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March 9, 2025
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Minutes for SB546 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Providing for the use and regulation of autonomous motor vehicles and establishing the autonomous vehicle advisory committee.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 29, 2022

Staff briefed the Committee on the bill's contents. (Attachment 1)

Mike O'Neal was the first proponent. (Attachment 2)  According to Mr. O'Neal, Kansas is one of only six states that has not addressed autonomous vehicles in their laws. He said Walmart has partnered with AV industry leader Gatik, which has a 100% safety record.

The next proponent was Richard Steiner. (Attachment 3)  He shared with the Committee Gatik's vision for the safe and structured introduction of autonomous vehicles in the State of Kansas.

R.E. "Tuck" Duncan was the next proponent. (Attachment 4) He discussed the makeup of the Autonomous Vehicle Advisory Committee. He thought the Advisory Committee should include a member appointed by the Kansas Public Transit Association.

The Committee's attention was drawn to the Written Testimony in support of SB546 by Mike Hoeme, Director of Transportation, Kansas Corporation Commission (Attachment 5) and Leighton Yates, Auto Innovate (Attachment 6).


The Vice Chair recognized Michael DeKort as the first opponent. (Attachment 7)  According to Mr. DeKort, his opposition to the bill is not because he is against the creation and use of autonomous vehicles, it is the approach the industry is using to develop and test that technology. He said that approach is untenable from a time, cost and safety point of view.

The next opponent was Matthew Hall. (Attachment 8)  He said he felt any new technology should be introduced safely and with as little impact on lives and society as possible. He said all drivers - truck, bus and other transportation workers will be sharing the road with AVs for years and safety is of utmost importance.

The Committee's attention was drawn to the Written Testimony in opposition to SB546 by:

Mike Kane, Construction and General Laborers' Local Union 1290 (Attachment 9)

Jake Miller, Executive Director, Working Kansas Alliance (Attachment 10)

Nicholas Gleason, Union Steward, Teamsters Local Union 696 (Attachment 11)

Blake A. Shuart, Hutton and Hutton Law Firm (Attachment 12)

Daniel Hinkle on behalf of Kansas Trial Lawyers (Attachment 13)


The first neutral testimony was from KDOT Secretary Julie Lorenz. (Attachment 14)   She said this bill was intended to ensure that Kansas is not left behind in technology advances.  However, Secretary Lorenz said they had some concerns which they listed. She also said they listed some technical recommendations which would improve safety and make it a better bill.

Ed Klumpp was the next neutral conferee. (Attachment 15)  According to Mr. Klumpp, there was definite law enforcement interest in policy that sets  a standard that assures appropriate enforcement actions can be taken.  He pointed out some key areas of concern that had been addressed due to everyone working together for the best solutions.

Wendi Stark was recognized as the next neutral conferee. (Attachment 16)  She said originally they had some areas of concern and many of these concerns had been addressed. Ms. Stark said they encouraged the advisory committee to engage with law enforcement and prosecutors regarding any issues that might arise concerning regulations or enforcement of this bill.

James Murphy was the next neutral conferee.  (Attachment 17)  He talked about Locomation's Autonomous Relay Convoy which is a system that is a human-led convoy of two trucks that are electronically tethered.  He said 28 other states already allow for close following of non-lead trucks in a platoon, and they should be included in SB546.

Ariel Wolf was the last neural conferee.  He testified on behalf of the Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association. (Attachment 18)  He said their association (AVIA) represents a cross-section of manufacturers and developers of autonomous vehicle technology in the United States. He said AVIA supports state legislation that provides for the safe and swift deployment of AV technology that will save lives and bolster supply chains. Mr. Wolf said they still have some concerns about SB546 which is why they remain neutral.

The Vice-Chairman asked if there were any other proponents, opponents or neutrals who desired to speak, no one came forward.

There was more discussion then the Vice-Chairman closed the hearing on SB546 and called for final action on this bill.

Representative Hoheisel moved to suspend Committee Rules to allow for final action on this bill, seconded by Representative Francis. Discussion followed. There was a hand vote of 7 yeas and 7 nos, falling short of the required two-thirds vote.  Motion to suspend the Rules failed.


Announcements - The Vice-Chairman reminded Committee members that the Big Springs Quarry Tour will be on April 25th and if Members have made a reservation to please plan to attend.

There being no further business before the Committee the meeting was adjourned.