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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-5701 - Establishment and administration of department; secretary of labor; appointment, confirmation, salary; application of K-GOAL.
75-5701a - Department and secretary renamed department and secretary of labor; division of employment and training abolished; powers, duties and functions transferred to department and secretary of commerce; continuation of ex officio memberships on commission on disability concerns.
75-5701b - Successors and continuation of department and secretary of human resources; force and effect of actions performed in exercise of duties; application of documentary references and designations; rules and regulations, orders and directives continued in effect until superseded.
75-5702 - Appointment of subordinate officers and employees; compensation; powers, duties and functions; investigations.
75-5705 - Division of employment and security, establishment and administration.
75-5708 - Division of workers compensation, establishment and administration; director of workers compensation, assistant directors, administrative law judges; appointment, compensation, qualifications; dismissal or suspension of appointees, grounds.
75-5712 - Agricultural labor relations board; administration of management functions; rules and regulations.
75-5713 - Public employee relations board; administration of management functions; rules and regulations.
75-5722 - Chief attorney and additional attorneys for department; appointment and salaries.
75-5723 - Organization of department.
75-5724 - Creation of advisory boards, commissions or committees within department; allowances and expenses of members.
75-5727 - Custody of records, memoranda, writings of departmental transactions.
75-5730 - Location of offices of secretary and department.
75-5731 - Seal of secretary.
75-5733 - Special projects; acceptance, receipt and expenditure of moneys; special projects fund; personnel, employment and compensation.
75-5734 - Salary of secretary for administration of federal acts and programs.
75-5740 - Accident problems of state; understanding, reduction, prevention; safety education.
75-5741 - Older Kansans employment programs; design of program; annual report; definition.
75-5742 - State directory of new hires; collection, deletion, confidentiality and transmission of information.
75-5743 - Same; duty to submit information.
75-5744 - State enforcement of federal occupational safety and health standards, study of; report to legislature.
75-5745 - Federal coronavirus relief fund appropriations for fiscal years 2021 and 2022; transfers to the employment security fund and legislature employment security fund; amounts; procedure; determination of improper payments; report by unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council; review and certification by secretary; transfers of additional amounts; review by legislative budget committee; authorization by legislative coordinating council; legislature employment security fund created; improper payments defined.
75-5746 - Expenditure of fiscal year 2021 and 2022 moneys appropriated for unemployment compensation modernization project; review and report by legislative coordinating council required.