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2021 Statute

Section Number

24-1201 - Title of act.
24-1201a - Declaration of public necessity for creation of districts; power; benefits.
24-1202 - Definitions.
24-1203 - Establishment of district by petition.
24-1203a - Establishment of district initiated by board of county commissioners.
24-1204 - Contents of petition; form.
24-1205 - Petition, circulation; inclusion of city or part thereof within proposed boundaries, identification; filing and determination of sufficiency of petition.
24-1206 - Sufficient petition transmitted to chief engineer; investigation, report and approval or disapproval; approval required, when; transmittal of approval to secretary of state and to chairperson of steering committee.
24-1207 - Meeting of steering committee; notice; election of board of directors; officers; election on organization of district; voting places and election procedures; certification of results to secretary of state; certificate of incorporation, issuance and recordation, when; actions attacking incorporation, limitations.
24-1208 - Payment of costs and expenses when petition or resolution is disapproved by engineer or defeated by voters; tax levy.
24-1209 - Corporate powers and duties.
24-1210 - Directors; number; terms; expenses.
24-1211 - Election of directors at annual meeting; report of financial condition, projects and activities; notice and conduct of elections; vacancies; changes in number of directors or date of annual meeting; notice; procedure.
24-1212 - Open meetings of directors; notice; quorum.
24-1213 - General plan, estimate of costs and information as to benefits; transmittal to chief engineer, when; open to public; report to directors.
24-1214 - Financing proposed projects; methods; resolution as to costs; public hearing; notice, contents; appearances; written statement required; transmittal of written statements to chief engineer; adoption, modification or rejection of general plan or method of financing; official general plan and official method of financing; resubmissions, when.
24-1214a - Districts adopting general plan prior to April 1, 1961; method of financing; procedure.
24-1215 - Approval of bond issue by qualified voters of district required; notice; election procedures; tax levies for financing costs; resolution, publication; protest petition; election.
24-1216 - Order and procedure as to specific projects; surveys, plans, specifications and estimates of costs; filing with secretary of board; open to inspection; transmittal of approved plans to chief engineer, when; review of general plan; revisions of plan; report by chief engineer, requirements.
24-1217 - Computation of special assessments; appraisement and apportionment; resolution; limitations; hearing of complaints; notice; alterations; resolution fixing assessments; notice to landowners; bonds and levies, when.
24-1218 - Right of entry upon lands in connection with work of district; damages.
24-1219 - No-fund warrants for initial expenses; annual tax levies for general fund expenses; increased levies, procedure; tax levies for no-fund warrants and bonds; structure maintenance fund.
24-1220 - Improvement bonds for works of improvement; terms; how payable; limitation on bonded indebtedness.
24-1221 - Act supplemental to other laws.
24-1222 - Chief engineer authorized to transfer territory from one district to another, when; petition.
24-1223 - Same; contents of petition.
24-1224 - Same; presentment of petition to chief engineer; notice and hearing.
24-1225 - Same; findings, decisions and declarations of chief engineer.
24-1226 - Same; liability for outstanding bonded indebtedness.
24-1227 - Extension of territory of district; petition, contents; approval of chief engineer.
24-1228 - Dissolution of district, when; resolution; petition; election; certificate of dissolution.
24-1229 - Dissolution of portion of district; petition, contents; powers and duties of chief engineer; notice and hearing; evidence; findings, filing; certificate of dissolution; recordation; removal of director upon dissolution, effect.
24-1230 - Notification of directors upon dissolution or partial dissolution of district; duties of secretary, treasurer and directors; effective date of dissolution; recordation of certificate of dissolution.
24-1231 - Disposition of funds of totally or partially disorganized district; duties of treasurer.
24-1232 - Minutes and records of totally dissolved district filed with county clerk.
24-1233 - Districts established prior to July 1, 1961; confirmation and validation; procedure.
24-1234 - Intermittent closing of roads within watershed district; county roads; permit application; authority and duties of board of county commissioners; publication and notice.
24-1235 - Same; township roads; permit application; authority and duties of board of township trustees; publication and notice.
24-1236 - Same; county bridge and township road, 24-1234 applies; approval by board of township trustees.
24-1237 - Same; costs of publication and notice; permit to require road markers.
24-1238 - Watershed district responsibilities transferred to city of Atchison.
24-1239 - White Clay watershed district dissolved.
24-1240 - White Clay watershed district property, contract and debt obligations transferred to city of Atchison.