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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-5301 - Secretary for children and families; appointment and confirmation; creation of department; department and office of secretary subject to K-GOAL.
75-5308d - Mental health and retardation services and commissioner of mental health and retardation services abolished; transfer of powers, duties and functions; Kansas department for aging and disability services.
75-5308e - Mental health and developmental disabilities established; administration of mental health and developmental disabilities; commissioner of community services and programs, appointment and compensation.
75-5308f - Powers, duties and functions transferred to and imposed upon commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities; previous orders and directives continued in effect until revised, amended or repealed.
75-5309 - Appointment of subordinate officers and employees; classified service.
75-5309a - Coordinator of medical services job class, employees in unclassified service; home and community based services program, attendant care services, personnel in unclassified service, salary plan, definitions.
75-5310 - Appointment of personnel for department; compensation; application to persons appointed after effective date of act.
75-5310a - Service contracts for preparation of expert testimony; exempt from competitive bidding.
75-5313 - Advisory committees; creation; allowances and expenses.
75-5316a - Secretary may organize department; powers and duties of personnel.
75-5319 - Custody of records, memoranda and writings of departmental transactions.
75-5320 - Seal of secretary.
75-5321 - Secretary to adopt all general policies and rules and regulations; social service outreach services.
75-5321a - Transfer of certain long-term care programs and services to secretary of aging.
75-5326 - Same; annual report.
75-5328a - Purchase of insurance insuring volunteers in family foster care program.
75-5331 - Officers and employees; rights preserved; application of civil service law.
75-5338 - Officers and employees; rights preserved; application of civil service law.
75-5343 - Self-sufficiency trust fund; agreements with trusts, deposits; interest transfers; expenditures and administration; rules and regulations.
75-5344 - Special fund for the developmentally disabled; authorized uses; administration.
75-5345 - Employees at industries for the blind workshop, civil service status.
75-5365 - Acquisition of certain support enforcement services; competitive bid procedure.
75-5366 - Matching child support debtors and insurance claimants; agreement; procedures; requirements; rules and regulations.
75-5367 - Matching child support debtors and insurance claimants; requirements; procedure.
75-5371 - Donated dental services program for needy, disabled, aged and medically-compromised individuals; administration of program.
75-5375 - Drug abuse treatment and prevention duties of secretary for aging and disability services.
75-5376 - Cooperation of other state agencies.
75-5378 - Employees.
75-5381 - Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol and other drug abuse; establishment.
75-5382 - Same; duties.
75-5383 - Same; composition; terms; vacancies.
75-5384 - Same; members to be representative of various groups and organizations; definitions.
75-5385 - Same; compensation.
75-5386 - Same; organization; records and minutes; meetings; bylaws.
75-5387 - Same; successor to Kansas citizens' committee on alcohol abuse and alcoholism and Kansas citizens' committee on drug abuse.
75-5391 - Kansas commission for the deaf and hard of hearing; establishment; duties; management functions.
75-5392 - Same; composition; qualifications of members; terms; vacancies; meetings; officers; quorum; expenses.
75-5393 - Same; executive director, employment, compensation and expenses, duties, qualifications. Same; executive director, employment, compensation and expenses, duties, qualifications. Same; executive director, employment, compensation and expenses, duties, qualifications. Same; executive director, employment, compensation and expenses, duties, qualifications.
75-5394 - Same; cooperation by state agencies.
75-5395 - Same; arrangements and contracts authorized for carrying out purposes.
75-5396 - Same; reception of funds, gifts, grants, bequests; expenditures.
75-5397 - Same; state agencies to provide services to deaf and hard of hearing.
75-5397a - Same; fees for interpreter services and sign language instruction.
75-5397b - Same; continuation of former commission; application of references to former commission; preservation of orders and directives.
75-5397c - Rights saved in legal actions and proceedings.
75-5397d - Motor vehicle symbol for deaf and hard of hearing; requirements.
75-5397e - Language assessment program; given, when; advisory committee; recommendations; reports; definitions.
75-5399 - Transition planning services for individuals with disabilities; definitions.
75-53,100 - Same; transition planning required.
75-53,101 - Same; compilation of background information.
75-53,102 - Same; transition councils.
75-53,105 - Secretary access to criminal history, court records; nationwide search; fees; unauthorized disclosure, penalty.
75-53,111 - Foster child educational assistance act; purpose.
75-53,112 - Foster child educational assistance act; definitions.
75-53,113 - Same; eligibility for assistance continuous where eligible under preexisting law.
75-53,114 - Same; waiver of tuition or fees; reimbursement of other qualified expenses.
75-53,115 - Same; continuing requirements for program participation.
75-53,116 - Same; enrollment not contingent on available appropriations.
75-53,117 - Same; rules and regulations.
75-53,118 - Same; annual report to legislature.
75-53,120 - Same; eligibility for tuition waiver continuing, when.