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Minutes for HB2253 - Committee on Social Services Budget

Short Title

Updating certain provisions of the prescription monitoring program act relating to program data, storage and access, increasing the membership of the advisory committee and providing for setup and annual maintenance fees for program data integration.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 9, 2022

Chairperson Carpenter opened the hearing on HB2253.

Scott Abbott, Revisor of Statutes Office gave an overview of the bill and distributed amendments.(Attachment 1)

Alexandra Blasi gave proponent testimony. (Attachment 2) 

Tara Mays gave proponent testimony.(Attachment 3)

Sarah Fertig, gave neutral testimony. (Attachment 4)

Written Only proponent testimony was submitted by:

Carol Moreland, Kansas Board of Nursing (Attachment 5)

Written Only neutral testimony was submitted by:

Vicki Whitaker, Kansas Association of Osteopathic Medicine(Attachment 6)

Todd Fleischer, Kansas Optometric Association(Attachment 7)

Chairperson Carpenter closed the hearing on HB2253

Chairperson Carpenter asked for a motion to suspend the rules to work the bill the same day it was heard.

Representative Clifford moved to suspend the rules.  Seconded by Representative Ruiz.  Motion carried.

Representative Ballard made a motion to work HB2253.  Seconded by Representative Ruiz.  Motion carried.

Representative Ballard moved that the committee accept adding additional language to pg. 5, lines 7 and 8.  Seconded by Representative Vaughn.  Motion carried.

Representative Clifford moved that the committee strike from the bill language on pg. 4, lines 5 to 16, (b) 1 and 2.  Seconded by Representative Howerton.

Discussion ensued.

Scott Abbott, Revisor, suggested all of Section 3 be removed.

Representative Clifford moved to modify his motion by removing all of Section 3.  Seconded by Representative Howerton.   Motion carried.

Representative Howerton moved to add language on pg. 3, line 10.  Seconded by Representative Ballard.  Motion carried.

Representative Ballard moved that HB2253 as amended, be passed.  Seconded by Representative Ruiz.  Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:58 pm.

Next meeting scheduled Tuesday, March 15.