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2021 Statute

Section Number

76-3a01 - Establishment and operation of Wichita state university as associate of university of Kansas authorized; definitions.
76-3a07 - Same; annual tax levy by city of Wichita after approval of proposition; use of proceeds; additional levy, when; bond and tax levy limitation laws inapplicable.
76-3a09 - Same; board of regents to accept title and operational control effective July 1, 1964; recordation of instruments.
76-3a11 - Same; board of regents to continue arrangements for payment of revenue bonds after assumption of control.
76-3a16 - Board of trustees of university of Wichita; members, appointment, terms, vacancies; rights, powers, duties, authority and jurisdiction.
76-3a17 - Health sciences building; continuation of capital improvement project.
76-3a18 - Same; terminology transfer.
76-3a19 - Same; partial redesign of capital improvement project; negotiating committee duties; fees for architectural services.
76-3a21 - Same; transfer of unencumbered balances in certain accounts; appropriations.
76-3a22 - Same; costs of partial redesign to be paid from funds transferred and appropriated under act.
76-3a23 - Conveyance of certain real estate by board of regents authorized; disposition of proceeds.
76-3a24 - Acquisition of certain real estate by board of regents authorized; construction of parking facilities authorized.
76-3a25 - Dedication of certain lands by board of regents authorized; approval by attorney general; filing with secretary of state.
76-3a26 - Exchange of certain real estate in Sedgwick county by board of regents authorized; procedure.