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Minutes for HB2476 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Providing for the silver star and bronze star distinctive license plates.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 15, 2022

Chairperson Petersen called the meeting to order and opened the hearing on HB2476.

Assistant Revisor Adam Siebers briefed the Committee on the bill by saying that the bill creates two distinctive license plates honoring recipients of the Bronze Star Medal and the Silver Star Medal (Attachment 1).  He explained that the plates would be exempt from payment of the development costs and would be nontransferable.

Representative Tim Johnson, District 38, testified as a proponent for the bill (Attachment2).  He noted that the plates would honor veterans who had served with distinction in combat and would have minimum costs to the state.  Responding to a question, he replied that the Bronze Star is awarded to those who have acted with sacrifice and valor during combat; the Silver Star recognizes those who have distinguished themselves with higher levels of sacrifice and valor during combat.  Responding to another question, Mr. Siebers replied that a person applying for one of the plates must submit documents to the Department of Vehicles to verify their service.

The Chair closed the hearing on HB2476.