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Minutes for SB553 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation
Short Title
Enacting the Kansas thrift savings plan act and establishing terms, conditions, requirements, membership elections, accounts, benefits, contributions and distributions related to such act.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 16, 2022
Revisor Amelia Kovar-Donohue provided a summary of the bill.
Proponent in-person testimony: Representative Ron Highland (Attachment 1)
Matthew Eickman, Qualified Plan Advisors (Attachment 2)
Opponent in-person testimony: Ernie Claudel, Kansas Coalition of Public Retirees (Attachment 3)
Jerry Henn, United School Administrators of Kansas (Attachment 4)
Ed Klumpp, Kansas Association of Chiefs or Police; Kansas Sheriffs Association; Kansas Peace Officers Association (Attachment 5)
Sarah LaFrenz, Kansas Promise Coalition (Attachment 6)
Hearing recessed.