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Minutes for SB478 - Committee on Utilities

Short Title

Establishing requirements for wind energy conversion system obstruction lighting to mitigate the visual impact of such lighting systems.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 9, 2022

The Chairman called for opponent testimony on the bill.

Opponents Providing Oral Testimony:

Alan Anderson, Polsinelli, spoke as an opponent of the bill. He stated this bill gives us a chance to have the conversation on this issue, but the problem with this bill is we don't know the answers to so many questions, such as liability, costs passed on to the ratepayers, time frames may not be feasible, and would it would burden counties with having to create an application form for developers. He stated counties would have to hire experts to guide them through that process.  He said the topic of light mitigation should be discussed, but should not be rushed through without thorough exploration of opportunities and an evaluation of how to implement such systems. (Attachment 22)

Josh Svaty, Advanced Power Alliance, spoke as an opponent of the bill.  He stated they are sympathetic to lighting, but there are some issues they have with the bill.  He said they are happy to be a part of a conversation on dark skies, but everyone that contributes to lights in the sky needs to be at the table, such as radio, cell and TV towers.  He stated the technology is still advancing, there is no government funding for the wind companies for this mandate, and a task force should be created to study the issue. (Attachment 23)

Opponents providing written only testimony:

Gina Mace, Public Policy and Instiuttional Affairs Manager, North Central Region, Enel North America (Attachment 24)

Jay Hall, Legislative Policy Director and General Counsel, Kansas Association of Counties  (Attachment 25)

Following opponent testimony, the Chairman opened up for questions. 

Seeing no more questions, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm.