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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-7001 - Juvenile justice authority; commissioner of juvenile justice; powers and duties.
75-7002 - Same; transfer of powers, duties and functions from SRS; successor thereto; rules and regulations; title to property.
75-7003 - Same; officers and employees in SRS concerning juvenile offenders transferred; benefits and rights.
75-7004 - Same; conflicts as to power, function or duty or power to be resolved by governor.
75-7005 - Same; legal custody of records transferred; no abatement of suits, actions or proceedings.
75-7006 - Same; balance of funds and liabilities transferred.
75-7007 - Kansas advisory group on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention; membership; compensation; functions; reduction of biases in juvenile justice system.
75-7011 - Same; severability.
75-7012 - Same; abolishment; transfer of powers, duties and functions to the Kansas advisory group on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention.
75-7021 - Kansas juvenile delinquency prevention trust fund; expenditures; grant criteria.
75-7022 - Citation.
75-7023 - Juvenile intake and assessment system; confidentiality of records; information collected; dispositional alternatives; custody of child; conditions of release.
75-7024 - Commissioner of juvenile justice; powers and duties.
75-7025 - Regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities; establishment; purpose; staff; rules and regulations.
75-7026 - Supplemental youth care facilities for juvenile offenders; establishment and maintenance; rules and regulations.
75-7027 - Establishment of supplementary facilities to state institutions; application of laws and rules and regulations.
75-7028 - Establishment of residential care facilities for children at certain state institutions; supervision and administration; rules and regulations.
75-7031 - Severability clause.
75-7034 - Juvenile community correctional services; transfer of powers, duties and functions from DOC to JJA; successor thereto; rules and regulations; title to property.
75-7035 - Same; conflicts as to power, function or duty to be resolved by governor.
75-7036 - Same; legal custody of records transferred; no abatement of suits, actions or proceedings.
75-7037 - Same; balance of funds and liabilities transferred.
75-7038 - Grants to counties for juvenile community correctional services.
75-7039 - Same; qualifications; powers of county commissioners preserved; cooperative agreements.
75-7040 - Financial aid for expenses of corrections advisory boards of county or group of cooperating counties without an approved plan.
75-7041 - Assistance to counties and advisory boards by commissioner of juvenile justice; administration; rules and regulations.
75-7042 - Powers of counties or groups of counties.
75-7043 - Comprehensive plans for correctional services, approval prerequisite for grants; additional requirements; operating standards; annual review; suspension of grants, procedures.
75-7044 - Juvenile corrections advisory boards; membership, qualifications, appointment; alternative membership, qualifications and appointment provisions for cooperating counties; use of adult corrections advisory board, when.
75-7044a - Duties of juvenile corrections advisory boards.
75-7045 - Same; terms; vacancies; officers; open proceedings; rules.
75-7046 - Same; participation in formulating comprehensive plans; inclusion of provisions addressing system biases.
75-7047 - Purchase of juvenile correctional services from state under comprehensive plans; determination of costs, grant deductions.
75-7048 - Comprehensive plans for juvenile correctional services; requirements; new program proposals.
75-7049 - Grants; expenditures; reductions; transfers to other counties.
75-7050 - Quarterly grant payments; certified expenditure statements by counties.
75-7051 - State and county may purchase juvenile correctional services from grant-receiving counties.
75-7052 - Required participation by counties in juvenile community corrections; options; administrative judge, recommendations.
75-7053 - Grants; annual determination; criteria based on measurable performances.
75-7054 - Employees appointed by the commissioner; unclassified.
75-7055 - Juvenile corrections officers, requirements.
75-7056 - Community graduated sanctions and prevention programs; community advisory committee, members, duties, participation in budgetary process.
75-7057 - Juvenile justice authority and commissioner abolished; powers, functions and duties transferred to department of corrections and secretary of corrections.
75-7058 - Transfer of officers and employees; rights and benefits preserved; memorandum of agreement with teamsters union and organization of state employees.
75-7059 - Department of corrections; successor to property and rights; conflict resolution.
75-7060 - Same; legal custody of records; preservation of civil actions and proceedings; no abatement of criminal actions.
75-7061 - Same; department successor to funds and liabilities.
75-7062 - Same; transfer of jurisdiction, powers, duties and functions to department; rules and regulations; educational services contract.
75-7063 - Secretary of corrections; rules and regulations; juvenile intake and assessment; programs.
75-7064 - Same; administer juvenile justice code.
75-7065 - Same; administer regional youth care and rehabilitation facilities.
75-7066 - Same; administer supplemental youth care facilities.
75-7067 - Same; administer residential care facilities.
75-7068 - Same; administer certain planning teams, programs and funds.
75-7069 - Same; administer grants.
75-7070 - Same; administer community sanctions and prevention programs; advisory committee.
75-7071 - Kansas advisory group on juvenile justice and delinquency prevention; report to secretary of corrections.