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Dec. 10, 2024
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Minutes for HB2710 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Increasing the percentage of alcohol by volume allowed to not more than 16% for domestic table wine and the domestic fortified wine threshold to more than 16% alcohol by volume.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 21, 2022


The Chairman opened the hearing and called upon Jason Long for a revisor overview of the bill.

The Chairman called for testimony on the bill.

(Attachment 1)

Proponent Tyler Rudd explained the history leading up to the need for the bill to increase an important threshold from 14% to 16%.

(Attachment 2)

Proponent Tuck Duncan requested that the committee conform Kansas law to be consistent with federal law.

(Attachment 3)

Neutral Debbi Beavers confirmed the need to synchronize state law with federal law. Ms. Beavers provided notice that the bill may effect the agency in a small way and may need consideration in the future.

(Attachment 4)

Seeing no additional testimony, the Chairman closed the hearing on the bill.