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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-7201 - Definitions.
75-7202 - Information technology executive council; membership and organization; mileage.
75-7203 - Same; powers and duties.
75-7204 - Chief information technology architect; duties.
75-7205 - Executive chief information technology officer; duties.
75-7206 - Judicial chief information technology officer.
75-7207 - Legislative chief information technology officer.
75-7208 - Same; powers and duties.
75-7209 - Information technology projects; procedures.
75-7210 - Same; reports to legislative branch.
75-7211 - Same; legislative oversight.
75-7212 - Abolition of KIRC and CIA; transfers.
75-7221 - KAN-ED; title.
75-7222 - Same; definitions.
75-7223 - Same; purpose of act; program limitations.
75-7224 - Same; program standards established; needs assessment and report required; development of broadband plan; advisory committee authorized; rules and regulations.
75-7225 - Same; KAN-ED fund created.
75-7226 - Same; annual report.
75-7227 - Same; severability.
75-7236 - Kansas cybersecurity act.
75-7237 - Definitions.
75-7238 - Chief information security officer; duties.
75-7239 - Kansas information security office; establishment and administration; separate state agency; powers and duties.
75-7240 - Executive branch agency heads; responsibilities; reports; training; breach protocol.
75-7241 - Fingerprints; criminal history record check; certain employees or contractors.
75-7242 - Information collected placing organization at risk confidential; exceptions.
75-7243 - Cybersecurity service costs; special assessments and fees; rules and regulations.