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Minutes for SB422 - Committee on Ways and Means

Short Title

Appropriations for FY 2023, FY 2024 and FY 2025 for various state agencies.

Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 8, 2022

Chairperson Billinger continued final action on SB 422 and SB 444.  Legislative Research continued the review started yesterday of items to be addressed prior to finalization of the budget.  (Attachment 2)

Department of Administration:  Steven Wu, Kansas Legislative Research Department (KLRD), reviewed item 10.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, to delete this funding in the budget because it is duplicated in SB 443 that has been passed out of the Senate.  Motion carried.

Judicial Branch: Item 11

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, to confirm the funding for the enhancement request.  Motion carried.

Item 12. The funding is in the budget so no action is needed.

Adjutant General: Item 13

The funding is in the budget so no action is needed.

Department of Corrections System: Item 14

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, to add the funding and language as requested.  Motion carried.

State Employee Pay:  Item 15

This item is in the budget so no action is needed.

Governmental Ethics Commission:  Item 16

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, to delete this item.  Motion carried.

Additional items:

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Suellentrop seconded, to add language allocating $35 million SGF of the $195 million appropriated for the university matching grants for FY 2023 with a distribution of $7 million each year for five years for the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) works program Wichita State University.  Motion carried.

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, a proviso to change the language regarding the budget stabilization fund from a no limit fund to a zero limit fund.  Motion carried.

Staff distributed a document from the Kansas Legislator Briefing Book for 2022 concerning the Kansas Budget Stabilization Fund.  (Attachment 3)

Senator Claeys moved, Senator Fagg seconded, to delete $60 million SGF of the $120 million allocated for the Docking State Office Building for FY 2023 as 50 percent can be federally funded.

Senator McGinn moved a substitute motion, Senator Hawk seconded, to leave as is and review at Omnibus.  Motion failed.

Back on the motion by Senator Claeys, motion carried.  Senator Hawk is recorded as voting no.

Senator McGinn requested to get a SPARK update tomorrow in Committee.

Senator McGinn distributed a proviso regarding fees charged by the Attorney General for legal representation and discussed the proposed changes.  (Attachment 4)

Senator McGinn moved, Senator Hawk seconded, adoption of the proviso.  Motion carried.

Chairperson Billinger continued final action on SB 422 and SB 444.