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March 15, 2025
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Minutes for HB2456 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Establishing the Kansas kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 7, 2022

Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2456.

Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes provided a memorandum which explained the bill.  She explained that a Kansas Kids Lifetime hunting and fishing license could be issued to any child five years of age or younger and a resident of Kansas.(Attachment 1)

Representative Ken Corbet testified in support of the bill.  He believes that this youth lifetime license will get more kids outdoors and help contribute to a more active lifestyle.  The numbers of youth continuing in these activities is not increasing in Kansas or anywhere else around the country.  In his opinion, passage of this bill will provide dividends for the recipient, purchaser, and the State of Kansas. (Attachment 2)

Representative Will Carpenter spoke in support of the bill.  No written testimony was submitted.

Representative Doug Blex testified in favor of the bill. He told the committee that the bill will encourage parents and grandparents to purchase a lifetime combination hunting and fishing  license for their children and grandchildren. Purchasing a lifetime license would allow additional revenue to Wildlife Conservation Fund for Kansas Wildlife and Parks.(Attachment 3)

Secretary Brad Loveless provided neutral testimony on the bill.  He requested an amendment be added to the bill that would delay the start date of the program to Jan. 1 instead of publication in the statute book.(Attachment 4)

Committee members had questions and comments concerning various elements of the bill.  Discussion evolved concerning hunter safety classes, raising the age of the kids getting the license to 10, and needing a license to hunt on your own land.

Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2456 and adjourned the meeting at 9:30.