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2021 Statute

Section Number

76-407 - Collections of specimens.
76-408 - Acceptance of provisions of act of congress.
76-409 - Location of college in Riley county; site ceded to state.
76-410 - Endowment; investment; use of interest.
76-410a - State agricultural university fund; original principal; earnings.
76-412 - Inspection of dairy herds.
76-413 - Same; scope and report; registration of cattle.
76-414 - Same; time for inspection; consultations and advice.
76-415 - Same; expenses.
76-416 - Endowment fund; duties of state treasurer.
76-417 - Same; interest paid over to state treasurer.
76-418 - Sale of lands; disposition of proceeds; new contracts on forfeiture.
76-425a - Kansas forest service; definitions.
76-425b - Same; purpose.
76-425c - Same; state forester.
76-425d - Same; powers and duties.
76-425e - Same; cooperation with governmental units.
76-425f - Same; rules and regulations; powers; cooperative agreements.
76-430 - Branch experiment station at Lakin.
76-433 - Reversion of donated land.
76-434 - Acceptance of act of congress increasing appropriations.
76-435 - Agriculture extension work; acceptance of federal act.
76-435a - Acceptance of federal act (49 Stat. 436 to 439; 7 U.S.C.A. ยงยง 427 to 427g, 343c, 343d).
76-436 - Military training at state colleges and universities; compulsory, when.
76-437a - Sale of certain real estate in Shawnee county by board of regents authorized; use of proceeds.
76-437b - Sale of certain real estate in Morton county by board of regents authorized; disposition of proceeds.
76-437c - Sale of certain land in Riley county to state university endowment association; reservation of mineral rights.
76-437d - Same; disposition of moneys.
76-443 - Lease of certain land to state college endowment association.
76-444 - Same; conditions; acceptance.
76-445 - Same; lease of certain land from endowment association; annual rentals, committee to determine; termination of lease, notice.
76-446 - Sale of certain property willed to Kansas state university; conveyance, sale conditions.
76-447 - Same; proceeds to student loan fund.
76-448 - Same; severability.
76-449 - Conveyance of tract of land at Kansas state university to U.S. department of agriculture; conditions.
76-450 - Exchange of certain property authorized.
76-451 - Exchange of land between board of regents and Kansas state university endowment association; approval of attorney general.
76-452 - Exchange of certain lands in Riley county between board of regents and Kansas state university endowment association; lands described.
76-453 - Same; procedure for exchange.
76-454 - Sale of certain property located in Pueblo county, Colorado; bids; disposition of proceeds.
76-455 - Board of regents may sell oil, gas and other mineral rights in certain lands in Riley county.
76-456 - Same; conveyance in name of board; appraisal; bids; deposit; sale, minimum price; proceeds to state general fund.
76-457 - Board of regents may exchange certain state lands in Thomas county for certain lands of the Hi-Plains Health Care Association; approval of title by attorney general.
76-458 - Same; delivery of deed; recordation; use of lands.
76-459 - Wildlife damage control; definitions.
76-460 - Same; purpose of act.
76-461 - Same; wildlife damage control section in extension service of Kansas state university; employees.
76-462 - Same; duties of wildlife damage control section.
76-463 - Wildlife damage control; cooperation with department of wildlife, parks and tourism.
76-464 - Same; extension specialists to be furnished vehicles and equipment; travel expenses.
76-465 - Agricultural research-extension centers; additional centers; officers and employees; operation and administration.
76-466 - Moneys received from sales and operation of agricultural experiment centers credited to fee fund of center from which received; definitions.
76-467 - Same; frequency of remittance of moneys.
76-469 - Conveyance of certain property in Montgomery county to Kansas state university endowment association by board of regents authorized.
76-470 - Same; sale or other disposition of property; use of income or proceeds of sale.
76-471 - Conveyance of certain real estate in Riley county by board of regents authorized.
76-472 - Board of regents may convey personal property acquired under will of Charles V. Kincaid to endowment association.
76-473 - Same; sale of property by endowment association; use of proceeds.
76-474 - Conveyance of certain lands in Clay county and Riley county to Kansas state university endowment association in exchange for certain lands in Riley county.
76-475 - Same; conveyance of land by endowment association.
76-476 - Same; execution of instrument of conveyance; approval by attorney general.
76-477 - Exchange of real property in Riley county between board of regents and Kansas state university foundation; approval by attorney general; property described.
76-478 - International meat and livestock program established; purpose; advisory committee.
76-479 - Same; annual report to governor and legislature.
76-480 - Sale of certain real estate in Riley county by board of regents; use of proceeds.
76-486 - State board of regents authorized to convey certain property; procedure; use of proceeds; approval by attorney general.
76-487 - Swine technology center; objectives.
76-488 - Same; technical support.
76-489 - Purchase of insurance for certain vehicles and equipment of regents educational communication center.
76-490 - Donation of art object collection to Deines cultural center.
76-491 - Purchase of insurance for aircraft authorized.
76-492 - State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Chase county, Kansas; procedure; use of proceeds.
76-492a - Same.
76-493 - Kansas state university medical center; peer review committees; privileged communications, limitations.
76-494 - State board of regents authorized to exchange certain properties with Kansas state university foundation; procedure.
76-495 - State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Riley county, Kansas; procedure; use of proceeds.
76-4,100 - State board of regents authorized to convey certain property; procedure; use of proceeds; approval by attorney general.
76-4,101 - Sale of certain real property in Scott county by board of regents; use of proceeds; approval by attorney general.
76-4,102 - Sericea lespedeza research project; report to the legislature.
76-4,103 - Center of excellence on sustainable agriculture and alternative crops; establishment; duties; coordinator; annual report to legislature.
76-4,104 - Sale of certain real property in Riley county by state board of regents; use of proceeds; consultation with and approvals by attorney general.
76-4,105 - Exchange of certain real property in Riley county by state board of regents and Kansas state university foundation; consultation, reviews and approvals by attorney general.
76-4,106 - Sale of certain real property in Riley and Nemaha counties by board of regents; use of proceeds; approval by attorney general.
76-4,107 - State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Riley county, Kansas; procedure; use of proceeds.
76-4,108 - State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Riley county, Kansas; procedure, use of proceeds.
76-4,109 - State board of regents authorized to sell certain property in Kingman, Sedgwick and Reno counties, Kansas; procedure, use of proceeds.
76-4,110 - Conveyance of property described in 76-3,105, 76-4,107, 76-4,108 and 76-4,109.
76-4,111 - Conveyance or exchange of property in Pottawatomie county.
76-4,112 - Veterinary training program for rural Kansas; administration of program; program agreements; loans, requirements; postponement of obligations; satisfaction of obligations; annual report to legislature.
76-4,113 - Conveyance of land in Riley county to federal government; contingency.
76-4,114 - Conveyance or exchange of property in Riley county.
76-4,115 - Conveyance of certain real estate in Riley county by board of regents authorized; procedure.
76-4,116 - Conveyance of certain real estate in Riley county by board of regents authorized; procedure.
76-4,117 - Conveyance of certain real estate in Riley county by board of regents authorized; procedure.