10-307

Johnson county, broadcasting equipment, 19-2645

Multijurisdictional law enforcement agreements, 19-828

Tax levies, 12-11a01, 12-11a02

Training, 74-5601 et seq.

Law enforcement agencies,

Asset seizure and forfeiture act, reporting requirements, 60-4127

Records, law enforcement officer applicants, 75-4379

Asset seizure and forfeiture repository, 60-4127

Certain counties over 23,000, 19-4424 et seq.

Certain counties under 23,000, 19-4401 et seq.

Department, 19-4406, 19-4407, 19-4412, 19-4413

Facilities, 19-4415

Law enforcement officers, 19-4409, 19-4419

No-fund warrants, 19-4420

Superintendent, 19-4408

Tax levy, 19-4421

Counties of 3,000 to 4,000, 19-4468 et seq.

Counties of 3,800 to 4,300, 19-4468 et seq.

Counties of 37,000 to 48,000,

Prisoner's health policy or contract, reimbursement from, 19-4444

Prisoners medical costs paid by state, 19-4444

Counties of 5,000 to 12,000, 19-4468 et seq.

Board, 19-4471

Department, establishment, 19-4474

Director, 19-4475

Duties, 19-4473, 19-4477, 19-4478

Facilities, 19-4480

Law enforcement officers, 19-4476, 19-4484

Tax levy, 19-4485

Counties of 9,600 to 10,500, 19-4401 et seq.

Abandonment, disposition of property, 19-4423

Costs of operation, apportionment, 19-4421

Membership, 19-4404

Transfer of cities' property to agency, 19-4412

Counties of 37,000 to 48,000, 19-4424 et seq.

Agency, membership, 19-4427

Department, 19-4429, 19-4430, 19-4434, 19-4435

Director, 19-4431

Emergency reserve fund, 19-4443

Expenditures and claims, approval, 19-4444

Facilities, 19-4437

Law enforcement officers, 19-4432, 19-4441

No-fund warrants, 19-4442

Prisoners, expenditures for medical care, 19-4444

Procedure for adopting act, 19-4426

Tax levy, 19-4443, 19-4443a

Health care expenses of persons in custody, payment, 22-4612

Prohibition of release to avoid payment, 22-4613

Motor vehicle information, furnishing, fees, 74-2012

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Complaints, 22-4610, 22-4611

Definitions, 22-4606

Discipline, 22-4610

Policies, 22-4610

Unlawful act, 22-4609

Reporting methamphetamine lab seizures or dump sites, 21-2501a

Reporting theft or attempted theft of anhydrous ammonia, 21-2501a

Riley county, 19-4424 et seq.

Law Libraries, generally, this index

Lease-purchase agreements, 10-1116c


Mineral, oil and gas, 19-110 et seq.

Real estate bid in at foreclosure sale, 79-2706 et seq.

Sheriff's posse, 19-2655

Legal publications, 64-108, 64-109

Levees and Flood Control, generally, this index

Liability for damages. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Municipal group-funded pool act, 12-2616 et seq.

Libraries, this index

Limitation of actions, claims against counties, 19-308

Liquor control enforcement tax, apportionment and distribution, 19-2694

Liquor license, retailer, nuisance convictions, reporting to the director of alcoholic beverage control, 21-6204


Taxes paid under protest, loan from pooled money investment board, 79-2005

Loans or grants from the state, 12-16,108 et seq.

Local ad valorem tax reduction fund, apportionment and distribution, 19-2694

Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Maps and plats,

Action to recover forfeitures, 12-408

Alteration or new county, 12-410

Mental health centers, community, 19-4001 et seq.,

Bonds, 19-4004

Buildings and sites, sale, 19-4013, 19-4014

Community Mental Health and People with Intellectual Disability Assistance, generally, this index

Confidential information, patients, 65-5601 et seq.

Contracts, 19-4010 et seq.

Federal funds, acceptance, 19-4004

Governing board, 19-4002, 19-4002a, 19-4002b, 19-4003

Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924

Intellectually disabled, county facilities, 19-4004

Investment of idle funds, 12-1675

Loans or scholarships, 19-4016

Peer review, proceedings, 65-4915

Reports, risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

State assistance, 75-3303a

Title to buildings, 19-4004

Mental health clinics, 65-211, 65-212

Community Mental Health and People with Intellectual Disability Assistance, generally, this index

Confidential information, patients, 65-5601 et seq.

Contract for mental health services, 65-211

Impaired providers, reports relating to, 65-4924

Peer review, proceedings privileged, 65-4915

Reports, risk management, 65-4923 et seq.

Tax levies, 65-215

Urban areas, approval of budgets, tax levies and improvements, 12-1669, 12-1670

Mental health services, contracts for, 65-211

Mine surveys, coal, limestone, rock, 49-101 et seq.

Mines, abandonment, safety measures, 19-2504 et seq.

Motor fuel tax, allocation, 79-3425, 79-3425c

Motor pool, 19-2679

Motor vehicles,

Central pool, 19-2679

Personal use, 8-301

Publicly owned, 8-304 et seq.

Sheriffs, 28-107b

State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

Traffic regulations, application to county vehicles, 8-2103

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Museums and cultural centers, 19-2663 et seq.

Historical records, 19-2647 et seq.

Names, 18-101 et seq.

National defense operations depots, 3-401, 3-402, 3-403

Natural resources development district, 49-625

Neighborhood revitalization act, 12-17,114 et seq.

New counties, 18-301 et seq.

Newspaper, official, 64-101

Nuisance abatement,

Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act, 19-26,115 et seq.

Nursing care, community, 65-220 et seq.

Offices, hours of business, 19-2601

Oil and gas proceeds, payment to, 70a-116

Papers. Records, post

Parking lots, counties between 185,000 and 200,000, 19-27,150

Parks, this index

Paving materials,

Mining or manufacturing of by cities and counties, 12-16,122

Private parties,

Limitation on provision of by cities and counties, 12-16,121

Payments in lieu of taxes. See Taxation, this index

Penalties. Fines and penalties, ante

Personal property, 19-101, 19-102

Inventory, 19-2687, 19-2688

Park districts, 19-2890

Personnel advisory board,

Counties between 100,000 and 160,000, 19-4301, 19-4302

Counties over 300,000, 19-4301, 19-4302

Personnel officer, powers, duties, compensation, 19-4301, 19-4302

Petty cash fund, counties over 150,000, 19-264 et seq.

Physically handicapped, services for, tax levy, 19-2698

Planning Commission, generally, this index

Plans and specifications, construction contracts, 19-216

Playgrounds and Recreation Centers, this index

Plumbers, licensure, 12-1508 et seq.

Plumbing codes, adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Population, 11-201, 28-129

Port Authorities, generally, this index

Printing expenditures, 19-229

Prison-made goods, purchases, 75-5273 et seq.

Private employers,

Regulation of prohibited, 12-16,130, 12-16,131, 19-26,114

Privatization of public services, 12-5501 et seq.

Municipalities, this index


Alcoholic liquor, consumption, 41-719

Damage, emergency expenditures, 19-236

Inventory and record, 19-2687, 19-2688

Personal property, ante

Powers and duties, 19-101

Real estate, 19-101, 19-102, 19-2633

Regulating use, 19-212

Sale, 19-101, 19-211

Alternate methodology, 19-211

Vacation of, 19-26,102

Property crime restitution and compensation act, 19-4801 et seq.

Crime Victims, this index

Property tax levy general authority, 79-1945, 79-1946

Public building commission, 12-1757 et seq.

Leases, 12-1765

Members, 12-1759

Powers, 12-1758

Property, acquisition of, 12-1764

Rates and charges, 12-1762

Revenue bonds, 12-1761, 12-1767b

Public improvement districts,

Bonds, 12-17,155

Creation, 12-17,152

Financing, 12-17,153

Powers, 12-17,154

Taxing authority, 12-17,153

Public inspection, official books and papers, 19-2601

Public services, privatization of, 12-5501 et seq.

Public utilities, 10-1201 et seq.

Bonds for construction and operation, 10-1202

Public welfare, 19-212

Public works departments, 19-4501 et seq.

Purchases, cooperative purchase agreements, 75-3739

Quarantine, diseases, 65-126

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a

Data collection, 22-4611a

Real estate, 19-101, 19-102

Subdivision plats, filing, 19-2633


Abstracters, access, 58-2804

Destruction, 45-404 et seq.

Lost, stolen or destroyed, 64-106, 64-107

Microphotographed copies, 58-2224

Open public records, 45-215 et seq.

Public inspection, 19-2601

Patents, certified copies, 75-2813

Personal property, 19-2687, 19-2688

Photographic copies, 58-2224

Preservation act, 45-401 et seq.

Receipts and expenditures, 19-311

Reproductions, 19-250 et seq.

Road records, 19-310

State historical society, preservation and use, 75-2702

Transfer upon change of boundaries, 18-207

Use as evidence, 19-252

Recreational facilities, agreements with federal agencies, 12-691

Redevelopment authority, creation,

Labette county army ammunition plant, acquistion of property, 19-4904

Redevelopment district within federal enclave, 19-4901 et seq.

Establishment, 19-4902, 19-4903

Resolution of intent, 19-4902

Intergovernmental agreements, 19-4903

Kansas development finance authority, 19-4903

Master plan, 19-4902

Redevelopment projects, 19-4907

Bonds, 19-4906

Notice and hearing, 19-4905

Plan, 19-4905

Redevelopmental authority, creation, 19-4904

Powers, 19-4904

Sunflower army ammunition plant, acquisition of property, 19-4904

Sunflower army ammunition plant, 19-4904

Refuse, disposal, 19-2658 et seq.

Equipment, purchase and repair, 12-110a

Sites, permits, 19-2658

Solid waste disposal, 65-3405

Register of Deeds, generally, this index

Rent, federal rent, disposition, 19-15,107

Rent control, purchase price control, prohibited, 12-16,120

Repairs, buildings, 19-212, 19-1594

Reports, annual financial statement, 19-227

Residential housing, financing. Local Residential Housing Finance Law, generally, this index

Resolutions, home rule, 19-101a, 19-101b, 19-101d

Appeals, 19-101f

Enforcement, 19-101d et seq., 19-4701 et seq.

Intoxicating liquors, 19-101a

Resource recovery facilities, contracts, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Retirement system. Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Revenue bonds. Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Revenue sharing fund, 79-2964 et seq.

Rivers and Streams, this index

Roads and Highways, generally, this index

Royalties, mineral, oil and gas leases, 19-110 et seq.

Rural opportunity zones, 74-50,222

Student loan repayment, 74-50,223

Sale of property, 19-211

Sales, 19-101

County barn and welfare office, 19-1576a

County homes, 19-2115

Property, 19-101, 19-211

Alternate methodology, 19-211

Real estate acquired on tax sale, 79-2804f

Sales tax, 12-187 et seq., 19-3311

Sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

STAR bond project,

Administrative fee, 12-17,164

Employment by government official, prohibition of, 12-17,180

Establishment of, 12-17,164, 12-17,166

Information for economic development database, 12-17,169

Real property,

Acquisition of, 12-17,172

Sale, transfer or lease to developer, 12-17,172

Rural development projects, alternative financing, 12-17,169

STAR bond project district,

Division of, 12-17,171

Establishment of, 12-17,165

Real property,

Addition or removal of, 12-17,171

Inclusion of, limitations on, 12-17,162

Transfer of ownership interest, 12-17,171

Sand and gravel, sale, 82a-309, 82a-311

Sanitary codes, 19-3701 et seq.

Adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Violations, prosecutions, 19-3707

Scrap metal, regulation of, 50-6,109f

Seal, attestations, 19-321

Seats. County Seats, generally, this index

Service of process, 60-304

Sewers and Sewer Systems, this index

Sheriffs, generally, this index

Shop, 19-1576b

Social Welfare, generally, this index

Solid waste,

County management committee, 65-3405

Resource recovery facilities, 65-3418, 65-3421 et seq.

Solid waste management system. Waste, this index

Special benefit districts, certain, creation or enlargement, 19-270

Special counsel, 28-319

Special districts,

Assumption of powers and responsibilities, 12-3921 et seq.

Procedure, 12-3922, 12-3923

Sports authority, urban area counties, 19-28,106 et seq.

State alternative fuels loan program, 75-37,116 et seq.

State geological survey, tax levy, 76-326


Annual financial statement, 19-227

Claims allowed, 19-228

Summary and balance, 19-228

Storage tanks, generally, this index

Storm drainage, city-county system, 12-6,102

Assessment, 12-6,103

Protest petition, election, 12-6,104

Stream maintenance fund, 82a-308

Streambank easements, 82a-220

Street lighting, 19-2721 et seq.

Subdivision plats, real estate outside city, 19-2633

Supplies, 19-225

Surety bond premium payments, 78-111

Surveyors. County Surveyors, generally, this index

Swimming pools, cooperation in maintenance and operation, 15-914 et seq.

Tax exemption, 79-201a

Tax increment financing, 12-1770 et seq.

Taxation, generally, this index

Taylor grazing fund, distribution, 27-119

Telecommunications and railroad machinery and equipment tax reduction assistance fund, 79-2979

Telecommunications services from state, 75-4709

Tenant lists, restrictions, 12-16,123

Tort liability. Tort Claims Act, generally, this index

Tourism and convention promotion,

Committee, appointment, terms, 12-1695, 12-16,101

Contracts and programs, 12-16,101

Transient guest tax, 12-1692 et seq.

Tourism areas, sales tax and revenue bonds, 12-17,160 et seq.

Township powers, duties and functions, transfer to county, 80-120

Trade zones, foreign, 12-825h

Traffic regulations,

Adoption by reference, 12-3301 et seq.

Application to vehicles owned or operated by counties, 8-2103

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219, 8-1222

Transient guest tax, 12-1692 et seq., 12-1696 et seq.

Transient merchant licensing act, 19-2231 et seq.

Transportation development district act, 12-17,140 et seq.

Bonds, 12-17,149

Creation, procedure, 12-17,142

Hearing, 12-17,144

Notice, 12-17,144

Definitions, 12-17,141

Excise tax, limitation, 12-17,151

Financing of projects, 12-17,143, 12-17,144, 12-17,147, 12-17,149

Fund, 12-17,148

Limitations on actions, 12-17,146

Mail ballot election, 12-17,151, 25-432

Sales tax, 12-17,145, 12-17,147a, 12-17,148

Secretary of revenue, 12-17,150

Special assessments, 12-17,143

Transportation revolving fund loan, 12-17,148, 12-17,149

Transportation projects, state assistance,

Intermodal transportation assistance revolving fund, 75-5081 et seq.

Transportation assistance, state revolving fund, 75-5063 et seq.

Trash disposal, solid waste, ante

Travel policies, 19-269

Treasurer. County Treasurers, generally, this index

Underpass, 19-212

Urban areas, Kan. Const. Art. 2, § 17

Acquisition of sites for buildings and parking, 19-15,108 et seq.

Building sites for county services, bonds, limitations, 19-15,120 et seq.

Charter government, 19-2680 et seq.

Commission, 19-2681

Duties, 19-2684

Members ineligible for election to office of county commissioner, 19-2686

Membership, appointment, 19-2682

Organization, 19-2683

Submission of charter to electors, 19-2685

Civil service system, 19-4303 et seq.

Fire Districts, generally, this index

Parking improvements, 19-15,108 et seq.

Bond elections, 19-15,109

Sedgwick county urban area nuisance abatement act, 19-26,115 et seq.

Sidewalk and pedestrian ways, 19-27,127, 19-27,128

Sports authority, 19-28,105 et seq.

Storm drainage districts, 19-27,129 et seq.

Youth services bureaus, 19-3904 et seq.

Utilities, contracts, purchase of gas, water or electricity, 12-825j

Contracts, purchase of gas, water or electricity, 12-825j

Privatization of, 12-5501 et seq.

Vacation of property, 19-26,102

Vehicles, excess size and weight,

Permits, issuance of, 8-1911

Vending facilities, operation by blind persons, 75-3337 et seq.

Venue, local county actions, 60-602

Veterans, monuments and memorials, 73-401 et seq.

Viaducts, joint construction, 13-1024b

Vocational rehabilitation,

Community facilities for intellectually disabled, 19-4001 et seq.

Community mental health centers, 19-4001 et seq.

Warrants. County Warrants, generally, this index

Warrants for Payment of Money, generally, this index

Waste. Solid waste, ante

Wastewater, generally, this index

Wastewater management plans, 65-3308 et seq.

Water Districts, this index

Water mains, construction in or along highways, 19-2618 et seq.

Water Pollution Act, 12-3101 et seq.

Water service equipment, purchase and repair, 12-110a

Water Supply, this index

Water supply districts,

Public wholesale, 19-3545 et seq.

Rural water supply district, 82a-601 et seq.

Waters and Watercourses, this index

Waterworks management, committee, 65-3309

Weather modification programs, authority to establish or participate in, 19-212f

Tax levy, 82a-1425

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1313a et seq.

County-specific noxious weeds, 2-1314

Weights and Measures, this index

Wells, abandonment, safety measures, 19-2504 et seq.

Witnesses, competency, 19-107

Workers compensation, 44-505b

Wyandotte county,

Consolidation with Kansas City, 12-340 et seq.

Youth centers, 19-3901 et seq.

Youth services bureaus, 19-3904 et seq.

Zones and Zoning, this index

Zoos, counties over 300,000, 19-28,112

Tax levy, 19-28,112


Appointment, 19-3a03

Powers and duties, 19-3a04

Procedure to establish office, 19-3a02


Tax Appraisers, generally, this index


See, also, District Attorneys, generally, this index

Generally, 19-701 et seq.

Absence, 19-711

Appearances before judge of district court, 19-703

Assistants. Deputies and assistants, post

Attorney general, aid, 75-704

Audit of accounts,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Banks and banking, 9-2014

Bond (official), 19-701

Bonds of county officers and employees, approval, 19-4205

Campaign finance. Elections, this index

Carriers, action to recover penalties, 66-177

Cemetery corporations, prosecutions, 17-1312a

Checks, giving a worthless check,

Administrative handling fee, 21-5821


Chemigation safety, enforcement of law, 2-3307

Pesticides, enforcement of act, 2-2206

Claims, against county, advice, 19-716

Compensation and salaries,

See, also, County Officers and Employees, this index

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208, 28-223

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Counties over 300,000, 28-620

Drains and drainage, legal advice, 24-120

Conservation districts, legal services, 2-1907

Consumer Protection Act, Kansas. Consumer Protection, generally, this index

Contractors, nonresident contractors, tax collection duties, 79-1010

Contracts, bridges and culverts, 68-1118

County counselor, effect of appointment, 19-248

County law enforcement department, assistance, 19-4430

Crime Victims, this index

Criminal identification procedures, 21-2504, 21-2505

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Cruelty to animals, prosecutions, 21-6412

Dairy products, unfair trade practices, 50-505

Deputies and assistants, 19-723

Compensation and salaries, 19-706b, 28-167

Employed by prosecuting witness, 19-717

Expenses for automobile purchase or lease, counties of 100,000 or less, 19-706b

Oaths and official bonds, 19-2604

Payment of salaries, 28-168


Civil actions, 44-1022

Enforcement of orders of Kansas human rights commission, 44-1011

Dismissal of actions, 19-717

Diversion of criminal prosecutions, 22-2906 et seq.

Factors considered, 22-2908

Prohibited, when, 22-2908

Supervision, 22-2907, 22-2909

Domestic violence,

Policies, adopted, 22-2309

Drains and drainage, legal advice, 24-120

Dual office holding, 19-705

Duties, 19-702

Sentencing commission, Kansas, membership, 74-9102

Wildlife, parks and tourism violations, 32-1053

Election, 19-701, 22a-108, 25-101

See, also, Elections, generally, this index

Electricity, action for penalties for wire violations, 66-185

Employment agencies, prosecutions, 44-409

Employment Security Law, prosecutions, 44-720

Ethics, State Governmental, generally, this index

Exhumation of bodies, application, 19-724

Expenses, 19-706b

Fee books,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316

Fees, 19-232, 19-705

Collection by successor, 28-124

Retention prohibited unless authorized by law, 28-175

Food, drug and cosmetic act, duties, 65-685

Forfeiture of office,

Intoxicating liquor violations, 41-1107

Tax foreclosure proceedings, 79-2801

Funeral directors and embalmers, permission to embalm, 65-1707

Grand jury,

Duties, 19-713

Petition, 22-3001

Habeas corpus, notice, motion attacking criminal sentence, 60-1507

Hazardous waste, enforcement, 65-3441, 65-3450

Healing arts,

Disciplinary action against licensees, 65-2838 et seq.

Prosecuting violations, 65-2866

Health nuisance prosecution, 65-160

Honey, unlawful labeling, duties, 65-685

Human rights commission, Kansas,

Civil actions, discrimination, 44-1022

Enforcement of orders, 44-1011

Identification of criminals, 21-2504

Illness or disability, 19-711

Informations, preliminary examinations, 22-2905


Nuisances, 60-908

Warehousemen, 34-230b

Inquisitions, criminal procedure, 22-3101 et seq.

Interception of wire, oral or electronic communications, order authorizing, 22-2515, 22-2516

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Labor organizations,

Business agent, suspension or revocation of license, 44-810

Injunctions, 44-814

Law enforcement department, assistance, 19-4430

Fertilizers, prosecutions, 2-1208a

Liquefied motor fuel tax enforcement, 79-34,102

Liquid fuel carriers, enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517

Maps and plats, 12-401, 12-403

Mileage, 28-169

Monopolies and Unfair Trade, this index

Motor carriers, prosecutions for violations, 66-1,131

Motor fuel carriers, enforcement of laws, 55-515, 55-517

Motor Fuel Tax Law enforcement, 79-3419

Motor fuels, liquefied motor fuel tax enforcement, 79-34,102

Motor Vehicle Fair Trade Law, quo warranto, 8-605

Nonresident contractors, tax collection duties, 79-1010


Appeals from county commissioners, 19-224

County treasurer's cash account examination, 19-624

Habeas corpus, motion attacking criminal sentence, 60-1507


Criminal procedure, 22-3902

Injunctions, 60-908

Oath of office, 19-2604

Odometer fraud, prosecution, 50-653a

Oil and gas,

Enforcement of laws, 55-608

Injunctions, disposal of salt or mineralized waters produced from wells, 55-1007

Open Public Records Act, civil penalties, 45-230

Opinions and advice, 19-704

Claims against county, 19-716

Optometry Law, enforcement, 65-1513

Ouster of public officials, subpoena for witnesses, 60-1208

Pawnbroker regulation, prosecution of violations, 16-722

Personal property taxes, delinquent, collection, 79-2101

Pesticide Law, enforcement, 2-2462

Polygraph exam, certain victims, prohibition, 22-4614

Powers and duties, 19-702

Probate Proceedings, this index

Prosecution of actions, 19-703

Child care facilities, 65-515

Election or license, offenders, 19-714

Maternity centers, 65-515

Public utilities, action to recover penalties, 66-177, 66-185

Qualifications, 19-701

Quo warranto,

Ouster of public officers, 60-1206, 60-1208

Prosecution of action, 60-1203

Railroads, this index

Receipts, duplicate receipts, 19-712

Removal from office, 19-2609

Reports, municipal accounting, audit report, 75-1126

Resignation, 19-2606, 25-3903a

Roads and Highways, this index

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Sand and gravel, actions protecting state property, 70a-104

School lands, foreclosure, 72-1540

Schools, compulsory attendance, enforcement responsibilities, 72-3121

Securities, criminal proceedings, 17-12a508

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Solid waste, law enforcement, 65-3414

Special investigation, assistant, 19-723

Stalking, policies, adopted, 22-2310

State fire marshal, assistance, 31-138

Successor, 19-2607

Tax appeals, defending on behalf of state, 74-2427

Tax foreclosure proceedings, 79-2804

Tax Sales, generally, this index

Tax violations, 79-1420

Taxation, personal property, delinquent, collection, 79-2101

Telegraphs and telephones, action for penalties for wire violations, 66-185

Term of office, 19-701

Township auditing board, actions, 80-304

Township road law violations, 80-306

Training, fee fund, 28-170, 28-170a, 28-172a

Travel expenses, 28-169

Tuberculosis, duties, 65-116d

Uniform Criminal Extradition Act, 22-2701 et seq.

Vacancy in office, 19-715, 19-2606 et seq., 25-3901, 25-3903a

Witnesses, fees, 28-125

Workers compensation, employer statement of insurance not filed, enjoining business continuation, 74-711


Abstract, reports, 19-609

Accounts and accounting, 19-623

Appointment, 19-601

Counties between 70,000 and 300,000, 19-620

Counties over 300,000, 19-630

District court, 19-630

Assistants, deputies, clerks, counties over 300,000, 28-613

Audit of accounts,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Bond, official, 19-602, 19-631

Counties of 70,000 to 300,000, 19-621

Payment of bond premiums, 19-614

Time for filing, 19-631

Bribery and corruption, 19-614

Budget, 19-623

Cash record books, 19-623

Claims, 19-622

Allowable claims, 19-607

Certification of claims, 19-606

Disallowed claim, time for actions, 19-615

Penalty for corruptly allowing, 19-614

Clerks, counties over 300,000, 28-613

Collection of tax, separate accounts, 19-623

Compensation and salaries, 19-626

See, also, County Officers and Employees, this index

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Counties over 300,000, 28-613, 28-620

Counties over 140,000,

Fees, 28-315

Statement of fees collected, 28-315

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Bribery and corruption, 19-614

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Counties over 300,000, 28-619

Deputies, oath and official bond, 19-2604

Duties, 19-605

Counties over 300,000, 19-632

Surprise cash count of treasurer's office, 19-506b

Examination of accounts, 19-632

County treasurer, 19-624

Monthly, 19-632

Reaudit, 19-619

Reports of county officers, 19-625

Sheriffs, 19-617, 19-618

Expenses, counties over 300,000, 28-613

Fee books,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316


Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Statement of fees, uncollected, 28-617

Disposition, 28-175

Information, county attorney, 19-618

Municipal Accounting, generally, this index

Notary fees,

Counties over 140,000, 28-315

Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Oath of office, 19-603

Offices and office hours, 19-604

Political subdivisions and quasi-municipal corporations, 12-150

Reaudits, 19-619

Records, 19-604, 19-623

Disposition of claims, 19-605

Open public, 45-215 et seq.

Removal from office, 19-601, 19-620, 19-2609

Reports, 19-606

Abstract, publication, 19-609

Annual report, 19-612

County clerk, 19-609, 19-622

County officers, 19-625

Examination of accounts, 19-616

Monthly report, 19-608

Sheriffs, quarterly statement, 19-617, 19-618

Resignation, 19-2606

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Surprise cash count of treasurer's office, 19-506b

Taxes, estimates, 19-612

Term of office, 19-601

Travel expenses, 28-169


See, also, Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Generally, 10-101 et seq.

Airports and landing fields, 3-314, 3-315

Armory purposes, 48-308

Attestation, 10-105

Bank failure, issuance to replace lost funds, 19-2635 et seq.

Bridge bonds, 10-201 et seq.

Building funds, issuance to complete, 19-15,125 et seq.

County homes, 39-714

Courthouses, this index

Courtrooms and facilities, urban area counties, 19-15,121, 19-15,122

Destruction, issuance of duplicate, 10-704

Detention, parental, juvenile homes or farms, 38-523, 38-534, 38-535

Drainage outlets, 12-631q

Duplicates, issuance, 10-701 et seq.


County homes, 39-714

Indigent persons, buildings, 39-366

Parks, museums and recreation grounds, 19-2801

Parks and recreation centers, 19-2818 et seq.

Counties over 135,000, 19-2823

Execution of bonds, 10-105

Flood control, 19-3303 et seq.

Highways, state share payment, 68-434 et seq.

Homes for indigent persons, 39-714

Homes for the aged, 19-2106

Additions to homes, 19-2123 et seq.

Prior issue, 19-2106c

Industrial revenue bonds, 12-1740 et seq., 12-3801 et seq.

Insurance companies, investments, 40-2a02, 40-2b02


Maximum rate, 10-1009

Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-405

Parks and recreation centers, 19-2818, 19-2823, 19-2838


Insurance companies, 40-2a02, 40-2b02

Metropolitan transit authority, 12-2812

Kansas Development Finance Authority Act, generally, this index

Lake and recreation centers, 19-2803c

Libraries, 12-1221

Limitation on indebtedness, 10-202, 10-306

Exceptions, 10-307

Lost bonds, issuance of duplicate, 10-704

Memorial building, combining with courthouse or jail, 19-1577

Metropolitan transit authority, investment of funds, 12-2812

Monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-401 et seq.

Parks, museums and recreation grounds, 19-2801 et seq.

Public buildings, 19-1510 et seq., 19-15,116

Public utilities,

Bonds for construction and operation, 10-1202

Construction and operation, 10-1201 et seq.

Refuse disposal, 19-2659

Revenue bonds. Municipal Bonds, generally, this index

Roads and Highways, this index

Seal, 10-105

Secured Debts Act, 79-3121 et seq.

Securities Law, exemptions, 17-12a201

Signatures, 10-105

Social welfare, county homes, 39-714

Social welfare building, 19-1596 et seq.

Tax exemption, 79-1407, 79-3121 et seq.

Taxation, boundary change, 10-1002, 10-1003, 10-1004

United States post office building, purchase for county office space, 19-15,107

Urban area building sites, limitations, 19-15,120 et seq.

Validation, monuments and memorials for veterans, 73-413 et seq.

Veterans' curators, investments, 73-512

Voting machines,

Storage and servicing facilities, 19-1596 et seq.

Water supply, 10-1202

Youth centers, 19-3901


Budget, generally, this index


Generally, 19-301 et seq.

Abstracter's bond, copies, 58-2802

Abstracts for tax assessment purpose, 79-414

Account, fees collected, 28-123

Accounts and accounting, 19-305, 19-313

Charge against county treasurer, 19-312

Claims allowed, 19-306

Fees collected, 28-123

Orders upon county treasurer for money collected, 19-318

Acknowledgments, 19-321, 58-2211

Assessor, ex officio, divestment of powers, 19-426

Assistants. Deputies and assistants, post

Audit of accounts,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Bank depository, charging with money deposited, 19-532

Biennial list, county officers, 19-323

Bond (official), 19-301

County attorney, filing, 19-701

County treasurer, filing, 19-501

Deputies and assistants, 19-302

Bonds of county officers and employees, duties, 19-4205

Boundaries, townships, certified statements, 19-309


Action for damages caused to property therein, 17-1305

Cemetery districts, petition for dissolution, 12-1617d

Checks and drafts, 19-535

Countersignature, certain counties, 19-534

Child care centers, filing budget, 12-4805

Cities of third class, incorporation, powers and duties, 15-116 et seq.

Claims, 19-606, 19-622

Community colleges, property valuations, 71-603

Compensation and salaries, 28-101 et seq.

See, also, County Officers and Employees, this index

Additional, not authorized by law, 28-175

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Deputies and clerks, 28-223

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Counties over 300,000, 28-620

Deductions, late delivery of tax rolls to county treasurer, 79-1803

Correction of irregularities in tax rolls, 79-1701

County bonds, attesting, 10-105

County demonstration farms, statistics summary, 2-508

County school fund, reports, tax sale acquired property, 79-2804f

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 19-243, 19-537

Biennial list of county officers, 19-323

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Counties over 300,000, 28-619

Death, 19-303

Deeds and conveyances,

Acknowledgments, 58-2211

Recording, 58-2239

Deputies and assistants,

Appointment and dismissal, 19-302

Counties of 100,000 or less, 28-167

Oaths and official bonds, 19-2604

Payment of salaries, 28-168

Drainage system, ditch, drain, stream, watercourse, obstructing, jurisdiction, 24-206

Drawing orders on county treasurers, 19-318

Dust storms and soil erosion, map filed with, 2-2005

Election, 19-301, 25-101

County election officer. Elections, this index

Duties, counties over 100,000, transfer of duties to election commissioner, 19-3422, 19-3434, 19-3436

Expenditures, book record, 19-311

Extension councils, duties, 2-610, 2-611

Fairs and expositions, tax levy estimate, 2-130

Fee books,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316

Fees, 28-101 et seq.

Auction of new goods, deposit, 58-1019

Collection by successor, 28-124

Counties over 140,000, 28-315

Counties over 300,000, 28-617

County treasurers' fees, counties over 250,000, 28-617

Disposition, 28-175

Exclusion of territory by city, 12-508

Fee books, 28-123

Motor fuel tax refund duties, 79-3454

Moving buildings, houses, permit, 17-1915

Notary fees, post

Receipts, 28-143

Report of collections to county auditor, 19-625

Fiscal agent,

Charging with money transmitted, 19-532

Monthly statement, 19-533

Forfeiture of office,

Failure to provide information to tax appraiser, 79-421

Tax assessment roll abstract not forwarded to property valuation director, 79-1605

Forms, biennial list of county officers, 19-324

Grand juries, petition, 22-3001

Groundwater management districts,

Powers and duties, 82a-1034, 82a-1035

Hawkers and peddlers, licenses, 19-2201 et seq.

Homestead property tax relief, assistance of claimants, 79-4510

Housing authority, 17-2339

Improvement districts, list of qualified voters, 19-2758

Industrial districts, dissolution, records, 19-3807

Inventory, county personal property, 19-2687

Jail keeper, 19-804a

Kansas register, copies, 75-430

Library district duties, 12-1238

Library levies, duties, 12-1215

Maps and plats, copy filed with, 12-403

Motor vehicles,

Tax distribution abstract, submission to county treasurer, 79-5108

Abstracts, motor vehicle tax distribution, 79-5108

Municipal bonds, registration, 10-107

Municipalities, annual statement of indebtedness, 10-1007a

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Notary fees,

Counties over 140,000, 28-315

Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Oaths and affirmations, authority to administer, 19-321, 54-101 et seq.

Offices and office hours, 19-304

Official bond. Bond (official), ante

Partitioned lands, certification for tax purposes, 79-419

Pawnbroker licensing, 16-707, 16-711

Personal property, county, inventory and record, 19-2687

Petty cash fund, counties over 150,000, monthly statement of payments, 19-266

Plant or weed blowing, map filed with, 2-2005

Plat of subdivisions, 79-405 et seq.

Powers and duties, 19-304, 19-305, 19-804a

Sheriff, function of, 19-804a

Property records, county personalty, 19-2687

Public utilities, assessed valuation, 79-5a27

Receipt book, 19-311

Receipts, state treasurer, 75-621


Certified copies, 19-306

Incomplete, 19-2607

Open public, 45-215 et seq.

Real estate transfers, 58-2240

Road record book, 19-310

Road surveys, 19-1420

Removal from office, 19-2609

County warrant violations, 19-243

Tax levy limitations violations, 79-1966


Fees collected, 19-625

Taxes levied within county, 79-1806

Resignation, 19-303, 19-2606

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

School lands, notice, 72-1538

Schools and school districts,

Boundaries, certification, 72-533

Retirement of school bonds, notice, 72-1437

Service of process, auction of new goods, 58-1018

Sewers and sewer systems,

Duties, 12-618

Placing assessments on tax roll, 80-2006

Sewer districts, 19-2752e

Petition, for dissolution, 12-1617c

Sheriff, functions of, 19-804a

Signature, records, 19-305

Special assessments, apportionment, 19-315

State treasurer, receipts, 75-621

Statements of taxes levied within county, 79-1806

Tax appraisers, divestment of powers, 19-426

Tax Assessments, generally, this index

Tax Collections, generally, this index

Tax levies in excess of limitations, duties, 79-1965

Tax Rolls, generally, this index

Taxation, generally, this index

Taxing unit maps, preparation, 79-1468

Term of office, 19-301

Township sewer systems,

Placing assessments on tax roll, 80-2006

Plans and specifications, filing, 80-2004


Disorganizations, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1118

Names, certified statements, 19-309

Transfer record, 58-2239

Judgments and decrees, 58-2242a

Travel expenses, 28-169

Trusts for benefit of state or political subdivisions, recording, 58-2432

Unclaimed county warrants, 19-320

Unfinished business, completion by successor, 19-2607

Unified school districts,

Boundaries, certification, 72-533

Retirement of school bonds, notice, 72-1437

Urban areas, counties designated, fee books, 28-1007

Vacancies in office, 19-303

Warrants for payment of money,

No-fund warrants, 10-807

Preparation, 10-801

Records, 10-804

Signature, 10-803

Water Plan Act, notice of hearings, 82a-905

Water Supply, this index

Water supply district, rural,

Dissolved district, records, 82a-611

Petition, 82a-602, 82a-603

Secretary, 82a-605

Watershed districts,

Organization petition, filing, 24-1205

Records, dissolution, 24-1232


Records, correction, 2-1321

Statement of cost of control and eradication, 2-1319, 2-1320, 2-1332


Generally, 19-201 et seq.

Accounts and accounting, 19-716

Actions and proceedings, 19-105

Aged persons, community service programs for the aging, 19-2678

Annexation of territory,

Land not adjoining city, 12-520c

Municipality, 12-521

Appeal and review, 19-223, 19-224

Disallowance of claims, 19-608

Subdivision plats prepared by county clerk for tax purposes, 79-407


County appraiser, 19-430

County seats, election judges, 19-1629

County treasurer, 19-504

Purchasing officer, 19-260a, 19-260b

State boards, committees, councils or commissions, 19-205

Appraisal districts, authority to create, 19-428

Attorneys, special counsel, counties of 175,000 to 250,000, 28-319

Auditing books, agreements to, 12-150

Audits and auditing,


Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Fee books, 28-123

Board of,

Duty to assist person to obtain birth certificate to register to vote, 25-2358

Bond (official), 19-233

Bond on appeal, 19-223, 19-224

Books and papers, 19-304, 19-305

Bridge bonds, 10-201, 10-202, 10-203, 10-205

Budget, 19-623

Urban area taxing districts, approval, 12-1669, 12-1670

Building funds, transfer to special county hospital and home for the aged fund, 19-15,137

Capital improvements, urban area taxing districts, approval, 12-1669, 12-1670

Cemetery districts,

Dissolution, 12-1617d

Exclusion of territory, 15-1018, 15-1019


County bonds, signature, 10-105

Election, 19-219

Powers and duties, 19-220

Charter government, urban area counties, 19-2680 et seq.

Cities, incorporation proceedings, 15-116 et seq.

Appeals to district court, 15-126

City officer, incompatible office, 19-205

Civic centers, 19-15,139 et seq.

Claims against county, personal liability, 19-115

Commissioner districts. Districts, post

Committee, wastewater management, 65-3309

Compensation and salaries,

See, also, County Officers and Employees, this index

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Deputies and clerks, 28-223

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Counties over 300,000, 28-620

Reduced compensation, population change, reimbursement, 28-831

Urban area counties, charter government, 19-2680

Viewers, roads and highways, 68-110

Contracts, feeding prisoners,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-706

County boards of canvassers. Elections, generally, this index

County fair association,

Official recognition, revocation, 2-163

County homes and farms,

Counties between 35,000 and 50,000,

Sale or disposition of proceeds, 19-15,136

Special building fund, 19-15,136

Sale of property, 39-333

Superintendent and employees, 39-714

Supervision, 39-714

Tax levies, 39-714

County officer, incompatible office, 19-205

County orders, 19-220

Examination and cancellation, 19-226

County park board, ex officio member, 19-2885

County service taxing districts,

Creation, dissolution, 19-121

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 19-233, 19-243

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Counties over 300,000, 28-619

Payment of fees, 28-150

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal justice information system, Kansas, 74-5701 et seq.

Dams for collection and storage of water, certification of completion and capacity, 82a-407

Death, chairman of board, 19-219

Departments of public works, establishing, 19-4501 et seq.

Deputies, oath and official bond, 19-2604

Disaster emergency, public health orders, 48-925

Discount program, noxious weed control, 2-1333


Boundary determination, charter government, urban area counties, 19-2680

Number, 19-201

Change in, election, 19-204, 19-204a

Procedure to fill vacancy, 19-204a

Rearrangement, 19-204, 19-204a

Drainage Districts, generally, this index

Drains and Drainage, generally, this index

Drought emergency, surplus water supply, 82a-408

Dust storms and soil erosion, 2-2003 et seq.

Election, 19-202, 25-101

See, also, Elections, generally, this index

Residency requirement, 19-202

Sherman county, 19-204b

Term of office, 19-202

Urban area counties, charter government, 19-2680

Eligibility for office, 19-205

Urban area counties, charter commission members, 19-2686

Emergency vehicle, designation as, 8-2010

Application, 8-2010a

Red light, use, 8-2010b

Expenses and expenditures, 28-169

Emergencies, 19-236

Estimate of expenditures, 19-228

Funds from dissolved drainage districts, 24-499a

Keeping prisoners, 19-1930

Travel policies for sheriffs, 19-269

Warrants. County Warrants, generally, this index

Fee books,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316

Inspection, audit, 28-123


Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Disposition, 28-175

Notary fees, post

Fence viewers, board constituting, 29-201 et seq.

Assignment, 29-201, 29-314

Majority vote, 29-201

Financial statement, 19-227

Fire Districts, this index

Forfeiture of office, tax foreclosure proceedings, 79-2801

Franchises, solid waste management system, 19-2677

Home rule powers, 19-101 et seq.

Homes for the aged, 19-2106 et seq.


Additions to homes, 19-2123

Interest, tax exempt, 19-2129

Investments, 19-2130

Negotiable instruments, interest, 19-2126

Not indebtedness of county, home or commissioners, 19-2125

Payment of,

Covenants and agreements to pay, 19-2127

Pledge of revenue, 19-2124

Use and disposition of proceeds, 19-2128

Counties between 4,500 and 5,500, tax levy for operation, 19-2122

Supervision, 19-2110


Cities of second class, judges and clerks of election, 14-694

Housing authority, 17-2339 et seq.

Commissioners of authority, appointment, 17-2341

Improvement Districts, generally, this index

Incompatible offices, 19-205

Industrial districts,

Election to become subject to act, 19-3821

Powers and duties, 19-3801 et seq.

Inventory, county personal property, 19-2687

Investment of funds, moneys of political and taxing subdivisions, distribution of, 12-1678a

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, generally, this index

Johnson county, park board, 19-2863

Judgments and decrees,

Appeals or stays, security or bond, 19-108

Tax levy, 19-108

Law enforcement agency,

Certain counties under 23,000, 19-4401 et seq.

Counties between 5,000 and 12,000, 19-4468 et seq.

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-4424 et seq.

Levees and flood control, contracts with federal government, 19-3301

Library districts, powers and duties, 12-1236 et seq.

Livestock association,

Official recognition, revocation, 2-163

Maps and plats,

Areas surrounding water impoundments, 65-189d et seq.

Restoration, 12-413

Meetings, 19-206, 19-209

Open meetings, 19-218, 75-4317 et seq.

Order of business, 19-218

Organization of board, 19-219

Prairie dog extermination, 80-1203

Mental health centers, transfer of powers, 19-4006

Motor pool, establishment, 19-2679

National defense operations depots, 3-401, 3-402, 3-403

Notary fees,

Counties over 140,000, 28-315

Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Orders for payment of money. County Warrants, generally, this index

Parking lots, rules and regulations, counties between 185,000 and 200,000, 19-27,150

Personal property, county, inventory and record, 19-2687

Personnel officer, power and duties, 19-4302

Plant or weed blowing, 2-2003 et seq.

Powers and duties, 19-103

Home rule, 19-101 et seq.

Library districts, 12-1237

Public buildings, 19-15,116

Sewer systems, governing body, powers, 19-27a02

Property records, county personalty, 19-2687

Public works, establishing departments of, 19-4501 et seq.

Recreational programs for the aging, 19-2678

Removal from office, 19-2609

County warrant violations, 19-243


County auditors, 19-608, 19-612, 19-624

County treasurer's accounts, examination, 19-616

Road record book, 19-310

Township auditing board, 80-304

Weed supervisors, 2-1316

Resignation, 19-2606, 25-3903a

Resolutions, 19-101a, 19-101b, 19-101d

Roads and Highways, this index

Rural water districts, 82a-612 et seq.

Rural water supply districts, 82a-601 et seq.

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Sale of property, duties, 19-211

Seal, 19-218, 19-304

Sewers and Sewer Systems, generally, this index

Sherman county, 19-204b

Speed limits, investigations, 8-1560

Sports Authority, Urban Area Counties, generally, this index

State officer, incompatible office, 19-205


Annual financial statements, 19-227

Claims allowed, 19-228

Summary and balance, 19-228

Stationery letterheads for county departments, 19-212c

Subdivision plats, filing, 19-2633

Surprise cash count of treasurer's office, 19-506b

Tax levies,

County homes, 39-714

Duties, 19-117

Urban area taxing districts, approval, 12-1669, 12-1670

Youth services bureaus, 19-3905

Tax rolls, correction of clerical errors, 79-1701a

Tax sales, acquisition of property, 79-2804f

Taxation, generally, this index

Term of office, 19-202

Urban area counties, charter government, 19-2680

Township offices, appointments, vacancies, 25-1606

Township trustees, reports, 80-304


Disorganization and reorganization, 80-1101a et seq., 80-1118

Powers, duties and functions, transfer to county, 80-120

Travel expenses. Expenses and expenditures, ante

United States, agreements for payments in lieu of taxes, 27-202 et seq.

Urban areas, counties designated,

Charter government, 19-2680 et eq.

Youth services bureaus, 19-3904 et seq.

Vacancies in office,

Chairman, 19-219

Filling, 19-203, 19-203a, 19-204a, 25-312, 25-3901 et seq.

Vacating platted lands, streets and alleys, easements,

Orders of commission, 58-2614

Petition, notice and hearing, 58-2613 et seq.

Voting machines. Elections, this index

Warrants for payment of money. County Warrants, generally, this index

Wastewater management committee, 65-3309

Water districts, rural, 82a-612 et seq.

Water supply contracts, 19-3515

Water supply districts, rural, 82a-601 et seq.

Water supply easements, 12-2711

Weather modification programs, authority to establish or participate in, 19-212f

Weeds, control and eradication, 2-1313a et seq.

County-specific noxious weeds, 2-1314

Withholding from employees salaries for insurance, 19-212a, 19-212b

Prior withholding confirmed, 19-212b

Workers compensation, 44-505b

Youth services bureaus, 19-3904 et seq.


Counties over 300,000,

Bond, 19-6a02

Compensation and expenditures, 19-6a04

Duties, 19-6a03

Auditing procedures, 19-632

Sewer systems, 19-27a26


See, also, County Attorneys, generally, this index

Generally, 19-247 et seq.

Bonds of officers and employees, approval, 19-4205

Claims against county, advice, 19-716

Compensation and salaries, additional, not allowed by law, 28-175


Bridges and culverts, 68-1118

Duties, 19-247

Delinquent taxes, counties over 300,000, duties, 79-2810

Effect of appointment upon county attorney, 19-248

Personal property taxes, collection of delinquent, counties over 100,000, 79-2017

Tax foreclosure proceedings, 19-247, 19-248, 79-2801 et seq.

Forfeiture of office, 79-2801


Generally, 68-501 et seq.

Accountants, counties over 300,000, 28-615

Appointment, 68-501

Assistants, deputies, clerks, 68-504

Counties over 300,000, 28-615

Audit of accounts, counties over 300,000, 28-618

Benefit district road work, supervision, 68-705

Bond, official, 68-505

Clerical help, 68-504

Compensation and salaries, 28-119

See, also, County Officers and Employees, this index

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Counties over 300,000, 28-615, 28-620

Irrigation districts, estimates, 42-358

Supervision of drainage after completion of work, 24-120

Costs, counties over 300,000, 28-615

Counties over 300,000, 28-615

County Surveyors, generally, this index

Crimes, punishments and penalties, counties over 300,000, 28-619

Deputies, oath and official bond, 19-2604


Dissolution, 68-501

Joint districts, employment of engineer, 68-503

Drainage districts, cities of first class, 24-493

Drains and drainage, duties, completion of work, 24-120

Employment, 19-1420

Expenses, county road and bridge fund, counties over 300,000, 28-615


Counties over 300,000, 28-615, 28-617

Disposition, 28-175

Foremen, counties over 300,000, 28-615

Joint employment by counties, salary, 28-118, 28-119

Notary fees, counties over 300,000, 28-617

Office and supplies, 68-504

Public buildings, 19-15,116

Qualifications, 68-501

Removal from office, 19-2609

Resignation, 19-2606

Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Roads and bridges, day labor system, duties, 68-1116

Roads and Highways, generally, this index

Superintendents, counties over 300,000, 28-615

Termination of appointment, 68-501

Title, 68-501

Township road equipment and machinery contracts, approval of, 68-526

Township road overseers, supervision, 68-530

Travel expenses, 28-119, 28-169

Counties over 300,000, 28-615

Wastewater management committee, 65-3309


Extension Councils, generally, this index


Generally, 2-132 et seq.

Fairs and Expositions, generally, this index


See, also, Funds, generally, this index; County Treasurers, generally, this index

Alcoholism, special alcohol and drug programs fund, 65-4060

Bank failure, loss, action to recover, 19-2635 et seq.

Building funds,

Tax levies, continuation, 19-15,124 et seq.

Transfer of unexpended balance, 19-2675

Capital improvement fund, multi-year, 19-120

Central motor pool revolving fund, 19-2679

Counties over 300,000,

Coliseum, events and concessions, 19-2691, 19-2692

Special recreation facilities fund, 19-2692a

County attorney, training, fee fund, 28-170a, 28-172a

County health capital outlay fund, 65-204

County health fund, 65-204

County homes, sale, 19-2115

Crime victims, aid programs, special fund, 74-7336

Distribution to political and taxing subdivisions, 12-1678a

District coroners fund, money to county general fund, 22a-245

Drug addiction, special alcohol and drug programs fund, 65-4060

Entertainment tax fund, 19-28,111

Equipment reserve fund, 19-119

Health funds, 65-204

Homes for the aged operation, maintenance and repair fund, 19-2106a

Interest, distribution, 12-1678a

Investments, 12-1675 et seq.

Law enforcement fund, 12-11a02

Mineral production tax fund, 79-4227

Moneys of political and taxing subdivisions, distribution of, 12-1678a

Multi-year capital improvement fund, 19-120

Petty cash fund, counties over 150,000, 19-264 et seq.

Reinvestment of matured funds,

Notice of offer to reinvest, 12-1677f

Revenue sharing fund, county and city, 79-2964 et seq.

Severance tax, special county mineral production tax fund, 79-4227

Soil drifting, 2-2007

Strays, sale proceeds, special fund, 47-239

Welfare funds, 19-2106a

Workers compensation, 44-505b


Generally, 19-2106 et seq.

Accounts and accounting, 39-714

Additional homes, 19-2106b

Administrator, 19-2110

Admissions, 39-714

Adult Care Homes, generally, this index

Aged Persons, generally, this index

Bonds, 19-2106

Additions to homes, 19-2123 et seq.

Prior issue, 19-2106c

Contracts for buildings, 19-2108

Defined, 39-714

Discontinuance, 39-333, 39-343


Sale of property, 19-2113, 39-348

Counties between 30,000 and 40,000, 19-2119

Tax levy or bond issue, 19-2107

Eminent domain, 19-2109

Employees, 39-714

Enlargement, 19-2106b

Establishment, 39-349

Federal aid, 19-2111

Counties between 30,0000 and 40,000, 19-2118


Homes for the aged fund, 19-2106a, 19-2106b, 19-2108, 19-2116

Renting or leasing, use, 19-2120, 19-2121

Sale, use, 19-2115

Gifts, 19-2111

Improvements, 39-348

Intergovernmental transfer program, nursing facility services, 75-4265

Joint operation by two or more counties, 39-714

Leasing or renting, 19-2112

Maintenance, 39-350

Tax levy, 19-2106a

Manager, 39-714

Remodeling and repairing, tax levies, 19-2106b

Renting or leasing, certain counties, use of proceeds, 19-2120, 19-2121

Repairs, 19-2116

Tax levies, 19-2106a

Reservation, minerals or mineral rights, 19-2113a

Sale of county farm, 19-2114

Counties between 9,000 and 10,000, 39-368

Counties over 25,000, 39-344

Use of moneys, 19-2115

Sale of property, 39-333, 39-343, 39-367

Sinking funds, 19-2106c

Special building fund, 39-365

Superintendent, 39-714

Supervision, 19-2110

Tax levy, 19-2106 et seq.

Certain counties under 7,000, 19-2106f

Certain counties under 10,000, 19-2106e

Counties between 4,500 and 5,500, 19-2122

Counties between 30,000 and 40,000, 19-2117

Maintenance and repair, 19-2106a

Taxation, 39-349

Working by inmates, 39-714


Accounts and accounting, book record, 19-311


County Administrator, generally, this index

Appointive officers,

Compensation and salaries, counties under 100,000, 28-825


Elective offices, filling vacancies, 25-312

Vacancy in elective office, term of office, 25-314

Appraisers. Tax Appraisers, generally, this index


County Attorneys, generally, this index

County Counselor, generally, this index

District Attorneys, generally, this index

Auditors. County Auditors, generally, this index

Biennial list, 19-323

Bonding, 19-4201 et seq.

Bonds (official),

Building contractors, 19-214

County Clerks, this index

County manager of parks, 19-2856

County park districts, 19-2886, 19-2891

Surety on bond, 78-101

Books and papers. See, Records, post

Cash record book, 19-623

Charter commission, urban area counties, 19-2681 et seq.

Clerks. County Clerks, generally, this index

Commissioners. County Commissioners, generally, this index

Compensation and salaries, 19-101 et seq., 19-208, 19-626

See, also, specific officers

Absentee officer in military service, 73-218

Additional, not allowed by law, 28-175

Appointee for person in military service, 73-216

Assistants, deputies, 28-167

Cook, jails, counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-222

Counties designated urban areas, additional compensation, 28-1010

Counties of 100,000 or less, 28-801 et seq.

Additional compensation, 28-811, 28-827

Assistants, deputies, 28-824, 28-825

Monthly payment, 28-812

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-718, 28-719

Deputies and employees, 28-721

Taxation for payment, 28-716

Counties over 300,000, 28-601 et seq.

Additional compensation, 28-622, 28-623

Increase in, 28-811

Manager of parks, 19-2856

Payment, 28-168

Monthly, 28-812

Semimonthly, 75-4315

Population determination, 28-813

Reduced compensation, population change, reimbursement, 28-831

Withholding until oath filed, 75-4311

Cook, jail, counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-222

Coroners, generally, this index

Counties designated urban areas,

Charter commission, 19-2681 et seq.

Compensation and salaries, application of act, 28-1011

Duties, charter government, 19-2680

Unlawful acts, 28-1008

Penalty, 28-1008

Counties of 100,000 or less, 28-801 et seq.

County homes, 39-714

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Counties designated urban areas, 28-1008

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Counties over 300,000, 28-619

Forfeiture of office, post

Interference with abstractors, 58-2810

Veterans' preference violations, 73-202, 73-204

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Deputies, 19-1601b

Oaths and official bond, 19-2604

Discharge for bankruptcy unlawful, 75-4316

Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, 75-4364

Election. See, Elections, generally, this index

Emergency Interim Executive and Judicial Succession Act, 48-1201 et seq.

Emergency location of government, enemy attack, 48-1401 et seq.

Employment conditions and grievances, 75-4321 et seq.

Engineers. County Engineers, generally, this index

Fees, 28-101 et seq.

Collection, counties designated urban areas, 28-1006

Constructive services or mileage, 28-147

Disposition, 28-175

Counties designated urban areas, 28-1006

Uniformity, 28-148

Witnesses, 28-126

Financial records, examination, 19-623

Fines and penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fire districts, 19-3612b

Forfeiture of office, 60-1205

Counties designated urban areas, 28-1008

Monopolies and unfair trade, failure to furnish information, 50-109

Veterans' preference violations, 73-202

Forfeitures, improper office hours, 19-2601

Furniture, 19-225

Garnishment, 60-723

Health Officers, generally, this index

Hours of business, 19-2601

Insurance, generally, this index

Intergovernmental exchange of, 75-4401 et seq.

Inventory, county personal property, 19-2687, 19-2688

Judgment liens, 60-2203a

Judgments and decrees,

Appeals or stays, security or bond, 19-108

Tax levy, 19-108

Manager of parks, 19-2856

Office space, 19-2854

Military service, 73-213 et seq.

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-109

Motor vehicles, operation of unmarked vehicles, 8-306

Motor vehicles owned or operated by county, traffic regulations, application, 8-2103

Oath, 75-4308 et seq.

Offices, location and hours, 19-2601

Opinions and advice, county attorneys, 19-704

Organizations, employee labor, 75-4324, 75-4325, 75-4327, 75-4328, 75-4329

Annual report, 75-4337

Business agents, registration of, 75-4336

Park commissioners. Parks, this index

Park districts, 19-2890

Pay periods, employees, counties over 150,000, 19-268

Personal property, county, inventory and record, 19-2687, 19-2688

Property records, county personalty, 19-2687, 19-2688

Public administrator, Wyandotte county, 19-3a01, 19-1104

Purchasing officer,

Johnson county, 19-260a, 19-260b

Sedgwick county, 19-260a, 19-260b

Qualifications, appointee for person in military service, 73-217

Railroad crossings, duties, 66-229


Completion by successor in office, 19-2607

Moneys received, 19-623

Open public, 19-507, 19-2601, 45-215 et seq.

Register of Deeds, generally, this index

Removal from office, 19-2609

Operation of unmarked vehicles, 8-306

Resignation, 19-2606

Retirement and pensions, 74-4901 et seq. See, also, Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Sand and gravel, enforcement of law, 70a-107

Seals, 19-225

Session laws, distribution, 45-109

Sheriffs, generally, this index

Social welfare,

County director, functions transferred, 39-744

Employees and officers, 39-746

Powers, duties, functions, transferred, 39-744 et seq.

Reorganization. Social Welfare, this index

Statistics, secretary of labor, 44-638

Successor in office, 19-2607

Supplies, 19-225

Surety on bond, 78-101

Surveyors. County Surveyors, generally, this index

Tax Appraisers, generally, this index

Term of office,

Appointment or election to fill vacancy, elective office, 25-314

Commencement, 25-313

Traffic regulations, motor vehicles owned or operated by county, 8-2103

Travel expenses, 28-169

Treasurer. County Treasurers, generally, this index

Urban areas. Counties designated urban areas, ante

Vacancy in office,

Filling, 25-312

Temporary absence, military service, 73-213 et seq.

Veterans' preference, 73-201 et seq.

Water districts, counties under 100,000, 19-3537, 19-3539

Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3509

General manager, 19-3510

Retirement plans, 19-3510

Withholding from salaries for insurance, 19-212a, 19-212b

Witnesses, fees, 28-126

Workers compensation, 44-505b, 44-505c

Youth centers, 19-3902


Defined, 68-101, 77-201

Roads and Highways, generally, this index


Generally, 19-1601 et seq.

Board of registry, elections for location or relocation, 19-1613 et seq.

Books and papers, public inspection, 19-2601

Compensation, board of registry and clerks, 19-1624

Election, location or relocation, 19-1601 et seq.

Emergency location of government, 48-1401 et seq.

Inspection, registers of election, 19-1623

Jails, establishment and location, 19-1901

Location, 19-1601 et seq., 48-1401 et seq.

Notice of election, location or relocation, 19-1605

Oaths and affirmations, electors, 19-1618, 19-1619

Offices and office hours, 19-2601

County clerks, office, 19-304

Registration of electors, 19-1602, 19-1613 et seq.

Telegraph stations, 17-1911


Appointment, 19-1401a

Audit of accounts,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Bonds, official, action for neglect or misconduct, 19-1404

Boundaries, establishment, 19-1423

Compensation and salaries, 19-1417

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Deputies and clerks, 28-223

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Irrigation districts, estimates, 42-358

Road and highway duties, 68-110

Corners, 19-1412, 19-1423

Cornerstones, 19-1430

Counties over 140,000, 28-315

Counties over 300,000, 28-615

County line, surveys affecting, 19-1428

Crimes, punishments and penalties,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Deputies, 19-1402

Liability for acts, 19-1402

Oath and official bond, 19-2604

Employees, 19-1417


Copies of plats and field notes, 19-1415

Oaths and affirmations, 19-1405

Original federal surveys, 19-1418

Surveys, 19-1414

Taking evidence on surveys, 19-1419

Fee books,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316

Fees, receipts, 28-143

Field notes,

Copies of original federal surveys, 19-1418

Evidence, 19-1415

Records, 19-1407

Government surveys,

Copies of plats and field notes of original survey, 19-1418

Reestablishment of missing corners, 19-1412

Mine surveys, coal, limestone, rock, 49-101 et seq.

Mines, interference with county surveyor, 49-108

Misconduct of surveyor or deputies, 19-1404

Notary fees, counties over 140,000, 28-315

Oaths and affirmations,

Commencing road survey, 19-1416

Old records and documents, 45-404

Plats, recording of, 58-2005

Plats, subdivisions, review and certification, 58-2005

Plats, waiver, 58-2005

Public works, duties, 19-1420

Quarter section corners,

Establishment, section closing on parallel or base line, 19-1411

Method of subdividing, 19-1409

Records, 19-1407

Removal from office, 19-2609

Reports, 19-1420

Road record book, 19-310

Resignation, 19-2606

Roads, laying out or altering, 68-104, 68-105

Compensation and salaries, 68-110

School lands, notice, 72-1538

Section corners,

Sections closing on parallel or base line, 19-1411

Subdividing into quarter sections, 19-1409

Service of process, 19-1424

Sidewalks and crossings in townships, 68-131

Subdivision plats, review and certification, 58-2005

Survey plats, 19-1434

Threatening or improperly interfering with surveyor, 19-1413

Travel expenses, 28-169

United States surveys. Government surveys, ante


Oaths or affirmations, 19-1405

Taking evidence on surveys, 19-1419


Generally, 19-501

Absence, disability or vacancy in office, 19-503

Accounts and accounting, 19-507

Charges by county clerk, 19-312

Separate statement different funds, 19-313

Discounts, 19-514

Fees collected, 28-123

Quarterly statements, 19-520, 19-521

Settlement of accounts, 19-508

Ad valorem property taxes,

Payments in lieu of, duties, 12-148

State, duties, 79-2201

Agricultural extension councils, duties, 2-613

Appointment, vacancy in office, 19-504

Assistants. Deputies and assistants, post

Audit of accounts,

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-317

Counties over 300,000, 28-618

Surprise cash count, 19-506, 19-506b

Bonds, official, 19-501, 19-4206

Deputies and assistants, 19-502b

Form, 19-502

Vacancy in office, appointment to fill, 19-504

Checks, 19-534

Bad checks, tax receipt cancellation, 19-518

Charges against, 19-535

Insufficient fund checks, post

Claims against counties,

Delinquent property tax, 79-2011

Payment, 19-613

Compensation and salaries,

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-208

Deputies and clerks, 28-223

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-713, 28-718

Counties over 300,000, 28-620

Motor vehicle fees, 8-145

Consolidation of cities, tax collection, 12-320

Countersignatures, checks or drafts, certain counties, 19-534

County clerk's office, eligibility, 19-512

County demonstrations farms, statistics summary, 2-508

County road work, forfeitures, collection, 68-521

County warrants, payment and redemption, 19-509

Credits, 19-312

Orders by county clerk for money collected, 19-318

Separate statement, different funds, 19-313

Transmitted money, 19-532

Crime victims, aid programs, special fund, 74-7336

Crimes, punishments and penalties, 19-243, 19-519, 19-537

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-226

Counties over 140,000, 28-318

Counties over 300,000, 28-619

Delinquent tax statements, failure to publish, 19-548

Discount of warrants, 19-514

Failure to deliver books, papers and moneys, 19-513

Failure to pay bond or interest moneys, 10-130

Failure to pay tax money into state treasury, 79-2202

False certification, taxes uncollected after tax sale, 79-2808

Publication of statements, failure to make, 19-525

Quarterly statements, 19-521

Death, delivery of books, papers and moneys to successor, 19-513

Delinquent accounts, state treasurer, proceedings by, 75-610

Delinquent tax statements, publication, 19-547

Deposit of funds, duplicate deposit ticket, 19-531

Deputies and assistants,

Appointment and dismissal, 19-503

Bonds, official, 19-502b

Counties of 100,000 or less, 28-167

Oaths and official bonds, 19-2604

Payment of salaries, 28-168

Disbursement of funds, 19-506

Drafts, 19-534

Drainage Districts, this index

Election, 19-501, 25-101

See, also, Elections, generally, this index

Term of office, 19-501

Escaped taxable property, duties, 79-1475

Examination of books and accounts, 19-624

Expenses, printing notices, 19-229

Fairs and expositions, tax levy funds, payments, 2-304

Fee books, 28-123

Counties of 180,000 to 250,000, 28-714

Counties over 140,000, 28-316

Fees, 28-104, 28-617

Coliseum events and concessions, counties over 300,000, 19-2692, 19-2693

Collection by successor, 28-124

Counties of 130,000 to 185,000, 28-225

Counties over 140,000, 28-315

Counties over 300,000, 28-617

Disposition, counties designated urban areas, 28-1006

Fee books, 28-123

Motor vehicle fees, 8-145, 8-145c, 8-145d

Notary fees, 28-315, 28-617

Receipts, 28-143

Refunded secured debts, certificate and registration, 79-3123

Report of collections to county auditor, 19-625

Statement of tax, 19-517

Financial report to cities, 19-508a

Fines and penalties. See, Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Fire districts, transmittal of tax moneys collected, 31-304

Fiscal agent,

Charge with money transmitted to, 19-532

Monthly statement, 19-533

Forfeiture of office, failure to pay tax money into state treasury, 79-2202

Forfeitures, county road work, collection, 68-521


County and city revenue sharing, notification of city treasurers, 79-2967

County Funds, generally this index

Motor fuel tax, 79-3425c

National wildlife refuge system, 19-506a

School districts in more than one county, 72-1170

Taxing subdivisions, distribution to, 12-1678a

Transfer of certain surplus to general fund, 10-117a, 79-2958

Groundwater management districts, powers and duties, 82a-1034, 82a-1035

Health fund, taxes, 65-204

Homestead property tax relief, information to be mailed with tax statement, 79-4510

Improvement districts,

Duties, 19-2763

Sewage disposal fund, 19-2765a

Inspection of books, 19-507

Insufficient fund checks,

Motor vehicle registration, 8-145a, 8-145b

Penalties, 8-145c

Insurance, 19-502a

Investment of moneys of political and taxing subdivisions, 12-1678a

Distribution of, 12-1678a

Libraries, duties, 12-1215

Lien sales, 58-213, 58-221

List of real estate subject to tax sale, 79-2302

Local ad valorem tax reduction fund, 79-2960 et seq.

Military duty, exemption, 48-102

Moneys. See Funds, ante

Motor fuel tax apportionments, 79-3425c

Motor vehicle registration, 8-129, 8-145, 8-145d

Applications, filing with county clerk, 79-5108

Credit cards, 8-145a

Insufficient or no-fund checks, 8-145a, 8-145b

Penalties, 8-145c

Payment instruments, 8-145a

Motor vehicles,

Nonhighway vehicles, 8-198

Salvage vehicles, 8-198

Taxation, duties, 79-5108

Apportionment of moneys among tax levy funds, 79-5110

Estimate of distributions, 79-5111

Notary fees, 28-315, 28-617

Park and recreation fund, 19-2857

Penalties. Crimes, punishments and penalties, ante

Personal Property Taxation, generally, this index

Posting, statements, 19-524, 19-525

Prairie dog extermination fund, 80-1206

Probate proceedings, payments of unclaimed money, 59-1508

Qualifications, 19-505

Quarterly statements, 19-520, 19-521

Railroads, penalties, collection, 66-2,120

Receipt of money, 19-506

Receipts, 19-510a

Delinquent tax credit claim, 79-2012

Duplicate receipts, 19-511

Rent, real estate bid in at tax sale, 79-2707, 79-2708

Records and Recordation, generally, this index

Refunds, tax foreclosure proceedings invalid or void, 79-2804d

Removal from office, 19-2609


County auditor, 19-608

Examination of accounts, 19-616

Fees collected, 19-625

Resignation, 19-2606

Delivery of books and papers to successor, 19-513

Retirement and Pensions, generally, this index

Rural water supply district, treasurer, 82a-605

Salaries. Compensation and salaries, ante

Sales tax collections, 79-3604, 79-3644

School district moneys, payment, district in more than one county, 72-1170

School lands,

Notice of sale, 72-1535

Purchase money, payment, 72-1532

Settlement, 72-1518

Secured Debts Act, duties, 79-3122, 79-3123

Service charges in lieu of taxes, payments to, 12-148

Settlement of accounts, 19-507, 19-508

Signature, 19-305

Special assessment equalization fund transfers, 79-1608

State treasurer, proceedings by, 75-610

Successor in office, delivery of books, papers and moneys, 19-509, 19-513

Surprise cash count, 19-506, 19-506b

Tax Collections, generally, this index

Tax sale proceeds, apportionment, 79-2805

Tax statements, 19-516 et seq., 79-2001

Taxation, generally, this index

Ad valorem property tax levies, statement, 79-2201

Erroneous assessment, refund or credit, 79-1701a

Local ad valorem tax reduction fund, 79-2960 et seq.

Motor vehicles, duties, 79-5108, 79-5110, 79-5111

Surplus taxes, certain transfer to general fund, 79-2958

Tax receipts, 19-510a

Cancellation, bad checks, 19-518

Taylor grazing fund, distribution, 27-119

Term of office, 19-501

Appointee to vacancy, 19-504

Township funds,

Road funds, certain counties, 68-593, 68-595

Transfer of township powers, duties and functions to county, 80-120

Transfers from township general to other funds, 80-1406b

Transmission of money, 19-531

Travel expenses, 28-169

Counties over 300,000, 28-601

Unclaimed money, payment, probate proceeding, 59-1508

United States, payments in lieu of taxes, 27-201 et seq.

Vacancy in office, appointment to fill, 19-504

Warrants for payment of money,

Discount of warrants, 19-514

Duties, 10-805, 10-806

Illegal, signing of, 10-810

No-fund warrants, 10-807, 10-808

Register, custody, 10-809

Weeds, cost of control and eradication paid to, 2-1320


See, also, Warrants for Payment of Money, generally, this index

Generally, 10-801 et seq., 19-241 et seq.

Cancellation, unclaimed warrants, 19-320

Cash-Basis Law, 10-1112 et seq.

Charges against county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Conditions to issuance, 19-242

Credits, county treasurer, 19-312, 19-313

Crimes and punishments, 19-242

Cash-Basis Law, 10-1112 et seq.

Destruction, issuance of duplicate, 10-706

Discounts, 19-514

Drawing, county clerk, 19-318

Duplicates, issuance, 10-701 et seq.

Emergency expenditures, 19-236

Emergency warrants. See subhead, No-fund warrants under Warrants for Payment of Money, this index

Endorsements, county treasurer, 79-2907

Homes for the aged, 19-2106

Counties between 30,000 and 40,000, 19-2117

Insurance funds, no-fund warrants, 79-2939

Johnson county,

Water supply and distribution districts, 19-3505a

Wholesale water supply district, 19-3533

Lost warrants, 10-706

No-fund warrants. Warrants for Payment of Money, this index

Payment and redemption, 19-509

Receipts, duplicate receipts, 19-511

Rents, 19-242

Roads and highways,

County road work, 68-522

Machinery and equipment, 68-516c

Secured Debts Act, 79-3121 et seq.

Sewer districts, no-fund warrants, 19-2752a

Signatures, issuance of county orders, 19-220

Tax appeals, state board of, emergency warrants, 74-2439

Taxes, payment with, 79-2003

Unclaimed warrants, 19-320

Wyandotte county, water supply and distribution districts, 19-3505a


Powers and duties, 2-1318


Colleges and universities, bonds, 76-6a17

Municipal Bonds, this index

Trading stamps, 21-2801 et seq.


Barber school or college, 65-1810

Colleges and Universities, this index

Municipal universities, 13-13a12, 13-13a16

Schools and School Districts, this index


Administrator, Courts, this index

Clerks of Court, this index

Court of Appeals, this index

Court of Appeals Judges, this index

Court Reporters, this index

Courthouses, this index

Courts, generally, this index

District Court Clerks, this index

District Court Judges, this index

District Court Trustee, this index

District Courts, this index

Judges, this index

Judicial Districts, this index

Municipal Courts, this index

Pleadings, this index

Supreme Court, this index

Supreme Court Clerk, this index

Supreme Court Justices, this index


Administrator. Courts, this index


Generally, 20-3001 et seq.

Administrative agencies, review and enforcement of actions. See, Administrative Procedure, generally, this index

Advance sheets, 20-211

Appeals. Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Criminal prosecution. See Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Authority to hold court outside of Topeka, 20-3013

Bond, supersedeas, 60-2103

Budget, 20-158

Certification of questions of law act, 60-3201 et seq.

Clerk, duties, 20-3015

Compensation and salaries, judges, 75-3120h, 75-3120l

Corporation commission,

Orders, review of, 66-118a et seq.

Costs, decisions and opinions, 60-2106

Decisions, 60-2106

Article 6 violations, 60-2106

Docket fee, 20-3021

Employees. Personnel, post

Establishment, 20-3001

Habeas corpus, 60-1501

Hearing panels, 20-3012

Intermediate rulings, 60-2103

Judges. Court of Appeals Judges, generally, this index

Judgments and decrees, 60-2106

Execution of, 20-108

Judicial administrator, duties, 20-3015

Jurisdiction, 20-3001, 60-2101, 60-2102

Mandate, sending to court below, 60-2106

Memorandum opinions, 60-2106

Military Justice Code, appeals, 48-2923


Filing, certain judicial districts, 20-3019

Rehearing, 20-3018

Transfer of case to supreme court, 20-3017

Offices, 20-3013

Opinions, 20-3015

Reports, post

Personnel, 20-3014

Affirmative action, 20-161

Classification system, 20-162

Pay plan, 20-161

Personnel plan, 20-161

Receivers, appointment, 60-1301

Rehearing or modification of decisions, 20-3018

Reports, 20-201 et seq.

Advance sheets, 20-211

Distribution, 20-208, 20-208b, 20-209

Exchanges, 20-208

Fee fund, 20-213

Law library, delivery to, 20-207

Sale, 20-208, 20-212

Schools and school districts,

Article 6 violations, 60-2106

Supersedeas bond, 60-2103

Supreme court reporter, duties, 20-3015

Suspension of proceedings in lower court during appeal, 20-3001

Tax appeals, state board of,

Appeals from decisions, 74-2426

Review of orders, 74-2426

Time limits for decisions, 20-3301

Transfer of case to supreme court, 20-3016, 20-3018, 60-2101

Criminal cases, 22-3602

Findings, 20-3016

Motion to transfer, 20-3017


Generally, 20-3002 et seq.

Appointment by governor, 20-3020

Assignment to supreme court, temporary, 20-3002

Chief judge, 20-3011

Compensation and salaries, 20-3002, 75-3120h, 75-3120l

Conferences, 20-139

Disability, active judge, 20-2609


Declaration of candidacy for retention, 20-3006

Retention in office, 20-3006, 20-3010

Employees, 20-3014


Conferences of judges, 20-139

Travel, 20-163, 75-3216

Hearing panels, 20-3012

Motions, filing, certain judicial districts, 20-3019

Number, 20-3002

Official station, 20-163

Qualifications, 20-3020

Receivers, appointment, 60-1301

Retention in office,

Declaration of candidacy, 20-3006

Election, 20-3006, 20-3010

Retired judges,

Designation and assignment to duties, 20-2616

Temporary appointment, 20-310b

Retirement and pensions, 20-2601 et seq.

Age for retirement, 20-2608

Assigned judicial duties agreement credit, purchase of, 20-2627


Amount, 20-2610, 20-2611, 20-2621

Death benefit, lump-sum, retirants, 74-4989

Assignment, 20-2618

Exemption from process and taxes, 20-2618

Payment options, 20-2610a

Post-retirement increases, 74-4946 et seq.

Retirant dividend payments, 74-49,109 et seq.

Termination, 20-2612


Employee, 20-2603

Employer, 20-2605

Refund, 20-2606, 20-2607

Disability, 20-2609

Early retirement, 20-2608

Employment after retirement, 20-2622

Services for commission on judicial performance, 20-3208

Health care benefits, 20-2622

Services for commission on judicial performance, 20-3208

Internal revenue code, applicability, 20-2623

KPERS, applicability, 20-2624

Military service credit, purchase of, 20-2625

Qualified domestic relations order, 20-2618

Service credit,

Purchase of forfeited credit, 74-4919l, 74-4963, 74-4963a

Repurchase of service credit after withdrawal, 20-2606

Service under other systems, 74-4988

Vista service, purchase of, 20-2626

Senate confirmation, 20-3020

Term of office, 20-3006

Vacancies, 20-3020


Appointment, 20-345

Certificate, 20-912, 20-914

Assignment, 20-917

Certificates, 20-912, 20-913, 20-914

Child support proceedings, licensing sanctions,

Definitions, 74-146

Notice of contempt, 74-147

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Compensation and salaries,

District court, pay plan, 20-361

Supreme court reporter and assistants, 75-3123, 75-3124

Crimes and punishments, false notes, 20-911

Depositions, charges for taking, taxation as costs, 60-2003

Examination, fee, disposition, 20-1a02

Expenses, 20-917

Fees, examination, disposition, 20-1a02

Grand jury proceedings, secrecy and disclosure, 22-3012

Qualifications, 20-917

Court rules, 20-912

Retirement and pensions,


Funding, past service cost, 74-4944

Nonforfeitable, 74-49,100

Court reporters for magistrate judge, benefits applicable, 74-49,108a

KPERS membership, 74-4999

Administration, 74-49,107

Appropriation for employer contributions, 74-49,101

Rate, fiscal 1976, 74-49,101

Normal retirement date, 74-49,104

Payroll deductions, 74-49,102

Prior Service salary, account interest, 74-49,103

Qualified domestic relations orders, retirement benefits subject to, 74-49,105

Retirement benefit, 74-49,104, 74-49,106

Recalculation, increase, 74-49,104, 74-49,106

Taxes and legal process, exemption, 74-49,105, 74-49,106

Transfer to, 20-2601a, 20-2601b, 20-2601c

Kansas retirement fund, 74-49,100

Rules governing, supreme court, 20-912

Seals, 20-913

Social security or identification number required, 74-148

Supreme court reporter. Supreme Court, this index

Transcripts, 20-917

Evidence, use as, 20-910a

Workers compensation proceedings, 44-552


Architects, 19-1511, 19-1594, 19-15,100

Bids and bidding, counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Bonds, 19-15,116

Building fund, 19-15,116, 19-15,124 et seq.

Combination, courthouse, jail and memorial building, 19-1577, 19-1579, 19-1580

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102 et seq.

Counties between 50,000 and 80,000, 19-1590

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572d

Counties over 50,000, 19-1585 et seq.

Counties over 110,000, 19-1510

Counties over 120,000, 19-1513

Counties over 175,000, 19-1594, 19-1595

Counties under 5,000, 19-1580

Remodeling and restoration, certain counties, 19-15,138


Counties between 10,000 and 13,000, 19-15,106

Counties between 12,000 and 13,000, 19-1584

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,103

Building funds, 19-15,116

Bonds, 19-15,124 et seq.

Continuation of tax levies, 19-15,124 et seq.

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572c

Transfer of unexpended balance, counties of 10,000 to 15,000, 19-2675

Contracts for construction, 19-214 et seq.

Counties between 10,000 and 13,000, 19-15,105

Counties between 12,000 and 13,000, 19-1581, 19-1582

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572d

Counties over 50,000, 19-1586

Counties over 110,000, 19-1511

Counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Counties over 250,000, 19-1599 et seq.

Counties under 5,000, 19-1580

Counties under 10,000, 19-1573, 19-1574

Counties of 120,000 or more, 19-1513

Counties over 175,000, repairs and improvements, 19-1594

Counties under 10,000, 19-1574

County warrants. No-fund warrants, post


District Courts, this index

Supreme Court, this index

Deeds, courthouse property exchanged for fairgrounds, 19-1545


Combination courthouse and memorial building, 19-1577

Counties between 50,000 and 80,000, 19-1590

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572c

Counties over 50,000, 19-1585, 19-1587

Counties over 110,000, 19-1510

Bonds, 19-1510

Counties over 175,000, 19-1594

Counties under 5,000, 19-1580

Fairgrounds, exchange of courthouse property, 19-1544 et seq.

Federal aid,

Counties between 50,000 and 80,000, 19-1590

Counties over 50,000, 19-1588

Improvements. Contracts for construction, ante

Leasing old courthouse sites, 19-1599

Memorial buildings, combination, 19-1577, 19-1578

No-fund warrants, 19-15,116

Counties between 10,000 and 13,000, 19-15,105, 19-15,106

Counties between 12,000 and 13,000, 19-1582

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102 et seq.

Counties over 250,000, 19-15,101

Powers and duties, county commissioners, 19-104

Repair, 19-104, 19-15,114 et seq.

State aid,

Counties between 50,000 and 80,000, 19-1590

Counties over 50,000, 19-1588


Building fund, continuation of, 19-15,124 et seq.

Counties between 10,000 and 13,000, 19-15,106

Counties between 12,000 and 13,000, 19-1583

Counties between 35,000 and 40,000, 19-15,102 et seq.

Counties between 75,000 and 110,000, 19-1572c

Counties over 110,000, 19-1512

Counties over 250,000, 19-15,101

Counties under 10,000, 19-1573, 19-1574

United States, acquisition of property, 27-101

Validating acts, 19-1505d


Acknowledgments, deeds and conveyances, 58-2211

Acts or proceedings, 60-104

Close court proceedings, 60-2617

Administrative agencies, review and enforcement of actions. See, Administrative Procedure, generally, this index


Counsel for indigent defendants, 22-4507

Expenditures for district court operations, 20-318

Expenses, 75-3216

Judicial administrator, 20-318

Assistants, 20-321

Local citizen review boards, receive reports from, 38-1808

Permanent families account in the family and children investment fund, 38-1808

Judicial chief information technology officer, 75-7206

Judicial survey and study, 20-153

Juvenile intake and assessment system, contract, 75-7023

Municipal court reports, to, 12-4108


Election by chief judge to be responsible for judicial district budget and personnel, 20-384

Travel, out-of-state, 75-3208, 75-3216

Appeal and Review, generally, this index

Appeals, court of. Court of Appeals, generally this index

Appeals, courts, judges. Court of Appeals Judges, generally, this index

Arbitration and award, submission of controversy as rule, 5-201, 5-202

Budget, judicial branch,

Governor's budget report, inclusion, 75-3721

Preparation, 20-158

Submission, not subject to revision, 75-3718

Clerks of Court, generally, this index

Collection of debts owed and restitution, 20-169

Commission on judicial qualifications, travel expenses, 75-3216

Community Corrections, generally, this index

Constitution of Kansas, Article 3

Contempt, generally, this index

Costs, generally, this index

Court of Appeals, generally, this index

Court of Appeals Judges, this index

Court Reporters, this index

Court service officers,

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Courthouses, this index


District Courts, this index

Supreme Court, this index

Criminal Procedure, generally, this index

Dismissal of action, 60-241

District Court Clerks, this index

District Court Judges, generally, this index

District Courts, generally, this index

Districts. Judicial Districts, generally, this index

Docket fee. See subhead Fee under Dockets, this index

Dockets, generally, this index

Domestic violence,

Criminal case designation, 22-4616, 22-4617

Special program fee, 20-369

Electronic filing and management fund, 20-1a20

Employees. Personnel, post


Additional charge, judicial branch docket fee fund, 20-362, 28-177, 28-178, 32-1049a

Booking or processing fee, 12-16,119

Contracts for collection, 20-169

Court procedures, fees collected, 28-177

Dispositive motions, 60-2008

Juvenile offenders, supervision, 20-167

Payment by credit card, 20-1a13

Publications, 28-137

Files and records, lost or destroyed, 60-2501 et seq.

Findings by court, 60-252

Fines and penalties, disposition, 20-2801

Foreign law, unenforceability of, 60-5103

Grand juries, summoning, 22-3001

Information technology projects, 75-7201 et seq.


Appointment and compensation, 60-243

Appointment for deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired and non-English speaking persons, 75-4351 et seq.

Nondisclosure of communications, 75-4354, 75-4355c

Journals, lost or destroyed entries, restoration, 60-2501 et seq.

Judges. Judges, this index; District Court Judges, generally, this index

Judicial branch education fund, 20-1a11

Judicial branch nonjudicial salary adjustment fund, 20-1a15, 23-2510

Judicial branch nonjudicial salary initiative fund, 20-1a14

Judicial branch docket fee fund, 20-362, 28-177, 28-178, 32-1049a

Judicial departments, 20-318

Assignment of justices to departments, 20-318

Departmental justices, duties, 20-319

Judicial Districts, generally, this index

Judiciary technology fund, 20-1a12


Lack of, dismissal of actions, 60-241

Limited jurisdiction, courts of, abolished, 20-335

Juvenile intake and assessment system, contract, administrator, 75-7023

Mandamus, 60-801 et seq.

Masters, reference to, 60-253

Municipal Courts, generally, this index

Nonseverable provisions of 2014 and 2015 legislative enactments concerning judicial branch, 20-1a17, 20-1a19

Notarial acts, revised uniform law, 53-5a01 et seq.

Partition, powers, 60-1003


Affirmative action, 20-161

Benefits, 20-358, 20-359

Civil service status, 75-2935

Classification system, 20-162

Pay plan, 20-161, 20-361

Personnel plan, 20-161

Pleadings, this index

Probate Proceedings, generally, this index


Civil Procedure, Code of, this index

Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index

Criminal Procedure, this index

Public access,

Child in need of care cases, 38-2247

Juvenile offender cases, 38-2353

Minors, exclusion of, 38-111

Publications, 64-108, 64-109

Fees, 28-137

Legal publications, 64-108, 64-109

Proof of publication, 28-137c


Copies, 20-159, 20-357

Preservation or disposition of, 20-159, 20-357, 45-411, 60-2601

Seal or redact records, 60-2617

Reporters. Court Reporters, generally, this index

Rules and regulations, 20-321

Sheriffs, court attendance, 19-812 et seq.

Small claims procedure. Civil Procedure for Limited Actions, this index


Child in need of care cases, 20-319

Juvenile offender cases, 38-2325 et seq.

Stay of proceeding to force judgment, 60-262

Supreme Court, generally, this index

Supreme Court Clerk, this index

Supreme Court Justices, generally, this index

Time limits for decisions, 20-3301

Trial, generally, this index

Tribal courts, full faith and credit, 60-3020

United States Courts, generally, this index

United States Supreme Court, generally, this index

Venue, change of, 60-609


Military Justice Code. Military Forces, this index


Display of political yard signs, 58-3820

Homeowners association,

Removal of restrictive covenants violating civil rights, 44-1017a

Housing project bond issues, 17-2353

Real property transactions, limitation of actions, 60-511

Running with the land,

Tax deeds subject to, 79-2804

Tax lien priority, 79-2803

Transfer fees,

Definitions, 58-3821

Limitation of, 58-3822


Boundaries, 18-118

Economic development initiatives, financing of, sales tax, 12-187

Hillcrest Heights, vacation of plat, 19-2633a

Port authority, official plan, 12-3402, 12-3406, 12-3408


Boundaries, 18-119

County codes and resolutions, enforcement of, 19-101d

Economic development initiatives,

Financing of, sales tax, 12-187

Streets and alleys, transfer of title, 12-16,116

Township fire departments, 80-1919 et seq.


Dairies and Dairy Products, this index


See, also, Consumer Credit Code, generally, this index

Bank Deposits and Collections, generally, this index

Commercial code, uniform, see Letters of Credit, this index

Credit agreements, 16-119

Definitions, 16-117

Requirements, 16-118

Credit services organizations, regulation, 50-1116 et seq.

Administration, 50-1128

Background check of licensee, 50-1128

Background checks, 50-1128

Cease and desist order, 50-1129

Debit management services; duties,

Disclosures, 50-1120, 50-1123

Duties, 50-1120, 50-1122

Reports, 50-1123

Definitions, 50-1117

Enforcement of act, 50-1134

Fees allowed, 50-1126, 50-1135

Hearings, 50-1129, 50-1130

Licensing, 50-1118

Denial, suspension, revocation of, 50-1127

Surety bond requirement, 50-1119

Prohibited acts, 50-1121, 50-1126


Inspection of, 50-1125

Required, 50-1125

Reports, 50-1123, 50-1124

Subpoenas, 50-1130

Trust account, 50-1122

Violations of act,

Damages, 50-1133

Deceptive act or practice, 50-1132

Enforcement, 50-1134

Remedies and penalties, 50-1129, 50-1131, 50-1132, 50-1133

Dairy products, unfair trade practices, extending credit to retail dealer, 50-503

Development credit corporations, 17-2328 et seq.

Fair credit reporting act, 50-701 et seq.

Accounts placed for collection, obsolete information, 50-704

Arrest records, obsolete information, 50-704

Bankruptcy, obsolete information, 50-704

Charges for certain disclosures, 50-711

Citation of act, 50-722

Civil liability for noncompliance,

Negligent, 50-716

Willful, 50-715

Compliance procedures, agencies, 50-706

Consumer credit commissioner, enforcement of act, 50-721

Consumer reporting agency, 50-702

Accuracy of information, disputes, procedure, 50-710

Compliance procedures, 50-706

Disclosure of information, 50-705, 50-707, 50-708, 50-709

Disputed accuracy of information, procedure, 50-710

Definitions, 50-702

Disclosure of information to consumer, 50-705, 50-708

Charges to consumer, 50-711

Conditions of disclosure, 50-709

Disclosure of information to governmental agencies, 50-707

Disputed accuracy of information, procedure, 50-710

Enforcement, 50-721

Judgments, obsolete information, 50-704

Jurisdiction, 50-717

Limitation of actions, 50-717

Noncompliance with act, civil liability,

Negligent, 50-716

Willful, 50-715

Obsolete information, 50-704

Obtaining information under false pretenses, 50-718

Penalties for violations, 50-718, 50-719, 50-720

Public record information for employment purposes, 50-712

Reports, consumer,

Disclosure to consumer, 50-705, 50-708, 50-709

Disclosure to governmental agencies, 50-707

Disputed accuracy, procedure, 50-710

Employment purposes, public record information, 50-712

Investigative, 50-705

Restrictions, 50-713

Obsolete information, 50-704

Permissible purposes, 50-703

Security freeze, exceptions, penalties, requirements, 50-723

Users, requirements, 50-714

Rules of construction, 50-702

Security freeze, protected consumer, 50-725

Unauthorized disclosure by officers or employees, 50-719

Violations, penalties, 50-718, 50-719, 50-720

Insurance agents,

Extension to policyholder, 40-282

Interest, 40-283

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Job Expansion and Investment Credit Act, 79-32,153 et seq.

Letters of Credit, generally, this index

Reports, child support arrearages, 23-3121

Sales, beginning of period, 84-2-310


Accepted credit card, defined, 16-844

Adequate notice, defined, 16-844

Appearance bonds, bank card draft deposited as, 8-2107

Card issuer, 16-844

Liability for unauthorized use, 16-842

Cardholder, 16-844

Liability for unauthorized use, 16-842


Acceptance of credit cards,

Payment of taxes, utility fees, other exactions, 12-16,125

Consumer Credit Code, this index

Consumer Protection, generally, this index

Criminal use of, criminal code, 21-5828

Defenses or claims of buyer or lessee, 16a-3-403


Consumer Credit Code, 16-844, 16a-1-301

Lender credit card, 16a-1-301

Finance charges for loans, 16a-2-402

Fraudulent transactions, penalties, 16-843

Issuance without request prohibited, 16-841

Lost or stolen, liability of cardholder and card issuer, 16-842

Motor vehicle registration, 8-145a

Payment of certain college and state tuition, fees and other charges, 75-30,100

Penalties, fraudulent transactions, 16-843

Personal information, taking prohibited, 50-669a

Printing of credit card number, limitations, 50-669b

State agencies,

Acceptable method, payment of fees, tuition and other charges, 75-30,100

Contracts for collection of charges, 75-37,100

Surcharge prohibited, 16a-2-403

Traffic, appearance bond, 8-2107

Unauthorized use, defined, 16-844


Issuance without request prohibited, 16-841

Rights of recipient when lost or stolen, 50-618


Insurance, this index


Generally, 17-2201 et seq.


Decedent's, payment on death, 17-2263, 17-2264, 59-1507b

Dormant, 17-2212


Appeals, 17-2241

Approval to do business required, exceptions, 17-2223a

Attorney and employees, 17-2234

Compensation and expenses, 17-2233

Duties, 17-2233

Employees, 17-2234

Fees, disposition, 17-2236

Funds of defunct credit union, 17-2206a

Information, disclosure, 17-2227

Loans, 17-2216, 17-2216a

Loans reported to, 17-2216

Rules and regulations, loans, 16-207d

State department of credit unions, 17-2234

Supervision by, 17-2206 et seq.

Transfer of jurisdiction and records to, 17-2237

Approval to do business, 17-2223a

Articles of incorporation, 17-2201

Federal credit union, 17-2223

Membership, 17-2205

Assets, 17-2229

Audits, 17-2206, 17-2211

Authority, 17-2244

Bank commissioner, transfer of jurisdiction and records to credit union council and administrator, 17-2237

Bankruptcy, 17-2230

Banks, agreements with, 17-2204

Board of directors, powers, 17-2209

Bonds (officers and fiduciaries), examiners and employees of council, 17-2236

Borrowing money, 17-2215

Branch offices,

Application process,

Approval of administrator, 17-2221a

Criteria, restrictions, 17-2205, 17-2221a

Bylaws, 17-2201 et seq.

Amendments to, 17-2202

Capital, 17-2212

Certificates, 74-139

Approval, revocation, 17-2206

Dissolution, 17-2230

Merger, 17-2228

Organization, 17-2201


Cancellation on merger, 17-2228

Federal credit union, 17-2222

Revocation, involuntary dissolution, 17-2230

Compensation and salaries, 17-2209

Confidential information, 17-2227

Continuity of previously organized, 17-2238

Continuity of prior proceedings, 17-2239

Conversion, state to federal credit union, 17-2222

Corporate credit union, 17-2204

Borrow, power to, 17-2215a

Issuance of shares not required, 17-2246

Loans, 17-2214

Powers, 17-2214

Reserve fund, 17-2217

Credit agreements, 16-117, 16-118, 16-119

Credit committee, 17-2208 et seq.

Loans to members, 17-2216a

Credit union council, 17-2232

Administrator, ante

Compensation and expenses, 17-2235

Officers, 17-2232

Transfer of jurisdiction and records to, 17-2237

Crimes, punishments and penalties, names, 17-2203

Decedent's accounts, payment on death, 17-2263, 17-2264, 59-1507b

Definitions, 17-2231

Defunct, undelivered funds, 17-2206a

Department of, 17-2234

Location, 17-2240

Depositors, funds of defunct credit union, 17-2206a

Directors, 17-2208, 17-2209

Election, 17-2208

Loans, 17-2216a

Personal liability, 17-2268

Suspension from office, 17-2211

Dissolution, 17-2230

Reserve fund distribution, 17-2217

Sale of assets, 17-2229

Dividends, 17-2218

Equipment or services, 17-2226

Examinations, 17-2206

Export Finance Act, Kansas, generally, this index

Expulsion of members, 17-2219

Federal credit union,

Conversion from state, 17-2222

Incorporation, 17-2223


Charter application, 17-2201

Credit union fee fund, 17-2236

Examination of affairs, 17-2206

Funds, undistributed assets of defunct credit unions, 17-2206a

Funeral contracts, 16-301

Geographic location restrictions, 17-2205

Guarantee corporations,

Certification by administrator, 74-139

Rules and regulations, 17-2260

Severability, 17-2262

Indebtedness, assumption, sale of assets, 17-2229

Insolvency and liquidation, 17-2206

Proportionate loss division, 17-2225

Insurance of shares, 17-2246 et seq.

Conversion to federal insurance required, 17-2246

Investments, 17-2204, 17-2214

Accumulated funds, 17-2214

Limitations, 17-2204a

Jurisdiction and control, 17-2231 et seq.

Liquidating agent, 17-2230

Liquidation, voluntary dissolution, 17-2230

Loan officers, 17-2210

Loans, 17-2204 et seq.

Liens, 17-2212

Maximum, 17-2216

Other credit unions, 17-2214

Participation by two credit unions, 17-2245

Participation with national cooperative bank, 17-2245

Restrictions, 17-2216

Meetings, 17-2207

Articles of incorporation, 17-2201

Conversion to federal credit union, 17-2222

Membership, 17-2205

Membership fee, 17-2212

Merger or consolidation, 17-2228

Emergencies, 17-2206, 17-2228

Procedure required, 17-2228

National credit union administration, confidential information, 17-2227

Officers, 17-2209

Personal liability, 17-2268

Report of abuse, 39-1431

Suspension from office, 17-2211

Operating authority, 17-2244

Payable on death accounts, 17-2263, 17-2264

Pension plans, act as trustee for, 17-2213

Place of business, change, 17-2221

Powers, 17-2204

Real estate, 17-2226


Administrator, 17-2206

Annual report of corporations, exemption, 17-7512

Supervisory committee, 17-2211

Reserve fund, payments into, 17-2217

Reserve income, 17-2217

Reserves, sale of assets, 17-2229

Severability, 17-2243

Shareholders, funds of defunct credit union, 17-2206a


Articles of incorporation, 17-2201

Cancellations and transfers, 17-2212

Insurance, requirement of, 17-2246

Joint tenancy, 17-2213

Liens, 17-2212

Minimum number, 17-2209

Minors, 17-2213

Powers, 17-2204

State credit union code, citation, 17-2269

State department of, 17-2234

State institutions, persons under custody, trust funds, 76-172 et seq.

Supervisory committee,

Duties, 17-2211

Loans to members, 17-2216a

Trade name, violations, 81-301


Credit committee member, 17-2208

Trust funds, state institutions, persons under custody, 76-172 et seq.

Undistributed assets of defunct credit unions fund, 17-2206a

Withdrawal, 17-2219


Debtors and Creditors, generally, this index


See, also, Funeral Directors and Embalmers, this index

Cities of first class,

Establishment, 13-1024a

Municipal operation, 13-436

Crematory operator, 65-1769 et seq.


Application, 65-1771

Renewal and reinstatement, 65-1772

Liability, 65-1734

Mortuary arts, board,

Rules and regulations, 65-1774

Recycling materials,

Requirements, 65-1773

Unclaimed remains, disposal of, 65-1732


Actions and proceedings, 74-7333, 74-7335

Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Assistance programs, 74-7333 et seq.

Coordinator, appointment, duties, 74-7337

County or district attorney, duties, 74-7335

Fund, 23-2510, 74-7334, 74-7336

Grants, 74-7334

Attorney general,

Assistance programs, duties, 74-7334

Child pornography, civil actions, 60-5001

Commercial sexual exploitation, civil actions, 60-5003

Crime victims compensation division, 75-773

Human trafficking, civil actions, 60-5003

Protection from abuse programs, duties, 74-7325

Rules and regulations, 74-7325

Victim information and notification everyday (VINE) coordinator, Kansas, 75-771

Victims rights coordinator, appointment, 74-7337

Bill of rights act, 74-7333

Cities, policies required, 74-7333

Crime, exclusions, 74-7333

Municipal courts, policies required, 74-7333


Annual report, 74-7316

Members, appointment, 74-7303

Powers and duties, 74-7304, 74-7309, 74-7319

Proceedings, judicial review, 74-7307, 74-7315

Records, information, confidentiality, 74-7308

Rules and regulations, 74-7321

Child pornography, right to civil action, 60-5001

Collection of court-ordered restitution, 12-4119, 20-169

Commercial sexual exploitation, right to civil action, 60-5003

Compensation for injury or loss, 74-7301 et seq.

Adjustment of compensation, 74-7302


Attorney fees, 74-7311

Conditions and limitations, 74-7305

Exploitation benefits, 74-7319

Payments, methods, 74-7313, 74-7317, 74-7319

Process, exemption from, not assignable, 60-2313, 74-7313

Prosecution or conviction, effect, 74-7310

Tentative awards, 74-7310, 74-7314

Child pornography victims, 60-5001


Application for compensation, 74-7305, 74-7308

Exploitation benefits, 74-7319

Hearings, procedure, judicial review, 74-7307, 74-7315

Privileges, 74-7308, 74-7309

Medical, psychological reports, 74-7308, 74-7309

Records, information, confidentiality, 74-7308

Commercial sexual exploitation, civil actions, 60-5003

Definitions, 74-7301

Exploitation benefits,

Application for, 74-7319

Disposition, 74-7319, 74-7320, 74-7321

Notification of receipt, 74-7319

Fund, 74-7317, 74-7332, 74-7336

Human trafficking, civil actions, 60-5003

Records, information, confidentiality, 74-7308

Rules and regulations, 19-4804, 74-7304, 74-7321, 74-7325

Subrogation rights of state, 74-7312

When, 74-7302

Coordinator, victims rights, appointment and duties, 74-7337


Crime victims assistance, 23-2510, 74-7334, 74-7336

Crime victims compensation, 74-7317, 74-7332, 74-7336

Crime victims reparation, abolished, 74-7332

Protection from abuse, 74-7325

Transfers from compensation fund to assistance fund, 75-752


Crime victims assistance programs, 74-7334

Protection from abuse programs, 74-7325

Housing protections, 58-25,137

Human trafficking, right to civil action, 60-5003

Intimidation of, criminal code, 21-5909

Aggravated, 21-5909

Legislature, reports to, 74-7337


Commitment of incompetent defendant, 22-3303, 22-3305

Commitment to institution or state security hospital, 22-3430, 22-3431

Committed defendant, escape or death, 22-3727a

Exploitation benefits, receipt of, 74-7319

Inmates, 22-3727

Parole, notice of public comment session, 22-3717

Persons acquitted because of lack of mental state, 22-3428, 22-3428a

Prosecuting attorney to notify of plea agreement or dismissal, 22-3436

Parole hearings, notice of public comment sessions, 74-7338

Property crime restitution and compensation act, 19-4801 et seq.


Compensation coordinator, 19-4808

Information for victims, 19-4808

Award of compensation,

Civil immunity, 19-4805

Economic losses, 19-4805

Restitution and reparation awards, 19-4807, 19-4809

Board, appointment of, 19-4803


Application, 19-4804

Priority, 19-4806

Compensation coordinator,

Appointment, 19-4810

Duties, 19-4810

Notice of crime,19-4808

Compensation for injury or loss,

Application, 19-4804

Conditions, 19-4804

Limitations, 19-4804, 19-4805

Process, exemption from, not assignable, 19-4804

Rules and regulations, 19-4804

Work loss, 19-4804

Court services officers, duties, 19-4812

Definitions, 19-4802

Effective date of act, 19-4813

Fund, 19-4803

Annual report, 19-4811

Revenue sources, 19-4803

Restitution and reparation awards, 19-4807, 19-4809

Protection from abuse programs, 74-7325

Record of, 74-7338

Records of offenders,

Disclosure, 60-4305


Assistance programs, 74-7334

Protection from abuse programs, 74-7325

Victims rights coordinator, 74-7337


Collection, contracting agents, 20-169

Records of offenders, disclosure, 60-4305

Right to civil action,

Child pornography, 60-5001

Commercial sexual exploitation, 60-5003

Human trafficking, 60-5003

Futherance of terrorism, 60-5002

Illegal use of weapons of mass destruction, 60-5002

Rights, 74-7333 et seq., Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 15

Coordinator, 74-7337

Secretary of corrections, duties, 22-3727, 74-7338


See, also, Criminal Procedure, generally, this index; Fines and Penalties, generally, this index

Generally, 21-5101 et seq.

Abandonment of a child, 21-5605

Aggravated, 21-5605

Abortion, 65-445, 65-6703

Pain-capable unborn child, 65-6724

Facility licensure, 65-4a08

Abstracters, 58-2809 et seq.

Abuse, address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of certain persons, failure to report, 39-1402, 39-1431

Abuse of a child, 21-5602

Abusing toxic vapors, 21-5712


Aiding a felon, 21-5913

Aiding escape, 21-5912

Jurisdiction, 21-5106

Liability for crimes of another, 21-5210

Accomplices and accessories. Accessories, ante. See, also, Accomplices and Accessories, generally, this index

Accountants, 1-316, 75-1128

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6005

Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Administration of a substance, unlawful, 21-5425

Adopted children. Nonsupport of child or spouse, post

Adoption, placing or receiving child from another state, 38-315

Adult care homes, 39-943

Failure to report abuse, neglect or exploitation, 39-1402

Adultery, 21-5511


Legislative action, influence of, 46-287

Notary advertisements, 53-121

Posting political pictures and advertisements, defined, 21-5820

Affirmative defenses. Defenses, post


Arson, 21-5812

Assault, 21-5412

Assault of a law enforcement officer, 21-5412

Battery, 21-5413

Unborn child, 21-5419

Battery against a law enforcement officer, 21-5413

Battery against university or campus police, 21-5413

Burglary, 21-5807

Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Criminal damage to property, 21-5813

Criminal threat, 21-5415

Domestic battery, 21-5414

Endangering a child, 21-5601

Endangering the food supply, 21-6317

Escape from custody, 21-5911

Failure to appear, 21-5915

False impersonation, 21-5917

Human trafficking, 21-5426

Incest, 21-5604

Indecent solicitation of a child, 21-5508

Interference with parental custody, 21-5409

Interference with the conduct of public business, 21-5922

Internet trading in child pornography, 21-5514

Intimidation of a witness or victim, 21-5909

Kidnapping, 21-5408

Law enforcement officer, assault of a, 21-5412

Robbery, 21-5420

Sexual battery, 21-5505

Sodomy, 21-5504

Tampering with a traffic signal, 21-5817

Trespassing on a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Aggravated habitual sex offender, 21-6626

Agricultural chemicals and pesticides, 2-2203, 2-2206

Agricultural corporations, failure to file annual report, 17-5902

Agricultural Products, this index

Aiding a felon, defined, 21-5913

Aiding and abetting, 21-5210

Aiding escape from custody, 21-5912

Aiding person committing a misdemeanor, 21-5913

Aiding person required to register as offender, 21-5913

AIDS. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, ante


Identification numbers, fraudulent acts, 21-5937

Operating while intoxicated or under the influence of drug, 3-1003

Pilots, 3-205

Registration of,

Failure to, 21-5935

Alcohol without liquid machine,

Unlawful acts, 21-6321

Alcoholic liquors. See subhead Crimes and penalties under Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Aliens, employing, illegally within U.S. territory, 21-6509

Altering a legislative document, 21-5827

Ambulance services, 65-6137

Anabolic steroids. See subhead Crimes and penalties under Drugs and Medicines, this index

Animal Diseases, this index

Animal slaughtering, 47-1403

Operating near state institutions, 76-142, 76-143


Animals, generally, this index

Brands, use by another, penalty, 47-421

Crimes, punishment and penalties,

Dog fighting, unlawful conduct of, 21-6416

Cruelty to animals, 21-6412

Disposition of animals, 21-6412

Dangerous, permitting to be at large, 21-6418

Disposition of, 21-6413

Dogs, post


Attending unlawful conduct of cockfighting, 21-6417

Possession of cockfighting paraphernalia, unlawful, 21-6417

Unlawful conduct of cockfighting, 21-6417

Ownership, illegal, 21-6415

Sodomy, criminal, 21-5504

Unlawful acts concerning, 21-6411 et seq.

Vaccines, 21-1213, 21-1214

Anticipatory crimes, 21-5301 et seq.

Apothecary, use of title, 65-636

Appearance, failure to appear, 21-5915

Application of criminal code, 21-5103

Apprentices, 44-648

Arraignment. Criminal Procedure, this index

Arrest, generally, this index

Criminal street gang member, bail, 21-6316

Use of force,

Law enforcement officer, 21-5227

Nuclear security guard, 66-2304, 66-2305

Arson, 21-5812

Aggravated arson, 21-5812

Disclosure of information, 31-406

Firefighters, police powers, 31-157

Investigation, 31-137

Arson dogs, inflicting harm, disability or death, 21-6416

Asbestos, regulation of removal, 65-5313

Assault, 21-5412

Aggravated assault, 21-5412

Law enforcement officer, assault on, 21-5412

Aggravated assault on, 21-5412

Statute of limitations, 60-514

Assembly, unlawful assembly, 21-6202

Assisting suicide, 21-5407

Civil damages limitation, 60-4405

Attempt, 21-5301

Attorney-client privilege, exceptions, 60-426

Automobile master key violation, 21-5833

Bail, generally, this index

Banks and Banking, this index

Barbers, 65-1822

Schools and shops, sanitation, 65-173

Bathhouses, sanitation, 65-173

Bathrooms, sanitation, 65-173

Battery, 21-5413

Aggravated battery, 21-5413

Attorney, 21-5413

City or county correctional officer or employee, 21-5413

Community corrections officer, 21-5413

Correctional officers or employees, battery against, 21-5413

Court services officer, 21-5413

Domestic, 21-5414, 60-3107

Judge, 21-5413

Juvenile correctional facility officer or employee, 21-5413

Juvenile detention facility officer or employee, 21-5413

Law enforcement officers, battery against, 21-5413

Aggravated battery against, 21-5413

Mental health employee, battery against, 21-5413

School employees, 21-5413

Sexual battery, 21-5505

Aggravated, 21-5505

Statute of limitations, 60-514

Unborn child, 21-5419

University or campus police, battery against, 21-5413

Betting. Gambling, post

Beverage cans with detachable tabs, selling, 21-6320

Bigamy, 21-5609


Illegal operations, penalty, 21-6405

Blacklisting former employee, 44-118

Blackmail, defined, 21-5428

Blind persons, interference with rights, 39-1103

Board of treasury examiners, neglecting to perform duties, misdemeanors, 75-4229

Boarding and lodging houses, 39-943

Boats and vessels, report by dock owner to assessor, 79-339


Explosives, post

Weapons, post

Bond jumping, failure to appear, 21-5915

Bonded warehouseman, 82-170

Boxing and wrestling, 21-1801 et seq.

Brands, use by another, penalty, 47-421

Breach of privacy, defined, 21-6101

Bread and flour enrichment, 65-2306

Bribery, 21-6001

Commercial bribery, defined, 21-6506

Sports bribery, 21-6507

Burden of proof, 21-5108

Bureau of investigation, attorney general division, records, 75-712

Burglary, 21-5807

Aggravated burglary, 21-5807

Buying sexual relations, 21-6421

Communication facilities, unlawful use, 21-6424

Cable television service, theft, 21-5801

Cans with detachable tabs, selling, 21-6320

Capital murder, 21-5401

Counsel, appointment,

Habeas corpus, 22-4506

Indigent defendants, 22-4505


Capital punishment, 21-6618 et seq.

Mandatory imprisonment for 40 years, 21-6621

Capital punishment,

Criminal Procedure, this index

Sentencing, post

Capitol police, prosecution of persons arrested by, 75-4509

Care or treatment facility,

Contraband, traffic in, 21-5914

Carrying concealed explosives, 21-6312

Cemetery corporation, misuse of permanent maintenance fund, 17-1311a

Cemetery merchandise contracts, 16-323

Misuse of cenetery merchandise trust fund, 16-323

Cereal malt beverages. Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Certificate of title, failure to show complete chain of title, 21-5836


Giving a worthless check, 21-5821

Administrative handling fee, 21-5821

Unlawful prosecution for worthless checks, 21-5822

Child care facilities, 65-510, 65-514, 65-515, 65-516

Child Labor, generally, this index

Children and minors,

Abandonment of a child, 21-5605

Aggravated, 21-5605

Abuse of, 21-5602

Aggravated endangering, 21-5601

Beer, furnishing to minors, 21-5607

Child pornography,

Civil damages, 60-5001

Internet trading in child pornography, 21-5514

Cigarettes, sale to or purchase by, 79-3321

Commercial sexual exploitation of a child, 21-6422

Civil damages, 60-5003

Communication facilities, unlawful use, 21-6424

Contributing to a child's misconduct or deprivation, 21-5603

Death or disappearance, failure to report, 21-5938

Endangering, 21-5601

Electronic solicitation, 21-5509

Female genital mutilation, 21-5431

Incest, 21-5604

Indecent liberties with, 21-5506

Aggravated, 21-5506

Indecent solicitation, 21-5508

Aggravated, 21-5508

Liquor, furnishing to, 21-5607

Nonsupport, 21-5606

License sanctions, contempt, 74-146, 74-147

Privileges of parents, 60-423

Promoting travel for child exploitation, 21-5612

Sexual exploitation of a child, 21-5510

Sodomy, 21-5504

Solicitation, electronic, 21-5509

Tobacco, sale or distribution to, 79-3322

Unlawfully hosting minors consuming alcohol, 21-5608Unlawfully placing or receiving child from another state, 38-315

Cigarette or tobacco infraction, defined, 21-5102

See, also, subhead Cigarette or tobacco infractions, criminal code under Tobacco, this index

Cigarette tax violations, 79-3312a, 79-3321

Citizen's arrest, use of force, 21-5228

Civil remedies preserved, 21-5105

Civil rights, denial of, defined, 21-6102

Civil Service, this index

Claim, false claim,

Permitting, 21-6004

Presenting, 21-6004

Cockfighting, unlawful conduct of, 21-6417

Commercial bribery, 21-6506

Commercial feeds, 2-1009 et seq.

Commercial gambling, 21-6406

Commercial practices, deception, 21-6503

Commercial sexual exploitation of a child, 21-6422

Civil damages, 60-5003

Communication facilities, unlawful use, 21-6424

Committed persons, interference with custody of, defined, 21-5410

Common carriers, records, 66-137

Common nuisance, maintenance of, 22-3905

Communicable disease, exposing another to, 21-5424

Communication facilities,

Installing for gamblers, 21-6409

Unlawful use for distribution of controlled substances, 21-5707


Unlawful disclosure of interception, 21-5923

Compensation for past official acts, 21-6003

Compounding a crime, defined, 21-5905

Compulsion, 21-5206

Computer crimes,

Breach of privacy, 21-6101

Computer password disclosure, 21-5839

Computer trespass, 21-5839

Eavesdropping, 21-6101

Concealed cameras, eavesdropping, 21-6101

Conducting a pyramid promotional scheme, 21-5838

Confessions, 60-408, 60-460

Confidential information, unlawful disclosure,

Diabetes, 65-1,117

Excise tax, 75-5133

Income tax, 79-3234

Welfare recipients, 39-709b

Confined person, mistreatment of, 21-5416

Conflict of interests, public officials, 75-4306

Kansas public employees retirement system, trustees, 74-4905

Conspiracy, 21-5302

Constitution of the United States, this index

Consumer credit code violations, 16a-5-301

Contempt of legislature, 46-1014

Contraband, traffic in, 21-5914

Contractors, nonresident, taxation, 79-1015

Contracts, 16-114

Contributing to a child's misconduct or deprivation, 21-5603

Controlled substances, 21-5701 et seq.

Analog, emergency scheduling, 21-5715

Bail, 21-5703, 21-5709, 21-5710

Certified drug abuse treatment, 21-6322

Certified drug abuse treatment, diversion, 21-6825

Certified drug abuse treatment, non prison sanction, 21-6824

Communication facilities, unlawful use for distribution of controlled substances, 21-5707

Cultivate, 21-5705

Decontamination of unlawful manufacturing site, costs of, 21-5704

Definitions, 21-5701


Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706

Distribute, 21-5705

Distribution causing great bodily harm or death, 21-5430

Drug paraphernalia, 21-5709, 21-5710, 21-5711

Emergency scheduling, 21-5715


Distribute, 21-5710

Possession or purchase, 21-5709

False representation of controlled substance, 21-5714

Fines, 21-6611

Forfeitures, costs of, 21-5704


Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706

Heroin, distribute, 21-5705

Manufacture, 21-5703

Possession of certain items with intent, 21-5709


Affirmative defense, 21-5706

Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706


Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706


Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706

Nonprison sanction, certified drug abuse treatment, 21-6824

Opiates or opium,

Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706

Paraphernalia, drug, 21-5709, 21-5710, 21-5711


Intent to distribute, 21-5705

Proceeds from violations, 21-5716

Schools, drug free zones, 21-5705, 21-5710, 21-5713

Sentencing guidelines drug grid, 21-6805

Simulated controlled substances, 21-5713

Steroids, anabolic,

Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706


Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706

Uniformity of certain statutes, 21-5717

Convicted person or charged person, unjustifiably exposing, 21-6105

Conviction of crime,

Dental board member, 74-1404

Dentists and dental hygienists, 65-1436

Druggists, 65-1627

Funeral directors and embalmers, 65-1751

Judgment of prior conviction, 60-460

Metropolitan transit board member, 12-2817

Mid-level practitioner, 65-1627

Military duty, exemption, 48-102

Occupational therapists, 65-5410

Physical therapists or physical therapist assistants, 65-2912

Podiatrists, 65-2006

Public office, forfeiture, 60-1205

Respiratory therapists, 65-5510

Sentencing guidelines act, 21-6801 et seq.

Soldiers' home, admission or stay in home, 76-1908

Specimens, biological, 21-2511

Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Convictions. Sentencing, post

Coroners, this index

Corporation commission, obstructing, 66-150


Criminal responsibility, 21-5211

Individual liability, corporate crime, 21-5212

Correctional institutions,

Confined person, mistreatment, 21-5416

Contraband, traffic in, 21-5914

Custody of committed person, interference with, 21-5410

Custody of sentenced person, 21-6605

Escape from custody, post

Rights of imprisoned persons, 21-6613

Unjustifiably exposing a convicted person or charged person, 21-6105

Correctional supervision fee, 21-6607

Corrupt conduct by juror, 21-5905

Cosmetologists, 65-1909

Counterfeit drugs, trafficking in, 65-4167

Counterfeiting, 21-5825

See, also, Counterfeiting, this index

Forfeiture of assets, 60-4101 et seq.

Counterfeiting currency, 21-5840

County Auditors, this index

County Clerks, this index

County Commissioners, this index

County home rule resolutions, violations, 19-101d

County Officers and Employees, this index

County parks and playgrounds, 19-2803a, 19-2894

County Surveyors, this index

County Treasurers, this index

County warrants, 19-242

Court reporters, false certificate or omission of notes, 20-911

Creating a hazard, 21-6318

Credit cards,

Criminal use of, 21-5828

Fraudulent transactions, 16-843

Credit reporting,

Obtaining information under false pretenses, 50-718

Penalties, 50-720

Unauthorized disclosure by officers or employees, 50-719

Credit services organizations, 21-6502

Credit unions, names, 17-2203

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993, 21-6701 et seq.

Authorized dispositions, 21-6702

Classes of felonies, 21-6701

Community corrections, presumptive, 21-6709

Custody, secretary of corrections, 21-6711

Diagnostic reports, 21-6711

Fines, 21-6710

Firearms, mandatory terms, 21-6707

Judgment form, 21-6711

Minimum terms, criteria for, 21-6705

Presentence investigation and report, 21-6703, 21-6704

Second and subsequent felonies, 21-6706

Terms of imprisonment, 21-6701

Transfer of custody, 21-6712

Crimes involving property,

Critical infrastructure facility,

Criminal damage to, 21-5818

Trespassing on, 21-5818

Crimes of another, liability, 21-5210

Criminal carrying of a weapon, 21-6302

Criminal conduct by an athlete agent, 44-1529

Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Aggravated, 21-5818

Criminal damage to property, 21-5813

Aggravated, 21-5813

Regulated scrap metal, 21-5813

Criminal desecration, 21-6205

Criminal discharge of a firearm, 21-6308

Criminal disclosure of a warrant, 21-5906

Criminal disposal of explosives, 21-6312

Criminal distribution of firearms to a felon, 21-6303

Criminal false communication, 21-6103

Criminal history. See subhead Guidelines under Sentencing, post

Criminal History Record Information, generally, this index

Criminal identification, 21-2504, 21-2505

Cooperation of university with law enforcement officers, 21-2502

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Criminal justice reform commission, Kansas, 21-6902

Criminal nonsupport, 21-5606

Criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, 21-6304

Criminal possession of explosives, 21-6312

Criminal records, violating disclosure restrictions, 22-4707

Criminal restraint, 21-5411

Criminal sodomy, 21-5504

Criminal solicitation, 21-5303

Criminal syndicalism,

Inquisitions, criminal procedure, 22-3101 et seq.

Criminal threat, 21-5415

Criminal trespass on nuclear generating facility, 66-2303

Criminal use of explosives, 21-5814

Criminal use of weapons, 21-6301

Critical infrastructure facilities,

Criminal damage, 21-5818

Trespassing, 21-5818

Cruelty to animals, 21-6412

Culpable mental state, 21-5202 et seq.


Escape from custody, post

Parental custody, interference with, 21-5409

Persons sentenced to imprisonment, 21-6605

Dagger. Weapons, post

Dairies and Dairy Products, this index

Damages to property, criminal, 21-5813

Dead bodies,

Cremation, 65-904

Diseases, notification, 65-2438

Medical schools, 65-901 et seq.

Unclaimed remains, disposal of, 65-904

Dealing in false identification documents, 21-5918

Dealing in gambling devices, 21-6407

Dealing in pirated recordings, 21-5806

Death, definition, 77-205

Death sentences, execution, 22-4001 et seq.

Capital punishment. Criminal Procedure, this index

Debt adjusting, defined, 21-6502

Deceptive commercial practices, 21-6503

Defacing identification marks of a firearm, 21-6306

Defamation, 21-6103


Affirmative, instructions, 21-5108

Compulsion, 21-5206

Entrapment, 21-5208

Former prosecution, 21-5110

Furnishing alcoholic liquor to a minor, 21-5607

Furnishing cereal malt beverage to a minor, 21-5607

Gambling devices, 21-6407

Ignorance or mistake, 21-5207

Indecent liberties with a child, 21-5503

Intent, 21-5201 et seq.

Intoxication, 21-5205

Jeopardy, 21-5110

Jurisdiction, 21-5106

Lack of mental state, 21-5209

Medicaid fraud control act, 21-5932

Presumption of innocence, 21-5108

Use of force,

Aggressor, 21-5226

Defense of a person, 21-5222

Defense of dwelling, 21-5223

Defense of occupied vehicle, 21-5223

Defense of place of work, 21-5223

Defense of property, other than dwelling, place of work, occupied vehicle, 21-5225

Definitions, 21-5221

Immunity, 21-5231

Law enforcement officer making arrest, 21-5227

Nuclear security guard, 66-2304, 66-2305

Presumptions, 21-5224

Private person making arrest, 21-5228

Retreat, duty of, 21-5222, 21-5223, 21-5230

Withdrawal, conspiracy, 21-5302

Definitions, 21-5111

Defrauding. Fraud, generally, this index

Denial of civil rights, 21-6102

Dentists and Dental Hygienists, this index

Deprivation of property, 21-5803


Criminal desecration, 21-6205

Flags, unlawful use, 73-710

Destroying a written instrument, 21-5826

Detainers, agreement on, 22-4401 et seq. See, also, Detainers, generally, this index

Diabetes, unlawful disclosure of information, 65-1,117

Dietitians, 65-5903

Discharge of employee, garnishment for indebtedness, 60-2311

Disclosure statement, failure to file, state governmental ethics, 46-239


Denial of civil rights, 21-6102

Employment or public accommodations, 44-1013

Housing practices, 44-1016, 44-1017, 44-1026, 44-1027


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 65-6005

Rules and regulations, violation, 65-129

Dismissal of prosecution, 19-717

Notice to victim, 22-3436

Disorderly conduct, 21-6203

Tuberculosis infectee, 65-116g

Distribution of a controlled substance causing great bodily harm or death, 21-5430

Disturbance of peace, disorderly conduct, 21-6203

Diversion of criminal proceedings. Criminal Procedure, this index

Documents, legislative, altering, 21-5827


Fighting, unlawful conduct of, 21-6414

Attending, 21-6414

Disposition of animals, 21-6414

Inflicting harm, disability or death to a police, arson, assistance, game warden or rescue dog, 21-6416

Possession of dog fighting paraphernalia, unlawful, 21-6414

Unlawful misrepresentation of right to trained dog assistance, 39-1112

Domestic battery, 21-5414

Aggravated, 21-5414

Domestic violence,

Address confidentiality program, 75-451 et seq.

Criminal case designation, 22-4616, 22-4617

Diversion, 22-2906 et seq.

Policies, adopted,

Law enforcement agencies, 22-2307

Liability, 22-2308

Prosecuting attorneys, 22-2309

Domestic violence offenders,

Rules and regulations, 75-755

Double jeopardy, 21-5110

Drainage Districts, this index

Drains and Drainage, this index

Drive-by shooting, 21-6308

Driver training motor vehicles, 72-4010

Driver training schools, misdemeanors, 8-281

Drivers' licenses, 8-260, 8-262, 8-268

Application for replacement license used in lieu of bond, 12-4301


Application for, 8-260

Dealing in, 21-5918

Restricted license, 8-245

Unlawful use of, 8-260

Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs. Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Involuntary manslaughter, 21-5405

Drug abuse treatment, nonprison, 75-52,144

Veterans, injury or disorder, 21-6630

Druggists, this index

Drugs and medicine,

Prescription, fraudulent, 21-5708

Drugstore, use of title, 65-636

Drunkards and drunkenness. Intoxication, post

Drycleaners, pollution remediation, 65-34,144


Breach of privacy, 21-6101

Concealed cameras, 21-6101

Interception of wire, oral or electronic communications, 21-5923

Eggs, 2-2503

Election Offenses, generally, this index

Electric transmission lines, 17-1907, 17-1908

Electrologists, 65-1909

Electronic monitoring pursuant to court order, unlawful tampering, 21-6322

Electronic solicitation, 21-5509

Elevator or warehouse certificates or receipts, 82-207

Embalming without permission, 65-1707

Embezzlement, generally, this index

Emergency medical services,

Instructor-coordinators, 65-6150


Interference with, 21-6326

Emergency service assistance, unlawful request for, 21-6207


Employing aliens illegally within territory of U.S., 21-6509

Requiring criminal history information, unlawful, 22-4710

Employment agencies, 44-409, 44-410

Employment Security, this index

Endangering a child, 21-5601

Aggravated, 21-5601

Endangering the food supply, 21-6317

Aggravated endangering the food supply, 21-6317

Endangerment, 21-5429

Endangerment, unlawful, 21-6310

Energy allocation or use curtailment priorities, violation, 74-621

Entrapment, 21-5208

Equity skimming, 21-6504

Escape, 21-5911

Escape from custody, 21-5911

Aggravated escape, 21-5911

Work release programs, 75-5269

Agreement on detainers, felony, penalty, 22-4405

Aiding escape, 21-5912

Ethics, state governmental, 46-239, 46-251, 46-259, 46-274 et seq.


Disposition to commit crime, 60-455

Intent to permanently deprive, 21-5804

Excavation permit, penalty for failure to obtain, 19-3310

Exploitation of crime, publication, disposition of proceeds, 74-7319


Concealed, 21-6312

Criminal use of, defined, 21-5814

Disposal, criminal, 21-6312

Failure to register, 21-6311

Possession, criminal, 21-6312

Possession, ex-felons, 21-6312

Expungement, criminal procedure, 21-6614

Extortion, 21-6501

Theft, post

Extradition, misdemeanors, 22-2711

Failure to appear, 21-5915

Failure to register an aircraft, 21-5935

Failure to register explosives, 21-6311

Failure to report a wound, 21-6319

Failure to report abuse, neglect, financial exploitation or need of protective services for certain persons, 39-1431

Failure to report the death or disappearance of a child, 21-5938

Fair credit reporting act. Credit, this index

Fairs and expositions, trespassing, 2-140

False claim,

Medicaid program, 21-5927

Permitting, 21-6004

Presenting, 21-6004

Social welfare, obtaining assistance, 39-720

False communication, criminal 21-6103

False impersonation, 21-5917

Aggravated, 21-5917

Healing arts licensee, 65-2860

False information, 21-5824

False lien, filing, 21-5940

False pretenses. Theft, post

False signing of a petition, 21-5916

Falsely reporting a crime, 21-5904

Falsification of value of real estate transferred, 79-1437g

Felon, aiding of felon, 21-5913


Aiding person committing, 21-5913

Consideration of felony convictions,

Applicants for licenses, 65-1505, 74-120

Crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993, 21-6701 et seq.

Fines, 21-6611

Imprisonment, 21-6602

Inherently dangerous, defined, 21-5402

Sentencing guidelines act, 21-6801 et seq.

Women offenders, sentenced to secretary of corrections, 75-5229

Felony, defined, 21-5102

Female genital mutilation, 21-5431

Fences, this index

Fertilizers, this index

Fetal organs and tissue, 65-67a04, 65-67a05, 65-67a06, 65-67a07

Fiduciaries, commercial bribery, 21-6506

Financial cards, criminal use of, 21-5828

Financial status, maliciously circulating false rumors concerning, 21-6103


Crimes committed on or after July 1, 1993, 21-6611

Crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993, 21-6710

Disposition of, 20-350, 20-2801

Fines and Penalties, generally, this index

Fire prevention code, violations, 31-150a, 31-159

Fire Protection Law, 31-132 et seq.

Criminal conduct, fires and explosions, 31-137, 31-138

Violations of act, 31-137, 31-138, 31-139


Aggravated interference with public business, 21-5922

Concealed, 21-6302

Defacing identification marks, 21-6306

Deprivation of, criminal, 21-5803

Discharge, criminal, 21-6308

Dwelling, at a, 21-6308


Aggravated weapons violation by a convicted felon, 21-6305

Distribution to, 21-6303

Possession by, 21-6304

Forfeitures. See subhead Asset seizure and forfeiture act, Kansas standard under Forfeitures, this index

Possession, criminal, 21-6301, 21-6302, 21-6304, 21-6305

Aggravated by a convicted felon, 21-6305

Government property, 21-6309

Juvenile, 21-6301

Restoration of right to possess, 21-6614

State capitol, 21-6309, 75-7c21

Under the influence, 21-6332

Sentencing, 21-6807

Theft, 21-5801

Unlawful discharge in a city, 21-6308a

Weapons, post


Interference with firefighters, 21-6325

Police powers, 31-157

Fish and Game, this index

Flags, desecration, 73-710

Flour and bread enrichment, 65-2306

Food, drug and cosmetic act, violations, 65-682

Food supply, endangering, 21-6317

Aggravated endangering the food supply, 21-6317

Force, use of force, 21-5222 et seq.

Nuclear security guard, 66-2304, 66-2305

Forced labor,

Human trafficking, 21-5426

Forfeitures. See subhead Asset seizure and forfeiture act, Kansas standard under Forfeitures, this index

Food, drug and cosmetic act violations, 65-682

Forgery, 21-5823

Former prosecution, effect of, 21-5110

Fossil hunting, commercial, without landowner's authorization, 21-5811

Fraternal benefit societies, 40-779

Fraud, generally, this index

Fraudulent acts relating to aircraft identification numbers, 21-5937

Fraudulent aircraft registration, 21-5936

Fugitive from justice,

Extradition. See, Criminal Procedure, this index

Extradition, generally, this index

Funds, misuse of public funds, 21-6005

Funeral contracts and plans, 16-305

Funeral Directors and Embalmers, this index

Funeral privacy, 21-6106

Furnishing alcoholic beverages to a minor for illicit purposes, 21-5607

Furnishing alcoholic liquor or ceral malt beverage to a minor, 21-5607

Gambling, 21-6404

Bingo, illegal operations, 21-6405

Commercial, gambling, 21-6406

Communication facilities, installed, 21-6409

Definitions, 21-6403


Dealing in, 21-6407

Possession of, 21-6408

Lottery, State, generally, this index

Games of chance, 21-6403

Lottery, State, generally, this index

Gangs, criminal street gang prevention act, 21-6313 et seq.

Arrest of criminal street gang member, bail, 21-6316

Criminal street gang intimidation, 21-6315

Definitions, 21-6313

Recruiting criminal street gang membership, 21-6314

Garnishment, discharge of employee for, 60-2311

Gas stoves, public buildings,

Connections, 36-131 et seq.

Vents, 36-516


Adding dockage or foreign material, 21-5837

Commodity commissions, 2-3008

Transactions, 34-102, 34-231, 34-234, 34-293, 34-295, 34-298

Warehouses, post

Guidelines, sentencing, 21-6801 et seq.

See also Guidelines under subhead Sentencing, post

Guns. See Firearms, ante

Habeas Corpus, generally, this index

Handicapped persons, interference with rights, 39-1103

Harassment by telecommunication device, 21-6206

Hard 25 or 40. See subhead Mandatory imprisonment for 25 or 40 years under Sentencing, post

Hard 40. See subhead Mandatory imprisonment for 40 years under Sentencing, post

Harvesting lien, disposing of grain, 58-206

Hawkers and peddlers, county licenses, 19-2202, 19-2207

Hazard, creating, 21-6318

Hazardous household articles, 65-2704

Hazing, 21-5418

Healing Arts, this index

Health care facility, trespass, 21-5808

Health officers, failure or neglect of duty, 65-202

Hearing aids, registration act, 74-5824


Moving buildings, 17-1920

Throwing objects on, 21-5819

Historical property, damaging, 76-2029

HIV infections, 65-6005

Hog cholera vaccines, sales, 47-653c

Homestead property tax relief act, 79-4513

Honey, unlawful labeling, 65-682

House arrest program, 21-6603, 21-6609

Household articles, hazardous, 65-2704

Human trafficking, 21-5426

Civil damages, 60-5003

Communication facilities, unlawful use, 21-6424

Hunting, criminal, defined, 21-5810

Husband and wife,

Adultery, 21-5511

Bigamy, 21-5609

Marital privilege, 60-428

Nonsupport of child or spouse, 21-5606


Dealing in false I.D.'s, 21-5918

Unlawful use of, 8-260, 8-1327

Identity fraud, 21-6107

Identity theft, 21-6107

Ignorance, defense, 21-5207

Illegal ownership or keeping of an animal, 21-6415

Illegal use of weapon of mass destruction, 21-5422

Impairing a security interest, 21-5830

Impeachment of public officer, 37-101 et seq.

Impersonation, false, 21-5917

Imprisoned persons, rights, 21-6613

Imprisonment, terms of. Sentencing, post

Improvement districts, 19-2780

Directors, 19-2779

Incest, 21-5604

Aggravated, 21-5604

Incitement to riot, 21-6201

Included crimes, 21-5109

Income Tax, this index

Indecent liberties with a child, 21-5506

Aggravated, 21-5506

Indecent solicitation of a child, 21-5508

Aggravated, 21-5508

Indictment and Information, generally, this index

Indigents, attorneys for. See Criminal Procedure, this index

Industrial hemp, unlawful products, 2-3908

Information, false, 21-5824

Information, unlawful disclosure,

Diabetes, 65-1,117

Income tax, 79-3234

Welfare recipients, 39-709b

Inherently dangerous felony, 21-5402

Inmate labor, unlawful use of, 75-5226

Innocence, presumption of, 21-5108

Insects and plant diseases, black stem rust, 2-717

Installing communication facilities for gamblers, 21-6409

Insurance, this index

Insurance holding companies, 40-3311, 40-3311a

Insurance premium finance company act, misdemeanors, 40-2604

Intent to permanently deprive, evidence of, 21-5804

Intentional conduct, 21-5202

Intentional criminal hunting, 21-5810

Interception of communications,

Disclosure, 21-5923

Order authorizing, 22-2515, 22-2516

Interference with custody of committed persons, 21-5410

Interference with firefighters, 21-6325

Violation of firefighter's orders, 31-145

Interference with law enforcement, 21-5904

Interference with parental custody, 21-5409

Aggravated, 21-5409

Interference with public business, 21-5922

Aggravated, 21-5922

Interference with the judicial process, 21-5905

Interference with utility lines or facilities, moving operations, 17-1918

Internet trading in child pornography, 21-5514

Aggravated, 21-5514

Intimidation of a witness or victim, 21-5909

Aggravated, 21-5909

Intoxicating liquors. See subhead Crimes and penalties under Intoxicating Liquors, this index


See, also, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, generally, this index

Boating, 32-1125, 32-1130 et seq.

Criminal liability, 21-5205

Defense of, 21-5205

Driving, 8-1001 et seq., 8-1567, 8-1567a

Flying, 3-1001 et seq.

Rape, consent, 21-5503

Sexual battery, aggravated, consent, 21-5505

Sodomy, consent, 21-5504

Investigations, governor, 75-116

Involuntary servitude,

Aggravated human trafficking, 21-5426

Human trafficking, 21-5426

Irrigation and Irrigation Districts, this index

Jeopardy, 21-5110

Johnson county park district, misdemeanors, 19-2873

Joyriding, 21-5803

Judicial process, interference with, 21-5905

Junk dealers, regulation, 50-620 et seq.

Junkyard and salvage control act, 68-2215

Jurisdiction, 21-5106

Juror, corrupt conduct by, 21-5905

Juries, generally, this index


Judicial process, interference with, 21-5905

Juveniles. Juvenile Offenders, generally, this index

Kansas indoor clean air act, 21-6109 et seq.

Kansas offender registration act,

Aiding violator, 21-5913

Kidnapping, 21-5408

Aggravated kidnapping, 21-5408

Aggravated human trafficking, 21-5426

Knives. Weapons, post

Knowing conduct, 21-5202


Disputes, 44-618, 44-619

Investigations, refusal to testify, 44-635

Organizations, 44-619, 44-814

Unlawful use of inmate labor, 75-5226

Laboratories, approval to perform certain tests, 65-1,108

Land surveyors, failure to establish reference points, 58-2011

Landmark, tampering with, 21-5816

Larceny. Theft, post

Law enforcement, interference with, 21-5904

Lascivious behavior, 21-5513

Legislative action, advertising to influence, 46-287

Legislative document, altering, 21-5827

Legislative post audit, failure to make records available for post audit, 46-1116


Contempt of, 46-1014

House chamber, removal of property, 75-2207, 75-2208

Lesser included crimes, 21-5109

Levees and Flood Control, this index

Lewd and lascivious behavior, 21-5513


Absolute, 21-5203

Crimes of another, 21-5210

Libel, defamation, 21-6103

Life threatening communicable disease, 21-5424

Limitation of prosecutions, 21-5107

Securities law violations, 17-12a508

Liquefied petroleum gas containers, 55-1105

Liquefied petroleum gases, measures, 83-149

Liquefied petroleum motor fuel taxes, 79-34,103

Liquor. Intoxicating Liquors, generally, this index

Littering, defined, 21-5815

Livestock, purchased for slaughter, payment, 47-1802

Loan brokers, 50-1013

Lobbying, state governmental ethics,

False information, giving, 46-275

Unlawful, 46-274

Lost property, theft of, 21-5802

Lottery. Gambling, ante

Magazines, tie-in sales, 21-6505


Breach of privacy, 21-6101

State postage, unlawful use, 21-6006

Maintenance of a common nuisance, 22-3905

Malicious prosecution. Criminal Procedure, this index

Maliciously circulating false rumors concerning financial status, 21-6103

Mandatory sentencing,

Parole eligibility, 22-3717


Involuntary, 21-5405

While driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, 21-5405

Unborn child, 21-5419

Voluntary, defined, 21-5404


Distribute, 21-5705

Possess, 21-5706

Marriage, generally, this index

Marriage and family therapists, prohibited acts, 65-6403

Maternity centers, 65-514, 65-515, 65-516

Meat, imported meats, labeling, 65-6a52

Meat and poultry inspection act, 65-6a27, 65-6a28

Penalties, 65-6a40

Medicaid fraud, Kansas control act, 21-5925 et seq.

Defense of actions, 21-5932

Definitions, 21-5926

False claim, 21-5927

Forfeiture of property, 60-4117


Medicaid fraud forfeiture, 60-4117

Medicaid fraud prosecution revolving, 21-5933

Medicaid fraud reimbursement, 21-5933

Medicaid fraud and abuse division, attorney general's office, 75-725

Obstruction of a medical fraud investigation, 21-5929

Penalties under act, 21-5933


Access by attorney general, 75-726

Destruction or concealment, 21-5931

Failure to maintain, 21-5930

Remedy, exclusive, 21-5934

Unlawful acts, 21-5928

Obstruction of a medicaid fraud investigation, 21-5929

Medical care facilities, license violations, 65-439

Medical records, teaching devices, use in criminal action, 76-358

Medical research studies, disclosure of data, 65-179

Mental health technicians, 65-4214

Mercury discharges into waters of state, 65-171j

Migrant workers act, 44-129

Military Forces, this index

Mined-land conservation and reclamation, 49-404, 49-421a

Mines, interference with county surveyor, 49-108

Misconduct, public officer or employee, 21-6002


Aiding person committing, 21-5913

Classification, 21-6602

Defined, 21-5102

Fines, 21-6602, 21-6111

Imprisonment, 21-6602

Penalties, 21-6602, 21-6611

Mislaid property, theft of, 21-5802

Mistake, defense, 21-5207

Mistreatment of a dependent adult or an elder person, 21-5417

Mistreatment of confined person, defined, 21-5416

Misuse of public funds, defined, 21-6005

Mobile homes,

Construction standards, 75-1223

Notice of location, 79-337

Tie downs or ground anchors, 75-1232

Money, business of transmitting, misdemeanors, 9-512

Monopolies and unfair trade, 50-101 et seq.

Motor Carriers, this index

Motor fuel, failing to pay for, 21-5801

Motor Fuel Tax, this index

Motor vehicles,

Abandonment on private property, 8-1102

Deprivation of property, criminal, 21-5803

Driver training, 72-4010

Insurance, failure to maintain, 40-3104, 40-3106, 40-3118

Master key, automobile master key, 21-5833

Motor Vehicles, generally, this index

Parking at state office buildings and grounds, 75-4508

Sale of recut or regrooved tires, 21-5834

Theft, 21-5804

Vehicular homicide, 21-5406

Moving operations, interference with utility lines or facilities, 17-1918

Multijurisdictional law enforcement agreements, 19-828

Multiple prosecutions, same act, 21-5109

Municipal accounting, 75-1130

Municipal Bonds, this index

Municipal treasurers, quarterly statements, 12-1609

Municipal warrants, cash-basis law, 10-1112 et seq.


Capital, 21-5401

Capital murder, ante

Sentencing. See subhead Capital punishment and mandatory imprisonment for 40 years under Sentencing, post

First degree, 21-5402

Inherently dangerous felony, 21-5402

Post-sentence relief, DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512

Second degree, defined, 21-5403

Unborn child, 21-5419

Narcotic drugs. Drugs and medicines, ante

National crime prevention and privacy compact, 22-5001

National guard member, employer of, 48-222

Nondisclosure of source of recordings, 21-5806

Nondriver identification cards, 8-1327

Nonsupport of child or spouse, 21-5606

Notaries public, 53-5a25

Notice, public notice, tampering with, 21-5921


Amended, 16a-5-301

Nuclear energy development and radiation control act, 48-1612, 48-1613

Nuisance, maintenance of a common, 22-3905

Nuisance, public nuisance, 21-6204

Nurses, 65-1120, 65-1122, 65-1162

Nursing homes, 39-943

Oaths and affirmations,

Falsifying, 54-105

Receiving funds without filing, 75-4314

Unauthorized disbursement of funds, 75-4313


Commercial establishments, display, 21-6402

Harassment by telecommunication device, 21-6206

Lewd and lascivious behavior, 21-5513


Material harmful to minors, 21-6402


Commercial establishments, display, 21-6402

Obstructing apprehension or prosecution, 21-5913

Obstructing public business, 21-5922

Aggravated, 21-5922

Obstruction of a medicaid fraud investigation, 21-5929

Occupational therapists, 65-5414

Odometer, tampering, 21-5835

Offender registration act,

Aiding violator, 21-5913

Official act, unauthorized official act, 21-5919

Official acts, compensation for past, 21-6003

Official misconduct, 21-6002

Oil, transportation or possession of crude oil, documentation, 55-1504

Oil and Gas, this index

Oil and gas field equipment,

Alteration or removal of identifying marks on, 55-1505

Sales and transportation, 55-1502, 55-1503

Oil and gas properties, taxation, 79-333

Omission of act, criminal liability, 21-5201

Ophthalmic lenses, dispensing, 65-1504b

Optometrists, 65-1513

Fines, 65-1526

Ouster of public official, subpoena, 60-1208

Pardons, 22-3701, 22-3702

Parental custody, interference with, 21-5409

Aggravated, 21-5409

Parimutuel Racing, generally, this index

Parking lots, county, violation of regulations, 19-27,151


Damaging property, 76-2029

Parks, this index

Patients of treatment facility, confidential information, 65-5605

Pawnbroker regulation, misdemeanors, 16-721

Penal institutions. Correctional institutions, ante


Crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993, 21-6701 et seq.

Felonies, 21-6611

Medicaid fraud control act, 21-5933

Misdemeanors, 21-6602, 21-6611

Sentencing guidelines, 21-6801 et seq.

See also Guidelines under subhead Sentencing, post

Traffic infractions, 21-6611

People with intellectual disability in state institutions, willful deprivation of rights, 76-12b10

Performance of an unauthorized official act, 21-5919

Perjury, 21-5903

Permitting a false claim, 21-6004

Personal care homes, 39-943

Pesticides, 2-2203, 2-2206 et seq.

Petition, false signing of, 21-5916

Pharmacists. Druggists, this index

Pharmacy, use of title, 65-636

Physical therapy, 65-2914, 65-2916

Physician-patient privilege, misdemeanors, 60-427

Physicians and surgeons. See, Physicians and Surgeons, this index

Pictures, posting political pictures and advertisements, defined, 21-5820

Piracy of recordings, 21-5806

Pistol. Firearms, ante

Plea bargaining,

Sentencing guidelines, 21-6812

Prior convictions discovered after plea, 21-6807

Podiatrists, 65-2007

Political pictures and advertisements, unlawful posting, 21-5820

Pooling agreements, agricultural products, 50-136 et seq.


Lewd and lascivious behavior, 21-5513

Obscene materials, proceedings, 22-3902 et seq.

Possessing or using scanning device or reencoder, 21-6108

Post incarceration supervision, 21-6606

Postage, state, unlawful use, 21-6006

Posting political pictures and political advertisements, defined, 21-5820

Postrelease supervision, 22-3717, 22-3722

Poultry and Poultry Products, this index

Prairie dog, extermination, 80-1208

Precious metal dealer regulation, misdemeanors, 16-721

Premeditated and intentional murder, 21-5402

Prescription drugs, fraudulent, 21-5708

Prescription monitoring information, unlawful acts, 65-1693

Presentence investigations,

Criminal risk-need assessment, 75-52,144

Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs, 8-1008

Sentencing guidelines, reports, 21-6813

Presenting a false claim, 21-6004

Presumption of innocence, 21-5108

Presumptive sentence of probation, 21-6708

Prisoners, rights, 21-6613

Privacy, breach of, 21-6101

Privilege tax returns, financial institutions, confidentiality breaches, 79-1119


Journal entry of revocation, 22-3426a

Revocation, 22-3426a

Sentencing, post

Specimens, biological, 21-2511


Simulating legal process, 21-5907

Promoting obscenity, 21-6401

Promoting obscenity to minors, 21-6401

Promoting the sale of sexual relations, 21-6420

Communication facilities, unlawful use, 21-6424

Promoting travel for child exploitation, 21-5612


Creating a hazard, 21-6318

Damage to, criminal, 21-5813

Deprivation of, defined, 21-5803

Lost, mislaid or delivered by mistake, theft of, 21-5802

Theft, 21-5801


Commencement of, 21-5107

Included crimes, 21-5109

Limitations, 21-5107

Multiple, 21-5109

Notice to victims, 22-3436

Psychological examination, prohibition, 21-5112

Unlawful prosecution for worthless checks, 21-5822

Protective orders, violation of, 21-5924

Public buildings,

Interference with public business in, 21-5922

Aggravated, 21-5922

Public business, interference with, 21-5922

Aggravated interference with, 21-5922

Public demonstration, unlawful, funeral, 21-6106

Public employees,

Discharge for bankruptcy, 75-4316

Postage, state, unlawful use, 21-6006

Retirement system, misdemeanors, 74-4924

Public funds, misuse of, 21-6005

Public intoxication. Intoxication, ante

Public livestock markets, 47-1010, 47-1014

Public notice, tampering with, defined, 21-5921

Public nuisance, 21-6204

Maintaining, 21-6204

Permitting, 21-6204

Public records,

Open records act, 45-215 et seq.

Tampering with, 21-5920

Public utilities,

See, also, Public Utilities, generally, this index

Appraisal of property, 79-5a03, 79-5a09

Publication, exploitation proceeds, disposition, 74-7319

Pyramids, establishing pyramid promotional scheme, 21-5838

Pyrotechnics, unlawful acts, 31-170

Racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act (RICO), 21-6327 et seq.

Arrest, bail restrictions, 21-6329

Contempt of court, 21-6331

Court orders, 21-6330

Definitions, 21-6328

Forfeiture, 21-6330

Subpoenas, 21-6331

Unlawful activities, 21-6329

Violations, penalty, 21-6329

Racketeering, 21-6501

Railroad right-of-way, throwing objects on, 21-5819

Railroads, this index

Railroads and railroad property,

Trespass and derailment, 21-5809

Rape, 21-5503

Evidence, prior sexual conduct, 21-5502

Post-sentence relief, DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512

Statutory, indecent liberties with child, 21-5506

Razor. Weapons, post

Real estate, purchases, equity skimming, 21-6504

Real estate recovery revolving fund, false filings, 58-3073

Real estate sales validation questionnaires, falsification, 79-1437g

Reasonable doubt as to guilt, 21-5108

Receiving stolen property, 21-5801

Reckless conduct, 21-5202


Dealing in pirated, 21-5806

Devices, unlawful use of, 51-301, 51-302

Nondisclosure of source, 21-5806

Piracy, 21-5806


Criminal. Criminal History Record Information, generally, this index

Failure to make available for post audit, 46-1116

Medicaid fraud control act,

Access by attorney general, 75-726

Destruction or concealment, 21-5931

Failure to maintain, 21-5930

Open public records act, 45-215 et seq.

Sentencing guidelines act, 21-6801 et seq.

See, also, Guidelines under subhead Sentencing, post

Violating disclosure restrictions, 22-4707

Recreational vehicles, construction standards, 75-1223

Recruiting criminal street gang membership, 21-6314

Register of Deeds, this index

Release procedures,

Parole, generally, this index

Probation. See subhead Sentencing, post

Release. Criminal Procedure, this index

Suspension of sentence. See subhead Sentencing, post

Remaining at an unlawful assembly, 21-6202

Res judicata, effect of former prosecution, 21-5110

Resisting arrest, use of force, 21-5229

Nuclear security guard, 66-2304, 66-2305

Respiratory therapists, 65-5514

Responsibility for crimes of another, 21-5210

Restitution by defendants, 21-6604

Court trustees, 20-375 et seq.

Enforcement, civil, 60-4301 et seq.

Hearing, 22-3424

Parole, condition of, 22-3717

Records, disclosure, 60-4305

Restraint, criminal, 21-5411

Restrooms, sanitation, 65-173

Retail liquor sales enforcement tax, 79-4107

Revolver. Firearms, ante

Rewards, generally, this index

Riot, 21-6201

Incitement to, 21-6201

Rivers and streams, obstructing, 24-307

Roads and Highways, this index

Robbery, 21-5420

Aggravated, 21-5420

Rocks, throwing, 21-5819

Rumors concerning financial status, maliciously circulating, 21-6103

Safety glazing materials, 65-3804

Sales suppression device, 21-5939

Sales receipt, unlawful possession, 21-5805

Sales tax, 79-3615

Exemption certificates, 79-3606

Salvage, 70-104

Sand and gravel, 70a-108

Sanitary codes, counties, 19-3707

Savings and Loan Associations, this index

Scanning device or reencoder, unlawful possession, 21-6108

School buses, failure of purchaser to modify used, 72-6497

School lands, perjury relating to proofs, 72-1515

Schools, drug free zones, 21-5710, 21-5713

Scrap metal,

Criminal damage to property, 21-5813

Theft, 21-5801

Searches and seizures. Criminal Procedure, this index

Second amendment protection act,

violations, 50-1207

Second and subsequent offenses,

Animal slaughtering, vicinity of state institutions, 76-143

Intoxicating liquor, record of prior conviction, 41-1002

Traffic rules and regulations, 8-2116

Securities, this index

Securities law violations, 17-12a508

Security interest, impairing, defined, 21-5830

Sedition, defined, 21-5902

Seeds, this index

Self-Incrimination, generally, this index

Selling sexual relations, 21-6419

Buying, 21-6421

Promoting, 21-6420


Aggravated habitual sex offender, 21-6626

Annulment of certain convictions, included crimes, 21-5109

Authorized dispositions, 21-6604

Capital punishment, 21-6617

Aggravating circumstances, 21-6624

Application of act, 21-6629

Execution, 22-4001 et seq.

Mitigating circumstances, 21-6625

Modification of sentence, unconstitutional finding, 21-6628

People with intellectual disability, 21-6622

Persons less than 18 years, 21-6618

Proceedings, 21-6617

Review by supreme court, 21-6619

Challenging validity, procedure, 60-1507

Commission. Sentencing Commission, Kansas, this index

Community correctional services program assignment, 21-6607, 21-6608, 21-6610, 75-5291

Community corrections, allowance for time spent, 21-6615

Concurrent sentences, 21-6606

Conditional release, crime committed while on, 21-6606

Confinement. See Imprisonment, terms of, this subhead

Consecutive sentences, 21-6606

Conservation camps, 21-6604, 21-6615

Controlled substances, ante

Correction of sentence,

Credit for time served, 22-3504

Municipal courts, 12-4513

County jail, 21-6604, 21-6607


Good time and meritorious good time, 21-6806, 21-6821

Programs credits, 21-6821

Time in institutions,

Included crimes, 21-5109

Crimes committed prior to July 1, 1993, 21-6701 et seq.

Custody of persons, 21-6605

Death, 21-6617 et seq.

Execution, 22-4001 et seq.

Deferment pending mental examination, 22-3429

Definitions, 21-6603

Dispositions, authorized, 21-6604

District court, judgment on appeal, 22-3611

Execution of sentence, 22-3427


Criteria for imposing, 21-6612

Firearms, 21-6804

Parole eligibility, 22-3717

Guidelines, 21-6801 et seq.

Alternatives, consideration by court, 21-6802

Application, 21-6802

Authorized dispositions, 21-6604

Citation of act, 21-6801

Commission, duties, 21-6822

Concurrent or consecutive sentences, 21-6819

Costs, 21-6823

Crime, determination of when committed, 21-6802

Crime severity scale,

Drug, 21-6808

Nondrug, 21-6807

Criminal history,

Admission in court, 21-6814

Categories, description, 21-6809

Basis, 21-6810

Decay factors, 21-6810

Offenders, classification and scoring of, 21-6810, 21-6811

Proof, burden of, 21-6814

Definitions, 21-6803


Aggravating factors,

Drug, 21-6816

Nondrug, 21-6815

Appeal, 21-6820

Jury requirements, 21-6815

Limitations, 21-6818

Mitigating factors, 21-6815

Sentencing, hearing, 21-6817

Dispositions, authorized, 21-6604

Extreme sexual violence, crime of, 21-6815

Fines, 21-6611

Good time credits, 21-6806, 21-6821


Drug offenses, 21-6805

Nondrug offenses, 21-6804

Imposition of presumptive sentence, 21-6815

Imprisonment, 21-6806

Modifications, 21-6822

Multiple conviction cases, 21-6819

Nonprison sanction, certified drug abuse treatment, 21-6824

Off-grid crimes, 21-6806

Plea bargaining, 21-6812

Prior convictions discovered after plea, 21-6807

Postconviction sanctions, costs, 21-6823

Predatory sex offender, 21-6815

Presentence investigation reports, 21-6813

Presumptive sentences,

Drug, 21-6805

Imposition of, 21-6815

Nondrug, 21-6804

Program credits, 21-6821

Pronouncement, 21-6806

Sex offenders, persistent, 21-6804

Hard 40. See Mandatory imprisonment for 40 years, post

House arrest program, 21-6607

Imposition of, 22-3424

Imprisonment, terms of, 21-6602


Included crimes, 21-5109

Institutions, time in, 22-3431

Limitations on serving at department of corrections facility, 22-3716

Jail time credit, 21-6615

Included crimes, 21-5109

Journal entry, delivery of, 75-5218

Judgment form,

Delivery of, 75-5218

Juveniles in the custody of the department of corrections, 38-2366

Life without the possibility of parole, 21-6617, 21-6620, 21-6626

People with intellectual disability, 21-6622

Mandatory imprisonment for 25 years, proceedings, 21-6620

Mandatory imprisonment for 25 or 40 years, 21-6627

Modification of sentence, unconstitutional finding, 21-6628

Mandatory imprisonment for 40 years, 21-6621

Aggravating circumstances, 21-6624

Application of act, 21-6629

Imposition of sentence, 21-6623

Juveniles prosecuted as adults, 21-6621

Mitigating circumstances, 21-6625

Modification of sentence, unconstitutional finding, 21-6628

People with intellectual disability, 21-6622

Proceedings, 21-6620

Mandatory imprisonment for 50 years,

Aggravating circumstances, 21-6624

Imposition of sentence, 21-6623

Mitigating circumstances, 21-6625

Proceedings, 21-6620


Copy of order for secretary of corrections, 75-5218

Notice from court, 21-6605

Multiple sentences, 21-6606

Municipal courts, 12-4509 et seq.

Nonprison sanction, certified drug abuse treatment, 21-6824

Notice to secretary of corrections, 75-5218


Crime committed while on, 21-6606

Notice, victims, 22-3717, 22-3718, 22-3728, 22-3729

Sentence of district magistrate judge, 21-6616

Presentence investigation, 21-6813

Presumptive sentences,

Drug, 21-6805


Arrest of probationer, 22-3716

Community service work, workers compensation, 44-508

Conditions of, 21-6607

Violation, arrest, 22-3716

Crime committed while on, 21-6606

Fee, 21-6607

Period of, 21-6608

Termination by court, 21-6608

Probation officers, 20-346a

Supervision, transfer of, 21-6610

Termination by court, 21-6608

Residential facility, allowance for time spent, 21-6615

Restitution, 21-6604, 21-6607

Records of offenders, disclosure, 60-4305

Sex offenders,

Aggravated habitual sex offenders, 21-6626

Sex offenses,

Childhood sexual abuse,

Limitation of damages, 60-523

Furnishing alcoholic beverages to a minor for illicit purposes, 21-5607

Indecent solicitation of a child, 21-5508

Unlawful voluntary sexual relations, 21-5507

Sexual battery, 21-5505

Sexual exploitation of a child, 21-5510

Suspension of sentence,

Arrest of defendant, 22-3716

Conditions of, 21-6607

Community service work, workers compensation, 44-508

Violation, arrest, 22-3716

Period of, 21-6608

Termination by court, 21-6608

Termination by court, 21-6608

Time spent in institution deducted, 22-3431

Validity, challenging, 60-1507

Veterans, injury or disorder, 21-6630

Victims right to address court, 22-3424

Women offenders, felonies, 75-5229

Sentencing guidelines, 21-6801 et seq.

See, also, Guidelines under subhead Sentencing, ante

Septic tank cleaners and haulers of sewage, misdemeanors, 19-3709

Services, theft of, 21-5801

Severability of act, 21-5104

Sewage haulers and cleaners of septic tanks, misdemeanors, 19-3709

Sex offenses,

Aggravated habitual sex offender, 21-6626

Definitions, 21-5501

Evidence, prior sexual conduct, 21-5502

Exploitation of child, 21-5510

Indecent liberties with a child, 21-5506

Internet trading in child pornography, 21-5514

Mandatory imprisonment for 25 or 40 years, 21-6627

Modification of sentence, unconstitutional finding, 21-6628


Persistent, sentencing, 21-6804

Registration, 22-4901 et seq.

Parental rights, termination, 38-2269

Rape, 21-5503

Sex predator, commitment, 59-29a01 et seq.

Sexual battery, 21-5505

Sexual extortion, 21-5515

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Solicitation, electronic, 21-5509

Statutory rape, 21-5503

Sexual exploitation,

Aggravated human trafficking, 21-5426

Sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5512

Sexually-oriented business highways signs, prohibitions, 68-2255

Sheriffs, this index

Shipper, agricultural products, fraud, 50-131


Civil penalties, 60-3331

Detention of suspect, 21-5411

Sickle cell anemia, disclosure of, 65-1,106

Sidewalks, removal or injury, 68-134

Signs, sexually-oriented business highways signs, prohibitions, 68-2255

Simulating legal process, defined, 21-5907

Slander, defamation, 21-6103


Kansas indoor clean air act, 21-6109 et seq.

Public meetings or enclosed areas, prohibited,

Alcoholic beverage control, exemptions, rules and regulations, 21-6113

Smoke-free workplace, 21-6110

Social welfare,

Fraudulently obtained assistance, 39-720

Illegal disposition or possession of assistance, 39-717

Social workers, 65-6307, 65-6308, 65-6310

Sodomy, 21-5504

Aggravated criminal, 21-5504

Solicitation, criminal, 21-5303

Solicitation of minor, electronic, 21-5509

Sports bribery,

Receiving, 21-6507

Sports contest, tampering with, 21-6508

Spring gun. Firearms, ante

Stalking, 21-5427

Policies, adopted,

Law enforcement agencies, 22-2310

Prosecuting attorneys, 22-2311

State capitol, parking, 75-4508, 75-4510a

State fair, designation of other fairs, 2-201

State jurisdiction, 21-5106

State Officers and Employees, this index

State parks,

Damaging property, 76-2029

State parks. Parks, this index

State treasurer, 10-130a

Statistics, vital, disclosure of records, 65-2422d

Statutory rape, 21-5503

Indecent liberties with child, 21-5506

Steroids, anabolic. See subhead Crimes and penalties under Drugs and Medicines, this index

Storage tanks, misdemeanors, 65-34,109, 65-34,110

Stored goods, unauthorized delivery of, defined, 21-5832

Street gang intimidation, criminal, 21-6315

Street railways, 12-1633, 12-1634

Substantial interests, failure to file statement, state governmental ethics, 46-251

Suicide, assisting, 21-5407

Life-sustaining procedures, withholding or withdrawal, 65-28,108

Support of child or spouse, failure to, 21-5606


Notice of intent to apprehend fugitive, penalties, 22-2809a

Syndicalism. Criminal syndicalism, ante

Tampering with public notice, 21-5921

Tampering with a public record, 21-5920

Tattooing and body piercing, regulation of, 65-1941, 65-1942

Tax Appraisers, this index

Tax returns, income. Income tax, ante

Taxation, this index

Telecommunication device, harassment by, 21-6206

Telegraph and telephone,

Breach of privacy, 21-6101

Eavesdropping, 21-6101

Gambling, communication facilities, 21-6409

Harassment by, 21-6206

Municipalities, failure to maintain telegraph stations, 17-1913

Property, damaging, 17-1907, 17-1908

Television, cable, theft of services, 21-5801

Terms of imprisonment. Sentencing, ante

Terrorism, 21-5421

Furtherance of, 21-5423

Furtherance of, civil action, 60-5002

Wire and oral communications, interception, 22-2515

Theft, 21-5801

Cable television services, 21-5801

Detaining suspect, 21-5411

Documents of title, 84-7-601

Title and rights, 84-7-502

Evidence of intent, 21-5804

False tokens, manufacture or disposal, 21-5829

Financial cards, criminal use of, 21-5828

Firearms, 21-5801

Fraudulent obtaining of assistance, 39-720

Insurance premiums, agent's failure to pay company, 40-247

Intent to permanently deprive, evidence of, 21-5804

Lodging, 21-5801

Lost, mislaid property or delivered by mistake, 21-5802

Regulated scrap metal, 21-5801

Salvage property, 70-104

Services, 21-5801

Shoplifting, detaining suspect, 21-5411

Utilities, 21-5801

Welfare assistance, eligibility for, 39-709

Theft detection shielding device, unlawful manufacturing or sale of, 21-5805

Threat, criminal, 21-5415

Aggravated, 21-5415

Throwing objects, 21-5819

Tie-in magazine sale, 21-6505

Tires, sale of recut or regrooved tires, 21-5834

Toilets, sanitation, 65-173

Tokens, manufacture or disposal of, defined, 21-5829

Township treasurer, statement of accounts, 80-408, 80-411

Township trustee, 80-408, 80-1208

Toxic vapors, abusing, 21-5712

Trading stamps, 21-2801 et seq.

Traffic control signal preemption device, unlawful possession or use, 21-6324

Traffic in contraband,

Care or treatment facility, 21-5914

Correctional institution, 21-5914

Traffic infractions, defined, 21-5102

Traffic law, habitual violator, 8-284 et seq.

Traffic Rules and Regulations, generally, this index

Traffic signal, tampering with, 21-5817

Aggravated, 21-5817

Trafficking, 21-5426

Trafficking in counterfeit drugs, 65-4167

Treason, defined, 21-5901

Treatment facility personnel, confidential information, 65-5605

Trespass, 21-5808

Abandonment of motor vehicle on private property, 8-1102

Computer, 21-5839

Critical infrastructure facility, 21-5818

Aggravated, 21-5818

Railroad property, 21-5809

Trial. Criminal Procedure, this index

Tuberculosis, 65-116g

Unauthorized official act, defined, 21-5919

Unclaimed property act, failure to comply, 58-3967

Unfair trade practices, 50-101 et seq.

United States property, service of process, 27-102

Universal product code label, unlawful possession, 21-5805

Unjustifiably exposing a convicted person or charged person, 21-6105

Unlawful administration of a substance, 21-5425

Unlawful assembly, 21-6202

Unlawful discharge of firearm in a city, 21-6308a

Unlawful disclosure of authorized interception of wire, oral or electronic communications, 21-5923

Unlawful disclosure of tax information, 21-6104

Unlawful endangerment, 21-6310

Unlawful interference with an emergency medical service provider, 21-6326

Unlawful interference with a firefighter, 21-6325

Unlawful possession of firearms on certain government property, 21-6309

Unlawful possession or use of traffic control signal preemption device, 21-6324

Unlawful public demonstration, funeral, 21-6106

Unlawful request for emergency service assistance, 21-6207

Unlawful sexual relations, 21-5512

Unlawful use of recordings, 21-5806

Unlawful use of recording devices, 51-301, 51-302

Unlawful voluntary sexual relations, 21-5507

Unlawfully hosting minors consuming alcohol, 21-5608

Unlawfully tampering with electronic monitoring equipment, 21-6322

Use of force, 21-5220 et seq.

Aggressor, 21-5226

Citizen's arrest, 21-5228

Defense of dwelling, 21-5223

Defense of a person, 21-5222

Defense of occupied vehicle, 21-5223

Defense of place of work, 21-5223

Defense of property, other than dwelling, place of work, occupied vehicle, 21-5225

Definitions, 21-5221

Immunity, 21-5231

Law enforcement officer, making arrest, 21-5227

Nuclear security guard, 66-2304, 66-2305

Private person making arrest, 21-5228

Presumptions, 21-5224

Resisting arrest, 21-5229

Retreat, duty of, 21-5222, 21-5223, 21-5230


Appraisal of property, 79-5a03, 79-5a09

Records, 66-137

Theft of services, 21-5801

Vaccines, animals, 21-1213, 21-1214

Vandalism, criminal damage to property, 21-5813

Vapors, toxic, abusing, 21-5712

Vehicle identification number alteration, 8-113, 8-116

Vehicular homicide, 21-5406

Unborn child, 21-5419

Venue, generally, this index

Veterans' preference, 73-202, 73-204

Veterinary practice act, 47-834

Viaducts, 12-1633, 12-1634

Victim intimidation, 21-5909

Victims. Crime Victims, generally, this index

Violation of protective orders, 21-5924

Vital records identity fraud, 21-5918

Vital statistics, 65-2434

Disclosure of records, 65-2422d

Voluntary act, criminal liability, 21-5201

Voluntary sexual relations, unlawful, 21-5507


Unauthorized delivery of stored goods, 21-5832

Warehouse receipt fraud, 21-5831

Warehouse Receipts, this index

Warehouses and Warehousemen, this index

Warrant, criminal disclosure of, 21-5906

Warrants for payment of public funds, 10-810

Water conditioning contractors, 12-3605

Water districts, fraudulent claims against, 19-3519

Water mains and pipelines, 19-2620 et seq.

Water supply, order to withhold, 65-163a

Waters and Watercourses, this index

Waterworks, flowage rights, 12-853, 12-854


See, also, Firearms, ante

Carrying, criminal, 21-6302

Concealed, 21-6302


Aggravated weapons violations, 21-6305

Interference with public business, aggravated, 21-5922

Possession, criminal, 21-6301, 21-6302, 21-6304, 21-6305

Aggravated by a convicted felon, 21-6305

Convicted felon, 21-6304

Juvenile, 21-6301

Unlawful discharge in a city, 21-6308a

Use, criminal, 21-6301

Aggravated by a convicted felon, 21-6305

Weapons of mass destruction, illegal use of, 21-5422

Civil action, 60-5002

Furtherance of, 21-5423

Wire and oral communications, interception, 22-2515

Weather modification act, 82a-1422

Weeds, 2-1323, 2-1325 et seq.

Weights and Measures, this index

Welfare fraud, 39-709

Welfare recipients, disclosure of confidential information, 39-709b

Wildlife. See subhead Crimes and penalties under Wildlife, this index

Wiretapping, eavesdropping, 21-6101

Witnesses, intimidation of, or threats against, 21-5908 et seq.

Women, labor and employment, 44-628

Workers Compensation, this index

Working conditions, dangerous, 44-636

Worthless checks, 21-5821

Civil liability and fines, 60-2610

Unlawful prosecution for, 21-5822

Wounds, failure to report, 21-6319

Written instrument, destroying, 21-5826

Wrongful conviction, civil action, 60-5004


See, also, Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index

Generally, 21-5101 et seq.


Confidential communications, 60-428

Marital privilege, 60-428


Agreements, 22-4706

Assisted living facility operator, 39-969

Attorneys, inspection of records, 22-4709

Central repository, 22-4705

Agreements with criminal justice agencies, 22-4706

Challenging record information, 22-4709

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Criminal history record checks, qualified entities, 75-712i

Criminal justice agency,

Agreements with central repository, 22-4706

Disclosure of pending investigations, 22-4708

Expungement of convictions, disclosure, 21-6614

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Definitions, 22-4701

Employers, unlawful acts, 22-4710

Liability, 22-4710

Erroneous information, challenge, 22-4709

Expungement of convictions, 21-6614


Employers requesting information, chargeable to, 22-4710

Fingerprints to KBI and FBI, 21-2501

Inspection of record information, 22-4709

Investigations pending, disclosure, 22-4708

Nursing, board of, licensees, 65-1120

Open public records act, 45-215 et seq.

Palm prints to KBI and FBI, 21-2501

Penalties, violation of dissemination restrictions, 22-4707

Prior record information, 22-4711

Report of criminal offenses to KBI, 21-2501a

Reportable events,

Enumeration of, 22-4705

Methamphetamine lab seizure or dump site, 21-2501a

Prior record information, 22-4711

Rules and regulations, 22-4705

Theft or attempted theft of anhydrous ammonia, 21-2501a

Residential health care facility operator, 39-969

Restrictions on dissemination, 22-4707

Right to inspect records, 22-4709

Rules and regulations, 22-4704

Security clearances, state positions with information technology access, 75-3707e

Sentencing guidelines act, 21-6801 et seq.

See also Guidelines under subhead Sentencing under Crimes and Punishments, this index


Sentencing guidelines act,

Generally, 21-5201 et seq.

Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index


Generally, 74-9501


Generally, 74-5701 et seq.


Composition, 74-5701

Duties, 74-5702, 74-5706

Establishment, 74-5701

Rules and regulations, 74-5702, 74-5704

Costs, 74-5702, 74-5703, 74-5705, 74-5706

County commissioners, duties, 74-5703, 74-5705, 74-5706

Director, 74-5702

Establishment, 74-5702

Federal aid, 74-5702

Information technology executive council, 75-7202

Lease or purchase agreements, 74-5702

Outlets, terminals, 74-5703, 74-5705, 74-5706

Rules and regulations, 74-5702, 74-5704

Standards, 74-5702

State agencies, provision of services, 74-5702

Subcommittees, 74-5702


See, also, Crimes and Punishments, generally, this index

Generally, 22-2101 et seq., 22-2525 et seq.

Admissibility of field test of alleged controlled substance, preliminary hearing, 22-2902c

Adult offender supervision, interstate compact, 22-4110 et seq.

AIDS. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, ante

Alibi, notice, 22-3218

Alleged offenders with disabilities, competency to stand trial, task force, 22-3306

Allocution, 22-3422

Appeals, 22-3601 et seq.

Assistance by county or district attorneys, 22-3612

Costs, 22-3612

Court of appeals, 60-2101

Custody of defendant when judgment reversed, 22-3607

Disposition of case, 22-3605

District court, 22-3609 et seq.

District magistrate judge's judgment, 22-3609, 22-3609a

Felony convictions, counsel for indigents, 22-4505

Interlocutory appeals, 22-3603

Judgment, district court, 22-3611

Notice of appeal, 22-3609, 22-3609a

Procedure, 22-3606

Prosecution, 22-2516, 22-3602, 22-3603

Release of defendant pending appeal, 22-3604

Right of, indigent persons, 22-3424

Sentencing guidelines, departure, 21-6820

Stay of mandate, 22-3605

Time for appeal to supreme court, 22-3608

United States supreme court, counsel for indigents, 22-4505

Wire and oral communications, suppression, 22-2516

Appearance bond. See, Bond, post

Arraignment, 22-3205, 22-3206

Municipal courts, 12-4403, 12-4404

Arrest, 22-2401 et seq.

See, also, Arrest, generally, this index

Appearance before magistrate, 22-2901

Assisting law enforcement officer, 22-2407

Bench warrants, appearance before magistrate, 22-2901

Bonds, defendant bound over, 22-2905

Boxing and wrestling offenses, 21-1802, 21-1803

Citizen, 22-2403

Community correctional services officer, 22-3716

Court services officer, 22-3716

Criminal database check, 22-4605

Defendant bound over, 22-2905

Detention without arrest,

Law enforcement officer, 22-2402

Merchant, 21-5411

Exemption from arrest, witnesses, 22-4201 et seq.

Expungement of arrest records, 22-2410

Federal law enforcement officers, 22-2411

Fingerprinting, 21-2501

Force permitted, 22-2405, 66-2304, 66-2305

Fresh pursuit from another jurisdiction, 22-2404

Interstate cooperation, return of parole violators, 22-4104 et seq.

Law enforcement officers, 22-2401

From another jurisdiction, 22-2404

Magistrate, appearance before, 22-2901

Method of, 22-2405

Mistaken identity, 22-2410

Municipal code, 12-4212

Nonresident violator compact, 8-1219

Notice to appear, 22-2408

Palm printing, 21-2501

Parole violator, 75-5217

Preliminary examination, 22-2902

Exclusion and separation of witnesses, 22-2903

Testimony in writing, costs, 22-2904

Procedure after arrest, 22-2901 et seq.

Municipal courts, 12-4213

Explanation of rights, 12-4214

Release by officer, 22-2406

Specimens, biological, 21-2511

Stopping of suspect, 22-2402

Sureties, arrest of obligor, criminal procedure, 22-2809

Traffic violations, 22-2408

Violator of release conditions, 75-5217

Waiver of preliminary examination, 22-2902

Wildlife and parks violations, 32-1048

Without warrant, notice to appear, 22-2408

Arrest of judgment without motion, 22-3503

Attorney general,

Extradition investigations, 22-2704

Immunity from prosecution, granting, 22-3415

Attorneys for indigents. Counsel for indigent defendants, post

Bail. Bond, post

Bench warrants, appearance before magistrate, 22-2901

Bigamy, jurisdiction and venue, 22-2613

Bill of particulars, 22-3201

Pleadings, 22-3208

Body cavity searches. Searches and seizures, post


Amount stated in warrant, 22-2304

Appearance, electronic audio-visual communications, 22-2802

Conditions, 21-5910

Forfeiture, 21-5910

Satisfaction, release, 22-2808

Contents, 22-2802

Defect in prosecution, bond continued, 22-3208

Discharge, accused not tried promptly, 22-3402

Disposition of proceeds, 20-350, 20-2801

Failure to appear,

Collection, traffic and misdemeanor cases, 22-2818

Jurisdiction, 22-2615

Forfeiture, 21-5910

Increase in amount after preliminary examination, 22-2905

Judgment and sentence, 22-3424

Justification and approval of sureties, 22-2806

Material witness, 22-2807

Misdemeanor cases, collection, 22-2818

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219

Probationers, arrest, violation of conditions, 22-3716

Release from liability, 22-2808

Sureties, post

Traffic cases, collection, 22-2818

Wildlife, parks and tourism violations, 32-1050, 32-1052

Burden of proof, motion to suppress illegally seized evidence, 22-3216

Call location information, wireless telecommunications carrier, 22-4615

Capital punishment,

Death sentences, 22-4001

Escape of convict, procedure, 22-4011

Execution of death sentences, 22-4001 et seq.

Suspension, 22-4006 et seq.

Military forces, attending, 22-4004

Order of conviction and sentence, 22-4012

Pregnant convict, procedure, 22-4009

Sentencing, 21-6618 et seq.

Suspension of execution, 22-4006

Supreme court order, 22-4014

Timing of execution, 22-4013

Witnesses, 22-4003

Capital punishment, execution, 22-4001 et seq.

Mode of infliction, 22-4001

Notice of carrying out of sentence of death given by secretary of corrections, 22-4005

Sanity of convict, determination, procedure, 22-4006

Where inflicted, 22-4002

Capitol police, prosecution of persons arrested by, 75-4509

Child victim,

Hearsay, 60-460

Videotape, 22-3434

Cigarette or tobacco infractions, trial to the court, 22-3404

Citizen's arrest, 22-2403

Civil rights, restoration, 22-3722

Clerk of court,

Agent of obligor, forfeiture of bond, 22-2807

Approval of sureties, 22-2806

Capital punishment, notice by secretary of corrections, 22-4005

Costs, payment, 22-3803

Execution for unpaid fines and costs, 22-3801


Parole violators, interstate cooperation for return, 22-4104 et seq.


Commitment of incompetent defendant, 22-3303, 22-3305

Defined, 22-3301

Proceedings to determine, 22-3302

Competency to stand trial, alleged offenders with disabilities, task force, 22-3306

Complaint, 22-3201

Community parenting release, 22-3730

Commencement of prosecution, 22-2301

Failure to charge crime, 22-3208

Inquisitions, 22-3103

Misnomer, 22-3207

Municipal courts, amendment, 12-4505

Pleadings, 22-3208

State fire marshal, 31-139

Conditional release, inmate, 22-3718, 22-3728, 22-3729, 22-3730

Community parenting release, 22-3730

Functional incapacitation release, 22-3728

Notice, victims, 22-3718, 22-3728, 22-3729

Restitution, 22-3718

Terminal medical condition release, 22-3729

Violation of conditions, arrest and detain orders, 75-5217

Consolidation, separate indictments or information, 22-3203

Contempt of court, inquisitions, 22-3101

Continuance, detainers, mandatory disposition, 22-4303

Continuances, municipal courts, 12-4409


Effect of failure to appear, 22-3209

Summons, 22-2409


Booking or processing fee, 12-16,119

Change of venue, 22-2616

Children's advocacy center assessment fee, 20-370

Complaining witness, malicious prosecution, 22-3802

Counties, payment, 22-3801, 22-3803

Court fees, 28-170, 28-170a, 28-176

Payment, 28-150

Extradition, confinement of prisoners, 22-2712

Failure to pay, commitment, 22-3425

Jury fees, 22-3801

Liability, 22-3801

Nuisances, 22-3904

Preliminary examination testimony in writing, 22-2904

Special prosecutor, reimbursement of county, 22-3801

Statement, 22-3803

Taxation of costs, 22-3803

Counsel for indigent defendants, 22-4501 et seq.

Counsel for witness, grand jury, 22-3009

County attorney. See, Prosecuting attorney, post

County jurisdiction, 22-2602 et seq.

Court of appeals,

Appeal from, 22-3602

Jurisdiction, 60-2101

Transfer to supreme court, 22-3602

Crime committed with electronic device, venue, 22-2619

Crime Victims, generally, this index

Criminal History Record Information, generally, this index

Criminal justice coordinating council, 74-9501

Custody of property seized, searches and seizures, 22-2512

Death sentence, 22-4001 et seq.

Capital punishment, ante


Admissions, pretrial conference, 22-3217

Appeal, 22-3601

Arraignment, 22-3205, 22-3206

Commitment to institution, 22-3430

Appeal, 22-3430

Disposition upon completion of treatment, 22-3431

Maximum term, 22-3430

Commitment to state security hospital, 22-3430

Competency proceedings, 22-3302

Correction of sentence, credit for time served, 22-3504

Costs, 22-3801

Nuisances, 22-3904

Criminal History Record Information, generally, this index

Custody of, when judgment reversed, 22-3607

Incompetent, commitment, 22-3303, 22-3305

Indigent defendants, post

Interpreters, 75-4351 et seq.

Intervention, nuisances, 22-3903

Joinder, 22-3202, 22-3204

Jointly charged with felony, separate trials, 22-3204

Motion to suppress,

Confession or admission, 22-3215

Illegally seized evidence, 22-3216

Notice of appeal, 22-3424

Post-trial motions, 22-3501 et seq.

Presence at trial, 22-3405

Refusal to plead, effect, 22-3209

Release pending appeal, 22-3604

Request for separate trial, 22-3204

Sentencing deferred pending mental examination, 22-3429


Motions, 22-3208

Waiver, 22-3208

Definitions, 22-2202

Delayed trial, discharge of prisoners, 22-3402

Departmental justice, change of venue, 22-2616

Deposition, 22-3211

Essential witness, defined, 22-3211

Testimony of material witness, 22-2805

Videotape, 22-3211


Agreement on detainers, 22-4401 et seq.

Central administrator, 22-4407

Delivery of inmates as required, 22-4406

Enforcement and cooperation, 22-4403

Escape from custody, penalty, 22-4405

Habitual act, application, 22-4404

Transmittal of act to certain authorities, 22-4408

Continuance, mandatory disposition, 22-4303

Dismissal, failure of secretary of corrections to inform inmate, 22-4301

Escape of prisoner, request voided, 22-4304

Mentally ill or incapacitated, 22-4305

Prisoners informed, recordation, 22-4306


Delivery to custodian, 22-4302

Final disposition, 22-4301

Voided, escape of prisoner, 22-4304

Trial, time, 22-4303

Diagnostic and treatment facilities, probationers and parolees, 22-3712


Lack of mental state acquitees, 22-3428, 22-3428a

Violation of terms of discharge, 22-3428b

Parolee, 22-3722

Persons not given prompt trial, 22-3402

Reversal on appeal, 22-3607

State hospitals, hearing, 22-3428

Discovery, 22-3212

Municipal courts, 12-4410

Depositions, 12-4410

State witnesses, 22-3213

Disposition of property seized, searches and seizures, 22-2512

District attorney. See, Prosecuting attorney, post

District court,

Appeals from, 22-3602, 22-3603

Appeals to, 22-3609

Competency proceedings, 22-3302

District court judges,

Communication about case prohibited, 22-2301

Disqualified from sitting in case, 22-2301

Prosecution ordered, 22-2301

District magistrate judges, appeals from, 60-2103, 60-2103a

Diversion of criminal proceedings, 22-2906 et seq.

Certified drug abuse treatment, 21-6825, 75-52,144

Community service work, workers compensation, 44-508

Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs. Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Factors considered, 22-2908

Municipal diversion agreements, 12-4412 et seq.

Prohibited, when, 22-2908

Required provisions, 22-2909

DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512

Domestic violence,

Criminal case designation, 22-4616, 22-4617

Diversion, 22-2906 et seq.

Policies, adopted,

Law enforcement agencies, 22-2307

Liability, 22-2308

Prosecuting attorneys, 22-2309

Driver's license restrictions, 8-292

Driving under influence of alcohol or drugs. Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index

Eavesdropping, interception of wire, oral and electronic communications, 22-2514 et seq.

Electronic audio-visual communication,

Appearance, 22-2802

Arraignment, 22-3205

Pleadings and motions, 22-3208


Alcohol in blood or breath, 8-1005, 8-1006

Certificates, uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4202

Forensic examination, 22-2902a

Hearsay, 60-460

Child victim, 22-3434, 60-460

Videotaped statements, child victims, 22-3434

Scrap metal dealer records, admissibility, 22-2902d

Searches and seizures, 22-2511

Sex offenses, 21-5502

Teaching devices solely for instruction, 76-357


Arrest records, 12-4516a, 22-2410

Convictions, 21-6614

Disclosure of, 12-4516

Juvenile offenders, 38-2312, 38-2314

Restoration of right to possess firearms, 21-6614

Extradition, 22-2701 et seq.

Absentees from demanding state at time of commission of crime, 22-2706

Affidavits, 22-2703, 22-2713, 22-2723


Alias warrant, 22-2721

Authority, arresting officer, 22-2709

Fugitives from Kansas, 22-2722 et seq.

Manner and place of execution, 22-2708

Penalty for noncompliance by officer, 22-2711

Prior to requisition, 22-2713

Recall of warrant, 22-2721

Rights of accused, 22-2710

Warrant, 22-2707

Without warrant, 22-2714

Writ of habeas corpus, 22-2710


Bond of bailee, 22-2716, 22-2717

Forfeiture, 22-2718

Commitment to await requisition, 22-2715

Conditions of bond, 22-2716

Forfeiture, 22-2718

Civil process, immunity from service, 22-2725


Extension of time, 22-2717

Waiting for requisition, 22-2715

Complaint, 22-2713

Confinement of prisoner, 22-2712

Construction of law, 22-2729, 22-2730

Costs and expenses, 22-2724

Counsel for indigent defendants, 22-4503

Criminal prosecution at time of requisition, 22-2719

Definitions, 22-2701


Form, 22-2703

Fugitives from Kansas, 22-2722

Discharge of prisoner, 22-2717

Examination of prisoner, 22-2714 et seq.

Federal prisoners, release, 22-2713

Felonies, arrest without warrant, 22-2714

Forfeiture of bail, 22-2718


Arrest warrant, 22-2707

Demand, 22-2703

Governor, duties, 22-2702

Guilt of accused, inquiry, 22-2720

Habeas corpus, 22-2726


Civil process, 22-2725

Criminal prosecutions, 22-2728

Imprisoned persons, foreign state, 22-2705

Indictment or information, copy accompanying demand, 22-2703

Innocence of accused, inquiry, 22-2720

Investigations, governor, 22-2704

Jails, confinement of prisoners, 22-2712 et seq.

Judgment of conviction, copy accompanying demand, 22-2703

Nonwaiver by Kansas, 22-2727

Oaths and affirmations, arrest without warrant, 22-2714

Other crimes, prosecution for, 22-2728

Persons awaiting trial, 22-2705

Requisition, 22-2723

Trial, persons awaiting, 22-2705

Waiver, 22-2712, 22-2726

Immunity from civil process, 22-2725

Nonwaiver by Kansas, 22-2727

Writ of habeas corpus, arrest, 22-2710

Eyewitness procedures, 22-4619

Failure to register, cause of action, 22-4911

Fees. See Costs, ante


Change of venue, 22-2616, 22-2617, 22-2618

Indigent defendants, 22-4503

Release of defendant pending appeal, 22-3604

Fines, failure to pay, commitment, 22-3425

Fingerprinting, 21-2501, 22-3205

Forensic DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512

Forensic examination, 22-3437

Forfeitures, 22-2512

Asset seizure and forfeiture act, Kansas standard. Forfeitures, this index

Controlled substances. Drugs and Medicines, this index

Drug Paraphernalia, this index

Drugs and Medicines, this index

Simulated drugs. Drugs and Medicines, this index

Theft of livestock, 22-4807a

Wildlife violations, 32-1005, 32-1047

Fresh pursuit,

Arrest by law enforcement officer from another jurisdiction, 22-2404

Defined, 22-2404

Frisking of suspect, law enforcement officer, 22-2402

Fugitive from justice, parole violator, 75-5217

Functional incapacitation release, 22-3728

Notice, victims, 22-3728

Grand jury, 22-3001 et seq.

Amendement of indictment, 22-3015

Challenges, jurors, 22-3002

Charge by court, 22-3005

Communications, privilege, 60-435

Compensation, 22-3006

Witnesses, 28-125

Counsel for witness, 22-3009

Discharge, 22-3013

Disclosure of proceedings, 22-3012

Dramatis personae, 22-3010

Employees, 22-3006

Fees, witnesses, 22-3014, 28-125

Immunity from prosecution, witnesses, 22-3008

Indictment, 22-3011

Disclosure, 22-3012

Presiding juror, 22-3004

Interpreter, 75-4351 et seq.

Jurors, 22-3010

Excuse, 22-3013

Mental examination, costs, 22-3219

Montgomery county, court of service, 43-112a

Neosho county, court of service, 43-112b

Oaths, 22-3003, 22-3004

Objection, 22-3002

Participants, 22-3010

Petition, form, 22-3001

Jury instructions, 22-3001

Presiding juror,

Deputy, 22-3004

Return of indictment, 22-3011

Process, 22-3008

Prosecuting attorney, duties, 22-3007

Recording proceedings, 22-3006

Removal of judge, 22-3016

Request that attorney general prosecute, 22-3011

Secrecy of proceedings, 22-3012

Seeking jury service, 43-127

Self-incrimination, 22-3009

Subpoenas, 19-713, 22-3008

Summoning, 22-3001

Testimony, discovery, 22-3212

Witness fee, 22-3014


Advice of counsel, 22-3009

Compensation, 28-125

Examination, 22-3008

Uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4201 et seq.

Guilty plea,

Accepted, 22-3210

Waiver of defenses, 22-3208

Habeas corpus,

Appeals, 22-3613

Appointment of counsel, 22-4506

Hard 25, 40 or 50, sentencing, 21-6620

Hazardous materials, searches and seizures, disposition, 22-2512


Appeals, district court, 22-3610

Nuisances, 22-3902

Parole violators, 22-3716

Victims of crime, right to be heard, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 15

House arrest program, 21-6603, 21-6609

Immunity from prosecution,

Grand jury witnesses, 22-3008

Inquisitions, 22-3102

Witnesses, 22-3415

In rem proceeding, nuisances, 22-3903

Incapacitated persons,

Acquittal because of lack of mental state, 22-3428

Commitment, 22-3430

Appeal, 22-3430

Detainers, mandatory disposition, applicability of act, 22-4305

Discharge from institution, 22-3428, 22-3428a

Violation of terms of, 22-3428b

Disposition upon completion of treatment, 22-3431

Sentencing deferred pending mental examination, 22-3429

State hospitals, commitments, 22-3428

Annual hearings, 22-3428a

Convalescent leave or discharge, hearing, 22-3428, 22-3428a

Transfer to state hospitals, 22-3428

Incapacitation release, functional, 22-3728

Notice, victims, 22-3728

Incompetency, 22-3301

Identification of criminals, 21-2501 et seq.

Indictment or information, 22-3201

Consolidation for trial, 22-3203

Failure to charge crime, 22-3208

Filing, duty of prosecutor, 22-2905

Grand jury, 22-3011

Joinder of defendants, 22-3202, 22-3204

Misnomer, 22-3207

Pleadings, 22-3208

Prosecution, commencement of, 22-2303

Indigent defendants,

Ability to pay, determination, 22-4504, 22-4513

Affidavit of financial inability, 22-4504

Appeals, felony convictions, 22-4505

Application fee, 22-4529

Counsel for,

Access to defendant, 22-4503

Appointment, 22-4501, 22-4503

Municipal courts, 12-4405

Capital murder, 22-4505

Compensation and expenses, 22-4507, 22-4511

Duties, 22-4503

Habeas corpus, 22-4506

Inquisitions, 22-3104

Investigative services, 22-4508

Judgments, against, 22-4513

Panel of attorneys, 22-4501

Payment, fund, 28-172b

Procedure to obtain, 22-4502

Substitution of, 22-4511

Termination of appointment, 22-4511

Court, duties, 22-4512a

District defenders, 22-4518

Electronic access to court records, no fee, 22-4504

Entitlement to counsel, 22-4503

Ex parte proceedings, 22-4508

Felony conviction, person in custody, 22-4506

Fund, 22-4529, 28-172b

Inquisitions, 22-3104

Investigative services, 22-4508

Legal services corporations, budget, 22-4514a

Reimbursement, 22-4510

Right of appeal, 22-3424

Rules and regulations, 22-4504

Security for costs, 22-4506

Services, payment for, 28-172b

State board of indigents' defense services, post

Transcripts, 22-4506, 22-4509

Indigents' defense services act, 22-4501 et seq., 22-4528

Information or indictment. Indictment or information, ante

Inquisitions, 22-3101 et seq.

Complaint, 22-3103

Contempt of court, 22-3101

Counsel for witness, 22-3104

Immunity from prosecution, 22-3102

Self-incrimination, 22-3102, 22-3104

Subpoenas, 22-3101

Testimony, discovery, 22-3212

Warrant, 22-3103

Witness fees, 22-3105

Witnesses, 22-3101

Right of counsel, 22-3104

Insanity. Lack of mental state, post

Interception of communications, 22-2514 et seq.

Interpretation of words and phrases, 22-2201

Interpreters for deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired and non-English speaking persons, 75-4351 et seq.

Interrogations, policies, 22-4620

Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, 22-4110 et seq.

Interstate cooperation, return of parole violators, 22-4104

Jails, employment of prisoners, 22-4603


Charges and defendants, 22-3202

Felonies and misdemeanors, 22-3202

Municipal courts, 12-4506


Journal entry, 22-3426

Municipal courts, 12-4507

On appeal, district court, 22-3611

Record of, 22-3426

Sentence, 22-3424

Journal entry, 22-3426

Jurisdiction and venue, 22-2601 et seq.

Aiding another to avoid prosecution, 22-2607

Aiding or procuring another to commit a crime, 22-2607

Appearance bond, failure to appear, 22-2615

Bigamy, 22-2613

Change of venue, 22-2616, 22-2617, 22-2618

Notice of transfer, 22-2617

Time of motion, 22-2618

County boundary, crime committed on or near, 22-2604

Crime commenced outside state, 22-2612

Crime committed by agent for person outside state, 22-2612

Crime committed in more than one county, 22-2603

Crime committed with electronic device, 22-2619

Kidnapping, 22-2614

Lack of jurisdiction, 22-3208

Mortal wound causing death, 22-2611

Place of trial, 22-2602

Property taken in one county and brought into another, 22-2609

Property taken in other state brought into state, 22-2610

Vehicle or aircraft in transit, 22-2608


County boundaries, 22-2605

State boundaries, 22-2606

Wound in one county, death in another, 22-2611


Alternate or additional jurors, 22-3412


For cause, 22-3410

Peremptory, 22-3412

Competency proceedings, 22-3302

Conduct after submission, 22-3420

Contempt by juror, 22-3413

Fees, 22-3801

Felony cases, 22-3403, 22-3411a

Grand jury, ante

Juror's knowledge, material fact, 22-3413

Misdemeanor cases, 22-3404, 22-3409

Municipal court appeals, 22-3609

Motion to discharge, 22-3407

Municipal court appeals, 22-3609


Felony cases, 22-3411a

Municipal court appeals, 22-3609

Peremptory challenges, 22-3412

Swearing of, 22-3412

Trial jurors, 22-3408, 22-3409

Verdict, 22-3421

View of place of crime, 22-3418

Kansas offender registration act. Offender registration act, post

Kelsey Smith act, call location information, 22-4615


Jurisdiction and venue, 22-2614

Searches and seizures, 22-2502

Lack of mental state, 22-3219 et seq.

Commitment to state security hospital, 22-3428

Annual hearings, 22-3428a

Release, 22-3428, 22-3428a

Violation of terms of, 22-3428b

Defense of, 21-5209, 22-3219

Mental examination, 22-3222

Costs, 22-3219

Special jury question, 22-3221, 22-3222

Law enforcement officers, 22-2404

Arrest, 22-2401

Warrants, certain counties, 22-2401a

Assisting, 22-2407

Frisking of suspect, 22-2402

Jurisdiction, 22-2401a

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219

Notice to appear given by, 22-2408

Pawnbrokers, examination of premises and contents, 16-718

Release of person arrested, 22-2406

Search warrants, 22-2401a

Stopping of suspect, 22-2402

Liens, costs in nuisance case, 22-3904

Limitation of prosecutions, 21-5107

Magistrate, approval of sureties, 22-2806

Malicious prosecution,

Abatement of action, death of party, 60-1802

Actions under campaign finance act, 25-4162

Costs, 22-3802

Statute of limitations, 60-514

Mandatory sentencing. See subhead Sentencing, generally, under Crimes and Punishments, this index

Sentencing, post

Mentally ill persons,

Competency, ante

Incapacitated persons, ante

Mileage, witnesses, uniform act to secure attendance from without state, 22-4202

Misnomer, 22-3207

Mistrials, 22-3423

Discharge of jury, 22-3407

Dismissal, 22-3208

Judgment of acquittal, 22-3419

Motions and pleadings,

Motion to suppress,

Confession or admission, 22-3215

Illegally seized evidence, 22-3216

Post-trial motions, 22-3501 et seq.

Municipal courts,

Evidence, 12-4504

Joinder, 12-4506

National crime prevention and privacy compact, 22-5001

Nolo contendere,

Pleadings, 22-3208

When plea accepted, 22-3210

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219


Defenses involving presence of mental disease or defect, 22-3219

Depositions, 22-3211

Lack of mental state, 22-3219

Plea of alibi, 22-3218

Victims of crimes, rights, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 15

Notice to appear,

Arrest without warrant, 22-2408

Nonresident Violator Compact, 8-1219

Nuisance, maintenance of a common, 22-3905


Alcoholic liquors. Intoxicating Liquors, this index

In rem proceedings, 22-3903

Intoxicating Liquors, this index

Judgment, 22-3904

Notice, 22-3902

Obscene materials, 22-3902

Penalty, civil, 22-3904

Petition, 22-3902

Penalties, 22-3905

Procedure, 22-3902

Scope, 22-3901

Unlawful acts, eviction, 22-3902

Offender registration act,

Aiding violator, 21-5913

Confidentiality, 22-4909

Court, duties, 22-4904

DNA analysis, 22-4907

Definitions, 22-4902

Drivers' licenses, 8-243, 8-247

Duty and procedure to register,

Disclosure to offender, 22-4904

Failure to disclose, 22-4911

Fingerprints, 22-4907

Identification card, nondriver, 8-1325a

Information from offender, 22-4907

Law enforcement agency, duties, 22-4904

Notification of, 22-4909

Penalty, violation of act, 22-4903

Registration, 22-4904, 22-4905

Termination, 22-4906

Relieving offender from duty to register, prohibited, 22-4908

Reporting requirements, 22-4905

Residency restrictions, prohibited, 22-4913

Statement from offender, 22-4907

Time period, 22-4906

Verification of address, 22-4904

Website, 22-4909

Palm printing, 21-2501

Pardons. Release, post

Parole, this index

Parole board,

Local, 20-2301 et seq.

Pen register or trap and trace device, 22-2525 et seq.

Penal institution, defined, 22-4207


Certiorari to U.S. Supreme Court, counsel for indigents, 22-4505

Nuisances, 22-3902

Photographs of stolen property, 60-472


Alibi, 22-3218

Effect, 22-3209

Municipal court, 12-4406

Guilty, 12-4406

Municipal court, 12-4406

Lack of mental state, 22-3219

Not guilty, 12-4501

Municipal court, 12-4501

Preliminary examination, 22-2902

Pleadings and motions, 22-3208 et seq.

Dismissal, failure of secretary of corrections to inform inmate, 22-4301

Mandatory disposition of detainers act, 22-4301 et seq.

Polygraph exam, certain victims, prohibition, 22-4614

Post-release supervision, 22-3717, 22-3722

Violation of conditions, arrest, 75-5217

Discretion of secretary to dismiss conditional release violations, 75-5217

Post-sentence relief, DNA testing, certain criminals, 21-2512

Post-trial motions, 22-3501 et seq.

Arrest of judgment, 22-3502, 22-3503

New trial, 22-3501

Post-trial relief, 60-1507

Procedure under 60-1507

Preliminary examination, 22-2902

Admissibility of field test of alleged controlled substance, 22-2902c

Exclusion and separation of witnesses, 22-2903

Forensic examination, admissibility into evidence, 22-2902a

Presiding judge at preliminary may also preside at trial, 22-2902

Scrap metal dealer records, admissibility, 22-2902d

Testimony in writing, costs, 22-2904

Presentence investigations,

Criminal risk-need assessment, 75-52,144

Pretrial conference, 22-3217

Prior convictions, record of judgment, 22-3426


Employment, 22-4603

Rendition as witnesses, 22-4207 et seq.

Transfer under treaties, 22-3723

Proceedings before trial, 22-3201 et seq.

Profiling. Racial and other profiling, post

Prosecuting attorney,

Change of venue, 22-2616

Complaint supplied to, 22-2301

Depositions, 22-3211

Discovery, 22-3212

Grand jury, duties, 22-3007

Immunity from prosecution, granting, 22-3415

Information, 22-2905


Defense of lack of mental state, 22-3219

Defenses involving presence of mental disease or defect, 22-3219

Plea of alibi, 22-3218

Request for separate trials for defendants, 22-3204

Secrecy of grand jury proceedings, 22-3012

Secretary of corrections, information, 22-3432

Training fund, 28-170, 28-170a

Prosecuting officer, extradition investigations, 22-2704


Commencement of, 21-5107

Time limitations, 21-5107

Immunity from, 22-3415

In name of state, 22-2104

Persons arrested by capitol police, 75-4509

Psychiatric or psychological examination, competency proceedings, 22-3302

Racial or other biased-based policing,

Complaints, 22-4610, 22-4611

Comprehensive plans, 22-4611a

Data collection, 22-4611a

Definitions, 22-4606

Policies, 22-4610

Unlawful act, 22-4609

Civil action, 22-4611

Rape, evidence, 21-5502

Receipts, searches and seizures, 22-2512

Reciprocity, parolees, return, 22-4104

Recognizance programs. Release, post


Criminal History Record Information, generally, this index

Offenses, 21-2501a

Open public records act, 45-215 et seq.

Sexually violent crimes and pornographic materials, 22-4618

Registration of sex offenders, 22-4901 et seq.


Allowances and transportation, 75-5211

Application after conviction, 22-2804

Arrest by surety, 22-2809

Bail. Bond, ante

Bond, ante

Civil rights, restoration, 22-3722

Community Corrections, generally, this index

Commutation of sentence, 22-3705


Prior to trial, 21-5910

Probation, arrest for violation, 22-3716

Custody, criminal database check, 22-4605

Material witness, 22-2805

Notice to victims, 22-3727

Pardons and commutations, 22-3701, 22-3702

Municipal violations, 13-515, 14-310, 15-309

Record of applications, 75-104

Report to legislature, 22-3703

Representation of applicant, fees, 22-3706

Parole, this index

Parole Board, Kansas, generally, this index

Persons acquitted because of lack of mental state, commitment to state security hospital, 22-3428, 22-3428a, 22-3428b

Post conviction, 22-2804

Prior to trial, 21-5910

Purpose, 22-2801

Recognizance programs, 22-2814 et seq.

Court's powers, 22-2817

Criteria, 22-2815

Procedures, 22-2815

Reprieves, capital cases, 22-3704

Review of conditions, 22-2803

Supervised release programs, 22-2814 et seq.

Court's powers, 22-2817

Criteria, 22-2816

Procedures, 22-2816

Sureties, post

Rendition of prisoners as witnesses, uniform act, 22-4207 et seq.

Reporting of,

Methamphetamine laboratory seizures or dump sites, 21-2501a

Theft or attempted theft of anhydrous ammonia, 21-2501a

Reprieves, capital cases, 22-3704

Restitution by defendants, 21-6604

Court trustees, 23-492 et seq.

Enforcement, civil, 60-4301 et seq.

Hearing, 22-3424

Parole, condition of, 22-3717

Records, disclosure, 60-4305

Rewards, generally, this index

Searches and seizures,

Biological material, 22-2502

Body cavity searches,

Definition, 22-2520

Inmates, exceptions, 22-2524

Liability, unlawful search, 22-2523

Limitations, 22-2522, 22-2524

Penalty, unlawful search, 22-2523

Standards, 22-2522, 22-2524

Warrant, 22-2522

Availability, disclosure, 22-2502

Command of search warrant, 22-2507

Contraband, 22-2502

Controlled substances act, 65-4133

Custody and disposition of property seized, 22-2512

Discrimination proceedings, 44-1004

Electronic communication warrant, 22-2502, 22-2504

Evidence, 22-2502

Execution of search warrants, 22-2505, 22-2506

Detention of persons on premises, 22-2509

Time executed, 22-2510

Use of force, 22-2508

Fruits or instrumentalities of crime, 22-2502

Interception of wire, oral or electronic communications, 22-2514 et seq.

Issuance of warrant, 22-2502, 22-2504

Limitations on execution of search warrants, 22-2503

Pen register or trap and trace device, 22-2525 et seq.

Real property, copy of warrant to owner, 22-2530

Strip searches,

Definition, 22-2520

Inmates, exceptions, 22-2524

Liability, unlawful search, 22-2523

Limitations, 22-2521, 22-2524

Penalty, unlawful search, 22-2523

Report, 22-2521

Standards, 22-2521, 22-2524

Technical defects not affecting substantive rights, 22-2511

Tracking devices, 22-2502

Warrants, issuance, 22-2502, 22-2504

Copy to owner, 22-2530

Secretary of corrections, deputizing of foreign state, return of parole violators, 22-4104


Grand juries, 22-3009

Immunity from prosecution, 22-3415

Inquisitions, 22-3101, 22-3102, 22-3104


Aggravated habitual sex offender, 21-6626

Capital punishment, 21-6617 et seq.

Crimes and Punishments, this index

Guidelines act, 21-6801 et seq.

See also Guidelines under subhead Sentencing under Crimes and Punishments, this index

Life without the possibility of parole, 21-6617 et seq.,

Persons with intellectual disability, 21-6622

Mandatory imprisonment for 25 or 40 years, 21-6627

Modification of sentence, unconstitutional finding, 21-6628

Mandatory imprisonment for 25, 40 or 50 years, 21-6620

Presentence criminal risk-need assessment, 75-52,144

Presentence investigation, 8-1008

Sentencing Commission, Kansas, generally, this index

Sex offender, aggravated habitual, 21-6626

Validity, challenging, 60-1507

Victims of crimes, right to be heard, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 15

Separate trials, defendants jointly charged with crime, 22-3204

Sex offender registration,

Offender registration act, ante

Sex offenses, evidence, 21-5502

Sexual motivation, special allegation filed, 59-29a14


Approval of sureties, 22-2806

Execution of sentence, 22-3427

Speedy trial, Kan. Const. Bill of Rights, §§ 10, 18, 20-172, 22-3402


Policies, adopted,

Law enforcement agencies, 22-2310

Prosecuting attorneys, 22-2311

State board of indigents' defense services, 22-4519 et seq.

Appointments, 22-4519

Board of supervisors to aid indigent defendants,

Abolished, 22-4527

Compensation, 22-4521

Expenditures by, 22-4513

Limitation of powers, 22-4519

Meetings, 22-4521

Moneys received by board, 22-4526

Officers, 22-4520, 22-4524

Payments to legal services corporations, 22-4514a

Powers, 22-4521, 22-4522, 22-4523

Qualifications, 22-4519

State director, indigents' defense services, 22-4524

Duties, 22-4525

Terms, 22-4519

State parole board. Parole Board, Kansas, generally, this index

State witnesses, discovery, 22-3213

Statement, defined, 22-3213

Stolen property, use of photographs, 60-472

Stopping of suspect, 22-2402

Strip searches. Searches and seizures, ante


Courts, witnesses, 22-3214

Grand jury, 22-3008

Inquisitions, 22-3101

Parole board, Kansas, 22-3720

State witnesses, 22-3213

Witnesses, 22-3214


Corporations, 22-2409

Defined, uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4201

Execution of, 22-2305

Form, 22-2304

Issuance of, 22-2302

Return of, 22-2305

Supervised release programs. Release, ante

Supreme court, amendment of procedural code, 22-4602


Approval of, 22-2806

Arrest of obligor, 22-2809

Discharge, 22-2809

Exoneration, 22-2808

Licensing, application and requirements for, 22-2809b, 50-6,141, 75-7e01 et seq.

Notice of intent to apprehend fugitive, 22-2809a

Release of, from liability, 22-2808

Teaching devices solely for instruction, evidence, 76-357

Time of arraignment, 22-3206

Traffic infractions, 8-2116, 8-2118

Trial to the court, 22-3404

Transcript, indigent defendants, 22-4509

Treaties, transfer of offenders, 22-3723

Treatment facilities, probationers and parolees, 22-3712

Trial, 22-3401 et seq.; Kans. Const. Bill of Rights, §§10, 18

Acquittal, lack of mental state, 22-3428

Allocution, 22-3422

Appeal, right of, 22-3424

Commitment, failure to pay fine and costs, 22-3425

Consolidation of separate indictments or informations, 22-3203

Continuance, 22-3401

Detainers, mandatory disposition, 22-4303

Crime victims, rights, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 15

Delay, 22-3401

Detainers act, request for trial on untried indictment, 22-4301 et seq.

Discharge, persons not brought promptly to trial, 22-3402

Felony cases, 22-3403, 22-3411a

Instructions by judge, 22-3414, 22-3428

Judgment and sentence, 22-3424

Jury, ante

Limitations, 22-3402

Mistrial, 22-3423

Municipal courts,

Judge, judge pro tem, 12-4502

Order of presentation, 12-4503

Separate trial, request, 12-4506

Objections to rulings, 22-3417

Order of trial, 22-3414

Place of, 22-2602

Presence of defendant, 22-3405

Presiding judge, presiding at preliminary examination, 22-2902

Prisoner as witness, 22-3416

Sentencing deferred, mental examination, 22-3429

Time to prepare, 22-3406

Verdict, 22-3421

Victims of crime, rights, Kan. Const., Art. 15, § 15

View by jury, 22-3418

Witnesses, laws applicable to, 22-3415

Uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4201 et seq.

Uniform criminal extradition act, 22-2701 et seq.

Uniform rendition of prisoners as witnesses in criminal proceedings act, 22-4207 et seq.

Venue. Jurisdiction and venue, ante

Verdict, sexual motivation, 59-29a14

Videotaped statements, child victims, admissibility, 22-3434

Waiver of defenses, 22-3208


Appearance before magistrate after arrest, 22-2901

Appearance before magistrate on bench warrant, 22-2901

Arrest, 75-5222

Availability, disclosure, 22-2302

Issuance, 22-2302, 22-2303

Parole violator, 75-5217

Post release supervision, violation of conditions, 75-5217

Escaped inmate, issuance by secretary of corrections, 75-5222

Execution of, 22-2305

Form, 22-2304

Inquisitions, 22-3103

Return of, 22-2305

Technical defect, 22-2306

Wireless telecommunications carrier, call location information, 22-4615

Wiretapping. Eavesdropping, ante


Compelling attendance, Kansas parole board, 22-3720

Counsel to advise, grand jury, 22-3009

Depositions, 22-3211

Exclusion and separation, preliminary examination, 22-2903

Execution of death sentence, 22-4003

Exemption from arrest and process, uniform act to secure attendance from without state, 22-4204

Fees, inquisitions, 22-3105

Identification, delayed, 22-3201

Immunity from arrest, uniform act to secure attendance from without state, 22-4201 et seq.

Immunity from prosecution, 22-3415

Inquisitions, 22-3101

Intimidation of, 21-5908 et seq.

Laws applicable to, 22-3415

Material, indigent, appointment of counsel, 2-2805

Mileage, uniform act to secure attendance from without state, 22-4202

Names endorsed upon complaint, information and indictment, 22-3201

Preliminary examination, right of cross-examination, 22-2902

Prisoner as witness, 22-3416

Release of, 22-2805

Rendition of prisoners as, uniform act,

Appearance in another state, court order, 22-4208

Confined witness in this state, 22-4208

Court order, confined witness to appear in another state, 22-4208

Definitions, 22-4207

Determinations of judge, 22-4208

Order, terms and conditions, 22-4209

Order of compliance, 22-4211

Person confined in another state, summoning, 22-4210

Subpoenas, 22-3214

Threats against, 21-5908 et seq.

Uniform act to secure attendance of witnesses from without state, 22-4201 et seq.

Words and phrases, interpretation, 22-2201


Crimes and Punishments, this index


See, subhead, Children with special health care needs, under, Children and Minors, this index

Generally, 65-5a01 et seq.

Children and Minors, this index

Former commission, abolished, 75-5637 et seq.

Medically Indigent and Homeless, Commission on Access to Services for, generally, this index


Disability Concerns, Commission On, generally, this index

Handicapped Persons, generally, this index


Agricultural Products, generally, this index


Generally, 60-213

Answer, 60-207

Time for service, 60-212

Appeals from district magistrate judges, 60-213

Assignment or death, effect, 60-213

Co-party, cross claim against, 60-213

Default judgment, 60-255

Defense, assertion, 60-212

Dismissal of actions, 60-241

District court, original action, 60-213

Executions, contribution between joint obligors, 60-2413

Interpleader, 60-222

Joinder, 60-218

Judgments, 60-254

Separate judgments, 60-255

Parties, joinder of additional parties, 60-213

Requisites, 60-208

Separate trials, 60-242

Authority to order, 60-213

Service of process, numerous defendants, 60-205

Statute of limitations, effect, 60-213

Summary judgment, 60-256

Third-party practice, 60-214


Abuse, generally, this index

Adult care home residents, 39-939

Animals, this index


Sealing requirements, 17-1325 et seq.


Roads and Highways, this index


Acknowledgments, 58-2234

Airport authority, city-county, bond election, 27-334a

Burns, city of, bond election for water system bonds, 12-834a

Cities of second class,

Bond proceedings, 12-1739a

Oil and gas leases, 12-1655

Contracts, 58-2206

Drainage districts, bonds, 24-643 et seq.

Federal savings and loan insurance corporation, savings and loan associations, insuring shares, 17-10a07

Foreclosure proceedings, 58-2326

Inundated city, sale of land, 15-1146

Libraries, certain regional systems of cooperating libraries, 75-2549b

Lyon county,

Sales tax election, 12-187, 12-189

Notarial acts, uniform law on, 53-501 et seq.

Oil and gas leases, 55-211b

Park Bonds, certain cities of first class, 13-1387

Rawlings county,

Sales tax election, 12-187, 12-189

Roads and highways,


Mission township, 80-1413c

Monmouth township, 80-1413a

Rossville township, 80-1413b

State line, connecting streets, 68-506b

Rural water districts, 82a-616

School employees' retirement system, cities of first class over 225,000, investments, 72-26,114

Sewer bonds, townships, 80-2025

Tax deeds, 58-2269

Ten-year record, 58-2237

Township sewer bonds, 80-2025

Veteran or military memorials, bonds, 73-413, 73-414, 73-416

Water, appropriations, 82a-715

Water supply, 12-2712

Glade, city of, bond election, 15-408a


Conservators and Conservatorships, this index


Streets and Alleys, generally, this index


Money, generally, this index


State institutions, 76-172 et seq.


Committed person, interference with custody of, criminal code, 21-5410

Minors, transfers to, 38-1701 et seq.


Agreement as including bargain implied from, 84-1-201

Definitions, 84-1-303


Admissibility, 84-1-303

Specific behavior, 60-449

Sales, this index


Application, 59-22a01