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March 9, 2025
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Minutes for SB161 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Providing for the use of personal package delivery devices on sidewalks and crosswalks, exempting such devices from motor vehicle regulation and limiting additional municipal regulation.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 15, 2022


Staff briefed the Committee on the contents of SB161 and answered questions. (Attachment 1)

The Chairman recognized Ashleigh de la Torre as the first proponent. (Attachment 2) She said Amazon launched "Scout" - an electric, autonomous delivery system in January 2019.  She said their device is the size of a beach-type cooler and moves at approximately the same speed as the average person walks.  She said "Scout" is able to stop or safely navigate around pedestrians, pets and obstacles.

Evan Oneto was the next proponent. (Attachment 3)  He said they believe that "Roxo" (the FedEx's delivery bot) will fill a great need in the demand for same-day deliveries.  Mr. Oneto said "Roxo" was designed by the inventor of the Segway.  He said it has a vast array of safety features including cameras, depth sensors, RADAR and a cargo load of 100 lbs.

The Chairman asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak as a proponent on SB161.  No one responded so the Chairman called on Jorge Quinones as the first opponent.

According to Mr. Quinones, this bill is a threat to good paying jobs as well as a threat to his personal economic security. (Attachment 4) Mr. Quinones said jobs like his provide top wages in their industry, health insurance and pensions.  He also said there were safety risks with a large, 800 pound, unmanned device going 15 miles per hour on sidewalks.

The Chairman drew the Committee's attention to Written Testimony in opposition to SB161 by Matt Hall, Political Coordinator for Teamsters Joint Council 56 and Written Testimony in opposition to SB161 by Jake Miller, Executive Director of the Working Kansas Alliance.

The Chairman asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak in opposition to this bill and no one responded so the Chairman called on Erik Sartorius who provided neutral testimony.(Attachment 5)

Mr. Sartorius said the first time a bill like this was proposed the League opposed it but after working with the proponents they agreed to some language changes which allowed the League to change their position to neutral.

The Chairman asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak to this bill as a proponent, opponent or neutral and no one responded so Chairman Proehl closed the hearing on SB161.


The Chairman brought up the Minutes of Committee meetings from February 15, 16, 17, 21 and March 3, 7 and 8, 2022.  Representative Helgerson moved approval of the Minutes, seconded by Representative DelperdangMotion carried.


Announcements - The Chairman announced the next meeting would be on Wednesday, March 16th.  The Committee will hear SB506 and have a Presentation on the Kansas Turnpike Authority presented by Steve Hewitt, CEO.


There being no further business before the Committee the meeting was adjourned.