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Minutes for SB446 - Committee on Transportation
Short Title
Designating bridges on U.S. highway 166 and K-66 highway as Veterans Memorial Bridge.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 8, 2022
Staff briefed the Committee on the bill's content. (Attachment 4)
The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to the Written Testimony submitted in support of SB446 by Senator Mike Thompson (Attachment 5) and Senator Richard Hilderbrand (Attachment 6)
There were no other proponents, opponents or neutrals so the Chairman closed the hearing on SB446.
Chairman asked for approval of the Minutes for meetings on January 25, February 01, 02, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 14, 2022. Representative Helgerson moved approval of the Minutes, seconded by Representative Delperdang. Motion carried.
Announcements - The next meeting will be tomorrow, March 9th and the Committee will hear a presentation from 3-M Transportation Safety Division.
There being no further business before the Committee the Chairman adjourned the meeting.