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Minutes for HB2724 - Committee on Taxation
Short Title
Excluding the required 20 mills for school districts from the notice and public hearing requirements to exceed the revenue neutral rate for property tax purposes.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 14, 2022
Mr. Siebers provided an overview on HB2724 stating the bill would exclude the statutorily imposed 20 mills that goes to finance education from the calculation when determining the revenue neutral rate when determining whether the notice and public hearing requirements that apply for a school district in order to exceed the revenue neutral rate when levying property tax. The provision will apply for tax year 2022 and thereafter.
Representative Mason moved, seconded by Representative Baker, the Committee recommend HB2724 favorable for passage.
Representative Smith moved, seconded by Representative Gartner, to amend HB2724. (Attachment 12)
Committee discussion ensued.
Motion passed.
Representative Mason renewed his motion to recommend HB2724 be passed as amended. Motion passed.