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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-1001a - Division of printing established; director of printing; appointment; transfer of powers, duties and functions from elected state printer; exceptions.
75-1001c - Function of central duplicating transferred to division of printing; transfer of funds.
75-1001d - Transfer of powers, duties and functions of state printer to director of printing; construction; no judicial or administrative proceeding abated.
75-1001e - Transfer of employees of state printing plant, state printer and central duplicating to division of printing.
75-1001f - Transfer of printing depreciation reserve fund to intragovernmental printing service depreciation reserve fund; transfer of state printer's operating fund to intragovernmental printing service fund.
75-1004 - Management and operation of state printing plant by director of printing.
75-1004b - Intragovernmental printing service depreciation reserve fund; transfers from intragovernmental printing service fund; effect on expenditure limitations; expenditures from funds.
75-1005 - Printing and binding by division of printing; by state institution or commercial printer, when; printing and binding services for secretary of state.
75-1015 - Examination of invoices for materials, equipment and supplies.
75-1017 - Employees of division of printing; compensation.
75-1018 - Rates for newspaper printing.
75-1022 - Cost system; billing; receipts; deposit in intragovernmental printing service fund.
75-1023 - Extra copies of certain publications; distribution; notification of secretary of historical society.
75-1033 - Appropriations; certain limitations inapplicable; state printing advisory committee abolished; transfer of assets and liabilities, items of appropriation and powers, duties and functions to division of printing.