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2021 Statute

Section Number

75-7b01 - Definitions.
75-7b02 - Licensure required; law enforcement officers ineligible for license.
75-7b03 - Exemptions from licensure.
75-7b04 - Licensure; application; references; qualifications; summary proceedings; grounds for denial of license.
75-7b05 - License, initial or renewal; fee set by attorney general.
75-7b06 - License; form; display; pocket card; new officer or partner, licensure.
75-7b07 - License renewal; license not assignable; continuing education.
75-7b08 - Information confidential, exceptions; prohibited acts.
75-7b09 - Record of employees; address of principal place of business to be filed.
75-7b10 - Soliciting or advertising for business, contents; advertising or conducting business except at principal or branch office prohibited; closing or changing branch office.
75-7b11 - Surety bond, liability insurance or deposit with treasurer; requirements.
75-7b12 - Same; failure to maintain on file; term of bond.
75-7b13 - Suspension or revocation of license; grounds; hearing; conviction defined, evidence; misuse of a firearm permit badge.
75-7b15 - Records and reports; inspection, enforcement and investigation by attorney general; subpoena; unlawful acts; misdemeanor.
75-7b17 - Firearms permit; expiration of; qualifications; application; discharge of firearm, report; suspension or revocation of permit; liability of licensee; firearm permit badge.
75-7b18 - Attorney general granted exclusive jurisdiction over licensing and regulation of detectives and agencies; cities prohibited from licensing or regulation; rules and regulations.
75-7b20 - Licensure; examination; interview; investigation.
75-7b21 - Trainers, firearm handling and use of force; certification; qualifications; fee; renewal.
75-7b22 - Fees for regulation of private detectives; maximum limitations established; set by attorney general.
75-7b23 - Private detective fee fund; receipts and expenditures.