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Minutes for HB2727 - Committee on Taxation

Short Title

Increasing the income limit for the income tax subtraction modification for social security income.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 17, 2022

Adam Siebers, Assistant Revisor, provided an overview for HB2727 that increases the amount of the subtraction modification for determining Kansas adjusted gross income.  Mr. Siebers stood for questions from Committee members.

Representative Gartner moved, seconded by Representative Helgerson, the Committee recommend HB2727 favorable for passage.

Representative Corbet moved, seconded by Representative Helgerson, to amend HB2727.   (Attachment 38)

Committee discussion ensued.

Representative Corbet closed on his amendment. for HB2727.  Motion failed.

Division was called and the motion failed 9 Ayes and 11 Nays.  The following members requested their vote be recorded as Aye: Representative Mason, Baker, Sanders, Wasinger, Corbet, Eplee, Helgerson.

Representative Smith moved, seconded by Representative Eplee, to amend HB2727. Motion passed   (Attachment 39)

Representative Corbet made a conceptual motion for HB2727,  seconded by Representative Helgerson to remove all social security income from Kansas taxable income effective for tax year 2022.

Committee discussion ensued.

Representative Corbet closed on his conceptual amendment for HB2727. Motion failed.

Division was called and the motion failed 10 Ayes and 10 Nays.  The following members requested their vote be recorded as Aye:   Representative Mason, Corbet, Helgerson, Sanders.

Representative Gartner renewed his motion to recommend HB2727 be passed as amended.  Motion passed.