Senate Bills and Resolutions in Committee:
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
SB111 |
Allowing a Kansas itemized deduction for wagering losses for income tax purposes. |
SB112 |
Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of farm products sold at farmers' markets. |
Commerce - 1 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
SB10 |
Enacting the right to earn a living act to minimize unnecessary occupational licensing and regulation. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
SB11 |
Prohibiting the altering or backdating of the postmarks of advance mail ballots. |
SB108 |
Creating the veterans benefit lottery game fund and transferring moneys to veterans service programs. |
SB109 |
Requiring the Kansas commission on veterans affairs office to submit an initial application for a VA state veterans home construction grant. |
HB2209 |
Enacting the psychology interjurisdictional compact to provide for interjurisdictional authorization to practice telepsychology and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology. |
HB2339 |
Expanding the crime of election tampering to include changing or altering votes cast, manipulating computer hardware or software or vote tabulation methods or producing false vote totals. |
HB2406 |
Sunday start time for the sale of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage in retail stores changed from 12 noon to 9 a.m. |
HB2417 |
Allowing clubs and drinking establishments to sell beer and cereal malt beverage for consumption off the licensed premises. |
HCR5013 |
Urging congress to propose the "keep nine" amendment to the United States constitution to prohibit expanding the number of justices on the United States supreme court. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2236 |
Authorizing exclusion of the sales comparison approach in mortgage financing appraisals of certain unique residential real property in rural counties. |
Judiciary - 9 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
SCR1605 |
Constitutional amendment reserving the powers of initiative and referendum to the people. |
HB2191 |
Increasing criminal penalties for the crimes of riot and incitement to riot when the crime occurs in a correctional facility. |
HB2192 |
Authorizing court services officers and community corrections officers to provide a certification of identification to offenders for use to obtain a new driver's license. |
HB2275 |
Requiring the department of corrections to develop guidance to be used by parole officers when responding to violations of parole and postrelease supervision and that incentivize compliant behavior. |
HB2277 |
Clarifying the definition of possession in the Kansas criminal code. |
HB2362 |
Modifying the elements of and making changes to the criminal penalties of abuse of a child. |
HB2366 |
Requiring prosecutors to disclose their intent to introduce testimony from a jailhouse witness and to forward information to the Kansas bureau of investigation. |
HB2374 |
Authorizing the Kansas sentencing commission to change risk assessment cut-off levels for participation in the certified drug abuse treatment program. |
HB2412 |
Enacting the Kansas fights addiction act to establish a grant program for the purpose of preventing, reducing, treating and mitigating the effects of substance abuse and addiction. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2259 |
Permitting the use of expedited partner therapy to treat a sexually transmitted disease. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2292 |
Creating exemptions in the open records act for cyber security assessments, plans and vulnerabilities. |
HB2297 |
Concerning requirements of publication of certain documents by the secretary of state; relating to session laws, the Kansas register, proposed amendments to the constitution of the state of Kansas, and Kansas administrative rules and regulations and guidance documents. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
SB110 |
Authorizing the issuance of bonds for the construction of a state veterans home. |
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