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2021 Statute

Section Number

76-711 - Definitions.
76-712 - Operation and management under control and supervision of state board of regents; closure, combination or merger subject to legislative authorization.
76-713 - Lawsuits by or against board of regents, state educational institutions; representation by attorney general; exception.
76-714 - Chief executive officers; titles; appointment; compensation.
76-715 - Appointment of employees; compensation.
76-715a - Conversion of certain employees to the unclassified service.
76-715b - Leave time for classified employees of state education institutions, authorization.
76-716 - Determination of programs offered and degrees to be granted.
76-717 - Admission of students.
76-717a - Report to legislature.
76-717b - Entitlement to admission to state educational institutions; requirements.
76-718 - Dedication of certain moneys.
76-718a - Investment of moneys in certain funds by investing agents for certain state educational institutions.
76-718b - Gifts of personal property; acceptance and administration of; university foundations and foundation subsidiaries.
76-719 - Fixing tuition, fees and charges; student-activity fees, required use; interest earnings on funds.
76-719a - Fellowships and scholarships for graduate students; legislative declaration.
76-719b - Same; definitions.
76-719c - Fellowships, scholarships, tuition and fee waivers; authority to grant; standards, conditions, requirements.
76-720 - Local deposit of certain funds; exemption from disbursement requirements; annual report of receipts and expenditures.
76-721 - Authority to contract; contracts with controlled corporations to have certain provisions; contracts subject to 75-3711b.
76-721a - Contracts for guaranteed admission and continued enrollment of students in programs not offered by Kansas institutions under state board of regents; conditions of agreements.
76-721b - State board of regents to endeavor to add additional dental students; such students to provide services in underserved areas.
76-722 - Holding property and executing trusts.
76-723 - Federal funds; application for, receipt, deposit and expenditure.
76-724 - Private grants and bequests.
76-725 - Administration of state educational institutions; delegation of authority.
76-726 - University police officers; powers and authority; jurisdiction; badge required, exception; rights, protections, immunities.
76-727 - Recruitment of personnel; payment of certain expenses authorized.
76-728 - Student loan programs; agreements for federal funds; limitation on repayment of federal funds.
76-729 - Residence of students for fee purposes; basic rule, certain exceptions authorized; definitions.
76-730 - Same; rules and regulations for criteria and guidelines; student residence committees.
76-731 - Certain American Indians deemed residents of state for purpose of tuition and fees.
76-731a - Certain persons without lawful immigration status deemed residents for purpose of tuition and fees.
76-732 - Organizational safekeeping accounts at institutions under board of regents authorized; use; designation of person in charge and bank; subsidiary accounts; expenditures subject to post audit.
76-733 - Same; investment of funds; administrative expenses; credits to subsidiary accounts.
76-734 - Same; nonliability of state or agencies thereof.
76-735 - Emporia state university; name changed from Emporia Kansas state college; vesting of property and rights.
76-736 - Pittsburg state university; name changed from Kansas state college of Pittsburg; vesting of property and rights.
76-737 - Fort Hays state university; name changed from Fort Hays Kansas state college; vesting of property and rights.
76-738 - Refunds of tuition, fees or charges by institutions under state board of regents.
76-739 - Research projects performed by institutions under state board of regents for state agencies; federal funding; definitions.
76-740 - Same; reimbursement for certain costs; federal guidelines.
76-741 - Withholding or setoff of payroll and other amounts payable to officers or employees of institutions for fines, fees or penalties owed; authorization by state board of regents; policies and procedures.
76-742 - Student fees for debt service on academic or health facilities, prior referendum required.
76-743 - National direct student loan funds of institutions; transfers from state general fund, amounts, time.
76-744 - National direct student loan audit dispute fund; creation; transfers from state general fund; expenditures.
76-745 - Collection services; contracts negotiated; composition of negotiating committee; advertising for proposals.
76-746 - Phased-retirement program for unclassified employees of state educational institutions; agreements, provisions.
76-747 - Property and casualty insurance; purchase by state educational institution on certain buildings, equipment and facilities; "state educational institution" defined.
76-749 - Insurance for study abroad programs, contracts.
76-750 - Accident and health insurance, women's intercollegiate athletics.
76-751 - Sponsored research at state educational institutions; definition.
76-752 - Same; project contracts; authorized expenditures, when; bidding and other exemptions.
76-753 - Same; sponsored research overhead fund; disposition and expenditure of moneys received as overhead costs; interest earnings on funds.
76-754 - Service clearing funds; definition.
76-755 - Same; authorized uses; approval of additional activities; accounting procedures.
76-756 - Capital improvements for state educational institutions by endowment associations; definitions.
76-757 - Same; prior approval of projects; plans and specifications; consultation with joint committee on state building construction.
76-758 - Transfers between capital improvement projects financed from Kansas educational building fund; guidelines; consultation with joint committee on state building construction; approval by state finance council.
76-759 - Capital improvement projects for state educational institutions by associated research foundations; prior approvals; consultation with joint committee on state building construction.
76-760 - Capital improvements for state educational institutions from private moneys; exemptions from certain requirements; prior approvals; consultation with joint committee on state building construction.
76-761 - Housing system; creation and operation; rents and fees.
76-761a - Student housing; meningitis vaccination.
76-762 - Same; operating funds created; deposit of moneys; interest on moneys deposited; use of moneys in funds.
76-763 - Same; housing properties; acquisition of sites and buildings.
76-764 - Same; insurance.
76-765 - Same; bonds outstanding on project; effect.
76-766 - Same; "state education institution" defined.
76-767 - Center for innovative school leadership; duties.
76-768 - Use of social security number prohibited, when.
76-769 - Acquisition of goods and services for certain state educational institutions; leases of real property; duties and functions of state board of regents and director of purchases; guidelines, exemptions and limitations.
76-770 - Research and development activities, procurements and travel allowances; procedures, guidelines and exemptions; definitions.
76-771 - Core indicators of quality performance; data management system; quality performance grants, eligibility and amount.
76-773 - Kansas partnership for faculty of distinction program; definitions.
76-774 - Same; purpose and administration; institutions matching funds; procedures; authorized expenditures.
76-775 - Same; earnings equivalent awards; faculty of distinction program fund; transfers from state general fund; limitations.
76-776 - Same; institution endowed professorship operating budget requirements; program assessment; reports.
76-777 - University research and development enhancement act; citation of act.
76-778 - Legislative findings.
76-779 - Definitions.
76-780 - General powers, duties and functions of state board of regents.
76-782 - Research and development facility projects authorized.
76-783 - Bond financing for projects; issuance of bonds by Kansas development finance authority; limitations, conditions, terms, guidelines and procedures; debt service payments, transfers from state general fund; powers of state board of regents cumulative.
76-784 - Sales and use tax exemptions, purchases for research and development facility projects.
76-785 - Construction of act.
76-786 - Procedures for acquiring construction, architectural, engineering and other services for certain projects; statutory exemptions; construction manager at-risk procedures and authorities; powers, duties and functions of secretary of administration and division of facilities management; change orders; progress reports.
76-787 - Contracts for certain research and development facilities, provisions for prevailing wages.
76-788 - Severability.
76-789 - National institute for aviation research capital improvement projects; authorized for state board of regents; approved for issuance of bonds by Kansas development finance authority, limitation; debt service.
76-790 - Privately-financed buildings; maintenance costs.
76-791 - Payment of bonds from contributions qualifying as tax credit, limitation.
76-7,101 - Long-term infrastructure maintenance program.
76-7,102 - Same; definitions.
76-7,103 - Same; administration of program; reports; building inventory and space utilization.
76-7,104 - Same; infrastructure maintenance fund.
76-7,105 - Same; advise and consult with joint committee on state building construction; oversight of projects.
76-7,106 - Same; transfers of moneys from statewide maintenance and disaster relief fund.
76-7,107 - Long-term infrastructure maintenance program; transfers of moneys from state general fund.
76-7,108 - Obsolete buildings.
76-7,116 - Infrastructure finance program.
76-7,117 - Same; definitions.
76-7,118 - Same; administration of program; reports.
76-7,119 - Same; bonds not a state obligation.
76-7,120 - Same; bonds; limitations; loan agreements.
76-7,125 - State educational institution project delivery construction procurement act; citation.
76-7,126 - Same; definitions.
76-7,127 - Same; projects financed with non-state moneys; exempt from certain statutory requirements.
76-7,128 - Same; contracts; bids; duties of state board and institutions.
76-7,129 - Same; contracts, change orders.
76-7,130 - Same; local building codes, fees, building permits and zoning requirements, exemptions.
76-7,131 - Same; alternative project delivery program; construction management at-risk procurement processes; procurement committee; notice requirements.
76-7,132 - Same; construction management at-risk project delivery procedures; construction manager, selection of; construction services bid, notice requirements.
76-7,133 - Same; rules and regulations.
76-7,136 - Citation of the act.
76-7,137 - University engineering initiative act; purpose.
76-7,138 - Definitions.
76-7,139 - State education institutions, plans; secretary of commerce, board of regents duties; report required.
76-7,140 - Constructing, equipping, repairing, remodeling engineering facilities; state educational institutions, annual report.
76-7,141 - Kan-grow engineering funds, state educational institutions; purposes.
76-7,142 - Sales tax exemption, expenditures for engineering initiative facilities.
76-7,143 - Liberal construction of act.
76-7,151 - Expenditure of state moneys; limitations; remedial courses.