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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-5901 - Citation of act.
75-5902 - Definitions.
75-5903 - Department for aging and disability services established; secretary for aging and disability services; appointment and confirmation; department to receive and disburse federal older Americans act moneys; application of K-GOAL.
75-5904 - Transfer of powers, duties and functions; preservation of orders and directives.
75-5905 - Certain officers and employees transferred to new department; civil service and retirement benefits preserved; civil service laws applicable.
75-5906 - Conflicts as to disposition of powers, functions, duties, funds, property or records resolved by governor.
75-5907 - Rights saved in legal actions and proceedings.
75-5908 - Powers and duties of secretary.
75-5909 - Secretary may organize department and assign functions, powers and duties; secretary to meet with council.
75-5910 - Appointment of subordinate officers and employees; duties and powers.
75-5911 - Advisory council on aging; appointment of members.
75-5912 - Same; terms of members.
75-5913 - Same; chairperson; procedure; compensation; meetings.
75-5914 - Advisory council on aging; powers and duties.
75-5915 - Transfer of appropriations; liability for accrued compensation of officers and employees transferred to department.
75-5923 - Toll-free telephone system established, purpose; duties of secretary; display of notice of existence of toll-free telephone system.
75-5925 - Information and referral network concerning information about and access to services available for persons with Alzheimer's and related diseases; establishment through existing toll-free telephone system; duties of secretary.
75-5926 - Kansas senior care act; citation of act.
75-5927 - Same; legislative findings and declaration.
75-5928 - Same; programs authorized; powers and duties of secretary of aging; contracts.
75-5929 - Same; allocation of funds to area agencies on aging, guidelines and requirements; rules and regulations.
75-5930 - Same; screening and assessment.
75-5931 - Same; rules and regulations.
75-5932 - Same; contract requirements.
75-5933 - Same; fees, guidelines.
75-5934 - Same; area agencies on aging to negotiate for or broker services.
75-5936 - Same; secretary authorized to apply for and receive funds.
75-5940 - Reports by secretaries for aging and disability services and for children and families to the legislature; activities under CARE program and other services provided for older Kansans including long-term care; contents of reports; copies of reports to oversight committee.
75-5945 - Long-term care programs; transfer of programs and personnel from Kansas department for children and families; powers and duties of secretary for aging and disability services; state plan; rules and regulations; transfer, appointment and status of personnel; property, records and contracts; reports; investigations, procedures and appeals; payments; services provided by area agencies, eligibility for federal financial participation.
75-5946 - Same; contracts for long-term care services; annual reports by contracting agencies; reports to legislature; rules and regulations.
75-5947 - Same; contracts for services involving litigation.
75-5948 - Same; transfer of programs from secretary of social and rehabilitation services to secretary of aging; transition plan.
75-5949 - Same; transfer of appropriations, resources and obligations.
75-5950 - Same; transfer of powers, duties and functions, continuation of authority.
75-5951 - Same; transfer of programs; rights saved in judicial and administrative actions and proceedings.
75-5952 - Same; transfer of programs; administrative hearings and judicial proceedings.
75-5953 - Same; transfer of programs; governor to resolve conflicts.
75-5954 - Same; transfer of programs; reports to governor and legislature.
75-5955 - Same; severability.
75-5956 - Same; accessibility of services; application; procedure.
75-5957 - Same; eligibility requirements for institutional-based long-term care services.
75-5958 - Nursing facility reimbursement rates.
75-5961 - Senior pharmacy assistance program; eligibility for; rules and regulations; section suspended upon commencement of federal program.
75-5963 - Community crisis stabilization centers fund; clubhouse model program fund.