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Dec. 10, 2024
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Minutes for HB2732 - Committee on Taxation

Short Title

Enacting the Gage park improvement authority act providing for the creation of a Gage park improvement authority and a Gage park improvement authority sales tax within Shawnee county to be administered by the authority for the purpose of supporting Gage park, the Topeka zoo and the Kansas children's discovery center.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 16, 2022

Adam Siebers provided an overview for HB2732 that enacts the Gage Park Improvement Authority Act.  The Board of County Commissioners of Shawnee County may authorize the imposition of a sales tax on the retail sales made within Shawnee County and the funds would support the Gage Park Improvement Authority. 

 Representative Gartner moved, seconded by Representative Baker, the Committee recommend HB2732 favorable for passage.

Representative Smith moved, seconded by Representative Eplee, to amend HB2732. (Attachment 23)

Adam Siebers provided an explanation of the technical amendment for HB2732

Committee discussion ensued.

Motion passed.

Representative Gartner renewed his motion to recommend HB2732 be passed as amended.  Motion passed.

Representative Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:52 pm.