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Minutes for SCR1621 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide that the governor will appoint supreme court justices subject to senate confirmation and to eliminate the supreme court nominating commission.

Minutes Content for Fri, Mar 4, 2022

Chairperson Warren opened a joint hearing on SCR1621 and SCR1622.

Jason Thompson, Senior Assistant Revisor provided an overview of SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2) The revisor responded to questions from Committee members.

Natalie Nelson, Legislative Researcher, distributed a Judicial Selection memo. (Attachment 3)       

Professor Stephen Ware testified in support of SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 4)

Joshua Ney testified in support of SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 5)

Alan Cobb testified in support of SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 6)

Eric Bolinder testified in support of SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 7)

Brittany Jones testified in support of SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 8)

Written only testimony in support of SCR1621 and SCR1622 was submitted by:

  • Mike O'Neal, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Kansas Policy Institute (Attachment 9)
  • Derek Schmidt, Kansas Attorney General Office of the Attorney General (Attachment 10)
  • Senator Ty Masterson, 16th District, Senate President, Kansas State Legislature (Attachment 11)

Proponent conferees responded to questions from Committee members.

Linda Browning Weis stated a neutral position on SCR1621 and SCR1621 by testifying on the integrity of the process over the last eight years and responded to questions from Committee members. (Attachment 12)

Diane Bellquist testified in opposition to SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 13)

Mike Fonkert testified in opposition to SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 14)

F. Jim Robinson testified in opposition to SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 15)

Mike Fleming testified in opposition to SCR1621 and SCR1622. (Attachment 16)

Written only testimony opposed to SCR1621 and SCR1622 was submitted by:

Opposing conferees responded to questions from Committee members.

Chairperson Warren called on Committee members for any further questions or discussion.

Chairperson Warren closed the hearing on SCR1621.

Chairperson Warren closed the hearing on SCR1622.