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2021 Statute

Section Number

40-3301 - Declaration of public interest and policy.
40-3302 - Definitions.
40-3303 - Domestic insurer's acquisition of subsidiaries; authorized investments.
40-3304 - Transactions affecting control of domestic insurer; approval of commissioner; statement filed with commissioner, contents, filing fee; substitution of securities registration statement; disapproval of transaction, hearing; consolidated hearing and opt-out; retainer of professionals and experts to assist review; exempt transactions; violations; jurisdiction of courts; service of process.
40-3305 - Registration by insurers of an insurance holding company system; exceptions; registration statement, contents; information exempt from disclosure; changes in information disclosed; termination of registration; consolidated registration statements and reports; exemptions; disclaimer of affiliation; enterprise risk report, when required; violations.
40-3306 - Material transactions by registered insurers with affiliates; standards; reasonableness of insurer's surplus; notification of certain transactions to commissioner; extraordinary dividends and distributions.
40-3307 - Examination of registered insurers; powers of commissioner; expert advisers; expenses, liability of insurers; subpoenas.
40-3308 - Confidentiality of information and documents disclosed to or filed with commissioner.
40-3309 - Rules, regulations and orders of commissioner; hearings.
40-3310 - Enjoining violations; illegally acquired securities; effect on shareholder voting; injunctions; seizure or sequestration of illegally acquired securities; situs of ownership of domestic insurer's securities.
40-3311 - Violations of act; penalties.
40-3311a - Same; suspension, revocation or refusal to renew certificate of authority.
40-3315 - Liquidation or rehabilitation of insurer; what is recoverable by receiver.
40-3316 - Supervisory college; powers of commissioner.
40-3317 - Citation of act.
40-3318 - Internationally active insurance groups; group-wide supervisor; powers.