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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for HB2605 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Increasing the rural population requirement maximum for the veterinary training program for rural Kansas and creating a food animal percentage requirement that may be fulfilled in lieu thereof.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 15, 2022

Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2605.

Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes office explained the bill.  It would establish a new advisory committee and would require the program be administered by the College of Veterinary Medicine in consultation with the new advisory committee. It also removes some requirements and increases the amount allowed for a loan from 20,000 to 25,000 dollars.

Brad White testified in favor of the bill.  He told the committee that the Veterinary Training Program for Rural Kansans has made it possible for many veterinary students to attend the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine. It also helps the rural communities because once these students graduate they find jobs in those communities.  The bill raises the amount of money available to loan to 25,000 dollars which will allow more students to finish the program.  (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2)

Eilene Minnix spoke as a proponent of the bill.  She believes that the bill enhances the Veterinary Training Program for Rural Kansans to ensure rural communities in Kansas have access to veterinary services across the entire state. The bill will create an advisory board to serve over the program,change student eligibility criteria, provide more flexibility in funding dollars, and expand where a recipient may practice as it relates to rural Kansas and food animal medicine.(Attachment 3)

Written proponent testimony was submitted by:

Andy Hawkins-Assistan Animal Health Commissioner, Kansas Department of Agriculture(Attachment 4)

Nancy Brown and Matt Teagarden- Kansas Farm Bureau and Kansas Livestock Association(Attachment 5)

Anna Hickert-2020 graduate,Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine(Attachment 6)

Matt Kelso- veterinarian in Atchison(Attachment) 7

Rachel Jones-junior at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Veterinary Training Program for Rural Kansans(Attachment 8)

Brady Luke -veterinarian in Beloit (Attachment 9)

There was discussion among the committee members and conferees concerning the need for a program that would focus on working with large animals.  Questions also arose dealing with how students were selected for the program, how many were chosen for the program, and were there any students who did not fulfill the requirements as set forth by the program.

Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2605 , announced that final action on HB2605 would take place the next day and adjourned the meeting at 9:30.