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2021 Statute

Section Number

32-1101 - Policy.
32-1102 - Definitions.
32-1103 - Applicable laws; rules and regulations.
32-1104 - Annual reports to county assessors.
32-1110 - Display of number on vessel.
32-1111 - Application for certificate of number; display, inspection, renewal; temporary permit; transfer, destruction or abandonment of vessel; vessels documented by coast guard; rules and regulations.
32-1112 - Dealer certificates of number.
32-1113 - Exemptions.
32-1114 - Dealer's licenses.
32-1115 - Identification numbers; unlawful acts.
32-1116 - Assembled, reconstructed or restored vessels; circumstances where existing number unidentifiable.
32-1117 - Handmade vessels; assignment of number and issuance of decals; display; fee.
32-1119 - Classes; light and other equipment requirements; prohibited operation.
32-1120 - Restrictions on motorboat exhaust noise; compliance; penalties.
32-1125 - Operation prohibitions.
32-1126 - Capacity limits.
32-1127 - Application of stability test criteria, when.
32-1128 - Water skis and surfboards; requirements.
32-1129 - Personal flotation devices required, when; violations, penalty.
32-1130 - Operating a vessel under the influence of alcohol or drugs; definitions.
32-1131 - Operating vessel under influence of alcohol or drugs; crime.
32-1132 - Tests for alcohol or drugs; procedures.
32-1133 - Same; additional test by own physician.
32-1134 - Same; tests for alcohol or drugs, use as evidence.
32-1135 - Same; submission of other evidence.
32-1136 - Immunity from liability for damage to vessel.
32-1137 - Severability.
32-1138 - Same; preliminary screening test.
32-1139 - Boating safety education, certificate of completion required for certain operators.
32-1140 - Same; approval, development and coordination by secretary; fee.
32-1141 - Same; certificate of completion; issuance; revocation; reciprocity.
32-1142 - Same; liability insurance for persons conducting course.
32-1143 - Sections part of article 11.
32-1148 - Boat liveries; duties.
32-1149 - Regattas and other water events.
32-1150 - Scuba diving; rules and regulations.
32-1151 - Same; buoy required.
32-1152 - Sanitation; toilet facilities.
32-1153 - Same; sewage disposal.
32-1154 - Same; rules and regulations.
32-1155 - Applications for license of vessels to indicate presence of marine toilets.
32-1156 - Abandonment of a vessel; removal from public waterway, when.
32-1157 - Same; notification of parties having interests in vessel; failure to reclaim; use, sale or destruction by law enforcement agency.
32-1158 - Notice of destruction or abandonment of vessel by owner; surrender of certificates of number and ownership.
32-1159 - Preservation of evidence of criminal offenses; liability for storage fees.
32-1166 - Vessels exempt from provisions of act.
32-1172 - Fees.
32-1173 - Same; disposition.
32-1174 - Boating safety financial assistance fund.
32-1177 - Accident reports.
32-1178 - Same; transmittal to federal agency.
32-1179 - Peace officers' powers.
32-1180 - Penalties for violations.