House Bills and Resolutions in Committee:
Agriculture - 6 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2392 |
Providing lifetime combination fishing, hunting and furharvester licenses to any Kansas air or army national guard veteran who served for 20 years and was honorably discharged. |
HB2335 |
Creating the Kansas cotton commission and requiring the commission to levy an assessment upon cotton marketed through commercial channels in the state of Kansas at a rate of not more than 10 cents per bale. |
HB2310 |
Creating the Kansas healthy soils fund and the Kansas healthy soils initiative for the purpose of promoting healthy soils practices in the state of Kansas. |
HB2309 |
Requiring manufacturers of electronics-enabled equipment used in agriculture, animal husbandry and ranching to make available to farmers, ranchers and independent repair providers, on fair and reasonable terms, the documentation, parts and tools used to diagnose, maintain and repair such equipment. |
HB2284 |
Reducing certain camp site and cabin fees at Kansas state parks by 50% for senior citizens. |
HB2204 |
Prohibiting the use of identifiable meat terms on labels of meat analogs without either an accompanying disclaimer that the product does not contain meat or the inclusion of the word "imitation" before the name of the meat food product being imitated. |
Appropriations - 10 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2435 |
Defining emergency responders to include public safety telecommunicators. |
HB2426 |
Authorizing municipalities to issue bonds and warrants in excess of expected revenue in the case of a declared emergency and raising the maximum bond interest rate. |
HB2404 |
Providing a KPERS death and long-term disability employer contribution moratorium. |
HB2402 |
Excluding hypothetical leased fee when determining fair market value for property taxation purposes. |
HB2396 |
Making supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2021 through 2032 for various state agencies and revising the pooled money investment portfolio repayment schedule. |
HB2286 |
Creating the campus intellectual diversity act to establish an office of public policy events at each public postsecondary educational institution. |
HB2206 |
Updating certain definitions, referral to specialty services and coordination of care provisions in the Kansas telemedicine act. |
HB2195 |
Holding reimbursing employers and other employers harmless for fraudulent unemployment insurance claims and reimbursing the unemployment insurance trust fund with moneys from the state general fund for improper benefits payments. |
HB2188 |
Requiring review by the joint committee on information technology of state agency contracts for certain information technology projects. |
SB1 |
Authorizing the state fair board to use moneys in the state fair capital improvements fund for general operations for fiscal years 2021 and 2022. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2338 |
Establishing a pilot program in the department for children and families to assist children in the custody of the secretary in obtaining a driver's license. |
HB2283 |
Concerning state benefit requirements and limitations for the temporary assistance for needy families program. |
HB2271 |
Permitting the court to exercise jurisdiction over children in need of care and adult children in need of care to extend or re-enter custody of the secretary for children and families until 21 years of age. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2442 |
Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs. |
HB2433 |
Protecting consumers and preventing online retail crime by requiring online marketplaces to verify and authenticate the identity of third parties who sell products on their platforms. |
HB2393 |
Providing workers compensation benefits for first responders suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. |
HB2370 |
Prohibiting a criminal conviction from acting as a sole disqualification for occupational licensure and creating guidelines to follow when considering criminal convictions of an applicant for occupational licensure. |
HB2354 |
Providing public employees and professional employees certain rights with respect to withholding of public employee organization and professional employee organization dues. |
HB2351 |
Providing liability protection for businesses, municipalities and educational institutions that participate in high school work-based learning programs and providing that schools are responsible for injuries to students participating in such programs. |
HB2331 |
Providing for the limited transfer of landowner or tenant deer hunting permits to nonresidents. |
HB2312 |
Permitting injured workers to choose a healthcare provider for care under workers compensation law. |
HB2311 |
Extending workers compensation permanent disability benefits for the lifetime of the injured worker. |
HB2307 |
Expanding the definition of compensable personal injury in workers compensation law to include mental injuries suffered from physical injury, emotional shock or after a series of work-related events. |
HB2306 |
Restoring local control over certain compensation, wage and benefit requirements for construction projects. |
HB2305 |
Allowing cites, counties or other local units of government to raise the minimum wage by ordinance, resolution or law. |
HB2293 |
Creating the taxpayer empowerment, accountability and transparency in state contracting act; relating to private service contracts; requiring the department of administration to create a database of private service contract information and to analyze the potential impacts of such contracts; requiring contracting state agencies to obtain the resources needed to monitor the performance of private service contracts before finalizing such contracts. |
HB2221 |
Amending STAR bonds law by adding rural redevelopment projects and major business facilities, increasing certain project investment and sales requirements, adding a return on investment analysis and other requirements and approvals by the secretary and extending the sunset date. |
HB2220 |
Providing an employment preference for persons with a disability for state government positions. |
HB2182 |
Establishing the Kansas promise scholarship act to provide scholarships for students who attend postsecondary educational programs that correspond to high-need career fields, authorizing payment of tuition for students who are dually or concurrently enrolled in high school and postsecondary school and requiring school districts to insure against injury or loss during work-based learning programs. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2350 |
Expanding the number of presumptive probation and border grid blocks in the sentencing grid for nondrug crimes. |
HB2347 |
Making changes related to sex offenses including creating the crime of rape during a treatment session, lowering the criminal penalty for attempt, conspiracy and solicitation of certain sex offenses and changing the elements of, reducing criminal penalties and removing registration requirements for unlawful voluntary sexual relations. |
HB2318 |
Providing for early discharge for certain offenders on lifetime postrelease supervision and changing the definition of a persistent sex offender. |
HB2300 |
Abolishing the death penalty and creating the crime of aggravated murder. |
HB2288 |
Decriminalizing the possession of drugs, reducing the criminal penalty for distributing or manufacturing drugs, referring those found in possession of a controlled substance to drug abuse treatment and creating the crime of failure to comply with drug abuse treatment. |
HB2276 |
Removing opposite sex requirement for unlawful voluntary sexual relations. |
HB2274 |
Increasing the criminal penalty for buying sexual relations and removing provisions related to how prior convictions are counted. |
HB2223 |
Amending the crimes of criminal sodomy and sexual battery to make certain conduct unlawful when the victim's consent was obtained through a knowing misrepresentation. |
HB2211 |
Requiring law enforcement officers to impound the vehicles of individuals unable to provide proof of financial security under certain circumstances. |
HB2190 |
Clarifying successive motions, new evidence and time limitations for habeas corpus claims. |
Elections - 10 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HCR5009 |
Making application to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of the states on election integrity. |
HCR5007 |
Constitutional amendment reserving the powers of initiative and referendum to the people. |
HCR5004 |
Proposing to amend Section 11 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Kansas regarding the filing of vacancies in the office of Attorney General and the Secretary of State. |
HB2344 |
Requiring Riley county to elect a county sheriff beginning in the 2022 election cycle and abolishing the Riley county law enforcement agency. |
HB2334 |
Prohibiting the networking of electronic voting machines and providing for recounts of the results tabulated by such machines. |
HB2333 |
Prohibiting the acceptance of incomplete applications for advance voting ballots, prohibiting candidates for office from engaging in certain conduct with respect to advance voting ballots and expanding the crime of electioneering. |
HB2326 |
Requiring precinct committeemen and committeewomen to provide the county clerk with their address, phone number and email address and limiting the disclosure of the phone number and email address to county and state party chairpersons. |
HB2319 |
Shortening the deadline for the return of advance voting ballots to 5:00 p.m. the day after the election and providing the deadline cannot be altered by an elected or appointed official or a court. |
HB2278 |
Providing for the publication of signed statements of fair campaign practices and a cause of action and penalties for violations of such statement. |
HB2235 |
Requiring lobbyists to wear body cameras while in the statehouse, making such recordings public records and prohibiting any economic benefit or hospitality provided by a lobbyist to a legislator or candidates for the legislature. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2330 |
Authorizing solar power purchase agreements with renewable energy suppliers and exempting the sales of electricity pursuant to power purchase agreements from public utility regulation. |
HB2291 |
Applying the net metering and easy connection act to electric cooperatives and municipal utilities, increasing compensation to customer-generators, authorizing larger renewable energy systems and increasing the total net metered facility cap. |
HB2290 |
Requiring the secretary of health and environment to assess carbon content fees upon certain fuel sales and the secretary of the department of revenue to distribute carbon content dividend payments to Kansans. |
HB2181 |
Requiring the state corporation commission to provide the legislature with an annual report of the electric rates of electric public utilities in the region. |
HB2180 |
Requiring changes to electric rates for transmission costs to be approved through an electric utility's general rate case proceedings. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HCR5018 |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to remove legislative immunity from arrest in going to, or returning from, the place of meeting, or during the continuance of the legislative session and from civil service of process during the legislative session or 15 days prior to the commencement of the legislative session. |
HCR5012 |
Revising Article 10 of the Kansas Constitution to establish a redistricting commission. |
HCR5011 |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal section 16 of article 15 of the constitution of the state of Kansas that requires marriage to be between individuals of the opposite sex. |
HCR5010 |
Constitutional amendment to add a new article imposing a limitation on state expenditures. |
HCR5008 |
Urging the U.S. congress to extend daylight saving time throughout the year for the whole nation. |
HB2454 |
Creating additional violations of criminal discharge of a firearm for discharges that are near a school or projectiles that leave the property from which they are discharged. |
HB2453 |
Authorizing the sale and delivery of cereal malt beverages and beer containing not more than 6% alcohol by volume to patrons under the Kansas cereal malt beverage act. |
HB2450 |
Authorizing the Kansas lottery to offer sports wagering with an existing contract provider or to issue a request for proposal for such purpose. |
HB2449 |
Prohibiting stay-at-home orders and curfews and certain public and private entities from requiring vaccinations, requiring the capitol and legislative meetings be open to the public and protecting the freedom of worship and operation of private businesses. |
HB2444 |
Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas lottery act. |
HB2439 |
Creating the crime of unauthorized disclosure of a child's sexual orientation or gender identity. |
HB2436 |
Enacting the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act and enacting the Kansas innovative solutions for affordable healthcare act to expand medical assistance eligibility. |
HB2434 |
Requiring business entities and public employers to register and use the e-verify program for employment purposes and disallowing certain income tax deductions. |
HB2430 |
Creating the Kansas cannabis legalization act to authorize the cultivation, manufacture, sale, possession and use of cannabis and cannabis products. |
HB2427 |
Requiring registration as a sex offender for certain violations of the crime of breach of privacy. |
HB2424 |
Amending the definition of "race" in the Kansas act against discrimination to include traits historically associated with race, including hair texture and protective hairstyles. |
HB2422 |
Requiring all persons to be 18 years of age to be eligible to give consent for marriage and eliminating exceptions to such requirement. |
HB2410 |
Creating the gun violence restraining order act authorizing the issuance of court orders prohibiting the purchase or possession of firearms by a person. |
HB2409 |
Providing a permanent exemption for postsecondary educational institutions from the public buildings requirements under the personal and family protection act. |
HB2407 |
Requiring postsecondary educational institutions to adopt a policy on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. |
HB2403 |
Establishing the community defense act to regulate sexually oriented businesses and impose criminal penalties for violations. |
HB2323 |
Amending statutes concerning the recognition of marriage and removing the requirement that marriage be between two parties of the opposite sex. |
HB2267 |
Creating the Kansas youth advisory council. |
HB2251 |
Requiring relinquishment of firearms pursuant to certain court orders related to domestic violence. |
HB2222 |
Requiring the Kansas bureau of investigation to establish a Kansas voluntary do-not-sell firearms list to prevent the purchase of firearms by any person who voluntarily registers to be placed on the list. |
HB2199 |
Authorizing sports wagering under the Kansas expanded lottery act. |
HB2184 |
Creating the Kansas medical marijuana regulation act. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2431 |
Expanding the rural opportunity zone program by changing the definition of rural opportunity zone, expanding eligibility for program participants, adding down payment assistance as a benefit under such program, providing for a two-track program and establishing a new rural community building program option. |
HB2429 |
Establishing the city utility low-interest loan program, allowing cities to apply to the state treasurer for loans from state unencumbered funds for extraordinary electric or natural gas costs incurred during the extreme winter weather event of February 2021. |
HB2398 |
Enacting the technology-enabled trust bank act, providing requirements, fiduciary powers, duties, functions and limitations for trust banks and the administration thereof by the bank commissioner and creating an income and privilege tax credit for certain qualified distributions from trust banks. |
HB2320 |
Enacting the commercial property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) act, providing financing for certain energy, water, air, health and renewable energy efficiency improvements through assessment contracts between C-PACE lenders and property owners and establishing certain rights, duties and responsibilities for mortgage lenders regarding C-PACE assessments. |
HB2282 |
Allowing the state treasurer to enter into agreements with eligible applicants to guarantee agricultural loans up to 80% and creating a committee to review and approve applications for such guaranteed loans. |
HB2189 |
Providing restrictions, lender reporting and other requirements for alternative small installment loans made under the UCCC. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2400 |
Enacting the massage therapist licensure act, to provide for regulation and licensing of massage therapists. |
HB2385 |
Expanding the pharmacist's scope of practice to include point-of-care testing for and treatment of certain health conditions. |
HB2384 |
Establishing the advisory committee on harm reduction to advise KDHE on reducing incidents of harm to individuals in the state. |
HB2372 |
Establishing a medicaid ambulance service provider assessment to be imposed on ground ambulance service providers. |
HB2342 |
Allowing pharmacists to prescribe and fill prescriptions for self-administered contraceptives. |
HB2327 |
Prohibiting county boards, trustees or employees from restricting visitors of residents of a county home for the aged or patients in a county hospital. |
HB2260 |
Prohibiting disparate treatment by pharmacy benefits managers of certain pharmacies and pharmaceutical services providers. |
HB2258 |
Enacting the right to family planning act to require contraceptives to be available at pharmacies. |
HB2257 |
Permitting physicians to decide based on their medical judgment whether to provide patients with certain information. |
HB2256 |
Updating scope of practice requirements for advanced practice registered nurses without a supervising physician, imposing requirements therefor and updating certain licensure requirements. |
HB2255 |
Enacting the sexual assault survivor information act to require certain entities to provide information to sexual assault survivors. |
HB2210 |
Making it a crime for a doctor to perform gender reassignment surgery or hormone replacement therapy on minors. |
HB2207 |
Prohibiting certain licensed individuals from using conversion therapy on minors. |
HB2202 |
Enacting the Kansas death with dignity act. |
HB2179 |
Providing for the licensure of dental therapists. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2425 |
Requiring a member of the state board of regents to be a student member nominated by the students' advisory committee. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2388 |
Requiring health benefit plans to cover certain professional services when performed by pharmacists. |
HB2383 |
Providing for enhanced regulation of pharmacy benefits managers and requiring licensure rather than registration of such entities. |
HB2378 |
Creating the Kansas work and save program under the administration of the state treasurer and allowing certain individuals to contribute to individual retirement accounts. |
HB2368 |
Increasing the motor vehicle liability insurance minimum policy limit for bodily injury. |
HB2348 |
Modifying automobile insurance policy uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage liability limitations for bodily injury or death. |
HB2343 |
Providing for insurance coverage for prescription contraceptives dispensed for three or twelve-month periods. |
HB2325 |
Prohibiting certain billing practices by health insurers and enacting the end surprise medical bills act. |
HB2324 |
Establishing a $100 maximum out-of-pocket cost-share per month per covered person for prescription insulin drugs. |
HB2289 |
Authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000,000 of pension obligation bonds to finance a portion of the unfunded actuarial liability of KPERS and utilizing the net investment returns on such bonds to provide annual retirant dividend payments to certain retirants. |
HB2242 |
Increasing the percentage amount the state fire marshal may levy on fire insurance company premiums caused by fire business being transacted in Kansas. |
HB2241 |
Requiring certain insurance coverage for diagnostic examinations for breast cancer. |
HB2198 |
Permitting local eligible employers to affiliate with KP&F with regard to coverage of certain local corrections employees. |
Judiciary - 12 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HCR5017 |
Supporting the adoption of the COVID-19 Vaccine Bill of Rights |
HCR5006 |
A constitutional amendment revising article 3, relating to the judiciary; placing the court of appeals into the constitution; and changing the nomination and appointment process for court of appeals judges to use the existing process for supreme court justices. |
HB2451 |
Directing that tobacco product manufacturer remittances be credited to the Kansas endowment for youth fund rather than deposited into escrow upon certification by the attorney general. |
HB2376 |
Requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt a policy relating to making arrests for violation of a protective order and procedures for separating suspects from the scene for a period of time. |
HB2375 |
Adding items to the the definitions of a knife and weapon for purposes of the crime of criminal possession of a weapon by a convicted felon. |
HB2356 |
Enacting the uniform partition of heirs property act to prescribe procedures and requirements for partition of certain real property. |
HB2346 |
Allowing release of defendants to a pretrial supervision entity or program and allowing fees associated with supervision to the nonjudicial salary adjustment fund at the discretion of a chief judge. |
HB2322 |
Regulating contract for deed transactions, authorizing recording of contract for deeds or affidavits of equitable interest, listing deceptive practices constituting violations of the consumer protection act, requiring notice to the buyer of default and allowing buyers to cure violations of such default. |
HB2308 |
Allowing investigations of child deaths by coroner before performing an autopsy. |
HB2285 |
Creating the campus free speech act to require each public postsecondary educational institution to adopt a policy of free expression. |
HB2226 |
Requiring certain criminal convictions to be expunged from an offender's record automatically. |
SB104 |
Requiring a court order be issued directing a child to remain in a present or future placement for certain children in need of care. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2411 |
Authorizing local boards of eduction to choose which professional employees' organization to recognize as the exclusive bargaining unit for negotiations conducted under the professional negotiations act. |
HB2359 |
Establishing the nonproficient student weighting in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act. |
HB2269 |
Amending the definition of an at-risk student in the Kansas school equity and enhancement act to require at-risk funding to be determined based on a poverty metric for certain students and proficiency metric for other students. |
HB2240 |
Excluding U.S.D. No. 207, Fort Leavenworth, from the capital improvement state aid schedule. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2233 |
Enacting the municipal historic building act. |
HB2232 |
Limiting the maximum number of signatures required for certain municipal petitions for proposed ordinances and extending the effective period of such ordinances and providing for narrow construction of certain administrative ordinances. |
HB2205 |
Authorizing publication of legal notices by a city, county, school district or other board or entity on a designated official website. |
HB2177 |
Providing for the dissolution of special districts and the assumption of responsibilities by a city or county. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2382 |
Making appropriations for the Kansas department for aging and disability services to provide services to individuals waiting to receive intellectual or developmental disability home and community-based services; lapsing state foundation aid and authorizing school districts to expend unencumbered cash balances. |
HB2249 |
Setting the protected income level for persons receiving home and community-based services at 150% of federal supplemental security income. |
Taxation - 30 bills and 0 resolutions
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HCR5016 |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to provide for the classification and taxation of all-terrain vehicles. |
HB2452 |
Sourcing sales of motor vehicles to location of vehicle registration for sales and compensating use tax purposes. |
HB2446 |
Providing income tax modifications for global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, business meals and payment protection program loans and expenses, expanding the expense deduction availability to income tax taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount, exempting from income compensation attributable to unemployment insurance identity fraud, requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales, use, transient guest taxes and 911 fees from sales made through their platforms, providing nexus for certain retailers and removing click-through nexus provisions, imposing sales tax on digital property and subscription services, increasing the Kansas standard deduction for income tax purposes and providing a refundable income tax credit for certain purchases of food and discontinuing the nonrefundable food sales tax credit. |
HB2445 |
Providing for a property tax exemption for health clubs. |
HB2441 |
Providing for the award of compensation by a governmental entity commandeering or using property under the Kansas emergency management act. |
HB2440 |
Creating a property tax exemption for retired and disabled veterans. |
HB2438 |
Allowing disabled veterans to receive a property tax exemption for up to two motor vehicles. |
HB2437 |
Creating a state tax credit for family caregivers of disabled veterans. |
HB2432 |
Adjusting the rate of sales and compensating use tax on food and food ingredients and implementing additional formulaic adjustments to tax rate. |
HB2428 |
Increasing rates of tax of cigarettes and tobacco products, establishing the cigarette and tobacco products cessation fund and providing for adjusted sales tax rate for food and food ingredients. |
HB2423 |
Authorizing continuation of the 20 mill statewide property tax levy for schools and the exemption of a portion of residential property from such levy. |
HB2421 |
Providing income tax modifications for global intangible low-taxed income, business interest, capital contributions, FDIC premiums, business meals and payment protection program loans and expenses; expanding the expense deduction availability to income tax taxpayers and calculating the deduction amount; allowing an individual to itemize deductions in Kansas despite not itemizing on their federal return; and exempting from income compensation attributable to unemployment insurance ID fraud. |
HB2420 |
Requiring prior year tax information to be included on the classification and appraised valuation notice. |
HB2418 |
Establishing an additional quarterly option for time of payment of property taxes for certain persons 65 years of age and older. |
HB2413 |
Providing a sales tax exemption for friends of hospice of Jefferson county. |
HB2395 |
Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales and compensating use taxes, transient guest taxes and prepaid wireless 911 fees and providing nexus for certain retailers that make sales in Kansas. |
HB2358 |
Providing a sales tax exemption for nonprofit integrated community care organizations. |
HB2357 |
Establishing the property tax relief act and providing expiration of the selective assistance for effective relief credit and the homestead property tax refund. |
HB2352 |
Providing a sales tax exemption for sales of farm products sold at farmers' markets. |
HB2317 |
Providing a tax credit for expenditures for placing a qualified alternative-fuel fueling station into service. |
HB2314 |
Increasing the sales tax collection threshold for certain retailers and the required time frame for payment of tax and then discontinuing the pre-payment of such tax. |
HB2304 |
Increasing income tax credit for expenditures to make a principal dwelling accessible to persons with a disability. |
HB2303 |
Adjusting the credit and income amounts for the income tax credit for purchases of food in this state. |
HB2273 |
Providing a sales tax exemption for active aging publishing, inc. |
HB2266 |
Allowing an individual to itemize deductions in Kansas despite not itemizing on their federal return. |
HB2265 |
Providing a sales tax exemption for required textbooks and authorizing a local sales tax on required textbooks. |
HB2230 |
Imposing sales tax on digital property and subscription services. |
HB2225 |
Requiring marketplace facilitators to collect and remit sales and compensating use tax and providing nexus for certain retailers that make sales in Kansas. |
HB2197 |
Providing for abatement of property tax for certain buildings or improvements destroyed or substantially destroyed by natural disaster. |
HB2185 |
Enacting the Kansas taxpayer protection act, requiring the signature and tax identification number of paid tax return preparers on income tax returns and authorizing actions to enjoin paid tax return preparers from engaging in certain conduct. |
Bill Number |
Shorttitle |
HB2341 |
Permitting vehicle manufacturers to be vehicle dealers, repealing territory restrictions for vehicle dealers and creating an interest rate cap for motor vehicle loans. |
HB2337 |
Creating a misdemeanor for causing an injury to a vulnerable road user. |
HB2294 |
Requiring any individual or agency selling an abandoned or towed vehicle to acquire a certificate of title from the division of vehicles before the sale. |
HB2246 |
Excluding air bags from the definition of cost of repairs for salvage vehicles. |
HB2217 |
Excluding the additional 90-day wait period and providing for the elimination and delay of payment for certain fees for restricted driving privileges. |
HB2216 |
Establishing maximum towing rates and standard procedures for wrecker and towing services. |
HB2194 |
Providing for the alpha kappa alpha distinctive license plate. |
SB100 |
Substitute for SB 100 by Committee on Transportation – Excluding the additional 90-day wait period driver’s license suspension for certain offenses. |
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