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Minutes for HB2688 - Committee on Federal and State Affairs

Short Title

Requiring that licensed farm wineries be issued a cereal malt beverage retailer license if the statutory requirements for such retailer license are satisfied.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 17, 2022

The Chairman opened the hearing on the bill and called upon Jason Long for a Revisor overview of the bill.

(Attachment 1)

The Chairman called for testimony on the bill.

Proponent Whitney Damron described the bill and urged passage.

(Attachment 2)

Proponent Phillip Bradley explained that licensed wine purveyors would like to offer customers a choice of beverages other than wine.

(Attachment 3)

Proponent Kirk Berggren stated that this bill would prevent county governments from being a barrier to licensing.

(Attachment 4)

Neutral John Goodyear explained zoning and license implications of the bill.

(Attachment 5)

Written-Only Opponent:

Jay Hall, Kansas Association of Counties

(Attachment 6)

Seeing no more testimony the Chairman closed the hearing on the bill.