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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-3001 - Beginning of political year; commencement of terms of state officers.
75-3002 - Fiscal year.
75-3024 - Contingent or other funds; accounts; embezzlement.
75-3025 - Contracts for excessive expenditures; penalty.
75-3026 - Accounts of expenditures; penalty.
75-3027 - Printing of reports.
75-3027a - Official written communications of state agencies; required information; definitions.
75-3036 - State general fund defined; revenues placed in; restrictions on transfer; notification; report by the director of the budget.
75-3036a - Prohibiting purchase of identifiable imported meats with certain appropriations from state general fund.
75-3043a - Appraisal of real property before purchase by state or agency thereof; duties of director of property valuation; compensation of appraisers.
75-3044 - State agency defined.
75-3046 - Reports of state agencies; preparation required; contents; availability.
75-3048 - State agency publications; distribution; sale at cost, exception; disposition of proceeds.
75-3048a - Reports of state agencies; "publication" defined.
75-3048b - Same; central duplicating to provide library with copies of certain publications.
75-3048c - Same; agency to provide library with copies of certain publications.
75-3049 - State agency defined.
75-3050 - Applications and contracts for federal or other nonstate funds; notice.
75-3051 - Same; notification of amendment.
75-3052 - Opening and maintaining petty cash funds; authorization and conditions by director of accounts and reports.
75-3053 - Use of petty cash funds.
75-3054 - Reconciliation and statement of payments; restoration of funds.
75-3055 - Petty cash funds; maintenance and operation; instructions by director of accounts and reports; reconciliations; reimbursement of losses, limit; termination.
75-3072 - Imprest funds; authorized uses; limitations.
75-3073 - Imprest funds; periodic reconciliation statement; reimbursement of losses; replenishing fund.
75-3075 - Same; establishment by state agencies.
75-3076 - Same; moneys, where kept; disbursements; cancellation of certain checks.
75-3077 - Same; revolving funds abolished; transfer of balances; additional transfers to attain balances specified for imprest funds.
75-3078 - Same; change funds; limits; shortages, reconciliation, reimbursement; authorized uses.
75-3079 - Costs of frivolous claim or action assessed against state agency; report; payment.
75-3080 - Employee use funds; establishment; accounting procedures.
75-3081 - Same; sources of revenue.
75-3082 - Federal cash management fund established.
75-3083 - Transfer of moneys from state general fund to federal cash management fund; expenditures from federal cash management fund to federal government; administration by director of accounts and reports.
75-3084 - Transfer of powers and duties between the department of health and environment and the department for children and families.
75-3085 - Same; successor of secretary and appointed designees.
75-3086 - Same; transfer of funds.
75-3087 - Same; transfer of property, property rights and records.
75-3088 - Same; continuation of legal action.
75-3089 - Same; transfer of officers and employees.
75-3099 - Agreements with certain educational institutions authorized; conditions; limitations; definitions.
75-30,100 - Payments to state agencies and educational institutions; acceptable methods of payment.