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March 12, 2025
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Minutes for SB362 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Requiring local boards of education to document and consider the school needs assessment and state assessments in the budget process.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 7, 2022

Chairperson Williams opened the hearing on SB 362

Nick Myers, Revisor, reviewed SB 362 bill brief with the Committee. (Attachment 2)

Mr. Myers responded to questions from the Committee.

Craig Neuenswander, Kansas State Department of Education Deputy Commissioner, who attended the meeting, took questions from the Committee.

Dave Trabert, Kansas Policy Institute (KPI), provided testimony in support of SB 362. He reviewed KPI's audit of 25 schools districts' preparation of needs assessments that were statutorily intended to form the basis for their 2022 budget process. He provided analysis of KPI's audit findings. (Attachment 3)

Mike O’Neal, Kansas Policy Institute, provided testimony in support of SB 362. He noted that this bill is intended to ensure that the original intent of the long-standing requirement for building-based needs assessment informing the budget decisions by locally elected boards is fully met and transparent. (Attachment 4)

Mark Tallman, Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB), provided testimony in support of SB 362. He noted that KASB supports the concept of using student achievement data to support budget decisions by local school districts.  He remarked KASB appeared neutral in the Senate Education Committee due to several concerns with the original bill, however due to amendments that were adopted by that committee, KASB supports the bill with the amendments. (Attachment 5)

Mr. Trabert, Mr. O'Neal, and Mr. Tallman responded to questions from the Committee.

Proponent written testimony provided by:

Deena Horst and Ben Jones, Legislative Liaisons, Kansas State Board of Education (Attachment 6)

G.A. Buie, Executive Director, United School Administrators of Kansas (Attachment 7)

There being no further conferees, Chairperson Williams closed the hearing on SB 362.

Chairperson Williams adjourned the meeting at 4:56 pm.